Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 1


Thursday, 24 June 2021

The Speaker (The Hon. Jonathan Richard O'Dea) took the chair at 16:00. The Speaker read the prayer and acknowledgement of country.

Announcements COVID-19 AND PARLIAMENT HOUSE The SPEAKER: I thank members for their patience and understanding throughout the day in what obviously have been somewhat trying circumstances. I am pleased to advise that no further positive test results have been returned from anybody in this Chamber or, indeed, in Parliament House. Not all of the test results have been returned, but that is a positive sign. There will be a further communication about the general parliamentary precinct later today. We are still awaiting formal advice from health experts in that regard. Some assessments are still being undertaken, but we will notify people further as soon as we can. Business of the House SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS: ROUTINE OF BUSINESS Mr MARK SPEAKMAN: I move: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to: (1) Provide for the following routine of business for the remainder of this sitting: (a) passage through all remaining stages of the Appropriation Bill 2021 and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2021; (b) moving and subsequent adjournment of the motion to take note of the Budget Estimates and Related Papers for 2021-2022 pursuant to the resolution of 10 June 2021; (c) consideration of the Legislative Council amendments to the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2021; (d) giving of notices of motions for business with precedence under Standing Order 118; (e) Speaker to leave and resume the chair on the ringing of one long bell (if required); (f) consideration of any messages from the Legislative Council regarding government business; and (g) adjournment of the House without motion moved. (2) On Thursday 5 August 2021, to provide for the Leader of the Opposition to speak on the Appropriation Bill 2021 and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2021. Motion agreed to. SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS: BILLS Mr MARK SPEAKMAN: I move: That Standing Order 197 be suspended to permit the cognate bills, the Appropriation Bill 2021 and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2021, to be presented for assent notwithstanding that the remaining cognates, the Electric Vehicles (Revenue Arrangements) Bill 2021, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill 2021, and the NSW Generations Funds Amendment Bill 2021, have been separated. Motion agreed to. Bills APPROPRIATION BILL 2021 APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL 2021 Second Reading Debate Debate resumed from 22 June 2021. The SPEAKER: Due to the current health issues, arrangements have been made for the Leader of the Opposition to give his speech at a later date. The question is that these bills be now read a second time. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 2

Motion agreed to. Third Reading Mr DOMINIC PERROTTET: I move: That these bills be now read a third time. Motion agreed to. Budget BUDGET ESTIMATES AND RELATED PAPERS 2021-2022 Mr DOMINIC PERROTTET: I move: That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2021-2022. Debate adjourned. Bills BUILDING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2021 Consideration in Detail Consideration of the Legislative Council's amendments. Schedule of amendments referred to in message of 10 June 2021 No. 1 GRN No. 1 [c2021-064A] Page 4, Schedule 1[7], line 22, proposed section 107(5). Insert ", other than the insurance requirements under this Act" after "this Act". No. 2 GRN No. 2 [c2021-064A] Page 4, Schedule 1. Insert after line 22— [7A] Section 107(5A) Insert after section 107(5)— (5A) The regulations may exempt all persons or bodies, specified persons or bodies or classes of persons or bodies, or all work, specified work or classes of work, or all or specified registrations— (a) from the insurance requirements under this Act, and (b) for a maximum period of 12 months. No. 3 GRN No. 3 [c2021-064A] Page 6, Schedule 2. Insert after line 40— [7A] Section 63 Delegation Insert at the end of the section— (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Secretary must delegate the functions of the Secretary under section 9 to the Building Commissioner. Mr MARK SPEAKMAN: On behalf of Mr Kevin Anderson: I move: That the Legislative Council amendments be agreed to. Motion agreed to. The SPEAKER: For the benefit of members, the long bell is anticipated to be rung later today after the budget legislation has gone to the upper House. It is a question of how many members need to stay for that. That is a question for both sides, but a quorum has been established for the day. [The Speaker left the chair pursuant to resolution at 16:12. The House resumed at 17:23.] Announcements COVID-19 AND PARLIAMENT HOUSE The SPEAKER: Before I report messages from the Legislative Council, I update the House on the advice received from NSW Health. Recently Mark Webb, the Chief Executive of the Department of Parliamentary Services, circulated an email that attached advice from NSW Health. I have had discussions with him about that. As I said earlier, no further positive COVID tests have been returned from the rapid testing undertaken this Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 3

morning. That does not mean that there are not still risks or that there is not still a need to undertake risk assessments of those who were in close proximity to Minister Adam Marshall on Tuesday. I understand that tomorrow or in the next 24 hours NSW Health will contact identified individuals who might have been in close proximity. My understanding—and I cannot give this as advice—is that one member of the Opposition, in particular, has been identified as having had a discussion with the Minister. Quite a number of Government members had discussions with Minister Marshall. Out of an abundance of caution, I advise those Government members to restrict their movements over the next 24 hours while a risk assessment is conducted. Despite the fact that there is an incubation period and that the exposure occurred on Monday evening, it is the expert panel's view that it is prudent and appropriate to undertake a risk assessment for the contacts in that 24 hours to Tuesday evening. On Tuesday evening there was a function that also needs to be considered. The feedback on COVID tests undertaken today is encouraging, but it is not conclusive in removing any potential risk. That constitutes further commentary on the email sent by Mark Webb. A further communication will be issued tomorrow morning. In the meantime, members, particularly Government members, should go home and restrict their movements until NSW Health issues an appropriate risk clearance. Mr Ryan Park: Are we able to leave Parliament House and go to our residences, but not move around? Some of the advice was unclear. The SPEAKER: We have not had explicit advice from NSW Health, but, consistent with what I have read and from conversations I have had, people are not going to stay here overnight. We ask that people who wore masks and who had minimal contact with the member for Northern Tablelands return to their homes and not go anywhere further. More risk assessments for Government MPs than for Opposition MPs need to occur. I am not saying to Opposition MPs that they are all in the clear, but the level of concern relates more to one particular Opposition MP and also to Government MPs who had direct contact with Minister Marshall on Tuesday. For those who were sitting particularly close to him in question time and certainly for those who were near him at the evening function in the Strangers' Room, please restrict your contact with other people. For those who were in particularly close contact with Minister Marshall through conversations, we have provided NSW Health with evidence of seating arrangements and video movements around this place. There will be further communication from NSW Health contact tracers to ensure that we take every possible precaution and appropriate steps in addressing an issue that hopefully will not result in further coronavirus infections. Mr Ron Hoenig: I would have no idea whether I passed the member for Northern Tablelands in the corridor or whether I was in the lift with him. There are 93 members in this House. The SPEAKER: We are doing our best, both through tracking of his swipe card and video monitoring, to ascertain those who are at risk in that sense. If you are uncertain, by all means get a COVID test if you did not get one today. Mr Ron Hoenig: No, I did not. The SPEAKER: I cannot speak on behalf of NSW Health and I am not a medical expert, but I am trying to give more detail because I am conscious of the fact that we do not have as much detail and clarity as a lot of people would like. Mr Ron Hoenig: Will somebody from NSW Health contact Opposition members tomorrow? The SPEAKER: If they are deemed to be in a higher risk category, or if appropriate. Further information will be released tomorrow morning. But in the meantime it is certainly prudent to restrict your movements. Mr Ron Hoenig: Thank you. Bills APPROPRIATION BILL 2021 APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL 2021 Returned The SPEAKER: I report receipt of messages from the Legislative Council returning the bills without amendment. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 4

