NAWROZ CARPET KA1UK-- CO. LTD EXPORT CO. n n 3 - BiXfeat exporters of Afghan display highest Quality newoU handicraft offering ' tike beat icnume antique arms, po quality Afffcaa products at; oateenchas and other Afghan II handicrafts: ' MES KABIR BOUTIQUE O Address: . (Share Anaarl Address: Share Nan oDMslte ' Chirahl Blue Mosque tela; 32033 and 31151. 30189 ' Tela: and 31183. , . Cable5 Nawroz-Kabul- v Post Box: 4M. Cable. PUSHNCHA

VOL. X NO. 174 ;" KABUL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 (AQRAB 4, 1350 S.H.) PRICE AF 4

Holy Koran Special Work on am ma I program . recital; ends 'at, covers 452G3 acres museum to finish royal Mosque V in Nangarhar KABUL, Oct 26, (Bakhtar). 26, (Ba- -- 1 Oct The recitation of the .Holy, 1)7 khtar). In accordance with the Koran yhlch was started in the emergency Agricultural Deve- in five Mosque months Royal from the even- lopment Programme, this year ing of the first day of Ramazan 91,407 jeribs (one jerib is eq- KABUL, Oct. 26, (Bakhtar). The animal mus- was completed last night. 'A ual to half an acre) will be Qari Mohammad Omar led eum be opened to public five The mu- cultivated with high yielding will in months. the prayers. wheat seeds. seum is being built in the Kabul Zoo at an estimated His Royal Highness Prince For these farms, 3867 tons of : Ahmad Shah, the Regent, HRII cost of Afs. 600,000. v - r urla fertiliser and 2081 tons of General Sardar . . Abdul Wall, Altogether' 500 species of animals from Afghan: dyamonlum phosphate will be House of the People President used. Farmers will receive display at specially Dr. the istan in stuffed form will be on Mohammad Omar Wardak, it fertiliser on loan. ; ' ' Deputy Prime Minister Dr. built shelves of the museums. : ., i. ?. Eng. Ghafran, the director Abdul Samad Hamed, Nan-garh- Dr. Neumann, an expert on animal museums said, some 'of the programme for ar other members of the cabinet, '.,'::;:i:V.:f;;J province said 26 cen- the process of evolution will be portrayed by special some judges of the Supreme 4 -- tres for distribution of high 3 i.aVt! 4 i lours, some of 4lV'l fer-tilis- sets.. members the yielding wheat seeds and er Council of the Divines, and have been set up In di- ' some) is professor in the College included in this category are generals of the Royal fferent parts of Nangarhar. He a Army participated. of Science of the Kabul Universi harmful insects. Either the ani W Distribution will be started sh- ty. mals themselves are caught by ortly. bro- The animal museum is a suit- -' snares and other means and The quota for fertiliser of able centre for scientific research ught to the museum and after Briefs the Hesarak and Shairzad dis- So far, staff of filling is done, or mo tricts have been sent, con- in the field. the ; he the museum have been' able to dels of these are made' KABUL, Oct. 26, (Bakhtar)- .- cluded; discover thirty varieties of ani, ; On speciaLmaps the enfrieov. Wrd meting i The Pub mals 'unknown in Afghanista o ution and growth of the anim- - lic Health Comm1ttee ; ls will be shown, and this .will $ the Abassi FPiv The 5Hoo in ostahlichincr the Afghan Red , Crescent Society Information and Culture Minister at the Afghan especially Denem the students Films laboratories. animal museum is to acquaint was held yesterday. The mee- - the people with the physiological visiting the zoo and the museum, ting 800 Different varieties of parasites was presided Over by Dr. tons ediblo activity of the human body. This' vice-chairm- Rajab Ali Taherie, . will also be- displayed.' the is why models of human body in of the committee. The Afghan Films labs begin which thoracic ? A two story building has been oil from USSR the section and the meeting ; constructed in the. Kabul Zoo for concentrated ori the blood circulation as well as diges- training, of nurses, expanding system the animal museum. Slides will dubbing' movies in Pashto KABUL, Oct. 26, (Bakhtar)... tive will be shown, will the blood bank and possibility Eight ac- -. also be shown in one of the rooms KABUL; Oct. 26, (Bakhtar) hundred tons of Samar- , be displayed at the museum, of Dubbing of foreign films by increasing first aid , centres kand edible oil impor- cording ; of the museum. Afghan Films of will be to him. ; the has started. The Minister Information There will be 200 shelves for of the Society. The meeting ted from the Soviet Union. The people will-th- us be educ- continued till noon. and Culture Mohammad Ebrahlm Abassi Inaugurated the du- ated on the way human body 300 birds and 12 animals, eight bbing of the first movie Into the national language of Pashto A source of the Food Proc- for harmful insects three for urement Department said the functions.. : . .;' and Sunday evening, in the Afghan Films. prehis- FARAH, Oct.; 26, (Bakhtar)'. agreement '). , animals parasites, and fifteen for - for the purchase of Those species of the, -In Abassi also commissioned the machine made by Moham- , a meeting held" here yes- preservatibn of which is not pos- toric animals. ' mad All Raunaq, an Afghan engineer, for dubbing the edible oil has been conclu- terday and presided over ' by work. sible in the museum will also be Dr. Neumann said that there ded between and ' Governor Mohammad Alem displayed . are about 150,000 variety of ani- - the Soviet Union. here, he said. , The machine is called mag- the Afghan Films, taken under a committee was as-- mals in Afghanistan. Displaying mwabi noctrinnor firir! tanpc nrA nfm tha nctniHrTie rf Prima IWt- - Four hundred tons of the of these is possible. Only , to oil ! all not ,,dubttogg --wUh:.: .Zahir.-wi- ll wUI Te imported ' hutZ wStoX-'- Mes the nister Dr. Abdul berf11 the rare species will be displayed of the fi1m)(! scenes. vnanpH anA mnr fiim ,nu weeks and the remalnlnr at the museum, he added and bakeries in Farah city and paw in eight weeks', the sour- : be dubbed into Pashto and : ; , While inaugurating .the dub- The money for the setting up other districts. Dari languages', Abassi said. ce added. ; , Some elders of the province bings, Abassi termed the work of the animal museum has been 'It is also hoped Afghan fea- The edible oil will be given of the are on the membership of the 'a new beginning for establish- admired raised through the sale ture films will not only be pr- to the civil servants at reason- tickets to the zoo, and committee which will also su- ing relations between the films price, admission ' oduced more for screening in able according to the of seers the cine goers'! , ; donations of the Banke Millie pervise the sale eight and Afghanistan will also be source. of to people.. "It is hoped the Initiative of but into UN and the Rotary Clab of Kabul. wheat the .exported for screening abroad. The source said that all the In fact the Afghan films is stu- previous stocks of the White UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 26, dying this possibility', Abassi Almond edible oil have been (Reuter).-T-he elects members ' sold out United Nations House committee said.. : ', General Assembly today (at KABUL, Oct. 26, (Bakhtar). . The deputies of the Houseof the People yesterday were 'It is a happy augury to note 10:30 Kabul time) voted to ad- busy electing the members of the committees of the House, that the first foreign film ever Meeting discusses Na- -' nip-na- - mit China to the United in Kwtrrianv with th rv session decision taken on Sunday, the deputies were con- dubbed is being dubbed in the tlons and expel Taiwan in an vassing members, and other executive council members of the various national language of, Pashto. oh the . Development projects historic decision taken by 76 mmmitoM Th win known either todav' or the nextweek. The names of conunltt- - This will play a noticeable roje ranlfe h. BAMYAN, , Oct. 25, (Bakhtar) votes to 35 with 17 abstentions. tee members also of the respective office bearers of theomnrittees will be presented to in the popularisation, expansion and ; ' V The development of Bamyan Peking gave no immediate In- ." nienary sessioni iur pp-- '.....,.. and development of our natio- uie ' province was discussed in a meet- dication about how it received deoutv from Karoch.,'!.dis- - Wasefi, the deputy from Ar-- nal language', Abassi said. The secretariat of the House herie. ing held here yesterday. Bam- the news of its march to acc- province; Moba- - ghandab district of Kandahar The wished suc- of. the People has released the trict of Herat minister the yan governor Mobarez, eptance on the only terms It has province, Besmellah, deputy cess of the artists techni- and the names of the following depu- mmad Ali Qazizadah, deputy and team of experts from Plann- would accept.; as - of the said it But ties who were not present in from Pashtoon Zarghoon; , Ab- from Shinkai district; Hai cians the Afghan Films in ing Ministry, Ch-fro- as well as heads of the series of ballots was under house dul Rahman Jamshidie, deputy Mangal,. deputy from Daya m the dubbings. the yesterday. ; varioug departments Bamyan ' , - of way in New York, there were Koshk district; Moham-- opan district, Ghulam Naqsh- Before the inauguration, the participated , : in the meeting. al smiles from Ch-- . Nourzayee, de- band, deputy from Arghandab vice president of ' Afghan Abdul Razaq, deputy from mad Hashem the The team has completed its sur- inese officials Peking Inter- puty from Gulran. Ab- of ; Mohammad Films, Abdul Samad Asefi in at of Laghman district; ' veys here and will report to the national airport - Adres-ka- n Naserie, deputy from a speech said the audio-visu- al province, Abdul Ghani, deputy dul Baseer deputy from Anwar Ministry on its findings. . -, The airport officials were ga- : of Kalat district of Za- means in Afghanistan so far. from Sarkani district; . Abdul' district; Dost Mohammad nomads Issues related to guiding the thered to witness departure because of lack of of the Jabar deputy from Eshkashem Gorgaich deputy from . the bol province; Abdul Kayoum the means farmers, adoption of preventive from Peking pre- Mo- n: dubbing success- of American district, Saved Muhauddin, de- - centre of Nimroz province; , Mahajer; the deputy from have not been health measures, popularisation sidential envoy Dr. Henry Kis- Keshm Mo-amm- hammad Ghaus, deputy . from Abdul Khalef, the de- ful. 