Atonement's James Mcavoy Gangster Frank Lucas, Played by Denzel Washington, Names Narries to Outcast Cop Richie Rob­ Person

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Atonement's James Mcavoy Gangster Frank Lucas, Played by Denzel Washington, Names Narries to Outcast Cop Richie Rob­ Person HUmilM & IAIKMSS an iFrancisco VOL. 104 ISSUE 12 FOGHORN.USFCA.EDU Panelists Share How AIDS Has Affected Effects of Divorce Strongly Their Lives With USF Community Felt During Holiday Season at USF is to educate our community about AIDS DAVE BINEGAR ration. "If the divorce or separation occurs in San Francisco and StaffWriter at one or two, there is always a sense of empower our students to separation," Brady said. "It's different if take initiative and provide lthough winter can be difficult the children remember parents being to­ leadership on the issues to identify in the Bay Area due gether." surrounding AIDS." Ato mild weather, the appearance Divorce or separation is "traumatic for The panel consisted of of Christmas decorations in stores her­ everyone involved" said Kathleen Ford, a Anthony Boatwright, a alds the change in season. By November, kindergarten teacher at Kenilworth El­ resident of San Francisco, almost everyone is looking forward to ementary in Phoenix, Ariz." It's more rare Ana Rivera, originally the winter holiday breaks. However, for in my district to have two parents, married from Tijuana, Mexico, children of divorced or separated parents, or not, than a single-family household," Devon Durst, a student at the holiday season can bring additional she said. "A lot of my students are raised USF, and Michael Beck, stress. by their grandparents." originally from the East According to The San Francisco Divorce "seriously impacts their idea of Bay. Chronicle, "Children inhabit a more dif­ relationships, being the product of a couple Boatwright told the ficult emotional landscape than those that wasn't able to stay together, and also, story of how he moved to who grow up with married parents, ac­ they're sense of hope for relationships," San Francisco hopeful to cording to a new survey of 1,500 adults Brady said. This internalized strain com­ find work, but as a drug ages 18-35." bined with images of ideal nuclear families addict had trouble finding Jonathon Brady, a PhD candidate in that proliferate during the holiday season, a job. He was homeless East/West Psychology at the California encourages a sense of powerlessness in for an entire year, dur­ Institute of Integral Studies said that di­ many young people. Additionally, most ing which he prostituted vorce takes a lofty toll on most children. children are at the whim of whomever they himself for financial sup­ "Their world falls apart. Their sense of live with for the holidays. port. He contracted HIV family, that sense of identity changes" Corinna Halloran, whose parents di­ in 1998, and now has said Brady, who works as a therapist with vorced when she was five years old, recalls AIDS. He has to take Bay Area children and adolescents. He little tension between her parents during two or three antibiotics said that divorce can significantly impact the holidays. The Rhode Island native Scott LeFever/ Foghorn each day, as well as AIDS USF Students engage in a discussion with Michael Beck, an artist living with AIDS in San Francisco who spoke at the perception of relationships in adoles­ would spend Christmas Eve and morning medication. "I don't go the AIDS panel on Nov. 30th in McLaren 250. Three San Francisco residents, who are living with AIDS, were joined cents, and is oftentimes a major source of with her mother, and would spend "Little through my day thinking, by a USF student to discuss the impact the disease has had on their lives. stress and anxiety. 'I've got AIDS,'" he said. How a child is altered can depend DIVORCE: Continued on Page 2 "I know if I keep taking upon the child's age at the time of sepa­ my medicine and stay mentally strong, I KELSEY O'BRIEN AIDS. can get back to where I was when I was StaffWriter AIDS is the result of damage to the im­ healthier." mune system by HIV. A person who is USF Bids Farewell to Residence Life Rivera, who is a transvestite, explained na Rivera was diagnosed with HIV positive is said to have AIDS when why she feels AIDS awareness is impor­ HIV when she was 19. "I initially their T cell count is below 200. The aver­ Associate Director Mark Thoma tant. "Some days I wake up and I'm fine, thought that I got HIV because of age person's T cell count is 800-1200. A other days I wake up and I'm exhausted... who I was, and I came to San Francisco "I felt it was necessary to educate the I'm 25, and should be enjoying life, not to try to kill myself," she said. About two student population that AIDS isn't some taking 15 pills a day to make sure I'll be months