Introduction 2

Council 4

The Professors 5

The Academic Board 5

Graduates of The University and The Graduate Committee 6

The Faculties 7

The Library 25

Finance 27

Research 31

Continuing Education 32

Buildings 33

Student Affairs 35

University Sport 36

Melbourne University Press 37

The Graduate Union 37

Melbourne Theatre Company 38

The University Assembly 40

University Gallery 41

Staff . 44

Gifts, Grants and Bequests 59

Statistics 71

Colleges and Halls of Residence 78

Scholarships, Exhibitions and Prizes 79

Degrees and Diplomas Conferred 97 UNIVERSITY OF MELiL ..-.•**•


Report on the proceedings of the University for the year ended 31 December, 1982.

His Excellency, Rear Admiral Sir Brian Murray, K.C.M.G., A.O., K.St.J., Governor of . Your Excellency, The Council of the University of Melbourne has the honour, in accordance with Section 46 of the University Act 1958, to present the first part of its report on the proceedings of the University during the year 1982. In addition to a general account of University activities, Part One of the Annual Report includes a statement of income and expenditure in respect of the General Fund as submitted for audit. Part Two of the Annual Report, which will be issued later, will be the audited financial statement. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, R. DOUGLAS WRIGHT Chancellor. INTRODUCTION Professor Sir David Derham retired on 31 May, 1982, after 14 years as Vice-Chancellor of the University. It was a difficult period for all universities. Sir David insisted that the University should maintain the highest ideals of scholarship and that no compromise of standards could be allowed. Upon his retirement he was described as the "exemplar of the best academic". The University owes a very great deal to his leadership. His successor, Professor David Caro, began duties on 1 June, after serving as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania from 1978. 1 982 was a year of change and uncertainty for all Australian universities. It was the first year of the "out-turn cost" system of grants to universities and colleges. An amount estimated to cover predicted cost rises for the year concerned was built into grants. It was not clear whether there would be supplementary grants if national cost rises exceeded the amounts assumed. Under this system, it is very difficult to administer an institution efficiently and responsibly, let alone maintain morale. It was not possible to calculate in August 1982 whether the University would be in surplus or deficit by several million dollars by the end of the year. While the nation's economy was uncertain, few other organizations faced similar problems. In the event The University of Melbourne ended the year with a balanced budget, but it laboured under great uncertainty. Universities face other Government-imposed difficulties. Perhaps the most serious is the complexity of the co-ordinating system. All State universities must respond to two Ministers, the State Minister for all legal matters and the Commonwealth Minister for funds. Both State and Commonwealth Governments have set up a complex web of co­ ordinating bodies and discussion groups. It is now possible for the Commonwealth Minister to receive advice from at least five different sources as well as from universities, professional organizations and individuals. Alongside the Commonwealth machinery there is now a co­ ordinating body established in each State. All of this results in ill-defined lines of communication and inevitably leads to duplication, confusion and misunderstanding. If Australian universities are to function effectively and efficiently, it is important that reporting and decision-making procedures should be as simple as possible. Towards theend of 1981, it was clear that the University would be entering a period of budget contraction. The University began to develop strategies to maintain standards of excellence, even at the expense of relinquishing some activities altogether. The University's Academic Policy and Planning Committee examined a number of proposals, and the University Council endorsed several general propositions. It was agreed that: "if the University is to strengthen its academic activities generally, this will probably mean that some activities will have to be reduced and some abandoned. Some activities must be "traded off" to strengthen others or to maintain the strength of others, and support should not be given to those activities which appear unlikely to reach academic maturity in the planning period of 1982 to 1 987". In line with this general philosophy the University decided to phase out courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Mining), Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgy) and Bachelor of Applied Science (Metallurgy) from the end of 1982. The Department of Mining and Metallurgy was closed on 31 December 1982. Provision was made for students already enrolled in these degree courses to complete their degrees, and it was planned to carry out teaching and research in the disciplines of mining and metallurgy in other departments in the Faculty of Engineering. Late in the year the University also announced revised arrangements for the Department of Human Movement Studies in the Faculty of Science. Council noted that community requirements for the future were likely to be for persons trained in physical education and recreation, and that provision for these studies would be better located in institutions having con­ tinuing commitments in these areas. It was agreed that from the beginning of 1984, there should be no entry into the second year of the course for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major study in Human Movement Studies. Following a period during which students already enrolled will be able to complete their courses, the Department of Human Movement Studies will be closed. Since 1968, the University has worked to replace inadequate pension and superannuation arrangements with schemes designed to meet the needs of all employees. As the year closed it seemed clear that the University would enter the Superannuation Scheme for Australian Universities (SSAU). Staff, who are currently members of other university super­ annuation funds, will be able to elect to join SSAU at any time up to one year after the University's entry into the Scheme. All new staff, eligible for superannuation, will be required to join the new Scheme. The Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 came into effect on 1 December, 1982. The Victorian Freedom of Information Act was expected to receive Royal Assent in 1983. Under the Acts, people may seek access to information about the operations of the University and to documents—although some material is exempted. The full impact of the legislation is not yet clear, but it will certainly impose an additional cost burden on the University. Despite these difficulties, many good things are happening. In 1982 the Commonwealth Government agreed to the establishment of Australia's second Graduate School of Management at the University. A talented and enthusiastic group of Melbourne businessmen is supporting the School and raising money to augment the $4 million building grant agreed to in December by the Commonwealth Government. Two Commonwealth Special Research Centres were established in the University during 1982—one in Botany and the other in Pathology. The University is receiving $1.7 million for each project from the Commonwealth Government over three years. The grants are provided under a scheme known as the Commonwealth Programme for Promotion of Excellence in Research. Professor Bruce Knox and Dr Adrienne Clarke, Reader in the School of Botany, are developing a Plant Cell Biology Research project. Professor lan McKenzie, of the Department of Pathology, is heading the project for Cancer and Transplantation. Both centres are already producing very exciting results. During the year the University established a Graduate Secretariat and sought to increase the interest of graduates in the University. The number of graduates on the postal roll is increasing, many others are joining faculty societiesand associations, and the numbervoting in University elections is rising. Graduates play a very important role in the government of the University—serving on Council, the Graduate Committee and faculties. It is hoped that graduate involvement in University life will continue to increase. Society in general does not always understand the purpose of universities, and graduates can be of inestimable assistance by explaining universities to the public. During 1982, in co-operation with Monash and La Trobe Universities, a School of Hellenic Studies was established. Courses are being provided at each University and an honours school is being developed in this University. Funds to assist the development of the new courses have been provided by a Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission Community Languages Grant. A donation from the Melbourne Greek community enabled the University to introduce courses in Modern Greek in 1974. Celebrations and events to commemorate the centenary of pianist- composer Percy Grainger's birth were a cultural highlight of the year. A gala concert at the Melbourne Concert Hall launched a week of Grainger's music. At the premiere concert, the Grainger Festival Orchestra was conducted by Professor Michael Brimer, Dean of the Faculty of Music, in the presence of the , His Excellency Rear Admiral Sir Brian Murray. Malcolm Williamson, Master of the Queen's Musick, returned to Australia to take part in the celebrations.

COUNCIL Professor Emeritus R. D. Wright was re-elected as Chancellor for a further 12 months. Dame Margaret Blackwood was re-elected and Dr J. D. McCaughey was elected to the two positions of Deputy Chancellor. Following the election of Professor K. C. Lee Dow as Vice-Chairman of the Academic Board, his position on Council became vacant and was filled in December by Professor L. K. Stevens. Pro-Vice-Chancellors for 1982 were Professor C. Howard and Professor L. R. Webb. Mr A. Scott replaced Mr W. Watson as President of the Students' Representative Council on 1 December 1982 and accordingly assumed the ex-officio position on Council from that date. In December, 1982, Mr W. Watson replaced Ms M. O'Brien as a member elected by the Undergraduates. Mr J. B. Gough, OBE, was co-opted as a member from 3 May 1982 to replace The Right Honourable Sir Ninian Stephen who had resigned in April 1982. At its December meeting Council expressed its appreciation for the service rendered by each of the retiring members, Ms M. O'Brien and Professor C. Howard. THE PROFESSORS The following professors took up their appointments to Chairs in 1982: Professor D. V. Boger (Chemical Engineering), Professor D. E. Caro (Vice- Chancellor), Professor L. B. Jeffcott (Veterinary Clinical Sciences), Professor N. Millis (Microbiology), Professor J. H. Rubinstein (Mathematics). Professor E.J. Williams (Statistics) retired at the end of the year. Professor H.C. Brookfield (Geography) resigned in August, 1982 and Professor L.J. Ray (Anatomy) died in January, 1 982.

ACADEMIC BOARD Professor C. Howard, Professor L. R. Webb and Professor D. G. Penington were elected as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Deputy Vice-Chairman respectively for 1 982. The Board provided advice to Council on a wide range of matters including the future of the Departments of Mining and Metallurgy and of Human Movement Studies, the Report of the Inquiry into Management Education (the Ralph Report), research funding, procedures for appointment to Personal Chairs and guidelines on faculty membership. The Board also advised Council on University entrance requirements. The Board considered the submission to the Universities Council for the 1985-87 Triennium and the submission to the Senate Inquiry into National Language Policy. Future admissions policy and arrangements for branch and departmental libraries were also considered. Approval was given for a major restructuring of the Bachelor of Forest Science course and for the introduction of a Master of Environmental Studies by coursework degree. The Board, through its Academic Committee, had responsibility for a complete revision of legislation relating to assessment. In addition, a simplified system for the recording of examination results was approved, reducing the number of grade structures from eleven to three. The PhD Committee brought forward a series of proposals to change the conditions of PhD candidature and these proposals were approved in principle. The Selection Procedures Committee reviewed the question of special admissions to courses and formulated directions to faculties. As a means of fulfilling its responsibility for continuing education in the University, the Board established a small standing committee to encourage the development of continuing education, consider proposals for continu­ ing education courses and provide a general oversight of continuing education in the University. The Board considered several aspects of its own organization including the chairmanship of standing committees, delegated authorities of Board officers and the Standing Orders. The Board recorded a Minute of Appreciation for Professor Emeritus Sir David Derham, whose retirement as Vice-Chancellor during 1982 completed 27 years of membership of the Academic Board.

GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY AND THE GRADUATE COMMITTEE At the end of February 1982, Dr R. L. Sharwood relinquished the position of President of the Graduates upon accepting an appointment in the Faculty of Law. Atthe first meeting of theyearfor 1982 Mr R. M. Johnson, SM Harv. BCE, a representative of the Graduates in Engineering, was elected as President of the Graduates. On 24 June 1982, the Annual Ordinary Meeting of the Graduates of the University was held. The meeting received the Annual Report for 1981 and was addressed by The Honourable Sir John Norris on "Significant Changes in the University 1920 to 1 982". Sir John is a former Warden of Convocation and a former member of the University Council. Following a survey by the Deputy Chancellor, Dr J. Davis McCaughey, in 1981, Council established a Graduate Secretariat to increase contact between the University and its graduates. Significant advances have been made in revising the graduate roll, which contains 72,000 names, thereby giving the University the facility to communicate with a larger number of its graduates. The Graduate Secretariat reports to a Graduate Relations Policy Committee of Council. The Committee is developing a long-term strategy for contact with graduates on a continuing basis. Mr Trevor Wigney, Executive Officer of the Graduate Secretariat, took up his position in June 1982 and has arranged a number of functions and activities, particularly in country areas, designed to bring the University to the attention of its graduates. The Graduate Secretariat has also given advice and logistic support to a number of faculties and departments which have begun new graduate organizations. At the end of 1981 casual vacancies existed on the Graduate Committee for representatives of graduates in Economics and Commerce (1) Engineering (2) Science (4) and Law (1). After elections in 1982 the following new members joined the Committee representing Economics and Commerce: Mr Keith Gravell; representing Engineering: Mr Roger Banks, Mr Frank Lees; representing Science: Mr John Nicholas, Dr John Ryan, Mr Glen Smith (re-elected), Mr Greig Brown; representing Law: Mr Richard Cook. Members of the committee were delighted to note that Mr Basil Moss, a representative of graduates in Arts, was awarded an MBE in the New Years' Honours List in 1 982. The Graduate Committee held 10 ordinary meetings during the year and 87 items of legislation were considered. At six of these meetings guest speakers addressed the Committee on matters of interest to the University.

AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Dean:DrD. G. Parbery It is pleasing to the staff of the School of Agriculture and Forestry that there is generally strong support for, and encouragement of, the activities of this School. Although we are currently reviewing the School's administrative structure, as well as the structure and content of our undergraduate degrees, we are confident that there is no need or justification for changing our overall goals or operation. We are encouraged by signs of increasing demand from Australian graduates for postgraduate places; by the highly satisfactory level of employment of our graduates in 1982; and particularly by the demand for postgraduates which is stronger than the supply. It has been particularly pleasing to watch the quickening and strengthen­ ing of activity within the Forestry Section of the School, resulting from Professor Ferguson's leadership. A full complement of University acad­ emic staff has now been appointed to Creswick and the affiliation, which has run smoothly during its interim phase, is firmly established. Attention will now turn to acquiring satisfactory accommodation for staff and the development of research. I would like to express our deep gratitude to Mr R. Orr, Principal of the Victorian School of Forestry, Creswick, and his staff, and to the Victorian Forests Commission for sharing our determination to make this affiliation work and for their considerable contribution to attaining the present position. It is also pleasing to report that Dr A. R. Egan will take up his appointment to the Chair of Animal Production on 24 January 1983, and that Dr D. J. Connor will take up his appointment to the Chair of Plant Production on 1 June 1983. During the year delegations from China, Iraq and Zimbabwe explored the opportunities for postgraduate training in the School. On 8 October, Mr Eric Kent MLA, State Minister for Agriculture, spent the day at the School of Agriculture and Forestry inspecting our work and facilities. External support for research within the School reached $800,000, an increase of about 25 per cent over the previous year. A large grant from the Bellambie Coal Company will support research aimed at showing how the company might strip-mine prime agricultural land for coal and return it as near as possible to its original agricultural capacity. This project is the first of its type in Australia and is of substantial national significance. Forestry has also attracted research funds. During 1982, 75 scientific articles, books and chapters of books, as well as 22 reports, were published. The only major item of equipment bought was an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A growing problem is the increasing cost of servicing and maintaining ageing equipment. Of particular concern is the cost of maintenance of the Phytotron. Because the Faculty's basic degrees require the teaching of applied science to farm, forest, industrial and environmental problems, as well as a basic knowledge of sciences, economics and management, and practices fundamental to the professional application, there is a heavy reliance on teaching practical skills and in demonstrating applications in the laboratories and in the field. As a result, there has always been a heavy dependence on practical courses, requiring adequate numbers of tutors and excursions. At the same time, a wide range of disciplines has to be covered. Present staffing allows us to cover the main fields reasonably well but reductions in the number of tutors and in availability of excursions seriously threaten our standards. In 1 982, all tutors were employed on a fractional full time basis and excursions were cut by one-third. The prospects of this trend continuing are alarming. Despite drought conditions and the collapse of the meat market, Mt Derrimut, the University farm, has managed well. The cereal crop was less than usual, but better than in many parts of Victoria. At Strathfieldsaye an excellent autumn break provided a welcome change to previous years. Unfortunately this did not lead to a good spring and we are again facing a drought. Even so, we have finished the year on, or slightly ahead of, budget. A substantial reduction in cattle numbers and an increase in the sheep flock should provide a better basis for coping with drought and an unreliable beef market. Many more research programmes are under way at Strathfieldsaye. In addition to the sheep blowfly work (Zoology), electric fencing (Engineering) and salt tolerance in Eucalypts (Agriculture and Forestry), research programmes are investigating: the basis for better subterranean clover cultivars especially in relation to hard seededness; the genetics of cashmere production as a basis for cashmere herd improvement; evaluation of new pasture legumes; and an investigation of the cause and control of weaner ill thrift, a cause of death in weaner merinos for most years in the East Gippsland region.

ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Dean: Professor G. Seddon The Faculty was established at the beginning of 1982 by amalgamating the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning and the Centre for Environmental Studies. The new Faculty comprises two large departments, the Department of Architecture and Building and the School of Environmental Planning. The latter incorporates the former Department of Town and Regional Planning and Centre for Environmental Studies. Although the processes of making the amalgamation an effective one have inevitably been time-consuming and difficult, it is a pleasure to report that

8 staff have met the challenge with enthusiasm and a sense of common purpose. It may take several years for the shape and nature of the new Faculty to become fully apparent as it reviews its basic staffing and financial resources, its major teaching and research activities and its main areas of involvement with the general community outside the University. The total number of students enrolled in courses in the Faculty in 1 982 was 689. Of these, 123 were Masters and PhD candidates, and 40 were enrolled in the Faculty's two formally structured Masters Preliminary courses (Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning). Pass rates in subjects taught by the Faculty were satisfactory. There was an improvement in the number and quality of students qualifying in 1 982 for the award of the degrees of Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Building and Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning with honours. The first students to qualify for the Master of Environmental Studies did so in 1982. The Faculty planned a new Master of Environmental Studies degree by coursework in 1 982 that will be put into operation in 1 983, and began an extensive programme of course revision and rationalisation that will carry forward into the next year or two. External support for research projects within the Faculty was at a substantial level, including three Australian Research Grants Schemes (ARGS) grants, a grant from the National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council (NERDDC) and a major grant from the Department of National Development and Energy to carry out part of its survey of Australia's water resources to the year 2000. The University made a special equipment allocation of $40,000 to the Faculty for purchases of computer graphics equipment. The Faculty also acquired additional word-processing equipment. Accommodation planning for the Faculty has been a major issue in 1982. The creation of the new Faculty and the School of Environmental Planning made it a matter of urgency to improve the accommodation available to the Faculty. The University commissioned a report from Daryl Jackson Architects Pty Ltd for this purpose at the end of 1981. The Architect's Preliminary Report was presented in May 1982. It suggested that a total project cost of at least $2 million would be needed to upgrade the Architecture and Planning Building adequately. The report envisaged the immediate fitting out of the sixth floor of the building and the provision of a central atrium to give the building an attractive focus and to bring to life a dead space. The student-staff ratio in the Department of Architecture and Building increased to 14.23 in 1 982. In the School of Environmental Planning the ratio increased to 11.66. Neither ratio is satisfactory in view of the high proportion pf postgraduates in the Faculty and the intensity of teaching demanded by professional courses involving studio work. Professor Michael McCarthy, Division of Landscape Resources, University of Arizona, accepted appointment to the Elisabeth Murdoch Chair of Landscape Architecture and will take up his duties as Foundation Professor in February 1983. Mr John McLoughlin, currently The Croucher Visiting Fellow in the Department of Planning at Hong Kong University, has accepted appointment as Professor of Town and Regional Planning from February 1 983.

ARTS Acting Dean: Professor Margaret Manion In the face of current financial stringencies and both University and the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission pressure, the Arts Faculty adopted a policy early in the year of review, restructuring and develop­ ment, based on criteria formulated by its academic staff in consultation with wider appropriate University bodies. The following steps have been taken so far: • Four departments or centres have undergone mergers effective from 1983, for two years in the first instance. • Secretarial and administrative costs have been reduced by $100,000 and departmental vote allocations by $26,000. This was a stringent one-off measure and will not be available again to Faculty. • An examination has begun of the teaching methods and range of subjects in first year. Each department has also been asked to assess its overall teaching programme, stating what economies might be made without the lowering of teaching standards, to provide more time for research. • Discussions have taken place with the other metropolitan universities concerning the possible co-operation of language teaching in Victoria. • The Faculty has also responded in detail to the enquiry set up by the University's Sub-Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. Professor Geoffrey Blainey was appointed Dean of the Faculty for three years from 1 January, 1982 on the understanding that he be granted leave from September 1982 to February 1983 to take up an appointment as Visiting Professor of Australian Studies at Harvard University. This year of self-assessment and critical stress has also been one of outstanding academic achievement by both staff and students. Once again in 1982, despite comments in the Press and the opinions of educational pundits that an education in Arts is falling out of favour with students, applications to the Faculty were in the thousands and selection proved an arduous task. The Faculty cut-off score rose to 278 and there were no indications that Higher School Certificate students are losing interest in Arts courses. Student numbers in the Faculty showed no dramatic swings or declines although most departments are increasingly hard-pressed to provide adequate teaching for their students. Class sizes, especially in tutorials and seminars, are outrageously high and many departments have expressed concern that increasing budgetary cuts, with no corresponding reduction in student numbers are affecting the quality of our teaching. In 1982 the Faculty attracted special funding of $110,000 a year for the triennium 1982-84 from the CTEC community language grants to mount an Honours School in Hellenic Studies and to extend its teaching of the

10 pass post-HSC course in Modern Greek to the three metropolitan universities. As a result of generous donations by two Japanese foundations, Monash University has established an inter-University centre of Japanese Studies in which staff from the East Asian Studies Department of this Faculty are participating. Mr L. R. Oates (East Asian Studies) has been appointed Vice-Principal of the Centre which will be located at Monash. The introduction of the Bachelor of Letters Degree met with an outstanding response from the community. The Degree promises to be a most successful innovation, meeting a widely-felt academic need. More departments are following the trend, set by the Department of History some years ago, of making entrance to the Honours school operative at third instead of second year level. Fine Arts adopted this policy in 1982; Political Science and Indian Studies will introduce it in 1983. This is already the practice in the Departments of Criminology, English and History. Departments are also looking to the possible reduction of subject offerings because of current staffing problems. Indian Studies has reduced its programme for 1983. The Faculty's approach to first-year teaching is also being re-assessed. Two mergers took place because of pressures on staffing. The Department of Russian and the Horwood Language Centre have become the Department of Russian and Language Studies. Russian will also be one of three Beginner's language courses taught in the Language Centre in 1983. In December, the Horwood Language Centre, in association with Coopers and Lybrand, the international financial management firm, was awarded a large five-year contract from the Australian Development Assistance Bureau (Department of Foreign Affairs) to set up the Australian Language Centre in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Centre, which is intended to enhance the Australian presence in Indonesia, will teach a wide range of courses in English as a Foreign Language to Indonesians who will be coming to Australia for advanced academic study. The Departments of Indian Studies and Indonesian and Malayan Studies have become the Department of Indian and Indonesian Studies. This merger has been established in the context of developing a school or wider Faculty grouping which joins the common interest of this new Department, the Department of East Asian Studies, and many other existing departments, in cross-cultural studies in non-western societies. Work has already begun on developing this new type of grouping, designed to strengthen the Asian areas of learning. Faculty continues to place a high priority on research, though challenged by the difficulties of providing adequate time for research to staff because of the teaching pressures incurred by large numbers of students. The Faculty is experiencing increasing problems because of inadequate accommodation and the need to equip and renovate rooms and lecture theatres. Recent mergers prompted a re-location of certain parts of the Faculty and the initiation of a longer-term project to examine the allocation of available space.

11 Several of the projects and assessment studies launched by the Faculty in 1982 are planned to continue. These include the survey of first-year teaching, the assessment by departments of their current programmes, the postgraduate school, the rationalisation of language teaching in Victoria, the development of a school or wider Faculty grouping in the Asian area, and the best use of accommodation and teaching facilities throughout the Faculty. The vacant Chair in the Geography department has also raised issues of vital importance to the Faculty which it will address in the coming months. Dr Michael John Osborne, formerly of the Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Lancaster, has been appointed to the Chair of Classical Studies.

DENTALSCIENCE Dean: Professor J. G. Waterson Some important changes have occurred which will have far-reaching effects on the academic and administrative functions of the Faculty. In response to requests from the University's Academic Policy and Planning Committee, Faculty examined its departmental structure with a view to correcting an imbalance in the size and responsibilities of the three departments. The Faculty recommended staff transfers to strengthen some academic areas and to ensure better use of the total resources of the Faculty. The recommendations were accepted by the University Council and are to be implemented at the beginning of 1 983. The performance of the Faculty in its new form will be watched closely to determine the feasibility of an eventual change to a one-department faculty. Substantial progress has been made in developing relations with the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne so that its role as a teaching hospital can be identified more clearly. A valuable contribution to clinical teaching has been made by hospital staff employed as part-time teachers, and further clinical experience periods supervised by hospital staff have brought Hospital and University together in a co-operative effort which augurs well. The demand for admission to the undergraduate dental course in 1 982 was reduced by about 6% per cent compared with the previous year. The reasons for this are obscure but could relate to publicity given to over­ production of dentists in Australia. Strong interest continued in postgraduate courses and the available places in the various Masters programmes were keenly sought. During 1982 the Dental Studies Programmes were extended to the Third Year and while difficulties in implementation continue they were fewer than was the case with the introduction of Dental Studies II. Problems experienced in implementing the Dental Studies Programmes are largely administrative. Major grants have continued from the Victorian Dairy Industry Authority, the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Rowden White Foundation.

12 Minor alterations to laboratory and clinical areas have resulted in more efficient use of available space. Office and laboratory accommodation for staff has improved but problems remain in providing adequate space for postgraduate students. The upgrading of clinical areas continues and this is a particularly important move to allow the teaching of "general practice" dentistry to senior undergraduates. The introduction of modern equipment reduces space available when existing older type units are replaced, and this has caused rostering problems. With the introduction of clinical teaching into early years of the course, the demand for clinical space is even heavier now and there are increasing problems in accommodating students in these areas. Little relief has occurred in the problem of providing adequate clinical supervision of students during actual patient treatment. In some areas a ratio of one to one must be maintained for safety reasons and consequently, demands on clinical qualified staff are heavy. Attempts to overcome aspects of this problem by employing part-time staff are hampered by financial restrictions. Further reductions in funding will accentuate this problem. Finally, the introduction of Faculty continuing education programmes has proved to be highly successful. The courses have attracted wide interest and a heavy demand for places.

ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE Dean: Professor L R. Webb This year was eventful and in some respects traumatic for the Faculty. In April the Committee of Inquiry into Management Education (the Ralph Committee) presented its Report to the Commonwealth Government. The Report recommended, inter alia, the creation of a (second) national management school at the University of Melbourne, based on ear-marked capital and recurrent grants. This otherwise favourable recommendation was not without com­ plications, for the grants were to be dependent upon the University meeting certain conditions, among which the most striking were the requirement that there be no commitment to existing staff in recruiting for the new school, and a recommendation that the new school should be independent of any existing faculty. The pioneering role of the Faculty in management education was recognized by the Ralph Committee, but the Committee accepted the view that the future success of graduate management education in Australia depended on cutting links with the existing Faculty and the Graduate School of Business Administration in the interests of establishing a free­ standing school of the kind frequently found in United States universities. The timetable within which the University was asked to respond to the recommendations of the Ralph Committee allowed insufficient time for normal consultative procedures to be followed within the University. The Council of the University nevertheless offered a positive but cautious response to the recommendations and agreed that a new Graduate School of Management would be set up independently of the existing Faculty.

13 There was strong support in the Faculty for the development of the new Graduate School of Management within the Faculty. Following support for the University's response from the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission, the Commonwealth Government in October 1982 agreed to establish a national management school in the University of Melbourne. An Interim Board of Management for the Graduate School of Management was established and is expected to take over from the Faculty responsibility for management education in the University from July 1983. The Faculty also considered University proposals for re-structuring and developing the Faculty. It is too early to indicate what response the Faculty will make to the proposals, which affect all departments. Substantial improvement in the Faculty's research performance which has been evident for some years continued in 1982. The Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research retained its position as one of Australia's leading recipients of grants and awards for the funding of full-time research in the social sciences. Major projects were carried out in the important areas of Australia's water resources, employment and unem­ ployment patterns, large-scale econometric modelling, flow of funds analysis, and short-term forecasting. The Department of Economics was successful in gaining several grants for research, including a substantial grant for research into Aboriginal employment in the mining industry. The Department of Economic History attracted ARGS grants for studies on economy and household in Australia and the recent history of large Australian corporations. A new activity for the Department of Regional and Urban Economic Studies was its major role in the development of a new journal, Urban Policy and Research. An agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the University relating to the IMPACT project was renewed during 1982 for a further three years. La Trobe University is now formally included in the co­ operative arrangements: There is a widespread concern in the Faculty that the increased size of tutorial classes and the higher teaching loads borne by staff in response to budgetary restrictions may soon begin to affect student performance adversely. It will be necessary in these circumstances to conduct a review of the Faculty's teaching commitments with a view to reducing the number and range of offerings.