'With the utilisation of the from district; ' of vegetable growing among the singer, dis- of compat- who coincldentally left Ismael Pamirie, de--1 Lashe Jaween district; Aqa puty from the the Choura means dubbing, our people and use of audio visual the Chinese capital Just as the puty ' from district; Mohammad, the deputy from trict; Akhtar Gul, the deputy riots will see movies in their means were discussed. ' UN was dealing its sharpest re- Abdullah, deputy from Dar-za-b Nauzad district , of Helmand from Musakhail Marigal; Mo- native languages and will en- buff ever to the United States. district; Saved Mohammad province; Haji Mohammad hammad Akram, the deputy joy them', he said. CTTY DPA adds: diplomatic repre- ' Ghaus, deputy from Qades dis- Kari, the deputy from Garm-se- er from Moqor district of Ghaz- -' tZ3 ' Moham- now sentatives from Peking might trict; Amir Mohammad deputy district; Safar . Mohamm- ni province: Wazeer The movie being dubbed arrive here shortly, . informed from Jawand district: ' Moham- - ad Kharouti, the deputv from mad, the deputy from Sharan is a Russian film named Flo- By Our Reporter sources said today. maduddin, Achekzai, deputy naae All district; Jamal Khan district of and wers Bloomed Late. The tech- The inspectors of the Metric UN Secretary General U Th- from Ghormach district:, TaM the denuty from Baghran .,dis- - Ramazan, the deputy from the nicolor, cinemascope movie is System Department of the Mi- -' an officially informed Peking Malouk, deputv from Shahraic trict; Nazrullah; the deputy . based on a novel by Chekhov. of the assembly's decision im- district: Haii Shah Alam Ta- - from Daishu district Azizullah. The dialogue has been transl- visited shops in Central Food mediately after the voting fig- ated from Russian into Pashto Provisions Market, Maiwand-wa- t, ures were known. by Abdul Qadeer Fahim, and Shorbazar, Murad Khani, In Washington the reaction 95 developing nations open 13 -- day conference dubbing is being directed by Shahre Nau and Karte Par-wa- n was one of surprise and shock Wali Latifie. areas and for the third ti- . yesterday at the UN vote, and political LIMA, Oct 26, (AFP).. Representatives, of 95 developing countries opened here The dubbed roles are being me this year, collected the old 13-da- y they can com- circles described it as the grea- a conference which Is expected to provide a decisive test of whether played by Daoud Farani, Mrs. weights. bine their political wills and use their economic resources to wrest advantages from the rich Parween Ali, Miss Torpnikai The inspectors test defeat American , dip- ' advised the s ' and East. ( ,i A ' lomacy In yean... ?v k. , , , .. countries of West j Khadem, Miss Saira Azam, shop keepers to refrain from us- Vi!" - Washington th- -- The issue before the group rity of the World's people con- - nist countries - Khawarie, Rahm Silie, ing the old weights. sources said confe-ficial- ly Fazlie here,, of- - ed - the outset, the ey were of countries meeting centrated in the "th- From and Melgerai. . .., unable to explain the be marked by a clash extremely high vote in known as the "Group of ird world" and the privileged . rertce will The dubbing work is expec- A car with two forged num- favour - conceptions of the of the Albanian resolution. 77", is how to narrow the eco- minority living in the industr-- . between the ted to be completed in a few ber plates, one in the front and ma jo- - ialised capitalist delegations from Africa and . Official bodies. were avail- nomic gaD between the and commuK weeks. the other at the rear was sei- not mjm able for comment, the sta- inose liuin Liaim nuKium zed by the Kabul traffic po- but delegates playing the, ' te department said K would the Asian KABUL, Oct 26, (Bakhtar)... lice yesterday supply increases by key mediating role. Twenty bags of sugar The owner who was driving issue a statement later today. Sugar controversy between the three . The each weighing fifty kilos hoa- f ha car trioA ttx . AapanA kt.t . Africans and the Latin Ame- -' rded In a house here have been was stopped in a like shipments sh- movie delivery of fresh ricans, which was especially seized by police. scene by the police. The police conference of the STOP PRESS KABUL, Oct. 26, (Bakhtar).. ..Eight thousand five hund- arp at the last A source of the Sugar Mo- opened the running car's door red tons of sugar will be arriving at the Afghan river ports developing countries held in nopoly said the hoardings and entered it ana caught the 1967, is over the "sp- that TSU, Japan, Oct. 26, (Reuter) by the end of October. Algiers in have been detected by Neh-matulla- h, steering from the drivers' hand. officials Disclosing this, source of the Sugar Monopolies Dep- ecial measures" many of the from The car had number 7269 sh .Police and railway a de- a police officer, today said that 23 people were artment said 4,000 tons of sugar bound for Afghanistan has African countries feel the Kotal Sangie. The sugar has in the front number plate and killed in yesterday's head on arrived in Tennez port of the Soviet Union. Out of this, one veloped countries should take and case 47 Nangarhar at the rear. favour on the grounds been confiscated the collision between two express ship carrying 500 tons of sugar for Afrhanisfian has arrived in their Is under investigation. trains in a mountain tunnel. at Shalrkhan Bander. that they are the "least deve- - among developing They said there were also Another two ships, each car added. f " loped" the 27 seriously "Injured passengers rying 500 tons of sugar arriv- 'Out of 830 sugar distribution, countries. as well a about 220 suffering ed at Shair Khan Bander to- shops in Kabul, 20 in crowded V will A Algiers, the Asian media- from slight injuries. Some . 500 day. . . J . areas remain open the whole day to sell sugar as well tors generally backed the Afri- Eeople are now thought to have, The transportation' of the The skies will be cloudy in the northern, northeastern and two sugar is continuing to Ka- as sugar cubes', it said. can view, and a compromise board the trains. new mea- central Afghanistan. railway spokes- convey he- The remaining shops will sell formula on the "special Police and bul, the first arrived ' The skies over Kabul will be overcasted. Maximum tem- ' - i 1 112 to sures" was sought but the head men said the rescue operation re yesterday. ' sugar, from four in the Is 23 centigrade. under supervision a Latin American delegation perature in Kabul today mieht not be completed until With the arrival of new ship- evening the of wannest place Is Jala lab ad with a high of 30 centi- of scouts. told journalists last night that The this afterfioon because of the ments of sugar into Kabul, the the grade. The coldest place Is North Salang with a low of S was almost completely shortage situation creat- Some sugar will also be sent the issue was not yet settled, tunnel near on page 4) centigrade. blocked by wreckage ed will be eased, the source to-th- provinces for sale. (Continued 26,: 1971 PAGE 2 THE KABUL; TIMES OCTOBER k'

E KABULTIMES Nonaligriee) mi n i com i e u e; stens mti:o 1 'V

