Church Magazine

March 2016

Aldermaston and Benefice



Woolhampton Eggs etcetera

s I write this letter Lent is just about to start and thoughts of A eggs come to mind.

The cluster of eggs, like white pebbles, I discovered too late hidden by next door’s hens in my garden and gone bad. All that potential, lost, hidden, come to nothing.

A single egg with no toast, no chips, nothing to make a meal of it. The only food in the house of a woman I visited as a curate a few years ago. The crème eggs by the supermarket check-out there to tempt and the snap of the chocolate egg broken to eat on Easter day.

Eggs – symbols of a new life ready to break out of a fragile shell. And that possibility, of new life breaking out is the one I will be pondering upon this Lent.

Lent started on Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (minus the Sundays) ending on Easter day. The 40 days symbolise the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and praying in the wilderness, they also remind us of another time in the wilderness, the 40 years the Israelites spent journeying from Egypt to the Promised Land. The very early Christians used it as a time to prepare new believers for baptism at Easter. 40 days to make time for mindfulness, giving, fasting, prayer and attempting to live better lives. 40 days to prepare for and celebrate the wonder of new life breaking out on Easter day as the shell of an empty tomb reveals not death but a life which could not be killed. Jesus risen from the dead.

I wonder what it would be like to discover new life breaking out from fragile places this Lent: To practice mindfulness, taking time to meditate, to empty our minds, put down our egos, listen and look and become aware of the wonder of our world and our tiny place in it. To fast a little, maybe just one day a week, if we are fit and well. Find out what it is like to have just one egg to eat. To give food or money to our local food bank, so those whose fasting is not chosen have something to put on the table each day. To search out the hidden corners of our life where, like the mouldy eggs under the shrub in my garden, potential treasures lay waiting to give life if nurtured. Maybe a friend we have neglected, or a talent we are afraid to take out and develop.

Of course, this is all difficult if not impossible to do on our own, so we would need to help and encourage each other. But just imagine the joy of discovering the Easter message alive today, new life breaking through, as we break our chocolate eggs on Easter day. Rev Pat Bhutta

2 From the Register: Baptisms 7th February Olivia Grace Chocian 28th February George William Littlechild

Weddings, Renewal of Vows and Blessings of Marriage 14th February Darren Gregory and Melanie Issitt Wasing

Funerals and Burial of Ashes 3rd February Carolyn Cox 11th February Honoria Allison Beenham 26th February Bernard Walter Woolhampton All details correct at time of going to print.

ST MATTHEW’S Music by Candlelight CAFÉ CHURCH in St Peter’s Church, Food for body and soul Woolhampton Friday 4th Do you fancy some March 2016 at 6.30pm

company, a chance to meet old friends veryone is welcome to attend and make new E Music by Candlelight, a presentation of choral music through friends, enjoy a slice the seasons performed by the of homemade cake and tea, School Choir and with refreshments PLUS share stories, and served afterwards at the School. Free admission but places do need to more…… be booked in advance by emailing PLACE St Matthew’s Church, [email protected] or by , RG7 5UW phoning the School Office on 0118 TIME 2.30 to 4 pm- the First 971 3302. Thursday of each month. NEXT MEETING : 3rd March. For more information and transport: Tel: Pat Bhutta 0118 971 0124 e-mail: [email protected]

Welcome If you have recently moved into our community, we hope that you settle into your new home and surroundings quickly. Hopefully this magazine will help you to discover what’s going on in the area. You are especially welcome to come to any of the church services as listed in the magazine, and do please contact our rector if you want to find out more 32 SERVICES FOR MARCH 6th March Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday Aldermaston 8:00 AM Holy Communion BCP Aldermaston 10:45 AM Family Service Beenham 9:15 AM Family Service 9:15 AM Family Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Family Service Woolhampton 11:00 AM Mothering Sunday Service

13th March Lent 5 Aldermaston 10:45 AM Holy Communion Beenham 9:15 AM Family Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Family Communion Woolhampton 11:00 AM Holy Communion

20th March Palm Sunday Cedars School 10:45 AM Family Communion Beenham 9:15 AM Morning Worship Brimpton 10:45 AM Morning Worship Midgham 9:15 AM Holy Communion Woolhampton 11:00 AM Morning Worship

