St Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church كنيسة القديس نيقولوس النطاكية الرثوذكسية — NEWSLETTER —

Week of August 1, 2021



80 de Castelnau Est, Montreal, QC, H2R 1P2 Office: 514-270-9788 — [email protected] — Pastoral Emergency & Counselling & Confession: 514-926-7875 His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America His Grace Bishop ALEXANDER Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Ottawa, Eastern Canada and Upstate New York The Reverend Father Mark-Arsenios Wyatt Pastor of St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church Our Parish was founded in 1899 by St Raphael of . We are a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America within the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East. Newsletter Designer & Editor: Fr. Mark St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church — Montreal, Canada FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR

Greetings Parishioners, I hope that you are in the best of health and continue to enjoy our beautiful summer weather. August 1st we begin the Dormition Fast in preparation for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. It is a rather difficult fast, only because it falls right in the middle of summer where people enjoy vacationing and BBQ’s. However, I still highly encourage you to observe it. There are also extra Services during this holy period for encouragement, and you can consult the fasting details in the chart at the end of this newsletter under: “Dormition Fast.” ** The CEDARS HOME finds a home in our Church! ** Due to the pandemic and the complicated covid laws, the Cedars Home lost access to their own kitchen facilities to offer their famous “Meals-on-Wheels” program to elderly members of our Community. Even with Montreal’s reopening, other establishments still refused to accommodate them, so we immediately offered our Church Kitchen & storage to help them out until they can once again use their own facility for this important humanitarian service. Our Montreal parishes were instrumental with the founding of the Cedars Home many years ago, and until today their board of directors is made up of prominent members of our parishes. Also some of our Priests (myself included) offer prayers at their Chapel. We are happy to assist the Cedars Home staff, who care for our elderly and offer them the support they need in a friendly environment with food they are enjoy, and who now extend that care to our elderly parishioners who still live on their own! God bless you!