EDUCATION Dean: Professor K. C. Lee Dow Planning the scope and direction of activities for the future came to assume top priority for the Faculty of Education in 1982. For some years the Faculty has accommodated steady-state enrolments and steadily shrink­ ing resources while maintaining a comprehensive programme. In these years the instability observed in some other parts of the teacher education sector has heightened awareness of the need for co-ordination and for complementing other activities rather than duplicating them. It is in this

14 context that the Faculty is reappraising its role, following a stable period in organizational patterns and arrangements. Our organizational base has been the disciplines traditionally regarded as contributing to educational issues: philosophy, psychology, history, comparative studies, curriculum studies and educational measurement being the principal areas maintained over a long period. More recently we have added sociology, studies in educational thought, educational administration, studies in higher education, policy studies and education of the hearing impaired. In the present atmosphere of consolidation and concentration it is apparent that, to strive for excellence in all we do, we shall have to limit and probably reduce this range and scale of activities. Different fields change in strength and popularity over time in education. Resources will need to be used to promote strong development in a limited number of areas, while maintaining a sufficient range of educational perspectives appropriate within an established University school of education. Pressure for enrolment in the Diploma course was stronger in 1982 than in earlier years, despite publicized uncertainties in teacher employment. The Faculty maintained a constant enrolment number in this course: 350 in 1982, compared with an average of 345 over the six years 1 977 to 1 982. In these years, other institutions either allowed numbers to fluctuate or steadily to reduce. As in previous years, the Careers and Appointments Board reports that our graduates are still being employed at a rate no less than in earlier years. In fact the proportion of 1981 diplomates from this Faculty employed by April 1982 was higher than in recent years. The Board further observes that "these days, many novice teachers are eased into permanent positions during the first term of the school year". There has been steady growth in enrolments in masters courses in the Faculty over the past decade, from 129 in 1973 to 312 in 1982. Twenty six students were enrolled for the Degree in 1982, compared with an average number of 20 enrolments over the past six years. In contrast, there has been a fall off in Bachelor degree enrolments: 21 5 in 1 982, compared with an average of 259 over the past six years. The fall in Bachelor degree enrolments has followed the rise in Masters degree enrolments largely because selected students gain accelerated progress to Masters level without completing the Bachelor degree. Last year the Faculty reported that, following the Review of Commonwealth Functions, the University and Melbourne State College had begun informal discussions towards an association. In 1981 and in the early part of 1982, the Faculty took a leading part in these discussions. The decision taken elsewhere to adopt other arrangements for the College cut short developments. Melbourne Studies in Education 1982 is the twenty-fourth volume of this annual publication of the Faculty. It is the last of 10 consecutive issues under the editorship of Dr Stephen Murray-Smith, a Reader in Education. It contains 12 articles covering a range of subjects. Also published in 1982 was the third annual volume of Melbourne Working Papers, prepared by

15 staff and research students in the sociology of education. It is a substantial bound volume of over 200 pages, incorporating seven articles. The publication of the book Teacher Learning, edited and contributed to by Gwyneth Dow, Reader in Education, is noteworthy. It expands an earlier account of educational theories tested and refined by teachers in action in classrooms. The field of policy studies and educational administration developing under Professor Hedley Beare has been strengthened by the appointment for the three years 1 982-84 of Dr T. J. Moore, formerly Deputy Director- General of Education in Victoria, as Visiting Professor. Parallel courses and research in policy studies are conducted in the field of higher education within the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. A major study completed there in 1 982 relates to the adequacy and future direction of the Commonwealth's Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme (TEAS). In the prevailing competitive climate for limited educational research funding, staff from both the Department and Centre do well. Six projects are being supported by ARGS funds in 1982. Professor K. B. Start holds substantial grants from the Commonwealth Department of Health and from the Commonwealth Schools Commission. Major grants within the Centre come from the Commonwealth Department of Education and from the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (CTEC). The Centre continues to publish a now well established series of Research Working Papers, having produced nine in 1982. The Centre for the Study of Higher Education maintains its diverse range of programmes, including the Learning Skills Project reported previously. It has been highly complimented in a report on Academic Development Units in Australian Universities and Colleges of Advanced Education, released under the Evaluative Studies Programme of CTEC. The report describes the Melbourne Centre as "much the most successful of the larger units . . ., very well known . . ., much used and subject to little criticism". It sees the Melbourne Centre as "the doyen of units" which led the development of the other units throughout Australia. The success of the Centre at Melbourne is attributed to its being "an integral part of a major academic component of the institution". It acknowledges that by being a part of the Faculty of Education, the staff of the Centre are perceived in the University to have the same status and conditions of work as do other academics. That is not the case in other institutions.

ENGINEERING Dean: Professor L. K. Stevens The Faculty of Engineering maintained a high level of achievement in 1982 despite problems arising from funding deficiencies and major course adjustments. Students continued to show their preference for courses in Engineering, Applied Science and Surveying in the University of Melbourne and the HSC cut-off score for Engineering increased further. Female students comprised 11 per cent of the 1982 entry with the total enrolment in the Faculty now being 6.2 per cent.

16 First year results in Engineering reflected the high standard of entry with an increase in the pass rate. Pass rates in later years were generally satisfactory with an evident high degree of motivation being sustained. The Faculty has co-operated in the Learning Skills project in an effort to improve student performance and valuable assistance has been obtained from the Centre for the Study of Higher Education in evaluating course changes and in improving teaching techniques. Research has been maintained at a high level with substantial grants being obtained from industry, government and research associations. A limi­ tation to the research effort is the number of staff and research students available. The continued reduction in funding is reducing the time available for staff research and the low value of scholarships does not encourage students into postgraduate work. Although the level of equipment funding has been maintained, the expense of high technology items and their rapid rate of obsolescence is creating problems in satisfying teaching and research requirements. A major problem for resolution in the near future is the provision of computing facilities through local or centralized equipment and a co­ ordinated Faculty and University approach will be essential to ensure effective use of resources. Provision of adequate accommodation for laboratories and staff continues to be a serious problem in a number of areas. The library renovations have been highly successful in producing an acceptable standard of accom­ modation after many years of appalling conditions. Renovations to the Commonwealth Radiation Laboratory have also produced good quality space for sections of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The staffing situation in the Faculty has again suffered through cuts in funding. Academic staff numbers have been reduced while student numbers have increased. Serious reductions have taken place in the technical staff areas which will have serious effects on both teaching and research. Much effort has been expended by the Faculty and the University in reviewing the future of Mining and Metallurgy with the result that the degree courses in these disciplines are to be discontinued. The reason for this decision was financial because the available Faculty resources were considered to be inadequate to support these activities at an acceptable academic level. The small and variable numbers of students taking these courses were considered to render them non-viable and there will be no intake of students from 1983. Elements of the courses which are vital to other discipline areas will be continued while special attention is to be given to promoting extractive metallurgy research in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Staff continue to make significant contributions to national development and professional issues through national committees, by consulting work and as advisers to industry and government, and by membership of professional institutions, both in Australia and through overseas aid programmes.

17 A major activity of the Faculty has been the development of an Engineering School Foundation to commemorate the centenary of the degree course in engineering. It is planned to launch an appeal in April 1983, with a target of $2.5 million over five years, the funds to be used to promote excellence in teaching and research in the Faculty. Sir lan McLennan is the Chairman of the Foundation and enthusiastic support has been received from graduates and industry representatives for the concept. Despite the present poor economic climate, it is hoped that the target will be achieved, so allowing the Faculty to carry out special developments. The rather bleak financial future for universities will require careful planning for the most efficient use of the available resources; the challenge is one which must be met by sound, imaginative responses to the opportunities, as well as to the restrictions which will arise.

LAW Dean: Professor C. Howard The number of applicants for Law in 1982 was 1,296 compared with 1,217 in 1981. This increase again indicates the strong and continually growing demand for places in this Faculty. The same phenomenon was reflected in the fact that the minimum Higher School Certificate score required to gain entry through the first-year quota remained very high at 336. Last year three new optional subjects were introduced. Comparative Constitutional Systems, The Law of Patents and Inventions, and Research Project B were introduced into the undergraduate curriculum. Two other subjects, Company Law and Consumer Law, were restructured into Company Law 1 and 2, and Consumer Protection and Consumer Credit respectively. The Faculty again had no difficulty in filling its target for postgraduate students. Interest in postgraduate courses, particularly the Master of Laws by coursework, continues to be high. In 1982 more than 60 applications were received for the 29 places available in the LLM by coursework programme. Of the 86 candidates enrolled for higher degrees in 1982, five were enrolled for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and 81 for the degree of Master of Laws. One candidate successfully completed the Master of Laws by thesis and 12 the Master of Laws by coursework. Although not a staff member, the appointment of Sir Daryl Dawson, as he now is, to the High Court of Australia, is recorded with deep pleasure. Sir Daryl has maintained a close connection with the Law School over many years, particularly by his participation in the LLM by coursework programme. He will remain a member of Faculty. Regrettably difficulties such as the staff/student relationship and in­ adequate library facilities continue to hamper both teaching and research in the Faculty and to be a constant source of irritation and discouragement for staff and students. Because of the financial uncertainties facing the University, it is extremely difficult to plan ahead. The Faculty is only too conscious of the need for restraint and careful management over the coming years.

18 MEDICINE Dean: Professor D. G. Penington During 1982 changes to the undergraduate curriculum approved several years ago were implemented in the third and the fifth year of the course. These have involved a considerable alteration in emphasis both in content and approach to teaching as well as to assessment; and careful monitoring of the changes has been maintained throughout the year. Generally, they have been well accepted by the students and their enthusiasm for the revised curriculum is reflected by the fact that for the first time in many years not a single student was recommended for suspension from the course. In 1979 the Faculty adopted a policy to develop its higher degree research work and to take steps to accommodate this within our resources through reduction in intake into the MB.BS. course. This decision was simplified by the fact of oversupply of medical graduates and requests from govern­ ment that intake to medical schools be reduced. Steps were taken to encourage departments to expand their research activities together with higher degree enrolments and these policies have been successful to an embarrassing extent. Enrolments for higher degrees have grown rapidly and with this there has been steady expansion of funding for research work attracted from bodies such as the National Health and Medical Research Council. The Medical Faculty of the University continues to lead the Australian field in terms of the funds it attracts in an increasingly competitive environment. Substantial support has also been won from a variety of other research funding bodies. At the close of 1982 it became necessary for the first time to apply a brake on enrolment to higher degrees because of constraints on the University generally concerning student numbers. Budgetary restrictions continue to cause major difficulties but with an atmosphere of cooperation within the Faculty, it has been possible to continue our programme of rationalisation of resources started in 1978. It has proved possible, despite the difficulties, to recruit and support some outstanding new senior members of staff bringing with them important new research initiatives and to fund new developments in areas of both teaching and research. There remains great pressure for places in the medical course and with the intake for 1982 of 210 (reduced from 220 in 1 981). The pass rate in the first three years of the course under the revised curriculum continues to be extremely high. Students in the first year are now exposed to a significant medical content in their teaching and each year a very small number of students in the first year has sought counselling concerning career choice and subsequently withdrawn from the course rather than proceeding as in the past, to the second or third year before facing these doubts. Professor D. M. Danks is to take up his appointment as Research Foundation Professor of Paediatrics at the Royal Children's Hospital from 1 January 1983. His contribution to the development of the Department of Paediatrics has been a most important one over the past eight years. The Department now has an enviable research and teaching profile and the

19 new appointee, Professor Peter Phelan brings with him a vigorous further contribution of clinical expertise, research and teaching which will complement admirably the basic research interests of Professor Danks and his group in the Research Foundation. Professor Phelan's contributions in the field of thoracic medicine and more recently in the field of epidemiology foreshadow a broadening of the activities of the Department with further important initiatives. Professor Nancy Millis was honoured during the year by appointment to a Personal Chair in the Department of Microbiology, recognising her contributions in the field of biological engineering and related contri­ butions to the community. The appointment of Professor lan Darian-Smith to the vacant Chair of Anatomy from the start of 1983 signals a major development of neuroscience within the Department of Anatomy which, it is hoped, will relate to research in neurological and neurosurgical fields in the institutes and hospitals affiliated with the Faculty. The Selwyn Smith Research Prize for 1 982 was awarded to Dr lan Gust in recognition of the distinguished contributions he and his team have made to the study of viruses associated with hepatitis. Council awarded the Sir William Upjohn Medal to Professor R. R. H. Lovell in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Australian medicine since taking up his appointment as James Stewart Professor of Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital in 1955. 1982 was the fifth year of tenure of the present Dean and the major changes planned in the indergraduate field, in the re-allocation of resources to support postgraduate activities and research and the initiatives in professional postgraduate and continuing education are all now well under way. It will take several years for these changes to be fully and securely established as part of the continuing pattern of Medicine in the University of Melbourne. The need for continuing contact between our graduates and the Faculty has been recognised by the establishment during 1982 of the University of Melbourne Medical Society; the support which the Dean's Lecture Series has received over the past two years further underlines the potential for valuable interaction between the Faculty and its graduates. Continuing education has been an important new initiative for the Faculty over the past four years and it is with regret that we note the retirement of Mrs Margaret Best who has carried the major administrative burden of this successful programme. Relationships with the clinical colleges are developing steadily and it is likely that the Faculty will increasingly be asked to contribute to postgraduate training and continuing education for their fellows and members.

MUSIC Dean: Professor M. Brimer The year was successful, and was made particularly memorable by the Grainger Centenary Celebrations organized by the staff of the Faculty. A

20 week-long international musicological conference on Percy Grainger and the areas covered by the holdings of the Grainger Museum was a great success. A series of five major concerts was held in the evenings; two in the new Melbourne Concert Hall, and one each in the Hall, the Camberwell Civic Centre and Wilson Hall. The enthusiastic contribution of staff to both concerts and conference deserves mention. For a Department/Faculty that has had no money spent on extensions, let alone new buildings since 1 927, the decision of the CTEC to by-pass the University's long-standing first priority for a new building was a blow. The Faculty cannot function as it should without some short term relief in the near future. The number of qualified applicants for places continues to rise. Standards continue to be maintained, and good students are attracted in all major areas. There should be a good injection of talent into the higher degree area in 1983. Staff members are engaged in research covering a wide field. In addition to traditional areas the music-technology area continues to receive close attention. The Grainger Museum is now, particularly since the centenary celebrations, attracting more attention from scholars. Staff of the Faculty continue to perform throughout Australia and overseas. The Faculty is planning no major changes in its activities. It is operating well within the guidelines established for it and the Victorian College of the Arts. The liaison committee of the two institutions meets twice a year.

SCIENCE Dean: Professor C. A. Ramm One of the most important events in 1982 was the award of federal funding for a Plant Cell Biology Research Centre in the School of Botany. Additional support from various University and Faculty resources, also, is being diverted to the Centre to extend its accommodation and experimen­ tal facilities as rapidly as possible. Another very significant development is the approval of a planning study for a new building for Zoology. Appropriate accommodation is essential for the proper development of every department—it is a fervent hope that this approval will be followed by the construction of long awaited modern facilities for research and teaching in the biological sciences. Generally, however, recurrent resources have been shrinking rapidly, invoking much planning to reduce commitments to match the available funds. Most posts which have become vacant must remain so. As a result of the continuing review of the unit system of undergraduate science courses, departments are now indicating their preferred courses for the Bachelor of Science. There is a continuing amalgamation of units, particularly in Computer Science, Geology and Zoology. The re-orientation forum for first-year students included aspects of learning skills and information about academic regulations. This first forum was attended by more than 100 students and will be expanded next year.

