Washington University Magazine, June 1957

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Washington University Magazine, June 1957 Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Washington University Magazine Washington University Publications 1957 Washington University Magazine, June 1957 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/ad_wumag Recommended Citation "Washington University Magazine, June 1957" , . (1957). Bernard Becker Medical Library Archives. Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri. https://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/ad_wumag/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Washington University Publications at Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Washington University Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected]. S T. LOU I S J U N E 195 7 WASH I N GTO N UN I V ER S ITY 1 A UNIVERSITY ­ COMMUNITY CENTER Commencement Week Schedule \\' ed n e sday, June 5 Monday• .June 10 12 Noou Aluillni Federati on AD .fl ual LU Dc h · 6 ::30 p.rn. AJlnll ~ 1 S pring DartqucI, School of can, Park Plats H otel. La\\) The Prime Rib. 4 p.m. Meeting o f t he Co r[,or.:lli o!l, Chao· cellor's Office. T hurs day, June 8 p. l1l. UuivcrsiLy College Graduation, Gra · ham \lC'lIloriJi Chapel-Po..... ell B. 6 p.m. i\lcdic.ll School, Class o f '.32 R eunion L\IcHaut·y, p resi dent, Cenera l Amer · Dinner, The Prime Hib. ican Life l nsura oce Co., speaker. 6;30 p . (l'J . \kdiccl l School. Closs o f ' · ~2 Reunioo Tuesday, June 11 Din ne r, Park Plaza H ott:: 1. 12 :3U " .111 . Lu ncheon for Re uuio n Classes of '82 , 7 (1 . 111 . i\ 1e-d ical School, Class o f '32 Rcuoion '87, '92, '97, '02, '07, Chaocellor's Dilll'er, Uni\'crsily Clu b. Reside nce. .J p .m . C lass of ' 12 Rccep t io n, Paul COli ' 7;:-)0 1' .111. i\ l t~ lli c a l School, Cia s of '37 Reunioo rades resideucc. 7390 Wt'stlll oreinnd I)ill ncr, S tockholm Hoom, Pa rk Plaza place. R ole l. ..J. :30 p.lll. Class of ':22 Cocktail Part)' , Cara­ ve lli 's. 8 p.m. i\lcd ica l Scli onl. Cluss of '·n Rellnion \. :J O p .m. Class of '.32 Coc kta il Part y, Congress Oinfll..:r, Lc Chateau. H otel. S p .lll. Class of '27 Cockl.:lit Pa rt)·, Th.:: Prime Rib. F ridoy. June 7 5 1, .Il\. Class of '32 Coc kt ~d l Part y, The Prime HiL. j r·rll. CI3. s~ of '·H Cock tai l Party, Gio· 9:~S a.m. i\ led ita l Allln",j Association Cl in ical valln.i '!; RcsrallfJllt. Ses~ious , Wo hl Hosp ital. .5 ::;0 p.m. Class of '37 Cock lJ il P arty, Rnieig:h House. 12 Noon i\lcli if'.l 1 Alumni Association Lunch · eO Il, i\lt.:d ical School Quadrangle. 7 p.m. Al umni ·Scnio r ncunion Di oner, nus­ pices of Alu mn i F e:: derJtiou, S tudent 2 p.m. IVledical AlulIlJli AS'5ociatioo Cli nical Center Patio . Ses!l io ll .'!l , \~'o hl Hospital. 7 p.m. School o f Sodal Vi/a rk Dinuer, Stu ­ dent Center PJ Iio. 6 :30 p .m. ~"l e diC'al Alumni A ssociati o n An nual 8 p .m. School of i\I e<li cin e Senior A ..... ard Banqu.et and Reu nion, Chase Hotel Nig ht, Gra ham i\{emo ri al Chapel­ Ba llroOIll - Lt. Ge o . Les li e R. Croves, Dr. F red<"fi ck A. Co ll e r, pro fe ssor USA ( ReL). \.ice·p resideot, Remiog­ a nd chai rmall of the do.:!panm en t of too Ra nd , Inc., speaker. surgery. University of Michigan Med· ical School. speaker. 8 p.m. SdJOol of Delltist r y Annual Alulllni· 8 :30 p .m. Sch ool o f Social Wo rk Dedicat io n of Se n i 0 r Award Nigh t, Gates,,"on L Plaques. Brown Hall. H otel. Wednes day, June 12 8 :15 p .m. School o f Fine Arts Senior· f acll h\" · Alumni N i:;! ht. Bi'( Ly Ha ll. ' 9 a.m. Academic Procession. 9 :30 a .m. Co mmellt:f.'lIlcnt Exercises, Francis Sunday. June 9 Ficld House- Mayor Raymond R . Tucker of 5 1. Lou is, speaker. a.m. Acadt:Jr1 ic Pr oce ~si on. 11 :30 a.m. Fa cu lt y·Senior Reception (or mem o bers of the grad uating classes, their :.30 a.m. Ba ccalaureate SeC' icc, Craham A[ e· famili es a nd friends. Graham l'\'t e · morial Chapel. morinl Chopel La ....m . 