Minutes of the Meeting of & Parish Council held on Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 7.30pm at the Diseworth Village Hall, Hall Gate, Diseworth.

1782 Attendance and apologies Present: Cllrs S Roberts Chairwoman, D Bamford, M Hobbs, S Perkins, P Gillatt and . Samantha Lockwood, Clerk. Apologies: Cllrs D Wiggins and A Cawdell and County Councillor: Cllr N Rushton. .

1783 Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest Resolved: Cllr S Roberts declared a non pecuniary interest at point 1791 she took no part in the discussion or decision making.

1784 Minutes of the previous meeting of the Council Resolved: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st June 2017, previously circulated, be taken as a true record, confirmed and signed.

1785 Any matters to be raised with the County Councillor. Resolved: Issues on the highway to be sent through to LCC customer services and copy in the County Councillor:  Weight Limit Signs down at the entrance to Diseworth.  Footpath Sign down between The Woodcroft and Shakespeare Close.  Hole in road at West End, Long Whatton.  Sign down on Lane – 'beware horse'.

1786 Any matters to be raised with the District Councillor. Resolved: Water metre cover broken on Barnfield Close where the grass cutting takes place. Clerk to report this to NWLDC.

1787 Police, crime, safety (a) Police report. Crime Figures: 03/07/17 Theft from building site, Long Whatton Filed 07/07/17 Theft from motor vehicle The Green, Diseworth Filed 26/07/17 Sheep Worrying, Long Whatton Filed

Remember that you can now report crimes online via the Police website instead of phoning in on 101.

Emerging trends / Incidents of note: There have been a few thefts from motor vehicles this month in neighbouring villages with vehicle windows being smashed in order to gain entry. We would encourage people to consider where they park and to remove valuables from vehicles overnight.

If you would like to have your valuables security marked, please contact a member of the beat team to make an appointment.

Crime Prevention Advice takes vehicle crime very seriously and understand the effects of such crime can be distressing and cause a lot of inconvenience for the owner.

The more security you are able put in and around your vehicle, the less attractive it will be to thieves. Consider adopting some of the following security measures in order to try to reduce your likelihood of becoming a victim of future crime.

Protect your vehicle. Don’t give thieves an easy ride.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 1 • leave it on show expect it to go! Always remove valuables from your vehicle remove sat nav’s including the support cradle and cables. Wipe away any suction pad marks

• don’t leave tools in vans overnight

• make sure that doors are locked, windows are closed and keys are removed when you leave the car, even if it’s only for a moment

• on icy mornings, never leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running

• park your vehicle in a well-lit spot that is visible to others, or covered by CCTV

• if you have a garage, use it. Always lock your vehicle and garage

• consider fitting a metal cage to your catalytic convertor or have it etched

• register any vehicle equipment such as CD players, in-car DVD payers, and sat nav’s, for free with immobilise.com

Garden Crime Don't let green fingered thieves spring clean your shed.

Many people take a great deal of trouble securing their house and the property within it...but what about sheds and garages? With the array of lawnmowers, power tools, garden equipment, bicycles, sports and other valuable equipment kept in them, security measures should certainly be put in place.

Gardening tools and garden furniture are not cheap - what's more they are very saleable items for the thief. Don't make it easy for them to be stolen and remember that tools stolen from your shed could be used to burgle your house.

Postcode or property mark anything in your shed or garage that is value and might be stolen, for example, lawnmowers, garden furniture, bicycles, sports equipment.

Take photographs of expensive items - they may be useful to police to identify the goods and return them to you, should you be unfortunate enough to have them stolen.

Never leave garden tools and equipment outside, even if you are just popping back into the house. It only takes minutes for an opportunist thief to take them.

Consider fitting a pair of garage door locks that are fitted either vertically or horizontally and can be locked both from the inside and outside of the garage.

