2019 GLOBAL MEETING The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing Participants’ emerging market countries. Pro les

The Forum is focused on some 70 market economies in East and South Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa that share prospects of superior economic performance, already have or seek to create a conducive business environment and are of near-term interest to private investors, both domestic and international. Our current list of EMCs is shown on the back cover. We expect this list to eveolve over time, as countries’ policies and prospects change.

Further details on the Forum and its meetings may be seen on our website at

The Watergate Oce Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 201

Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel:(1) 202 393 6663 Fax: (1) 202 393 6556 Emerging Markets Email: [email protected] Forum A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group

PARTICIPANTS 1 United States Centennial Group Theodore Ahlers Theodore Director, Africa and the Middle East, Africa and Director, Theodore Ahlers is an economist with extensive experience in Europe & Central Asia, the Middle East & North Africa, and Asia, the Middle East & North Africa, & Central with extensive experience in Europe Ahlers is an economist Theodore at the World and senior management positions economist Over the last 25 years, he held numerous sub-Saharan Africa. (2002- Director Department & Central Asia (2007-12), Maghreb for Europe Director Bank, including Strategy and Operations Tufts Economics from for Africa (2000-02). He holds a PhD in Development 07), and Strategy and Operations Director Fletcher School. University, 2 PARTICIPANTS Standards Board forAccountants.Hespeaksregularly asaGuestLecturer atThammasatUniversity, Bangkok. the Consultative Advisory Groups Auditing and Assurance Standards of the International Board, Ethics and theInternational bodies, including the Consultative Groupparticipation in international of the Basel Committee for Bank Supervision, as well as he contributedtothedevelopmentofglobalstandards forethicalconductandregulation ofthefinancialsectorthrough his sector reform programs includingduringtheGlobalFinancial CrisiswhilstattheAsianDevelopmentBank.During2011-2017 experience inmacroeconomic andfinancialsectorstabilizationprograms inSoutheastAsiawhere hesupervisedfinancial financial sectorandexpenditurereform issues,andinthefieldsofpublicgovernance management.Hehasextensive Jaseem AhmedistheformerSecretary-General oftheIslamicFinancialServicesBoard. Hehas25yearsexperiencein Former Secretary-General, theIslamic Financial ServicesBoard Jaseem Ahmed Malaysia PARTICIPANTS 3 United States Development Masood Ahmed Masood President, Center for Global Center for President, He took over as CGD president from Nancy Birdsall, who served as the Center’s founding president for its first 15 years from for its first 15 years from founding president the Center’s who served as Nancy Birdsall, from He took over as CGD president 2001 and will stay at the Center as a senior fellow. Ahmed is a leading expert on Middle East economics, having served on the Advisory Board of the LSE Middle East Center, as of the LSE Middle East Center, economics, having served on the Advisory Board Ahmed is a leading expert on Middle East Global Agenda Council on the Middle East and North Africa. He has also participated Economic Forum’s well as on the World Advisory Board. in CGD’s Born and raised in Pakistan, Ahmed moved to London in 1971 to study at the LSE where he obtained a BSc Honors as well he obtained a BSc Honors as well Bornat the LSE where and raised in Pakistan, Ahmed moved to London in 1971 to study UK national. as an MSc Econ with distinction. He is a Ahmed also worked at the from 1979-2000 in various managerial and economist positions, rising to become 1979-2000 Bank from Ahmed also worked at the World indebted poor countries) he led the HIPC (heavily Management. In that role Poverty Reduction and Economic Vice President, nations. poorest to 36 of the world’s debt burdens from relief initiative, which has to-date brought debt relief From 2003-2006, Ahmed served as director general, Policy and International at the UK government’s Department for and International general, Policy government’s at the UK Ahmed served as director 2003-2006, From on development issues and for advising UK ministers he was responsible International Development (DFID). In that role, Bank. with international as the World development institutions such relationship overseeing the UK’s Ahmed joined CGD from the IMF, where he served for eight years as director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, years as director, he served for eight where the IMF, Ahmed joined CGD from operations he oversaw the Fund’s In that role, a “visionary leader.” as Christine Lagarde earning Managing Director praise from makers and stakeholders. In previous policy with key national and regional relationships in 32 countries, and managed and Review of the Policy Development of External director Relations, and deputy director the IMF’s served as he also years, Department. Masood Ahmed is president of the Center for Global Development. He joined the Center in January 2017, capping a 35- He joined the Center in January 2017, capping of the Center for Global Development. Masood Ahmed is president economic global and trade, effectiveness, aid debt, to relating initiatives policy development economic driving career year Bank, and DFID. World at major international including the IMF, institutions prospects 4 PARTICIPANTS Economist. at theNationalAnalyticalCentre oftheRepublicKazakhstansinceJune2012andisnowChief oftheGovernment advisor totheDeputyPrimeMinisterofRepublicKazakhstan.ShehasbeenChairpersonand are LLCSynergy, RelationsandGeopoliticalResearches International institute,andStatisticsAgency. Shehasservedasan sectors.Amongthem She isfluentinEnglishandItalian.Ms.Aitzhanovahasservedboththeprivategovernment innovation, entrepreneurship policiesreview, long-termstrategicplanning,economicresearch andcorporategovernance. completed studies in Political Science at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy. Hermain areas of expertise are ManagementwithspecializationinentrepreneurshipKingdom, sheholdsMScinInternational andinnovation.Shehasalso in1985.AgraduateoftheEurasianNationalUniversityandExeter UniversityintheUnited Aktoty Aitzhanovawasborn Chief Economist,NationalAnalytical Aktoty Aitzhanova Kazakhstan Center PARTICIPANTS 5 Georgia Minister of Finance Minister of Finance Alex Aleksishvili Consulting Group (PMCG); Former (PMCG); Former Consulting Group Chairman, Policy and Management Chairman, Policy In addition, Mr. Aleksishvili was elected as a Chairman of UN Commission for Sustainable development in 2005-2006. Aleksishvili was elected as a Chairman of UN Commission for Sustainable In addition, Mr. As a Minister of Finance (2005-2007), conducted Public Finance Management, Tax and Customs reforms. As a result of As a result and Customs reforms. Public Finance Management, Tax As a Minister of Finance (2005-2007), conducted 9.6%, 2006 10% on average (2005 - 2005-2007 overreached rate in GDP growth Georgia’s policy reforms, comprehensive m USD in 2004 to 2,100 m USD in 2007. 250 from increased - 9.4% and 2007 - 12.3%). FDI has been While working as a Minister of Finance of Georgia, successfully conducted series of reforms in Public Finance, Tax and and in Public Finance, Tax of Georgia, successfully conducted series of reforms While working as a Minister of Finance Georgia was ranked by the World and Liberalization domains. Deregulation Customs Policy and Administration, Economic country in 2005-10. During this period (2004-2007), Georgia #1 reformer Bank “Doing Business” surveyas the world’s Bank. of Doing Business” by the World 132nd place to 18th in the ranking of “Ease from improved Mr. Aleksishvili, Chairman of the Board at Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), has 15 years of working (PMCG), has 15 years of working Group at Policy and Management Consulting of the Board Aleksishvili, Chairman Mr. and the government sector as a high level governmentfinance and economic development policy experience in public official reform, simplification of doing business environment policy and customs tax for budget and financial policy, adviser responsible investment climate. and improving 6 PARTICIPANTS work atSIDF, hegothisMBAfrom QueensUniversity(SmithSchoolofBusiness). Abdullatif hasanIndustrialEngineeringbachelordegree from KingFahadUniversityofPetroleum andMinerals.Duringhis Pharmaceuticals andEnergysectors. on evaluatingandapproving multi-billiondollarloansforstrategicprojects intheKingdomwithinmajorsectorsasMining, Saudi IndustrialDevelopmentFund(SIDF)where hewasabletobeaCredit DivisionManagerinacoupleofyearsworking newly NationDevelopmentFundattheKingdomofSaudiArabia.Abdullatifstartedhiscareer asaCredit Consultantatthe Abdullatif AlGhaithisanadvisorattheMinistryofEconomyandplanningwhere heissupportingintheestablishmentof Advisor totheMinisterofEconomy Abdullatif AlGhaith and Planning PARTICIPANTS 7 Saudi Arabia Development Development Ziyad Aljebreen Development Researcher, Research & Research Researcher, Development Economic Studies Department, Saudi Fund for Department, Saudi Economic Studies The Fund’s main objectives are to participate in financing development projects in the developing countries by giving them in the developing in financing development projects to participate main objectives are The Fund’s the necessary loans. He has been working at the Saudi Fund for Development since 2010 as a development researcher in the Research & Research the in researcher development as a 2010 since Development for Fund Saudi the at working been has He Economic Studies Department. 35 years old, Mr Ziyad Aljebreen got a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) in 2017 from Barry University in Barry University (MBA) in 2017 from in business administration degree got a master’s Aljebreen 35 years old, Mr Ziyad Miami, USA. 8 PARTICIPANTS to innovationandpolicyplatformshasmadeangelinvestmentsintechcompaniesbasedBraziltheU.S. different Brazilianuniversities.Heauthored booksonmanufacturingoperationsandstrategy, isaglobal speaker, anadvisor also workedasamanagementandoperationsconsultant,co-founded3techcompaniestaughtgraduatedcoursesin University. Before joiningtheGFCC,hewasaSeniorManageratBrazilianAgencyforIndustrialDevelopment.Roberto and Productivity attheJapanProductivity CenterandExponential Technologies attheNASAAMES-basedSingularity and aresearch scholaratArizonaStateUniversity. HeholdsaPh.D.inIndustrialEngineeringandwastrainedQuality, aglobalmulti-stakeholdermembershiporganizationrepresented ontheground in35different nations, Roberto dosReisAlvarez istheExecutiveDirector oftheGlobal Federation ofCompetitivenessCouncils(GFCC-www. Executive Director &Secretary totheBoard, the GlobalFederationofCompetitiveness Roberto Alvarez Councils (GFCC) Brazil PARTICIPANTS 9 Japan Moe Ando Sumitomo Corporation Global Coordination Department, Global Coordination Senior Associate, Americas Team, Americas Team, Senior Associate, She graduated from Waseda University, B.A. in Liberal Studies, majoring in International Relations and Communications. She University, Waseda She graduated from majoring International Politics (2010-2011). Berkeley, spent one year as exchange student in UC From 2016 to 2018, she worked in Sumitomo Corporation Brazil as an Assistant Manager of Corporate Planning Department. to 2018, she worked in Sumitomo Corporation Brazil as an Assistant Manager 2016 From for she worked as Corporate Communication Department, Mass Media Team Since joining Sumitomo Corporation in 2013, years. three Ms. Moe Ando is senior associate of Global Coordination Dept. of Sumitomo Corporation. She is in charge of strategy, of strategy, Sumitomo Corporation. She is in charge Dept. of associate of Global Coordination Ms. Moe Ando is senior entities in Americas. offices/ Sumitomo Corporation Group’s for planning , and coordination 10 PARTICIPANTS Training: MinistryofDefenseManagementTraining Center, June2003. Education/Training: MastersDegree, Relations‘ConflictsandSecurityIssues’- PoliticalScienceInternational Director ofStrategyandPublicRelations,CFCI&Associates,,2007. Founderandmember, ‘UnionfortheMediterranean-training,dialogueofcultures, (ENPI), Expert,‘MiddleEastandNorthAfrica’,Europeans NeighborhoodandPartnershipInstrument 2009; PoliticalAdvisor, World HealthOrganization,2009/PolicaladvisorofDominiquedeVillepin Previous Positions: Concurrent Position:President andFounder, Capital&Advisory Victory Present CapitalandAdvisory Position:MDofVictory Managing Director andPartner, Victory Institute ofPoliticalSciences,Paris,2003; immigration andeconomicpartnership’Morocco, 2008; former PrimeMinister2010/2012 Advisor ofUnderSecretary GeneralofUN Sihame Arbib Capital &Advisory PARTICIPANTS 11 Development (EBRD) Development International Organization International Bank for Reconstruction and Bank for Reconstruction Edward Bannerman Edward Director, President’s Office, European European Office, President’s Director, Edward Bannerman, Director of the President’s Office, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Office, of the President’s Bannerman, Director Edward Investment and Competitiveness, Growth, for Jobs, Jyrki Katainen, Vice President Adviser to Mr. London (2017-). Formerly: Union for Foreign the European of Cabinet of High Representative Economic Adviser, Commission (2014-17); European Financial Counsellor, of the Commission, Catherine Ashton; Economic and Security Policy and Vice and President Affairs Strategy Unit Prime Minister’s Leader, London; Team Paris; Head, EU Better Regulation Unit, HM Treasury, British Embassy, London. Reform, for European (2002-05); Head of Economics, Centre 12 PARTICIPANTS