24th March Maundy Thursday Brimpton 7:30 PM Family Communion

25th March Good Friday

Aldermaston 2:00 PM The Last Hour

26th March Holy Saturday Beenham 5:00 PM Taize Service

27thMarch Easter Day Aldermaston 8:00 AM Holy Communion BCP Beenham 9:15 AM Family Communion Brimpton 10:45 AM Family Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Family Communion Wasing 10:45 AM Family Communion Woolhampton 11:00 AM Family Communion

3rd April 1st Sunday after Easter Aldermaston 10:45 AM Family Service Beenham 9:15 AM Holy Communion Brimpton 9:15 AM Holy Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Morning Worship Woolhampton 11:00 AM Morning Worship


SPECIAL SERVICES FOR LENT AND EASTER Mothering Sunday – 06 March with special services across the benefice for all the family (See service listing for more details.)

Holy Week Evening Prayer Monday 21st March, 7.30pm at St Peter’s Brimpton Tuesday 22nd March, 7.30pm at St Peter’s Woolhampton Wednesday 23rd March, 7.30pm at St Mary’s Beenham

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion, with foot washing, 24th March, 7.30pm at St Peter’s Brimpton Good Friday Messy Church, 25th March, 10.30am, Aldermaston Hall The Last Hour, 2pm at St Mary’s Aldermaston Holy Saturday Taize service ‘From darkness to Light’, 26th March, 5pm at St Mary’s Beenham

Easter Sunday 27thMarch 8am Holy Communion BCP, St Mary’s Aldermaston 10.45 Family Communion, St Mary’s Aldermaston 9.15 Family Communion, St Mary’s Beenham 10.45 Family Communion, St Peter’s Brimpton 9.15 Family Communion, St Matthew’s Midgham 11am Family Communion, St Peter’s Woolhampton


Things to make and do for all ages Songs and the Easter story Hot-cross buns

Due to our previous year's success of Good Friday Messy Church, and the growing number of younger children, this year's Messy Church will be held at Aldermaston Parish Hall and be teamed with Noah's Ark. Suitable for all ages, children please bring an adult. No need to book, just turn up – or phone Revd Becky for more details on 0118 9712281 5 WALKING IN 2016 ome and join us for an interesting walk in and around Queen Elizabeth C Olympic Park in Stratford and Hackney in London. It is a circular walk of approximately 7 miles and takes place on Saturday 23rd April 2016, 9am to 5pm. It’s an excellent day’s outing for all the family, as there is so much to see and learn, including a questionnaire to test the brain and your observational skills! This is a sponsored walk that is educative, enjoyable and helps to raise funds for a small charity, “Unlock”, which spreads the Christian message in deprived inner city areas. As you walk you will learn about Unlock’s work to spread the Gospel, not just in inner London, but also in Hull, Liverpool, Glasgow, Sheffield and beyond. It will visit different denominational churches on route, which provide rest stops and refreshments, as well as an insight to their strengths and their problems. The walk is the main fundraising event for this charity. Lots of people take part, so you won’t be alone! If you can, please join us, we could do with lots of moral support, if you can’t then please sponsor us! We plan to travel from stations on the Newbury line using group bookings. For further details contact Margaret Davison, 3, Angel Mead, Station Rd, Woolhampton.

Lent Lunch BRIMPTON CHURCH ur annual Lent lunch of HOLY WEEK O delicious homemade soups, 21 - 25 March bread and fruit will be served at Church open from 10am - 6pm daily 12-30 on Saturday 5th March in Woolhampton Village Hall, after the Step into the story market. of Jesus’ last week All are more than welcome! The church will be No charge but there will be a retiring open daily for an collection for water aid. opportunity to look around the church Christians in Syria: The Current and reflect on Situation scenes and artefacts On Wednesday 9th March at 8pm capturing key Revd. Andrew Ashdown will speak in moments from the St Mark's Englefield about Christians in Passion Story Syria. He is currently the only Anglican priest engaging with Christian Also, do join us for and Muslim leaders in Syria. He has A Walk through Holy Week visited the country regularly over the last few months and indeed is there this A Short Guided Reflection month. He is a self-supporting priest in Monday 21st at 7.30 pm the Winchester Diocese and inter-faith All welcome adviser to Bishop Tim Dakin. All are welcome so please feel free to Come and be part of the story... invite others to come as well


VILLAGE MARKET he next Market is on Saturday 5th March in the Village Hall from T 10am to 12 noon. As always there is a wide range of merchandise on offer at the Market and to make it all worthwhile, we need YOU to visit. There is no admission charge so just come along, relax, enjoy a nice cup of tea and chat to friends and neighbours (even get to know your neighbours if you are new to the village). We hope to see you there.

