mmmumr. tmr-^

^tftud wiMhi, and ae« uul iuu'^ ViStH^jiiS^iauii 41 mi' f iiriiiiniBili, Jtotortd rtM f fW Otftto^l

Vj Old HempUs and NaMii^

ind^flti^* fM tb* MM* •!«•• m sum have aniwarad tbm, #h«ti hl^fala iiaLutt of sins, lud^yiir: B«XI to bftftfatoMfk; 1ft Cm. HolyGhost,*^ - or ta^ Tha aacrifltw ahu whole ^ iBUaCTION, tioD.ftDd it waa aoQ^t tot ftU) ^d," "bafttttsa B»«t with tha abm'oi^a'flold wallf nent bleating* oo!Brwt. wtox. fa tha (wttntr jrawa t-tim ihota only wfa^ inm obadlaat to the ff quiremauta d«r to-^t«« laeia 0t> " '' put WltoMt. I hftTft alwajft liatf '•Kiaotioo«n»aK to tbe |«ro knrtoj to Iomki tnalittiidaoiMwtwt^iaHMt in4fk•» alnai look down upon the aattb, an^ beyond iliaealbe m with baodi, (bare to make intorcoMlon for u«. Ila bames tbem, is fnitndod to emphafiii- ltlti« 4iftJ««ttb«» bMtwiN< or rbotphi^nnirdaril, $oU only to oanf. taimaan MDtpaoo apit ointA pal mi blue itky w apr^ad out oyar all, ai d there ia ooib'> |M|w ill oik tlM r«lMi MdMlf itOYAli. R^KINa ^rOWDKB C(>H IM t*ftW #|yiiw< wefcmt •SI log more But to (he devout pbiloiopher, the "gava bimi^faranaoro forall (o ba tettifludin taoce of their rrUiion. the one to the ptiiltf. r^'vub " •• • ^^ W«ll nW N. aq % mlnoaaosMQ aolar ayaiapa ia but a mere apeck of God't creation. due time," (1 Tim', ii. 6 ) and tbe testimooy la we khiiuld b>vo a care huw #ie apeak lighU^,off IM!. \ ' at-' wsflnii4 m y with indilfereBfi»t 4 Itlv.Af • ifM • Mlkb MENKEN'S AJ)DR£98H apace, fttoayatem a unooonted. XhMa, each, and eternally, only those who gather in (ha outer tbe Holy UhfMt to emphiUiae In ttiiiP^' HoW to Sljr? •I titmmt j2V wvLiwS H i^M^ mmTrn III! I ogither, obey the lawa of tbe ona Creator, to court, and wbuaa prayara go np aa Inoaaoa before way. ' ; tkftt, there it no CO fliot or irictioo any where. God. A We fiud another similar paa^lalti^ AN AFTftBOUVfYft IVBUO. umUM Diseases Viewed thus, (ha matorial uotverte, beoomea '-a- And ft*th e baila, on tlia garment of (ha high and It U repeated in Lttka, v/U^^lj^r-lib Mod •afMa^fWfafti dtoPI ii|lNi li« prieat, proclaimed toth e Jewa a living !oterce•^or, told posititely that the man Wfti ^ tfti^ ^iMt iu«e Wa hat a but oa« prioa, all our gomla , grandi tomple,pervate d with the preaoDM and mil ft^tfMMif ffMi « «Viti are marked in ptoiii ll|iuaa. ftuo aor »o (ba goapel proolaima to a loat world ft llviog leproty. And then Jtoua aaid t> ' iMy* to aAifttt tu ®UTICURA glory ot tbe Deity." r mfl^ttil m iviMMitpw ictUMk i^^titgia•rtiol a bongbi in oar hoaaa cfto ba ra- C'hri*t. And hia ioterceation ia ftvailiog fur ev« ihew thyself tu (Im priest, and cflw' mi ii*a t w n iftjiiM fail «« 8o the Bcriptarsa unfold to ua a greatiyitom of rniwimmtwA* aur&ad, it in tbe aftiua ooBdiiioo aa eryoee ot a broken and pr*yertul heart. But •ccofdiogat Htwaaoommauded, for ft tMtlm^ mif* Ipm ^ «iMkMl« f^ wbana^d, and returaad,within ftiia- doctrine*. Through the vholli t e iospired t IB la to h«V« uititbeni." • ^ ifilto «mtMi irttb iMto, « Ml aiMif raasonftbla titna altot pariAaa^, aar wora tbarejxtenda a line of Irut^ io(o which ev. tho«i who rejecthim , muit .(and io the lot of their totr.fMm ^ Tbe man v a* healed befoni (ha ofiariog wa« oott^^ mUm graiwft fiWee (MMMUaaitf MM Mnni '4l ibraii Tbarafora bai^ toka DO ery chftptor. every (e«t,-anandd every doctrine, own chooaing, "Tha wicked ahall ba turned iuio iriaa^Sl «S«rl riik. (he hoaaa tokaa all. Wa fa»l ^r ii^M llifldlWoalVMii m B«wly- » Ii oka in l^rfect harmony. I do not aay that we hell, and all the nationa that foigat God," (.P*- ix. miuded, and yot ha was raquir<»d to maka It for" ~ " ' to SSfeiSOini|{nrB«.«ft» r that ««ch parann who boy* our aooda 16.) bitcleanslog. Why* Evidemly^ to ihow^ th< flQA undaratftsd it all, for that «ould lie untrue; but, hoI«liab>nd of our bouM atHltbat There ii ftdaa a of tjcriptara*, which, ai the flrst imiwrtattt relaiiim ot mftn's obadtouoa/la tba t.^ ft . , „ , bt>no«er, Wbich »ltfnftooutielwMiMftfBr=^ toMpuau^ ot ^titBc aaond. D3n't jou ftel tbftl yoa can the B.tia with none but Goti. we may Had the in 4ui flotr. thfM Hill fkfd .•••to. aave wonj, time and money by general line of truth, and uadtintand it* toachtugi trine which wa are indeavorlng to luaiutiin leper. goArrilAjliiMiaii^ nmSStju - _ daaliOK where the old ganie of fox and but upan a mora caretul examination the difUoul' Ni>w, let u» tpply thia rule of iijt«rpratatioo (oig^ (ma t«mp of butter iIm rovtn Dava awd oamoM Ca«i Bomtoh, >jStS to an exteut, that our duty will be m«d« very plain. miltr«lM>l ft Vtl lamr. MAM. gootr u not played, where time ia tn«> tiea will ba largely removed. A* we have space tho pacMige uudor consideration, vAotl. xUi. 48) a«Ml for"Ho v 10 oqlw »kli> PtWMil." prccinQH tn watte m baggling over A theory, built upon one portion of (he ScripiureH M Oflit tiUNMutM modkii I M boOfti NNlfpl •dJ^PpliiH^ fWi m||[ for only a few of them, let us select aacb, fur our and the difficulty will be removed. The urdaldi* n^rviiiinrfttoi^^ prionorinoiitlMvonng to mtareprft* aud cUthiog with oiber purta ia falae, and there^ bliMkkM4«,olMa»«d u4 oUyTW investigation, as has given Bible students the nii^t ing 10 alaraal lifo wa* in tha plan of GtM witii potatow vttSvttSKpui kMb pulmiii'l , •r- tkiB pr«Ttni«t by omooM aoAr. Da a) Upoaa^MiAtoit^aifDB 10^ va«| aa«m i rent? tore (o be discarded. A ductriue that i* ut-t ten- NOW READY I trouble. faith a* it* ojpditiun but it follow* aa (he praaUcal aibS ttltk laviUAMAi IMMin into tor «I1 p«>M able in the preieacoofaDy"Thu*siiyeth the Lord," ttwliwSm 9101*11. fnliBto lUetumAnti-IWin. M Tha lOMfc Tkaiaud aC 'Hkat Waader. HOW aitvMrwu**, BY UBV. JOSIAH flnTBOlia, ». rifice of atonement under the law. We are tdi) that "shall come," refera toen arbitrary power by laf ifsMA ]wtoto •W ftmef Iba "Worda are faab « tn the recotn- (ion aa if you ware here In paraon to which be will oomprl them to come, for (hat It. make yooftaaleotioua. (bat the pritat killed tbe victim for tbe whole con mendatton of (hit book.-^Palplt would make (he toxt contradict all his other toach 0| jpOoA tlUliMMPt OtM OOpfcl •ent- If Kiel*. In Treaaury gragation; and, wb«n (bey were gatherwl into the Now, Utuv turn to a clftia of Sorlpturaa of le«a Oliver, A'a^iui ingt; it i* a declaration of hi* fixed purpose to ful* and «at&M nttnvmutHAMViCf Klliaiv mmmmiMtmmmimiKmmmmmmm THE J. B. MEN^N COMPANY. outer oourtj of tbe (empie and all in view of tbe difficult intorprettiiiou. Ulili)i«14 V' (be raitult for tha causa. A almllar paauga Is , . but lay up for ytturaalvaa traaaurat in causa (bay are )not ftllI n tba tamplef To ask (hese found in Acis, ii. 38. "Kepant, and ba bapHaed beaven,"clfl. (Ma>t vl. 12, 00.) quaaliona la tinough. Thfl thoughtful reader will every ono oi yuu In tba of Jhui Cnriit foif /*'ll}ut)iur«>, wlitMoeTar hattratb tbaae sayio^a iff