Fund forStrategicInfrastructure andClimate investmentsandEIBDirector Europe. forLendingtotheUKandWestern implementation. Hewasalso,interalia,theFounderEIBDirector oftheMargueriteFund,Pan-European Eur1.5Billion concurrently ChairmanofEPEC(European PPPExpertiseCentre) whichadvisedEUMemberStatesonPPPpolicyand Thomas Barrett directed thedevelopmentofEIB’s Structured FinanceandAdvisoryActivitiesforoveradecade;hewas European UnionDelegationtotheUnitedStatesinWashington, DC. Previously, Mr. Barrett wasthePermanentRepresentative oftheEIB(European InvestmentBank)andMinisterofthe Infrastructure globally. the Brookings InstitutioninWashington DC,conferringonthepublicandprivatefinancingdevelopmentofStrategic Thomas Barrett isChairmanoftheOECDInfrastructure ForuminParis;heisanon-resident Governance SeniorFellowat Minister oftheEuropean UniontotheUnitedStates Institute; FormerlyEIB(European InvestmentBank) Forum; SeniorFellow(non-resident )Brookings Permanent Representative inWashington and Chairman, OECDInfrastructure Governance Tom Barrett France PARTICIPANTS 13 Oliver Barron International Organization International Senior Executive Officer, Asian Officer, Senior Executive Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Infrastructure Mr. Oliver Barron is a Senior Executive Officer in the Office of the President, having joined the Bank in March 2016. President, having joined the Bank in March of the in the Office Officer is a Senior Executive Oliver Barron Mr. NSBO, with a focus on analyzing firm, research for a London-based boutique investment 2007 to 2016, he worked From Financial Analyst, Head of Bei- held various positions at NSBO, including Barron economy and financial markets. Mr. China’s economic a book, Reading Between the Lines, exploring China’s In 2013, he co-authored and Head of Research. jing Office, of its government. interviewed by international news media outlets including He was also frequently policy and the structure op-eds to leading publications. Prior Journal, Street CNBC, Reuters, the BBC and others, and contributed numerous the Wall He graduated Group. Research Washington Associate for the Stanford worked as a Research Barron to joining NSBO, Mr. and Mathematics. Scotland, MA Honors Philosophy University of St. Andrews, the from 14 PARTICIPANTS development. MrBeavoguiisrecipient ofseveralawards anddistinctions. Mr. Beavogui isamemberofseveralpanelsfocusingonregional andglobalissuesrelated tofoodsecurityandrural ofGuinea. Design andManufacturing(ARCEDEM)inNigeria,fortheGovernment respectively inBurundiand inRome,Italy. Before this,MrBeavoguiworkedintheAfrican RegionalCentre forEngineering Previously, heworkedfortheFoodandAgriculture OrganizationoftheUnitedNations (FAO) asChief Technical Adviser, York asSenior Project ManagementOfficer, andsubsequentlyasRegionalDirector for West andCentralAfrica. Prior tojoiningIFAD, Mr. Beavoguiworked for7yearstheUnitedNationsOffice forProject Services(UNOPS)inNew projects. Central Africa,andwasresponsible fordeliveringthelendingandgrantprogram, andmanagingalargeportfolioof FundforAgriculturalDevelopment(IFAD).International HejoinedIFAD in2001asDirector ofPrograms forWest and worked asDirector ofPartnershipsandResource MobilizationandSenior AdvisortothePresident oftheUnitedNations Mr. experienceindevelopment.PriortohisappointmentwithARC,MrBeavogui Beavoguihasover25years’international Capacity inJanuary2015,duringthe3rd annualConference oftheParties, whichtookplaceinAddisAbaba,Ethiopia. Mr. MohamedBeavogui,anExpertinAgriculturalFinance,waselectedasthefirstDirector GeneraloftheAfricanRisk General andDirector General,African United NationsAssistantSecretary Mohamed Beavogui Risk Capacity Guinea PARTICIPANTS 15 United States World Bank Group Bank World Erik Bethel Gonzalez Erik Bethel U.S. Alternate Executive Director, U.S. Alternate Director, Executive Mr. Bethel earned a B.S. in Economics and Political Science from the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis and an M.B.A. Academy, earned the United States Naval Bethel and Political Science from a B.S. in Economics Mr. Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. The from Mr. Erik Bethel was nominated to serve as the Alternate Executive Director representing the United States in April 2018. representing to serve as the Alternate Erik Bethel was nominated Director Executive Mr. focused on Emerging professional investment banker and private equity experience as an financial Bethel has 25 years of Mr. at Franklin Templeton Bethel was a Managing Director Bank, Mr. at the World Markets. Prior to being nominated to serve he was based in Shanghai, China he executed private equity transactions in Latin America. Prior to this, Investments where Bethel held a variety Mr. Earlier in his career, of ChinaVest. and Managing Director as Managing Partner of SinoLatin Capital Co. in Morgan Stanley & Morgan and J.P. banking positions at investment equity and private of Emerging Markets-focused and Mexico City. both New York 16 PARTICIPANTS de laLegiond’HonneurofFrance andCommandeurdel’Ordre duMeriteofMadagascar. and adegree inSouthAfrica.Heisrecipient inchemicalengineeringfrom oftheChevalier theUniversityofWitwatersrand of Pantheon-SorbonneinParis;anengineeringdegree inenergyeconomicsfrom theFrench engineeringschoolENSPM; worked forGoldFields,aSouthAfricanminingcompany. Jamesholdsadoctorateineconomic analysisfrom theUniversity Before joiningtheWorld BankGroup JamesspentnineyearswithTotal, theFrench oilandgascompany, andhasalso mining projects includingtheprivatizationofcopperstate-ownedenterpriseZCCMinZambia. and wasontheboard oftheEscondidacopperdevelopmentinChile.Duringhistenure IFCfinancedseveralimportant and Environment FinanceCorporation(IFC)James wasDirector forAfrica.AttheInternational oftheMining Department His sectorialresponsibilities attheWorld BankhaveincludedthoseofGlobalDirector ofEnergy;andDirector ofAgriculture cant lendingprogram intheregion. He hasalsobeenbasedinAntananarivo,Madagascar, asWorld BankCountryDirector fortheIndianOcean,withasignifi- conflict toanend.Hefinancedthedemobilizationofcombatantsandledamajorsovereign debtworkoutforthecountry. spearheaded World Bankassistance tocountriesintheregion, includingtoCoted’Ivoire tohelp bring thecountry’s internal Prior tojoiningMIGAin2008JameswasWorld BankCountryDirector forseveralfrancophonecountriesinWest Africa.He (to $3.2billionperyear). charter documentsandtheintroduction ofarangenewproducts, leadingtoamore thandoubling ofbusinessvolume to investorsandbanksactiveinemergingeconomies.Duringhistenure atMIGAheoversawtherevision oftheAgency’s cer oftheMultilateralInvestmentGuaranteeAgency(MIGA).MIGAprovides politicalriskinsuranceandcredit enhancement James servedinnumerous managerial positionsintheWorld BankGroup. UntilAugust2011he was ChiefOperatingOffi- investment guaranteeprogram forthe newly created BulkElectricityTrader inNigeria. which enabledtheBanktocloseitsfirstguarantees,includingforLake Wind Project inKenya,andamulti- Turkana At theAfricanDevelopmentBankJamescontributedtolaunchofBank’s partialriskguarantee(PRG)program, Board. Initsfirstfinancial closinginDecember2014theFundraised$10.2billion. and staff; backoffice systems;fundraisingwithdonorcountriesandfinancialinstitutions;closeliaisontheFund’s Fund, includinginparticularthedesignoffinancialinstrumentsand fundingdeliverymechanisms; recruitment ofmanagers December 2013until2016.Heprovided supporttoExecutiveDirector HelaCheikhrouhou withthelaunch jor multilateralfundingmechanismsponsored bytheUnitedNationsFrameworkConventiononClimateChange)from James’s mostrecent assignmentwasasSeniorAdvisortotheExecutiveDirector oftheGreen ClimateFund(thema- heritage sitesaround theworld;andDistinguishedResearch Associate oftheCentennialGroup basedinWashington DC. is alsomemberoftheBoard ofTrustees oftheGlobalHeritageFund(SanFrancisco,CA)whichconservesandrestores (New York); andNon-ExecutiveDirector withHeliosSE(London),aninvestmentfundspecializinginelectricityAfrica.He DC); SeniorAdvisortotheAfricanDevelopmentBank(Abidjan,Coted’Ivoire); ManagingDirector ofPublicCapitalAdvisors economies. HeholdsseveralpositionsinthisfieldincludingSeniorAdvisortoCentennialGroup(Washington International James Bondisanindependentfinancialadvisorspecializingininfrastructure, energyandclimatechangeinemerging France Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Senior Advisor, CentennialGroup; Former ChiefOperatingOfficer, James Bond Agency (MIGA) PARTICIPANTS 17 United States Jack Boorman Jack and Former Director of Policy and Former Director Distinguished Fellow, Emerging Emerging Fellow, Distinguished International Fund (IMF) Monetary Markets Forum; Former Counselor Markets Forum; Development and Review Department, and Review Department, Development Jack T. Boorman was the Director of the Policy Development and Review Department of the International of the Policy Development Monetary Fund for was the Director Boorman Jack T. and Special Advisor to the Managing with the Fund, he was Counsellor years of his career than a decade. In the latter more his Boorman taught at the University of Southern California, which he received from Mr. in the IMF, his career Before Director. number of books and many papers on Boorman is the author of a Mr. of Maryland. at the University Economics, and Ph.D. in adjustment, and debt; emerging market country issues; diverse topics including development, structural member as serves currently Boorman internationalgovernance;insolvency; Mr. operations. country and policies IMF and to write on global governance, of LeMoyne College, and continues emerging markets, and other of Trustees of the Board topics. 18 PARTICIPANTS Mayu hasbeenmarriedforover37yearsandthree children andtwogranddaughters. presented toherbythePresident oftheRepublic. years of entrepreneurial activity, the Palma de Oro in 2007, maximum recognition granted by the private sector in the country, honor She wasthefirstwomaninCentralAmericatobeadmittedinto YPO, Young Presidents Organization.She received, uponher30 José MatíasDelgado,DistinguishedGraduate2009byINCAEand theMostAdmired Woman Entrepreneur inCentralAmerica2010. with“WomanCalifornia oftheyear2005”recognition. MayuwaselectedDistinguishedProfessional 2006bytheUniversidad Dr. The RotaryClubMaquilishuathonored herwith“Galardón alOrgulloSalvadoreño2005”; DíaaNewspaperinLosAngeles the ElSalvadorChapterofWorld EconomicCouncilforSustainableDevelopment;andvariousotherservices. of IEESFORDDiplomaticAcademytheChancery;Board MemberoftheQualityCouncilElSalvador;Board MemberofCEDES, She isChapterChairofWPOElSalvador. Board MemberandFounderoftheCentralAmericanLeadershipInitiative;Board Member Board,International andChairoftheAmericasBoard JuniorAchievementcovering31countries,alsoservingontheirglobalBoard. and becamememberoftheConsejoEjecutivodelTrienio delaAlfabetización.SheisthefirstLatin-AmericanmemberofPLAN’s Mayu witnessed the number of elderly clients in the Bank who could not read or write, she helped launch a national literacy campaign was oneofthefirstwomanmembersitsBoard; InstitutoSalvadoreño delSeguro Social;andFondodeInversiónSocial.When Instituto Tecnológico Centroamericano; FEPADE foundationoftheprivatesectorforeducation;INCAEBusinessSchool,where she tank; UniversidadJoséMatíasDelgadowhere sheisTreasurer; EscuelaAgrícolaPanamericanaZamoranoinHondurasasaTrustee; Voicesand Vital forwomendevelopment(IncomingPresident March 2016);FUSADES,themostprestigious prívatesectorthink has activelyparticipatedinsociallyorientedserviceinstitutionBoards suchasPatronato delHogarNiño;FUDEM,EMPREPAS association; President ofAIDA,insurancelawassociationfrom 1995to1998,firstwomaninLatinAmericaholdthisposition.She Distinguida” in1990;Centro deEstudiosJurídicosmembersince1989;InstitutoSalvadoreño deDerecho Notarial;ASESinsurance She servedvariousprofessional associations:AsociacióndeAbogadosElSalvador, membersince1985,conferred her“Socia the UniversityofCambridge.ShetaughtattwoUniversitiesinElSalvador, andlectured atINCAEBusinessSchoolinCostaRica. Delgado), withaMasterinBusinessAdministrationfrom INCAEBusinessSchoolandaPostgraduateinSustainablefrom Mayu hasasolidacademicbackground inArt,Insurance(SwissInstituteZurich)andLaw(UniversidadDr. JoseMatias Member innonprofits, suchasJuniorAchievementandPlanatgloballevel. Director onseveralBoards, suchasASSAElSalvador, memberofthelargestinsurancegroup intheregion. SheisalsoaBoard Mayu iscurrently herCoachingandConsultingfirminElSalvador. engagedwithInversionesVision, SheservesasNonExecutive becoming CorporateSustainabilityHeadforHSBCLatinAmericauptoMarch 2015.Regarding present formalworkingrelations, world’s largest financial conglomerates, acquired a controlling majority in 2006. In 2007 she pioneered a new function in the the biggestregional bank,forgedastrategicalliance,shewaselectedCEO,keepingthispositionevenwhenHSBC,oneofthe August 2004 she was elected first woman President ofa private bankin El Salvador. When her Banco Salvadoreño and Banistmo, deSegurosShe hadfoundedInternacional in1997becomingthefirstwomanpresident ofaninsurancecompanyaswell.On became thefirstwomantobedesignatedMinisterofForeign Affairs inhercountryElSalvador, serving hercountryfor5years. Mayu’s initialyearswere withfamilybusinesses,suchasLaAuxiliadoraFuneralHome,becomingCEOandPresident. In1999she President, BancoSalvadoreño; Former Director, Inversiones Vision;Former Mayu BrizueladeAvila Minister ofForeign Affairs El Salvador PARTICIPANTS 19 Inés Bustillo International Organization International Latin America and the Caribbean Latin America Director, UN Economic Commission for UN Economic Director, Inés Bustillo is Director of the Washington Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean United Nations Economic Commission for of the Office of the Washington Inés Bustillo is Director analysis, on topics that include macroeconomic and has worked Officer in 1989 as an Economic Affairs (ECLAC). She joined ECLAC Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico City), of Economics at the Visiting Bustillo was a Professor internationaltrade, and finance. Previously, Bank, the Center for Latin American and Monetary Studies (CEMLA), and a consultant to the World Faculty at American University, American earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from Bustillo, a national of Uruguay, and Operadora de Bolsa in Mexico City. University. 20 PARTICIPANTS productivity, developmentstrategiesandcompetitiveness,U.S.-LatinAmericarelations. from McGillUniversity. Heistheauthorofnumeroustrade, papersandbookchapters onsubjectsincludinginternational A Peruviancitizen,Dr. CastillaholdsanM.A.andPh.D.inEconomicsfrom JohnsHopkinsUniversity, andaB.A.inEconomics the World Bank. Finance from 2011-2014.Previously, hewasthechiefeconomistforCAF-LatinAmericaDevelopmentBankandworkedat Dr. CastillaservedasPeru’s ambassadortotheUnitedStatesin2015-2016,andbefore thatwasMinisterofEconomyand MA, and a non-resident senior fellow at the Adrienne Arsht Latin American Center of the Atlantic Council, in Washington, DC. Prior tojoiningtheBankinJanuary2017,hewasavisitingscholaratMIT’s StudiesinCambridge, CenterofInternational American DevelopmentBankinWashington, D.C. Luis MiguelCastillaRubioistheManagerofOffice ofStrategicPlanningandDevelopmentEffectiveness attheInter- Development Effectiveness, Inter-American Manager, Office of StrategicPlanningand Former MinisterofFinancePeru; Luis MiguelCastilla Development Bank(IDB) Peru PARTICIPANTS 21 Switzerland Swiss National Bank Swiss National Marco Cavaliere Marco Head, Bilateral Cooperation, Head, Bilateral Marco Cavaliere is Head of Bilateral Cooperation at the Swiss National Bank (SNB). His main responsibility is the supervision His main responsibility at the Swiss National Bank (SNB). is Head of Bilateral Cooperation Cavaliere Marco assistance and technical monetary (ii) banks, central other with relationships bilateral official SNB’s the (i) of coordination and discussed at the Executive Board of Swiss position on country-specific items to other central banks, and (iii) the preparation was Senior Advisor of the Swiss Executive Cavaliere joining the SNB, Mr. of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Before for International Economist at the Swiss State Secretariat Financial Matters, D.C., Senior the IMF in Washington at Director Department of the Swiss Financial Risks and Scenario Analysis in the Risk Management Deputy Head of the unit Aggregate in Finance and Monetary Economics Courses the Central Bankers Manager for and Program Market Supervisory Authority, the University of holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Cavaliere of the SNB). Mr. at the Study Center Gerzensee (a foundation Berne. 22 PARTICIPANTS and theBucharest UniversityofEconomic Sciences. Economics attheUniversityofSussex.Healsoholdshonorarydoctoratesfrom theUniversitiesofSussexandEastAnglia After studyingPolitics,PhilosophyandEconomicsattheUniversityofOxford, SirSumatookaMastersinDevelopment of theCabinetagenda. early 2000sintheCabinetOffice, where heledoncross-departmental strategicissuesand subsequentlythemanagement Sir Sumaalsoworkedinthelate1990sUKTreasury, where hewasresponsible forUKpublicexpenditure, andinthe Commission inimproving itsprogrammes intheMiddleEastandNorthAfrica. role developingtheUK’s Europe successfulKnow-HowFundforCentralandEastern workedwiththeEuropean Europe,in eastern theformerSovietUnionandMiddleEastNorthAfrica.SirSumaisnotableforplayingakey Overseas DevelopmentAdministration(ODA))where heworkedcloselywitheconomiesundergoingsubstantialreform senior civilservant.Priortothis,from 2002, heheadedtheUK’s Development(formerlythe DepartmentforInternational Before arrivingattheEBRD, heheldthepositionofPermanentSecretary attheBritishMinistryofJusticeandwasitsmost implementing widerpublicservicereform. developmenteconomicsandpolicy-making,aswellindesigning and Sir Sumahasextensiveexperienceininternational began hisfirsttermin2012,having replaced ThomasMirow. The EBRD’s Board re-elected ofGovernors SirSumaasPresident oftheBankforasecondfour-year termin2016.He and Development(EBRD). in1959WestSir SumaChakrabarti,born Bengal,India,isthesixthPresident oftheEuropean BankforReconstruction Reconstruction andDevelopment President, European Bankfor Suma Chakrabarti International Organization (EBRD) PARTICIPANTS 23 Bank (AIIB) CHEN Huan International Organization International Chief Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Asian Infrastructure Chief Officer, Mr. Chen Huan is Chief Officer of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. He holds a Bachelor Degree of English Degree Investment Bank. He holds a Bachelor Asian Infrastructure of the Chen Huan is Chief Officer Mr. engaged in international In 1989, he joined MOF and since then of Economics. financial and Master Degree Literature In 1999-2002, he Bank Department and International Department of MOF. cooperation in a number of positions in World World Bank, and served as Advisor and Alternate Executive for China in the of Executive Director worked in the Office and has served General, Center in August 2007 as Deputy Director Chen joined China CDM Fund Management Director. Group Chen had a new assignment, to work in the Working General since August 2011. In February 2014, Mr. as Director of 2016, the Board Investment Bank as the Deputy Head. In 16th January, for the Establishment of Asian Infrastructure inception. its of AIIB from Chen has been served as Chief Officer Mr. the Bank open for business. Governors declared 24 PARTICIPANTS from theEscolaPolitecnica oftheUniverisitySãoPaulo. from 1998to2009.Hehas alsoreceived trainingintheLondonMetalsExchange,andgraduatedwithanengineeringdegree He specializesinfinance,withagraduatedegree from theFGVEAESPBusinessSchool,where healsotaughtasaprofessor at theFGVin2004. Brazilian thinktankandeducationalinstitution,foundedtheEntrepreneurship andNewVentures Center(FGV-CENN) the DefenseIndustriesDepartmentofFIESP. HecofoundedtheInnovationForumofFundaçãoGetulioVargas (FGV),a Federation oftheStateSaoPaulo(FIESP),inchargeTrade andInvestmentsPromotion, andasDirector ofComdefesa, He haspreviously served asDeputyHeadDirector RelationsDepartment(DEREX)oftheIndustries oftheInternational Sweden until2008,andwasaMemberoftheExpertsPanelWorld CompetitivenessYearbook. a MemberoftheBoardAdvisory ofChristensenDiamond.HewasalsoaMembertheInternational SAABAB 2000; cofounder, director ofSinterex ComercioS.A.,director Internacional ofAktaLtd,cofounder ofArtInvestLtd,and He wasManagingDirector President andVice ofBrassinterS.A.,thelargestmetallurgyproducer inBrazil,from 1985to Tecnologia S.A.,acompanysellingonlineinsuranceinBrazil. to software toconsumergoods.HeistheFounderandPartnerofBRICChamberChairmanBoard ofSegurar Mr. Correa isthePresident ofCrivalHoldingsLtd.,aholdingcompanywithinvestmentsrangingfrom industrialmaterials Jose AugustoCorrea President, CrivalHoldingsLtd. Brazil PARTICIPANTS 25 William Davis International Organization International Head, OECD Washington Center Washington Head, OECD Will Davis is currently the Head of the OECD’s Washington Center where he serves as the organization’s senior representative senior representative he serves as the organization’s Center where Washington Will the Head of the OECD’s is currently Davis for to deepen understanding of, and appreciation efforts he leads the OECD’s and Canada. In this role to the United States anti-corruption, fiscal policy, including market-based economic growth, issue areas the work of the organization, focusing on departments branch executive with liaison a as serves He cooperation. development and education trade, reform, regulatory and acts as a resource committee processes, the organization’s OECD through and ministries that drive the work of the OECD analyses and data. He and his team in the Washington ensuring access to members and staff, to Congressional partners in the private Washington policy community including the broader across profile Center work to raise the OECD’s time as with the organization include roles Davis’ previous the media. Mr. academia, think tanks and organized labor, sector, headquarters in Paris. Prior to at the OECD’s of Public Affairs and as the Deputy Director a Senior Advisor in Washington, for a number of organizations dealing with international Davis served as a consultant development the OECD, Mr. re-joining Collaborative Council based in Geneva, Supply and Sanitation Campaign, the Water and economic issues, including the ONE includes leadership positions with (UNDP). His experience also Program Switzerland, and the United Nations Development UNDP’s of the the Director Davis served as with the UN, Mr. U.S. governmentthe tenure During his Nations. the United and Mr. Davis also has extensive Washington. in Office of the UN Secretariat’s and prior to that, Director Office, Washington the White House’s executive branch, serving both with the State Department and on experience in the U.S. government’s Office of the President’s Office the Executive analyst in as a budget began his career Davis Mr. staff. Security Council National Department and the Department of Defense. He was also on the at the Treasury of Administration, along with assignments Duke He graduated from in the Elliott School of International Affairs. University as a Lecturer faculty at George Washington Duke. He is from in Public Policy Studies science and also earned in political Master’s degree his University with a Bachelor’s Relations and lives in Bethesda, MD. a member of the Council on Foreign 26 PARTICIPANTS from theCatholicUniversity ofEcuador. hisM.A.andPh.D.degreesHe earned inEconomicsattheUniversityofNotre DameandholdsaLicenciaturainPhilosophy Magazine asthe“BestLatinCentralBanker”for1996. He isanactiveparticipantinLatinAmerican-related policyforumsandscholarlyendeavors.HewaschosenbyEuromoney De laTorre haspublishedextensivelyonabroad rangeoffinancial,macroeconomic, andeconomicdevelopmenttopics. Monetary Fund(1986-1992). career, of the of Ecuador (1993-1996) and as an economist for the International he served as the Governor Economist forLatinAmericaand,priortothat,asHeadoftheGlobalFinancialSystemsDepartment.Before hisWorld Bank He left the World Bank at the end of 2016, after 20 years of service in various senior roles, including the last 10 years as Chief AffairsInternational anddirects theEconomicsResearch Centerat theUniversidaddelasAméricas(UDLA)inQuito,Ecuador. De laTorre currently asaseniorpolicyconsultant,teachesatColumbiaUniversity’s worksinternationally Schoolof Publicand throughout arichcareer, withaspecialfocusonLatinAmerica. Augusto de la Torre is a professional economist that has combined research, writing, policy advice, and policy making Bank; Former Governor oftheCentral Bank; FormerGovernor America andtheCaribbean,World Former ChiefEconomistforLatin Augusto delaTorre Bank ofEcuador Ecuador PARTICIPANTS 27 Philippines Minister of Finance Roberto de Ocampo Roberto RFO Center for Public Finance and RFO Center for Chairman and CEO, Philippine Veterans Philippine Veterans and CEO, Chairman Regional Economic Cooperation; Former Cooperation; Former Regional Economic Bank; Chairman of the Board of Advisors, of the Board Bank; Chairman Dr. de Ocampo had been and is Chairman and/or Board Member of several private companies both in the Philippines and abroad Member of several private companies both in the Philippines and abroad de Ocampo had been and is Chairman and/or Board Dr. Investment D.C.), Centennial Asia Advisors Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), (Washington, including, among others, the Centennial Group ABS- Bank, Overseas United Corporation, Milk Alaska Companies, of Group (ICCP) Philippines the of Corporation Capital & Inc., Philam Asset Management Inc., Metrobank, Corporation, Philippine Airlines, Meralco, Globe Telecom CBN Broadcasting Land Corporation, EEI Banking Corporation, Robinson’s EasternSeaboard Insurance Co., House of Investments, Rizal Commercial Co-Vice Chairman of the Makati Business Corporation, AES Corporation (Philippines) and Phinma Corporation, etc. He is presently Executives of the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) and an Emeritus member of Financial Club, a Past President of the Global Director Board recently elected as He was honor. in his its head office who named (FINEX) the Philippines Institute of Reporting Initiative (GRI). Dr. de Ocampo is a product of both De La Salle (grade school and high school) and Ateneo Universities. He received his MBA from his MBA from of both De La Salle (grade school and high school) and Ateneo Universities. He received de Ocampo is a product Dr. four Doctorates the London School of Economics and has been conferred the University of Michigan, a post-graduate diploma from of Angeles City in Public Administration, (Honoris Causa) by the De La Salle University in Business Administration, by the University in Humane Letters. University in Laws, and by the San Beda College by the Philippine Women’s Dr. de Ocampo is a recipient of many international and national honors. In September 2001, he was named to the Ordre National many internationalof Ordre to the named was he September 2001, In honors. national and recipient a de Ocampo is Dr. and initiatives to promote France with the rank of Chevalier for his successful efforts de la Legion d’ Honneur by the Republic of by Her Majesty Queen Diamond Jubilee, he was conferred On the occasion of the Queen’s closer Philippine-France relations. Philippine-UK relations in promoting (OBE) for his outstanding efforts of the British Empire Elizabeth II the Most Excellent Order been also has He Association. Alumni British the of Chairman as capacity his in recently more and service public in years his during of the Philippines in 1998 on Filipino civilians by the Republic the highest honor conferred the Philippine Legion of Honor, awarded Commission, an internationalTrilateral ASEAN members of the the first one of He is country. to the contributions his outstanding for Association the from Award Year the Man of of the recipient first also the leaders and was think-tank of distinguished global (Centennial founding Partner of a Global Advisory Group of Development Finance Institutions of Asia Pacific (ADFIAP). He is a established Global Economic Forum: The Emerging of a recently Founding Director D.C. and is a based in Washington Group) in the field of National Economic Men (TOYM) awardee Outstanding Young de Ocampo, who was the 1975 Ten Markets Forum. Dr. Asians in 2001 and had been cited as one of the 500 Great Development for pioneering the Philippine rural electrification program, one Board, of Advisors of the Conference In 2004, he was elected to the Board Who awards. Who’s of several Baron’s a recipient de Ocampo was conferred In 2006, Dr. leading authorities in international business economics (based in New York). of the world’s by the Asia HRD Congress. Development Award with the Asian Human Resources He is the past president of the Asian Institute of Management having retired from that position in May 2006 and until recently was a that position in May 2006 and until recently from of the Asian Institute of Management having retired He is the past president Bank and also Chairman of the Board he is the Chairman of the Philippine Veterans At present of Trustees. member of the AIM Board & Regional Economic Cooperation, which is an ADB Regional Knowledge Hub. of Advisers of the RFO Center for Public Finance Dr. Roberto F. de Ocampo, former Secretary of Finance of the Philippines, became the first Filipino to receive the most internationally to of the Philippines, became the first Filipino of Finance former Secretary de Ocampo, Roberto F. Dr. in 1995. In 1996, Euromoney Euromoney from award the “Global Finance Minister of the Year” to Finance Ministers, award prestigious this time of the year, as Asian Finance Minister In 1997, he was again recognized Year. named him as Asian Finance Minister of the is known nationally and internationally He for public and international and finance, having been Chairman of the APEC by Asiamoney. Manila landmark the in resulted that chaired he meetings whose Crisis Financial Asian the of onset the (at Ministers Finance ASEAN the and IMF, Governors Bank, of of World of the Boards well as member crisis) as exit the steps to the Framework that prescribed as the principal Ramos, and was widely recognized of Fidel V. of Finance (1994-1998) during the presidency ADB. He was Secretary Prior of the Philippine economy whose achievement was hailed by the international finance community. of the resurgence architect such rehabilitation its led and Philippines the of Bank Development the of CEO and Chairman as served also he posts, these to soundest banks.” “world’s international as one of the his tenure by the prestigious Banker Magazine during that it was recognized 28 PARTICIPANTS Economics, andPoliticalScience,BostonCollegeLawSchool.HespeaksconversationalRussian. in NewYork andservingabroad withtheU.S.StateDepartment.Hehasdegrees from Harvard, theLondonSchoolof expand investmentacross thelargerEurasiaregion. John’s professional experienceincludesworkininvestmentbanking developmental projects invariousemergingmarketsandacross different sectors.Healsoleadstheagency’s taskforce to institution. Duringmore thanadecadeatOPIC,Johnhasunderwrittenclosetobilliondollarsofsupportforhighly Corporation (formerly, theOverseasPrivateInvestmentCorporation),U.S.Government’s development finance John DidiukisaDirector Project DevelopmentFinance ofInternational FinanceattheUnitedStatesInternational Director, Project International Finance, Finance Corporation(formerly, OPIC) U.S. International Development U.S. International John Didiuk United States PARTICIPANTS 29 United States Cornell University Soumitra Dutta Soumitra Professor of Management, Samuel Curtis of Management, Professor Johnson Graduate School of Management, School of Management, Johnson Graduate Dean Dutta received a B. Tech. in electrical engineering and computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Institute of Technology, the Indian engineering and computer science from in electrical a B. Tech. Dean Dutta received of University the from in computer science and a PhD science, and computer administration both business MS in Delhi, a Delhi. the Indian Institute of Technology, from Alumnus award the Distinguished In 2017, he received California at Berkeley. Dean Dutta is on the board of two listed firms Sodexo (a food services and facilities management multinational), Dassault of two listed firms Sodexo (a food services and facilities management Dean Dutta is on the board of ZS Associates Council (Board) systems) and is a member of the Shareholder Systemes (the world leader in 3D experience Business of the Global the Chair of the Board He is currently on healthcare). (a global management consultancy focused focused on building management capacity in Africa and other frontier DC based not-for-profit School Network (a Washington Previously (Spain). ESADE and Montreal HEC including schools business several of boards advisory the on is and markets) he was the Vice body for business schools worldwide. He Chair and Chair of AACSB International, the leading accreditation who have been invited to the Annual Meeting of the World of participants group a member of the privileged “Davos Circle” Fisheye Analytics which, WPP than 10 years. He has co-founded two firms, including Economic Forum in Davos for more acquired. group Soumitra Dutta is an authority on innovation in the knowledge economy, with a refreshing global perspective. Throughout Throughout global perspective. with a refreshing in the knowledge economy, Soumitra Dutta is an authority on innovation the right combination of through business innovation and growth he has focused on how to drive his distinguished career, by Report, published Technology He is the co-editor and author of the Global Information innovative people and technology. - two Organization Intellectual Property Economic Forum and the Global Innovation Index, published by the World the World in technology and innovation policy. reports influential Soumitra Dutta is a Professor of Management and the former founding Dean of the SC Johnson College of Business at Dean of the SC Johnson College of of Management and the former founding Professor Soumitra Dutta is a of Dean of the Johnson Graduate School he was the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Previously, New York. Cornell University, Management. Prior to joining Cornell a leading international in 2012, he was on the faculty of INSEAD, school with business campuses in France and Singapore. 30 PARTICIPANTS laude) from GeorgetownUniversity. Mr. Édesisadualnationalof CanadaandtheUnitedStates. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan,and a Bachelor’s Degree (cum in Government tradeandforeigninternational direct investment. Europeanand Eastern countries.Mr. researcher, Édeshasalsoworkedasajournalist, policyanalyst,andspecialiston the OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopmentprovidingreform supporttopublicgovernance inCentral Between 1994 and 2000, Mr. Édes managed communications at SIGMA, a joint initiative of the and Chairperson ofADB’s AppealsCommittee,andMemberoftheADBIntegrityOversightCommittee. transparency financialinstitutions.Mr. andinformation sharing amongtheinternational ÉdeshasalsoservedasAlternate management. He guided the formulation of ADB’s Public Communications Policy, whichset a newglobal benchmark for equity, andpublicsector thesocialsectors,civilsocietyengagement,ICTforDevelopment,inclusivebusiness,governance, His earlierADBexperienceincludesleadingteamsresponsible forknowledgemanagement,socialdevelopment,gender raises publicawareness ofADBinCanadaandtheUnitedStates. experience; establishes and deepenspartnerships with public,privateandnonprofit organizationsinNorthAmerica;and 2017. In this capacity, he mobilizes financing for ADB’s developing member countries; shares development knowledgeand Bart W. ÉdeshasservedastheAsianDevelopmentBank’s (ADB’s) Representative inNorthAmericasinceOctober2, Office, AsianDevelopmentBank(ADB) Representative, NorthAmerican International Organization Bart Edes PARTICIPANTS 31 Georgia Senior Manager, Senior Manager, Nino Egriselashvili PiceWaterhouseCooper (PWC) PiceWaterhouseCooper Nino is the Fellow member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), UK, as well asProfessional well asProfessional Accountants (ACCA), UK, as of Certified Chartered Nino is the Fellow member of the Association - full member of IFAC) Accountants and Auditors (GFPAA of Professional Accountant certified by the Georgian Federation Nino is a profound expert in financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) performed in reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards expert in financial Nino is a profound at PwC reporting frameworks and is a lecturer on Auditing, and other financial with International Standards accordance Academy. During her career within the PwC network, she worked for such industries as hospitality, manufacturing, real estate manufacturing, real within the PwC network, she worked for such industries as hospitality, During her career development and transport. Nino Egriselashvili is a financial professional, currently holding the role of Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers role of Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers holding the currently a financial professional, Nino Egriselashvili is in banking and auditing sectors. her career Georgia. She spent 32 PARTICIPANTS for three yearscoursesinstatistics andeconomics. Malabo-Montpellier Panel.KarimElAynaoui holdsaPhDineconomicsfrom theUniversityofBordeaux, where hetaught Relations(IFRI)andamemberoftheCOP22ScientificCommittee.Healsoparticipatesin Institute ofInternational Karim ElAynaoui isaboard memberoftheOCPFoundation,aStrategicAdvisoryBoard oftheFrench Economic Papers. book outliningagrowth strategy forMorocco andwastheguesteditorofaspecialissueonfoodpricevolatilityinOxford onmacroeconomicbooks andarticlesinscientificjournals issuesindevelopingcountries.Recently, heco-authored a World andNorthAfrica,Africaregions Bank,bothinitsMiddleEastern asaneconomist.Hehaspublishedpapers, was amemberoftheGovernor’s Cabinet.Before joiningBankAl-Maghrib,KarimElAynaoui workedforeightyearsatthe RelationsDivisionsoftheCentralBank,ledresearchwas alsoinchargeoftheStatisticalandInternational divisionand Relations, where heprovided strategicleadershipindefining andsupportingmonetarypolicyanalysisstrategy. He to 2012,heworkedatBankAl-Maghrib,theCentralofMorocco. HewastheDirector ofEconomicsandInternational Rabat andservesasadvisortotheCEOChairmanofOCPGroup, agloballeaderinthephosphatesector. From 2005 He isalsoPresident ofthePolicyCenterforNewSouth,previously known asOCPPolicyCenter, athinktankbasedin Karim ElAynaoui isDeanoftheFacultyEconomicsandSocialSciencesMohammedVIPolytechnicUniversity. President, PolicyCenterfortheNew Karim ElAynaoui Morocco South PARTICIPANTS 33 Argentina Director, Centennial Group Group Centennial Director, Jose Fajgenbaum Jose Fajgenbaum is Partner of Centennial Group and Director of Centennial Group Latin America. Prior to joining the Latin America. of Centennial Group and Director Partner of Centennial Group Jose Fajgenbaum is of to Deputy Director economist he advanced from the IMF for about 30 years, where he worked at Centennial Group, define and supervise these departments work He led missions to surveillance various departments. In addition to helping such as Brazil in the South Africa, as well as to countries supported by the IMF, countries, such as Brazil, Israel, Russia and His expertise is on a wide range of and Tobago. Malawi, Peru and Trinidad early 1990s, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, National University of Cuyo, an MA in economics from the issues. He holds a BA from development and macroeconomic his Doctoral studies in economics at the University of Chicago. the University of Chicago, and completed 34 PARTICIPANTS Vanderbilt University. Dr. Foxreceived abachelor’s degree relations ininternational andaffairs from UCBerkeleyandaPh.D.ineconomicsfrom is Youth Employment inSub-SaharanAfrica,publishedbytheWorld Bankin2014. reduction, thesocialcosts ofadjustment,andtheeconomichistorypovertyinequalityinBrazil.Hermostrecent book in the social sectors and poverty reduction, female-headed households and child welfare, stabilization policies and poverty has also published in the areas of pension reform, reform of child welfare systems, social protection, public expenditures of povertyreduction, and on employment,labormarkets,andregulation, allwithrespect toSub-SaharanAfrica.She Her mostrecent published workhasbeenonthetopicsofpovertyreduction andinclusivegrowth, thepoliticaleconomy policies foremployment,socialsecurityandpovertyreduction. Europe in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern on how todevelop,implement,andevaluateeffectiveadvised governments delivery andpovertyreduction. PriortojoiningUCBerkeley, Dr. Foxhadadistinguishedcareer attheWorld Bankwhere she Berkeley, and as aconsultant in development economics, specializing in employment, labormarkets,gender, socialservice Before joiningUSAID, Dr. Professor Foxserved as aVisiting of DevelopmentEconomicPolicyattheUniversityCalifornia, was responsible forkeepingUSAID’s economistsonthecuttingedgeofideasindevelopmenteconomics. Dr. LouiseFoxwasUSAID’s ChiefEconomist.Inthisrole, sheguidedtheAgencyoneconomics-baseddecisionmakingand Former ChiefEconomist,USAID Louise Fox United States PARTICIPANTS 35 Japan Aki Fukuchi International Affairs Monetary Senior Economist, Institute for Senior Economist, Ms. Fukuchi is holding a Master’s Degree in International Economics from the Graduate School of Tohoku University. the Graduate School of Tohoku in International Economics from Degree Ms. Fukuchi is holding a Master’s Aki Fukuchi is a Senior Economist at the Institute for International Monetary Affairs (IIMA). Prior to joining IIMA, Ms. Fukuchi (IIMA). Prior to joining Economist at the Institute for InternationalAki Fukuchi is a Senior Monetary Affairs 2000, with the MUFG Bank in career of her professional at the MUFG Bank. Since her beginning served as an economist in senior economist based the Bank’s During 2010-2013 she also served as she has specialized mainly in Asian economy. Singapore. 36 PARTICIPANTS University. Mr. García holdsaB.S.andanM.A.inEconomicsFinancefrom St.LouisUniversityanddoctoralstudiesatAmerican Regional IntegrationAward byAméricaEconomía.Mr. Garcia waselectedManoftheYear 2005byLatin FinanceMagazine. received theLatinAmerican RegionalIntegrationAward bytheConsejoEmpresario deAméricaLatina-CEALandin2004the ofArgentina,Bolivia,Brasil,Colombia,Ecuador,Governments Perú,Venezuela andtheSovereign Order ofMalta.In2001he Mr. Garcia hasreceived doctoralandotherhonorarydegrees from severaluniversitiesandhasbeendecoratedbythe University’s LatinAmericanandCaribbeanCenter, andtheInstituteforAdvancedStudiesinAdministration(IESA,Caracas). Politics ofGeorgeWashington University, theAdvisoryBoards oftheCIDatHarvard University, theFloridaInternational PresidentHe isVice ofCanningHouse, member oftheInter-American Dialogue,theGroup of 50,theCouncilonAmerican of Bolivia.Authorseveralpublications. Member oftheAcademyEconomicSciencesandCouncilScienceTechnology oftheNationalAcademySciences He taught at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and Catholic University in Bolivia (1973–1978). Mr. García is a Preferred and LoanOfficer oftheInter-American DevelopmentBank (1966–1973). of BancoIndustrialS.A.(Bolivia,1973–1975).SeniorOperationsOfficer, AdvisortothePresident, Area ChiefLoanDivision, Ministry of Planning and Coordination and Board member of the Central Bank of Bolivia (1975–1978). Managing Director Finance DepartmentsandRepresentative inArgentina(1979–1989).Under-Secretary ofPlanningandCoordination ofthe at theInter-American DevelopmentBankincludingTreasurer oftheInstitution,Division HeadintheProject Analysisand the IMF-IBRDDevelopmentCommitteerepresenting Bolivia, Chile,Argentina,Perú,UruguayandParaguay. Seniorpositions (1989–1991). Inthiscapacity, attheWorld Governor BankandtheInter-American DevelopmentBankaswellmemberof Previous positionsinclude:MinisterofPlanningandCoordination andheadoftheEconomicSocialCabinetBolivia Tobago andUruguay, aswell16privatefinancialinstitutions. Venezuela, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, Jamaica, México, Panamá,Paraguay, DominicanRepublic,Trinidad & committed tosustainabledevelopmentandregional integration.MembercountriesincludeBolivia,Colombia,Ecuador, Perú, L. Enrique García has been President and CEO of CAF since December 1991. CAF is a multilateral financial institution Officer, CAF-Development Bankof Former President &ChiefExecutive Enrique Garcia Latin America Bolivia PARTICIPANTS 37 International Organization International Rebeca Grynspan Rebeca Nations Under-Secretary General Nations Under-Secretary General Secretariat, Former United Former United General Secretariat, Secretary-General, Ibero-American Ibero-American Secretary-General, and Associate Administrator, UNDP; Administrator, and Associate Former Vice President of Costa Rica President Former Vice Ms Grynspan holds a degree in Economics by the University of Costa Rica and a MSc in Economics by the University of University the by Economics in MSc a and Rica Costa of University the by Economics in degree a holds Grynspan Ms a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Salamanca, the University of Extremadura Sussex. She has been awarded career. of her professional University of Madrid in recognition and the European In 2014 and 2015, she was recognized as one of the 50 leading intellectuals of Latin America. Since 2016 she serves as In 2014 and 2015, she was recognized of the Complutense Institute for International Studies (ICEI), which forms part of the of Trustees a member of the Board for Excellence and the Spanish government the Forbes Award Universidad Complutense, Madrid. In 2017 she received Civil de Alfonso X El Sabio. her the Gran Cruz de la Orden awarded In addition to her experience as a conference lecturer and advisor to a number of international organisations and institutions, lecturer In addition to her experience as a conference on Poverty and Force Task Project’s she has been actively involved in key United Nations initiatives, such as the Millennium Economic Development and the High-level Panel on Financing for Development. Ms Grynspan is a member of the steering committee of the UNICEF Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement; member of the Ms Grynspan is a member of the steering committee of the UNICEF Scaling Up Governing at the for International Council of the Society (SID), a global network of individuals and professionals Development among others. of Work, and member of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of development; forefront In June 2014 she was appointed as chair of the Board of Trustees of the International and Institute for Environment of Trustees of the Board In June 2014 she was appointed as chair of study the to devoted research, policy of field the in worldwide organisations influential most the of one (IIED), Development the interface between development and the environment. She was also a delegate to the United Nations Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti, a group consisting of the Haitian Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti, a group She was also a delegate to the United Nations international States Bill Clinton, and other prominent partners. of the United government, the former President She is a renowned advocate of human development, who has helped to focus the world’s attention, and also that of Latin that also and attention, world’s to focus the helped has who development, human of advocate renowned is a She South-South cooperation as a gender equality, and poverty, of inequality issues such as the reduction America, on relevant of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), among others. tool for development, and the achievement In addition, she has been a member of the High-Level Panel on Financing for Development, convened by former UN Panel on Financing a member of the High-Level she has been In addition, Kofi Annan in 2001. Secretary-General Prior to joining the United Nations, Ms Grynspan served as Vice-President of Costa Rica from 1994 to 1998. She was also 1994 of Costa Rica from served as Vice-President Prior to joining the United Nations, Ms Grynspan and Deputy Minister of Finance. of Economic and Social Affairs, Minister of Housing, Minister Coordinator In 2010 she was named Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) and Associate Administrator of the United General of the United Nations (UN) and Associate In 2010 she was named Deputy Secretary and the for Latin America she was UNDP Regional Director 2006 to 2010, (UNDP). From Nations Development Program Caribbean. Rebeca Grynspan was born in San José, Costa Rica. She was unanimously elected as Ibero-American Secretary-General at Secretary-General bornRebeca Grynspan was She was unanimously elected as Ibero-American in San José, Costa Rica. 24th February 2014. She took office held in Ciudad de Mexico, on Affairs Ministers of Foreign Meeting of the Extraordinary term. for a further four-year was renewed on 1st April 2014 and in 2018 her mandate 38 PARTICIPANTS Faculty ofSocialSciences,GraduateSchoolEnvironmental ManagementatErasmusUniversityintheNetherlands. Groff isagraduateofYale UniversityandtheKennedySchoolatHarvard University. Heiscurrently aPhDcandidateinthe Wall Street TheGuardian Journal, andTheHuffington Post. He alsowritesregularly onavariety ofclimatechangeanddevelopment-related issues,includingforProject Syndicate,The Woods Committee,Marine Stewardship Council,InstituteforSustainableCommunities,andtheGlobalFootprintNetwork. Groff servesonanumberofadvisoryboards, includingtheMillenniumChallengeCorporation, World Bretton Learning, Refugee Program andasaU.S. Peace Corpsvolunteer. Development,theU.S. Millennium ChallengeCorporation.HehasalsoworkedfortheU.S.AgencyInternational for EconomicCo-operationandDevelopmentasDeputyVice-President forOperationsattheWashington-based portfolio of$38billion.Groff alsoservedasDeputyDirector forDevelopmentCooperationattheParis-based Organisation in EastAsia,SoutheastandthePacific,amountingtoover$6billionnewlendingeveryyearanexisting He waspreviously rankingvice-president oftheAsianDevelopment Bank.AtADBhewasresponsible foroperations financially secure Saudicitizen. NDF envisionsadiverseandsustainableSaudieconomy, anenabledandambitiousSaudisocietyaprosperous and 2030, supports publicsectorspendingbymaximizingimpactandsocio-economicdevelopment.InsupportofVision enhancing economicdiversificationandincreasing thesustainabilityofdevelopmentfinancingacross SaudiArabia.NDF Groff oftheNationalDevelopmentFund(NDF)inFebruary, wasappointedasGovernor 2019.NDFistaskedwith Stephen P. Groff oftheNationalDevelopmentFundSaudiArabia. isaneconomistandGovernor Governor, NationalDevelopmentFund Stephen P. Groff Saudi Arabia PARTICIPANTS 39 United States Latin America Jorge Guzman Senior Associate, Centennial Group Centennial Group Senior Associate, Mr. Jorge Guzman is an economist with over 30 years of practical experience in macroeconomic analysis and policy making. analysis and policy experience in macroeconomic economist with over 30 years of practical Jorge Guzman is an Mr. achieve fiscal and public debt countries has been on assisting distressed the focus of his work his career, Throughout for 27 years in the International He served Monetary Fund (IMF) working mainly and durable economic growth. sustainability, including by leading mission teams that negotiated and helped implement on countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, several on policy analysis macroeconomic doing consultant a as worked has he years, recent In programs. reform economic emerging market countries. 40 PARTICIPANTS and from LosAngeles.HeisfluentinFrench UniversityofCalifornia, andEnglish. He isagraduatefrom University of Abidjan,Côted’Ivoire andpost-graduatefrom StrayerUniversity inWashington, D.C • • • Ivorian EmbassytoWashington, DC,Assuch,he: In thepublicsector, AmbassadorHaïdaraledtheEconomicandCommercial Bureau asCommercial Counseloratthe analyzed investmenttargetsandfollowedupperformancesofportfolios. • • • • In privatesector, hesuccessivelyheldthefollowingpositions: Ambassador Haïdaraheldvariouspositionsinprivatesectoraswellpublicsector. On March 28,2018,H.E.Mr. MamadouHaidaratookoffice asAmbassadorofCôted’Ivoire totheUnitedStates. followed uptradeagreements and treaties aswellWorld BankandIMFprograms withCôted’Ivoire. planned andmanagedinvestmentpromotion toCôted’Ivoire; represented Côted’Ivoire ontheWashington, DCCottonAdvisoryCouncil; Financial AnalystatT&BInvestments,Dakar, Sénégal.Inthiscapacityheidentifiedopportunities,auditedand Africa Director ofAFIMEX,Lyon, France; CEO ofGSC,theWest AfricanLeaderinTank LevelMonitoringTechnologies; Chairman oftheBoard ofDirectors ofSONITRA(SOCIETE NATIONALE IVOIRIENNEDETRAVAUX); Ambassador ofCôted’Ivoire tothe MamadouHaidara United States Côte d’Ivoire PARTICIPANTS 41 Japan Nobumitsu Hayashi Nobumitsu Chief Operating Officer, Senior Officer, Chief Operating International Cooperation (JBIC) Managing Director, Japan Bank for Japan Bank Managing Director, Previously, he held various senior positions on international finance, macro-economic policy and public administration at he held various senior positions on international finance, macro-economic Previously, of Finance Bureau Administration, Director-General the Government of Japan, including Commissioner of the National Tax He as well as Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister. Institute (MoF), of Policy Research (Ministry of Finance), President 2010 to 2012. from Bank Group for Japan at the World was Executive Director Nobumitsu Hayashi overseas global financing operations of JBIC, Japan Bank for Internationaloverseas global financing operations of Nobumitsu Hayashi Cooperation as COO and Senior Managing Director. 42 PARTICIPANTS Basel EconomicsAG).Hereceived adoctorateineconomicsfrom the University ofBasel. SNB hetaughtattheUni¬versityofBaselandwasamemberBusinessCycleResearch Group (BAK,nowBAK relations.and international Mr. HermannwasavisitingscholarattheFederalReserveBankofSt.Louis.Priortojoining the SNBovertwenty-fiveyearsago,hehasbeeninvolvedinmacroeconomic research, bankingandfinancialmarketissues, Werner Hermannwasdirector attheSwissNationalBank(SNB)andinchargeofcentralbankcooperation.Sincehejoined Former Director, SwissNationalBank Werner Hermann Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 43 United States Jon Hilsenrath Editor and Chief Economics Editor and Chief Correspondent, Street Wall The Correspondent, Born in New York, Mr. Hilsenrath received his bachelor’s degree from Duke University. He was a summer fellow at the He was a summer Duke University. from degree his bachelor’s Hilsenrath received Mr. Born in New York, Mr. University of Wisconsin Kong University of Science and Technology. and an M.B.A. exchange student at the Hong At Columbia, he was a Knight- in journalism Columbia University. degree from an M.B.A. and a master’s Hilsenrath received Bagehot fellow in 1995/1996. He has been a contributor to several books, including, Emerging Financial Markets, by David Beim and Charles Calomiris, He has been a contributor to several books, including, Emerging Financial Markets, cable news television channel, guest on CNBC, the He is also a regular the Fundamentals, by Michael Niemira. and Trading segment on Monday mornings that will be in the news in the days called “Five for Five,” that highlights stocks with a featured ahead. In 2009, Mr. Hilsenrath and a team of reporters won an award for distinguished business reporting from the New York the New York from for distinguished business reporting an award won Hilsenrath and a team of reporters In 2009, Mr. the world.” In 2003, he round The shock heard demise: their article: “Lehman’s Newspaper Publishers Association for on the global for excellence in economics writing, for a package of stories the Best of Knight-Bagehot Award received Wall Trade Center as part of The World near the reporting from and Hilsenrath contributed first-hand accounts Mr. economy. account of personal attacks. His Center Trade 2001 World Sept. 11, of the coverage Prize-winning Pulitzer Journal’s Street he was part of a team of reporters in 2002. In addition, Best Newspaper Writing the attacks was published in the book, The the Society of Publishers in Asia in 2000. from the Excellence in Business Reporting award that received Mr. Hilsenrath has been a member of the global Wall Street Journal team since 1997. During the past decade he’s helped to Journal team since 1997. During the past decade he’s Street has been a member of the global Wall Hilsenrath Mr. attacks and boom, Sept. 11 terror recession, the tech crisis, the 2001 U.S. lead coverage of the late 1990s Asian financial and Hong New York economics from editor in 2006, he covered becoming an crisis in global debt markets. Before the recent Journal in Street column on stocks and markets for The Asian Wall on the Street” the “Heard Kong for six years. He also wrote TimesTime and Magazine for The New York reporter a freelance was Hilsenrath Journal,Hong Kong. Prior to joining the Mr. Washington D.C. reporter for Knight-Ridder Financial News in and Hong Kong and an economics and finance in New York Prior to his current position, Mr. Hilsenrath was Markets Editor, overseeing global coverage of stock, bond and currency currency and bond stock, of coverage global overseeing Editor, Markets was Hilsenrath Mr. position, current his to Prior markets. Jon Eric Hilsenrath is the chief economics correspondent for The Wall Street Journal and is based in Washington. He is Journal Street and is based in Washington. for The Wall is the chief economics correspondent Jon Eric Hilsenrath also he bureaus, other and the economics in reporters with cooperation In Reserve. Federal the covering for responsible Journal Street and global economies for all print and on-line editions of The Wall covers major developments in the U.S. and Real Time Economics site. contributes to’s 44 PARTICIPANTS Government ofHarvardGovernment University. in BangkokThailand,andhealsoconductedatwohalfyearpost-docresearch program intheKennedySchoolof in Germany, Master ofSciencedegree jointlybyUniversityofDortmundinGermanyandAsianInstituteTechnology He received hisDoctorate of Economicsfrom University theSchoolofEconomicsandManagement,Witten/Herdecke award inChina,andhealso wonZhangPeigangDevelopmentEconomicsAward in2009. His workswontwice(in1994and2006respectively) SunYefang EconomicPrizewhichisthehighesteconomicsresearch EconomyinCentralThailand,Bangkok:ThaiWatana2007 andAVillage PanichPress, 2007. Nova SciencePubInc,2011;InformalInstitutionsandRuralDevelopmentinChina,LondonNewYork: Routledge, China’s NewDeal:TheDevelopmentofChina’s FinancialCrisis(co-editor),NewYork: EconomyUndertheInternational GlobalMarket(withTonyHis latestpublicationsincludeChineseVillage, Saich),NewYork: PalgraveMacmillan,2012; economics professor oftheAcademy. as aneconomistin1990s.HeusedtoteachDevelopmentEconomicstheChineseAcademyofSocialSciences professorship, hewastheChiefChinaEconomistofSGSecuritiesAsia;HealsoworkedwithWorld BankBeijingOffice Institute (BRRI)ofBeijingNormalUniversity(BNU),alsoaprofessor ofEconomicstheUniversity. Before his HU BiliangisnowtheDeanofEmergingMarketsInstitute(EMI),aswellDirector oftheBeltandRoadResearch Markets Institute,BeijingNormal Professor andDean,Emerging HU Biliang University China PARTICIPANTS 45 HUA Jingdong International Organization International Vice President and Treasurer, World Bank World and Treasurer, Vice President Prior to IFC, Mr. Hua served as Deputy Treasurer at the (ADB) in Manila. He previously held a He previously Manila. in (ADB) Development Bank the Asian at Treasurer Deputy as served Hua IFC, Mr. to Prior and the in New York, United Nations Development Program departments of ADB, the number of positions in the treasury 1983 with China National Chemical in his career started national, he A Chinese in Abidjan. Development Bank African an Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Construction Corporation. