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Page 1 of 3 Classification: OFFICIAL POLate019 (REDACTED) PART B – RESPONSE

Green Belt Options – Please Provide your Comments The Councils have concluded that land within the Green Belt will need to be released in order to contribute to meeting development needs to 2036. This is despite maximising opportunities on ‘brownfield land’ or sites within the built areas and on previously developed land in the Green Belt.

The Councils have identified 15 preferred options for development in the Green Belt after taking account of views expressed in a consultation earlier this year and testing a full range of options. All of these preferred options if suitable for development will be needed to contribute to our development needs. They are ‘preferred’ options at this stage as work is on-going to test their suitability.

Further testing following this consultation will establish what infrastructure (e.g. highway improvements, schools, medical facilities etc.) will be needed to support the options moving forward taking into account current pressures and circumstances.

We are consulting on these 15 preferred options to: a) Seek views to help determine their suitability for development; b) Help understand views on what type of development should be sought if suitable and what type of requirements (other than infrastructure) should be secured as part of development; c) Enable comments on the draft technical work supporting the selection of the preferred options; and d) Provide the opportunity for alternative options to be put forward.

Evidence and background documents are available here: 2036/evidence and

When commenting please clearly indicate which preferred option(s) you are commenting on.

Please do not provide any personal information you do not want to be made publically available as these comments may be published at a later date.

I am writing to object to the proposal to develop 900 new homes on the land that has been referred to as Site Option 1, which is on the NE corner of . I believe the proposals are inappropriate due to the following;

Traffic Modelling and Capacity

The roads spreading outward from the NE corner of Chesham are single bi-directional lanes. Nashleigh Hill, White Hill, Broad Street and Lye Green roads are not capable of supporting increased traffic, as they are already at capacity during peak hours. For those that need to travel on the roads frequently at these times to get either children to school or to travel to work, significant enhancements to the infrastructure is a necessity. The location of the proposed new area for housing necessitates car travel – being on the top of a steep hill – and without these infrastructure enhancements to counter the prospect of another 1000+ cars, there would be a significant detriment to the existing community. Existing provisions for public transport (buses) are insufficient and the likelihood of


Parking in and around the town centre, is also a concern. The car park at Chesham tube station, for example – is completely full every morning by the time peak trains have left (i.e. by 8am). The Page 2 of 3 Classification: OFFICIAL POLate019 (REDACTED) addition of such a significant sized development would mean that the demand for parking would dwarf the current provisions.

Train Station

Chesham underground station is located at the end of the on a single track. At peak hours (the trains run every 30mins from Chesham as 2 trains cannot be on the Chesham end of the line due as a result of the single track), the train itself is almost full by the time it reaches the next station of Chalfont & Latimer. Whenever delays are incurred, the train currently already has to cope with the demands of 2 waves of commuters that attempt to squeeze onto the same train. Whilst there is the potential for utilising other stations such as Berkhamsted overground, traffic and parking to that station is again at capacity.

As such, I urge the council to remove the Lye Green site from the list of preferred options.

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