Documents AUDITOR-GENERAL Report: Grants Administration for Disaster Relief The CLERK: In accordance with section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, I announce receipt of the Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General entitled Grants administration for disaster relief, dated 24 June 2021, received on 24 June 2021. Community Recognition Notices MR PHIL WILSON Ms TANIA MIHAILUK (Bankstown)—On Tuesday, June 15th Mr Philip Neil Wilson, a long serving and much loved teacher at Bass High School, sadly passed away. Mr Wilson was a teacher for more than forty years. He was the kind of teacher that many aspire to be; who was passionate about education and truly cared about his students. His colleagues and his students will remember him for being funny and affable while remaining firm and dedicated. He was a pillar of Bass High School, whose absence is achingly felt. He lovingly nurtured his students in all their passions, especially sports, and could always be found cheering on students at carnivals or finals in his red fire truck hat. For him, the students were as much his own as they were their parents'. This devoted character was such that two of his daughters would follow in his footsteps teaching. In this way, his legacy as an educator, and as a father, lives on enduringly. Mr Wilson will be sorely missed by his wife Rachel, his children and extended family, his colleagues, students, and indeed the entire Bass High School community. Vale Philip Neil Wilson (1954-2021). REGINALD CHARD OAM Ms TANIA MIHAILUK (Bankstown)—Congratulations to Mr Reginald Chard OAM who was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday Honours last week. He was awarded this honour for "For service to military history, and to veterans." Mr Chard has been the volunteer tour guide at the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway for over twenty years, having started this volunteer service in 2000. As a soldier, Mr Chard served in the Pacific during the Second World War as a member of the 55/53 Battalion. He would be infected with scrub typhus, resulting in his discharge from the army in 1945 shortly before the war's conclusion. His resilience shines through as an honoured example in the community, having additionally fought a prolonged battle against malaria and tropical dermatitis, even after his return. He has always passionately believed in helping his fellow veterans through speaking at schools and relaying the wartime experience to younger generations. He has valiantly worked to ensure that this chapter of Australian heritage will never be forgotten. I offer my congratulations to Mr Chard for receiving this prestigious award. THE NSW FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOLS Mr STEPHEN KAMPER (Rockdale)—The NSW Federation of Community Language Schools is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to unite community language schools and work to sustain community languages. I recently attended their Annual Gala Dinner, which was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the community language schools sector of NSW and to recognise the successes of community language education and volunteering. NSWFCLS provides top-quality after-hours community language schools, teaching over 57 languages to over 30,000 students across 460 locations and 250 community language schools. The Federation strives to increase accessibility of language learning so that we can continue to maintain and cultivate the multicultural assets of our society here in NSW. I would like to thank Chief Executive Officer Michael Christodoulou AM and President Lucia Johns, as well as all other members of the committee for their tireless work for such an incredibly important aspect of our society and youth. SAVE CARSS PARK POOL CAMPAIGN SUPPORTERS & ACTION GROUP Mr STEPHEN KAMPER (Rockdale)—The historic Kogarah War Memorial Olympic Pool at Carss Park opened in 1965 as a memorial pool to acknowledge the fallen heroes who died for our country. For more than 60 years it has been a great amenity for the community, utilised by generations, and cultivating some great Australian champions. However, Georges River Council will be demolishing this local monument and fitness venue, with no decision on the future use of the site. The Save Carss Park Pool Campaign Supporters & Action Group have campaigned tirelessly against the Council's decision, organising petitions and events to save the pool and support its rebuilding, including a recent resident Community Walk. Their determination and action is commendable. We must ensure our fallen heroes are properly commemorated via a dignified memorial that also acts as a facility for our citizens and future generations. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 5