f, il--,-' ,L PM^nnmAMM

> beliold tb* __ ^ ofoidlntiiy ^yiMj^^ Addrm ^ uu '^liBJOifttia^'i^i^tf^^^^ thif- 0 fornWi Vie B»Md:§Ub a l day aohooU, 4mytt% X oalltKl, both going aiitf ietutniog, st. will nnudn in B^t 0tm\m ot «i«l itn^ ^tb tbe;^ wtw irhieli bidU m)^ ^ t little ohur^ tf fameg iryii^^ ge^^t^ hotinf^n of ? beirlluiwriotoadeut and his |toiitofii j yoori^, hoping that 1 might ttteel yoti ygalq, <«tM oolora, to «lii BAjMalt tO tMir It it are aliendjug tbe Aal tt^ of irtjirablp oo^pietiafirb«t°freW^ WhM • "Wtter^^^ tHis war let I was dinppnintvd. Your io« hotiofable for htfing obangeti lie religious, tbciatton this weeifi iliiiu>| theini not ibiiU inio « jaaking and mnat tAake. b»foW: (ba houM .i4 o tm^ \^f Dock River AiM^ wif' wait* Mitoui* on my list at er all my rff^rt. Mow let ua onMi he ahotild bappen to meet you bn '"fhe to suit his ohanged ImH to Hm^n in a de^ mon M udent* inAttentUnce thii «hi4 earjiftt appesl t-* you iri»r Will nut» u» t>ik« some buJiies4 like steps in tb9 .^ssociatioai. U will do BO tiiai th««« ti>bK« *cro wing.^ " " ^ \ nomioklion^ lbf^Uke| |»nrpoiB ot diaeeminating lean i*,it{ttttlv>B of lei^ing 1 eao't be at all of tbeoi. U llie d^|tie« ouiy, *»d i»«fe iutetidfd iu good brethren ^me up to tbe Aaaooiation prepared Well, I hsd * very iiieasant vi»it to Atlanta. viewa that tend to disrupt tbat deaotuination, ^ ^ Will not the clerk of etch Aasoelatlott'jfe ™ J. S. THOMAS, S. 8 8ecretary. V iMtmol ODIJ CbriilMM, fur Uto fkblH i>f*fl»l. Abii «« •lb lilti it St tbe gnmutf. J rt maio your brother ia Ohrii i, ieet ehurobea in tbe South, and one, too, of the pt».ti*Jed in blaown nlcd;" and apeedily at^uat prociable value by iba Jury In bit libel CW^' Mtau>n«ti«ott«lu<]ed, uut ths ileaoipt"*, buf'tbe 6. W. NBWMAV, HEN Goil'e people are "flted with the Spirit," moat liberal. his relation to his oonvioiions. ii d be ai d lift bondsmen are mulct i|t the iniiM^ July 24vh ISat. •Miveio the 8p}rit,"atid "walk in the Hpirit,' {)«of»|«l«lt« iMQlilthetl at b!« docttinc." Upe oi W Of warn, Icalleil on H. H. Tucker, of tbe It ie reported tbat brother tttrtin hal been re> coets of this suit, ^^ ' JM "the kingdoms of this world will become the king-, - Mo thlRfi tbuH bvlletre : «ith«r tbai CbrUi in* Addreaa TUB BAfrm at N«ativili«>. OMtstian Index, who ts one uf tbe keenest and qoir^dby bis ohttrob (The First Baptist ohorob, We earnestly solicit the doma of our jU-Jrd and of hta Ubrist," tbe kingdu-n la«d«d tolaran lb« ranpanitibility (ir ohounio)? Him Itrofonndeat writers in our denomination. Tbe «t WaOo, Texas,) to sonender hit oredenUals. roeetiogs thil Bttumer and' UKPOUr OF OHJl.DHKtrS DA V. of 8«t*a wili bn shaken to iu very fjtindalioti, aud (ij[k>n ntat of'that ih«re i« a faSlure in the chfiico doetor baa bad need for bis logicitl acumen in ek The punishment cannot be eonaidered exeeseive, be kno#n to ohtior and Oa^oti^^the heaiin ^ "HIC a»bbath-ieho<>l of the Hiivejth Bnptiai t lie aaintf sba^l inherit the earth. of «Otd« to c;tprew jjsii what fa« did iuteoo to is\y. poelngth« doctrine of RBBAFTisii as Uught by ainoe Bro. Martin'e preaohing Mts aiido the aele ChrlsUaneverywhere;^.'- -J ^'t;:; chnrcb, Kuhville, oliservctl children'* day OD Tbe ignorance, so prevalent nmoog the proterifd Of (h« t«o, bind re«d«r, talie jour «lio!6o, f have 1 Bro. Ifartlu and held by eeveral other brethren in and ordinanoea of the ohnrciea in which he labots tbe fourth Huaday in July, Weatudiod the reg- followersjof Christ, touching the reigo or min. Our senior talked to the Ceniral ^ taken laiiift. 0«t>igia as well aa m IVxas. It Keems to me ths and proceeds to treat their bapthmis aa a nullity. ular le«»on at nine a, m., and a«lj )urae<.i to three isiryofthe Bpirit, is beginning to give way; and last Sahbath, Bro. Dick inlottt tW"^ Agdo. "Pur this i« good iad acc«ptal)I«i in the the editorial in the Index of the 4ih inst.; in re^ Either tie oburobee must eootinue to yield lo o'clock in tbe afternoon, when au iote'estiog pro- when it becomea generally understood that it is a absent attending the Mlisi«s|pjii y Baptist light of Gotl oor HaTSor, who Will have ail tnon Uy •iew of this rebaptism is iau of Mivatiun oui/ includei the few* Ibe KVOWhEOaS OF ONE'S PRKTIBNT AND ETRKRNAII Ky., last week, and tbe remaJne were picked op ^ •ho tre edectualiy ctlled, why are tbese texu in Bro. Btillwuil aeemt to potmcai the tare qualifi- Master; thoir characters will be fashioned after his sutVATlON. Such faith doee not appear to be re^ RO. GRAVE8:-After haying been worn out HS mementoes of tbe war; ^,/' v , ill* ttiM^ Could Ci kI have a purp')«e to mislead catiooa of entortaining and interesting children character, while their lives will bs joyfully expend- ^Mfved in the Scriptures as tbe condition upon B by attending tbe libel edit at Jackson, Tenn., tittohwfMdintrotiooa? witbuot telling lilly stories or trying to be funny. ed in exhaustive elTirt to promote tbe honor aud whieb baptism may Ijo administered; but simple for the past aeven weeks, I returned home last Sat California will soon bil«e~ liifee observaloriu "Bot^" njatb* hypet^caWinist, "it was necma- Toe ocOaaion WM deeply itit(«rfl4ting thrunghout, glory.of their adorable Redeemer. When tbat |>e-> fMth in Christ, or reliance ujion him for (Aidoli urday to meet my appointment at Piney Grove with tbe largest telesoopea in the wprld. Th» fy that tfati waraiagf aad iavital! aud it ia bop« that the guilt of all luuy lie iMptism from a gospel cburch at tbe bands of centa, t) which three dollar* WM added from the him who baa done to much for Ibeni, and whose •cutive Boa^ of our Aaooiation to request bim— geles. Tho telescope it to have an aperture apparonl.^ goepel minister, on such a profession of faith, has Kuudar^icbool treasury, making seven dollars and oharacter is to infinitely lovable in it^ielf. tbe Dr.—to deeline eomtng and preaohing the In forty-two incbet. Bat, I aik agaiu, bow can guiii H tich to aujr exhausted, I think, his claims to be iiaptized. He lorty»oni) cents raited for the Hundty-svhuol If tbe saints of Gjd only knew "tbe love of trodnotory Sermon, tor the sake of peace and bar for njecting that which ibey coulii not may have been deceived about bis faith in Christ, The New York couiti decide the tdiiirth^f tba eVKbgelitit. We pay this over to Bro Waidcwk, Cbrist which pastetb understanding," their o-.-nse- mony. IpoMibly accept? Nay, how c«ti one rfject and beix^e be may not have been really qualified to Holy Trinity must pay the il.OOO penalty ol ilti- Treasurer of titate BiUird. Bro. .J. B. Thomas will craiion to him would, hereafter, IHJ r[iuntaqmu«, It ho doee not heed the request tbere will be a Uut *bieb bfia bot been < Hs9 than all—all uf self, all Grove, Hardeman county, on Wednesday befon» witb inaibcerity. tbe ordinance of baptism, He may be deceived a versity at Wa^biogton, D. C.,«ppliea to tbethut* treasurer and secreiary, NMbvill-*, Tenne»«e«. ot tiiOB, all uf money—all. No thuuglil of hold^ tbe second Sunday in September next. It is ten We read tbat "Kvery word ol Gud i< pure-: tie aecond time, a third, ting out the foreign {Catholic profeesort the/ fu;.,. 8 A. I>AVII> ON. ing anything apa t fr>m him could over arise lo milea east of Toona, Tenn., on tbe I. C. R. R ia « abjeld unto (bem that put their traa ia hiiu." or for tfaebundrvth time, and tended to put into all the chairs of the U(;ivei^ a heart filled with the divine preiiuiice, and iu H All peraons who expeot to come on tbe railroad (Pro*. Header, dim't atop lo irquiro THOSE NAMKS to tbe church there can, I think, be no reason for ity. soni coneciouBly uniteKATiHO the ordinance, seeing that one "cred will please notify tbe clerk of the chnrcb, W. D tn • flhetber yoa are one of the elect ur nut, but ' give U. LIP8CO.MB says he can give tho naraoo of the biliionetb part of the lovo uf Christ t) (low inio itable profession of faith" is worth juat as much as Slier, by card, and tbey will he furnished wi h This month is the senior's rest ^ month. 1(0 It ditigenocto make your cailiug and elocliun aurc." certain Bapli«t«, Methodiats, and preachers M our aouis, it would thrill us into intense life, and another such profession. free conveyance t) and from the chureb.) forbidden by his pbysiciao to travel or fill ap- Believe every word wbiob God hath tpoheu, who Hsid so and ao. Tnis is oue of hid old tricks, awaken in us irr^presitible desires to glorify bim Dr. Tucker presents this view in a very able May G^ blest you all. Yonr brother, pointments lo talk this month. The lievetbatbe meaoa j'lat what be aaja: and when lie bad tbe nauioa ot fuur deacous who aai'i TO and with every power ol our boinii and wiib every p « manner, aud mrt« to siinlity under our cmtrol. a Baptist who has already been daptized on a pm- Pine Top, Tenn., July 29tb, 1S89. Falling Creek church, Middle Teneniso, Friday flpirit Invilea you, for be doei, give (i.)d your got their names iaiiod. I ask tii« itruthreii every* bf fore the fi est Sunday. Let the people of the living God learn that they feesion of his faith in Christ. THE HOWARD I^BfiL BUiT. beart and truat him, and be wiil lie yuur abiold where to help m«get tbt-se other naniuH, niul ibus Scottsb rs Alabama, Friday before the^seoond should all "live in the 8|)iri'/' aud "walk in tliu There are are signs, I think, of no small agita now and forever. (lave him from suiipiciuu. I cau'i (i']iiy yinced tliat such a life ia the normal state of the I trial at Jaekton, Tenn., reported a verdict in be termed Martinism. The third and fourth ^bbath- arejiill open. l«ai, and the q lickiandi of Armeaianidm in « hap> beet in a private way, aud 1 wiil coutinue to work true believer, and tbat anything ieas than thie rubs fiivor of the plaintiff, fixing the damaget at one I underatand that there are strong men in Geor« Charleston, Tenncasee, can have either Sabbath. |>y tneao. Find it, and you have found tbe Ime of lor those names. I ask the help of ovoryb jdy. U'Hiofhiti property right in them, surely they cent. Thnt endt a cate which bat been in pro wiil not be cuiituut to live apart from that Holy gbt wbo sympathise with Bro. Martin, and who Fourth Sabbaib in August, [D, y.3 the dedica goepel truth, without which "ayit^matio theol. The OUStS apect, he was for 10 long identified with tho work The brethren will bo careful to secure oertiG^ precious promises" tiiat are d«aignetl aud oalcula- Ifitia their purpose to teach any doctrine radi'- have doubtlesa run into thouaandt of dollart .The of developing tbe material Tnteretft of Mltalitlppi, let aa remember tbe reproof which Gud gave to caleefrom Ibeagent uf whom tbey purcbaso tickl- led to make the believer a "partaker of the divine eally difTerent irom tbe old faith of tbe Baptist de oate baa reinlted in tbe eetrangement of f^lendi, to porsbitent and to eneiK«tio, that he achieved roollahCam~"lftbnu doeat well, ibalt thou not nature.'' The greatest of these great promisee re- e's, ao tbey can recaivo tbo baneflt of ibo reduction. nomination, lot these brethren plainly avow the and it will be a long time before the bltterneie it apecial distinction ai a progressive ottlieo. Ho be aeoepted? and if tboQ doeat not well, ain . tietb late to the fullnesa of the iudwefliog Bpirit, to tbe Yours Fraternally, faot, tnd lot them clearly set forth w lat they do bat canted will be forgotten. Howard hat an was for a long period a member of the Z^vet •t tbe door." enthronement of Cbriat in the boliever'a heart, FROH PRAIRIE PJUAINB, TENN. 8. M. GUPXON. and to the eittablisbing of ivltal union, oommnnion believe. Such a course would entitle them to the other euit ponding, but whether or not be will ioard, resigning the chairmanship about a yMr Bpringacld, Teon. July 25tb, 1880. nEARBRO. MOODY :<-W« are uow in the and fellowship between the believer and Christ. Ntpeot of tbe denomination, even though it shonid prett it remaint to be teen. It it probable, bow- ago. Ho was a auccotsful stock raiser, and wat U nidatofa great revival meetiog, with very FROM BKO. J. 8. TLIO <1A8. The eatabiisbmei t • f such a union would cause •ppMr neoeasary to wlthbold oiurjh fellowship ever, that the end hat been rtaohed,—Memphit one of the first men to dentonstrate tbe exoellenoe ^ flattering proepeou; three profeaaiona up to date; the things of this world to dwindle into their proic ftom them. Tbj high chAraotor of th^so brethren ofMitsistlpplbrad Bsptlsts, if Stndentt of medicine would do ««ll to tend for member and liberal supporter of tbe B«jnti^ eoDgregatlon. Our rantlbg will continue for'eflorl and begin at once. ' Delay is doaib" fo our er, lit t be content longer t iVieep iiverour rigbti, '* > hold doctrines and praotiora essentially and tbe oataiogue of the Memphit Hoapital Medical oburoh in MisilttlppVaod will bo greatly mlti|d, .=Tr ?L > leventl d^ya jit. Pleaae publiah tbia oommuttioM*' eoleirpii o Wbon our Aaaooiatiuni meet lot every ii we have been so unfortunate as to do so in tbe ' " ' diOerebt from those which tbey know to College. c-Appsal. tlMin orier tb4t tlta brethren ol tbe Du«k Bim one appoint «tt«tittioiUolerk,wb(*ae duty it will tw INIlt A. 8. WOBBttX, e. • •I I,*.. - ' r ,

