-- Author Index 2004, v181, Jan-Jun

AAMODT, TERRIE DOPP : Just how hard is it to be a prophet? (Cover feature). Jun 24, p8-11(936-939). ADAMS, CYNTHIA : The ultimate test. (Devotional). Feb 19, p22-24(278-280). ADAMS, ROY : Churches observed. (Cover story). May 27, p8-12(792-796). Don't knock it. (Editorial). Mar 25, p5(437). I felt fear. (Editorial). Jan 8, p5(53). In search of outrage. (Editorial). Feb [5], p6(182). It won't be easy. (Editorial). Apr [1], p6(470). A new low. (Editorial). Jun [3], p6(822). Sorry to meddle. (Editorial). May 13, p5(725). Wake-up call. (Editorial). May 27, p5(789). Wired different. (Bible study). [Jan 29], p7-9(151-153). AHO, DEBORAH : A light shines in the valley. (Cover story). Apr 8, p22-25(534-537). ALLEN, KELLY : Getting through financial aid. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p12-13(92-93). ANDERSON, GEMMA CABARDO : Sticks and stones. (Devotional). Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). ANDLOVE, IRENE, PSEUD. : Letters from my sister. (Story). Apr 22, p22-23(598-599). ANDREAS EN, NIELS-ERIK A. : Faith and learning. [Apr 29], p52-54(660-662). AUSTIN, ARCHER C. : Living with fear. (Devotional). Jan 8, p14-16(62-64). BABCOCK, GEORGE P. : Changing lives. (Real world report). Mar [4], p19(339). BAILEY, CINDEE : Simple truth. (Reflections). May 20, p31(783). BAKER, GLEN : The China connection. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p28(636). BANKS, CHRISTOPHER T. : Never alone. (Touched by the Spirit). Apr [1], p12-13(476-477). BANKS, ROSA TAYLOR : United in the fellowship of the fellowship. (Cover story). Feb 12, p8-12(232-236). BARNABAS, CHITRA : Alone with God. (Prayer). [Jan 29], p12-13(156-157). BATCHELDER, AMY : Captain's orders. (Reflections). Feb 19, p31(287). BATTIN, DEBBIE : Aspiring teacher shares her vision. (Real world report). Mar [4], p18(338). BECKER, MARK : Adventist education is different. (All about education). [Apr 29], p36(644). BELL, SKIP : Radical . (Devotional). Jan 22, p24-27(136-139). BERECZ, JOHN M. : Why-ning. (Reflections). Feb 26, p31(319). BISSERETH, FRITZ : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). BLANCO, JACK J. : The (abbreviated) great controversy. (Cover feature). Apr 22, p8-11(584-587). BOOTH, BRADLEY : Train up a child to read. (Lifestyle). Apr 22, p24-27(600-603). BOROVICH, PAVLE : Honor-bound. (Story). Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). BOWEN, HEATHER : Backdoor witness. (Touched by the Spirit). Jan [1], p12-13(12-13). BOYATT, ED : Report card on Adventist K-12 education. [Apr 29], p18-21(626-629). BOYD, ELIZABETH : All the friends I knew. (Lifestyle). Jun 24, p28-30(956-958). BRANTLEY, PAUL S. : Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? [Apr 29], p12-15(620-623). BROWN, NATHAN : Angry letters are good. (Revelation). Jan 15, p27(107). "Dear Slim". (Revelation). Feb 19, p17(273). Foreigners in the world of truth. (Revelation). Mar 18, p13(413). Hell is for other people. (Revelation). Apr 15, p15(599). Our continuing tradition. (Revelation). May 20, p25(777). A postcard of grace. (Reflections). Feb 12, p31(255). Recreational grief. (News commentary). Apr 8, p20(532). Reflections in a Gayndah public restroom. (Reflections). Jun 10, p31(895). Suffering's glorious unanswer. (Cover feature). May 20, p8-12(760-764). We can outhug any tree hugger. (Revelation). Jun 17, p14(910). BURNS, GARY : Hope For Our Day/Esperanza Para Hoy. (Feature). Apr [1], p26(490). BUTLER, JOHN D. SR. : The presence. (Devotional). May 27, p14-16(798-800). BUTLER, TERRY : Still laughing at 110. (Feature). Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). Evidence for all to see. (Feature). Feb [5], p32-34(208-210). BYERS, CAROLYN F. : Project : Eyeglasses. (Story). Jan [1], p36-37(36-37). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 2

CAFFERKY, MICHAEL E. : Building bridges for dialogue. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p40(648). CARLSON, RICH : Service : a surprising witnessing tool. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p27(635). CARO, EVELYN : The most popular Adventist sin. (Opinion). Apr 22, p28-29(604-605). CARSON, BENJAMIN SOLOMON : Evolution? No. (Theology). Feb 26, p14-16(302-304). CHAVEZ, STEPHEN : And He runs with me. (Prayer). [Jan 29], p30(174). Be still, and know. (Editorial). May 20, p6(758). Behind the headlines. (Editorial). Jan 22, p6(118). Diamond dreams. (Editorial). Apr 22, p6(582). Evangelism : then and now. (Editorial). Mar 11, p5(353). Great Christians I have known. (Editorial). Jun 10, p6(870). Mirrors and windows. (Editorial). Jun 24, p6(934). Now starring in an epic struggle. (Editorial). Feb 12, p5(229). Reading for revival. (Cover story). Jan [1], p20(10). Still simmering. (Editorial). Jun [3], p7(823). Validation. (Editorial). Mar 18, p5(405). A hero's story. (Cover story). Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). CHEATHAM, ATUANYA : Of sheep and wolves. (Parables of the Kingdom). Mar [4], p38-39(358-359). CHRISTIAN, ED : Changed by beholding. (The view from State U). May 20, p30(782). Daring to doubt -- and believe. (The view from State U). Jun 17, p30(926). The first sacrifice. (Reflections). Apr [1], p46(510). How the Bible expands horizons. (The view from State U). Jan 15, p17(97). I learned to love. (The view fro m State U). Mar 18, p27(427). The other son of God. (The view from State U). Feb 19, p14(270). Surrender and victory. (Tales from State U). Apr 15, p29(573). COFFIN, JAMES N. : Don't honk if you love . (News commentary). Jun 17, p20(916). The rest of the story. (Story). Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). COOK, EDWIN : Faith. (Devotional). Jun 10, p22-25(886-889). CORDER, CHERI HORNING : Students "Go MAD!". (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p29(637). COSTA, NANCY : My you've-got-to-be-kidding prayers. (Story). Feb [5], p29-31(205-207). COSTON, JEFF : Angie's addiction. (Reflections). Jan 15, p31(111). CRONK, LAINEY S. : Mission with a passion. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p30(638). Second chances. (Real world report). Mar [4], p21(341). DAVIS, GERRI : Special needs, special education. (All about education). [Apr 29], p37(645). DAVIS, THEOPOLIS : Special needs, special education. (All about education). [Apr 29], p37(645). DAYAK, GIDEON : Sight and insight. (Story). Apr 8, p26-28(538-540). DE GROOT, MART : From science to faith. (Devotional). Mar 25, p14-16(446-448). DEANGELIS, JOSEPH : Hiking the mountains. (Devotional). Apr 22, p14-16(590-592). DEER, MARION : To India, with love. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p26(634). DELAFIELD, DWIGHT ARTHUR, 1913-2003 : What do they call you? (Reflections). Apr 22, p31(607). DENNIS, RUDY : Why teach? (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p44(652). DEVORE CANDACE GRAVES : Something better. (All about education). [Apr 29], p37(645). DICKERSON, ED : Dead languages. (Biblical study). Mar [4], p27-29(347-349). DICKINSON, LOREN : When will I get it right? (Reflections). Jun 24, p31(959). DOUGLASS, HERBERT F. : Winsome witnessing : dynamic ways to share your faith [Review]. (Book mark). Mar 25, p17(449). DOUVILLE, TINA TILSTRA : Simple gifts. (Real world report). Mar [4], p20(340). DUERKSEN, RICHARD : An aftermath of apologies. (News commentary). Feb 26, p21(309). Everybody wants my body. (News commentary). May 27, p20(804). DUNBEBIN, CLARENCE U. : A privilege, not an obligation. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p29(637). EDWARDS, BOB : God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Review]. (Book mark). Feb [5], p38(214). Graduation deferred. (Story). Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). EDWARDS, REX D. : The difference distance learning makes. (Real world report). Mar [4], p19(339). ENOS, MATTHEW : Casting sky nets. ( Radio). May 13, p17(737). FARGO, MUMTAZ A. : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 3

FISHER, KAREN : The fire that wouldn't go out. (Cover feature). Mar 25, p8-9,11(440-441,443). FISHER, TAMARA WOLCOTT : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Mar [4], p23(343). FLECK, RICK : Salty. (Story). Apr 15, p26-28(570-572). FORDHAM, SARI K. : Family road trips. (Journeys). Jun 17, p27(923). Finding home. (Journeys). Jan 15, p28(108). A requiem for May. (Journeys). May 20, p17(769). Separated. (Journeys). Mar 18, p23(423). To see. (Journeys). Feb 19, p30(286). Ugandan rhapsody. (Journeys). Apr 15, p22(566). FORTNEY, MARJORIE : I can't imagine teaching anywhere else! (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p46(654). FOSTER, RICHARD J. : Different kinds of fasts. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p28(316). FRANTZEN, LYNETTE : Young Adventist pioneers. (Heritage). May 27, p22-23(806-807). FRASER, GARY E. : Evidence for all to see. (Feature). Feb [5], p32-34(208-210). FROESE, PATTY : My house, my rules. (Reflections). Jun 17, p31(927). FRYSON, DEBRA : Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? [Apr 29], p12-15(620-623). GALLAGHER, JONATHAN : Evolution? No. (Theology). Feb 26, p14-16(302-304). Why bother with human rights? (News commentary). Apr 22, p21(597). GALLINGTON, EDNA MAYE : A fun day with God. (Reflections). Apr 15, p31(575). GANE, ROY E. : Remember the 1980s? (Devotional). Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). GARDNER, BEKKI : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). GAVIN, ANTHONY : What happens when leaders don't pray. (Devotional). May 13, p8-10(728-730). GILBERT, ADAM T. : Whom can I depend on? (Cover story). Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). GILBERT, BETH BENTZINGER : How to help others who are grieving. (Cover story). Mar 18, p12(412). GILL, CONRAD L : A winning combination. (All about education). [Apr 29], p38(646). GIRVEN, MARIE A. : Changing hearts. (First person). Mar [4], p22(342). GOLDSTEIN, CLIFFORD R. : Between the strokes, again. (). Feb 26, p29(317). Is the universe friendly? (Clifford Goldstein). Jun 24, p23(951). Love and matter. (Clifford Goldstein). Jan 22, p16(128). Quashed by culture. (Clifford Goldstein). Mar 25, p27(459). Twenty years -- and counting. (Clifford Goldstein). May 27, p27(811). Where angels fear to tread. (Clifford Goldstein). Apr 22, p17(593). GRAZ, JOHN : You are the salt of the earth. (Lifestyle). Apr 8, p12-14(524-526). HAMMOND, ROSEMARY E. : In love with my boss. (Story). Feb 26, p22-25(310-313). HANDYSIDES, ALLAN R. : The glue of Heaven. (Lifestyle). Jun 10, p26-28(890-892). Hypertension. (Ask the doctors). Jan 8, p28-29(76-77). ["I have reduced my flesh food consumption drastically, but still like to eat fish."]. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p37(213). "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p39(855). Is there a link between prostate cancer and milk? (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p38-39(854-855). "A relative is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.". (Ask the doctors). Mar 25, p29-30(461-462). Teen suicide. (Ask the doctors). May 20, p26-27(778-779). Those coronary vessels. (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p16-17(560-561). Understanding Graves' disease. (Ask the doctors). Mar 25, p28-29(460-461). Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p36-37(212-213). "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p 17(561). HARBISON, GLORIA JEAN DICKEY : The restoration of Nell. (Story). May 27, p24-26(808-810). HEGSTAD, ROLAND R. : Bryan the lion. (Story). Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). HUGHES, VIOLA : A stranger and a friend. (Story). Mar 11, p26-28(394-396). HULLQUIST, TIMOTHY : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). HUMPHREYS, CAROL : Facts about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, or CFIDS -- chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome). (Lifestyle). Mar [4], p36-37(356-357). JACOB, GINA : Is spirituality dead at Adventist colleges? [Apr 29], p56-57,59(664-665,667). JESKE, TARA : A calling confirmed. (Real world report). Mar [4], p18(338). JOHNSON, DAMIEN E. : The code of discipleship. (Biblical studies). Jun [3], p34-37(850-853). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 4

JOHNSON, KURT : Mission impossible? Seeking, reaping, keeping. (Cover story). Jan 8, p10(58). JOHNSSON, NOELENE : Giving church a friendly feel. (Cover story). May 27, p12(796). "I can't do this". (Cover story). Jan [1], p19(19). JOHNSSON, WILLIAM G. : Adventists and the sexual revolution. (Editorial). Apr 8, p5(517). Adventists in China. (Cover story). Jun 10, p8-12(872-876). Building for eternity. (Editorial). Jun 24, p5(933). From the editor's e-mail bag. (Editorial). Jan 22, p5(117). The inside story. (Editorial). Feb 26, p5(293). Jesus in a slouch hat. (Editorial). May 20, p5(757). Last message to the world. (Editorial). Jan [1], p6(6). My father's gift. (Cover story). Jan [1], p16-20(16-20). My God and I. (Introduction). [Jan 29], p2-3(146-147). The sufferings of Jesus. (Editorial). Mar [4], p6(326). A tale of two Jennifers. (Editorial). Apr 15, p5(549). Testing time. (Editorial). Apr 22, p5(581). Why I believe in Adventist education. [Apr 29], p3(611). JOHNSSON, WILLIAM G.//ADAMS, ROY : Evangelism? Yes! But also mission. (Cover story). Mar 11, p8- 13(376-381). JOHNSSON, WILLIAM G.//SHIELDS, BONITA JOYNER : Educator with a pastor's heart. [Apr 29], p4-7(612- 615). JONES, BRIAN D. : He carried the cross. (Devotional). Apr [1], p36(500). JONES, EMILY FELTS : Final answers. (Reflections). Mar 25, p31(463). KARST, GERRY : Lessons learned from a clothes dryer. (Reflections). Jan 22, p31(143). KAY, LESLIE EILEEN : Born, again. (On the home front). Jan 22, p15(127). A deep but dazzling darkness. (On the home front). May 27, p13(797). Ever after. (On the home front). Feb 26, p13(301). Life, interrupted. (On the home front). Apr 22, p13(589). Love among the ruins. (On the home front). Jun 24, p13(941). The motherhood job. (On the home front). Mar 25, p13(445). KELLNER, JEAN : Shooting from the lip. (News commentary). Jan [1], p43(43). KELLNER, MARK A. : Is old odd? (News commentary). Apr 15, p21(565). Marriage : "So why not?". (News commentary). Feb 12, p20(244). Will Massachusetts redefine marriage for America? (News commentary). Mar [4], p43(363). KLINE, FYLVIA FOWLER : The balloon. (Reflections). May 13, p31(751). KNIGHT, GEORGE R. : The place of tithing in the expansion of . (Feature). Jun [3], p30-31(846-847). KONRAD, KARL : The greater prize. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p42(650). KOSSICK, BETTY : Just ask Oogie. (All about education). [Apr 29], p36(644). KOVALSKI, GERALD N. : Educator with a pastor's heart. [Apr 29], p4-7(612-615). Adventist education : a journey to excellence. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). Alumni make a difference. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). KRAUSE, BETTINA : The nailing down of Passion. (News commentary). Mar 25, p20(452). Sow 1 Billion. (Cover story). Jan 8, p8-13(56-61). What's happening in Indonesia. (Cover story). May 13, p22-26(742-746). KRAUSE, GARY : Catholics under fire. (News commentary). Apr [1], p43(507). KROMANN, SHIRLEY : Comfort the comfortless. (Ask the doctors). May 20, p27(779). An invisible illness. (Lifestyle). Mar [4], p34-35,37(354-355,357). Not the answer. (Lifestyle). May 20, p22-24(774-776). KUZMA, KAY J. HUMPAL : Baby stories. (Family matters). Apr [1], p14(478). Children and prayer. (Family matters). Apr [1], p14(478). Devalued? (Family matters). Mar p[4], p14(334). Good people and lust. (Family matters). Mar [4], p14(334). I dropped the ball. (Family matters). Feb [5], p14(190). The "I'm sorry" game. (Family matters). Jan [1], p14(14). Men talk back. (Family matters). Jun [3], p14(830). Old wounds. (Family matters). Jan [1], p14(14). Preschooler stimulation. (Family matters). Feb [5], p14(190). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 5

Why didn't someone zip me up? (Family matters). Mar [4], p14(334). LAM-PHOON, SALLY : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Jan 8, p31(79). LANDLESS, PETER N. : Hypertension. (Ask the doctors). Jan 8, p28-29(76-77). ["I have reduced my flesh food consumption drastically, but still like to eat fish."]. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p37(213). "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p39(855). Is there a link between prostate cancer and milk? (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p38-39(854-855). "A relative is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.". (Ask the doctors). Mar 25, p29-30(461-462). Teen suicide. (Ask the doctors). May 20, p26-27(778-779). Those coronary vessels. (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p16-17(560-561). Understanding Graves' disease. (Ask the doctors). Mar 25, p28-29(460-461). Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p36-37(212-213). "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p17(561). LANG, JEROME S. : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). LEBRUN, DIANE GRUESBECK : Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). LECOURT, NANCY HOYT : The things we do for love. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p44(652). LEFFERS, HEATHER : Life skills. (First person). Mar [4], p19(339). LEITZKE, KARLA DA SILVA : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). LEKIC, MIKE MILE : Attitudes. [Apr 29], p22-23(630-631). LEWIS, THELMA : How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). LUDWIG, LAURITA : A different kind of fast. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p26-28(314-316). LUMA, TANIA : Led to public school campus ministry. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p11(91). LUTZ, JERRY : The right education. [Apr 29], p10-11(618-619). MACKOUL, GRETA LAWRENCE : An international incident. (Touched by the Spirit). Jun [3], p12-13(828- 829). MALCOLM, ROY E. : Chaplain extraordinaire. (Real world report). Mar [4], p20(340). MARAN, KIMBERLY LUSTE : The fallacy of crowd control. (Editorial). Jun 17, p5(901). My weekday routine (or breaks from my breakneck schedule). (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p10-11(154-155). Portrait of a Christian. (Editorial). Apr 15, p6(550). Tolerance is not enough. (Editorial). May 13, p6(726). Undecided. (Editorial). Feb 19, p5(261). Whales and eggplant. (Editorial). Jan 15, p6(86). Why I coach. (Editorial). Mar 18, p6(406). MARSH, DANIEL : The Trinity : understanding God's love, His plan of salvation, and Christian relationships [Review]. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). MARSHALL, ANITA : The artist. (Parables of the Kingdom). Jan [1], p23-24(23-24). MARSHALL, DAVID NORMAN : Cutting the cringe factor. (Opinion). Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). MARTELLA, HEIDI : Honest answers. (First person). Mar [4], p23(343). MATSON, NEAL : It's all in the attitude. (Reflections). Mar 18, p31(431). MATTHEWS, MICHAEL : Out of the darkness. (Story). May 20, p14-16(766-768). MAXWELL, V. VIOLA, PSEUD. : From this day forward. (Lifestyle). Jan [1], p28-30(28-30). MCCLARTY, WILMA DOERING : "This is a church, but this is not Heaven!". (Devotional). Mar 18, p24- 26(424-426). MCCONNELL, JOHN : Guardian angels in 3Com Park. (Reflections). May 27, p31(815). MCCRORY, MEAGAN : Falling. (Parables of the Kingdom). Mar 18, p14-15(414-415). MCGUIRE, TAMMY : Lessons from an ugly tie. (Devotional). Jun 17, p16-17(912-913). MCIVER, ROBERT K. : Should I share these stories? (Lifestyle). Feb 12, p25-28(249-252). MCLENDON, JAMES E. : 95 theses on righteousness by faith [Review]. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). MCVANE, MATTHEW : Adventist education : a journey to excellence. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). MCVAY, JOHN : When tears become lenses. (Cover story). Apr [1], p16-19(480-483). MEDLEY, CARLOS : Getting intimate with God. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p18-19(162-163). How do Adventists give? (Editorial). Jan 15, p5(85). A message in numbers. (Editorial). Jun 10, p5(869). MENNARD, MICHELLE VELÁZQUEZ : It's about freedom. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 6 p41(649). MENNARD, MIKE : It's about freedom. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p41(649). MONCRIEFF, SCOTT E. : The conscientious objector : a review. (Cover story). Jun 17, p10(906). Though bombs may fall : the extraordinary story of George Rue, missionary doctor to Korea [Review]. (Book mark). May 20, p28-29(780-781). United by tragedy [Review]. (Book mark). Mar 25, p17(449). MONTGOMERY, VIKKI : Target perfect. (News commentary). Feb [5], p43(219). MORRIS, S. R. : Miracles in the desert. (Story). Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). MURRAY, VICKI : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p30(638). MVUNDURA, ELIJAH : Wide as the waters : the story of the English Bible and the revolution it inspired [Review]. (Book mark). Feb [5], p38-39(214-215). MYKERS, COOPER : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). NEALL, BEATRICE SHORT : Coronation of shame or coronation of glory? (Devotional). Jun 24, p14-16(942- 944). NELSON, ANDREW : The caffe ine crisis. (Lifestyle). Feb 19, p25-27(281-283). NETTEBURG, KERMIT L. : Resolved : to eat more ice cream! (Guest editorial). Jan [1], p7(7). NOLAN, SHELLEY : Adventist World Radio : passport to mission. (Adventist World Radio). Feb 12, p13(237). NORMAN, RICHARD S. : Penny-wise and pound-foolish? [Apr 29], p48-49,51(656-657,659). ODEYEMI, TAYO : Real source of peace. (News commentary). Jan 8, p20(68). OETMAN, MICHELLE L. : The unfinished church. (Cover feature). Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). OLIVER, BARRY : The allegiance that I owe. (Cover feature). Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]-299). OLIVER, ELAINE : Getting through financial aid. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p12-13(92-93). OSBORN, RICHARD : Less pomp and more circumstance. (Cover story). Mar [4], p16-18,20,22,24(336- 338,340,342,344). ØSTER-LUNDQVIST, KIRSTEN : Trekking in Thailand. (Adventist World Radio). Mar 11, p30(398). PATZER, JERE D. : The sky's the limit. (Current issues). Jun [3], p22-24(838-840). PAULSEN, JAN : Evangelism? Yes! But also mission. (Cover story). Mar 11, p8-13(376-381). PETERSON, MICHAEL : "Where are you?". (Theology). Apr 15, p23-25(567-569). PETTY, THURMAN C. JR. : How to endure to the end. (Lifestyle). May 27, p28-30(812-814). PIERCE, SETH : The discovery zone. (Lifestyle). Mar 18, p28-30(428-430). PITTMAN, SHARON WEAVER : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). POIRIER, MERLE : Read the Bible in a year? (Bible study). [Jan 29], p20-23(164-167). POLLARD, LESLIE N. : Beware affluenza! (Beyond the box). Apr [1], p45(509). Culture matters. (Current issues). Feb [5], p20-23(196-199). The Lord is not slack. (Beyond the box). Jan [1], p45(45). Lostness : its causes. (Beyond the box). Jun [3], p45(861). Simple works just fine. (Beyond the box). Feb [5], p45(221). When it's not our fault. (Beyond the box). Mar [4], p45(365). POLLINGTON, DOUG : Fill it up! (Reflections). Mar [4], p46(366). PONNIAH, MELCHIZEDEK M. : A hero's story. (Cover story). Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). RAHN, MINDI : Prostitution, trafficking, and women. (Current issues). May 13, p28-29(748-749). RENTFRO, RICHARD A. : I run to win! (Reflections). Jun [3], p46(862). They will stand. (Reflections). Mar 11, p31(399). REYNOLDS, BETSY : How I might be contributing to another's eating disorder. (Cover feature). Feb 19, p11(167). RICHTER, SHIRLEY : Going to extremes. (Reflections). Jan [1], p46(46). RIGSBY, HEATHER : Reflections on youth and aging. (Lifestyle). Jan 15, p24-26(104-106). RIGSBY, JOYCE : Reflections on youth and aging. (Lifestyle). Jan 15, p24-26(104-106). ROBINSON, KARL AKSEL : Letter to my niece. (Cover feature). Mar 25, p10-11(442-443). RODERO, ELISA M. : Financing your college education. [Apr 29], p51(659). RODRÍGUEZ, ANGEL MANUEL : The Bible and suicide. (Bible questions answered). Mar 11, p29(397). Elected. (Bible questions answered). Jun 10, p29(893). He only tried to help. (Bible questions answered). Feb 12, p29(253). Is there a "world of the dead"? (Bible questions answered). Apr 8, p29(541). Spiritual beings. (Bible questions answered). Jan 8, p27(75). State-of-the-art communication. (Bible questions answered). May 13, p27(747). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 7