TUMUT DISTRICT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT ADVISORY GROUP Dr JOE McGIRR (Wagga Wagga)—For more than 20 years, a group of dedicated volunteers in Tumut have worked hard to help make life a little easier for those around them. The Tumut District Community Transport service exists to assist elderly, frail aged and transport disadvantaged residents in the Tumut District and surrounding areas. The service's advisory committee was officially dissolved following a unanimous vote at a recent meeting. Funding guidelines no longer require the service to have a management or advisory committee. From its start as a community operated service in Talbingo, Tumut District Community Transport now employs a full-time co-ordinator, two administration officers, a full-time driver and a vehicle maintenance operator. This team is supported by dedicated local drivers who volunteer their time to take people to appointments and shopping in Tumut and in Wagga Wagga, Albury and or other locations. Hard-working committee members have also raised more than $80,000 to help support the service. Thank you to the advisory committee members: chair Margaret Davies, Lorraine Oliver, John Dickeson, Jaen (Jaen) Dickeson, Kaye Sturt, Anita Killelea, Richard Pylak, Sue Cross and Suzanne Post, as well as former long-standing chair Margaret Wilson, for their hard work. GLORIA CRITTENDEN Mr STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Myall Lakes)—I recognise Gloria Crittenden. Gloria worked at Taree law firm, Stacks for 50 years and in that time has bought new software systems to the firm. She joined the fledgling law firm when she was 16 and now she is retiring after five decades of staying ahead of technological trends, teaching herself computer skills and helping Stacks to grow into what it is today – doing all of this in an age where there was no Google. I congratulate and thank Gloria for her contribution in bringing Stacks into the computer age and for her long and successful career at the firm. I wish her the best in her retirement. LUCY PEARCE, BRADY CROSS, LACHLAN HARRY AND LILLIANAH WILLIAMS Mr STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Myall Lakes)—I recognise Lucy Pearce, Brady Cross, Lachlan Harry and Lillianah Williams. Lucy was recently selected into 2022 NSW Under 15 Girls Hockey Squad. This is a phenomenal achievement ahead of next year's Australian Championships and marks her as one of the most talented players in her age group. Meanwhile Brady, Lachlan and Lillianah Williams have been selected into Hockey NSW's Hockey Acceleration Program. The Athlete Acceleration Program is aimed at talented athletes to ensure that medal winning Olympians are supported and produced. It's fantastic to see players from the Manning Valley recognised amongst the best in their age group in the State. Congratulations to Lucy, Brady, Lachlan, and Lillianah for their hard work and commitment to hockey, I wish them all the best with their bright futures on the field. EID AL-ISTIKLAAL - JORDAN'S 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE Ms JULIA FINN (Granville)—On 18 June I was delighted to join the Australian Jordanian Community Association to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of Jordan Independence Anniversary at Bankstown. Thank you to HE. Dr Ali Kraishan, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the invitation to join members of the Australian Jordanian community to celebrate this important day. The ties between Australia and Jordan are stronger than ever and building on longstanding cultural links which were bolstered by the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1975. I trust our relationship will go from strength to strength and become even more cohesive and progressive over time. Thank you for the opportunity to celebrate Jordan's Independence Day with community members and to remember the occasion of Jordan achieving its independence from the United Kingdom on 25 May 1946. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY AWARDS Mr JONATHAN O'DEA (Davidson)—I acknowledge all recipients of the Medal of the Order of Australia, including the following in my electorate of Davidson:  Edward Kerr of Lindfield, for his service to charitable organisations such as Workplace Giving Australia  Brendan Walsh of Lindfield, for his dedication to radio, particularly through Fine Music and the Rotary Club of North Sydney  Stephen Cartwright of Roseville, for his service to business administration through roles as CEO and Managing Director of NSW Business Chamber and Board Directorships  Belinda Allen of East Lindfield, for her dedication to youth through various Girl Guides organisations  Jeffrey Cree of Davidson, for his service in emergency response organisations such as NSW Rural Fire Service  Jackie Stamford of Roseville Chase, for her dedication to people with disability, particularly through the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 6

I commend and congratulate these six people whose contribution has been appropriately recognised by the wider Australian community through their awards. TENTERFIELD LIONS CLUB – VOUCHERS KEEPING TENTERFIELD STUDENTS WARM Ms JANELLE SAFFIN (Lismore)—I wish to place on the parliamentary record my thanks to the Tenterfield Lions Club for providing $50 e-vouchers for primary and secondary school students in the Tenterfield Shire to help with the cost of winter school uniforms and warm clothes. The Lions Club were successful in applying for a grant from the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR) which funds the e-vouchers. I acknowledge the Tenterfield Lions Club Executive President Lisa Dalton, Secretary Kim Rhodes OAM and Activities Director Emma Giannoli. The E-Voucher program has delivered $37,000 in support for Tenterfield Shire students to purchase winter clothes for school. The E-Vouchers are available to all enrolled students at Tenterfield High School, Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School, Jennings Public School, Drake Public School, Urbenville Public School and St Joseph Public School. Lions President Lisa Dalton informs me that the $37,000 delivered in vouchers was spent in local businesses which is a great boost for the Tenterfield economy. Tenterfield gets very cold during the winter with frequent snowing and temperatures going below zero. With snow across the Northern Tablelands last week this is a timely initiative for Tenterfield Shire students and their families. FOOD HUB – TENTERFIELD SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Ms JANELLE SAFFIN (Lismore)—I wish to place on the parliamentary record my thanks and admiration for the Tenterfield Seventh Day Adventist Church for their incredible Food Hub program. The Food Hub program runs out of the church on Logan St providing food and essentials for those in need in the community. The Food Hub runs on Wednesdays from 12.30-3pm however, volunteers do many more hours making sure the fridge is full and orders are completed. Much of the food comes from a palate sent up from Food Bank in Sydney but the hub also provides fresh produce from Sue's Veggies, bread from the Tenterfield Bakery and eggs from Cheepers Peppers. All wonderful local businesses that provide these essentials at heavily discounted prices. I would like to especially acknowledge coordinator Cushla Jones and volunteers David Jones, Darryl Harkness, Graham Heagney, Nola Chapman, Ashley Townsend, Rose Binge, Mickela Black and Maggie Rafanowicz. They give so much of their time to make sure people in need in Tenterfield are fed and have essentials for everyday living. Around 50 families take advantage of the service every week which is an extraordinary contribution. I thank the volunteers for all their work. HORNSBY SES Mr MATT KEAN (Hornsby—Minister for Energy and Environment)—Today I would like to acknowledge the amazing volunteers of the Hornsby SES. This team have dedicated countless hours to assisting our community when it's needed most. They recently honoured the volunteers of the Hornsby SES for their service and this extensive list is a credit to the team and their dedication to our community. Receiving 5 year awards include: Tim Wilkins; Amy Dorrington; Clancy Simpson; Kayla Vamukaris; Adrian The; Paul Suter; Melanie Schwecke; Kevin Jones; Scott Guy; Terry Frankish; Melissa Cork; Renee Annovazzi. Those receiving 10 year service medals include: Christopher Blogg; Alex Griffiths; Shevaun Hernon; Christoher Mawn; Kay Siebers; Andrew Skidmore; Ross Wallace. I would also like to make special mention of Philip Champ who received this 15 year service award along with the National Medal. While Edward Corbett accepted his 25 year long service award and National Medal Clasp 1. Anne Corbett received her 30 year long service award and Bob Corbett received his 45 year long service award and National Medal Clasp 3. What a family! I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for your years of service. On behalf of the Hornsby community I say thank you. PCYC GRIT PROGRAM Ms JODIE HARRISON (Charlestown)—The Police Citizens Youth Club has developed a ground breaking new youth mental health pilot program called GRIT. The program was devised by Justine Russell and Ann-Maree Gralton, who are based at Lake Macquarie PCYC. GRIT stands for Growth-mindset, Resilience, Intervention for Teenagers, and is aimed at supporting youth mental health in the Hunter and regional NSW. The GRIT program integrates specific mental resilience skills training with nutrition education and physical fitness. The GRIT program is being piloted amongst 12 to 18-year-olds in 2021 and has been co-designed with young people and youth mental health matter experts. One in four young Australians live with mental illness, one in three experiences moderate to high levels of psychological distress, and Young people are also less likely than others to access needed mental health services. For these reasons, initiatives like GRIT are so important. I would like to thank Justine and Ann-Maree for their work in developing this program. SECONDARY STUDENTS LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Ms JODIE HARRISON (Charlestown)—Too often it is unfairly said that young people are disengaged from or disinterested in government—on 8 June, I was pleased to meet with eight young people from my local Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 7

