FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches February to June 2017

Published by Bernie Finn MP Member for Western Metropolitan Region Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Melbourne’s West Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Autism Spectrum Disorder Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Electoral Integrity

Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street, Braybrook Vic 3019 Telephone (03) 9317 5900 • Fax (03) 9317 5911 Email [email protected] Web

Authorised and printed by Bernie Finn MP, Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street, Braybrook. This material was funded from the Parliament Electorate Office & Communications Budget. FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches February to June 2017

CONTENTS Youth justice centres...... 3 Multicultural policy...... 17 Essendon level crossing removal...... 3 TAFE funding...... 17 Youth justice centres...... 3 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 18 Energy Legislation Amendment (Feed-in Tariffs Wyndham City Council...... 18 and Improving Safety and Markets) Bill 2016...... 3 Youth justice centre site...... 18 Youth justice centres...... 4 Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Western Metropolitan Region...... 5 Bicycles) Bill 2015...... 18 Minister for Families and Children...... 5 Calder Freeway intersection, Niddrie...... 19 Caroline Springs Blue Devils Basketball Club...... 6 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 19 Youth justice centre consultation...... 6 CFA volunteers...... 19 Youth justice centres...... 7 Brimbank school sites...... 19 Youth justice centres...... 7 Community safety...... 20 Youth justice centres...... 7 Level crossing community concerns...... 20 Youth justice centre consultation...... 7 Education policy...... 20 Climate Change Bill 2016...... 7 Spectrum Journeys...... 21 Sunbury development...... 9 Infrastructure projects...... 21 Youth justice centres...... 9 Family Violence Protection Amendment Melbourne Regional Landfill...... 9 (Information Sharing) Bill 2017...... 22 Proposed tip expansion...... 9 Sunbury Road duplication...... 23 Heritage Bill 2016...... 9 Wyndham City Council...... 23 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 11 Sunbury development...... 23 Youth justice centres...... 11 Community safety...... 23 Pedestrian traffic signals...... 11 Future of Sunbury university site...... 23 Youth justice centre consultation...... 11 Appropriation (2017-2018) Bill 2017...... 24 Point Cook-Sneydes roads, Point Cook...... 11 Corrections Legislation Miscellaneous Youth justice centres...... 12 Amendment Bill 2017...... 25 Youth justice centre consultation...... 12 Tullamarine freeway closures...... 26 Sunbury Road duplication...... 12 Essendon level crossing public meeting...... 26 Youth justice centres...... 12 Community safety...... 27 Heritage Bill 2016...... 12 VicRoads Sunshine office...... 28 Point Cook traffic congestion...... 13 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 28 CityLink-Tullamarine Freeway widening...... 13 Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Bill 2017...... 28 Criminal justice system...... 13 West Gate Freeway tolls...... 28 Youth detention centre site...... 13 Melbourne Regional Landfill...... 28 Wrongs Amendment (Organisational Child Ravenhall landfill health impacts...... 29 Abuse) Bill 2016...... 13 State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2017...... 29 Summary Offences Act 1966...... 14 Melbourne Regional Landfill...... 30 Ravenhall prison project...... 15 Williamstown level crossings...... 30 Western distributor road...... 15 Sudanese community...... 30 Wyndham City Council...... 15 Services for people with autism spectrum Ride-sourcing services...... 15 disorder...... 31 Education and Care Services National Law Ravenhall landfill anger...... 31 Amendment Bill 2017...... 15 Bail Amendment (Stage One) Bill 2017...... 31 Wyndham youth justice facility...... 16 Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Bill 2017...... 32 Sunbury-Broadmeadows bus service...... 16 Student disability services...... 34 Western Metropolitan Region constituent...... 17 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 34 Buckley Street, Essendon, level crossing...... 17 Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Bill 2017...... 34 Melbourne Regional Landfill...... 17 Sunbury police station...... 35

Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street, Braybrook Vic 3019 • Telephone (03) 9317 5900 • Fax (03) 9317 5911 Email [email protected] • Web

IN 2 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE COUNCIL | Questions without notice on hold until such time as local concerns COUNCIL | Second reading 7 February 2017 can be addressed? 7 February 2017

COUNCIL | Members statements Youth justice 7 February 2017 Energy Legislation centres Amendment Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My Youth justice question is to the Minister for Families (Feed-in Tariffs and and Children. Minister, the new site — — centres Mr Dalidakis — Come on, King Cory! Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — It is Improving Safety The PRESIDENT — Order! Mr Dalidakis, a truism that Labor neglects Melbourne’s there is no such person in this place, and I west. It is oh so true — Labor’s use and will not entertain it. Mr Finn, from the top. abuse of Melbourne’s west is legendary. and Markets) Bill Mr FINN — And will not be We have seen it for years, but nothing in the other one after the next election. has prepared us for this government’s 2016 Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — The PRESIDENT — Order! contempt for the people of Wyndham these past few days. — It is a delight to be back for 2017 and Mr FINN — This is for the Minister particularly a delight to be speaking on for Families and Children. Minister, the Despot Dan, as he is known — and Jenny Mikakos have kicked Werribee where it this bill, because this is something that new site for the Werribee South youth does raise a great deal of interest in my justice centre, known in Werribee as the hurts with their announcement that a youth jail is to be constructed in Werribee mind. I have to say that without casting youth jail, is just 469 metres away from aspersions on any other speakers in this residential homes. Will you outline to the South near residents and just up the road from a university and a hospital. house there are times when I lie awake house and to my livid constituents what at night, in the depths of the dark of the you meant by the quote ‘a significant What makes this worse is the betrayal night, and I think to myself, ‘I wish that I buffer between the preferred site and of his constituents by the local member was as clever as Greg Barber’. He has given residential areas’, as outlined in your in the Legislative Assembly, Tim Pallas. us an example here today of exactly what media release yesterday? As a senior member of the government I am talking about, because he got up Mr Pallas had the capacity to put a stop and gave us a dissertation on the Greens Supplementary question to this development, but he did not. attitude to all things energy — ‘Stick He was actually at the announcement something up on your roof and have a Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — cheering it on. What a sellout. It is clear look up’. I am not entirely sure what he was Minister, in December last year you told he lives nowhere near his electorate. The on about but he was pushing along the the house in answer to a question from Premier and the minister for pizza and Greens line of how to energise ourselves, me: Coke dropped this jail on the people and I thought to myself, ‘If only I had the I can advise the member that of course of Werribee with only the slightest of intelligence and the brain that that man there will be consultation as part of this warnings in last week’s paper. has, I would be in seventh heaven. It process with affected local councils Ms Mikakos — On a point of order, would be a wonderful thing’. and others who might have an interest Acting President, I take objection to the The only thing you can say about this in this particular issue, but I will have member referring to me in those terms bill is that it is the product of a coalition of more to say about the issue very soon. and I ask him to withdraw it. the unwilling — a coalition of the Labor Minister, in your media release The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Dunn) Party and the Greens, who are joined by yesterday you said ‘Following close — Order! Mr Finn, I would ask you to this devotion to global warming-climate consultation with the local community’ withdraw the comment. I would also change bunkum that we hear so much the site was chosen. Minister, with all due remind you that you should address about. That is what they are on about. respect, no-one in the western suburbs ministers by their proper titles. The unfortunate thing is that the aim of has heard from you, full stop. And up until Mr FINN — Certainly I withdraw, Acting the left wing in this country — indeed the yesterday we were pretty happy about President. left wing around the world, as we have that. Could you outline to the house what There was no consultation with anyone seen — is to put up the price of power. We consultation was undertaken by you, prior to the announcement. Indeed have seen that in so many places. That including who it was with and on what the minister tells us today that the first was the reasoning behind the carbon tax. dates? consultation was this morning — today — We all remember the carbon tax that was the day after the announcement. How is at least part of the reason for the defeat of COUNCIL | Constituency questions that for a consultative, open, transparent the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government a few years ago. That was all about sticking up 7 February 2017 government? That is what we have come to expect. The Wyndham mayor, Cr Henry power prices so people could not afford Barlow — a man who once came within to use electricity, and that seems to be a a poofteenth of sitting in this house as particular aim of left-wing parties and left- a member of the ALP — is furious and wing activists around the place. They seem Essendon level released a media statement to that effect. to target power prices. They seem to target This government will never be forgiven for electricity prices, and that is something crossing removal what it is doing to Werribee. that in my view is quite unsustainable, if I Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My can use the term that our friends opposite constituency question is to the Minister might use. for Public Transport. I refer the minister Power is the basis of everything that to the plans to remove the level crossing we use in our homes. It is the basis of in Buckley Street in Essendon. I met with everything that allows business to run. the mayor of Moonee Valley last week, Of course power — electricity — is the Cr Andrea Surace, and she expressed to basis of just about every job in Australia. me the very real concerns of the council An attack on electricity, an attack on about the impact of the current plan on electricity prices and an attempt to traffic in surrounding residential areas, artificially inflate electricity prices is an in particular the educational precinct attack on our homes. It is an attack on our containing Lowther Hall, St Columba’s families. It is an attack on our businesses, College and Penleigh and Essendon and it is an attack on our jobs. Grammar School. It would appear there is a traffic disaster on the way. I ask: will the It is interesting to note that many minister put the removal of this crossing members opposite — if not all of them

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 3 — are or have been members of trade indication, that could not be further from Victorian taxpayer is paying all because of unions and have graduated from the the truth. this climate change claptrap. House of Stoush on Lygon Street. Many Last winter was a particularly cold Mr O’Sullivan — Every day? of them will get up here and lecture one. We have seen over in Europe ice Mr FINN — Every single day, Mr us at length about the importance of and snow, and indeed just this week in O’Sullivan. Every single day we are paying protecting and defending workers. I ask: the Middle East there were a number of $2 million to prop this rusting thing up how can they come into this chamber people who died in a snowstorm. This that — — proposing a bill which contains measures nonsense about the earth warming is Mr O’Sullivan interjected. that will put up the price of power, attack just that; it is nonsense. That is what all our families, attack our homes, attack this enthusiasm to boost the price of Mr FINN — Sorry? business, attack jobs and attack workers? electricity is all about. It is pandering to Mr O’Sullivan — Do we use it? If they are fair dinkum about protecting the new religion of global warming — the Mr FINN — We have not used a drop of workers, they will not go along with this climate change industry — and let us face water out of it, and even now, when the sort of nonsense. They will want cheaper it, it is an industry. There are thousands Premier is trying to get water out of the electricity. Indeed they will want to have of people throughout the world who are thing — God knows why he is trying to greater sources of electricity. making a killing out of climate change. get water out of the thing, because we do The enthusiasm we have seen from The more that they make, the more not know what we are going to do with those opposite about the closure of ‘evidence’ — in inverted commas — they all this water, because we have got more Hazelwood power station quite frankly produce to back up the view that they water than we have ever had, certainly disgusts me. It more than disgusts need more money. We have even seen this in recent years — when they tried to fire me, it sickens me, because we have a at the UN with the Paris agreement, which the thing up, it would not work. That just situation where many families — many I think is pretty much dead now anyway, sort of completes the narrative on Labor thousands of people in the Latrobe Valley and that is a very good thing. I think we governments, does it not? They have — will suffer as a result of the closure of should congratulate President Trump on spent all these thousands of millions of Hazelwood. Of course Hazelwood is being doing that. The fact that the UN was set to dollars building these things. They are closed as a direct result of the carbon harvest billions of dollars from countries not needed, nobody is using them, and tax — the coal tax — that was introduced around the world on the back of climate when they try to justify them and say, ‘Yes, by this government. The Labor Party can change is — — we have some money. We’ll spend $27 deny it as much as they like, but simple Mr Ramsay — It is suss. million of taxpayers money to get some economics tell us that if you slap a tax Mr FINN — It is more than suss; it water that we don’t need’, they cannot get on something that is close to the edge in is a con. It is something that people in the thing started. It is absolutely wrecked, terms of a profit margin, you are going to Australia have just about had enough of. as indeed is the government, and that is push into the wall, and that is what this Certainly people in the US showed last the sad fact of life. government did. November that they have had enough, and I have got to say that I am sick to death The people of the Latrobe Valley and Australians are rapidly saying the same of governments, Labor governments, the workers of the Latrobe Valley know thing. They are sick to death of paying making policy based on this false religion, only too well who is responsible for their excessive electricity prices just to pander this false green religion of climate predicament. They know only too well that to somebody’s political philosophy, change, of global warming, which is just it was their mates in the Labor Party. They somebody’s political ideology. Not only nonsensical. Every now and again we wrote off the Greens years ago. That is not have we seen how much electricity is see somebody come up with evidence — something that was of any consideration costing government and how much it is so-called evidence — saying, ‘Well, you to them at all. But now they have written costing the people of this state and the know, this is the hottest year that we have off the Labor Party as well because they people of this nation, but we have seen ever seen’. Every year is the hottest year we know the Labor Party bashes the workers around the country these ‘climate experts’ have ever seen, but interestingly enough whenever and however it can. An attack — again, in inverted commas — who have you never hear that from people who have on electricity prices to up the price of told us that it would never rain again. not got a vested interest in ensuring that electricity artificially is Labor’s way of I am fond, as the house would be aware, it is the hottest year ever because this is a doing that. of quoting Sandbags Flannery, Professor booming industry. This is a huge industry, When I look at what is happening in this — is he? — Tim Flannery, who told us that one of the biggest industries in the world, state at the moment I have to shake my the rain that fell from the heavens would and they need to produce evidence — head. I have to shake my head because we never be enough to fill the dams again. again I use inverted commas — just to are going to have a situation here, unless That was just before we had the floods in justify their existence. there is some urgent remedy in the not- Sydney, the floods in Brisbane, the floods I will not be supporting this bill, and too-distant future, where electricity prices in Gippsland, the floods in Adelaide and indeed I will not be supporting anything will go through the roof. We will also have the floods, I think it was, in Tasmania as at all which panders to this green a situation where we will have blackouts. well; and we have had a number of severe nonsense. I will not be voting for or We will have blackouts possibly next floods since then. But he was saying that supporting anything at all which panders winter, but almost certainly next summer. at a time when Labor governments were in to an ideology, to a philosophy, which is We have been very fortunate this year to place in a number of states, and the idiots sticking it to the workers in this state just have a very mild summer — — who ran those governments went out and to make a few people in the inner city of Mr Barber — Start stocking up on spent billions of dollars on desalination Melbourne feel good. I am not going to candles, Mr Finn! plants. put the boot into the people in the Latrobe Mr FINN — Well, you should start So we now have a situation where there Valley or in the western suburbs for a stocking up on candles, Mr Barber, are desalination plants scattered around political philosophy which I do not believe because that is what we will be using this various points of Australia, and many in and the majority of Australians do time next year if we get any decent sort of them, or most of them — almost all not believe in, so I will most certainly be of heat. Of course we have heard about of them, in fact — are totally obsolete. opposing this bill. the earth warming from Mr Barber and They are just not needed at all. Indeed we members opposite for quite some time, have the extraordinary situation down in COUNCIL | Adjournment but here we are in February — I have Gippsland, down in Wonthaggi, where the 7 February 2017 always found February to be the hottest desalination plant down there is actually month of the year — and last night I had rusting. It is rusting because the Bracks the heater on at my place. I do not know government built it on a flood plain. Only about anybody else, but it was very, the Labor Party would do it. Youth justice very chilly last night. This is what those Mr O’Sullivan — And how much are we people tell us: the earth is warming and going to pay for it? centres everything is changing, and we are all Mr FINN — I think it is $2 million a Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) going to die of heat exhaustion. Well, day. $1.8 million or $2 million a day. It is — I wish to raise a matter on the let me tell you, if this summer is any an extraordinary sum of money that the adjournment this evening for the Minister

IN 4 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE for Families and Children. It concerns has concerned the Moonee Valley council Clearly Minister Mikakos should go; her announcement yesterday — and so much that it is preparing a campaign she should resign. If she does not resign, of course she was accompanied in that to change the government’s mind on its she should be sacked. I do not say that announcement by the Premier and the proposed course of action. she is an incompetent human being, member for Werribee in the Assembly, Mr I ask the minister: has VicRoads but I do say that she is an exceedingly Pallas, who is of course the Treasurer — prepared any contingency plans for the incompetent minister. She has done an that there would be a youth prison built traffic debacle in the event of the crossing appalling job. I just want to make a quick in the middle of the City of Wyndham removal plan going ahead in its current comparison with the other three ministers near residences, near a university, near a form? who have either fallen on their swords or hospital and not far at all from the famed been beheaded by the Premier since the Werribee tourist precinct. Andrews government came to office in To say that the community is angry COUNCIL | Minister for Families & November 2014. about this announcement would be Children, 8 February 2017 Firstly, we had Mr Somyurek, who was somewhat of an understatement. The fury the victim of a factional stitch-up. He is is palpable in Werribee and throughout a man who was verballed. He is a man Wyndham at the moment. Even the who was, I believe, treated extraordinarily mayor of Wyndham, Cr Henry Barlow — a Minister for unjustly. The Premier could not wait to get man who came exceedingly close some him out the door, under orders from his years ago to being elected to this place Families and friends at the Shop, Distributive and Allied as a member of the Australian Labor Employees Association. Mr Somyurek Party — has issued a press release ripping Children can, I think, regard himself as very hard strips off the government for its lack of Debate resumed from earlier this day; done by. I think it is one of the greatest consultation, because that is exactly what motion of Ms CROZIER (Southern injustices I have ever seen in politics, and we have found on this issue and many Metropolitan Region), that is really saying something, because I other issues as well. On this issue the have seen a few. That the Minister for Families and government has refused point blank to Then of course we have former Minister talk to anybody about it. Children no longer possesses the confidence of this house due to the Garrett, who whilst in the same faction as It is just extraordinary that the minister minister’s failure to — the Premier I think might have been in a told us today during question time that different subfaction. You might be able she first spoke to the CEO this morning (1) accept responsibility for the ongoing to help me with that, Deputy President. — the CEO actually rang her this morning crisis engulfing Victoria’s youth justice You might have more knowledge about and finally got on to her — more than system; the inner workings of the Socialist Left 24 hours after they had actually made (2) act on the numerous reports and than I do. She had the gall to actually the announcement. That is some sort reviews commissioned by her into the stand up for the Country Fire Authority, of consultation. I understand that there youth justice system; and particularly for the volunteers, and is some discussion going on that the of course the Premier was having none government may allow local residents to (3) comply with the Children, Youth of that. For having the audacity to do her have some input as to the wall colours of and Families Act 2005 in relation to job, which I understand is some sort of the prison, which I am sure will make the the transfer of young offenders from offence in the ALP, she was dispatched by residents pleased beyond words. Parkville youth justice centre to Barwon the Premier. Prison; and Next Monday night there is a public Then of course we had Mr Herbert, who meeting in Werribee, and the local (4) provide accurate and timely had a bit of trouble with two dogs. He said community would like answers. I will information to this house and to the to me, ‘I’m having a bit of trouble with two be speaking at that meeting, and I am Victorian public in relation to youth dogs’, and I said I have a bit of trouble with hopeful that I will be able to provide some justice incidents. him myself. That is a major concern. It was answers to that community, but clearly a serious thing, but it was a very silly thing there are some who know more about this Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I that he was dispatched over. I am sure that than I do. I would hope the minister is in have to agree with Ms Springle. This might Mr Herbert, if he were here — sometimes that position, so I am asking her — — not be something that will happen all that he does come into the chamber now — Ms Lovell interjected. often this year, but I have to agree with her would agree that what he did, and what Mr FINN — So do I, quite frankly. I am that this is a very difficult issue. We are his dogs did, was very minor indeed asking her tonight to accompany me to talking about a very serious matter. It is compared to presiding over the entire that public meeting next Monday night very serious, and it is also very rare. I have breakdown of the youth justice system. in Werribee and to explain to the local been in this place now for 10½ years, and What Minister Mikakos, often referred community what she is doing with this on only two other occasions can I recall to as the Minister for Pizza and Coke, has youth jail right in the middle of their city. a no-confidence motion being moved in done is preside over riots, which have relation to a minister. On both of those become somewhat of a regular event. occasions those motions related to former You could almost set your clock by the COUNCIL | Constituency questions minister Justin Madden, who was involved riots that have occurred at Parkville, at 8 February 2017 at the time in the Brimbank scandal, Malmsbury and presumably at other which of course is ongoing. Perhaps we places that her charges have been will hear a bit more about that at some gathered at. We have seen breakouts. stage in the not-too-distant future. Who could ever forget the breakout at Western I think it is rather sad that we had the Malmsbury recently where 30 youths minister here for quite some time this decided that they would break out. They Metropolitan afternoon when we were debating electric did not have to try very hard, because cars, but when we went back to debating somebody left the gate open. They just had Region her role in the destruction of the youth to lift the gate open and they were out. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) justice system, she skedaddled out of They pinched a few cars, and they were — My constituency question is to the the chamber. She scrambled out of the off down the highway at extraordinarily Minister for Roads and Road Safety. chamber. I think it is sad that she will not high speeds, I understand, heading Minister, current plans for the removal stay and actually hear what members have towards Bendigo. As I pointed out to of the Buckley Street level crossing in to say. She will not stay and face up to her one of my local newspapers, if they had Essendon would lead to traffic chaos in responsibilities. But I suppose that should come the other way, they would have surrounding streets, in particular the not be at all a surprise to us, because to been heading in my direction, and that education precinct, which would be this point she has refused to face up to is not something I would have been restricted to just one entry via Park Street her responsibilities anywhere. That is all that thrilled about. I do not know in Moonee Ponds. The bedlam that would unfortunately the basis of this motion how the people of Bendigo felt about it. follow the implementation of this plan today. Interestingly enough — and this is sort of

