U. TIMES Volume I Dallas, Texas, Saturday, October 9, 1915 Number 4 S
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7l '45- 4.'-:~ ~---f~- -- 1, i _ S. U. TIMES Volume I Dallas, Texas, Saturday, October 9, 1915 Number 4 S. M. U.vs. T. C. U.TODAY---FORT WORTH - I ARE YOU GOING? HOW TO VOTE! BE SURE TO VOTE! back field is developing some Scratch the names of the ones you do not want to vote for. STUDENTS good speed, says Coach Morri- Remember you c'n vote for any person on the ticket, regard- CHEER LEADERS FOR son. less of combinations, but you must vote for one person only for All articles turned into the SITDENT BODY ADOPTS The team will not go onto the each office. Times expressing an opinion FIRST GAME ELECTED Continued on page 3. The polls will be open from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. today. must be signed by writer. RULES Al METINC MANY EXPECTED TO AC- CONSTITUTION AND BY- COMPANY SQUAD TO Three Members of the Fine Arts Faculty LAWS LAID OUT BY FORT WORTH THIS Who Will Appear In Concert Oct. 28 SPECIAL COMMITTEE AFTERNOON ACCEPTED. Game Called 4 o'Clock Special Election Today TENTATIVE LINE-UP IS AN WILL BALLOT ON OFFICERS NOUNCED FOR THE OF ASSOCIATION AND GAME AGAINST NEWSPAPER BY CHRISTIANS BALLOT. At 4 o'clock this afternoon i At a mass meeting of the stu- Fort Worth the University an dent body Tuesday afternoon Texas Christian University fool at 4 o'clock in the chapel, the ball teams will clash. This i committee on constitution and the first game of the season fo by-laws, which was appointed at S. M. U. It is the first gain a call meeting of the student for the school. The team ha body on Wednesday of last week been whipped into good shap repoited. The constitution, by Coach Morrison, who ha which was amended slightly, had them going through a se was adopted. vere grill of scrimmage for the The Wednesday meeting of past few days. le hopes to last week was at the call o cer- Reading from left to right: Harold make a good showing agains tain students and the student Hart Todd, Director of the Department the Christians this afternoon, as activity committee of the facul- of Theory and Teacher of Piano; Wal- this will be the toughest game ty. Prof. McGinnis presided ter J. Fried, head of the Department of of the season. Um- Violin; and C. Boris Grant, Head of the over the organization until The team will possibly leave phrey Lee was made the tem- Department of Piano. Dallas on the 1:30 Limited In porary chairman and Jack Doty terurban, which will put them ii ,.1 temporary secretary. Fort Worth in plenty of time for The committeq, which drew were present and offered their of the University Church as a the game which will be playec partffth UnieD sttyChurctco-up the constitution and by-laws, es- services as teachers in the dif- part of the Dallas district at the baseball park. It is S.S. IS P[RMANENTLY ferent classes. Mrs. Van Nort, HARD TO PRACTIC[ con- wvaswscmoe composed offtefloig the following; pecially desired that every stu- Terence. It, as Mr. Sensabaugh Robert B. Wylie, chairman; R. a young attorney who lives over explained, dent, who can, will go along with in the west side of Oak Cliff was will be connected with W. Goodloe, Misses Ganelle the team and root for them ORCANI[ED AT UNIY. at the Sunday services and vol- WHAT YOU PREACH the Oak Lawn church until the Hawkins, Nancy Barnes and Quite a number have signified untarily offered his services as meeting of the quarterly confer- Porter Brown. Each of these their intention of going. FOUR ASSISTANT SUPERIN- a teacher of a class. THAT WAS THE DECLARA- ence. At that time, he declared, represented one of the five col- Superintendent Reedy adopted it would be designated Two Yell Leaders Elected. TENDENTS ARE ELECT- as a sep- lege classes. quite a novel plan in the organiz- TION OF REV. 0. F. SENS- arate and independent church. Balloting Means of Electing. At a mass meeting of the stu- ED 81Y STUD- ation of the classes of the Sun- The Rev. Sensabaugh took as The constitution as adopted afternoon ir ABAUGH IN SERMON dent body Tuesday ENTS. day School. Each pupil was al- a text a part of the 116th Psalm, calls for a president, vice-presi- the chapel Miss Anna Bell lowed to make his choice of the TO STUDENTS. (Continued on page 3.) dent and secretary-treasurer. Newman and J. Walter Wright It teacher and class he would be- limits the college publications to were elected as cheer leaders. long to. This was done in order They desire that all who can Pupils Choose Teachers "FRESHIES" SHINE SHOES a newspaper and an annual. The to break away from the col- officers of the association and will go along to aid in rooting lege class ideas. Kirk Towns Gives Solo for the team. Upper Classien Introduce First the managers and editors of the TEN CLASSES ARE FORM- Ten teachers were assigned Year Men to Real Col- publicatinos are to I e elected by Mr. Morrison declared Tues- classes Sunday. They are as fol- the student bcdv in an election of the in- El)SUNI)AY AND WVILL UNIVERSITY CHURCH MADE lege Life. day that with the aid lows: Prof. R. A. Haeron, Mr. at the ballot box:. Each candi- eligibles as a scrimmage squad MEET EACH SABIBABTH Van Nort, Prof. A. D. Schuss- PART OF OAK LAWN parlors would go date for an office has to present he has been able to develop the her, Prof. Edvard H. Jones, Prof'. Shoe-shining AT 9:30. CHURCH FOR wantingN if they depended upon a petition with f ifty signatures regulars into a snappy, speedy E. W. Shuler, Mr. J. Ray Morri- t patronage of the upper-class- of members of the association team. "They have a lot of pep son, and Miss McCord. In the PRESENT. the rmen of the university-not that attached before his name will be for a first year bunch of men," The University Sui1day School p~riiary department. Mrs. Mor- t upper-classmen do not have placed on the ballot. declared the coach, "and we ex- was permanently organized Sun- rison and Mrs. Seay were named the a good showing theiri shoes shined, but that they By terms of the constitution pect to make day morning at 9:30 o'clock in as principals and Miss Margue- "It is easier to preach than it an election can not be called ex- Saturday against T. C. U." He the chapel, when more than 300 rite Hyer as assistant. is to practice what you preach," havet made arrangements for the cept upon petition of a certain said that the Christians had the students and faculty members was the declaration of Rev. 0. F. Freshmen to do it for them. were present for the second The fact that the university per cent of the members of the edge in the way of training on Sensabaugh, presiding elder of association and then it canl not our bunch, but he declared, church services of the school is a new school has had nothing besheldnundtenida. oThis the Dallas district, who spoke to be held under e as "they didn't look so bad Sat- year. t~ot do thus far with the frecsh- tndy.Ti by Mr. Frank Reedy, the superin- the students Sunday morning at provision, as was requested urday when they played Texas. tendent, announced that the four MUSICAL S[ASON IS eleven o'clock in the chapel on menn escaping his initiation into the committee on constitution, They showed bad form," declar- assistant superintendents would the personality of religion. thet walks of college life. If any was set aside in reference to the ed the coach, who was the um- be Prof. J. S. McIntosh, Prof. TO BE OPENED SOON of0 He was assisted in the services them came to the university election of the management of pire of the T. C. U.-Texas game John H. McGinnis from the fac- expectinge to escape this they the newspaper, and the election ulty and Miss Flora Lowery and by Prof. Kirk Towns, who gave at Austin. were foolcd. Last week the men of permanent officers by the as-, Umphrey Lee. Miss Amann was Fine Arts Faculty to Appear in a very much appreciated solo. who1i have been the goat Nera-Stars Showing Up. named as the secretary, Miss Al- Concert October 28, Scot- Mir. Towns was accompanied at in other sociation. The election for the Among the men, accoring to inc Whitman was named treas- tish Rite.Cathedral. ;he piano by Mrs. Harold Hart schools$1 before coming to the uni- editor and manager of the news- versity decided that the Mr. Morrison, who was especial- urer, Miss Elizabeth Cotting- Todd, a member of the fine arts best paper and officers of the associ- ly showing up in the scrimmage hnm''" librarian, and Homer lepartment. qqualification for a full-fledged ation will be chosen today by Mrs. Theniusical season in Dallas freshmanf) of this new school was ballot. practice is Neal at Quarter. He Guy, assistant librarian, With the exception of a few t pianist. Geo. will be opened with a recital by tco initiate them with a little The officers for the annual seems to be able to handle the Harold Hart Tood visitors from the city the audi- «] Sexton was made publicity agent Itthe members of the Fine Arts' 'hazing." will be elected two weeks from squad well considering the fact (ence was made up almost entire- for the Sunday School.