safeguarding j participants recalled the thening the"poSsf the Inter - second development decade be t'ween them in pe-a- 22. The ty; Lusaka Declaration on Disarm, national Development Strategy. removed forthwith. It is also lm- -' ce; andLscqur '.' , TiT: participation Of M emphasis on the trc m j j i;.. rwf.fivn that in rfifforunt fnrn- - The widest ment and its op 9f contribution that the te- firmly resolved ms' of the existing international Members Stat. .adopting mendous ed countries are ge-t- chnology the peaceful .uses of to to efforts for machinery, the developing coun- - equality ai4 ropre he for continue exert bfraphicil representation, in the nuclear energy can make to the promotion and strengthening tries be consulted invariably in mea-comm- decision-makin- g process relating progress of the de- of the unity, solidarity and the elaboration of effetcive economy and the .co-- or-7- 7 to the Implementation , of the '. veloping world.. v purpose of the Group of sures for the maintenance of exchange rat-ev-er mmon aims and purposes of the 23. Recalling that the United which are being faced with derly and equitable .. . reso- uni-.e- s, improving the monetary United Nations. Nations General Assembly greater challenges. .The for - ..... 32. conformity ..with.the de- , - lution 2749 (XXV) on the decla- '...ty oflthe: Group of 77 constitutes i arrangements . that have ,been Jn . .v. cision .of .the Lusaka Conference' A'' ration of principles governing the an essential condition of their ' carefully worked" out imce ..the eq- - Woods Conference, and to ensure the continuity of action Sea-Be- d, embodied in essence the successful struggle for more Bretton of non-align- countries, 'the pa-- J principles contained in the Lusa- uitdble economic, relatiofis afld.jor Bringing .inese in ime rticlpints' in the; frhquUative me-- Pilliq eyry'flay fxpept Friday and Afghan pu- - ka Statement adopted in Septem- "the special needs of the develo-- ? blic holidays by the Kabul Times Publishing 'Agency 1970, participants expect coming the meeting ping counties ..wmcn wivc nr ber the Gene-hop- e la t tf t i U ?'y.yvXlh UN UN. Sea-Be- d Commit- of he Group T!lnhicJhfiy a dynamic restructuring of that the W 'gh Meeting Non, conceTned trade ; Assembly, a of tee will be able to complete the all mtatater will world jjattam 4. 7 " " Aligned Country at ministerial next stage of its work with speed be V' ' TheUrpwing iatecdepende-veUSuc- h a niegUng render--i i'ltFIERAJvEL.'. FOOD THOUGHT fqresight in 1972. They also &SSPSwSiiSSt'' 30. trttorf-iN-tinEF:- ' FOR and necessary com. ee ed in view of the stressed their' determination to the (Lusaka Declaration which pr-.n- of world problems makes it ' pl : and dynamic developments It is an unhappy lot which continue to take special interest ovides V basis for the elaboration imperative to stftngtfien the the. expeditious progressi- of specific measures' arid, at1 this efficacy and iWf of s the the 'Residence: 32070 V in and finds no enemies. ve development of the law of critical junbtu're,' oonsfutes'm United Nations, as in .instrument .dsie mmfidUfi fKi'iMmfii.'for achievement of oeace and tries to exercise more effective- - ..Editorial 2C843 s the sea, and to participate effec-- , ithtAniU tha ' ly affairs.- , aU their role in world For other' numbers ,; dial UN tioii or int'erna;tibhal cooperation "cooperation among states. The first , Publilius Syrus. tively in the conference" on ' pf Na- - i ' 'number ;,26(51-- W for; development: They 'alsd com-- main purpose ties. United ; switchyard.,' this' subject, tentatively schedul- ' - - iX fhe'Cr- - is nof merelv. de- -. .33.. The Consultative Meetuu ? jw ed for 1973. - V mont !th0'nttntihn nf tions to reflect , 'vpinnmphi. Tn1 renewed the mandate of the pre- - Circulation and Advertising 24. participants con- A.,rt ti, n,n,.c onoit hnt the contemDorarv The in the it paratwy 'committee consisting .of V", 6 expressed in the Declaration for promoting world. 'but the influence and con- - Ittension ..V sultative meeting have representatives pf the f the conviction that after the ado- economic lcoopeTati6n' among de- - tribute to its further progress, In .counties wajti- -, ption of the International Deve- veloping countries at alrieveis, order if amaent l njne , ,imm;wiv lopment. Strategy the immediate in brder to work out a'joint'piat- - 'satipn pf this ai.m,,it; is necessary v :..',V,lt",T'rV' wArV :de ''l, ., Miaq. thrust of activity in 'the field of M.'.n.ii4St"rf'lIM. :trf thn filrther' Jugeiia ' ,r -- - Na- - ;r ; Tress neyieyy international cooperation for CTAD '." , rnocratisation of the United .PTOft 28.-Th- -- - Morocco,, Khay-be- development should be directed non-align- ed countries tions. Tendencies, to bypass the The latest issue of the r (Arab KepUDUC OIJ, practical steps the ra- nnncM..VM. ffrtrtc it TTrnto' Wif nhc in ripnlino with tgypt t-j- t towards for lifts I ! weekly has started seriali i is of nrirnnn, itnnnrtiiiM'A to divo. some Droblems or vital ihmortan- -' ' "negaj, Ko-y- al pid sustained implementation ..i. sation ol the book by His and Ethiopia, Sudan, Highness of the provisions of the strategy te th createst attention to the ce" have had a negative effect not Marshal Shah - Guyana, Tanzania, Dubbing films Wali Ghazi. by the stipulated target dates. In srwwifi nrnhipmd nfthe least de- onf on the. World Oreanisation Khan The book - India, Yugoslavia, 'My reminiscens', which' has respect of review and appraisal velbped countries; 'so as to secu- but also on international relatio adoption of wh-- ; ns as a whole. ' Indonesia, v Gambia, Thirty, five per cent of a for- also been translated into Eng- of the strategy, they are agreed re the decisions' countries, 31. The participants agreed th-to- o.' Delegations of the following eign, movie, has been dubbed lish from Dari gives an account that its purpose should be to as- ich will enable these measy-'ia- ,expr of of sess the manner in which the st- to take advantage of ) the delegafions representing, countries reservations in national language of the war independence and ' the, to over- res behflfit'Dl ; their counties at ,the 26th session on par.agr.apJi 31. (b) Pashte' by ithe; Afghan Films the role of His Majesty the late rategy has contributed undeVtakn trrthe all development; that its scope all developing countries. nf the General Assemblv Would as shown hereunder: so far.';' . .King Mohammad Nadir Shah. Jtndo-Pakista- i. should include the contribution undertake specific. and coprdina-- .j Paragraph 77 (on, The remaining part of the film The serialisation, in condens- ' -, non-alfgn- ed follow- afjCalrs) hy the developed countries , 29. The countries ted action to secure the v shortly ed form, carries some very in- made will be dubbed and a to" reiterate-tha- ' Jordan , ..' teresting to this international cooperative wish the concre ing objectives: few weeks iinje the; public .in pictures. One picture exer-- strengthening further the 'Kuwait of the late ' Amir Amanullah endeavour;, and that data monito te results of' all the efforts la) this countryl(lortheMirst systems at all levels should sovfar for solving 'riumerous role of ;he United Nations in de- - Paragraph 15 ca Midfile East) Khan during whose reign Af- ring ted see a foreign movie in their integrated glo- economic problems are becoming anng witn, prpoie- - ; . be fully with the ' international ugena,f own laftfnagt srefVj ghanistan obtained its indepen- . bal review machinery. : even more bressina in the suhere ms: Cameroun dence carries a note, '- -- Several favourable remarks saying: 'J of trade and international finaHc- ',' (b) The achievement of its lini-- Central' African , Republic ( ) give this picture" fto bro- ' may brmadt on the dabbing iriyj Ing They note! With" gfave 'con- - versality, particularly bearing in Cqngo , (Democratic ..public of) , ther, to mv soul, 25. While urging the developed techniqiierHiifalificaUons W equal jernail cpuntries to withdraw theirflre. fesrh that, although the' develop- - mmd the urgent need for the im-- l ) - (colonel) Shah Wali'. sign- and dubbers, and It is, ? vyaj'Tes- - of legiti- - Iraq , , the artists a i ssrvations on different provisions ihg countries-are- ' in no mediate 'resation. the prospects ed by the late king. ; Re-- () ( ) the future of dub f of the Strategy, the participants .ponsible'.forrthe latest interna-'- 1 mate rights of the people's Lesotho On page paper car- ( bing foreign movies in Afgha- four the express the hope that the General ' tional rmdnetary crisis, : their eff- - public of China in the United Na-- Liberia ) iUt Ea-c- ries seven pictures of ha - co- - ( ) . nistan;'.' ',' the Assembly at its 26th session will ,6rts at 'development haVe .been tions, as- well as enabling all Swaziland . 'Seen-par- t era; We have of the dub- Saqao During this pe- establish positive guidelines ' for seriously jeopardised, by the lm- - untries, including "the divideq on- - Syria f) movie,-an- d riod, Hiay be recalled,: Af- - ( ) bed our impress- it the third session of the UN con nneitinn r' additional trade bar- - es which are 'still oufside the or- Uganda ghanistan was by a ' : nriA IrnnicstiVn tA ' Vmpn fArnh Rpnnhlip nfl ( ion is that the Afghan Films ruled band ference on Trade and Developm- talre nart in it ac. con-- . of thieves who ruled "Af- ; ' 1: ' . technicians ought to be over ent disruptions in the floW' of deve--? tivities; , Paragraph 31 (Caand.UN) ; ghanistan , , granulated for the.' excellent for nine months. . 