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University. from at Arlington, and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) the University of Texas MBA Finance from Mr. Hua was previously Vice President and Treasurer of International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World of International Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Finance and Treasurer Vice President Hua was previously Mr. its international financial position, safeguarding triple-A for managing IFC’s he was responsible In that capacity, Bank Group. focused on the a global treasury, Under his leadership, IFC established program. rating and overseeing its debt issuance IFC & solutions. During his tenure, debt capital markets and innovative financial products development of local currency to benefit private sector clients. He led market-opening and financing capacity its local currency has significantly increased in emerging markets including Rwanda, Nigeria, Indonesia, financial products innovative bond issuances and structured loan syndications and co-investment for IFC’s also responsible He was India and many other countries. Colombia, Uzbekistan, which has mobilized over US$60 billion for private sector development. program, Mr. Hua is also responsible for the debt issuance of the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) World for the debt issuance of the is also responsible Hua Mr. and the International markets operations for the International Development Association (IDA) and oversees capital Finance Bank He leads the World Manager. is the Treasury Bank Treasury the World Facility for Immunization (IFFm) for which asset management, and financial capacity building and advisory services in financial analytics, debt management, Treasury’s solutions for its clients. Jingdong Hua is Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank. He is responsible for the World Bank’s US$200 billion debt US$200 Bank’s for the World He is responsible Bank. World of the and Treasurer Jingdong Hua is Vice President and 69 clients including central Bank Group for the World portfolio of nearly US$200 billion managed portfolio and an asset used for hedging and risk wealth funds. He oversees US$600 billion transactions banks, pension funds, and sovereign cashflows of over US$7 trillion equivalent. management, and payments and annual 46 PARTICIPANTS INSEAD. Boston University in 1978. He is a graduate of Executive Development program jointly sponsored by Harvard, Stanford and Ishrat HusainobtainedMaster’s degree College andDoctorateinEconomicsfrom inDevelopmentEconomicsfrom Williams research institutes,philanthropic andculturalorganizations. 2006. HeistheDistinguishedNational Professor ofEconomics andPublicPolicychairs/servesontheBoards ofseveral conferencesa speakertointernational andseminarshas attendedmore than100 sucheventsallovertheworldsince contribution isthebook”GLOBALIZATION, GOVERNANCEANDGROWTH”publishedin2015.Heisregularly invitedas Economy oftheElitistState”publishedbyOxford UniversityPress iswidelyread inPakistanandoutside.Hismostrecent and contributedmore thanthree dozenarticlesinrefereed and27chaptersinbooks.Hisbook“Pakistan:The journals Mr. Husainhasmaintainedanactivescholarlyinterest indevelopmentissues.Hehasauthored 18booksandmonographs and Member, AdvisoryCounciltotheMinisterofPlanning,DevelopmentandReforms. Economic Advisory Council, Ministry of Finance; Member, Monetary and Fiscal Coordination Board of Pakistan; , Government safety net and conditional cash transfer program targeted at the poor households of Pakistan. He is currently Convener, 14 heservedasanindependentDirector ontheBoard ofBenazirIncomeSupportProgramme (BISP)--thelargestSocial ofPakistantochairthePayandPensionCommission.Between2011- During 2009-10hewasappointedbytheGovernment June 2014. the President AdvisoryCouncil ofIDBandwasChairmanWorld EconomicForumGlobalAdvisoryCouncilonPakistanuntil restructure theAccountabilityMechanism.Heiscurrently amemberofMiddleEastAdvisory Group oftheIMF, amemberof poverty reduction fund.He wasappointedbytheBoard ofAsianDevelopmentBanktoatwomemberindependentpanel of theMahathirCommission2020visionforIslamicDevelopmentBank(IDB).HealsoadvisedIDBcreating its 2005-06 he was appointed by the Board of IMF as a member of a three person panel to evaluate the IEO. He was a member Since hisretirementassignments.During hehasbeenactivelyinvolvedinmanynationalandinternational astheGovernor Director PovertyandSocial Departmentandin1997hewasnamedtheCountryDirector forCentralAsianRepublics. Economist forAfricabetween1991-94andlaterasChiefEastAsiaPacificRegion.HebecametheBank’s held attheBankwere Resident Representative toNigeria,headoftheBank’s FinanceDivision,Chief DebtandInternational Dr. Husainhad adistinguishedcareer attheWorld Bankforovertwodecades 1979-1999.Amongthekeypositionshe Nishan ePakistanin2016forhisoutstandingpublicservice. Banker Lifetimeachievementaward in2006.ThePresident ofPakistanconferred upon himthehighestcivilianaward of Banker Magazine of London declared of the yearfor Asia in 2005. He received him as the Central Bank Governor the Asian meritorious serviceshewasconferred theprestigious award of“Hilal-e-Imtiaz” bythePresident ofPakistanin2003.The heplayedakeyroleteam oftheGovernment, inimpressive economicturnaroundofPakistan.Inrecognition ofhis restructuring oftheCentralBankandsteered thereforms ofthebankingsector. Asamember oftheeconomicmanagement ofPakistan’sthe Governor CentralBankinDecember1999.Duringthenextsixyears,heimplementedamajorprogram of Minister of Pakistan. The Commission produced a two volume report reforms on governance in Pakistan. He was appointed Reforms fortwoyearsfrom 2006to2008withthestatusofFederalMinisterreporting directly tothePresident andPrime to becomeoneoftherankingGlobalBusinessschools.HeservedasChairman,NationalCommissionforGovernment in 1955--between2008and2016.Duringhistermofoffice hewasactivelyengagedinthetransformationofInstitute Dean &Director ofInstituteBusinessAdministration,Karachi-theoldestgraduatebusinessschoolinPakistanestablished Dr. IshratHusainisalsoProfessor EmeritusatIBAandChairman,Centre forExcellenceinIslamicFinance(CEIF).Heservedas Advisor tothePrimeMinisterand Governor, StateBankofPakistan Member oftheCabinet;Former Ishrat Husain Pakistan PARTICIPANTS 47 Mexico Former Managing Director, FOCIR- Director, Former Managing Capitalization and Investment Fund Capitalization Ministry of Finance and Public Credit Ministry of Finance for Agribusiness and the Rural Sector, and the Rural Sector, for Agribusiness Ibarra Pardo Alberto Luis Mr. Ibarra is a Mexican economist who has hold several high-ranking positions in the Mexican Government. who has hold several high-ranking Ibarra is a Mexican economist Up to last Mr. private equity funds for agribusiness through investment a government he was CEO of FOCIR, agency that promotes year, Federal Competition Commission he served as Commissioner at the Formerly, development. and rural infrastructure the in charge of the elaboration of of the President, Cabinet at the Office of the Infrastructure Secretary and as Technical for Mexico with specific, quantifiable and medium-term 2007-2012, which was the first Program National Infrastructure he Investment Unit at the Ministry of Finance, where he was Head of the development. Before, goals for infrastructure regulations for the development of public- and designed the cost-benefit analysis procedures rigorous incorporated more roads, hospitals and university facilities. for to launch the first PPP projects private partnerships (PPP) in Mexico, helping of the Economic Cabinet, participating in Secretary served as Technical Administration he Zedillo’s During President implemented at that time by the Mexican Government, in including liberalization reforms several of the structural reforms Ibarra was an associate at the firm Serra and Mr. In the private sector, transport and natural gas transport and distribution. He Anahuac University. at at several Mexican universities, currently Associates International (SAI) and has been professor the University of and a PhD in Economics from Autónomo de México (ITAM) the Instituto Tecnológico from has a BA degree California, Los Angeles (UCLA). 48 PARTICIPANTS the Harvard KennedySchool. Mr. Ikedaholds abachelor’s degree inpoliticalsciencefrom Waseda Universityandamaster’s degree inpublicpolicyfrom addressing socialissues,and theWorld Bank’s results managementsystem,amongothers. Mr. Ikedahas publishedbooksandarticlesonBangladesh’s development,therole ofpublic–privatepartnershipsin promote public–privatepartnerships. Bangladesh CountryTeam. In2002,heco-foundedandremains ChiefofStaff forCrossover, acivilsocietynetworkto results managementsystem atitsWashington, DCheadquartersandhelpedreinforce aresults-based approach inthe as OperationsOfficer atthe World Bank,where heledtheprocess offormulatingtheorganization’s scorecard and Mr. developmentandcivilsocietyorganizations.From Ikedahas richexperienceininternational 2011to2014,heserved and ataxexaminerintheNationalTax Agency. andBudgetBureaus.International Inaddition,Mr. IkedahasservedasasectionchiefinJapan’s FinancialServicesAgency most recently SeniorDeputyDirector Tax oftheInternational DivisionintheMOF’s Tax Bureau andhasalsoworkedforits Before joiningADB,Mr. IkedaheldvariouspositionsatJapan’s MinistryofFinance(MOF)formore than15years.Hewas engagements, aswellliaisingwithseniorstaff andstakeholderswithinoutsidetheorganization. responsible foroverseeingallactivitiesinvolvingtheADBPresident including missions,policydialogues,andspeaking 2017, Mr.Ikeda worksdirectly withtheADBPresident tohelpachieveADB’s strategicandoperationalobjectives.Heis Yoichiro IkedaisChiefAdvisortothePresident oftheAsianDevelopmentBank(ADB).Havingassumedoffice inJuly Chief AdvisortothePresident, Asian Development Bank(ADB) International Organization Yoichiro Ikeda PARTICIPANTS 49 Land Policy United States Gregory Ingram Gregory Former President, Lincoln Institute of Lincoln Institute Former President, Gregory Ingram was President and CEO of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy from June 2005 through June 2014 and 2005 through June of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy from and CEO Ingram was President Gregory positions as Director Bank, he also held Bank. At the World Evaluation at the World Operations formerly Director-General, for Report 1994, Infrastructure Development for the World Director Department, Staff of the Development Research was Ingram Bank, Mr. Department. Prior to joining the World Urban Projects Development, and Economic Adviser in the University; Harvard a Ph.D. in economics from Ingram holds Mr. University. of Economics at Harvard Associate Professor from University; and a B.S. in civil engineering Oxford politics, and economics from a B.A. and M.A. in philosophy, College. Swarthmore 50 PARTICIPANTS posts. country since1990.AmemberofChile’s SocialistParty, Mr. Insulzahasheldanumberofhigh-levelgovernment that wontheplebisciteagainstregime ofPinochetinOctoberthatyear, andinalldemocraticelectionsthe In early1988,Mr. Insulzareturned tohishomecountryandjoinedtheCoalitionofDemocraticParties,coalition University, theIbero-American UniversityandtheInstituteforDiplomaticStudies. Institute intheCenterforEconomicResearch andTeaching. HealsotaughtatMexico’s NationalAutonomous (1974-1980) andlaterinMexico(1981-1988).InCity, heservedasDirector oftheUnitedStatesStudies the coupthatbrought GeneralAugustoPinochetintopower, Mr. Insulzawentintoexilefor15years,firstinRome In theearly1970’s, Mr. ofSalvadorAllende.Following Insulzaactivelyparticipatedinthe PopularUnityGovernment of theDiplomaticAcademyChile. until 1973.Inthesameyear, healsoservedasPoliticalAdvisortotheChileanMinistryofForeign Affairs andDirector He wasProfessor ofPoliticalTheoryattheUniversityChileandScienceChile’s CatholicUniversity American SocialSciencesFaculty(FLACSO)andhasamaster’s inpolitical sciencefrom theUniversityofMichigan. A lawyerbytraining–Insulzahasalawdegree from theUniversityofChile,didpostgraduatestudiesatLatin and itscapacityforaction.” elected Secretary-General ofOASin2005,Mr. Insulzapledgedto strengthen theOrganization’s “politicalrelevance The recognized Chileanpoliticianhasanaccomplishedrecord ofpublicserviceinhiscountry. WhenMr. Insulzawas Relations CommissionoftheSenate;Former Minister ofForeign RelationsandMinister of theInterior;FormerSecretary-General, Organization ofAmericanStates(OAS) Senator andPresident oftheExternal Jose MiguelInsulza Chile PARTICIPANTS 51 Georgia and Economy - CEGE and Economy Mikheil Janelidze Mikheil Center for European Governance Center for European of Foreign Affairs; Chairman of the Affairs; of Foreign Former Vice Prime Minister and Minister Prime Minister and Minister Former Vice Mikheil earned his bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Tbilisi State University in 2002 and MBA in Global Tbilisi State University in International Relations from degree Mikheil earned his bachelor’s of MIT in 2011, as well as completed Executive Program Graduate School of Business the Grenoble Management from Intelligence in 2018. Mikheil speaks Georgian, English, Russian and German. Sloan School of Management in Artificial In 2018, Mikheil has established an advisory firm EGE and its non-profit initiative, Center for European Governance initiative, Center for European firm EGE and its non-profit In 2018, Mikheil has established an advisory Union and its eastern neighborhood, and between the European the relations and Economy (CEGE), with the focus on development of digital governance and economy. Prior to joining the public service Janelidze worked for the private sector in the area of international worked for the private sector in the area trade and investment, Prior to joining the public service Janelidze consulting. business development and management As a Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Georgia (2015-2018), Mikheil helped Georgia to become a leader of the Minister of Georgia As a Vice Prime Minister and Foreign in line with the Euro- trade and security ties with the US and NATO, and to strengthen Eastern Partnership program EU’s of Georgia (2011- Negotiator As a Vice Minister of Economy and Chief Trade Atlantic integration agenda of the country. Trade Free and negotiated Deep and Comprehensive reforms trade-related 2015) he worked on implementation of the with the EU. Agreement Mikheil Janelidze has a demonstrated history of successful work in the international affairs and economic development field in the international and economic a demonstrated history of successful work Mikheil Janelidze has affairs of public and private sector experience. with an excellent mix 52 PARTICIPANTS Business Managementfrom UniversityofSt.Gallen. Board memberofanumberprivatecompanies.Hehasworkedinover90countriesandPhDEconomics former President ofSwissChamberCommerce, memberofnumerous public-privatecommitteesinSwitzerland,and and UnderSecretary forForeign EconomicRelations,Switzerland. HeisChairmanoftheSwissExportPromotion Board, Dr. President JekerisaformerSeniorExecutiveVice andmemberoftheExecutiveBoard ofSocieteGeneraledeSurveillance Chairman, EmergingMarketServicesLtd; Former Chairman,Myclimate; Senior ExecutiveVP, SGSS.A. Rolf Jeker Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 53 JIN Liqun Investment Bank (AIIB) Investment Bank International Organization International Chairman and President, Asian Infrastructure Asian Infrastructure President, Chairman and Mr. Jin holds an M. A. degree in English Literature from Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages (now Beijing Foreign Studies Languages (now Beijing Foreign Beijing Institute of Foreign from in English Literature holds an M. A. degree Jin Mr. 1987 to at Boston University from Fellow in the Economics Graduate Program University). He was also a Hubert Humphrey Republic of China. 1988. He is a national of the People’s Mr. Jin previously served as Vice President, and then Ranking Vice President, of the Asian Development Bank. He was Vice and then Ranking President, served as Vice President, Jin previously Mr. decades two nearly spent He Facility. Environment Global the at and Bank World the at China for AlternateDirector Executive the rank of Vice Minister. at the Chinese Ministry of Finance, reaching Mr. Jin has rich experience across the private and public sectors, as well as with MDBs. He served as Chairman of China the private and public has rich experience across Jin Mr. of bank, Chairman of the Supervisory Board investment first joint-venture International Capital Corporation Limited, China’s Funds. Wealth of the InternationalChina Investment Corporation, and as Chairman Forum of Sovereign Mr. Jin Liqun is the inaugural President and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Before being elected as the Bank’s first as the Bank’s being elected Before of Directors. and Chairman of the Board President Jin Liqun is the inaugural Mr. establishing the Bank. tasked with of the Multilateral Interim Secretariat Jin served as Secretary-General Mr. president, 54 PARTICIPANTS sector in India, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He has an MBA from the Wharton School of Finance. within andoutsidetheregion. Before joiningtheWorld Bank,Mr. Kajiworkedforanumberofyearsinthecommercial banking tation throughout Asia.He continuestomaintainclosepersonalcontactwiththeseniorpolicymakersandbusinessleaders keen insightintothesocial,institutionalandpoliticalconsiderationsthatinfluencepracticalpolicyformulationimpleme n- Pacific –a region withwhich hewascloselyinvolvedforwelloveradecade.Thisinvolvementhasallowedhimtodevelop Prior to his appointment as Managing Director President in 1994, he was the Bank‘sVice for operationsinEastAsia and the for HumanResources. Kaji servedinvariousoperationalpositionswiththeBank—includingAfrica,Europe andtheMiddleEast,asDirector Bank‘s Executive Committee, the core senior management team guiding the strategic direction of the institution. Earlier, Mr. the workofBank‘sprivate-sectoraffiliates, IFCandMIGA,aswelltheIBRDitself.Inaddition,hewasamemberof projects putforward forBanksupportandservedasco-chairofthePrivateSectorDevelopmentGroup, whichencompasses sponsibility fortheinstitution‘sprograms inAsiaandAfrica.Healsochaired theOperationsCommittee,whichreviews all When heretired from theWorld BankinNovember1997,Mr. KajiwasManagingDirector forOperations,withspecific re- reputation asaleadingexpert onglobaleconomicandfinancialissues. the institutionmeetdevelopmentneedsofitsmore than180membernations.Intheprocess, aworldwide heearned and developmentpolicyformulationimplementationwiththeWorld Bank,GautamS.Kajiplayedakeyrole inhelping of privateinstitutionssuchasJ.P. Morgan sinceleavingtheWorld Bank.Inacareer spanningalmost30yearsineconomic Hong Kong;andWashington AssetManagement,Inc.,Washington, D.C.Inaddition,hehasprovided servicestoanumber MA; TheInfrastructure DevelopmentFinanceCo.Ltd.,India;HCLPerot Systems,Inc.,Netherlands;SynergyPowerCo.Ltd., Mr. Kajicurrently servesontheBoard ofDirectors oflistedandprivatelyheldcompaniesincluding:The CabotCorp.,Boston public officials onhowtoderivemaximumbenefitswhileminimizingrisks from opportunitiesintoday‘sglobaleconomy. the publicandprivatesectors.Thefirmprovides high-levelpolicyandstrategicadvicetotopbusinessexecutivessenior Mr. KajiistheChairmanofCentennialGroup, astrategicadvisoryfirmcreated byinternationally recognizedfigures from Chairman, EmergingMarketsForum; Chairman, CentennialGroup; Former Managing Director, World Bank Gautam Kaji United States PARTICIPANTS 55 Kazakhstan Shigeo Katsu Regional Vice President, World Bank World President, Regional Vice President, Nazarbayev University; Former Nazarbayev President, In addition to the above, during 2010 - 2011, Mr. Katsu consulted with the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, Bank and the World Katsu consulted with the Asian Development Mr. In addition to the above, during 2010 - 2011, Katsu served organizations. During 2011-2012 Mr. advised governments, and collaborated with think tanks and not-for-profit development and of Restless Development, an international NGO that focuses on Youth as the chair of the US Board strategies mainly in the African continent. He still is member of Agenda in national development of the Youth mainstreaming the board. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Katsu worked for three decades at the World Bank: he joined the World Bank as a Young Bank as a Young Bank: he joined the World at the World decades Katsu worked for three Prior to this appointment, Mr. in 1985, as , then Africa Region as an infrastructure in 1979, and soon was assigned to the West Professional was seconded to the Export-Import Katsu Between fall 1989 and end 1991, Mr. in Benin. Resident Representative Bank’s Analysis Department. Following successive assignments in the Country Economic Policy Bank of Japan as Deputy Director, Country Director, (as reforms, 1992 - 1995), Cote d’Ivoire for enterprise and financial sector China Department (responsible 1999-2003) he became Operations and Strategy, and Central Asia Region (Regional Director, 1995-1999), and the Europe he served for six years followed by a short stint as Special Advisor to the of the ECA Region, in which position Vice President in December 2009. retirement before Managing Directors Since December 2010 Shigeo Katsu has served as President of the Nazarbayev University in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, University in Astana, Republic of of the Nazarbayev Shigeo Katsu has served as President Since December 2010 institution with academic flagship the country’s serve as designed to same year, of the in June founded a national university university. aspirations to become a global level research 56 PARTICIPANTS Finance, andHistoryfrom theAmerican UniversityinCairo. the PoliticalEconomyofArabworldfrom GeorgetownUniversity’s SchoolofForeign Service;andaBAinEconomics, Faisal holdsaMastersdegree inEconomicsandPublicPolicyfrom theLondonSchoolofEconomics;aMastersdegree in Planning, FaisalworkedfortheBrookings Institution,theOECD,LeagueofArabStates,andSaudiEmbassyinEgypt. a solartechnologystartupthattargetsmarginalizedcommunitiesinEgypt.PriortohisjoiningtheMinistryofEconomyand Faisal isco-founderofFlat6LabsCairo, theMiddleEast’s firstbusinessaccelerator, aswelltheco-founderofShamsina, capital. Development, BehavioralEconomics,NationalYouth Program aswellalltopicsrelated topoverty, inequality, andhuman Faisal focuses on a portfolio of projects ranging from Social Protection, Pension Reform, Population Dynamics and Faisal isaSeniorEconomistattheMinistryofEconomyandPlanningAdvisortoMinisterPlanning. Advisor totheMinisterofEconomy Faisal Kattan and Planning Saudi Arabia PARTICIPANTS 57 United States The Economist Soumaya Keynes Soumaya Trade & Globalisation Editor, Editor, & Globalisation Trade Soumaya Keynes is the Trade & Globalisation Editor for The Economist based in Washington DC. She also co-hosts the DC. She also based in Washington & Globalisation Editor for The Economist the Trade Soumaya Keynes is Institute for with Chad Bown of the Peterson of trade policy, a weekly discussion of the economics Talks, podcast Trade Editor also based in Washington US Economics InternationalThe Economist’s Prior to her posting she was Economics. was an economic researcher based in London. Prior to joining The Economist she DC, and the Economics Correspondent, public on the British state pension system and economic research at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, doing policy-relevant Treasury. that worked as a policy adviser at HM finances, and before 58 PARTICIPANTS 1982), andtheInter-American InvestmentCorporation(1992-1994). Cooperation Agency(JICA)(2010-2016).HealsoservedasExecutiveDirector fortheAfricanDevelopmentBank(1980- Committee oftheWorld MonetaryFund(2006-2010),andVice-President ofJapanInternational Bankand theInternational (2001-2005), theWorld Bank’s CountryDirector forCentralAsia(1997-2001),ExecutiveSecretary oftheDevelopment financeinJapan2005.HisdevelopmentprofessionalMinister forinternational career includesMDBdeputyforJapan issues. HislatestarticleonMDBswastheDecember2017issueof‘DevelopmentFinance’.HeDeputyVice- Mr. Koderahasaccumulatedbroad financeanddevelopment andin-depthknowledgeexperienceoninternational Throughout hisprofessional career intheMinistryofFinance,World Bankandotherdevelopmentfinanceinstitutions, in June2018,andservesasassociateboard memberofWaterAid HisworkbaseisinTokyo, International. Japan. Mr. KoderawaselectedasChairoftheboard oftrustees,WaterAid Japan,non-profit organizationforwaterandsanitation Chair oftheBoard, WaterAid Japan Kiyoshi Kodera Japan PARTICIPANTS 59 United States Harinder Kohli Harinder Founding Director and Chief Founding Director Executive, Emerging Markets Forum Executive, Emerging Harinder S. Kohli is the Founding Director and Chief Executive of Emerging Markets Forum as well as Founding Director, Director, Markets Forum as well as Founding and Chief Executive of Emerging the Founding Director Harinder S. Kohli is Journal D.C. He is the Editor of Global of International, both based in Washington, Group and CEO of Centennial President, he served over 25 years in various senior managerial ventures, his current Emerging Markets Economies. Prior to starting sector in India and France. He has written extensively on the then in the private Bank and before positions at the World and other emerging market economies; financial development; and infrastructure. emergence of Asia, Latin America, Africa Latin America 2040—Breaking society in one generation (2010), 2039—An affluent He is a co-author and co-editor of India and Islamic Asia amidst global financial crisis (2010), A resilient (2010), complacency: An agenda for resurgence away from for all Asian century (2011), A new vision for Mexico 2042—Achieving prosperity Finance (2011), Asia 2050—Realizing the potential Asia 2050: Unleashing the region’s full potential (2014), and Central (2012), Africa 2050—Realizing the continent’s Kohli Mr. strategies. corporate term develop their long CAF and ADB that helped teams Group Centennial He led (2016). and harmoniousbook The world in 2050: Striving for a just, prosperous is the editor and co-author of the latest global in Paris on April 12, 2016. community which was released 60 PARTICIPANTS AB, PoliticalScience,May2005;Markets&ManagementCertificate 2001-2005 DUKEUNIVERSITYDurham,NorthCarolina Elected: PeerAdvisor;President, DevelopmentClub International MBA, Marketing&GeneralManagement 2010-2012 COLUMBIABUSINESSSCHOOLNewYork, NY EDUCATION selectedby CEOtointerviewGeneralColinPowell • Other:Managed8annualinterns; • Developedandexecutednewproject ideatoprovide free consultingtolocalcharities participation inprogram andrevenue forAcademyby50%identifyingnewdonors • DesignedannualglobalExecutiveEducationprogram foremergingleaders.Grew • ManagedAcademy’s P&Landidentifiedcostsavingsof$90K(20%budget) Program Manager, Abshire-Inamori LeadershipAcademy 2006-2009 CENTERFORSTRATEGIC &INTERNATIONAL STUDIES(CSIS)Washington, DC and communitydevelopmentprojects for small-scaleflowerfarmers. • CollaboratedwithCompanypresident todevelopCSRprojects includingmicrocredit loans Project Manager 2009-2010 ORGANICBOUQUETQuito,Ecuador CPGs toeducateorganizationalchangesofCompany’s sustainabilityoffice • Developedintegratedsustainabilityframeworkanddirected benchmarkingproject ofnine OfficeSummer MBAIntern, ofCorporateSocialResponsibility Summer 2011COCA-COLACOMPANY Atlanta,Georgia • 3timeCreative Intelligence Award Recipient;Co-created DiversityCommittee meeting category strategy. Presented recommendations alongsidePresident ofConsultingatclient’s annualBoard ofDirectors o Tax Preparation: Collaboratedwithclient’s CEOandChairmanoftheboard toreinvent company’s business,brand,and concept around studentdebt launchedin2017 trend forecasting, conceptdevelopmentandtesting.Builtbusinesscaseforpriorityconceptsincludingdigitalproduct o FinancialServices:Developedstrategytoincrease engagementwithMillennialsoverseeingcustommarketresearch, • Project examplesinclude: Senior Consultant(promoted from Consultant);Fall2012–Dec.2017 Committee’s annualstrategicplanningandglobalboard meetings • Identifiedandprioritizedthekeyeight10yremergingshiftsimpactingindustry. Work presented duringExecutive • AssignedasteammembertolendexpertiseMarketingandPatientAccessdivisionofUCB Secondment (temporaryassignment)atUCBPharmaceuticals;Jan.2018–Dec. • Deliverexecutive-levelpresentations; developandfacilitatehighprofile clientworkshops • Leadprojects bymanagingteams,vendors,timelines,budgets,content,clientrelationships • Translate research andinsightsintoactionsclientscantaketoachievelongtermgrowth Present AssociateDirector, present Fall 2012–KANTAR CONSULTING Washington, DC Associate Director, Strategyand Monica Kohli Foresight, Kantar United States PARTICIPANTS 61 Niger Minister of Planning Aichatou Boulama Kane Aichatou On 11 April 2016 she was replaced as foreign minister by Ibrahim Yacouba. She was instead appointed as Minister of minister by Ibrahim Yacouba. as foreign On 11 April 2016 she was replaced adviser, is married to Kane Souleymane, a presidential She of the Council of Ministers of AFRISTAT. Planning and President children. and has three As foreign minister, she gave a speech to the United Nations supporting the two-state solution in Israel and Palestine and Palestine and Israel in solution two-state the supporting Nations United the to speech a gave she minister, foreign As Boko Haram. She supported Niger being involved in the UN group the terrorist thanked the coalition involved in fighting in December 2015. In in Libya, making a speech on the topic in an international conference sanctioned peace process of Jocelyn Elliott, an Australian woman who, along with her husband Ken, was the release February 2016, she helped secure kidnapped by Islamic militants in Burkina Faso. She was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2015 to 2016. She was appointed by the President, Mahamadou Issoufou, to 2015 to 2016. She was appointed by the President, from Affairs She was Minister of Foreign Bazoum on 25 February 2015. Mohamed replace She led an important march protesting against the low representation of women in the National Conference, for which May in the National Conference, of women against the low representation protesting She led an important march as a member Conference she was elected to the National Sovereign In 1991, Day. 13th is celebrated as Nigerien Women Planning in 1993, and fought for of State for Socialism. She was named Secretary of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and the development of its female empowerment through promoted she mobility of African women. In particular, the upwards (SAFEM) in of the International Exhibition of Crafts for Women as Coordinator activities, including crafts. Her appointment It became a government crafts. in 2005 but has been independent since 2007. agency in women’s 2000 illustrated her efforts She was appointed Governor She served in this position for two years before of Niamey by the Council of Ministers in 2011. of Staff. joining the Prime Minister Cabinet as Chief She served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Niger from 2015 to 2016 and has been Minister of Planning since 2016. 2015 to 2016 and has been Minister of Niger from of Affairs of Foreign She served as Minister 1967, she attended the 1961 to from at Mainé-Soroa of 16. After her primary education daughter She was the eldest série D in 1974. She pursued higher education in France at she earned Mariama in Niamey where a Baccalauréat Lycée in 1979, and later studied at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, the University of Rennes 1, earning an economics degree earningand Industry Mines, Ministry of worked for the and in 1983 Niger to returned She Studies. of Specialized diploma a Artisans. 62 PARTICIPANTS Apr. 9,2013 Mar. 2013 Feb. 2005 Mar. 2003 July 1999 June 1998 July 1997 July 1996 July 1994 July 1993 June 1991 July 1990 Aug. 1989 Dec. 1988 July 1987 Apr. 1967 Record Present Term ofOffice Education Date andPlaceofBirth Reappointed Present position President oftheAsianDevelopmentBank University (July2003-January2005) Special AdvisortotheCabinetandProfessor, GraduateSchoolofEconomics,Hitotsubashi Affairs MinisterofFinanceforInternational Vice Director-General, Bureau International Director-General, FinanceBureau International President, InstituteofFiscalandMonetaryPolicy Deputy Director-General, FinanceBureau International Regional Commissioner, OsakaRegionalTaxation Bureau Director, Co-ordination Division,Tax Bureau Director, IncomeTax andProperty Tax PolicyDivision,Tax Bureau Director, Tax International Affairs Division,Tax Bureau Secretary totheMinisterofFinance Director, FinanceBureau OrganizationsDivision,International International Joined Japan’s MinistryofFinance from April9,2013to8,2018 1971, M.Phil.inEconomics,UniversityofOxford 1967, B.A.inLaw, TheUniversityofTokyo October 25,1944,Fukuoka Governor, BankofJapan Japan PARTICIPANTS 63 Mexico Santiago Levy Santiago Finance and Public Credit of Mexico Public Credit Finance and Former Vice President for Sectors and for Sectors Vice President Former Deputy Minister of Finance, Ministry of of Finance, Ministry of Deputy Minister Knowledge and Former Chief Economist, Former Chief Economist, Knowledge and Inter-American Development Bank; Former Development Bank; Former Inter-American Mr. Levy has received the following awards: first place, National Research Prize in Economics, granted by Banco Nacional first place, National Research the following awards: Levy has received Mr. Económico Trimestre by El place, Latin American Economics Prize, granted de México for his article “Poverty in Mexico;” first books, 24 articles Levy has published six Rationing.” Mr. Exchange Foreign Rates and Exchange article “Multiple for his education, informality, policy, social in academic journals, and productivity, chapters on economic growth and 20 book labor markets, and policies policy, development, competition rural and regional trade policy reform, tax policy, budgetary and The Elusive Quest for Efforts, in Mexico, “Under-Rewarded for poverty alleviation. His latest book on economic growth Development Bank. in Mexico,” was published in 2018 by the Inter-American Prosperity At the Ministry of Finance, he was the main architect of Progresa-Oportunidades, Mexico’s incentive-based health, nutrition, health, incentive-based Mexico’s Progresa-Oportunidades, of architect main the was he Finance, of Ministry the At legal reforms generalized to targeted subsidies; promoted for the poor; managed the transition from and education program in the change of the pay-as-you-go to the capitalized to states and municipalities; participated to decentralize resources and negotiated six budgets southern and drafted region; plan to develop Mexico’s a regional pension system; promoted and extend pensions legal changes to reform At the Social Security Institute, he promoted with the Federal Congress. preventive of health services to 45 million people, introducing for the provision coverage to rural workers; was responsible centers for 230,000 million people and day care managed pensions for 2.5 medical records; and electronic health programs $20 billion in social security contributions. In 1993, he led the and collected annually managed $8 billion in reserves; children; regulate mergers and punish anticompetitive business practices, and served first antitrust legislation to work to draft Mexico’s of the Federal Competition Commission. as the first president He has also held the following positions: general director, Mexican Social Security Institute: Dec 2000–Oct 2005; president, Mexican Social Security Institute: Dec 2000–Oct 2005; president, general director, He has also held the following positions: Feb 1992– Ministry of Industry and Trade: for deregulation, 1994; director Federal Competition Commission: Jun 1993–Dec Institute for University: Sept 1989–May 1993; director, Boston of economics (tenured), Jun 1993; associate professor University: Boston economics, of professor assistant 1990; Aug 1989- Sept University: Boston Development, Economic Instituto Tecnológico Cambridge University: Jan-Dec 1981; economics professor, Sept 1983–Aug 1989; visiting researcher, Autónomo de México: Feb 1979-Dec 1982. Santiago Levy is a nonresident senior fellow with the Global Economy and Development Program at Brookings and president and president Brookings at Program Development and Economy Global the with fellow senior nonresident a is Levy Santiago and for sectors to 2018 he was the vice president 2008 From and Caribbean Economic Association. of the Latin American minister at the Ministry 1994 to 2000, he served as the deputy From Development Bank. knowledge at the Inter-American of Mexico. of Finance and Public Credit 64 PARTICIPANTS Linn holdsaBachelordegree from Oxford University(1968)andadoctorateineconomics from University(1973). Cornell reform,development interventions), on global governance and on regional cooperation (with a special focus on Central Asia). 2014). His current research interests are in the areas of aid effectiveness (with a special focus on scaling up successful was project director andco-editorforthebookKazakhstan2050:Toward SocietyforAll(Oxford aModern UniversityPress, 2013) andFinancingMetropolitaninDevelopingCountries(co-editor;LincolnInstituteofLandPolicy). He Governments Sage, 2011),GettingtoScale:HowBringDevelopmentSolutionsMillionsofPoorPeople(co-editor;Brookings Press issues,includingCentralAsiaandtheCaucasus:AtCrossroadsgovernance ofEurasiainthe21stCentury(co-editor; President forEurope andCentralAsia(1996-2003). JohannesLinnhaspublishedextensivelyondevelopmentandglobal capacities, includingastheBank’s President Vice forFinancialPolicyandResource Mobilization(1991-1995)andVice Development at Brookings. Prior to joining Brookings in 2003, he worked for three decades at the World Bank in various FundforAgriculturalDevelopment.Fromof theInternational 2005-2010hewasDirector oftheWolfensohn Centerfor resident SeniorFellowattheBrookings Institution,andcurrently servesasthechairfor10thReplenishmentConsultations Johannes F. LinnisaDistinguishedResidentScholarattheEmergingMarketsForuminWashington, D.C.,andaNon- Regional VicePresident, World Bank Emerging MarketsForum;Former Distinguished ResidentScholar, Johannes Linn United States PARTICIPANTS 65 Argentina Claudio Loser Claudio Centennial Group Latin America Centennial Group Director, Centennial Group; President, President, Group; Centennial Director, Claudio Loser is Founding Director and Chief Executive Officer of Centennial Latin America. He is a well-known authority on America. He is a well-known authority of Centennial Latin and Chief Executive Officer Director Claudio Loser is Founding at the International many senior positions, Monetary Fund he held and institutions. During his career Latin American economies Under his leadership, the Department was actively involved in a Department. of the Western Hemisphere including Director activities. Recently he has worked closely with Latin American and research wide range of surveillance, technical assistance, Bank, JICA, JBIC, and with a number of other financial corporations, dealing Development Bank (CAF), Asian Development Fellow Senior a is He IMF. the and countries these between relations evolving the and America Latin in developments with Hemisphere Western on policymakers and leaders opinion for forum Washington-based a Dialogue, Inter-American the at He has published Washington University. teaches Latin American Development issues and finance at the George He affairs. the University of Cuyo, Argentina and in many journals, from mostly on Latin American economic issues. He graduated in 1967 and 1971, respectively. the University of Chicago his Masters of Arts and PhD from received 66 PARTICIPANTS Harvard UniversityPress. willbereleasedBrasil Economico.Hisforthcoming bookonthechallengesofAfricanmodernity inSeptember2016by theWashingtonJournal, Post,theNewYork FinanceandDevelopment, LesEchos,LeMonde,TheGuardian and Times, His workshavebeenfeatured mediaoutlets,includingTheEconomist,Wall andacclaimedinmanyinternational Street sensitive economicpolicy, strategyanddevelopmentissues. ability to provide senior management and client countries with integrated,innovativeapproaches to resolving complex and implement practical and realistic policy reforms. He has a strong record of intellectual leadership and has demonstrated the andothercorporateentitiestodesign Monga hasworkedeffectively leaders, international withAfricangovernment been translatedintoseverallanguagesandare widelyusedasteachingtoolsbyacademicinstitutionsaround theworld. Africa (CharlesScribner’s, 2007).Hisbooks,which covervariousdimensionsofeconomicandpoliticaldevelopment,have Press HandbookofStructural Transformation. MongawastheEconomicseditorforfive-volumeNewEncyclopediaof PresidentSenior Vice andChief Economist oftheWorld Bank. Heiscurrently co-Director oftheforthcomingOxford University His latestbookisthetwo-volumeOxford HandbookofAfricaandEconomics(2015),co-editedwithJustinYifu Lin,former amongst otherleadingeconomists. oriented economicworkwithsomeoftheworld’s mostrenowned economists,includingNobelPrizewinnersineconomics, five economistsbyJeuneAfriqueweeklynewsmagazinein2012.Hehaspublishedcutting-edgeanalyticalandpolicy- Monga isaworld-renowned economist andacclaimedauthor, scholarandinnovator. HewasnamedasoneofAfrica’s top against macro-financial shocks. external the firstDeferred Drawdown Option,aconvenientfinancialinstrumentthatmanymiddle-incomecountriesnowusetohedge Poor Countries(HIPC)andthefirstPovertyReductionStrategyPaper(PRSP)in1997.Healsoledteamthatdesigned operation totheexecutiveboards oftheWorld MonetaryFundintheinitiativeforHighlyIndebted BankandtheInternational During his17-yearcareer atthe World Bank,Mongapioneered severalpolicy initiatives,includingtheveryfirstdebt relief PresidentAfrica andSeniorVice andChiefEconomist. Economist. HewasalsotheSeniorAdvisor(Director-level) forstructuraltransformationintheofficesVice President ofthe for Presidency. He has served as Senior Economic Advisor (Director-level) to the World President Bank Senior Vice and Chief Lead EconomistinEurope andCentralAsia,asManagerofthepolicyreview teamintheDevelopmentEconomicsVice Monga joinedtheWorld Bank in1997where heheldpositionsinboththeoperationsandresearch departments,includingas stakeholder intheimplementationof2030GlobalAgenda. ChairoftheStrategyCommitteeandhelpedrepositionAt UNIDO,hehasservedasVice theOrganizationasanindispensable (MIT) SloanSchoolofManagement,andcompletedhisPhDinFranceattheUniversityPau,France. University’s followed by additional graduate work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kennedy School of Government, institutions. HegraduatedwithaMaster’s degree from theUniversityofSorbonneinParis,wasaMasonFellowatHarvard Dr. Mongahasheldvariousboarddevelopment andseniorexecutivepositionsinacademia,financialservicesinternational Former ChiefEconomistandVicePresident, Management, AfricanDevelopmentBank Economic Governance andKnowledge Economic Governance International Organization Celestin Monga (AfDB) PARTICIPANTS 67 International Organization International Pedro Paulo Moreno Pedro Ibero-American General Secretariat General Ibero-American Chief of Cabinet of the Secretary General, of the Secretary Chief of Cabinet Currently Chief of Staff of Ibero-American Secretary-General, Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, since 2014 (Madrid, Spain) Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, since 2014 (Madrid, Secretary-General, of Ibero-American Chief of Staff Currently Associate UNDP and Under-Secretary-General U.N. the to Advisor Political and Special as served he 2014 to 2011 From USA) Administrator (New York, UNDP´s Regional Bureau at Human Development MDGs and Poverty, Manager on Programme he was 2008 to 2011 From USA) York, for Latin America and the Caribbean (New at UNDP´s Human Development Report to 2008 he was appointed Policy Advisor on Advocacy and Outreach 2006 From York, USA) (New Office as U.N. Coordination serving office in Ecuador, to 2006 he developed his first field position at the United Nations 2004 From Ecuador). (Quito, U.N. System Communications Coordinator and Officer in Paris and at the UNESCO National Commission in Spain, as well as a research Prior to 2004, he served at UNESCO HQ Madrid. fellow at the Universidad Complutense de Sciences Political Sociology from with honors (MPhil at the École Doctorale) on Public Policy and He has a Master´s Degree Internationalon honors with Cooperation Degree Master´s a , 2002-2004) Paris, de Politiques d´Etudes (Institut Paris Po y Gasset (Madrid, 2001-2002), and a Bachelor´s Degree the Instituto Universitario Ortega Management from and Project the Universidad from on International Prize and University Award) and Political Communication and Media Studies (National among other trainings and studies in Germany and the U.S.A. Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, 1997-2002), and Italian, and has working knowledge of Portuguese and German. He speaks fluently Spanish (native), English, French and Education based on merit upon Spain´s National University Prize by the Spanish Ministry of Culture He was awarded Complutense University Prize. as well as the Extraordinary completion of degree, 68 PARTICIPANTS Foreign Servicefrom GeorgetownUniversity. in Foreign ServiceProgram atGeorgetownUniversity. HeholdsaBSin PoliticalSciencefrom Berea CollegeandanMSin role inAfrica,andAfrica’s response tothese changes.Hecurrently servesontheBoard of Advisors oftheMasterScience finance onthecontinent.His research tracksthechannelsofprivatesources of finance,theriseChinaanditsexpanding At CGD,Moore’s research focusisaround financinginfrastructure inAfricaandthechanginglandscapeofdevelopment responded totheWest AfricaEbolaoutbreak andshapeditspost-Ebolaoutlook civil war. As one ofthePresident’s trusted advisors, he also playeda crucial role insupportingPresident Sirleafas Liberia Program ofLiberia—aprogram ofover$1billioninroad, power, portinfrastructure, andsocialprograms inLiberiaafterthe Delivery Unit (PDU). As Head of the PDU, his team monitored progress and drove delivery of the Public Sector Investment Prior to that role, Moore served as Deputy Chief of Staff to President Ellen Johnson-SirleafandHead of the President’s Works withoversightovertheconstructionandmaintenanceofpublicinfrastructure from December2014toJanuary2018. W. GyudeMoore isavisiting fellow atthe Center for Global Development. He previously served asLiberia’s MinisterofPublic Former MinisterofPublicWorks; Visiting Fellow, CenterforGlobal Gyude Moore Development Liberia PARTICIPANTS 69 Japan Megumi Muto Megumi Cooperation Agency (JICA) Cooperation Department, Japan InternationalDepartment, Director General, Global Environment Environment General, Global Director She holds PhD in development economics from GRIPS, Japan, MPA from Princeton University and BA from Keio University, Princeton University and BA from from GRIPS, Japan, MPA from She holds PhD in development economics FY 2014/2015. Associate member, School ofFmnticr Sciences), (Graduate of Tokyo the University at ,Japan. VisitingProfessor Science Council of Japan, FY 2014. Dr. Muto has also written extensively in the area of impact evaluation focusing on the effect of infrastructure at household of infrastructure focusing on the effect of impact evaluation has also written extensively in the area Muto Dr. Development and Journal published in academic journals of African Economies. While in such as World levels, which were and/or the Asian Development Bank on Bank books with the World arm of SB] C and ,IICA, she co·authored the research on Asian coastal mega cities, industrial clusters and SM Es in Africa. topics such as the impact of climate change For the Philippines, she authored the Country Strategy in fall 2010, which coincided with the start of the Ninoy Aquino the Country Strategy in fall 2010, which coincided with For the Philippines, she authored post inclusive job creation, of business included Public·Private Participation in Infrastructure, Administration. New areas and the and climate change finance. She fundamentally shifted the approach conflict management in Muslim Mindanao exceeding 250 billion yen in FY 2015. In parallel, Dr Muto set which led to an expanding portfolio allocation of resources, with the Philippines with key governmentup a framework of public policy dialogue institutions, ex·Ministers, and academe of government the market, in the role included policy dialogue this in covered Topics the Philippines. and both Japan from urban planning, reforn1 in energy/infrastructure, chain, regulatory SME developn1cnt) agricultural value through job creation line with a credit she introduced the market. For climate chang”E, finance, and mobilizing capital for development through risk pool for the catastrophic Bank with the World risks in the Philippines and co·reviewed a drawdown option for Typhoon the Pacific. Ms. Muto was the chief representative of JICA in Paris, Dr Muto represents JICA in OECD meetings, the and other JICA in OECD meetings, of JICA in Paris, Dr Muto represents representative Ms. Muto was the chief portfolio in Ukraine, Moldova for JICA’s She is also responsible in Europe. with development partners bilateral discussions portfolio in the responsible for JICA’s transferring to Paris in Oct 2015, she was and Romania. During the five years before Philippines and the Pacific. 70 PARTICIPANTS 2000 to2004. Economic Associationfrom 1995to2002,andamemberoftheeditorialboard oftheWorld BankEconomicReviewfrom Countries, Turkey andIranfrom 1996to2006,anadvisorandmemberoftheexecutivecommitteeInternational Previously, Mr. NabliservedasamemberoftheBoard ofTrustees oftheEconomicResearch Forum(ERF)fortheArab development group oftheMiddle EastandNorthAfricaregion. Presidencyadvisor in theDevelopment Economics Vice and the chief economist and director of thesocialandeconomic oftheArabMonetaryFund.FromMonetary Fund,andagovernor 1997to2010,heworkedattheWorld Bankasasenior From January2011toJuly2012,Mr. oftheCentralBankTunisia, Nabliwasagovernor oftheInternational agovernor Iran. and Economic Policies, andasenior research fellowof the EconomicResearch ForumfortheArabCountries,Turkey and of theEditorialBoardmemberAdvisoryDevelopment oftheJournal oftheMiddleEastDevelopmentJournal, Arab World attheWorld EconomicForum,amember oftheBoard ofTrustees oftheGlobal DevelopmentNetwork,member Mustapha Nablicurrently worksasanindependentconsultantandactschairmanoftheGlobalAgendaCouncilon Former Governor, CentralBankof Mustapha Nabli Tunisia Tunisia PARTICIPANTS 71 India Bank (ADB) Rajat Nag Rajat Distinguished Fellow, Emerging Emerging Fellow, Distinguished Markets Forum; Former Managing Markets Forum; Director-General, Asian Development Asian Development Director-General, Mr. Nag was awarded Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) by the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in May, 2016. by the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in May, Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) was awarded Nag Mr. He holds engineering degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He the Indian Institute of Technology, from He holds engineering degrees the London School of Economics. the University of Saskatchewan and a M.Sc (Econ) from also has a MBA from Mr. Nag’s work has given him wide-ranging insight into several issues and challenges relevant to Asia. His particular interest to Asia. His particular interest insight into several issues and challenges relevant work has given him wide-ranging Nag’s Mr. the gap between the region’s cooperation and integration in Asia and beyond and bridging is in working to enhance regional people being left behind. thriving economies and the millions of poor Mr. Nag was the Managing Director General of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) during 2006-2013. General of the Asian was the Managing Director Nag Mr. Rajat M. Nag is concurrently a Distinguished Fellow both at India’s National Council of Applied Economic Research, Delhi and Research, National Council of Applied Economic Distinguished Fellow both at India’s a Rajat M. Nag is concurrently Stephen Zuellig at the DC. He was a Visiting Professor Forum, a think tank based in Washington at the Emerging Markets is position Asian Institute of Management in Manila (2014-15) and currently Graduate School of Development Management, he serves as an Advisor and Board China. In addition, Beijing Normal University, at the Emerging Markets Institute at the Member of several organizations. 72 PARTICIPANTS Corporate Communications. industry andglobal-scaleproperty developmentcompanies.AMalaysiannational,sheholdsaMasterofSciencedegree in relationsand external engagement.Shehaspreviously heldcommunicationsleadershiproles includinginMNC,oilandgas largest funder of developmentwork in theAsiaPacific region, Ms.Nairwas responsible forADB’s globalmediaoperations background. Previously Director Relations attheManila-basedAsianDevelopmentBank(ADB), ofMediaandExternal media, outreach,relations andexternal initiatives. She has astrongdevelopment,privatesector, international andjournalism and leadingglobalteams.Shehasexperienceworkingwithabroad rangeofpartnersgloballyinimplementinga Omana Nairisacommunicationsleaderwithmore than25yearsexperiencemanagingcomplexcommunicationoperations Outreach andCommunications, Emerging MarketsForum Omana Nair Senior Advisor, Malaysia PARTICIPANTS 73 Bank (ADB) Takehiko Nakao Takehiko International Organization International President, Asian Development Asian Development President, He has published books and numerous papers on financial and economic issues, and in 2010 and 2011 was a and economic issues, and in 2010 and 2011 papers on financial Visiting and numerous He has published books and a University of Tokyo the from in Economics degree a Bachelor’s Nakao holds Mr. Tokyo. of at the University Professor the University of California, Berkeley. Master of Business Administration from He was assigned as Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C., between 2005 and 2007, and from 1994 to 1997 2005 and 2007, and from D.C., between of Japan in Washington He was assigned as Minister at the Embassy served as economist and advisor at the International Monetary Fund. In a career spanning more than three decades, Mr. Nakao has gained extensive experience in international Nakao has gained finance and decades, Mr. than three spanning more In a career in the Ministry of Finance in Japan, which he joined in 1978, including Director development. He has held senior positions region, and in the Asia-Pacific ties with leading figures close he fostered where General of the International Bureau, nations. Takehiko Nakao is the President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Chairperson of ADB’s Board of Directors. He of Directors. Board (ADB) and the Chairperson of ADB’s of the Asian Development Bank is the President Nakao Takehiko Nakao was joining ADB, Mr. in April 2013. Before of Governors office Board and assumed by ADB’s was elected President the Vice at the Ministry of Finance of Japan. Minister of Finance for International Affairs 74 PARTICIPANTS administration andengineering. Institute. HeattendedtheIndianInstituteofTechnology inDelhiandHarvard Universityandholdsdegrees inbusiness Director ofStrategyandOperationsfortheHumanDevelopmentNetworkActingVice-President fortheWorld Bank the AfricanDevelopmentBank.Before that,hespent25yearsattheWorld Bank,where heheldseveralpositionsincluding Prior tojoiningCentennialGroup, RakeshNangiawastheEvaluatorGeneralforIndependentDevelopmentEvaluationat Development EvaluationDepartment, Director, Centennial Group; Former African DevelopmentBank(AfDB) Director General,Independent Rakesh Nangia India PARTICIPANTS 75 France Sylvie Naville Director, Emerging Markets Forum Emerging Director, She graduated in Philosophy and Literature and has a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages Applied to Business and in Foreign Degree and has a Master’s She graduated in Philosophy and Literature and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce III, together with Diplomas from the University Jean Moulin Lyon from Commerce in Paris. She is certified in English by Cambridge University. the Italian Chamber of Commerce From 2001, in addition to the involvement of business, academia, media and political leaders, she took the initiative of in addition to the involvement of business, academia, media and political 2001, From in charge of institutional relations that, she was in the Latin America Summits. Before enlarging the participation of civil society for the Engineering and Construction Industries. in Spain and Southern/Eastern and responsible Europe, Specialized in strategic communication and project management, Sylvie Naville joined the Emerging Markets Forum in Sylvie Naville joined the Emerging Markets management, communication and project Specialized in strategic at the World for Latin America Former Associate Director the management of the Forum‘s activities. February 2007 to lead She worked for more in the region. and community building activities for strategy, was responsible Forum, she Economic in and other business activity Economic Summit international15 years with this than Mercosur involved in the organization, Latin America. 76 PARTICIPANTS Foreign Affairs, Singapore. holds aBioengineering(Honours)degree from theNationalUniversity ofSingapore asafullscholarfrom theMinistryof Management. Heholdsamastersinfinancefrom New SchoolofBusinessandHKUST York Stern this role, heassumedtopstrategyroles inCoca-colaandDBSchenker andwasaseniorresearch analystatATR Asset fund strategyoverseeingtheinvestmentpipelineandassetallocationwithafocusonEmergingMarketsinAsia.Priorto Brian currently servesastheChiefInvestmentOfficer ofCedarsideHoldings Corporation.Heis responsible foroverall Chief InvestmentOfficer, Cedarside Brian JohnsonNgan Holdings Corporation Philippines PARTICIPANTS 77 Argentina Foreign Affairs Foreign Beatriz Nofal

