IndianOil INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED (REFINERY DIVISION) P.O.: HALDIA OIL REFINERY, DIST. : PURBA MEDINIPUR, PIN - 721 606 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NIT NO : IS/PR/631 Indian oil Corporation Limited, Haldia Refinery, invites sealed tenders (Petty Job; Estimated Amount Less than Rs.02.50 Lac) in prescribed tender form under Two Bid System from bonafide, experienced contractors with sound technical and financial capabilities and reputation, fulfilling the qualifying requirements stated hereunder :- TENDER NO. ISPR631 NAME OF WORK Supply of 1000 nos. printed Mouse Pad. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT : NIL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT NIL PERIOD OF SALE OF TENDERS : 10.04.2019 TO 28.04.2019 DURING 10.00AM TO 3:00PM (EXCLUDING SUNDAY & HOLIDAY). DATE & TIME OF RECEIPT / : 29.04.2019 @ 3:00 PM OPENING OF TENDER DOCUMENT CONTACT PERSON Shri. Sanjib Hansda / Shri. Supriyo Dutta PHONE, FAX, MAIL ADDRESS Phone : 03224 - 223413 / 223409 E-mail :
[email protected] E-mail : duttasupriyo@IndianOiLin TENDER TO BE SUBMITTED TO : Chief Manager (IS), IS Department Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Haldia Refinery, P.O. Haldia Oil Refinery, Dist. Purba Medinipur West Bengal , PIN - 721 606. Special condition for the bidders :- a) Vendor to produce a sample mouse pad of desired quality and content printed on it as per attached specimen for taking EIC's consent before bulk production. b) Tender Papers shall be collected from IS Department. Haldia Refinery or can be downloaded from CPP site. ( Mere issue of Bid Document does not entitle a bidder to pre-qualify without furnishing requisite documentary evidence in support of pre-qualification.