WOOLHAMPTON ANNUAL SHOW 2016 (SATURDAY AUGUST 13TH) Last chance for entering ‘Potato-growing-in-a-container’ Competition This is a fun competition and there are a few sets of tubers still available so if you do not want to miss out on this popular class, please register with Cathy or Terry (tel. 9713637, email [email protected]). If you are new to the village and/or would like more details on this competition, see posters on notice boards around the village, or contact Terry (as above). This year, there will be a junior section so the whole family can join in. Photography classes This year’s subjects in the photography classes will be: Opposites (a pair of photos depicting opposites, e.g. light/dark, short/tall, etc.) Furry friends Bridge(s) St Peter’s Church, Woolhampton (any part thereof) As usual, only one entry per class per person will be allowed. Photographs must not exceed the (standard) size of 7in x 5in and must have been taken by the entrant. New category This year a new category of Needlecraft is to be introduced. This can be any item made by the entrant using any type of needle, i.e. knitting, sewing, crochet etc.

NATURE NOTES wonder how carefully most of us study the birds in our I gardens? My Expert Adviser has reported five serins and a firecrest in his. Now I would probably have noticed a firecrest among my goldcrests, as I used to watch the goldcrests closely when I lived at Midgham Green; the branches of the noble fir hung close to the shed, which made a perfect hide. But I have to confess that had five serins come into my garden I would probably have glanced at them casually and dismissed them as siskins! Although serins began to breed in southern in the latter half of the last century they are still very unusual, and probably the mild weather had something to do with their appearance. W.H. Davies may have taken it to extremes but he was right when he wrote ‘What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare’? Stella Nesbit

7 WOOLHAMPTON SCHOOL ith Spring term now in full flow we are busy making plans and W preparations to refresh some areas of the school and its facilities.

Our main building project is to undertake a complete refurbishment of the Key Stage 1 toilets with the aim to vastly improve the current facilities and provide the children with a bright, fun and modern washroom area. I am delighted to be working with Mr Bingham and Mrs Howe on this project, not only to share my knowledge and experience of working in the construction sector but also because I am passionate about providing our children with the best environment possible. We hope to appoint a contractor in the coming weeks with a view to the works being carried out in the Summer holidays.

We are also looking to utilise additional space to expand our ‘Reading Room’ and create a non-fiction library. We are very lucky to be able to draw on the expertise of one of our parents who is a qualified librarian.

With constant changes and advancements in technology, we are currently planning a major upgrade to the School website. We are lucky to have a web designer amongst our parents and he will be advising us on the best way to develop a new website which can be easily accessed from mobile phones, tablets and computers. The School’s website is an important means of communication for both current and also prospective parents as well as the wider community. Ensuring that all of the content is easily accessible to as many people as possible is very important. This project is a major undertaking and so it will be some time before we unveil the new version…watch this space! Carla de Guise (governor)

WOOLHAMPTON AND MIDGHAM WI wenty five members attended Woolhampton and Midgham WI Christmas Party on T 8th December. The evening consisted of a delicious buffet provided by members. Two Quizzes were provided by Mary Owen and added to the enjoyment of the evening and the general chat. The final entertainment was provided by Sandra Ley, Madeleine Barrow and Mary Owen who entertained us all with a selection of risqué limericks to everyone's amusement. The evening ended at approximately 10.00 pm. At the January meeting A funny talk was given by Graham Loxton-Best on the antics in an English courtroom, this kept everyone amused and interested. Graham retired after 40 years in the wine industry then went on to become an usher in the English Courtroom. After this refreshments were served by Glenice and Beryl. At the February meeting twenty one members attended and Madelaine welcomed the new members to the WI. The talk was given by Sam from Tilly's Treats on chocolate, we were also encouraged to dip her delicious home made truffles into melted chocolate and consume them as well as tasting some delicious chocolate as well, followed by a cup of tea and delicious Florentines and home made biscuits. The next meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday in March at Woolhampton Village Hall.