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 5 a nice balance; it is almost mystical in its they announced that there would be a COUNCIL | Adjournment balance — some of the youths ended up youth jail right in the middle of the City of 8 February 2017 in Werribee. We will get to that in just a Wyndham. You can imagine how people moment. Then we had the same youths felt in Wyndham — — who crashed cars in Castlemaine. The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! I We have seen an extraordinary turn of suggest that you refer to members by their Caroline Springs events since Minister Mikakos has had titles. this portfolio. I was going to say youth Mr FINN — I appreciate your Blue Devils justice has become a joke, but it is not a comments, Deputy President. I was just joke, because it is not very funny. In fact suggesting she should get a promotion. Basketball Club it is not funny at all when you have got I think it is just an outrage what this Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I dangerous young criminals, but criminals government is doing to the people wish to raise a matter for the attention nonetheless, who are roaming the streets of Werribee. It is an outrage what the of the Minister for Sport. I have this because they have broken out of youth government is doing in Wyndham. The afternoon received an urgent piece detention — and they have not broken Wyndham council met last night, and of of correspondence from the Caroline out; they have just walked out. Then you course the Labor Party has a good number Springs Blue Devils Basketball Club. It have got a problem. of friends on the Wyndham council — I relates to their very grave concern about We have got a minister who refuses to know Mr Melhem over there is very, very the arrangement they have with Melton take responsibility for doing her job. She close to Cr Khan on the Wyndham council City Council at the Caroline Springs is on a fair wicket. She should do her job. — but the Wyndham council voted against Leisure Centre. The club last year put in She should take on her responsibilities, the proposition that this youth jail should an application for a licence renewal for but she refuses. She comes in here, and I be built in the City of Wyndham. The the use of courts 1, 2 and 3 at the Caroline know it is most unparliamentary to refer mayor, a man who some years ago just Springs Leisure Centre for Monday, to a member as a liar, so I would not do missed out on being a member of this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday that, but I would say that Ms Mikakos is a house as an ALP candidate, has slammed and Sunday for the entire year, barring stranger to the truth. I think it would be this site as totally unacceptable to him, his school and public holidays. fair to say she is very much a stranger to council and the people of Wyndham. I say, The calendar that was submitted was the truth. She did it again yesterday in this good on him. clearly marked by the club committee for place when she came in here and made Last night I conducted a poll of some the days that were required. The calendar an announcement that , the thousands of people throughout the City and the full 20-odd page submission Leader of the in the Legislative of Wyndham, particularly in Werribee, were completed and sent to Melton City Assembly, had supported the Werribee and some 90-plus per cent, including Council on 8 November 2016. On 22 South detention centre site. That is totally Labor voters, said, ‘We do not want your December Melton City Council responded wrong, but she said that, and she repeated youth jail in Werribee South’. Indeed it is to the application, and the response was it twice, from my recollection. worth noting, Mr Melhem, that almost 73 not what the club had requested or indeed Ms Crozier — She also said there was per cent of Labor voters said they would anticipated. In fact they did not receive lengthy consultation. change their vote over this issue. If that the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday Mr FINN — She did. I am probably follows through, Werribee would become sessions as requested at all. This is causing getting ahead of myself here, because I a very, very safe Liberal seat. a great deal of grief to the basketball club. want to get to the consultation matter in a But the fact of the matter is that this jail As you can imagine, a basketball club in a moment, Ms Crozier. What we are seeing has been announced. It has been dumped place like Caroline Springs, where a lot of here is a minister who has presided over in the middle of Wyndham, just up the youngsters are, is an important part of the the complete and total breakdown of road from a school, from a university, community. For them to find themselves youth justice in Victoria. It is as simple from a hospital; just a short distance from in a situation where the Melton council as that. If she will not take responsibility residences and a short distance from the has for all intents and purposes locked for that, and if the Premier will not hold famed Werribee tourism precinct; and not them out on Mondays, Tuesdays and her responsible for that, then it is the far at all from the new Wyndham Harbour. Wednesdays is causing a great deal of responsibility of this house to hold her This has been dumped on the people of difficulty. responsible for that, and that is our job. Werribee without a word of consultation. I understand they have attempted, with That is what we get paid for. If she will not The minister came into this place some success, to gain access to basketball do what she is getting paid for, the very yesterday and said, ‘We have consulted. courts in other places, and that has meant least we can do is do what we are paid for. There has been wide consultation’. When the parents of some of these children who A real test of competence is something we questioned her further on that, we play basketball have had to travel a fair that has occurred just over the last week or discovered that her consultation involved distance from their homes. It is far from so — I think it was last Thursday morning, a phone call not to but from the CEO of ideal, and it is something that I believe from memory, or it may have been Wyndham council to set up a meeting the minister really should involve himself Wednesday. On Wednesday or Thursday either later this week or next week. That is with. I ask the minister to facilitate a of last week there was a story in a little- the consultation. That is the consultation meeting between the basketball club and read newspaper in this town called the that this government and this minister the Melton City Council with a view to Age. It announced that there would be a have given the people of Werribee. satisfying the needs of this basketball club youth jail built at Werribee South. To say it I think it is outrageous. What an insult! in the hope that we can get a satisfactory took the wind out of people’s sails would What a disgrace this government is to solution. be somewhat of an understatement. have done that and to be continuing to do People largely dismissed it, thinking that that to the people of Wyndham. There has COUNCIL | Constituency questions it was such a ridiculous proposition that been no consultation, everybody knows no government would do such a thing, that, and today they are doing a letterbox 9 February 2017 particularly when they had not actually drop more than two days after they spoken to the local council. announced that this thing was going to go They had not spoken to anybody locally ahead. That is their idea of consultation. about it, so it was largely dismissed. So Even the mayor has asked the question, Youth justice you can imagine the horror and the fury ‘Does consultation involve asking the that followed a small gathering here in people what colour interiors they want centre consultation the city last Monday morning at 9 o’clock for the jail?’. Is that the only consultation Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My when the Premier, despot Dan, and his that we are going to get? This minister is constituency question is for the Minister Minister for Pizza and Coke got together entirely and totally incompetent. She does for Families and Children. Both you and with Tim Pallas, the member for Werribee not deserve to keep her job, and I support the Treasurer, the member for Werribee, — the totally unrepresentative member Ms Crozier’s motion today. in the Legislative Assembly, have for Werribee, the man who has sold out constantly claimed that your commitment his electorate. They got together and to consultation is rock solid. If that is so and given that there was no consultation

IN 6 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE prior to the announcement of the building COUNCIL | Questions without notice it very clear that the opposition opposes of a youth jail in Werribee South, will the 21 February 2017 Werribee South as the site for this youth minister put the project on hold until jail and given that the government is such time as proper and full consultation now looking at alternative sites, are those can be held with Wyndham council and alternative sites limited to Wyndham or the Wyndham community and until that Youth justice have you expanded to broader locations consultation is taken into consideration in such as Dandenong and Craigieburn? deciding upon a location for the prison? centres The PRESIDENT — Order! Can I hear Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My that question again, Mr Finn? COUNCIL | Adjournment question is to the Minister for Families Mr FINN — Certainly, President. Given 9 February 2017 and Children. Minister, 7000 Wyndham that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr residents turned up to a public meeting to Guy, has made it very, very clear that oppose your government’s Werribee youth the opposition opposes a youth jail at jail on Monday of last week. There was the Werribee South and given that, as the Labor mayor, Henry Barlow; federal Labor minister has indicated, the government Youth justice MP Joanne Ryan was there; and many is now looking at alternative sites, is that centres of my state colleagues in this chamber new site limited to Wyndham or has she Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I joined me there, including Ms Crozier. expanded to broader locations such as wish to raise an adjournment matter this Local community leaders were also there. Dandenong and Craigieburn? evening for the Minister for Families and Minister, what was more important in Children. It concerns the announcement your day that you refused to be there or meet with the residents at any time last COUNCIL | Constituency questions earlier this week by the Premier, by the 21 February 2017 minister and by the alleged member for week? Werribee in the Legislative Assembly Supplementary question that there will be a youth prison built in Werribee South. When I first heard that Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — Youth justice suggestion at the beginning of last week Minister, over the past two years you have I, like many people, thought it was far managed to turn Victoria’s previously centre consultation fetched. I thought it was quite ridiculous, well regarded youth justice system into Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My in fact, because I could not think of a place the worst in the Southern Hemisphere, constituency question is to the Minister less suited for such an establishment than yet despite this you decided to fly to New for Families and Children. Minister, we Werribee South. I can think of a number Zealand on a taxpayer-funded junket have heard you at length for the last sitting of places where such a complex could be and spend the week there rather than to week and a little bit tell us that you are built, but Werribee South is certainly not solve the crisis that you created. Minister, a great believer in consultation and that one of them. why did you consider flying overseas on your consultative style will suit and be For starters the site that has been the taxpayer purse more important than very pleasing to the people of Werribee chosen by the government is close to meeting at any time last week with the in my electorate regarding your decision residences. It is just up the road from a thousands of people who are concerned to impose upon them a youth jail in university campus. It is just up the road about your ministerial actions and the Werribee South — a youth jail which from a hospital and from a medical centre. impact on their livelihoods, the impact on would be just up the road from residential It is practically adjacent to the famed their personal safety and the impact on housing and just up the road from a Werribee tourist precinct. As I said, there their community? university, from a school, from a medical are a number of other places that this centre and indeed from a hospital. Given youth jail could go and indeed should go. COUNCIL | Questions without notice that you have not actually spoken to The minister probably could have been anybody in the Wyndham area about this guided in the right direction if she had 21 February 2017 particular facility, what is your definition asked the council, the community or the of consultation? local member. I am not sure if he knew much about it either — or did he? ‘What did you know, and when did you know it?’ Youth justice COUNCIL | Second reading may be the question that we need to ask 21 February 2017 Mr Pallas in the Legislative Assembly. centres We have a situation here now where the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — community of Wyndham is totally up in My question is also to the Minister for arms. They have not been consulted. They Families and Children. Minister, you Climate Change have not been asked their views on this. recently told radio 3AW, and I quote: A decision has been made, and it is clear … Werribee South is the government’s Bill 2016 that this matter has been on the mind of preferred location, but it is in Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — the government for some months. We are discussions with Wyndham City That was a fascinating contribution from told today that a business case has been Council about the best place to put it. Mr Mulino, but not as fascinating, I have prepared. That is the first we knew about to say, as the contribution from Mr Barber, If the council was to say there is other which I found to be highly amusing and that. You do not prepare a business case in land within the municipality that meets three days. This has obviously been going highly entertaining. I have to take issue all the criteria that we need, obviously with Mr Mulino’s argument that this on for three months. we would consider that … There is a degree of deception here should be a bipartisan issue, because The Wyndham council and its there are many views on this issue right that is quite troubling. It is a deception community have come out strongly of not just the local council but, I think, throughout the community. From the against the preferred site. So, Minister, community’s perspective I think it is good of the Wyndham community. I can fully given your comments to 3AW, is this understand why a good many people — to know that a good many of the views on location the final, locked-in site for your this issue are represented on this side of and I am talking about many thousands youth jail, or is the government now — are up in arms over the decision the house. Only one view is represented thinking of and investigating alternative on the other side of the house, so you have to build the youth prison in Werribee sites? South. So I ask the minister to reverse her to ask: who are the true representatives of the community in this Parliament? decision. I ask the minister to actually Supplementary question have some genuine consultation with I rise to speak tonight on the Climate the community, to find out where such Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My Change Bill 2016, and how very an establishment could be built and to supplementary question to the minister appropriate it is that it is called the withdraw the plan that she announced is: given that the opposition leader in the Climate Change Bill 2016, because this week. Legislative Assembly, Mr Guy, has made climate change is so very 2016, is it not?

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 7 Because the world changed. The world We have heard from some of the surprising that has changed. Here we are has changed since 2016. The election of extremists of the environmental in February in Melbourne and two days President Trump in the United States was movement over recent years — people out of this week we have had the heater on a clear, unequivocal statement from the like Al Gore, for example. Remember his at our place because it has been freezing. people of the United States that they think infamous movie, An Inconvenient Truth? This is summer in Melbourne. Of course, climate change is nonsense, and that The whole movie was an inconvenient it is not global warming — it is climate they have had enough. Indeed Australian truth for him, because it had more holes change! people are saying exactly the same thing. in it than Swiss cheese. It was proven Mr Ondarchie interjected. They are saying exactly the same thing — time and time again to be just a load of Mr FINN — There is major climate that they have had enough of the carry-on baloney, but it made him a very, very rich change underway in Werribee, Mr that we hear from the extreme Greens and con man indeed, and I suppose we should Ondarchie — don’t you worry about that. indeed from the climate change industry. say good luck to him. He is probably the Those in the climate change industry richest and most famous charlatan in the What we are seeing is one of the great might not be green at all, but geez, they world. He must get down on his knees cons the world is yet to see exposed. It is are making a lot of money out of it! They every night and thank the good Lord that staggering. I will not stand by and let these are doing very nicely out of the caper George W. Bush defeated him back in people get away with it. I think it is just indeed, and that is what it is. 2000, because otherwise he would have appalling, because what is happening in been just a president, instead of being our state at the moment will threaten the What we are seeing now is a situation security of our electricity supply, and if where we have got an industry which is a billionaire on the back of this climate change nonsense. you threaten the security of our electricity making a huge amount of money out of supply, you threaten our business, you screwing the workers — and that is what You would not believe this. Just last threaten our industry, you threaten our it is. I would have thought that members week Al Gore said because of climate jobs and you threaten families who need opposite would have been interested change Mecca will be uninhabitable. It those jobs. That is something that no in defending the working people, the will be uninhabitable. I am not sure what responsible political party in the state working families. I remember a few impact that has on anybody except the should be promoting. I am glad that years ago the Labor Party used to rabbit people of Mecca, but he seemed to think Mr Melhem is in the house, because I on ad nauseam about working families, that was a particularly important point know he regards himself as being close except of course when it comes to climate that should be made. He also made the to the workers — he regards himself as a change, and then they belt them over the point that because of climate change the workers’ man — and he is actually one of head with every tax that they can find. toxicity of poison ivy will be increased the very few members opposite who does I want to make reference to renewable no end. So Al is over there, he is clearly live in his electorate. It may be totally by energy targets. I have no great problem having a lend of us but he is having a good accident, but he does live in his electorate. with renewable energy, as long as it is in time, and when you have got that much money, why would you not? When we talk about the damage of its place. Ms Springle is looking at me with climate change, the damage is not to the a perplexed look on her face, but I have We have got our own Al Gore over planet. The damage of climate change is to say I think solar energy can be very, here, Sandbags Flannery, who told us those who are what is known as global very helpful in many ways. Perhaps that years ago that the rain that fell from the warmists, who promote this nonsense ad is not the case so much with wind energy, sky would never again fill our dams and nauseam, and the threat that they pose is because that has been proven to be, let us reservoirs. That was before the floods in to other human beings — to families. say, not as efficient as many other forms Brisbane, the floods in Sydney, the floods of power. Certainly renewables have their in Gippsland, the floods in South Australia Mr Barber — You are digging your own place, but we do not want to go down the and, as I recall, the floods in Tasmania as grave right now. same path as South Australia. well. But he is also one of these chaps who Mr FINN — That is the great thing Over the last 12 months we have seen has told us that the sea levels are rising. It about the certainty of the Greens: they South Australia plunged into darkness is interesting: whenever these so-called know they are right. I respect Mr Barber’s on a number of occasions, basically environmentalists predict that sea levels religion. He genuflects at the altar of the because they have put all their eggs in are rising, they seem to move toward Greens, and that is fine. If his belief is the renewable basket, and that is an buying a home near the water somewhere. global warming, if his belief is climate unfortunate fact of life for the people of We have seen it from Greg Combet, we change, that is fine, but that is what it is South Australia. Despite the fact that 53 have seen it from Sandbags Flannery — it is a belief; it is a religion of its own — per cent of them voted for the Liberal and we have seen it from Al Gore, who and the facts just do not stack up. Party at the last election, the Labor Party has got a huge mansion over in Florida, I We have seen over many years now a was re-elected with these disastrous understand, just on the beach — we see campaign of bullying and intimidation policies. It will be interesting to see just this every time. You have got to wonder against those who have spoken out against how many votes for a continuation of how silly people are to actually believe the industry, and that is not surprising darkness there will be after the next South this. I mean, you can see these people at all, because there are a good many Australian election. We do not need to are having a lend of us, and people are people across the face of the earth making go down the South Australian path, and just blindly going along, saying, ‘Oh, yes, millions of dollars out of this con, and it is worth pointing out that you need righto’. It is just extraordinary. they will fight very, very hard, as we have electricity even to make candles. That is We have seen over recent years that seen, to defend what is a damn good something in South Australia they have global warming is no more, because wicket from their point of view. But I am probably discovered, because I think there quite frankly the climate change industry here today to say that I will be voting to is a shortage of candles over there because discovered that indeed there was no support Mr Davis’s amendment and, more the electricity keeps failing them. global warming, and there has not been to the point, I will be voting to protect Sadly, with the way we are going in any global warming for about 20 years. Victoria’s power supply, I will be voting to Victoria under this government, we will Some in the environmental movement protect Victorian business, I will be voting soon be joining our friends in South have called that a pause; I would call that to protect Victorian industry and I will be Australia. a fair dinkum stop. There was not much voting to protect Victorian families who need both — who need the jobs. I will be Mr Ondarchie — In darkness. of an increase before that 20 years, but there has been no increase in the world voting to protect farmers, Acting President Mr FINN — Absolutely, with the closure temperature for 20 years. That is not an Ramsay. I will be voting to protect of the Hazelwood power station. You issue as far as the industry is concerned. ordinary Victorians who are threatened by cannot just pull out 20 or 25 per cent of They just describe it as climate change. this extreme climate change lunacy. We your base load and it have no impact. I Well, that can mean anything you want are going to have a situation here where mean, that is just a ludicrous suggestion. it to mean. When it is hot, it is climate people will not be able to afford to keep You cannot pull out 20 or 25 per cent of change. When it is cold, it is climate warm in winter and will not be able to your base load and it have no impact change. When it is raining, it is climate afford to keep cool in summer, which is on what people are using and what they change. When it is dry, it is climate probably a good thing, because there will need. change. Whatever conditions may be not be any electricity to do either if things happening, it is climate change. It is not keep going the way they are.

IN 8 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE What we need in this state, in my COUNCIL | Members statements of the land between Caroline Springs and personal view, is another coal-fired 22 February 2017 Truganina. It is beyond the pale in every power station. That is what we need in way. this state. We have got more coal than we What the people of the area are can poke a stick at. Why do we not use concerned about, obviously, is what the it? Is that logical? Does that not make Youth justice minister will decide on this particular sense? Let us get on with protecting our issue. I have spoken at a number of public future, with protecting our families’ future, centres meetings in the Caroline Springs area with protecting our industries’ future Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — against this expansion, and indeed I have and protecting the jobs of Victorians for Last Saturday morning I was on my way to called for the closure of the current tip generations. Let us get ahead and let us a very successful gathering in Sanctuary until such time as the owners can get stop with all this nonsensical climate Lakes and was passed by a car with the their act together and keep their smells to change rubbish. very distinctive, personalised number themselves, as it were. I am as concerned plates COMMO 1. My initial reaction was as the local residents about what is in COUNCIL | Adjournment to say, ‘I didn’t know that the Premier store if this gross — and I use the word ‘gross’ advisedly — expansion is allowed 21 February 2017 drove a Toyota’, but of course I soon realised how wrong I was, because that car to go ahead. was travelling in the direction of Werribee, My understanding is that an and as we know there would not be a independent planning panel report is member of the state Labor Party alive who on the minister’s desk; the minister has Sunbury would be seen dead in Werribee just at the that report. I am very keen, as are indeed development minute. members of the community in that area, Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I That was abundantly obvious for all to to see that report released so we can see wish to raise a matter this evening for the see last Monday night, when thousands what that independent planning panel attention of the Minister for Planning. of Wyndham residents gathered in the says about what should happen with It concerns housing developments centre of Werribee. It was a cold and wet the tip and the tip expansion. I ask the in Sunbury and in particular one on summer’s night — so global warming had minister as a matter of urgency to publicly Lancefield Road, a property development really kicked in — but where were the release the independent planning panel that involves the building of 19 000 homes Labor state MPs? Where was Tim Pallas? report and let the people of the area on 1234 hectares. However, I can tell the Where was Jill Hennessy? No appearance, surrounding this tip know exactly what is house that there is a compelling case your Worship. Presumably they were coming their way. to exempt a small but critical parcel of safely in their homes, well away from historical and environmentally significant Wyndham. The minister for youth jails, Ms COUNCIL | Constituency questions Mikakos, actually left the country to avoid land. 23 February 2017 The 34 hectares bounded by Jackson the anger on display last week in Werribee. Creek and Racecourse Road are rich in Such a pity that not one member of the Indigenous and European history, and Andrews government chose to join us. I am sure it will be of great interest to They would have quickly got the message Proposed tip the house to know that that is home to that they had crossed the line with their the following historical sites: 1000-year- proposed youth jail in Werribee South. The Wyndham community is furious. The expansion old Aboriginal earth rings, which are Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My Indigenous ceremonial sites; the stately Wyndham community — let me assure the house and the government — will not constituency question is to the Minister mansion Rupertswood, the legendary for Planning. As I am sure the minister is birthplace of the cricket Ashes; Emu wear this jail, and their love affair with the ALP is over. aware, there is huge community concern Bottom, Victoria’s oldest homestead surrounding the proposed expansion of and the first European farm in Victoria; the stinking tip that we have at Ravenhall. and Cannon Gully, which is considered COUNCIL | Adjournment Its proximity to residential housing to be the only remaining evidence of 22 February 2017 causes illness and gross discomfort to the gathering of the volunteer militia thousands on a very regular basis. The encampments, which were popular communities surrounding this tip would community events in the 1860s and 1870s. like to know the future of this proposal as You can imagine that that does cover both Melbourne it directly impacts their future. Is there any Aboriginal and European history. reason the minister will not release the It also, I hasten to add, is vitally Regional Landfill independent planning panel report into important to the future of the swift parrot Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I the tip expansion? and the growling grass frog, which I am wish to raise a matter this evening for the sure the house will be aware are very attention of the Minister for Planning. COUNCIL | Second reading important to the future of the state. It I am sure the minister will be only too should also be pointed out that this aware of a long-running campaign by 23 February 2017 particular piece of land contains one of residents in the Caroline Springs-Deer the most thriving platypus communities Park area and surrounds against the in Victoria. We have a variety of reasons to expansion of the tip at Ravenhall. There keep this 34 hectares development free. Heritage Bill 2016 is a tip currently at Ravenhall, and it does Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) I am asking the minister to examine this not take very long to find people in the — As Mr Morris has pointed out in his at greater length and to make — — Deer Park-Caroline Springs area who will contribution, the Heritage Bill 2016 is a Mr Barber interjected. testify that the tip causes nausea, illness substantial bill. It is voluminous; a bloke Mr FINN — Mr Barber, I am being an and a variety of other complaints for local could do his back just lifting the thing. It is environmental warrior, if you would just residents as a result of the smell that it quite extraordinary that we could have a leave me alone. emits. piece of legislation with so much in it but I am asking the minister to examine If we were looking at keeping emissions indeed with so little in it. We could almost this and to exempt this 34-hectare area down, that would be the first place I would describe it as much ado about nothing. from the current proposed development. start because it really is a disgrace. It stinks That pretty much sums up — — It equates to 406 homes out of 19 000, to high heaven, and the local people are An honourable member — It is one of so this is not a great price to pay for the — justifiably in my view — very concerned my favourites. protection of a great environmental and about the impact of the expansion of the tip. At the moment I think it is around Mr FINN — Is it one of yours? That is historical part of this section of Victoria — good. I think that is how we could sum namely, in Sunbury. about 133 hectares, and we are looking at well in excess of 400 hectares if this it up, because this legislation really does expansion goes ahead. It will take up most not do much for anybody. We on this side

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 9 of the house are not opposing the bill. Mr FINN — I am sorry, Acting One that I am perhaps even more Quite frankly it is very hard to have much President. I am on message; I was dragged familiar with, and one that is particularly of an opinion on the bill because there is away. iconic, is the Rupertswood Mansion. I nothing much in the bill despite it going to The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) attended school at the Salesian College 212 pages and being about an inch thick. — Order! Do not let Mr Ondarchie distract at Rupertswood for a couple of years a As members of the house would be you. while back. Rupertswood Mansion of aware, I am a conservative. Mr FINN — I wish that I could write a course was the place where the famous An honourable member — Really? book on some of the things that I have cricketing Ashes began. It has become a part of cricketing folklore around the Mr FINN — I am. And that means seen inside the Celtic Club. Unfortunately it will have to wait until my mortal demise, world, and it is interesting to see people that I believe in conservation. I believe travelling from India and various parts of in preserving and conserving those because you cannot sue a dead person and I fear that if I put pen to paper about the cricketing world to actually just visit things that are worth conserving and the place where the Ashes began. The preserving. That is one of the basic tenets some of the things that I have seen in that building, they would take the house and Rupertswood Mansion itself is still very of conservativism. much in one piece and is iconic, as I say, An honourable member interjected. everything else that I have got off me. The Celtic Club is a classic Melbourne in many ways. It is very much a part of the Mr FINN — Well, we could get to building, and it saddened me enormously Sunbury landscape and indeed was on Werribee South in a minute. We certainly to hear recently that they are going to rip my calendar fridge magnet that I put out will get to Sunbury. I just want to reflect it down and turn it into a block of flats. before Christmas last year. briefly on some of the buildings that I think it is sad to see old buildings with I am sorry, Ms Shing, I did not send you have shaped my life and buildings that character of that nature just thrown out one. I will see if we have got any left. That I have been very, very fond of over the — — will be — — years. These are and have been a very An honourable member interjected. Ms Shing — I am so devastated. Let important part of Melbourne’s heritage. Hansard record my grief! Of course when I think of Melbourne Mr FINN — There are quite a few I think of the MCG; that is the iconic characters in there, I can tell you. It is a Mr FINN — I will see if I can send you place in Melbourne. One structure that part of our history that we are never going two in fact. I was particularly fond of was the old to get back, and that is sad. There is much history and there is much Melbourne Cricket Club smokers stand. It Out in my part of the world, out heritage in the Sunbury area. Down in was, I have to say, a bit rough when they near Sunbury, of course we have some Werribee I could look at the Werribee banned smoking in the smokers stand, magnificent old buildings. One in Mansion. That unfortunately is going because it sort of confused a few people. particular is Kismet Park. I do not know to, I suppose, have its heritage value But when they ripped it down altogether I if you, Acting President, are familiar with threatened by the building of a youth thought that was particularly nasty. Kismet Park, but it is a very, very old prison just near the mansion. It is quite I am sure you, Acting President and historic building that was built in extraordinary that any government would Melhem, would be an outer man. You Sunbury. It is famous for two things of build a prison opposite the heritage area would be a man who sat in the outer with recent years. that is the Werribee tourism precinct. It is a pie and a can of VB in the old days, I The first is it was the place where Paul not just the Werribee Mansion; it is also am sure. Of recent years you have been Keating made his famous banana republic the rose garden, it is the equestrian centre particularly in the outer, but I am sure comments. He did that in an interview. and it is the zoo. I do not know if many you would be very familiar with the old He was on the phone in Kismet Park after members have been to the Werribee Zoo, smokers stand. I thought it very much speaking at a Labor Party breakfast in but it is a delight to go there. I particularly epitomised an old part of Melbourne that Sunbury. They had, I think, only about enjoy the meerkats, I have to say, and as I we all loved. I thought it rather sad when seven or eight people there. He was there look across at Ms Shing, I think to myself it was ripped down and they put up the at Kismet Park, and in an interview he — — new stand, which is all very nice and shiny made the comments that went around the The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) and glamorous, but it does not have the world about Australia becoming a banana — Order! Mr Finn! I ask Mr Finn to come character of the old smokers stand. I very republic, and then he did everything he back to talking about the bill instead of much regret that that smokers stand was possibly could to make that come true, drifting off. pulled down. In fact I thought to myself, because as we know he was not exactly the Mr Ondarchie — He is; he is talking ‘It’s a pity that Norm Gallagher isn’t still greatest Treasurer or the greatest Prime about the Werribee Mansion. with us’, because I reckon Norm, if he had Minister this country has ever seen. That is The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) been still with us, would have pulled the Kismet Park. — Order! Mr Ondarchie, I was not boys out and they would have protected Of course the second most outstanding addressing you. I was addressing Mr Finn. the old smokers stand. The Construction, — I suppose that would be one way Mr Finn, please go back to the bill. Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, they of describing it — event that occurred Mr FINN — If Werribee Mansion, Acting just have not got what it takes these days; there was my preselection prior to the President, is not an important part of they are all into bribery and taking brown 1992 election, when I was chosen to Victorian heritage, I am not sure what is. paper bags. They did not have what it took represent the Liberal Party for the seat of to save the old smokers stand, which is a Ms Shing — Meerkats! Come on, keep Tullamarine in 1991. The rest, as they say, going and finish the line. pity. is history, which is entirely appropriate That leads me to another building that given we are talking about the Heritage Mr FINN — No, I am not allowed to talk I have, over a period of time, had quite a Bill. about meerkats anymore apparently. But the Werribee Mansion, an important part bit to do with, and that is the Celtic Club Honourable members interjecting. in Queen Street. For those who might of Victorian history and an important part Mr FINN — We will get to the of Victorian heritage, is being devalued by remember, 3AW, a radio station that I fundraisers; do not worry about that. have had a bit to do with over the years, a government which is sabotaging it. This was situated just around the corner in La Sunbury in particular is a very historic government is involving itself in historic Trobe Street — 382 La Trobe Street — and town. I am sure that many members of and heritage vandalism by putting a youth the Celtic Club was our local watering this house have been to Emu Bottom, prison in Werribee South at the spot that it hole. If I could — — which is the oldest homestead in Victoria. is proposing. It is a sensational spot. I have been An honourable member interjected. Mr Morris — Does he live in his there many times, and it never fails to electorate? Mr FINN — Both. Tony Bell was heavily not disappoint, because it is superb. Mr FINN — I do not think he does. It is into Melbourne Bitter for reasons that I Receptions are now held there and could not quite — — interesting to note that of the three lower gatherings are held there. It is a place of house members that represent Wyndham, The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) historical significance, but a place of great none of them actually live in their — Order! Mr Finn, get back on message. beauty as well, and that is something that electorates. You have got Ms Hennessy, I treasure. It is still of course operating as a who is — — reception centre — and a very, very good one — the Emu Bottom Homestead.