ROSS, DOROTHY : What Jesus asks. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p28(636). RUBA, JAN : I found my answer. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p41(649). RUTLEDGE, JOHN P. : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Feb 12, p6(230). RYDZEWSKI, ELLA MAE : A Florida road experience. (Editorial). Feb 19, p6(262). Journaling through our days. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p25-27(169-171). Read your Bible one book at a time [Review]. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). Very vegetarian [Review]. (Book mark). May 20, p29(781). RYDZEWSKI, WALTER J. : Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease : studies of Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians [Review]. (Book mark). May 20, p28(780). SACKETT, HARRY : You can do something to make it happen. (Guest editorial). Mar 11, p1(374). SADLER, PAM : Alumni make a difference. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). SAUDER, AMANDA : How to help someone with an eating disorder. (Cover feature). Feb 19, p12(168). A picture of health? (Cover feature). Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). Putting headlines and heroes into perspective. (News commentary). May 20, p21(773). The solution is an attitude. (News commentary). Jun 24, p21(949). SCHNEIDER, DONALD C. : He stood in pouring rain. (Cover story). Mar 11, p12(380). Two men, one story. (Guest editorial). Mar [4], p7(327). What I learned in Aba. (Guest editorial). Feb [5], p7(183). What I learned in Moorefield. (Guest editorial). Apr [1], p7(471). SCHNEIDER, DONALD C. JR. : Where does it hurt? (Touched by the Spirit). Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). SCHNEPP, MARILYN : Reunited! (Feature). Apr [1], p37(501). SCHOUN, BENJAMIN D. : Hope is in the air of Central Africa. (Adventist World Radio). Jun 10, p30(894). Reaching the invisible church. (Adventist World Radio). Apr 8, p16(528). SCHWIRTZER, JENNIFER JILL : Grime doesn't pay. (News commentary). Mar 18, p21(421). SCHWISOW, EDWIN A. : The mystery of the waning windfall. (Feature). Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843- 845,847,849). SELAK, MARTIN M. : Grace in Hell. (Story). May 13, p12-14(732-734). SERNS, AMBER : His instruments. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p26(634). SHARP, JOSEPH W. : Little things. (Story). Jan 15, p22-23(102-103). SHIELDS, BONITA JOYNER : Biblical examples of fasting. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p27(315). Don't die. (Editorial). Apr 8, p6(518). The foolishness of God and youth. (Editorial). May 27, p6(790). The gentle whisper. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p14-17(158-161). Glimpses of home. (Editorial). Jun 17, p6(902). My name is Tania. (Biblical study). Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). Resistance training. (Editorial). Feb 26, p6(294). The right kind of action. (Editorial). Mar 25, p6(438). Speed dating. (Editorial). Jan 8, p6(54). Who's really mad—the cow or us? (News commentary). Jan 22, p21(133). SILVER, D. J. : The meeting of the mothers. (Devotional). Apr 8, p9(521). SINGH, JUANITA : Shout it out! (Reflections). Apr 8, p31(543). SLONGWHITE, DALE : Severed, but not broken. (Story). Apr [1], p22-24(486-488). SMITH, SHIRLEY M. : Married mo re than fourscore years. (Give and take). Feb 26, p7(295). SMOOT, CHRIS : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). SPRUILL, KAREN : Life on the launching pad. (Lifestyle). Jun 17, p23-26(919-922). STEED, LINCOLN E. : The end of history. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). STEPHENS, MARY C. : An off-the-wall call. (Touched by the Spirit). Mar [4], p12-13(332-333). STEWARD, SCOTT : Centered on Christ. (Real world report). Mar [4], p22(342). STEYN, DELYSE : A hero's story. (Cover story). Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). STONE, MARTA : An investment for eternity. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p8-11,13(88-91,93). SWAN, KAREN BARNES : A bird in paradise. (Reflections). Feb [5], p46(222). TAYLOR, JEANINE : Away from the world and into the arms of God. (Cover story). Feb [5], p16-[19](192- [195]). TERRY, TAMARA MICHALENKO : Grief observed. (Story). Feb 19, p28-29(284-285). TETZ, MYRNA : Equally eloquent. (News commentary). Jun 10, p20(884). Too busy for church? (News commentary). Mar 11, p20(388). Jan.-June 2004 Authors – page 8

THIO, PATRICIA : A fair exchange. (Real world report). Mar [4], p23(343). TOLBERT, GARY J. : It is finished. Yet it's just begun. (Devotional). Apr [1], p34-36(498-400). TORKELSEN, LINNEA : Students "Go MAD!". (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p29(637). TRECARTIN, HOMER : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). TREDOUX, HEATHER : Trapped on a runaway train. (Story). Feb 12, p22-24(246-248). TRUBLOOD, RAY, PSEUD. : A letter to my congregation. (Lifestyle). Apr [1], p30-31(494-495). TUCKER, DON : Adventist education : a journey to excellence. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). TWOMLEY, DALE E. : Alumni make a difference. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). VITOROVICH, ANN : Honor-bound. (Story). Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). WALLACK, JERE : A rhapsody of rejoicing. (Parables of the Kingdom). Jun 17, p28-29(924-925). WALLENKAMPF, ARNOLD VALENTIN, B. 1913 : Calvary. (Devotional). Apr 8, p8-11(520-523). WARE, PHYLLIS : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). WATKINS, HOLLY : Paid in full. (All about education). [Apr 29], p35(643). WATTS, KIT : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p30(638). WHITAKER, RACHEL E. : Drying up the stream. (Cover feature). Jan 22, p8-13(120-125). WHITE, ELLEN GOULD HARMON, 1827-1915 : Different kinds of fasts. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p28(316). A call to action. (Spirit of Prophecy). Jan 22, p14(126). Called to be a prophet. (Spirit of Prophecy). Jun 24, p12(940). Connected to your church. (Spirit of Prophecy). Feb 26, p12(300). "It is finished". (Spirit of Prophecy). Apr 22, p12(588). Lessons in the fire. (Spirit of Prophecy). Mar 25, p12(444). More blessings of the tithing system. (Lifestyle). Feb 12, p26(250). WILCOX, GROVER : Bryan the lion. (Story). Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). WILLIAMS, JENNIFER : Baruch's answer. (Devotional). Mar 11, p14-15(382-383). WITAS, MARK : It does take a village! [Apr 29], p60-62(668-670). WORLEY DE PALACIOS, ALICIA : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Jun 10, p15(879). Only just begun. (The view from here). Mar 11, p16(384). The road to Guaranda. (The view from here). May 13, p15(735). Sowing in tears. (The view from here). Jan 8, p23(71). Unfinished. (The view from here). Feb 12, p15(239). Xiomara's stars. (The view from here). Apr 8, p15(527). WRIGHT, RUTH : I trust You! (Prayer). [Jan 29], p28-29(172-173). The Yada Yada Prayer Group [Review]. (Book mark). Jan 15, p29(109). YAMASHIRO, NAOMI A. : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). YANCER, BEN : Caught by a contagious faith. (First person). Mar [4], p21(341). YEAGER, TRACY : "There's no comparison". (All about education). [Apr 29], p38(646).

Adventist Review -- Subject Index 2004, v181, Jan-Jun

ABA (NIGERIA) -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : What I learned in Aba. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Feb [5], p7(183). ACCIDENTS : Life, interrupted. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Apr 22, p13(589). ADAM (BIBLICAL FIGURE) : The other son of God. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Feb 19, p14(270). ADAMS, ROY -- RELIGION : Wired different. (Bible study). Adams, Roy. [Jan 29], p7-9(151-153). ADULTERY : Old wounds. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p14(14). ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD (PERIODICAL) : Letter to my niece. (Cover feature). Robinson, Karl Aksel. Mar 25, p10-11(442-443). ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA) -- OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES : I found my answer. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Ruba, Jan. [Apr 29], p41(649). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- AFGHANISTAN : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- HAITI : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16- 21(832-837). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- IRAQ : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16- 21(832-837). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- KENYA : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- LIBERIA : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY -- SUDAN : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). ADVENTIST HEALTH S TUDY 2 : Still laughing at 110. (Feature). Butler, Terry. Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). ADVENTIST HEALTHCARE : Mirrors and windows. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jun 24, p6(934). ADVENTIST MORTALITY STUDY : 40-year health legacy. (Feature). Feb [5], p35(211). ADVENTIST REVIEW (PERIODICAL) : From the editor's e-mail bag. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jan 22, p5(117). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO : Adventist World Radio : passport to mission. (Adventist World Radio). Nolan, Shelley. Feb 12, p13(237). Sow 1 Billion on the air. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO -- AFRICA, WEST : Hope is in the air of Central Africa. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Jun 10, p30(894). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO -- EUROPE : A growing voice. (Adventist World Radio). Jan 8, p22(70). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO (GUAM) -- OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES : Casting sky nets. (Adventist World Radio). Enos, Matthew. May 13, p17(737). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO -- PERU : Reaching the invisible church. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Apr 8, p16(528). ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO -- THAILAND : Trekking in Thailand. (Adventist World Radio). Øster- Lundqvist, Kirsten. Mar 11, p30(398). ADVERTISING -- MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS : Everybody wants my body. (News commentary). Duerksen, Richard. May 27, p20(804). AGED : Reflections on youth and aging. (Lifestyle). Rigsby, Heather and Rigsby, Joyce. Jan 15, p24-26(104- 106). AGED -- EDUCATION (SECONDARY) -- FLORIDA : The solution is an attitude. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. Jun 24, p21(949). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 2

AGED -- MENTAL HEALTH -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES -- FICTION : All the friends I knew. (Lifestyle). Boyd, Elizabeth. Jun 24, p28-30(956-958). AGED SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- IOWA : Married more than fourscore years. (Give and take). Smith, Shirley M. Feb 26, p7(295). AGED SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- LOUISIANA : How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Lewis, Thelma. Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). AGING : How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Lewis, Thelma. Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). Is old odd? (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Apr 15, p21(565). Reflections on youth and aging. (Lifestyle). Rigsby, Heather and Rigsby, Joyce. Jan 15, p24-26(104-106). AGING -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : How to endure to the end. (Lifestyle). Petty, Thurman C. Jr. May 27, p28-30(812-814). AIR TRAVEL -- ITALY : An international incident. (Touched by the Spirit). MacKoul, Greta Lawrence. Jun [3], p12-13(828-829). ALTRUISM -- INDIA : Sight and insight. (Story). Dayak, Gideon. Apr 8, p26-28(538-540). ALUMNI AWARDS FOUNDATION : Alumni Awa rds Foundation programs. [Apr 29], p33(641). Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639- 641). AMISH -- SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS : A new low. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jun [3], p6(822). ANDREWS ACADEMY -- STUDENTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Adventist education is different. (All about education). Becker, Mark. [Apr 29], p36(644). ANDREWS UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS : Changing hearts. (First person). Girven, Marie A. Mar [4], p22(342). ANGER -- MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS : In search of outrage. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Feb [5], p6(182). ANOREXIA NERVOSA : A picture of health? (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). APOLOGETICS : Validation. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Mar 18, p5(405). APOLOGIZING : The "I'm sorry" game. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p14(14). ARK OF THE COVENANT : He only tried to help. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Feb 12, p29(253). ASEJO, ROY : Paid in full. (All about education). Watkins, Holly. [Apr 29], p35(643). ASHE, ARTHUR ROBERT, 1943-1993 : Why-ning. (Reflections). Berecz, John M. Feb 26, p31(319). ASTRONOMERS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : From science to faith. (Devotional). de Groot, Mart. Mar 25, p14- 16(446-448). ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE : A winning combination. (All about education). Gill, Conrad L. [Apr 29], p38(646). ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE -- STUDENTS : Changing lives. (Real world report). Babcock, George P. Mar [4], p19(339). ATTITUDE (PSYCHOLOGY) : Why-ning. (Reflections). Berecz, John M. Feb 26, p31(319). AUBURN ADVENTIST ACADEMY -- CHORAL ORGANIZATIONS : His instruments. (Forever learning). Serns, Amber. [Apr 29], p26(634). AUBURN ADVENTIST ACADEMY. SYLVAN CHORALE : His instruments. (Forever learning). Serns, Amber. [Apr 29], p26(634). AUSTRALIANISMS : Jesus in a slouch hat. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. May 20, p5(757). AUTHORITY -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The (abbreviated) great controversy. (Cover feature). Blanco, Jack J. Apr 22, p8-11(584-587). AUTOMOBILE TRAVEL -- AUSTRALIA -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Reflections in a Gayndah public restroom. (Reflections). Brown, Nathan. Jun 10, p31(895). AUTOMOBILES -- MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR : Guardian angels in 3Com Park. (Reflections). McConnell, John. May 27, p31(815). AUTONOMY -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Connected to your church. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 26, p12(300). Final answers. (Reflections). Jones, Emily Felts. Mar 25, p31(463). BABSON, UCEBA : The solution is an attitude. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. Jun 24, p21(949). BARNABAS, CHUTRA -- RELIGION : Alone with God. (Prayer). Barnabas, Chitra. [Jan 29], p12-13(156- 157). BARUCH, THE SCRIBE : Baruch's answer. (Devotional). Williams, Jennifer. Mar 11, p14-15(382-383). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 3

BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY -- BANDS -- TRAVEL : Just ask Oogie. (All about education). Kossick, Betty. [Apr 29], p36(644). BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY -- STUDENTS -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Just ask Oogie. (All about education). Kossick, Betty. [Apr 29], p36(644). BEAUTY, PERSONAL -- PSYCHOLOGY : A picture of health? (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). BEEF INDUSTRY -- UNITED STATES : Who's really mad—the cow or us? (News commentary). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 22, p21(133). BENEDICT, TERRY L. : A hero's story. (Cover story). Chavez, Stephen, Steyn, Delyse, and Ponniah, Melchizedek M. Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). BEREAVEMENT : United by tragedy [Review]. (Book mark). Moncrieff, Scott E. Mar 25, p17(449). BEREAVEMENT -- PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS : Grief observed. (Story). Terry, Tamara Michalenko. Feb 19, p28-29(284-285). BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS AND COURSES : Mission impossible? Seeking, reaping, keeping. (Cover story). Johnson, Kurt. Jan 8, p10(58). BIBLE -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. -- CONTROVERSIAL LITERATURE : Where angels fear to tread. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Apr 22, p17(593). BIBLE -- ENGLAND -- HISTORY : Wide as the waters : the story of the English Bible and the revolution it inspired [Review]. (Book mark). Mvundura, Elijah. Feb [5], p38-39(214-215). BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED -- HISTORY : God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Review]. (Book mark). Edwards, Bob. Feb [5], p38(214). BIBLE. ENGLISH. AUTHORIZED -- INFLUENCE : God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Review]. (Book mark). Edwards, Bob. Feb [5], p38(214). BIBLE. ENGLISH -- VERSIONS : Jesus in a slouch hat. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. May 20, p5(757). BIBLE. ENGLISH. VERSIONS -- HISTORY : Wide as the waters : the story of the English Bible and the revolution it inspired [Review]. (Book mark). Mvundura, Elijah. Feb [5], p38-39(214-215). BIBLE -- EVIDENCES, AUTHORITY, ETC. : Testing time. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 22, p5(581). Where angels fear to tread. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Apr 22, p17(593). BIBLE. N.T. CORINTHIANS, 1ST, 12 -- PARODIES, IMITATIONS, ETC. : A rhapsody of rejoicing. (Parables of the Kingdom). Wallack, Jere. Jun 17, p28-29(924-925). BIBLE. N.T. EPHASIANS 1:4 -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. : Elected. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Jun 10, p29(893). BIBLE. N.T. HEBREWS 12:23 -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. : Spiritual beings. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Jan 8, p27(75). BIBLE. N.T. LUKE 15 -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. : Lostness : its causes. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Jun [3], p45(861). BIBLE. N.T. ROMANS 7 -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. : My name is Tania. (Biblical study). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). BIBLE. O.T. ISAIAH 14:9 -- CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. : Is there a "world of the dead"? (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Apr 8, p29(541). BIBLE. O.T. JOB : Suffering's glorious unanswer. (Cover feature). Brown, Nathan. May 20, p8-12(760-764). BIBLE. O.T. NUMBERS 13-14 : Faith. (Devotional). Cook, Edwin. Jun 10, p22-25(886-889). BIBLE -- READING : How to read the whole Bible in one year. (Cover story). Jan [1], p18(18). My father's gift. (Cover story). Johnsson, William G. Jan [1], p16-20(16-20). Read the Bible in a year? (Bible study). Poirier, Merle. [Jan 29], p20-23(164-167). Read your Bible one book at a time [Review]. (Book mark). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. Jan [1], p11(11). BIBLE -- STUDY AND TEACHING : Reading for revival. (Cover story). Chavez, Stephen. Jan [1], p20(10). Sow 1 Billion. (Cover story). Krause, Bettina. Jan 8, p8-13(56-61). BIBLE -- VERSIONS : Dead languages. (Biblical study). Dickerson, Ed. Mar [4], p27-29(347-349). BICYCLE RACING : I run to win! (Reflections). Rentfro, Richard A. Jun [3], p46(862). BIRDS -- BEHAVIOR : A bird in paradise. (Reflections). Swan, Karen Barnes. Feb [5], p46(222). BLACK, BARRY C. : Chaplain extraordinaire. (Real world report). Malcolm, Roy E. Mar [4], p20(340). BLECH, REINE : He stood in pouring rain. (Cover story). Schneider, Donald C. Mar 11, p12(380). BLINDNESS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Sight and insight. (Story). Dayak, Gideon. Apr 8, p26-28(538- 540). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 4

