Held at Millhouse Green Methodist Church, Manchester Road, Millhouse Green

9th May 2007

2C (1) Present:- Councillor Millner (Chairperson), Marsh, Barnard, Hand-Davis and Hinchliff; along with nominated Co-opted Members Mr R Stier and Mr G Hill.

There were also 12 members of the public present.

(2) Declarations of Personal Interest

Councillors Millner, Hinchliff and Mr R Stier declared an interest in specified organisations applying for Community Support Fund grant aid.

(3) Minutes

IT WAS AGREED that the minutes of the Forum meeting held on Wednesday 14 March 2007 be accepted as a correct record.

(4) Report of the Area Forum Officer

The Area Forum Officer reported on the following:-

Community Support Fund

The Community Support Fund (CSF) for 20078/08 is £29,000 for each ward. There is no longer a separate community chest allocation.

It is for the Area Forum to decide how they wish the Community Support Fund to be allocation for the year ahead.

The Area Board me on the 11 April to review last years expenditure, the loss of the Community Chest grants and to discuss priorities for the year ahead. The Area Board recommends that the CSF budget total of £58,000 be allocated as follows:-

Grants to Parish Councils and Community Groups £18,000 Transport and Highways £8,000 Neighbourhood Services £12,000 Young People/youth service activities £2,000 Play area improvements £10,000 Environment and Open Space £2,000 Health and sport £2,000 Community Safety £1,500 Community Facilities £2,000 Elderly £1,000 Tourism and culture £500

Individual spending proposals and grant applications will continue to come to the Area Forum for approval.

Grants to Voluntary and Community Groups

The recommended allocation is £9,000 per ward with a maximum per grant limit of £1500. 28



Expenditure Proposals

The Area Board met on the 11 April and recommended that funds be allocated to the following:-

- Neighbourhood Services 24 hanging baskets, 12 in Penistone Town Centre, 6 in Millhouse Green and 6 in Thurgoland. £448 from the East Ward and £1356 from the West Ward – Total £1,794.

- Neighbourhood Services – purchase and install 3 large capacity litter bins for 3 lay- bys on the A628 - £1500

- Neighbourhood Services – purchase a mixture of bulbs and small plants for improvement of various verges - £400

- Neighbourhood Services – to employ a community caretaker to litter pick along A628/616/629 for 22 weeks during the summer months - £7500

- Penistone West Crime and Safety sub group – for 5 trial discos on Friday evenings at St Johns Community Centre - £750

- In addition to the above the following grant aid applications have been received:

- Cawthorne Parish Council – to repair and renovate the free standing Portland stone war memorial in the grounds of Cawthorne Museum – Amount recommended £1,000

- Thurgoland Parish Council – for autumn planting of bulbs and seeds in verges in Thurgoland, Crane Moor and Huthwaite – Amount recommended £250

- Hunshelf Parish Council – for the reprinting of the walks around the parish leaflet – Amount recommended £199

- Thurgoland allotment society – materials for notice board – Amount recommended £200

- Penistone Theatre Group – Furniture at the `shack’ – Amount recommended £1500

- 2 villages Festival, Silkstone – towards costs – amount recommended £300

- Penistone Competitive Music Festival – towards cost – amount recommended £350

- Penistone Gala and Parade Committee – Insurance – amount recommended £845


(i) The budget guidelines for the Community Support Fund 2007/2008 be approved;

(ii) Expenditure be allocated to activities recommended be as recommended above; and




(iii) Grants be determined for the applicants received above.

Issues raised at the Area Board Meeting

The Area Forum circulated a written report informing the Forum of matters considered at the Area Board meeting on 11 April 2007 and on other current matters of interest to the Forum.

The meeting considered:-

The SNT quarterly plan Garage site reviews Highways and footways maintenance Budget for 2007/08 Neighbourhood data Area Conferences

Matters of interest:-

Mottram By Pass Silkstone Cross – 30mph area Payphones Signs Maintenance and Replacement Thurgoland Youth Services Building

The Chairperson thanked the Area Forum Officer for his report.

