July 29, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19415 international organizations through participa- THE ANNIVERSARY OF which he sponsored and which made such a tion in anti-money laundering campaigns, the difference to Americans who are retired or dis- proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) and the HON. JOHN D. DINGELL abled. He also helped plant the seeds of com- Container Security Initiative (CSI). Taiwan OF passion in Congress that eventually led to the Representative David Tawei Lee said it well, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enactment of Medicare and Medicaid. Were ‘‘Only by standing together will we succeed in he here today, I know he would take up the Friday, July 29, 2005 making the world a safer place.’’ battle to preserve and improve Medicare—a Mr. Speaker, Taiwan Representative David Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to program that has served so many and im- Tawei Lee came to Washington, DC, last July, commemorate 40 years of Medicare. This proved the health of the Nation—as well as and since then he has made many friends on birthday represents 40 years of dignity for the Medicaid, which serves those whose voices . We are very impressed with his intel- elderly and individuals with disabilities who de- are rarely heard in the halls of power. ligence and industry. Taiwan couldn’t find a pend on this program for their health care. No f better diplomat than Dr. David Tawei Lee in one in this great Nation should have to suffer representing Taiwan’s interest in the United because of lack of medical care or become H. CON. RES. 216: COMMEMORATING States. impoverished due to the high costs of that THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE I wish to express my congratulations to the care. On July 30, 1965, Medicare and Med- VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 people of Taiwan on the occasion of their icaid were enacted as part of the Social Secu- President’s First Anniversary in office. I hope rity Act to take care of our most vulnerable HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY that high ranking officials from Taiwan, such and needy citizens. On that historic day, Presi- OF ILLINOIS as President of Taiwan, the Foreign Minister, dent Lyndon B. Johnson signed a law that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the Defense Minister will be able to come gave millions of Americans the ability to seek Friday, July 29, 2005 to Washington, DC, to communicate directly treatment from doctors and in hospitals with- with members and administration officials on out fear of destitution. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise issues of mutual concern. Today, Medicare provides health insurance today in support of H. Con. Res. 216, a reso- f security for nearly 42 million Americans, in- lution commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, which was signed into TRIBUTE TO DON BARBER cluding more than 35 million senior citizens and 6 million individuals with disabilities under law on August 6, 1965. the age of 65. Over the past 40 years, 105 Forty years ago, in many parts of the Amer- HON. HAROLD E. FORD, JR. million Americans have enjoyed better health ican South, it was almost impossible for peo- OF TENNESSEE and received higher quality care as a result of ple of color to register to vote. African Ameri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Medicare. cans had to pay a poll tax and pass a socalled Friday, July 29, 2005 Who depends on Medicare today? The men literacy test in some States in the South. Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay and women who served our Nation in time of There were black men and women who were tribute to Don Barber of Memphis, Tennessee war; widows and widowers; those Americans professors in colleges and universities, black who recently retired as Senior Vice President who have worked a lifetime to build this Nation lawyers and black doctors who were told that of Air Operations at FedEx Corporation. Don and who now live in retirement; the former po- they could not read or write well enough to has had an extraordinary career with a re- lice officers and fire fighters, nurses, doctors, register to vote. People were turned away markable company. Beginning in 1976 as an teachers, lawyers, and small business owners from the courthouse when they attempted to aircraft mechanic, his career trajectory tracked who were the backbone of our communities; register. Some were jailed. the success of FedEx Corporation. For 29 our aging parents and grandparents, and in The turning point came 40 years ago, on years, Don rose through the ranks of the com- some instances, their disabled children. Medi- March 7, 1965, when about 600 men and pany. He was promoted from mechanic to care is a program that touches all of us. women, and a few young children attempted Managing Director of Engineering in 1982, to Medicare is not just another health insur- to peacefully march from Selma, Alabama to Managing Director of Power Plants in 1988, to ance program, but one of the leading insurers Montgomery, the State Capitol, to dramatize to Managing Director of Airframe Maintenance in in our Nation. Private health plans have mod- the world that people of color wanted to reg- 1989, to Vice President of Base Maintenance eled their benefits after Medicare, from quality ister to vote. And the world watched as they in 1990, to Vice President of Aircraft Mainte- requirements to payments and reimburse- were met with night sticks, bull whips; they nance in 1992 and finally to Senior Vice Presi- ments, to standards for certification. The Medi- were trampled by horses, and tear gassed. dent of Air Operations in 1998. care program has not only greatly improved One of the historic marchers is now a member Frederick W. Smith, FedEx Corporation’s the quality and safety of health care for all of Congress, our colleague Representative founder, Chairman and CEO put it best when Americans, but it has proven to be a remark- JOHN LEWIS. he said, ‘‘Don’s retirement marks the end of a ably efficient program, with administrative In the wake of what is now known as career that exemplifies FedEx in so many costs less than those in private plans. Bloody Sunday, under the leadership of Presi- ways, namely that there’s little time for the sta- Last year Congress added prescription drug dent Johnson, Congress passed the Voting tus quo in a company moving at the pace of coverage to round out the services provided Rights Act, and on August 6, 1965, it was opportunity around the world.’’ by Medicare. Coverage of prescription medica- signed into law. This was a nonviolent revolu- Don also received accolades from former tions was clearly a needed addition. I believe, tion in America, a revolution of values, a revo- Federal Aviation Administrator Jane Garvey however, that the design of the new program lution of ideas. The passage of the Voting for his vision and drive and has been praised may keep beneficiaries from getting what they Rights Act helped expand our democracy to by his colleagues for his pivotal roles in the need. I have deep concerns over the unneces- let in millions of our citizens. We are a better company’s most important turning points such sary complexities of this law and whether it country because of it. as the acquisition of Flying Tiger line and the will truly provide affordable access to prescrip- Before we move toward reauthorization of purchase of the A380 Airbus, the world’s larg- tion drugs. I also appreciate that we must up- the Voting Rights Act, we must take notice of est commercial airplane. date Medicare to meet the changing land- how far we have come and where we now FedEx Corporation is an organization known scape of health care, but not at the expense stand, so that we can move together to ensure for its effective use of technology, aircraft, effi- of those who depend upon it. I plan to con- the continued effectiveness of the Voting ciency and commitment to customer service, tinue to work hard to ensure that the Medicare Rights Act. Today many, including elderly however it is the company’s people—individ- program continues to provide Americans with adults, persons with disabilities, and people of uals like Don Barber—who have made the the health care they both need and deserve. color, continue to fight for the right to have company a success story that is known On a personal note, this 40th anniversary their vote count while our nation’s election throughout the world. Mr. Speaker I ask that makes me think of my dad, John Dingell, Sr., system has yet to catch up and meet the an article on Mr. Barber be included in the who fought throughout his 22 years in Con- needs of all of America’s voters. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and urge my col- gress for health programs that helped those Today, we remember the people who fought leagues to join me in honoring him for his with the greatest needs. He fought long and to expand democracy 40 years ago. But we service to our community. hard to enact the Social Security program, must do more than just remember; we must

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