BOMBINGS -- JERUSALEM : Baruch's answer. (Devotional). Williams, Jennifer. Mar 11, p14-15(382-383). BOROVICH, PAVLE -- RELIGION : Honor-bound. (Story). Borovich, Pavle. Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY : Who's really mad—the cow or us? (News commentary). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 22, p21(133). BRIBERY -- KENYA : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). BROWN UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Never alone. (Touched by the Spirit). Banks, Christopher T. Apr [1], p12-13(476-477). BULIMIA : A picture of health? (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). BUS DRIVERS : Just ask Oogie. (All about education). Kossick, Betty. [Apr 29], p36(644). CAFFEINE -- PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT : The caffeine crisis. (Lifestyle). Nelson, Andrew. Feb 19, p25- 27(281-283). CAFFERKY, MICHAEL E. : Building bridges for dialogue. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Cafferky, Michael E. [Apr 29], p40(648). CALCIUM IN HUMAN NUTRITION : Is there a link between prostate cancer and milk? (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jun [3], p38-39(854-855). CAMP-MEETINGS -- KENYA : A light shines in the valley. (Cover story). Aho, Deborah. Apr 8, p22- 25(534-537). CANADIAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE -- STUDENTS : Simple gifts. (Real world report). Douville, Tina Tilstra. Mar [4], p20(340). CANCER -- PATIENTS : The presence. (Devotional). Butler, John D. Sr. May 27, p14-16(798-800). Where does it hurt? (Touched by the Spirit). Schneider, Donald C. Jr. Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). CANCER -- RESEARCH : Evidence for all to see. (Feature). Fraser, Gary E. and Butler, Terry. Feb [5], p32- 34(208-210). CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM -- DISEASES : Hypertension. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jan 8, p28-29(76-77). CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM -- DISEASES -- PATIENTS : Bryan the lion. (Story). Wilcox, Grover. Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). CARING : To see. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Feb 19, p30(286). Why didn't someone zip me up? (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar [4], p14(334). You can do something to make it happen. (Guest editorial). Sackett, Harry. Mar 11, p1(374). CATHOLIC STUDENTS -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : How the Bible expands horizons. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Jan 15, p17(97). CENTENARIANS -- ARIZONA : Still laughing at 110. (Feature). Butler, Terry. Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). CHANDUVI, AURORA -- RELIGION : Reaching the invisible church. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Apr 8, p16(528). CHAVEZ, STEPHEN -- RELIGION : And He runs with me. (Prayer). Chavez, Stephen. [Jan 29], p30(174). CHILDBIRTH -- PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS : The fallacy of crowd control. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jun 17, p5(901). CHILDREN -- BOOKS AND READING : Train up a child to read. (Lifestyle). Booth, Bradley. Apr 22, p24- 27(600-603). CHILDREN IN CHURCH WORK -- CALIFORNIA : What Jesus asks. (Forever learning). Ross, Dorothy. [Apr 29], p28(636). CHILDREN -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Children and prayer. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Apr [1], p14(478). Giving church a friendly feel. (Cover story). Johnsson, Noelene. May 27, p12(796). CHILDREN -- SEXUAL BEHAVIOR : Preschooler stimulation. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Feb [5], p14(190). CHILDREN WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES -- EDUCATION -- CALIFORNIA : Special needs, special education. (All about education). Davis, Gerri and Davis, Theopolis. [Apr 29], p37(645). CHINA -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : Adventists in China. (Cover story). Johnsson, William G. Jun 10, p8-12(872-876). CHINOOK WINDS ADVENTIST ACADEMY -- STUDENTS : To India, with love. (Forever learning). Deer, Marion. [Apr 29], p26(634). CHOICE (PSYCHOLOGY) -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : It won't be easy. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Apr [1], p6(470). CHONG, HENG -- DEATH AND BURIAL : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Lam-Phoon, Sally. Jan 8, Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 5 p31(79). CHRISTIAN EDUCATION : Faith and learning. Andreasen, Niels -Erik A. [Apr 29], p52-54(660-662). The right education. Lutz, Jerry. [Apr 29], p10-11(618-619). Something better. (All about education). DeVore Candace Graves. [Apr 29], p37(645). Why I believe in Adventist education. Johnsson, William G. [Apr 29], p3(611). CHRISTIAN EDUCATION -- AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? Brantley, Paul S. and Fryson, Debra. [Apr 29], p12-15(620-623). CHRISTIAN GIVING : More blessings of the tithing system. (Lifestyle). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827- 1915. Feb 12, p26(250). CHRISTIAN GIVING -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : How do Adventists give? (Editorial). Medley, Carlos. Jan 15, p5(85). CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP : Culture matters. (Current issues). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p20-23(196-199). CHRISTIAN LIFE : The allegiance that I owe. (Cover feature). Oliver, Barry. Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]-299). Angie's addiction. (Reflections). Coston, Jeff. Jan 15, p31(111). Ever after. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Feb 26, p13(301). Faith. (Devotional). Cook, Edwin. Jun 10, p22-25(886-889). Going to extremes. (Reflections). Richter, Shirley. Jan [1], p46(46). I run to win! (Reflections). Rentfro, Richard A. Jun [3], p46(862). Lessons in the fire. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Mar 25, p12(444). An off-the-wall call. (Touched by the Spirit). Stephens, Mary C. Mar [4], p12-13(332-333). Simple truth. (Reflections). Bailey, Cindee. May 20, p31(783). Speed dating. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 8, p6(54). Spiritual beings. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Jan 8, p27(75). Surrender and victory. (Tales from State U). Christian, Ed. Apr 15, p29(573). Tolerance is not enough. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. May 13, p6(726). Ugandan rhapsody. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Apr 15, p22(566). The ultimate test. (Devotional). Adams, Cynthia. Feb 19, p22-24(278-280). "Where are you?". (Theology). Peterson, Michael. Apr 15, p23-25(567-569). You can do something to make it happen. (Guest editorial). Sackett, Harry. Mar 11, p1(374). CHRISTIAN LIFE -- SERMONS : The code of discipleship. (Biblical studies). Johnson, Damien E. Jun [3], p34-37(850-853). CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE : Culture matters. (Current issues). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p20- 23(196-199). Dead languages. (Biblical study). Dickerson, Ed. Mar [4], p27-29(347-349). "Dear Slim". (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Feb 19, p17(273). Quashed by culture. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Mar 25, p27(459). Wake-up call. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. May 27, p5(789). CHRISTIANITY -- DEVELOPING COUNTRIES -- FORECASTING : Wake -up call. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. May 27, p5(789). CHRISTIANS -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Everybody wants my body. (News commentary). Duerksen, Richard. May 27, p20(804). A fun day with Go d. (Reflections). Gallington, Edna Maye. Apr 15, p31(575). My house, my rules. (Reflections). Froese, Patty. Jun 17, p31(927). Portrait of a Christian. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Apr 15, p6(550). Surrender and victory. (Tales from State U). Christian, Ed. Apr 15, p29(573). Undecided. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Feb 19, p5(261). Validation. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Mar 18, p5(405). You can do something to make it happen. (Guest editorial). Sackett, Harry. Mar 11, p1(374). CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME : Facts about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, or CFIDS -- chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome). (Lifestyle). Humphreys, Carol. Mar [4], p36-37(356-357). An invisible illness. (Lifestyle). Kromann, Shirley. Mar [4], p34-35,37(354-355,357). CHURCH : Behind the headlines. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jan 22, p6(118). Connected to your church. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 26, p12(300). Diamond dreams. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Apr 22, p6(582). A rhapsody of rejoicing. (Parables of the Kingdom). Wallack, Jere. Jun 17, p28-29(924-925). United in the fellowship of the fellowship. (Cover story). Banks, Rosa Taylor. Feb 12, p8-12(232-236). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 6

CHURCH AND THE WORLD : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Lam-Phoon, Sally. Jan 8, p31(79). Portrait of a Christian. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Apr 15, p6(550). Resistance training. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Feb 26, p6(294). CHURCH AND THE WORLD -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : You are the salt of the earth. (Lifestyle). Graz, John. Apr 8, p12-14(524-526). CHURCH AUTHORITY : The allegiance that I owe. (Cover feature). Oliver, Barry. Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]- 299). Testing time. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 22, p5(581). CHURCH CONTROVERSIES : Now starring in an epic struggle. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Feb 12, p5(229). The unfinished church. (Cover feature). Oetman, Michelle L. Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). CHURCH DEVELOPMENT, NEW : Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). CHURCH GROWTH -- ECUADOR : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jun 10, p15(879). CHURCH MEMBERSHIP : The allegiance that I owe. (Cover feature). Oliver, Barry. Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]- 299). CHURCH OFFICERS -- ATTITUDES : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Lang, Jerome S., Yamashiro, Naomi A., Gardner, Bekki, Fargo, Mumtaz A., Ware, Phyllis, and Hullquist, Timothy. Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). CHURCH OFFICERS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : What happens when leaders don't pray. (Devotional). Gavin, Anthony. May 13, p8-10(728-730). CHURCH RENEWAL : Still simmering. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jun [3], p7(823). CHURCH SCHOOLS -- ALUMNI AND ALUMNAE : Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). CHURCH SCHOOLS -- ALUMNI AND ALUMNAE -- SOCIETIES, ETC. : Alumni Awards Foundation programs. [Apr 29], p33(641). CHURCH SCHOOLS -- ARIZONA : Miracles in the desert. (Story). Morris, S. R. Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). CHURCH SCHOOLS -- CALIFORNIA : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). Murray, Vicki and Watts, Kit. [Apr 29], p30(638). CHURCH SCHOOLS -- CURRICULA : Goals for curriculum in Seventh-day Adventist schools. [Apr 29], p[16-17]([624-625]). CHURCH -- UNITY : The unfinished church. (Cover feature). Oetman, Michelle L. Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). CHURCH WORK : The inside story. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Feb 26, p5(293). CHURCH WORK -- CORRUPT PRACTICES : I dropped the ball. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Feb [5], p14(190). CHURCH WORK IN UNENTERED TERRITORIES -- ECUADOR : The road to Guaranda. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. May 13, p15(735). CHURCH WORK WITH CHILDREN : Giving church a friendly feel. (Cover story). Johnsson, Noelene. May 27, p12(796). CHURCH WORK WITH CHILDREN -- ECUADOR : Xiomara's stars. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Apr 8, p15(527). CHURCH WORK WITH CHILDREN -- UTAH : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. Mar [4], p23(343). CHURCH WORK WITH EX-CHURCH MEMBERS : Reunited! (Feature). Schnepp, Marilyn. Apr [1], p37(501). CHURCH WORK WITH HANDICAPPED CHILDREN -- MARYLAND : A privilege, not an obligation. (Forever learning). Dunbebin, Clarence U. [Apr 29], p29(637). CHURCH WORK WITH MARRIED PEOPLE : From this day forward. (Lifestyle). Maxwell, V. Viola pseud. Jan [1], p28-30(28-30). CHURCH WORK WITH NEW CHURCH MEMBERS : Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). CHURCH WORK WITH NON CHURCH-AFFILIATED PEOPLE : Cutting the cringe factor. (Opinion). Marshall, David Norman. Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). CHURCH WORK WITH NON CHURCH-AFFILIATED PEOPLE -- ECUADOR : Only just begun. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Mar 11, p16(384). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 7

CHURCH WORK WITH PRISONERS : Salty. (Story). Fleck, Rick. Apr 15, p26-28(570-572). CHURCH WORK WITH STUDENTS : Is spirituality dead at Adventist colleges? Jacob, Gina. [Apr 29], p56-57,59(664-665,667). CHURCH WORK WITH STUDENTS -- MARYLAND : Led to public school campus ministry. (Cover feature). Luma, Tania. Jan 15, p11(91). CHURCH WORK WITH THE BEREAVED : Comfort the comfortless. (Ask the doctors). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p27(779). How to help others who are grieving. (Cover story). Gilbert, Beth Bentzinger. Mar 18, p12(412). CHURCH WORK WITH URBAN POOR -- MICHIGAN : Changing hearts. (First person). Girven, Marie A. Mar [4], p22(342). CINEMATOGRAPHERS -- WASHINGTON (STATE) : A hero's story. (Cover story). Chavez, Stephen, Steyn, Delyse, and Ponniah, Melchizedek M. Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : The most popular Adventist sin. (Opinion). Caro, Evelyn. Apr 22, p28-29(604-605). CLEANING -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Shout it out! (Reflections). Singh, Juanita. Apr 8, p31(543). CLERGY -- CATHOLIC CHURCH -- SEXUAL BEHAVIOR : Catholics under fire. (News commentary). Krause, Gary. Apr [1], p43(507). CLERGY-LAITY RELATIONS : A letter to my congregation. (Lifestyle). Trublood, Ray pseud. Apr [1], p30-31(494-495). CLOTHES DRYERS -- ANECDOTES : Lessons learned from a clothes dryer. (Reflections). Karst, Gerry. Jan 22, p31(143). COACHING : Why I coach. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Mar 18, p6(406). COFFEE HABIT : Fill it up! (Reflections). Pollington, Doug. Mar [4], p46(366). COLBURN, JEFFREY : A fair exchange. (Real world report). Thio, Patricia. Mar [4], p23(343). COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR : Recreational grief. (News commentary). Brown, Nathan. Apr 8, p20(532). COLLEGE CHOICE : A winning combination. (All about education). Gill, Conrad L. [Apr 29], p38(646). COLON (ANATOMY) -- DISEASES : "A relative is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Mar 25, p29-30(461-462). COLUMBIA UNION COLLEGE -- STUDENTS : Centered on Christ. (Real world report). Steward, Scott. Mar [4], p22(342). COMMITMENT (PSYCHOLOGY) : Love among the ruins. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jun 24, p13(941). COMMITMENT TO THE CHURCH : The allegiance that I owe. (Cover feature). Oliver, Barry. Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]-299). Remember the 1980s? (Devotional). Gane, Roy E. Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). COMMUNICATION -- HISTORY : State-of-the-art communication. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. May 13, p27(747). CONDUCT OF LIFE : The balloon. (Reflections). Kline, Fylvia Fowler. May 13, p31(751). Baruch's answer. (Devotional). Williams, Jennifer. Mar 11, p14-15(382-383). Be still, and know. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. May 20, p6(758). Beware affluenza! (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Apr [1], p45(509). Don't die. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Apr 8, p6(518). Fill it up! (Reflections). Pollington, Doug. Mar [4], p46(366). A Florida road experience. (Editorial). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. Feb 19, p6(262). The foolishness of God and youth. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. May 27, p6(790). Good people and lust. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar [4], p14(334). How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Lewis, Thelma. Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). Letters from my sister. (Story). Andlove, Irene pseud. Apr 22, p22-23(598-599). Life, interrupted. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Apr 22, p13(589). Marriage : "So why not?". (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Feb 12, p20(244). My name is Tania. (Biblical study). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). Resolved : to eat more ice cream! (Guest editorial). Netteburg, Kermit L. Jan [1], p7(7). Second chances. (Real world report). Cronk, Lainey S. Mar [4], p21(341). To see. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Feb 19, p30(286). Two men, one story. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Mar [4], p7(327). Whales and eggplant. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jan 15, p6(86). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 8

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR (MOTION PICTURE) : The conscientious objector : a review. (Cover story). Moncrieff, Scott E. Jun 17, p10(906). CONTROL (PSYCHOLOGY) : The fallacy of crowd control. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jun 17, p5(901). CONVERSATION -- MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS : Shooting from the lip. (News commentary). Kellner, Jean. Jan [1], p43(43). CONVERSION : Born, again. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jan 22, p15(127). Of sheep and wolves. (Parables of the Kingdom). Cheatham, Atuanya. Mar [4], p38-39(358-359). Surrender and victory. (Tales from State U). Christian, Ed. Apr 15, p29(573). CORNEA -- TRANSPLANTATION : Sight and insight. (Story). Dayak, Gideon. Apr 8, p26-28(538-540). CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS AND COURSES : The difference distance learning makes. (Real world report). Edwards, Rex D. Mar [4], p19(339). CREATION : Evolution? No. (Theology). Carson, Benjamin Solomon. Feb 26, p14-16(302-304). CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN : Prostitution, trafficking, and women. (Current issues). Rahn, Mindi. May 13, p28-29(748-749). CRIMINAL REGISTERS -- MARYLAND : Undecided. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Feb 19, p5(261). CRITICISM, PERSONAL : Captain's orders. (Reflections). Batchelder, Amy. Feb 19, p31(287). CRITICISM, PERSONAL -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : A letter to my congregation. (Lifestyle). Trublood, Ray pseud. Apr [1], p30-31(494-495). CULTURE : Culture matters. (Current issues). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p20-23(196-199). CURTIS -HORNE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN) -- OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES : I can't imagine teaching anywhere else! (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Fortney, Marjorie. [Apr 29], p46(654). DALI, SALVADOR, 1904-1989. SACRAMENT OF THE LAST SUPPER : A postcard of grace. (Reflections). Brown, Nathan. Feb 12, p31(255). DATING (SOCIAL CUSTOMS) : Speed dating. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 8, p6(54). DAUGHTERS -- DEATH : Grief observed. (Story). Terry, Tamara Michalenko. Feb 19, p28-29(284-285). DE GROOT, MART -- RELIGION : From science to faith. (Devotional). de Groot, Mart. Mar 25, p14- 16(446-448). DEAF CHILDREN -- EDUCATION -- INDIA -- FINANCE : To India, with love. (Forever learning). Deer, Marion. [Apr 29], p26(634). DEATH : Where does it hurt? (Touched by the Spirit). Schneider, Donald C. Jr. Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). DEATH -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The first sacrifice. (Reflections). Christian, Ed. Apr [1], p46(510). DEPAIVA, LARISSON, D. 2003 -- DEATH AND BURIAL : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Rutledge, John P. Feb 12, p6(230). DEPAIVA, MARGARETH OTTONI, D. 2003 -- DEATH AND BURIAL : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Rutledge, John P. Feb 12, p6(230). DEPAIVA, RUIMAR DUARTE, D. 2003 -- DEATH AND BURIAL : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Rutledge, John P. Feb 12, p6(230). DEPRESSED PERSONS : The restoration of Nell. (Story). Harbison, Gloria Jean Dickey. May 27, p24- 26(808-810). DEVIL : Real source of peace. (News commentary). Odeyemi, Tayo. Jan 8, p20(68). DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES : "I can't do this". (Cover story). Johnsson, Noelene. Jan [1], p19(19). DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES -- METHODOLOGY : And He runs with me. (Prayer). Chavez, Stephen. [Jan 29], p30(174). The gentle whisper. (The devotional life). Shields, Bonita Joyner. [Jan 29], p14-17(158-161). Getting intimate with God. (The devotional life). Medley, Carlos. [Jan 29], p18-19(162-163). Journaling through our days. (The devotional life). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. [Jan 29], p25-27(169-171). My weekday routine (or breaks from my breakneck schedule). (The devotional life). Maran, Kimberly Luste. [Jan 29], p10-11(154-155). Read the Bible in a year? (Bible study). Poirier, Merle. [Jan 29], p20-23(164-167). Wired different. (Bible study). Adams, Roy. [Jan 29], p7-9(151-153). DIARIES -- AUTHORSHIP : Journaling through our days. (The devotional life). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. [Jan 29], p25-27(169-171). DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : A deep but dazzling darkness. (On the home Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 9 front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. May 27, p13(797). DOCUMENTARY FILMS : The conscientious objector : a review. (Cover story). Moncrieff, Scott E. Jun 17, p10(906). DOGFIGHTING : The right kind of action. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Mar 25, p6(438). DOMINGUEZ, CARI M. : Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). DOSS, DESMOND THOMAS : The conscientious objector : a review. (Cover story). Moncrieff, Scott E. Jun 17, p10(906). DRAFT -- YUGOSLAVIA : Honor-bound. (Story). Borovich, Pavle. Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- LAW AND LEGISLATION -- UNITED STATES -- HISTORY -- 20TH CENTURY : Drying up the stream. (Cover feature). Whitaker, Rachel E. Jan 22, p8- 13(120-125). DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : A call to action. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Jan 22, p14(126). DWELLINGS -- DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION -- PERU : Simple gifts. (Real world report). Douville, Tina Tilstra. Mar [4], p20(340). EAST INDIANS -- EMPLOYMENT : Beware affluenza! (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Apr [1], p45(509). EATING DISORDERS : How to help someone with an eating disorder. (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p12(168). EATING DISORDERS -- PATIENTS : How to help someone with an eating disorder. (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p12(168). EATING DISORDERS -- PATIENTS -- PSYCHOLOGY : How I might be contributing to another's eating disorder. (Cover feature). Reynolds, Betsy. Feb 19, p11(167). EATING DISORDERS -- PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS : A picture of health? (Cover feature). Sauder, Amanda. Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). ECUADOR -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : The road to Guaranda. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. May 13, p15(735). EDEN -- FICTION : The first sacrifice. (Reflections). Christian, Ed. Apr [1], p46(510). EDIOTORS -- CONGRESSES -- CALIFORNIA -- ANECDOTES : Whales and eggplant. (Ed itorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jan 15, p6(86). EDUCATION -- KENYA : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). EDWARDS, BOB : Graduation deferred. (Story). Edwards, Bob. Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). Is old odd? (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Apr 15, p21(565). ELECTION (THEOLOGY) -- BIBLICAL TEACHING : Elected. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Jun 10, p29(893). ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGES : Don't die. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Apr 8, p6(518). EMBARRASSMENT : Why didn't someone zip me up? (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar [4], p14(334). EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT : When it's not our fault. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Mar [4], p45(365). EMINEM (MUSICIAN) : "Dear Slim". (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Feb 19, p17(273). EMOTIONS : Sticks and stones. (Devotional). Anderson, Gemma Cabardo. Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). EMPATHY -- FICTION : The meeting of the mothers. (Devotional). Silver, D. J. Apr 8, p9(521). END OF THE WORLD : It won't be easy. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Apr [1], p6(470). ENOS, MATTHEW : Casting sky nets. (Adventist World Radio). Enos, Matthew. May 13, p17(737). ENTHUSIASM -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The sky's the limit. (Current issues). Patzer, Jere D. Jun [3], p22-24(838-840). ENVIRONMENTALISM -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The right kind of action. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Mar 25, p6(438). We can outhug any tree hugger. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Jun 17, p14(910). EVANGELISTIC INVITATIONS : Final answers. (Reflections). Jones, Emily Felts. Mar 25, p31(463). EVANGELISTIC WORK : Evangelism : then and now. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Mar 11, p5(353). Evangelism? Yes! But also mission. (Cover story). Paulsen, Jan. Mar 11, p8-13(376-381). Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 10