26. It was recognised that the lopment! finance to them. iThey icj oirengtnenmg me , roie oi ' , The pictures show job they have done so far. Bachao third session of the UNCTAD to urge that .' these' obstacle's to deve- the UN .General Assembly and Central African .Republic Dubbing Afghan Saqao alone, with his band, his inimical to the Security Council for the rea- - Congo (Democratic; Republic of), as done in the be 'held in Santiago, will be of lopment, which are" ' - synchro--"nlsatlb- n brother, with sc- be-- 'Lebanon , t , Films, is more; thai' his family, a particular importance for sfreng- - the spirit of the Strategy for the lisatlori of closer, cooperation 'of'" s6unds and ene of the massacre of a fami- movements." ''"f ''. ;' ly, a shooting range and final- The director of the dubbing ly, the hangings of Bacha Sa- section of the Pashto voices qao after they were caught by G(i wants to convey' feelings ' of the liberators of the nation. Afghan U N liegae jne$e On second page, week- m the ddiijJ original the the characters. Following is a statement ma- Morally, it is a blatant injus- - the Organisation. It must be fusion and uncertainty which. The dubbings done so is ly carries a critical evaluation - - far Abdur-Rahma- n Fa-zhw- a po- right hi' li6ht 6f the unequivo- this shift has,"prpYpkd ws,. aV-- , of the just concluded ' festival de by H. E. tice, not because larger lively,, natural, and reflects ' enjoys - cal principles of the Charter. ready amply;xj)tesj?ed to r i ' pulation member "hig- ; ' of folkloric songs in Kabul, wh- (Afghanistan) on the ' ftf actual movie1 actions. !r question of the Restoration of rating than a small nation. And, pragmatically, it must Committee discussion. In the con- ich was organised by the Arts her We are sure if dubbings , ,.na--' the Lawful Rights of the Peo- rast ?ears snaUer tinue at this rate 'and with and Culture Department of the B.ut..Mr.reslvsuch fli3 rentTwprid- -reTOV situation tions wUl haveit face the pro-- Ministry of Information ple's Republic of China, in the numbers do aslum andral ;a, this artistic and aesthetic and hppeoV of metering-thfii- r foTces ' . . Twenty-sixt- h moral" compulsion which .is marked, ,by a, blems Culture. ; - United Nations mension, a standards,, the Afghan - . .Films Session of the United Nations in the thinking of the average .fot general deMe amojig'the lthe. defence . of ,the,, njteiest wlil do a much better : job It said: The reporter of the tote.JTWtAonaA Assembly. - which undermines .Big Powers,; buthicb, .lsalso in the ; recalignnv, paper General man in turn s imported 'movies da- asked one of the specta- ;; hUei-efit- .npw than the moral authority, of the - or-- characterised W great' Shifts in. ent of ", Mr. President: the fo- tors, Mrs. Saika to tell us of-th- bbed in our. language by her ' to, kitig. - h-- . opinion. The issue before us, the Res- ganisation-t- he only authoritv .the. relations Big', the reign studios. '' " She said .that if we 'Wniav,:;oQp- - ; .(CpntiAued page 4) toration of the Lawful Rights we reallv wield. Who can cal- - smaU ppjvers. The. . m The success of the dubbings is consider the recent changes in - outcome of high the Ministry - of Information of the People's Republic of cuiate now mucn oi mat inea- a natural the China in Nations, tioe whose low ebb we so deep training the staff of the Af- and Culture a new era of the United is challenge mo- deplore was ghan- Films have, and the then the festival in a dramatic to the ly and repeadtely st of eroded by our failure '.to act men and women who are ta- which folkloric music . and cos- fundamental pretention this Organisation, . claim decjsively on this issue? Who king part in it are announc-cer- s tumes were displayed was a the good start. that it represents and it speaks can deny it? f Radio 'Afghanistan President, we are ' of 'These festivals, in addition to with authority for peoples. Now! 'Mr. who have had many years unique oppo- training developed making known new artistic ta- As our distinguished Presid- accorded a . and 'have Ma- the standing lents and in reviving -- arts and ent of the Assembly, Adam rtunity for the first time the stamina for the truely promising one in hardships of dubbings in the culture, are essential, in deve- lik, said the other day, "We first loping the spirit of national in- must never forget that the Uni- the history of the United N- movies. .'"' rectify one of the The main machine for dubbings tegration'. ted Nations'' real constituency ationsto is not its member states, but most colossal blunders in vthe the magnet-strippe- r, has been Organisati- Afghan ISLAII rather the peoples of the world. functioning of our made locally by an question is: Are .' we engineer. We have been told The problem of traffic in Ka- This claim is enshrined in the on. The bul is the title of the editorial first three words of the Char- going to meet the challenge in by the Afghan Films that the to an overwhelming Machine frbr&iog:. jexpeJUr pf Islah of yesterday: ter "We the peoples". Politi- .response Js cally as we now begun public opinion?. 'Are we ently and if needed more-- , su- The paper quotes a friend of have to world realise, twenty-thre- e to have" strength, and ones" bfr" produced. the1 editorial writer as saying: for years going ihe ch could "-- Till to make the rjght TechhicanyrthlTmachihe sol- the time I did not have of power politics, incredible the resolve political sophistry n; decison?. ved the big problem of pur- a car, I always got angry with and . delegation of Afeha-- chasing from abroad and .also the drivers and their careless- omitted from these th- Fnr the of a right , finding accessories in the ness. Now that I have a car, I ree words was the government nistan the criterion which effectively presided ov- one which, Rest event of breakdowns. : am always angry with the pe- decision is the er twenty-fiv- e per rights of a vast The Afghan Films needs an ex- destrians and their careless- cent of the defends the ' world's family of peoples. China's people. It k tra afs. 60,000 for the pur- ness'. majority of - g who The political anomoly of this he- right in terms chase of an extra copy fordu-bbin- There are some drivers must gap nov16rigef in! 1 "W.slow V fW-m- lft heglnnhif, to gain Considering are careless, particularly, the needs"' elabora ''the re dowb ' each film. tion is now in WUeS spirit of on hhn.n .'. Iy - ,s the return that the people in taxi drivers. They park their it the realm of mocracy whi cars wherever they like and the obvious. If continued, it . this country will get, the sum to become grave- - is not much and find a passenger. They .disturb threatens the involved yard of major United Nations and should be raised by all traffic flow, Harm the pedestr- se- programmes such Space, Spviet-Frenc- means the resources and ians too. After enumerating as the h perqfion fom Seas, the Environment, the Nu- means of Afghan Films. veral other problems of traffic the tou- Disarmament, and, nokhod-- automatic vehicle The Data obtained as . a result is to in-- , in the city, the paper also clear threat, A regular annual meeting .of l One way to do this ' of the Joint, experiments fMet-- on problems of the tr- involving as it does a major mi- -- French 'group for Thev' obtained'1 first results re crease the Afghan" Films tax ches the the Soviet ' attempt to litary power, world peace it- cooperation in space research to- affirming the success of the expe- an4 scie, 9 J0111 and also affic police in their - on imported film measuring solar exploration-- by, rqqkats in, Polar it issues. get the Deople acquainted with self. ok place1 in Nice, Southern Franco riment in from the licenses frequency radiation, under the reeinns .are .beinfl useif to. incre. of the expenditure could the traffic laws. Part paper believes the press ase the reliability of weather for also be met. from the movie The jftcasts,' aqayais of the, - in Afgha- and for, an which are going to and the mass media atm- houses no- -, us u processes occunng in upper screen these dubbed movies. nistan a great responsibi- ce the previous meeting, and was "iufii mi w awakening the public to ajufutii WartJ osphere. public lity in ted the suwessfttATvetMl bet--we- reaction of the en Initial research, station. , Trie coromunications'line dubbed movies obey the laws and regulations .rotinn in fibact in attenTO to the first Moscow and Pari via M,olr . criteria which have been promulgated space meteorology' and space ' ' should be the main four-ye- ar seri- nia--1 communications satellite, in their own interest. The edi-- Sir, Completed is a of work by the Afghan Films of experiments the resea- the line which, was sot, up due cans on yne Whatever has happened to The Soviet and"''French speciali- es in technlcians. ilnitial tsetbacw.' tonal w,ir., magnetically-conjugate- work,, ' Fanta orange drink in town? experiments rch in d to the joint of and.i defeat the very pur- - help in the realisation of this sts conducted in Sot could I Moon of; the 'witlJCthfj. use French specialists,, was used i for . 1 ' aim. - love the drink, more than 'the laser location Of the areas Earth. tutcd nf dobhlntr. Coca-Col- a, hkh-altinid- e experiments, and' ev-.-': and yet I can't get ..,uh the' hel of the French 'lal of , dcif Ung : bato a number of ' (Continued on, page, 4), . it in town these days. ser reflectef installed in the Lu- ons project). I have been to several Fanta HnsjHBtifc i as. stands, but they do not know sn- - J 11 --riyf TUJrr reason Fa- - J the themselves why CAM RW RKif If W nta Is not available. They give 5OW0C ii I . A school Amp iV.lpidr.- contained nd meeting in Washington as-- the vague answer of "there Is -- ifer to canitulate xea me cnanceuui no Fanta in the factory". rr,'a ' newspaper Now I have become a monetary question, the his offer. But the, that on the Fanta-addic- t, I want to have it. did not specify . .What changes newspaper; Bild am , Sonntag ' Sc- . Zaid Quaraishie, Sunday. Brandt may' have made on claimed recommendations. Zarghodna Maidan, r The Hamburg newspaper said hiller's Kabul. ' that Economy and Finance Minist- - n...... PAGE 3 THE KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 26, 1971