21 Mathematics maintains strong research programmes in fluid and statistical mechanics and in group theory and topology, also in gravity waves in hydrodynamics. Major research interests in Meteorology involve computer modelling of the atmosphere, oceans and ice sheets. The long term aim of this programme is directed towards developing techniques for the prediction of climatic fluctuations: reliable forecasting in this field would be of national economic importance. Research in Statistics continues in inference, stochastic processes related to biological phenomena and storage and traffic theory. Indicative of the research developments in Computer Science, the higher degree enrolments have risen from 21 in 1980 to 30 in 1982. Fields of research include speech synthesis, programme modularization and logic for winning in "games": the latter field has wide application in commerce and industry. The Pelletron, installed eight years ago, continues to be fully used to the point that there are priorities for operating time and some experiments make use of the accelerator facilities in the Australian National University. Physics also has a group which collaborates in experiments at the Indiana Cyclotron. The research in electron diffraction and crystal structure continues with much success, as do the other fields. Because of the overall inadequacy of the funds for research in high energy physics, the effort in that field has been transferred to research in neutron and molecular optics. Together with longstanding studies in the Botany School of Phytophthora Cinnamomi, the Centre for Plant Cell Biology has commenced research on two other Phytophthora species based on the knowledge that hosts in resistant and susceptible forms are known from studies of P. vigna with cow peas and P. parasitica with tobacco. Research grants are becoming still more channelled to applied projects; the sole sources of support for "pure" research remain in the ARGS and in some University funds. Stage 1 of the refurbishing of the Chemistry Buildings including modernizing and conforming with current safety standards in the Parts 1 and 2 laboratories, was completed in time for the 1982 teaching year. Approval for the preparation of plans for a new building for Zoology is, at this time, the mandatory prerequisite for the proper development of the present Department. A much needed culture facility for amphibian hybrids, for example, could not until now be contemplated. The research programmes such as in marine zoo-plankton, neuro-physiology and bio- acoustics which operate in crowded and inefficient conditions, now, too, have prospects of facilities designed for their needs. Better accom­ modation would allow more of the students who wish to take Zoology to realize their aims. The Plant Cell Biology Research Centre needs extra space also to make a proper use of the new resources. Limited expansion is being obtained by conversion of the present Plant Physiology Teaching Laboratory. A replacement laboratory is planned for the roof of the Natural Philosophy building.

22 The very grave handicaps caused by the accommodation for Computer Science are without present prospects of improvement. To match the 1983 Faculty commitment to the 1983 allocation of funds, announced in November, and to maintain sufficient operating funds it is necessary to forego normal re-appointment to some 38 staff posts. These enforced vacancies include 10 academic posts, or six per cent of the total. The Faculty undergraduate enrolment is being reduced by about one per cent: clearly the overall result is that student-staff ratios are rising. It is a consequence of the economic situation that all teaching must be as efficient as possible and options in the choice of undergraduate courses reduced. The David Syme Research Prize for 1982 was shared jointly by Drs J. M. Adams and S. Cory, of the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, for a submission entitled: "Research on Immunoglobulin Genes: Germline Organization and Somatic Recombination". Professor John Lovering of Geology was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. Professor Lovering is also Dean-Elect. Dr Hyam Rubinstein, formerly Senior Lecturer in the Mathematics Department, has been appointed to a Chair in Mathematics. Because of the reduced funding, and the need for still more precise control of expenditures by departments, budgeting for 1982 was almost entirely on the principle of a specified allocation to each department for the year with the understanding that it would not be augmented. The system was highly successful and acceptable, and will be used again for 1983. University Council has agreed to the phasing out of the Department of Human Movement Studies. The 1983 student enrolment will be limited and in 1984 no second year enrolment will be accepted: at the end of 1 984 the Department will cease to exist. My term as Dean will end after 11 years in June 1983. It seems that there have been 28 deans since the Faculty of Science was founded in 1903. While I have enjoyed the challenges of the deanship, I look forward, also, to relinquishing them to the next dean and to devoting again greater time to scholarly pursuits. In this last annual report I record my warmest appreciation to all the members and colleagues who have participated so willingly in the planning and operations of Faculty, not only in 1982 but in the preceding decade as well.

VETERINARY SCIENCE Dean: Professor K. V. F. Jubb The Faculty found 1 982 to be a year requiring some adjustments but one which was, within the context of the University's circumstances, a successful year. The standard of entering students was high, the performance of enrolled students was high, research activity showed a new vitality, demands for higher degree studies was high, ancillary activities achieved good levels of performance, and the Faculty's administrative activity was further reduced.

23 The quality of entering students was maintained, or perhaps a little elevated. The number of applications, after change of preference, was approximately as in earlier years. Progression rates remain high. In 1982 the pass rate for first year students was 100 per cent. The Faculty's target load has been exceeded and a slight reduction of entering numbers has been necessary. Postgraduate enrol­ ments were also slightly over target. The Faculty would wish postgraduate numbers to grow but faces the problem of determining the appropriate mix of undergraduate and postgraduate students, within the assigned total student load, which would not too seriously limit opportunities to enter the Bachelor's course. The Veterinary Clinic and Hospital is vital to the success of the Faculty's educational programmes. It was necessary during 1981, in a period of financial difficulty, to make adjustments to the procedures and authorities of the Veterinary Clinic and Hospital. Whether due to these revisions or otherwise, the performance of the Veterinary Clinic and Hospital in 1 982 was more successful than might reasonably have been expected. Kendall Hall of residence is, at least for the present, on a sound footing— fees are relatively low, and occupancy rate good and the spirit excellent. I have drawn attention in earlier reports to the difficulty the Faculty was facing in providing general clinical experience for its students and staff. During 1982, the Faculty has been successful in attracting external funding which reduces the extent of its dependence on the general fund for the maintenance of some of its clinical academic activities and which simultaneously ensures access to the pastoral industries over the next decade or so. The Faculty has been undergoing a period of reconstruction which began several years ago with staffing changes in the Department of Veterinary Preclinical Sciences. The focus on its research activities has been narrowed or made more compact. External research funding had declined in previous years, partly because of restructuring the research effort. The position was recovered and improved in 1 982 and will improve further in the future with concentration in selected areas. Professor L. S. Jeffcott, Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, took up his appointment in November 1 982 and has been very active. It is planned that an additional research thrust will be developed around this section. In 1982, 45 students graduated Bachelor of Veterinary Science, 27 with honours. It is hoped that soon more information will be available on the career destinations and typical career paths of veterinary graduates. The Faculty has recently co-operated with the University's Graduate Secretariat in a programme aimed at maintaining contact with graduates. Early in 1982 a survey form was sent to all veterinary graduates of the School since its re-establishment in 1 963. The graduating class of 1982 is the first from this School to experience significant delays in gaining professional positions. This is a reflection in particular of widespread drought conditions and opportunities to enter rural sector practice are likely to be restored only slowly after weather conditions improve.

24 BOARD OF SOCIAL STUDIES Chairman: Professor R. Webster Student enrolments in the Bachelor of Social Work course improved in 1982 with 246 students undertaking studies compared with 228 in 1981. There was a continued growth in enrolments for the Master of Social Work degree with 43 students undertaking studies. Eight new members joined the Board of Social Studies in 1982, of whom three were members of the academic staff of the University and five were professional social workers. Ms Marjorie Awburn retired from Board membership at the end of 1 982 after serving on the Board for twenty-two years. Professor D. M. Pilcher completed his first year as Chairman of the Department of Social Work and Dr D. Cox continued in the position of Deputy Chairman. Mrs L. Goldstein resigned her tutoring appointment to take up an appointment at Prince Henry's Hospital. Mrs U. Whiteside was appointed as tutor for the period May to November 1982. Mrs C. King, who was also a member of the Board, resigned her appointment as higher degrees tutor in December. Dr D. Cox completed a study "Delivery of Welfare Services to Immigrants" funded by a grant from the Australian Grants Commission. The study has been well received both in Australia and overseas. Mrs C. Turner was on study leave during 1982 and engaged in a Special Studies Programme concerning "Prospects of Equal Opportunity for Women in Retailing". Professor Emeritus Isabel Stamm of returned to the Department as a Visiting Fellow from June to November. Professor Kay Wood of Rutgers University was a Visiting Fellow for the period July to November 1982. The Curriculum Committee of the Board commenced its review of the first year programme particularly on the development of research components in the Bachelor of Social Work degree.

THE LIBRARY The year was marked by the consolidation and continued development of systems which have been introduced in recent years. Since 1980 the Library has produced microfiche catalogues using a computer system operated on behalf of CAVAL. This has enabled multiple copies of the catalogue containing all materials added to the Library since then to be distributed to all branch libraries and a union catalogue of the holdings of most academic libraries in Melbourne has been available. During 1982 Technical Services Division staff participated in CAVAL's investigations into the upgrading of the computer system to improve its cost-effectiveness. By the end of the year CAVAL had identified the necessary development of the existing system to enable staff in Baillieu preparing catalogue entries to have on-line access to the international cataloguing records on the National Library's ABN (Australian

25 Bibliographic Network) system. The development of the ABN system by the National Library is of major significance in the development of effective resource sharing by Australian libraries. It is considered essential that this Library, through CAVAL, play.its part in the development of the system. The University of Melbourne microfiche catalogue will continue and in 1983 the Union Catalogue will contain entries for a number of libraries throughout Australia, and will not be limited to those in Victoria. As well as developing improved systems for recording the collections of the Library, it has been necessary to introduce improved systems for managing their activity. To provide more effective control of the Library's lending activities, the LI BS 100 automated circulation control system was installed in the Baillieu Library in November 1981, and began daily circulation control operations at the commencement of Term 1, 1 982, in both the Baillieu and Engineering Branch Libraries. The system was extended to the Architecture and Planning Branch Library in September, 1982, and extension for the Law and Medical Branch Libraries was virtually completed by the end of 1 982. Machine-readable records for the circulation system for new additions to the Library are derived from the cataloguing system.

A development of major significance for the pattern of library catalogues has been the experimental installation as part of the LIBS 100 in the Baillieu Library, of a "user friendly" touch screen terminal which provides users on-line access to the LIBS 100 book file. The circulation system thus provides a surrogate catalogue. This has proved very popular with users who can rapidly find in one place catalogue information for all books added to the U niversity of Melbourne Libraries since March 1980, all of the circulating bookstock in the Architecture, Engineering, Law and Medical Branch Libraries and a large proportion of the circulating bookstock in the general collection of the Baillieu Library. Evaluation of the terminal resulted in plans to provide further units in 1983. It seems clear from present development of systems, that within the foreseeable future there will be a more general use of public access on-line catalogues using terminals, leading eventually to the general replacement of microfiche catalogues.

The next extension in library systems to assist in the effective management of the collections is seen to be the introduction of a computer-based monograph orders system. During the year the Library's functional specification for such a system was completed and the feasibility of using various available systems was assessed. It was concluded that expansion of the existing LIBS 100 circulation control system would be the lowest cost approach to automating monograph orders. An orders sub-system for the LI BS 100 system which will carry out most of the functions required by the Library will be available in Australia in 1 983. Planning for its possible use by the Library in 1983 began in 1982. Once such a system is effective the last major gap in the Library's systems will be in the management of its serial collections. This is a complex area and effective on-line serial systems are not yet available in Australia. However during the year library staff were able to examine an overseas system under demonstration and

26 this gave substantial hope that a cost effective solution in this area may be within sight. The development of effective systems by the Library are all directed to the efficient management of the collection. It is the collection itself which remains the heart of the Library and its services. Its continued development during the year has been constrained, as always, by the funds available. The Library's general recurrent funds support the purchase of material recommended by staff as essential to the collection but they neither permit the purchase of many items which staff would regard as desirable, nor sustain substantial programmes of collection building to remedy shortfalls in the collection resulting from the historic growth in the university's range of interest and past inadequacies in funding. The ability of the Library to draw on other resources is therefore critical. The general acquisition of retrospective materials through Equipment Funds continues to be a major element in our collection building— highlighted from time to time by the acquisition of a formed collection of significant material such as the Seifullin Collection, secured this year with Equipment Funds. This contains many rare Chinese imprints of Russian material, and adds considerably to our holdings of Russian emigre material. Funds made available by the Law School have made it possible for the Library to add to its holdings of the microfiche edition of American State Reports Prior to the National Reporter System and funds from the Department of History have permitted acquisition of, inter alia, the Australian Women's Weekly on microfilm. Private support continued from the Friends of the Baillieu Library whose presentations included the two-volume miniature The gigantick history of the two famous giants, and other curiosities in Guildhall, London, London, 1740-41 and Etienne Pierre Ventenat's Descriptions desplantes nouvelles et peu connues cultivees dans le jardin de J. M. Cels, Paris, 1800. A notable addition to the collection was made possible by the financial support of the Potter Foundation. This was the acquisition of the Library of the late Alan Villiers, an in-depth collection of material relating to ships and the sea assembled by a notable Australian seaman and historian. The Villiers Collection will form the basis of development of the Library's collections in this area.

FINANCE The University General Fund and other University Funds The General Fund is the University's principal operating Fund, from which the general operating costs for teaching and research activities and support services for those activities are met. The General Fund is financed from the Commonwealth Government's general recurrent grant for the University, together with limited amounts of other income allocated by the University Finance Committee. In addition to General Fund income, the University receives grants and other income which is available only for specified research projects or other specified purposes, and which therefore must be accounted for

27 separately. Whenever such an amount is received, a separate Fund is established to record the financial transactions involved. A statistical aggregation of the total income and expenditure of these Funds is set out in the "University Trust Funds" and "Other University Funds" columns of the Combined Statement, which is included in the audited Financial Statements to be published as Part 2 of the Annual Report iox 1982. The balance of this section of the Annual Report is concerned with General Fund and the general recurrent grant from the Commonwealth Government, which are available for the general teaching and research activities of the University and for their support services.

Change in the arrangements for supplementation of general recurrent grants, for costs of later increases in salary rates and prices For a number of years, supplementation for tertiary educational institutions was on a retrospective basis. Supplementation was based on actual movements in the cost indices maintained by the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (C.T.E.C), — to the December quarter of the year concerned in the case of the two salary indices — to the December quarter of the previous year in the case of the non- salary index (i.e., no non-salary supplementation was received for a year in respect of price rises during that year). In mid-1981, the Commonwealth Government decided thatthe general recurrent grants for 1982 and later years would be based on prospective, rather than retrospective, supplementation. The general recurrent grants for 1 982 included allowances based on the Government's assessment of later salary rates and price rises, — in relation to the salaries components of the grants, up to the end of 1982 — in relation to the non-salary components of the grants, up to the end of 1 981 The effect of the change in supplementation arrangements was to place responsibility on each tertiary educational institution to reserve part of its general recurrent grant for 1 982 to meet the 1982 costs of later salary rises.