IN 10 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) that we have to wait a little while so that of the Andrews government rorting the — Order! Mr Finn, I asked you to go back we can do the three together — the Park system in a systematic way. We surely to addressing issues relating to the bill. I Street, Puckle Street and Buckley Street do not have Labor MPs ripping off the do not see how whether or not members crossings together — then I think that is taxpayer, do we? We are taking on the of Parliament live in their electorates the way to go. big issues instead. We are concerning relates to the bill. I am not going to remind I ask the minister to put on hold those ourselves with figures on traffic lights you again. plans that are currently underway to while a senior Muslim community leader Mr FINN — Acting President, I accept remove the Buckley Street level crossing recently told us that wife beating is that, but I will just draw a parallel. It is and to put them on hold until such time acceptable. Where was the outrage from related to the bill because come the next as the government is in a position to the government then? Where was the election all three of them are going to remove all three level crossings — Park condemnation from EMILY’s List? Where be history, and that is the truth of the Street, Puckle Street and Buckley Street in is the former MP who pledged to call out matter. This bill is largely a waste of time, Essendon — so that we can get the best misogyny wherever it is? to tell you the truth. I am not sure why possible result. The government needs to The priorities of some are stupefyingly I have spoken on it for so long, but it is get this right and needs to do it properly. out of whack. Instead of expressing something that the opposition will not outrage over institutionalised domestic oppose. abuse within a religion, the taxpayer COUNCIL | Petitions I have to say I am a very proud is forced to fund gratuitous stupidity Victorian. The heritage and the history of 7 March 2017 by a government totally committed to our state are things that I am very proud tokenistic political correctness. Victorians of. And I do live in my electorate. I do deserve better. Come November next year, hope that we will always be very protective we will get it. of what is important to our state and that Youth justice we will be on the lookout for anything that COUNCIL | Constituency questions endangers that heritage we are so very, centres very proud of. To the Legislative Council of Victoria: 7 March 2017 The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws attention COUNCIL | Adjournment to the Legislative Council that the 23 February 2017 residents and council of the City of Youth justice Wyndham were never consulted about the Andrews Labor government’s centre consultation unfair decision to build a prison in Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My Buckley Street, Werribee South for violent youth thugs. constituency question is to the Minister Due to the recent mass escape from for Families and Children. The minister Essendon, level Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, the has claimed the government’s decision following violent crime spree, and the to build a youth jail in Werribee is subject crossing way the Andrews Labor government has to consultation. The Wyndham council Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I lost control of crime in our community, has actually taken the minister at her wish to raise a matter this evening for the we are seriously concerned at the risk to word and is searching furiously to find Minister for Public Transport. It concerns our families and our children, especially somewhere within the municipality for the issue of the removal of the level in Werribee South, Point Cook, a site that meets the yet-to-be-released crossing in Buckley Street, Essendon. I Werribee, Hoppers Crossing, Wyndham specifications. Despite this, the member Vale, Laverton, Tarneit, Williams for Werribee without residence, Tim have raised this with the minister earlier, Landing and Truganina. in fact the last sitting week — the first Pallas, says Werribee South is still the sitting week back — and I have received The petitioners therefore request that government’s preferred site and is pushing a response which I found to be totally local members Tim Pallas MP, Jill ahead with that plan. I ask: is the belated inadequate. In fact it was very much the Hennessy MP, Minister Jenny Mikakos consultation by the government nothing minister playing politics. Quite frankly and Premier Daniel Andrews reverse but a sham, and is the minister taking the this is a very important issue for the future this unfair decision that puts our good people of Wyndham for a ride? of Essendon and Moonee Ponds and far community in danger. too important for game playing by this By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) COUNCIL | Adjournment minister. (466 signatures). 7 March 2017 As I have explained previously, I have met with the mayor and the CEO of the COUNCIL | Members statements Moonee Valley council, and they have 7 March 2017 expressed to me their very grave concern Point Cook- about the plan that is being proposed by the government to remove the Buckley Sneydes roads, Street level crossing singly. They would Pedestrian traffic be much more comfortable, and indeed Point Cook much more supportive, if the government Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I was to remove not just the level crossing in signals wish to raise a matter this evening for Buckley Street but also the level crossings Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — Just when we thought things could not the attention of the Minister for Roads in Park Street and in Puckle Street in and Road Safety. Now, as we know the Moonee Ponds. Not only would this be a get much more ridiculous in Daniel Andrews’s Victoria, we awoke this suburb of Point Cook is known as the far better outcome for the local area but it area that Labor forgot. It was developed would also be far more cost effective for morning to the news that VicRoads is squandering taxpayers over a number of years. The development the government. As has been explained was certainly very strong, and housing previously, the plan that the level crossing hard-earned on — wait for it — putting little women on street crossing signs. was very, very strong, but unfortunately removal crew are putting forward at the the governments of the day — the Bracks moment is going to cause major traffic We are told that little men, however androgynous they may be, are not and Brumby governments — did not put hazards for a very, very long time to in the infrastructure that was necessary come. In fact it will be traffic chaos on a sufficient for the politically correct capital of the Southern Hemisphere. We must to enable a decent standard of living for permanent basis. people who live there. There are some I think that what we have here is a now have stick figures wearing skirts to tell us when we can cross the road. magnificent homes in Point Cook — — government that just wants to say, ‘We Mr Davis interjected. have done this’. It does not care how it is Thank the Lord there are no real done; it just wants to do it. I want to see problems here in Victoria! We are so Mr FINN — Well, the local lower house this done properly, and if that means fortunate not to have senior members member, Jill Hennessy, of course does

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 11 not live in the electorate. It is interesting By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) In case the minister does not believe to note that of the three lower house (372 signatures). me, I am tonight inviting him out to join members that represent the City of me to see just how bad the traffic is on Wyndham, none of them actually lives Sunbury Road. If the minister were to join in their electorate, which is a pretty sad COUNCIL | Constituency questions me at the afternoon peak hour, I would be reflection on the ALP and their attitude to 8 March 2017 very happy to take him to the Black Horse local representation at this particular time, in Bulla and buy him a refreshing ale, but or indeed at any time. if it happens in the morning, he will have But Point Cook has missed out very, to work that out himself. very badly, and I have experienced this Youth justice This is something that needs to over some years now. Recently I was in be urgently addressed. I am asking Point Cook on a Saturday morning, and I centre consultation the minister to join me at his earliest had reason to attempt to turn right from Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My convenience to see for himself just how Sneydes Road into Point Cook Road. After question is to the Minister for Families bad the congestion is on the Melbourne– 15 or 20 minutes I gave up and managed and Children. Of course, as she would Sunbury road. to get into the left lane and turn left be aware, there is significant concern in instead. It was impossible to turn right. the local community in Werribee South For all I know there may well be motorists as to the proposal by the government to COUNCIL | Petitions who are still there waiting to turn right build a youth jail in Werribee South. The 9 March 2017 since that time I was there just a few weeks community outrage is unabated, I have to ago. say, and in fact it is growing almost by the day. My concern is that this consultation Clearly there is a need — a desperate that the government speaks of is in fact Youth justice and dire need, if you will — for a set not happening at all, and it seems to me of traffic lights on the corner of Point that the government has clearly made Cook Road and Sneydes Road in Point centres up its mind on what it intends to do. I To the Legislative Council of Victoria: Cook. The frustration of motorists must ask the minister to make it very clear be boiling over, and I can understand that the government is serious about this The petition of certain citizens of their anger. I well remember the former consultation or to just get on with it as the state of Victoria draws attention planning minister, Mr Guy, now in the things stand. to the Legislative Council that the Legislative Assembly, telling me that if residents and council of the City of ever there was an example of how not to Wyndham were never consulted about do something it was the planning of Point COUNCIL | Adjournment the Andrews Labor government’s Cook. 8 March 2017 unfair decision to build a prison in Mr Davis — There was another planning Werribee South for violent youth thugs. minister out there. Due to the recent mass escape from Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, the Mr FINN — There was another former following violent crime spree, and the planning minister involved in that, and Sunbury Road way the Andrews Labor government has he has gone on to be richly rewarded for lost control of crime in our community, his incompetence. My concern is that we duplication we are seriously concerned at the risk to do need the traffic lights, and I ask the The PRESIDENT — Order! What an our families and our children, especially minister to provide those traffic lights to outstanding contribution that was. Mr in Werribee South, Point Cook, the people of Point Cook, on the corner Finn, see if you can match it. Werribee, Hoppers Crossing, Wyndham of Point Cook Road and Sneydes Road in Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I Vale, Laverton, Tarneit, Williams Point Cook, as a matter of urgency. will try, President, but I am not sure that Landing and Truganina. I will succeed. My adjournment this evening is for the Minister for Roads The petitioners therefore request that COUNCIL | Petitions local members Tim Pallas, MP, Jill and Road Safety. I have expressed my 8 March 2017 Hennessy, MP, Minister Jenny Mikakos very deep concern for some years now and Premier Daniel Andrews reverse about the state of congestion on the this unfair decision that puts our Melbourne–Sunbury road, and it is getting community in danger. worse almost on a daily basis. My further Youth justice great concern is that the government is By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) not actually interested in doing anything (405 signatures). centres about it, because whilst we have had a To the Legislative Council of Victoria: few blokes with theodolites having a look COUNCIL | Committee stage The petition of certain citizens of around the road, there have been no 9 March 2017 the state of Victoria draws attention announcements from the government and to the Legislative Council that the there have been no noises coming from residents and council of the City of the government that this is something Wyndham were never consulted about that they would be interested in. In fact it the Andrews Labor government’s may well be the case that the minister may Heritage Bill 2016 unfair decision to build a prison in well not believe me when I say that we Contributions duing the Werribee South for violent youth thugs. need this road duplicated and we need it Committe stage of the Bill Due to the recent mass escape from duplicated now. As part of this duplication Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, the we also need the Bulla bypass built — — Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I following violent crime spree and the Ms Shing — Try saying that after a wish to speak on the purposes of the bill way the Andrews Labor government has couple of drinks. and inquire of the minister as to whether lost control of crime in our community, this legislation will provide sufficient we are seriously concerned at the risk to Mr FINN — Saying that after a couple of drinks — yes, that is a challenge. We protection for the Emu Bottom wetlands our families and our children, especially in Racecourse Road, Sunbury. These in Werribee South, Point Cook, need the Bulla bypass built as part of the duplication of the Melbourne–Sunbury are significant lands in Sunbury. In Werribee, Hoppers Crossing, Wyndham fact they bring together a unique cross Vale, Laverton, Tarneit, Williams road. At the moment during peak hour Landing and Truganina. in the morning it is often bumper to of Aboriginal history and European bumper from Melbourne Airport right history. It is probably the only place in The petitioners therefore request that back to the other side of the hill and quite Australia where this heritage value has local members Tim Pallas MP, Jill often almost to Sunbury. In the evening been put forward in such a way. Given Hennessy MP, Minister Jenny Mikakos a similar situation happens, except it is that a development is proposed for those and Premier Daniel Andrews reverse going the other way. It is a major problem. wetlands, I ask if the minister can inform this unfair decision that puts our me if this legislation will provide sufficient community in danger.

IN 12 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE and adequate protection for the Emu bridges — one that is almost complete COUNCIL | Constituency questions Bottom wetlands on the Lancefield Road — have disability access. To my way 21 March 2017 Precinct Structure Plan in Sunbury? of thinking this is quite extraordinary, particularly when you consider that ______Essendon Fields will very soon have a private hospital, so it is a nonsense that Youth detention Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I we would be building — whether it be the thank the minister for his answer, and I government or whomever — a couple of thank him for his offer of providing that what would appear to be fairly extensive centre site information in electronic form. I am very Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My and expensive bridges without any access constituency question is to the Minister happy to accept that very generous offer. for people with disabilities. In fact I would I am just wondering at this point in time for Families and Children. Minister, the go so far as to suggest that it is probably last time you were questioned about your — in my view the criteria that have been against the law. That is something that outlined by the minister are well met by proposed youth detention centre you perhaps somebody might like to challenge were resolute in assuring the house that the Emu Bottom Wetlands — who has at some stage. the power or the ability to initiate such an Werribee South was the place for such a I ask the minister as a matter of urgency application. Does it have to go through facility. Given the recent change of mind — and I think it is urgent because, as I council, or can community groups or on the site, will the minister provide the said, at least one of the bridges is almost individuals do it? Who has the power or reasons for her choosing this particular complete — to investigate as to whether it the ability to do that? new site for her youth prison? is true that no disability access is available for these bridges, and if that is the case, to COUNCIL | Constituency questions do whatever is necessary to ensure that COUNCIL | Second reading 9 March 2017 disability access is added to those bridges. 21 March 2017 I ask the minister to do that at his earliest convenience before we go much further, because I would hate to see a situation Point Cook traffic where at least one of those bridges would Wrongs have to be pulled down in order to provide congestion disability access. Amendment Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My constituency question is to the Minister COUNCIL | Members statements (Organisational for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, traffic 21 March 2017 congestion in Point Cook is a major issue. Before the former planning minister, Child Abuse) Bill Matthew Guy, initiated the Sneydes 2016 Road interchange, access to the freeway Criminal justice Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — was a daily nightmare for locals. Point This bill is an important bill; it is a very Cook Road remains a huge problem. Put important matter that we are discussing bluntly, Point Cook Road needs attention system Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — in relation to this bill. The background for practically its entire length. Will the Under the diabolical Andrews government of the bill, of course, is the Betrayal minister take the appropriate action Melbourne has become the crime capital of Trust report, the final report of the necessary to solve this ongoing sore? of Australia. Victoria is now the state of inquiry into the handling of child abuse fear. As gangs run rampant on our streets by religious and other non-government COUNCIL | Adjournment the elderly cower in their homes and none organisations of the Family and 9 March 2017 of us can be confident of being safe even Community Development Committee of in our own beds. Until just a couple of the Victorian Parliament. It has almost years ago carjackings in our capital were become customary to pay tribute to the unheard of; now we are on a par with chairman of that committee, Ms Crozier, CityLink- Johannesburg. who did a very good job — and not just Ms An undermanned police force is doing Crozier: I think the committee members what it can, but no sooner does our thin generally did an exceptionally good job on Tullamarine blue line lock up wrongdoers than judges what must have been an extraordinarily and magistrates set them loose on bail. difficult task. I cannot begin to imagine Freeway widening Victoria no longer has a justice system, how I would have coped with some of Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I the information they uncovered. I cannot wish to raise a matter on the adjournment merely a legal system. That legal system hit rock bottom recently when two miscreants begin to imagine how I would have this evening for the Minister for Roads coped with seeing the damage and the and Road Safety. Anybody who uses were sentenced to a minimum of just six years each for shooting a police officer in harm that was done to children by, well, the Tullamarine Freeway would be well low-life scum. There are no other words aware that there has been a great deal of the head. Little wonder that Victorians have lost confidence in the judiciary. that I could use to describe them — well, construction work going on now for some there probably are, but they would be time at some considerable inconvenience Victoria is in crisis, and the Premier, Daniel Andrews, is doing precisely most unparliamentary and I might save to those motorists travelling on it. I am not them for another day. Certainly I might going to complain about that despite the nothing to remedy the situation. Victorians have 613 more days to think that the Betrayal of Trust report is fact that it will have no real impact on the something that documents very effectively motorists; it will not really improve the lot suffer under this corrupt, dodgy and incompetent government. For one of the great evils we have seen in our of motorists on the Tulla because it will nation in the last 50 or 60 years. just give us another lane to sit in whilst we the overwhelming majority of our are waiting for the traffic to move — — communities 24 November 2018 cannot As somebody who is a member — come quickly enough. Unless his own although tentatively I have to say at the Ms Crozier — They should have had a moment — of one of the religions that train. party dispatches him first, Daniel Andrews will join the Heyfield workers in the seems to be most prominent in that abuse, Mr FINN — Yes, of course they should unemployment line in November next I have to say that I feel disgust for those have had a train, but anyway we will year. responsible. When I say ‘responsible’, come to that another day. My concern is I am not just talking about the priests that as a part of these works a couple of and the brothers who did this but am pedestrian bridges are being built in the particularly speaking about the bishops vicinity of English Street in Essendon, who were responsible for shifting around near the Essendon Airport, and I am the vile pond scum from parish to parish, informed that neither of these pedestrian sometimes even from state to state, in

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 13 order to allow them to continue their the sort of education that the rest of us the children are forced to live in and to abuse of children. I cannot imagine what take for granted. hear about some of the conditions these the good Lord must have thought of what As I said, we have far, far too many children regard as a normal way of life, those people — and I use that term very children and women who are subject to such as living in boarding places and just loosely — did over such a long period abuse — sexual, physical or psychological having not much hope in life, is to my way of time. It worries me that I think, just abuse — on a daily basis. That is to our of thinking a black mark against us all and looking at the religions — whether it is the national shame. If we want to talk about a black mark certainly against the society Catholic Church or some of the sections what we should be ashamed of, that is that we live in. But I am very hopeful of Judaism, and I think the Salvation Army what we should be ashamed of — that that this legislation will go some way had a bit of it going on as well — it may we have not as a nation done anywhere toward — not rectifying; we cannot rectify well have been a lot more prominent than near enough to stop it. We can talk about, what has happened before — protecting the report found. as some of our friends opposite do, what children in the future and that it will go I am certainly concerned that this sort happened a couple of hundred years ago, some way toward ensuring that never of abuse has gone on across the board for but we cannot do anything about what again will we have the sort of systemic and a very long time, because there are some happened a couple of hundred years ago. institutionalised abuse that we have seen evil people out there who almost live on You cannot change the past, but you can over such a long period of time. this sort of thing. I do not understand it. It change the present and you can change I am very hopeful that those victims of disgusts me beyond words. I think kids are the future. That is what we should be abuse who have come forward of recent the greatest thing that God has ever given doing, and we are not. years, who have spoken before royal us; I think kids are absolutely wonderful. I am pleased that this bill is before the commissions, who have spoken before Anybody who abuses a child — not only house. I am very hopeful that it will go committee hearings and who have gone anybody who sexually abuses a child but some significant way towards stopping to the media and talked about what anybody who abuses a child at all — just future abuse in various organisations. But happened to them and the difficulties might deserve all they get. There have I ask the house and I ask the government — well, more than difficulties — and been some people over the time who have in particular to take on board the the trauma that they have faced through said — and I read this in newspapers — comments that I have made this afternoon all of their lives will look at legislation that some of these priests and brothers about our Aboriginal communities and such as this and will feel some degree of who were guilty of these heinous crimes the problems that they face, because I satisfaction and will feel that they have in against children died without facing am strongly of the view that irrespective some way contributed to making Victoria justice. I do not think that they missed out of where a child is or who a child is there and making Australia a better place and a on justice at all, because when they faced should be zero tolerance on child abuse. safer place for children. And I am hopeful their maker, their justice would have been Whoever that child is, wherever that child that they will sit back and say, ‘Yes, it pretty full on. It is not a fate that I would is and whatever cultural background was a dreadful time, but it was not all for want. So do not be mistaken into thinking that child may have there should be naught as we have actually contributed to that they missed out on justice, because zero tolerance. We should as a matter of protecting children in the future’. So I will they got, and they are no doubt suffering priority be protecting every child in this not be opposing this bill, and I urge the now, the ultimate justice for what they did. nation — every single child. Wherever house to follow suit. This is the Wrongs Amendment they may be, however small they may be (Organisational Child Abuse) Bill 2016. and whatever environment they may live COUNCIL | Adjournment It refers largely to organisations and I in we should be protecting every child suppose is directly related to some of the in this nation. It seems to me that there 21 March 2017 churches that have been involved in this are some who talk about it a lot but their dreadful practice, but what concerns me actions do not actually meet what they right now is what is happening to children would have us believe, and I think that is a in a number of Aboriginal communities tragedy in itself. Summary Offences across the country. It is well known that We on this side of the house will child abuse, sexual and otherwise, is Act 1966 not oppose the Wrongs Amendment Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I widely practised in a lot of Aboriginal (Organisational Child Abuse) Bill 2016. communities, and not just child abuse but wish to raise a matter for the attention of I am very hopeful that it will go some the Minister for Police. It was brought to abuse of women — domestic violence. considerable way to protecting children This is a national outrage. It is a national my attention that last Sunday there was a in the future. As has been mentioned in nude bike ride through Melbourne. outrage that we have not done more to the debate earlier, this changes the onus stop it. In fact I do not think we have done of proof, which is a fairly substantial jump. An honourable member — Was it lewd? anywhere near enough to stop it, because Our legal system is based on ‘innocent Mr FINN — It probably was lewd as there are literally thousands of women until proven guilty’, but given what has well, but it was certainly nude. Whilst I and children in Aboriginal communities happened in a number of organisations, can see the amusing side of this, I can also in this country who are suffering from whether they be religious or whatever, see that there has clearly been a breach of exactly the sort of thing that we are talking over a long period of time — and I fear the law. I recall that some years ago when about in this bill. It is happening today, to think what would happen if we had a I brought my three daughters into the city it happened yesterday and it will be full investigation into government-run to see a show — I think it was Wicked, happening tomorrow. It is still happening organisations, government-run homes from memory — these people were doing because we have not done anything about and so forth because I suspect that the the same thing on that day. My three it. We talk a lot about it, but we do not sexual abuse and other abuse of children daughters were confronted by, I have to actually do anything about it. in those particular places would shock say, some rather gross sights on bikes. One It infuriates me because it seems to me us all and would set us all back on our particular gentleman — and I use that that we give our Indigenous population tails — I am very hopeful that this bill will term exceedingly loosely — was actually what I would call conscience money, and go some way towards protecting those fully naked on the steps of Parliament a lot of it — we give billions of dollars children who need protection. House. This full-frontal nudity was not a every year to Aboriginal welfare, if you As legislators — and this has always pleasant sight at all. It was embarrassing want to call it that — and then we just been my view, and I think I have for my kids. When you are taking your forget about it. Personally I think there expressed it in this house a number kids out for a day out in the city, you do should be a royal commission into of times in the past — we have as our not need to be confronted with this sort Indigenous affairs in this country. The number one responsibility the protection of thing. billions of dollars that have gone into of those who cannot protect themselves, Clearly there has been a breach of the Aboriginal affairs in Australia over a and children inevitably fall into that law. I heard an interview with the chap 40-year period have achieved nothing. category. To hear what happens to some who organised this nude bike ride on the We still have people living in Third World children — and I am not just talking about Neil Mitchell program yesterday morning. conditions, we still have people who are children who are subjected to the sort of Mr Jennings — There are all sorts on subject to Third World health services and abuse that we are talking about today — to that program. we still have people who just do not have hear about some of the conditions that

