AMOTHERBY & Newsletter Volume 2


Welcome to my second edition of my newsletter, I hope you will find it both interesting and helpful. I am trying to do the news letter every 3 months now as my aim is, to keep you informed about what Nicki and I, as your local Safer Neighbourhood Officers are doing to tackle the crime and anti-social behaviour issues that matter to your community

I was invited into primary school and was interviewed by a group of children, which they really enjoyed, I gave them the opportunity to wear my uniform and try on the hand cuffs. Police are also going to be presence at their school fair on Saturday 2 nd July

I have been working closely with Flamingoland to try to combat Theft from unattended motor vehicles

Local Crime Update

The Police have arrested two men in in connection with the thefts of scrap metal.

Rouge Traders:- Trading Standards and police officers have been patrolling seeking rouge traders, this was a successful operation it lead to 1 arrest.

Neighbourhood Week

Runs from 19 th June till 25th June. I shall be in Malton Market place on Monday 20 th June from 1400 hours till 1600 hours to try to recruit new neighbourhood watch members, trading standards will also be attending for any question that anyone might have. So please come along for a chat, crime prevention advice.

Where you can meet me :

Malton Market Place 1330 hours to 1530 hours

Wednesday 29 th June Tuesday 19 th July

Please feel free to come along and have a chat

Crime Advice:

Please be aware of a company called Sapphire who are currently operating in the area a high pressure telephone sales tactics. If you have any concerns contact North Police on 0845 6060247

This is another reminder to remove all valuables from your vehicle when leaving unattended especially in the beauty spot areas. Please pass this message to any visitors to the area. Thank you

Door to door salesman have been seen in the Ryedale area today. We would advise against purchasing items unless a current pedlars certificate.

The police are interested in two cars: I) Silver Toyota Yaris Reg. FY55YPT. 2) Silver Peugeot 30T Reg. YY51CVG Any information please call the police non-emergency number 0845 60 606247.

Your Local Safer Neighbourhood Team

Pc1492 Jones PCSO 4973 Pounder

How to Contact Us

In an emergency always call 999

To report crime or anti-social behaviour call our non-emergency number on 0845 60 60 24 7

E-mail us on [email protected]

To speak to me in person for advice or to arrange an appointment call the Safer Neighbourhood Mobile on 07966 433453

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 .