Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Letters Of To Hermann Bahr by Arthur Schnitzler The Letters Of Arthur Schnitzler To Hermann Bahr by Arthur Schnitzler. Our systems have detected unusual traffic activity from your network. Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it's you making the requests and not a robot. If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. If you continue to experience issues, you can contact JSTOR support. Block Reference: #971f5840-cf71-11eb-8c6c-ab46cc9a7032 VID: #(null) IP: Date and time: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 13:40:33 GMT. Arthur Schnitzler's estate. Arthur Schnitzler organized his papers during his lifetime (estimated at more than 40,000 pages) and made provisions in his will on how to deal with his estate. He set a blocking period for the publication of his diaries and stipulated that his letters could never be published in abbreviated form. The "Anschluss" of saved most of the country and thus saved it from destruction. Today this means that there are several storage locations that jointly own most of the papers. contents. 1 history of the estate 1.4 Storage locations. History of the estate. Rescue of the estate to Cambridge. After his death in 1931, most of his literary estate was left in a garden room in his house that was separately accessible from the outside, where his family made it accessible for scientific purposes. In his will , Schnitzler had designated his two closest friends, the writer Richard Beer-Hofmann and the lawyer and chess master Arthur Kaufmann, as advisors to his son Heinrich in estate matters . Shortly after the “Anschluss” in March 1938, the garden room of the Schnitzler house was opened on the initiative of the Cambridge student Eric A. Blackall , who was in for his dissertation on and, with the permission of Schnitzler's descendants (according to Konstanze Fliedl, they were “in a kind of numbness ”) inspected the estate, sealed by the British Embassy in Vienna. Olga Schnitzler may have “donated” the estate to the Cambridge University Library in order to make it English property. It turned out to be problematic that Olga, being divorced from the author, was not entitled to dispose at all and the author had named his son Heinrich as the sole owner in his will. But this was not in Vienna. The Gestapo respected the British seals in their house searches. A little later, the majority of the estate, again on Blackall's initiative and with the consent of the family, was brought to England and found a new safekeeping in the Cambridge University Library . Heinrich Schnitzler's attempted transfer to Columbia University did not materialize. A part remained in the family's possession, especially a manuscript of the dance and correspondence. After Heinrich Schnitzler's return from the United States to Austria, these were given the title of the Viennese estate . Microfilming. In 1950, the filming of the estate in Cambridge was completed.In the period before the estate directory was edited, the majority of the private collections in the family property in Vienna were reproduced on a total of 44 microfilm rolls now on the order of Heinrich Schnitzler , which were kept at two research institutions in to the USA ( University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association (IASRA), Binghamton (New York) ) as well as to the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg , where there is now an Arthur Schnitzler archive . A fourth copy, which remained in the private ownership of the son, was handed over to the Archive in Marbach am Neckar after his death in 1982, together with Arthur Schnitzler's private estate (including the letters and diaries) . Microfilming was done in two attempts. The first film adaptations were made in 1947, with films A, B and C, presumably also D being made. Then followed around 1950 the microfilms # 1 to # 38 and # 23A (D, mentioned here for the first time, belongs in the continuation of # 34). In a letter dated January 12, 1965, Heinrich Schnitzler mentions three more films to be made before “the entire estate would really be available”. In 1966 38 rolls were copied for the Schnitzler archive, from which 41 would result in the complete number of films. A inventory of the holdings can be found on the UCLA website. Folder 212 with drama plans can be used to illustrate the complex situation in which the estate is found today: The folder actually belongs to Cambridge, but should be one of the Viennese filmed parts. As a result of the microfilm, a copy of the portfolio came to Freiburg and was recategorized, here has the signature BI. However, the portfolio itself is no longer in its place of storage in England, but came through the transfer of Heinrich Schnitzler's estate to the DLA in Marbach. Here the old call numbers were only partially taken into account, and it can now be found renamed to Dramatik Plans with the accession