Budget Planning for 1982 The initial general recurrent grant approved for the University of Melbourne for 1 982 was $89,090 million. To meet the new situation in relation to supplementation, the University decided to reserve $6,375 million towards the 1982 costs of estimated later salary rises. Mainly in the light of the increase in the payroll tax rate to six per cent of salaries (from five per cent), a further $.645 million was reserved later. To enable these amounts to be reserved for costs of estimated later salary rises and the increase in the payroll tax rate, it was necessary to

28 reduce the budget allocations of all Faculties and Budget Divisions by almost 2.5 per cent for 1 982—1.8 per cent initially and a further .65 per cent in mid-1982.

Salary Increases affecting 1982 costs As a result of recommendations by the Commonwealth Academic Salaries Tribunal and of increases in Commonwealth Public Service rates, which were followed by the Universities General Staff Conciliation and Arbitration Board, there were substantial increases in costs in 1 982 for the following salary rises which occurred after the original budget for 1 982 was approved: Academic Staff Increase of 5.77 per cent approved late in 1981, retrospective to November 1980 Increase of seven per cent from 10 August 1982 Technical Staff Successive increases averaging about 9.6 per cent from October 1 981, about 10 per cent from April 1 982 and 4.95 per cent from June 1982 Administrative, Secretarial, Clerical and Computing Staff Successive increases averaging over 10 per cent from October 1 981 and over six per cent from 12 August 1 982 Other staff also received substantial rises. The earlier concern of the universities as to the inadequacy of the prospective supplementation built into the general recurrent grants for 1 982 was strengthened as the successive increases in salary rates were approved by Commonwealth and State Salary Tribunals. Throughout the first nine months of 1982, it appeared that the University faced a substantial deficit because of the shortfall of prospective supplementation in relation to the costs of actual salary rises and the increase in the payroll tax rate. It was not until October 1982 that the Commonwealth Government announced that supplementary grants would be made available towards the excess costs of salary rises for 1982.

General Fund Out-turn for 1982 The supplementary grant for the University of Melbourne was $2,220 million for 1982. As a result of this grant, and the reductions made earlier in the budget allocations of all Budget Divisions, the University was able to balance the General Fund Income and Expenditure for 1982, after transferring $94,319 of non-government income to a special Fund to meet non­ recurring items of expenditure in 1983 resulting from staffing decisions in 1982.

29 Summary of the General Fund Statement for 1982 A summary of the General Fund Statement for 1982, with adjusted comparative totals for 1981 is set out below: 7557 1982 $ million $ million Funds Available Income available for the year General Recurrent Grant 84.103 91.310 Transfers to —the General Development Grant Fund (-) .559 (-) .643 —the Creswick Forestry School Fund (-) .382 (-) .411 Other General Fund Income 2.033 2.449 Non-recurring Funds Available Retrospective General Recurrent Grant for 1980—to meet retrospective salary in­ creases charged against the General Fund in 1981 .513 1980 Allocation which reverted to the General Fund in 1981 .064 General Fund Balance from 1980 .070

Total Funds Available in the General Fund 85.842 92.705

Expenditure and the Transfer to the Research Fund Academic Activities 58.197 61.723 Academic Services —Central and Branch Libraries 4.974 5.620 —Computer Centre 1.087 1.220 —Other Centralized Academic Services .881 1.032 Ancillary Student Services .922 .990 General University Services —Administration 8.215 8.899 —Overheads (including electricity, gas, telephone) 3.723 4.273 —Buildings and Grounds (including clean­ ing and caretaking) 7.391 8.496 Public Services .332 .341 Independent Operations .120 .111

Total General Fund Expenditure and the Transfer to the Research Fund 85.842 92.705 (The 1981 amounts are, after some compensatory transfers, in line with minor changes in presentation in the 1982 statement. The summary for 1982 is subject to audit.) The incidence between 1981 an 1982 of expenditure shown under the above main headings has been affected by: — differences in rates and commencing dates of increases in salary rates

30 for academic staff on the one hand and the various classifications of general staff on the other — changes in the incidence of payments in lieu of long service leave (at resignation or retirement) between Academic and Non-Academic Budget Divisions — the substantial increase in prices for electricity and gas, which affected the "Overheads" expenditure. RESEARCH The level of direct expenditure on research in the University of Melbourne continued to grow in real terms in 1982. Identifiable "Research-Only" expenditure increased from $1 6,940,926 in 1981 to $20,076,585 in 1982—an increase of 18.5 per cent. It should be noted, however, that $950,000 of this increase was allocated by the Commonwealth Government to two Commonwealth Special Research Centres. The University continued to receive substantial grants underthe Australian Research Grants Scheme; the National Health and Medical Research Council and the National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Committee. Research support from a wide range of other public and private sources continued to be buoyant.

Commonwealth Special Research Centres A notable research development during 1 982 was the establishment in the University of Melbourne, of two of the 10 Commonwealth Special Research Centres recommended by the Commonwealth Research Centres of Excellence Committee. The Research Centre for Cancer and Transplantation, with Professor I. F. C. McKenzie as Principal Investigator, and the Plant Cell Biology Research Centre with Professor R. B. Knox and Dr Adrienne Clarke as Principal Investigators, are located in the Department of Pathology and School of Botany, respectively.

Postgraduate Enrolments And Support For Research Training In 1 982 there were 2,369 higher-degree students. These comprised: Doctor of Philosophy candidates: Full-time Part-time External Total 451 172 51 674 (622 in 1981)

Masters degree candidates: Full- time Part-time External Total 482 1,081 112 1,675 (1,687 in 1981) Other higher- degree candidates: Full-time Part-time External Total 6 14 2 22 (24 in 1981) Total: Full-time Part-time External Total 938 1,266 165 2,369 (2,329 in 1981)

31 Of the 938 full-time candidates, 256 were supported by Commonwealth Postgraduate Awards, 33 by Commonwealth Postgraduate Course Awards and 170 by University of Melbourne Postgraduate Scholarships. In 1982, the Commonwealth Government announced an increase in the number and value of Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Awards. As a consequence, the University increased the value of the University of Melbourne Postgraduate Award. The number of postgraduate students enrolled in the University continues to be high and rising, with more areas having to be increasingly selective in admitting research students to enrolment.

Review of Research Needs In 1982, the University continued a major review of its academic and administrative procedures and policies. The development of research activities and the balance of efforts between teaching and research, have increasingly emerged as major issues in planning. The Academic Policy and Planning Sub-Committee, in co-operation with the Committee on Research and Graduate Studies, is enquiring into the needs of depart­ ments in research and Council has established a committee to consider ways of increasing research funding.

CONTINUING EDUCATION The continuing education effort of the University is concentrated in three areas: the Public Lecture Programme; access to modified single subjects in the University's normal teaching programme; and short courses and professional up-date courses.

The Public Lecture Programme The University maintains a strong central facility for sponsoring public lectures. This involves a commitment from a senior member of the academic staff as co-ordinator of public lectures with administrative support from the Registrar's division. Offerings under the Public Lecture Programme are of two types: • departmentally-sponsored lectures usually arising out of the presence on campus of distinguished visitors. These lectures are normally presented at short notice; • a series of regular University-promoted lectures delivered by members of the academic staff and arranged in an annual programme. The lectures extend from June to October. In 1982 the University offered departmentally-sponsored lectures and 10 fortnightly lectures on the themes of Charles Darwin's Scientific Legacy. A New Look at Old History, and Preparing for Retirement, in the University-promoted series. Single Subject Enrolment A new development in this area saw the approval for inclusion of single subjects in the Faculties of Law and Medicine. Both areas attracted enrolments in the courses offered.

32 In 1982, 288 students were enrolled in 126 subjects offered by 44 departments. Of these 46 students "audited" their course; that is, attended lectures only; 162 candidates elected to sit the end of year examinations, a significant number of whom were enrolled in two or more subjects or units. The main areas of enrolment did not change. These were the Faculty of Arts (the Department of Fine Arts and Classical Studies attracting the greatest demand) and the Faculty of Economics and Commerce. It was interesting to note that although strong interest was expressed for studies in English, French and Computer Science, applicants could not be accommodated because of the demand on quotas by the undergraduate population. The student profile showed those applying because of general interest still predominated. The two other predominant motives were career purposes and continuing previous study. Again, a significant number of enrolled students had attempted some level of tertiary study or held one or more degrees.

Short Courses/Professional Refresher Courses The University encourages faculties to develop courses of interest to the community which use existing expertise, concentrate on the level at which the University normally operates and relate to the scholarship of the University. Primary responsibility for continuing education activities has been placed in departments and faculties rather than in any centra! organization or unit. A total of 56 courses was offered: most being professional courses aimed at bringing people up-to-date in their disciplines. This represents an increase of approximately 20 per cent on the 1981 programme. The increase is mainly accounted for by the development of annual pro­ grammes of professional refresher courses particularly in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dental Science. It is anticipated that while existing short course programmes may be developed further, no great expansion could be expected until it has proved possible to attract substantially greater financial returns.

BUILDINGS The major impact on the buildings, property and services area of the University for 1 982 was the announcement of planning for two new major buildings. First was the Commonwealth Government acceptance of the Ralph Committee Report on Advanced Management Education which involved the designation of The University of Melbourne as the location for a second national school and the provision of a capital grant for the educational (non-residential) component of the building. The second was the planning grant provided for Zoology of $228,000 for 1 983. These two new initiatives, together with the second grant of $1.5 million for laboratory and lecture theatre renovations in the 1 938 Chemistry Building, were a significant change from the seven years since 1 975, during which we have adapted to meet the changing needs of a major research institution by the use of the Minor Works Fund only.

33 The physical needs of two Commonwealth Research Centres, (Cancer and Transplantation and Plant Cell Biology) also injected pressures on the normal operational pattern of a large University to make 1 982 a busy year. The Commonwealth Government budget uncertainties, water restrictions as part of one of the worst droughts in memory, the implications of increasing costs such as workers' compensation and energy, together with changing State legislation, particularly in the area of occupational safety and health, were added complications.

Capital Works—Chemistry The University received another Commonwealth allocation of $1,488 million spread over 1982-83. With these funds, two major teaching laboratories were renovated over the long vacation 1982-83. A further request has been made for a third grant of $1.5 million for the 1 985/87 Triennium. If this is received the essential works in Chemistry can be completed. This will mean that virtually a new Chemistry building will have been provided for just over $4 million.

Melbourne Graduate School of Management A Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission grant of $4 million (at December 1981 prices) was announced in 1982, to be matched by the University from the sale of the University Residential Centre (the Town House Motel) and from business donations. Planning has commenced for this project, with the intention of calling tenders late in 1983.

Zoology As indicated, a planning grant of $228,000 was made for 1 983. Planning has commenced for this project.

Minor Works, Site Works and Site Services The Commonwealth grant for 1982 was $800,000. The University provided a further $1,232 million as a supplement to the Minor Works programme. The list from which the approved projects were chosen totalled nearly $4 million. These grants will continue the programme attempting to alleviate space shortages in the face of a lack of a significant capital building programme. The major elements in this programme are works for safety and fire protection purposes. Further components of the allocations are for the upgrading of old and antiquated buildings and to provide special requirements for newly-appointed professorial staff.

Property Purchases Three major additional purchases were made by the University in the University Square area during 1982, partly through re-arrangement of asset holdings: the Merck, Sharp and Dohme property at 119-129 Barry Street; 147-151 Barry Street; and the Vaccarri land in Bouverie Street, Carlton (to supplement the Melbourne Graduate School of Management site).

34 Accommodation Changes Major accommodation changes and re-allocations implemented or under consideration in 1982 were: new laboratories for the Commonwealth Research Centre in Plant Cell Biology, by re-arrangements in Old Forestry, Botany and new construction on the roof of Natural Philosophy; refurbishing and extension of the Engineering Branch Library; works related to the Security Report on the Computer Centre and overcrowding in the Richard Berry Building; renovations to make the best use of the existing and additional space purchased in Barry Street; and the upgrading and more effective use of the Architecture building.

The Energy Programme ("Killerwatt") The year saw the first reversal of the extremely favourable pattern of reduced consumption which began in 1 978. It is clear that the reduction successes of the first three years of the programme have now ended. The built-in growth pattern in the University's use of energy still has to be countered. The energy programme will continue and it is hoped costs can be held, particularly through the use of the Central Supervisory System.

Central Supervisory System This system, to monitor mechanical plant and to control and reducetheuse of energy, was completed in 1982. Its effectiveness will be evaluated in 1983, so that proposals can be made for extension of the system.

Master Plan 1981 This report was printed and circulated late in 1 982. It comprises a review and upgrading of the Master Plan first issued in 1970.

Other areas of investigation or major activity included: improvements in maintenance management and techniques including the use of computer technology in improving maintenance management; review of the University's parking problem; review of workers' com­ pensation/safety/accident and prevention/industrial health Acts; stonework restoration; electricity maximum demand tariffs and possible high-voltage reticulation; the future of major University properties— Miegunyah, Mt Martha, and the Melbourne Town House; amendment to the Melbourne City Council planning scheme, and the issue of the new Metropolitan Planning Scheme and current amendments to zoning.

STUDENT AFFAIRS The Union surpassed its financial goals of 1982 by reducing its overdraft by $244,000—a remarkable achievement and much better than the planned reduction. Despite the tensions and difficulties created by staff reductions late in 1981 each area under the Union's control maintained a satisfactory service. The Union Shop more than doubled its profits and planned extensions for 1983 could easily double this profit again. The Rowden White Library maintained its excellent and popular service. The Ewing

35 Gallery celebrated the production of a new and complete catalogue of the Ewing Collection of paintings. The Paton Gallery presented 1 5 exhibitions and several lectures. The Gallery is recognized as an important focal point for new and experimental art. As such it attracts considerable support from the Victorian Ministry of Arts and the Visual Arts Board, Australia Council. The Union and Guild Theatres maintained well attended programmes of cinema and theatre. Renovation of the Union Theatre has become necessary to comply with safety standards and work will take place in 1983. During the year the Activities Department and the Activities Committee became one organization, Student Activities. A chairperson elected by the committee is paid a part-time fee to administer the Activities programmes. Child Care has settled into its new surroundings and continues to offer a flexible service in a most attractive building. There was a substantial change in the administration of the Union following the changes of 1 981. Mr Neil Roberts acted as Administrator for three months pending the arrival of the new Administrator, Mr Robert Davis, who started in March. The Chairperson of the Union Board from January to May was Ms Maureen O'Brien and for the remainder of the year Mr Donald Smith. Many small changes have started to make the building look a little brighter but major renovations must await the stabilization of the Union's financial position. Catering still costs the Union a great deal. The deficit in 1982 was $333,000 which posed a considerable strain on finances. Nationwide Food Services continued to manage the operation and there is considerable improvement needed before catering can be considered viable. The improvements throughout 1982 have been encouraging and there is an optimistic outlook.