We’d like to meet you - We hold regular beat surgeries and engagement events. You can meet us at:

Sunday 27th August 1pm - Long Whatton Village Show Sunday 3rd September 11am – Sawley Marina Autumn Fayre Saturday 9th September 1pm – Diseworth Village Show Sunday 15th October 1pm – Osgathorpe Beat Surgery Monday 6th November 5pm – St Hardolph’s School (Parents evening) Saturday 9th December 1pm – Belton Beat Surgery at Convenience Store

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 2 1788 Chairman’s Report RESOLVED: August meeting of LW&DPC

Meetings attended

 Airport water/flood meeting

 Roxhill Site meeting and tour

 Annual Parish Liaison Event at County Hall

Airport meeting – This was mainly to find out what the proposal was for running the hydrological survey, the costs and who was going to put up the money. It seemed positive but I am yet to be convinced that the airport can’t put up more money. We are looking at £5,000 from this PC alone. Sam has more accurate figures and details.

Roxhill Site meeting – We met at 4pm and had a tour round the site in Landrovers. It’s HUGE! Lots of explanations about keeping the dust down, noise reduction from machines and the fact that they are running on schedule. First Business buildings should be going up in November this year. Work on the Kegworth by-pass is due to begin in September. The guy that took us round was proud of his work and was at pains to let us know that he was doing his best to make sure they didn’t infringe on local communities.

Annual Parish Liaison Meeting at County Hall was a waste of space quite honestly – too much talking and not enough doing, although Sam and I did pick one or two ideas from the stands that were there – an idea for the Annual Parish meeting I had was to get someone to give a talk on Scams, online phishing and fraud. Sam has also looked at a project called Community Resilience Plan which would provide an emergency base/persons to help out in case of flood, fire or other disaster.

Other stuff Sam, Mary and I walked the water courses in both villages and a plan of action has been drawn up – in conjunction with the airport meeting where this was discussed – and a letter has been written regarding Riparian rights of people who have property adjoining any of the water courses. These are in the process of being hand delivered to the appropriate properties in the villages.

An article in the Dialogue and Long Whatton News regarding hedges, borders of properties and weeds has resulted in a few people taking action and making an effort to clear things up. This is a work in progress and on which I shall be keeping on top.

I have also been approached by one or two parishioners about putting in speed monitors (right word?) to warn motorists of their speed as they approach the village of Diseworth from the A453 airport road. Another idea could be 100m marker signs warning of the approach of a 30mph speed area, although I feel this would produce an over infestation of road furniture.

1789 Administration & Finance (a) Clerk's Report. CLERK’S ADMINISTRATION REPORT - 3rd August 2017. CCTV I received an email from a CCTV company explaining residents in Long Whatton who have approached the company in order to install a village wide surveillance system. Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council had been asked if it were willing to take up the maintenance, if the villagers are going to raise he money to foot the bill for the job and provide assistance with the necessary approvals for installation.

The Parish Council has not been approached from members of the public. I went to NWLDC to find out more about CCTV in order to best advise the Parish Council.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 3 – There is a huge amount of risk, work and maintenance required to be responsible for CCTV throughout a Parish. In brief: Costs involved for very basic camera's would be over £3k per camera and a recorder would be over £10k. NWLDC have said that if there is a 'problem area' they have portable camera that could be used temporarily.

Allotments Some work is needed to identify the plots again, due to plots not being maintained and vacant for a while – this would help the new tenant establish their boundary. – Can anyone help? - Councillor Bamford had said, if required, he can measure out the plot to the original drawing.

EMG – SRFI – Roxhill - Notes from Roxhill Parish Liaison Meeting 12/07/17 Website is getting plenty of visits, has been changed recently but not with regard to community section. There are 24/7 webcams which can be accessed through the website.

Negotiations are well advanced to sell Plots 1 & 2. Peter Goddard unable to say who, however on the site tour the driver told us the 1,000,000 ft2 Plot 1 had been sold to Amazon. – Will match the premises.

Works are currently on or slightly ahead of target (favourable weather)

A453 works on Northbound section nearly complete, will switch to Southbound w/c 31/07/17 with completion ~07/11/17. At this stage site access will switch to the new A453 roundabout.

Given safety concerns and the positive feedback to do so from the committee, Roxhill will discuss with Highways about closing the Church Street Lockington access/egress to A50 in November 2017, - earlier than planned.

There were 11/12 complaints from Kegworth concerning dust plus 2/3 from Lockington. 4 of these were reported to Environmental Health. The main cause was the recent heat wave combined with wind, however there is now constant watering, which has an additive to keep the surface wetter for longer and Winvic will suspend site movements in adverse conditions until they are satisfied effects will be minimalized. Plot 1 building (commences Autumn) should also help shield Kegworth.

