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KOREA TODAY No KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 51 Feature Rising Strategic Status of Korea Changes Landscape of Korea-US Confrontation N RECENT YEARS, KOREA’S STRATEGIC making nuclear warheads small, light and diversi- I nuclear force has rapidly developed. This has fied and possessed A-bombs and H-bombs. Recent made a drastic change in the landscape of the Korea- years witnessed Korea’s continuous successes in test- US confrontation. In July last, in particular, Korea fire of highly precise and diversified strategic weap- succeeded in two rounds of test-fire of intercontinen- ons that can strike any area in the world. tal ballistic missiles, completely changing the previ- In May last Korea demonstrated the actual war ous landscape of the Korea-US confrontation that capacities of new types of strategic weapons includ- had lasted for over 70 years. ing mid- and long-distance ground-to-ground strate- From a historical point of view, the Korea-US gic ballistic missile Hwasong 12 and mid- and long- confrontation during the period was based on a distance ground-to-ground strategic ballistic missile landscape in which Korea countered the US’s unilat- Pukguksong 2, and finally took a place rightfully eral aggressive manoeuvres and nuclear threat and among the nations possessed of ICBMs. This meant blackmail. This was because of disparity of military its victory in the fierce confrontation against the US power between the US, a nuclear superpower, and for its building of a strategic nuclear force. And it put Korea, a non-nuclear country. The US styled itself as an end to the previous landscape of Korea-US con- the “strongest nuclear power in the world” possessed frontation with the US exposed to a serious threat. of lots of nuclear weapons and other strategic strik- On July 28 last Korea conducted the test-fire of ing means of different kinds to attack any country in an ICBM for confirming its maximum shooting the world, while Korea had only tactical weapons range, thus sending a solemn warning to the US. for self-defence. The US underwent a disastrous Korea’s mode of counteraction has already turned defeat in the Korean war in the 1950s. But it tena- into one of preemptive strike. ciously tried to start another aggressive war in Korea Extremely confused by the might of Korea’s stra- relying on the superiority of its strategic nuclear tegic nuclear force, the US is now bent on checking means. the country’s military attack. Now, however, Korea has been possessed of On the 12th of the same month Washington Times ICBMs that have the US mainland within their wrote on its Internet homepage that the Pentagon shooting range after having A-bombs and H-bombs. had a plan of investing billions of US dollars in This has put an end to the superiority of the US’s renovating the missile defense system, adding that strategic nuclear means. they were intending to allocate US$ 1.5 billion of The Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, US$ 7.9 billion—planned to be invested in a ground- the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other to-air missile defense system and an Aegis ballistic US administration and military officials are scream- missile defense system—for the renovation of 36 ing that Korea is posing the worst threat to them. ground-to-air missile defense systems across the US. In the past the US viciously attempted to prevent The US military planned to regularly conduct a mis- Korea from building a strategic nuclear force in order sile defense exercise against north Korea’s missile to maintain the superiority of its strategic nuclear “threat” for a long time, the newspaper revealed. means in its confrontation with Korea. Slandering Experts, however, comment that as the US is Korea’s “nukes” and “fire of missiles” as a “threat” to incapable of checking the development of Korea’s world peace, the US enlisted its vassals and even strategic nuclear force, the future Korea-US con- international organizations in the attempt to impose frontation will turn into the one whereby Korea military pressure and sanctions on Korea. presses harder upon the US by dint of its rapidly All the schemes of the US, however, failed to developing military striking ability and the latter check Korea’s development of its strategic nuclear puts all its efforts in checking the former’s military force. Rather, they further awakened and roused the attack. country and strengthened its justification for having The Americans are keenly aware of Korea’s daily nuclear weapons. rising strategic status and their country’s dangerous It was on February 10, 2005 that Korea officially situation. They are resolutely demanding that the proclaimed its possession of nuclear weapons. For hopeless hostile Korea policy be changed. In his over ten years since then the country succeeded in comment a senior researcher of the Kato Institute, ► 52 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 Feature The successful second round of test fire of intercontinental ballistic missile Hwasong 14 on July 28, 2017. KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 531 Feature Eternal Line ECENTLY THE KOREAN PEOPLE simultaneously at the fifth plenary meeting of the R succeeded in two rounds of test fire of intercon- fourth Party Central Committee held that year. In tinental ballistic missiles Hwasong 14. This means accordance with the line the Korean people consoli- they are powerful enough to put the whole territory dated their defence capability by their own efforts. of the US within range of their nukes. The US imperialists always referred to the so- Korea’s comprehensive national power and stra- cialist Korea that had attained the dignity of an tegic status are rising higher day after day. And gone independent country as an encumbrance. Taking forever is the time when the US imperialists threat- advantage of the socialist collapse in some east ened the Korean people with nukes. European countries, the US imperialists further intensified the nuclear threat and blackmail against Inevitability of History Korea, considering it a “dangerous entity” that might make a direct breach in the international order in Originally the Korean people had no will to pos- the US-led new era. Whether to live as independent sess nukes. Why did they take the road towards a guards or become slaves—in answer to this question nuclear state? Because they had to safeguard the of history the Korean people prioritized the military sovereignty of their country and their national dig- affairs as the most important for the nation and put nity. primary efforts into the development of the defence From of old the Korean peninsula was the target industry. of aggression by the imperialists because of its geo- Frightened by the way the Korean people un- political position. The US, in particular, watched for yieldingly kept advancing along the road towards a chance to invade Korea from the early 19th century. socialism of Juche in any harsh trials and difficul- Following the end of the Second World War, it occu- ties, the US imperialists went so far as to designate pied half of the peninsula and tried to realize its Korea as “axis of evil” and a target of preemptive ambition of world supremacy by using it as its step- nuclear strike. ping-stone. Flinching in the face of the US’s frantic nuclear An extension of the attempt was the Korean war campaign, the UN and even the powers around Ko- (1950-1953). During the war the US intended to turn rea followed in step with Washington while pursuing the entire peninsula into a complete “radioactive their own interests. There was nobody to trust. corridor area” by dropping scores of A-bombs on it. Dwelling on the situation, the Russian website The US imperialists were just brutes that would Ruskaya Pravda wrote, “Korea resembles an envel- never hesitate to reduce the peninsula into the ruins oped fortress, and this is related to a constant threat enveloped by nuclear clouds in order to put their from outside. In the protracted confrontation with ambition of world supremacy into reality. the US the only way for Korea to keep its safety in In 1962, amidst the US’s continuous nuclear war case it is invaded is to have the capability to inflict threat, there occurred the Caribbean crisis known as an irretrievable loss to the invading country, that is, Cuban Missile Crisis, which made the Korean people nukes. There is no other alternative in the world more keenly realize that they should further where the jungle law is prevailing.” strengthen their self-defensive power in order to The Korean people needed a mighty nuclear de- safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of their coun- terrent to defend their sovereignty and dignity. try. In view of the prevailing situation the Workers’ Korea Does not Shrink Party of Korea put forward the strategic line of building up the economy and defences of the country Originally the atomic industry of Korea was built ► ► who is a foreign policy expert and was a special ad- from north Korea’s list of targets; in fact the simplest viser to US president Reagan, said: As a matter of way to put an end to the fear of north Korea’s mis- fact there is no justification for the US’s continuous siles aimed at the US proper is disengaging from the protection of south Korea, which the US has been problem of the Korean peninsula; and it is undesir- committed to since the end of the Korean war; what able to leave the US affected by the nuclear danger of is important is that GIs’ withdrawal from south Ko- the Korean peninsula any longer.
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