IN 14 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE Mr FINN — That is true, Minister. represent less than 1 per cent of the adult ample time to examine this matter in a The chap who organised this bike ride population. Minister, given the important sufficient way, and I believe that in order intimated that not only did the police issues at stake here, what specifically are to provide some solace one way or the allow the bike ride to go ahead but they in you doing to ensure this groundbreaking other to the local community it is time fact facilitated it. It seems to me that if we project, designed to reduce Indigenous this report was released. It is about time have a clear breach of the law, and in this incarceration and recidivism, is that this report was made public. So I particular instance I do not think there is maintained? am asking the minister to release the any doubt that we have offensive — — report if she has received it. If she has not An honourable member interjected. received the report, I ask that she urge COUNCIL | Constituency questions the inspectorate to get a wriggle on with Mr FINN — It is offensive anyway. We 22 March 2017 clearly have a breach of the law, and the the investigation to put this matter to bed police are facilitating that breach of the once and for all, because the integrity of law. I wonder where exactly that leaves that particular election in October last us as a community. So I am asking the year for Wyndham City Council is very minister to provide for me the criteria on Western much in the spotlight and something that which the police decide which crimes distributor road must surely concern us all. they will prosecute and which crimes they Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My will ignore. I think this is a fair enough constituency question is to the Minister COUNCIL | Economy & Infrastructure thing. Given that there are some people for Roads and Road Safety. For almost Standing C’tee, 23 March 2017 in Melbourne who can be locked up two and a half years now the Andrews for a year just for standing somewhere government has been promoting a new and offering some help, I think it is only toll road, the western distributor, as the reasonable that the police tell us exactly answer to road congestion in Melbourne’s Ride-sourcing which laws we need to follow. I ask the west. Putting aside the ineffectuality of minister to provide that information. this project, it is clear the government is services working hand in glove with Transurban Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — COUNCIL | Questions without notice to provide a windfall to that company. I presented report, including appendices, 22 March 2017 ask: what agreements does the Andrews extracts from proceedings, minority government have with Transurban to reports and transcripts of evidence. deliver the western distributor, truly a dog Laid on table. Ravenhall prison of a project? Ordered that report be published. COUNCIL | Adjournment COUNCIL | Second reading project 22 March 2017 Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) 23 March 2017 — My question is to the Minister for Corrections. Minister, on 16 September 2014 the successful consortium for the new Ravenhall prison was announced. A Wyndham City Education and key consortium partner was the Werribee- Council based Gathering Place Medical Aboriginal Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I Care Services Corporation. All members of the house wish to raise a matter this evening for would be aware of both the over- the attention of the Minister for Local National Law representation of Indigenous Victorians in Government. This is a matter that prison and the high Indigenous recidivism concerns a huge number of people Amendment Bill rate. Having an Aboriginal corporation as particularly in the Wyndham area and a central partner in the delivery of services concerns the integrity of the election was an Australian first designed to enable 2017 that was held in October last year for Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Aboriginal prisoners to have consistency Wyndham City Council. The minister in the delivery of behavioural change and — I rise this morning to speak on the and the house would be aware that there Education and Care Services National Law other programs from both within and later was some considerable consternation, outside prison. Amendment Bill 2017, and in doing so I both public and private, regarding the express my gratitude to those responsible Minister, despite a memorandum of activities of Cr Intaj Khan during that for child care and for early education understanding existing between the particular council election. As a result services because child care is very much operator, Geo Group Australia, and the of the actions of Cr Khan there was the an education. Those children who are in Gathering Place, their services as the lead suggestion that he may have actually child care are, I suppose, at the peak of Indigenous service provider have been been trying to buy the mayoralty of the their learning ability. They are picking up terminated. Minister, does the Andrews Wyndham City Council in that election things at every moment of the day and government support the termination of and the suggestion that he was running night, and the people that have them in this agreement? many dozens of dummy councillors right their care are absolutely crucial to the Honourable members interjecting. across the ward. In fact in his own ward of future development of those children. The PRESIDENT — Order! Ms Harrison some 41 council candidates were This is a bill that we will not be opposing Mikakos, it may be that you are suffering running. on this side of the house, but I have to deprivation because you did not get the Mrs Peulich interjected. say the irony of this bill has not escaped question; however, I do not need to hear Mr FINN — No prizes for guessing me, because this is a bill which is being the interjections. which political party he is in, Mrs Peulich. introduced to prevent rorting — this The concern from the local community is government introducing legislation to Supplementary question still at its peak, it has to be said, because prevent rorting, can you believe that? After Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — whilst Cr Khan was elected to the council everything that has happened in this place Despite the minister’s total inability to by a very, very narrow margin — not many and the other place over the last month answer that last question, I am an optimist of his running mates were — that does not or so we now have got a government that and I will push on. The involvement of alleviate the worry that people have about wants to stop rorting. It is beyond me how the Gathering Place in this project was what happened in Wyndham last October. they would have the gall, how they would aimed at reducing the over-representation My understanding is that there is have the front to even think about telling of the Indigenous prison population, an investigation being held into the anybody else to stop rorting while they which under your government stands at Wyndham council election of last year. themselves are rorting. It is extraordinary approximately 8 per cent of all prisoners, Given it is now getting on to the end of to me and I am sure extraordinary to the even though Aboriginal Victorians March my view is that there has been overwhelming majority of Victorians

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 15 who see this as something that is hard to The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Ramsay) the bill. Mr Leane has just reminded me believe — it is hard to believe that they — Order! Please desist and call members that I really should sit down, so I thank would do this. by their proper name. him for that. I may not thank him for The bill itself amends the Education Mr FINN — I was just repeating what much else, but I thank him for that. I do and Care Services National Law in the people say to me. Of all the things that not necessarily commend the bill, but we schedule to the Education and Care this government has done over the last certainly do not oppose it, and I sincerely Services National Law Act 2010, and two and a half years, the attack on our hope this government will cease its war on that provides a nationally consistent young people is the most despicable. The young people and its rorting ways in this framework for the delivery of high- most unforgivable act of this government state. quality outcomes in education and care is clearly the war it is waging on young services in all states and territories in people in our schools. To poison the COUNCIL | Questions without notice Australia. I know that while this bill is minds of young people to the point where predominantly about early child care they may never actually recover from the 23 March 2017 the fact that it is an education bill as well exposure to this ideological nonsense of leads me to express my very deep concern the loopy left is absolutely unforgivable. that the welfare of students in this state I cannot for the life of me understand is being compromised by some of the how they think they will get away with it. I Wyndham youth programs that are being peddled by this cannot understand how this government government. thinks that it can get away with rampant justice facility ideological stupidity in our classrooms. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My I refer specifically to the Safe Schools question is to the Minister for Families program, which is very much putting It is outrageous, and it is something that none of us should tolerate. and Children. The site selection criteria for at risk the mental health and proper Victoria’s new youth justice facility asks: development of young people in this We hear a lot about tolerance, state. We have a situation where a boy or particularly from those who are very Is the option likely to have significant a girl can go through six or seven years quick to try and shut you down if you regulatory issues to address, is there of education and then be told in the disagree with them, but I have to say likely to be planning permit issues? classroom at the age of 10 or 11 when that to tolerate the sort of war that is I therefore ask: can the minister confirm they are perhaps entering puberty that being waged on our young people by that at the new youth justice prison in fact they may not be boys and they this government is criminal. That is location at Little River under current may not be girls and that they may be something that I am not prepared to do. planning regulations no private individual something else altogether — that, as I think that we need young people to be would be able to build anything on that we discovered yesterday, they may be able to develop by themselves as much as site due to environmental impacts? gender X. The Victorian Curriculum and possible into strong, compassionate and Assessment Authority made this change. productive adults, and this government Supplementary question It was reported on Sky News yesterday — the Andrews government — is actively that senior Victorian school students undermining with its program the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — Will can now choose to be gender X on possibility for that to happen. I sincerely the minister give a guarantee to this house official documents instead of identifying hope for the sake of the young people of that a full environment effects statement themselves as male or female. this state more than anybody else that this will be undertaken at the Little River site We have a situation now where the government goes out in November next to enable a complete examination of the government is promoting total confusion year. environmental impacts of this site? in the minds of young people at a time Mr Leane — You’re scaring the kids. when there is a great deal of confusion Mr FINN — Mr Leane, they are going COUNCIL | Adjournment at the best of times. I might be getting a out. For the benefit of Hansard, the young 23 March 2017 little older than I used to be, but I well people in the gallery are leaving, and Mr remember my teenage years. They are Leane may know that they are actually very exciting years, and they are also going out, having heard what I have said at times very confusing years. For the this morning, to register to vote so that Sunbury- government to add to that confusion by they can cast their vote against — — telling boys and girls that in fact they may The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Ramsay) Broadmeadows bus not be boys and girls and by encouraging — Order! I have to bring you back to the them to examine, to experience and to bill. I have had a quick look at this, and experiment with other genders seems the bill refers to child care and family day service to me to be putting the welfare of our Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I care. It has nothing to do with secondary wish to raise a matter for the attention young people very much at risk, and education or the Safe Schools program, that is something that I find appalling of the Minister for Public Transport. The so I ask you to come back to the detail of history behind this request goes back and absolutely disgraceful. God knows the bill. that this government is clearly the worst some two decades to when I represented government this state has ever seen. Mr FINN — I was in fact referring to Sunbury in another place. I thought at the statement of compatibility. I quoted that time that there was a very strong need Mr Morris — That’s a high mark. earlier: for a bus service between Sunbury and Mr FINN — It is a high mark. The bill amends the Education and Broadmeadows which would also service Mr Leane interjected. Care Services National Law in the the Tullamarine area. I spoke to the Mr FINN — I know that Mr Leane schedule to the Education and Care Sikavitsas family, who own Tullamarine is over there screaming, ‘What about Services National Law Act 2010 … Bus Lines, and we spoke to the then Cain and Kirner?’. I can hear him now which provides a nationally consistent Minister for Public Transport, Alan screaming, ‘What about Cain and Kirner?’. framework for the delivery of high- Brown, and we actually organised that bus But I have to say that I do not recall John quality outcomes in education and care service, which ran very successfully for Cain or Joan Kirner trying to poison the services in all states and territories in many years. minds of young people just for going to Australia. In the last few years the service was school. This bloke, our current Premier, I would have thought that that pretty discontinued for reasons that are not Daniel Andrews — Despot Dan, as he is much covers what I have been talking entirely clear to me. But given the fact known to many — — about, but I am happy to take your advice. that under Labor’s watch Sunbury lost The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Ramsay) Mr Leane — Do you want to make it its university campus, there is now a very — Order! I am sorry, Mr Finn, but it is very to the footy tonight? I reckon you should strong need for a link to Broadmeadows unparliamentary to refer to the Premier in finish up your contribution now. as the Kangan Institute is in Broadie and a lot of students from Sunbury wish to that way. Mr FINN — Yes, I am very keen to get attend that facility. Indeed the general Mr FINN — It is. I apologise. I should there. We will give Carlton a fair flogging, need of the community would be best not do that. I would suggest. It will be good. We on served by the return of that bus service this side of the house will not be opposing

IN 16 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE between Broadmeadows and Sunbury. As COUNCIL | Constituency questions health, certainly a threat to humanity, a we know, again as a result of the actions 2 May 2017 threat to nearby housing and something of this government and the lies told to that is just totally unacceptable to any the people of Sunbury prior to the last reasonable person. election by Labor, Sunbury is still in the If the minister wishes to advise his City of Hume. The City of Hume is based Buckley Street, colleague on what to do with the garbage, in Broadmeadows; in fact there are a then there are a whole range of things lot of people in Sunbury in particular that can be looked at, including high- who say that the City of Hume is entirely Essendon, level temperature incineration of rubbish, comprised of Broadmeadows as far as the which could quite possibly be used councillors and so forth believe. crossing Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My instead of this expansion. But certainly Mr Morris interjected. constituency question is to the Minister we do not want it. If I have not made it Mr FINN — Frank would not know for Public Transport. The government clear enough, we in the western suburbs about much at all, as a matter of fact. often likes to talk about its willingness do not want this tip to go ahead. So I It is crucial from that point of view that to consult with the community. As we ask the minister to hurry up, to make a people be able to travel from Sunbury to have just as often seen, these claims of decision and to make that decision very, Broadmeadows just to meet with those consultation are entirely empty. The very strongly against the expansion of this who are in the Hume council’s head latest community to feel the brunt of tip. The people of the western suburbs offices in Broadmeadows. That is another the Andrews government’s so-called demand it, and we expect nothing less. reason to re-establish the bus service. consultation is that of Essendon. That I ask the minister to do just that — to community’s concerns about the removal COUNCIL | Members statements ensure that that bus service between of the Buckley Street level crossing are 9 May 2017 Broadmeadows and Sunbury is returned. being completely ignored. I ask: will the I believe that the demand is most certainly minister change her attitude and listen there now, and it mystifies me why it to the strong opposition of the Moonee was chopped in the first place. I urge the Valley council and local residents to the minister to do whatever is necessary to government’s plans for the removal of the Multicultural ensure that that bus service is reinstated level crossing? as soon as possible. policy Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) COUNCIL | Adjournment — I must ask: what is happening to COUNCIL | Members statements 2 May 2017 Australia? Since this house last met we 2 May 2017 have discovered that taxpayer-funded polygamy is rife across parts of the nation. It has been confirmed that female genital Melbourne mutilation — a foul form of torture — is Western practised widely in Australia. It is reported Regional Landfill that child brides are far too common — Metropolitan Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I and that of course is just another form wish to raise a matter this evening for the of paedophilia. We have seen a young Region constituent attention of the Minister for Planning. offender found guilty of eight counts of Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — It concerns a significant issue in the sexual assault, and he has walked free on Since the house last met, which does western suburbs of Melbourne. It is an ‘cultural grounds’. God help us. seem like a very, very long time ago I issue that I have raised before, and it is In Australia there should be one law for have to say, I had the opportunity to meet an issue that is now coming finally, it all. Those who wish to practise polygamy, with Jayden D’Barco and his family — would seem, to a culmination, because paedophilia, vile torture of women or his mother, Tess, and his father, Frank. the issue of the Cleanaway tip at Ravenhall sexual assault should stand for Parliament Members may be aware that Jayden is a is currently on the minister’s desk. I wish on that platform. Any attempt to introduce 17-year-old autistic boy who was bashed to inform the minister, if he is not already them by stealth is entirely unacceptable on a bus by a gang in Tarneit recently. aware, that the people of the western and should be rejected by every member To say that his mother is distressed by suburbs do not want this tip and do not, of this house. The future of Australia is this occurrence is an understatement — under any circumstances, want this tip at stake, and our nation is far, far too she is upset beyond words, quite literally expansion. They do not want the current important for any other consideration to at times. His father, Frank, is angry, and I tip, much less having the thing expanded be taken into account. can understand why he is angry: that this to something that could be seen from the should be allowed to happen to his son, moon. This would be, if the government COUNCIL | Questions without notice who is trying to find his way in the world. and the minister were to approve it, a 9 May 2017 Quite frankly, as the father of a child with massive assault on the western suburbs of autism of a similar age, it appals me that Melbourne. a kid cannot get a bus in Melbourne in I know, and I have explained to this broad daylight without the threat of being house before, the detrimental health TAFE funding bashed by a gang. effects on people living in Caroline Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) This is not South Africa. This is not Springs, Deer Park and the surrounds of — My question is to the Minister for South America somewhere. This is the current tip. The expansion that we Training and Skills. The Andrews Labor Melbourne, and this happened in Tarneit. are talking about, I understand, would government’s recent budget shows It is a disgrace that this kid’s life has bring in some significant money for the funding for government-subsidised been ruined. And I say that advisedly: it government, and that is clearly what is training has been cut and the number has been ruined. His independence has driving this from the government’s point of students in training has plummeted been taken from him. No more can he of view, but the people in that area and by almost 123 000 students. Does go by himself to do whatever he wants to my constituents in the western suburbs do the minister admit that the Andrew do. It is despicable that this was allowed not want it — they do not want the thing. government has broken its unequivocal to happen, and it is about time it was We are sick to death of being the election promise to grow enrolments? stopped. dumping ground of Melbourne. The western suburbs should not be the Supplementary question dumping ground of Melbourne, and this government has to take a stand. Enough Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I is enough. This proposed expansion of the thank the minister for her response tip would make the western suburbs, or a of sorts. Considering almost 123 000 large proportion of the western suburbs, fewer students accessed government- a stinking hole in the ground, a threat to subsidised training in the last two years,

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 17 clearly your election promise to grow is seeking to raise. We have all gone on COUNCIL | Second reading enrolments is a broken one. Minister, can somewhat of a journey with him, and it 10 May 2017 you guarantee there will be no further is becoming harder to follow along with decline in government-subsidised student every sentence that passes. enrolments under the Andrews Labor Mr FINN — On the point of order, government? Deputy President, Ms Shing might admit Road Safety that she is getting a bit slow as the night COUNCIL | Constituency questions progresses, but I am firing on all cylinders, and I am more than happy to inform you Road Rules 2009 9 May 2017 and to inform the house and anybody else who is listening of the action that I (Overtaking am seeking of the minister. I am certainly getting to that, and I still have well over a Bicycles) Bill 2015 Buckley Street, minute and a half to do it. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Yes, — This bill is an interesting piece of Essendon, level you have still got 1 minute and 42 seconds. legislation, to say the very least. I too Please, continue. was on the Standing Committee on the Economy and Infrastructure, and indeed crossing Mr FINN — Thank you very much. As Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My still am on the economy and infrastructure I said, we have had a very, very difficult committee, and we did examine this constituency question is to the Minister time with some ALP candidates and for Public Transport. The minister is legislation at some length. As Mr Morris indeed ALP councillors in the Wyndham has pointed out, we did have numerous undoubtedly aware of strong community council, and it is in my view time for opposition in the Essendon area to the meetings. We did have numerous public the long-suffering Wyndham residents hearings; they went on forever. In fact Andrews government’s plan to replace to be given a break. The minister is the the Buckley Street level crossing with a we looked at this from every angle, and I one who can be responsible for giving think it is safe to say that there is nothing dirty great trench under the railway line. them a break, because at the moment This plan, if implemented, would create more that we could have examined than there is an investigation, as the minister what we did. traffic chaos in Buckley Street, Rose Street would be aware, by the local government and the education precinct of Essendon inspectorate of all 95 council candidates. I I have to say to you that I would be on a permanent basis. Will the minister am not sure how long that is going to take, much, much happier with this legislation confirm that with full knowledge of this but I am here to say that I doubt it will be if it had a clause in it which required community outrage, the government, happening by Tuesday lunchtime next cyclists to learn the road rules. I would be rather than consulting, has gone ahead week. This will take a significant amount very, very happy if this bill had a clause and signed the contract for this trench to of time. in it which required cyclists to actually be dug? understand what their responsibilities At the moment all candidates, including are on the road. This is because of my all the councillors elected in October last experience of driving over a number of COUNCIL | Adjournment year, are under a cloud. What we need years, particularly in inner Melbourne. I 9 May 2017 to do and what I am asking the minister am talking about driving through Carlton to do is to remove the councillors while and sometimes Brunswick on my way to this investigation is going ahead. I am Parliament. I quite often find myself in asking her to remove the councillors in a — what would you call it? — a mess of Wyndham City the interests of giving the council some cyclists who descend upon me from I am certainty, and I am asking her to remove not quite sure where. None of them seem Council the councillors in the hope that the to understand the road rules. None of Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I residents can be sure that their council them seem to understand that red lights wish to raise a matter this evening for is on the up and up. The council election mean stop, and none of them seem to the attention of the Minister for Local in October last year lacked integrity — understand that they should — — the investigation that is currently being Government, and by my best estimate this Mr Ondarchie interjected. is episode 3497 of the Wyndham council undertaken by the inspectorate shows that saga. it lacked integrity — and in my view the Mr FINN — Well, none of them seem to, I have to say. I am talking about the The minister may well recall that last residents deserve better. If the minister were to appoint administrators, I am sure inner-city ones. I am talking about the year I did warn her that if she did not ones who possibly vote for the Greens. step in prior to the council elections in they would get it, and I ask the minister to do that as a matter of urgency. I would not know; I am just imagining Wyndham, there would be trouble ahead. it. The Brunswick and the Carlton ones Unfortunately she chose not to step in, she do not seem to have much regard for chose not to exercise her responsibilities COUNCIL | Constituency questions other road users. This legislation is about in this area, and sure enough trouble has 10 May 2017 protecting these people, and clearly they followed. We have had this extraordinary do need protection, just as every other one situation, as members will recall, where of God’s creatures deserves protection, a chap called Intaj Khan — indeed, but they really should try very hard to Deputy President, you may well know Youth justice protect themselves. Quite often they do him — a member of the Socialist Left of not do that. Flying through a red light at the ALP, attempted to buy the mayoralty centre site a busy intersection is something that I of Wyndham City Council with 95 Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My have witnessed cyclists doing on many candidates running in Tarneit. That is a constituency question is for the Minister occasions. It is something that is clearly Freudian slip — it was in Wyndham. And for Families and Children, and I am not compatible with sustaining life, in my not only that — not only did he say that delighted to see she is in the house — view. Perhaps we need some legislation he wanted to be mayor — he then went indeed I am glad to see that any minister here to deal with that, because it is all on to say he wanted to be the member for is in the house. Given the speculation very well to bring in legislation that says Tarneit. There were 41 candidates in his surrounding the environmental impact motorists are vile and everything that own ward of Harrison. I suppose given the and Aboriginal sensitivities of the new site happens on the road is the motorists’ shonkiness involved here, he may well fit for Labor’s youth justice centre in Little fault, but the fact of the matter is, in my in beautifully as the member for Tarneit River, will the minister tell us what she experience, that is not the case. That is not — — intends to do if subsequent studies find the case at all. Ms Shing — On a point of order, Deputy the Little River site is unsuitable for her I think it is unfortunate that those who President, as much as we all enjoy Mr youth jail and she has once again stuffed have brought this bill to the house may Finn’s late-night dissertations, I would up the process? have an attitude that cyclists are superior question the relevance of this particular in some way to motorists. I do not believe matter to the adjournment matter that he that. In fact I believe quite the opposite.