area who prove that stereotype false. Visiting Parliament as part of the Secondary Students Leadership Program, which aims to develop knowledge of constitutional and parliamentary process, these student leaders demonstrated a commitment to civic engagement and an interest in building a better future. I would like to acknowledge Mickayla Hindmarch and Max Richardson from Warners Bay High School; Charlotte Cusack and Samuel Murphy from Cardiff High School; Sunny Whitby-Otto and Ella Warrall from Newcastle High School; and Chloe Linstrom and Indiana Little from Hunter School of the Performing Arts. These inspirational young people are all captains at their respective schools, and it was my honour to meet with them. I wish them all the best for the remainder of the 2021 school year, and I hope to see them carry their commitment and engagement into their future learning and careers. Who knows, there might even be a future premier amongst them! CATHERINE CANNULI Mr GUY ZANGARI (Fairfield)—I wish to congratulate Ms Catherine Cannuli on her recent appointment as the new Western Sydney Wanderers W-League coach. Catherine has been assistant coach since 2017 supporting developing young players, after having played twenty two games herself. She was also the first women's technical director of the Southern Districts Soccer Football Association. Catherine's strength lies in the way in which she is able to positively interact and encourage players to perform at their best. This surely comes from her experience as a player herself. Her recent appointment is one which has been hard-earned and well-deserved. She has come up through the ranks by sheer effort and dedication, and I commend her for her loyalty to Western Sydney Wanderers and to Southern Districts Soccer Football Association. As patron of Southern Districts Soccer Football Association, I have watched Catherine's journey in women's football from grassroots to the elite level. I admire her steadfast dedication to players, staff and to the game. I wish her every success in her new position as Western Sydney Wanderers W-League coach and I look forward to seeing her in action. CANLEY HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL – GIFTED AWARENESS WEEK Mr GUY ZANGARI (Fairfield)—Canley Heights Public School celebrated Gifted Awareness Week with an Olympics-themed event. At this event the school also launched the new High Potential and Gifted Education Team policy promoting engagement and challenge for all students across various domains including academic, social and creative. The event also introduced the High Potential and Gifted Education Team who will help facilitate this program. To begin the event, students participated in an Opening Ceremony, marching behind the flag of their allocated country, and lighting a cauldron to begin the Games. Several of the challenging events included building the highest tower to balance a ball as part of the academic challenge; experimenting with dancing, music, drama and printmaking in the creative domain; and team-building exercises in the social-emotional domain such as puzzle-solving. I commend the students of Canley Heights Public School for rising to the challenge for this special event and I wish the High Potential and Gifted Education program every success. ANDREW TSANADIS Mrs TANYA DAVIES (Mulgoa)—I would like to congratulate local Glenmore park resident and dad, Andy Tsanadis, for taking a fun approach to being in the 'Run for the Herd Virtual Festival'. The team of 5 Penrith dads will be walking around the Nepean River, donned in their best 'daggy dad' attire, this coming Saturday 26th June. The point of dressing up is so that people will notice the group and start positive conversations around mental health and to empower others to have these conversations with young children, especially being parents of young kids themselves. I look forward to hearing of your success and seeing your chosen 'daggy dad' attire. Good luck to Andy and the rest of the dads taking part! DAVID GILLARD Mrs SHELLEY HANCOCK (South Coast—Minister for Local Government)—I would like to acknowledge Old Erowal Bay resident David Gillard, who recently completed a walk from Vincentia to the Kiama Blowhole to raise money for low vision organisations. Living with retinitis pigmentosa, a rare genetic condition that causes cells in the retina to degenerate, David completed the approximately 100 kilometre walk over four days, relying on white canes and GPS technology to guide him. He is just over halfway to reaching his fundraising goal of $4000. I encourage all South Coast residents to support David in reaching his goal. This walk is not an easy feat, and has taken David over half a year to train for. I congratulate David on this accomplishment and his efforts to raise funds and awareness to organisations who assist those who are legally blind. I would also like to thank Vision Australia and other blindness and low vision organisations who have supported David, and other residents on the South Coast living with a disability. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 8