8 Who composed Beethoven's Fifth? One of the many questions unlikely to be asked at the Woolhampton Village Hall Family Quiz Saturday 16th April at 7.30pm Bring a team (up to 6) or make a team on the night Ploughman’s Supper Licensed Bar £6.00 Tickets from The Village Shop

Woolhampton Village Hall – March 2016 Art Group Monday 7,14,21 2.15pm Baby & Toddler Monday 7,14,21 9.30am Bowls Friday 4,11,18 3pm The Fitness League Thursday 3,10,17,24,31 10.00am Lunch Club Wednesday 2,23 12.30pm Market Saturday 5 10.00am Parish Council Tuesday 15 7.30pm Pilates Monday 7,14,21 6.30pm Pilates (morning) Wednesday 2,9,16,23 8.45am Pilates (evening) Wednesday 2,9,16,23,30 5.30pm Seniors Social Club Wednesday 23 2.30pm Stroke Care Tuesday 1,8,15,22,29 9.45 am Tai Chi Friday 4,11,18 10.00am Tea dance Thursday 3,17,31 2.00pm Whist Thursday 10,24 2.00pm WI Tuesday 8 7.45pm Zumba Monday 7,14,21 7.30pm Zumba Wednesday 2,9,16,23,30 6.30pm For contact details of the above groups or to hire the hall please contact Emma Smith on 0118 9714062 or [email protected] (Woolhampton residents receive reduced charges for party bookings.)

GARDENING CLUBS & EVENTS & Horticultural Society is a friendly group who meet at the Memorial Hall Upper Bucklebury. We meet for talks and outings. Members also receive discounts at several local nurseries. On Friday 25th March at 8pm the theme is ‘Wildlife on your Doorstep’. The Spring Show is on 1st April. New members are always welcome, contact John Wright 01635 863429 or come along to the next meeting. Bradfield Gardening Club meets at Bradfield Village Hall at 7.30 There are talks and visits from April to September on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The first talk of the year will be on Tuesday 12th April, doors open at 7.00 for a prompt 7.30 start. New members are always welcome, contact Elspeth Ewen [email protected] 0118 9712856 or come along to the next meeting.


PALM SUNDAY 20th March 9am n Palm Sunday, 20thMarch, we will meet at 9am outside the school and O walk in procession down Church Lane for the church service, starting at 9.15 a.m. We hope as many people as possible will join the procession - we look forward to seeing you there.

EASTER LILIES Saturday 26 March e will be decorating St Mary’s Church on Saturday W 26th March starting at 10 a.m. Margaret Wheatley would be pleased to know of anyone wishing to donate a lily for Easter. For any further information please call Margaret on 0118 9710260.

ST MARY'S BEENHAM LENT DONATIONS TO LOCAL FOOD BANK uring Lent we will be collecting for the West food bank run by D the Trussell Trust. Their website gives information of the types of supplies most needed. Any contributions you could make will be gratefully received. There will be a box for donations at the back of St Mary’s Church. Thanking you in anticipation

THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB FOR Zumba Dancing THE OVER 55S Sundays 11.00- 12.00. Throughout the winter we hold social Come along to dance yourself fit and events and talks in the Victory Hall enjoy the company. but during the summer we arrange Contact Neil Daniel 07545 425248 six coach outings to various venues. [email protected] The Autumn events are lunches, teas and suppers. If you are interested just Beenham Wind Orchestra get in touch, we would be delighted We rehearse every Friday in term time to see you. from 7.30pm to 9.45pm in Beenham For further information contact School. Robin Chapman on: 9713715 Do join us if you play a wind instrument (string bass or percussion). For more information, please contact Art Group Simon Witcomb on 01635 869869 A friendly group of amateurs meets (work) 0118 9712210 (home) or every Tuesday 9.45- 12.15 [email protected] Contact Sunny 9712255 10 VILLAGE MARKET AT THE VICTORY HALL SATURDAY 12TH MARCH 14.00 - 15.30 he Air Ambulance fund raisers have booked a stall for the market and I T believe have a diverse selection of items for sale including quilts and throws. Certainly, we are building a reputation locally for supporting worthwhile charities in the area and the village has called on this service a number of times in life saving situations. Please show your support. Please come and indulge in some of Marian’s delicious cakes, and don’t forget if you have a request for a favourite cake just ask! Our young helpers also continue to tempt us with their homemade cakes, teas and coffees whilst you meet up with your friends for a chat. All help is greatly appreciated to keep this village event going, including helping to set up and pack away, contact Nola for set up times. So come along to meet the new faces, arrange to catch up with your friends and neighbours for conversation, coffee, tea and cake. Browse the new and regular stalls for a bargain or buy a cake and a jar of jam for Sunday tea. Don't forget the raffle, a selection of fun prizes usually including a bottle of wine! New stall holders are always welcome, the only charge is 10% of stall holders’ takings to Village Hall funds, no sales no charge. Please contact Nola Rice- Wood on [email protected] or 9714822 for details or to arrange a booking for all kinds of parties, events or meetings. We thank you for supporting your Village Hall and look forward to seeing you at the next market. Subsequent Market Saturday 9th April 14.00 -15.30.