on G20 to Argentina’s Minister of on G20 to Argentina’s President, Eco-Axis; Special Advisor Eco-Axis; President, Dr. Nofal was distinguished by the French Republic with the Order of the Legion of Honor, by the Federal Republic of of the Legion of Honor, with the Order Republic by the French Nofal was distinguished Dr. several authored has She Merit. of Order Great of Chile with Republic the by with and Rio Branco of the Order with Brazil publications, books and consultancy studies She was Board Member of the International Women’s Forum ( during 2011-2013, having been President during 2011-2013, having been President Forum ( Member of the InternationalShe was Board Women’s Chapter of IWF in 2008-12. of the Argentina’s In the business sector she has been a leading economic consultant (on investment and trade), has participated on the board and trade), has participated on the board In the business sector she has been a leading economic consultant (on investment Argentina. of Arthur D. Little in of international General Manager and Director companies and was She has been consultant at the World Bank and Interamerican Development Bank and she was recently leading a research leading a research was recently Bank and Interamerican Development Bank and she She has been consultant at the World development of work: its impact on Productive change and the future on “Technological ( INTAL for project of Argencon on the academic consulting board Economy”. She also sits, ad-honorem, and Integration in the World and professional integrated by the largest knowledge based technology an institution (, service companies. In the academic sector, Dr. Nofal has been tenure-track professor at MIT, visiting professor at Johns Hopkins and Toronto at Johns Hopkins and Toronto visiting professor at MIT, professor Nofal has been tenure-track Dr. In the academic sector, 2013 to October from was also, She Universidad de Bologna. Católica and in Universidad the country in and Universities at Instituto Executive Program, Masters Business and Technology of Economics of Innovation at the Professor 2016, March (ITBA). de Buenos Aires Tecnólogico Previously, in government, Dr. Nofal was, since 2006 until 2010, Head of Argentina’s National Investment Development 2006 until 2010, Head of Argentina’s Nofal was, since in government, Dr. Previously, and Deputy (1999-2001) Member of the House of Representatives of State. She was also with rank of Secretary Agency, between of the integration programs in the negotiation (1986-88), with a leading role Trade and Foreign of Industry Secretary which constitute the founding pillars of Mercosur. Argentina and Brazil and Uruguay, During the first semester of 2017, she held the position of Argentina´s G20 Sherpa, Special Representative for G20 Affairs, Affairs, G20 for Representative Special Sherpa, G20 Argentina´s of position the held she 2017, of semester first the During responsibility during the She fulfilled this and Worship. Affairs of State, at the Ministry of Foreign with the rank of Secretary in 2017, until the Hamburg Summit, and collaborated closely with meetings under Germany´s G20 Presidency Sherpa three agenda of G20 for the future (W20, B20 and T20), contributing also to the definition of the priorities the engagement groups of Argentina. in 2018 under the presidency Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University specialized in Development Economics, with Post-Graduate Diplomas from the Institute the Institute with Post-Graduate Diplomas from specialized in Development Economics, Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. from Hague, and the University of Paris. of Social Studies, The 78 PARTICIPANTS economy”; “Competitionpoliciesandconvergenceofsectors”;“Theconcentrationmarketsinthedigitaleconomy”. and foreign direct investmentinLatinAmerica:Themergerandacquisitionscross border”, “Competitionpoliciesforadigital bondissuesbyLatinAmericancorporations”,“Corporate governance andinternational such as“Corporate Governance topics Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG),theAgenda2030.AuthorofsomepublicationsonCorporateGovernance America. Currently, Ioverseeissuesoncompetitionpoliciesforadigitaleconomy, dataprotection andcybersecurity, and relatedResponsibility (CSR),andCorporateGovernance tocorporatedebtissuance,mergersandacquisitionsinLatin Since 2015,IamTechnical AdvisorintheUnitonInvestmentandCorporateStrategieschargeofSocial Headquarters. - Liaisonoffice in Washington DC.,andcurrently, attheDivisionofProduction, Productivity andManagementinECLAC – and theCaribbean(ECLAC)since1998inDivisionofSustainableDevelopmentHumanSettlements,ECLAC from theNationalAutonomousUniversityofMexico.IhaveworkedatU.N.EconomicCommissionforLatinAmerica PoliticsandPhDinEconomics Relations,MAinEconomicsandInternational Georgina Nunez,Mexican,BAinInternational America andtheCaribbean(ECLAC) Economic CommissionforLatin Economic Affairs Officer, UN Georgina Nuñez Mexico PARTICIPANTS 79 Japan Mie Oba Professor of International Professor Relations, Tokyo University of Science Relations, Tokyo