business nr National Investment Coinrnittcs fCpp?cvc3 )? k j projects si rice 1 955 in f By Our Own Reporter mmittee recently approved th- - Since the 1965 etc chan iirtvestors' or invest inde- - "ree new projects which con- - of the Domestic and Foreign In the operative projects' so-- pendently in some essential in-- sist of iron .Kabul Private Investment Law 163 me ,4,500 Killed and mnskilled dustrial projects, rThe foreign steel project and Bhoe making. different industrial projects workers;are, absorbed, and the private investors already 'have "The initial capital of the tnree have been aRPfoved by. the Na- - total investment made on the limited share1 'in the Borne of ' above projects reaches to Afs. tional' Investment )Commjttee - above mentioned -- operative pr- the approved projects. '20,800,000. . of the Ministry of Commerce, ejects comes to Any proposed project is first The iron plant will Out of the approved projects According to the Ministry so- - studied carefully from the view have a daily capacity of 15 5 havejone into operauonr sa- - urce, some thirteen new -- pro- point of economic "feasibility tons ana the Kabul &teei pro-- id an official source of the Mi-- iects will go into operation in and usefulness arid its overall ject will have daily capacity of nistry in response to the query the near future, ffhe projects impact on the country's eco- - ,16 tons. The shoe factory will of the Kabul ratqpcrtpr. Bfleaising ftmplotlon include . nomyMf the proposed project is produce 1000 pairs a day, The nroiecfs already in one- - iron and stpel soan found to meet these conditions The Kabul Steel Project will ration include ifcttxife, muls is no other obstacle - to make use of the services of tw6 knitting, raisjjis0ipgipg,S sji- - Veals, i plpsliq ahf&Ytall the invesement. In fact foreign experts for a period 'of eep casings processing, leather ice-maki-rW etc. the Law on Domestic and Fo- - six' months. During this time Fo--. -- en- tanning.,, ceramics, and . .ihe ,and reign Investment entails the foreign experts will have mosaic' Under JDornestic tiles, plastic, shpes, J carpet wa- - reign, Private' Jnvestmeot Law 1 couraging - provisions and ' all the obligation to train the Af- shing, dry cleaning,, meftai wo- -' a .number, of ther foreigners "facilities and se-rk- s, ghans in the field and hand ' -- -- iron .and steel , ve. also showed interest4 to go' ctrri ties are anticipated, over the operation to them at Coca-Co- -- Co- - pharmaceuticals," la andinto joint' ventures with Af- - The National Investment the end or six months. The Ministry source express sed hope that the newly appro- ved three projects will become operative within a year where investment is made by private sector. Wtih the going into operati- 3 on of the three. nw;sptojects ah J additional 27 skilled and 138 One of "the teStfle mitt? s&ffidlftft"ectn 'wMcti nawoeen est unskilled workers will receive ablished through private invest-me- nt in Kabul industrial site employment, the 'source- added. --in Pali Chakhi. ....-.- . wcrchouces ccnJrovercy

By A Reporter .... . spite - sugar shortage on ; imtxy ea&- withVelocity, of In of - sto-- ace of sugar, confectioners have. innn trins or 20.000 sacks, said ft the markets, .sugar cubes are tpiI In ufficiit auintltv lnJw. raisea ne price oi canuies ay t MehdaWi. . contending the-pas- stores of the Sugar Monopoly De-- . afghanis per pound jn t .'the Government that they make "them frtoh sugar .Monopolies tfepkrlmdnt ' Jiad a partment Under estimation led - J :iilliliMit;. to sugar crisis .in the country cubes which-;-are wmitoble vat ; large stor iri'vKabul wiiich was prices. ;'-- ; In an interview the -- daily higher small ehoUgh to iiiclude 'the total with " Islah,. Mohammad .Younus- Mehd-- 'Itefutinrthis rtartnWfcehd. supply f agar heeded. The -- De-awi, respottsibi- - - vice president of the Sugar 'wi saidthat it 'ther pkHmht,. therefore, used to rent "4'- : to Monopoly Department said that Wy of theMitaicfpallry; not private houses 4hd trihes to store petmit 'cohfedtibhers to raise tM impoVtea-fo- the ; total sugar consumption in . the sugar public estimated ' pnees-b- f eandies because they hsiimption.' ye'ars ago. 100 i-i- was at - The , are with sufficient qua- 72000 tons per - annum. Out SuPPed jgribs of land Was purchased In of als Pric re-we- "bt'this amount 10 per cent, bet-- ntly and the an attempt to construct, sugar en - of sugar cubes so- much . 6 to 8 thousand tons : is sup-- ; isnot serve hangers. To construct said : sugar o mm Fa-'hig- thah that of as hhpgfen the Department signed a ; plied by the Baghlan Sugar ili ith-'U-,vtj the - asms. ictory and the rest is imported. ; ntract ith BeMd ;Co- Axon V i year, Sugar Monopoly . nswucuon wnn a Last the """". 'V r ;TT" ,A roiai Department planned for the im mc iuij.ikij' , umcu,. v.- - cost 0j one jviimon Argnanig per Afghan-America- n fSliaSnnot coniroi vne pr;es. canuies The Lubricating Oil Blending Plant, a joint private venture, which was port of 72,000 tons of sugar incl- i hanger. Each hanger is 20 metres Sugar Monopoly Inaugurated at tjie end of .September this year. Picture shows a scene of the epwring. day. uding 7000 tons of sugar cubes. it shoiild let the wide and 120 metres long, 'Work This amount did notmeet the1 to- -. in the construction of the honge- - Business week review Another effective mea'sare' ta- was completed in ' two years. tal need of the last year. For the r ers ken by the-Suga- Monopoly1 Dep - . Afghan year instead of Now, as the hangers have not current is 6f su-- - providing more sugar, a cont- artment the distribution been put up In accordance With for gar Establishing Transportation to the 'Kabtil citiHehs under - designs many defects ract was signed which, unfortun- ' the and are SlkJervisiOn Of boy SCOUtS. ,witnPRK-- (n-- By Nokta Cheen ately, ' provided for ' the import the 1 ihm. thA. Rn&ar Un. ait8!!l'ge3e1i The possibility of establish- AU the. four factors are pres- of buses to transport passeng- of half of the amount needed ye- m nb'PBly Department is not pfepar-- hang-prevent- tmu delivery ed ctransportatipn sing. City are . com-- ers and goods becomes necess- arly. This state of affairs then led Te'y ed io Jake 6f the ing a Ministry residents scouts have 'i'the abuse sugar Meariwh'fle, for years , now, that ary, otherwise, the very idea' to the present shortage of em it is reported ought i to b, studied .at sme Slauiirjfi,' sugar supply - of tc-en- .have ac- of having highways will not country, said. and speculation tftat the- hangerS will soon be d stages.. There are Ifm main fa- they in the he some"corrup-- ana put to r . ctors whjch necessitates the cess to are inadequate, ineffi- be realised. To remove difficulties Sn the m down by tne Mousing and To-- government cooperat- on V, wn Plah'nmg Authority a , of and. badly managed. Highway maintenance itself future, the in old study :for the estbUshment cient SpeakihgviM'Wr' j4 ser-- . is big We have to have with Sugar .Monopoly De- to jmptemn the Kabul 25 year such a inaiRMtry. iwhich should Admittedly, the city bus a task. ed the by " the hundreds of huge partment helped make a loan activeness 'demonstrated new plan. be ceQtral&L organised, and na vice has not expanded at ail, billboards and boy scttots, MehdaWi stressed It is the same Kabul bus com-- with markings of distance, na- - of 5,000 tons of sugar. and sign An offi'dal 6f the" Siiar Mono- -' tional jn proportwns: ' . . . . , ...... t x perform- . & i 1,1:1:. i that these youths have poly Depallfneh't. pointed out that The; terrible of. trans, pany, resembling . feter ian, . mes oi places, avauawuvy vi a protocol who we- uuverwueiu fficientry stte ed thtir'tasks without in spite - fact' Beh-hza- Af- restaurants, neaun ciimcs, . ot union-io- import oi of the- that the d portation in j the' cities in never growing with the needs tne ooviet any eompensation. filling stations, etc. .20,000 tons of sugar. Out of 5,000 material Construction Company has and requirements of the gasoline Asgh-anista- ghanistan. .times. Aryan, Vice! Prtsitienf of n's tod- From the road tolls which may ions of sugar loaned, 4,000 tons not built Aip the'hangers in accor- The, t maintenance of the ex- The result is that the city - Scouts- Association . in dance with designs, company ay-does tr- -. be raised at least part of the already arrived in Kabul and " the' isting ..highways and .the new not have electric 'has this connection Said that the' ob- - a .mgnway 1,000 tons are ex- - !