Kegworth bypass work starts 04/09; contractor is Buckingham not Winvic. Archaeological work either side of Whatton Lane precedes this in August. Road completion ETA - end Summer 2018 (6 months early).

Highways England has been asked to install variable message signs on M1 Northbound to identify “minutes to junction 24” to discourage people coming off at J23a.

Site tour was interesting, railway will be 28m lower than standard site ground level (canyon for this already exists). There will be major bunding to Western and Southern site borders to protect noise and light pollution to CD and Hemlock. This will be high and with tree planting it is expected that eventually nobody in these villages will actually be able to see the site.

Roxhill is to upgrade the Diseworth Lane footpath into a cycle pathway so will need to tarmac it. Some of this work is on CDPC land so CDPC will be formally approached to give permission for Winvic to come onto its land initially to do a survey and later the actual work.

Next meeting 11th October @ Winvic Site Office – 5:00PM.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 4 Watercourse modelling proposals Diseworth and Hathern.

Notes of the Meeting of EMA, LCC, WINGS, LWDPC and Hathern Parish Council held on Friday 30th June 2017 at 12.00 at B34 Airport. Attendance and apologies Present: Cllr S Roberts (Chairman, LWDPC), Cllr Mary Hobbs (Vice Chair) Samantha Lockwood (Clerk LWDPC), Colleen Hempson (EMA), Cllr R Dann (Hathern PC), Michael Goy (WINGS representative), Geoff Moss (EMA) and Edwin Knight (LCC).

Edwin Knight started the meeting off by explaining the types of funding available - Two types of funding - Local Levy – Is a some of money that is collected from authorities such as LCC annually by the EA to create a 'pot of money' – the local levy. If an area has been seriously affected by flood damage and the local authority need fund to create a scheme to investigate the problem, that 'pot of money' can be 'bid' for by LCC.

Flood Defence Grant-in-Aid (FDGiA) - Risk management authorities can apply for a grant in aid (GiA) from the Government’s central funding to carry out projects. A project will be assessed based on how much public benefit it will have. If it qualifies for only a proportion of GiA, the funds can be ‘topped up’ through partnership funding from the local community. To apply for this funding you need results of the modelling as far greater details are required. Edwin explained that although the LCC would be happy to apply to the Local Levy fund and would potentially match fund the cost of the modelling scheme, sometime you can have these models done and the outcome can be that nothing comes of it. However, it was agreed that having a detailed study of the watercourse would benefit EMA, Long Whatton and Diseworth and Hathern. This independent modelling survey would also give more local people the knowledge of the 'problem' areas and hopefully create an action plan of what works is needed in the future. Actions required: - Edwin to obtain a detailed scope of what's required in the modelling survey, in order for us to gain additional quotes for the same works. Perhaps from Clearwater and JBA. This will make sure we are getting the best value for money and not just replying on one supplier. - Once we have received quotes, EMA is going to find out how much it can contribute. - Once we have a figure from EMA, Hathern and LWDPC can consider it's contribution. In the meantime, whilst we await information, Parish Council's to look into it's finance budgets. CHARNWOOD LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION DATABASE UPDATE - RESPONSE REQUIRED I am writing to ask whether you would like to be kept on the Council’s Local Plan consultation database. The database is used to contact interested parties about the latest information and consultations on planning policy documents for Charnwood. All those on the database have previously made comments on a planning document, asked to be on the database or been identified as a key organisation in the preparation of planning policies. Please let us know whether or not you would like to remain on the database by replying to this email and filling out the form below by Friday 18th August 2017. Anyone who has not responded by this date will be removed from the database. - The Parish Council does not wish to be included on the database.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 5 Payments approved – July and August PAYEE REASON £ CHEQUE A Clark June Salary and expenses £64.00 101069 S Lockwood June Salary and expenses £900.67 101070 Diseworth Village Hall Room Hire £32.00 101071 HMRC – 507PM001678401803 Tax and NI £125.47 101072 Long Whatton Village Show Grant £200.00 101073 Diseworth Village Hall Grant – Diseworth Village Show £200.00 101074 Playsafety Limited Annual RoSPA Reports £239.40 101075 A Clark July Salary and Expenses £64.00 101076 S Lockwood July Salary and Expenses £812.92 101077 JRB Enterprise LTD Dog Waste Bags £70.20 101078 R P Hunt Grounds Maintenance £3000.00 101079

