Georgia State College for Women
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BULLETIN GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. VOLUM E X X X M A Y 15, 1945 NUMBER 10 CATALOG 1944-1945 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1945-1946 Entered at the Post Office at Milledgeville, Georgia, April, 1915, as second-class matter, under Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. Issued semi-monthly except during August and September. --------- oi GiUct\o\a^ 'SlZ.'lSX TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CALENDAR 1945-46_____________________________________________ 5 BOARD OF REGEN TS__________________________________________ 7 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE FA C U L T Y ---------------------- 8 OFFICERS OF AD M IN ISTRATIO N ____________________________ 9 F A C U L T Y ________________________________________________________ 10 G EN E RAL INFORM ATION____________________________________ 19 STUDENT R E L A T IO N S -________________________________________ 39 GENERAL COLLEGE REGULATIONS________________________ 45 ACADEMIC REGULATIONS_______________________________ 49 GENERAL DEGREE PROGRAMS---------------------------------------------- 57 Bachelor o f A rts---------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 Bachelor o f Science------------------------------------------------------------------ 63 Bachelor of Science in Education_____________________________ Bachelor of Science in Music Education---------------------------------- 74 Bachelor of Science in Home Economics---------------------------------- 76 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration---------------------- 85 ACADEM IC D IVISION S_________________________________________ 95 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION AND COURSE O FFERIN G S___________________________________ 97 GRADUATES IN 1944___________________________________________ 159 REGISTRA TION _________________________________________________ 166 IN D E X ____________________________________________________________169 (3) ?>% \» ■ . - CALENDAR 1945-1946 F A LL QUARTER, 1945 September 17, Monday________ 4:00 p. m., First faculty meeting. September 17, Monday________ New students arrive on campus. September 18-22, Tuesday-Saturday _______ Freshman orientation and registration. September 20, Thursday______ Arrival of upperclassmen. September 21-22, Friday-Saturday__________Registration of upperclassmen. September 24, Monday_________Class work begins. September 29, Saturday_______ Last day to register for full credit. December 17-20, Monday-Thursday _______ Fall quarter examinations. December 20, Thursday_______ 1:00 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. WINTER QUARTER, 1946 January 2, Wednesday________ Students return to campus. Registration of students not in college previous quarter. January 3, Thursday___________ Class work begins. January 5, Saturday___________ Classes meet on regular schedule. January 9, Wednesday________ Last day to register for full credit. March 16-20, Saturday-Wednesday_____ Winter quarter examinations. March 20, Wednesday__________1 :00 p. m., Spring vacation begins. (5) SPRING Q U ARTER, 1946 March 26, Tuesday____________ Students return to campus. Registration of students not in college previous quarter. March 27, Wednesday__________Class work begins. April 2, Tuesday---------------------- Last day to register for full credit. June 7-11, Friday-Tuesday --------------- Spring quarter examinations. June 13, Thursday____ _________Commencement. SUMMER Q U ARTER, 1946 F ir s t T e r m June 17, Monday---------------------- Registration. June 18, Tuesday---------------------- Classes begin. July 22-23, Monday-Tuesday__________Examinations. S eco n d T er m July 24, Wednesday____________ Registration. July 25, Thursday_____________ Classes begin. August 27-28, Tuesday-Wednesday______ Examinations. August 29, Thursday__________Commencement. BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA State Capitol, Atlanta M a r io n S m i t h , Atlanta- - _____ Term Expires January 1, 1946 State at Large A l b e r t S. H a r d y , Gainesville - ___Term Expires January 1, 1950 State at Large F r a n k M. S p r a t l i n , Atlanta — Term Expires January 1, 1946 State at Large E a r l B . B r a s w e l l , Athens — Term Expires January 1, 1949 State at Large P o pe F . B r o c k , Atlanta ___ - Term Expires January,1, 1948 State at Large J . L . R e n f r o e , Statesboro___________ Term Expires January 1, 1948 First Congressional District E d w a r d R . J erger, Thomasville------ Term Expires January 1, 1947 Second Congressional District C a s o n J. C a l l a w a y , Hamilton - Term Expires January 1, 1951 Third Congressional District C. J. S m i t h , Newnan ___ ____Term Expires January 1, 1949 Fourth Congressional District R u t h e r f o r d L . E l l i s , Atlanta - Term Expires January 1, 1947 Fifth Congressional District M il l e r