Working together for mission. (Cover story). Jan 8, p12(60). EVANGELISTIC WORK -- ECUADOR : Unfinished. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Feb 12, p15(239). EVANGELISTIC WORK -- LAKE UNION CONFERENCE : Hope For Our Day/Esperanza Para Hoy. (Feature). Burns, Gary. Apr [1], p26(490). EVANGELISTIC WORK -- NIGERIA : He stood in pouring rain. (Cover story). Schneider, Donald C. Mar 11, p12(380). EVANGELISTIC WORK -- NIGERIA -- ABA : What I learned in Aba. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Feb [5], p7(183). EVOLUTION (BIOLOGY) -- CONTROVERSIAL LITERATURE : Evolution? No. (Theology). Carson, Benjamin Solomon. Feb 26, p14-16(302-304). EX-CHURCH MEMBERS : Reunited! (Feature). Schnepp, Marilyn. Apr [1], p37(501). EXAMINATIONS : The ultimate test. (Devotional). Adams, Cynthia. Feb 19, p22-24(278-280). EXERCISE : Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Feb [5], p36- 37(212-213). EYEGLASSES -- TOGO : Project : Eyeglasses. (Story). Byers, Carolyn F. Jan [1], p36-37(36-37). FAITH : Faith. (Devotional). Cook, Edwin. Jun 10, p22-25(886-889). Faith and learning. Andreasen, Niels -Erik A. [Apr 29], p52-54(660-662). Going to extremes. (Reflections). Richter, Shirley. Jan [1], p46(46). How to endure to the end. (Lifestyle). Petty, Thurman C. Jr. May 27, p28-30(812-814). FAMILY -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Children and prayer. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Apr [1], p14(478). I dropped the ball. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Feb [5], p14(190). FASTING : A different kind of fast. (Lifestyle). Ludwig, Laurita. Feb 26, p26-28(314-316). Different kinds of fasts. (Lifestyle). Foster, Richard J. and White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 26, p28(316). FASTING IN THE BIB LE : Biblical examples of fasting. (Lifestyle). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Feb 26, p27(315). FATE AND FATALISM : I felt fear. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jan 8, p5(53). FATHERHOOD -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Lessons from an ugly tie. (Devotional). McGuire, Tammy. Jun 17, p16-17(912-913). FATHERS -- DEATH : Salty. (Story). Fleck, Rick. Apr 15, p26-28(570-572). FATHERS -- TIME MANAGEMENT : Men talk back. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jun [3], p14(830). FAULTFINDING : Why-ning. (Reflections). Berecz, John M. Feb 26, p31(319). FEAR : I felt fear. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jan 8, p5(53). Living with fear. (Devotional). Austin, Archer C. Jan 8, p14-16(62-64). FELLOWSHIP -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Devalued? (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar p[4], p14(334). United in the fellowship of the fellowship. (Cover story). Banks, Rosa Taylor. Feb 12, p8-12(232-236). FELLOWSHIP -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- WEST VIRGINIA : What I learned in Moorefield. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Apr [1], p7(471). FINANCE, PERSONAL -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Should I share these stories? (Lifestyle). McIver, Robert K. Feb 12, p25-28(249-252). FISH AS FOOD : ["I have reduced my flesh food consumption drastically, but still like to eat fish."]. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Feb [5], p37(213). FISHER, HAROLD : The fire that wouldn't go out. (Cover feature). Fisher, Karen. Mar 25, p8-9,11(440- 441,443). FISHER, LLOYD : The fire that wouldn't go out. (Cover feature). Fisher, Karen. Mar 25, p8-9,11(440- 441,443). FLORIDA HOSPITAL COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES -- STUDENTS : Stephen's story. (Real world report). Mar [4], p21(341). FOOD RELIEF -- CALIFORNIA : Backdoor witness. (Touched by the Spirit). Bowen, Heather. Jan [1], p12- 13(12-13). FORDHAM, SARI K. -- RELIGION : Ugandan rhapsody. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Apr 15, p22(566). FORGIVENESS : The "I'm sorry" game. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p14(14). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 11

FORGIVENESS OF SIN : Shout it out! (Reflections). Singh, Juanita. Apr 8, p31(543). FORTNEY, MARJORIE : I can't imagine teaching anywhere else! (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Fortney, Marjorie. [Apr 29], p46(654). FRANKS, TOMMY, B. 1945 -- VIEWS ON TERRORISM : Between the strokes, again. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Feb 26, p29(317). FREEDOM OF RELIGION : The end of history. Steed, Lincoln E. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). A stranger and a friend. (Story). Hughes, Viola. Mar 11, p26-28(394-396). FREEDOM OF SPEECH -- UNITED STATES : Grime doesn't pay. (News commentary). Schwirtzer, Jennifer Jill. Mar 18, p21(421). FROM THIS DAY FORWARD : From this day forward. (Lifestyle). Maxwell, V. Viola pseud. Jan [1], p28- 30(28-30). FUND RAISING -- CANADA : To India, with love. (Forever learning). Deer, Marion. [Apr 29], p26(634). FUNERAL RITES AND CEREMONIES -- PALAU : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Rutledge, John P. Feb 12, p6(230). FUTURE LIFE -- BIBLICAL TEACHING : Is there a "world of the dead"? (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Apr 8, p29(541). GANE, ROY E. -- RELIGION : Remember the 1980s? (Devotional). Gane, Roy E. Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). GAVIN, ANTHONY -- RELIGION : What happens when leaders don't pray. (Devotional). Gavin, Anthony. May 13, p8-10(728-730). GILBERT, ADAM T. : Whom can I depend on? (Cover story). Gilbert, Adam T. Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). GILL, CONRAD L. : A winning combination. (All about education). Gill, Conrad L. [Apr 29], p38(646). GLEI ADVENTIST EYE HOSPITAL : Project : Eyeglasses. (Story). Byers, Carolyn F. Jan [1], p36-37(36- 37). GLENDALE ADVENTIST ACADEMY : The China connection. (Forever learning). Baker, Glen. [Apr 29], p28(636). GO ONE MILLION : Working together for mission. (Cover story). Jan 8, p12(60). GOAL (PSYCHOLOGY) -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Building for eternity. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jun 24, p5(933). GOD -- ATTRIBUTES : A deep but dazzling darkness. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. May 27, p13(797). GOD -- FATHERHOOD : Lessons from an ugly tie. (Devotional). McGuire, Tammy. Jun 17, p16-17(912- 913). GOD -- HOLINESS : He only tried to help. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Feb 12, p29(253). GOD -- KNOWABLENESS______: Be still, and know. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. May 20, p6(758). Foreigners in the world of truth. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Mar 18, p13(413). Getting intimate with God. (The devotional life). Medley, Carlos. [Jan 29], p18-19(162-163). Last message to the world. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jan [1], p6(6). The presence. (Devotional). Butler, John D. Sr. May 27, p14-16(798-800). GOD -- LOVE : Family road trips. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Jun 17, p27(923). GOD -- OMNIPRESENCE : The presence. (Devotional). Butler, John D. Sr. May 27, p14-16(798-800). GOLDSTEIN, CLIFFORD R. -- EMPLOYMENT : Twenty years -- and counting. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. May 27, p27(811). GRACE (THEOLOGY) : A postcard of grace. (Reflections). Brown, Nathan. Feb 12, p31(255). GRATITUDE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Reflections in a Gayndah public restroom. (Reflections). Brown, Nathan. Jun 10, p31(895). GRAVES' DISEASE : Understanding Graves' disease. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Mar 25, p28-29(460-461). GREAT BRITAIN -- HISTORY -- JAMES I, 1603-1625 : God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Revie w]. (Book mark). Edwards, Bob. Feb [5], p38(214). GREAT BRITAIN -- RELIGION -- 17TH CENTURY : God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Review]. (Book mark). Edwards, Bob. Feb [5], p38(214). GREAT CONTROVERSY THEME : The (abbreviated) great controversy. (Cover feature). Blanco, Jack J. Apr 22, p8-11(584-587). The artist. (Parables of the Kingdom). Marshall, Anita. Jan [1], p23-24(23-24). "It is finished". (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Apr 22, p12(588). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 12

Now starring in an epic struggle. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Feb 12, p5(229). The other son of God. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Feb 19, p14(270). GRIEF : Comfort the comfortless. (Ask the doctors). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p27(779). Grief observed. (Story). Terry, Tamara Michalenko. Feb 19, p28-29(284-285). How to help others who are grieving. (Cover story). Gilbert, Beth Bentzinger. Mar 18, p12(412). An off-the-wall call. (Touched by the Spirit). Stephens, Mary C. Mar [4], p12-13(332-333). Recreational grief. (News commentary). Brown, Nathan. Apr 8, p20(532). Sticks and stones. (Devotional). Anderson, Gemma Cabardo. Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). United by tragedy [Review]. (Book mark). Moncrieff, Scott E. Mar 25, p17(449). Whom can I depend on? (Cover story). Gilbert, Adam T. Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). GRIEF -- FICTION : The meeting of the mothers. (Devotional). Silver, D. J. Apr 8, p9(521). GRIGGS UNIVERSITY : The difference distance learning makes. (Real world report). Edwards, Rex D. Mar [4], p19(339). GULLEY, BRYAN -- HEALTH : Bryan the lion. (Story). Wilcox, Grover. Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). HAMMOND, ROSEMARY E. : In love with my boss. (Story). Hammond, Rosemary E. Feb 26, p22-25(310- 313). HASSELBRACK, SALLY A. : Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). HAYASAKA, JONNY : A calling confirmed. (Real world report). Jeske, Tara. Mar [4], p18(338). HAZELTON, RAHNEEKA -- RELIGION : Centered on Christ. (Real world report). Steward, Scott. Mar [4], p22(342). HEALING : The restoration of Nell. (Story). Harbison, Gloria Jean Dickey. May 27, p24-26(808-810). HEALING OF NAAMAN THE SYRIAN (MIRACLE) : Lessons learned from a clothes dryer. (Reflections). Karst, Gerry. Jan 22, p31(143). HEARST, PATRICIA, B. 1954 -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : My name is Tania. (Biblical study). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). HEART -- DISEASES -- PATIENTS : Those coronary vessels. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Apr 15, p16-17(560-561). HEART -- DISEASES -- RESEARCH : Evidence for all to see. (Feature). Fraser, Gary E. and Butler, Terry. Feb [5], p32-34(208-210). HEAVEN-SENT CAREGIVING (PHOENIX, ARIZONA) : In love with my boss. (Story). Hammond, Rosemary E. Feb 26, p22-25(310-313). HELL : Hell is for other people. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Apr 15, p15(599). HEROES : Putting headlines and heroes into perspective. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. May 20, p21(773). HICKETHIER, SHELLY : Aspiring teacher shares her vision. (Real world report). Battin, Debbie. Mar [4], p18(338). HISTORY, MODERN : It won't be easy. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Apr [1], p6(470). HISTORY -- PHILOSOPHY : The end of history. Steed, Lincoln E. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). HITLER, ADOLF, 1889-1945 -- DEATH AND BURIAL : Two men, one story. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Mar [4], p7(327). HOME CARE SERVICES -- ARIZONA : In love with my boss. (Story). Hammond, Rosemary E. Feb 26, p22-25(310-313). HOME -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Finding home. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Jan 15, p28(108). Glimpses of home. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jun 17, p6(902). HOME -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : My house, my rules. (Reflections). Froese, Patty. Jun 17, p31(927). HUIJIA PRIVATE SCHOOL (BEIJING, CHINA) : The China connection. (Forever learning). Baker, Glen. [Apr 29], p28(636). HUMAN RIGHTS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : Why bother with human rights? (News commentary). Gallagher, Jonathan. Apr 22, p21(597). HYGIENE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Sorry to meddle. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. May 13, p5(725). HYPERTENSION : Hypertension. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jan 8, p28- 29(76-77). HYPERTHYROIDISM : Understanding Graves' disease. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Mar 25, p28-29(460-461). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 13

IMAGE OF GOD : Love and matter. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Jan 22, p16(128). IMMUNOLOGICAL DEFICIENY SYNDROMES : Facts about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, or CFIDS - - chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome). (Lifestyle). Humphreys, Carol. Mar [4], p36-37(356- 357). INCARNATION : Is the universe friendly? (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Jun 24, p23(951). INDIA -- SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS : Beware affluenza! (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Apr [1], p45(509). INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA -- MISSIONS -- ARIZONA : Miracles in the desert. (Story). Morris, S. R. Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES : Captain's orders. (Reflections). Batchelder, Amy. Feb 19, p31(287). INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Angry letters are good. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Jan 15, p27(107). INFANTS -- ANECDOTES : Simple truth. (Reflections). Bailey, Cindee. May 20, p31(783). INTERNET -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Evangelism : then and now. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Mar 11, p5(353). www.hopetalk.org. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). INTERNET -- SOCIAL ASPECTS : Speed dating. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 8, p6(54). INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS : The "I'm sorry" game. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p14(14). INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Cutting the cringe factor. (Opinion). Marshall, David Norman. Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). The discovery zone. (Lifestyle). Pierce, Seth. Mar 18, p28-30(428-430). United in the fellowship of the fellowship. (Cover story). Banks, Rosa Taylor. Feb 12, p8-12(232-236). Why I coach. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Mar 18, p6(406). INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : The glue of Heaven. (Lifestyle). Handysides, Allan R. Jun 10, p26-28(890-892). IRAQ WAR, 2003- -- CASUALTIES : Putting headlines and heroes into perspective. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. May 20, p21(773). IRRITABLE COLON : "A relative is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Mar 25, p29-30(461-462). JACKSON, JANET : An aftermath of apologies. (News commentary). Duerksen, Richard. Feb 26, p21(309). Grime doesn't pay. (News commentary). Schwirtzer, Jennifer Jill. Mar 18, p21(421). JAMES E. DUCKWORTH SCHOOL (BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND) -- STUDENTS : A privilege, not an obligation. (Forever learning). Dunbebin, Clarence U. [Apr 29], p29(637). JEREMIAH, THE PROPHET : Called to be a prophet. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Jun 24, p12(940). JESUS CHRIST : The artist. (Parables of the Kingdom). Marshall, Anita. Jan [1], p23-24(23-24). JESUS CHRIST -- CRUCIFIXION : Calvary. (Devotional). Wallenkampf, Arnold Valentin b. 1913. Apr 8, p8-11(520-523). "It is finished". (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Apr 22, p12(588). It is finished. Yet it's just begun. (Devotional). Tolbert, Gary J. Apr [1], p34-36(498-400). JESUS CHRIST -- CRUCIFIXION -- FICTION : The meeting of the mothers. (Devotional). Silver, D. J. Apr 8, p9(521). JESUS CHRIST -- LORDSHIP : Coronation of shame or coronation of glory? (Devotional). Neall, Beatrice Short. Jun 24, p14-16(942-944). JESUS CHRIST -- PARABLES : Lostness : its causes. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Jun [3], p45(861). JESUS CHRIST -- PASSION : Coronation of shame or coronation of glory? (Devotional). Neall, Beatrice Short. Jun 24, p14-16(942-944). He carried the cross. (Devotional). Jones, Brian D. Apr [1], p36(500). The sufferings of Jesus. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Mar [4], p6(326). JESUS CHRIST -- RESURRECTION : When tears become lenses. (Cover story). McVay, John. Apr [1], p16-19(480-483). JOB HUNTING : Severed, but not broken. (Story). Slongwhite, Dale. Apr [1], p22-24(486-488). JOHN NEVINS ANDREWS SCHOOL (TAKOMA PARK, MARYLAND) -- STUDENTS : A privilege, not an obligation. (Forever learning). Dunbebin, Clarence U. [Apr 29], p29(637). JOHNSON AND JOHNSON (NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY) -- ADMINISTRATION : When it's Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 14 not our fault. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Mar [4], p45(365). JOHNSON, HENRY, CA. 1900 : Married more than fourscore years. (Give and take). Smith, Shirley M. Feb 26, p7(295). JOHNSON, LENA, CA. 2003 : Married more than fourscore years. (Give and take). Smith, Shirley M. Feb 26, p7(295). JOHNSSON, JOEL -- RELIGION : My father's gift. (Cover story). Johnsson, William G. Jan [1], p16-20(16- 20). JOHNSSON, NOELENE -- RELIGION : "I can't do this". (Cover story). Johnsson, Noelene. Jan [1], p19(19). JUBA, JAN : I found my answer. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Ruba, Jan. [Apr 29], p41(649). JUDD, WARREN : He stood in pouring rain. (Cover story). Schneider, Donald C. Mar 11, p12(380). JUDGMENT OF GOD : Hell is for other people. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Apr 15, p15(599). JUSTIFICATION (CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY) : 95 theses on righteousness by faith [Review]. (Book mark). McLendon, James E. Jan [1], p11(11). KENYA -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : Family road trips. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Jun 17, p27(923). KENYA -- SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). KETTERING COLLEGE OF MEDICAL ARTS -- STUDENTS : Life skills. (First person). Leffers, Heather. Mar [4], p19(339). KINDNESS : An international incident. (Touched by the Spirit). MacKoul, Greta Lawrence. Jun [3], p12- 13(828-829). KJ -52 (MUSICIAN) : "Dear Slim". (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Feb 19, p17(273). KOLLEGAL SCHOOL (INDIA) -- FINANCE : To India, with love. (Forever learning). Deer, Marion. [Apr 29], p26(634). KONRAD, KARL : The greater prize. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Konrad, Karl. [Apr 29], p42(650). KOREAN REUNIFICATION QUESTION, 1945- : Separated. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Mar 18, p23(423). KOREANS -- ATTITUDES : Separated. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Mar 18, p23(423). KUHLMAN, JEFFREY C. : Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). LAITY : Behind the headlines. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jan 22, p6(118). LAITY -- TRAINING OF -- LAKE UNION CONFER ENCE : Hope For Our Day/Esperanza Para Hoy. (Feature). Burns, Gary. Apr [1], p26(490). LAST SUPPER IN ART : A postcard of grace. (Reflections). Brown, Nathan. Feb 12, p31(255). LAY MINISTRY : He stood in pouring rain. (Cover story). Schneider, Donald C. Mar 11, p12(380). LAY MINISTRY -- ECUADOR : Only just begun. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Mar 11, p16(384). LAZARUS (BIBLICAL CHARACTER) -- DEATH AND BURIAL : A requiem for May. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. May 20, p17(769). LECOURT, NANCY HOYT : The things we do for love. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Lecourt, Nancy Hoyt. [Apr 29], p44(652). LEFFERS, HEATHER : Life skills. (First person). Leffers, Heather. Mar [4], p19(339). LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : Angry letters are good. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Jan 15, p27(107). From the editor's e-mail bag. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jan 22, p5(117). LEWIS, THELMA, B. 1904 : How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Lewis, Thelma. Jan 22, p22- 23(134-135). LODI ADVENTIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (CALIFORNIA) -- STUDENTS : What Jesus asks. (Forever learning). Ross, Dorothy. [Apr 29], p28(636). LOGOTYPE : Adventist education : a journey to excellence. Kovalski, Gerald N., McVane, Matthew, and Tucker, Don. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS : A fair exchange. (Real world report). Thio, Patricia. Mar [4], p23(343). LONDON (ENGLAND) -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : I felt fear. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jan 8, p5(53). LONELINESS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Devalued? (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar p[4], Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 15 p14(334). LONGEVITY : How to live 99 healthy, happy years. (Lifestyle). Lewis, Thelma. Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). LONGEVITY -- UNITED STATES : "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jun [3], p39(855). LORD'S SUPPER : Foreigners in the world of truth. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Mar 18, p13(413). LOVE : I learned to love. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Mar 18, p27(427). Love among the ruins. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jun 24, p13(941). Not the answer. (Lifestyle). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p22-24(774-776). LOVE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Love and matter. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Jan 22, p16(128). LOVE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : Bryan the lion. (Story). Wilcox, Grover. Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). LUNG -- CANCER -- PATIENTS : When will I get it right? (Reflections). Dickinson, Loren. Jun 24, p31(959). LUST : Good people and lust. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Mar [4], p14(334). Men talk back. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jun [3], p14(830). LUTHER, MARTIN, 1483-1546 : Two men, one story. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Mar [4], p7(327). MALVO, LEE BOYD : Target perfect. (News commentary). Montgomery, Vikki. Feb [5], p43(219). MAN (CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY) : Angie's addiction. (Reflections). Coston, Jeff. Jan 15, p31(111). Whales and eggplant. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jan 15, p6(86). MANAGEMENT : When it's not our fault. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Mar [4], p45(365). MARAN, KIMBERLY LUSTE -- RELIGION : My weekday routine (or breaks from my breakneck schedule). (The devotional life). Maran, Kimberly Luste. [Jan 29], p10-11(154-155). MARICOPA VILLAGE ADVENTIST CHURCH (PHOENIX, ARIZONA) : Miracles in the desert. (Story). Morris, S. R. Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). MARICOPA VILLAGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (PHOENIX, ARIZONA) : Miracles in the desert. (Story). Morris, S. R. Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). MARICOPA VILLAGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (PHOENIX, ARIZONA) -- FINANCE : Another miracle. (Story). Mar [4], p32(352). MARRIAGE : Captain's orders. (Reflections). Batchelder, Amy. Feb 19, p31(287). The "I'm sorry" game. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p 14(14). Love among the ruins. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jun 24, p13(941). Marriage : "So why not?". (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Feb 12, p20(244). Old wounds. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jan [1], p14(14). MARRIAGE -- LAW AND LEGISLATION -- MASSACHUSETTS : Will Massachusetts redefine marriage for America? (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Mar [4], p43(363). MARTELLA, HEIDI : Honest answers. (First person). Martella, Heidi. Mar [4], p23(343). MARY MAGDALENE, SAINT : When tears become lenses. (Cover story). McVay, John. Apr [1], p16- 19(480-483). MASAI (AFRICAN PEOPLE) -- MISSIONS : A light shines in the valley. (Cover story). Aho, Deborah. Apr 8, p22-25(534-537). MATTHEWS, MICHAEL -- RELIGION : Out of the darkness. (Story). Matthews, Michael. May 20, p14- 16(766-768). MEANING (PHILOSOPHY) -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : Is the universe friendly? (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Jun 24, p23(951). MEDICAL CARE -- GOVERNMENT POLICY -- CANADA : Equally eloquent. (News commentary). Tetz, Myrna. Jun 10, p20(884). MEDICAL CARE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : Mirrors and windows. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jun 24, p6(934). MEDICAL CARE -- UNITED STATES : "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jun [3], p39(855). MEDICAL STUDENTS -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Where does it hurt? (Touched by the Spirit). Schneider, Donald C. Jr. Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). MEDLEY, CARLOS -- RELIGION : Getting intimate with God. (The devotional life). Medley, Carlos. [Jan 29], p18-19(162-163). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 16