— TO ATTEND OUR CHURCH — • Book your place by calling the Church Office from Monday-Friday, 1st-come 1st-serve, until we run out of seats. (Booking is only required for Sunday’s) • Prepare your monetary offering before arriving to Church to be ready to deposit it into the donation box in the Narthex when you arrive — and Cell Phones OFF! • Quebec Law mandates that MASKS are to be worn when not seated, which includes entering & exiting the Church. • If you are feeling ill, please stay home until fully recovered and if you are uncomfortable with our traditional method of Holy Communion, please do not approach. Thank you! Blessed Lord’s Day & Dormition Fast! Be Orthodox on purpose! + Fr Mark “Nothing external to us can harm us, except our free choice to reject God’s work in our lives. So long as we cooperate with God and obey His teachings, we will know the love that God has for us, and will abide in that love and be perfected in that love.” — His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH THE HOLY EPISTLE (Romans 12:6-14) Brethren, having gifts that differ according to the grace that was given to us, let each use them accordingly: whether prophecy, let him prophesy according to the proportion of the faith; or ministry, let him give himself to the ministry; or the teacher, to the teaching; or he who exhorts, in the exhorting; he who gives, let him do it with simplicity; he who presides, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Love one another with brotherly affection; in honor preferring one another; in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer; communicating to the necessities of the ; given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless, and do not curse. 6 َولـ ِك ْن، ِـب َما أَنَّ ا ْلـ َم َوا ِـه َب ُـم َوزَّ َـع ٌة ِب َح َـس ِب ال ِنّ ْع َم ِة ا ْلـ َم ْو ُـهوبَـ ِة َلـنَا، ( َفـ ْلنُ َما ِر ْـس َها): َفـ َم ْن ُو ِـه َب النُّبُو َءةَ، َف ْليَتَنَبَّأْ ِب َح َـس ِب ِـم ْق َدا ِر ِاليـ َما ِن؛ 7 َو َـم ْن ُو ِـه َب ا ْل ِـخ ْد َـم َة ، ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ َفـ ْليَنْ َهم ْك فـي ا ْل ِـخ ْد َمـة؛ أَ ِو التَّ ْعلي َم، َفـ ِفي التَّ ْعليمِ؛ 8 أَ ِو ا ْلـ َو ْـع َظ، َفـ ِفي ا ْلـ َو ْـعظ؛ أَ ِو ا ْلـ َع َطا َء، َفـ ْليُ ْعط ِبـ َس َخاء؛ أَ ِو ا ْلـقيَا َدةَ، َفـ ْليَ ُق ْد ِبـا ْـج ِت َهاد؛ أَ ْو إِظْـ َها َر ال َرّ ْـح َمة ، ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َفـ ْليَ ْر َـح ْم ِب ُـس ُرو ٍر. 9 َوْلـتَ ُك ِن ا ْل َم َحبَّ ُة ِـبل ِريَـاء. ا ْنـ ُف ُروا ـم َن ال َشّ ِّر، َوا ْلـتَص ُقوا ِـبا ْلـ َخيْ ِر. 10 أَحبُّوا بَـ ْع ُض ُك ْم بَـ ْعضاً َم َحبَّ ًة أَ َـخ ِويَّ ًة، ُم َف ّضلي َن بَـ ْع ُض ُك ْم بَـ ْعضاً ـف ي ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْلـــ َك َرا َـمــة. 11 َل َتـــتَ َكا َـــس ُلوا ـفــي ال ْـــج ِت َهاد، بَـــ ْل ُــكـو ُنـــوا ُم ْلتَ ِـهــ ِبي َن ـفــي ال ُرّوحِ، َـعــا ِـبــديـــ َن لل َرّ ِّب، 12 َفـــ ِر ـــحي َن ِـبــال َرّ َـــجاء، َـــصا ِـبــ ِريـــ َن ـفــي ال ّضي ِق، ُـمــ َوا ــظـ ِبي َن َـعــ َل ى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال َصّلة، 13 ُمتَ َعا ِوني َن َع َلى َس ّد َحا َجات ا ْلق ّديسي َن، ُم َدا ِومي َن َع َلى إِ َضا َفة ا ْل ُغ َربَاء. 14 بَا ِر ُكوا ا َلّذي َن يَ ْض َط ِه ُدو َن ُك ْم. بَا ِر ُكوا َول َت ْل َعنُوا ! THE HOLY GOSPEL (Matthew 9:1-8) At that time, Jesus got into a boat, crossed over and came to His own city. And behold, they brought to Him a paralytic, lying on his bed; and when Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He then said to the paralytic —“Rise, take up your bed and go home.” And he rose and went home. When the crowds saw it, they marveled, and they glorified God, Who had given such authority to men. ِ ِ ِ ِ 9 ُث َمّ َر ــكـ َب يَـــ ُسو ُع ا ْلـــ َقا ِر َب، َو َـعــبَ َر ا ْلـــبُ َحيْ َرةَ َرا ِــجـعاً إِ َلـــى بَـــ ْل َد ِـتــه ( َــكـ ْف َر َنـــا ُـــحو َم)، 2 َفـــ َجا َءهُ بَـــ ْع ُض ُه ْم يَ ْـــحم ُلو َن َم ْـــش ُلو ًل َـمــ ْط ُروحـــاً َـعــ َلى ـفــ َرا ٍش. َف َل َمّا َرأَى يَـــ ُسو عُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ إِيــ َما َنــ ُه ْم، َقــا َل ل ْل َم ْــش ُلو ِل: «اطْ َمئنَّ يَــا بُنَيَّ! َقــ ْد ُغــ ِف َر ْت َلــ َك َــخ َطايَــا َك» 3 َفــ َقا َل بَــ ْع ُض ا ْلــ َكتَبَة ـفـي أَ ْنــ ُفس ِه ْم: «إِ َنّ ُه يُ َج ّد ُف!» 4 َوأَ ْد َر َك يَــ ُسو ُع َـمـا يُ َف ّك ُرو َن ـفـيه ، ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َف َسأََلــ ُه ْم: «لــ َما َذا ُت َف ّك ُرو َن ِبــال َشّ ِّر فــي ُقــ ُلو ِبــ ُك ْم؟ 5 أَيُّ ُه َما الَ ْس َـهـ ُل: أَنْ يُــ َقا َل: َقــ ْد ُغــ ِف َر ْت َلــ َك َـخـ َطايَــا َك، أَ ْم أَنْ يُــ َقا َل: ُقــ ْم َوا ْمــ ِش؟ 6 َوَلكنّي ( ُقــ ْل ُت َذلــ َك) لــ َك يْ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ َتــ ْع َل ُموا أَنَّ لبْــ ِن ِال ْنــ َسا ِن َـعـ َلى الَ ْر ِض ُــس ْل َط َة ُغــ ْف َرا ِن ا ْل َـخـ َطايَــا». ـعـنْ َدئــذ َقــا َل ل ْل َم ْــش ُلو ِل: « ُقــمِ ا ْــحم ْل فــ َرا َــش َك، َوا ْذ َـهـ ْب إِ َلــى بَــيْ ِت َك!» 7 َفــ َقا َم، َو َذ َـهـ َب إِ َلــ ى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بَيْ ِته. 8 َف َل َمّا َرأَت ا ْل ُج ُمو ُع َذل َك، ا ْستَ ْوَلى َع َليْ ِهمِ ا ْل َخ ْو ُف، َو َم َجّ ُدوا الل َه ا َلّذي أَ ْع َطى النَّا َس مثْ َل َهذه ال ُسّ ْل َطة .