B.A. in International Christian University, Tokyo B.A. in International Christian University, the Department of International and Science, The Relations, the Graduate School of Arts Assistant Professor, University of Science Tokyo Liberal Arts Section, the Faculty of Engineering, Lecturer, Science University of Engineering, Tokyo Liberal Arts Section, the Faculty of Associate Professor, Harvard Center for International Affairs, Weatherhead Program, Academic Associate, US-Japan Relationship International the Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Relations, Visiting Associate Professor, Atomic Energy Commission (until 2013.1) Commissioner, Main Books and Articles (Selective) polity in the 21st foreign and Japan”, Lam, Peng Er and Purnendra Jain eds., Japan’s Mie Oba “East Asian regionalism Books/ Rowman& Littlefield, 2019 (forthcoming). century: continuity and change, Lexington and Contribution to Fostering multilateralism in Asia” Christian Echle, Patrick Rueppel, Megha Sarmah, Mie Oba “Japan’s Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2018, pp.71-81 world order, Lay Hwee, ads., Multilateralism in a changing Yeo Hornung, and Kerry Reeves, Jeffrey institutions in Asia” in Jeffrey Oba, Mie Sino-Japanese Competition over regional regional shaping the Asia-Pacific’s for Influence: How Competition between China and Japan is Nankivell eds., Vying Lynn Routledge, 2017. security, wo meguru niche-bei-cyu-asean No Kosa (The making of Oba, Mie ed., Higashi Ajia no Katachi: Chitsujokeisei to Togo Integration and Stakeholders), Chikura-Shobo, 2016. East Asia: Order, Regional Economic Integration and International Relations” Asia-Pacific Multilaytered and FTAAP: RCEP, Oba, Mie “TPP, Issue 1, 2016, Vol.23, Review, for co- In search region: to Kyozon no Kozu (Asia as a multi-layered Oba, Mie, Juso-teki Chiiki to Shiteno Ajia: Tairitsu Yuhikaku, 2014. existence in conflicts) of the Regional Context in East Asia” Oba, Mie, “The New Japan-ASEAN Partnership: Challenges in the Transformation Shiraishi eds., Japan-ASEAN Relations, ISEAS, 2014 and Takashi Kojima, Takaaki P.63-78 Vol.21, No.1, June 2014, of a Regional Community”, Asia Pacific Review, Oba, Mie “ASEAN and the Creation and Cooperation in the Global and Oba, Mie, “Northeast Asia After the Global Financial Crisis: Power Shift, Competition, ed., The Economic-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia, Routledge, 2012, Pempel, T.J., Regional Arenas”, in East Asia: Can ASEAN Stay in the “Drivers’ External Relations and the Changing Regional Structure Oba, Mie, “ASEAN’s 2010, March Report, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Seat”?” ASEAN Study Group New Asia” in Aggarwal, Vinod, in Northeast Min Gyo Koo, eds., Asia’s and Oba, Mie, “Regional Arrangement for Trade 2007 pp.89- Financial and Security Relations, Springer, for Managing Trade, Evolving Structures Institutional Architecture: 119, Rose, eds., Japanese Diplomacy in Junko, Makoto Iokibe, Caroline entry into ECAFE,” in Tomaru, Oba, Mie, “Japan’s 1950s, Routledge, 2007, Invention Chiiki Keisei heno Dotei: Kyokai-Kokka Nichi-Go no Aidentiti Mosaku to Chiiki-Shyugi (The Oba, Mie, Ajia Taiheiyo for Identity by Japan and Australia as Liminal Nations), of the Asia Pacific Region: A History of Regionalism and Search Minerva Shobo, 2004. Career Experience Career 1999.8 Topic Major and Research regional regional institutions), theories of International Relations, politics in Asia-Pacific, Regionalism in Asia (including integration and regionalism 1994.3 M.A. in International of Tokyo School of Arts and Science, The University Relations, the Graduate 2002.2 Ph.D. in InternationalScience, The University of Tokyo Relations, the Graduate School of Arts and University of Tokyo 2001.4 2005.4 School of Management of Science and the Graduate the Department of Intellectual Property, Associate Professor, University of Science (until 2011.3) Tokyo Technology, 2006.9 University 2009.4 Tokyo 2010.1 Science University of Tokyo Liberal Arts Section, the Faculty of Engineering, 2014.4 Professor, Education 1991.3 80 PARTICIPANTS (2014-2018). 2010), Representative of JICA Iran Office (2010-2014) and Assistant Director of the Middle East and Europe Department (JICA) andbeeninchargeofODAplanningimplementation,includingRepresentative ofJICAMozambiqueOffice (2007- CooperationAgency Prior tojoiningSumitomoCorporation,hehadheldmanagementpositionsattheJapanInternational Promotion DepartmentinSumitomoCorporation,oneofthelargesttradeandinvestmentfirmsJapan. Mr. EconomicCooperation&Public-Private-Partnership KentaOnoistheAssistanttoGeneralManagerofInternational