R . B e l l , Milledgeville - Term Expires January 1, 1950 Sixth Congressional District R o y N . E m m e t , S r ., Cedartown Term Expires January 1, 1952 Seventh Congressional District S . P r ic e G il b e r t , Sea Island Term Expires January 1, 1950 Eighth Congressional District S a n d y B e a v e r , Gainesville Term Expires January 1, 1952 Ninth Congressional District W il l ia m S. M o r r is , Augusta Term Expires January 1, 1951 Tenth Congressional District O ff ic e r s of t h e R e g e n ts Chairm an____________________________________ M a r io n S m it h Vice-Chairman_______________________________S a n d y B eaver Chancellor____________________________________ S. V. S an fo r d Secretary__________________________________SlEBERT Treasurer____________________________ W . WILSON NOYES (7) STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY E x e c u t iv e : President Wells, Dean Taylor, Dean Adams, Mr. Morgan, Miss Hallie Claire Smith, Miss Nelson, Mr. Stokes, Miss McVey, Miss Brooks. F a c u l t y C o m m it t e e o n S t u d e n t R e l a t i o n s : President Wells, Dean Taylor, Dean Adams, Mr. Outland, Miss Manchester, Mr. Knox, Miss Greene, Mr. Stokes (Representative of Student Council). P r o g r a m s a n d P o l ic ie s : President Wells, Dean Taylor, Miss Louise Smith, Mr. Little, Mr. Noah. P u b lic L e c t u r e s—S t u d e n t A c t iv it ie s F u n d : Dean Taylor, Chair man; Miss Greene, Miss Maxwell, Betty Boyd, Josephine Hunt, Annette Hodges, Janet Fowler, Jane Harrell. S t u d e n t A id a n d L o a n F u n d s : Mr. Dewberry, Miss Chandler, Dean Adams, Dean Taylor. E ntertainment : Mr. Noah, Mr. Boesen, Miss West, Miss Scott, Mr. Dewberry, President of College Government. N e w s a n d P u b l i c it y : Mr. Wynn, Miss Meaders, Mrs. Hines, Mrs. McCullar. S t u d e n t P ublications : President Wells, Mr. Dewberry, Miss Max well, Miss Meaders, Mr. Boesen, Mr. Wynn, Dean Adams. C ommencement : For caps and gowns, processional, procedure, etc.: Mr. Little, .Mr. Boesen, Miss Johnson, Miss Harper, Miss Scott; for decorations: Mrs. Beaman, Mrs. Martin. L ib r a r y : Miss Satterfield, Miss Hallie Claire Smith, Mr. Morgan, Dean Taylor, Mr. Little, Mr. Lindsley, Miss Johnson, Miss English. F a c u l t y A d visers fo r S t u d e n t C o u n c i l : Mr. Stokes and Miss Meaders. F a c u l t y A d visers fo r U pp e r Co u r t : Mrs. Stokes and Miss Louise Smith. (8) OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION STEADMAN V. SANFORD, A.B., Litt.D., LL.D. Chancellor of the University System of Georgia 0 GUY H. WELLS, A.B., M.A., LL.D. President of the College HOY TAYLOR, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Instruction and Registrar SARA LOUISE NELSON, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Assistant Registrar ETHEL A. ADAMS, B.S., M.A. Dean of Women J. H. DEWBERRY, B.S. Treasurer and Business Manager (9) FACULTY GUY HERBERT WELLS__________________________________ President A.B., Mercer, 1915 M.A., Columbia University, 1925 LL.D., Mercer, 1934 MARGARET ABERCROMBIE. _ Assistant Professor of Home B.S., University o f Georgia, 1931 Economics Education M.A., Columbia University, 1938 AUSTELLE ADAMS----------- Assistant Professor of Library Science A.B., Georgia State College for Women, 1930 M.A., University of Georgia, 1936 B.S., in Library Science, Peabody College, 1944 ETH EL A. AD A M S---------------------------------------------------Dean of Women B.S., Piedmont College, 1901 M.A., Columbia University, 1938 LOIS GENEVIEVE ADAMS----------------------------- Associate Professor B.S., University o f Illinois, 1928 of Home Economics M.A., Columbia University, 1938 MRS. W. H. ALLEN ____._____________ Assistant Professor of Piano Graduate New England Conservatory of Music B.Mus., Boston University, 1934 M.A., Columbia University, 1938 * MARY LEE ANDERSON Principal Peabody High School, Assistant Professor of Education, and Critic in History A.B., Georgia State College for Women, 1927 M.A., Columbia University, 1931 LOLITA ANTHONY _____Assistant Professor and First Grade Critic B.S., Peabody College, 1928 M.A., Peabody College, 1936 LYDIA A. BAN CROFT------------------------- Assistant Professor of Art Diploma, Pratt Institute, 1905 B.S., Columbia University, 1930 M.A., Columbia University, 1930 MRS. BARBARA PAGE BEISWANGER Associate Professor of B.S., University of. Oregon, 1925 Physical Education M.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1931 Ph.D., New York University, 1944 • Resigned, May 1, 1945 (10) FACULTY 11 GEORGE W. BEISWANGER Professor of Philosophy and A.B., Carthage College, 1922 Humanities B.D., Hamma Divinity School, Ohio, 1925 M.A., State University of Iowa, 1927 Ph.D., State University of Iowa, 1928 SARA BELL_ Librarian, Peabody High School A.B., Georgia State College for Women, 1938 A.B., Library Science, Emory University, 1944 PAUL J. BOESEN Associate Professor of Latin A.B., Creighton University, 1927 M.A., Peabody College,