IN 18 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE I do not believe that that is the situation on answers. If you could please help, without support of the immediate at all. I have heard from friends from that would be most appreciated. community and consideration of the the other side of town — I do not get to And that is from Rodney from Niddrie. long-term consequences. Brighton or to Beaumaris very often — I am asking the minister to put a bit of By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) and I understand that down along Beach life into those whispers. This sort of thing (1108 signatures). Road on a Saturday or Sunday morning is happening all over the place. With an there is very little regard for any other increasing population, obviously there is COUNCIL | Constituency questions form of human life, or indeed animal a subsequent increase in traffic. We have life for that matter, on the part of these intersections and roads from one end of 11 May 2017 cyclists who gather in large numbers and the western suburbs to the other that are go at very high speed down the road. God not able to cope. The government is not help you if you get in the way. If you get in keeping up with the population increases. the way, that is the end of you. I can only It is not keeping up with the extra traffic CFA volunteers express my sympathy for those people Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My on our roads, and it is causing no end of constituency question is to the Minister who have to deal with that on a weekly trouble not just to Rodney but to many basis. for Emergency Services. Despite the people throughout the west. I can think of Premier’s claim that the Country Fire We have a similar situation over our so many who have said that to me just in Authority (CFA) dispute is over, it is very side of town. I find it very frustrating when a conversational manner in recent times. clear his war on volunteer firefighters cyclists are not happy enough to ride The traffic increase is causing them a great continues unabated. Serious concerns two abreast, which is annoying enough, deal of grief, and the government is in no have been expressed to me about the but some of them will ride three or four way, shape or form managing to keep up future of volunteers at fire stations on abreast, which makes this legislation with it at all. the fringes of the west of Melbourne. just a tad impractical, I have to say, in I am asking the minister tonight to There is a very genuine fear about what that particular situation. Nonetheless on direct VicRoads to address the issue of the government will do next. Will the balance it is legislation that is probably the Keilor Road, Grange Road, Newman minister guarantee the future of volunteer worth consideration, and on that basis Street and Calder Freeway intersection in firefighters at CFA stations in Sunbury, the opposition is supporting the bill. But Niddrie. This is something that is causing Bulla, Diggers Rest, Truganina and in doing so, I would suggest that a good not just Rodney but a number of people Hoppers Crossing? number of members on this side express in the area some considerable concern, their deep concerns about the need for and I ask the minister to, as I say, direct those on both sides of the argument, if VicRoads to fix this particular issue. I COUNCIL | Adjournment you like, to respect the law because there understand the member for Niddrie has 11 May 2017 is some conflict between motorists and had representations made to him in the cyclists. There are some cyclists about who past, at this point to no good effect — not are arrogant beyond words, who think the a lot of surprises there. Certainly I am road does belong to them. As I say, I have hopeful that the minister will get some Brimbank school seen them on regular occasions. action going on this occasion and we Whilst this legislation will pass, I am can bring some relief to those who use sites very hopeful that both motorists and that particular intersection on the Calder Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I cyclists alike will take on board the Freeway. have raised on previous occasions the comments that I have made today and issue of a number of former school sites they will show respect for each other, in the City of Brimbank and have asked because whilst this legislation clearly is COUNCIL | Petitions the Minister for Education about them, aimed at motorists, it perhaps could and 11 May 2017 and tonight I am raising the issue with should just as easily be aimed at cyclists. him again. This is a matter that has been taken up with some gusto by Brimbank COUNCIL | Adjournment City Council, which I am delighted to say Buckley Street, is now in pretty good hands, unlike in 10 May 2017 previous years. Essendon, level I recently had a meeting with the mayor of Brimbank, Cr John Hedditch, and we crossing had a very, very cordial discussion about Calder Freeway To the Legislative Council of Victoria: the need to hand these former school This petition of the residents of the state sites over to the people of Brimbank for intersection, of Victoria draws to the attention of the community use. To quote the mayor from Legislative Council the fatally flawed a media release that he put out recently: Niddrie proposed ‘road under rail’ design at Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I Lands like these former school the Buckley Street level crossing in sites could be used to create an wish to raise this evening an adjournment Essendon. matter for the attention of the Minister for environment that addresses the issues Roads and Road Safety. I have received an The petitioners therefore request that our community faces — of being less active, less healthy and battling higher email that reads as follows: the Legislative Council of Victoria and state government commit to: levels of obesity and diabetes than the I am writing to you to raise the issue of Melbourne average. the Keilor Road–Grange Road–Newman not proceeding with the significantly These former school sites could make a Street–Calder Freeway intersection flawed proposed ‘road under rail’ big difference to our community, if they in Niddrie. I have been living in the crossing at the Buckley Street level were used for either education purposes area for about 10 years now and have crossing in Essendon; — or for sport and active recreation, to seen the number of cars using this fully exploring Moonee Valley City support our community to get healthier. intersection climb substantially in that Council’s ‘rail under road’ proposal, time. I used to be able to exit Newman noting this particular design does not We have a crying need for sport facilities Street and enter onto the freeway, but include any acquisitions of private in Brimbank. We have sporting groups that is nearly impossible now during property, while meeting the long-term crying out for more facilities so that they peak times; it is just too dangerous. needs of all residents, businesses and can get more people into sport. The number of cars using this area are users of the area; Brimbank is also seeing a recent boom now causing delays and a few near in female sports participation, on misses as people don’t seem to be able providing as much financial investment the back of the recent AFL Women’s to navigate it or are simply taking silly in the Essendon level crossing removal competition. This has led to increasing chances due to frustration. There have as those in marginal electorates (such as demand for facilities. We have sports been some whispers in the winds about the Frankston line); clubs in Keilor and Taylors Lakes improvements, but we are still waiting not proceeding with any proposal that are desperate for sports facilities

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 19 suitable for female sport. And the sad COUNCIL | Constituency questions influence on my life was a schoolteacher fact is that we just don’t have sufficient 24 May 2017 in the state school system many years sports facilities to support this. ago, a bloke called Ken Dunne, who got … hold of a young bloke who had fallen through the cracks in the Catholic system We’re asking the state government to Level crossing and got him back on track. I think I said put a hold on disposing of these sites, at the time of Ken Dunne’s death nearly and to sit down and discuss with us three years ago, when I paid tribute to how the sites could be used for the community him, that if there is anybody responsible betterment of the people who live in for me being here today, it is probably Brimbank. concerns Ken Dunne. He is not in a position to That is exactly what I am asking the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My defend himself, so I suppose I should minister to do — to put on hold the sale constituency question is for the Minister not say that, but he certainly is the sort of of these sites. One in particular has been for Public Transport. Last Sunday I was teacher that many teachers are in the state rezoned and I understand is on the verge among hundreds of angry locals who system — exceptional teachers, teachers of being sold, and that is the former rallied on the corner of Buckley and who really do care about their students. Calder Rise Primary School site in Keilor. Rose streets in Essendon to protest the My commitment to choice in education So obviously if the minister is going to act, Andrews government’s plan to divide the is 100 per cent and is unchallenged, and he needs to act pretty quickly on this one. suburb with a dirty great trench. Danny it has been all of my life. It is a matter of I ask the minister to take that on board, Pearson, the member for Essendon in justice in my view. Parents who send their to stop the sale of these sites, to sit down the other place, has entirely deserted children to non-government schools pay with Brimbank council and to discuss his constituents on this issue and was taxes too. They are entitled to support as the facilities that could be put to the use nowhere to be seen last Sunday morning. much as parents who send their children of the people of Brimbank. I think it is a The government’s plan will rip the heart to government schools. reasonable thing, a very good thing, and I out of Essendon, and locals are furious that they are being ignored. Given that I have not got as long today as I would ask the minister to come on board and to like, but I need to say something about support the community in this way. Mr Danny Pearson and Mr , the member for Niddrie in the other Safe Schools because it has been a major place, refuse to properly represent their part of this debate today. Before doing that COUNCIL | Members statements constituents, will the minister take heed I should say that, in terms of choice for all in education, that choice must extend to 24 May 2017 of the Essendon community’s concerns and put the Buckley Street level crossing parents of children with autism because removal on hold until such time as those at the moment there is little choice, if concerns can be properly addressed? indeed any choice at all, and we need Community safety to change that. We need a revolution in Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — It autistic education in this state, and that is has to be said that the Werribee Australian COUNCIL | Education policy something I am hoping we will see and I Labor Party branch is largely comprised of 24 May 2017 am certainly hoping I will be a part of in some pretty ordinary individuals. Indeed the not-too-distant future. looking at the Werribee Labor Party I can Ms Shing got up and tried to argue her almost understand why most of their MPs point, and she is very passionate about her come from elsewhere. Nonetheless I wish Education policy support for Safe Schools. Clearly she has today to express my sincere appreciation Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I been affected by bullying in the past on to a member of the Werribee ALP for rise to commend Dr Carling-Jenkins the basis of her sexuality, and that is not giving me illumination on an issue that on bringing this very important motion something that I can condone or support has long left me in a state of flux. I was before the house today. I have to say that in any way. There is no room for bullying holding forth last week on social media I have been a little bit disappointed this of anybody for any reason, and it does not on the crime tsunami currently hitting afternoon as it seems to have turned into matter whether they are short, they are fat, Victoria and in particular Melbourne’s a debate about Safe Schools. I think there they are tall, they have freckles, they wear west. Then the magic words appeared. is far, far more to this debate than just Safe glasses or they are Richmond supporters Susan, a member of the ALP, wrote: Schools. Choice in education is a basic — it does not matter. There is no room for right of every parent, whether they wish to bullying in any school. Are you a policeman or a politician? Get send their child to a government school, on and do your job. Safe Schools picks out a small section, a an independent school, a Catholic school very small section, of a school community At that moment all was made clear. or whatever school they wish to send and goes in to bat for that section. What Labor does not regard the safety of the their child to. Indeed homeschooling is as we need is a wideranging anti-bullying community as its job. Here I was thinking much a parent’s right as is sending their program. What we need is to show every Labor was soft on crime and soft on child to any school they choose. student that bullying is totally intolerable criminals for some reason unknown to us It staggers me that the Labor Party on any basis right across the board. It is all, but now we know: Labor does not see would actually oppose that. I thought ludicrous to pick out a minute section protection of the community as its job. those days were gone. Remember the of the school community and put in a While my constituents are being DOGS — the Defence of Government program specifically for them, ignoring bashed, robbed and terrorised on the Schools? When I was a kid, many, many all the other issues that we have. It is sad streets and in their own homes the years ago, we had Joan Kirner and when I hear Ms Shing get up because what Andrews government does not care, assorted other individuals pushing for the she does, as she did last year, is reinforce because it does not see Victorians’ closure of non-government schools, and in my mind that in fact the Safe Schools personal safety as something it should you would have to wonder what would program is nothing about bullying. It is concern itself with. Frankly I am sick to happen if indeed all non-government about the promotion of a program that death of my constituents being forced to schools did close. What would happen if changes people’s children’s perception live in fear. The government does have a every state school in Victoria was flooded of reality. In my view, and I say this responsibility for their safety. If Premier with tens of thousands of new students very honestly and with no disrespect to Andrews and his pathetic excuse for a from schools that had closed as a result anybody, Safe Schools is child abuse. government cannot get the job done, he of some policy, some view, that non- There is no doubt in my mind that Safe should get out and let Matthew Guy do it. government schools had no right to exist Schools is child abuse, and it is certainly He will make Victoria safe again. and parents had no right to send their something that I would never support in children to such a school? its current form. I am a product of both the government The bottom line is that this current system and the Catholic system, and I government hates traditional families. can see the pluses and minuses in both, This government has a view that it knows I can assure you. As I think I have said in more — it knows better — about how this house before, probably the greatest children can be raised than their parents

IN 20 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE do. It is what we expect from the extreme with Kate Johnson and her team from to thank and put on the public record my left. That has been their attitude all along, Spectrum Journeys. I have commented gratitude to Lilian Topic, who as secretary and clearly this government is an extreme in the past that since I have had the role of the committee is doing a power of work. left government. That is displayed by of shadow parliamentary secretary for There is much work to be done, and she is its attitude on this particular issue. As I autism spectrum disorder, one of the leading the charge. She keeps me honest say, I am staggered that we have a Labor great joys I have had is to travel around every day of the week, and I do mean Party coming in here today saying that it Victoria and meet some truly wonderful every day of the week. She does not seem opposes choice for parents in education. people doing amazing things for people, to take a break at all — not at all. I would expect it from the Greens, I might particularly children, with autism. Kate Apart from the infrastructure reference, even expect it from the Sex Party, but I and her team at Spectrum Journeys are this committee has a wide range of would not have expected it from the Labor certainly in that category. Their vision is to references. It has to be said that the Party. I thought those tired old policies equip and empower families, educators, infrastructure reference alone would be had disappeared long ago, but the fact of teachers and future professionals as they enough to keep us more than busy, not the matter is that we have a Premier in support children on the autism spectrum just for this year but for next year as well. this state who is the great divider. He is to flourish. Some of their core services Given that we also have a number of other the great divider, and he is doing it again include low-cost, needs-based workshops references, which are starting to pile up, on this issue. He is pitting parent against that are accessible, relevant and practical. I have to say that the committee has had parent, he is pitting student against These are expanding across Melbourne discussions on this and we have requested student and he is pitting private against and indeed across regional Victoria. that we receive no more references public. He just divides, and I presume it is One thing that really grabbed my from the house until at least the end of a result of his commitment to divide and attention was the blessing bag, which is a this year. Quite frankly I think, as I said conquer. So far there has been a degree bag of products designed to pamper their earlier, we could quite easily get no more of conquering, but we can sincerely hope receiver. The bags are for mums and carers references until the end of next year and that in the not-too-distant future that will of children with autism. Sometimes when we would be still very, very busy indeed. come to an end. things get particularly tough mums and We have enough to keep us busy until It is very sad that we have to debate a carers get a real buzz out of somebody Christmas this year and quite probably motion of this nature, because you would showing some appreciation for what until Christmas next year as well, and if think that choice in education would be they do. I have seen some of the videos we wanted to extend it beyond the term just taken as the norm — as a natural of thanks from some of the mums to of this Parliament, we could probably do fact of life. But, sadly, as we have found Spectrum Journeys. They were in tears that as well. I hope that the house will take out this afternoon, that is not the case. as they thanked them for what they have note of that because, whilst members of We have a government in this state that done in putting this bag together and the committee are hard pressed to keep uses education not as a way of teaching giving it to them with a particularly nice up with the rate of references, the staff in kids how to read and write, because card, I have to say, telling them just how particular are working themselves into a there are so many who leave school who special they are, because as we know grind to keep up with the work rate that is cannot read and write. Indeed we have with regard to autism, sometimes carers necessary. found in recent times that there are a and mothers can lose themselves — they As I said, President, this report covers number of teachers who cannot actually can become lost in the daily grind, as it a number of infrastructure projects read and write. So if the teachers cannot were, and forget about themselves — so throughout Victoria, some that have been read and write, what hope have the kids this is a great way of making people feel built, some that are in the progress of got? We have seen here in this state a appreciated. being built and some that are still in the government that uses education and the Spectrum Journeys do a great deal conceptual stage, but I have to say there education system, the school system, as more. This is all done, I should say, on is one project in particular that we just a political weapon and a political tool to a voluntary basis. They raise their own do not seem to be getting many answers attack children and to twist the minds of money. This is a great group of young about — that is, the western distributor children, and that is something that none women in the outer east of Melbourne. — because it seems the longer we go with of us on this side of the house can tolerate. Another $50 000 would go an enormously the process, the further we go along with In fact it might be worth, at some long way to helping them. I ask the the process, the more questions there are stage, submitting a private members bill minister to sign the cheque and give that need to be asked and certainly many, to have the numberplates in Victoria Spectrum Journeys $50 000 in order to many more questions that need to be changed from ‘Victoria — The Education allow them to do that. answered. One of those questions is very State’ to ‘Victoria — The Re-education much the role of Transurban in this whole State’, because that is very much what process. We will find out very soon the this government is all about. It is about COUNCIL | Economy & Infrastructure role of Transurban. re-educating, it is about indoctrination Standing C’tee, 25 May 2017 Transurban clearly will be the main and it is about pushing a political line, beneficiary of the western distributor and that is all it seems to be interested in. project if it ever gets underway, because I once again commend Dr Carling-Jenkins we are seeing that Transurban will extend for putting this motion to the house. I Infrastructure tolls on the Tulla and will extend tolls on give it my 100 per cent, wholehearted the Monash for well over a decade, and we support, and I sincerely hope that in the projects are also seeing that, despite the fact this next few minutes the Labor Party will have Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) is a $5.5 billion project that the taxpayer a change of mind and will also support presented third report, including will be contributing to significantly, the freedom of choice in education in this appendices and minority report, together toll regime on the western distributor state. with transcripts of evidence. will be significant, but we do not seem to Laid on table. be able to get any answers as to exactly COUNCIL | Adjournment Ordered that report be published. the relationship between Transurban and the government. We hear that there 24 May 2017 Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I move: is no formal contract signed, yet they seem to be running hand in glove with That the Council take note of the report. this particular project — and if I was This is an extensive report. An Transurban, I would be doing exactly Spectrum Journeys enormous amount of work has gone the same thing. So I look forward to Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I into this, not just by members of the raise for the attention of the Minister for further discussions with Transurban on committee but particularly by the staff of this. I would also look forward to having Housing, Disability and Ageing a matter the committee. I would like to publicly that came to my attention again last week the minister at some stage come before thank and congratulate the research the committee, but that is, as we know, as I travelled to Chirnside Park, which it assistants, Michelle Kurrle and Kieran has to be said is a fair hike from my place. extremely unlikely. I commend this report Crowe, and Prue Purdey, who assists to the house. I was out in Chirnside Park to meet again with logistics. In particular I would like

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 21 COUNCIL | Second reading in this day and age, where greed, personal a happy life, then this domestic violence 25 May 2017 responsibility and respect for others so issue would largely dissipate. often play a role in a whole range of issues. Business interrupted pursuant to When I say greed, I am not just talking sessional orders (Question Time). about financial greed; I am talking about Family Violence people who regard the world as revolving Debate resumed. around them. They regard other people as being their servants. They may be their Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Protection husbands, their wives, their partners, their — As I was saying before the break, children or whoever they may be, and they we are debating the Family Violence Amendment think that that gives them the right to dish Protection Amendment (Information out the sorts of punishments we have seen Sharing) Bill 2017. This bill amends the (Information when their partners or their children do Family Violence Protection Act 2008 by not meet their expectations. Is that a new establishing an information-sharing Sharing) Bill 2017 phenomenon? I think not, but in recent scheme designed to enable specified Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — years it has certainly been increasing, entities to share information in a timely This matter of domestic violence is one and that is something that we as a society and effective manner for the purpose of that causes untold sadness and untold really have to take on full time. I go back preventing or reducing family violence. misery in our society for women, for to my maiden speech in the other place It also seeks to provide a framework for children and for men alike. It is very in 1992 — a long time ago now — when achieving consistency in family violence interesting to read in the statement of I spoke about the lack of respect in society. risk assessment and family violence risk compatibility references to the safety of Mrs Peulich — I remember that speech. management. Finally, the bill makes children and adults from family violence, Mr FINN — You were there, Mrs changes to certain other acts to reduce or and I am very pleased to see that, because Peulich. In that speech I spoke about remove barriers to information sharing. whilst clearly the majority of domestic the lack of respect in our society for one All in all, this is a bill which I sincerely violence is directed toward women and another. I have to say that in the 25 years hope will go some considerable way children, there is a significant proportion since, that lack of respect has increased toward removing the scourge on our of domestic violence directed toward probably 10, 20 or maybe 100-fold, society that is domestic violence. men as well, and that seems to have whereby people are so wrapped up in This is, as I said earlier, a very, very been forgotten in this discussion, not just themselves that their respect for others important matter. It is a very, very serious in the discussion of this bill, but in the has to a very large degree disappeared. matter. I am a little concerned, a little discussion of domestic violence generally, You just have to pick up a newspaper or perplexed at times, when I see people and that is something I think we should turn on the television or the radio to hear attempt to use this issue as a screen to remember as well. what is happening on our streets and hear promote their own agenda. I see that Mr Elasmar used a very good word. He what is happening to the innocent in our happening a little too much in fact — said that domestic violence is a blight on community. Just a few weeks ago a young people who are out there beating their our community, and he is absolutely spot- lad with autism was on a bus in Tarneit own drum. We heard a little bit about this on. It is a blight on our community, it is in and a group of thugs climbed aboard the in this house yesterday. Quite frankly, I particular a blight on those who commit bus, bashed him and stole his phone and think this is far too important an issue for domestic violence and it is a blight for I think something else — my memory others to latch onto in order to promote an those who suffer from it. We have seen fades there — but they certainly bashed agenda which has no connection with it at over recent years some horrific acts and robbed him. In any society that claims all. It just belittles the importance of this perpetrated by parents — mainly fathers to be a respectful society, that sort of issue, and that is something that I do not — against their children in order to make thing just would not happen — and it is think we in this house should tolerate. their former wife or partner suffer. There happening every day. I would hope that we as a society are one or two that spring to mind almost Last week I was speaking with the continue to make domestic violence immediately, and I cannot drive across next Premier, Mr Guy. We went out to something that is regarded as totally the West Gate Bridge without thinking of Burnside in my electorate and we spoke antisocial and totally unacceptable. It was one in particular, which will stay with me with a family that has been subject to a not all that many years ago when drink- forever. It was an act of pure betrayal on home invasion. This was at 20 past 5 in driving was regarded as quite the thing to every level. She was a child who trusted the morning; they were all in bed asleep, do; it was a great joke if you managed to her parents, as every child should be able as most normal people are. We spoke — get home from the pub and not actually to, and she was trusting her father, and Mr O’Donohue was there as well — to remember how you did it. But it has been it cost her her life. I have thought about the people who have been impacted so shown that we can make behaviour — in that often. It is something that — and I do severely by this appalling attack. The this case, drink-driving — unacceptable not think it is too strong a word — haunts, impact on them was so bad they actually in people’s eyes. We have to work now because whilst there are some appalling had to sell their home and move. They no to ensure that domestic violence is also acts around, that one in particular really longer felt safe in their own home. regarded in the same way, because it is got to me and continues to get to me. I That is not just happening as a result extraordinarily antisocial. As I said right cannot for the life of me understand how of groups coming into our society who at the beginning of my address here anybody could do that to any child, much perhaps are not compatible or whatever, today, it is something that causes a great less their own. I think of my kids, and I but it is coming about through a total deal of pain and a great deal of suffering just cannot even begin to understand how lack of respect for other human beings. to women and to men, because about a it could enter anybody’s head to harm There is a comparison between that and third, I understand, of domestic violence their own children in the way that we saw domestic violence, because domestic cases are where men are the victims. not just on the West Gate Bridge but also violence grows where respect for other But what really concerns me is the down near Winchelsea. It is happening in human beings, whether they be women, effect that it has on children, whether they so many places. It happened up in Cairns whether they be men or whether they be be witnessing the domestic violence or a few years ago, where a whole family was children, is denied. indeed whether they be direct victims of wiped out. It is all very well to say, ‘This is dreadful’, that violence. As I have said before many These are issues that I think are and we pass a law, but we really have to times in this Parliament, we as members fundamental to the flaws of human take this issue by the horns. This is a very of Parliament have a responsibility beings. How we change that by law I do deep and very complex issue. At the same particularly to protect children. I sincerely not know. I would like to know, and I am time it could be seen as a very simplistic hope that we as a society will continue to hopeful that this legislation before the issue and there could be a very simple take giant strides towards, as Mr Elasmar house today will go some way toward solution. If everybody adopted the view said earlier, removing this blight on our making it easier to deal with this and to that they should respect their partner, society. It is a sad and tragic path of stop it. they should respect their children and life and one that indeed we can all live We really have to take into account the that everybody has the same rights to live without. I commend this bill to the house. changes in the mental attitudes of people