$' trying to claim around two mil- - ones Which are to be. built, wi- aniways. and some such other needs for executing the remaining U inexpensive ancilliary project can be met. pected to arrive soon, said he. Jsctive of the bdscouts iothk'iion Afghanis ni6re from the Su th special empbasijs on provid- fasv and transDort ing but rendering neip and re mpnns And and at the same time the Mi In order to ease the situation gar Monopoly Department as co- ing ancilljary services. - it win never have people. The' ' relie- - of new sugar quired services to the mpensation for ' ektra work done . nistry of Public Works until the arrival . poasibiuty ot tne cons-- unless some new initiatives are mem- The boy association W put 30 hange-r- s. . Duraen the Soviet Union, the Sugar in the Chructi6n" of the truction of. tlw Asian, railway; taken. vedi.trom its present from fiC Group at Ahe Monopoly Department decided to bers of its Tfif netwock, ; .will pass th-- Then there is. the- problem .of ot maintaining, nignways. it wbkh disposal of the Sugaf 'Monopoly If goVernment pays se- ' - ser-- could concentrate on building supply sugar on the markets in the" no - rough Afghanistan. , a national network of bus Department fo Help the 'defl&rbn-e- nt a way mini- ribus attention 'to this" matter, ooods vices, compieajon ot wuci such a as to meet the sug- a The. transDootation of wun tne bio,ci in props distributioH 6f damage bf tnillidns"of Afghanis at ehanistan, whioh is a mum and primary need of the and equipment, including food the Majmana-Her- Highway. itself public. The .boy" Scouts, gigantic task. people. ar to the will be incurred ort the state pr- grains, purchased by. Afghanis- Afghanistan's circle of roads be' added, tidHot inter- The ECAFE'has prepared the' The share of each province is it should operty. tan, or given to this country will be, completed. One could in' the official - of the by-th- pr- fere duties As we tdurbd 'tlie site of ' the by This also travel, by. buB, from Kabul to blueprint for the Asian rail- supplied to the market discharge other countries. Su- related officies. They hangers', we carhe; across Ma-ima- way which will con ovincial branch offices of the almost includes the transportation of Mazare Sharifi Shiberghan network their Upon the' instructions nect Asian countries with Eu- - gar Monopoly Department. Insfr- - duties sixty dilTCse'rve' tanks all datiia- - gasoline arid sugar- purchased Herat , Kandahar, Ka- they receive" frOnrthfc Departm- rope. Afghanistan is also in-- uctions were issued' to all provin- ged'by'rslhi-'ahd- ' snbw Tjie land by the Government Monopo- -' bul. In between these distances ent. ' ' Appar- ces not to anybody take sugar on which th hangers are built lies. ." " ' ! the existence of small networks eluded in this project. let ently the railway will cross out of one province to another. As the Kabul sugar stores are has no 'walls around it. In fact, Islam Qala to Herat, and will The Sugar Monopoly Departm- running short of sugar nowa- the hangers are not fit for' StoT- - - extend to Kandahar from where ent has set 18 afghanis as the sel- days, instructions have been issu- irig sugar-.- tHe doors and' wind- ing to roviev progress it will be linked with Quetta. ling rate of sugar, per kilogramme ed out to' transfer 1200 tons of ows 'of the'hslngers are broken For the management of this in the capital and provinces as sugar fronvprdvinclal stores to and defective: The iron' sheets in developing safety car part of the railway we need an well. No one is permitted to sell , said MehdaWi. To covering ;the roofs trf'th hangeVs a higher price. Moreover, in help meet public need ror sugar are taicen-- aown ana'piied up on BONN; 26, Ex out $100: million, organisation, probably , a new it at Oct (Retner). to pave way for smooth cubes, Sugar Monopoly De- the ground1 lsnd "weathereti. gover- agreements batween one. in fact, once the railway order the the perts, manufacturers, and Bilateral ' partment is supplying the sales The Store" kepW1 said" : is in Afghanistan, it will have distribution of sugar to people, that gather Stutt- the United States and other e nment officials, in Sugar Monopoly Department shops with 1000 cartonsof sugar drawii to-th- up- gart the today countries have led many of the to be continued and extended the from round world has recently taken neeosiarjr t cufctfS'per.diiy..' keep bf the hangers. WafteV' progress In developing top car manufacturers to other parts too. to review, world's ops to give away three sacks-o- f 'The sugar Cifbe art "sold for W 'inflict grCat da: safety which, will consider- to start programmes. At present the transportation a car e 20 kilogramme mageS sugar ot-th- is divided into se- sugar and three cartons of sugar Afghanis per all td the 'sacks Of arid ably reduce road injuries, The projects come in all si- state . veral departments. The Com- cubes to confectioners per day.' over the country. cartonff'df'sugtfr-cubes- zes including one by Japan's Taking advantage of the short- - There are 51 sugar stores in the (Continued on "pae! 4) Aim of the project is to pro- Honda Company to develao a merce Ministry has within its duce an economic car that could vehicle weighing only 750 kilo- framework the General Trans- withstand at least crashing into grammes (1.653 lbs). port Department, the Commu- - a brick' wall about kilo- Every .major auto producer,' nications Ministry has its bus Meeting to discuzstrzns- fares at 80. to Af- metres (50 miles) an hour with- and the government of every services some parts of ghanistan, etc. viee-br- out injury to its occqpants, major producing country out- LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Oct ying they would be forced toWedriesdayTwill be at e- If 'units com- ' Such cars would provide far side the east bloc has been in- these small are 2S, (Keutef). Negotiations from remain competitive, sidential level and there will greater crasli protection than to representatives to bined and the resources 'alrea- airlines operating the Transat- LATA headquarters here said only be one delegate per airl- vited .send dy in their disposals pulled to- qiV the todayr ac- i lantic routes are to met here in that airlines Would- be free fr- ine,- the spokesman sad. anything: road Stuttgart, gether a ministry, to start with conf erence , or- Both, governments and in- effort to avert a price war. om next February to fix prices If the two-da- y policy meeting cording ,ta tbe , will adequate facilities, on ,' rep-- have on the- North- At- avange ganisers, , dustry are expected to be as they chose ends ,in agreement to . 1 -- 1 which it could build up later. The two-da- y International The "conference is being or- resentedaj at men . icvci. lantic run for a trial the Montreal package a full ganised by. the committee, on Air Transport Association flA period. The threat of battle was conference will start on Thurs -- ta-- Challeiiceg So- (no-- invnvps nroarpsa-- -- TA) meeting beginning.. today on to .the of Modern r - o- -reriorts day fo draw up an accord f- tion, can come by - of involved and this not will bring together senior com- The prospect air on February,' the'-spo- ciety (CCMSJ the North from countries in . ,ke effect Trpaty, Organisation (NA- ESV development,, discussions itself. A central' organisation mercial representatives from t anvl - Ml. war . l J lantic which should have the power iares B'possiDie price Kesmanvsaia. TO!, which savs , the amount on the problems thev- - have met 25 airlines. holds no attraction for airlines, Probably about '40 airlines and 'the authority must do it. The threats of a price war st- governments spokes- of wor,k already, accoroolished and a search for solutions. transportation or for the. which would take part,' the Of course for a arting next February, When pr- license ag man it eould expartd on me. project is. icuitu rouic Ministry to be established the thenvand4he travel saidrbut is second- - meeting on , One or mora, manufacturers esent air fare agreements run encies, The airlines-hav- e agr- to IATA's full membership of This the Law on Basic Organisation mu- the safety car. At the first in are expected to display models out, follows the refusal of the eed to tnl to solve the deadlock 92 airlines, as the Transatlantic st first be amended. - Paris last winter experts vtook of their ESV's and other man- West Germany Airline Lufth- at this- week's meeting. air1 system affects many others. initial steps towards' develop-in- e. ufacturers are to exhibit major ansa to accept a new air fares Earlier this month, the' Eu- Its tentacles spread out to Free Exchange Rates At T.-iin- 1 what are being called ex- innovations in such things as scheme worked out at LATA ropean Civil Aviation commis- San Franc' to, i ar 'Low perimental safety vehicles on brake and front-en- d design. D'Afghanlstan Bank conference in Montreal during sion (ECAC) composed of sen- Orleans influencing La'un Anv ESV's. West Germany and the Unit- the- - summer. ior- government aviation" ! "off- erican and oacific fares, in de- agree- KABUL,!-- Oct, 2G, rejected Mon- icials, dloctichV to-- The programme aims to ed States concluded an . Folowing Lufthansa the met in Paris and tailed the other M'le bro- cooperative develop- are exchange rates- - the treal package as too complica- meeting irf Lati-sann- e. East capiUhvhavmgWirK'n velop car's which can be ment for at for the further cf' ught into. Droduction as rapid-l- v ment of an ESV last year. Bank expressed per ted and difficult to carry out, impact'1 on Asian and' African and .economically as possi- On the suggestion of - West unit in Afghani of foreign curr- Particularly a proposal calling A spokesman for IATA said routes. -- ble. ' . German Transport Minister, ency today October 26: for the months' advance pay- airliner that the meeting wo-ul- d The gp'' Man said the dead' Said snokesman for the or- who will sneak' at the confer Buying Selling ment by excursion fare travel- only be held if there was lock woiil.l have to be broken j w ganisers: "We estimate that the ence the West German auto-'A- f '79.50 (per U.S. dollar)- - ' lers. sufficient commort ground for soon becr-ri- alrliru V; amoi nt of money which 'has mobile industry at the end of AfS. 80.00 Lufthansa announced it wo- agreement on fare schedules vel agencies ''are already trad- - bpn to' develop last year prepared a brief con- Afs. 197.80 (per one! pound uld slash its prices on the At- and prices, so it looks as if pros ing lor winter ana spring ho- the-CCI'- February, TSVe $s 0 c ret result of taining the qualities deemed sterling lantic run from and pects for success are reasonable lidays and need correct infor- - projrnnme is now, ab- - necessary for a safety car. Afs. 199.00 other airlines responded by sa- - Thev meeting on Tuesday and mation for their borchures. PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 26, 1971 Pclish climbers RCNA KNITTING EHTEHFHI3E conquer new

