Ards and North Down Borough Council 21

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Ards and North Down Borough Council 21 ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 21 November 2019 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Mayor’s Business 5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the Month (To be tabled) 6. Minutes of Meeting of Council dated 23 October 2019 (Copy attached) 7. Minutes of Committees (Copies attached) 7.1.Planning Committee dated 5 November 2019 7.2.Environment Committee dated 6 November 2019 7.3.Regeneration and Development Committee dated 7 November 2019 7.4.Corporate Services Committee dated 12 November 2019 7.4.1.Arising from Item 5 – Appointment of 4 elected Members for a second Participatory Budgeting Experiment 7.4.2. Arising from Item 7 – Appointment of Parenting Champion 7.5.Community and Wellbeing Committee dated 13 November 2019 8. Request for Deputation 8.1 Land & Property Services – LPS Revaluation (Report attached) 9. Consultation Documents 9.1. Department for Infrastructure – Social and Environmental Guidance for Water and Sewerage Services (2021 – 2027) (Correspondence attached) 9.2. Newry, Mourne and Down District Council – Draft Culture, Arts & Heritage Strategy 2020-25 (Correspondence attached) 9.3. Department for Communities – Liquor Licensing Laws in Northern Ireland (Report to follow) 9.4. Department for Transport – Consultation on the Introduction of Green Number Plates for Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles (Correspondence attached) 10. Conferences and Invitations 10.1 Northern Ireland Brexit Summit – 27th February 2020, Titanic Exhibition Centre, Belfast (Report attached) 10.2 Invitation to NILGA Conference 2020 (Report attached) 11. Resolutions 11.1. Newry, Mourne and Down District Council – Early Diagnosis of Bowel and Breast Cancer (Correspondence attached) 11.2. Newry, Mourne and Down District Council – Location of Welfare Appeals (Correspondence attached) 12. Sealing Documents 13. Transfer of Rights of Burial 14. Request by NSPCC to light up Council buildings in support of their “Get Your Sparkle On” Christmas Campaign (Report attached) 15. Loo of the Year Awards 2019 (Report attached) 16. Development Opportunities for Whiterock Amenity Site, Killinchy (Report attached) 17. Notice of Motion Status Report (Report attached) 18. Notices of Motion 18.1. Notice of Motion submitted by Alderman Muir ‘That this Council asks officers to bring back a report on current range of services offered enabling reuse of items which otherwise would end up treated 2 as waste and considers opportunities to support repair cafes, upcycling of clothes and furniture and provision of incentives for zero waste shops’. 18.2 Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Martin ‘That Council asks for a report as soon as practically possible, to consider the following issues: • Providing access to Ulster Wildlife on Council properties to control invasive grey squirrels. • That we include red squirrels and Pine Martens in the new local biodiversity action plan. • That our management plans for wooded areas that Council owns includes measures to control grey squirrels and provide for the protection of Red Squirrels and Pine Marten boxes. • That we consider erecting Red squirrel and Pine Marten boxes to promote these indigenous species. • That we wherever possible promote native woodland trees in our parks’ 18.3 Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Greer ‘This Council recognises the over reliance on single use plastic water bottles. It notes innovative solutions to tackle this issue and support sustainable living, for example, the water refill stations recently installed by other Councils. The Council agrees to bring back a report on the feasibility of installing water bottle refill stations across the Council Estate. This aims to help encourage a growing culture of using personal, resuable bottles to tackle single-use plastic and further enhances the refilluation scheme. 18.4. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Chambers That this Council receives a report on what work would be required, with costings, to repair and fully restore the historic stone wall and turret observation platform situated on the first beach in Groomsport. 18.5. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Chambers That this Council receives a report on the potential for Council to assume responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the popular laneway from The Brae to The Hill, in Groomsport. This laneway provides an invaluable shortcut for residents living in parts of the village to the Main Street. facilities and services. 18.6. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillors Egan and Mathison That this Council agrees to show its support for the Donate4Dáithí campaign which promotes organ donation. Acknowledging the recent NHS call for more children to become organ donors. Noting that around 133 3 people are currently on the transplant waiting list in Northern Ireland . Sadly around 15 people die each year waiting for an organ transplant. This Council agrees to write a letter to the Permanent Secretary for the Department of Health and the Secretary of State to highlight its support for Northern Ireland to come into line with the rest of the United Kingdom, with soft opt out organ donation for adults, and ask them to launch an awareness campaign for parents to register their children as organ donors. Circulated for Information a) Public Health Agency – Director of Public Health Annual Report 2018 (Copy attached) b) Gransha Road Post Office – Update (Correspondence attached) c) Northern Ireland Ambulance Service – Clinical Response Model (Correspondence attached) d) Integrated Education Fund – Religion and Education (Correspondence attached) e) Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement – Communities and Cross-Border Authorities: Challenges and Opportunities (Correspondence attached) f) November Housing Council Bulletin (Correspondence attached) MEMBERSHIP OF ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL Alderman Carson Councillor S Dunlop Alderman Gibson Councillor Dunne Alderman Girvan Councillor Edmund Alderman Irvine Councillor Egan Alderman Keery (MAYOR) Councillor Gilmour Alderman McDowell Councillor Greer Alderman McIlveen Councillor Kennedy Alderman Menagh Councillor Mathison Alderman Muir Councillor Martin Alderman Smith Councillor McAlpine Councillor Adair Councillor McClean Councillor Armstrong-Cotter Councillor McKee Councillor Blaney Councillor McKimm Councillor Boyle Councillor McNickle Councillor Brooks Councillor Smart Councillor Cathcart Councillor P Smith Councillor Chambers Councillor T Smith Councillor Cooper Councillor Thompson Councillor Cummings Councillor Walker Councillor Douglas (DEPUTY MAYOR) Councillor Wilson 4 ITEM 6 ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council was held in the Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 23 October 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. PRESENT: In the Chair: The Mayor (Alderman Keery) Aldermen: Carson McIlveen Gibson Menagh Girvan Muir Irvine Smith McDowell Councillors: Adair Greer Blaney Kennedy Boyle Mathison Brooks Martin (7.22 pm) Cathcart McAlpine Chambers McClean Cooper McKee Cummings McNickle Douglas (7.20 pm) Smart Dunlop P Smith Dunne T Smith Edmund Thompson Egan Walker Gilmour Wilson Officers: Chief Executive (S Reid), Director of Organisational Development and Administration (W Swanston), Director of Finance and Performance (S Christie), Director of Regeneration, Development and Planning (S McCullough), Director of Environment (D Lindsay), Director of Community and Wellbeing (G Bannister), Democratic Services Manager (J Wilson) and Democratic Services Officer (H Loebnau) 1. PRAYER The Mayor (Alderman Keery) welcomed everyone to the meeting and commenced the meeting by inviting the Chief Executive to read the Council prayer. NOTED. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor Armstrong-Cotter and Councillor McKimm. C.23.10.19 PM Apologies for lateness had been given from Councillor Douglas and Councillor Martin. NOTED. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Mayor asked for any Declarations of Interest and the following Declarations were made. Councillor Greer declared an interest in Item 15.3 – Notice of Motion Councillor McNickle declared an interest in Item 15.3 – Notice of Motion NOTED. 4&5. MAYOR’S BUSINESS & MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE MONTH (Appendix I) PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the month of October 2019. The Mayor began by welcoming the Council’s new member from the Green Party, Councillor Kathryn McNickle who had replaced Councillor Woods. He wished her well in the role. He also offered congratulations to two sporting stars from the Borough and their coaches on their recent achievements; Rhys McClenaghan from Newtownards on winning a bronze medal at the World Gymnastics Championships on the Pommel Horse and Ciara McGeehan from Portaferry who had reached the 1500m final at the World Athletics Championships. Referring to his own engagements for the month he made special mention of the successful staging of the Bangor Business Awards congratulating all the winners and gave thanks to the Bangor Chamber of Commerce for organising the event. He also mentioned a charity fundraiser he was organising at Thunder Park, Bangor to be held the following Monday in support
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