IN 22 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE COUNCIL | Constituency questions can think of a couple that were — well, voters going forward. We thank Tim. 25 May 2017 one anyway. That is something we should Today sees the very first petition presented take into consideration, so we should not under that new opportunity, and I am be condemning all of the councillors who sure we will see many into the future as a were elected, but clearly what we need in result of people having that opportunity Sunbury Road this situation — when the inspectorate to use technology to communicate with finally gets through the process of members of the house. duplication investigating this — is a re-election, a Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My re-election of this council. We need to go back to the polls and let the people have COUNCIL | Members statements constituency question is directed to the 6 June 2017 Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Again a say, and I am asking the minister to this morning traffic on Sunbury Road was ensure that occurs. It is not good enough at a standstill from the Oaklands Road to merely have a countback. roundabout to the Tullamarine Freeway. Community safety The situation continues to worsen on a COUNCIL | Petitions Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — daily basis as the population of Sunbury 6 June 2017 What is going on in our state of Victoria? and the Macedon Ranges grows, as does It was not so long ago that most of us employment at Melbourne Airport. The thought nothing of attending a football impending explosion in development match, a festival or other public events in Sunbury will make the situation Sunbury where large numbers of people gather. intolerable. In light of this, will the Most of us had not a second thought for minister immediately start the planning development our personal safety in our own homes process for the duplication of Sunbury Legislative Council electronic petition: or perhaps even in our own beds. Until Road? recently most of us did not have a problem The petition of certain citizens of the with allowing our kids to head down to state of Victoria draws to the attention COUNCIL | Adjournment the neighbourhood milk bar or to enjoy of the Legislative Council the Jacksons some fresh air in the local park. The sad 25 May 2017 Creek valley, Sunbury, Victoria, fact of life is that in 2017 none of that now Australia, from Rupertswood mansion applies. to the Emu Bottom wetlands, needs to be saved from being built on. This The fact is Victorians are now living in Wyndham City historical valley has 1000-year-old fear. Victorians are now making decisions Aboriginal rings, our first European such as what car they will buy based on Council settlers came here. We have the state the crime tsunami that is sweeping our Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I significant Canon Gully and many state. I have spoken to people in the past wish to raise a matter this evening for endangered fauna species. It is the same week who are seriously thinking of selling the Minister for Local Government. I say valley that Victoria’s oldest homestead up and shifting elsewhere to avoid the to the minister that for a very long time is located in. Sunbury has 19 000 high levels of crime threatening residents it has been very, very obvious that there homes planned and this valley has 406 of Melbourne’s west. was something very, very wrong with the planned. That is only 2 per cent of the This is intolerable. Personal safety in council election held in Wyndham last total that needs to be stopped to ensure Victoria has gone to hell in a handcart October. Now the inspectorate, as the this beautiful historical valley is saved over the past two years, and we have a minister is aware, is investigating what for all future generations of Victorians government that is unable or perhaps went on in October last year — as if we do to enjoy. unwilling to do anything about it. not know. The minister knows, this house The petitioners therefore request that The Andrews government soft-on- knows and I know — I do not think there is the Legislative Council call on the crime, soft-on-criminals attitudes and anybody who does not know — what went government to ensure no housing or policies have led to this deplorable on last year when we saw one particular other buildings other than a tourist/ situation. Roll on November 2018, when candidate attempt to buy the mayoralty museum/education centre (not a a government will be elected that will of that particular municipality by running school) in the Jacksons Creek valley actually take protection of the community dozens of candidates and paying, I from the Jacksons Creek at the rear of seriously. Premier Matthew Guy and the understand, for dozens of candidates Rupertswood mansion to the boundary coalition government will make Victoria throughout the municipality in various of the Emu Bottom wetlands across to safe again. wards. There is no doubt in my mind that Racecourse Road and 400 metres east of the well-defined ridge line that follows the integrity of that election is shot. It is in COUNCIL | Constituency questions pieces. Shysterism rules. That is the basic Jacksons Creek, Sunbury, and the green story of that election in Wyndham. wedge and rural conservation zones to 6 June 2017 remain. Mr Barber interjected. By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Mr FINN — You might not even know, (690 signatures). Mr Barber, where Wyndham is. Let me assure you that some of the things that Laid on table. Future of Sunbury go on in Wyndham would curl your Ordered to be considered next hair — even yours; even mine. It is quite day on motion of Mr FINN (Western university site Metropolitan). Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My extraordinary. Indeed we have had, as I constituency question is to the Minister mentioned, some candidates absolutely The PRESIDENT — Order! I just make for Planning. As I have no doubt the contaminating the process by ‘buying’ the observation that this is actually the minister is acutely aware, the Sunbury other candidates to run. It is just an first e-petition to come before the house community is vitally interested in the extraordinary situation. — and by Mr Finn, no less. future of the former site of the Sunbury We have had over the last week or so a Mr Finn — Ahead of myself again! campus of Victoria University on Jacksons suggestion that the inspectorate will strike Leading the way again! Hill. The community is very keen to see out certain councillors who were elected The PRESIDENT — Order! Mr Finn these buildings returned to their former at that election last year and they will be makes history. I just indicate as well at this use as an educational facility of some replaced by a countback. To my way of point that Tim Swanson is in the gallery kind. The community does not want to thinking that is totally inappropriate and today. Tim works for the Department see the site consumed by new residential totally unsatisfactory. This whole process of Parliamentary Services here and housing. Keeping this in mind, will the stinks. This election stinks. The integrity, was effectively the person who brought minister inform me when the Victorian as I say, is shot. together the e-petitions facility that is, Planning Authority will complete the That is not to say that some very good I think, going to be a very significant master plan for the Jacksons Hill precinct councillors were not elected, because I channel for communication with our structure plan?

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 23 COUNCIL | Second reading something else. You would reckon that we have got to change that attitude. We 6 June 2017 if a government had a good budget, if a have got to show these people, whether government had a strong budget and if they be young or old, that there are a government had a budget that it was consequences for their actions — that if proud of, it would give it more than a they harm our society, if they harm people Appropriation couple of days before it moved on to in the way that they have been harming something else. But it did not on this people, then they will suffer severe occasion, because it knows this budget is a consequences. We have some people (2017-2018) Bill stinker. It is a shocker, and it offers nothing who have come from countries that make to anybody, apart from those thousands going to jail here almost luxurious by 2017 and thousands of public servants who the comparison to what they have come from. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — All government is offering new jobs to — not good things come to those who wait, as Mr Morris — It is like Shangri-La. sustainable jobs, I hasten to point out, but Mr FINN — Well, I am not sure it is my grandmother always used to say. It jobs, nonetheless. has been said that this budget is a Labor Shangri-La, Mr Morris, but it is certainly budget, and I have to agree. This is a Then of course we have the government luxurious by comparison. We have to classic Labor budget, and we know it is saying they are spending money. They say change what these people are going into. a classic Labor budget because when we they are investing in fighting the crime It is not good enough to put them up for look at it there is nothing much in it for the tsunami that is sweeping across our maybe a week, maybe two weeks. To get west of Melbourne. That is something that state. But I doubt it very much. I do not three weeks in jail in Victoria you really the Labor Party has become renowned see anything happening on the ground, have to do something pretty bad. It is like for over the years — ignoring the west of despite some of the public relations stunts putting them up in a hotel. That has got to Melbourne. The attitude of the Labor Party that the Premier and the government have change, and if we do not change that, then is that it does not matter what they do to been pulling around the place. I do not we are failing miserably. the people in the west of Melbourne, they see anything happening on the ground. We really have to provide a situation will still vote for them — ‘We can ignore When I go out to Tarneit and I see the where the police have not just the them, we can neglect them, we can use or troubles that people in Tarneit are having resources to do their job but the authority abuse them and they will still vote for us’. with the crime wave, the home invasions, to do their job, because at the moment I am starting to think that little lurk that the assaults and the robberies, I do not see many of the police are at sixes or sevens. the Labor Party have been on for a very, any relief for them from this government. They do not know what they can and very long time might be coming to an end, When I go to Caroline Springs and I speak cannot do, and we have seen that on a because after speaking to a lot of people to people who have had their homes number of occasions over the last year in my neck of the woods it is clear they are invaded and when I see the people who or two. The police are out there. They put very, very unhappy with this government, have had their cars stolen and the people their lives on the line quite often. They are and who would be surprised at that? who are living in fear in their own homes, I facing situations where they are in danger, do not see this government actually doing and they do not really know what they The people in the west remember anything to protect those people. the Napthine-O’Brien government and are allowed to do and what they are not the last budget that that government What is going on in this state? In 2017 allowed to do. A bit more direction, I have handed down. There were billions of we have a situation where people are to say, from police command would be dollars in it for the west of Melbourne. living in fear in their own homes, so very good. It was the most generous budget for the scared at night that they cannot even I have to say that I am a bit concerned west of Melbourne quite possibly in the sleep in their own beds. What is going about police command at the moment. history of our state, and that is really on? Why do we have a government that I think we have returned to the days of saying something. One of the things I am has dropped the ball on defending and Christine Nixon, it seems, in Victoria particularly proud of with that budget is protecting the community? It is always the Police, which is a bit sad. We really have to that for the first time we can now have a first responsibility of government, if I can give the police the authority to do their job full and complete education for children paraphrase the great Ronald Reagan, to and have them know that what they do is with autism in the west of Melbourne. Up protect the people, not to tell people how important to us and that as a government until that budget and up until the Jennings to run their lives. That is absolutely spot- we will back them. That is what we have to Street School was built we did not have on. Unfortunately this government has it do in my very strong view. that opportunity if we had children with the other way around. They cannot protect the people, but they are very keen on Getting onto the area of transport, what autism. We did not have the opportunity concerns me is that the government is to give them a full education; they had telling people how they should run their own lives, and we see that with the social spending a lot of money — and we are only four years and that was that. We talking about spending $5.5 billion — on a changed that, and I am very, very proud engineering policies that this government has implemented and continues to tunnel, the West Gate tunnel. to have been a part of that. I can assure Mr Morris interjected. you, Acting President, that there are implement in schools. Mr FINN — I do not know. It was the plans afoot. After we win the election in I will get back to that a little bit later western distributor last week, it is the West November next year there will be further on because I heard this morning that in Gate tunnel this week, it might be Dan’s changes for schooling in Melbourne’s west schools we are teaching our children what ditch next week. for children with autism. Again I am very is good and what is bad. We are teaching proud to be a part of that, and I am very them what they should and should not Mr Morris — Yes, let’s hope he is! excited at the prospect of what we will be be doing. Under normal circumstances Mr FINN — Let us hope he is, exactly able to deliver after the next election. I might not think that is a bad thing, but right. This is, in its own way, a do-nothing with this government and its very, very Here we are with a government that budget. Sure, it is big spending and big strange priorities I am very concerned. I is proposing to spend $5.5 billion on a taxing, but that is what you expect from would very much like to know what they road that is going nowhere. This will be the ALP. That is what they do. The rest think is good and what is bad, because I the most expensive T-intersection in of us get up and brush our teeth in the have a feeling it might not be on the same the world; it will be the most expensive morning and put our clothes on. The ALP page as what I think is good or bad. relocation of a traffic jam in the history of get up in the morning and they spend and Going back to the crime situation, mankind. they tax. That is what they do. By nature, we have a situation in this state, and Mr Morris interjected. that is what the ALP do, and they are Mr Atkinson almost touched on in his Mr FINN — Do not get me started on certainly doing it in this budget. address just a few minutes ago. We have him. Mr Davis — It is in their DNA. a subclass, if you like — if I can use that unfortunate term — who have no fear of This is a dog of a project. This western Mr FINN — It is in their DNA. Mr authority. They have no fear of the police. distributor, West Gate tunnel — whatever Davis is spot on the money. It is most They have no fear of going to jail. They it is called this week — is a dog of a certainly in their DNA. But this budget is think that they can do anything they like. project. The only people who are going to such a nothing budget that within days If we are going to live in a society where benefit from this project are Transurban. of its delivery the government was on to people actually can live without that fear, If I had Transurban shares, I would

IN 24 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE be a very, very happy man, and I can Mr FINN — Thank you, Deputy community was a member of the union, understand why Transurban are wagging President, and welcome back to the they would have the full protection of this their tails at the prospect of what is chamber to my colleagues from the other government because the only people that coming their way. What this government side. This bill, the Corrections Legislation this government is interested in protecting is doing with this project is handing over Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2017, are members of the union — whichever to Transurban the future of our roads is one that is not being opposed by the union that may be, if indeed the unions for another generation, and they are opposition. What it does barely warrants are not at war with each other at any expanding it. I supported CityLink, and I any opposition, because what we have given time. Perhaps we should talk about fear to think where we would be without in this state is a crisis. We have a major the United Firefighters Union and the CityLink now, but it was within reason crisis of justice, we have a major crisis CFMEU. Although perhaps Mr Jennings that these agreements were made. There of law and order and we have a problem might like to give me another couple that does not seem to be any reason anymore. whereby the community has totally lost I could throw into the mix. That would be We are talking about extending for well confidence in the judiciary, has totally lost very thoughtful. If you could do that, Mr over a decade the toll regime on roads confidence in the legal system and realises Jennings, I would appreciate it. that are nowhere near associated with the and openly accepts that there is no justice I just ask the question: what the hell is T-intersection that is called the West Gate in this state. wrong with this government that refuses tunnel. I could stand here for a couple of hours to protect the people of this state? What is We really have to have a government just going through case after case after wrong with a government that sees what — I am getting ahead of myself there; case where the judiciary have failed. I wish is going on in the suburbs and the towns I should not be referring to ‘we’ as the that those erstwhile and eminent judges of this state and refuses to do anything to government until after November next who were sitting in our public gallery save these people? year — that starts spending a bit of money just a little while ago were still there right Ms Shing interjected. on roads that need it. It has to start now so that I could tell them that they Mr FINN — And Mrs Shing, or Ms spending some money on roads that will have failed. I wish that they were still in Shing over there — that is something; make a difference to getting people where the gallery so I could look them in the eye do not get me started — is cackling like they need to be when they need to be and say that they have failed to represent an old chook on a fence, and she thinks there, because this western distributor- justice in this state and failed the people it is hysterical. She thinks people being cum-West Gate tunnel will do nothing of Victoria. bashed, being robbed, being afraid of for anybody except Transurban. A bit of Let us be very honest here. Where did living in their homes is hysterical. Well, money on Sunbury Road would not go this all come from? It came from one what a great audience she must be. It is astray. The duplication of Sunbury Road bloke. I remember — and other members just deplorable. What this government is is something that this government should will remember I am sure — me, back in doing to Victoria is disgraceful — indeed most certainly get behind. this house during the days of the Brumby what this government has done to the Mr Morris mentioned Buckley Street government, getting up here and saying people of Victoria. in Essendon, and in the very brief period that Rob Hulls was the most dangerous Ms Shing interjected. I have left I will make reference to that, politician in Australia. I said at the time because this is an act of — I nearly used that the government would go and he Mr FINN — Come out with me, Ms an unparliamentary term — swinery that would go but his legacy would linger for Shing, and you talk to the people out in this government is perpetrating against a very long time, and the justice crisis Caroline Springs. You explain to them the people of Essendon. Deputy President, that we have in this state right now is where the dead body came from in their you might know a few people out that way the legacy of Rob Hulls — the legacy of back alley yesterday. You go and talk to the who will back me on that, because what Rob Hulls and the legacy of those who people in Tarneit and talk about the gangs the government is trying to do is build have followed him. Those who believe in that roam the streets there. Go and talk to what they are calling a trench through the the same sorts of things that Rob Hulls the D’Abaco family, whose son Jayden was middle of Essendon. The people are upset, believes in are enforcing today the sort of bashed and robbed. but the government does not care because crisis that we have in this state. Mr Ondarchie — Twice. that is the way this government is. It does It is interesting to see the Minister for Mr FINN — Well, he was certainly not care about the people, it just wants to Corrections with a smile on her face as I bashed and robbed once, but accosted do whatever it likes and it does not care talk about that. It is interesting. I reckon on another occasion. Jayden in Tarneit about the consequences. the minister should go out and talk to a is a young 17-year-old with autism — I could talk about the Footscray few people in the real world. She should somebody who had been building up Hospital. I would love to talk about the get out of her white car and go and talk to confidence to actually have some sense Footscray Hospital — in fact I would love some people in the real world about what of independence. He was taking the to rip down the Footscray Hospital and is going on, about people being bashed, bus so that he could go to the footy — build the whole thing up — but my time is about people having their homes invaded, something as simple as that. We would at an end. We are back to the future: this about people having their cars stolen and normally take that for granted, would government is a big spending, big taxing, about violence and robbery in the streets we not — taking the bus — but when classic Labor government. left, right and centre. The minister should you have autism it is very, very different get out there, and I will tell you what: indeed. It is something you have to build the community would wipe the smile off up to, and it is something that people COUNCIL | Second reading her face very quickly, as they will do in have to be conditioned for. In one day 6 June 2017 November next year. Jayden’s confidence, his ability and his Mr Leane interjected. independence were destroyed just with one bus trip where he was bashed and Mr FINN — Mr Leane say, ‘Oh, yeah, robbed by a gang in broad daylight. This Corrections righto’. It has been clear to me for a very, was not at 9 o’clock or 10 o’clock at night; very long time that this government is this was in broad daylight, and that kid’s firstly unable to do anything about the life has been turned upside down, as has Legislation crisis in justice in this state, and not the life of his family. I know that for a fact just unable but unwilling. It does not because I have spoken to them and I know Miscellaneous actually want to do anything about it. how devastated they are. It is a disgrace That is something that befuddles me that this government refuses to take Amendment Bill — absolutely astounds me; something responsibility for what is happening on that I cannot for the life of me work out the streets of Melbourne. — because I would have thought the 2017 The western suburbs are awash with Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — protection of the community is the first role of any government. crime. If I could move into Mr Ramsay’s Deputy President, before I begin my electorate, in Melton in particular, you contribution, I draw your attention to the Mr Ondarchie interjected. can understand why Mr Nardella does not state of the house. Mr FINN — Mr Ondarchie makes an want to live there, because it is absolutely Quorum formed. excellent point. If every member of the awash with crime. Every day, almost

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 25 on the hour, there is another criminal It does not matter whether you go up An honourable member — You were attack in Melton. But it is happening to Mildura or you go down to Phillip celebrating? right through the western suburbs of Island or you go to Bairnsdale, or down Mr FINN — I was celebrating. I was Melbourne, and of course as we have to Warrnambool, or to Port Fairy, or very pleased; it was a very good win. Last seen with the various jewellery robberies anywhere in Melbourne, they tell you the Saturday night was even worse because it is not constrained to the west. It is same story: this government is not worth during the week Transurban had been happening right across Melbourne. Over two bob. This government has failed, advertising that the freeway would close at on the other side of Melbourne from and I tell you what: yes, there is a crime 11.30 p.m., and that was widely advertised where I am — over in the eastern suburbs; tsunami. Mr Leane shakes his head. He on big electronic signs and was on their some of the leafy suburbs I think they is fortunate. But can I suggest that Mr website and their Facebook page. At 11.30 call them — we have seen carjackings. I Leane goes out and speaks to some of his the freeway was going to close. I was very have actually spoken to people who have constituents? Clearly he does not do that pleased when I got to my car after the decided against buying a certain brand often. Can I suggest that he might like to game at Etihad Stadium, where Richmond of car because they are afraid that if they do that, and he will find out that there is a had given North Melbourne a fair hiding. I buy that car that will then make them a real fear, a genuine fear, in the community was very pleased indeed to have got down target for a home invasion to have their about what is going on at the moment. to Flemington Road at a quarter to 11, car stolen. If I had more time tonight, I would be thinking to myself, ‘Great. I’ll be able to What sort of a state and community do very happy to talk about police command. get on the freeway and get home before I we live in where people actually have to I would like, at some length in fact, to know where I am’. take the crime tsunami into consideration speak about police command, because However, Transurban had other ideas, when they are buying a car? For my very, very grave concern is that what because at the end of Flemington Road something as simple as buying a car you is happening in Victoria at the moment is the freeway was closed. Not only was the have to take into consideration what sort a return to the years of Christine Nixon. freeway closed but it had obviously been of car that has to be in case your house is That is what is happening in this state closed for quite some time. There was broken into and your car is stolen. This is because, as we know, the first thing the nobody around to have recently closed it, appalling. This state is in crisis, and the Labor Party always does when they get so you can only assume — and I will give people of the state are living in fear. Do hold of government is they remove the them the benefit of the doubt — that they you know what is even worse than living chief commissioner and they put their closed it at 10.30 instead of 11.30, which in fear? This government — the Andrews own bloke in — or woman in, in that case. led to a whole range of people heading Labor government — does not give a stuff. That is pretty much what has happened on up Mount Alexander Road and into the They do not care for the people who are this occasion, and we have seen the result. beyond, into the abyss as it were. I will not living in fear. They do not care for people The morale of the police force is flat, and go into the details — I do not have time that I have spoken to who are afraid to they are being undermined from within anyway — of how I got home that night close their eyes at night. and also by the judiciary. Indeed in many but it was fascinating. That is no exaggeration. They are cases criminals have more rights than the Given that Transurban has an afraid to close their eyes at night because police. That is the simple fact of the matter. exceedingly cosy relationship with the they have been subject to these home I have only got 15 seconds left, so I government and with the minister at invasions. They have been subject to cannot go into the bill in detail, but I this time, I ask the minister to use his people bursting through their doors or would say to you, Deputy President, that influence to ask Transurban to review its indeed their windows at some ungodly this government really needs to get its act policy on freeway closures with a view to hour of the morning and have had thugs together, because Victoria is living in fear. showing some respect to its customers. standing over their bed demanding their The PRESIDENT — Order! Can I just ask car keys or their jewellery, money, cash you to rephrase the action, Mr Finn, in the or whatever it may be at 2, 3, 4, 5 in the COUNCIL | Adjournment 6 June 2017 sense that I am not comfortable with it. morning. That affects people. The minister has jurisdiction. The minister I ask members of the house to consider could take an action. What you have this: you are asleep in your bed. I would sought is the minister — — have thought that there is probably Mr FINN — To ask. nowhere safer than being asleep in your Tullamarine own bed — but no longer in Victoria. I ask The PRESIDENT — Yes, it is a bit foggy. members to consider how you would feel freeway closures Can I ask you to rephrase. if you were woken at 3.30 in the morning Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I Mr FINN — I am happy to do that, by a gang of thugs who had kicked in wish to raise a matter this evening for President. I ask the minister to direct your front door, come into your bedroom, the attention of the Minister for Roads Transurban to review its policy on freeway woken you up, belted you around and and Road Safety. There was a running closures with a view to showing some demanded the car keys, demanded to joke many years ago, I remember, that respect for its customers. know where your cash was and demanded whenever there was a football match The PRESIDENT — Order! I am more to know where your valuables were. down in Geelong VicRoads would comfortable with that. How would you feel? As Mr Ondarchie have roadworks on the Geelong road, causing no end of mayhem. It seems that so correctly points out, you would never COUNCIL | Constituency questions fully recover from that. The psychological Transurban has picked up on that. On impact of that is something that would the last two Saturday nights there have 7 June 2017 stay with you for a very, very long time. been football games on in Melbourne. At the first one 86 500 people were at the So whilst we may have the legacy of Rob MCG, Essendon being one of the teams Hulls in the appalling judiciary that we playing, and as you can imagine, tens of Essendon level have today, the legacy of this government thousands of those people would have will be the psychological fear of so many liked to have accessed the Tullamarine in this state who are afraid to live in their Freeway to get home. Unfortunately crossing public own homes, who are afraid to walk out they could not, because Transurban had to their car, who are afraid to even go to meeting indeed chosen that evening to close the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My bed. That is the legacy of this government. freeway altogether, so there was no chance This government, by any measure, has constituency question is to the Minister that anybody could do that. I was among for Public Transport. In responses to my failed comprehensively to protect the many thousands who were left to navigate people of Victoria, and that must always earlier questions on the looming debacle their way through the backstreets of the over the removal of the Buckley Street be the first priority. The first priority of north-western suburbs of Melbourne to any government must always be to protect level crossing in Essendon the minister find our way home, which we did — well, I has shown zero understanding of the its people — the people who it is bound certainly did — eventually. indeed to protect. But this government issues involved. In an attempt to score has not done that. Last Saturday night was even worse. a cheap political point or two Minister Allan has totally dismissed the very real