ago, she decided to work towards intangible idea in Africa but is a REAL okay tomorrow," she said. gaining back what she lost, and is pursu­ disease in our own community," said James ing a B.S. in Psychology. "I know that I Barela, a coordinator for WADC who or­ Durst does not have HIV, but has have something that I can't get rid of," she ganized the event. "AIDS awareness is been deeply affected by AIDS and want­ said, "but it does not change how I can live important because so many people forget ed to share her story. When she was 14, in the present. I still have goals, and am that HIV/AIDS is an issue in our own Durst found out that her stepmother had proud to be here today." community...for example, there are about AIDS. Her father was also HIV positive, and watching him hide under the shame On Thursday, November 29th, the 59,000 people in California living with of the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS World AIDS Day Committee (WADC) HIV/AIDS, and of that number, about helped Durst realize that she needed to hosted an event at which there was a panel 20,000 live in San Francisco." of guest speakers who shared their stories Part of the mission statement ofWADC AIDS: Continued on Page 2 on how they had been affected by HIV/ is, "The mission of World AIDS Day 2007 Students Bolster Leadership Skills in the Jesuit Tradition at helping the students identify what kind Gonzales said she is interested in possibly HUNTER PATTERSON of career would appeal to them. working as a college professor sometime in StaffWriter Dinzeo said, "I think it's a good pro­ the future, citing their high job satisfaction gram. It helps you decide what your in­ and'flexible schedules. he USF Magis Student Leadership terests and values are, or reaffirms them. Senior Maria Dinzeo interviewed an program has undergone a facelift Doing an informational interview is great intern at the San Francisco based African and is off to a booming start this even if you are unsure as to what career T American Shakespeare Company. Dinzeo semester. The program currently has 68 you want in the future, because it helps said she was interested in the position be­ students enrolled and focuses on leader­ you start somewhere in the job search." cause there is a lot of research that goes on ship training. Magis two, which will start in the behind the scenes. Her interviewee wrote Magis, which means "more" in Latin, spring semester, is offered to sophomores a 20-page program on Shakespeare aimed was revamped by Dr. Gregory Wolcott, and juniors and will focus on teamwork at educating children. director of the office of Student Leader­ and coordination. The students' training The Magis three track focuses on job ship and Engagement who changed the will culminate with a capstone project preparation and career exploration to aid program to attract students at every grade where they will plan a "huge community in the smooth transition from college life level by offering three distinct tracks. service project," said Parham. "They are to a professional career. Ellen Kelly, asso­ At a recent Magis three presentation, going to have to put it on themselves. It's ciate director of Career Services Center, which is offered to juniors and seniors, kind of a test of what they have learned," Hunter Patterson/Foghorn presented to the group on how personal participants presented on an interview she said. On Friday, November 29, the University community said a heart-felt goodbye to Mark values can be woven into a career. Thoma, Associate Director of Staff and Programs in the Office of Residence Life, who is they conducted with a professional in a Magis one is offered to freshman and SLE Leadership Programs intern leaving the University after many years of service. Approximately 40 people gathered in field of their choice. The students talked focuses on the transition into college. It Courtney Parham said of the participants, the Phelan Glass Lounge to bid farewell to Thoma and share memories of working with about that person's responsibilities, edu­ offers programs on how to get involved "they can get a better sense of what kinds him. Many people were touched by Thomas dedication to his job and the community, cational background and salary. Veronica on campus, time management and iden- Gonzales interviewed Julio Moreno a pro­ of companies are out there, they took two including Resident Advisors for whom Thoma represented the heart and soul of ORL. Thoma said he was a better person for having worked at USF. fessor of Latin American studies at USF. very nice career tests."The tests were aimed MAGIS: Continued on Page 2 Men's Basketball "Punk 365" A Com­ Christmas Tradi­ Falls to Boise State in tfjjj plete History of the r, «W tions are Lost in the 91-81 Loss.
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