BEENHAM VICTORY HALL CHARITY SALE FOR MNDA Saturday 19th March 10.00 – 13.00 in Jenkins is preparing for another Motor Neurone Disease Association L (MNDA) all day Sale at the Hall on the 19th March, doors opening at 10am to 1.00pm. Lin has always found the villagers to be extremely supportive of this very deserving charity and I hope we can make it as successful for her as last year.

Scottish Dancing Every Monday 19.45- 22.00 It’s great fun and a good way to improve fitness and stamina. The group meets regularly on Monday evenings 7.45pm – 10pm from September until May. Do come along one night and see what we do. You don't need a partner and the music is great. We promise you a warm welcome. For more information contact Katrina on 0118 9713331 or Jackie 07745310794 [email protected]. To check on other clubs in the area see

11 BEENHAM WALKERS eenham Walkers meet at the Village Hall at 9.30am on alternate B Thursdays. We sometimes have a local walk, and sometimes go further afield (with lunch in a pub). On 3rd March we are going to , but on 17th March it will be a local walk. Most walks are between 4 and 6 miles, and take 2 to 3 hours. Dogs are welcome. If you would like to be added to the mailing list please drop an email to [email protected], or just turn up.

BEENHAM PRE-SCHOOL t has been an exciting start to 2016 at Beenham Pre-School as we have been I learning about Winter. We have been keeping fit with weekly Active AM sessions and Gym Classes and also with weekly walks and outings around the village. We have welcomed some new families to the setting and look forward to more new friends starting in the run up to Easter and this means that some of our sessions are now very busy. If you might be interested in requesting a place and would like to come and meet us please do get in touch as soon as possible. We are operating a waiting list for children who are not yet 2 but wish to book a space ahead of time so do let us know if you would be interested in more information. We are open school hours (9am-2.45pm) from Monday to Thursday during term time with an option of childcare until 5.45pm after the 4th birthday. We offer spaces to children from their second birthday until school entry. Cooked lunches are available daily. Please contact our Manager, Paula Read: Telephone: during sessions on 07793 116937 / out of sessions 01635 860039 Email: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook and look out for announcements through the Beenham Village Twitter account and our own website (

12 ST MARY’S CHURCH - EASTER PREPARATIONS head of Easter celebrations, a Spring Cleaning Day is being organised on A Saturday 19th March in 2 sessions, from 10am and from 2pm. For most of the year we rely on a team of volunteers to keep the Church clean and tidy for weddings and funerals as well as for church services. Once a year we ask for extra help from younger members of Beenham (including men?) to reach the high places and the difficult jobs that we can’t normally do. Your help will be much appreciated. Refreshments are available. Just turn up when you can! Unfortunately, our Vax upright vacuum cleaner, newly bought with Church funds, has gone AWOL. If anyone knows of its whereabouts or has borrowed it to use or repair it, please let me or Rosemary Maslen (9713824) know urgently. Also if anyone has a spare lockable upright cupboard to house cleaning equipment we would be very grateful to receive information. Katrina Alderton, Brambly Hedge (9713331)

BEENHAM WI t was nearly a full house at our February meeting, as I visitors joined us to hear our speaker, Graham Horn talk, knowledgeably and often with humour, about the history and restoration of Beenham’s nearest stretch of waterways, the . His illustrated talk (he said he would only use half of the 3,000 of the slides he has on the topic!) told the story of how the canal came about, its heyday and later decline, with the rise of the railways. The regeneration of interest in the canal, mostly for leisure pursuits, in the latter half of the 20th century, was complete, with the formal opening of the canal, from Bristol to Reading, by the Queen, in August 1990, at Devizes. Graham, now a Blue Badge tourist guide, has been involved with the Canal for over 30 years and was previously a member of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust Council. March is the month for our AGM and, as always, the committee would welcome some new blood, bringing maybe a breath of fresh air and new ideas to our group. So, don’t be shy, come and join that hardworking group who make our WI a warm and welcoming place to be on the second Wednesday evening of every month. We welcome new members to join our WI. Maybe you’ve recently moved to the village and would like to meet the locals and make new friends. So ladies, if you fancy a monthly ‘night out with the girls’, to find out more about a myriad of subjects, enjoy pub lunches and outings, you will be warmly welcomed. If you would like to come, just turn up, or contact our secretary Rosemary Maslen on 9713824 or President Carolyn Main on 9710164. We are proud to be part of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, which has considerable influence in public affairs. Beenham WI meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at 7.45p.m. in the Community Room. Linda Beakhouse