UNIVERSITY SPORT AND PHYSICAL RECREATION The year saw a continuing growth in sport and physical recreation in the University. Elite sport continued to flourish under the club structure and the physical recreation programme increased its offerings so that more members of the University have become involved in activities. Sporting activities ranged from the intervarsity and interclub level through inter-collegiate to lunchtime intra-mural competitions involving both staff and students. Twenty-five Blues and 32 Half Blues were awarded to individuals who had outstanding performances in intervarsity com­ petitions. In intervarsity competitions teams from the Women's Hockey, Rowing, Badminton, Regaining, Softball and Cross Country Running Clubs won their competitions. The Men's Rowing Eight also won the Oxford/Cambridge Trophy again. Several athletes from the University were selected in Australian teams competing internationally.

36 The University Women's Firsts Basketball Team won its Victorian Open Competition for the year, and has been promoted. The new Granitic Sand Pitch was laid and now provides a good all weather playing surface. Substantial technical engineering supervisory support was provided by the Hockey Club for this project. The Planning Group Report which was started in 1981 was completed during 1982. The report ranks priorities for the development of facilities and cyclical maintenance programmes. An examination of the roles of the Recreation Grounds Committee and the Sports Union, together with the relationships of both bodies to the University, was commenced during the year and will continue during 1983. The major office bearers for 1982 were: Mr A. Lazer, Chairman of the Recreation Grounds Committee, Mr R. M. Fels, President of the Sports Union and Ms C. McKinna, Director of Sport and Physical Recreation.

MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY PRESS In 1 982, Melbourne University Press published 20 works. The outstanding title of the period was John Monash: a Biography by Geoffrey Serle, which was launched by the Governor-General (Sir Zelman Cowen) on 7 July 1982. The book achieved distinguished success, won several literary prizes, and has been reprinted twice. It has been possible to retain the printing of most books within Australia, instead of using printers in Asia. Despite the grave difficulties of the Australian book industry, the Press's publishing was conducted without cash subvention from the University. At the end of MUP's accounting period (30 September) there was a small surplus on the previous year's operations. The Bookroom continued to supply texts and other requisites at prices which were generally lower than those available elsewhere. The 10 per cent discount to customers was maintained, distributing some $200,000 in this form, chiefly on the Melbourne campus. A block of land in Carlton no longer required was sold at an advantageous price, and liabilities to the University in respect of buildings occupied by the Press were extinguished.

THE GRADUATE UNION* After an unusually troubled period in the Association's affairs, Mr T. H. Kneen came into office as Chairman of the Graduate Council in June and

'The Graduate Union, made up of graduates of the University and other universities resident in Victoria, is a company affiliated with the University. Its principal objectives are to promote the welfare of the University, encourage and assist postgraduate studies and research, and to foster and maintain academic, educational and cultural relations between graduates of universities. Graduate House, the Graduate Union's principal asset, was affiliated as a Graduate college of The University of Melbourne in 1972.

37 Sir John Minogue kindly accepted election as President later in the year. An election in May produced 1 6 candidates for eight places. Work continued on the feasibility studies for the development of the Association's property especially of the large warehouse which since 1 974 had been leased to the University as a maintenance shop. The conclusion of this convenient arrangement by the end of 1 984 gave some urgency to consideration of options:— whether to re-lease and if so, for what purpose; or perhaps to convert all or part of this large structure to residential use. Mr Richard Coyne, A.R.A.I.A. was appointed to investigate various development aspects and sketches prepared to known restraints such as car parking requirements, fire safety, building regulations and planning procedures. Consideration of the possibilities raised by Mr Coyne's draft was incomplete at the end of the year. The Graduate Union was well represented in the University Council's wider consideration of graduate affairs by Mr Kneen, who as Chairman reported regularly to the Graduate Council on policy matters and decisions taken by the University in the development of its relations with this body of graduates. In financial terms 1 982 was a successful year, providing an audited surplus of more than $40,000, all of which was used to reduce bank debt. The basis is now laid for a rapid reduction of capital debt as a prelude to whatever building expansion may be possible after 1984. Graduate House both as a centre for membership activity of all kinds, and as a residence for more than 50 postgraduate students or visitors, continued to make a significant contribution in the life of the University. Occupation by enrolled students was less than full capacity and perhaps reflected uncertainty in the climate for employment of highly-qualified people with higher degrees. Attempts to forecast demand as a basis for increasing the number of residential places beyond the present 55 were unsuccessful. It was with some disappointment that the Board of Graduate House received the advice of the Universities Council that the annual recurrent grant, upon which all residential colleges rely heavily for continued solvency, would not continue beyond 1984. There is some ground for disputing the basis of "collegiality" as applied to undergraduate colleges, but in the upshot we must adjust to the loss of a subsidy of $8,000 a year. Notwithstanding, the progress of Graduate House continues as a centre for intellectual and research activity. Several research lecture seminars were held and by the appointment of further House Scholars and Research Fellows this process should continue into the present year. The Board of Graduate House is aware of its duty and its capacity to contribute to the intellectual life of the University.

MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY The Melbourne Theatre Company presented 1,060 performances of 21 major productions in 1 982—1 5 plays were new to Australian audiences,

38 and 10 were by Australian writers. The repertoire offered considerable variety in each of the Company's three venues. MTC's 29th Season commenced in March 1982 at the Athenaeum Theatre with Bruce Myles' production of Shakespeare's As You Like It. This was followed by Ibsen's Hedda Gabler which was directed by Simon Chilvers and featured Patricia Conolly in a welcome return visit from America. The Season continued with two plays directed by John Sumner—Godsend, a new and challenging play by Ray Lawler, and David Williamson's sell-out hit The Perfectionist. Steele Rudd's joyous romp was directed by Graeme Blundell and the Season ended with Nimrod's guest production of the political farce Accidental Death Of An Anarchist. The Season at Russell St Theatre included two revivals of important works from the recent past—John Romeril's The Floating World, directed by Graeme Blundell, and David Storey's In Celebration, directed by Bruce Myles. The work of two women writers was represented in Graeme Blundell's production of Alma De Groen's Vocations and Brian Young's production of Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart. Brian Friel's award- winning play Translations, directed by Ray Lawler, Robert Hewett's moving new work Gulls, directed by Bruce Myles, and a brief return season of Beverley Dunn's As We Are completed the 1 982 Russell St Season. Athenaeum 2, by now a well-established MTC venue, began the Season with an unconventional new play—David Knight's Narrow Feint, directed by William Gluth. John Sumner's studio-style production of the Jacobean classic The Changeling (which, due to the temporary closure of Athenaeum 2, transferred to the Universal Theatre), and William Gluth's production of Bernard Krichefski's/I Perfect Retreat followed. A package of Australian and overseas short plays made up the ACTS project which brought the Season to an end. The Season for all three venues ended in April 1 983; the Company played to a total paying audience of 294,726. A further total of 19,246 people attended the Company's ancillary activities. Two popular MTC productions toured extensively in 1982, Einstein and Beecham. Both were invited productions at the 1982 Festival of Sydney, and Beecham later toured to Adelaide and . Einstein returned briefly to Melbourne and went on to appear in Festival programmes in New York and Denver, USA. Tributary Productions for 1982 included Script Workshops and Readings for Playwrights—a regular series of rehearsed public readings, followed by audience discussion. Ten plays were read including Gulls and The Naked Gun (both were subsequently given full productions), and two plays by MTC's Playwright-in-Residence, Michael Gurr. Additional community activities have included the Special Schoolsday Projects and Curtain Up. Schoolsdays, which bring students and teachers together with MTC actors, directors, designers, craftsmen and technicians, include dis­ cussion, demonstration as well as performance. During the year 45 performances of 1 3 programmes were offered to schools with attendances

39 of more than 16,000 students and teachers. An additional'25 metropolitan and 10 country schools took part in Schoolsdays. MTC's pioneering Curtain Up Scheme continued to bring Victorian subscribers from 17 country centres to attend full-scale productions in MTC theatres—total attendance was over 6,000. Other community activities have included supply of production services to a number of educational and other non-profit organizations; provision of facilities and speakers for weekend classes and demonstrations; organi­ zation of a seminar for members of local amateur theatre groups; contribution to the Ministry for the Arts' Theatre Walks; and numerous other activities arranged by the MTC Society. As well as this, students from several tertiary training establishments spent extended periods during 1982 with various MTC departments as part of their professional training in directing, design, lighting, art finishing, technical production, and stage management. Tours for more than 40 primary and secondary school parties, and work experience for high school students have also been offered. A total of 11 directors, 10 designers, five composers and musical directors, two choreographers, and 89 actors were employed by the Company during the year.

UNIVERSITY ASSEMBLY The Assembly began in 1982 with the draft of the Women's Working Group Report, and completed the year seeing through Council the appointment of a Research Fellow in the area of equal opportunity. The recommendations arising from the Women's Working Group Report had earlier stimulated long, careful and passionate discussion in Council on the position of women within the University, culminating in the Research Fellow appointment. Other reports of significance were those of the Staffing Policy Working Group, the Post Graduate Studies Working Group, and the Working Group on the Student Union. Apart from the above the Assembly considered matters on the national business management school, the future of the student health service, the Departmental Statute, the rules governing Faculty membership, and the operation of the Academic Board. Of equal importance were the Assembly's deliberations on its future and organization, precipitated by a group of people who believed the Assembly, despite a cut of 30 per cent in its budget, was receiving favoured treatment. The Assembly is now, at is own suggestion, a smaller body of 60 members, all elected from the common roll. Certain other changes were made to the Assembly statute. Elections were held in June for the position of Secretary of the Assembly, and Chairman. The retiring Secretary, Ms Susan Feldman, and the retiring Chairman, Mr Dinny O'Hearn, did not contest the election at which Mr

40 Michael Burke was elected Secretary, and Mr Bill Unkles elected Chairman. Thirty five new members were elected unopposed. The changeover and depletion of membership was paralleled within the Assembly Secretariat. Ms Aileen Sarsfield, the Administrative Officer of the Assembly for eight years, transferred to the Arts Faculty Office. Ms Pauline Hume was appointed to fill the position. The appointment of Ms Fiona McClure, the junior typist, terminated, and in view of the Assembly's reduced funding the position was not renewed. The absence throughout 1982 of salaried research assistants was felt sharply.

UNIVERSITY GALLERY The staff of the University Gallery have, during 1982, devoted the major aspect of their work to the care, conservation and use of the University collections, both within the Gallery and throughout the University. Work on the production of an updated catalogue (1 971 -81) of the collections is proceeding with discussions continuing on appropriate use of computer technology to assist. Changing selections of works from the permanent collection were on continuous exhibition throughout the year. In particular, a changing selection from the European and Australian sections was on display in the Upper South Gallery. The Basement gallery displayed material from the Leonhard Adam Anthropological Collection. Numerous requests were received from students, scholars and other interested members of the public regarding specific works, while a wide range of requests for information was handled by staff. Loans were made to a number of special exhibitions, both locally and interstate. Of particular interest is the loan made to assist the Phillip Island Historic Society celebrate the Island's Centenary.

Exhibitions The policy, commenced in 1 981, of displaying works from the University's unique and diverse collection, continued in 1982. During 1 982, the University Gallery provided, within its programme of 14 exhibitions, a range which again proved attractive to its patrons. Six exhibitions were given in the Profile series. These closely involve the artist with the display. Exhibitions were: William Tillyer—The Victorian Canvasses; Howard Hodgkin—Recent Prints; Ceramics from the Victorian State Collection; Helen Boyd—Evolution paintings; Marino Marini—Etchings & Lithographs; Rod Carmichael—Paintings; Fishing and Hunting— Aboriginal Artefacts; Bashir Baraki—Contemporary Icons; Yvonne Boag—Recent Works; Inge King—A Survey: Sculpture 1945-1982; Geraldine Burrows-Heisler—Paintings and Painted Fabric; Richard Thompson—Cabin Fevers & Prairie Crazies—Paintings & an Environment; (An exhibition by the then Artist-in-Residence at the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education); Fine Art Students' Society—Group Exhibition; Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack—From the University Gallery Collection.

41 Total attendance for the year was 1 3,263. This figure, showing a three per cent growth over 1981 patronage, confirms the tendency shown in previous years of the steadily increasing awareness of the Gallery. Increasing interest from schools, in using the Gallery as a teaching resource, was also marked. Gifts from benefactors enhanced the University collections during the year. Included was Mervyn Napier Waller's "The Procession" and Lena Bryans' "The Bridge at Warrandyte". Both were gifts of Mr Joseph Brown. The Artist-in-Residence, William Tillyer, gave us his own "The Albert Pastels". Purchases made were: John Scurry Study for Demolition I 1982 Pencil; John Olsen Russell Drysdale I 1981 Coloured chalks; Victor Cobb Physiology School Melbourne University 1921 Etching; Victor Cobb The Registrar's Office Melbourne University 1921 Etching; Victor Cobb The Cloisters Melbourne University 1921 Etching; Rafael Gurvick Isolation 1977 Etching Print Council of Australia, Members' Print; James Paterson Port Melbourne 1981 Lithograph Print Council of Australia, Members' Print; Helen Eager Hall Stand 1982 Lino Cut Print Council of Australia, Members' Print; Graham Fransella Card Players 1982 Etching Print Council of Australia, Members' Print; David Gatiss Linda's Platypus 1982 Etching Print Council of Australia, Members' Print; Justus Jorgensen Portrait of Emeritus Professor W. MacMahon Ball Oil on canvas; Inge King Maquette for Sun Ribbon 1980 Steel sculpture.

Acquisitions to the collection were supplemented by the following gifts Unknown—Chinese Ceramic bowl late 13th century Porcellaneous stoneware Gift of Frederick Crouch; Lena Bryans Warrandyte 1 959 Oil on canvas on composition board; Russell Drysdale Untitled—Still Life with Chianti bottle c.1939 Pencil; Thomas William Roberts At Phillip Island 1886 Etching; Unknown Untitled—sketch, three women mourning c.1890 Oil on canvas on ply board; Victor G. O'Connor The Sisters—Butte Chaumant, Paris 1980 Lino cut; Mervyn Napier Waller The Procession cl 928 Watercolour on paper mounted on cardboard; Carola Cohn Herald Boy 1923 Plaster sculpture; Lloyd Rees Distant Derwent 1982 Lithograph; Unknown The Nomad—undated Oil on board, All gifts of Mr Joseph Brown; William Tillyer The Albert Pastels 1981 Pastel on black arches paper Gift of the artist; Edward Wilson Sledge Hauling on Ski 1911 Watercolour Gift of Jean and Len Munro; Charles Sneed Williams Portrait of Mrs Dorcas Taylor (nee McClean) c.1930 Oil on canvas Gift of E. B. Merrett; John Olsen Echidna Upside Down & Drysdale 1981 Etching Gift of the artist; Derwent Lees Untitled—Girl in a smock c.1930 Pencil and wash Gift of Joseph Brown. A significant advance in 1 982 was the completion of the renovations and refurbishing of the Old Physics Complex. These house the new upstairs studio for the Artist-in-Residence and provide storage, under optimum conditions of air-conditioning and humidity control, for the collection. Assistance was provided by the Victorian Ministry for the Arts with a loan to assist production of the Inge King catalogue. The J. F. Hughes Trust

42 gave $1,500 to assist further the cataloguing programme, while The Broken Hill Proprietary Company was also generous in providing financial support for the Gallery.


