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Date: Mar 23, 2013; Section: News Review; Page: NR11 Media tread fine line when tribes go to war Lenore Taylor

Reporting nascent leadership challenges is deeply treacherous territory.

It was yet another week when politicians and the media appeared consumed with talking to, and about, each other. Labor really can’t offload blame for the hopelessly botched that couldn’t muster a candidate, nor the utterly chaotic way it tried to push through its media ‘‘reforms’’ which in the end secured little more than a permanent reduction in television licence fees.

But the net effect of such a week could be greater disillusionment with the political process and also the way it is reported.

Contrary to what many bloggers and commenters seem to believe, a leadership challenge is not dreamed up in the fevered minds of the press gallery.

Kevin Rudd’s supporters have been canvassing support. Talking to MPs who had previously supported did suggest the Rudd forces were making some progress, although actually calculating numbers was impossible because of the very nature of Labor’s stalemate.

The fact that she wouldn’t accept a ‘‘tap’’ and he wouldn’t challenge, and the downsides involved in choosing either option meant many caucus members – even the ones sounding really disillusioned with the Prime Minister and saying privately that they were seriously thinking about backing a change – weren’t finally declaring where they should be counted. The extraordinary way in which eventually felt compelled to force his party to confront its untenable situation and what then happened proves the point.

But if journalists are truthful, we have to admit that reporting nascent leadership challenges is deeply treacherous territory.

It is impossible to do it without resorting to anonymous sources and such sources – used very judiciously – can help to expose the truth in a situation where the rules of the game dictate that most of the politicians involved will lie. (A minister who has decided to vote for a challenger must nonetheless profess loyalty to the incumbent until there is a challenge – an incumbent who knows plotting is afoot must claim the exact opposite – an MP who thinks their side of politics has run completely off the rails must mutter platitudes about ‘‘difficult times’’ in which the party is nonetheless delivering important things for Australia etc, etc, etc).

But anonymous sources have to be carefully cross-checked and treated with extreme caution, because of the obvious dangers of being drawn into the process in order to build momentum towards a result, and of being perceived to be playing that role.

Former leader Mark Latham is one who thinks the media have been getting played, and in an interview with Fairfax Radio before the challenge that wasn’t, put that view in his characteristically forceful way.

‘‘We go through this every time about the inflated Rudd numbers. put his hand up for the Labor leadership six times, and in each case he has dramatically inflated his numbers in leaks to the media ... well, he didn’t have the numbers in the first place; I mean, I just get amazed at the gullible nature of the media where, time after time, they buy the Rudd BS.’’

Trust was also at the centre of the other debate that dominated the news this week over media reforms, if ‘‘debate’’ is not too dignified a word for a tetchy parliamentary committee process so rushed it was like speed hating and then an unedifying day of advisers sprinting around the building with confusing amendments no one was sure had any support, before the whole thing was put in the too-hard basket.

The Finkelstein report, upon which the government’s reforms were (very) loosely based – presented public distrust of the media as one of the central problems its recommendations were trying to solve.

‘‘Is there a problem? The answer is yes, and the problem is described as taking many forms: market failure, general public distrust of the media and the consequences of this for polity,’’ the report said.

And for the media executives who lined up early in the week to denounce the changes, distrust of what a government might do with an indirect lever of control over press councils through a public interest media advocate was one of the main reasons for rejecting it. smh.digitaleditions.com.au/olive/ode/smh_daily/PrintComponentView.htm 1/2 25/03/2013 smh.digitaleditions.com.au/olive/ode/smh_daily/PrintComponentView.htm

The argument was set up as a choice – whether the public should trust the media or the government. But the bad news for both the media and the government is that the public doesn’t seem to trust either of us.

An Essential poll released this week showed that only 34 per cent of respondents expressed trust in Federal Parliament – 8 percentage points higher than last year. Given Gillard has been battling both internal and external challenges to the legitimacy of her government and her very legitimacy as leader, it’s interesting the figure is as high as that. And only 12 per cent said they trusted political parties – the institutions that select our candidates for political office.

Newspapers were trusted by only 30 per cent, television news the same and online news media by just 27 per cent. (The ABC was a standout exception, trusted by 70 per cent of respondents, an 11 percentage point increase on last year).

For Parliament and the media – two institutions that rely on public trust and approval for their very existence – those figures should give long pause for thought about how that trust can be regained.

Despite the Labor dysfunction on display this week, historical polling on ethics and honesty suggests public trust in Parliament has been falling for some time and the solution for politicians is a lot more complicated than ’s answer that all will be well with a change of government after an election he intends to run on this very issue – trust.

For the media it now has to come down to meeting, and explaining how we are meeting, our responsibilities to be reliable and informative and interesting and fair.

This is my final column for The Sydney Morning Herald and I want to thank all the readers who have commented, tweeted, written, debated, agreed and disagreed with me over the past three years. You are, of course, the whole point of the endeavour.

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