ur M ftRMft INoiifir; DdpartfenU^. tha jilwu to tl*e of tha.jroildl^ -u.i.'iijii ...... i ||4n« Mlhiooiih Kdil»r,,„ r.^i;' i'fr 2 B«oituiiMh~bavi(r|^ l^iftDfl Ibii judgnnot'^Atp^dii^'f^r tha,^obligatioi) to' fROM WAfO IKXAS, l«di«a prpacMji'g nhe rof w t^ j^^rlptWHwi «r*, ^ TuwklM* t»rlktr df|MHin4iit. i«i»»i a»wt (titmt, rv'iSAU UAfrriBT,:^! ttnd tb« following circa. r b^fth to the Grenjliiii ^ B-nH i 'P,. dune by ib« y VS. I^Jar letter which you pleaae do me I legntto Miry walTihe flm to^j«n r this is a day of good t{dla|tif,'|tiiil;1 lion,,and «;h tbh ilay of rmuicoMi, amon^ (he^hun* Wa wiiloom^ Rev. W..0; Ortcti to B'uth Koox> tbe mistiobarlet are doing «plendli]|^«or)|t, thejj-e iir the m;»rning tome mitobief wiir u^tntli^ drid and •liftiipieai'somo weiO womenj^etfi^, ville «iid Itiaitd Houte churohet,'', He^'wlll be a It. Ih/Maoir oHbl. Church tome complaint that thvj do ^not wiltr often Xtotir, tiierefore, oome, that jr* majr go therefore womnV liuvo aBoriptoiil tfght itffirMQft 1 valuable addition tu jha minittry'uf Knoxville. Impmnce nf n«,Ub-rr ^ ! ? ' ^ f'^,. « r kingV houiieiiold." Hiiiq hHlnugtHl tit itta MetWut The field it a Hat, growing , one and It enough to tbe paper* About the pro^yfW' oljlhelr lUkbor• tbor*. immd. tamm of 8r.».' M«rtlo'« 1 iu4 rwolv^.! »I t tr Irohi l»». M I 4 . ^ . .It*'''" Il l •• lU^.iis nf it;^ Iteat olttarMt mmAnknmi that' woi-k, iU outfook, me all the tnis<. 8. Bi'oautt) the MMttr haa bytiKpIiclt^i Martin, one of tha best aud cleareat proaobeira tbat l^auae they ; would no't'^ordain her the joined Baptitiic. ^ HOti««rthodo»y h«Ml bwMhe wbjfotof coromeot J- tlie Q takers M'tw tbe ^luthoditlts are reougnit^ sionariesin »holPt*toto nrrito iT tbort aoonuu^ ol laid np>)n all hit follotNr«r| t^ duty of e^ng^ Ind DioM iavMiikftiiou (or Mnidlime, aod ilnally <5ver antercd taxaij^ln which 1 learn (btt hi« Carton and Newman CoileKo teentt to have very tug her as a qiialifiod minister of tbe gotpel, by their work at smw at poiitible^and send,to our pa- theworld,'^ tl^ tb« world and bjr ibe •p»llo»il»n of Btw. d^ntiala have biMsir demanded, or feoonimwded by tlitlering pcotpects" for the approaching term. pi mm ring her aervicet, takiiig her into their puU lien. G^od will certainly reii\}t from .this;^^ But thegotpl to evarjr creature.".^/*How i^ll-'; ' Mftlia (**r iiia |i-tt«r Mild dMeiUiiii Of tbe «hurnb, tt'is )mmitt«o to be iHmaudsd, lie li^arriiigiied by There arc. many young ministers wb>) tboulgard a* Idcrip'urul, ur ulse sutler itUiriuAriNu. Ijiot with tbe teslimony Kdduced Under Ibe ei) all or a part of their time to the points named: 4. fie';attae giving aa God. bat proo^rad ui ii what It it, but knows it for him»< lf And tiiat it the odium that thusu who love popularity moro la the warm weather when mauy of the mem< otMii;^. Uodiir fch« g«ii«r«l obargia of (if reay, Ut«» J. H. Anderson, M^. 8. one of the c nditiont of borne ^rotpafliy u^d pet«« ' s47aiMi onco for all Wy prr afiln". ^ ilaa here- than principle may r>aHt u|k>ii us. But tbese liers are la ting thei' vacation, it is allowable for i, •liwIfiWkUoM Wfre pr«»onii»d fn four ucclion*. \ i • J. H. Thomas, 8, 8. S««. tonal tpiritual enjoyment,'•J''"TjMire It tbat eoatfer.; sy, bro. Morlin succeeds in rooting up a great thiiigM move us not with Uod's word b««(ore us the past"!- tn seek a little recreatiun. There is Uti Coowrding tbe new buib, tbut (hero «ru iwo J. T. Kjiicanon, Koati Mountain. eth and yet InoreaatHhTand tltanrit that vlthbold^ ^ many "church sinhtrs." aud that ia the cause of Paul saye, • ! sufliir not a woman to tpaoh/' The iiiucb cheap wit and eometiniet ohorp spleen ex- " ' lolteid of onb In our articlea < f faUb. W. H, Oibarne, Greenville. etb more than it mMt but ft tendeth to provertyJ <,ff«iu»e to the "bosses," I am praying for more sex 88 eapre<'sed in the <)ualttiuations of a bishop pressod about tbi- clotied churchesand idle pastors iod/TUt Cbrltiiiia Miur«nde in ilie abjenco ol J. M. Walters, Rogcrtville Junction. "The libera] aont thall ha made fat; and ha that such preachers as M. T. MmUii mid fewer "church forbid it. Every commission lorbils it, U must Hut it is sometimos wiser tu ret't than to work; and doobtiiineiMniliUloraei'trtowviug fiiilh. O. L. Bailey, North Knoxville* watereth tball be watered alio htmM^f. H« thai sinner*." May God help thu b 9'.«9 to cc-bho to do thfrofuro bo regarded an presumpiion, uliurches tbat not think to give t'lcir pastors Th« oonfoilon r«*ulliog from Iho propaRatton of 1). M. McUeynolds, Athens. witbholdeth c rii^%le thai} ottrtabinf batblaa* pvil and learn to do well. J. M, C'onBiji rtisi are >hort»sigbted iu thrir troatraeni. liut it ^ tbi doc tla« ofawurance. as ii;dica»jrtU'< ,1. 0. Richardson, Jacktjon County, herewith, saitb the Lord uf hMtv, If I iriU not open ^^ regnlsr butiuet session vottd their pastor a val;a^ Ibitdi mtjarity and mor«. Tba trial occupied ihe held universally by Baptists from the day* of John nilf to wnU' a few lines. J. K. Amacker, North Eigefield. you tbe windowt of heavim htid pour out abtaning ' ' tiim at his own pleasure, boith with regard to time and altentiob ol a]i tSonceraed, ior eight dayt, the Baptist tintil uow, i. e palvatioii by grace 1 have been thiuking a good doal about tbe Uap- L. N. Ikock, Hjuth Naahville. that there tball not be room anoagb to rweivv It.^ and duratiou. 8o, on Monday afternoon, July 'l»ttb iMuhni or iittings ol the church oonft-r'- without deeds t.f law that Bro. M*rtin's credentisls tial cause tu thi* Oituada of ours, uud kup{)uao a W. C, Grace, Columbia, Hjuth Knoxville. 5. Bectute every ohnroh la an extmple an^ an jfnh, wilhAun Nora aud little Jumet and viUa UMSe. tw ipifU of tneekuMi and brotherly kind- bate Imu deniaudod by biit church, but for it>Huh- little information on this Hue would of interest. W. J. Couch, Bradshaw, Franklin. inspiration to every other ohttreh.*«"M6rcoTe^ Lou fi. Uravet, wbo is spending the summer with oU«, ofdiguitjr aud gratity tiharacloriiied the en- liiga not in accord with the doctrine of Christ. To b<^giu with, the Baptists of the Djminiou. of G. L. Kills, Huntingdon, brethren, we do you to wit ol the gracw of God IM^ ' u* in the mountains, wo took the Maryville train, Ute ptooeedtD^I, and particularly tbe l»st silling Uunada number soveuty-five thourand ; although J. W. Goocb, Greenfield. ttowed on thechurcbet of M tot^onlft - how that la rUOM BUO. 0. 11. BTKICKLAND. and by supper time were snugly housed at Farmer HM the Spirit oi Obrlvt uoaiiimouHly manileat. we are not the largest b with hunting, rambling over tbe hills and visiting Uan gentlediau, aud tu ufelf protect tmiu auy uN no goaptl save the "old goij»er audi cerlaiuly trinee, we are very loote, I am sorry >o write. J. H.'8uow8outh Mempbit. treaty tbat we ahonld revive thi kito«r ^ , the springs we bave almost IOHI the count oi the laaion In that reipeOt, that oonilstercy oveu may preucii none other I bave no ambition to bo Although we are bbRsed with a few Liudmark Olbert., not menlioatd, have done some work the forwardneu of your mind for whleh I boaat of-^i dayf>; and wo have found Sister Lou no indifferent be ahadowed, wben DO evil need necesrarity result ranked among tbo "atlvauced thiiikprs,'' miui4tere aud laymen, siill liie vast aipjority of Colporteurs, also, are not mentioned in the list. you to them of Mac^onia, that A'ohiita wai readj shot, nor less of a pedestrian than Virgi'ls royal from tbo tamo; and from Bro. Martin's personal The field here is large and proraiiirj;, aixl the ur iHx piti are too lihcrat. 1 tear wo as a bo'ly of Hever^l church-houees are in courne ofereotioU, a year ago; and your xeal hath proVoK^ Vtrf huntrrtt. There is a babbling brook running work quito encouraging. Cjogregatious all iho rxplanations and lalerpreiationa before iiie confer, (Jhristinn* iu Canada aru getting too ioo«e a grip Others have been conipletod. At several points ny.—8el. th ongh tbe farm and near the house The clear hoMBe ami thiity ueven namfs bavo b^nn a-blod lo cittto, and ill private, the objec ionable ffaturv*) in on the disltuit vo docltiiio* of the Bible that makes wnere tho work has b(>«n heavy and contribuliont sparkling walert are ever murmuring to the rocks The leadino; articl# iui the^ Aoguit Hbribiitrf^ ibe Hat of membHfship. Fraiernally your*. the Uhargea are materially mili|iatad. In this re> u* ossoiiliuliy U;ipii»i8. li teems as if we are set iragest, tho work will ba Melf-suslaining after the tliat impede tbeir progress ami tho sound is sooth- Review of The World on Islam inaChrilti|l' MI»> (J, H. H. S; •peot Bro. Marim ll e*<»ediugly at a digadvaatago. iliug dowu to indilhrence on thn doclrincs ho »»• nexlHtate Convention. ing. Along the banks of this merry ntream is a 8 uix City, la. aiont it one of extraordinary InterMtl wad tbilily. OitHoalt to maintain undisturbed uncU'riiaudiDg crod to every truo KMptiot. Th«re i* «o much lib- A number ot misdon points contribute liberally strip of ground grown up in thicket, young poplar, It covert seventeen ptgef. Tha%rlt«r% ntma la from bitpriut and preaohiug without much private We rogrel tbo unkind nilectiooB cihI opon Dr. eralisoi countonancid by the It^iiderH ot thought to all tbe enterprise.^ of the denomination. The elm4, muli)erry, alder and blackbfirry bushes. The withheld for prudential reaaooa, taya tha edlton^^^ MtplauatioD) though doubtieii often on acc> And to bidden away from the sun but found l)y Progrest, and on 8))aini the Land of the Pa|>at In>« f >r popiilniiiy that tho li liueiict* for good tbit the Board has just borrowed 8709. ""Wang Bro. MArtin with credentials, it would Im I'-RO.M HOUSTON, TENxN. mott delightAil breestet, we are playing at "camp- quitition. Dr dberwo^'ti artiold In^r^pfy to Dr. well to pnwnro a o >py of the charges and wriltcu woulil bn otIinrwisH exerted is lost. VV«4 bave du- Dear tirother, the L trd hat blessod ut with good EAU HItU. (JRAVIi8;-A few iicmw fiom ing out." We are as secluded as if in the shadiest Ouyler, Have wetoojAfauy Hlttiohafy Perlodloali, WHiuony up«» wbioh the church action was had; ties to perform ihtl no other people have required harvests. What shall we render to Him? About D our suction I thought would not bo out of coves of the Cbilhowee mountains which overtop furnisl^et food for imriont thongbtj on tb« part of : whkh teatimony wat in writing and is preserved. ot them, and that is to lie the true witursses of the three months remain of tbe Conventional year. place. Vour visit last full lo I'hiladvlpbia us here not ttv« miles away and yet we are within ohurobss, pattort, and miMionary locfoliie. Tbt gospel ol l!hrist. How thn thought of cur rr« 1(1 that lime We will have to raiHe more money / • T.-K. MUSK. church was. I am prrftiadtd, not in vain the live minutes ot a neat and well kept farm liouse, seven other deparimentt ta ueu(il are fhll of Inlal* sponsibility to Ood III this matter should so than in the nine preceding. We can ea*ily get i%Waoo, Tex. July 23rd, 1889. many brethren and sisters who buvit spoken to me where the family nut only make us delightfully ligenpe and oorretpondenoa antl brief papan and gage our tboughtn as to set us unanimously to out of debt by concert effort. Let no ohiirch go welconne, ' ut supply us with all wo want to rat, atatittica from all palia of the world>field, gath^d, f BR AW DON, TKXA8. about it tince were well^leased aud their highoi>i work. up to tbe asttociations with that reproachful word, and bring ut water from both springs daily; and if analyzed and arranged ttith grMt «ir« and khiiU. ear BAPrWFt—Your presence is like a beu- expectations met. All want you to como again. I pniy (iod (o abiit.dantly bless ytnir labor of none. Has your church made a liberal contribu- any oho tupposet we are not enjoying thit rustica- Two of tbe Editorial Notet wa are ittraot D edialioQ t(t me. Long have you and your edi Your last talk on the final Judgmont fully con- lovo in tho iiord, and tliat ynu may yul bo spued tion to Btata misdons? If not, please teo to it at a good many yrnrs to sow bfside all waters. Your ting he doet nut appreniale our capacity. It it tora batn dtapiy ombxlied in my aiieotiuits, May vinced me that noBalnU will bo there attention and remark: Prekldrat -iHarriaoii/and tirother in Christ, H. H. Coaman. preferable to the hotel at th« springs for many once, if II hai done so, we ask yOUr help in reach'* GKkl grant you oontinuad proaperity. Inoku ot our towns, Clifton,' there has hten Mitsions, and Tbe fight with Jatultieni in Ointda. Kt. John, N. B. lug aud stimulating the indifl'orent. May God retiKini. Mr. Richard Binnings, our host, whose Publisbed by Funk and Wagnalla, 18 and 20 t riwaily held a fivedaya disouiaion with J. W. goins on a very lojiationai revival meeting, cim poat'office Montva Hpringa, it an Englishman and iielp ui ti do our full duty, , ^ ' Attor Piaoe; New York. 12 per year: 116 ioanta for Jiokaott, offloa editor of the Oamiibellite (wpdr. duoUd by a lady preacher, Mrs. Fratuu. Bbe hnd A gentleman in New K'lgland wat otUnd on to a Baptist and what goes without tbe taylng an ele- J. H. AMliKKION tingle nufflbert.%lnoltibi of taiii ll.m). , "Firm Fuundation," of Austin, T«xatti iu which husband along with bar. He being a preacher address a Habbath-Dcbool, and during bis remarkt [Tbif review bt worthy of your patrotik|«i it ti gant gentlemau. He could Hccommodafe a party By Order of the Board. thara wu not aa'^ anaodote Niatwl un either side alto talkt a little tometimet, but tbe power scemt beseemed much moved, butnoouo appeared by far the batt we have ever ||iwn.-7ED 3 ^ of nx for the whole tummnv, should any reader de< Aaoh {wrty disoutiad Iba merits of the queatinn at to be in tbe woman preacher. A general traze bat to pxperienoc ttie slightest emotion. The speaker WHY BBOliLU YOUIt OUUKCB OOKTHIJlUtR tO Mri» seized tbo tot»n, in tu much that all speak favor continued to wlpo away the lOrfri> whi6b chiited sire a Utile rfkt writihim Kerptby foot when thott gawt lo thi boota of Ititta, whioh wat tha oburoh quetti.n J. W. J. ftlONB. ti an abla repriaaiiiatlva of hit laoti non-neoMrian ably of her claims. Both tbo Methodist and Cum down his manly cheeks, when a boy In qneulast (Jed, and h<> fiiore r«