During the year the following appointments were made (indicates previous appointment in a University of Melbourne Department): Dr D. Aitken, Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). *Dr I. C. Calder, Organic Chemistry. *Dr R. C. Clift, Accounting. Dr R. M. Robins-Browne, Microbiology. Dr R. Sands, Agriculture and Forestry. *Dr J. D. Tange, Pathology. *Dr H. C. Watson, Mechanical Engineering.


Dr J. T. Ahokas, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Pharmacology. Dr Y. Aitken, as a Senior Associate in Agriculture and Forestry. Dr C. M. Alaouze, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Economics. Dr R. K. Allen, as a Temporary Lecturer in Medicine (Austin Hospital). Mr C. Anderson, as a Visitor to Zoology. Dr M. A. Anderson, as a Research Fellow (Extendible Tenure) in Botany. Professor D. A. Armstrong, as a Visitor to Physical Chemistry. Mr J. E. Askew, as an Associate in Mining and Metallurgy. Dr A. Bacic, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Botany. Dr M. Bareeda-Hanson, as an Associate in Psychology. Mr E. W. Barr, as a Visiting Fellow in the Graduate School of Business Administration. Dr P. Batterham, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Genetics. Professor M. Batty, as a Visiting Fellow in Environmental Planning. Dr A. J. Beattie, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Botany. Mr C. B. Benjamin, as a Visiting Research Fellow in the Faculty of Arts. Mr G. L. Benwell, as a Lecturer in Surveying. Ms E. F. Berah, as a Associate in Psychology. Dr P. A. Berger, as a Senior Associate in Medicine (Austin Hospital). Dr J. D. Best, as an Associate in Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr P. L. Bhalla-Singh, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Agriculture and Forestry. Mr R. J. Binnington, as a Research Fellow in Chemical Engineering. Mr J. Bird, as a visitor to Music. Dr J. A. Bisby, as a Senior Associate in Community Health. Brother W. Borrell, as an Associate in Botany. Professor K. E. Boulding, as R.I. Downing Fellow in Economics. Dr F. N. Bouvier, as a Senior Associate in Community Health. Rev. Dr Breward, as an Associate in History. Dr I. M. Britain, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in History. Mr D. J. Brown, as a Visitor to Accounting. Mr R. M. Bryan, as a Research Fellow in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Mr W. Buckingham, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr A. W. Burgess, as a Professorial Associate in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr C. C. Bursey, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences.

44 Mr D. P. Cantillon, as a Temporary Lecturer in Dental Prosthetics. Mr R. A. Carter, as a Senior Lecturer in Regional and Urban Economic Studies. Mr D. Chakrabarty, as a Temporary Lecturer in Indian Studies. Dr T. J. Chalko, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Mechanical Engineering. Ms A. Chatzinikolaou, as a Temporary Lecturer in Classical Studies. Dr C-C. Chen, as a Visiting Fellow in Mathematics. Dr S. L. Chen, as a Visiting Fellow in Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr G. W. Chin, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Veterinary Preclinical Sciences. Dr A. J. Christophers, as a Senior Associate in Pharmacology. Dr L. G. Churchward, as a Senior Associate in Political Science. Mr J. Clareborough,asa Professorial Associate in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Professor K. W. Clements, as a Visitor to Economics. Dr H. T. Clifford, as a Visiting Fellow in Botany. Dr R. B. Collins, as an Associate in Community Health. Mr B.T. Collopy, as a Temporary First Assistant in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Mr J. Connolly, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Music. Professor R. P. Cooney, as a Visitor to Physical Chemistry. Mr P. I. Corke, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Electrical Engineering. Miss J. Cornwell, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Psychiatry. Professor G. Costache, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Mathematics. Professor G. M. Crawley, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics. Mr H. V. Crock, as a Professorial Associate in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Professor R. W. Gumming, as a Visiting Professor in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Mr A. M. Cuthbertson, as a Professorial Associate in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Mr G. A. Da Costa, as a Research Fellow in Otolaryngology. Dr S. M. Davis, as a Temporary Senior Lecturer in Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr G. D. Debelle, as a Clinical Instructor in Paediatrics. Mr S. J. Deery, as a Lecturer in Graduate School of Business Administration. Dr J. W. De Leeuw, as a Visitor to Organic Chemistry. Dr J. V. Denholm, as a Senior Lecturer in Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). Dr A. E. Dingle, as a Senior Research Fellow (Limited Tenure) in History. Miss F. H. Donovan, as a Senior Associate in Social Studies. Mr H. Dow, as a Senior Associate in English. Professor P. E. Dresel, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Dr A. R. Dunn, as an Associate in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr G. Ellender, as a Senior Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry. Dr H. P. Ewing, as a Clinical Supervisor in the Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School. Dr M. P. Falkenberg, as a Prosector in Anatomy. Mr J. Farhall, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr G. C. Farrell, as a Prosector in Anatomy. Mr R. A. Fawns, as a Senior Lecturer in Education. Professor A. Flammer, as a Visitor to Psychology. Dr J. M. Floyd, as an Associate in Mining and Metallurgy. Dr H. C. Foot, as a Visitor to Psychology. Dr C. M. Franks, as a Visitor to Psychology. Dr V. Franks, as a Visitor to Psychology. Professor B. J. Frost, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Optometry.

45 Professor G. Frye, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics (R.A.A.F Academy). Dr M. J. Gallagher, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Economics. Dr M. Gill, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Organic Chemistry. Dr A. J. Gleadow, as a Senior Research Fellow in Geology. Professor L. A. Glenny, as a Visitor to the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. Dr K. J. Gogolin-Ewens, as a Research Fellow in Veterinary Preclinical Sciences. Miss K. L. Graham, as a Temporary Research Fellow in Law. Dr P. F. Green, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Geology. Dr F. Grieser, as a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow in Physical Chemistry. Dr P. G. Griffiths, as a Research Fellow in Organic Chemistry. Dr J. Grigor, as a Senior Associate in Psychiatry. Dr H. J. Grossman, as a Senior Research Officer in Pathology. Dr A. L. Gundlach, as a Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Mr I. F. Gutteridge, as an Associate in Optometry. Dr M. L. Hair, as a Visitor to Physical Chemistry. Professor R. G. Hamlet, as a Visitor to Computer Science. Dr P. R. Hamlyn, as a Research Fellow in Geology. Mr Hasanuddin, as a Visitor to Agriculture and Forestry. DrR. A. Harris, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr R. 0. Hegg, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Civil Engineering. Mr D. 0. Hii, as a Research Fellow in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Professor R. Hogg, as a Visitor to Physical Chemistry. DrA. P. Hooper, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Mathematicsand Chemical Engineering. Dr H-F Huang, as a Visiting Fellow in Pathology. Professor V. Huber-Dyson, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Mathematics. Dr J. Hurrell, as an Associate in Pathology. Dr P. Ironside, as a Senior Associate in Pathology. Dr A. Isaacs, as a Senior Associate in Ophthalmology. Dr H. Y. Izan, as a visitor to Accounting. Professor A. C. Jackson, as a Senior Associate in Philosophy. Mr D. Jaffe, as an Associate in Fine Arts. Dr G. R. Jago, as a Senior Associate in Biochemistry. Mr R. J. James, as a Research Fellow (Extendible Tenure) in Paediatrics. Dr R. P. Jarvis, as an Associate in Radiology. Dr J. F. Jenkin, as a Research Fellow in Agriculture and Forestry. Dr M-S Jin, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Geology. Mr R. S. Jones, as a Senior Lecturer in Economics. Dr D. G. Jose, as a Senior Associate in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Ms I. M. Kaatz, as a Visitor to Zoology. Mr M. Kamichi, as a Visitor to Mathematics. Professor R. A. Kennedy, as a Visiting Fellow in Psychology. Mr K. C. Keown, as an Associate in Accounting. Professor M. H. Khader, as a Visiting Fellow in Civil Engineering. Professor P. Khanduri, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Mr J. L. Kingston, as a Temporary Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Dr R. Koebel, as a Visiting Fellow in Environmental Planning. Mrs. M. Kokolis, as a Visitor to Classical Studies Professor X. Kokolis, as a Visitor to Classical Studies Dr D. S. Kolsky, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Italian. Ms M. Kotzmann, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr J. Krawczyszyn, as an Associate in Botany.

46 Dr P. Y. Ladiges, as a Senior Lecturer in Botany. Dr G. J. Laviopierre, as a Senior Associate in Community Health. Dr R. H. Lea, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Dr P. Leaper, as a Senior Associate in Psychology. Dr J. S. Lechte, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in History. Mr A. J. Leslie, as a Senior Associate in Agriculture and Forestry. Dr P. C. Leung, as a Research Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Mr R. B. Lewis, as a Senior Associate in the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Dr S. J. Lewis, as a Senior Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Mr P. Li, as a Visiting Fellow in East Asian Studies. Mr Y. G. Li, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics. Dr L. H. Liew, as a Research Fellow (Extendible Tenure) in the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Ms C-C Lim, as a Research Fellow in the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Professor D. Ling, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Education/Otolaryngology. Dr B. G. Livett, as a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry. Dr S. Lloyd-Bostock, as a Visitor to Criminology. Mr G. J. Lowe, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Legal Studies. Dr 0. Mace, as a Senior Lecturer in Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). Dr M. J. Maloney, as a Senior Associate in Psychiatry. Dr P. D. Marley, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Biochemistry. Mr C. J. Martin, as a Senior Lecturer in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr J. J. Martin, as a Senior Associate in Radiology. Mr R. G. Maskell, as an Associate in Mining and Metallurgy. Professor S. A. Maslowe, as a Visitor to Mathematics. Dr J. T. Miller, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Political Science. Dr A. H. Mines, as a Visiting Fellow in Physiology. Dr F. Mora, as a University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Philosophy. Dr F. J. Morgan, as a Professorial Associate in Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital). Ms J. Morton, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr B. J. Muir, as a Lecturer in English. Mr W. A. Musolini, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Italian. Dr J. B. Myers, as a Senior Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Dr J. McBain, as an Associate in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Mr C. J. McConville, as a Temporary Lecturer in History. Mr A. A. McLean, as a Temporary Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Dr D. A. McOmish, as an Associate in Radiology. Dr H. Neuberger, as a Visiting Fellow in Psychology. Mr V. V. Nguyen, as a Visitor to Botany. Dr K. Noguchi, as a Visitor to Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). Dr M. W. Nott, as a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology. Mrs T. Nyulasi, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Mr B. Mc. O'Brien, as a Professorial Associate in Anatomy. Mr T. G. O'Neill, as a Visitor to English. Mr H. D. Opie, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Law. Dr A. Owens, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy).

47 Dr G. S. Parcel, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Community Health. Dr N. C. Partridge, as a Senior Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Mr J. Pead, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr V. D. Pleuckhann, as a Senior Lecturer in Community Health. Mr E. N. Plumridge, as an Associate in Psychology. Professor 0. E. Potter, as a Visiting Professor in Chemical Engineering. Dr P. R. Prager, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics. Dr J. Proietto, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr A. J. Pyle, as a Visiting Research Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science. Dr M. A. Quinn, as a Senior Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Mr S. Radhakrishnan, as a Visitor to Indian Studies. Dr P. Ramsden, as a Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. Professor A. E. Rattray, as a Visiting Fellow in Environmental Planning. Dr D. Reddihough, as an Associate in Paediatrics. Dr L. Reti, as an Associate in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Mr I. G. Richards, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Computer Science. Dr F. R. Rickles, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital). Mr A. D. Robinson, as a Research Officer in Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr H. P. Robinson, as a Senior Associate in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Mrs K. L. Robinson, as a Research Fellow in Community Health. Dr A. A. Rosenbloom, as a Visitor to Optometry. Dr J. Rosner, as a Visitor to Optometry. Mr M. J. Rubin, as a Visitor to Meteorology. Associate Professor R. G. Ru Bino, as a Visiting Fellow in Environmental Planning. Dr J. H. Rubinstein, as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics. Mr C. J. Sampford, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Law. Dr D. T. Sampson, as a Visiting Research Fellow in English. Dr E. A. Scheurmann, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Agriculture and Forestry. Mrs F. Schnell, as a Visitor to Psychiatry. Dr I. Schweitzer, as a Temporary Lecturer in Psychiatry. Ms E. Seifert, as a Visitor to Zoology. Dr R. B. Sewell, as a Research Fellow in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Dr R. L. Sharwood, as a Senior Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Law. Dr P-T Shi, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Biochemistry. Dr N. Shimura, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Dental Medicine and Surgery. Professor L. D. Singell, as a Visiting Fellow in Economics. Dr A. M. Sizeland, as a Prosector in Anatomy. Dr H. D. Slattery, as a C. R. Roper Fellow in Agriculture and Forestry. Dr R. A. Smallwood, as a Professorial Associate in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Dr G. Smith, as a Senior Lecturer in Optometry. Mr R. G. Smith, as a Temporary Lecturer in Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). Mrs R. L. Smith, as a Senior Lecturer in Economics. Dr X. Y. Song, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Pharmacology. Mr A. J. Spencer, as a Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry. Professor I. Stamm, as a Visiting Fellow in Social Studies. Dr J. H. Stanton, as an Associate in Community Health.

48 Professor D. Stea, as a Visitor to Architecture and Building. Mr R. Stevenson, as a Visitor to Music. Mr B. F. Stoffell, as a Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy. Mr G. Story, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr V. Svars, as a Visiting Fellow in Civil Engineering. Dr L. S. Sych, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Dental Medicine and Surgery. Professor Emeritus E. I. Sykes, as a Visitor to Law. Mr J. Teicher, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Economics. Mrs B. Teltscher, as a Senior Associate in Psychiatry. Dr P. J. Thurlow, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Pathology. Mr J.Toouli, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Surgery (Royal Melbourne Hospital). Dr R. W. Topor, as a Lecturer in Computer Science. Dr L. P. Trepanier, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Microbiology. Dr B. M. Tress, as a First Assistant in Radiology. Mr K. Tsokhas, as a Temporary Lecturer in Political Science. Dr L. H. Tung, as a Senior Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Mr T. J. Verberne, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr I. D. Walker, as a Senior Research Fellow (Extendible Tenure) in Pathology. Dr T. L. Wang, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Anatomy. Dr R. K. Watson, as a Senior Lecturer in Statistics. Dr R. L. Webb, as an Associate in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr P. Wendiggensen, as a Temporary Lecturer in Psychiatry. Professor J. Werner, as a Visitor to Economics. Dr P. M. Whitington, as a Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Zoology. Mr M. Z. Wierzbowski, as a Temporary Lecturer in Architecture and Building. Dr E. H. Williams, as a Senior Research Fellow in Botany. Dr N. T. Williams, as a Senior Lecturer in Physiology. Professor J. F. Wilson, as a visitor to Civil Engineering. Mr P. Wink, as an Associate in Psychology. Dr K. M. Wood, as a Visiting Fellow in Social Studies. Mr P. R. Wood, as a Research Officer in Microbiology. Dr 0. L. Woodman, as a Senior Research Officer in Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital). Dr J. D. Wright, as a University of Melbourne Research Officer in Physics. Professor M. Yamanaka, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Economic History. Dr Y. L. Yeow, as a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. Mr Z. C. Zhang, as a Visiting Fellow in Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Mr X. Y. Zhao, as a Visiting Research Fellow in Physics.