— SYNAXARION — On August 1 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we celebrate the Procession of the honored and lifegiving Cross. (Verses: Let the whole world entire worship the Cross through Which it truly knew to worship Thee, O Word.) This multi-dimensional feast was established as a memorial of the simultaneous victories of the over the Bulgars and the Greeks over the Saracens. In both battles, the soldiers carried crosses from which a heavenly radiance shone forth. A memorial was therefore instituted that, on August 1, the true Precious Cross be carried from the Church of Sophia in , first around the interior of the church and then through the streets to allow the people to venerate it. The Precious Cross consecrated the earth and the air, and protected against sicknesses. Finally, on August 14, the eve of the Dormition of the Theotokos, it was taken back to the church in the imperial palace. In the Russian Church, this feast is also combined with the remembrance of the Baptism of Rus on August 1, 988. On this day, we also commemorate the holy Seven Martyrs, the Maccabees: Abim, Anthony, Guria, Eleazar, Eusebona, Achim and Marcellus; their mother Solomone and Eleazar their teacher. By the intercessions of Thy Saints, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. Amen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D. Liturgy Paraklesis Confession AUG 6pm-7pm 6pm-7pm 4pm - 5pm Transfiguration Vespers, 2021 Compline & Orthros & Jesus Prayer D. Liturgy 5pm - 6:30pm 9am - 12pm

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NOTE: Orthros & Parish Paraklesis Paraklesis 5pm Vespers D. Liturgy Council 6pm-7pm 6pm-7pm at St. Mary 9am - 12pm 6pm-7pm Antiochian Church, Mtrl.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Orthros & Regular D. Liturgy Saturday 9am - 12pm Schedule Dormition of (see above) the Theotokos

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Orthros & Regular D. Liturgy Saturday 9am - 12pm Schedule (see above)