MEIKLE, EDITH -- HEALTH : 40-year health legacy. (Feature). Feb [5], p35(211). MEN -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Men talk back. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Jun [3], p14(830). MENNARD, MICHELLE VELÁZQUEZ : It's about freedom. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Mennard, Mike and Mennard, Michelle Velázquez. [Apr 29], p41(649). MENNARD, MIKE : It's about freedom. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Mennard, Mike and Mennard, Michelle Velázquez. [Apr 29], p41(649). MENTORS AND MENTORING : Target perfect. (News commentary). Montgomery, Vikki. Feb [5], p43(219). MERCHANDISING -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The nailing down of Passion. (News commentary). Krause, Bettina. Mar 25, p20(452). MIDDLE AGED PERSONS : Love among the ruins. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jun 24, p13(941). MINNEAPOLIS (MINNESOTA) -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : Finding home. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Jan 15, p28(108). MIRACLES : Grace in Hell. (Story). Selak, Martin M. May 13, p12-14(732-734). MISSION OF THE CHURCH : Building for eternity. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jun 24, p5(933). A call to action. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Jan 22, p14(126). Last message to the world. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jan [1], p6(6). Radical Christianity. (Devotional). Bell, Skip. Jan 22, p24-27(136-139). The unfinished church. (Cover feature). Oetman, Michelle L. Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). You are the salt of the earth. (Lifestyle). Graz, John. Apr 8, p12-14(524-526). MISSION OF THE CHURCH -- PLANNING : The sky's the limit. (Current issues). Patzer, Jere D. Jun [3], p22-24(838-840). MISSION STATEMENTS : A commitment to higher education. (Cover story). Mar [4], p17(337). MISSIONARIES -- KOREA : Though bombs may fall : the extraordinary story of George Rue, missionary doctor to Korea [Review]. (Book mark). Moncrieff, Scott E. May 20, p28-29(780-781). MISSIONS : Evangelism? Yes! But also mission. (Cover story). Paulsen, Jan. Mar 11, p8-13(376-381). MISSIONS -- FINANCE : A message in numbers. (Editorial). Medley, Carlos. Jun 10, p5(869). MISSIONS, MEDICAL : A fair exchange. (Real world report). Thio, Patricia. Mar [4], p23(343). MISSIONS TO MUSLIMS : Adventist World Radio : passport to mission. (Adventist World Radio). Nolan, Shelley. Feb 12, p13(237). MOOREFIELD SDA CHURCH (WEST VIRGINIA) : What I learned in Moorefield. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Apr [1], p7(471). MOTHERHOOD : The motherhood job. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Mar 25, p13(445). MOTHERS AND SONS -- ECUADOR : Unfinished. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Feb 12, p15(239). MOTHERS -- DEATH : I trust You! (Prayer). Wright, Ruth. [Jan 29], p28-29(172-173). A requiem for May. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. May 20, p17(769). Whom can I depend on? (Cover story). Gilbert, Adam T. Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). MOUNTAINEERING : Falling. (Parables of the Kingdom). McCrory, Meagan. Mar 18, p14-15(414-415). MOUNTAINEERING -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Hiking the mountains. (Devotional). DeAngelis, Joseph. Apr 22, p14-16(590-592). MUGS : Fill it up! (Reflections). Pollington, Doug. Mar [4], p46(366). MUSLIMS -- CAMBODIA : A stranger and a friend. (Story). Hughes, Viola. Mar 11, p26-28(394-396). MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION -- PATIENTS -- REHABILITATION : Those coronary vessels. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Apr 15, p16-17(560-561). NAMES, PERSONAL : What do they call you? (Reflections). Delafield, Dwight Arthur 1913-2003. Apr 22, p31(607). NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE -- CANADA : Equally eloquent. (News commentary). Tetz, Myrna. Jun 10, p20(884). NATURE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Hiking the mountains. (Devotional). DeAngelis, Joseph. Apr 22, p14- 16(590-592). NAVAJO INDIANS -- DWELLINGS -- REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. Mar [4], p23(343). NAVAJO INDIANS -- MISSIONS -- UTAH : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. Mar [4], p23(343). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 17

NEIGHBORLINESS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The discovery zone. (Lifestyle). Pierce, Seth. Mar 18, p28- 30(428-430). NERVOUS SYSTEM -- DISEASES : "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Apr 15, p17(561). NEWTON, LYDIA, B. 1893 : Still laughing at 110. (Feature). Butler, Terry. Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT -- OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES : Educator with a pastor's heart. Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p4-7(612-615). NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION -- FINANCE : The mystery of the waning windfall. (Feature). Schwisow, Edwin A. Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843-845,847,849). NUNS -- CALIFORNIA : Backdoor witness. (Touched by the Spirit). Bowen, Heather. Jan [1], p12-13(12-13). NUTRITION : Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Feb [5], p36- 37(212-213). OAKWOOD COLLEGE -- ALUMNI AND ALUMNAE : Chaplain extraordinaire. (Real world report). Malcolm, Roy E. Mar [4], p20(340). OBEDIENCE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Surrender and victory. (Tales from State U). Christian, Ed. Apr 15, p29(573). OBESITY : Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Feb [5], p36- 37(212-213). OBSCENITY (LAW) -- UNITED STATES : Grime doesn't pay. (News commentary). Schwirtzer, Jennifer Jill. Mar 18, p21(421). ORCHESTRAS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : A rhapsody of rejoicing. (Parables of the Kingdom). Wallack, Jere. Jun 17, p28-29(924-925). OREGON CONFERENCE -- FINANCE : The mystery of the waning windfall. (Feature). Schwisow, Edwin A. Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843-845,847,849). OSBORN, KIM : Mission with a passion. (Forever learning). Cronk, Lainey S. [Apr 29], p30(638). OSMAN, ISMAIL : A stranger and a friend. (Story). Hughes, Viola. Mar 11, p26-28(394-396). PACIFIC ADVENTIST ACADEMY -- STUDENTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jun 10, p15(879). PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE -- FACULTY : The things we do for love. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Lecourt, Nancy Hoyt. [Apr 29], p44(652). PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE -- STUDENTS : Mission with a passion. (Forever learning). Cronk, Lainey S. [Apr 29], p30(638). Paid in full. (All about education). Watkins, Holly. [Apr 29], p35(643). Second chances. (Real world report). Cronk, Lainey S. Mar [4], p21(341). PARABLES : Falling. (Parables of the Kingdom). McCrory, Meagan. Mar 18, p14-15(414-415). Of sheep and wolves. (Parables of the Kingdom). Cheatham, Atuanya. Mar [4], p38-39(358-359). PARENT AND ADULT CHILD : I learned to love. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Mar 18, p27(427). Life on the launching pad. (Lifestyle). Spruill, Karen. Jun 17, p23-26(919-922). PARENT AND CHILD : The balloon. (Reflections). Kline, Fylvia Fowler. May 13, p31(751). Family road trips. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Jun 17, p27(923). PARENTING : Baby stories. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Apr [1], p14(478). Preschooler stimulation. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Feb [5], p14(190). PARENTING -- HISTORY -- 20TH CENTURY : A deep but dazzling darkness. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. May 27, p13(797). THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (MOTION PICTURE) : The sufferings of Jesus. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Mar [4], p6(326). THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (MOTION PICTURE) -- MARKETING : The nailing down of Passion. (News commentary). Krause, Bettina. Mar 25, p20(452). PATIENCE : Only just begun. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Mar 11, p16(384). PAUL, THE APOSTLE, SAINT : Connected to your church. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 26, p12(300). PAUL, THE APOSTLE, SAINT -- VIEWS ON EDUCATION : The right education. Lutz, Jerry. [Apr 29], p10-11(618-619). PAULSEN, JAN -- TRAVEL : What's happening in Indonesia. (Cover story). Krause, Bettina. May 13, p22- 26(742-746). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 18

PEACE OF MIND -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The presence. (Devotional). Butler, John D. Sr. May 27, p14- 16(798-800). Sticks and stones. (Devotional). Anderson, Gemma Cabardo. Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). PEDERNALES SDA CHURCH (ECUADOR) : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jun 10, p15(879). PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES -- FICTION : Tolerance is not enough. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. May 13, p6(726). PEREZ, ERICK : Changing lives. (Real world report). Babcock, George P. Mar [4], p19(339). PERIODICAL EDITORS : Twenty years -- and counting. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. May 27, p27(811). PERSEVERANCE (ETHICS) -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : How to endure to the end. (Lifestyle). Petty, Thurman C. Jr. May 27, p28-30(812-814). PERSIA -- ANTIQUITIES : State-of-the-art communication. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. May 13, p27(747). PLAY -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : A fun day with God. (Reflections). Gallington, Edna Maye. Apr 15, p31(575). PNEUMONIA -- PATIENTS : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Lam-Phoon, Sally. Jan 8, p31(79). POIRIER, MERLE -- RELIGION : Read the Bible in a year? (Bible study). Poirier, Merle. [Jan 29], p20- 23(164-167). POLK, BRUCE, 1935-2004 : Great Christians I have known. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jun 10, p6(870). POLLARD, LESLIA N. -- RELIGION : The Lord is not slack. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Jan [1], p45(45). POLO, MARCO, 1254-1323? -- ANECDOTES : Foreigners in the world of truth. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Mar 18, p13(413). POSTAL SERVICE -- HISTORY -- PERSIA : State-of-the-art communication. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. May 13, p27(747). PRAYER : Adventist education is different. (All about education). Becker, Mark. [Apr 29], p36(644). Alone with God. (Prayer). Barnabas, Chitra. [Jan 29], p12-13(156-157). Children and prayer. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Apr [1], p14(478). A different kind of fast. (Lifestyle). Ludwig, Laurita. Feb 26, p26-28(314-316). My you've-got-to-be-kidding prayers. (Story). Costa, Nancy. Feb [5], p29-31(205-207). Simple truth. (Reflections). Bailey, Cindee. May 20, p31(783). The ultimate test. (Devotional). Adams, Cynthia. Feb 19, p22-24(278-280). When will I get it right? (Reflections). Dickinson, Loren. Jun 24, p31(959). PRAYER, ANSWERS TO -- NIGERIA : What I learned in Aba. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Feb [5], p7(183). PRAYERS : I trust You! (Prayer). Wright, Ruth. [Jan 29], p28-29(172-173). PREGNANCY -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Born, again. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Jan 22, p15(127). PRISONERS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Salty. (Story). Fleck, Rick. Apr 15, p26-28(570-572). PROBLEM SOLVING : Lessons learned from a clothes dryer. (Reflections). Karst, Gerry. Jan 22, p31(143). Simple works just fine. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p45(221). PRODUCT SAFETY -- HISTORY : When it's not our fault. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Mar [4], p45(365). PROHIBITION -- UNITED STATES : Drying up the stream. (Cover feature). Whitaker, Rachel E. Jan 22, p8-13(120-125). PROPHETS : Just how hard is it to be a prophet? (Cover feature). Aamodt, Terrie Dopp. Jun 24, p8-11(936- 939). PROPHETS IN THE BIBLE : Called to be a prophet. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827- 1915. Jun 24, p12(940). PROSTATE -- CANCER -- NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS -- RESEARCH : Is there a link between prostate cancer and milk? (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jun [3], p38-39(854-855). PROSTITUTION : Prostitution, trafficking, and women. (Current issues). Rahn, Mindi. May 13, p28-29(748- 749). PROVIDENCE AND GOVERNMENT OF GOD : Another miracle. (Story). Mar [4], p32(352). A bird in paradise. (Reflections). Swan, Karen Barnes. Feb [5], p46(222). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 19

Graduation deferred. (Story). Edwards, Bob. Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). Guardian angels in 3Com Park. (Reflections). McConnell, John. May 27, p31(815). I felt fear. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jan 8, p5(53). My you've-got-to-be-kidding prayers. (Story). Costa, Nancy. Feb [5], p29-31(205-207). Should I share these stories? (Lifestyle). McIver, Robert K. Feb 12, p25-28(249-252). "Where are you?". (Theology). Peterson, Michael. Apr 15, p23-25(567-569). PUBLIC WORSHIP : Dead languages. (Biblical study). Dickerson, Ed. Mar [4], p27-29(347-349). A letter to my congregation. (Lifestyle). Trublood, Ray pseud. Apr [1], p30-31(494-495). Too busy for church? (News commentary). Tetz, Myrna. Mar 11, p20(388). PUBLIC WORSHIP -- ANECDOTES : Churches observed. (Cover story). Adams, Roy. May 27, p8-12(792- 796). PUBLIC WORSHIP -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : Cutting the cringe factor. (Opinion). Marshall, David Norman. Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). RADIO BROADCASTERS : Is old odd? (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Apr 15, p21(565). RADIO BROADCASTERS -- GEORGIA : Away from the world and into the arms of God. (Cover story). Taylor, Jeanine. Feb [5], p16-[19](192-[195]). RADIO IN RELIGION : Adventist World Radio : passport to mission. (Adventist World Radio). Nolan, Shelley. Feb 12, p13(237). Sow 1 Billion on the air. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). RADIO IN RELIGION -- AFRICA, WEST : Hope is in the air of Central Africa. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Jun 10, p30(894). RADIO IN RELIGION -- EUROPE : A growing voice. (Adventist World Radio). Jan 8, p22(70). RADIO IN RELIGION -- PERU : Reaching the invisible church. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Apr 8, p16(528). RADIO IN RELIGION -- THAILAND : Trekking in Thailand. (Adventist World Radio). Øster-Lundqvist, Kirsten. Mar 11, p30(398). RAILROAD ACCIDENTS -- TANZANIA -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Trapped on a runaway train. (Story). Tredoux, Heather. Feb 12, p22-24(246-248). RAP MUSICIANS : "Dear Slim". (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Feb 19, p17(273). READING (PRIMARY) : Train up a child to read. (Lifestyle). Booth, Bradley. Apr 22, p24-27(600-603). REALITY TELEVISION PROGRAMS : A new low. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jun [3], p6(822). REDEMPTION : The first sacrifice. (Reflections). Christian, Ed. Apr [1], p46(510). RELIABILITY : Not the answer. (Lifestyle). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p22-24(774-776). RELIGION AND SCIENCE : From science to faith. (Devotional). de Groot, Mart. Mar 25, p14-16(446-448). Quashed by culture. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Mar 25, p27(459). Validation. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Mar 18, p5(405). REMNANT (THEOLOGY) : They will stand. (Reflections). Rentfro, Richard A. Mar 11, p31(399). REPENTANCE : Lessons in the fire. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Mar 25, p12(444). RESCUES : Falling. (Parables of the Kingdom). McCrory, Meagan. Mar 18, p14-15(414-415). RESTAURANTS -- ANECDOTES : The foolishness of God and youth. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. May 27, p6(790). RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME : "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Apr 15, p17(561). REUNIONS -- KOREA : Separated. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Mar 18, p23(423). REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE (BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN) -- FIRE, 1902 : The fire that wouldn't go out. (Cover feature). Fisher, Karen. Mar 25, p8-9,11(440-441,443). Lessons in the fire. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Mar 25, p12(444). REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE (BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN) -- FIRE, 1902 -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Letter to my niece. (Cover feature). Robinson, Karl Aksel. Mar 25, p10- 11(442-443). REVIVALS : Reading for revival. (Cover story). Chavez, Stephen. Jan [1], p20(10). RICHARDS, KEL. THE AUSSIE BIBIE (WELL, BITS OF IT, ANYWAY!) : Jesus in a slouch hat. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. May 20, p5(757). RIDGWAY, GARY : In search of outrage. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Feb [5], p6(182). RIGHTEOUSNESS : My name is Tania. (Biblical study). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 20

ROLE MODELS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : It does take a village! Witas, Mark. [Apr 29], p60-62(668- 670). ROLL, HAROLD : The rest of the story. (Story). Coffin, James N. Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). RUE, GEORGE HENRY, 1899-1993 : Though bombs may fall : the extraordinary story of George Rue, missionary doctor to Korea [Review]. (Book mark). Moncrieff, Scott E. May 20, p28-29(780-781). SABBATH-KEEPING : The rest of the story. (Story). Coffin, James N. Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). SABBATH-KEEPING -- YUGOSLAVIA : Honor-bound. (Story). Borovich, Pavle. Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). SALVATION : Coronation of shame or coronation of glory? (Devotional). Neall, Beatrice Short. Jun 24, p14- 16(942-944). Lostness : its causes. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Jun [3], p45(861). SALZBURG (AUSTRIA) -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : Glimpses of home. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jun 17, p6(902). SAME-SEX MARRIAGE -- LAW AND LEGISLATION -- MASSACHUSETTS : Will Massachusetts redefine marriage for America? (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Mar [4], p43(363). SANDY SDA CHURCH (OREGON) -- FINANCE : The mystery of the waning windfall. (Feature). Schwisow, Edwin A. Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843-845,847,849). SARS (DISEASE) : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Lam-Phoon, Sally. Jan 8, p31(79). SATELLITE EVANGELISM : Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27- 29(489-491-493). SATHER, DONALD -- HEALTH : 40-year health legacy. (Feature). Feb [5], p35(211). SCHOOL CHOICE : Penny-wise and pound-foolish? Norman, Richard S. [Apr 29], p48-49,51(656-657,659). SCHULTE, MARIE : An international incident. (Touched by the Spirit). MacKoul, Greta Lawrence. Jun [3], p12-13(828-829). SCUBA DIVING -- AUSTRALIA -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : To see. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Feb 19, p30(286). SECOND ADVENT : The Lord is not slack. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Jan [1], p45(45). Separated. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Mar 18, p23(423). SECOND ADVENT -- PROPHECIES : Testing time. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 22, p5(581). SEGREGATION IN EDUCATION -- LAW AND LEGISLATION -- UNITED STATES -- ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. : The solution is an attitude. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. Jun 24, p21(949). SELF-DENIAL -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : A different kind of fast. (Lifestyle). Ludwig, Laurita. Feb 26, p26-28(314-316). Different kinds of fasts. (Lifestyle). Foster, Richard J. and White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 26, p28(316). SELFISHNESS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Testing time. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 22, p5(581). SENILE DEMENTIA : All the friends I knew. (Lifestyle). Boyd, Elizabeth. Jun 24, p28-30(956-958). SERIAL MURDERERS -- VIRGINIA : Target perfect. (News commentary). Montgomery, Vikki. Feb [5], p43(219). SERIAL MURDERERS -- WASHINGTON (STATE) : In search of outrage. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Feb [5], p6(182). SEVEN LAST WORDS : It is finished. Yet it's just begun. (Devotional). Tolbert, Gary J. Apr [1], p34- 36(498-400). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CONVERTS : Out of the darkness. (Story). Matthews, Michael. May 20, p14-16(766-768). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CONVERTS -- CALIFORNIA : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). Murray, Vicki and Watts, Kit. [Apr 29], p30(638). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CONVERTS -- ECUADOR : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jun 10, p15(879). Unfinished. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Feb 12, p15(239). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CONVERTS -- PERU : Reaching the invisible church. (Adventist World Radio). Schoun, Benjamin D. Apr 8, p16(528). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST -- EDUCATION (HIGHER) : Less pomp and more circumstance. (Cover story). Osborn, Richard. Mar [4], p16-18,20,22,24(336-338,340,342,344). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- ATTITUDES : The most popular Adventist sin. (Opinion). Caro, Evelyn. Apr 22, p28-29(604-605). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 21

Radical Christianity. (Devotional). Bell, Skip. Jan 22, p24-27(136-139). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- BIOGRAPHY : The rest of the story. (Story). Coffin, James N. Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- CHINA : Adventists in China. (Cover story). Johnsson, William G. Jun 10, p8-12(872-876). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Churches observed. (Cover story). Adams, Roy. May 27, p8-12(792-796). The most popular Adventist sin. (Opinion). Caro, Evelyn. Apr 22, p28-29(604-605). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- CORRESPONDENCE : From the editor's e-mail bag. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Jan 22, p5(117). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- DOCTRINES : Don't knock it. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Mar 25, p5(437). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- ECUADOR : Sowing in tears. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jan 8, p23(71). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION : Adventist education : a journey to excellence. Kovalski, Gerald N., McVane, Matthew, and Tucker, Don. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). Alumni Awards Foundation programs. [Apr 29], p33(641). Faith and learning. Andreasen, Niels -Erik A. [Apr 29], p52-54(660-662). Goals for curriculum in Seventh-day Adventist schools. [Apr 29], p[16-17]([624-625]). It does take a village! Witas, Mark. [Apr 29], p60-62(668-670). Why I believe in Adventist education. Johnsson, William G. [Apr 29], p3(611). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- CALIFORNIA : Special needs, special education. (All about education). Davis, Gerri and Davis, Theopolis. [Apr 29], p37(645). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- CANADA : Attitudes. Lekic, Mike Mile. [Apr 29], p22- 23(630-631). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (ELEMENTARY) -- EVALUATION : Report card on Adventist K-12 education. Boyatt, Ed. [Apr 29], p18-21(626-629). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- FINANCE : Graduation deferred. (Story). Edwards, Bob. Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). Penny-wise and pound-foolish? Norman, Richard S. [Apr 29], p48-49,51(656-657,659). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (HIGHER) : A commitment to higher education. (Cover story). Mar [4], p17(337). The difference distance learning makes. (Real world report). Edwards, Rex D. Mar [4], p19(339). An investment for eternity. (Cover feature). Stone, Marta. Jan 15, p8-11,13(88-91,93). Is spirituality dead at Adventist colleges? Jacob, Gina. [Apr 29], p56-57,59(664-665,667). Never alone. (Touched by the Spirit). Banks, Christopher T. Apr [1], p12-13(476-477). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (HIGHER) -- FINANCE : Financing your college education. Rodero, Elisa M. [Apr 29], p51(659). Getting through financial aid. (Cover feature). Oliver, Elaine. Jan 15, p12-13(92-93). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (HIGHER) -- MARYLAND : Led to public school campus ministry. (Cover feature). Luma, Tania. Jan 15, p11(91). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- HISTORY : Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? Brantley, Paul S. and Fryson, Debra. [Apr 29], p12-15(620-623). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- MARKETING : Something better. (All about education). DeVore Candace Graves. [Apr 29], p37(645). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION -- NORTH AMERICA : Educator with a pastor's heart. Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p4-7(612-615). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (SECONDARY) : "There's no comparison". (All about education). Yeager, Tracy. [Apr 29], p38(646). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EDUCATION (SECONDARY) -- EVALUATION : Report card on Adventist K-12 education. Boyatt, Ed. [Apr 29], p18-21(626-629). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- EMPLOYMENT : Away from the world and into the arms of God. (Cover story). Taylor, Jeanine. Feb [5], p16-[19](192-[195]). The inside story. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Feb 26, p5(293). Resistance training. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Feb 26, p6(294). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- FINANCE : Concerns of Conference Committee members. (Feature). Lang, Jerome S., Yamashiro, Naomi A., Gardner, Bekki, Fargo, Mumtaz A., Ware, Phyllis, and Hullquist, Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 22

