Lay. 291946 NOVEJBEB TOE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGH) TUUm (FJrst Septlon) fjfcLooking make a hrpak fnr it V his efforts, svysral prominent North For how horses belied at the sight ut THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY George Smqthers Botanist Opens Carolinians, among them Governor first and Governor the automobiles. That wasn't DONT CALL "THE FIRE DERMSTMENTy, Cherry (ormtr Desert Ghost Town anything compared lo fright Haywood' Campaign To Brought on, have promised him that the WHAT iTHEY X THAT 'Knows those ugly, loping threw CAN they will seek an appropriation LM BARNARD I CANT DO ? C els are in these parts," Keiser ex- into mules. The mules would lay Political Writer Buy Mountain from the State Legislature to start ilDI plained. "Just the other day, for in- back their ears and run for their the campaign. CHARLOTTE fAP) A. Box-for- d, F1 ,u this win- - stance, a prospector from St. Louis lives and then the prospectors Says In The State With State funds behind the would cuss Massachusetts botanist has r ..... h.irn is gone found fresh camel tracks in the and reach for their guns drive, Kelsey thinks the remaining and note the. following was returned to J)i8 native Southland private-s- aiui the dry air hills a few miles from here." shoot at the camels. A lot of Editor's money can be raised through Cd of Wash- with self-declar- determina- Jefferson Davis, camels got killed that way. written by Robert Erv.in, the ubscription. ,.,.. o.n...i Hill Keiser as secretary of A price tag of . Government ington, in his special column in tion of savipg a mountain for pos- hl1l,!f a pair of war in President Pierce's cabinet, Gave I'p $165,000 is on the mountain. Lt terity. . "Prospectors The headed "Watching " ... ,..ilrl cain- - approved the plan to experiment raised so much cain Stale. The mountain, if acquired, that finally government Washington". Kelsey, has with camels for freighting an1 the just The man, Harlan would be turned over to the Na- gave up this week stag- a retired communication in the arid South- and let the camels go. been in Charlotte tional Park Service which, Kelsey u They The family is quite ing a resi- - west, iviaj. Henry C. Wayne of the found enough food to keep Smalhers private campaign for funds to u.K' o.Hie few said, has already agreed take it L alive . . . prominent in Haywood County. to army and Lt. D. D. they'll eat just about buy Grandfather Mountain near ' j Porter of the over as part of the Blue Ridge this jinosi - navy visited the Near anything they can bite, you know One of its emigres. William Smath-eis- . Linvillu so that it can be ".' tt to ininn East with Parkway. ,, the storeship "Supply" and . . . and they chased mules and ag- became Judge, Stale Senator the federal government for devel- ,j Ileal Wdvca i" Kelsey formerly served on com- 38 gravated prospectors for many and eventually V. S. Senator from opment as a national park. ami speculate brought camels which were which selected the Great ,,,V1.. landed at Indianola, years." New Jersey, for one term. Bill Kelsey, a native North Carolini- missions Tex., Feb. 10, Smokies, Shenandoah and Mam- The army never explained oITi-cial- ly Smalhers had migrated from an whose father founded the moun- 1856. On a second trip they got 41 moth Cave National Parks. why it ex- Waynesville lo Atlantic City. tain resort town of Linville. where j". '.i;.nis. he says, more. abandoned the country Tomb Is Attraction periment. Perhaps they proved un- Now. a nephew of former Sen- the skyline is broken by the ma- Lu'in to this incoming jestic of peaks, With the first shipment came a economical or perhaps the Arizona ator Smalhers is the rise Grandfather's Rears ago. desert country Representative from the Miami, fears that private ownership of the cam- - caretaker, a short, heavyset, happy-go-luck- y was too tough for IS YOUR LIVER Uie signs tnai inevitably strip it Arab named Hadji them. Keiser said the rocks hurt Fla ., district Democrat George mountain will of Ali beauty. whose name was promptly changed the camels' feet. For a time. Hi Smalhers. young Marine Corps much of its natural Jolly veteran of War II. Already he is meeting success in CRYING FOR HELP to "Hi Jolly" by the soldiers. To- wrarned their feel in burlap World Miami congress- di- day, Hi Jolly's tomb is this