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Glial regulation of maturation and stabilization

in the developing nervous system

Marion R Van Horn and Edward S Ruthazer

The dynamic interaction between neurons and is a Structural plasticity of the tripartite synapse promotes

fundamental aspect of developmental neurobiology. Astrocytic neural circuit development

processes are extremely complex and can physically surround are the primary points of communication

neuronal synapses where they are involved in regulating between neurons. During development, appropriate syn-

neuronal activity and . This review describes apses are strengthened and inappropriate synapses are

important roles glial cells play in synapse maturation and lost. This process of synapse selection is essential for the

stabilization in the developing . We formation of neural circuits, effective information proces-

highlight recent evidence showing that the motility of astrocytic sing and overall brain function.

and radial glial processes is modulated by neuronal signals and

is important for normal synapse maturation and function.

Astrocytes have diffuse, arborized branches with a myriad

Examples of glia-derived molecules that influence synapse

of nanoscopic protusions, known as perisynaptic astro-

maturation and stabilization are presented. We close by

cytic processes (PAPs) that extend and associate with

touching on recent and future trends in neuron-glia research.

synapses. While PAPs are found in all brain areas, the

number of synapses covered by PAPs, and the degree to


which an individual synapse is covered, varies signifi-

Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A

cantly. During development, astrocyte process motility

2B4, Canada

and as well as coverage of synapses has been found to be

Corresponding author: Ruthazer, Edward S ([email protected]) quite dynamic [2,3]. In the cerebellum, ensheathment of

dendritic spines by Bergmann glia increases during per-

iods of [3]. Furthermore, in the develop-

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2019, 54:113–119

ing Xenopus tadpole, two-photon in vivo time-lapse imag-

This review comes from a themed issue on Neurobiology of learning

ing of radial glial cells, which are thought to be

and plasticity

functionally analogous to mammalian stellate astrocytes

Edited by Scott Waddell and Jesper Sjotrom

[4,5], shows radial glia processes are significantly more

dynamic during early periods of development when cir-

cuits are undergoing extensive synaptic remodeling [2].


0959-4388/ã 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd. We recently investigated the functional significance of

glial motility on the development of neural circuits and

neuronal function. We found that suppressing the filopo-

dial dynamics of radial glia during a period of extensive

synapse development, by interfering with cGMP-depen-

dent protein kinase 1, Rac1 and RhoA signaling, impaired

Introduction normal synaptic maturation. In particular, miniature

Measuring changes in electrical activity of neurons has excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) frequencies

provided an important foundation for understanding were significantly decreased in optic tectal neurons neigh-

how information is processed and encoded throughout boring glia with impaired filopodial dynamics. This could

the brain. However, advanced imaging techniques, in indicate either a decrease in the total number of synapses

particular those based on intracellular dynamics formed or a failure to traffic a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-

and intravital imaging of cellular morphology, have methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs)

begun to provide experimental evidence that glial cells to the synaptic cleft of immature N-methyl-D-aspartate

are also dynamic cells that respond to changes in neu- receptor (NMDAR)-only ‘silent’ synapses, suggesting

ronal activity and engage in bi-directional communica- that glial process motility plays an important role in

tion with neurons and other glial cells. In some cases promoting normal synaptic maturation of these neurons

these interactions comprise a physical ‘tripartite during development.

synapse’ consisting of presynaptic, postsynaptic and glia

components [1]. Accordingly, in order to have a com- The functional significance of astrocyte process coverage

plete picture of how information is processed in the of synapses during development has also been reported in

brain it is important to jointly consider the contributions the cerebellum. When glia sheath retraction was induced

of both neurons and glia. by expressing GluA2 subunits to render AMPARs

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114 Neurobiology of learning and plasticity


Ca -impermeable in Bergmann glia, there was a signifi- showing that astrocytic contacts with dendritic spines

cant increase in synaptic puncta and promote both the lifetime and morphological maturation

density [6]. This observation is consistent with an earlier of dendritic protrusions [13].

study that reported a deficit in the developmental pruning

of climbing fiber inputs onto Purkinje cells, resulting in While these results highlight that the fact that neuronal

greater poly-innervation [7]. activity can signal to astrocytes and influence interactions

with synapses, the mechanism and signaling pathways

Neuronal signals promote structural plasticity of mediating these changes need to be further investigated.

