King Summons Bald for A

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King Summons Bald for A v r * : ............ FM^i^iaUk --------------^ M rrr^.'C cs Ctaimar JOhnsoa; who la.qfll^eyw ‘A s M fU^maetlng of the Ankar- Choup 8 of Cantor dmreb womah. m : ■artWffd, .f ■ ieaa Lagkm anUUary wOl taka Mrs. BMf Pinalmfy, laadar, wUI ad-ia Bouton, M an., apaat the week­ ttoonowN place todght at 8 o'clock In the meat this evanhig ad 8 o’clock with end with hi* panmta, Mr. and' Mra.' AUrot JohnaoB of Edgaclon otreet - SPECIAL * « iM al ^21 ■. ' T i f l Vtata Armeay, AU msmbaro are Mias Oartruda and Mias Helen Oar- For 5,836 Partly eieody taalgkt and ifM -f urged to attend and to bring with rlar of Cambridge straat' A s boM- wdoyi otowly rtatag < te feeder montldy meatlsf <of thm thalr'fancy artlclea for the aaaea win be Mrs. Chaster Robinaco, IN IM liepgfceeler Meder Barbenr A * Mra. Russell Wright Mra. Sidney Free DcBvcry ------ win e* held toBiglit >t 8 Christmas salA A e sewing lircle Public Bridge - Setback EVERT DETAIL MANCHESTER— A C m r OF VILLAGE CHARM wlU matt at 10 o’clock tomorrow Harrlsop, Mrs. Jamas Billlett and feat% beriier «bop, Mias Lois Parker. Toes,, Dec. 8,8 P. H. R oatiM budneag wfiJ morning at the home of Mrs. Mar- : Plain Garments WELDON VOL. LVL. NO. 58 MANCHESTEI^ CONN.. TUESDAY, OECSMBEB 8, 1988 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THBEB CBROr: ________ and e lerge ettaod- joria Rradlsy. 181 Wadsworth straat ADVsamsBiMHarr— K. of C. CInhrooBUi S t MargaraPe Otela, O. of L ^UM* k tB fed. for an all-day sewing session, i.'his will be the last meeting befofb the Hava you tried Cremo’a Holiday 3uh Ataeat Hefrealnnentol Cleaned and'Pressed DRUG GO. I Bar. Baton a Btataon, ulnlatmr of Christmas aaia and any extra help BrewT AdmiaBlaH SSe. ' )iha Hartford Nasarona cburoh. aup- will be gyeatly appreciated. ARIXiniNA WILL Target of Public Cliunor COLD WEATHER ad for Raa. Hartla a Anthony In tag eommnaltlee at eoate' S» kioal Nasarana eborob yaatar* SETBACK TUE8DAT NIOBTl .OO day. Dana, amaU daughter o f Rar. (Starting New Soriaa) whtah an Sad fair ami '^aad Mra. Anthony la erltlcally sick ST. MARY’S GUILD Highland Park Oommonlty Clnb Annual For FYee Call and Delivery SIGN OLD PACIS HALTS REBEI3’ KING SUMMONS BALD with bronchial pneumonia. PRIZES! REFRESHMENTS! Supper, Christinas Christmas Sale Service (One Day) Call 4836 ArlyneMoriarty Aak for tke lA a Haoldet The Aabury group of South An Players Weloomel Sale and 2-Act Play Women’s Home League Deoeriblng Oar Sarvlen. TO m PEACE M A D ^ DRIVE 'itethodlst church women will have Admission Mo. a Christmas party Wednesday at 2 "The Box of Monkeys” Garrity p. m. In the church. ,■ Members will alvation Army Sale Opens at 2 P. M. PEERLESS ySTFUNERAL HOME Of bring 10 cent presents. Refresh­ tadel, Thursday Teacher of 0 . K.*s of A t OAer American Fascist hfantry Assadts FOR A NEW ments will te served. CLEANING WORKS THURSDAY, DEC. 10 . 