Delmar, and Possession of a Hypodermic Card, According to the Arrest Bethlehem Town Justice Paul Benz, Which Did Not Match the Erica M

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Delmar, and Possession of a Hypodermic Card, According to the Arrest Bethlehem Town Justice Paul Benz, Which Did Not Match the Erica M ~~THk.EHt.M PUBUC UERARY "~ - · · · DO- NOl ~RCULAIE . School board members to step down· '···~;·~~;:;;;;~l.m~Wrr · 4-.5'1 DELAWARE AVE Pair says it's time to move on. ~NY12fl5+.ltl42. See Page 3 ,.,,,,,,,,lft.... r.r .. r..t •• u.n .... J.. J .. Area News MARCH 12, 2008 local an School board Eagle Scout Matt Dombrowski, a Bethle­ talks budget hem High School senior, is soar­ Superintendent says to the addition of Eagle Elementary ing to new heights. School, which was not a part of last See story on Page 3. year difficult, but year's budget, according to adminis­ trators. However, no new teachers .'better days ahead' will be hired, only the additional staff necessary to run the school, said Su­ By JARRED CARROLL perintendent G. Loomis. Spotlight Newspapers . "A $1.9 million increase in debt service this year marks the highest increase associated 'with the district's The Bethlehem Board of Educa- ongoing building project," the district lion officially started the 2008-09 stated in a release last week. "The budget season at its Wednesday, · district has planned for this cost by March 5, meeting. keeping money in reserves to help Board members crunched num- stabilize the tax rate in light of such hers on the proposed $84.38 inillion an increase this year." preliminary baseline budget for this The baseline budget without debt ·year. It represents a 7.2 percent in- service, meaning cash required over creased over the amended 2007-0.8 a given period for the repayment · budgefof$78.34 million. of interest and principal on a debt, · A proposed baseline budget is would represent only a 4. 7 percent .. Bringing.the · not the ·total finalized budget, but · increase. usually only represents the amount "I want to emphasize the signifi­ outside in· of money needed to continue cur- cance of the debt service graph .... -An outdoor show might not Multi-countY initiative for animal control urges rent operations from last year and It's going to make a big difference," seem like a typical place to take standardized training and public education adjusted for current costs and essen- Loomis said, pointing to a line graph · kids, but the Northeast Outdoors tial programs. The March 5 finalized showing a steady drop until the 2010- Show strives to offer something · By JI.IRRETI CARROLL "We just kind of let it get away pr'oposed budget is estimated around . 11 budget. "Ifs going to mean there Spotlight Newspapers from us," said Bethlehem Animal $84.87 million, according to district are better days ahead for the school for all ages. Control Officer Richard Watt. figures. district." See story on Page 29. 'This association is good for the Part of the increase is attributed D Budget Page 18 What happens if Lassie:doesn't entire area.... We've opened it up come home and a raccoon moves . ? to about eight counties and have m. invited two more." Usually the same person an­ Watt wants the association to Dems crowd swers both calls, even _if they bring together local animal con­ aren't properly trained or don't trol, police, veterinarians, rescue have the equipment to do so. shelters and adoption kennels, . Area animal- control officers wildlife rescue groups, nuisance 21st District race and advocates are teaming up wildlife contractors, and the Schenectady Republican said he would not seek tlie office .. to change ·this and make their state's DEC- all together under Also recently announcing bids are services more effective and effi­ one roof. · shows interest ·. Lester Freeman, Albany's Equal Em­ cient . Some.ofhis colleagues and as­ . in running ployment Opportunity coordinator, With a meeting held Sunday, sociates are crediting Watt with and Darius Shilhinfar, a former aide Feb. 3, there has been an official spearheading. the association's to U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand. re-emergence of the Capital Dis­ re-emergence. By ROSS MARVIN Mittleman, ·55, the most recent and JARRED CARROLL trict Animal Control Officers As-. Any animal control officer or · Democrat to throw his hat in the Spotlight Newspapers sociation (CDACOA) after a sev­ dog control officer from Albany, ring, is the founder and forrher CEO Women·s lacrosse . eral-year hiatus. The group's goal Schenectady, Saratoga, Schoha­ of Plug Power, a Latham-based home If anyone is wondering how is to bring together 10 counties in rie, Greene, Rensselaer, Colum­ electricity company. order. to collaborate their effo_tts bia, and Washington counties can Albany County Democrats con­ the Syracuse University·. wo­ tinue to throw their hats in the 21st 'This great country of ours faces in getting lost animals back home be a part of the association. The serious challenges," said Mittleman men's lacrosse team went from and effectively expand animal group also wants to include Ful­ Congressional ring, while over in Schenectady· County, the biggest on March 6. "Our· economy, our. also-ran to national champiqn- · control education and training. ton and Montgomery counties. health-care system, and our foreign "Ifs so overdue," said Cath­ The idea is to pool together all rumored Democratic candidate re­ ship contender in three years, mains silent while a Schenectady Re­ policy have declined to a state that look no farther than the town of erine Crawmer, a Sand Lake, of the resources of individual ani­ requires real action.".