MICHAEL WHOLOHAN Mr STUART AYRES (Penrith—Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney)— With more than 40 years of association with Penrith Cricket Club, head coach Michael "Whooly" Wholohan, a Penrith local through and through has made the decision to step down. Michael has been coaching since the 1996/97 season making him the longest serving club coach across Sydney. He has however been part of the club since he began as a player back in 1979 and has held various club committee roles. He is also an avid runner having completed 74 marathons here in Australia and overseas including the London, Tokyo, Chicago and New York marathons. Good luck in your pursuit to complete 100 marathons. Not surprisingly, Michael's love of sport has flown through to his career, he is a PDHPE teacher and has taught at Jamison High School for 30 years. Michael's contribution to Penrith Cricket Club as a player and coach has been outstanding and I have no doubt he will be missed. ST DOMINIC'S COLLEGE Mr STUART AYRES (Penrith—Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney)— My congratulations to the staff of St Dominic's College Kingswood who have completed a minimum of 20 years of service with special mention of Mr Passlow who has taught at the school for an impressive 38 years. Mr Passlow, Mr Thompson, Mrs Laurenzi, Mr Magee, Ms Powell, Mrs Tyrrell, Mr Darcy, Mrs Edwards, Ms Jackie Knowles, Mrs Rimmer, Mr Williams, Ms Shankar and Mr Wilson, thank you for your commitment and service to education. 'GIRLS GO PINK' FOR BREAST CANCER Mr MARK SPEAKMAN (Cronulla—Attorney General, and Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence)—Congratulations to Cronulla residents Sienna Thomas and Alison Morris, whose recent 'Girls Go Pink' event at Elouera Surf Lifesaving Club raised more than $11,000 for breast cancer research. The event was supported by more than 70 local businesses, many of which donated items for a silent auction. Guest speakers at the event included breast cancer survivor Leah Barthel, women's empowerment coach Maddie Graham and Alison Morris, whose work as yoga instructor and hypnotherapist is supporting women to overcome adversity and implement strategies for positive change in their lives. I thank Ms Thomas and Ms Morris for their inspiring efforts in support of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. LIBERATION LARDER Ms TAMARA SMITH (Ballina)—Today I recognise the inestimable contribution to the Byron Shire community made by Liberation Larder on the occasion of its 12th anniversary. Founded as a small charity to help feed the homeless and vulnerable in 2009, Liberation Larder has grown to meet the increasing demand from those in need and is now an indispensable part of their survival. They provide ready-made meals, bread, milk, fruit, vegetables and other grocery items twice a week, free of charge and in a friendly, non-judgmental environment to people who are sleeping rough, and those in financial stress in and around Byron Bay. Liberation Larder's more than 50-plus volunteers collect food that would otherwise be wasted and prepare, cook and deliver it every Monday and Thursday. In the 2020 year they 'rescued' 87,669kgs and provided 27,925 meals. The Larder also funds a social worker through a grant from the Northern Rivers Community Foundation, and they assist clients with advice and information about support services. Liberation Larder is 100 per cent volunteer run and is done without any form of government assistance. In a town with the second highest rate of homelessness in the State, the Larder's work is literally life-saving. LIONS CLUBS YOUTH OF THE YEAR WINNERS Ms TAMARA SMITH (Ballina)—Today I recognise the contestants and winners of the Ballina Shire's two Lions clubs' Youth of the Year Quest. Eleven students from years 11 and 12, from three high schools in the region competed for the top honour including students from, Emmanuel Anglican College, Ballina Coast State High School and Alstonville High School. Ballina Lions Club hosted six of the students and Lennox Head Lions Club hosted five students. Contestants included Ethan Jorgensen, Ella Peart, Francois van Kempen, Hamish Walker, Lachlan Walker, Vilde Bjugn, Alex Chapman, Scarlett Donovan, Sofia Ribechini, Paige Wilkie, and Coen Acret. Hamish Walker and Coen Acret were the overall winners in their clubs, while Ella Peart and Paige Wilkie were the winners in the Public Speaking category. I congratulate the students for their diligent participation, and for the qualities of leadership, service, citizenship and community awareness that they demonstrated throughout the competition. I also commend our Lions clubs for their support of young people to grow and express themselves through public speaking. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 9

GRANVILLE ROTARY CLUB – MR BOB STOCKWELL Ms JULIA FINN (Granville)—I congratulate Mr Bob Stockwell on the 50th anniversary of his service to the Rotary Club of Granville including his role as President of the Club. Mr Stockwell celebrated this half-century of commitment to our community on 22 June 2021. I would also like to recognise his dedicated service over the past 50 years to Rotary International and his commitment to the core Values of Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership. Mr Stockwell is 79 years of age with no plans to retire from active involvement in Rotary and continuing to be part of Rotary's long tradition of providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations and helping to build goodwill and peace in Australia and internationally. Once again, congratulations to Mr Stockwell for his service. RANDWICK SUPERSTATION Ms GABRIELLE UPTON (Vaucluse)—On 3 June 2021, I joined the Health Minister to officially open the first NSW Ambulance Superstation on Darley Road, Randwick. The Superstation has state-of-the-art facilities to help our paramedics get out onto the road faster with room for 20 ambulance vehicles, 35 paramedics and a new rapid roller door – the first station in NSW equipped with one. The Superstation has an on-site logistics team to support the paramedics with jobs like re-stocking the vehicles. It will also support our other local stations including those at Bondi, Paddington and Maroubra. Our hardworking paramedics have continued their amazing life-saving work through COVID. In recognition of this, special awards were presented at the opening to recognise brave and long-serving members. It was wonderful to be able to thank them in person for their service. I also want to acknowledge the attendance on the day of NSW Ambulance Commissioner Dominic Morgan ASM, Deputy Commissioner Tony Gately, Chief Superintendent Wayne McKenna, and Chaplains Rabbi Dovid Slavin and Jane Mahon. LEANNE HEYWOOD OAM Mr PHILIP DONATO (Orange)—I wish to recognise Ms Leanne Heywood, recipient of an Australian Medal of the Order (OAM) award on the 2021 Queen's Birthday list for her services to business. Originally from Narromine and now based in Peak Hill, Leanne is currently a senior marketing executive of Inenco Industrial Services, a non-executive director for the Australian Meat Processor Corporation and a member of the NSW Council for Women's Economic Opportunity. With more than 25 years of corporate experience in the male-dominated mining industry, including 10 years at Rio Tinto, Leanne is a well-known, resilient advocate for women in business and was the 2019 recipient of the NSW Business Woman of the Year Award. I would like to congratulate Leanne on this significant and hard-earned honour. SALLY DOWNIE AND MONIQUE WORSLEY Mr PHILIP DONATO (Orange)—I wish to recognise Ms Sally Downie and Ms Monique Worsley for their roles as UNICEF Youth Representatives for Drought at the 2021 National Drought Forum. Sally Downie, a Trundle Farmer, and Monique Worsley from March, travelled a mammoth 850km to represent the bush in a forum aimed at incorporating ideas for how Australia can better deal with drought and its broader consequences. Recently revealed findings of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into rural healthcare show inadequate and unreliable medical services to regional and rural areas, notably mental health services. The stressors and pressures of long-term natural disasters such as drought, coupled with the lack of access to preventative and acute services have seen alarming outcomes for farmers. In their speeches Sally and Monique highlighted the dire need for city based policy makers to support farmers long-term and to ensure longevity and success of our Agricultural industry. I would like to congratulate Sally and Monique on their UNICEF Youth Representatives roles and thank them for their continuing efforts to induce change for our Region. BAGGIO YIN Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)—I acknowledge an outstanding football player in the local community, Baggio Yin. Baggio plays either left or right wing for the St George Saints Football Club who are one of the best sporting teams in NSW. Baggio has been playing State level football since 2016, playing for the Rockdale City Suns and the Under 18's competition for the St George Saints. After finishing fourth on the ladder in 2017, his team went on to finish first in 2018 and the whole team was promoted to the next division. It is for these reasons that I was able to honour him with a Sporting Achievement Award as part of the 10th Anniversary of the St George Community Awards in 2020. These awards honour some of the many individuals and organisations who go above and beyond each and every day to make our community even better. I have no doubt that Baggio Yin will become a big name in Australian Football and I wish him all the best for another strong year. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 10