.j'l a,

-rr-^rr t li > v.; K'--! ... _ mm J^lgfJSL-^

jitSiffiti^r thavttel^'i Wbal [(K)is;t.voiD inMic} the Lord tl^ thi >rflhMis. Ill 11 utmbriiUiwooKitai day that we should re^t v> Qttr CtUb awl aris^(^ ^ and the earth by his ua^raUnd Mi»ty»a. tword ChrftUaa ia»M Caa^i-HM Miir I «v«t]r JevUh rita^ flmMoajrntfdiof jt jpM«ll«t vlth i)|i;«ttd out of the invitafiDM>% «<«UMr4» * JfO»»ir. rmpHttmim mMl VniilUilHMm among HMthen etiWkMM mi eh«mtd tatbeir m to IhoRk stmnM mTsterTouaioitnda did bear— own Abpigb^ power or fjUoaloK Wa taAOhlhtfa, and to do*lata U Iwt UU ; •. • ••the Lord tt'flwnl'^ • ' ^ ^ Ohrlat aal.noi IlkeCbrlat aa •laaiwl fanw* the 0 IjFMlar, CuvMiprr.w tb(i m«on«r or tfnu of ft* obMmiuMk ' m a. That all national and people, ao farwiknown, temiiiKniH uoobrUiitor FaMrttiiatiaiBaat.i;it; «nuttiuni|li Tann,, WhrTravela extenMy in lovtr iSi^ W Jenn^i tho JcArji^ iliwiih witiqQwItaV mj*: How truly aa4 bM^ilolly does a modam |oet bad aeptmnlal diviskwsof time. waa ^lflrom iw«T« prfaoU aay oliiar ipwpal Uftto neasee, writes that Church Communion la st^ly liior. ''Itli* pvoljityt ooajMtom Uuit the dmy aing of the Bef orreetion a. that the Heathen jiatlons almost universally joji Uiati ibat wBtoh we li«ve preaohtd aato jo«»> ht him b» aoaor»od,",whlob f t'llnk taaaaiib y »r«Mpt or increaaiog. Ha offera hH fkrm worth jlgbt' ^ •'•y if """"""VtiHliToSwiiMiBioM. which UmiHmUmo IttgaiMna ooMMMtad to the «'Tbia is the day the Lord bath made, wordhippad their principal deity on a oertain day, ID.l>. • awnJtM vXitmplo «iM>, ete. dred ddllsra to any one wbo will ahow him tha to* _ • C* ' wof»bip ftbd hbleaaed Jowiib Chriailana, are under any obligation to ob- IK jerve the Jewiah Sabbath any more than the Jew- blame Pedobcptiata for aprinUini th^r habiee. " Uk l^thoN tMKoitq Sim ttM jwud«r 01 eiab w)l Inaelitea more cflbotiially from ooaonrring with day, more than four thousand years atter, what a. In Matbcw, twcntj^tiriji ebaptor aod Utter oUuae fi^kUM*)* Bt ttM botlom ot tb^ In MMdlng the Oentilee in their idolatroiu worehip of the ran. more exquiaite joy fills the hearta of those who art lib law of oircumoiaion. oltwcnti'-niattiverac; ••Bat from ttlni thul iiiitb not —^Eld. W. O. Spenoer^ of Llbarty Hill, Texaa, ^MMlpMout pl pMX tl>t llav. at to nbail Iks uken aw*j ewu taat wtUch ti« hathf' «|k AlMlOAMraiMaiOJPtMMlMMOll MSW. For the aame reaaon ai the Heathen began their made "aona of God" by adoption, as they hear the 7. That the Lord of tbo Sabbath clearly indica- renewing adds: , ''I am nearly eighty yean old, U'bath and other dayb from the aanriiing the story of redemptioo'a plan completed through a ted by the month of hu holy prophet that the day That which was committed to him t!v work or ,and have taken your paper fbrty yaativ tiod I am braelitee areordeM to begin their Sabbatb from riaen Savior? Their "hearta burn Within them,* on which he should rice from the drad would be trade with, "that which he aoemeth to have." See unwilling to misa a aingle nomber m i^e aa I other Ovaogeiiato. live. I have lost my h^ng ao much that I can't ' tl^MnSSlSl^^iiSSM odltor Mon]4 D* the innaetting. (Lev. xxUi« 32) Ae tho wor- and ao great ia their delight, it is added, "they be*' tbo original Edenic Sablwth day tho Lord made • «c w^wijy^^ hwKntq tn tbe MUM M •hipera of the ran adored toward the eaet, the lieved not for joy." And the benedioUon pro fur the race, and the day in which bia redeemed Wa« tbe gospel preached to all nn. preaoh much, bot I love to read your paper mora ii«MalllraslnM«MM»M,uA Mk* Monty ttdm uu point of the rising tun, Qod ordered the moat holy Donnoed by their risen Lord npon (heir asaemblage po )plo ahould rejoice and be glad. qnpHllon 10&> Uon* atI'«otem>«i aaUie Oaiapbot- than ever." Wo now expect if ira Uva until nexl lilea claim r Yours, t^lB HWitm Mr ttw Mntn wittor or Mrteintng to tn* Iaui place, in which were the sacred eymboli of his on that holy day ia, "Peace ^ unto yon." The apriog to aeo you, Bro, a, onoa imiia. Wa wdt^'U '^^nrMOb«rpoit>oaM onl«n RBd OmAi ibr wiii«,«iKKiM Iw We have a Sabbath, and it ia both the Edenic B. li. Boms. f SafiSMKi M nad« psyKbhi to J K (intvM. >re«ence in the tabernacle and tbo temple, and primeval Sabbath ia restored to the aona and much benefited by the oaone of the pral^ this ^ aod tho day Chriat roie from the dead—the fir, Thia atatofflont of Campbellite preachera is proo toward which the people were to worship, to he daoghtera of Zion. Saokcioth and aahea had been ilty of tho woek. summer that we consented to revisit tha Gf«a4 WbKt tM Btlnetplr* Wblcti Dr. AimltsM i ronoonoe ot their ignorance or deaign to deceive the unwary « I'HM «M ImmI MMTlw M Itepo. t life. «e«klt>7iuid dlMlne* placed in the weat." their covering, while he who "ahonld have re* Piairie next spring, and visit Ploreface. and ahaU w «U tw AoaoiwIiiMlwiial trudt Md inUrMta." Those preaenl out of all oaiiona were^^ewa, and AM TIMV •AMM tboM^ustboMvliusbb torfor wM iiuu; mniar 7mvmmm !>••!>••«« itooitoo44 deemed larael" was in hades fighting the battle Tbe "Chrlatian Science" delusion ia apreading leave the railroad at Liberty HUI for F. Ifa ax* MU* b^ ol oarf»Uto(baootaisn4 . I Je*a only, yith some proaelytea who had come op We are thedesoendante of the t'ld Heathen ann with the "King of Terrors/' but bia triumphant ail ovor the Union. It ia claimed that there are peot at that Ume to visit Flatonla and Lnlin., , worahipen, and w« atill retain one of their ancient fourteen hundred profeaaorn or miniaten grad«i. to Jerusalem to observe the paaaover. Pentecost 4M«f MlMXn*. return on that bleeaed day bad kiven them the We appreciate, Bro. Confeli, your report "f tdolatroua practioea with the moat raperatitiona signifiaa the fiftieth, and Haa the name ot the ur* 10 lor tttoraprsBMatUiiortty "oil of joy for mouming, a^ the garment of praise ie'11 n regular letter from a Baptiat church nr rth o give us indispaUble proof that they ani badly Thongb the original day, which the Lord made woul4 carry them to the following Tuesday werit. thia, and he ia lecturing and making converta to The Jews were preeminently a nation of tra beaten aod are more than half convinced of their or all nations—the race, to r^oloe and to be glad But here ia either ignorance or a deaign to mis> hi* groaalv infidel d^trlnea both in and out of the tiers, aud ihey reaided in every civilised nation error. n would be reatored to the Jews, and enjoined lead, for one of the evangeliata, in apeaking of the church. We alao learn that from thia baae he for the purpose of tiade, as they do at thia time. CBlWMk VMlir. upon God's people of all noes seems to be foretold I tranafiguration aaya: "And after aix daya,"eto.; vigita Foreat City, Ark., and haa aerioualy injured I »m a preacher aod am clfjred LET US GET BEADY FOR NEXT SEP- Tke Brnrum MUeve UMkI a OtelMU obarob ia m Antlo «m« by David, which we are now prepared to under> the church there by hia pernfcioua doctrinea. <)nc<)(lon 1050. proBiable agoacy to wll i>e Will TEMBER, -'n.i^eoi^ololBTiMUi MMlttaotriMObn^ I another, "And it came to pass about an eight days T«liiiag«»g Ri;rmonH, and liani Jones' • the eoaaotMtli o^ klnf dom. stand. In our next iaaue we will commence a review „ —Am oarlati aaob alinrali u aMolirtaiy aovenlan after,"etc. Now scholars acquainted with the bo<)h«, niiiJ «iiii.iir OHM. VVuat would you advUe mo to 1'HOSE who helped ns last year (from the firat the fundamenul doctrinea of this ao^calied Chria eUiuN^ OlirM eiRaiDltM "The atone which thebnUderarefnaed ia become idioms of the Hebrew tongue, know that Matthew H. SANnaas. 1 of Soptember until Jane tenth) will ha jdaaaed Turdr, Tpnn. t le headatone of the corner. This is the Lord's apeaka of the intermediate time aimply, while tian Science and demonatrate from iu own stand to see by the receipt below that wa paid by th«r doing, it is marveloos in onr e|es. This is the fc^beteaoliii Luke inoludea the day it was apoken with the day «rd work, ita Bible, how groagly unchrittian, infi No, let such like hooka alone. They contain aasiatance the board and expenses of foor yonng day which the Lord hath made: we will rcjoice 'leliatic and abanrd thia delusion ia. the seeds of error, if not the raw material, and ministers in full. no m mtlioMtir MM ba and be glad In lt.»~IWms oxviil 22, 23, 24. of ita fulfillment. So haa the text under oonidder> mm ation ever been understood. If thoae who read this wish to aeoare thia re they are three or four-priced baoka. Try tho Sev •50 00, Received of Dr. J. R. Gravaa fifty la inTMtodwitkaUMolt In this last verse doee not the prophet as clearly iwww--fow«r*oeleetsiideommlaeion and dmoaa On tne aame day, L e., the eight firat day flrom view, knowing that their time ia out would do wel en Dispenaatiooa, the Expoaitiona of the Para dollarfl, it being the but payment of sohtdasM vM^mjjrVmm v> nwotm, diaotpun* sad e««lii4« point ont ths very day on which the saints shoold to renew at once; and will not all those who wiah the reaurrection, the moat remarkable display of blea and Prophcciea of Christ, and faiir priced ram-< ycsr ending this date, for the board of Msasfs. orahip before him with joy and gladness, (sfter •o aid in preventing the apread of thia now form B-)zeman^ Burns, Clifton and Skipper, ministerial MMlasaWUiw r«u«r l illaMrtaal BapUeaa. divine power ever witneaaed was vovchsafed to tha iiy Bibles, and ao doing do good. A Baptiat min« t le ending of that dispeiMtion), at he did the fkot "f infidelity aecure as many new subacribera as students in attendance umn this wtltutlon, nw aim4aeoin.ttoB ot noauut MMUtiw m nonjitanu church, enabling her tj demonstrate that Jesus inter pedrove to be the predoos oomer>«tone which God was the Son of God, and thorefore Lord of the Sab* )y oue who has Uken the full course of lectures to Board of MIoIstsrialEdooatlon. man," ii not an open adulterer into the fellowship had hdn in Zionf and that that day would be the bath day. Twice bad their assemblagee on this 1)6 the moat ingenuoua form of infidelity and aub. We did this with so little sacrifice that wa are of your churoh on profession of her faith, or on a WaUblnk tbe alwr* iboald ba eMuniitied to tmorr by one on which the Stone ot Israel, which the Jews day been graced with his personal presence after tie form of freasloveiam ever introduced into thia encouraged to promise tha support of flv« tha oonir atary BapUalt and more wpvelauy Inr at cry Bapttat mluutor. letter from another church. ish builders raflued shonld beoome the head stone hla reaurrection, and*^ bia benediction, thrice ra* country, (he moat corrupt and deatruotiTe aytem iug year, commencing September fliatf proximo. over organized on American aoil. the comer—the Lord's doing's and marvelous psated, aanctioned the aame; 4nd now the proa» Would it bo r!i;ht tor nic nbould 1 These will he first approved by the Hlniatarlal 1»tP0BTAST AmovMmmir n our eyesT Pel«r tells us tha^ the dat ow which iaod Comforter makea hia advenii on the aanw holy We Uke pleaaure in ciUlii^ attention to the qneMlloii I0.j7. rail into aln, and tho oUuroli (talU on Board, as duly licsnaed and ordained by thair t«* day, ailenoing the cavlb ot the akepUcal, arming toraiiieroial Schbol oflfieiS^ B Univeraity, Jack nntooome] before tfao cburcb and apectivo churches, and elected by ballot as tha Af aran earncat cfiott for two yoara|o folfill bnr Ohbist soii F8(Mi the DEAD WM the day the eonloaa ibu aHfau tbnt 1« Ibe nin, lor mc to g«t a'lawycr U) the diaciplea with a divine power for acoonapUab* Tenn., under tho direction of Prof. .Jameaon. moat needy and deaerving of aid by tbe J. ft. O. piromlaei to bnog out Tue Baptist in the atyje de< prophet refmed to, write «ui n oonriaslon f,)r ino and Mm! KBS. drink the sweet, and send portions unto them ixr church At Corinth confessed his siu, but Paul or- eyea'end vigorooa hands to the management of the Christ was set at nought by Jewish builden whom nothing is prepared; for thb day hi holy aa« Students attending the University csn Ulie the dered his exclusion all the same, and hia rcstora* Eld. JeaM L* Talmon, Lafayette, Texas, I 00; wbUe hfi hong npon tb« cr, and oor palrcna are expsctcd to ahow their to our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the Joy ottha ton only after years of reformation and upon hia as a deceiver whila he lay In the tomb; bot on ^ramercial School alonat with their other studies, as, 1 00; Mrs Lemleton, Texas,1 00; T. Or- bUbatantial appreciation of thia onward moire by Lord is your strength," repontanco. the third day ha bafflM tbelr axpectntions and al- paying ih^ tuition In this school. Pnf. chard, Texas, 50o { Mrs, Blakenahlp, Texas, 6 00; While we do not adduce these circumstancei as tor Kid Bnrna, 1 00; Mrs. Bottoms, fbr Bro. B., tielpingua at oiite. The next iuue may bade* thoogh to them ha oontlnoee "a stona ot stumbling Jameson, wa believe, has no superior as a Hook* in aliy sense amounting to a precept, or even an ax* Vias, 1 00, la|(d for a w«ck or two, but look out for a paper and a rack of offense," yet to them fo whom be keeper and ^acher of commercial mathemaiica in Tho amiiint of wheat stnrs I io Wmtern ele- ample lor the obaervanoe oi the fitat day of the the Union. III ahicii ourpaUona wil||^bo juaity proud We have bad given "poirer to beoome the sons of God," be week as holv unto God, yet In the light of what Mnr. iu l.l 000 0(M- hu,h«l. |o« than list y«r. far the hfelP adreHl..a.a»t la thlspapS, became the foondation stone on which all tbeir Addreas The Baftist at Nashville. ntly itme and ipfcafor this tuuch betoro going to we have adduced above ttiey muat be rettardad as I.mon til., higi. pritt. ..I ti i«r. Jnforwatfaii may bf ef great beaeflt ta .Jaii; bouHs were bollded. ' cniroboratlve. pieia. (JttAVKfi & Moouy, It was on the Bdenlo Sabbath day—the seventh, The law for onr Habbatii la fouud in (Jvu, il 1 a,

