Rahman challenges Muhyiddin to let Kit Siang be next PM Free Today April 10, 2017

Umno minister takes to Twitter to attack , questioning why DAP with most MPs is not leading the pact.

PETALING JAYA: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan has upped the attack on opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan over who will be the next prime minister should the opposition win the next general election (GE14).

In a series of tweets sent out this morning, the Kota Belud MP alluded to the strength of DAP in the four-party coalition, suggesting that DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang would be PM.

“TS Muhyiddin should be courageous enough to say that LKS should be the next PM should PH win the GE. Stop pussyfooting around!” was the latest tweet by Rahman referring to Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) president Muhyiddin Yassin.

It was sent just five minutes after a tweet which read: “How to be PM when LKS is deprived of the opposition leader job in parliament? Wan Azizah should give way to LKS since DAP has more seats!”

His first tweet this morning simply read: “LKS says any Msian can be PM. I agree. For a start, he should immediately be opposition leader & head of Pakatan. Why hesitating?”

The tweets are believed to be part of a concerted effort by , especially its main component Umno, in highlighting how DAP is the party with the most number of seats in Parliament as well as total number of state assemblypersons.

DAP has 37 MPs with PKR the next (30), followed by Amanah (6) and PPBM having its sole representative in former deputy prime minister, Muhyiddin.

DAP won 38 seats in the last general election, but Kota Melaka MP Sim Tong Him quit the party in February this year. The Amanah MPs won their seats in GE13 while running as PAS candidates.

Lim has been the target of attacks by Umno since allegations of a secret agreement that he would be made deputy prime minister with Mukhriz Mahathir as prime minister, after a meeting with PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad in January.

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Source: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2017/04/10/rahman- challenges-muhyiddin-to-let-kit-siang-be-next-pm/