IN 26 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE concerns of Essendon residents. Given the that responsibility and has just thrown it government of Victoria to go ahead and enormous importance of this matter and against the wall. It does not want to know. do what they have to do to protect the the need to ensure that the government’s We have heard members of the people in this state. I say to the police of plan to destroy the heart of Essendon is government today suggest that members Victoria, the men and women in this state avoided, if I convene a public meeting on this side of the house have no respect who are out on the front line every day for locals to convey their anger over this for the police. We have heard members on and every night protecting us: thank you directly, will the minister attend this the other side suggest that members of the on behalf of not just the opposition but meeting? opposition have tried to downgrade and every Victorian. We are very, very proud of hold the members of Victoria Police in our police. They do a great job, quite often under extraordinary circumstances. Once COUNCIL | Community safety contempt. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is nobody in this state that again I thank them. 7 June 2017 I hold in higher esteem than the men and We heard from Mr Melhem earlier, who women of Victoria Police, and I am talking tried to downplay this whole thing. He about the men and women who are on said, ‘Oh, there’s no crime. It’s all a beat- Community safety the front line. I am talking about the men up. It’s all part of the opposition trying to Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I and women who go out there every day talk this up. It’s all about fearmongering’. rise to support the motion moved so not knowing if they will return. They are Let me assure Mr Melhem that if he goes exceedingly well today by Mr O’Donohue literally putting themselves on the line. out and speaks to people in his electorate, and supported by a number of members Last Monday in Brighton we saw a as I go out and speak to people in that on this side, probably none so well as situation where three members of Victoria same electorate, he will find out that it is Mr Ondarchie did before me. I seem to Police were called to a job and two of not fearmongering. He could go and speak have spoken a lot this week, and indeed them ended up in hospital and another to the people in Caroline Springs, and he in previous weeks, about crime in this one was shot. They all had gunshot might remember that it was only last year state. That is hardly surprising, because wounds. It could very easily have ended that he and I stood on the same platform as I travel around my electorate and as in tragedy. We had a situation outside this in Caroline Springs and spoke at a rally, I travel around the state, that is an issue place — was it last year or the year before? with the then secretary of the Police that is raised with me time and time — where one of our protective services Association Victoria, demanding more again. It is clearly the issue that is on officers (PSOs) was attacked by somebody police because of the crime wave that people’s minds more than any other. The with a hammer, as I recall. He was very, was hitting Caroline Springs. Mr Melhem government is trying to talk it down; the very badly injured. That shows that seems to have forgotten that. What a pity. government is trying to perpetrate some even here in this Parliament our PSOs, There are so many bad memories in the sort of myth that this is all a Liberal plot. the people who are charged with the Labor Party. Perhaps, President, you might The crime epidemic in this state, I can responsibility of protecting us as members consider some sort of remedial classes assure members, is not a Liberal plot, of Parliament and those who work with us for them to enable their memories to and if members opposite wish to go out in this building, have the courage that all improve. I remember very well indeed that and speak to their constituents, on the members of Victoria Police display on a day when well over 1000 people showed off-chance that some of them actually visit daily basis. up in the middle of Caroline Springs on a their electorates occasionally and can find I want to take this opportunity to thank very windy and chilly Saturday morning — their constituents — the PSOs who protect this place, and there is so much happening on Saturday remember that it was Deputy Premier of morning, yet still over 1000 people showed Mr Ondarchie — Or can find their up — because people were worried then, electorates. this state, , who referred to the PSOs as ‘plastic police’. He has never and they are still worried now. They are Mr FINN — or can find their electorates, living in fear. Mr Ondarchie, then they will find that the resiled from that. He has never apologised for that. He stands by that, clearly. He People in Tarneit are living in fear. I people in their electorates feel the same mentioned yesterday the young bloke way. should be ashamed of himself; he stands condemned for that comment. But I am with autism who felt safe getting the bus This is no furphy. This is no fanciful very, very thankful — very, very grateful but does not anymore because he was exercise on behalf of the opposition. This indeed — to the PSOs, as indeed I am to bashed and robbed, and that has had an is reality in Victoria in 2017. We have every single member on the front line impact on his family. The number of gang a crime tsunami. We have a situation of Victoria Police, who do a brilliant job. incidents that have occurred in Tarneit is where — as I have said before in this They are under-resourced. They do not terrifying; it is absolutely terrifying, and it house but I will say it again, because have the support that they should have is just not good enough. And that is to say clearly the government is not listening — and I am talking about support from nothing of a poor woman in Hillside. At and does not want to know — many of the government, I am talking about support 11 o’clock in the morning hooligans broke people of Victoria are living in fear. In the from much of their own command and I into her house and bashed her. She ended western suburbs it is probably worse than am talking about the authority that they up in hospital. She was doing nothing but anywhere else in the state, although when need to do their job. living the peaceful life that we all want, I see things happening in Toorak and East and she suffered the consequences. Malvern, in Dandenong and in a whole The problem we have with a lot of police is that they are thinking in their I say to the government: enough of the range of other places on the other side of PR, enough of the spin and enough of Melbourne — and it is a pity Mr Melhem own minds, ‘If I do my job, if I do now what I should do, I might end up in strife’. the bull. Let us get some action out here. is not here because I could take him up Where are those police that you keep on a few things that he said, but I will get In years gone by police would have gone ahead and they would have done the talking about? I cannot see them, and the back to him a little bit later on — I know people of Victoria cannot see them. We that it is not just the west; it is statewide. It job that they were charged with doing. But now they might find themselves in need those police. Today we have seen is not just a Melbourne thing at all. This is the Premier of this state abrogate his a statewide phenomenon. trouble with civil libertarians or some legal service somewhere reporting them responsibilities as the leader of the state That is something that should concern for some breach of human rights, and by offering to hand the parole powers to us all and does concern those of us on that is something that must bear on the the federal government. Can you believe this side of the house. It concerns us minds of every police officer in this state that? How weak is this Premier! How very, very much indeed, because there significantly. pathetic is this Premier that he would do is no doubt in my mind and no doubt in that. He is not fit to hold the high office anybody’s mind on this side of the house I sincerely hope that when Matthew Guy becomes Premier in November next year of Premier. Indeed he should resign. As that the number one responsibility of for the Minister for Corrections, she has any government anywhere is to protect the Guy government will give the police in this state not just the resources to do their shown today that she has got no idea. the people — always. Protection of the I support this motion, and I trust that people is the number one responsibility job but the authority to do their job so that when police attend a job they know that the house will very strongly support this of any government, and this government motion as well. has thrown it away. This government has they have the support of the government of Victoria. They have the authority of the

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 27 COUNCIL | Adjournment COUNCIL | Economy & Infrastructure there be a sunset clause on the levy. At the 7 June 2017 Standing C’tee, 8 June 2017 moment there is no sunset clause, and it could go on forever. We thought that was probably not a good idea as governments of both persuasions, it has to be said, VicRoads Sunshine Commercial have been known to get a good tax and milk it for all it is worth for as long as they office Passenger Vehicle possibly can. That is not something that Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I the committee wanted to see. wish to raise a matter this evening for the We have also recommended that the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and Industry Bill 2017 government remove the $50 million cap on the Fairness Fund to ensure that all it concerns the removal of the licence- Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan), testing and roadworthy certificates legitimate claims for compensation can be presented report, including appendix and honoured through revenue raised by the department from VicRoads at Sunshine. transcripts of evidence. As a local in Sunshine described it to me commercial passenger vehicle levy. We this week, ‘This is another kick in the guts Laid on table. have I believe come up in this report with to the people of the west’. There is very Ordered to be published. a number of recommendations which real anger. It has to be said that Sunshine Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I make the lot of licence-holders better. is very much now an area of renewal, move: Clearly there will still be some loss, but this would ease the pain a little if indeed courtesy of the Brimbank council. A lot That the Council take note of the report. of work has gone into making Sunshine a the government were to take on these very, very nice place these days, and it is In presenting this report into the inquiry recommendations. about time that the Andrews government into the Commercial Passenger Vehicle I also point out that the committee gave Sunshine and the people of Sunshine Industry Bill 2017 I first of all want to has recommended that the government the same degree of respect. There will commend the staff of our committee. amend the Commercial Passenger be a rally at midday on Friday to protest Lilian Topic and Matt Newington have Vehicle Industry Bill 2017 to recognise this decision, and I will be addressing done a magnificent job in putting this that the primary purpose of the levy is to that rally. I am asking the minister to together in a very, very short time. provide support to existing taxicab licence save us the trouble and in the meantime They have done a remarkable job. This holders through the Fairness Fund and to cancel this ridiculous decision and to committee, as I have referred to it in the transitional financial assistance payments, allow the licence-testing and roadworthy past, is the 7-Eleven of committees. It and to qualify the status of payments certificates department of VicRoads to never closes; it is open seven days a week. to ensure recipients are not financially remain at Sunshine. I can guarantee that, because last Saturday disadvantaged. There is some concern night at Etihad Stadium at half-time I was that the tax department might get their actually reading the recommendations claws into this, and we are a bit concerned COUNCIL | Petitions and getting back to Lilian on the report. about that as well. We do take this job very, very seriously. 8 June 2017 I think this is an exceptionally good I also commend the members of the report. Again I congratulate the staff and committee — Mr Bourman, Ms Hartland, the members of the committee, and I Mr Ondarchie, Mr Eideh, Mr Elasmar, commend this report to the house. Buckley Street, Mr Leane, Mr O’Sullivan and Ms Dunn — who were involved in this particular Essendon, level inquiry. I commend them on a spirit of COUNCIL | Constituency questions quinpartisanship, because in fact we have 8 June 2017 crossing five parties represented on the committee, To the Legislative Council of Victoria: and the way that we worked together on this one I think is an example to all This petition of the residents of the state committees, because we put our heads West Gate Freeway of Victoria draws to the attention of the together and we got what I believe is a Legislative Council the fatally flawed very, very good result for all stakeholders proposed ‘road under rail’ design at in this particular matter. tolls the Buckley Street level crossing in Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Essendon. To say that this bill is a tad controversial — My constituency question is for the would be to understate the situation. Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The petitioners therefore request that We heard a great deal of emotional Some considerable concern has been the Legislative Council of Victoria and evidence from a good many people as expressed to me about the tolling regime state government commit to: to what the changes being proposed in on the proposed western distributor– not proceeding with the significantly this bill will do to the livelihoods and West Gate tunnel world’s most expensive flawed proposed ‘road under rail’ the life investment of a good number of T-intersection. Putting aside the fact that crossing at the Buckley Street level people, and we have come to the view this dog of a project will do precisely crossing in Essendon; that there is a degree of something in that. nothing to clear up the appalling traffic We believe that the government should congestion that besets Melbourne’s west fully exploring Moonee Valley City consider increasing the compensation to Council’s ‘rail under road’ proposal, on a daily basis, insult is added to injury noting this particular design does not primary and subsequent licence-holders by the possibility of tolls being imposed on include any acquisitions of private in an independent, clearly articulated, the West Gate Freeway. Will the minister property, while meeting the long-term transparent, equitable and non-arbitrary categorically rule out the imposition of needs of all residents, businesses and model for the valuation of perpetual tolls on the West Gate Freeway as a part of users of the area; licences, and that this model be based the Andrews government’s gift to its mates on market valuation methodology. I at Transurban? providing as much financial investment should add that this is not just a majority in the Essendon level crossing removal committee finding. This is a unanimous as those in marginal electorates (such as report of the committee. That in itself is COUNCIL | Members statements the Frankston line); a bit of a rarity, it has to be said, and I am 20 June 2017 not proceeding with any proposal very proud that we were able to come to without support of the immediate this view. community and consideration of the The other major issue that was long-term consequences. considered was the levy. We have Melbourne By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) requested that the government consider (1256 signatures). reducing the levy applied to commercial Regional Landfill passenger vehicle service transactions, Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) and we have also recommended that — Voting Labor in Melbourne’s west

IN 28 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE is a particularly perverse form of the words of the great Ronald Reagan in $5.5 billion building a tunnel to nowhere. sadomasochism. A vote for Labor means the American presidential debate of 1980. Not happy with cancelling the east–west more of the same neglect the west has Ms Shing interjected. link, which is desperately needed to fix experienced for generations. An iconic Mr FINN — A great man! When then traffic problems that Melburnians face on example of such neglect is the St Albans President Jimmy Carter was trying to a daily basis, we have a government that level crossing on Main Road. Its removal pull a swifty, the great man looked at now intends to spend $5.5 billion building was first promised by Labor over 40 years President Carter and said, ‘There you go half an east–west link and indeed what ago, but it took a Liberal government to again’. I am looking at Daniel Andrews at will be the most expensive T-intersection actually get on and remove the thing. the moment and I am saying the same in the world today. While it will be flash, it Of more recent times we have seen the thing: there you go again. Because we will be new and it will be shiny, it does not Andrews government cancel the road have been lied to as Victorians; we have actually go anywhere. It will take people to project that would solve traffic congestion been taken for a monstrous ride. As has a T-intersection. That is just ridiculous. on the West Gate, Calder and Tullamarine been pointed out time and time again We have seen the taxation — the freeways, and try to dump a youth jail in in this debate, Mr Andrews as the then added tax and the new taxes — from this Werribee South, and now they are trying opposition leader stood on the steps of government, and of course we have seen to dig a tunnel to nowhere at the cost this building the night before the last the waste, as I mentioned. I could go on of $5.5 billion — a tunnel that will only state election and looked into the barrel for quite some time about the criminal benefit Transurban. of a television camera and told one of the waste that this government is responsible Arguably the most outrageous assault greatest whoppers that we have heard for. It is all part of what I would describe on Melbourne’s west is the recent in Victorian political history. He looked as Labor lies, because Labor has a long decision by the Minister for Planning, Mr into the camera, and when asked by Peter history of lying to the people — and not Wynne, to expand the stinking hole in Mitchell on Channel 7 — he is getting a just in Victoria. While Mr Andrews, now the ground at Ravenhall, a decision that fair run tonight, it has to be said — if there the Premier — Despot Dan, as some was announced on the Friday afternoon would be any new taxes, Mr Andrews people call him — stood on the steps before the long weekend, presumably in gave a categorical commitment to every and lied into the camera before the last the hope that nobody would notice. Well, Victorian that there would be no new election, we might remember that a we did notice, and the people of the west taxes. Well, this bill makes a lie of that, and former Prime Minister of this country, are furious. They remember Labor’s con indeed there have been many bills prior to Julia Gillard — — job at the last election when it intimated this that make a lie of that. Ms Shing — On a point of order, it would call in the project and stop it, There are two things that Labor believes Deputy President, it has been said in this and they rightfully feel betrayed. Labor in, particularly the left of the Labor Party, chamber I think today that a reference to stinks as much as this tip, and I call on and we all know that this is not a pure the Premier should be a reference to the all members from the west to put aside Labor government. This is a Socialist Premier and not to any other name which their party allegiances and join me in Left government. This is controlled by Mr Finn might like to ascribe to him. fighting to overturn this putrid decision. the extreme left of the ALP. There are Again it would seem that Mr Finn has also Melbourne’s west deserves better than two things in economic terms that the just called the Premier a liar, so I would further contempt from a government that ALP believes in. The first is tax, tax and ask that he withdraw that. takes its residents for granted. more tax. They just love to tax people, to The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr tax companies, to tax anybody that they Finn, I ask you to withdraw your words COUNCIL | Constituency questions possibly can. The other thing of course that the Premier lied. is that they love to waste that tax money. 20 June 2017 Mr FINN — I am happy to withdraw We have seen under this government that, Deputy President. It is the truth, but I already — in fact it was one of the first am happy to withdraw it. actions of this Premier — $1.2 billion Ms Shing — On a point of order, Deputy Ravenhall landfill wasted on stopping a road project that we President, there was another component desperately need. We needed it then, and to the point of order that I raised, and that health impacts we need it more now. was that the Premier should be referred Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My This was another broken promise by to by his proper title. I ask that that be constituency question is to the Minister Mr Andrews, who told us during the continued. for Health. Numerous constituents in the campaign that, yes, he would tear up The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr Caroline Springs and Deer Park area have the contract, the contract was not worth Finn, I ask you to call the Premier by his expressed to me their very deep concern the paper it was written on and it would correct name. about the health effects of the Ravenhall not cost us one red cent to break that contract. I suppose to a degree he did Mr FINN — I will say that the Premier landfill — concerns exacerbated by the told a huge, monstrous untruth to the Minister for Planning’s decision to expand get that right, because it did not cost us a cent as Victorian taxpayers to rip up that people of Victoria, and he is mendacious the tip significantly. Will the minister in the extreme. Ms Shing can look that up conduct an investigation into the health contract. To this point it has cost us $1.2 billion. I almost cry when I think of what in a Funk & Wagnalls. impacts on communities surrounding I was saying that Labor lies go with the the Ravenhall tip that will include we could do with that money. There are so many people who could be helped story of the ALP. We did have a former investigation into leukaemia, Parkinson’s Prime Minister who the day before an disease, chronic breathing complaints, and so many in my own portfolio area of autism who could be helped enormously election some years ago looked into the asthma in children and all forms of barrel of a television camera and said, cancer? if we could get a hold of that $1.2 billion and distribute it to those in need. It is a ‘There will be no carbon tax under the criminal shame what has been allowed to government I lead’. We well remember happen in this state under this Premier. when that Prime Minister was so excited COUNCIL | Second reading But that is not all — and I am not the carbon tax was passed through the Parliament that she gave Kevin Rudd a 20 June 2017 reaching for the steak knives here. I am merely pointing out that while the $1.2 hug. I think she still probably has the knife billion is significant, what this government wounds to attest to that. is now proposing to do is build a tunnel So we have got a long history of Labor State Taxation Acts to nowhere — the West Gate tunnel, leaders in this country who have no regard as it has been called. It used to be the and no respect for the truth. If you want, West Gate distributor, then I think it we could go back to Bob Hawke saying, Amendment Bill was the western distributor and now ‘No child will live in poverty by 1990’. We it is the West Gate tunnel. Presumably could go way back to John Cain. We could 2017 there will be another couple of changes go back quite some time. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — In of name before we are finished. But the Ms Pulford — On a point of order, rising to speak on the State Taxation Acts government is proposing that we spend Deputy President, my point of order Amendment Bill 2017, I am reminded of is one of relevance. Whilst the terrific

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 29 achievements of former Premier John or the West Gate tunnel or whatever the displaying and the evidence that has Cain and former Prime Minister Bob hell they are calling it this week? Where been placed before him and before the Hawke may be of interest to some was the consultation on the Ravenhall panel. I ask him to reverse his decision, to members in this place, they have no tip? Although I have to say that there was knock this tip on the head and to knock relevance whatsoever to this bill. significant consultation on the Ravenhall this expansion on the head. We should be Ms Shing — Further to the point tip, but Minister Wynne has decided to closing the tip, not expanding it. I ask the of order, Deputy President, I am just give the people of the western suburbs the minister as a matter of urgency to let these wondering if perhaps, while Mr Finn is on big finger. He has given them the bird. He people’s minds rest and to reverse his his feet talking about previous leaders, he has said, ‘I don’t particularly care about decision to expand this dirty great rotten, might refer to Mr Abbott and the $550 that the people of the western suburbs. They stinking hole in the ground. he said every Australian would get back can get sick. In fact they can get stuffed’. That is what he said. after the carbon tax was repealed. COUNCIL | Constituency questions We have 522 days to go before we have The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! 21 June 2017 There is no point of order Ms Shing. a decent government back in this state. Mr FINN — I am very strongly of the There will be no more Labor waste and view that tax is a necessary evil, and we there will be no more Labor rorts; that will as parliamentarians should regard our disappoint so many on the other side of Williamstown level responsibility of taxing people very, very the house. There are 522 days to go before seriously. It is not our money, and I will we have as Premier of this state Matthew tell you something that gets on my goat Guy, a man who is fit to lead, a man who is crossings capable of leading and a man who will be Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My more than anything else and that is when constituency question is to the Minister I hear politicians saying ‘We spent this’ an exceptional Premier of this state. There are 522 days to go: bring it on! for Public Transport. I am hearing from and ‘We spent that’ and ‘We funded this’ constituents in Williamstown who are and ‘We funded that’. We as politicians increasingly concerned about the removal do not fund anything. We do not spend COUNCIL | Adjournment of two level crossings in Kororoit Creek anything. We use other people’s money. 20 June 2017 Road, Williamstown — both of which, I We appropriate other people’s money for might add, are on two of the least serviced projects that we believe are worthwhile. train lines in all of Melbourne. Their So when I hear politicians taking personal concerns are that the removal of these responsibility for having spent $1 billion Melbourne level crossings will simply draw more here or $1 million there, or whatever traffic through Williamstown and make it it might be, it really is something that Regional Landfill a more attractive route, especially given gets up my snout something chronic. It Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I the increasing truck traffic predicted for infuriates me. wish to raise a matter this evening for the nearby roads as a result of the West Gate It is worth remembering in relation to attention of the Minister for Planning, and tunnel project. I ask the minister: will this particular bill that there is a strong it concerns the horror and the absolute the government publish all data on the relationship between economic policy fury of the community in Caroline Springs, effects on traffic volumes of the grade and social policy. I well remember Peter Deer Park and surrounds concerning the separations, particularly in light of traffic Costello, who I think is probably — well, minister’s decision to allow the expansion projections for the West Gate tunnel not probably; I think most certainly — the of the Cleanaway landfill, known as the project? greatest Treasurer this country has ever dirty great stinking hole, in Ravenhall. had, saying that the reason we have good This matter has been ongoing, as the COUNCIL | Adjournment economic policy, the reason we have minister would be aware, for quite some budget surpluses, is so that we can provide time. Indeed before the last election the 21 June 2017 good social policy and so that we can government led the locals to believe that if actually pay for it. That is something that the Labor Party were elected, they would you do not hear very often from the Labor call this in and they would stop it. Well, Party. The Labor Party like to talk about perhaps they did call it in, perhaps they Sudanese what they will spend; rarely do they talk did not — but they certainly have not about how they will pay for it. There is only stopped it. Indeed they have pushed it community one group of people in the community ahead without any thought for the health Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I who will pay for Labor’s promises and or welfare of the people who live near this wish to raise a matter this evening for the that is the taxpayers. So when people hear dirty great stinking hole in the ground and attention of the Minister for Multicultural Labor saying that they will do this and without any thought for the damage to Affairs. The house would be aware they will do that and they will do the other people’s health that the number of trucks that I have on a number of occasions thing, I ask them to remember that they that will be using the roads surrounding raised my concerns about youth gangs are the ones who will end up paying for it. this dirty great stinking hole in the ground in the western suburbs, particularly We have seen, for example, as a result will cause. in the Tarneit-Werribee area. These youth gangs are predominantly men of of Labor’s coal tax here in Victoria, the It is an absolute disgrace that the closure of Hazelwood, and we will see Sudanese background. I have expressed government has made a decision which on a number of occasions a good deal a significant rise in electricity prices in is impacting and will further impact the this state and we will more than likely see of concern about the destruction and lives of tens of thousands of people in damage that they have been causing. I blackouts next summer. So the supply the western suburbs of Melbourne. This of electricity in this state is under threat, have asked on a number of occasions for is in a growth corridor. You do not put the government to actually do something and prices are going through the roof as tips in a growth corridor. It is insane. I a direct result of what this government about it. Last week I met with a group of cannot imagine what the minister was — — has done with a coal tax. I ask people thinking when he made this decision. I to remember that they are the ones know that many, many people have made An honourable member interjected. who will pay for Labor’s promises and representations to him and to others Mr FINN — No, not victims in fact, but Labor’s policies, and unfortunately that is about this. Unfortunately he has chosen to young Sudanese people. Richard Deng is a something that goes on ad nauseam. ignore those representations. That is not Sudanese man who has come to Australia, We also talk about consultation, or unusual for this government; consultation and I met with him, his sister Becky certainly the Labor Party talks about unfortunately is more ‘con’ and less and Emily Yuille, who is a community consultation — again, ad nauseam. ‘sultation’. That is a sad fact of life that we worker or activist — if I could use that Well, where was the consultation on the in Victoria continue to put up with. term — in the Wyndham area. Emily was Buckley Street level crossing in Essendon? I ask the minister to take into kind enough to organise this meeting. Where was the consultation on the consideration the horror that so many I also met with Cr Kim McAliney of the Werribee South youth jail? Where was the people in the past week or so have Wyndham City Council, and there were consultation on the western distributor expressed, the anger that they are a number of other members of the local