VANESSA HIJAZI Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)—I make a special mention of Vanessa Hijazi who is the President of the Titans Netball Club in the St George region. Vanessa coaches one team in each junior age division which means you will see her most nights during the week at Olds Park training the next generation of rising netball stars. Despite her own busy personal life with 11 children, she still manages to make sure that everyone within the organisation has everything they need from team kit bags to umpires on match day. Last year, I had the privilege of awarding Vanessa with a Sporting Achievement Award as part of the 2020 St George Community Awards. These awards honour some of the many individuals, businesses and community groups who go above and beyond to make our community even better. I wish to thank Vanessa for all of her hard work over the past few years and for everything that she has given to the Titans Netball Club. Well done Vanessa. THREDBO GRAVITY MOUNTAIN BIKE SERIES Mr PETER SIDGREAVES (Camden)—I congratulate Taj of Year 10 at Elderslie High School for competing in the fifth round of the Thredbo Gravity Mountain Bike Series. The day featured some testing conditions with gale force winds causing left closures on the Saturday and heavy rain on the Sunday. However, despite this, Taj managed to take on these conditions and come out on top winning is U17's age group. These winnings has given Taj points towards being in the running for the National Championships. It's amazing to see young men like Taj overcome obstacles and come out on top. Congratulations on your well-deserved win Taj. I wish you all the best of luck in your future. BRIAN BELL Mr PETER SIDGREAVES (Camden)—In honour to commemorate ANZAC Day, I pay my acknowledgement to Mr Brian Bell, and thank him for his wonderful wooden poppies and solider cut-outs. In 2020, ANZAC Day ceremonies were cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Bell wanted to make the poppies to commemorate the fallen due to the 2020 commemorations being cancelled. The poppies appeared in every drive way of the Oran Park Village. The money raised from selling the wooden poppies went to the Veteran Support Organisation Legacy. Brian, I commend your selfless actions, admirable artworks and generous donations. TRANBY Mr JAMIE PARKER (Balmain)—Today I bring to the attention of the House Tranby - National Indigenous Adult Education & Training. Tranby has been serving the community for over 60 years and is Australia's oldest independent Indigenous education provider. Tranby has supported thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from its campus in Glebe. I had the pleasure to attend their event on 3 June 2021 'Making Change Happen @ Tranby: Allyship into Action' which showcased the history of Tranby and held workshops about moving activism forward from words to action. I would like to particularly acknowledge the following people: Dr Belinda Russon, Tony Duke, Jacinta Bailey, Madalanne Taylor, Mitchell Gibbs, Kylie Hannah, Dr Lisa Sarzin, Eleesa Collis, Kevin Tory, Marlene Cummins, Aunty Kathy Farrawell, Aunty Cleonie Quayle, Bruce McLeod, Donna Ingram, Cathy Craigie, Emeritus Prof Heather Goodall, John Newton, Christine Asmar, Myrtle de Souza, Fiona Zi, Mike Russel, Catherine Netherton, Mark Stapleton, Christine Kerr, Madeleine Andrews, and Joanne Timor. On behalf of the Balmain Electorate, I thank everyone involved in Tranby today and over the past decades for their commitment to transformative education and for the leadership they have provided for the entire community. ST ALOYSIUS, CRONULLA Mr MARK SPEAKMAN (Cronulla—Attorney General, and Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence)—St Aloysius of Gonzaga – Cronulla parish was officially established in 1924. With play groups, scripture study programs, youth activities, a social justice group, a care and concern group to support people affected by bereavement and trauma and various outreach projects, the parish creates a diverse, welcoming and caring environment in which Catholic families can grow in their faith. The St Aloyisus Parish Priest, Fr James McCarthy, previously served in Cronulla in 2007-2008 as a Deacon before returning in 2019. He is a strong and passionate advocate for the inclusion of people with disability in the life and mission of the church. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented enormous challenges for places of worship, but St Aloysius has ensured that parishioners can continue to access spiritual advice, support and updates via social media, as well as live streams of Masses. I was very sorry to learn of the passing this week of Vicki Rolland, a devoted parishioner who played an part in coordinating these live streams over the past 12 months. I give my condolences to her family. I congratulate Fr McCarthy and the St Aloysius staff on their efforts to support their parishioners in extremely difficult circumstances. Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 11

