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[email protected] Living for 10 years. or Realliving.com/steve.carlson. Lakeville Office 17850 Kennwood Trail Lakeville, Cell: 612-599-6986 MN 55044 Email:
[email protected] OVER 4,000 FT FRONTAGE ALONG THE BAPTISIM RIVER 952-898-5800 One of a kind property on the sought after Baptism River. This 140 acres has over 4,000 feet of front- age on the Baptism just off Mattson Rd near Fin- land Mn Privacy is what this is all about. For more information call 218-591-0985, email to
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[email protected] MLS# 4590545 $249,900 Realliving.com/steve.carlson. www.Realliving.com/Messina 40 NOVEMBER 2015 NORTHERN WILDS 41 600+ of Lake Superior Shoreline 40 acres yet Miles of Views Attention to Details on 60 Ac Lake Shore Home Windows Galore - Hovland Driveway & Power in.