IN 30 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE Sudanese community there as well. This of numbers, so to actually get a certain for information on this decision. The group has taken it upon themselves to number in the same room that qualifies community in Caroline Springs, Deer Park deal with these issues and reach out — if I as a quorum is quite a challenge from and surrounds is demanding to know why can use that term — to youths who might time to time, and Ms Ross-Soden was the minister has condemned them to a feel disenfranchised and who might feel exceptionally good at doing that even long future of life with this foul tip. Will the the need to get involved in things that though it was quite challenging. minister make public all information on the law might frown upon. This group This report is an extraordinarily which he based this appalling decision on is doing a very, very good job. Not only important report. I would like to thank this matter? are they doing such a good job for the Ms Wooldridge, who put this reference local Sudanese community but they up. I think what we have come up with COUNCIL | Second reading have extended their work to help other justifies her concern and her reasons for young people whether they be Sudanese putting up this reference to begin with. 22 June 2017 or whatever background. I asked them So I acknowledge Ms Wooldridge and the how long they have been doing this, and interest that she has had in this area from they told me they have been doing it for day one. This is, as I say, a very important a few years. I asked, ‘How do you do it?’, report. It covers an enormous range Bail Amendment and they said, ‘We pay for it ourselves out of areas. Whilst it is quite a substantial of our own pocket’, and I thought, ‘Well, report, you would have to say it is really (Stage One) Bill that’s got to change’. just the beginning. Whilst we did spend So what I am doing tonight is asking the many months investigating, reading, 2017 minister to provide some funding for this listening, travelling and covering a whole Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I group of great people in Tarneit to allow range of issues in this particular area, rise this afternoon to speak on the Bail them to continue to do their work without you would have to say that it is really just Amendment (Stage One) Bill 2017, and I the out-of-pocket expenses to the extent the beginning, because we are only now make the observation that this bill must that they have had to put up with to this starting to understand the enormity of really be hurting the government. This bill point. the challenges that we face with regard to must be causing the government a great autism spectrum disorder. deal of pain, because this bill is a public admission and a public concession that COUNCIL | Family & Community I think that was proven yesterday when an individual stood up in the Australian the government’s policy on bail has failed. Development C’tee, 22 June 2017 Senate and made some particularly It has been an unmitigated disaster. insensitive and outrageous comments. That is the only conclusion we can draw. Ms Shing — Shame, shame! We saw the government when it first Services for people Mr FINN — I almost despaired came to office back in 2014, tragically for when I heard that. It is extraordinary the people of Victoria, water down the that a member of the commonwealth previous government’s bail laws, and here with autism Parliament could be so backward today we have a piece of legislation which thinking; it is just staggering. I suppose we is saying for the world to hear that that spectrum disorder can only look forward to Senator Hanson’s did not work. We all know it did not work. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) next book, Fifty Shades of Ignorance. It Anybody who reads the newspapers, presented report, including appendices, should be hitting the book stores very, listens to the radio or watches the together with transcripts of evidence. very soon. television knows it did not work, because the number of crimes that have been Laid on table. This Parliament should be very proud of Ordered that report be published. committed by people on bail over the this report, because we cop a lot of flak in last year or two has been astronomical. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I here for being partisan, for sledging, for a It seems that every single person who move: whole range of things. commits a major crime in this state is on That the Council take note of the report. Mr Dalidakis interjected. bail. The only thing mandatory about this In doing so I wish to thank my fellow Mr FINN — You do particularly, and government is the need for a criminal committee members in the other place, rightly so. But this committee worked to be on bail when he or she commits a in particular the chair, , extremely hard to produce a report which crime. It seems to be a situation that is who I think did a particularly good job as is all about providing for people who need intolerable. I do not think this bill is going chair. Ms Edwards may not get too many the support that we are talking about. I to fix that. I think the bill will go some way compliments from me from this point on, compliment the report and I compliment toward moving in the direction of fixing as I am sure she will understand, but on the committee. I am very, very proud it, but it is not going to fix it at all because, this occasion you have got to give credit to be a member of the committee, but I as I say, this government has been an where it is due. Indeed the deputy chair, am also very proud to have been a part unmitigated failure in the area of bail. Ms McLeish, also did an outstanding job. I of a committee that has produced such I have to ask why this legislation has also thank my fellow committee members, an extraordinarily important report. I taken so long. The Premier said back in Ms from Geelong, Mr sincerely hope that the government will January that this legislation was on its from Frankston and Ms take it seriously, will adopt it and will not way, and here we are. It will be July next from South-West Coast, use it to keep a door open somewhere. week. Here we are on the second-last who joined us a bit later in the piece to Motion agreed to. sitting day — we think — of the autumn replace , who had been on it session and this legislation is finally up for previously. was also on debate in this house. Why has it taken so the committee, and she disappeared. I am COUNCIL | Constituency questions long? Why does the government drag its not sure what happened there. 22 June 2017 feet so often on law and order? It is very The people that I would really like to clear to me why the government drags its thank are the staff, because they have feet on law and order. It is because Labor really been the backbone of putting all is soft on crime, Labor is soft on criminals this together. I would like to thank Dr Greg Ravenhall landfill and Labor is soft on law and order. In fact Gardiner, the executive officer; Ms Rachel Labor just rolls over and lets it all happen. Macreadie, the research officer; Dr Kelly anger We have seen it happening right around Butler, who was the research officer prior Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My this state — city and country — for the to Ms Macreadie; and Dr Pamie Fung, constituency question is to the Minister world to see. Over the last year or two the inquiry assistant. I would also like for Planning. The outrage continues in crime has become totally out of control. to make particular mention of Ms Helen the west about Minister Wynne’s decision We have a crime tsunami, as it is often Ross-Soden, the administrative officer. If to expand the stinking, dirty great hole in referred to, and that is exactly what it is. there ever was an award for herding cats, the ground in Ravenhall. If the minister Labor is just letting it all wash across itself. Ms Ross-Soden should get that because doubts the depth of anger on this matter, It is the community that has demanded this is not a large committee in terms he should check his inbox. There is a need some action, and this bill is some action

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 31 but nowhere near enough. It is far, far coming soon. How many years are we into a house, I can pinch jewellery, I can from enough, because we could not talking about — 10, 15, 20? How many pinch a car. The police can catch me. I will expect a Labor government, particularly years is ‘soon’? Quite frankly there are too go into the courts, and the judges will set a Socialist Left government, to get tough many people in this state who do not want me free. Here I am scot-free, and I can do on crime. We could not expect a Socialist to wait that long. There are people who are it again tonight’. Is there justice in Victoria Left government to threaten the ‘civil living in fear in their own homes. People anymore? I do not think so. That is liberties’ of criminals in this state, because in my electorate are living in fear in their certainly not what we used to call justice, that is what Labor cares about more own homes. I know that because I have but that is how it works now in Victoria. than anything else — more than victims actually gone to their homes. I have visited Again, as I say, we have got to change and more than the safety of people in their homes and I have spoken to them. It that. If these people are not afraid of the suburbs, country towns, farms or was not so long ago that I visited a home breaking the law, we have got to put the wherever they might be in this state. in Melbourne’s west with the Leader of fear of God into them. We have got to put Their concern is for the civil liberties of the Opposition, the incoming Premier, the fear of breaking the law into them criminals. Matthew Guy. We went there and spoke and make sure that they know that if they I stand in this house today to say to you to a family who had been the subject of break the law, that if they terrorise people that when it comes to the civil liberties of a home invasion. They have actually had in their own homes, they are going to pay those who do us harm, I do not give a stuff. to shift house. They have had to sell their a very, very high price. I have had enough. I have had a gutful. For home and move house. You might ask: why do we have far too long in this state these criminals Ms Patten interjected. magistrates and why do we have judges have been doing whatever they like to Mr FINN — I see that Ms Patten over who are so lenient on criminals? It all goes whoever they like whenever they feel like there finds this highly amusing, but this is back to an earlier Labor government and doing it, and it has got to stop. Innocent the truth. These people were so terrified an Attorney-General called Rob Hulls, people are being hurt every day. Innocent they had to sell their home and move. who for 11 years made every judicial people are being killed on a regular basis, Ms Patten — Terrified? appointment in the state. As I mentioned and we have to do something about it. It is Mr FINN — Terrified, yes. They were before, it was not so much branch stacking not good enough to say, ‘We’ve got a piece as bench stacking, and that is what he of legislation here that’s stage one’. broken into at 4.30 in the morning. They had people run through their home did. He put people in his own image onto I do not know how many stages this screaming with guns at 4.30 in the the bench and over 11 years he filled our legislation is coming in, but why the hell morning. If that happened to you, Ms benches, our judiciary, with those of his have we not got the lot here now? That is Patten, would you be terrified? own ilk, and now we are suffering. We what I want to know. If this was such an have got break and enters in homes in important issue — and it is a very, very Ms Patten — I would be terrified. Melton at 20.83 per week, in Brimbank important issue — and if the government Mr FINN — You should be terrified, and at 27.7 per week and in Wyndham at recognises this as an important issue, as this is happening almost on a daily basis 25.83 per week. All these people get no they are trying to tell us, why do we not in Victoria. It was not happening two and satisfaction, or very little anyway, because have all of this legislation before us today? a half years ago. It was not happening even when the police catch the criminals This is a major, serious issue in this state, three years ago. This is a product of the they are let out on the streets again. and the government — this Socialist Andrews era. This is Daniel Andrews’s I said years ago that Rob Hulls was the Left government — is not at all serious legacy. Apart from rorting Labor MPs, this most dangerous politician in Australia. about taking on the position of defending is Labor’s legacy to Victoria — rampant I said when he left that his legacy would the vast and overwhelming majority of crime and attacks on the person. Out in linger on for many years to come, and Ms Victorians from crime. the western suburbs I see it on a daily Mikakos has a knowing smile on her face It seems to me, as I mentioned a basis, and I know the members opposite because she was in this up to her eyeballs. moment ago, that just about every do not really care — — Now she is copping it as well, so she major crime in Victoria is committed Mr Gepp interjected. should not be all that thrilled. by somebody on bail. You hear on the Mr FINN — They do report it if they can We have a situation where the people radio that somebody has committed a find the police, because quite often, Mr of Victoria have pretty much lost faith in major crime. If you could find a bookie Gepp, the police stations out there are not the government’s capacity to keep them who would take money you could just open so they have got nobody to report safe, and that is a pretty sad situation. about put the house on the fact that that it to. That makes it very difficult. Do you They have lost faith in the judiciary. They criminal, the person who had committed expect them to stand there until the police have lost faith in our police force’s ability that crime, was on bail, because that is show up and open up the door? I do not to do its job. I, along with the opposition, what is happening in Victoria every day. think that is going to work. will not be opposing this bill, but it is People on bail are committing the most I understand that members opposite just not enough. We need more, and heinous of crimes. do not care about people in the western we need more very, very soon. I urge I have to say that members of Victoria suburbs, but it is not just happening to the government to go back, do some Police, our thin blue line, are in despair. people in the west. These sorts of crimes homework over the winter recess and They are in total despair, because they are are happening to people right across come back to us in August with some out there every day putting themselves Victoria, and it is not good enough. It is real legislation with teeth that will go on the line, putting their lives in danger, totally unsatisfactory. It is not something some significant way towards saving and to protect us and to catch the crims who that we in this Parliament should be protecting Victorians. are committing these crimes. They are tolerating. We should not be tolerating it. locking them up — most certainly they are We have a situation now where there COUNCIL | Second reading locking them up — but they are then going are some people, a good number of to court and seeing them just walk. It is people, who do not actually fear breaking 23 June 2017 the most frustrating thing for the police, the law. They know that they probably and they have my total sympathy with will not get caught because there are regard to this because they have a difficult not enough police. And if they do get enough job as it is. caught, they will be out again in a couple Commercial As we all know, we do not have enough of hours. It does not matter; they can do police in Victoria because — surprise, it again. This is something that happens Passenger Vehicle surprise — this Socialist Left government all too often. As I said before, the police has dropped the ball on police as well. go out, they do their job, they catch the Industry Bill 2017 A vital part of protecting a community, perpetrators, they put them before the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I a vital part of law and order, is the courts, and the magistrates or the judges thank members for coming into the appropriate number of police, and this set them free. You can imagine that some chamber to hear my contribution. It government has totally dropped the ball people, particularly those people from is very thoughtful and decent of them. on police numbers in this state. They tell a background where life is tougher than After two and half years this is the best us that we are going to have new police it is here in Australia, think every day is the government can come up with. Christmas. They think, ‘Here, I can break They have been mucking around with

IN 32 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE the commercial vehicle legislation for As a committee we wanted to help Mr FINN — That is the reality, and I two and a half years, and this is the best them. We wanted to reach out to them can understand why they are defensive, they can come up with. This legislation I and say, ‘This bill is not fair, and we want because if I was them, if I was in their reckon was drawn up by Ted and Patch, to make it fair’. That is why some of the shoes, I would be ashamed too. I would because this is a dog’s breakfast. That is recommendations put forward were be ashamed too of what I am doing. I exactly what it is; it is a dog’s breakfast. indeed put forward. Of course we heard would be ashamed too of what is about Is it any wonder that there is a flurry of from former Premier Jeff Kennett, who I to happen to working men and women amendments on this bill today? This bill is think had quite an impact on everybody in this state. The Labor Party stands so flawed and has so many holes in it that on the committee. He said we just condemned. it is just totally unacceptable to anybody. I need certainty, we just need to sort this Honourable members interjecting. find it extraordinary that after two and half out, because yes, these people are not Ms Hartland — On a point of order, years of thinking about — — being treated properly. We need to fix President, people are actually trying to Mr Dalidakis — I find it extraordinary this up, but we need to do it in a timely listen to the debate. We cannot hear it if that they would preselect a buffoon like manner. Unfortunately the government people are screaming at each other. has decided to reject almost all of the you. The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr FINN — I find you extraordinary. Go recommendations of the committee, and I think that is — — That is exactly right, Ms Hartland. Please, and have a drink. I think it extraordinary can we have some quiet? Mr Melhem interjected. that after two and a half years — — Mr Dalidakis — You are a fraud. Mr Dalidakis interjected. Mr FINN — It is on the website. Have you had a look at the website, Mr The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Dalidakis. Through the Chair, please. Melhem? You should go and have a look at the website. I have got a copy here if you Honourable members interjecting. Mr FINN — I am going through the want to come over and have a look. The Mr FINN — Mr Deputy President, I ask Chair, Deputy President. He is not. cabinet, or the Premier and the Minister the minister to withdraw that remark. Mr Dalidakis interjected. for Public Transport, have decided to Mr Dalidakis interjected. The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr reject what are a group of eminently The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr Dalidakis! reasonable suggestions for amendments Dalidakis, I ask you to withdraw that word Mr FINN — You started a bit early today. to this legislation to make it fairer, and that ‘fraud’. The government has had two and half is what it is all about — making it fairer. Mr Dalidakis — Withdrawn. years to consider this. They sat on their We had five political parties represented Mr FINN — As I was saying, it gives the hands. We thought that they were actually on that committee, and for five political going through a process of drawing up lie to the idea that the Labor Party cares parties to come to a common view about the little bloke. some decent legislation. Well, this bill on an issue such as this is absolutely certainly gives the lie to that, because this extraordinary. In fact I would go as Mr Dalidakis — You are exhibiting bill is a shocker. It is a shocker. far as to say it is remarkable; it might fraudulent behaviour. It is not as if we did not give them a never happen again. The view was Ms Crozier — On a point of order, way out. The committee that sat, the that this legislation is not fair and the Deputy President, the minister just defied Standing Committee on the Economy recommendations were made to ensure your ruling. I would ask you to call him to and Infrastructure, was one that I was a degree of fairness in this bill, because order. very, very proud to chair. It was a group this bill is anti-Australian. If there is one Mr Dalidakis — You look at the standing of members of Parliament from five thing that you would say is at the core of orders. That is perfectly within the different parties who sat around, not Australia and Australians, it is wanting to standing orders, what I just said. playing politics, as the minister is doing give everybody a fair go. That is something Ms Crozier — Clearly you are tired and at the minute, but actually trying to find that I think everybody on both sides of the emotional. a solution to an issue that would be fair house would agree on: that we need to Mr Dalidakis interjected. give everybody a fair go. to all. We did that, and everybody gave a The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! Mr little bit. I pay tribute to the members of This legislation does not do that. In fact Dalidakis, please. I want some quiet. Mr the Labor Party on that committee: to Mr this legislation strikes at the heart of a fair Finn to continue. Leane, to you, Mr Deputy President, and go. Those men and women who, some for to Mr Elasmar for — — decades, have worked hard, put in, looked Mr FINN — Thank you, Deputy President. The fact of the matter is this An honourable member — And Mr after families and built a home — many from outside Australia have come here legislation will cause untold human Melhem. tragedy in this state, and this government Mr FINN — Mr Melhem, were you there and done that — are the ones who will suffer as a result of this legislation. does not care. With the exception of as well? Indeed you were from time to those members on the economy and time. Ms Crozier interjected. infrastructure committee, the government I pay tribute to them because they Mr FINN — As Ms Crozier says, the does not care. The executive of the came to us and sat around the table Labor Party says they are the champion of government, the cabinet, has rejected an with goodwill and with a view to solving the workers — well, we know that is a load attempt to make this legislation fair for a problem. Now, we heard during the of tish now. That is absolute nonsense ordinary working families, and for that course of our deliberations from a number given what this legislation does or what this government stands condemned. of witnesses, some of whom left me it intends to do. Having rejected the I know there are a lot of people the deeply distressed, I have to say, given opportunity to make it better for working length and breadth of Victoria who feel the difficulties that they were facing as men and women — — enormous anger, as they should, toward a result of this legislation and as a result Ms Crozier — Families. this government for what it is doing to of the mucking around over the past two Mr FINN — And families, working people whose only aim in life is to work and half years by this government. I was families. I remember — Ms Crozier, you hard and to provide for their families and deeply affected, I have to say, by some of have brought back some memories for for their own retirement. This government the heartbreaking stories that we heard — me. The working family caper: remember and this legislation will bury both of deep distress from some people. All they that? That was big in the Labor Party a few those aims. Unfortunately as a result of had ever done in their lives was work hard. years back. Well, this legislation screws this legislation it will probably bury some All they had ever done was put in seven over working families royally. It just tells of those people as well, because I know days a week. Some of them had not had the community that this Labor Party, this that some of them are pretty devastated holidays in years, and all they had ever Socialist Left government that we have by what they are going through. They wanted was to look after their families here in Victoria, does not care about do not understand why the government and to set themselves up for retirement working people, does not care about is doing to them what it is doing. We without being a burden on the taxpayer. working families and does not care about know change is coming, and they are not And what happens? This government a fair go. opposed to change, but all they want is comes along and screws them over Mr Dalidakis interjected. fair compensation, and I think that is a monumentally. reasonable thing.

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 33 I am not one for handing over taxpayers Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Mr Davis — Or a future government. money willy-nilly, but when a government — Minister, this disturbing result in Mr FINN — Or indeed, as Mr Davis says, makes a decision which devastates falling enrolment numbers for students how can we trust any future government? businesses and working men and women, with a disability in Victoria, despite the Given that how the money is to be spent is then I believe the government has a duty, increases across the rest of the country, not actually in the legislation, how can we an obligation, to pay the appropriate is only exacerbated by the fact — and I trust any government to spend the money compensation to make up for the losses should say the disgraceful fact — that in the way you suggest? of those people. I find it extraordinary you, as minister, have never spoken about that this government is running away students with a disability in this house ______from that responsibility. It is in fact using until today, nor have you ever issued a the levy — the taxi tax, as I call it — as a media release relating to students with Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — revenue stream. The fact that it does not a disability. Added to that, according to Given that in this legislation you are have a sunset clause tells me that as long your answer just a moment ago, you have introducing a new tax, how can we believe as the Labor Party is in government in lumped students with disabilities in with that you will spend the money as you this state — thankfully that will end come a whole range of other people. Do you say given the fact that the Premier has November next year — this taxi tax will seriously regard students with a disability, already broken a commitment that he stay. Will it be used to compensate the as it would seem, as an afterthought? will not introduce any new taxes, and the people who need that compensation? government is most certainly doing so in Forget it. It will go into Uncle Fester’s the legislation we have before the house treasury. That is where it will go, and they COUNCIL | Constituency questions today? 23 June 2017 will keep doing that for as long as they ______possibly can. That just adds to the gross unfairness of this legislation. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — As my colleagues from the country Buckley Street, But given that commitments with this point out, they have not got Uber. Most government seem to go by the board with of the people in the outer suburbs, for relative ease, how can we be assured that that matter, do not have access to Uber, Essendon, level the money that is raised by this levy will but they will still be paying the tax. This is actually go to where you say it is going one of the taxes, by the way, that Daniel crossing to go? If it is not in the legislation, how Andrews said before the last election Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My can we believe you, given that you have he would not be imposing, but that is constituency question today is for the broken all these other commitments — something that we have come to expect Minister for Public Transport. My office and when I say ‘you’, I am talking about from our Premier. He is no friend of the has been besieged by constituents from the government — when you say that you truth, and he is proving that again today Essendon furious with the government’s are going to direct this money to where with this legislation. attitude toward the removal of the Buckley you say you are going to direct it? I appeal to the government to withdraw Street level crossing. They are coming to this legislation today and to have a rethink me because, as they tell me, ‘Labor won’t ______about the recommendations that have listen’. The minister and the member been put forward. If they care about for Essendon in the Assembly have Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — fairness, equity and giving ordinary men put up their shutters, refused to speak Minister, you said earlier that the reason and women a fair go, that is what they to concerned residents and informed there is no hypothecation — there is no will do, because this bill as it currently them that the Andrews government’s purpose of the levy included in the bill — stands is screwing over workers. To my deeply flawed plan for Buckley Street will is that you did not have to include it. My understanding, that is not what the go ahead. Does the minister have any concern is very much for the participants ALP is supposed to be about. Despite intention of opening any form of dialogue — the stakeholders, if you will — in the the fact that they do it far too often with the Essendon community on this industry who are being, quite frankly, and quite freely, that is not what the vital issue? screwed over by the government with this ALP is supposed to be about. I ask the legislation — — government to withdraw the bill and give COUNCIL | Committee stage Mr Somyurek — That’s not ordinary working Victorians a fair go. 23 June 2017 parliamentary. Mr FINN — Nor is what the government COUNCIL | Questions without notice is doing parliamentary. My concern is for those operators who are going to lose 23 June 2017 Commercial their assets and maybe even lose their homes, their retirement and so forth. My very great concern is that they actually Passenger Vehicle have no guarantee that the money raised Student disability by the levy will go to them, apart from the Industry Bill 2017 word of the government. Quite frankly, I services do not have a great regard for the word of Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — My Contributions duing the Committe stage of the Bill any government, but particularly this one, question is to the Minister for Training given what has happened — — and Skills. The most recent training market data released by the Andrews Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) government shows that over the past Minister, where in this legislation can — Order! Mr Finn — — 12 months the number of students with we find the information as to where the Mr FINN — I am getting there, Chair a disability in training across Australia money raised from this levy will be spent? — — increased by 10.5 per cent; however, The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Melhem) during the same period in Victoria the ______— Order! Mr Finn, I am speaking. The number of students with a disability committee stage is not about making decreased by 7.1 per cent. Minister, the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — statements; it is about asking questions. failure of the Andrews Labor government Why do we have a situation in which I ask you to get on with asking your to support students with a disability in where the money is going is not actually question. undertaking vocational education and dictated in the legislation? Mr FINN — I am doing that, Chair; I training in Victoria is clearly significant, so ______just wanted to put it into context. What I I ask: why are numbers falling in Victoria am actually asking is: what detrimental despite significant increases across the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — impact would an amendment to rest of the country? How can we trust the government to hypothecate the levy’s moneys have on this bill? What damage would be caused Supplementary question spend the money in the way they say they will?

IN 34 FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 FINN THE HOUSE to the bill if such an amendment was Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I This obviously impacts the safety of the included? am not foreshadowing an amendment. local community, and I know in my own Listen very carefully. I was going to area, Bulla, the crime rate of recent years ______say that I will say this only once, but I has just gone through the roof, so we really am saying it for the third time. Listen do need to ensure that the Sunbury police Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I very carefully: if the reason for the levy station is up and operating on a 24-hour- am asking you, because the government was included in the legislation, what a-day basis, seven days a week. It concerns has made clear in its response to the detrimental effect would that have on the me enormously when I hear these stories economy and infrastructure committee bill? that that is actually not the case. that they will reject an amendment to The minister has announced that there hypothecate or declare what the money is COUNCIL | Adjournment will be, I understand, 36 new police there for, why we are actually having the officers for Hume in the not-too-distant levy — the taxi tax. Earlier this afternoon 23 June 2017 future. I am asking the minister tonight, you said in answer to a question from me along with the Chief Commissioner of that the government is not including a Police of course, to ensure that of those 36 reason because you do not have to. What police officers there are at least enough I am asking is: what damage to the bill or Sunbury police of them allocated to the Sunbury police what detrimental effect to the bill would station to ensure that Sunbury is a 24/7 the inclusion of the reason for the levy station station. I think this is an extraordinarily cause? Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — I important issue. Sunbury unfortunately ______wish to raise a matter this evening for is not immune from the crime tsunami the attention of the Minister for Police. that is sweeping Victoria, and we really do I have very great concern about law and Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — need that 24-hour presence to ensure that order and the safety of the community Sunbury people are properly protected. Perhaps what the minister has done here in Sunbury and surrounds. The Sunbury is latch on to something and is hanging on police station is slated as a 24-hour I ask the minister to speak to the chief for dear life as we speak. What I want to police station, but I have received reports commissioner and to deal with the chief know is: if — and I will not use the word in very recent times from constituents commissioner in whatever way she feels ‘amendment’ because that would give her who tell me that they have attempted necessary to ensure that the Sunbury another lifeboat — the reason for the levy to contact the Sunbury police station police station is provided with the was included in the bill, what detrimental by phone without success. On other necessary officers so that indeed it is open effect would that have on the legislation, occasions others have actually gone to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if any? the police station and it has been locked. ______So obviously the claim that it is a 24-hour police station does not hold water.

IN FINN THE HOUSE FEBRUARY TO JUNE 2017 35 FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches February to June 2017

Published by Bernie Finn MP Member for Western Metropolitan Region Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Melbourne’s West Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Autism Spectrum Disorder Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Electoral Integrity

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