astrocyte processes and influences synapse Notably, expression of mGluR5, which has been identi-

stabilization fied in a number of studies as an important regulator of

Examining the morphology and motility of astrocytic and astrocyte motility, has been found to be developmentally

radial glial processes has shown that the plasticity of PAPs regulated and not expressed in the adult brain [14].

and their proximity to synapses is influenced by a number Accordingly, mechanisms mediating astrocyte process

of physiological conditions. A particularly striking dem- motility during development may differ from those in

onstration of the functional consequences of the remo- adulthood.

deling of astrocytic coverage takes place at synapses in the

during lactation and dehydration [5]. Astro- Astrocytic motility may regulate synaptic availability of

cyte processes are physically retracted from synapses, glutamate and gliotransmitters

resulting in reduced clearance of glutamate [6], changes Synaptic remodeling that occurs during development

in the diffusion properties of the extracellular space [7], as relies on changes in synaptic strength akin to those

well as significant changes in synaptic transmission [8]. implicated in learning and memory such as long-term

potentiation (LTP) [15,16]. A fundamental mechanism

While there is accumulating evidence showing that astro- underlying changes in synaptic strength is the delivery

cyte proximity to synapses is critical for synaptic function, and removal of AMPARs at synapses through a process

we are just beginning to understand the mechanisms that has been shown to be in part dependent on the

mediating astrocyte process plasticity. Recent experi- activation of NMDARs [17,18].

ments have begun to examine how neuronal activity

influences astrocyte process motility [8,9–11,12]. In vivo Astrocytic processes contain glutamate transporters,

live imaging of processes in the neuropil of which are necessary for clearing synaptic glutamate and

the developing tadpole optic tectum has revealed that preventing widespread [19]. A recent study

their dynamics is significantly increased when measured has shown that connexin 30, an astrocyte gap-junction

5 min after visual stimulation, a phenomenon that was protein, is important for controlling astrocyte process

prevented by MK801 blockade of NMDARs, which are motility. Mice that are deficient in connexin 30 have

expressed on tectal neurons but not on radial glial cells an increase in astrocytic coverage at synapses resulting

[10]. Furthermore, in vivo imaging of somatosensory in enhanced glutamate clearance and a decrease in syn-

cortex in mice has found that a greater proportion of aptic glutamate concentration [20] (Figure 1).

astrocytic processes are displaced after whisker stimula-

tion compared to unstimulated mice [8,12]. Notably, Interestingly, the mobility of glutatmate transporters on

the increase in stimulation-induced motility was pre- the astroglial cell membrane has been found to be driven

vented by group I metabotropic glutamate receptor by neuronal activity [21,22]. Diffusion of GLT-1 (also

(mGluR) antagonists, but not by NMDAR blockade. It known as Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2) in astro-


was also absent in IP3R2À À mice, which have impair- cytic membranes has been found to slow down near

ments in G-protein-mediated calcium transients in astro- synapses, and impairing GLT-1 diffusion mobility results

cytes [12]. This last experiment raised important ques- in slowed kinetics of excitatory postsynaptic currents [21]

tions about the possible relationship between (Figure 1). Glutamate uncaging at synapses increased

intracellular calcium release and astrocytic motility. GLT-1 diffusion, suggesting rapid turnover of transporter

at actively releasing synapses. This highlights the fact

To further examine the mechanisms mediating astrocyte that astrocytic processes at synapses play an active role in

plasticity, activation of a single astrocytic process was the clearance of glutamate, which ultimately influences

induced using a mouse hippocampal slice model. Expres- postsynaptic, as well as extrasynaptic, NMDAR activation

sion of a photoactivatable G-protein-coupled receptor in and contributes to overall synaptic plasticity and function.


astrocytes, which was used to increase local Ca transi-

ents, induced processes to move towards a neighboring In addition to clearing glutamate, astrocytic processes

synapse, leading to an increase in spine coverage [8]. release a number of glia-derived molecules, including

Notably, astrocytic process motility was reduced once a gliotransmitters like D-serine, which has been shown to

process was associated with a stable spine. This compli- modify NMDAR signaling leading to changes in synaptic

ments previous research in hippocampal slice cultures strength and stabilization. D-serine is an endogenous