13 BEENHAM SUMMER FESTIVAL 2016 Do you want to be involved? ou have probably been to the Festival. You know that it is fun, it is local and that it Y raises money to support village organisations. If you have not been – please come! You will enjoy it! This year's Festival is on June 11th, sadly the first year without its founder and mastermind, John Thurley. The Festival depends on local volunteers. Some people help for a couple of hours on the day, helping to set up, running a stall, or helping to clear up afterwards. Others are more involved, managing part of the organisation. This might mean attending some meetings, usually at the pub, planning ahead and working with others to help make the Festival a success. The payback for volunteers is that they get to meet lots of people in the village and have the pleasure of being part of a successful community venture. The committee would welcome new members and would particularly value a Minutes Secretary. We would also like to hear from anyone who would like to run a stall, whether it is home-made crafts or a game, or anything of local interest. Please get in touch if you would like to help or for more information. Phone 0118 9713677 or email [email protected]

QUIZ NIGHT WITH FISH & CHIP SUPPER, Victory Hall Saturday 16th April eenham WI are sponsoring the above event and are pleased to B advise that Claire and Nigel have agreed to be our Quiz Masters for the night. £10 a head including your fish and chips, bring your own condiments, drinks and glasses. We will have the usual format with tables of up to 6 to form a team, although singles can always be fitted in somewhere. Prizes for the win- ning team and the much coveted booby prize! Contact Nola, by phone or email to ensure you don’t miss out on this fun evening. Tel: 01189714822, email [email protected].

BEENHAM Gareth the Postman espite recent conversations and on-line postings, the collection is now D back on, so if you would like to contribute to Gareth’s leaving present please leave envelopes marked “Gareth the Postman” through my letterbox, The Old Vicarage, just along from the village hall on the opposite side of the road as you go towards the rec. In the very unlikely event that there is a change, put your address on the back of the envelope so your gift can be returned. Thank you. Lesley McEwen

BEENHAM WIND ORCHESTRA - CONCERT Saturday 19 March 2016 in St Mary’s Church, , at 7.30pm his is the third concert in your series which showcase the best music composed T for wind band, covering 1950 to 2000. Tickets £10, £8 and £2 (under 18s) in advance on line at or from Lily’s Ladies Fashion in the Kingsland Centre, Thatcham On the door they will cost £12, £10 and £2 Please contact Simon Witcomb for more information 01635 869869 [email protected],


DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Concert by the local ENHARMONIC CHOIR conducted by Daniel Nicholls on Sunday 22nd May at 7pm At St Matthew’s Midgham


All are welcome to our Family Service on Sunday March 6th at 9.15 am

Followed by coffee and cake

THE ROYAL COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE CHURCHES TRUST invites you to an illustrated lecture Saving the Church: buildings, battles, and the idea of conservation since 1800 Given by Professor William Whyte FSA Professor of Social and Architectural History, University of Oxford on Monday 7 March 2016 at 7.00 p.m. in the Long Gallery, Englefield House RG7 5EN Tickets £12.50 to include a glass of wine Please apply for tickets before February 29th or thereafter email [email protected] and pay at the door


y parents moved to Midgham in 1955, M bringing me along with them, and for a little while – a year or so perhaps - we lived at the “Studio Flat” in Bucklebury Place, from where I started school. In return for the accommodation, my parents undertook some housekeeping duties, although Dad also worked at Elliots in Newbury at that time - if I remember correctly – off Strawberry Hill. During the Second World War, Elliotts factory in Newbury was requisitioned – along with others – and made parts for Spitfire aircraft.