6 p.m. Class of '1 7 Buffet Supper. Edwin 12 i\'oon Luncheon for the Corpo rat ion nud R . Thomas r esidence, No. 1 Stone· Ho no red Guests, Ch.:lneel lor'a Re!i­ le iSl1 T owers, P r ice r oad . d t! nce. J U N E 1 95 7 S T . LOUI S , 1\[ I SS 0 UR I ;::: > w () WASHINGTON U NIVERSITY > N :2 tTl P ubli s h ed for A l umn i and Ot her F ri e nd s of Wa s h ing t on Un i v <" l s it)' IN THIS ISSUE Edilor Vlli GIXlfl BETTS \I'HlTE. 40 A Un iversity-C omm unity Ce nter 2 The inside stor y of detailed plan­ ning for a campus-c ity nucleus Edi tori al l h sj<1I!! II: uneq ualed anywhere DO lllS FOlKI Liberal Educati on for M usicians 6 Story of the WU DeVHtmen t of Designer Music, by Doroth y A. Brockhoff PET[H GE IST. 3 1 Campus News 10 A review of even ts on the H ill­ S la rr P hu lographer top campus 1·IEaR ··:EIT.'IA". "." WU Portrait 12 Mildred Trotter- Feminine Bone Detective Con tributing [ djlor HOWARD DEHBIrK·,OS. 42 Alu mni Notes 13 News of people yo u know Director o r Alumni Relatiuns Talk about Alumni 16 Headline news FHEDH IC G. KE T TE l K .~~ r p , 40 Kingshigh\\'ay Campus 18 News of Med ical, Dental and Alumni Advisor), COlllllli ttt'e l\' ursing Schools HAROLD POTH, 47 Alma Mater Mourns J Otl N IRBY, 50 20 CYLV IA AAROX SO IU ;:r :-; . ."35 LEIGH DOX SEE. 47 Do You Remember ? Inside Back Cover SEL\\,YX PET'PEH. 35 A UN IV E RSITY·CO.'l1MUNITY CENTER. O ur cover illustra­ tio n was d es igned by P eter Geis t, \V ASHINGTON UNIVERSITY i\ IAGAZINE layout artist, to suggest the essent ial 'function of WU's proposed Uni'·~ r ,; it )'· C o ml1lunit)' Center: man)' acti"ities coming together at one central point, the University·Com munity Center Building. ·.~I \ '" ' . ~ . Pi ctll re Credits : He rh Weitmnn (2, .1. 5. 6, 8. 9, 10. ] 8) ; P ja~d S tlldio. ~1. LOll is (2); J 1I1(,5 Picrlo\\', SI. LOlli s ( 3) : Bob T obler, S t. Louis en; J. Abrc sch . New York (5) ; Todu Studius. Inc .. S f. Louis ( 1 1) ; LeGrand S tudiu. 5 1. Louis (] () ; 'B ee he St udio, Kansas Cit y . .1\10. ( 16); T he i\' ew York Ti mes (I8 ) ; P uhlic Inrurm ::a lion OHice, Wall e r Rccu Arm)' f\ lcdical Cente r (18) . The WU Magazi ne is p ubl ished fi\' e tirncs n ycar- OctoLe r, Decembe r, Feb · rua ry, Apri l and Ju ne- by Wl.l sh iugton Uui\'e rs ily at the i\'t;h'S Bureau. 67..10 i\ Iillbroo k Bouic,·ard. 5 1. Loub 5. i\ lo. Sl.' cotll.l ·c1ass m::a il I'ri l' il cbC3 authorize d at the St. Lot:is. ;\ Iissouri, Post OHice .. I .\I eetin g roo ms and dining fa cili ties will 1: provid ed for join ! Universi ty·CoJ11m un i! affairs. Stud ents wi)] fi nd a hobby area. l o un g: ~' roo ms for reading, music. a nd rec. reation The east fl a nk, what is now the Wo men's Building:, will house a ballroo m Spa ce for stud ent ac tivities like this Christ­ mas pa rl y give n by fra ternity and soro rit~ groups, will be provid ed. '" .J'.' :r ~·t l CURRENT VISION OF COMING REALITY FOR A UNIVERSITY - COMMUNITY CENTER IN be lity The Thinking behind a Projected Town and Gown Hub With a Program Unique In American Higher Education The perfect universi ty would be one that had, in ad­ classroom on terms of easy ,, (Jciability, if they wished, dition to a perfect faculty and a perfect student body, a and a focal point for various kinds of community activi­ physical plant capable of being expanded Aladdin-like ties that impinge on the academic world. s, to the needed proportions. In such a perfect institution the n. When blueprints for the University's development were capacity of the faculty in the realm of pure scholarship roughed out a couple of years ago, both the Community would be exceeded only by its skill at imparting knowl­ edge. Undergraduates superbly prepared by their high Center and the University Union projects received high schools would be ready to drink deeply and thirstily at priority because each would fill a gap in the University's the Pierian spring.
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