International EconomicCooperation& International Public-Private-Partnership, Sumitomo Assistant totheGeneralManager, Kenta Ono Corporation Japan PARTICIPANTS 81 Kyrgyz Republic Former Prime Minister Former Prime Djoomart Otorbaev Djoomart In addition to his involvement in government and business, Mr. Otorbaev is the founding member of the Board of Trustees of Trustees Otorbaev is the founding member of the Board In addition to his involvement in government and business, Mr. since its inception in the only self-governingof the American University in Central Asia, in the region liberal arts university on emerging markets and forums boards Otorbaev has been honorary member and invited speaker at numerous 1997. Mr. development and investment. Mr. Otorbaev has been graduated with honors from the Leningrad University (1978), received his Ph. D. from Lebedev his Ph. D. from University (1978), received the Leningrad has been graduated with honors from Otorbaev Mr. in Moscow (1989). He worked in few research Professorship Research Physical Institute (Moscow) (1981), and his 1996 he (1992-1996). From position at the Eindhoven University (The Netherlands) institutions, including visiting professor in Central Asia. In 2001 of Philips Electronics the Vice-president office, Representative is the CEO of Philips Electronics Investments, and at the of the Kyrgyz Republic on Foreign of the President he was appointed as a Special representative Table”, the Round of the Public Association “Investment first Executive Director same time he founded, and became the Between 2002 and 2005 he in the country. progress to the economic reform NGO which is known for its contribution Bank Kyrgyz Republic. After that he worked as a Senior Adviser in the European worked as a Deputy Prime Minister of the based in London (2006-2011). for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Djoomart Otorbaev is a former Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic (April 2014 – May 2015). Between 2011 and 2014 he (April 2014 – May 2015). Between a former Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Djoomart Otorbaev is of the Kyrgyz Republic. and a First Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister, worked as a Deputy 82 PARTICIPANTS municipal lendinginstitutionsaround the world.Mr. Pellegrinireceived hisdoctoratefrom Stanford University. AssociationofMunicipalDevelopment Funds,anon-profit andco-founderoftheInternational associationof governments; AdvisoryBoardHe wasChairmanoftheInternational ofParanacidade,aBraziliandevelopmentfundthatlendstolocal brought togetherallregional sectormanagersintheBankresponsible foroperationalprograms inthesesectors. He chaired theTransportation, Water andSanitationUrbanDevelopmentSectorBoards oftheWorld Bank,which the identificationofcross-regional bestpractice, research, knowledgetransferandthedevelopmentoftrainingprograms. the developmentofpartnershipswithotherinstitutions,provision ofoperationalproject supporttoregional sectorunits, Development. Mr. Pellegriniwasresponsible fortheoversightofoperationalprograms, developmentofglobalsectorpolicy, World Bank,heheldmanyseniorpositions,amongothersDirector ofTransportation, Water andSanitationUrban finance, withextensiveworkexperienceinAsia,Africa,Europe andtheMiddleEast.Inhisdistinguishedcareer atthe recognizedand UrbanDevelopmentPractice.Heisaninternationally authorityonurbandevelopmentandmunicipal Anthony PellegriniisaDirector andMemberoftheBoard ofCentennial Group andtheheadofGroup’s Infrastructure Director andHeadofInfrastructure and UrbanDevelopmentPractice, Anthony Pellegrini Centennial Group United States PARTICIPANTS 83 Brazil Alberto Pfeifer Managing Partner, LatinuS Managing Partner, AFFILIATIONS Industries of São Paulo (FIESP), Brazil. Federation of Trade: International Relations & Foreign Director, Federation of Industries of São Paulo (FIESP); Argentina-Brazil Chamber of Trade, member: Council on Foreign Board on Latin America, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Mexico-Brazil Business Chamber; Advisory Group Commerce; Policies; Leader of the Defense, Center for International Negotiations; Center for Science and Technology Researcher: Security and Intelligence Initiative, USP. International Brazilian Business Coalition (CEB); Studies Association (ISA); American Political Science Association Member, (APSA). Fletcher School Alumni Association, Brazil. President, Education for All, Brazil. Member, Founding Board Brazil. Institute of Management Foundation, Faculty, 2017-18: Director, Strategic International Affairs, Special Secretariat for Strategic Affairs, Presidency of Brazil. Presidency for Strategic Affairs, Secretariat Special Strategic International Affairs, 2017-18: Director, of Brazil. Presidency for Strategic Affairs, Special Secretariat Special Projects, 2017: Director, Institute of International Relations, University of São Paulo. 2014-2016: Visiting Professor, network of Business Council of Latin America (CEAL), the premier 1998-2014: CEO (International Executive Director), Latin America. Head of the Brazilian Chapter. business leaders from and the the Board Strategic advice to Chamber of Commerce. Arab-Brazilian 2009-2013 - Adviser to the Presidency, and the Arab League countries, with emphasis on economic, between Brazil and Latin America on the relationship Presidency institutional and geopolitical issues. EDUCATION and Mexico. University of São Paulo (2000). NAFTA Ph.D. Geography, Union- European University. Tufts/Harvard M. A. International Relations (2002), Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, economic negotiations. Mercosur and external Agriculture, shocks. M. S. Applied Economics, USP (1990) - Honors - Macroeconomics, School of Education (2013). Certificate, Early Childhood Development, Harvard Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets Foundation (FGV) and M.B.A. (Specialization) Capital Markets (1987), Getulio Vargas (IBMEC). B. S. Agricultural Engineering (1986), University of São Paulo. B. S. Law Studies (1998), University of São Paulo. Visiting Scholar (1996) Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University. Center for International Studies, El Colegio de México (1996). Visiting Scholar, General Coordinator, Group of International Conjuncture, University of São Paulo – top forum on international in São University of São Paulo – top of International affairs Conjuncture, Group General Coordinator, Paulo state. (IEA), University of São Paulo. Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Scholar, and Brazil focus on with geoeconomics – solution provider and on internationalconsulting LatinUS affairs corporate Partner, Latin America. York. based in New estate fintech startup company Investorise, real Partner, 84 PARTICIPANTS LONDON BUSINESSSCHOOL,CHICAGOANDHARVARD. EXECUTIVE MBAPROGRAMAT HBS,ANDSEVERAL SEMINARSONBOARD/CORPORATE GOVERNANCEAT GRADUATED INBUSINESSADMINISTRATION AT UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA ARGENTINAANDATTENDED THE MODERNODELACIUDADBUENOSAIRES. ASOCIACION DEAMIGOSDELMUSEOARTE BUENOS AIRESANDPARTICIPATED INOTHERNON-FOR-PROFITORGANIZATIONS INARGENTINA,INCLUDINGTHE ATSERVED INSTITUTIONTHAT THEBOARDOFARTEBA, ORGANIZESAN ANNUAL CONTEMPORARY FAIR ART IN CRECIMIENTO). STABILITY (CEF)ANDCIPPEC(CENTRODEIMPLEMENTACION DEPOLITICASPUBLICAS PARA LAEQUIDADYEL ATSERVED THEBOARDOFTWOINDEPENDENTTHINKTANKS INARGENTINA,THECENTERFORFINANCIAL THE SCHOOLCOMMITTEEOFST. ANDREW’SSCOTSSCHOOL. COMMITTEE FORPOSTGRADUATE DEGREESOFTHEUNIVERSITYST. ANDREW’S INARGENTINA.MEMBEROF ATSERVED THEEXECUTIVEBOARDOFUNIVERSITYST. ANDREW’SINARGENTINAANDAT THEADVISORY ARGENTINA ANDURUGUAY) ANDBISA(THEBEMBERGGROUPPRIVATE EQUITYARMINARGENTINA). ATSERVED THEBOARDOFDIRECTORSBANCOCOMAFI,ARGENCARD(LICENSEEMASTERCARD IN OVER 27YEARS,INNYC,MADRIDANDBUENOSAIRES. PREVIOUSLY, WORKEDINVARIOUS POSITIONSININVESTMENTANDCORPORATE BANKINGAT JPMORGANCHASE BUSINESSES INARGENTINA,URUGUAY ANDPARAGUAY. MARCH 2011-SEP2012,JOINEDBRIDASINPREPARATION FORTHETAKE OVEROFEXXON’SDOWNSTREAM DOWNSTREAM COMPANIES INARGENTINA,URUGUAY &PARAGUAY) SEP 2012–JAN2018,CFOANDEXECUTIVECOMMITTEEMEMBERINAXIONENERGY(FORMERLY EXXON’S MAYOR FAMILY OFFICE JAN 2018–PRESENT, NON-EXECUTIVEMEMBEROFPAN AMERICANENERGYFINANCECOMMITTEE ANDCIOOF Chief FinancialOfficer, BridasGroup Marcelo Podesta Argentina PARTICIPANTS 85 Philippines Emma Porio Professor, Department of Sociology and Department of Sociology Professor, Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila University Anthropology, Dr. Emma Porio is Full Professor and past chair (1996-2002; 2008-2014), Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and past chair (1996-2002; 2008-2014), Professor Emma Porio is Full Dr. Philippines. Fellow of Manila Observatory, Science Research Ateneo de Manila University and School of Social Sciences, Social the Philippine Sociological Society and the Philippine Porio had led/represented During the past two decades, Prof Council, International Science Research Social Science Council, InternationalScience Council (PSSC) in the Asian Social Currently, Division. Sociology Clinical/Applied ISA, the of President also is She others. among (ISA(, Association Sociological Cities at Risk: Investing in Climate “Coastal project, action research Leader of the inter-trans-/disciplinary she is the Project resiliency of the Ateneo de Manila University. on climate and disaster and Disaster Resilience”, the flagship program 86 PARTICIPANTS University. Shewasalawprofessor atLosAndesandJaverianaUniversities. degree inHighBusinessManagementfrom RelationsFellow atHarvard LaSabanaUniversityandwasanInternational Ms. Ramírez studiedLawatJaverianaUniversity, specializingincommercial andfinanciallaw. Shealsoholdsamaster’s Colombia’s frontier zones. in chargeofforeign relations, where shecreated theCommitteeonFrontiers, inorder todevelop,promote andsupervise In 2006shewaselectedtotheSenatewithalmost70.000votesandPresident oftheSenate’s SecondCommittee Forces andpromoted womeninservice,allowingthemtobecomeGenerals. first andonlywomantohaveheldthatpositioninColombia,where shecreated thefirsthumanrightsschoolofArmed 2002, shewasColombia’s AmbassadortotheFrench RepublicandwassubsequentlyappointedMinisterofDefense;the and ledtwomajorinitiatives:theColombiaCompetesNetworkYoung ExportingEntrepreneurs Group. -INCOMEX-. ShewastheColombianMinisterofCommerce in1998,where shebeganthe‘ColombiaDigital’Foundation, Her publiccareer beganattheBanking SuperintendenceandsubsequentlyattheColombianInstituteofForeign Trade organizing andimplementingmeasures forAfro-descendant communitiesandIndigenouspeoples. Commission, aswellthecoordination oftheHighLevelInter-Institutional Commissionthatwillhavethefunctionof Presidentbusiness development.Likewise,theVice chairstheColombianOceanCommissionandSpace is inchargeofpromoting science, technologyandinnovationadvisingthePresident onissuesofcompetitivenessand transparency, thefightagainstcorruptionandgenderequalitysupervisesinfrastructure andtransportagenda.She ofColombia,Mrs.RamirezIn hercapacityandbasedontheprioritiesofGovernment leadsmattersrelated with Vice PresidentSince August7,2018shebecamethefirstwomantoholdpositionof inthehistoryofColombia. largest share ofthevote. Ms. Ramírez wastheConservativeParty’s presidential candidateforthe2014Presidential Elections,obtainingthethird policies forwomenpolitical,socialandeconomicempowermentthroughout thecountry. the creation ofjobs,competitivenessandthestrengthening oftheJudiciary. Shehaspromoted andimplemented public regional development.Ms.Ramírez withwomenempowerment,thefightagainstcorruption,security, ismainlyconcerned business development,commerce, negotiations,foreign international investment,security, democracy, and governability PresidentThe Vice oftheRepublicColombia,H.E.Marta-LuciaRamirez, hasover35yearsofexperienceinthefields Minister ofForeign Trade andFormer Vice President ofColombia;Former Marta LucíaRamírez Minister ofNationalDefense Colombia PARTICIPANTS 87 Mexico Foundation Capital Executive Advisor to the CEO, Executive Advisor Nelly Ramírez Moncada Nelly Ramírez She is a Professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has at the Political and Social Sciences Faculty of at the She is a Professor internationaltanks, think with has she companies, private and organizations projects research twenty over in participated a PhD candidate in Public published articles in indexed journals Currently and spoken in various international conferences. and a BA in International Law Degree a Science, a second in Hispanic Philology, Administration, she holds an MA in Political Mexico City. living in Nicaragua, and currently Relations. She is originally from In Mexico, she was an advisor and lecturer on FinTech and sharing economy to the General Director of Nacional Financiera and sharing economy to the General Director on FinTech In Mexico, she was an advisor and lecturer a consultancy firm Clever an innovative education model and Neurobics (2016-2018). Founding partner of two startups, member of the Global Shapers of industries. She is a founding in the future specialized in studying the potential of disruption and Mass and mentor for social enterprises at the accelerators Unreasonable Economic Forum Community of the World Challenge. Nelly has over a decade of professional experience in the public and private sector in social entrepreneurship, international private sector in social entrepreneurship, experience in the public and of professional Nelly has over a decade the Executive to key stakeholders. She is currently manager and/or advisor policies as project development and public that works to advance economic citizenship globally and at scale. Advisor to the CEO of Fundación Capital 88 PARTICIPANTS from SeoulNationalUniversity. papers inthesefields.Dr. RheeobtainedhisPh.D.inEconomicsfrom Harvard University, andhisBachelordegree inEconomics His keyresearch interests includemacroeconomics, financialeconomics,andtheKorean economy. Hehaspublishedmany the MinistryofFinanceandEconomy, theBankofKorea, theKorea SecuritiesDepository, andtheKorea DevelopmentInstitute. Rochester. HewasalsoafrequentofKorea, andactivepolicyadvisortotheGovernment includinginOffice ofthePresident, at theFSC,Dr. RheewasaProfessor ofEconomicsatSeoulNationalUniversityandAssistantProfessor atUniversityof Dr. Rheewasthesecretary-general oftheG20summit’s Presidential CommitteeintheRepublicofKorea. Priortohisappointment the chiefspokespersonforADBoneconomicanddevelopmenttrends, andoversawtheEconomicsResearch Department. (IMF) inFebruary2014.PriortocomingtheFundDr. RheewaschiefeconomistattheAsianDevelopmentBank(ADB).He Changyong Rheeassumedhiscurrent positionasDirectorMonetaryFund oftheAsiaandPacificDepartmentInternational Director, Asiaand Pacific Department, International MonetaryFund(IMF) International Changyong Rhee International Organization PARTICIPANTS 89 United States Joshua Riley Partner, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP Boies Schiller Flexner Partner, Josh is a member of the Leadership Council of Gifts for the Homeless, and he has been a guest instructor at his undergraduate his instructor at guest been a has the Homeless, and he for Gifts Council of Leadership of the member is a Josh alma mater. Josh rejoined the firm in 2014 after serving as General Counsel to a member of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, the firm in 2014 after serving as General Counsel to a member of the Josh rejoined on advice provided and investigations, and hearings committee organized text, legislative over negotiations led Josh where mergers range of issues, from a wide portfolio covered the committee and the full Senate. Josh’s matters pending before Capitol Hill experience Josh’s reform. finance justice and campaign criminal law to federal arbitration and acquisitions and (HELP) Committee and as a staff and Pensions Senate Health, Education, Labor, also includes his time as a law clerk on the a year as Josh also has worked on successful political campaigns, and he spent in the House of Representatives. assistant attending law school. Labor before a policy analyst at the U.S. Department of Josh Riley has worked on precedent-setting matters in which he has formulated legal and political strategies, drafted case- formulated legal and political strategies, matters in which he has on precedent-setting Josh Riley has worked Congress. witnesses to testify before court, and prepared defended depositions, argued in federal critical briefs, taken and 90 PARTICIPANTS and aMaster’s Degree andaPh.D.inEconomicsfrom theUniversityofColorado. Mr. RogozinskiholdsaBachelor’s Degree inBusinessAdministrationfrom InstitutoTecnológico AutónomodeMéxico(ITAM), boards ofdirectors ofmajorbusinesses. He hasalsospokenatconferencesforumsoneconomicandbusinessissuesservedthe inmanyinternational Vodka!” Economy. inTheInternational Mexico´s Enterpreneurs”theABCsofMexicoPrivatizationProcess” and “Learning intheWall Streetand“Too Journal, Much for Change–PrivatizationinMexico.Hehashadmanyarticlesprintedkeypublicationssuchas“APlantoResuscitate deMéxico,andHighPrice Razones eImpactos;LaPrivatizacióndeEmpresas delaModernización Paraestatales: Una Visión Mr. Rogozinski is the author of various books: Mitos y Mentadas de la Economía Mexicana; La Privatización en México: In 1992,Mr. Rogozinski wasnamedGlobalLeaderofTomorrow attheWorld EconomicForum(WEF)inDavos,Switzerland. economic development. In India2012,Mr. Rogozinskiwasrecognized withtheGlobalAward ofthePriyadarshniAcademy, to contributethe SICARSA) andMexicanadeAviación. this capacity, hewasinchargeofdivestingstate-ownedenterprises,includingTELMEX,theSteelIndustry(AHMSAand Among hisprevious positions, heservedasDirector-in-Chief oftheOffice ofPrivatizationState IndustriesinMexico.In de Turismo (FONATUR). (BANOBRAS). HelaterservedasPresident andCEOofMexico’s nationaltrustfundfortourismdevelopmentFondoNacional In mid-1993hebecamePresident andCEOofMexico’s national public worksbankBancoNacionaldeObrasPúblicas Prior Mr. JacquesRogozinskiwastheGeneralManagerofInter-American InvestmentCorporation(IIC). Enterprises. savings andinvestment,tochannelfinancialtechnicalsupportindustrialdevelopmentmainlySmallMedium Dr. JacquesRogozinskiistheGeneralDirector ofNacionalFinanciera(NAFIN)DevelopmentBankInstitution,whichpromote Financiera –DevelopmentBankofMexico Former Director General,Nacional Jacques Rogozinski Mexico PARTICIPANTS 91 Colombia Francisco Santos Francisco States; Former Vice President Vice President States; Former Ambassador of Colombia to the United of Colombia to the United Ambassador Born on October 14, 1961 in Bogota; married to Maria Victoria García, they have four children: Benjamin, Gabriel, Carmen Bornfour children: they have on October 14, 1961 in Bogota; married to Maria Victoria García, earning University of Texas, He completed his studies in the United States at the University of Kansas and the and Pedro. the Neiman Fellowship at Harvard He was awarded in Journalism Studies, respectively. and Latin-American degrees the highest distinction given by Rotary International.University and the Paul Harris Medal in 1993, Due to threats from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), he was exiled in Madrid, Spain, for two years he was exiled in Madrid, Spain, for two years of Colombia (FARC), the Revolutionary Armed Forces from Due to threats Pablo drug trafficker from to that, in 1990 Santos was kidnapped for eight months on orders (2000-2002). Previous the Anti-Kidnapping promoted and against kidnapping, Fundación País Libre first NGO He founded the world’s Escobar. collection in Colombia. and tabled by public petition via signature Statute, the first and, to date, only law proposed In the El TiempoHe held several editorial positions the newspaper night Editor-in-Chief. the 1980s including throughout late 1980s, Santos also taught journalism Universidad Central, Universidad at, among others, and international relations Lozano. Javeriana and Universidad Jorge Tadeo As Vice President during the Uribe administration, his policy priorities were the fight against corruption, extortion and the fight against corruption, his policy priorities were during the Uribe administration, As Vice President international of promotion he also led Colombia’s mines. In that role, kidnapping and ridding the country of anti-personnel trade, investment and tourism. Head of national debate of the Democratic Center Party in 2017. He ran for Mayor of Bogota on the Democratic Center He ran for Mayor of Bogota on the of the Democratic Center Party in 2017. Head of national debate democracy and citizen participation in the Fundación Confianza Colombia, promoting Party ticket in 2015. He created as well as developing ideas in the political, economic and social spheres. public affairs, Former Vice President of Colombia (2002-2010); journalist. of Colombia Former Vice and citizen participation activist. political President 92 PARTICIPANTS James Wolfensohn (2006-2010). University (2008-2010),andservedasseniornon-resident fellowattheBrookings Institution(2006-2010)andadviserto the World BankatHeadofAgencyleveltheUN-AIDSCommitteeCo-SponsoringAgencies.HehastaughtGeorgetown Planning from 2003to2006, chaired board thegoverning of theUNESCOInstituteStatistics(2004-2006),andrepresented HeservedontheboardInternational. ofGAVI from 2003to2009,theboard ofUNESCO’s InstituteforEducation International of World LinksforDevelopment,Ben-GurionUniversityoftheNegev, CenterforConciliation,andFXB TheInternational Wolfensohn &Companyasamanagingdirector from 2006to2009.AFrench national,Mr. Sarbibservesontheboards Mr. Sarbibwasseniorvicepresident attheWorld Bankfrom 1980to2006.Uponleaving theBank,Mr. Sarbibjoined Centennial Group; FormerSeniorVice Director, Africaand theMiddleEast, Jean-Louis Sarbib President, World Bank France PARTICIPANTS 93 Chile AméricaEconomía Elias Selman President and Publisher, and Publisher, President Since 1991, Mr. Selman has been a member of the International Media Club of the in Davos, where Economic Forum in Davos, where Selman has been a member of the International Media Club of the World Since 1991, Mr. and economics-focused panels. For over 20 years, he has been a keynote he has also acted as a moderator in business Latin American economic and business issues. dwelling on conferences speaker in ma-jor global and regional CIENES (Centro from the Universidad de Chile, as well as a Master of Science in Economics from holds a degree Selman Mr. Interamericano de Enseñanza de Estadística). Mr. Selman began his career as an entrepreneur in 1980, launching companies focused on business intelligence and research research and intelligence business focused on companies 1980, launching in entrepreneur an as career his began Selman Mr. has years over 25 for that company of Timethe founder is market. He Latin American the on a media research Group, Ibope by WPP-owned Kantar acquired was It countries. American 13 Latin in measurements audience TV of sole provider the been Media in 2015. Elías Selman Carranza is the Founder and President of AméricaEconomía, a news mag-azine that pioneered the pan- the pioneered that mag-azine news a AméricaEconomía, of President and Founder the is Carranza Selman Elías of news and analysis of business, source as the leading and has been widely recognized coverage of Latin America regional for the past 30 years. political, and eco-nomic matters in the region 94 PARTICIPANTS university andoneoftopinLA. He alsoteaches family businessmanagementattheUSFQ(UniversidadSanFranciscodeQuito)Ecuador´sbestranked Commerce, AEMIP(National Prepaid´s MedicineAssociation)andapermanentguestattheEmergingMarketsForum. Juan hasbeenchairman,board memberandconsultantofprestigious companiesinEcuador, theQuito’s Chamberof andStrategyalonghisentireHe hassuccessfullyexperiencedandappliedCorporateGovernance career. system inEcuador. He foundedSaludsain1993,Veris in2000andMedisystemHolding2005,thebiggestprivateprotection andcare health- Juan Sevillaisaneconomistwith35yearsofexperienceinthebusinessandinsuranceworld. President, SaludsaInsuranceGroup Juan Sevilla Ecuador PARTICIPANTS 95 India Kapil Sharma India business forum India business North America, Wipro; Chairman, CII- Chairman, Wipro; North America, Vice President- Global & Public Affairs & Public Affairs Global Vice President- Kapil received his J.D. from the Rutgers School of Law and his B.A. from Rutgers College, Rutgers University. He is also a College, Rutgers University. Rutgers and his B.A. from the Rutgers School of Law his J.D. from Kapil received member of the Maryland Bar Association. Kapil also has extensive political and grassroots experience having consulted on numerous federal, state and local campaigns. experience having consulted on numerous political and grassroots Kapil also has extensive and South Asian Americans. Prior daily coverage of US media on South Asia He had managed an e-newsletter that provided as well as student mentoring advocacy and civil rights organizations, to leaving for India, Kapil served on several community programs. From 2000 to 2001, Kapil served as senior counsel and legislative director to U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli (NJ) where he (NJ) where to U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli to 2001, Kapil served as senior counsel and legislative director 2000 From consultant legislative a was He 2000, to 1998 From staff. correspondence and policy, legislative, Torricelli’s Senator managed representation and management the in assisted he Verner where Hand and McPherson Bernhard Liipfert of firm law the to 1996 to 1998, Kapil served as a legislative From Congress. the Administration and Congress, of non-US clients before Pallone, among other duties, he assisted in Frank Pallone (NJ). While working for Congressman assistant to Congressman Caucus on India and Indian Americans. the management of the Congressional Before joining Tata Sons, Kapil was the vice president for Madison Government Affairs – a boutique government for Madison Government – a boutique president Affairs relations Sons, Kapil was the vice Tata joining Before Administration, and federal agencies. the U.S. Congress, before non-U.S. clients and U.S. public entities representing firm – Kapil previously served as the general manager for Tata Services. Based in Mumbai, India, Kapil primarily focused on global Services. Based in Mumbai, India, Kapil primarily focused on global served as the general manager for Tata Kapil previously of companies on various issues such as innovation, climate group assisted Tata branding and communications. He also management. change, and business excellence/quality Kapil Sharma currently serves as vice president for government and public affairs, North America for Wipro. for government joining Prior to public affairs, as vice president and serves Kapil Sharma currently chief the as served office the DC, Washington, in Based office. America North Sons Wipro,Tata the in worked Kapil companies such as assisting Group in North America and supports activities of companies Group for the Tata representative social business development, corporate the federal, state and local governments, media relations, before with representation activities, and brand development. responsibility 96 PARTICIPANTS Stanford. inGöttingen, Geneva,NewYork, PoliticsbytheDrägerFoundation.Shestudiedandinterned International Washington and scholarship atColumbiaUniversity, N.Y., awarded byDAADandafellowshipattheHarvard GermanWorkshop on academic awards includingapost-graduate hightalentsscholarshipbytheKonradAdenauer-Foundation, aresearch environmentalFrankfurt. SheholdsaPh.D.ininternational lawandhasbeensingledoutthrough hercareer forseveral lawfirmWhite&Case(formerlyFeddersenLaule)in began hercareer withtheinternational asanattorney-at-law from 2005to2011,sheserved asGIZ`schiefresident representative andcountrydirector inChina.Ms.Skala-Kuhmann From 2012to2015sheheld apositionasdirector generalofGIZGlobalPartnerships–EmergingEconomies.Previously, has beenasupervisoryboard memberoftwostocklistedAustriancompanies. Presently shesupportstheF20(globalfoundationsnetwork)asstrategicadvisor. Sinceseveralyears,Ms.Skala-Kuhmann Engagement Groups (T20,W20,B20)ontheirprocesses onvarious topicsandactedasco-chairofT20taskforces. entrusted byMercator FoundationandBMWsince2016.Between20152019sheadvisedG20 Zusammenarbeit(GIZ).Shealsoservesasco-deanfortheSino-GermanYoungfür Internationale Professional Campus China-related topics,inparticulartheBeltandRoadInitiative(BRI)tovariousclientsincluding,DeutscheGesellschaft in emergingmarketsandonsustainabilityissues.Shepresently actsasanindependentadvisorandconsultanton Dr. AstridSkala-Kuhmannisanexpertregarding lawyerbyeducation,withlongtermexperience China,international Strategic AdvisorF20,FormerDirector Astrid Skala-Kuhmann Special AdvisoronChinaandBRI, for China,GIZ Germany PARTICIPANTS 97 Bernard Snoy Bernard University of Louvain University of of European Studies - Catholic Studies of European (RTI) Association; Professor, Institute Association; Professor, (RTI) President, Robert Triffin International Robert Triffin President, Previous positions Previous Activities, Organisation for Security and of the Economic and Environmental July 2005 - 0ctober 2008: Co-ordinator (OSCE), Vienna Cooperation in Europe Reconstruction, Development and Co-operation), Stability Pact II (Economic Table Working July 2002 - June 2005: Director, Brussels for South Eastern Europe, London, Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), of the European of Directors 1994 - 2002: Member of the Board Belgium, Luxembourg and Slovenia representing Hungary, for Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Bank and Affiliates, of the World 1991-1994: Executive Director and Turkey Kazakstan, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia Minister of Finance 1988-1991: Chief of Cabinet of the Belgian of the for Economic and Financial Affairs, General Directorate 1986-1988: Economic Adviser, Communities, Brussels World Bank, Paris of the Office 1980-1986: Head, Financial Relations, European Luxembourg S.A. Luxembourgeoise, Kredietbank 1979-1980: Assistant Manager, Middle-East and North Africa” region) Africa” then “Europe, D.C (“West Bank, Washington 1974-1979: World Academic background Catholic University of Louvain, 1964 - B.A. in Philosophy, of Louvain, Catholic University Belgium 1967 - Doctorate in Law, USA University, Belgium 1974 - Ph.D. in Economics, Harvard Baron Bernard Snoy et d’Oppuers Bernard Baron 11th, 1945 (B) - March Ophain-Bois-Seigneur-Isaac 98 PARTICIPANTS She enjoyspainting,photographyandcreative projects atleisure. Business. She holdsa Master’s degree inPublicPolicyfrom theSchoolofPublicPolicyalsoatUniversity ofMaryland. A graduateoftheRobertH.SmithSchoolBusinessatUniversityMaryland–CollegePark,shespecializedinInternational in severalprojects promoting Indianindustry’s interests inkeyglobalmarkets.Priortothat,shewasconsultingonvarious DivisionattheCIIheadquartersinNewDelhi,IndiaJanuary2009,whereShuchita joinedtheInternational sheassisted served asamentortotheCommonwealthFIRSTprogramme forSMEs. School, Manchester-India Partnership,aswelltheCommonwealthEnterpriseandInvestmentCouncil(CWEIC)also the B20andCommonwealthBusinessForum.Sherepresented CIIontheAdvisoryBoard oftheBirminghamBusiness Previously basedinLondon,shewastheheadCII’s UKoperations.Shehasrepresented CIIatmultilateralforasuchas programs, two-waytradeandinvestmentmissions,aswellresearch andpolicy-related projects. for managinginitiativesthatpromote India-USandIndia-Canadaeconomicrelations bywayofbusinessconferences and Shuchita SonalikaistheDirector andHead–NorthAmericaattheConfederationofIndianIndustry(CII).Sheisresponsible Director &Head,ConfederationofIndian Industry (CII)NorthAmerica Shuchita Sonalika India PARTICIPANTS 99 India Anil Sood Centennial Group Chief Operating Officer, Officer, Chief Operating Director, Emerging Markets Forum; Markets Forum; Emerging Director, Mr. Sood now focuses on issues of growth and global competitiveness, and on development evaluation. He has an MBA and global now focuses on issues of growth Sood Mr. Delhi Indian Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering from Business School (Baker Scholar) and BSc in Harvard from (Distinguished Alumni). Anil Sood is a Principal and Chief Operating Officer of Centennial Group International. Prior to joining the Centennial Group, International. Group, Prior to joining the Centennial of Centennial Group and Chief Operating Officer Anil Sood is a Principal Resource and Change Strategy, for responsible Viceincluding Bank, President World the at positions senior many held he He has advised of development issues, strategy and institutional effectiveness. Management. His expertise is on a wide range of a large number of multilateral and UN development organizations. chief executives and senior management 100 PARTICIPANTS Shige earned aBAfromShige earned theUniversityofTokyo Affairs in1963andaMasterofInternational from ColumbiaUniversityin1967. president oftheAsianDevelopment Bank,headquartered inManila,Philippines,from 1976to1979. Affairsand deputyviceministeroffinanceforInternational from 1990to1991.Healsoservedaspersonalassistantthe Regional Taxation Bureau from 1992 to1993;deputydirectorFinanceBureau generaloftheInternational from 1991to1992; secretary-general of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission from 1993 to 1994; commissioner of the Tokyo During Sugisaki’s precedingheheldvariouspositions,includingthatof thirtyyearsofserviceintheJapaneseGovernment, advisor tomanagingdirector, MichelCamdessus,fortwoandahalfyears. served asdeputymanagingdirector MonetaryFundfrom oftheInternational 1997to2004,afterhavingworkedasspecial Prior tojoiningGoldmanSachs,Mr. SugisakiwaschairmanofSompoJapanResearch Institutefrom 2004to2006.He the firmin2006asanadvisorandwasnamedmanagingdirector in2007. Mr. ChairmanofGoldmanSachsJapanCo.,Ltd.HeservesontheGSJCLExecutiveCommittee.joined SugisakiisVice Vice Chairman,GoldmanSachs Shigemitsu Sugisaki Japan Co.Ltd. Japan PARTICIPANTS 101 Japan Corporation Toshikazu Takatori Toshikazu Promotion Department, Sumitomo Department, Promotion General Manager, International Economic General Manager, Cooperation & Public-Private-Partnership & Public-Private-Partnership Cooperation He studied Sozialwissenschaft at Sophia University. He studied Sozialwissenschaft at Sophia He is a member of Economic Cooperation Committee of Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. Trade Committee of Japan Foreign He is a member of Economic Cooperation Prior to the current position, as project leader he has engaged a number of power projects, such as fossil fuel, hydro & fuel, hydro such as fossil a number of power projects, leader he has engaged position, as project Prior to the current all over the world. He was assigned to work and transmission & distribution projects geothermal power generation projects 1997 to 1999 worked for Power Duesseldorf, between 1993 and 1996, and from for Sumitomo Corporation Deutschland in he promoted Limited in London. While in Europe, Department in Sumitomo Corporation Europe and Telecommunication Africa and Middle-East countries. in Europe, power generation projects Mr. Takatori is as General Manager, International Economic Cooperation & Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Promotion International (PPP) Promotion Cooperation & Public-Private-Partnership Economic General Manager, is as Takatori Mr. GovernmentJapanese the of facilities the utilizing Multinational and Projects, PPP enhancing for responsible Development, since 2013. role Development Banks. He has served in this 102 PARTICIPANTS Senzen Nihon ni okeru Minshuka no Zasetsu [Failed Democratization in Prewar Japan] (Tokyo:Senzen NihonniokeruMinshukanoZasetsu[FailedDemocratization inPrewar Bokutakusha,2002) Shusho Shihai[PoliticsDominatedbyPrimeMinister](Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha,2006) Sangiin tohaNanika[WhatisHouseofCouncillors](Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha2010)(10thOsaragiJiro Award) ofaHybrid Regime(Stanford: Japan:Breakdown Failed DemocratizatoininPrewar Stanford UniversityPress, 2014) Books Publications: FinanceBureau, International April1993-June1995. Ministry ofFinance,theJapaneseGovernment, July1998-June1999. Government, Chief Examiner, the SecretariatCabinet,theJapanese fortheHeadquartersofReformsonCentralGovernments, Associate Professor, theNationalGraduateInstituteforPolicyStudies,Tokyo, August1999-2010. to PoliticalScience. PoliticalEconomyandIntroductionContemporary JapanesePolitics,ComparativeDemocratization,International Professor, theNationalGraduateInstituteforPolicyStudies,Tokyo, 2010-present. Coursestaught,graduateseminars: Work Experience: Bachelor ofLaws,UniversityTokyo, Tokyo, FacultyofLaw, March 1993. M.A., Stanford University, Stanford CA,PoliticalScience,Stanford University, June1998. Minor Field-PoliticalOrganizations Relations Major Fields-ComparativePolitics(JapanesePoliticalEconomy&Democratization)International Dissertation -“TheCollapseoftheSemi-Democratic Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford CA,PoliticalScience,Stanford University, June1998 Educational Background: Professor ofPolicyStudies,National Graduate InstituteforPolicyStudies Harukata Takenaka Regime inPrewar Japan” Japan PARTICIPANTS 103 Japan Rintaro Tamaki Rintaro Finance for International Affairs General, OECD; Former Vice-Minister of Former Vice-Minister General, OECD; President, Japan Center for International Japan Center President, Finance (JCIF); Former Deputy Secretary- Finance (JCIF); Mr. Tamaki graduated in 1976, L.L.B. from the University of Tokyo and has held academic positions at the University of Tokyo and has held academic positions at the University of Tokyo the University of Tokyo from graduated in 1976, L.L.B. Tamaki Mr. He has published books and articles on international institutions, the international monetary system, and Kobe University. development, debt and taxation. During his prominent 35-year career at the Japanese Ministry of Finance, Mr. Tamaki has worked on various budget, taxation, Tamaki of Finance, Mr. at the Japanese Ministry 35-year career During his prominent Economic the in 1980 – 1978 from international Secretariat OECD the of part as worked He issues. development and finance for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Division of the Directorate 1983 – 1986 in the Fiscal Affairs Division and from Prospects for Japan and in 2002 Bank as Alternate Director Executive was posted to the World Tamaki In 1994 Mr. (DAFFE). Affairs (2005), before Deputy Director-General DC. He then became in Washington as Finance Minister at the Embassy of Japan (2007) and subsequently Vice-Minister for International (2009) at the Ministry of Finance. Affairs becoming Director-General Prior to joining the OECD Mr. Tamaki, a Japanese national, was Vice-Minister a of Finance for International at the Ministry Affairs Tamaki, Prior to joining the OECD Mr. of Finance, Government of Japan. Mr. Rintaro Tamaki was until recently, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD on August 1, 2011. His portfolio included the of the OECD on August Deputy Secretary-General until recently, was Tamaki Rintaro Mr. and Growth & Anti-Corruption, Green Affairs Financial and Enterprise policy on Environment, of OECD strategic direction meetings. the OECD at the Financial Stability Board with representing along Taxation 104 PARTICIPANTS Tokyo), LL.M.(UniversityofCambridge). Ministry ofFinanceinchargecustomscooperationandcontributedtoenhancingconnectivity. B.A.inLaw(Universityof India asafirstsecretary. Inadditiontotheexperiencesinfieldofeconomicdevelopment,servedasaCounsellorat Asia andLatinAmericaCaribbeanregion. AlsoengagedinimplementingJapan’s ODAattheEmbassyofJapanin served asaDirector atMinistryofForeign Affairs responsible forJapan’s ODApolicyandimplementationcoveringSouth Japan, inchargeofmainstreaming disasterriskmanagementandclimatechangeadaptationindevelopment.Formerly Currently servingfortheInter-American of DevelopmentBankonsecondmentfrom MinistryofFinance,Government and SustainableDevelopmentSector(CSD), Sector PrincipalAdvisor, ClimateChange Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB) Hideharu Tanaka International Organization PARTICIPANTS 105 International Organization International Siddharth Tiwari Siddharth Bank for InternationalBank for (BIS); Settlements Former Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Policy, Strategy, Former Director, Chief Representative for Asia and the Pacific, and the Pacific, for Asia Chief Representative Persons Group on Global Financial Governance on Global Financial Persons Group Former Executive Secretary to the G20 Eminent to the G20 Eminent Secretary Former Executive Department, InternationalDepartment, Monetary Fund (IMF); He earned his master’s and PhD degrees in Economics from the University of Chicago. in Economics from PhD degrees and He earned his master’s Before joining the BIS, Mr Tiwari served as Executive Secretary to the G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial the BIS, Mr Tiwari joining to the G20 Eminent Persons Group Before served as Executive Secretary and positions top-level occupied he where IMF, the at was he 2017, to 1985 From 2018. to 2017 Governancefrom administrative matters. He also policy and lending operations, as well as on work on strategy, the institution’s shepherded relevance to the brings significant experience in international including on issues of great policy-making and cooperation region. Asia-Pacific Mr Tiwari became Chief Representative of the BIS Office for Asia and the Pacific on 1 November 2018. for Asia and the Mr Tiwari of the BIS Office became Chief Representative 106 PARTICIPANTS , Bloomberg,andtheWallFinancial Times, Street Journal. Fund, includinginmanagerialpositions.Hehaspublishedpeerreviewed hisworkhasbeenreported journals, inthe Guillermo Tolosa, CERESExecutiveDirector, holdsaPh.Dfrom Monetary UCLAandworked12yearsattheInternational