Timothy. Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- FINANCE -- STATISTICS : How do Adventists give? (Editorial). Medley, Carlos. Jan 15, p5(85). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HEALTH AND HYGIENE : Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease : studies of Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians [Review]. (Book mark). Rydzewski, Walter J. May 20, p28(780). Sorry to meddle. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. May 13, p5(725). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HEALTH AND HYGIENE -- CALIFORNIA -- RESEARCH : 40-year health legacy. (Feature). Feb [5], p35(211). Evidence for all to see. (Feature). Fraser, Gary E. and Butler, Terry. Feb [5], p32-34(208-210). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HEALTH AND HYGIENE -- RESEARCH : Still laughing at 110. (Feature). Butler, Terry. Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HISTORY : Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? Brantley, Paul S. and Fryson, Debra. [Apr 29], p12-15(620-623). The place of tithing in the expansion of Adventism. (Feature). Knight, George R. Jun [3], p30-31(846-847). Young Adventist pioneers. (Heritage). Frantzen, Lynette. May 27, p22-23(806-807). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HISTORY -- ECUADOR : Sowing in tears. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jan 8, p23(71). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- HISTORY -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Letter to my niece. (Cover feature). Robinson, Karl Aksel. Mar 25, p10-11(442-443). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- IDENTITY : Radical Christianity. (Devotional). Bell, Skip. Jan 22, p24- 27(136-139). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- INDONESIA : What's happening in Indonesia. (Cover story). Krause, Bettina. May 13, p22-26(742-746). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- MISSIONS : Service : a surprising witnessing tool. (Forever learning). Carlson, Rich. [Apr 29], p27(635). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- MISSIONS -- FINANCE : How do Adventists give? (Editorial). Medley, Carlos. Jan 15, p5(85). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT : A Florida road experience. (Editorial). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. Feb 19, p6(262). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- POLITICAL ACTIVITY -- UNITED STATES -- HISTORY -- 20TH CENTURY : Drying up the stream. (Cover feature). Whitaker, Rachel E. Jan 22, p8-13(120-125). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- RELATIONS -- CATHOLICS : Backdoor witness. (Touched by the Spirit). Bowen, Heather. Jan [1], p12-13(12-13). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- STANDARDS : Now starring in an epic struggle. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Feb 12, p5(229). SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS -- STATISTICS : A message in numbers. (Editorial). Medley, Carlos. Jun 10, p5(869). SEVERS, HAYWOOD, B. 1907 : The rest of the story. (Story). Coffin, James N. Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). SEX CRIMES : Prostitution, trafficking, and women. (Current issues). Rahn, Mindi. May 13, p28-29(748- 749). SEX INSTRUCTION FOR CHILDREN : Baby stories. (Family matters). Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. Apr [1], p14(478). SEX OFFENDERS -- MARYLAND : Undecided. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Feb 19, p5(261). SEX -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- CHRISTIANITY : The glue of Heaven. (Lifestyle). Handysides, Allan R. Jun 10, p26-28(890-892). SEX -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : Adventists and the sexual revolution. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 8, p5(517). SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CHURCH -- CATHOLIC CHURCH : Catholics under fire. (News commentary). Krause, Gary. Apr [1], p43(507). SEXUAL ETHICS : Adventists and the sexual revolution. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 8, p5(517). SHARP, JOSEPH W. -- RELIGION : Little things. (Story). Sharp, Joseph W. Jan 15, p22-23(102-103). SHIELDS, BONITA JOYNER -- RELIGION : The gentle whisper. (The devotional life). Shields, Bonita Joyner. [Jan 29], p14-17(158-161). LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. Mar [4], p23(343). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 23

SIMON OF CYRENE (BIBLICAL CHARACTER) : He carried the cross. (Devotional). Jones, Brian D. Apr [1], p36(500). SIMPLICITY -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Letters from my sister. (Story). Andlove, Irene pseud. Apr 22, p22-23(598-599). Simple works just fine. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p45(221). SIN : "Where are you?". (Theology). Peterson, Michael. Apr 15, p23-25(567-569). SINGERS : Graduation deferred. (Story). Edwards, Bob. Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). SINGLE PEOPLE -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : My house, my rules. (Reflections). Froese, Patty. Jun 17, p31(927). SISTERS : I learned to love. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Mar 18, p27(427). SLEEP DISORDERS : "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Apr 15, p17(561). SMALL CHURCHES -- WEST VIRGINIA : What I learned in Moorefield. (Guest editorial). Schneider, Donald C. Apr [1], p7(471). SMALL GROUPS -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Adventist education is different. (All about education). Becker, Mark. [Apr 29], p36(644). SMOKERS -- PSYCHOLOGY : Angie's addiction. (Reflections). Coston, Jeff. Jan 15, p31(111). SOCCER -- MARYLAND : Why I coach. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Mar 18, p6(406). SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY : Recreational grief. (News commentary). Brown, Nathan. Apr 8, p20(532). SOFTBALL -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Diamond dreams. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Apr 22, p6(582). SOLDIERS -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Bryan the lion. (Story). Wilcox, Grover. Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). SOLDIERS -- HAWAII : A bird in paradise. (Reflections). Swan, Karen Barnes. Feb [5], p46(222). SOLITUDE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The gentle whisper. (The devotional life). Shields, Bonita Joyner. [Jan 29], p14-17(158-161). SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY -- FACULTY : Building bridges for dialogue. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Cafferky, Michael E. [Apr 29], p40(648). SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS : Honest answers. (First person). Martella, Heidi. Mar [4], p23(343). SOUTHWESTERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY -- FACULTY : The greater prize. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Konrad, Karl. [Apr 29], p42(650). SOUTHWESTERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY -- STUDENTS : Aspiring teacher shares her vision. (Real world report). Battin, Debbie. Mar [4], p18(338). SOW ONE BILLION : Mission impossible? Seeking, reaping, keeping. (Cover story). Johnson, Kurt. Jan 8, p10(58). Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). Sow 1 Billion. (Cover story). Krause, Bettina. Jan 8, p8-13(56-61). Sow 1 Billion on the air. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). Working together for mission. (Cover story). Jan 8, p12(60). www.hopetalk.org. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). SPEARS, BRITNEY -- MARRIAGE : Marriage : "So why not?". (News commentary). Kellner, Mark A. Feb 12, p20(244). SPECIAL EDUCATION -- CALIFORNIA : Special needs, special education. (All about education). Davis, Gerri and Davis, Theopolis. [Apr 29], p37(645). SPENCE, KATHY : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). Murray, Vicki and Watts, Kit. [Apr 29], p30(638). SPENCE, ROGER : Miracles may take time. (Forever learning). Murray, Vicki and Watts, Kit. [Apr 29], p30(638). SPINE -- SURGERY : Life, interrupted. (On the home front). Kay, Leslie Eileen. Apr 22, p13(589). SPIRITUAL LIFE : Distracted by SARS. (Reflections). Lam-Phoon, Sally. Jan 8, p31(79). Final answers. (Reflections). Jones, Emily Felts. Mar 25, p31(463). My God and I. (Introduction). Johnsson, William G. [Jan 29], p2-3(146-147). Still simmering. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Jun [3], p7(823). ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (ST. GEORGE'S, BERMUDA) : The unfinished church. (Cover feature). Oetman, Michelle L. Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). STAVE CHURCHES -- NORWAY : They will stand. (Reflections). Rentfro, Richard A. Mar 11, p31(399). STENTS (SURGERY) : Those coronary vessels. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 24

N. Apr 15, p16-17(560-561). STERN, HOWARD : Grime doesn't pay. (News commentary). Schwirtzer, Jennifer Jill. Mar 18, p21(421). STEWARDSHIP, CHRISTIAN : Glimpses of home. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Jun 17, p6(902). The right kind of action. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Mar 25, p6(438). We can outhug any tree hugger. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Jun 17, p14(910). STREET ART -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The artist. (Parables of the Kingdom). Marshall, Anita. Jan [1], p23-24(23-24). STUDENT AID : Financing your college education. Rodero, Elisa M. [Apr 29], p51(659). Getting through financial aid. (Cover feature). Oliver, Elaine. Jan 15, p12-13(92-93). STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS : The China connection. (Forever learning). Baker, Glen. [Apr 29], p28(636). STUDENTS -- ATTITUDES : Report card on Adventist K-12 education. Boyatt, Ed. [Apr 29], p18-21(626- 629). STUDENTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Daring to doubt -- and believe. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Jun 17, p30(926). How the Bible expands horizons. (The view from State U). Ch ristian, Ed. Jan 15, p17(97). I learned to love. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. Mar 18, p27(427). Is spirituality dead at Adventist colleges? Jacob, Gina. [Apr 29], p56-57,59(664-665,667). SUFFERING : A requiem for May. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. May 20, p17(769). Sticks and stones. (Devotional). Anderson, Gemma Cabardo. Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). Suffering's glorious unanswer. (Cover feature). Brown, Nathan. May 20, p8-12(760-764). When it's not our fault. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Mar [4], p45(365). When will I get it right? (Reflections). Dickinson, Loren. Jun 24, p31(959). Why-ning. (Reflections). Berecz, John M. Feb 26, p31(319). SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR : Not the answer. (Lifestyle). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p22-24(774-776). SUICIDE : Teen suicide. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. May 20, p26-27(778- 779). SUICIDE IN THE BIBLE : The Bible and suicide. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Mar 11, p29(397). SUICIDE -- PREVENTION : An off-the-wall call. (Touched by the Spirit). Stephens, Mary C. Mar [4], p12- 13(332-333). SUICIDE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : The Bible and suicide. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Mar 11, p29(397). SUMMERS, MELISSA -- RELIGION : Away from the world and into the arms of God. (Cover story). Taylor, Jeanine. Feb [5], p16-[19](192-[195]). SUNDAY-KEEPING -- ANGLICAN CHURCH : Too busy for church? (News commentary). Tetz, Myrna. Mar 11, p20(388). SUPER BOWL (FOOTBALL GAME) : An aftermath of apologies. (News commentary). Duerksen, Richard. Feb 26, p21(309). SWEARING : Shooting from the lip. (News commentary). Kellner, Jean. Jan [1], p43(43). TAUSCHER, RUDOLF : A growing voice. (Adventist World Radio). Jan 8, p22(70). TAYLOR, EVIE : Another miracle. (Story). Mar [4], p32(352). TAYLOR, GENE : Another miracle. (Story). Mar [4], p32(352). TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS : It does take a village! Witas, Mark. [Apr 29], p60-62(668-670). TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS -- HAWAII : Paid in full. (All about education). Watkins, Holly. [Apr 29], p35(643). TEAMWORK (SPORTS) -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Diamond dreams. (Editorial). Chavez, Stephen. Apr 22, p6(582). TEENAGERS -- CONDUCT OF LIFE : Not the answer. (Lifestyle). Kromann, Shirley. May 20, p22-24(774- 776). TEENAGERS -- MENTAL HEALTH : Teen suicide. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. May 20, p26-27(778-779). TEENAGERS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE -- UNITED STATES -- 21ST CENTURY : Don't honk if you love Jesus. (News commentary). Coffin, James N. Jun 17, p20(916). TELEVISION -- MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS : A new low. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jun [3], p6(822). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 25

Shooting from the lip. (News commentary). Kellner, Jean. Jan [1], p43(43). TEMPERANCE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS -- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS : A call to action. (Spirit of Prophecy). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Jan 22, p14(126). TERRORISM : I felt fear. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Jan 8, p5(53). TERRORISM -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Real source of peace. (News commentary). Odeyemi, Tayo. Jan 8, p20(68). THEFT -- PREVENTION -- ANECDOTES : "This is a church, but this is not Heaven!". (Devotional). McClarty, Wilma Doering. Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). THEOLOGY, DOCTRINAL : Don't knock it. (Editorial). Adams, Roy. Mar 25, p5(437). TILLMAN, PATRICK D., 1976-2004 -- DEATH AND BURIAL : Putting headlines and heroes into perspective. (News commentary). Sauder, Amanda. May 20, p21(773). TITHES : More blessings of the tithing system. (Lifestyle). White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. Feb 12, p26(250). The place of tithing in the expansion of Adventism. (Feature). Knight, George R. Jun [3], p30-31(846-847). Should I share these stories? (Lifestyle). McIver, Robert K. Feb 12, p25-28(249-252). TITHES -- NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION : The mystery of the waning windfall. (Feature). Schwisow, Edwin A. Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843-845,847,849). TOLERANCE -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : "This is a church, but this is not Heaven!". (Devotional). McClarty, Wilma Doering. Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). TOLERATION : Tolerance is not enough. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. May 13, p6(726). TRACTS -- PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION : Mission impossible? Seeking, reaping, keeping. (Cover story). Johnson, Kurt. Jan 8, p10(58). Sow 1 Billion. (Cover story). Krause, Bettina. Jan 8, p8-13(56-61). TRECARTIN, BARBARA : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). TRECARTIN, HOMER : Kenya on my mind. (Lifestyle). Trecartin, Homer. Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). TRIBES -- PALAU : A living witness. (Guest editorial). Rutledge, John P. Feb 12, p6(230). TRIBES -- PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS : The end of history. Steed, Lincoln E. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). TRINITY : The Trinity : understanding God's love, His plan of salvation, and Christian relationships [Review]. (Book mark). Marsh, Daniel. Jan [1], p11(11). TRUST IN GOD : The balloon. (Reflections). Kline, Fylvia Fowler. May 13, p31(751). I trust You! (Prayer). Wright, Ruth. [Jan 29], p28-29(172-173). It's all in the attitude. (Reflections). Matson, Neal. Mar 18, p31(431). Severed, but not broken. (Story). Slongwhite, Dale. Apr [1], p22-24(486-488). Simple works just fine. (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Feb [5], p45(221). Whom can I depend on? (Cover story). Gilbert, Adam T. Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). UGANDA -- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL : Ugandan rhapsody. (Journeys). Fordham, Sari K. Apr 15, p22(566). UNEMPLOYMENT -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Severed, but not broken. (Story). Slongwhite, Dale. Apr [1], p22-24(486-488). UNION COLLEGE -- FACULTY : It's about freedom. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Mennard, Mike and Mennard, Michelle Velázquez. [Apr 29], p41(649). Why teach? (Why I teach at an Adventist school). Dennis, Rudy. [Apr 29], p44(652). UNION COLLEGE -- STUDENTS : Caught by a contagious faith. (First person). Yancer, Ben. Mar [4], p21(341). Service : a surprising witnessing tool. (Forever learning). Carlson, Rich. [Apr 29], p27(635). UNITED NATIONS. COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS : Why bother with human rights? (News commentary). Gallagher, Jonathan. Apr 22, p21(597). UNITED STATES -- DIET : "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Jun [3], p39(855). UNITED STATES -- POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT : Between the strokes, again. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Feb 26, p29(317). UNITED STATES -- PROPHECIES : Between the strokes, again. (Clifford Goldstein). Goldstein, Clifford R. Feb 26, p29(317). UNITED STATES -- RELIGION : Don't honk if you love Jesus. (News commentary). Coffin, James N. Jun 17, p20(916). Hell is for other people. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. Apr 15, p15(599). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 26

UNITED STATES -- SOCIAL CONDITIONS : An aftermath of apologies. (News commentary). Duerksen, Richard. Feb 26, p21(309). UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES -- FLORIDA : Stephen's story. (Real world report). Mar [4], p21(341). UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. ADVENTIST CAMPUS MINISTRY : Led to public school campus ministry. (Cover feature). Luma, Tania. Jan 15, p11(91). UNSER, JOHNNY : Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gera ld N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639-641). UPPER COLUMBIA ACADEMY. HOPE TASK FORCE : Students "Go MAD!". (Forever learning). Torkelsen, Linnea and Corder, Cheri Horning. [Apr 29], p29(637). UPPER COLUMBIA ACADEMY -- STUDENTS : Students "Go MAD!". (Forever learning). Torkelsen, Linnea and Corder, Cheri Horning. [Apr 29], p29(637). "There's no comparison". (All about education). Yeager, Tracy. [Apr 29], p38(646). UZZAH -- DEATH AND BURIAL : He only tried to help. (Bible questions answered). Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. Feb 12, p29(253). VEGETARIAN COOKERY : Very vegetarian [Review]. (Book mark). Rydzewski, Ella Mae. May 20, p29(781). VEGETARIANISM : Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease : studies of Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians [Review]. (Book mark). Rydzewski, Walter J. May 20, p28(780). Honest answers. (First person). Martella, Heidi. Mar [4], p23(343). VEGETARIANS -- HEALTH AND HYGIENE : Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease : studies of Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians [Review]. (Book mark). Rydzewski, Walter J. May 20, p28(780). VISITATIONS (CHURCH WORK) -- ECUADOR : Faithful to finish. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Jun 10, p15(879). VISITORS, CHURCH : Churches observed. (Cover story). Adams, Roy. May 27, p8-12(792-796). Cutting the cringe factor. (Opinion). Marshall, David Norman. Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). VITNER, JACOB, D. 1998 : Grace in Hell. (Story). Selak, Martin M. May 13, p12-14(732-734). VOGEL, CHRISTIAN : A growing voice. (Adventist World Radio). Jan 8, p22(70). VOLUNTEER WORKERS IN MISSIONS -- GUAM : Casting sky nets. (Adventist World Radio). Enos, Matthew. May 13, p17(737). VOLUNTEERS -- MARYLAND : A privilege, not an obligation. (Forever learning). Dunbebin, Clarence U. [Apr 29], p29(637). WALLA WALLA COLLEGE -- STUDENTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : A calling confirmed. (Real world report). Jeske, Tara. Mar [4], p18(338). WAR RELIEF -- AFGHANISTAN : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). WAR RELIEF -- HAITI : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). WAR RELIEF -- IRAQ : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). WAR RELIEF -- LIBERIA : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Le itzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). WAR RELIEF -- SUDAN : Love under fire. (Cover stort). Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, Leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). WARD, MIKE : A calling confirmed. (Real world report). Jeske, Tara. Mar [4], p18(338). WATER SKIING : It's all in the attitude. (Reflections). Matson, Neal. Mar 18, p31(431). WEALTH -- RELIGIOUS ASPECTS : Beware affluenza! (Beyond the box). Pollard, Leslie N. Apr [1], p45(509). WEB SITES : www.hopetalk.org. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES -- IOWA : Married more than fourscore years. (Give and take). Smith, Shirley M. Feb 26, p7(295). WEIGHT LOSS : Weight-loss tools. (Ask the doctors). Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. Feb [5], p36-37(212-213). WHALE WATCHING -- CALIFORNIA : Whales and eggplant. (Editorial). Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jan 15, p6(86). WHITE, ELLEN GOULD HARMON, 1827-1915 : Just how hard is it to be a prophet? (Cover feature). Aamodt, Terrie Dopp. Jun 24, p8-11(936-939). Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 27

WHITE, ELLEN GOULD HARMON, 1827-1915 -- INFLUENCE : Our continuing tradition. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. May 20, p25(777). WHITE, ELLEN GOULD HARMON, 1827-1915 -- WRITTEN WORKS : Our continuing tradition. (Revelation). Brown, Nathan. May 20, p25(777). WITNESS BEARING (CHRISTIANITY) : Backdoor witness. (Touched by the Spirit). Bowen, Heather. Jan [1], p12-13(12-13). Resistance training. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. Feb 26, p6(294). A tale of two Jennifers. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 15, p5(549). Where does it hurt? (Touched by the Spirit). Schneider, Donald C. Jr. Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). Winsome witnessing : dynamic ways to share your faith [Review]. (Book mark). Douglass, Herbert F. Mar 25, p17(449). WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT : In love with my boss. (Story). Hammond, Rosemary E. Feb 26, p22-25(310- 313). WOMEN -- RELIGIOUS LIFE -- FICTION : The Yada Yada Prayer Group [Review]. (Book mark). Wright, Ruth. Jan 15, p29(109). WOMEN, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST : A tale of two Jennifers. (Editorial). Johnsson, William G. Apr 15, p5(549). WOMEN, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST -- ECUADOR : Xiomara's stars. (The view from here). Worley de Palacios, Alicia. Apr 8, p15(527). WOMEN, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST -- TANZANIA : Trapped on a runaway train. (Story). Tredoux, Heather. Feb 12, p22-24(246-248). WORLD POLITICS -- 2000- : The end of history. Steed, Lincoln E. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). WORLD WAR, 1939-1945 -- YUGOSLAVIA -- PERSONAL NARRATIVES : Grace in Hell. (Story). Selak, Martin M. May 13, p12-14(732-734). YANCER, BEN -- RELIGION : Caught by a contagious faith. (First person). Yancer, Ben. Mar [4], p21(341). YEAGER, TRACY : "There's no comparison". (All about education). Yeager, Tracy. [Apr 29], p38(646). YEAR OF WORLD EVANGELIS 2004 : Reaping God's harvest. (Feature). LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). YOUNG ADULTS : Life on the launching pad. (Lifestyle). Spruill, Karen. Jun 17, p23-26(919-922). YOUNG ADULTS IN CHURCH WORK -- HISTORY : Young Adventist pioneers. (Heritage). Frantzen, Lynette. May 27, p22-23(806-807). YOUNG ADULTS -- RELIGIOUS LIFE : Changed by beholding. (The view from State U). Christian, Ed. May 20, p30(782). YOUNG VOLUNTEERS IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -- WASHINGTON (STATE) : Students "Go MAD!". (Forever learning). Torkelsen, Linnea and Corder, Cheri Horning. [Apr 29], p29(637). YOUTH : Reflections on youth and aging. (Lifestyle). Rigsby, Heather and Rigsby, Joyce. Jan 15, p24-26(104- 106). YOUTH IN CHURCH WORK : The foolishness of God and youth. (Editorial). Shields, Bonita Joyner. May 27, p6(790). YOUTH IN CHURCH WORK -- HISTORY : Young Adventist pioneers. (Heritage). Frantzen, Lynette. May 27, p22-23(806-807). YOUTH IN CHURCH WORK -- MICHIGAN : Changing hearts. (First person). Girven, Marie A. Mar [4], p22(342). YOUTH IN CHURCH WORK -- THAILAND : Trekking in Thailand. (Adventist World Radio). Øster- Lundqvist, Kirsten. Mar 11, p30(398). YOUTH IN CHURCH WORK -- UTAH : Students show Christmas spirit. (Real world report). Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. Mar [4], p23(343). YOUTH IN MISSIONARY WORK -- ETHIOPIA : Mission with a passion. (Forever learning). Cronk, Lainey S. [Apr 29], p30(638). YOUTH IN MISSIONARY WORK -- MICRONESIA -- YAP : Aspiring teacher shares her vision. (Real world report). Battin, Debbie. Mar [4], p18(338). YOUTH IN MISSIONARY WORK -- PERU : Service : a surprising witnessing tool. (Forever learning). Carlson, Rich. [Apr 29], p27(635). Simple gifts. (Real world report). Douville, Tina Tilstra. Mar [4], p20(340). YUGOSLAVIA. ARMY : Honor-bound. (Story). Borovich, Pavle. Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). ZACHARY, JAMES HUDSON JR., 1929-2004 : Great Christians I have known. (Editorial). Chavez, Subjects Jan-June 2004 – page 28

Stephen. Jun 10, p6(870). ZAMERSKY, JEFF : The difference distance learning makes. (Real world report). Edwards, Rex D. Mar [4], p19(339).

