# Cellular Automaton Growth on : Theorems, Examples, and Problems JANKO GRAVNER Mathematics Department University of California Davis CA 95616
[email protected] DAVID GRIFFEATH Mathematics Department University of Wisconsin Madison WI 53706
[email protected] To appear in Advances in Applied Mathematics (Definitive version , April 1998) Abstract. We survey the phenomenology of crystal growth and asymptotic shape for two-dimensional, two-state cellular automata. In the most tractable case of Threshold Growth, a detailed rigorous theory is available. Other less orderly examples with recursively computable updates illustrate the broad range of behavior obtained from even the simplest initial seeds and update rules. Still more exotic cases seem largely beyond the scope of exact analysis, but pose fascinating problems for experimentalists. The paper concludes with a discussion of connections between deterministic shape theory and important corresponding questions for systems with random dynamics. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 52A10. Key words and phrases. Cellular automaton, crystal growth, shape theory. Running head : CELLULAR AUTOMATON SHAPES # Cellular Automaton Growthon : Theorems, Examples, and Problems JANKO GRAVNER, DAVID GRIFFEATH 1. Introduction In its simplest form, a cellular automaton (CA) is a sequence of configurations on a lattice which proceeds by iterative application of a local, homogeneous update rule. The ubiquitous example is Conway's Game of Life [BCG], [Gar2]. Cellular automata were originally proposed in the late 1940s by Ulam [Ula] and von Neumann [vN] as prototypes for complex interacting systems capable of self- reproduction. Since that time the CA paradigm has been used to model spatial dynamics across the spectrum of applied science, and a vast literature, overwhelmingly empirical, has developed.