(5) Community Safety

Jackie Heald, Tasking Officer for the Penistone Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) and PC Andy Stephenson attended the meeting and reported on Community Safety Issues which have taken place since the last meeting. The following statistics were given:

271 incidents were addressed during April 40 incidents were reported to the Goldenline 17 incidents were reported at the station or direct to Officers 21 incidents of rowdy/inconsiderate behaviour 15 incidents of underage drinking 5 incidents of loutish behaviour – adults 21 incidents of youths loitering 1 incident of igniting a fire 6 incidents of throwing missiles 17 incidents of in-appropriate use of public open spaces 6 incidents relating to nuisance neighbours 2 incidents relating to animals 2 incidents relating to drugs 1 incident of substance misuse - discarded paraphernalia 7 incidents involving off road motorcycles 1 abandoned vehicle 5 incidents of inconvenient parking 12 incidents of inappropriate use of motor vehicles 5 incidents of Criminal Damage 1 incident of damage to street furniture 30



3 incidents involving damage to buildings 1 incident of damage to trees/plants 102 personal visits have been made 4 GEN 164 I interview under PACE 9 conditions 1 FPN has been issued 1 Admin 171 has been issued £16 of cannabis has been recovered £8 of alcohol has been seized 2 ASB letters have been issued

Other issues included:-

Car crime at beauty spots throughout the area is on the increase. During 25 April-2 May, 80 vulnerable vehicle scheme letters have been distributed following drivers leaving valuables on display. Satellite Navigation systems are the main focus for most break ins.

The vulnerable vehicle scheme notice used to be a letter, this has been reproduced in a larger format emphasising the importance of the content. Residents are being informed that their insurers may be notified that they have left valuables on display. This may affect their policy or claim should a claim be made in the future.

PC Andy Stevens informed the Forum that:-

2 families from Ward Street at Penistone attended a mediation meeting. 1 family who refused to co-operate was issued with an acceptable behaviour contract. A civil ASBO has been applied for.

2 males from Oxspring have been charged with theft of a motor vehicle from

1 male has been charged with assault following an assault on his wife

2 males from Thurlstone have been charged with harassment

1 male from Thurgoland has been charged with harassment and being in possession of an unloaded air weapon.

1 male from Penistone and a male from Hoylandswaine have been charged with harassment

4 males have been charged with supply and possession of Cannabis

A male was found in possession of Cocaine

A male was found with a stun gun on his person. The weapon was confiscated and destroyed.

1 woman and 2 males have been charged with burglary and are currently on bail

3 males from were caught stealing diesel from Millhouse Green

A male from Dodworth was caught stealing a motorcycle from Silkstone




The crime statistics for the Forum Area for the month of April were:-

Area Number of Crimes for April Penistone 50 Thurlstone 4 Millhouse Green 3 Bridge 4 Langsett 1 Cubley 2 Ingbirchworth 3 Hoylandswaine 3 Silkstone 7 Silkstone Common 1 Cawthorne 3 High 2 Oxspring 5 Thurgoland 4 Wortley / Howbrook 6 Hazelhead / Crowedge 0 Greenmoor 0 Cranemoor 0 Stainborough / Hood Green 2

Total Crimes 100

Forum members and members of the public were given the opportunity to comment and ask questions:

I have received reports of drug dealing at Cinder Park opposite the Penistone Fire Station on Saturday afternoons, and at the back of the Co-op Site at Silkstone - are you aware of this? A response was given that no reports have been submitted in connection with drug dealing at Cinder Park but the SNT are aware of minor damage and litter and there is evidence of minor drug taking at the back of the Co-op. Regular patrols are carried out of both areas, all efforts are made to catch culprits in the act.

What is the penalty for someone caught dealing cannabis? A response was given that being caught in possession of drugs is not the same as dealing drugs. 3.9g of cannabis has a street value of £15, before we can charge someone with dealing we have to witness them in the act.