Total £5708.66

(b) Comments Register. Complaint : 21/02/17 – Woodcroft – Shakespeare Close, near substation, there is a turning that leads to Page Lane. - The footpath hasn't been surfaced – could the area be inspected

Resolved: 27/02/17 – LCC passed it on to PROW inspector. 28/03/17 – LCC response...Sorry to have not responded sooner. Last week I had a phone conversation with Cllr Bamford about this. He’s explained the background to his enquiry. I referred to the County Council’s financial situation. However, as agreed with him, I have asked our contractors to give me a rough estimate of putting crushed stone down on the path surface between Woodcroft and Page Lane, roughly as it is already from Page Lane to Ladygate. Once I’ve got the quote, it may be a case of the Parish Council and ourselves working together to see if jointly, and given time, we can find bits of money that would fund doing this work – as we have only improvements done collaboratively with several other parish councils.

Complaint: 09/03/17 – Fly tipping, builder rubble, gateway Kegworth Lane (over bridge on bend) Ref: NWLLFT – 63406.

Resolved: Removed.

Complaint: 07/03/17 - Today the Diseworth Brook on Hall Gate known as Hall Brook was inundated with water I believe came from the airport it happened at 3pm 7th March it hasn't rained since the 5th March so it hasn't come from the land BUT the forecast is for rain tonight so I think they are letting the water off from the balancing ponds so they don't over flow but they denied that happened at the meeting last year

Resolved: 21/03/17 - Thanks for providing the evidence; I reported this straight to EMA and I just wanted to let you have the answer I was given...(Please see below)

Before and during the previous weekend (4/5th March) the Eastern Summer Ponds were undergoing some routine maintenance of the BOD meters etc and as a result the penstocks had been closed for a period of time. They were then

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 6 opened again following the maintenance works early that week, resulting in the high level of water flow on a dry day. You’ll probably remember there was a lot of rainfall that previous weekend, so quite a lot of water had accumulated in the summer pond, but given that it was a dry day, we were confident that releasing the water would not cause flooding.

Complaint: 16/03/17 – I have received an email from a local resident:

Please find enclosed photos of rubbish that has been left in the Grass Verge Ditch opposite Westbarn, off West End Long Whatton.

Opposite, has also had their hedge cut and laid in the last 2 weeks and they think this is where these hedge cuttings have arrived from. As this is IVY mostly, there is a possibility that this will take root and cause problems for the Council Grass Cutting Team in the future and a hazard for anyone walking on the Grass Verge.

Resolved: 22/03/17 - Complaint forwarded to Street Cleansing team – ref: 17/01436/SSFLY.

Complaint: 15/03/17 - Car parked near Barnfield Close - When its on the road it is within 10 yards of a junction opposite a bus stop so if the bus picks up or drops passengers the road is blocked both ways. There is a bus each hour in the day. The last 3 nights it been wrong way of traffic. Last week a lorry delivering to the building site had to park in the middle of the road so car were driving up the pavement instead of waiting.

Resolved: Police visited the owners of the vehicle on the 18/2/17 and advised them re obstruction of the pavement. Police have driven pass the address numerous times since and the vehicle has been parked on the road. On occasion I have seen that it is parked just on the pavement, however, it is not causing an obstruction.

In relation to the 10 yards of a junction unfortunately this is not something the Police can deal with and could only advise the vehicle owner which they have already done. As it stands there is nothing more the Police can do about the vehicle at present.

Complaint: 09/04/17 – There is dip in the road outside the corner or Barnfield Close on Main Street, Long Whatton, where the services were connected up. It is very deep and could be a danger if a bike drops a wheel in. The road has sunk in.

Resolved: 27/04/17 - I can confirm that this matter had already been brought to our attention and we have since been informed that works have been completed. If this still remains to be an issue, then please contact ourselves quoting reference 9906034.

