community your and you for working Conservatives


clear! watercourses our keeping

facilities. recreation and community improved for campaigns He umpire.

of exercise litter picking and and picking litter exercise of

Shopwyke. at community growing

challenges. change climate

improvements. drainage A27 further Simon is a keen cricket supporter, as Groundsman at and is a qualified qualified a is and Tangmere at Groundsman as supporter, cricket keen a is Simon

In his spare time Simon gets a lot lot a gets Simon time spare his In

good facilities, including for the the for including facilities, good drainage infrastructure to meet meet to infrastructure drainage

new development is properly drained. He continues to lobby for for lobby to continues He drained. properly is development new

improving improving — soakaways New

that local places are available in in available are places local that

making the case for Operation Watershed to continue and that that and continue to Watershed Operation for case the making us. to bringing is world the

Strategic Development. His aim is is aim His Development. Strategic

Simon is working on drainage projects across the Division, Division, the across projects drainage on working is Simon community groups, businesses and your Local Councils in facing the many challenges challenges many the facing in Councils Local your and businesses groups, community

the plans for the Tangmere Tangmere the for plans the

ahead to keep our homes dry and highways safe and clear. clear. and safe highways and dry homes our keep to ahead Local Government enables him to be an effective advisor and advocate for residents, residents, for advocate and advisor effective an be to him enables Government Local

village” school site has stayed in in stayed has site school village”

Climate change forecasts mean considerable challenges lie lie challenges considerable mean forecasts change Climate

as a Tangmere Parish Councilor. His knowledge and experience of all three levels of of levels three all of experience and knowledge His Councilor. Parish Tangmere a as

Simon has ensured the “one “one the ensured has Simon

Drainage Simon is a regular attendee of Oving Parish and City Council meetings and continues continues and meetings Council City and Parish Oving of attendee regular a is Simon

. . schools Good are Academies


Portfield and Tangmere Primary Primary Tangmere and Portfield

raised. are issues our ensures and activities, WSCC of range

Planning for sustainable new new sustainable for Planning

places school Planning .

attendance rate at meetings, briefings and workshops keeps him informed of the full full the of informed him keeps workshops and briefings meetings, at rate attendance

investment in the A27 at at A27 the in investment

Keegan Gillian

is also the Chairman of our area's County Local Committee. Committee. Local County area's our of Chairman the also is His very high high very His

MP, our with investment case for major Government Government major for case homes. new sustainable support

Simon Simon Community Scrutiny Committee and WSCC’s Walking and Cycling Task Group. Group. Task Cycling and Walking WSCC’s and Committee Scrutiny Community

changes, improvements and and improvements changes,

the City. He constantly makes the the makes constantly He City. the to delivered then and secured

He sits on both District and County Planning Committees, County’s Environment and and Environment County’s Committees, Planning County and District both on sits He

Simon making the case for for case the making Simon

highway improvement projects in in projects improvement highway is infrastructure necessary the

sustainable transport and and transport sustainable ensure to needed be will ability

issues. community and drainage highways, planning, on been has focus His Council.

Road and Road Road Westhampnett and Road This development. shape and

then in 2013 to represent the Chichester East Division at West County County Sussex West at Division East Chichester the represent to 2013 in then

continues to progress the Oving Oving the progress to continues applications scrutinise to placed

Simon was elected to Tangmere Parish Council and as a District Councilor in 2011, 2011, in Councilor District a as and Council Parish Tangmere to elected was Simon

Oving and Shopwyke, and he he and Shopwyke, and Oving best him makes system planning

including between Tangmere, Tangmere, between including the of experience and knowledge

interests. and matters local to devoted is time his Officer,

investment in new cycleways, cycleways, new in investment Simon’s decade. next the over

and moved into Tangmere in 1986. After a career serving as a Merchant Naval Deck Deck Naval Merchant a as serving career a After 1986. in Tangmere into moved and

Simon is committed to securing securing to committed is Simon changes major see will area Our

Simon was born in St Richards, brought up in , attended local schools schools local attended Wittering, East in up brought Richards, St in born was Simon

Transport development New

requirements. distancing social to prior Taken


FOR CAMPAIGN NEWS VISIT WWW.CHICHESTERCONSERVATIVES.COM COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTIONS 6th May 2021 ACTION FOR YOU ALL YEAR ROUND Delivering infrastructure for a sustainable future. SIMON Community Support Flooding Simon has continued to provide advice Drainage systems are necessary basic and support to community groups across infrastructure which cannot be taken for OAKLEY the Division. A keen supporter of granted. Simon has continued to secure community highway schemes, Simon’s and deliver Op Watershed funded works. worked with the City Council to make the He’s also made the case for much more The local and safety and future needs case to install the work to restore and improve drainage, Puffin crossings on Florence Road. including on the A27. He also closely experienced choice for Simon worked to make the case for scrutinises Southern Water's plans and Parking new crossings on Florence Road activities. Eastern Chichester, Simon has brought in additional parking controls to respond to residents calls for Roads Oving and Tangmere action on parking issues in Eastern parts Simon has been constantly making the of the City. These are also necessary to case for more investment in our roads ■ Planning for the future manage future pressures as the area’s which are, and will continue to be, population grows plus resolve safety and essential to support our economy and ■ Improving our environment congestion issues. Simon is committed to general lives. He is continuously involved ensuring these changes are monitored, in pursuing maintenance issues, including ■ Concentrating support on those reviewed and evolved in light of Making the case for new investment pothole repairs and resurfacing, as well as experience. In highways and cycleways. working to install new bus shelters. most in need ■ Ensuring financial sustainability If you would like to raise an issue of concern, or help my campaign, please contact me: Tel: 01234 951573 or Email: [email protected]

Promoted by Alan Sutton on behalf of Simon Oakley, both of Chichester Conservative Association, St John’s House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 1UU. Printed by Solopress., Southend On Sea, SS2 5QF.