There have been reports of fighting on Friday nights in Penistone High Street. Blood on the road on a Saturday morning is evidence of this. Have we got it under control? A response was given that the SNT are aware of local youths from Penistone Grammar school congregating at the Skateboard park, community centre and spa/co-op. We have had extra patrols to assist with this problem. The situation has got slightly better, there are not as many youths congregating. ASB letter have been issued and test purchases have been carried out. We are not sure where the youths are getting the alcohol from. There is a youth nuisance issue in the area, this is we why decided to run the pilot discos at the Community Centre.




What do you intend to do after the disco has finished? The problems will occur after the youths have dispersed from the centre? A response was given that patrols will not finish until all youths have gone home.

The Chairman of Tankersley Parish Council asked the SNT to relay his thanks to their colleagues at Hoyland SNT. They assisted with the youth nuisance issue at Tankersley. A large amount of alcohol was confiscated, graffiti was cleaned up and the large number of youths loitering has not occurred since Easter.

A resident raised concern that someone is destroying the dry stone walls along Sheffield Road at Oxspring. Something needs to be done about this. The SNT are aware of the damage.

The Chairperson thanked Jackie Heald and PC Andy Stephenson for their attendance at the meeting.

(6) Parking Enforcement

Alan Turton, Parking Manager outlined the role of the service in relation to parking enforcement.

The Forum were advised of:-

Responsibility for enforcement What are out aims? Where do the Council enforce? When cant the Council enforce? The penalty for contravention How to report problems.

Members and residents raised the following questions:

Do the Council get the money from the parking fines instead of the Police? The reply was yes.

BMBC have 18 parking wardens altogether. How many Wardens were there when the Police operated the service? A response was given that they originally had 20 but this number diminished up to the change.

Alan Turton advised the Forum that there is a requirement that over a number of years, the service will be self financing. The service started off as a small team as the Council were unsure how the service would go. It is anticipated that staff numbers will increase.

There is a serious problem in the Town Centre. We have met with Council representatives before; the problem is we require more loading bans. Andy Turton responded to the question and explained the difference between single and double yellow lines.

The problem in Penistone on a Thursday is getting worse. We could do with a full time Enforcement Officer in this area on this day.




A complaint was received from Clark’s Chemist, Market Place, Penistone. They can’t unload on the front, so the driver unloaded at the back but he still received a fine. They have to unload somewhere; can something be done about the situation? Alan Turton said he was unable to comment on the actual location without looking at the restrictions currently in place. Do the Council have any powers to tow vehicles away? A response was given not yet. The Council could apply to do this but there are cost implications. There are road safety hazards; you need to consider how to tow it away, where you store it and how safe the vehicle is once it is stored.

Has every Authority chosen to operate Decriminalised Parking? A response was given no, but the surrounding Authorities have.

To conclude Alan Turton advised the Forum that when Council took over Decriminalised Parking they have 18. When the Police handed Decriminalised Parking over to the Council the Police only had 2 members of staff operating.

The Chairman thanked Alan Turton for his attendance and presentation at the meeting.

(7) Highways Road and Footway Maintenance Programme 2007/08

Alan Carnall, Assistant Director, Highways and Engineering, gave a report on the 2007/08 Maintenance Programme

Information Included:-

Funding available in 2007-2008 for Highways Maintenance How prioritisation of roads is determined Input from Area Boards on Highway matters A score sheet – how roads are assessed The list of carriageways for the ward The list of footway within the ward Bridges and structures maintenance programme for 2007/08 Representation of network length in each ward Representation of network length and spend in each ward

Work to be carried out on the carriage ways in this Forum Area include:-

STREET AREA TREATMENT Blacker Green Lane, Silkstone Penistone East Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Church Lane, Cawthorne Penistone East Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) New Road, Cathill Penistone East Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Stainborough Lane, Hood Green Penistone East Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Bents Road, Carlecotes Penistone West Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Gunthwaite Lane, Gunthwaite Penistone West Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Schole Avenue, Penistone Penistone West Surface Dressing (Follow on treatment) Bird Lane, Eastfield Penistone East Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 High Hoyland Lane, High Hoyland Penistone East Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 Hopping Lane, Eastfield Penistone East Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 Sheffield Road, Oxspring Penistone East Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 34