Adventist Review -- Titles Index 2004, v181, January-June

40-year health legacy. (Feature). Feb [5], p35(211). 95 theses on righteousness by faith [Review]. McLendon, James E. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). The (abbreviated) great controversy. Blanco, Jack J. (Cover feature). Apr 22, p8-11(584-587). Adventist education : a journey to excellence. Kovalski, Gerald N., McVane, Matthew, and Tucker, Don. [Apr 29], p[17]([625]). Adventist education is different. Becker, Mark. (All about education). [Apr 29], p36(644). Adventist World Radio : passport to mission. Nolan, Shelley. (Adventist World Radio). Feb 12, p13(237). Adventists and the sexual revolution. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Apr 8, p5(517). Adventists in China. Johnsson, William G. (Cover story). Jun 10, p8-12(872-876). An aftermath of apologies. Duerksen, Richard. (News commentary). Feb 26, p21(309). All the friends I knew. Boyd, Elizabeth. (Lifestyle). Jun 24, p28-30(956-958). The allegiance that I owe. Oliver, Barry. (Cover feature). Feb 26, p[8]-11{9296]-299). Alone with God. Barnabas, Chitra. (Prayer). [Jan 29], p12-13(156-157). Alumni Awards Foundation programs. [Apr 29], p33(641). Alumni make a difference. Twomley, Dale E., Sadler, Pam, and Kovalski, Gerald N. [Apr 29], p31-33(639- 641). And He runs with me. Chavez, Stephen. (Prayer). [Jan 29], p30(174). Angie's addiction. Coston, Jeff. (Reflections). Jan 15, p31(111). Angry letters are good. Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). Jan 15, p27(107). Another miracle. (Story). Mar [4], p32(352). The artist. Marshall, Anita. (Parables of the Kingdom). Jan [1], p23-24(23-24). Aspiring teacher shares her vision. Battin, Debbie. (Real world report). Mar [4], p18(338). Attitudes. Lekic, Mike Mile. [Apr 29], p22-23(630-631). Away from the world and into the arms of God. Taylor, Jeanine. (Cover story). Feb [5], p16-[19](192-[195]). Baby stories. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Apr [1], p14(478). Backdoor witness. Bowen, Heather. (Touched by the Spirit). Jan [1], p12-13(12-13). The balloon. Kline, Fylvia Fowler. (Reflections). May 13, p31(751). Baruch's answer. Williams, Jennifer. (Devotional). Mar 11, p14-15(382-383). Be still, and know. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). May 20, p6(758). Behind the headlines. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Jan 22, p6(118). Between the strokes, again. Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). Feb 26, p29(317). Beware affluenza! Pollard, Leslie N. (Beyond the box). Apr [1], p45(509). The Bible and suicide. Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). Mar 11, p29(397). Biblical examples of fasting. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p27(315). A bird in paradise. Swan, Karen Barnes. (Reflections). Feb [5], p46(222). Born, again. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). Jan 22, p15(127). Bryan the lion. Wilcox, Grover. (Story). Jun 24, p24-27(952-955). Building bridges for dialogue. Cafferky, Michael E. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p40(648). Building for eternity. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Jun 24, p5(933). The caffeine crisis. Nelson, Andrew. (Lifestyle). Feb 19, p25-27(281-283). A call to action. White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Spirit of Prophecy). Jan 22, p14(126). Called to be a prophet. White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Spirit of Prophecy). Jun 24, p12(940). A calling confirmed. Jeske, Tara. (Real world report). Mar [4], p18(338). Calvary. Wallenkampf, Arnold Valentin b. 1913. (Devotional). Apr 8, p8-11(520-523). Can education be Adventist and excellent, too? Brantley, Paul S. and Fryson, Debra. [Apr 29], p12-15(620- 623). Captain's orders. Batchelder, Amy. (Reflections). Feb 19, p31(287). Casting sky nets. Enos, Matthew. (Adventist World Radio). May 13, p17(737). Catholics under fire. Krause, Gary. (News commentary). Apr [1], p43(507). Caught by a contagious faith. Yancer, Ben. (First person). Mar [4], p21(341). Centered on Christ. Steward, Scott. (Real world report). Mar [4], p22(342). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 2

Changed by beholding. Christian, Ed. (The view from State U). May 20, p30(782). Changing hearts. Girven, Marie A. (First person). Mar [4], p22(342). Changing lives. Babcock, George P. (Real world report). Mar [4], p19(339). Chaplain extraordinaire. Malcolm, Roy E. (Real world report). Mar [4], p20(340). Children and prayer. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Apr [1], p14(478). The China connection. Baker, Glen. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p28(636). Churches observed. Adams, Roy. (Cover story). May 27, p8-12(792-796). The code of discipleship. Johnson, Damien E. (Biblical studies). Jun [3], p34-37(850-853). Comfort the comfortless. Kromann, Shirley. (Ask the doctors). May 20, p27(779). A commitment to higher education. (Cover story). Mar [4], p17(337). Concerns of Conference Committee members. Lang, Jerome S., Yamashiro, Naomi A., Gardner, Bekki, Fargo, Mumtaz A., Ware, Phyllis, and Hullquist, Timothy. (Feature). Jun [3], p32-33(848-849). Connected to your church. White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Spirit of Prophecy). Feb 26, p12(300). The conscientious objector : a review. Moncrieff, Scott E. (Cover story). Jun 17, p10(906). Coronation of shame or coronation of glory? Neall, Beatrice Short. (Devotional). Jun 24, p14-16(942-944). Culture matters. Pollard, Leslie N. (Current issues). Feb [5], p20-23(196-199). Cutting the cringe factor. Marshall, David Norman. (Opinion). Apr [1], p20-21(484-485). Daring to doubt -- and believe. Christian, Ed. (The view from State U). Jun 17, p30(926). Dead languages. Dickerson, Ed. (Biblical study). Mar [4], p27-29(347-349). "Dear Slim". Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). Feb 19, p17(273). A deep but dazzling darkness. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). May 27, p13(797). Devalued? Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Mar p[4], p14(334). Diamond dreams. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Apr 22, p6(582). Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease : studies of Seventh-day Adventists and other vegetarians [Review]. Rydzewski, Walter J. (Book mark). May 20, p28(780). The difference distance learning makes. Edwards, Rex D. (Real world report). Mar [4], p19(339). A different kind of fast. Ludwig, Laurita. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p26-28(314-316). Different kinds of fasts. Foster, Richard J. and White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Lifestyle). Feb 26, p28(316). The discovery zone. Pierce, Seth. (Lifestyle). Mar 18, p28-30(428-430). Distracted by SARS. Lam-Phoon, Sally. (Reflections). Jan 8, p31(79). Don't die. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). Apr 8, p6(518). Don't honk if you love Jesus. Coffin, James N. (News commentary). Jun 17, p20(916). Don't knock it. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). Mar 25, p5(437). Drying up the stream. Whitaker, Rachel E. (Cover feature). Jan 22, p8-13(120-125). Educator with a pastor's heart. Kovalski, Gerald. [Apr 29], p4-7(612-615). Elected. Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). Jun 10, p29(893). The end of history. Steed, Lincoln E. Jan [1], p[32]35([32]-35). Equally eloquent. Tetz, Myrna. (News commentary). Jun 10, p20(884). Evangelism : then and now. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Mar 11, p5(353). Evangelism? Yes! But also mission. Paulsen, Jan. (Cover story). Mar 11, p8-13(376-381). Ever after. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). Feb 26, p13(301). Everybody wants my body. Duerksen, Richard. (News commentary). May 27, p20(804). Evidence for all to see. Fraser, Gary E. and Butler, Terry. (Feature). Feb [5], p32-34(208-210). Evolution? No. Carson, Benjamin Solomon. (Theology). Feb 26, p14-16(302-304). Facts about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, or CFIDS -- chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome). Humphreys, Carol. (Lifestyle). Mar [4], p36-37(356-357). A fair exchange. Thio, Patricia. (Real world report). Mar [4], p23(343). Faith. Cook, Edwin. (Devotional). Jun 10, p22-25(886-889). Faith and learning. Andreasen, Niels -Erik A. [Apr 29], p52-54(660-662). Faithful to finish. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). Jun 10, p15(879). The fallacy of crowd control. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). Jun 17, p5(901). Falling. McCrory, Meagan. (Parables of the Kingdom). Mar 18, p14-15(414-415). Family road trips. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). Jun 17, p27(923). Fill it up! Pollington, Doug. (Reflections). Mar [4], p46(366). Final answers. Jones, Emily Felts. (Reflections). Mar 25, p31(463). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 3

Financing your college education. Rodero, Elisa M. [Apr 29], p51(659). Finding home. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). Jan 15, p28(108). The fire that wouldn't go out. Fisher, Karen. (Cover feature). Mar 25, p8-9,11(440-441,443). The first sacrifice. Christian, Ed. (Reflections). Apr [1], p46(510). A Florida road experience. Rydzewski, Ella Mae. (Editorial). Feb 19, p6(262). The foolishness of God and youth. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). May 27, p6(790). Foreigners in the world of truth. Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). Mar 18, p13(413). From science to faith. de Groot, Mart. (Devotional). Mar 25, p14-16(446-448). From the editor's e-mail bag. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Jan 22, p5(117). From this day forward. Maxwell, V. Viola pseud. (Lifestyle). Jan [1], p28-30(28-30). A fun day with God. Gallington, Edna Maye. (Reflections). Apr 15, p31(575). The gentle whisper. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p14-17(158-161). Getting intimate with God. Medley, Carlos. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p18-19(162-163). Getting through financial aid. Oliver, Elaine. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p12-13(92-93). Giving church a friendly feel. Johnsson, Noelene. (Cover story). May 27, p12(796). Glimpses of home. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). Jun 17, p6(902). The glue of Heaven. Handysides, Allan R. (Lifestyle). Jun 10, p26-28(890-892). Goals for curriculum in Seventh-day Adventist schools. [Apr 29], p[16-17]([624-625]). God's secretaries : the making of the King James Bible [Review]. Edwards, Bob. (Book mark). Feb [5], p38(214). Going to extremes. Richter, Shirley. (Reflections). Jan [1], p46(46). Good people and lust. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Mar [4], p14(334). Grace in Hell. Selak, Martin M. (Story). May 13, p12-14(732-734). Graduation deferred. Edwards, Bob. (Story). Jan 22, p28-29(140-141). Great Christians I have known. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Jun 10, p6(870). The greater prize. Konrad, Karl. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p42(650). Grief observed. Terry, Tamara Michalenko. (Story). Feb 19, p28-29(284-285). Grime doesn't pay. Schwirtzer, Jennifer Jill. (News commentary). Mar 18, p21(421). A growing voice. (Adventist World Radio). Jan 8, p22(70). Guardian angels in 3Com Park. McConnell, John. (Reflections). May 27, p31(815). He carried the cross. Jones, Brian D. (Devotional). Apr [1], p36(500). He only tried to help. Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). Feb 12, p29(253). He stood in pouring rain. Schneider, Donald C. (Cover story). Mar 11, p12(380). Hell is for other people. Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). Apr 15, p15(599). A hero's story. Chavez, Stephen. (Cover story). Jun 17, p8-9,11-12(904-905,907-908). Hiking the mountains. DeAngelis, Joseph. (Devotional). Apr 22, p14-16(590-592). His instruments. Serns, Amber. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p26(634). Honest answers. Martella, Heidi. (First person). Mar [4], p23(343). Honor-bound. Borovich, Pavle. (Story). Jan 8, p24-26(72-74). Hope For Our Day/Esperanza Para Hoy. Burns, Gary. (Feature). Apr [1], p26(490). Hope is in the air of Central Africa. Schoun, Benjamin D. (Adventist World Radio). Jun 10, p30(894). How do Adventists give? Medley, Carlos. (Editorial). Jan 15, p5(85). How I might be contributing to another's eating disorder. Reynolds, Betsy. (Cover feature). Feb 19, p11(167). How the Bible expands horizons. Christian, Ed. (The view from State U). Jan 15, p17(97). How to endure to the end. Petty, Thurman C. Jr. (Lifestyle). May 27, p28-30(812-814). How to help others who are grieving. Gilbert, Beth Bentzinger. (Cover story). Mar 18, p12(412). How to help someone with an eating disorder. Sauder, Amanda. (Cover feature). Feb 19, p12(168). How to live 99 healthy, happy years. Lewis, Thelma. (Lifestyle). Jan 22, p22-23(134-135). How to read the whole Bible in one year. (Cover story). Jan [1], p18(18). Hypertension. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Jan 8, p28-29(76-77). "I can't do this". Johnsson, Noelene. (Cover story). Jan [1], p19(19). I can't imagine teaching anywhere else! Fortney, Marjorie. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p46(654). I dropped the ball. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Feb [5], p14(190). I felt fear. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). Jan 8, p5(53). I found my answer. Ruba, Jan. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p41(649). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 4

["I have reduced my flesh food consumption drastically, but still like to eat fish."]. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p37(213). I learned to love. Christian, Ed. (The view from State U). Mar 18, p27(427). The "I'm sorry" game. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Jan [1], p14(14). I run to win! Rentfro, Richard A. (Reflections). Jun [3], p46(862). I trust You! Wright, Ruth. (Prayer). [Jan 29], p28-29(172-173). "If the American way of life is so bad, how come Americans are living longer?". Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p39(855). In love with my boss. Hammond, Rosemary E. (Story). Feb 26, p22-25(310-313). In search of outrage. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). Feb [5], p6(182). The inside story. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Feb 26, p5(293). An international incident. MacKoul, Greta Lawrence. (Touched by the Spirit). Jun [3], p12-13(828-829). An investment for eternity. Stone, Marta. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p8-11,13(88-91,93). An invisible illness. Kromann, Shirley. (Lifestyle). Mar [4], p34-35,37(354-355,357). Is old odd? Kellner, Mark A. (News commentary). Apr 15, p21(565). Is spirituality dead at Adventist colleges? Jacob, Gina. [Apr 29], p56-57,59(664-665,667). Is the universe friendly? Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). Jun 24, p23(951). Is there a link between prostate cancer and milk? Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Jun [3], p38-39(854-855). Is there a "world of the dead"? Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). Apr 8, p29(541). It does take a village! Witas, Mark. [Apr 29], p60-62(668-670). "It is finished". White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Spirit of Prophecy). Apr 22, p12(588). It is finished. Yet it's just begun. Tolbert, Gary J. (Devotional). Apr [1], p34-36(498-400). It's about freedom. Mennard, Mike and Mennard, Michelle Velázquez. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p41(649). It's all in the attitude. Matson, Neal. (Reflections). Mar 18, p31(431). It won't be easy. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). Apr [1], p6(470). Jesus in a slouch hat. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). May 20, p5(757). Journaling through our days. Rydzewski, Ella Mae. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p25-27(169-171). Just ask Oogie. Kossick, Betty. (All about education). [Apr 29], p36(644). Just how hard is it to be a prophet? Aamodt, Terrie Dopp. (Cover feature). Jun 24, p8-11(936-939). Kenya on my mind. Trecartin, Homer. (Lifestyle). Mar 11, p22-25(390-393). Last message to the world. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Jan [1], p6(6). Led to public school campus ministry. Luma, Tania. (Cover feature). Jan 15, p11(91). Less pomp and more circumstance. Osborn, Richard. (Cover story). Mar [4], p16-18,20,22,24(336- 338,340,342,344). Lessons from an ugly tie. McGuire, Tammy. (Devotional). Jun 17, p16-17(912-913). Lessons in the fire. White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Spirit of Prophecy). Mar 25, p12(444). Lessons learned from a clothes dryer. Karst, Gerry. (Reflections). Jan 22, p31(143). A letter to my congregation. Trublood, Ray pseud. (Lifestyle). Apr [1], p30-31(494-495). Letter to my niece. Robinson, Karl Aksel. (Cover feature). Mar 25, p10-11(442-443). Letters from my sister. Andlove, Irene pseud. (Story). Apr 22, p22-23(598-599). Life, interrupted. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). Apr 22, p13(589). Life on the launching pad. Spruill, Karen. (Lifestyle). Jun 17, p23-26(919-922). Life skills. Leffers, Heather. (First person). Mar [4], p19(339). A light shines in the valley. Aho, Deborah. (Cover story). Apr 8, p22-25(534-537). Little things. Sharp, Joseph W. (Story). Jan 15, p22-23(102-103). Living with fear. Austin, Archer C. (Devotional). Jan 8, p14-16(62-64). A living witness. Rutledge, John P. (Guest editorial). Feb 12, p6(230). The Lord is not slack. Pollard, Leslie N. (Beyond the box). Jan [1], p45(45). Lostness : its causes. Pollard, Leslie N. (Beyond the box). Jun [3], p45(861). Love among the ruins. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). Jun 24, p13(941). Love and matter. Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). Jan 22, p16(128). Love under fire. Smoot, Chris, Mykers, Cooper, Bissereth, Fritz, leitzke, Karla da Silva, and Pittman, Sharon Weaver. (Cover stort). Jun [3], p16-21(832-837). Marriage : "So why not?". Kellner, Mark A. (News commentary). Feb 12, p20(244). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 5