number HS.NZ85.0001.00004. The already problematic situation is made worse by the fact that parts of the CUL estate were forgotten during the filming. A complete review of holdings can therefore only be carried out by visiting the three main towns of Cambridge, Marbach and Freiburg. Directories. In addition to the digitally accessible estate directory, which is based on the Freiburg holdings, the papers in the possession of the German Literature Archives and Cambridge University can be searched for in the DLA's Kallias catalog. A concordance of the estate itself and the microfilms can be accessed digitally on the Arthur Schnitzler edition project homepage. Repositories. Cambridge University Library. The majority of the manuscripts and the correspondence classified by Schnitzler himself as important are kept in Cambridge to this day. German Literature Archive Marbach. The so-called Viennese estate , i.e. materials that had remained in the family's possession throughout, went to the German Literature Archive in Marbach am Neckar after the death of Heinrich Schnitzler in 1982 . In addition to a few manuscripts, it mainly contains the extensive correspondence. Parts of it can be seen in the permanent exhibition in the Museum of Modern Literature in Marbach, in particular the manuscript for Lieutenant Gustl . However, only a facsimile is shown there. The original manuscript is in the Cambridge holdings. Exeter University Library. Schnitzler's collection of newspaper clippings, with reviews and reports on him, was given to the Exeter University Library . A digitization of the holdings was put online by the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage 2019. Arthur Schnitzler Archive, Freiburg. Based on the microfilms, Gerhart Baumann founded the Arthur Schnitzler Archive in Freiburg in the 1960s . It is a copy archive expanded by collection. Further stocks. Restitution question. On January 11, 2015, Thomas Trenkler published in the Viennese daily Kurier an evaluation of the family story Die Schnitzlers by Jutta Jacobi , published in autumn 2014, and the depiction of the early legacy confusion by David Österle and Wilhelm Hemecker, which was published almost simultaneously . In his conclusion, based on an oral statement by lawyer Alfred Noll , he sees the Schnitzler family of Cambridge University Library being blackmailed in an emergency. The estate would therefore have to be returned to Heinrich Schnitzler's heirs. Arthur Schnitzler. ARTHUR SCHNITZLER s-a născut pe 15 mai 1862 la Viena, într-o familie de evrei austrieci. Tatăl său, Johann Schnitzler, era un cunoscut laringolog. Începând cu 1879, studiază medicina la Universitatea din Viena, iar în 1885 obţine titlul de doctor în medicină. Între 1886 şi 1893 lucrează ca medic asistent la diferite spitale vieneze, apoi îşi deschide propriul cabinet. Cu timpul, îşi restrânge activitatea medicală, dedicându-se tot mai mult scrisului. În anii 1890 face parte, alături de , Hermann Bahr ş.a., din gruparea avangardistă Jung-Wien (Tânăra Vienă), care pune bazele literaturii austriece moderne. În 1903, Schnitzler se căsătoreşte cu actriţa Olga Gussmann, cu care are un băiat şi o fată. După divorţul pronunţat în 1921, copiii rămân în grija lui. În 1928, Lili, fiica sa, recent căsătorită, se sinucide, un eveniment despre care Schnitzler va nota în jurnal: „Cu acea zi de iulie, viaţa mea, de fapt, s-a terminat.“ La 21 octombrie 1931, scriitorul moare la Viena. Arthur Schnitzler face parte dintre marii prozatori şi dramaturgi moderni. Primul mare succes îl înregistrează cu piesa Liebelei (1896; Dragoste uşoară ), care, asemenea multor altor opere ale sale, redă climatul social şi cultural al Vienei fin-de-siècle . Piesa Reigen ( Hora iubirilor ), scrisă în 1896–1897, dar pusă în scenă abia în 1921, provoacă un scandal din cauza conţinutului vădit erotic şi duce la un proces pentru indecenţă împotriva regizorului şi a actorilor. Prin povestirile Lieutenant Gustl (1900; Sublocotenentul Gustl ) şi Fräulein Else (1924; Domnişoara Else ), Schnitzler introduce în marea literatură, înaintea lui James Joyce, tehnica monologului interior, care poate fi apropiată de metoda asociaţiilor libere din psihanaliză. Povestirea cu accente suprarealiste Traumnovelle (1926; Nuvela visului ) va inspira peste ani filmul Cu ochii larg închişi (1999), realizat de Stanley Kubrick. Alte opere: Casanovas Heimfahrt ( Întoarcerea acasă a lui Casanova ), Spiel im Morgengrauen ( Joc în zori de zi ), Flucht in die Finsternis ( Fuga în întuneric ) – nuvele; Der einsame Weg ( Drumul singuratic ), Professor Bernhardi – dramaturgie; Der Weg ins Freie ( Drum deschis ), Therese. Chronik eines Frauenlebens ( Therese. Cronica vieţii unei femei ) – romane; Jugend in Wien ( Tinereţe vieneză ) – autobiografie. De acest autor. Arthur Schnitzler, Glorie târzie. Cumpără Preț 18.00 RON. Arthur Schnitzler, Glorie târzie. Cumpără Preț 25.00 RON. Evenimente. 