5 to 9:30 P.M. PIANO VOICE 9 Hr. and Mrs. 8heryvood‘ Anderson 8 P. M. on, Sapper-~Cblcken pie, GO. Nations Likely; Four Mayed As loyalists mashed potatoee and tamlps, cole Cafeteria Supper HARMONY of Cambridge. Hass., were week-end 93 Wells Street, Manchester 'visitors with relatives in town. Urs. olaw, cranberry sauce, apple or T h is win be a real oppor­ squash pie, rolls, coffee. studio State Theater Bldg Treaties Rave Been Col­ Lombard the Insurwents* British Dominions Back Anderson prior to her marriage last tunity to secure choice @ j C L u r . / * H • month was Miss M ^ le Johnson. GIFT Phone 4836 For Appointment Call 307i May Receive Fin; Thsk^ Including play, 60c, hand-made gifts. - •225 MAIN .X T , MANCME>^TER. Ever Ready circle of King's POTTERY lecting Dost for Years. lines in Various Sectors. Premier Baldwin’s Stand Daughters will bold Its regular The Most Complete .meeting tomorrow evening a t'7:40 Dedsion of Mou In the Whiton Memorial Library dl- SUPPER Line In Town iBUcnoa Aires, Dec. 8 — (AP) — Madrid, Dec. 8.—(AP) —Oovain- London, Dee. 8.—(AP)—PublicAthe delay In solving the erleia would . rectors* room. Members are re­ 'Algantlna wHl sign fonr tong-un' ment artillery batteries raked in­ opinion In the British Dominions be- be a b ort minded to bring their "Penny-a- Sunnyside rotlfled peace treaties, Carlos surgent lines with heavy fire today yon the seas Is solidly behind Prime ' Some Oonuneots. meal" enyelooes and also a Christ­ MILIKOWSKI Baavedrs Lamas, Argentine foreign a bitter cold wa-ve delayed ex­ Minister Stanley Baldwin and op­ Typical expressions o( Dominion mas gift to exchange. The hostesses King’s Daughters THE FIXIRIST opinion follow: Feeling Tense in Enghnd and AH .Over Emiffe— minister, sold today, to win the sup­ posed to King Edward's marriage -will be Mrs. C E. Wilson, Mrs, Hotel Sheridan Building pected Fascist Infantry assaults to Mrs. Simpson, if ths moos of South Africa—The Cape Times Stuart Segaf, Mrs. A. P. Seymour, 2d Cong’L Church port of other repubUca m the drive oroimd the capital's outskirts. press comment Indicates the gen­ said Prime Minister Baldwin's Sovereign’s Answer Is A bdication He May Qnit Comr Miss Haxel Shepard and Mrs. Scott Friday, Deo. 11, S:80 to 7. to guarantee peace Ir the Western •Tlealgnr "Down with Baldwta!” "Booroo-oo-oor The clamor of dis­ The bombardment was concen­ eral public trend. statement put an end to reports he Simon. BeoeSt Shoe Fond for Needy. world. approval ——»«<< Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin whenever he was trated against insurgent fortifica­ At (Canberra, AustroUa'e Parlia­ was exerting undue preaaure on the Saavedra Lomas, president of tbs recognized In bis dasbee about London to coofes on the “oonstitutional tions In the Moncloa and Cuatro K ing. ADVERTISEMENT- MEND: dnnaraon frnit cup, In ter-American Conference and re­ Comlnos dlotricta ment awaited declalve Information try by Plane— Dnkes of York and Kent With Edward ealnwn New Orleans, Hexloon crlaU.” He’s seen here leaving his car at No. 10. Downing Street to of the crloU. Prime Minister J, A. Brisbane, Australia— The Cour- cent winner of the NohM Venae attmid the (taUnet meeting tl^ decided not to rush King Edward’s The Emergency Defense Council rier asserted Br.ldwln's poeltlon was Wantod—An opportunity to give salad, Cape Ood relish, battered pthw, declared hla belief "oU other disclosed 81 persons were killed dur­ Lyons sold If no deoteton were you an estimate on the eoid of In- dedslan on abdteatlaa. forthcoming