i... J m m I •'vH-' ' ' m la dhW^...^, It nn^i^ b^ ^ - I^r^ri^r, ^^^ of tji. olittiofa: • »ol Umt^ft the front of th^ battler aad o^awdw •«» oborsheafnd homea. YiJttI K n» U, elaa. The deeign, evidently ia to deitroy, if poa. eura In tbe ohtiwbee tb*l follow thle euitom, that InvltW ybo to come here ne*^ fall ahd;deUver yoitr j them; ^^^^ ftviiif. a^^: «x(utmioiiofgrftUtua0«U bagifeo in tbe WKf ofr^ ^^y^^^ lg„or« faat ttwt the biUi« •Ible tbe effecU of the debala. 1 will give a hand- Instead of oonsttUIn|t1bo will ef Ood and, tbrir Ohair talks, l alncerely hope you can conw My Let tie have moi» r, i,)f d in tha wS^iS, iibmna oat!»yi foe the Urd'e o»u»e- Ui no Awoi ^^^^ ^^ {„ e^ntorlwi erbuBd theee some reward to find tU otiginatori or the man own iplrltaal oondlUon, they oonalder only tb«»f hasband and I, are Juandmark BapUata, and if you appointmente ahoutt, be who on hie oin reai^nilblUty *ill eironlate it aa do vlalt Marlon, we beg the privilege o^ eniattain-1I nolleotlonnuiiwuwuaa for mlaalonawi— , i tbtofbmofi^i ei«U<*n be oooijderedofgenked uotil« cotmaitiee If they bed not been Ae •ymboU of irae, or produce inch a record in Smith, or any ownoonvenlenot and Intererta and In view of tbe«e Ing you. lassureyoa we would ealeem iti a bl*bj^»a tte who to* trlvtal eioii^ imleof tba ia Rppoiated on rellgloui literature, Oar jmpew ^^^ bw^nere ol the ohuroh. It m otiier oounty in the Bute or any other State. egree on a time to borne together to reelete tbe ooutitau the fottadetion ol proeperity for •'M th^ family, th« State, «od tbewi »«> «Ufine ' . W. H. Biirra. Lord'a Weaaiog. Tbia custom also pracUcally. ed'prlvelaKe. Aa I wlah to renew our •ubierllh j ,kdvanoement o< tbft Maater'a Wngdom a»[ belt time gif«>n to ita ooniideratioD, and let the endangered, thai the ordinanoea are delivered to debater" They have all agreed on tbe coune to The writer's obiervaUon la that thechnwhes which before us ao loved, having been without It ww^ Uoiahlp and ptiOae. Let the ohoi^bis bava lrolto?>e then and there. gatherwt, Yoa bad the oharoh a« a truat to be gaaHed for her L-ird. puraue, and that la to devour bim. Ifthity can't follow tbla cartoro, make almost no effort of ttie TImamontha. . , ^ rlieM. t iwo collecttona^^r aa Well vpeeiQr and reaolro on ttte other thiuga Nothing will tnke care of itaelf in tbla degenerate do anything with the argi>menta, the only thing •ort apart from the protracted meettag. Dnring May God preserve your life and give strength to many have four and ad&e twdwt' m Miandu aio•wi'—p there, aa on thi«. . Lataapecia--r—.—l eflort bo I wonidironid,. ieaaleaat o0f1 ailnil.. moramunul oorr religionrvjigiuiMa trutbMH>u«. Tbe to aave their craft, la to pttob on to the man. See tbe balance of the year all effort of thia sort is sus- work yel many yeara, for who will or can take Not only aa ohotcbM, bot aa iMlIvidaala, let na 'J' made when the tdllora are abaent. If they havo ia iU pillar and ground, If ahe tail to aup- tneGoapal Advocate, of thia city, alnce the Naah- pended. If the seed sown by the paatoia daring your place? _ eonaider tbla aubjeot. What wW foo dot tif employed no agent then let the Aaaociation do it, port it and hold it fotthbefbre the world, the truth ville debate. They aeem to think that their ealva> this tlote, bringa forth fruit unto life, it moat do It MABT WBWBROOK DAUOBDIUIX. tbia. Bet aside a certain jioition of yonr Income tor ahe cannot proaper without the religioua pteaa. will go down. Aa to thia apeoi6o matter of the o^ tion depends on our deatruoiion. Bat I am pray< without cultivation by tbe churchea. Bot paatore RaiiARKfl!-We highly appreciate your letter, for thU special purpoaej the ptodoot of ona te^. Every Aaaociation ought to ha?e a ataoding and dinancea, hiatorr negativea the notion that baptiaa ing for them and watohiofc for their aouls aa one have very littie reaaon to hope for fruit in these SlateSlaterDr D. and we aaaure you tnathat we accept . or of a wtUn piece ot groottd, working committee on paperw, bfK>ka and tracU. can maintain itaelf when the oharoh admita the that uuat give account. Defend youraelf if need circumatencea; for the ainner very aoon learna to vour paator'a invitation to vialt Marion and deliver ,ieid of one field, or of lOme Pf^olar boslnaia, Who will aee to tbia7 Let ua move forward bold anbaptiied to ber commuaion. If apiritoal union be, and then go on wiih tbe good work of trying follow the example of the church, deferring tbe the "Chair Talka" to that grand old ohuroh. or aome other proporUon W ^ "" T®® ly and confidently, and God it alwaya ready to with Chriat juatifiea ua in coming to the table with> to turn them from darknoaa to light, and from the matter of hia salvation until the protracted meet- Mr. Ditrier la never done with tbe Oarrollum Ua,tGod. ^ xjt... P^jL blen an eameat effort. out baptiam, it equally juaUfiea any and every neg« power of 8aUn unto QoJ, that they may receive log, and by that Ume ail good impreaslona the pa^ debate, the ghoat of it haunts him by day .nd Agitailon U needed oil th^^Vof ''Then the faitb (hat aavea» thai makea whole, leot, any and every ain. The religion of aentiment forgiveneaa of aina and inheritance among all them tor may have made on his mind are gone, and bis nX It ia now fourteen veara. and he ia .ail Uiaaiona. God is openbii tha^ thia a^ree tbe divine biaasing i* a faith that baa many a aad illuatratioo in indivldoal trana- that ate aanctlHed by faith that la in Chriat. heart U harder than ever. 3eivelng to find aome excu«> for hia algnal^def^t Lona. Are we i^y to go .«? ^^^ embJditf Itaelf In acta of obedienca."—Goapol Ad greaaion. Let the church aa a body accept the re- THIS AND IHAT. ' These ate evils which it would be bard to over- Trgeryl He knows there is not a forged line be talked about fr^, J>t vocat^ ligion or Motimeot, inatead ot tke warrior apirit OBDIMATION.—Oa the 29tb and 30th of Jane, estimate. And while it may be admitted that good on ItThe would foorteeu years ago have indioted aons, but In aU onr Tbia ia one of the lateat incubationa from ibia that givea battle rather than yi^ one inch of Rev. R. D. Wilson wa* ordained to the goipel ^ ia acoompliahed by theae annual meetinga, theae n^ for forgery. But he will foam out his own meetings and oborobas. LelW ^ hothooae hatchery. It ia now having one of their trtttb, and the eerpent ahe waa to have trodden be* dlstJucUon by the fah« atatemenU be indulges Lpo„ our hearU and the heart! Of 0ar bi»a»li0. and ministry by the Goodlaod Baptiat chnrob, of evlla certainly eall for an effort to find some bettor big rnna, and ia going the rounda of at leait the neath ber feet will atrangle her within hia foida. in -^LESIOB EDITOR. thus be more like Chriat, FCRh e had it opon hli Haywood county, Tennessee. Tbe preabytory way. J^P- saparficial. Mr. Gbuding ia the dire of it, and he We have a better hope for the church than thia, conaiated of Reva. H. W. Tribble, W. B. Clifton, ANOTHER VETERAN. heart and Im^reaaed l4 his par^g^ oominlllton to baa ataked the debate on It aleo, and if he ia not a better hope than thia for our Baptiat churchea. W.T. Skipper, and the writer. The services FROM CULLBOKA.TENN. I aee that the Inquiry ia made aa to who la the M» V^V Fwttentally, tied, band, tost, and tojfgue, it will be bacauae he rhey have grown to be many and atrong, by f»ith> were divided between the two days, Saturday and EAR BAPTIST :-Plea8e aUow me to exp^ I oldest subscriber. I will «|y to you diat I waa ^ Row. J. WrtUHoBiii. will Bot ataod to hia contract. Oaly one illuatra> folneaa to their oonvlctiona. They will grow in Sunday. The wrmon waa preached on Sunday by D my admiration of your answer to the quesUon tion on the flfth collected, aeated together In one place, and no in- do so. Ill"' / iu nearly every oaae it waa an action ot haphazard mnnion without atulifying ouraelvea, and pro- Bird's Point, Mo. tion prayer. Thia atatoment does not conform to the vitation be pven. Brother, I am only an inaig- BBMARKS. and not of obedience at all. And to think that it claiming our own denominational exiatence to be order of the aervioea, but only ahowa how they nificant unit in the great Bapiiat fraternity, but Bro. Caaey of Mountain Home, and Bro. Naive falla to our lot to weigh thoeo "ayllogiama." Breth imprrtinence and achiam. Nay, we cannot with-< were diatributed among the membera of the pree< were I a teacher. I would go even farther than you en, pray for ua. bold our proteet againat theee irregularltiee without bytery. Bro. Wilaon bore bimlelf well in all the do, and aay, that tbe church ahould celebrate the being falae>to Obriat and hia trutb, and impwillng aervicea, and in the examination gave entire sat- aupper in the evening, with the charch in aecret OOMMENT. hu th« matter in band in uuu «ty• ana dm tmmmM the whole future of hia church. No auch neceaeity, isfaction to both tbe presbytery and the church. session, with doors closed, and no one be admit^ KLdSd diST It ud^ ^jt^Sl N the firat night of Harding'a meeting in Hdtte ia upon ua aa will juatify a breaking over ot Chriat'a LAY- His piety and perseverance have attracted atten- but members (of courso mothers could bring their TO EVERY PASTOR, DEACON AND O field, three men made oon^ion, two of them appointed order. Love will not do it, for love will bad attended the debate, one told him he had tion, and he has tho confidence of all who know babes) , ,N TENNESSEE. 'm hMrd the debate and conld reaiat no longer—D. lead to obedience to the Horiptural atandarda, and him. He has been attending the S. W. B. Uni- Brother Graves, I expect some one to say, Oh i DEAR BnoTUEB:-Atour Memphis Convention L, July 17. even in tbe pain of aacrificing a rituAl enjoyment, versity for about two yeara and will doubtleas con* howselfiah. But let's see. Did not tbe Loidwt I was requested to act aa Vice-President of the We learn fonr or five have uniteuui*cdu with the • wilwutl nnfindu thtaoe evidenoWiuauuoe oUft it•»a• «i«vi|fiii»wm|diaoiplineahip» and the tinueto dj|ao until he iiiiiihea bis Aollegiato oonrae. the example. It was In the evening he and the Foreign Miaaion Board tor Tennessee. Aa I an- diaciplea in Northeaat Nashville at Harding'* meet* j uaurance of greater nearneaa to the heart of Chriat He waa calle lidied by the Board of Foreign Miiaions, and any A brother editor writea: **I am aatiafiod from but a bindranoe, not a contribution to tbe aettle If It was, It seems to me that our Lord would have ent at the writer's home. While at Hot Springs, pwfiter. to mlaalona. It coata only thlrjj-flve Memorial Bondamhool, W the reports, and the bowling of the Q«)apel Advo ment of differenoea, bnt a mere patohwork treaty had It pabllcly announoed and had all of bit Arkanaaa, where be went for tho benefit of hia osntaayearandfurniahea a teaat of good things. ^MM F H White, 11 W; Mrs. P. cate, that yon mnit have whipped him like a dog." that leavea unnotlc^ every main queetion at iaaue; followers Invited, for there muat have been many wife'a health, he waa atrloken with paralyaiaon But the trouble ia the Journal ia not taken much If wormwood and gall la any aign they muat have not a ayntbesje of trutha, bat a formulation of oi> othara besides tbe twelve. , both aidea, the laat atroke occurring about two InTenneaae. Only three hundred and forty.five it little mote than they can atand. aential and irreoonciUblecontradlotlona. For thia yeara ago. Acting on the advice of hia phyaidan, Believing as 1 do, that the Scriptorea teach the ooplea all together in the State, and one hundred reaaon we have confidence that Baptiata will atand Read tbe tallowing fVom Dr. A. U. Strong, in at Hot Springa, he returned to this State hoping private celebration of the supper, I bellmtbat Td ^enty of the«. in five places. In Ls^.. for .purity and laave Uod to ttke care of the peace. each individual ohuroh sho ild celebrate the sup hia Philoauphy of religion. It ia ao true and lo that tbe change would be beneficial to him. In the li^t number, fifty copies, arc taton, and In Peace wUl come, not by the love that breakadown tinaaly and ao well aaid, that we beapeak for it a this he has not beendiiappointed, M his condition ' Pit as Ita own F^vato memorial aervloe. Mimnhia thenextUrgeat number are taken, white and over rides organic law, but by the love that careftil reading and ro>reading. People In the has improved oonmdetably sinoe his return, thongh^ iirotheraravae,Idonotwrlt«thle to aet up BrwSX coTeathl^d: A little eflort will bring Booth who write that way are called uncharitable, holds and holda forth the trnlh. my own Wees, aa much aaX do to aay amen to he ia atill comparatively helpless and is, without yoarteaoblng.forlbelleveltlathe duty of the into our State ihouianda Inatead of hundreds. A niid he b'<»rd him. extreme and many aacb like hard namea. The If wo traverse the world, il is possible to find doubt, dlaabled for life. He will appreciate any cbittoh membera to aay amen when the teachera Ihe email prire of thufy fi^^.' cenM t«r a WU be used ai a ahleld for defense, sentiment expreaied is aa impottiint aa the aaie> icitiea without walla, without letters, without intereat, hia frietads may feel or manifest on his aohooia and theateni but a city withunt a tem' give them loand Bible doctrine. Yoiira, jearalmoat an, family c.n tako It. In club, o ralher than aa a iword to woond.--rnHef, ^ ly aai setarity of tbe oharoh of Chriat. behalf, and will esteem it • fhvor to hava the four It can ba gotteu at twenty-fivo couti aploo., pie, or that practioetli not worship, prayers and Jolyl6lhl889. J.A.Soorr. "A lait lasaumi tion which we moat notice la, the like, no one ever saw.—Plataroh. Arkaniaa Baptist copy what hi*a i 11 <. f bitn.