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Glial regulation of synapse maturation Van Horn and Ruthazer 115

Figure 1


GLT-1 GLT-1/GLAST glutamate mGluR

AMPA D-serine



ACh 2+ Ca CamKll

GluN1/2B GluN1/2B postsynaptic neuron

AMPA receptor GluN2B-NMDA receptor mGluR metabotropic glutamate receptor

Glutamate transporter 1/ GluN2A-NMDA receptor α7nAChR α7nACh receptor GLAST

D-serine Glutamate Gylcine

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Schematic representation of a synapse surrounded by astrocytic processes. Astrocytic coverage is increased during periods of wakefulness and

during increased neural activity (left). Neuronal activity increases glutamate release from the presynaptic terminal which activates glutamate

receptors on neighboring astrocytic processes and leads to an elevation in astrocytic calcium and subsequent release of gliotransmitters, such as

D-serine. During wakefulness, increased cholinergic tone is sensed by a7nAChRs on astrocytes and leads to an increase in D-serine release. D-

serine enhances NMDAR activity on nearby postsynaptic neurons. Enhanced synaptic activation in the presence of D-serine can promote synapse

maturation, increasing postsynaptic AMPAR insertion and eventually modifying presynaptic release efficacy. In contrast, astrocytic coverage is

decreased during periods of rest and during other physiological conditions, such as lactation and dehydration (right). Decreases in astrocytic

coverage has been associated with decreased D-serine levels and reduced NMDAR activation, as well as deficits in glutamate clearance and an

increase in synaptic glutamate concentration.

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116 Neurobiology of learning and plasticity

co- for NMDARs, and has been shown to be Astrocytes may also exert control over neuronal NMDAR

instrumental in modulating synaptic transmission and currents through metabolic coupling via the ‘astrocyte-

plasticity in many brain areas [23–25,26,27,28]. neuron lactate shuttle’. Lactate released from astrocytes

provides an important energy substrate for neurons that is

We recently studied whether D-serine plays a role in essential for the formation and the maintenance of syn-

facilitating synapse maturation in the developing visual apses in vivo, and contributes to hippocampal LTP [30]. It

system [28]. We found that extracellular D-serine levels is believed to act through the production of NADH which

are increased by AMPAR activation in the developing enhances postsynaptic NMDAR currents to promote

optic tectum of the tadpole. Moreover, chronically ele- calcium influx, leading to the expression of a number

vating levels of D-serine during development resulted in of plasticity related genes including Arc, Zif268, cFos, and

increases in synaptic AMPAR/NMDAR ratios and in the BDNF [31] (Figure 2).

number of functional synapses, suggesting that D-serine,

by potentiating NMDAR currents may promote synaptic

maturation by increasing synaptic insertion of AMPARs TNFa induces synaptic scaling by increasing synaptic

(Figure 1). Conversely, enzymatically degrading endoge- AMPARs

nous D-serine resulted in impaired synaptic maturation. Activity-dependent release of the cytokine tumor necro-

Notably, elevating D-serine levels for two days to promote sis factor alpha (TNFa) from astrocytes has been found to

synaptic maturation, but not acute D-serine administra- be critical for inducing homeostatic synaptic scaling [32].

tion, resulted in an increase in the probability of release at In particular, decreased neuronal activity triggers the

retinotectal synapses, suggesting that the postsynaptic release of TNFa which increases the levels of AMPARs

modifications induced by D-serine may induce subse- at the synaptic cleft (Figure 2). TNFa has also been

quent changes in presynaptic release efficacy. found to play a role in experience-dependent synaptic

plasticity in the developing visual cortex. Monocular

It has been proposed that the proximity of an astrocytic deprivation during the critical period is associated with

process to a synapse could facilitate the precise delivery of a decrease in response of cortical neurons to stimulation of

gliotransmitters to the synapse. In line with this hypoth- the closed eye, shortly followed by an increased response

esis, the retraction of astrocytic processes in the supraop- to vision through the open eye. However, in mice defi-

tic nucleus of the hypothalamus of rats during periods of cient in TNFa, the increased response to the open eye

lactation is associated with a decrease in D-serine levels at does not occur, suggesting that the strengthening of the

the synaptic cleft, which results in reduced NMDAR- non-deprived eye response may constitute a form of

dependent synaptic plasticity [23]. homeostatic plasticity [33].