Complaint: 24/04/17 - A patch of grass, behind the bench on Longmere Lane, Long Whatton that the grass cutting team doesn't cut. The elderly lady has contacted me again to say it's not been done and before it gets as bad as last year could you look into it again please? The team did a great job last time. Thanks in advance.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 7 Resolved: 25/04/17 - The gang are due in Long Whatton middle of next week and following the issue last year they’ve been made aware of this area. I’ll remind them again before they go out but any problems come back to me.

Complaint: 03/05/17 - I am contacting you regarding the play area at Sherwood Court. The area is very overgrown & the grass has not been cut so far this year. The area looks untidy & is become be unsuitable for play due to the length of the grass & the weeds. I was hoping you could arrange for the area to be maintained or provide me with the details of who I should contact.

Resolved: 05/05/17 – The Clerk contacted Morris Homes, who is responsible for the maintenance at Sherwood Court Play Area. Morris Homes response: The frequency of maintenance for the POS at Sherwood Court is every three weeks through the spring / summer months followed by less frequent visits (typically monthly) throughout winter period.

Andy Preston, Commercial Director for Morris Homes Midlands has confirmed that a contractor has been instructed to attend site to address the maintenance of the landscaped areas. Andy will also be able to assist with any other future queries regarding the same. I have copied Andy in on this mail, should you require he can also be contacted at our Rugby Office on 01788 557 900.

Complaint: 09/06/17 - The footpath sign on the footpath between The Woodcroft and Shakespear Drive is broken.

Resolved: 09/06/17 - LCC - Ref: FS54188492 - Issue reported: Signs, Non-illuminated permanent sign, Damaged - Location: 7 The Woodcroft, Derby, , DE74.

Complaint: 12/06/17 - The Junction of The Bowley, Diseworth looking out onto The Green - there is a hedge to the right which is really overgrown and makes visibility extremely poor here, to the point where motorist have to pull out to see. The Hedge also covers the lamp post on The Green.

Resolved: 15/06/17 - LCC has reported to the relevant Highways Inspectors/Departments for further investigation. The Bowley/the Green Ref: 9953372.

Complaint: 12/06/17 - Heading towards from Diseworth, on the right hand ride of The Green, just before Wartoft Grange Farm there is a Footpath. This footpath is almost unrecognised due to how overgrown with hazel it is - you can't even see the 40mph sign. I believe this is the responsibility of LCC?

Resolved: 15/06/17 - LCC has reported to the relevant Highways Inspectors/Departments for further investigation. The Green - Overgrown Hazel Ref: 9953410.

29/06/17 - In regards to the attached subject. I can confirm this matter has been referred by the Highways Enforcement Officer to the Forestry Department to investigate. Once taken place, we will contact you with an update.

Complaint: 12/06/17 - On The Bowley, Diseworth there was a drain that always used to get blocked, LCC went out to this and put some tarmac down 'incorrectly', this is

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 8 much higher than the level of the road and now all the rain water puddles here and doesn't drain properly.

Resolved: 15/06/17 - LCC has reported to the relevant Highways Inspectors/Departments for further investigation. - The Bowley - Issues with the Gully Ref: 9953432.

Complaint: The footpath from Page Lane, Diseworth which comes out at Shakespear Close/Hall Gate is so overgrown with Lorell its almost impassible - could you arrange for the owners (Homecroft House?) to have this cut back at your earliest convenience.

Resolved: 15/06/17 - LCC has reported to the relevant Highways Inspectors/Departments for further investigation. - Overgrown Footpath Ref: 9953446.

Complaint: 12/06/17 - As you come from Castle Donington to Diseworth both entries on the right hand sign have had the signs knocked down (these signs are for weight restriction) - they have been down for a while now and if possible could you arrange for these to be put back, as they were, at your earliest convenience.

Resolved: 12/06/17 – LCC - I have asked my Highways Operational staff to investigate and action. 21/06/17 – LCC - A large flag sign at the junction that takes you to Green Lane, Diseworth a replacement sign is currently being designed. 21/06/17 – LCC - A weight limit sign at the Grimes Gate junction, our records show that this sign was re-aligned on the 11th April 2017. - The Clerk reported to say this wasn't the case and a new sign is required!

Complaint: 23/06/17 - It has come to my attention that the Oak tree at the bottom of Turvey Lane, Long Whatton (leading onto the Ashby Road) is in need of care due to broken/rotting branch. I am worried this is dangerous and would ask that it is looked into as a matter of urgency.