town's Later ? peeial shoe was fashioned The incumbent because of constipation or faulty Can- you bilious, sour, for the animals' split toes.' f" .oo m iwo rt.tvm wonu wohw man is robust, energetic Pat County Western Caro- gestion? If feel only attraction. The S nmvr.tt h. mibvui and North with gas, headachy, blue, non, football star, boxer i bloated A base for the camels was shoes never proved really satisfac- former lina to George Smalhers. he grouchy, you may be putting too big tory as and wrestler. George Smalhers Camp Verde, a frontier outpost in they didn't keep rocks u.i; right on the ball. He knows the a burden on your liver. Retained un- took on Cannon in this year's digested food becomes putrefactive, Kerr county. On the Beale expedi- from between the toes. Pat leading citizens of the county. ;is Florida primary and beat him. causes toxins, which, overload the tion (18571 to open a wagon road Hi Jolly was grieved to lose his well as those over at A.ihc ille. liver, keeping Working prop- AT THE CHURCHES The past week, Smathers and his It from IV,!. V acorss Arizona from Fort Defiance animals but took up scouting for Mrs. Smathers lived in quite a erly. Then is the time to relieve your wife were in Washington hunting few places before she set! led i:i tired liver by letting Calotabs helg to , the camels, under the army and also did some min- sweep (Other Church News Page Four 3:00 Lysbeth Cox Circle meets for a rental house, one with three Miami and married As a nature the putrefactive and . Hi Jolly, proved worth. ing. He died in Quartzsite Dec, Hi, Geoitie. partially digested your their Second Section) with Mrs. T. C. Clayton. bedrooms. They have two children. matter from 7' Nevertheless, the war department 1902, at the age of 64. The Arizona little girl, the former Rosemary stomach and intestines. Nothing act3 3:00 Madge Lewis Circle mecls They were having quite a bit of Townley, just like good Use as di- abandoned the experiment and the highway department has built a FIRST METHODIST CHl'RCH she entered made old Calotabs. with Mrs. W, L. Lampkin. dilficully and wondering whether school in rected. 10c and 25c at your druggists. camels were left to shift for them tomb for him a pyramid of Asheville. So it's some- ... 7:30 George Truett Circle metis hoy'd find a place at all. thing a selves on the Arizona desert. quartz and petrified wood topped Paul W. Townsend, Pastor of Tar Heel mountaineer with Mrs. Sam Jones. As for space at Capi- pair coming to the I he Keiser, tough, tanned and 73. eot by a tin figure of a camel. The ollice the House from Tab CALOTABS Church School begins at 10:00 7:30 Martha Franks v'ircle tol, it was simpler. Freshmen law- d beaches of Miami. LD YOU SAY a swig of cool water from the well last camp of Hi Jolly." a sign says. o'clock. Classes are held in all de- meets with Mrs. Rudolph t'ars- - at the side of his porch. A native of Pennsylvania. Keiser makers can't file their applications JY BIRTHDAY" partments at 10: IS. M. H. Howies, well on Brown Ave. w ilh Mrs. K for House space "I'll tell you why the govern- ran away from home when he was office until early .superintendent. Frank Rogers as- 11. Balenline as associate hostess, December, and Mr. Smathers fig- IXJUENTLY? ment quit fooling with camels," he 14. He punched cattle in Texas !i?.!s?;S sistant superintendent. 7:30 Y.W.A.'s meet with F.dith ures that freshman will L &m,m.iitm said. "It wasn't because they didn't once loaded beer barrels in San Democrats ACK'S Church Services will begin at F.lsie, and Kdna McCracken. be plaxiug second lo fresh- do a1 good job. They could carry Antonio and came out to Arizona liddle 11:00 o'clock. The sermon will be Monday night December 1!, I hi man Republicans. a thousand pounds of freight 65 in 1894. Two sons, Marion and given by the pastor, Rev. Paul W. Deacons will meet in the churcl When miles a day and they went Edgar, live at Lykens, Pa. ou mention Haywood three Tow use nd . oll'ice al 7:30. days without water. But they scar- Keiser pointed a Mid-wee- weathorhcalcn Sunday night we have chapter 5 k worship service ed hell out of every varmint that hand down the deserted street. in the series of the Study Hook choir rehearsal Wednesday nighl sighted expected lo he present and make mm 'em and they caused plenty "This used to be a mighty lively "The