29 30 31 Orthros & D. Liturgy 9am - 12pm

— This Calendar is updated weekly —

During the summer months (July & August) the Antiochian Women, the Fellowships of St. Nicholas & St. Raphael and YAM will NOT be meeting regularly unless otherwise notified here. The Parish Council meets every month all year round. Christian Education (Sunday School) will NOT be holding classes during the month of August. ★ Saturday evenings will continue throughout the summer: Confession, Vespers, Compline & Jesus Prayer. Confession is by appointment only. No booking is required for Vespers. ★ The weekly Bible Study will now be pre-recorded and posted online every Saturday. ★ Sunday mornings: Booking IS required by calling the Church Office (Monday-Friday) 514-270-9788. Visitors & Inquirers to Orthodoxy are most welcome to attend our services! Please be advised that in accordance to our Archdiocese policy, Holy Communion is reserved for Orthodox Christians who are in good canonical standing and have spiritually prepared themselves by living a life of repentance, having fasted (no breakfast), and who are not holding grudges against others, etc. However, all are welcome to approach and partake of the blessed bread that is distributed at the end of the service. — If you are interested in converting to Holy Orthodoxy to properly begin receiving Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church, please speak with Fr. Mark after the service. Orthodoxy is the fullness of the Faith and it is for everybody!

Have a blessed & healthy summer season!

“TO FAST IS TO BANQUET WITH ANGELS” — St Athanasios the Great 2021 MEAT DAIRY FISH WINE & OIL Antiochian All Meat Products All Dairy Products All Fish products Includes all types of Alcohol: Beef, Pork, Chicken, Milk, Butter, Eggs, & Fish with a backbone. Wine, Beer, Whiskey, Vodka, etc. Fasting Guide Turkey, Ham, etc. Cheese, Cream, etc. Shellfish is NOT included. & Olive Oil.

STRICT FAST DAYS Wednesdays and Fridays Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain & Additional Days

GREAT & HOLY FAST Only allowed on Only allowed on: March 15 - May 1 Abstain Abstain Annunciation (March 25) Saturdays and Sundays (Holy Pascha: May 2) & Palm Sunday (April 25) & when Fish is allowed.

Only allowed on: APOSTLES FAST Not allowed on Abstain Abstain Saturdays and Sundays June 28 Wednesdays & Fridays (Holy Apostles: June 29) & when Fish is allowed.

Only allowed on: DORMITION FAST Only allowed on Abstain Abstain Saturdays and Sundays August 1 until 14 Transfiguration (Aug 6) (Dormition Feast: Aug 15) & when Fish is allowed.

NATIVITY FAST Not allowed on Only allowed on: Nov 15 - Dec 24 Abstain Abstain Wednesdays & Fridays Saturdays and Sundays (Holy Nativity: Dec 25) or between Dec 12-24 & when Fish is allowed. Fasting and Prayer are meant to go together, to focus on the things of God’s Additional Strict Fast Days: Jan 5; May 1; Sept 14. With Fish Allowed: Kingdom and be freed from dependence on worldly things and carnal passions. It is May 26; June 9, Sept 8. With Wine & Oil Allowed: Jan 20, 22, 27; Feb 10, not irrelevant, nor is it a punishment for our sins. It is from God, for us, right here & 17; Mar 26; May 12, 14, 19, 21, 28; June 2, 4, 11, 16, 18, 30; July 2; Aug right now! Be Orthodox on purpose! Always consult with your Priest if you want to 29, Sept 1; Oct 1,6; Nov 12; Dec 15, 17, 20. Cheesefare: March 8-14, all fast but are on heavy medication, pregnant, or seriously ill, etc. food products are allowed except for Meat Products. Pious Tradition: Abstain from food/drink until 12pm on fast days (no morning meal) Fast-Free Wednesdays & Fridays: Jan 1, 6; Feb 24, 26; May 5, 7; June Eucharistic Fast: Fast from food/drink at a reasonable bedtime until receiving the 23, 25; Dec 29, 31. Holy Eucharist at a morning Divine Liturgy. — Fast from food/drink 9 hours prior to NOTE: The Holy Synod of Antioch blesses the 40 Day period following receiving the Holy Eucharist at an evening Divine Liturgy. Holy Pascha (May 2 - June 10) to be Fast-Free by Economia.