Married more than fourscore years. Smith, Shirley M. (Give and take). Feb 26, p7(295). The meeting of the mothers. Silver, D. J. (Devotional). Apr 8, p9(521). Men talk back. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Jun [3], p14(830). A message in numbers. Medley, Carlos. (Editorial). Jun 10, p5(869). Miracles in the desert. Morris, S. R. (Story). Mar [4], p30-33(350-353). Miracles may take time. Murray, Vicki and Watts, Kit. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p30(638). Mirrors and windows. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Jun 24, p6(934). Mission impossible? Seeking, reaping, keeping. Johnson, Kurt. (Cover story). Jan 8, p10(58). Mission with a passion. Cronk, Lainey S. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p30(638). More blessings of the tithing system. White, Ellen Gould Harmon 1827-1915. (Lifestyle). Feb 12, p26(250). The most popular Adventist sin. Caro, Evelyn. (Opinion). Apr 22, p28-29(604-605). The motherhood job. Kay, Leslie Eileen. (On the home front). Mar 25, p13(445). My father's gift. Johnsson, William G. (Cover story). Jan [1], p16-20(16-20). My God and I. Johnsson, William G. (Introduction). [Jan 29], p2-3(146-147). My house, my rules. Froese, Patty. (Reflections). Jun 17, p31(927). My name is Tania. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Biblical study). Jan 15, p14-16(94-96). My weekday routine (or breaks from my breakneck schedule). Maran, Kimberly Luste. (The devotional life). [Jan 29], p10-11(154-155). My you've-got-to-be-kidding prayers. Costa, Nancy. (Story). Feb [5], p29-31(205-207). The mystery of the waning windfall. Schwisow, Edwin A. (Feature). Jun [3], p27-29,31,33(843-845,847,849). The nailing down of Passion. Krause, Bettina. (News commentary). Mar 25, p20(452). Never alone. Banks, Christopher T. (Touched by the Spirit). Apr [1], p12-13(476-477). A new low. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). Jun [3], p6(822). Not the answer. Kromann, Shirley. (Lifestyle). May 20, p22-24(774-776). Now starring in an epic struggle. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Feb 12, p5(229). Of sheep and wolves. Cheatham, Atuanya. (Parables of the Kingdom). Mar [4], p38-39(358-359). An off-the-wall call. Stephens, Mary C. (Touched by the Spirit). Mar [4], p12-13(332-333). Old wounds. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Jan [1], p14(14). Only just begun. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). Mar 11, p16(384). The other son of God. Christian, Ed . (The view from State U). Feb 19, p14(270). Our continuing tradition. Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). May 20, p25(777). Out of the darkness. Matthews, Michael. (Story). May 20, p14-16(766-768). Paid in full. Watkins, Holly. (All about education). [Apr 29], p35(643). Penny-wise and pound-foolish? Norman, Richard S. [Apr 29], p48-49,51(656-657,659). A picture of health? Sauder, Amanda. (Cover feature). Feb 19, p8-12(264-268). The place of tithing in the expansion of Adventism. Knight, George R. (Feature). Jun [3], p30-31(846-847). Portrait of a Christian. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). Apr 15, p6(550). A postcard of grace. Brown, Nathan. (Reflections). Feb 12, p31(255). Preschooler stimulation. Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Feb [5], p14(190). The presence. Butler, John D. Sr. (Devotional). May 27, p14-16(798-800). A privilege, not an obligation. Dunbebin, Clarence U. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p29(637). Project : Eyeglasses. Byers, Carolyn F. (Story). Jan [1], p36-37(36-37). Prostitution, trafficking, and women. Rahn, Mindi. (Current issues). May 13, p28-29(748-749). Putting headlines and heroes into perspective. Sauder, Amanda. (News commentary). May 20, p21(773). Quashed by culture. Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). Mar 25, p27(459). Radical Christianity. Bell, Skip. (Devotional). Jan 22, p24-27(136-139). Reaching the invisible church. Schoun, Benjamin D. (Adventist World Radio). Apr 8, p16(528). Read the Bible in a year? Poirier, Merle. (Bible study). [Jan 29], p20-23(164-167). Read your Bible one book at a time [Review]. Rydzewski, Ella Mae. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). Reading for revival. Chavez, Stephen. (Cover story). Jan [1], p20(10). Real source of peace. Odeyemi, Tayo. (News commentary). Jan 8, p20(68). Reaping God's harvest. LeBrun, Diane Gruesbeck. (Feature). Apr [1], p25,27-29(489-491-493). Recreational grief. Brown, Nathan. (News commentary). Apr 8, p20(532). Reflections in a Gayndah public restroom. Brown, Nathan. (Reflections). Jun 10, p31(895). Reflections on youth and aging. Rigsby, Heather and Rigsby, Joyce. (Lifestyle). Jan 15, p24-26(104-106). "A relative is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.". Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the Titles Jan-June 04 – page 6 doctors). Mar 25, p29-30(461-462). Remember the 1980s? Gane, Roy E. (Devotional). Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). Report card on Adventist K-12 education. Boyatt, Ed. [Apr 29], p18-21(626-629). A requiem for May. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). May 20, p17(769). Resistance training. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). Feb 26, p 6(294). Resolved : to eat more ice cream! Netteburg, Kermit L. (Guest editorial). Jan [1], p7(7). The rest of the story. Coffin, James N. (Story). Mar 25, p22-26(454-458). The restoration of Nell. Harbison, Gloria Jean Dickey. (Story). May 27, p24-26(808-810). Reunited! Schnepp, Marilyn. (Feature). Apr [1], p37(501). A rhapsody of rejoicing. Wallack, Jere. (Parables of the Kingdom). Jun 17, p28-29(924-925). The right education. Lutz, Jerry. [Apr 29], p10-11(618-619). The right kind of action. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). Mar 25, p6(438). The road to Guaranda. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). May 13, p15(735). Salty. Fleck, Rick. (Story). Apr 15, p26-28(570-572). Second chances. Cronk, Lainey. (Real world report). Mar [4], p21(341). Separated. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). Mar 18, p23(423). Service : a surprising witnessing tool. Carlson, Rich. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p27(635). Severed, but not broken. Slongwhite, Dale. (Story). Apr [1], p22-24(486-488). Shooting from the lip. Kellner, Jean. (News commentary). Jan [1], p43(43). Should I share these stories? McIver, Robert K. (Lifestyle). Feb 12, p25-28(249-252). Shout it out! Singh, Juanita. (Reflections). Apr 8, p31(543). Sight and insight. Dayak, Gideon. (Story). Apr 8, p26-28(538-540). Simple gifts. Douville, Tina Tilstra. (Real world report). Mar [4], p20(340). Simple truth. Bailey, Cindee. (Reflections). May 20, p31(783). Simple works just fine. Pollard, Leslie N. (Beyond the box). Feb [5], p45(221). The sky's the limit. Patzer, Jere D. (Current issues). Jun [3], p22-24(838-840). The solution is an attitude. Sauder, Amanda. (News commentary). Jun 24, p21(949). Something better. DeVore Candace Graves. (All about education). [Apr 29], p37(645). Sorry to meddle. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). May 13, p5(725). Sow 1 Billion. Krause, Bettina. (Cover story). Jan 8, p8-13(56-61). Sow 1 Billion on the air. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). Sowing in tears. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). Jan 8, p23(71). Special needs, special education. Davis, Gerri and Davis, Theopolis. (All about education). [Apr 29], p37(645). Speed dating. Shields, Bonita Joyner. (Editorial). Jan 8, p6(54). Spiritual beings. Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). Jan 8, p27(75). State-of-the-art communication. Rodríguez, Angel Manuel. (Bible questions answered). May 13, p27(747). Stephen's story. (Real world report). Mar [4], p21(341). Sticks and stones. Anderson, Gemma Cabardo. (Devotional). Feb [5], p26-28(202-204). Still laughing at 110. Butle r, Terry. (Feature). Jan [1], p25-27(25-27). Still simmering. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Jun [3], p7(823). A stranger and a friend. Hughes, Viola. (Story). Mar 11, p26-28(394-396). Students "Go MAD!". Torkelsen, Linnea and Corder, Cheri Horning. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p29(637). Students show Christmas spirit. Fisher, Tamara Wolcott. (Real world report). Mar [4], p23(343). Suffering's glorious unanswer. Brown, Nathan. (Cover feature). May 20, p8-12(760-764). The sufferings of Jesus. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Mar [4], p6(326). Surrender and victory. Christian, Ed. (Tales from State U). Apr 15, p29(573). A tale of two Jennifers. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Apr 15, p5(549). Target perfect. Montgomery, Vikki. (News commentary). Feb [5], p43(219). Teen suicide. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). May 20, p26-27(778-779). Testing time. Johnsson, William G. (Editorial). Apr 22, p5(581). "There's no comparison". Yeager, Tracy. (All about education). [Apr 29], p38(646). They will stand. Rentfro, Richard A. (Reflections). Mar 11, p31(399). The things we do for love. Lecourt, Nancy Hoyt. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p44(652). "This is a church, but this is not Heaven!". McClarty, Wilma Doering. (Devotional). Mar 18, p24-26(424-426). Those coronary vessels. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p16-17(560- 561). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 7

Though bombs may fall : the extraordinary story of George Rue, missionary doctor to Korea [Review]. Moncrieff, Scott E. (Book mark). May 20, p28-29(780-781). To India, with love. Deer, Marion. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p26(634). To see. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). Feb 19, p30(286). Tolerance is not enough. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). May 13, p6(726). Too busy for church? Tetz, Myrna. (News commentary). Mar 11, p20(388). Train up a child to read. Booth, Bradley. (Lifestyle). Apr 22, p24-27(600-603). Trapped on a runaway train. Tredoux, Heather. (Story). Feb 12, p22-24(246-248). Trekking in Thailand. Øster-Lundqvist, Kirsten. (Adventist World Radio). Mar 11, p30(398). The Trinity : understanding God's love, His plan of salvation, and Christian relationships [Review]. Marsh, Daniel. (Book mark). Jan [1], p11(11). Twenty years -- and counting. Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). May 27, p27(811). Two men, one story. Schneider, Donald C. (Guest editorial). Mar [4], p7(327). Ugandan rhapsody. Fordham, Sari K. (Journeys). Apr 15, p22(566). The ultimate test. Adams, Cynthia. (Devotional). Feb 19, p22-24(278-280). Undecided. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). Feb 19, p5(261). Understanding Graves' disease. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Mar 25, p28- 29(460-461). Unfinished. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). Feb 12, p15(239). The unfinished church. Oetman, Michelle L. (Cover feature). Apr 15, p8-13(552-557). United by tragedy [Review]. Moncrieff, Scott E. (Book mark). Mar 25, p17(449). United in the fellowship of the fellowship. Banks, Rosa Taylor. (Cover story). Feb 12, p8-12(232-236). Validation. Chavez, Stephen. (Editorial). Mar 18, p5(405). Very vegetarian [Review]. Rydzewski, Ella Mae. (Book mark). May 20, p29(781). Wake-up call. Adams, Roy. (Editorial). May 27, p5(789). We can outhug any tree hugger. Brown, Nathan. (Revelation). Jun 17, p14(910). Weight-loss tools. Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Feb [5], p36-37(212-213). Whales and eggplant. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). Jan 15, p6(86). "What can you tell me about restless legs syndrome?". Handysides, Allan R. and Landless, Peter N. (Ask the doctors). Apr 15, p17(561). What do they call you? Delafield, Dwight Arthur 1913-2003. (Reflections). Apr 22, p31(607). What happens when leaders don't pray. Gavin, Anthony. (Devotional). May 13, p8-10(728-730). What I learned in Aba. Schneider, Donald C. (Guest editorial). Feb [5], p7(183). What I learned in Moorefield. Schneider, Donald C. (Guest editorial). Apr [1], p7(471). What Jesus asks. Ross, Dorothy. (Forever learning). [Apr 29], p28(636). What's happening in Indonesia. Krause, Bettina. (Cover story). May 13, p22-26(742-746). When it's not our fault. Pollard, Leslie N. (Beyond the box). Mar [4], p45(365). When tears become lenses. McVay, John. (Cover story). Apr [1], p16-19(480-483). When will I get it right? Dickinson, Loren. (Reflections). Jun 24, p31(959). Where angels fear to tread. Goldstein, Clifford R. (Clifford Goldstein). Apr 22, p17(593). "Where are you?". Peterson, Michael. (Theology). Apr 15, p23-25(567-569). Where does it hurt? Schneider, Donald C. Jr. (Touched by the Spirit). Feb [5], p12-13(188-189). Who's really mad—the cow or us? Shields, Bonita Joyner. (News commentary). Jan 22, p21(133). Whom can I depend on? Gilbert, Adam T. (Cover story). Mar 18, p8-12(408-412). Why bother with human rights? Gallagher, Jonathan. (News commentary). Apr 22, p21(597). Why didn't someone zip me up? Kuzma, Kay J. Humpal. (Family matters). Mar [4], p14(334). Why I believe in Adventist education. Johnsson, William G. [Apr 29], p3(611). Why I coach. Maran, Kimberly Luste. (Editorial). Mar 18, p6(406). Why-ning. Berecz, John M. (Reflections). Feb 26, p31(319). Why teach? Dennis, Rudy. (Why I teach at an Adventist school). [Apr 29], p44(652). Wide as the waters : the story of the English Bible and the revolution it inspired [Review]. Mvundura, Elijah. (Book mark). Feb [5], p38-39(214-215). Will Massachusetts redefine marriage for America? Kellner, Mark A. (News commentary). Mar [4], p43(363). A winning combination. Gill, Conrad L. (All about education). [Apr 29], p38(646). Winsome witnessing : dynamic ways to share your faith [Review]. Douglass, Herbert F. (Book mark). Mar 25, p17(449). Titles Jan-June 04 – page 8

Wired different. Adams, Roy. (Bible study). [Jan 29], p7-9(151-153). Working together for mission. (Cover story). Jan 8, p12(60). www.hopetalk.org. (Cover story). Jan 8, p11(59). Xiomara's stars. Worley de Palacios, Alicia. (The view from here). Apr 8, p15(527). The Yada Yada Prayer Group [Review]. Wright, Ruth. (Book mark). Jan 15, p29(109). You are the salt of the earth. Graz, John. (Lifestyle). Apr 8, p12-14(524-526). You can do something to make it happen. Sackett, Harry. (Guest editorial). Mar 11, p1(374). Young Adventist pioneers. Frantzen, Lynette. (Heritage). May 27, p22-23(806-807).

Adventist Review -- News Index 2004, v181, January-June

AFGHANISTAN : LLU/LLUMC medical team evaluates Afghanistan hospital. May 20, p18-19(770-771). Loma Linda team trains physicians in Kabul, Afghanistan. Jun 24, p19(947). AUSTRALIA : ADRA-Australia receives $10 million grant. Feb 12, p19(243). Adventists awarded Centenary Medals. Feb [5], p44(220). Australians tithe via Internet. Mar 11, p21(389). Noted Australian author dies. Feb 12, p20-21(244-245). BANGLADESH : Tornado devastates Northern Bangladesh. May 27, p19(803). BOTSWANA : Botswana Union organized. Feb 12, p21(245). CALIFORNIA : Adventist pastor, Christian publisher, respond to Left Behind's claims. Kellner, Mark A. May 27, p18-19(802-803). Afghanistan requests help from Loma Linda University. Apr 15, p19-20(563-564). California Conference releases statement after Fresno killings. Apr 8, p20(532). Children's orchestra makes friends. Feb 26, p20-21(308-309). College students help fight California wildfires. Feb [5], p42-43(218-219). Desmond Doss film wins awards. Apr 22, p19(595). Hiking accident in Peru fatal to California youth. Apr 22, p19(595). receives two Angel Awards. Apr 22, p21(597). It Is Written selects new speakers. Mar [4], p42(362). James H. Zachary dies. May 27, p20-21(804-805). LLU adds School of Science and Technology. Mar [4], p42-43(362-363). LLU medical staff on Animal Planet. May 20, p20-21(772-773). LLUMC named among top 100 hospitals. Feb [5], p43(219). Melashenko family receives Hollywood award. Mar 25, p20-21(452-453). Noted Korean leader and author dies. May 27, p19-20(803-804). Octogenarians promote Listen. Feb 26, p19(307). La Sierra University collecting computers for Ethiopia. Mar 11, p20(388). Vietnamese church dedicates press in Los Angeles. Cooney, Betty. Jan 22, p18(130). celebrates 75 years. Apr 8, p19(531). CANADA : Adventist Review wins 8 awards. Jun 10, p19(883). Canada : Adventists wary as "hate speech" is defined to include Bible, sermons. Jun 17, p19(915). CHINA : AWR begins Uyghur broadcasts. Jun 17, p20(916). COLOMBIA : Colombia : Adventist youths take to the streets of Bogotá. Jun 17, p20-21(916-917). COLORADO : Many baptisms -- not enough robes. Stots, Michele. Jun 24, p18-20(946-948). New hospital opens in Colorado. Feb 26, p19(307). COSTA RICA : New Mission office inaugurated. Jun 24, p20-21(948-949). CÔTE D'IVOIRE : West-Central Africa Division opens new facilities. Jan 8, p19-20(67-68). CURAÇAO : Netherlands Antilles launches religious freedom association. Mar 11, p20-21(388-389). DENMARK : Danish Union of Churches elects new officers. Jun 24, p21(949). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : Dominican Republic adjusting to growth. Mar 11, p19(387). FLORIDA : Fitness for mind, body, and spirit. Raitz, Vivian. Mar 18, p18-20(418-420). Florida Conference to cut 58 employees. Feb 12, p19-20(243-244). Florida learning center extends outreach to Jews. Oliver, Ansel. Mar 25, p18-18(450-451). GEORGIA : 100 couples attend Georgia Marriage Commitment event. Arnall, Jamie. Feb 26, p19-20(307-308). 400 attend first SEEDS South conference. Arnall, Jamie. Feb [5], p42(218). GREAT BRITAIN : Asian Christmas music evangelism. Feb 12, p20(244). Trans-European Division reaches secular society via TV. Apr 8, p21(533). UK enacts new employment equality legislation. Jan 8, p20-21(68-69). United Kingdom introduces new outreach plan. Roennfeldt, Peter. Apr 22, p18-20. HAITI : Adventist facilities looted in Haiti. Mar 25, p19(451). Haitian Adventists worship amid violence and chaos. Mar 18, p19(419). HONDURAS : Adventist surgeon reattaches hand. May 20, p19-20(771-772). News Index Jan.-June 2004 – p. 2

IDAHO : Pacific Press produces new witnessing tool. Apr [1], p43(507). "Passion" booklet in second printing. Apr 15, p20-21(564-565). INDIA : Restoring sight to those who are blind. Watts, Dorothy Eaton. Jun 10, p18-19(882-883). IRAN : ADRA assists aerthquake survivors. Jan 22, p20(132). ISRAEL : Israel : church continues to grow despite challenges. Jun 10, p19-20(883-884). JAMAICA : Jamaican Adventist youth offered 52 U.S. scholarships. Apr 15, p19(563). JAPAN : Hawaiian Adventists witness in Japan. Jan 15, p19-20(99-100). KOREA (SOUTH) : Koreans commemorate 100 years of ministry. Miljatovic, Kimberly. Jan 8, p18(66). MALAYSIA : Bi-Division women's convention held in Malaysia. Apr 8, p20(532). Malaysia : Penang Adventist Hospital hosts children's charity heart surgeries. Jun 17, p20(916). MALI : Working hand in hand in Mali. Mar 11, p18-19(386-387). MARYLAND : ADRA celebrates 20 years. May 20, p20(772).

Adventist Review announces staff changes. Jun 10, p20-21(884-885). Building stronger links between evangelism and nurture. Gallagher, Jonathan. May 13, p20(740). Church unity becomes priority one. May 13, p20-21(740-741). The Fundamental Beliefs and "Growing in Christ" : proposal for a new Fundamental Be lief. Jun [3], p40- 44(856-860). GC Committee members discuss ambitious strategic plan for outreach. May 13, p19-20(739-740). "Growing in Christ". Gallagher, Jonathan. May 13, p18-19(738-739). KidsView goes for the big time. Apr [1], p40-42(504-506). Longtime educator dies. Feb [5], p42(218). Maryland churches win awards. Feb 26, p20(308). Maryland, U.S. : Vibrant Life conducts cancer screening. Jun 17, p19-20(915-916). New editor for Vibrant Life. Jan [1], p43-44(43-44). Review staffer retires. Jan 22, p20(132). Richard Stenbakken retires. Jun 24, p20(948). Salvation Army, Adventist theologians meet in dialogue. Kellner, Mark A. Feb [5], p40-41(216-217). WGTS-FM expands Columbia Union College's ministry. Apr [1], p42-43(506-507). Young adult Sabbath school publication celebrates 25 years of ministry. Mar [4], p41-42(361-362). MASSACHUSETTS : AUC to offer new degrees. Jan 22, p20-21(132-133). MEXICO : Mexican Union holds first communication summit. Jan 8, p19(67). Nearly 2,000 lay graduates complete evangelism training. Jan 15, p20(100). MICHIGAN : The gift of a lifetime. Shaw, Katie. Jan 15, p18(98). World survey reveals similarities, differences in Sabbath observance. Oliver, Ansel. Feb 12, p18(242). MICRONESIA : Typhoon damages Yap Adventist school, church. May 20, p19(771). MIDDLE EAST UNION MISSION : Middle East : new officers appointed in Egypt and Sudan. Jun 17, p21(917). NEBRASKA : Union College offers Master's in physician assistant studies. Apr 15, p20(564). Union College offers new music major. Jan [1], p43(43). NETHERLANDS : Indonesian missionary honored. Feb [5], p43(219). NEVADA : Capturing ancient stories with cutting-edge technology. Mar [4], p40-41(360-361). NEW YORK (NEW YORK) : Adventist religious liberty experts speak at the U.N. May 27, p20(804). Adventist U.N. liaison condemns death penalty for conversion. Mar 11, p19-20(387-388). Adventists participate in Culture of Peace exhibit. Mar 18, p20(420). College music groups key to successful work premier. Steward, Stephanie. Apr 15, p18-20(562-564). Freedom of religion takes center stage at U.N. commemoration. Hughes, Viola Ruth. Jan 22, p19(131). UN looks to religious groups' involvement in global governance. Jun 24, p19(947). UN official calls on men to reduce HIV/AIDS among women. Apr 8, p20-21(532-533). NEW YORK (STATE) : New York Adventists honor community leaders. Jan 15, p19(99). NIGERIA : Nigerian diary. Schneider, Marti. Jan [1], p40-42(40-42). NORTH AMERICA : Church remains at forefront of anti-smoking effort. Oliver, Ansel. Feb 26, p18(306). Modern storehouse : Pathfinders in action again. May 20, p20(772). North American Adventist colleges set new enrollment record. Feb 19, p19(275). NORTH CAROLINA : California company honors Adventist building services manager. Feb 19, p21(277). Former GC treasurer dies. Mar [4], p43(363). News Index Jan.-June 2004 – p. 3

OHIO : Abercrombie and Fitch sales drop, store pulls racy catalog. Maran, Kimberly Luste. Jan 15, p19-20(99-100). Kettering College of Medical Arts receives $4 million donation. Apr 22, p20(596). OREGON : Adventist handbell choir performs with Boston Pops. Jan [1], p43(43). Former ASI director dies. Feb 19, p20(276). Oregon church starts radio station. Osburn, Larry. Feb [5], p41(217). PALAU : President of Palau honors slain Adventist missionaries. Jan 22, p19-20(131-132). PAPUA NEW GUINEA : on TV in Papua New Guinea. Apr 22, p20-21(596-597). New church leaders in New Guinea. Feb 19, p20(276). PERU : Congress honors Adventist education, founders. Jun 24, p20(948). PORTUGAL : Ninth Adventist-owned vegetarian restaurant opens in Portugal. Jan 15, p20(100). ROMANIA : Romania involves every church in public evangelism. Mar 25, p20(452). SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO : Serbia : South-East European Union elects new leaders. Jun 17, p21(917). SOLOMON ISLANDS : Bagpipes for Solomon Islands college. Jan 8, p20(68). SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION : South Pacific Adventist volunteers set new record. Mar 11, p19(387). SPAIN : Bomb attacks impact Adventists in Spain. Apr 8, p19-20(531-532). SWITZERLAND : Adventist ophthalmologist pioneers glaucoma surgery. Feb 19, p20-21(276-277). Samuel Monnier dies. Jun 10, p21(885). TENNESSEE : SAU film premieres. Mar 18, p19(419). Service with a twist. Pettibona, Janell. Jun 17, p18-19(914-915). TEXAS : Southwestern opens new research center. Apr 22, p 21(597). THAILAND : Buddhism a missions challenge for Adventists. Henao, Liliana. Apr 8, p18(530). First Adventist conference on youth and community service held in the 10/40 Window. Garcia-Marenko, Alfredo. Feb 19, p18-20(274-276). U. S. VIRGIN ISLANDS : Virgin Island Pathfinders kayak to help community. Liburd, Judith S. Jan 8, p19(67). VANUATU : Cyclone destroys Adventist villages. Mar 25, p19-20(451-452). WASHINGTON (D.C.) : Adventist couple named Washingtonians of the Year. Mar [4], p43-44(363-364). WASHINGTON (STATE) : $4 million damage from Auburn Academy fire. Jan 8, p21(69). Walla Walla College awarded $500,000 grant. Jan 15, p19(99). Washington ABC billboard draws media attention. Apr 15, p20(564).