Fine Art of Living". The title at 7:30. reports of their work. The public mma i. i . i i . i. of trouble. J ri place," he said. "Once there was is "What Time Have You?" We cordially invite you to illend is cordially invited lo attend the "Hi Jolly told me all it. about eight saloons, right along there. The MYF will meet at (i:30 in the above services. Be sure lo go service and also lo he present at Those camels were lonesome for Liquor killed a lot more badmen the Youth Chapel. We have 300 to church somewhere every Sun the Youth Fellowship meeting the caravans of their home coun- than bullets ever did. individual favors to make. We need day, try and every they which will lake place at 6:30 pre-- time sighted a "It sure is nuiet here now many workers. Bring your scissors, ecdiiu: the meeting. prospector's mule train they'd and crayons. will be I nothing to do but gel old and slay These favors VV V N ES V 1 1 ,1. K PRESBYTERIAN Rev. looser will meel his ap- 1 used Wednesday night al 1 out of the sun. next III K( II pointments on Sunday, Dec. as I "This winter, though. I'll be 7:00 o'clock at the Annual Ban- follows: Maple Grove at 11 a.m. uK d Rev. R. hunting camels. Maybe I'll uel me quet of the MYF held in the Malcolm Williamson. Pastor Church school will also be held a camel for Christmas." School, December 4. 1940. earlier. The dinner is 75 cents. The Wo- Whilencr Provost, Superintend- ent of Sunday School. of Ser- Dell-woo- man's Society Christian Church school meets al d, Will Find At RAY'S Sunday School al 10:00 o'clock vice will serve the dinner. Maggie and Elizabeth BABY'S CRIES SAVE FAMILY Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock Chapel The MYK made a Cornucopia al 10 o'clock al Maple Sermon Subject: "The Cominj. and Grove LINDSAY, Ont. Awakened by wilh the good wishes of the Metho- it I o'clock. dist Youth Fellowship for Thanks- Messiah ". the cries of her baby, Mrs. Harvey, Youth Fellowship (I 'M) giving to be placed on each tray service al rlly Slacks of Haliburton, sprang out of bed P.M. FINES CREEK BAPTIST Styled For ' as she saw the reflection of a lire al the Count-- hospital on Thanks- CHl'RCH on the cealing of the bedroom. She giving Day, The attaches express- LAKE Roy V. Young, Pastor succeeded in arousing her other ed their appreciation to us for Jl'NALHSKA METHODIST these decorations. CHURCH sons, Murray, 14. and Harold. 7. Sunday School meets at 10:30 Men- s, Vonng - Volunteer summoned Cecil L. Heckard, pastor. A. M. with M M. Kirkpatrick, Supt. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH by a passing truck driver, managed in charge. Miss Mildred Ferguson to get Mr. R. H. will open the fire under control before L. G. Elliott. Pastor Terrell nil be in charge of the music. school it completely destroyed the house. Sunday School at 3:4.r. Ben Phil- Church Sunday morning The pastor will bring the mes-sai;- e i);4.r lips. Superintendent: Mrs Albert with worship at a. m. al 11:30 using the subject Maye, Associate Superintendent. The ptislor will preach al 11:00 Paul An Escapee. " a. m. upon Is The general lesson topic for Sun- the subject "What Everyone is invited to come Fri. Vital." day, December 1, is: "Modern Op- day night at 8:00 and hear Miss ponents of Christianity." Mr. Edwin Terrell will lead the (ireleheii Johnson, the Association-a- l young Morning worship at 11 o'clock. people in worship and study Missionary, speak. Sermon by the pastor. at 7:15 p. m. On Saturday night the ones who Training Union meets at (i:30 are in the Christmas play are ask- under the direction of Mr. P. H. I)ELLVVOOI)-RAT- ( LIFE COVE ed to come to the church for re- Gentry and Miss Hatsie Freeman. CHARGES hearsal at 7:00. We need YOU. A Thanksgiving basket will be Rev. E. B. llouser. Pastor Evening worship at 7:30. Ser- fixed for the aged ones in the com- mon by the pastor. Rev. Walter B. West, district munity who in years gone by have The Missionary Circles of the superintendent of the Waynesville been faithful lo the church but First Baptist church will meet next district will preach al the Dell wood now cannot attend. Everyone is Tuesday at the following time and Church Sunday. Dec. 1, at 7:30 asked lo bring some fruit or some- place: p.m. All officials of the circuit are thing to go in the baskets.

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