Changes in astrocytic coverage of synapses have also been TNFa was further found to be involved in mediating

associated with changes in wakefulness [29]. In particular, astrocytic glutamate release, which may be an impor-

electron microscopy of dendritic spines in layer II of the tant mediator of presynaptic NMDAR activation [34].

prefrontal cortex has shown increased coverage of spines Notably, astrocytic glutamate has been shown to induce

during periods of wakefulness compared to periods of NMDAR-mediated responses mainly via GluN2B-

sleep. Notably, increased expression during wakefulness containing NMDARs, which are typically extrasynap-

of genes that are important for regulating astrocytic tic. This is in contrast to D-serine which has been

process motility has been reported. Additional in vivo associated more closely with postsynaptic GluN2A-

imaging of astrocytic process dynamics during different containing NMDARs [26].

periods of wakefulness may be an interesting approach for

further understading the roles played by glia in circadian

and attentional regulation of plasticity. Kynurenic acid may be an endogenous inhibitor of


Recent studies have found that D-serine levels in the Astrocytes can also release factors that are associated with

hippocampus fluctuate across a 24 h period depending on decreases in NMDAR activation. For example, kynurenic

activation of astrocytic a7-nicotinic acetylcholine recep- acid (KYNA), a tryptophan metabolite that is synthesized

tors (a7-nAChRs) In particular, D-serine levels were and released in the brain by astrocytes, is an antagonist of

found to be the highest during wakefulness and changes NMDARs, as well as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

in available D-serine significantly affected synaptic trans- [35]. While endogenous KYNA has not been extensively

mission [25] (Figure 1). It will be important to confirm studied, levels are elevated during periods of inflamma-

whether increased D-serine release during wakefulness is tion and a recent study showed that increased KYNA

also correlated with increased coverage of synapses in the induces changes in NMDAR-neurogranin-CaMKII sig-

hippocampus. This finding has implications for future nalling [36]. Additional studies are required to determine

experiments because it suggests the time of day can the role of endogenous KYNA during periods of synaptic

seriously impact synaptic plasticity. remodeling.

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Glial regulation of synapse maturation Van Horn and Ruthazer 117

Figure 2

presynaptic mGluR neuron

glutamate adenosine A2A ATP mGluR glutamate GLT-1/GLAST α TNF- cholesterol D-serine

KYNA lactate


2+ Ca CamKll GluN1/2B postsynaptic neuron

AMPA receptor GluN2B-NMDA receptor mGluR metabotropic glutamate receptor

Glutamate transporter 1/ GluN2A-NMDA receptor α7nAChR α7nACh receptor GLAST

D-serine Acetylcholine Glutamate Gylcine

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Schematic representation of the tripartite synapse illustrating many of the releasable factors and contact mediated signals astrocytes use to

influence synapse maturation and stabilization during development.

Astrocyte factors influence presynaptic maturation and fact that the release of astrocytic neuromodulators can be

function triggered by different and through dif-

Astrocytes also contribute to synaptic maturation by ferent mechanisms. Moreover, the same neuromodulator

modulating vesicular release at presynaptic terminals. has the potential to influence synapse strength through

For example, single synaptic events have been found presynaptic or postsynaptic mechanisms.

to be sufficient to induce local astrocytic calcium transi-

ents via mGluR5 activation which in turn enhance the Synaptic membranes are enriched in cholesterol, which is

efficiency of basal synaptic transmission via presynaptic an important element for regulating many aspects of

adenosine A2A receptors [37] (Figure 2). synaptic function [39]. Lipid metabolism in neurons is

considered inefficient and neurons rely on astrocytes as a

Notably, has been found to trigger the source of cholesterol. A recent in vivo study showed that

release of ATP from cultured glial cells. In the hypothala- disrupting cholesterol synthesis in astrocytes results in

mus, stimulation of astrocytes with norepinephrine leads to immature synapses with impaired presynaptic structure

activation of postsynaptic P2 7 receptors and promotes and a significant decrease in levels of SNAP25, an impor-


the insertion of AMPAR [38]. These results highlight the tant t-SNARE protein required for presynaptic vesicular

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118 Neurobiology of learning and plasticity

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www.sciencedirect.com Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2019, 54:113–119