Executive Director, CERES Guillermo Tolosa Uruguay PARTICIPANTS 107 Mali Development Bank (AfDB) Development Guinea and Algeria, African Guinea and Algeria, Doutigui SA; Former Resident Doutigui SA; Boubacar Sidiki Traoré Sidiki Boubacar Representative in Gabon, Equatorial in Gabon, Representative President and Co-Founder, Matokora Co-Founder, and President Mr. Boubacar S. TRAORE is an Economist by training, Expert in strategic planning and resource mobilization. He has strategic planning and resource is an Economist by training, Expert in Boubacar S. TRAORE Mr. social development policies. With of strategic planning and economic and than 30 the areas worked since 1988 in more in Abidjan, Côte positions in the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group years of experience, he has held very senior of the AfDB in Gabon, DC. USA. He has served as Resident Representative Bank in Washington the World and d’Ivoire, as Head of the AfDB Strategy Planning Division, and Senior Advisor to the Equatorial Guinea and Algeria. He also served and Partnership. Budget, Cooperation Programming, Strategy, Vice President, 108 PARTICIPANTS He holdsaPh.D.inDevelopmentEconomicsandTrade from theFletcherSchool,Tufts University, USA. Resources. Before joiningtheBank,Mr. Tuluy inthedevelopingworld. workedasaconsultantandadvisortogovernments Africa Region,ChiefOperatingOfficerVice President fortheMultilateralInvestmentGuaranteeAgency(MIGA), ofHuman the AfricaRegion,Director ofWorld BankCorporateStrategy, Director ofStrategy&Operations,MiddleEast andNorth Bank in1987asaneconomistandhassinceservedvariouspositionsofresponsibility including:CountryDirector in development solutionsformemberstatesthrough financial,knowledge,andtechnicalassistanceservices.Hejoinedthe career attheWorld Bankforovertwnetyyearshasfocused onpromoting theBank’s role asareliable partnerinfinding Hasan Tuluy wastheWorld President BankRegionalVice forLatinAmerica &theCaribbean(LAC)from 2012.Mr. Tuluy’s Director, Africaand theMiddleEast, Centennial Group; FormerRegional Vice President, World Bank Hasan Tuluy Turkey PARTICIPANTS 109 India Bank (ADB) Tulasidhar Vankina Tulasidhar Former Advisor Asian Development Former Advisor Vankina B Tulasidhar was formerly an Adviser at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) where he worked in Central and West he worked in Central and West Bank (ADB) where an Adviser at the Asian Development was formerly B Tulasidhar Vankina two positions for almost responsible in increasingly Evaluation, and South Asia departments Asia, East Asia, Independent specialist management Strategy 2020. He is a public resource ADB’s prepared decades. He was part to of the team that ADB he was from After retiring programs. management reform sector resource and was associated with a number of public Bank (NDB) of the BRICS countries in Shanghai, China, and prepared associated with the start-up of the New Development of National Institute of Public joining ADB, he was on the faculty operations. Before operations policies and helped in starting policy advice in the areas and training, and provided New Delhi, for a decade. He carried out research Finance and Policy, regulation. relations, and health sector financing and fiscal management, inter-governmental public expenditure of tax policy, 110 PARTICIPANTS and harmonious globalcommunity(2016),andHowAgingSocietiesMayAffectGlobalGrowthProspects(2018). and harmonious scenariosinTheWorld long-term (2016)andAlternative just,prosperous manageable reality? in2050:Strivingforamore trade andregional long-termgrowth oftradeinAfrica:Curse,blessing,or analysessuchasTheimpactofcommodityterms ranging from hascontributedtoreports economicanalysistoorganizationalstrategyevaluations.Ms.Vilkelyte ontermsof degree ineconomicsfrom GeorgetownUniversity. contributestoarangeofprojects, Ms.Vilkelyte reports, andbooks, currently,Ms. IevaVilkelyte, isanAssociatewiththeEmergingMarketsForumandCentennialGroup. SheholdsaBachelor’s Associate, EmergingMarketsForum Ieva Vilkelyte United States PARTICIPANTS 111 Russia Evgeny Vinokurov Stabilization and Development Stabilization Chief Economist, Eurasian Fund for Chief Economist, His last books are Introduction to the Eurasian Economic Union (2018, London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan) and Re- Palgrave Union (2018, London and New York: to the Eurasian Economic Introduction His last books are Mandates (with A. Libman, 2017, London and New of Official the Smokescreen Evaluating Regional Organizations: Behind Palgrave Macmillan). York: He earned an M.iur from Göttingen University, Ph.D. in economy from Pierre Mendes-France University (Grenoble II) and Dr. II) and Dr. Mendes-France University (Grenoble Pierre Ph.D. in economy from He earned Göttingen University, an M.iur from Internationaland Economy of years several After Moscow). (IMEMO, Relations World of Institute the from economy in hab. Policy Studies (CEPS), the Catholic University for European at the Centre projects experience in applied economy research Kazakhstan, Bank in Almaty, to working with the Eurasian Development proceeded of Leuven and the University of Jena he program. research as well as the development bank’s analysis in particular, and microeconomic for macro- being responsible Bank for Integration Studies at the Eurasian Development of the EDB Centre was the founding director Vinokurov Dr. following fields: and carries out activities in the specialized in quantitative research since 2011 until July 2018. The Centre integration, investment and corporate mutual modeling, economic Union, Economic Eurasian the in integration economic of research cooperation in the market for financial services, and systematic trade economics, fiscal and monetary issues, extensively for the national ministries of the EDB member and worked published 50 reports Eurasian integration. The Centre administrations and the Eurasian Economic Commission. states, presidential Evgeny Vinokurov is Chief Economist at the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development in Moscow. The Fund is a The Fund and Development in Moscow. at the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization is Chief Economist Evgeny Vinokurov Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, are with $8.5 bln capital. Its member states financing arrangement regional Russia, and Tajikistan. 112 PARTICIPANTS Brown University. Hitotsubashi UniversityinApril2008.Mr. Watanabe holdsanLLBfrom theUniversityofTokyo, andanMAinEconomicsfrom FellowatHarvardVisiting UniversityinFebruary2008andasProfessor atGraduateSchoolofcommerce andManagement, General andDirector-General. Affairs MinisterofFinanceforInternational in2004.HealsoservesasSenior HebecameVice played aninstrumentalrole intheenhancementofAsianmonetaryco-operationandbilateralassistanceasDeputyDirector- of Finance, KiichiMiyazawa as personal secretary Bureau, between 1998-2001. During his time in the International he affairs. Finance,hewentontosupportMinister Afterservingaschief economistwithintheJapanCenterforInternational beginning his professional career with the Ministry of Finance in 1972, hehas specialized mainly in taxationandinternational APEC, where hewastaskedwithraisingawareness of therecent Japaneseeconomicrecovery andstructuralreform. Since Japan’s representative conferences at international all over the world such as theG7, World Bank, IMF, ASEAN+3, ASEM and foreign monetarysystem.Inthisrole, developmentassistanceandJapan‘sinvolvementintheinternational heactedas responsible affairs foroverseeinginternational attheMinistryofFinance,withoversightforforeign exchangestabilization, Affairs MinisterofFinanceforInternational inJuly2007.InhispreviousJapan‘s Vice role Minister, asVice Mr. Watanabe was Watanabe servedasSpecialAdvisortothePresident Finance,havingsteppeddown as attheJapanCenterforInternational Hiroshi Watanabe Cooperation(JBIC).Previously, oftheJapan Bank forInternational served asCEOandGovernor Mr. President, InstituteforInternational Hiroshi Watanabe Monetary Affairs Japan PARTICIPANTS 113 Caroline Wehrle Caroline International Organization International International Monetary Fund (IMF) Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, Kyrgyz Republic, Advisor to the Executive Director, Office of the of the Office Director, to the Executive Advisor Executive Director for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, for Executive Director Advisor to the Executive Director for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tajikistan, Republic, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Director Advisor to the Executive economist in the International at the International Uzbekistan Financial Institutions Previously Monetary Fund. Turkmenistan, for International Financial Matters in Berne,section at the State Secretariat Prior positions also include being a Switzerland. holder in Suisse, Zurich. Master degree at Credit Equity Research analyst in Global Private Banking banking sector research the London the University of St. Gallen and in International Political Economy from Quantitative Economics and Finance from School of Economics. 114 PARTICIPANTS 2007 to2009.From 1993 to 1996,hewasAdvisortheExecutiveDirector forChinaattheWorld Bank. institutions, Dr. President ZhangservedasVice oftheADBfrom 2013to2018andasDirector forChinaattheADBfrom the AsiaPacificEconomicCooperation, andthefinancial World Bank, AsianDevelopmentBank.Inthefieldofinternational financial institutions, including the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between China and the US, the G-20, the ASEAN+3, from 2004to2012,where heworkedonvariousbilateral dialogues,multilateralinitiativesandcooperationwithinternational EconomicCooperationfromof External 2012to2013,andastheDeputyDirector Department GeneralfortheInternational the MinistryofFinanceChinainvariousseniorcapacitiessince1989,includingasDirector GeneraloftheDepartment FundforAgriculturalDevelopment(“IFAD”)the International andasDirector attheNDB.Dr. Zhangpreviously servedat Economic andFinancialCooperationatChina’s MinistryofFinanceandalsorepresentsat Governor ChinaasAlternate Ministry ofFinanceChina.Hecurrently holdsthepositionofDirector General oftheDepartmentInternational Dr. Zhanghassignificantexperienceinthepublicsector, financialinstitutionsandthe includingwithinternational International EconomicandFinancial International Cooperation, MinistryofFinance Director General,Departmentof ZHANG Wencai China PARTICIPANTS 115 Kazakhstan Yersultan Zhanseitov Yersultan Studies, National Analytical Center Studies, National Senior Researcher, Center for China Senior Researcher, Yersultan is holding a Bachelors Degree on International trade and an LLM (Legum magister) from the University of on International from trade and an LLM (Legum magister) is holding a Bachelors Degree Yersultan International Business and Economics (Beijing). Yersultan Zhanseitov is a Senior researcher at the Center for China Studies, National Analytical Center, Astana, Kazakhstan. Center, the Center for China Studies, National Analytical at Senior researcher Zhanseitov is a Yersultan of the at the Office he was holding a position of a Senior expert Prior to joining NAC, of monitoring and analyzing the development he was specializing on Republic of Kazakhstan, where Prime Minister of the worked at the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the Chinese economics and politics. Also, he Policy Development. Center for Trade 116 PARTICIPANTS Bank ofChina). an inFinance,thePBCSchoolofFinance(PBCSF),Tsinghua University(formerlyGraduateSchoolofPeople’s with majorEUmemberstates,European Union,Japan,andemergingmarketeconomiesfrom 2009-2014.HeZhouholds China-US StrategicEconomicDialogue.Hewasdirector inchargeofhighlevelbilateraleconomicandfinancialcooperation advisor toExecutiveDirector forChinaattheWorld Bank from 2004-2006.In2006,heservedasDeputyDirector inchargeof financed byMDBsinChinafrom 2000-2003,deputydirector inchargeofmacroeconomic research from 2003-2004,and and communicationssince2014.Mr. ZhoujoinedChineseMinistryofFinancein2000,servedasproject officer onprojects of theWorking Group forEstablishingAIIB,andMultilateral InterimSecretariat forEstablishingAIIB,liaison,consultation Mr. Zhou Yong is the Senior Advisor to the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). He was a team leader Senior AdvisortothePresident, Asian Infrastructure InvestmentBank(AIIB) International Organization ZHOU Yong Participants without Profiles

