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This Guy May Be America’s Favorite Nerd-Hunk

Bekah Wright TakePart Live's Jacob Soboroff wants your vote.

| November 13, 2014

Anyone who’s ever yelled at their television during a news show can take heart. Pivot TV, a new network from Jeff Skoll and Participant Media, has programming that enables viewers to make their voices heard – and make a difference.

This is especially heartening for news junkies, who can tune into TakePart Live, a show that encourages weighing in and taking action on issues. Happily ensconced behind the anchor desk – Jacob Soboroff, who co-hosts alongside Meghan McCain and Baratunde Thurston.

Politics have always been front and center in Soboroff’s life. “When I was growing up in , my dad worked for the city and ran for mayor 2001,” he told us. “That led me to get super-involved with politics, eventually working as an aide for both Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Howard Dean during his presidential candidacy.”

Rather than enter politics after graduating from NYU with a BA in Politics and MA in Political Theory, Soboroff set a different career course, as television host on series such as YouTube Nation and HuffPost Live. The medium appeals to him. “Having the bully pulpit of being on TV enables me to interact with politicians in ways most people don’t get a chance to,” he said.

1/3 Soboroff on the set of TakePart Live

TakePart Live, which launched in August 2013, has done just that for both Soboroff and viewers. Not only do the hosts of the nightly hour-long show offer up their points of view, but so, too, does the at-home audience via a live Twitter feed.

“Almost everything featured is tied into social action campaigns, something for which Participant Media is well- known,” said Soboroff. “So, instead of idly watching the news, people can engage and get involved.”

The hosts of TakePart Live also advocate for their own platforms. A long-time proponent of voter reform, Soboroff’s is Just Vote, a multi-year campaign that encourages viewers to register to vote.

“I saw how may people in America don’t vote,” he said of his time working with politicos. “I became passionate about making a difference in a broken voting system.”

Just Vote also educates on voters’ rights. With the midterm elections, the series took things a step further, partnering with Lyft to offer free rides to the polls for first-time users of the rideshare app.

TakePart and Just Vote are proactive in terms of informing voters on state and national issues. Said Soboroff: “You 2/3 don’t see a lot of news programs that say, ‘In 16 days you’ll be able to vote on this.’”

Indeed, TakePart’s website has a page tagged Take Action that’s chockfull of petitions (such as banning bee-killing pesticides), pledge-worthy movements (like restoring water to the Colorado River), and myriad other topics meriting awareness (including the concussion crisis in sports).

What is Soboroff is seeing of the Millennials that make up the majority of TakePart’s viewership?

“People talk a lot of s**t about young people being selfish,” he said. “I’ve seen the exact opposite. Every day I see just how involved they want to be, and TakePart gives them a greater opportunity to help other people.
