MISSOURI’S BEST SMALL-TOWN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 75¢ Five-time Gold Cup winner, Missouri Press Association, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 COMMUNITY MOURNS LOSS OF FORMER POLICE CHIEF — PAGE 2 <<< ALL-STAR FOOTBAL GAME CANCELED Wildcats land 3 on the coveted roster. — PAGE 3 CASSVILLE emocrat DMAY 13, 2020 | CASSVILLE-DEMOCRAT.COM FEDERAL ARREST Who: Brandon McCullough, 31, 7th, 8th cases of COVID-19 a Cassville High School business teacher What: Is charged with sexual exploitation of a child More: McCullough is being held in announced in Barry County Greene County for U.S. Marshals The seventh case was a pos- called an antibody test. While Most recent case BARRY COUNTY itive determined in an anti- the positive antibody test result self-quarantined What: Has announced its seventh body test for a person who has is included in the county’s total CHS teacher and eighth cases of COVID-19 already recovered and is no lon- number of COVID-19 cases, it after business travel When: Eighth announced Thursday ger contagious. does not represent an active afternoon According to a press COVID-19 case. faces child More: to hot spot Likely a result of essential release from the Barry County “We have reviewed the domestic business travel to a Health Department and the details of the positive serological BY KYLE TROUTMAN COVID-19 hot spot
[email protected] Barry County Department of test and determined the person exploitation The Barry County Health Emergency Management, the traveled internationally more Department has announced of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in new case was the result of a than 30 days ago, and that is its seventh and eighth cases Barry County.