PETER BATEUP Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—I'd like to acknowledge Peter Bateup of Wyee following his retirement from Central Coast District Rural Fire Service. Peter's distinguished career with RFS spanning 53 years began when he joined Wyee Brigade in 1968 as a junior member and worked his way up through the organisation to become an Inspector at Lake Macquarie Fire Control Centre in 2001, a position he held until his retirement. Peter has been a dedicated mentor to many with much of his own time spent developing, improving and seeking funding for RFS training programs and facilities within the district. Earlier this year he received the National Medal second and third clasps and the Long Service Medal fourth clasp. Peter's colleagues frequently refer to his enthusiasm, selflessness, positive attitude and determination to put community first. Peter may have officially retired but I doubt he'll ever fully retire from the service, particularly not from his beloved Wyee Brigade. Peter Bateup is the consummate professional and gentleman, and I was honoured to join with members of RFS brigades from around the region to honour his decades of valuable community service. I wish Peter and his wife Cherie a wonderful retirement. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS AT MAITLAND REGIONAL ART GALLERY Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—'Free Art Sunday' is a flagship community arts program run by Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG), generously supported by locally based arts and craft education partner CleverPatch. It is just one of the great art programs that the Gallery provides to the young people of Maitland and their families, all year round. This school holidays in addition to 'Free Art Sunday', the gallery will be providing school age children with a range of workshops and free art making activities. These include: 'Painting Landscapes by Memory' with Art Tutor Ileana, 'Animating Collages' with Art Tutor Leslie, 'Portrait Painting' with Archibald prize finalist, Abdul Abdullah and 'Making Murals' with Hunter Indigenous artist Jakeob Watson. The workshops and activities cater for young people aged 8 to 18 years and are based on the Gallery's recently launched Winter Season exhibitions. There a range of benefits young people can gain from participating in school holiday art workshops including the opportunity to explore and enhance their creative skills, receive guidance from skilled artists and connect with other young people outside of their normal social circles. ROTARY CLUB OF EAST MAITLAND TURNS 60! Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—On 17 June, the Rotary Club of East Maitland celebrated sixty years of service and their Changeover, thanking outgoing president Glenda Briggs and welcoming incoming club president Alison Crane. A number of significant awards were presented at the celebration including, Paul Harris Fellow awards to Alison Crane, Michael Tams and Glenda Searles, and Neville Arthur Awards to Sue and Brian Morgan and Cindy Modderman. Attendees of the event enjoyed an interview with club stalwart and community champion Norm Burton. Since the club's formation in 1961 under Foundation President Neville Arthur (deceased), members have undertaken a plethora of community projects and fund raising activities and last year was awarded the Doug Mathews District Trophy, for standing out as a club that inspires the ideals of Rotary in community and beyond. In the last 12 months the club has undertaken 3,700 volunteer hours and reinvested $66,600 into local service and projects. Thank you to each and every member of the club, both past and present for your generosity, kindness and service to others. Please continue the great work that you do, it makes a real difference within the Maitland Community and across the world. PROFESSOR JOHN CONNELL Dr MARJORIE O'NEILL (Coogee)—I congratulate Professor John Connell in my electorate of Coogee who has received an Order of Australia Medal for his exceptional achievements and service. I commend John today for his commitment and dedication to areas of tertiary education, particularly to the geosciences. John's service as a Professor, at the University of Sydney since 2000, as well as the Department Head of the School of Geosciences from 2001 to 2004 highlight his excellent contribution to this field of study. As the former Editor-in-Chief for the Geography Society of , and as a consultant for organisations such as the World Bank and World Health Organisation, his high level of knowledgeability has led him to publishing over 400 peer reviewed journal articles, chapters and books. John's contributions have not only earnt him an Order of Australia medal, but have additionally earnt him awards such as the Australian International Medal at the Institute of Australian Geographers. I congratulate John on receiving this award and thank him for all the work that he has done in our community. WINDGAP FOUNDATION Dr MARJORIE O'NEILL (Coogee)—On Saturday 19 June, the Windgap Foundation held their art exhibition, an open studio exhibition that showcased a selection of over 100 artworks featuring paintings, drawings, textile art, mosaics, and more, showcasing the talent of some extremely inspirit artists. This art exhibition is just one of the programs that Windgap runs to supports people with intellectual disabilities to live Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 12

their lives with independence, freedom and dignity. Art programs and exhibitions are so important for all of the participants, as they build self-esteem and purpose, and provide a unique way to express their ideas, creativity and skill. I would like to extend my congratulations to the Windgap Foundation and all the artists who participated in this wonderful event. I would also like to thank all of the staff and volunteers involved in running this event, and the Windgap Foundation for all the work that they do every day in our community to support those with intellectual disabilities in our community. GALSTON HIGH SCHOOL Mr MATT KEAN (Hornsby—Minister for Energy and Environment)—I would like to congratulate the SRC students involved in the World's Greatest Shave at Galston High School. The SRC ran the event which was not only extremely successful but also a lot of fun. Students raised $12,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation either shaving or colouring their hair. The funds raised will be able to provide patients and their families with help and assistance following a diagnosis of blood cancer. The largest contributors included Maddison, Angie, George, Bowen and Megan. Also popular was SRC Coordinator, Mr Troy Bishop who shaved his hair into a mullet. What an awesome teacher! I would also like to thank Lisa Dower who donated her time as the hairdresser for the day. What a phenomenal achievement by Galston High School. I want to thank each and every member of the SRC and the wider school community for putting on this event and giving back to people when they need it most. REVEREND COLIN BAXTER OAM Mr TIM CRAKANTHORP (Newcastle)—Congratulations to Reverend Colin Baxter who was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the 2021 Queen's Birthday Honours for his service to the Uniting Church of Australia and to the community, dedicating his life to service through both parish and the military. Reverend Baxter was a Methodist and then a Uniting Church Minister for 47 years before his retirement in 1995, serving in New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT. He also spent 16 years as the Director of the Christian Television Association in Queensland, and has ministered to ex-Service organisations including the RSL and the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia. He also served as a Seaman, Officer and Chaplain with the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Navy Reserves, and has previously been recognised with the Australian Cadet Forces Service Medal, the Australian Service Medal and the Australian Defence Medal. Reverend Baxter, your work is commendable and this recognition is well deserved. BRIAN LADD Mr TIM CRAKANTHORP (Newcastle)—Congratulations to Brian Ladd who was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the 2021 Queen's Birthday Honours. I was proud to support Mr Ladd's nomination for this recognition, granted for his service to the public art galleries sector. As well as heading the Public Programs Department at the Art Gallery of New South Wales for 14 years, Mr Ladd has served in various president, director, councillor and advisor roles for the Art Gallery Society of New South Wales, the Brett Whiteley Foundation, the William Fletcher Foundation and the University of New South Wales. Also noted is Mr Ladd's contribution to Newcastle as President of the Newcastle Inner City Residents Alliance. Congratulations again. Your contribution to art and galleries is invaluable. DEAN GROTH Mrs LESLIE WILLIAMS (Port Macquarie)—I recognise a wonderful health initiative for those impacted by Parkinson's in my electorate called the 'Boxing for Exercise' program developed by Port Macquarie coach Dean Groth. Described as a man of many talents, the stroke law graduate has developed a unique program aimed at incorporating a non-combative/non-contact box class to encourage physical activity and exercise for people living with Parkinson's disease. The concept was endorsed by Parkinson's NSW as a way to introduce an exercise regime that provides benefits of improved posture, increased strength, better cognitive processing as well as improved hand-eye coordination, balance and agility. Sadly it is estimated that approximately 84,000 to 212,000 people in Australia are currently living with Parkinson's disease, with one in five diagnosed before the age of 50. Research data shows there are real benefits of exercise as a method of effectively treating and slowing the progression of Parkinson's, notwithstanding improvements to mental health and general well-being. Dean is recognised as a 'community hero' for developing the program with so many positive benefits to enhance the quality of life for men and women living with Parkinson's. I thank Dean for coordinating this outstanding project that supports others in our community. VIRGINIA COX OAM Mrs LESLIE WILLIAMS (Port Macquarie)—I congratulate former librarian Virginia Cox on her well-deserved recognition in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. Loved by so many children in the Hastings, Virginia was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her 18 years of service as a librarian. During this time, Virginia created the Storytime program and coordinated library-based youth activities to support reading Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 13