Fullshaw Cross, Fullshaw Penistone West Plane and resurface Composite solution Green Rd Phase , Penistone Penistone West 50% Plane and resurface (Sheffield Road to Castle Green), 50% Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 Green Rd Phase 2, Penistone Penistone West Patch for surface dressing 2008/09 (Castle Green to The Green), Horn Lane, Ingbirchworth Penistone West Reconstruction by Retread

Work to be carried out on the footways in this Forum Area include:-

STREET AREA TREATMENT High Street, Silkstone Penistone East Full Reconstruction Sheffield Road, Springvale Penistone East Full Reconstruction St Johns/The Croft, Hoylandswaine Penistone East Full Reconstruction Kensington Avenue, Thurlstone Penistone West Full Reconstruction Shrewsbury Road, Penistone Penistone West Full Reconstruction Sycamore Walk, Penistone Penistone West Full Reconstruction Windsor Avenue, Thurlstone Penistone West Full Reconstruction Woodend Avenue, Cubley Penistone West Full Reconstruction

Medium term works in this Forum Area include:-

HIGHWAYS AREA TREATMENT Members and residents raised the following questions:

Thurgoland Bank Concern (part length) was ra ised abou tPenistone the condition East of A628 Plane at Hoylandswainand resurface e Hill lifted road surface.

FOOTWAYS A question was raised whether a weight restriction could be imposed on Gilbert Hill, Langsett? Full Reconstruction Tivydale Road (Full A question length) w as raised if aPenistone 7.5 HGV East weig ht limit on Silkstone High Street could be look at, HG

When is Green Road opening? Alan Carnall said soon, the closure was extended to install the traffic lights and also carry out urgent repairs to the road surface.

You are resurfacing Fulshaw Cross does this include Gilbert Hill? A response was given no it does not.

Could Church Street footway by the Community Centre in Penistone be looked at for future maintenance programmes?

The Chairperson thanked Alan Carnall for his attendance and presentation at the meeting.

(8) Future Meetings

A schedule of meetings, venues and suggested topics for discussion was attached to the agenda.

IT WAS AGREED the next Area Forum Meeting would be held on Wednesday 20 June 2007 at Oxspring Primary School.




IT WAS AGREED that the main item for consideration will be planning procedures and processes and section 106 funding.

(9) Question and Answer Session

Do we have a deadline date for the new Advanced Learning centre at Penistone Grammar School site? A response was given 2008/09. A presentation to be proposed for the Area Forum Meeting on 18 July 2007.

Will the £300m budget for building these now schools still be available in 2008/09? A response was given that no-one could at this time confirm the budget for the Building Schools for the Future programme.

There are plans to have a third wind farm in this area. Please could all Councillors tell me their views on wind farms? Each Councillor explained their views on wind farms and in particular wind farms in this area.

A resident asked Councillors on the Forum if they supported the Mottram Bypass. Each Councillor explained whether they supported or objected to the Bypass and the reasons for this. A statement was made that Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council had supported the Bypass in principle but object to the specific proposals for traffic restraint measures at Langsett.

A resident commented that the only way forward was to open the former Woodhead Railway line.

A resident commented that the Ward had a lack of green spaces where children can play. Why can’t we convert the garage space on housing estates into play areas? The response was that a review of green space provision was being undertaken, that a review of underused garage sites was underway and where new housing developments could provide greenspace on site or make a S106 contribution to off sire provision.

A number of people walk their dogs on the Transpennine trail but there is an insufficient provision of dog bins. A response was given that there are 300 dog bins within the Forum area. This number is reaching capacity for Neighbourhood Pride to empty. The Area Forum Officer agreed to investigate the number of dog bins and the location along the length of the Transpennine Trail.

A discussion took place on the lack of allotment spaces throughout the area and current initiatives by the Town Hall, Parish Councils and the Community Partnership.

(10) Appointment of Chairman for the next meeting

IT WAS AGREED that Councillor R Barnard would be Chairperson for the next meeting to be held on Wednesday 20 June 2007 at Oxspring Primary School.

…………………………………… Chairman.