Abdulmajeed Al-Qahtani YANG Chunhui (George) Senior Business Analyst, Saudi Industrial Development Board Member, Risen Energy Co. Ltd Fund (SIDF) China Saudi Arabia

Khalid AlSaeed YAO Licheng Advisor to the Managing Director; Head, Division Chief, Multilateral Cooperation for Transformation Program Office (TPO), Saudi Fund for Development Finance, Ministry of Finance Development China Saudi Arabia

CAI Linghui Program Officer, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance China

Claudia Calvin Former Director General, COMEXI-Mexican Council on Foreign Relations Mexico

Achim Deuchert Senior Advisor, GIZ Germany

Mikari Kashima Head of Media Relations Division, Bank of Japan Japan

Oumar Tatam LY Special Advisor to the Governor, Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Senegal

Jonathan Ockenden Associate Director, Corporate Strategy, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) International Organization

Shigeru Shimizu Chief Representative, Representative Office in Washington DC, Bank of Japan Japan

Giorgi Tsikolia Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Georgia to the United States Georgia

Yoshimitsu Shimizu Senior Secretary to the Governor, Bank of Japan Japan


2019 GLOBAL MEETING The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing PARTICIPANTS’ emerging market countries. PROFILES

The Forum is focused on some 120 market economies in Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa that share prospects of superior economic performance, already have or seek to create a conducive business environment and are of near-term interest to private investors, both domestic and international.

Further details on the Forum and its meetings may be seen on our website at The Watergate Oce Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel:(1) 202 393 6663 Fax: (1) 202 393 6556 @EmrgMktsForum Email: [email protected]

Emerging Markets Forum A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group