Present - pcok i. Hi- v. ' '''; Hindukush ladies knitted By Qur Own Reporter A Fashion Show of and rents I'l'".V.,'- A group of Polish mountain- at 8th P.M. on 4th November 1971 at Inter-Continen- tal eers nas climbed several Hin- Hotel for the benefit of disabled. Lottery . V. i du Kush peaks including the ,. v. Fanta-Mus- ic : , ,,, i 6,300 rnetre high unconquered '' Naushak peak. Tickets sold at: ''- The 25 strong group is head- ter-Continental Hotel a; . r ed by Stanitew Biel, a veteran . climber of the Hindu rKush, Afghan Women's Institute who also headed Polish moun- --Rona Knitting Enterprise-Opposit- te of French taineer groups on Afghanistan - Shahr-i-No- w ; ; ! ; Cultural Center . , expeditions in 1960 and 1962. The group which arrived here in August spent 40 days on the mountains. : Other major peaks climbed visits France by the groups include Ousti, Brezhnev 6000 metres, Zhemy Ghar, 6092 metres, and Aspe Sapid, 6600 Pompidou metres. starts talks with The group pr- is particularly Party Chief oud of .its climb on the Zebak ... PARISH Oct. 26, (AFP).-Sov- let Communist Leonid Brezhnev made a business-lik- e start to his first offi- mountains which. is considered Georjes as the gateway for getting cial visit to the west by holding talks with President on other Hindu Kush peaks. Pompidou a little over an hour after his arrival here yesterday. The group was so enthralled President Pompidou welcomed Brezhnev to France by "' ' two countries was 1:';',: ' with its expedition that. members affirming that friendship between their endured 20 below zero te- a "necessary and probably essential element of European " mperatures, and constant snow- security". , A view of the Aspe Sapid peak. exchanged ! welcoming iVv ing .and drizzling during - the Brezhnev told his host he had leaders first two weeks of October. Th- come with the desire to raise speeches before Brezhnev and ' ey returned to Kabul on Octo- Franco-Sovi- et relations "to an his party were introduced to Chaban-Del-m- as ber 18. ' even "higher level". i Premier Jacques Developing countries meet in Lima A' massive force of security and his cabinet. Sugat police' guarded the route ta- In his speech of welcome,. Pr- . gu- . (Continued jronx page 1) However, Latin American ; , The conference is expected by Brezhney Pompi- esident Pompidou told his the ' (Continued from page 3 ken and of Organisation to 10 during 20 ride est that understanding between and would be the subject of countries the attack the United States The Vice President of the Sug- dou their minute heated debates. of American States, while ac-- per cent surcharge on imports from Paris-Onl- y airport to the France and the Soviet , Union " ar Monopoly Department said in cejjitihgl participation , 10 per Elysee Palace, and 32 people was a "necessary and probably A star of the conference will j Cuba's and cent reduction in this connection that they were foreign aid, con- two separate European be Cuban foreign minister Ra in tne comerence, reiusea to and express worried about the defective han- were detained in essential element oi country group this - securitv". oul Roa, whose is par allow it into their cern at the increasing econo- gers becausei on the one hand, incidents. - means Cuba mic integration among de- leader arrived to The world today considered ticipatihg in the conference for apparently that , the they lack surrounding walb The Soviet the first time. . will constitute a "group" all by veloped countries particularly, a welcome normally reserved earlier moves towards detent? which may lead to theft and ro- - -. de Gau- The Cuban delegation has a itself. , ,. ,., the projected entry of Britain for heads of state only initiated by President bbery and sugar reserves may get ' ' be- hosts of 101-su- n greeted him lie and the Soviet government peculiar status,, in that it , The Peruvian the , and other countries into the damages during winter on the A salute confe- also hoped Common Market, ' president as a "model" and the easing of longs group. The conference had that o'.her. ... at the airport and the is gr- peoples China might attend, v, Aim of "garde ' repub- - - East-We- st relations made, rence divided into three the conference is to . Mention should be made of the tial cavalry, the oupsthe African, the Asian despite the fact that it is not hammer out a common "third, their sabres and brea- - ance hopeithat "all European v tact tnat tpe lormer uovernment i people will develop and and the Latin American with yet a member of the United world" position for the next Monopolies Department had con- stplates glittering'in the warm closer In politi--. .the Arab countries divided bet- I Nations, but Peking indicated meeting if the full United Na- structed the present buildings autumn sun, escorted him and , closer relations, the ween the African and. Asian that it had no Wish to partici- - tions conference on Trade and President Pompidou along the cal and economic fields, and ' of the Ministry of Education and ' : groups, and Yugoslavia sitting" pate at least,, , at the f present Development, to be held in Ap- Ministry final stretch of their journey to in human relations, for . their, of Finance. Neverthe- ' ' de V . . ; ,. . common . pea-Insi- with the Asians. , time. ril at Santiago, Chile. less, the buildings were not put the Eleysee. benefit and for '. ' at its disposal. tile palace, the two ce", Pompidou said. ; A FG HA N U N D ON CHINESE ADMISSION

(Cont nued page 2) People's Republic as for epaulets pe-- , family iron' of China that very reason,' is 'not' at happens to her claim that land group of the of rid , of nations,. If we are The smaller nations here the only legitimate government among the cosponsors of the she rmanency on the Council we thus enticed by clever arguments represents all the Chinese ' must be circumspect about lo- of all China in all internation- Duality Draft. Thus we may people? Does it stand? And if asked to endow it with the into such a decision we . shall . sing their' own advantage in al organisations.. We rnight re- well ask: for whom does the Permanency of history. Logic is open a Pandora's box that would she abandons it by mere gove- - . this transition in which China call that we were among the draft speak? Not for Peking, rnmental decision, can she", to-- the, breaking-diction- s leave no government and no na do1tr6tced ' lion, whose present policies' are gea- first to accord this reality if not for Taipei, we are seeming- so without the consent of the uPn which no peace could ever unimperilled., $ 2 red small we use word ly to If We do to power interests can must the (reality) asked be more Taiwanese Chinese people? We are entitl- - be permanently . constructed. not choose to gamble with play an advantageous role in recognition ,of complete con- than Taiwan. We find it diffi- ed to an elucidation of this vi-- Peking accepted this Gordian world stability and vorld ' ' the United Nations Family. trol of the country, and Taiwan cult to grasp the legal Qremises knot -- , and we know positively ;laW. . ' tal point .which raises the cru- -' short-measu- re My government They must Jiot as an integral part of her ter- of this proposal which appears cial issue of conflicting claims. that, she wo and recognises the T 1 m a. . . People's Republic their own weight iri the chang- ritory. to us to be suspended in a ju- in aDsence oi ciaraucauoni1 on we Miuw yuaiuvcijr tuav one of China as a; " not-r- at reality twe-- ! ing scales of the power balance, This remains our view today ridical vacuum, which emulat- this point, Mr. President, we uld best we should have one reality, not it which China at juncture when is expanding, ing nature, two governments, at etern- recognises that without her pre- this it we . are the United Nations are onfronted with something of rival represents, and incidentally, happy to see, to. greater, and would do well to abhor. ' a legal monstrosity. 