and writing skills for children in Port Macquarie. Virginia started at Port Macquarie-Hastings Library in 2001, passionately supporting the educational development of children and students aged from 0-18 but it was her inspirational messages of encouragement like "Anything is possible" that won the hearts of our youth. Trained at Sydney's Macquarie University, Virginia commenced her employment for the Department of Education as a primary school teacher after accepting a position in Moree before moving overseas as a nanny. On her return to Australia, Virginia ventured into children's publishing with Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, streamlining a new maths curriculum before entering into student recruitment, training and apprenticeships where mentoring school leavers find meaningful work became her focus. Virginia's community service has centred on a local Drug Action Program, Wauchope Show Society, the soup kitchen and story-telling at art exhibitions. Congratulations! ZANDER CURTINSMITH Mr LEE EVANS (Heathcote)—I wish to congratulate a Heathcote constituent, Zander Curtinsmith, who was recently announced by the Art Gallery of New South Wales as a finalist in the Young Archies competition in the 9-12 years age category. There were 2100 entries and 10 finalists from each category are displayed at the Art Gallery of NSW. Zander's artwork of his Grandfather is extremely impressive and I wish him all the best for what would seem a promising future. SCOTT LEPRE Ms ELENI PETINOS (Miranda)—I congratulate the incredible Deputy Captain of the Illawong Rural Fire Brigade, Scott Lepre, who was awarded a National Medal on 29 May 2021. Scott has selflessly served our local community for over 26 years, commencing his esteemed career with the Illawong Rural Fire Brigade in February 1995. His volunteering journey has led him to battle many major fires across our state including the Menai, Winmalee, Holsworthy and Royal National Park Fires, the Waterfall Train Disaster of 2003, and the recovery from the natural disasters of 2021. Over this time, Scott has held many positions including Deputy Captain, Senior Deputy Captain, Brigade Training Officer and Brigade Rural Fire Service Association Representative. It is undeniable that Scott is a truly selfless and community minded individual. He gives freely of his time to support new members of the Rural Fire Service by delivering training modules across our state. In recognition of his important contribution, Scott was awarded the Long Service Medal in October 2011 and 1st Clasp in November 2020. Scott is a worthy recipient of the National Medal, and I thank him for his ongoing dedication to keeping our community safe. SEAN MAQUIRAN Ms ELENI PETINOS (Miranda)—I congratulate Sean Maquiran of Miranda, who was a recent winner at the Clancy Religious Art Prize. The annual Clancy Prize is open to all Sydney Catholic Schools secondary students. The artworks must be of a religious or sacred nature, and this year's nominated theme was 'Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia'. Sean collaborated on a triptych with two of his peers from De La Salle Cronulla. The students painted an appropriation of the famous artwork 'Madonna and Child with Angels' by incorporating glazes of oil paint into the piece in accordance with the traditional practice of Renaissance Venetian art. Sean and his peers were awarded the Brother Kelvin Canavan Award for the beautiful artwork. Due to his exceptional talent, Sean also received the $1,000 Brian Jordan Prize for another artwork. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge Sean's mother Stella, who has supported her son and nurtured his talent. I commend Sean on these wonderful achievements, and look forward to seeing his artistic career flourish. BEAUTY POINT PUBLIC SCHOOL FIREWORKS NIGHT Ms FELICITY WILSON (North Shore)—I congratulate Beauty Point Public School for bringing students, their families and the local community together at their recent Fireworks Night event. The event has been two years in the making since it was postponed in May 2019 and what a success it was. The Fireworks Night saw the school grounds turn into a family fun carnival with food, games, rides and raffles, helping to support local businesses. People were also able to make the most of their Service NSW Discover Vouchers to purchase an unlimited rides wristband. I want to acknowledge the school for their environmentally-conscious efforts in making water refill stations available, and limiting the impacts on landfill by not selling bottled water. The Beauty Point Public School Fireworks Night is a much-loved community event that has been held for over 35 years. Thank you to the school P&C President Lauren Adlam and other members, students and volunteers who helped make the event a night to remember. STEPHEN POLLARD Ms STEPH COOKE (Cootamundra)—I would like to congratulate Ambulance Chief Inspector Mr Stephen Pollard from Young on achieving 45 years of Service as an Ambulance Officer/ Paramedic within the Hilltops and Weddin Region. Stephen is the current Manager / Officer in Charge for Young and Surrounds. Since starting as an Ambulance Officer back in 1976 Stephen has been a valuable member of the NSW Ambulance Thursday, 24 June 2021 Legislative Assembly- PROOF Page 14

Service. Ambulance Officers/ Paramedics are vital members of our regional and remote communities, they are the first responders on scene when people are there most vulnerable. They make sure their patients receive the best possible care and treatment when needed. Stephen is one of 4885 Paramedics within the NSW Ambulance Service delivering mobile health services and providing high quality clinical care, rescue and retrieval services to NSW citizens. Congratulations once again to Chief Inspector Stephen Pollard. ISABELLA CARR - SHORT STORY WINNER Ms STEPH COOKE (Cootamundra)—I wish to acknowledge and congratulate Cootamundra High School student Isabella Carr who recently won the Short Story Competition in the High School Years 7 to 9 category at the Jugiong Writers' Festival. Isabella, who is in year 9, was recognised for her creative writing piece called 'The Corner', a story about a young homeless girl. Isabella wanted to explore the issue of homelessness through the eyes of a child who has lost her family. Apart from her passion for creative writing Isabella is a talented dancer and during COVID lockdown last year launched her start up business Bellicious Creations selling lip scrubs, lip balm and lip balm holders. Well done Isabella, I wish you all the best with your creative and artistic pursuits. The House adjourned pursuant to resolution at 17:30 until Tuesday 3 August 2021 at 12:00.