£1 V J • s.'-. = ;'lhf. ll^l, » mmk ^m^AiuiT. - UUB BtllLK ntoroiw.'^ ^' A«»WI|M.1». qwwmovi^woM >Vifc» • TBWTwiiiTit," loowy front our frienda. Tfli^ABt or BKimi Bikilv j'liiWit . Atr«t'SokAt Alter a lobg alltkoa I wrIta yon again. OUii I . ^ijii»«'laryaaa»''fhavaiiO it»vs. iMk." Aol|4a waa aiM aioBwt to daath (t>r thoft. JotH^ M t^ laat lWIitatwji hiW B claw mtatloa WM thaii«a#r«l wbo lay in ambtpth agalMt • . WMtNMkrkatiia «Mu had • "WbM ean we dof eMi lA ftymo^ jil- ftiiKHflirtojrMiw, JirrUrt m^rntniitrnmh^m iryoit (Hilf ktitw how putr m barnt It. Jotbua built an alla^ to tie l/wd mVS tlAly. • KP.- • eiilha new diMiaother ^ift UvnnJM wei^t--^^ Bb«l. OldaoaltfB wen oondoarad to bendago It *•«» wxiM WA .hlu la • MMMt. ••Fertiapt you will not think mjr p»® very at^ lomi, AdoBit*j«k, nobftiB. Poraai, Jopbla Mkl O bir a*arwaa |»ropo«adferharplaa.u«ia«amed to bj mo .i- ^^n't think Mrt. Vttmf h»A Umb mooli later, new hat. OoaW 1 ^ iilir-'fl^-:: • Aildi»iiiiiab'tllyoar«»iir. . Itaottte,-aaid Mra. Bllery. "Ja Af«aBMdi «gr»T Jukat? WMldnH^^I lllte ^ var^^Ilkad baat. flka aatorfd Into every Jul t b mtrilnrnlkdonfbetorfc Butwadaytb* weallo aomethingthat lreadihe otler day : •Cbriktian llt f$ •UtdiBK «to«i |>Mld« yoi, r»i»t«oD»ry mwoaf wli«w•»» • y«iBg wo- paopla will «g»»« that nlHdonariea are caU3d upon ' --^lilnk beil, dear." That dldn'^ Bif • Wt.^ Ifoniy^AueiMiidft*, ^•k'a (Ike giant) aoB. f^on hi. iaberitanca. Joakuft mauwhowwiolnf toladlktwd hwid hw l^ hadthaoity of TiaRatb-Mrab lor bt« inkeritaaoa^ lia tomakegWAtaicrlfieeaforChriat, bat wbydo^ i^S^ht Uboot It ^ ihie ffl^ Md wli twokiaga of Iba Amorltie woro drlwn from ttwir do; lwwtbeLonih»itod»»rt0 gl« her llfcto hla the obligation rojton them »ny morelbas UMrptt*DBtt on mv Una driwa ud my « IMItooUidrciieonaiAiM. Srmy*Jreen bid. andtr^to ihWt ito'tett;!. ^lOB by boroata JoabuaaMd -a.ljrmaandikykoMae ,arfle«,too»rff thago»p»I among the haathan; DoeathamladoBary belong abac^utely to God? Wt wUi aarro the Mrd." Joahaa "|o aro witnaam toA Mra Ki «ry tald aha tbooKht of that yoaag WWt yon kMw h« amr ebMgM. agalaatyourMlvea." «w«Baaaae Holeaadowe.' Cannot we, by making aomalMr A* y»nr litu* frtoiida d* li«r«r 1 might a4d one or two moro to tbe «»ui«,ue. M^wt-r. woman giving har whole life, atui le»Tl«g homa Uaaaorifice, find aametblng lo give? Soppoae ja^ n^katl" FwhiM beauty oid^ inlght Ji« l« alwAyi KIWI «Bd r«My andfrUndi forqhrWiaaka,»nd aomany Chrta. WMnlnifwioftbalaw^ a^'Vtf ? wnd ma moal. (% oredft to her mother', tr.ining). «n,i .L SiS each of ua dej^de^ieea heraelf aomo ono thing which aba yor to oomfbrt and (9 oiiMr. Bfo. oiat'a piotarea. I »m auxioui t > girt tb«m. I win a,n» et home lUlnf awlly wmI happUf, •oi doln* of mine unt aarson and Sunday iOliool li*|oti ell- ••-J ••»lyou»>«.thi g for Cuba ju.» JT„n '/ ^peeetbelbra bar wiu. areepectablc aj^uio * " dooa not abaolbtely need." . «t^my benl that day. I re^ wd thjtt It wm*t almoitorqultenothinf to help In apreadlnglha Awl vary bMt aboot it to d..n»y craataroa tk.« mieoa aod minre a. ir , The focm waa very eUll for a minute, and^ the my duty to wear dotbea that dlatorlwit mMnd Ua** alwaya oloaa at ha«d. Wtof. ikat ho wUl. May Ooj ,p,.a u.e day »b«n wary goepel. liaaemedio h«r that wa ought to do ao. I wonld have a Mw Una and gray hat beforo dotJt beamed to tick louder aiid louder. I waa aad IV/ And will alwaya llataa to you. orea ye nuj fMl tbo love of Ood In ibelr haart*. I bow iomeihlog, ewn If wa could do »ary lUUe. anotherBnadav. BittllMelrdlei It will not bo 80 long before I can writo again. Youl thinking of my last wlnter'a 6r«a made ovar Mn. Slaty told se how there ara eo outaqr 1 And alwaya uadarataad. T^"" thof«oeofM,eo.r.b. Mr. lui" Tbe glria weta aU wUUng to try, W wo met at ookrt^pnttatlo, and Mr.. I^re^m.n cntlnn.d 11 twice, aud hardly fit to wear to tcbool, my worn- ofaaoniala China and JTaoan who haire tuner It mattanmot how imia, SH»IIO.MI... Mra. £iiory'a odo Wednaaday aflarooon to organ- out »ho«a and my ehebby glovoa. I w*a anre ihew hearit|ladly{ftkny Or how Tary youag or waak, la t.lara Voater'e oharm, - ,be i« •<, oaelly p|„tt,oa. ia ibo mlaiJon olrclo. I JUougW ara would naw waau't a tblag I could deny myielf. Lu Bymonda S bowXUarieeaf* wanted Wat 0^ J, . ABdlfyottfcaTabtaa alBful, iJf^ZlTj'H" "'."'•rerly Smitb. Mamie Gardner, \ nt lo talking about mlaaiona, for lha gltU wore all B^BIaad, JohoandlU«|a MerUy. Rabble. Carey and might give op ber chocolate creama, the Colborna L ^ 't waa ysu ha oama ft aaak. taniuTtat"^' "" "" 10 bu* aaking Mra. BHoty how abo made bar naw might give up a p»lr of glove., or aboea, or even a table ac»tf, and admlrJng aomo golden rod and I dont mlad: that la aot «nry mnch- "fhara la BOthiBv uat aaad bladar arSTd wWood , Kaeleaaa Irm' a Ayree. Upw- la tbiehappy rkiraoterUtlo a ginf « uiem be.towe.lf dria. and never mUa It, and Mra. Ellery heredl Then negl^ not tka gift tkat i. In uien uter. .he bad been painting. Bat I mnai baaten to tell yoa abont onr meettng Your oonlag to hla mw, bibls qvKnioHB. might give up wmc of bor palnUng and ^y Ho you aaraly «UI Bot llagtr Atla»tMra.Ellery aald,' Glrla, what about the tbe firatof febmary when wa carried ^•wt^ Who bad thirty eon* wb-» btd thirty cl.ieef work. And then Hooked at Kato Carew and An- ojet to The girta wer« all ibei^ and tlaUl yon oldar grow. mlMtou circle?*' nie Hamilton. They weren't ChriiUani, nw waa aJSy onVhSbfOOght anwfdopa with aometting thirty daugbtrr. wbo bad bu.baod. from abroad r le It an artf That excelbnt and„R bo^k ,he Xbeo yoo abonld have heard ua all talking to^ LuSymottda. Uow couid they give in Mra. H You raaliy aitiat lova Jaioa "If'•ynonyn.ou. with ml. .pui, ^ Wkaa yoa tblak ol all hla lova getber: ' Let'e have a fair," cried May Wat^ ^"llkKllery eallwe had betterbarfn wljlitii; ana readlneee. Aptitude iodoed may bo n. urai ul W>D. '^At iMt^May Wat«)n»ald,tnd there wereteara la ooalag dowa firrai kaavaa, Tbat happy komabora. -Let', have an entertalument," aaid Annie Uam* tn her eyei, "Girle, do It. Think of the mia. myeiu any artl^ of dM«: iMka dm a .hoiidTm ".'i/:;?'" Uioo. (Anule reciiea boau4fuUy.) onariea giving up eo mnah, and we not wllUng Zoe^a^ I mt todnlga in ot^ecUom ao Itaw d^ I myaalf aooM praekma Batnrday An4 lying In a maigar. -No, a pink lea"no, a mnalcaie' n j, a Japa- to aacrifice one lUtle thing." And raffariBg aa •Mh woa. Who wa. 8am40u'i, fatberf « he.rt«>n,o. geuuUc Inter,.t, t.^aiy LCM wetldlDg," »ldtha otberaall at oocd. I forgot May when I aaid all tbe glr a have ^, the aton, aad bava earned a little to il^fc" . , That you and all daar ohlldraa feeling* and gentle oourteaie* mun b» ooltlvaied JeScolbatBMld her money WW to prli* of To that bright world ailgkt gn. Mra. Ellory langbed and put bar haiida lo her the money the/want. May U atudylng haidto ear.. "Suppo«e we organise our aoclaty Aral," abe a lo^^fan «hich aha had aaea at Miller' -Tho J>rtat»ytaria«i. be a toacber, and alwaya look, ao nice, becanae aha duSy w^ bnt aa aba bad thi«^ ate ^ ADMTMoiiA:tLiiQjoMd you wUI |>loaaa lad alaaty •aid. baa a real genlna for contriving waya and meana Xledito dldn^^ H. and pnt the.two doilara o«Bia to pay o.r daaa lor May. Jdm aad Jaly. vr* baS We all bccime quiet al lbat« except for wbUper and fixing old tblnga over tn look like new onee. andaba^rtn tlMnvclopa. . ,, ^ pro»lart ouraolm to pay thirty aaata par aiMlh Ite Who Mt up a rellglaa f .r bim^elf aad employed a wan. lug, of courae, and U wai decided, after a good The Colbu uglrU aaid they would do ll,»d SuaiaQray'a waa glove money, a dollar and a " I bold him great who lor love'. ,»it<. Cttha. Wafeav.atittiaalatar Louia,a.drbabybrotl5 SS'kiS cSJ^'a?" """ • deal Qisro talking, tbat we ahould be a real mla thenall thereat promuei, and I WM very ^ad oo y UimmoBth, oldBa«.dlaallaKl.|,.„g;. thay Cao with noble, gencrou., '^rt. BUary aaid h«» waa the priM ^ a bonnet, lion circle, with an admlaalon fee of twenty-five they didn't noilra thai I didn't promiw. How at w^ I fdt mr ehcaka bnm to think bow eroat will h. p«. work for .laalaaa wht. tk., ^ mJ, But he who take, lor love'. .ivt« .uko Ihadbeenaboat wMVingmroldoaa. What became 01 the man and hi* I think I bold more generou* .mi." centa—May WaUon to be prealdent, Jennie Col« S 10, but It inu.t be all voluntarUy aad U M If aU wa had waa abeoloteir i^ed t% akopBprlBg,Taoa. Uk may aaob faith bo mluel m!.'./ . •ormon*. To bo cllv (obeiplnlelUgenUy In mlaalonary wotk, we mu.t tome. But laat Saturday mwniog Aunt Jane eeat pleaMd ourMlve. I. the te>i 01 thi* opo. n ,, wo7d that abn had Wr^^l^^^ wwjd Yoo ara dolag Bloaly. If 1 arar fall to eradi| yaa it la team aomethlog about it," ahe aaid. 'i think wa "Th^fall P"«d away. It wa. baoaua* your aaawara eoma too lata. J/ • , I waat a faith tbat will cot filter itMll .bould keep Bod cuiuvaie.- Mld-uoniinoci. had better devote our time, for a while at leaat, to and we bad finished l)r. Judwn and .tudlcd Ind^a. .'though I _ but ahe'a AUMT MOkAx-1 expaoted to writa l« yon ite Biaiav Wben daepeet «badow. f«i), undying tbo mUalon field, and learning Mmethlng „d Burma, and Cbln., and aa I learned tbout the ka wa kad bo auoaUoBa to aiawar, bnt I k Tbatebaagiog acaeon* oannot alter, ailngy-nol don't mMO •heia-bot eo™ p^ .bout the mlwtonarlea." heathen women .0 wretcbel becauM tbey and th^ mt mid the wIMeet terop«*t dwell* in, Bobby w.. .pcndlug ib« «ft«rnoo,, i.u ..u,,^., ttdSfceo. I don't know why 1 did ".hotJ^M to of my courtaa f^oiD Colorado waa Mrt. rtitrlfcl The girla looked preUy aober at thla. I waa huibanda have never heard tliogoapel. IJurtlog^ toSioa'metblngtoglve. and I kava i mlaoloaary pig. WMar wd iVv^a^Sa And alBga iU way tDroutfh all. glad, for my part. I had no mosey to apend for aoaT Edna Gravei, and I walked home together 4ollw aaok for Cuba. Blatar aada bar Moaay ww^ tancy work .material!. Indeed, I hsd bagtinto • for maiBB,^ and Vorratt kad a. Iritk potatupatolb I waat a failb that aver re«UiiK woiiderhowlflooldfindthoj,qnarterfor the ad> Ckarlla aM I aaad oaa dollar. Wa will aaad^iwura Oa aod alone lor etreogtb »aro lor Cuba wkaB wa aall our pig., I aa^. May ahook of battle boldly breaaiiag niiaaionfeo. The other girla, aU except Sdna Si! ^ Bro. Olaa'a plotur... Aa 1 hw to aaawjr ttTBlb^ Kaar not the force of e'en unnunibortd*. Gravea, have plenty of money.. At laaat they aeem S?iU. to b!^li»»y nothing of makirg oord^Md that I'd nothing to givo. When I S qnaatloB. 11.U1 tUm. Hnah i„a to yw, O^ Bat Ight till Ikoir retreaUntf r-«i„ auolo« to have all the new drewwa and hale and ktd glovea «Hi «,a ooa.l9a. w# all walooma UMa J.mZ Si Tke victory won at In egih. tbeywnnt AndLn Bymond'a and the Uolbuma' '^^^•.arid*^^^^ Mr. El. s Everybody koowa they are lieh. le^lwnidwwmylaatwlntef'abat. Itwaajuat I wanta faltb wblob wben kept w^Uioir % "What, not have any or anything!" tha girla a l?veirg«r ve vet. and coat three or lonrUmfaaa fii, Sal'e for ynnt® give to tha mlaahm drt^' l^w girt It eeeke in prayer barley from in then.,ur.l lothl! pC May by lu own antielpatlng, tald. And if we weren't all perfectly detroled to Tkough human roMoa deem, ibe hop^ in v*ln, Mra. Ellary, and aha hadn't anoh a sweet, winning ABiir ftoiuj- You don't koow how glad I waa whan loaeaaa ike J .y It oovou nor oomplain way,IUtlBkthemia4lon circle would have been papaauteuiibid tor Tua Baribi ag^l •teJ^tC Thongh aod may long forbear. SSy ahe noticed that ahe halon J'f jj* SShSg^ kS. CaSr edd Youag aoutU Buoii. 1 aa gulag to am far^^iT given up then. tenoet the next Sunday, and abe baa worn it ever tloB..gBio, buiam golag off to-day to ata/M iZ^ But Mra. Ellery tald a fair, or tea, or an enter a^ee. She looka lovely In It, too. live a doUar. She wondared how ^ muy wua B.y grana-ino bar, m I oaaU aaawar tha« lUl igal I WBBta Dkiib whaea .taady lu.ter talnment would take lime aod attention from our k^n Blbte it ^d boy. and H it would ito a Mall ahadltaokaarlog ray. godllneae. way., aad ro«uiae 4 liio nt Alter Mra. Ellery loft ua wa began to dlaewa iSrt^l^Wffo^r^nli Ham'lU^ wae thalaat bwk. f M.; ih.t wa a »or4 many aawlM^auJ^ .tndieaattohool,andatthela8t yield diaaatiatao •Mi Md meana of giving to the mlaalon d^ .0 «.b.t -o man, 01 iba om'om. araSrwTS I'. „ «o.t tbiRkly oin.ter, Uon and a amall profit of other peopla'e money IglB. iSra waa an Ida: ending Into my.iiUnd tta. 1 wh» tu »iaa lu Uiar iifw o«a.iM Liilit OravaT 1 Intor'a bat, bnt I want 10 It nu uuo dollar f.»r Ciil>« lala ytar. 1 aaod a two f Aaaartkly taparaleaethel luebiegM*. do wo all agreed to read the llrH half of tbe IMi o»a iUu rortbe plotuita 01 Mr. wm. Yowa Vw And IIM aaame ioat m m.i . *ver I. a*u.i».d thereby i. not wl^.-ivo;. of Dr. Jnaaon and talk It over next Umeb and Mra. deny themaelvea ••wythlng pretty njwmf.m 1 wm^ ^^ notlft It Ellery wonid get a map eo that we might laam tha rwl»IlkSoillkelrigbtoi Wgb«^, and give alf their money »W | /^Jf^Xi^STTOrn abontltalloor Utoe. «. AU. "MA I want a lalth that will not abiver roH cvuA. locaUon of plteaa where nladonariaa It 1 haw decided tbM I wUi Roept Wkao du4ih a tyn 0 ima in U don't think if. wioa^f ^ 1 au. Ill (, i»joitnlii.fcha.»|,.i, Uouatf^uraya, ara at wtnrk. W» wera alao to think of eoma plan to iSdiW?"''"Se forVauly, pniVldal wa d^ -r, Bin J«u . I IU5 pgiii.j (jy^,,,^ ily »i,,MNi«ttUH«.|ih,«,, I-. . ,, by which we could ral«a money to five. ft»r Jwe I five ^-'m m'ni'r . • J-'. Mt uSr^. If Chrli'lan |hhip'« wnr- ofv ^'ntH*. ..t d t « Mio.c.Bwi ivund ihcre wete We ware aU at tha next meeUng, and moat of the Kd l^k .1 ijJ'M. tiMl i.iU-"". i .«) wuu.d ti