Resolved: 29/06/17 – LCC - Thank you for your email, regarding the Oak Tree on Turvey Lane, Long Whatton. I have passed this enquiry through to the Forestry Team, who will arrange a site inspection and advise on best course of action. If you have any queries, please contact us quoting reference 9966650.

30/06/17 - I have just received a call from LCC who have confirmed that works will be carried out at this location; traffic management is required (3 way temporary lights and a road closure) which is being processed. The officer will ring me back with a further update.

Complaint: 30/06/17 - On Piper Drive, Long Whatton. Overgrown vegetation, making the footpath almost impassable at No. 8 Piper Drive - Tree branches, only about 4ft high - right on the bend.

Resolved: 07/07/17 – LCC - I have referred your report to our Highways Enforcement team for further investigation.

Should you need to contact us again regarding this matter please quote the following ref: 8 Piper Drive - reference 9974388. 11/07/17 - Highways Enforcement Officer who has sent a letter to the occupier

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 9 requesting the overhanging branches are cut back to allow safe access. If this work is not completed within 21 days , a further letter will be sent to the occupier advising if the works are not completed within a further 21 days, the County Council may carry the work out themselves and charge the occupier.

Complaint: 30/06/17 - No. 22 Piper Drive - Really wide conifer hedge, making the pathway really narrow.

Resolved: 07/07/17 - I have referred your report to our Highways Enforcement team for further investigation. Should you need to contact us again regarding this matter please quote the following ref: 22 Piper Drive - reference 9974392. 11/07/17 - Highways Enforcement Officer who has confirmed a letter has been sent to the occupier of 22 Piper Drive requesting the overgrown hedge is cut back within 21 days.

If this request is not adhered to, a further letter will be sent advising if the works are not carried out within a further 21 days, then the County Council may carry out the works themselves and charge the occupier for these works.

(c) The Parish Council to consider the proposal received from the grounds maintenance contractor to cut and collect the grass at Diseworth Village Hall. Resolved: The Parish Council, in principle, has agreed it will contribute 50% of the funds and hope that Diseworth Village Hall Committee would do the same. (d) The Parish Council to consider the quotations for new noticeboards and confirm the supplier. Resolved: The Parish Council, agreed to purchase three notice boards for the Parish, all made with 'man – made recycled timber'. Three quotes have been considered, much around the same costs and therefore the Councillors are going to look at sites where different companies have installed these boards to check the quality. Once this has been done an order will be submitted. A quote for installation is required – the Clerk is to look into this. (e) To consider financial support towards Long Whatton Cricket Club. Resolved: The Parish Council considered Long Whatton Cricket Club's grant application form and whilst it is committed to supporting local community projects, funds available are limited and with this project being unknown until now, the PC did not budget for it.

However, the Parish Council did agree on £1000 towards the project this year (proposed by Cllr Bamford and seconded by Cllr Perkins and all agreed) and would welcome the Club to attend a meeting (perhaps in October) to discuss it's plans further. This would enable the Parish Council to potentially budget for supporting the project next year and include it within out 2018/19 budget. (f) NWLDC Green Shoots Application: To confirm the types of bulbs required and the areas for planting. Resolved: Green Shoots is a grant through NWLDC which allows the Parish Council to get 50% funding towards bulbs for the Parish at a cost of £100. Cllr Roberts agreed to complete the form and order a selection of bulbs. It is a great opportunity to get local community groups together to help plant the bulbs i.e. Scouts/Guides etc once areas of land have been established. (g) Does the Parish Council wish to comment on the following consultations: - DRAFT Leicestershire Communities Strategy - Working Together to Build Great Communities - Stakeholder Engagement 2017? - Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and Brownfield Land Register. Resolved: The Parish Council didn't wish to comment on either consultation.

1790 Local Council Affairs (a) The Clerk to update the Parish Council on the current situation at Long Whatton Play Area, adjacent to the Primary School.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 10 Resolved: The work towards the new lease for the area is almost complete, were in the final stages with LCC. (b) The Clerk to provide an update on the nuisance parking project. Resolved: Following a report received from LCC with what parking solutions can be offered within the village, the Parish Council asked for feedback from the parishioners of Diseworth. Feedback received so far is that a formal parking scheme and double yellow lines throughout the village isn't welcome, however, additional signage/resident car stickers in problem areas, to deter 'airport parkers' could help? The Parish Council is going to look into this and the costs involved and also arrange for a follow up meeting with NWLDC and EMA.