· Postenkill, and Brunswick Dog mal control operations and local publican mulls entering the race. Bethlehem. With the total number of Demo­ Mittleman went on to address tax Control Officer. "We can collab­ shelters in smaller municipalities policy, education, health-care insur­ See story on Page 44. orate on some of the issues and between all 10 counties. The re­ crats in the running now up to five with Thursday's announcement of ance and energy policy. equipment. ... There is absolute­ sult will'be better communication, "I have real knowledge about the ly ?ero budget for animal control · better training, better education, Gary Mittleton of Loudonville, a con­ tentious primary is likely. However, energy industry- both conventional in the smaller townships." better services, and more return and alternative," he _said. "And this The organization was actually trips for the· area's domesticated across the aisle, Schenectady County Republican Legislator Jim Buhrmas­ provides the basis for developing an founded in 1995 by Coeymans -animals. · energy policy that works." Animal Control Officer Richard 'There is no mandated edu­ ter has indicated an interest in run­ ning for the 21st Congressional Dis' Mittleman received his bachelor's Luck, but due to health problems, cation on animal control in New degree in mathematics and master's 6 he retired in 1997, even though trict seat: He is the first Republican to THE SPOTLIGHT$.75 he is still active iri the field. D Roof Page 17 do so after ]. Christopher Callaghan D Race Page 18 "# f;'•i((//1/'f, · · f/;~Y,HN!r~';,~•, L---------------------------------------------------,, ~- ...~~!.-..,/f. ~l:;i,"q.AA.;.T,.Y. Police discover cocaine during traffic stop Bethlehem police arrested of a controlled substance and handed officers her SEFCU debit . in town court. a registration from a Mercedes Eric L. Edie, 30, of Delmar, and possession of a hypodermic card, according to the arrest Bethlehem Town Justice Paul Benz, which did not match the Erica M. Trifilein, 26, of Albany, needle, both misdemeanors. reports. T. Dwyer sent Edie to the Albany vehicle he was driving. Reddi · on Saturday, March 1, during Trifilein _was ticketed for Officers say Trifilein had County Correctional Facility told police tjJat his brother drove a routine traffic stop. They· driving without headlights and bloodshot eyes and slurred her with no bail and was scheduled a Mercedes Benz and he "didn't discovered 1. 72 grams of cocaine failing to stay in a single lane. speech when interviewing her, to return to court on March 5, know why he had it." hidden inside of a black belt worn Bethlehem Police say they saw and when she was asked to exit according to the arrest report His passengers, a female front­ byEdie. Trifilein driving east on Delaware . her vehicle, they saw a green seat passenger he· identified as Police charged Edie with Avenue with no headlights on as plastic baggie in plain view lying his girlfriend, ·and a rear-seat seventh-degree crimina.! she drove down the middle lane of on the center console. In other arrests passenger, both presented New possession of a controlled the road and failed to stay right She admitted to police that • Veerapen Reddi, 19, of York driver's licenses to police· substance, a felony, and fifth­ When they stopped her and she had used cocaine shortly Schenectady, was arrested when asked for identification. degree criminal possession asked for identification, Trifilein before being pulled over, and her on March 2 on DWI charges The rear seat passenger said passenger, Edie, told police there and second-degree aggravated that he was being dropped off were several needles in a white unlicensed operation of a motor at his residence and that he paid Spring 2008 Open House CVS bag, the reports state. vehicle. Reddi $20, although police say · Police discovered a bag of Bethlehem police say an officer they were driving "in the opposite hypodermic needle's on .the drivingnorth.on Elm Avenue saw direction." passenger-side fl9or and called in Reddi turn east onto Delaware Reddi leaned against his The· Parisian Cotta8e. a female officer to search Trifilein, Avenue and cross the double . vehicle during a field-sobriety ---"A Little Bit ofParis in Voorheesville"--- which turned up negative for yellow .line in the center of the test and asked if he "could roll narcotics.

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