ill ffa.''.-


fuvount ofknarror w aintlnjE&i^^^^ wafcliigin'^ itiiMiiwniieoo't^l JV^'lf. or tY OPJACKiiON? maBJEc* Iff vi^vr^ c h ^rt flafl a flordkM welcoii Mi ^0^ fatnll fta «.r the eh y, it»»i>much fs th* Rrowiog daDtftnd for wieD-tnbt* Tb^o^jaotIn tI»v ia to acquaint that, that the longinn for hotna »r« .-'tolflU- ^S^SHa nftAii 'iia» Ihlfwluiea in »t'»>tt»eiMC'.S| «d, •killlul neconaiMiN hM iad th» theatudaiit wiibMeli rulataLU net^t ^oou fofrfoften by r«^a u or ib*' gen- fanirliy Miiwiit it llamllfi In W. otHer m^n*. O Truilnef to opeo iifJB»iD««i Oo)I«f« • t«lltw«!t«l«!«rtuit! of IhMBjwInlMMWIK,: PI od« aa would be of Mrvi«j| t^ him lii all croua hospiiaii y extended lo them howifirBi^, 'at H^^^r .p.!" tinin to rfcfitBiMlaaon A H^iii«|iyrui|i.aU»r in eooniRctl^jit with ti>* LtMniry ui| hfa buain«i»i*l4ttboa. Stiid^n aof thia department will m von aw ndtpartio lar. —--"WlMticnni 8«i«niiff<\ cnnm of iDttfiictidtt^ Und«r Ihiahead will ootae praotloa be go m^ by titles and Itoielr it whaotherwifon . Yfoto i Bo >k«itM rfag hert tftiight m dlaeiptltto at (hoM of the nnlvetaliy shftiild in rapidiuldiaoii^ ahort roathoda of —- '.•-J,-'-, ".- »ia Miiootl'or inl BKOBT iVtlt^ thoroujtlx nnd aae xt«ntifo!y •• in «nj Molii{p|i(liatfti and Oiviaion, a thor proper, and will b > admitted to afl Uoi^afl n tlU ptibllo I(;ottire» t>* the akmo. you before yoti m k« up your mi ua II tJoBiM«c'iil Uolf#jj,« i» thtt Uoitwl ongli ttodaTMMidioi of Fraotiona, t« propire yourself for such a posi. iWK'flMiji; "tt tlVlillKSwiiVlllfllWV^'^^ HtalM Tbe nuident \» Uught Arlthi r«fMiitq;» in all ol ita applicationa, •• " cm, • • ilon. When a merchaut seea tbs" , M)iar«#t4.t molieinnif it4 brnDRhn, iiiclmHog Uiokfraga aod OomininaioD, rapiii tuoro belp U needed id his .atabiSnh- MEMPUtS JJi!"'*" ^ u, I (ii««»t plaiiot. thal^thoy « ]'*rUi«rk kwulug, Bank- and ihe A vetage of accounta. And th* w«il aiKtlkmtb luring, TuHlou, book*, bond, department to , 4imI fciMMifsi na tiIio'^MA"'!**!!*""n " I^*"? ing and all kin'iiior hu«ir.ea4 iiertitiii. t'OiiMERC'IAIi LETTER WKITrXU. SrniNUiilu'' lijr ~itlK)iiit«i>f ivhicli r-TAKBTHI waah iig f r a'hreo month! course, li.C'.JAMBSOV.ffhi. U |KX.:iircO lli'l WatiM »o»- ' ? ing to clorkabipt in iUiirocd < (licvr, Hox2t2,TRck80u,Toun, Tbia branob will be taught with an f77, banto for four mouth , ftffi 00, (iitii'iHintyaiKl (leRwiwmt lit wlMiIra d' Mumfaotoring Extftbliahruunl*. aod liiixt, ^>K^ 'wliii ntpittiy iti eye aingle t> tba correct mechanical Stud.nt. f oin ihe Univ.ralty •wiJwfMnlirt-' IjttluflVohlSaT tx lorBUii'UnK ^wrf otUer kfnd tif buaineu of which ill iiiHO and «li« lmi»ortiui» iui»amw«v ^Illnols (feliR^oa^ conatruetion, correct wording and taking ibis roursv Witt bo oharg>d 8iindav-8c}iool Boolin. •ny record jg kopt. H«oanher«, in Aclr<;iilar, tonlainlnn U-iinimilala rr"i» three direct exoretidon, thereby oonveyiog $26 00 fjr a full aoholarahlp, whether BaiptlitQawMw i Soolt. BjA.ti. r»«yi.,ii. liuni!«!ili)ttreh«««r»,!i>u«leii(i>-, nml lr», ff i. m row wcokfl bhtaio an a(x;urMe It require* oiii> or iikw 'uruK*. , Vol*. 1, uiit 11. Mch aoou, n wiHii i(,i«,Ti li>.,cih<*»lihdll« <•«''':'''»!<»>. toanyaiii'lMM'ii- the meaning intended in the fewett MirrtloQtieMloit Book. J.M.^UVc"• i'i«iK» and Of«n» aoW 'or«»»« orjw/ piy- I lubiriraUun, wldra^f ^^^^ * 0(X>Tt, " kaowledp of tVaoiicai Busineis that Stnilfttia frtini tic Unlrsrdty will wflnrtT jVhak-iii wordi p)Biible and avoiding redund Cbild't l:»t«oiii«fa •>1 1 Khywc, A u Tu.k«t A«»..«U nam M ,'Miia»t>Wi will aid him in (twuriDg a good psy> U adnii'tfld ;o lUc \Vrltiiig;c!a«-f.s for Qwm. |IW>t4. J.,; lor ...IlofW "t anoyof language, which la out o( Brief Cal«clil«m m Bttila D«><'triim), Dr. I I- ^W^Madi-nai. ingpotitbn aoon after graduating. Oio «t,i r,t «fl4ftioii by p»y'>ut( a f to of BaTup. rer tloion flocu. Bcra, place anpw,here, but more partic»< $i.))0, wl l>lt nil) limiudea mil coilrae A diploaia from thii DApartnipiit wHi Intani da* QiuiUmii Ho b i, h aunck I'l.r -• iVii ii ii-'fi'"^-' larly ao in a buaioeaa letter. iu loiter WrlHiiir. "THE ODELL W TM M* MU VTWMliiai b« a guaraat«« of ability (u diicharge I'art ]. H M»nly, |r I'IT (BOXTTSaC rttncn SOGU. "OmCIH OFMETHODiSM"! X•TOZ^TXI succoafnlly tb« dutic» of any clerk, ORTHlHmAHiV. TfSil] RKtil'IKKli. Wttl« lifl^iu. fttrt II. B M«n)y. Ir, I'll T*) yuciMt, Haw OrljMn] ahip oraocouataut. In connection with the above daily Tho liiiK) Mqinrttl lu noiiip'elo the dMcuMteu. Tvve Writer at l/>tili, Chk»if». HI'- C«Il("">la. flArlia, ' full conrt-i! I ili'ijend up m it oquaU (.lilia'l Mcripttir« t •ra«ullwmT*>M iduaiiotiB and h| tneis nt Mio itudout, rts I rwillbuy iboODKU/fVl'E polnli. Bwira that rtur^utd (D the VViiiianfi^Rig. practice*!. We cannot lay too nmcli (Alld'i riiiipioro qii»Uim ~Bk. I'uri II. IS NOW READY FOR MAILINU yatir tlckM* »la>th(>wft' hi tviilti'i ho apiilica Maoly. Jr. IVw 7ih u. Sv In Will I felt. Warrauicd to y..Brikl"nrfia ei'a BowoefaCollea*;, R<>cbc»ter, N. atreaaon the neceaaity of becoming h iilni <• f. MiindMHK'hool tij* aookii. i-wrdtMwn 50.1. V • vjo aagcod work a« any $100 ovtt Iha apeller. A letter may Itn Bana«r-ioliopl /rliaenL w fngi'ii. wu!n,iii HIS BOOK CONTAINS KHSH- nUnoU CcQtral Y , and at bnt liUl6 oterhali the ex* cormt A'lull 111 p IS cni?d jf A cumnion emtt*. Pef rtowu .'lUoU. niiii'liiiii). IlU&ois ContraL p«niie. writti-n in a faaltleia hand, a fine di4> Blo« and Red Tli keti. fur 1 (ino H no, T lypage^ of closely printed matter, Alk Aa»nll tn» H. Ttka. i • Mbw. . Hchool eilii(j5».ioii callcoiuplnlft ill ftnim A M«w Vmr-volnma I.ibrary, WUoi* h .'f.nibinea BiMi'tu'tTY with »UHA- play oflaugtiage may be made, it may and ia the best and moat tborooRh Prof. JameajD baa been connectsd ibroo atxl s half lo four mouths, lie UUUb^ruflMeM In library 4.U0 Marble prm.r miin 8I'K«1>, KABKOl OrKKATlON" mi.MAHBi:ym SLEEPERS ua ill TBAfiiS | b«even elrquent, yet if the page ia i;ai« make riitro lapltl ai^va'-o mn t W 00. l^lOB o( ilngie u.Mi any other machine, baa no ink Bait AooosuDeflatiflBi «al Ifalfmnti. T0TH8SA8T. word, the reader will lay down the b on ineajiro and wbwo inii d doca paid oiecwipiof iirtoo. AitUrow. everj wlieio. BaptiHla aliould rffid it, eight years aa principal initructnr. hAwimt imiim(H;. , t ) bothor tho onoraior. It la not show that roa(lino>B to griiip and M«thodi«U.»h<.ulWCtfCTIOinE gled with difgitat for the writer. It t,foii(flj ttilngaat a Klaiic, ; but nhould liavi; it. li< t «>v. ryl o' y - rdei Double !>nlly Sleeping Car «peu tUo whola year and every day in i.cinnil a.lai lpdto all kimla ol tyiM) • be Hiiidcut who baa not ttio pro| or it at oiice. Booka will b« mailed ibc ibeytar except Sunday. It fc(l>rda €0X3CER€IAL LAW. 'itirary adv»nfaKo«, iio«J int be dl« Liko a priuliog preaa, it * If«« Arlr»n», ^ y aaaviaa awrrtaw Sherwood aame day the ord-r is rocpivcd. •{.•>.'.•1 'it ft'i*!*!iiuHrlo ' •STaIiIIs I ua niocli pkasoto to aiiuoaoca to an ( . .lutM«harp,Clittu, Ugibit) iMan- Theimportanctfora thoroiiKb uir couragefl, as what be lacks in prcvi u i TKItMB : •pprcoimiTe public that tbia depart-^ ! deratandlug of Contra i» N voiia preparation, nan bo ovoronie by ba-d .M.rii.U. Two to ten W'piiP can b*. W(U urtina. rwaatnaa taw ta aitf aaaiiiB l^phis lit Waiiogtoo, FEflUE] SEfllLlRY Impottaal P"!"** ment, which at l3r»t was onlf an t-x> bleUaper, he duty and scope of a woik and closo applhadoii, ind hi • ..hiIh at oD© wriMiij;. Kdito>H, law Single copy, hy m«.i", » ——via'TIH—^ -iv.-':'--^'" aorvlviui partner in cateo tb«ilo»th perimfent, ba», ' atiier a trial ofteven candimpl ffl tbn foil courNC in from STAliXTO.N, VA. ^eii. n.inuteri, »i*t'lterH, merohania, Twoc.Jpip«,bvr niHil, o the othe , the proper way "o settle menthit,''{irovfin, "a« the attendance (our lo live month . 0(><v until. ' MEiPHtS& CMHRLESTQH np m Insolvent buainea*, bow to All »Uideut3 who ooinplote <110 fuil will ihow," to be a aacocas ' i^omrarKagd IboroUKieM of ln«lriirtli>i>, N«w .Hiinot make a hetier iuveatmeut for P'llly copies, by oxprcas, ^ THE MOIS GEMTBAl BWOAD^ ® y Mo'' l>eed courao ard stand a MallifH tuyexim BastTeBa.,ta., and fa. Hi % t.nlldlntato aocnmmnlttte liiororfwd piilron. J^l/i Any iiit'liigpnt pernoii in a riiK MAix oiUkt'r. or Will, and many other thlii/a tie t liniloii ot tliu BiMi-i, Will 0,1 aw«rd**d 'iRB. Art »Dd Mail!' «|irclalljr. I»u|ill» from One biiiulrwl. by expri-w ^ m *tiii mi*»» can lieomo a oi> oi-KitATOlt. C-«b inuai ncconipany tlx- Tdor tor GBB4T KENNBSAW, The main «f tbia department la to ed of in thia importam book can a D pi mtafu ru oKnlHou oflbolr b,j Now Vork to' Texas. M^rniii inodiraia, Kor hardly be overeatimated ing I'tur uigo, liuaiwortby and c.jin. lllualrati'd cntaloaiif, adilrent nf A i:ai>h» i-fTK in two incnlha. meet the existing and growing de- h^-okf. H»».d ordiT- U, AHpi. W , -OB .THa—^^ Thia branch will b» taiignt by a (ii-tciit at'i^oiMiianlo. •M,. MASMV. A. n. 8M)()() iffiTfii any i'|>er»'"r who CUik. 21« Ea»l Marklmtn. Little mand for tbia clais of education, and praotieiuff Attorney, wh. will not nui^ Sk-cntc Hbeiiandotth Vattny Itoutw. A .\KU I KATIMIK. i I.n .1. hftler work with a Tyi»«> Wri- Hock. Ark. t.J.BOTHOWi "•^SJiSiJ to plare it wiibin reach i>f all who coKflne hrinneir to ttie text I ook, but I. film thiiiprt.ducedbythe01)JbLL. 'bA.1 Lsilio.; aio adiiiiiibtl 10 'bio i'Q,)art Staunton Male Acaikiiiv, 1 All trilw carry Pnilmau* may wiih to take fuch acoune. will five th I liw upon «ho annject a^lUliftble Amenta and Haleamen McShane ball Fountlr? under diaouaalou an U how ia and m.t iiiOiit on tiiu »anii! leriiio an K uil.'o STAUNTON, VIRGINIA ' Bnmflleapeta. and nm ^ .S^^.TiJ,,!® WHAT Wl. 1. ir KMltRAC'EI Whihi'.). Hpedal itdnceni»nt« to li ngion In rji.rty loaf hMit^ what i- waa men A Military llcardin • Hnlcol Kr Yoiinic M*iDi>h aai lOo'cioca p. »»• • Right hero we wiib to aaaure our iinil Il<»8. lliipr e'llenUslSnrnxriliiiirKiitNi . Tor Pamphlet, R"»ing |Hiirou« and frienda that tbia dHpart- MARMINO. A WOH!> TO VOrXtJ 1|E.\. H^aalon IIAM>80.Mi; IM.I"II'