1791 Planning (a) Planning Applications: consider and respond to the following: 17/00835/FUL: Erection of single storey side extension and detached double garage at 14 Main Street, Long Whatton, , Leicestershire, LE12 5DG. - NO OBJECTIONS. - However, would like neighbours views taking into consideration. 17/01029/FUL: Conversion and extension of barn to form a dwelling at 24 Hall Gate, Diseworth, Derby, DE74 2QJ. - NO OBJECTIONS. 17/01030/OUT: Erection of a dwelling (Outline - access included) at Land At 24 Hall Gate, Diseworth, Derby, DE74 2QJ. - NO OBJECTIONS. 17/00916/DEM: Demolition of building 47 (former Aeropark) (Prior Notification) at Building 47, Ambassador Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, DE74 2SA. - NO COMMENT. 17/00967/FUL: Change of use of field for paintballing (D2) including erection of netting and ancillary buildings at Land Off Roundabout, Gelscoe Lane, Diseworth. - NO COMMENT. 17/01005/FUL: Erection of detached dwelling, formation of new access to Page Lane and alteration of existing access at Land To The Rear Of 5A Page Lane, Diseworth, Derby, DE74 2QP. - NO COMMENT. (b) Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting: 17/00532/FUL: Erection of workshop building and equipment storage container at Aeropark, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, DE74 2SA. - PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/00551/TCA: Felling of 1 no. Weeping willow and 1 no. Leyland cypress (Unprotected trees in a Conservation Area) at 17 West End, Long Whatton, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5DW . - CONSENT TO CARRY OUT WORKS TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA. 16/00228/FUL: Erection of detached dwelling with associated detached garage and formation of new vehicular access onto Hall Gate at Hallfield Farm, 1 Hall Gate, Diseworth, Derby, DE74 2QJ. - PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/00383/FUL: Erection of two storey rear extension and formation of no. 2 car parking spaces to rear at 25 Main Street, Long Whatton, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5DF. - PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/00562/FUL: Single storey rear extension at 14 Barnfield Close, Long Whatton, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5BZ. - PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/00816/AIR: Proposed corporate aviation hangar (Revised Scheme) | Land Adjacent To Vanguard Road/Anson Road East Midlands Airport Castle Donington Derby Leicestershire. - NWLDC has NO OBJECTIONS to this proposal subject to a note to the applicant in respect of the surface water drainage are brought to attention and as such due consideration should be given to mitigating the potential impacts of surface water run-off from the side.

1792 Representatives’ Reports. Resolved: None.

1793 Miscellaneous Correspondence (to note and made available for Councillors' inspection) (a) Planning and development Team Structure at NWLDC. - (fwd Cllrs) (b) HS2 Announcement and future consultations. - (fwd Cllrs) - HS2 Phase 2b draft Environmental Impact Assessment Scope and Methodology Report - 29/09/17. - HS2 Phase 2b draft Equality Impact Assessment Scope and Methodology Report – 29/09/17. - Crewe Hub: options for building on existing connectivity – 12/10/17. - HS2 Phase 2b: Eastern leg rolling stock depot – 12/10/17. (c) LRALC Newsletter no. 3. - (fwd Cllrs)

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 11 (d) War Memorials Trust. (fwd Cllrs) (e) Clerks and Councils Direct July 2017 Issue 112.

RESOLVED: To receive the information. All available from the Clerk. HS2 Consultations were there as a reminder for Councillors to look at them, prior to next months Parish Council meeting and have comments ready.

1794 Other matters/items for future Agendas at the Chairman's discretion Resolved: - Update - Oak Tree on Turvey Lane, Long Whatton – works completed. - Hathern Road, opposite Harlow Bros - 30mph sign is obstructed by overgrown willow tree – needs cutting back. - Road safety stickers, for litter bins, given to Councillors to give out for residents of Long Whatton and Diseworth.

Meeting ended: 21:15.

Minutes of Meeting Held on 3rd August 2017. 12