4 al war with each other in. every sence many people questioned the wnomothers are wooing so dra- greater. and majority ,,in the , Similarlyif the Charter spe- Tn fant Mr Procilon Ha committee, in' every organ, in reality of the United Nations it- General . every agency, self. It recognises lis matically, a development which vASsembly regardless cifies only one China, the is- Taiwan group never was a ere-- specialised in that now we of the artificial sue of the time and opportunity to welcome in the interest of fission and "expulsion" can alion of the people of Taiwan. VC,J w" ".V" the flowers, th- strengthen Organisation , peace, while expecting the ma- amputation' that we' are hardly arise; it obviouslv be- Historically there was a mili Not a thousand but a the by jority here to do less. If China being asked to perform on this, comes as they say in States, ousand bombshells would bloom a bold decision to rectify a histo- - ' the tary invasion of the Island, re ' is good enough for the Big Po- great nation. But the propon- "irrevelent, immaterial and in a United Nations climate ch ric error. in cognised as a Chinese province For wers it is good, enough for the ents of AL.635 resolution have competent". with unbending tensions these reasons my delega- -' by international agreements, aiTu- - u 11,1th non-bi- g We as often nnanilini, fla tion will vote against any prooe- - states. cannot . all insisted in .this very and by the invaders as " t well, on"'Siour votes to dure designed to go to Peking but why should hall that their procedure "does We are, in fact, presented who imposed their rule upon a mands resolve obstruct the we when have not divide se- ' them. It is a prospect devoutly seating of the People's Republic we the United China into two with an impossible riddle . in helpless people force of by: not .to try to achieve. of China in this session. Seeing Nations as the great internati- parate states"; and we law. One fact, as ancient as arms without even the quasi- - no It is forcefully argued also in merit whatever in the schism-ridd-en onal concourse for consultation are happy to see. this duality the issue itself, is that the Tai- legai a ae se ciaim oi lacto the realm of a single approach, we shall of course and negotiations? Why should concept buried as a plausible wan group has always main- cession. The group Came to the "'''"T"1" 7 . apat we be expected to keep Pek- and feasible claim ...... for Pr.ina urnnM loovo four. vote1 against any move to give it idea. tained its to represent with same 1, 7- united mtions the ::: "",r priority. Because ap- ing from coming to us? But if this is so, then we are all of the people of all China. merit as it came to Taiwan ic'i iiiiiiiuii pelvic uii iciiwau we find no Frankly,, mystified unrepresented in the world orga plicability of Article 18in- - this the United Nations by a resort to Article Now we are told that the Tai- in an artificial, politico-mili- ta We shall pass obv- - issue we shall vote against is sorely in neea of a massive 18 of the Charter in such a way wan group represents only the ry contrivance, foredoomed to nisation. the the procedural two-thir- transfusion which China's pre- that a single state in the Unit- people of Taiwan, to accord Ta- - draft invoking a d end in the judical void in wh- t"t KkJ2"2S majority on sence here can give to a great ed' Nations can be legally rep- ipei this recognition. But Tai- SLiS the question of it finds is now ;ZrZrZ IL" the present, illegal extent. While the smaller na- resented by two, governments-ev- en, wan's rulers have never aban- hi vn L V em concerned incumbents in ut People 'the ihe China seat. ; tions need their old friends, th- as is hinted, temporarily. doned their totat claim to Chi- mZKZ3L th of Island, for the v rLln ""represented of some fiftyrse- - Instead, we shall our ey also need, new friends, a new There is no such thing as a te- na even to. this moment of tr- nrtfaOTV,8-- cast vote '0? .for resolution 630 as on- powerful economy in the com- mporary shelving of the Char- uth. Are we being ac- AL. the asked to 7 a n6wly"COn- - ly course which opens ity of nations, a new political ter. cord a de facto group recogni- on Chinese on the mainland, the door ceived legality. ound to a simple, force that stands ready to help Aside from the incontroverta-bl- e tion it does ha should direct solution of not seek and which this cruicial issue,, the implement those resolutions on fact' that the Charter it- it may reject if it is imposed IIs !nJ rt-i-. Pose that the founeen million X .one whiph colonialism 5 "! "Id not be more adequately re has the support oPeking,' and and development self, enshrines only one China, upon it? Are unsolocited reco- owner, we shall L"i.i"", be ' the only one upon! which which now lie abandoned ' on there is the endorsement of gnitions imposed in the prac- that ' on . Government - the shelves, of our archives. this unitarian principle by the tice of nations? On ? t ut. I from the People's Republic, will send, its delega- the other wh0 can as aU tion ' to this Assembly. Who, may we ask, will deny ruling group of Taiwan whose hand, if Taiwan bows to the VnJ mlSfff? 0f admit We shall .If present 800 million. Are seri-- vote for it because the alternati- - mat tne security, uouncu . is name significantly, and' perhaps honour imposed upon her, wh "tS J ously t envisage the impossible-yardstic- k ve resolution carries in effect a in need almost pathologically SfWovlif, St built-i- Governm-fulfillme- nt n eventuality that the veto and nulification , of a new, effective . voice in of of assigned and as-- ', ' ent in Peking would pursue the the very objective it seeks to at- - its deliberations? . obligations sumed m this case Course of the two ,United Na. tain to bring a delegation from ', We are not arguing . the po- Space cooperation the responsibility of a 'per- - main-rnane- .self-defeatin- g. tions policies, one for the nt Peking. It i8 thus . int so frequently asserted by member of the Big land and another perhaps discri-- V and would reduce all our labors others that the United Nati- . viet-Fren- ' (Continued from page 2) satellite, under the 1 V" a w,c wuji- - minatory tor Taiwan? to a meaningless pantomime. ons needs China more than Ch- colour cil. Can we say de- sured television transmis- "Arcade" project, and of a small that this We think not only of our vole ina United ' needs the Nations. sions in 1970 during the visit to autonomous satellite developed in legation has functioned effec- Mr. but of the But Organisation, unques- President: consequences of our the the ,USSB. of President .Georges Frances - . ' tively in this previlieged ca- For Afghan delegation vote What the there would be the - reac tionably 'can be strengthened Pompidou of deleg- Could the French Repubv i The. leader of the Soviet pacity? it have done so is only one question about the tion to our decision?It we ado- - immeasureably by her presen- lie. Boris Dest ation. Academician Pelrov, witn tne win in tne world seating of a government in the pted a hollow decision, ". on wh- ce, particularly now that. China Telecasts fo In- from Paris Moscow Chairman, of the Council for when the other Big Powers United Nations under the Char-no- w ich would change nothing has ' there manifested to the United are to 'be transmitted through ternational Cooperation in reduced to one sponsor Ifa the ter, and one question only. would be dismay, disappointm- -' Nations and the whole world that line In October 1971 during Exploration and the Use of Out- have not even accorded her government government ent, a , that a of bad letdown, another pois- -' a new policy. ; the visit to France of Leonid er Space of the USSR Academy the dignity of the most routine its land and people, effectively onouS argument ' can a its in the deadly ar-- This be natural marr- Brezhnev, General Secretary of of Sciences, and G.-- E. Dennisse, consultations? Where is and legally? We know senal - all that of United Nations enemies iage: and should not be frus- ' " it the CPSV Central Committee, the head of' the French delega- Taiwan in the consultations of few governments go unchallenged and United Nations critics. If raiea uy a political member of Presidium we version oi of the tion, President of the National tne permanent memDers oi tne on these essential prerequisites. act positively, . the atmosphere what is known in certain Wes- USSR Supreme V Space Soviet. Research Centre, express- Security Council on the Middle We know that secesionist groups here would become electrified tern circles as !'the eternal tr- ed the confidence that the con- East? It is "the Big Four", and sometime arise and pin their fate with a sense of ' ' :' something accom- iangle"."' . ' The specified pro- Big '!'. meeting 'a ference in Nice which was tak- it has always been the Four. on support of outside interven- plished. The .whol world Mr. President: "": gramme for develop- good its the further ing place in a businesslike and With all of the will and tion. We also know that the rul- press now cynically sneering at For my delegation the' issue ment of joint research. Already friendly atmosphere, will prom- protocol in the world they could ing United Nations principle is the United Nations' Importence poses hew problems. The comjng conte- development dub discouraging ho in the months it is ote the of scientific not sustain this fitcion how such intervention would resound with the good ne- of mplated, in particular, to carry and everywhere. Governments;"' 'Afghanistan technical cooperation betwe- bed as a reality." But in this case we ws of a good decision for . - a better have always supported the fes- out new joint space experTmenis, en the Soviet Union and France. Now that the authors of this are asked to sanctify it with an and stronger and a more highly including ' Is- rights of' the the launching of a So. (Pravda) ' . , fiction are ready to strip the - international decision by wo- torationMoMbe., the - respected United t;i...,i . i Nations.


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