Bucklebury Place & Off to School To my eyes, Bucklebury Place was an enormous building, but the flat was prone to leaks from the roof during rain, and the kitchen possessed this enormous refectory style table, on which I could lay out my new train set. I did sit on the table, so I could see the train close up, but then put my hand back into fresh air, and fell rapidly to the floor! It didn’t put me off trains though.

As a small child you do accept your surroundings no matter what – including the hazards – and whilst we lived there, I discovered the joys of playing inside construction pipes, getting stung by a wasp, and climbing on to a construction crane, over its caterpillar tracks. No “High-Viz” jackets or safety helmets then! Bucklebury Place was owned by the Lovell family in those days, and I do remember a – shall we say “rotund” – a lovely, ‘motherly’ lady who going by the name of “Yoli”, was either their housekeeper, or maid/nanny. To be honest, I don’t remember much of the place, just that it was big, vast even, and there were plenty of places to play, and I think there was an indoor squash court, but no swimming pool. Didn’t go into the main house much, but have since learned something of its history, although perhaps not so notable as Bucklebury Manor, with its past and present royal connections.

It was a year or two later when I’d spent a fair amount of time wandering around Carbinswood Lane and Windmill Lane, and up to The Avenue that the place started to fall into some perspective for me. Looking at the area today, getting to school from Bucklebury Place would seem to involve going down Windmill Lane to School Hill (Inwood’s Hill as most of us called part of that lane) – but I’m certain I was taken down a path and across a field between ‘Eight Acre Copse’ and ‘Hopgarden Copse’ – and then back on to School Hill, just about 100 yards from the school gate. I know it was about 100 yards, because that was the road on which Mrs Johnson and Miss Maskell marked out, and supervised/judged school sports – the 50 yards, 60 and 80 yards races. After we’d been in the adjoining meadow for the ‘Throwing the Cricket Ball’ competition!!

Rodger Bradley( to be continued)


SAVE THE DATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH'S BRIMPTON OPEN GAR- ARK!! DENS e are pleased to announce that In aid of St Peter’s Church Fabric Fund W our baby and toddler group, Noah's Ark, will have its 1st birthday Sunday, 19 June 2016 on Friday 4th March. We are 14:00-17:00 celebrating a year that's been filled with new friends, laughter, play, craft, singing, children learning to sit, crawl, walk and run, and some of our favourite bible stories brought to life. Please come along with your little one, whether you've been before or it's your first time, to Aldermaston Parish Hall, 10-11am, 4th March and join the party!

4th March and Messy church 25th March


Tickets are now available for the 38th Newbury Spring Festival 2016. From 7th to 21st May concerts by major international artists from the worlds of classical music, jazz, opera, ballet and cabaret as well as community events will take place at venues in and around Newbury. There is something for everybody to enjoy. Tickets: 0845 5 218 218

17 COPY can be sent to COMMUNITY Beenham SERVICE GROUP Gill Wilkinson 9710127 Beenham-Midgham-Woolhampton [email protected] For details of services provided, Midgham requests and offers to help ring: Sarah Henderson 9713956 0118 9713334 (Mrs Cardy) [email protected] between 9.30 and 11.30 am, Woolhampton VACANT Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Woolhampton Surgery Run:

Please send Word attachments in Tuesdays—pick up points: Times New Roman size 11 font with no 9.30 am Watermill Court & The Angel formatting (i.e. tabs bullets etc)

MOBILE LIBRARY All advertising enquiries to Brenda Scott 0118 9813441 [email protected] Beenham: Thursdays March 3rd & 24th

THE BEENHAM SURGERY RUN Stoneyfields 2.00-4.00 Sponsored by the Parish Council Takes patients from Beenham to Woolhampton: Chapel Row Surgery Thursdays March 3rd & 24th on Monday and Friday mornings Please make requests for this service The Angel 10.15-10.45 to the Chapel Row Surgery Watermill Ct 10.50-11.50

The volunteer drivers also collect and deliver prescriptions to Beenham Midgham: Thursdays March 3rd & 24th MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION he magazine is distributed without Goddard's Drive 9.30-10.00

T charge to homes and schools in the Aldermaston: area. But financial contributions, Wednesdays March 2nd & 23rd however small, are gratefully received. If you would like to make a donation Ravenswing Park 11.35-12.00 towards the magazine please send a Forsters 12.15-12.45 cheque to AW Benefice General account Wharfside 3.15-3.40 c/o The Rectory, Wasing Lane, Mallard Way 3.45-4.30 Aldermaston RG7 4LX