16 iunie 2021, Editura Humanitas Fiction. Online & live, lansare – Vremuri grele de Mario Vargas Llosa. 15 iunie 2021, Editura Humanitas. Online & live, lansare – Animalele care ne fac oameni de Cătălin Pavel. 14 iunie 2021, Editura Humanitas. Online & live, discuție – Despre viața cărților: de la manuscris la distribuție. 6 martie 2020, Librăria Humanitas Cișmigiu. Lansare – Maria Bucur, Mihaela Miroiu, Nașterea cetățeniei democratice – Librăria Humanitas de la Cișmigiu. 3 martie 2020, Librăria Humanitas Cișmigiu. Lansare – Karen Viggers, Soția paznicului de far. 27 februarie 2020, Librăria Humanitas Cișmigiu. Lansare – Eugeniu Bucheru, Istorii nescrise, infamii neprescrise – Librăria Humanitas de la Cișmigiu. Newsletter. Fii la curent cu toate evenimentele și noutățile Grupului Humanitas. Abonează-te acum. The Letters Of Arthur Schnitzler To Hermann Bahr by Arthur Schnitzler. Hermann Bahr, Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel, Materialien, Dokumente. Herausgegeben von Kurt Ifkovits und Martin Anton Müller. Göttingen: Wallstein 2018. Technik: Ingo Börner. In diesem Repository sind die Daten unseres Buchprojekts versammelt, samt den Daten für die Website. Die Buchausgabe in den zwanzig Monaten der Projektlaufzeit herzustellen war das eigentliche Ziel. Wir haben uns entschieden, für die Erfassung der 1366 Dokumente auf XML und TEI zurückzugreifen. Unser Augenmerk während der Projektlaufzeit lag entsprechend auf der Umsetzung einer XSLT-Transformation, die die Daten in ein XeTeX-Dokument brachte. Dort verwendeten wir das Paket reledmac um den Satz zu erzeugen. Die Web-Präsentation stellt eine zusätzliche Ansicht dar, die Ingo als eXist-App auf Grundlage unserer Daten nach Projektende erstellt hat. Sie berücksichtigt nicht alle typografischen Details und Besonderheiten, verzichtet dafür aber auf die im Buch notwendigen Kürzungen. Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr, Sigmund Freud, und Arthur Schnitzler. Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr, Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke und Arthur Schnitzler . Edited with a foreword and notes by Jeffrey B. , Hans-Ulrich Lindken, and Donald A. Prater. 525/(1)p. 1st edition. 3,000 copies. 1987. 2nd edition. 1,000 copies. 2007. [1] . Vorwort der Herausgeber, pp. 7-(11) [2] . Zur Edition, pp. 13-(15) [3]. Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr [Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin and Hans-Ulrich Lindken], pp. (17)-(159). 153 documents. [1] . Bahr to Zweig, 99 letters and postcards, 19 June 1904-20 November 1931 [2] . Zweig to Bahr, 39 letters and postcards, 1 telegram, 8 October 1908-18 July 1933 [3] . Bahr to Karl Graf Stürgkh, 1 letter, 1 September 1914 [4] . Zweig to Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, 9 letters and 3 telegrams, 26 April 1921-16 January 1934 [5] . Zweig to Samuel Fischer, 1 letter, 16 March 1933 [6] . Friderike Maria Zweig to Anna Bahr- Mildenburg, 2 letters, ca. 26 April 1921, ca. May 1922 [7] . Friderike Maria Zweig to Bahr and Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, 1 letter, 17 July 1933 [8] . Verein der österreichisch-ungarischen Buchhändler to Bahr, 1 letter, 22 November 1923. Contains a copy of Zweig’s appeal “Zum Deutschen Schriftsteller-Hilfstag des österreichischen Buchhandels”, pp. 85-86 [9] . Anmerkungen, pp. 121-(159) [4]. Briefwechsel mit Sigmund Freud [Edited by Hans-Ulrich Lindken], pp. (161)-(265). 78 documents. [1] . Freud to Zweig, 25 letters, 4 postcards, 1 telegram, 3 May 1908-20 July 1938 [2] . Zweig to Freud, 35 letters, 10 postcards, 2 telegrams 3 November 1920-14 September 1939 [3] . Zweig to Anna Freud, 1 letter, 4 August 1933 [4] . Anmerkungen, pp. 228-(265) [5]. Briefwechsel mit Rainer Maria Rilke [Edited by Donald A. Prater], pp. (267)-(349). 48 documents. [1] . Zweig to Rilke, 21 letters, 2 March 1906-18 March 1921 [2] . Rilke to Zweig, 23 letters, December 1906-Christmas Eve 1917 [3] . Rilke to Friderike Maria Zweig, 3 letters, 7 April 1916, 27 June 1916, 18 (9?) March 1921 [4] . Anmerkungen, pp. 323-(349) [6]. Briefwechsel mit Arthur Schnitzler [Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin and Hans-Ulrich Lindken], pp. (351)-(493). 147 documents. [1] . Schnitzler to Zweig, 59 letters, 11 postcards, 2 calling cards, 1 telegram, 17 October 1907-19 February 1931 [2] . Zweig to Schnitzler, 65 letters, 3 postcards, 1 calling card, 1 telegram, 15 January 1907 [i.e. 1908]-February 1931 [3] . Olga Schnitzler to Zweig, 4 letters, 3 May 1916, 20 November 1916, 22 November 1916, 21 December 1916 [4] . Anmerkungen , pp. 452-(493) [7] . Literatur, aus der unter verkürzter Quellenangabe zitiert wird, pp. 494-(497) [8] . Erwähnte Personen und Werke, pp. 501-517. [9] . Erwähnte Werke der Briefpartner, pp. 518-(526) Translations: Turkish: Dostlarla Mektuplaşmalar [. Dostlarla Mektuplaşmalar: Rainer Maria Rilke, Arthur Schnitzler, Hermann Bahr, Maksim Gorki, Sigmund Freud, ]