by tomorrow, Parlia­ no lees delicate than the King’s, at Fort Belvedere—Idyst erious Plane Leaves hdiuL oaiTots, rolls, ooffee, peanut brit­ AmerUm nations” also will ratify ing on Insui^t aerial attack on ftaUlng Stanley Roll-Up Doors to tle wMp. ment would a^um from day' to since he must, at all costs, u^old modernise your garage. The W. Q. S t ^ th6 pRetST Ouadolojara, i»t>vlnclal capital tlM honor end dignity of the Mon­ Supper SO cento. BIsdeclaration was the highlight noytheast of Madrid. day awaiting It. GMenney Oo. Phone 4149. arch as well ae the King. London, Deo. 8.—(AP)—Prime UmrUB ENGUSH TOWN of on Asaodated Preoa survey The a|r raid,. Which took pUioe Lyons said the neoeaslty (or para- amoog delegations oi. eight Amwt- Ing epeblflo (egWattim'might artra —This Bririians Tetegr^^; declared Ministar fftanley Baldwin rewehed oHAsisaBi m Kwa Sunday, wos^alao declared to nkve Baldwin's actions were In the high­ can republics which, os yet, have not FEAR THOUSANDS LOST destroyed a former royal palace, re­ at any moment out of develdpnMnts Fort Belvedere this evanfaig-^attm- est Interests of tbe Monareblai tra- Landng, England, Dso. rsttfl^ all the agreements. The garded as an Important example of In London. mcmed by his King—presumably to conference Is pledged to coordinate Sir Robert Oarran, tor many dltlon. (AP)—Thto Uttls siaalds i early Spanish arcblteoture. Helbounie Herald—*3aldwin has reoei've the final decision of Bldward as-»■ them Into practical peace machln- The defense Junta reported a years aolicltor-geneiml cA Australia; near Brighton chastised IN PHILIPPINE FLOODS expressed the opinion that since tbe removed the misunderstanding ana vm on renundation of either bis Edward for hla (allure to PINEHURST-D1AL4ISI minor attack from the air on Bfl answered the groundless charges.” COLD agreements are: me 1988 EUcorial, northwest a t the capital, advice the Baldwin government hoe throiia or Wallis Warfield Simpson. the Empire crisis. avoid or. prvyeni conflicts; .. .yiiaxxsjas^ao'spit- givm tlw -Kiar ................ BnMlra fnr fHwnlii . ^•ua-'O-Tsiwiev-t';. •iiBsiaDeri'^vwscvsaw' :Tha'4!aelah. - tOsnrafi Pwjambwwt', W»twttyi';‘«:: 'A<totide''‘'-'A6i«rtiiiei«»-'' ■ vPmMy.'AfasM# ‘.Um'^adprismantuy .-dnedUtaekm,. ,a o * 'Domllflod' 'td^ernzi^^ the' 'latter i4kt fiight ;d6daed iirt arbitration conventioc of 1939 the The expected Feacist attack, gov­ markable demonatration In favor of BeEeve Fdl NOCASHNEEDED'' ernment commanders predicted, would have to stand a t (all with the rnd 16 minutes to ea6u the gates new street "King Edward A' Fresh Calves’ Liver tnti^Amerlcan arUtratica treaty of British (tablnet Baldwin goea (or to . dlapell any of the royal lodge In the gathering nue." GREEN BEANS 1939; tbe KHlogg-Brland tn ^ , would probably originate from the lurking fear the difficulties of tbe If your car does not start Escorial sector. At Pretoria, the Cabinet a t the dnrknesa, while suspense bung "Having regard to tho 3 5 o 4 ^ . easily on a cold morning out and the Argentina anti-war treaty. of Dinster WiH Never Be South African Union met (or a n>e- situation might have been exagger- ed conditions In politics,” 2 qts.
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