Brimpton: Wednesdays March 2nd & 23rd MAGAZINE DEADLINE War Memorial 2.00-2.15 WEDNESDAY 9th MARCH Hyde End Lane 2.25-2.50 12 noon at the latest

[email protected]

18 MINISTRY TEAM Benefice Administrator Brenda Scott 9813441 [email protected] The Rector Rev Becky Bevan 9712281 [email protected] The Rectory Wasing Lane, Aldermaston Associate Priests (part time) Rev Pat Bhutta 9710124 [email protected] Rev Derek Spears 9332722 [email protected] Rev Janice Macdonald 9813590 [email protected] Lay ministers Mr Hanslip Long 9713310 [email protected] Margaret Davison 9712810 [email protected] Wedding Administrator Samantha Cave 07568 184704 [email protected]

St Peter’s, Brimpton Aldermaston & Wasing Churchwarden: Treasurer: Chris Goodchild Chris Saich, Elmet Cottage 9710430

9712815 Secretary: Rachel Peters 9811964

Treasurer: Mark Tiley St Mary the Virgin, Aldermaston 01635 254987 Churchwardens: Secretary: Patricia Brims 9714085 Chris Newman, 22a The Street Flowers: Deborah Fry 9713603 9713525

St Matthew’s, Midgham Teresa Thomas 9712662 Churchwardens: Spring Cottage, Spring Lane Flowers: Jeanne Hughes 9812289 Robert Stradling, 2, Church Close, Thatcham 01635 862337 St Nicholas, Wasing Sarah Henderson, 14 Hatch Close, Churchwardens: Chapel Row 9713956 Alan Caiger-Smith, Shalford Farm Treasurer: Stewart Booth 9713100 9710252 Colin Evans, Wasing Wood Edge Secretary: Sarah Henderson 9813843 9713956 St Mary’s, Beenham Flowers: Sue Evans 9713364 Churchwardens:

George Dunford,11Whitehart Close, St Peter’s, Woolhampton 9323637 Churchwardens: Tim Leblond Four Keeps, Malcolm Large, 39 Abbey Gardens Picklepythe Lane 9714719 9712901 Joint Treasurers: Charles Davison, 3 Angel Mead Simon Witcomb 9712210 9712810 Chris LeBlond 9714719 Treasurer: Prue Matchwick Secretary: Rosemary Maslen 9712911 9713824 Secretary: Gill Sitch 9713172 Flowers: Margaret Wheatley Flowers: Stella Nesbit 9713140 9710260 19

MASSAGE THERAPY In the comfort of your own home My name is Albert Mihaly and I am a qualified masseur with 20 years experience in various mas- sage techniques ( Swedish massage, Sport massage, Relaxation massage, Back Injuries ) and also offer progressive relaxation training. I offer a one hour intensive full body massage plus 15 minutes of relaxation training for £45 in your own home. I will not charge more if you live further away. The relaxation training includes tech- niques such as guided imagery and breathing exer- cises. It will enhance your body’s response to the massage and differentiates me from other masseurs without the add on charge. My philosophy is: “You can only be truly happy if your body, soul and spirit are in harmony.” Please contact me after 6.00 pm on: 01189714437 or send me an email to: at- [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.



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22 E.A. Laming Fiona Kirby Interiors ( City & Guilds Qualified) Flat roofing 15 years Guarantee on all high Soft Furnishings &Upholstery performance felts (curtains, blinds, also Tiling and Lead loose covers) Repairs Established 2000 Phone 0118 9744701 Tel: 0118 9712972 21 years experience


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Professional treatments for a variety of foot problems including corns, hard skin, ingrown toenails, diabetic feet, thickened toenails, cracked heels.

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BEAUTY THERAPY BEENHAM Manicures; pedicures; massage;  Seasoned Logs for sale delivered facials; waxing; make-up; tinting; to your door perfume design; teenage beauty  Log processing workshops  Operated digger and tree shear 07917 818283 hire specialising in boundary and scrub clearance, ditch digging, Fully qualified, insured & DBS checked trackways and general ground-

works  Agricultural and equine fencing COUNSELLING AND

Any enquires please call Sam on PSYCHOTHERAPY 07979261497 or email Confidential, professionally registered, [email protected] and 20 years’ NHS experience. Phone to book an assessment. 07778 509594 GERALYN COLLINS

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