
Chua Beng Huat is Professor of Sociology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and is affiliated with the Asia Research Institute at NUS. He is a co-founder of the journal Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, and has published widely on urban planning and public housing, comparative politics in Southeast Asia and the emerging consumerism across Asia. He has held visiting professorships at universities in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany, Australia and the United States. Raewyn Connell, FASSA, is Professor Emerita at the University of Sydney and has received awards from the American Sociological Association and the Australian Sociological Association. Her books are listed among the most influential in Australian sociology and her work has been translated into 18 languages. Her book Southern theory (Allen & Unwin 2007) discusses theorists unfamiliar in the European canon of social science, and explores the possibility of a genuinely global social science. Sylvia Estrada-Claudio is Professor of Women and Development Studies in the College of Social Work and Community Development at the University of the Philippines. She is a qualified medical doctor and psychologist. She formed the Medical Action Group to organise health missions to treat psychological trauma and injuries, and co-founded Likhaan, an organisation working with grassroots women on issues of reproductive health and rights. She has worked with various international networks and regional networks, including Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, the Isis International feminist advocacy organisation (Manila) and ARROW. Ken Henry AC, FASSA, was special adviser to the prime minister in 2011 and 2012. In that role, he led the development of the White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century. Today, he is a member of the boards of National Australia Bank Limited, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and Reconciliation Australia. He was secretary to the Treasury from 2001 to 2011.

vii The Social Sciences in the Asian Century

Ariel Heryanto is Professor at the School of Culture, History and Language, The Australian National University. He is the author of Identity and pleasure: The politics of Indonesian screen culture (NUS Press 2014) and State terrorism and political identity in Indonesia: Fatally belonging (Routledge 2007), editor of Popular culture in Indonesia: Fluid identities in post-authoritarian politics (Routledge 2008), and co-editor of Pop culture formations across East Asia (Jimoondang 2010). His current research investigates Indonesia’s postcoloniality. Kanishka Jayasuriya is Professor of International Politics and a Director of the Indo-Pacific Governance Research Centre at the . His books include Statecraft, welfare and the politics of inclusion (Palgrave 2006), Reconstituting the global liberal order: Legitimacy and regulation (Routledge 2005) and Asian regional governance: Crisis and change (Routledge 2004). Carol Johnson, FASSA, is Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Adelaide, and a member of the University of Adelaide’s Indo-Pacific Governance Research Centre. She has written extensively on Australian politics and political culture, including issues of Australian national identity, and has a particular interest in how governments manage social and economic change. Her books include Governing change: From Keating to Howard (UQP 2000; second edn, Network Books 2007). She also co-edited and contributed to a special issue of the Australian Journal of Political Science on ‘Re-engaging Asia’ in 2010, and has written on the comparative politics of social issues, information technology and e-governance in the Asia‑Pacific region. Leong Liew is Professor in the Griffith Business School. His research interests focus on China’s political economy, the political economy of Sino–US relations, development economics and the political economy of international business, trade and finance. He co-authoredThe making of China’s exchange rate policy: From plan to WTO entry (with Harry X. Wu; Edward Elgar 2007). Vera Mackie, FASSA, is Senior Professor of Asian Studies in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the . Her publications include The Routledge handbook of sexuality studies in East Asia (co-edited with Mark McLelland; Routledge 2015); Ways of knowing about human rights in Asia (Routledge 2015); Gender, nation and state in modern Japan (co-edited with Andrea Germer and Ulrike Wöhr; Routledge 2014); Gurōbaruka to Jendā Hyōshō [Globalisation and representations of gender] (Ochanomizu Shobō 2003); Feminism in modern Japan: Citizenship, embodiment and sexuality (Cambridge 2003); and Human rights and gender politics: Asia-Pacific perspectives (co‑edited with Anne-Marie Hilsdon, Martha Macintyre and Maila Stivens; Routledge 2000).

viii Contributors

Simon Marginson, FASSA, MAE, works as Professor of International Higher Education in the Institute of Education, University College London. He was previously a professor at (2000–06) and the (2006–13). He is Joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Higher Education, and joint author of International student security (Cambridge 2010) and Imagination: Three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy (Peter Lang 2011). He focuses primarily on globalisation and comparative and international higher education, including higher education systems in East and Southeast Asia. In 2014 he was the University of California’s Clark Kerr Lecturer in Higher Education and the recipient of the US Association for the Study in Higher Education’s Research Achievement Award. From October 2015 he will be director of the ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education, a five-year Economic and Social Research Council centre based at the UCL Institute of Education. Tessa Morris-Suzuki, FAHA, is Professor of Japanese History and holds an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship at The Australian National University. Her research focuses on aspects of modern Japanese and East Asian regional history, particularly cross-border movement between Japan and its Asian neighbours; issues of history, memory and reconciliation in Northeast Asia; and grassroots social movements in Japan. Her most recent books include East Asia beyond the history wars: Confronting the ghosts of war (with Morris Low, Leonid Petrov and Timothy Y. Tsu; Routledge 2013), Borderline Japan: Foreigners and frontier controls in the postwar era (Cambridge University Press 2010) and Exodus to North Korea: Shadows from Japan’s Cold War (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2007). In 2013 she was awarded the Fukuoka Prize (academic award) for contributions to the study of East Asian history. Sujata Patel is Professor of Sociology at the University of Hyderabad. She edited the ISA handbook on diverse sociological traditions (Sage 2010) and is editor of a number of book series, including Studies in Contemporary Society, Cities and the Urban Imperative, and Sage Studies in International Sociology.

ix This text is taken from The Social Sciences in the Asian Century, edited by Carol Johnson, Vera Mackie and Tessa Morris-Suzuki, published 2015 by ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.