St iir . up in

Em tooMftjn balloottlBK goodfOD a» rtdiw,^^ drivUir orhtpti NeithOr la it ,ii|M«»ry i »!>•». tl||! ' "the Igonof^^mttOli hettM* wort! . .. rifttMojr by boildisff flthf •ronaut^hoiild l^ignofiat iflllh^ A»jb ting^iwioluM lA wbldi tqi. Actions on thelovOl Wthth^t»li»|iHi COU> III HCAtkj dew>ribod. How«feffi<«;p«fheway \ - iMAte) to lM^aboM he is a* miieh aittlt*awrcir t bv ofil. IOImi •aJU rsgiuMeft, 09 m, ai.Y »iw>Tfi«iw. it wh wind blow* him abottt Bit ttvm ing oold and oan not h |i«#||» M wsim and thlnte when he ic •o^lHf Iiowk, beesuM It ta whtHlngbwIljilMdar/ahoat* wowt mitfi^m. loqrp-'ttKo iM 4tittd«ed and. a* hie ballast hM hem iiraftAy Iqr flflliiwiii^^ Int^fvW^ IcIwJ Of food thrown out tORiaaii)itho^»aif«>atoiMK Stata tlroiQ^'. fbp liumidt Boms ,<»t and hats the liegef, h»aattivot«» tif K fore qiaiiie^ttld v Kgain. Xh0buanp throiM|toi,ealftft< ^ up old«iir of ^ he breaka'bis noee and > l««tOTt a^ ibonaad hero iwd thero Every isow and then he' lai'^pped fas MB^^ I tia It li il^lfflqidt td know tlt« orlgtiua wit water and dragged emt tha poritoa froitt tboiM ttu^ hKV« \ma TMi jx^wrter 'nevBr v»rlp«. A m^vAi n) passlBg anwok. The orewjurarlvM •d t* ton and datiHNl tUl tiwy pur>l>, •trcbxlhanj wbolt« >in(j«»lc-|.uan tt>«' i^rlixmr? HimI*, »r.d with salt hOTM and Binriratv ,«<» y-fj****^tti. -rwtf. jU^ Vf il« met Mx» liM^M iMfl to hold ft fltlit «Bi e^aont be said is ommwtttioii ««>iiti tlui bought froan a North sea «oof«r,wbSDlk ttukt boftl ftaA tfant o^ppl:«d nuwltlnei^ omMtuideot low test, »bm» trolitlit, »lum orphoiplisie (Mwdtirs. oiilw tn ean$, glvM him ft bad headftoliA Why Im •IM «*« »lw« jr« c*Mli|i«t^rihrl««, aae. to jplli^ tf thft oftpltat sUHsk of porhap* ttro or ROY»L BAKING I'OWDKn CO,, 10« goM through all thia nobody kaowa. ^ tbftie g«Mriitlon« of i f^ljr, tb§ oon* Sold Smjmrlieye. reeidooM j,ip jBli^ii^f owl hftvtny probabljir bom; .funded He sees nothing when ia up, and OfUce, 44 Marray St., New York.^^ooiD^^, U, jif baUft oo&tvtf bf "(Mo <«hen he is Aowa ba aeM^what the real who now MM araund. jUm OuUeur.Reta«dlW (n to obtain so little ia ft qtuMtion. To ba poriisy iiiW^ttt: triitffe buugHljr examined, and tbeir oooteott (lilirwert^taM tlMOt dMiMlut, paHty when wld, and returned within a re- i^emoiiiW grabbed with aa anxiety thai belonge ln(iuHi ^Dtifyitig •kin, •iid In VMtlttt tOT' •ore, it la no uaa>'ftrgiilaff the polat roasontble time aAer purchase, say eonrf ihb oicti&iyaon^^likvo'm Chfiltiaite at ih^^At ^tiUie'tt^^ (Mrtnc. JUflcarlocdl , itcblDS. Mniy Wtd pimtdca with htnu only to povert^ iS)MM«iJI*i a of tbe s fo, (Mlp uid bluoil, wlia loMof three days. Tberefore buyers tske no iiettkrily WwaMte taldag tbakoffdr The true banooner fhdaka It a ovaAi At eome place on the ooaet, how> iMll nsk, tbe house Ukes all. We feel I«p to luMo aiid faqriajgthe m m CqtloiirK, lta« nMt flklii Caro, *ulie flkin llwatlfl«r,prci>krod{ro ' n the a!laru»e aiul that whopy thoroan wofjpblp Ood jM^ja BlulAw. Intoniallr. outo cycrf fowa of ftnd drowning to show that lIOBtgoUbe used, but O^h liM niost snooeii^l led tofttralllo in ojrttoni that ia mus skid «ttd^.t0; M prtiln^lttdt^, a nev UfehH dawai^ Sold •HmrhM^ CuUcnm. W <«nt» had found out all about the maohlae a •econd, Dun'tyju feel ibat you csn ose witllkirfhr ihort ortibo eHn^v. BeMlvmt. llsHoap oenU. Prtpwel bf the long time ago. If be Ukos the on wme dtttrlcta; and where at one Potter J)rii|{ and lAemlcal Co.. Hontoo, Mm, aave worry, tiino mid money by agant ^idiis tafcdo fbr it. fti. ^bthen.dfd grandly. I leaYi? aitiftil time WM poverty and squalor, there it Send tor '''llo* In Oureakln blte«M«" potion he must be allowed to follow tt^dealin g where the old gaiuuTof Tox and that' ibla shoiild hi ihe rnie of aceep^^ since we live In a tliaa of freed cwft iJ>le lafltiiioe.' In citoM Wh'ei^*'t>eo:^^ for da^ti«tiantf«ani 8. Ihe oaAr eoarse open to thoM wfto ireciouH to wa«te in haggling over Tkm febor. troQblea 'aroi by- no Wnbiattlttaihe h6i^''of C^od ifa«y not share his laitb ia to keep on toUiof trices or menapavoring to misrenre* meaha oonfloiad tb the TJuitod Will he MM by him, ' Bttf be will Steel for Rsllway Meft . Dttll Achm, Pahii, and Weaknc«M» In him he if a sUly fellow, aoi to mi lentr StatM, 'Pbero baaiboeta mtich Bot beatiow lda riobflatliivbirs 'oa tt* if, MMtlr reUev^ l.y tb^e utlcura Antl- him pay damagM for the fhliiffs h« It is thouffhl thftt 81061 WUt soon'btf • Aio pu*t«r, the ouljriwi ixinl kiUtnf plutiT tronblo lately ih Ooroiaby beiwebft WheiiU.-ini ean ba praasnt/b, tlii •aaaO' as Well established in pi-ooUoal uM for breoka with his ballaat, hIa grapnel and ' hla ear.—Zonifon tMurd^n ^ HOW CAN YOU FEEL POUBTITUL, the miaerti and^ thoir 0iii|il0y«M,' tttaij^-waretsain away., .Ood. doas not ratify axles «• it is now for rails, om p^ili pi)Mdiim p^^oT^Jad^fhor on Important fafit tonding to this oonolue* and the ohaBoea aire thM iho^stini^ when oor goods are our bonds, and r^lpi^., oa take the .^t offer- ion being the ditooveryof a tougheniag ARE Y^J&OINO you can have them redeemed? When gle will aooB bo renewed with WbrO Annoying Oevotioni prooem by which the failures herettv not entirely Mtisfaofory, come and bittemeoft than eVtf, ttt' iK^udbh^ To ICansast Mlssonri, Colorado, Ne- ,wa may o^ot rioheat hieadnga. . fore experienced in the use of She had narrlod a handsome get vour mcney. the bthW ton thoiii^d^titirik^ axlesr are aroidable, the most serere braslla, Oregon, Colltornta, She wM warned against him. Alt hei Miail orders roceive tbe same atten* ing iti^hii' dk Uoii wheB hamd that''he mtX wfaplly^^ tests under tbi« improrod system show* or enr point tn H» Wt »t o- KortuWMt? If m> young lady friends told her he wtm a ti.' parohniwi jrotir tl Ki i vl« th*h e had sold to them, and howthayoottld pollM deoonted 'With «rtiBta ofltilo . m 'ih' nil IV-V"- method proved, that the HUppiimentary nmtStoatwiU iiiWeet you no i» of tbn Utmpiiii Kvute, (K»n*a« (.1 y, fnri an eloqiidoi trOicO'of thoimaffbrtng the papera;haTd«^ In this inli frgiM the euuth (o Oic^on, immKr day. "And are you happyP** the frlepd people of the world •af{bi"thaBf •pd b»ra heard btit ona ekpresaion; bbred fWrai it, jnsi j^oMVoliar proOefS th« axle ts heated to the tem- -r, - iho m.WMt, tbt« rou B IS uked. "No, rmnoi'* "Well, dear^ NOW BEADY I opsduir dMtrablSt m boiden o( •mliiaat -•'ii'i'"! '"I" M .11 Iifiy »i m .1 3%la wae nnaiiiiiionB fbr boaaondaf irfed^ followed tha perature at whtah its carbon «hangM U&eisnis l>7thW ronta oarrUdin srstoiaai fm sure I warned you; but I do hope The lOftth Theaiand of "that Wender. :bsM la to hardening carbon, and then. While 1| osriott AM ciMfs tn^. (Qom oon satlotu tion;> lo HblatOb Aisooiatioh the nmito at Unlnn nlpoti Ktoatniy, with yott won't get a dlvoroe.** "WelU I fnl lieek," TUtg BdMtoi tb bo'alinle foi( niar' CaI«lK did, he/ tbb; haVe be^ is being rapidly rerolved, it •in^.i roiii<^K,Mi«r<]rina fie* enlRiani •bt» ^M takleti wbioh favored thii blOH nar* lhHiAiK.i loTort sad, Orrgon. doa't know, if this goM oa-^'* riagea iamong theirojalty' of pritii^ toaiii b tt^ btiU'lobkld-lbr mersed lii a water bath, at tti^ .'s^e ' • i4i|lit 'ill )ou||o We laou'r i*y 1 uroba^liiM; yonr Mckei ^lA lbs beet husbaad will go off aad iMve Ua PltESENT CRISIS. thai of TioCbriartha albobd daogh^' thsMi examidai^ - ira,'4«B' fee- ^thM' side, the axle is removed froue the bath Mampnii KiiW'o Henit lor a mapoUbixabort terof tho Prittoo of Waliai to the lot QB bava ono pajMr^ onoibonYbo-' iiginiport«BM,flf l^iMi: Chi^ pev^ lUis ri" u Ii>r a « 'pr w lb* -MtMolirl and wife oooaaionally and not explain—** BY RBV. J08IAH BTRONO, D^ D. while there is suflioiettt heat t^ttainlhg n*D«*i* farmfr,Karmer,"' «U rlihrl|nt twHo lliuUtalliuittaici d ••Explain! Qo off and iMve his wlfef 1 aon and haii* pf liord Oadpga». ^ Of ilbBvind «r, irtvtnifutiati ratiablo uinrumii nin "Worda are feeble in the rcootn- Illation totbow iwiiBreitt mu'^K, iiiNilitil Ime. wish he would. Uo*s so devoted that mendatlou of this book. —Palpit ' tha throefHnoeNe»>Titat(Ma (a aald> r^Utatf." I ibal that a* brighter Ora to «lowered heat ahd to allow the , , J, K. to* v ijoi), he won't go out of my sight loaf! Tr^MBry. iAimiiig^^ Xh<) general fbeling boa to change ^ok to the ndn-h'ardtiH " k''. i • • Mi'"'» T. * , Kmhiki nty. to ho lijniMr the oibtetvat < Shb; hai df, ; f>. KUis,Tioxei Atmt, •Dough for me to burn my old lov« lav! BMina to bb let 'tlio paper beom^ bf sai^l^l^ to onialBreoai lag sUilo, lite prinoipail objeol in view, gao Main • k, iten pbis, 4enit, targ.**—San Franolsoo Chronlolek roit MAUI BY BATiaX B00» Houas. for Mvbml- v at^Bdedi; to thoat' laflftollng rapidly through -n ooi'ti,4n of her Builhitr'i ooffMpoodancek^-If inbBtlyiaOBBd m to'dootrina and i«d lot aa 10 miMtpna, |lfihday>BbhoolB, wwnic ivrntitl formHtidat-t^N," V rist'f kiaidoiB.'iSTbl h tlM oM V»*»tal.l. ' 'nluranary ftaltMun.". Oni!a« BEIVUTIFUL Bhit ahoBld b«>haiiitto ^ rtii^Iy'tal^^liiibhg thafmiiflaaB. 'BOWilnliiiddhi makailiar^oWv.iUvlBgtt'^Bb'W^^^ oi^MliiiBa'allri^^ thb 'one fbr aY«a< iis^aM iorca^tMi to- paper^i v the 8t«t«i HAinvaiat mmttmu* < iii4diit«wa,CMBitM'rri

theiilt""'"' ilint^Moii A' 'mm ST-.!