Dr T. J. Anderson, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Chemical Engineering. Mrs C. A. Blaze, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Dr D. Bradley, Lecturer in English. Mrs J. M. Brett, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Political Science. Professor H. C. Brookfield, Professor in Geography. Mr J. G. Buls, Senior Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital). Dr I. C. Calder, Reader in Organic Chemistry. Mr J. P. Campbell, Senior Lecturer in Dental Medicine and Surgery. Dr H. B. Collin, Reader in Optometry. Professor D. M. Danks, Professor in Paediatrics. Dr G. J. Davison, Senior Lecturer in History. Dr G. Diriwachter, University of Melbourne Research Fellow in Agriculture and Forestry.

49 Mr G. L. Dixon, Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Mr M. C. Douglas, First Assistant in Surgery (Austin Hospital). Professor J. B. Evans, Professor in Mining and Metallurgy. Dr E. Harari, Senior Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Psychiatry. Mr K. D. Hay, Lecturer in Dental Medicine and Surgery. Dr J. G. Hedberg, Senior Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. Dr S. Henningham, Temporary Lecturer in Indian Studies. Mrs A-M. Lanteri, Senior Lecturer in Law. Dr J. T. Miller, Lecturer in Political Science. Miss M. M. Plant, Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts. Dr R. L. Prince, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Medicine (Austin Hospital). Dr J. S. Richardson, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Mathematics. Dr H. P. Robinson, First Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Royal Women's Hospital). Dr S. M. Rodger, Research Fellow in Microbiology. Dr H. J. Schuh, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Statistics. Mr J. C. Van Veenendaal, Lecturer (Limited Tenure) in Veterinary Clinical Sciences.

RETIREMENTS Dr J. C. Barton, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics. Mr H. J. Chu, Senior Lecturer in East Asian Studies. Mr A. E. Ferguson, Reader in Electrical Engineering. Dr C. Gundolf, Senior Lecturer in Italian. Mr A. J. St. J. Hannigan, Reader in Legal Studies. Dr A. K. Holland, Reader in French. Miss J. St. G. Kerr, Reader in Accounting. Dr H. Maclean, Reader in Germanic Studies. Dr M. T. McQuillan, Reader in Biochemistry. Dr J. E. Parnaby, Senior Lecturer in History. Dr G. M. Weste, Reader in Botany. Mr R. H. Wilkinson, Senior Lecturer in Physics. Professor E. J. Williams, Professor in Statistics.

OBITUARY Professor L. J. Ray, 28 January, 1982. Dr A. W. Willee, 10 October, 1982.


Dr J. M. Armstrong, Russian, pursued her research programme at Oxford University, where she attended weekly seminars organized by the Russian Centre at St Anthony's College. She gave a seminar at London University and visited the USSR briefly. Mrs L. Arnold, Social Studies, attended the Vlth Asian-Pacific Regional Seminar in Sri Lanka before the Regional Conference of the International Council on Social Welfare for Asia and the Western Pacific in India, where she presented a paper. As well as visiting development agencies and village projects in India, she attended the Seventh Professional Symposium of the National Association of Social Workers in the USA. Dr M. J. C. Baker, Mathematics (R.A.A.F. Academy), worked in London on a problem in combinatorial geometry, and at the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education at Nottingham University. Dr C. G. Barraclough, Physical Chemistry, worked at University College, London, in the field of resonance Raman spectroscopy on long chain platinum compounds. Results were presented in a paper at the European Molecular Spectroscopy Conference at Norwich. He also gave seminars at chemistry departments at several other British universities.

50 Dr C. Bell, Physiology, worked at the Physiology Institute of the University of Kiel, West Germany, on the vasodilator autonomic nerve supply to the cat's paw. Later in Britain he discussed with colleagues in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, some joint research projects. Professor D. G. Beswick, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, consulted with colleagues in major overseas centres on current research in higher education in Britain and the United States while affiliated with the Department of Educational Administration of the University of London and the School of Education of the University of California, Berkeley. Professor D. C. Blood. Veterinary Science, spent five months at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, where he completed revision of the textbook "Veterinary Medicine". He later presented lectures in Western Canada and USA on the use of computers in preventative veterinary science. Dr D. W. Borland, Mining and Metallurgy, was a member of a team using scanning transmission electron microscopy in the study of precipitation in high-strength steels during a study programme at the University of Toronto, Canada. His research was concerned with the microstructure of high-strength low-alloy steels. Professor M. N. Brearley, Mathematics (R.A.A.F. Academy), spent study leave in collaboration with Wallace M. Motloch, at the Children's Hospital, Stanford, California, to develop three mechanical mobility aids for the physically disabled. He also collaborated with on hearing aid development and visited universities and institutions in the United States and Britain where he lectured at the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centre of the Veterans Administration Hospital, Palo Alto, California and the Children's Hospital at Stanford. Mr H. P. Brown, Civil Engineering, presented papers at the Australian Transport Research Forum in Hobart and gave seminars at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA. Mr J. B. Burke. Classical Studies, spent his programme mainly in Greece, at the University of Thessaloniki, where he participated in a colloquium on the Greek language, besides visiting Greek-speaking areas of southern Italy. Dr C. N. Chesterman. Medicine (St. Vincent's Hospital), attended the VI11th International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis in Toronto, Canada, en route to Cambridge. There he spent 11 months working in the Cell Biology Unit ARC Institute of Animal Physiology. He attended lectures and gave seminars, besides visiting a number of laboratories to confer with colleagues. DrA. E. Clarke, Botany, visited the United States and Japan for discussions with colleagues at St Louis Medical School and the Monsanto Chemical Laboratories at St Louis. She attended the American Chemical Society National meeting and in Japan the Agricultural Chemical Society. She held discussions and gave seminars at Tohoku University, Nagoya University, the National Cancer Institute and the University of Tokyo. Mr T. J. Col/its, English, studied problems facing the development of a Marxist literary criticism at a theoretical level while at Oxford University, where he attended a number of Dr Terry Eagleton's lectures and seminars at Wadham College. Dr P. J. Connor, Classical Studies, participated in the archaeological excavation in Torone, Halkidiki, Greece. En route to the Fondation Hardt in Geneva he visited other archaeological sites and later toured West Germany, visiting museums. After a visit to Paris he worked at the British Museum, London. Mr W. Culican. History, conducted research at the Institute of Archaeology in Melbourne ina number of areas. He completed research and writing several works for publication. Dr M. J. Da/ling, Agriculture and Forestry, investigated the nature and control of events responsible for the senescence of chloroplasts in wheat and barley at the University of California, Davis, on a Fulbright Scholarship. He also worked as a Visiting Professor at the Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule in Zurich, Switzerland, where he gave seminars and lectures, besides visiting other institutions in the USA, Britain and West Germany. Dr P. G. C. Darby, Political Science, was attached to Nuffield College, Oxford, while researching and writing a book "Images of Dominance", dealing with Anglo-American perceptions of the Third World. Dr J. M. Davis, Physiology, carried out research on the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanisms while based at the Physiologisches Institut de Universitaet Muenchen, West

51 Germany. There he collaborated with colleagues in publication of findings and attended conferences at which he contributed papers in Athens, Tel Aviv, Innsbruck and Basle. Dr P. J. Dowling, Business Administration, visited numerous universities and research centres in the USA for meetings with colleagues in the field of business administration. Professor C. R. Duckworth, French, spent time in London and France working on conference papers and research into the theatre of Jean Tardieu, the biography of the comte d'Antraigues, Anglo-French drama criticism 1950-80 and Samuel Beckett. In London he attended the annual conference of the British 18th Century Society, representing the Australasian-Pacific society.

Dr B. K. Evans, Zoology, carried out a research programme in the field of whole animal regulatory physiology at the University of East Anglia, Norwich and University College, London. She spent a month visiting the Department of Anatomy and Histology at the University of Lund, Sweden, for a collaborative project with Professor Paul Korner of the Baker Medical Research Institute, besides visiting other laboratories in Britain and attending conferences. Professor H. Felperin, English, conducted research at the British Library in London for a book on contemporary literary theory. Besides attending a conference of the International Shakespeare Society in Stratford, he delivered three papers at the departments of English at Columbia University, University of California at Berkeley and University of California at Los Angeles, USA. Dr M. R. Fennessy, Pharmacology, carried out research project with Professor W. Kobinger at the Boehringer Institute of Pharmacological Research in Vienna, a world authority in the field of cardiovascular pharmacology. He attended the 8th International Congress of Pharmacology in Tokyo as well as participating in a research project with a colleague at the University of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur. Seminars and lectures were given in Vienna, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. Dr C. T. Fisher. History, spent his programme at Harvard University as a Visiting Scholar in the John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research where he gave a seminar on the Jia-Jing Reign (1522-1565). He also attended a continuing seminar of Ming specialists at Princeton University. Mrs L. E. Foreman, Criminology, carried out a studies programme into the changing role of policewomen in Victoria, England and Europe and aspects of policing in England and Holland. She also examined features of crime control and criminal justice policy administration in England while in London. Dr N. E. Frankel, Physics, carried out research at the Department of Theoretical Physics in the , and visited the University of Paris XI in Orsay for work on plasma physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Mr B.N. Gray, Surgery (St. Vincent's Hospital), visited several North American and European co-operative centres conducting clinical trials for the adjuvant treatment of large bowel cancer. Dr N. B. Gray, Mining and Metallurgy, was a Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering. He presented a paper at the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Metallurgical Engineers at Dallas, Texas, and gave a seminar at Columbia University, New York on 'Research in Process Metallurgy at the University of Melbourne'. Dr H. P. Graze, Engineering, studied at the University of Stuttgart Institut fur Wasserbau where he was a guest-professor for research into transient water pressures in the general field of water-hammer analyses for industry. He attended the Fifth International Symposium on Water Column Separation held in Obernach, Bavaria. Mrs P. Grimshaw, History, worked in the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington and the Bishop Museum Library, University of Hawaii, researching the experiences of English and American female missionaries in Polynesia. Mr A. W. Gunther, Economics, undertook a study of the policies towards foreign investment of various countries while at the Economics Department at the University of Reading. He had discussions with the OECD in Paris and attended a conference of academic economists at the University of York.

52 DrR. D. Harcourt, Physical Chemistry, spent study leave at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Cambridge University, where he completed a book and carried out research on the Bohr theory of the atom, besides visiting colleagues in the USA and Britain. Professor W. S. C. Hare, Radiology, visited university departments in the USA, Britain and Europe where he studied innovations in radiology, computer applications to radiology and interventional techniques in uro-radiology. He lectured by invitation at the Medical Schools of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Rochester and Harvard, in the USA and Aberdeen, Glasgow and London in Britain. He attended the conference of the Society of Uro-radiology in Florida and the bi-centennial conference of the Institute of Urology in London, as well as the third World Conference of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology in Brighton, England. Dr R. P. Harris, Computer Science, studied the latest developments in computer synthesis of music at the University of California, San Diego and at Stanford University in the USA. He also visited Simon Fraser University, near Vancouver and the University of Toronto in Canada to investigate facilities for computer-assisted composition and the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College, Ohio. Professor T. W. Healy, Physical Chemistry, was a Visiting Scientist at the Corporate Research Laboratories of Imperial Chemical Industries in Britain followed by four months as a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Institute of Colloid and Surface Science, Clarkson College, Potsdam, New York. Dr B. Hodgson, Microbiology, carried out full time research at the Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado and later visited research institutes in the USA. Mrs M. J. Holmes, Political Science, presented her seminars on Australian federal/state relations to students at Harvard in the course of undertaking a general project on Australian political behaviour. Her visit to Canadian universities of Toronto, Brock, Queens and British Columbia coincided with constitutional reform in Canada arousing similar divisiveness to that in Australia. Professor R. W. Home. History and Philosophy of Science, undertook research field work at the Archives Department of the Academie des Sciences and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris and subsequently at Cambridge University, where he was a Visiting Associate at Clare Hall. He also visited libraries in Europe and the USSR and attended a conference of the British Society for the History of Science at the University of Essex. Dr J. Home, Economics, worked as visiting scholar in the International Finance Division, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington, DC. where he completed research on three major papers and gave a research seminar. He also visited the Centre for Banking and International Finance, the City University, London. Dr K. R. Jackson, Classical Studies, was based at the Classics Department, Princeton University, USA for research on Greek philosopy holdings of the Firestone Library. He participated in meetings and seminars in classics and philosophy. Dr G. C. Joshi, Physics, carried out four research projects at NATO Advanced Study School, Ettore Majorana Centre, Italy, Bonn University, Germany and the Centre for Advanced Study, Delhi University, India. He received an honorary award for creative participation at the former and attended the Lepton-Photon conference at Bonn University. MrC. D. M.Jost, Music, worked in the libraries of the Royal College of Music in London and at Edinburgh University to complete the draft of a thesis: Practice, Interpretation, Performance'. He attended the International Piano Competition in Leeds and began work on the teaching and interpretative methods of the Polish pianist and composer Ignaz Friedman. Dr A. K. Kazi, Middle Eastern Studies, was based in Medina, Saudi Arabia, while researching the birth and growth of literary activity in modern Saudi Arabia at the Islamic University of Medina. While in Saudi Arabia he visited the University of Umm al-Qura in Mecca, the University of King Abdul Aziz, Jedda and the universities at Riyadh and Dhahran where he conferred with colleagues. Dr J. B. Keene, Geology, was given the privileges of Staff Scientist at the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. There he completed basic work on two research papers and completed and submitted two other research papers. Mr T. J. Kelly, English, studied three aspects of Shakespearean Comedy in the English Departments at Monash and La Trobe Universities. He attended graduate seminars on Shakespeare at La Trobe.

53 Dr D. E. Kennedy, History, worked in the British Library and renewed contact with the Institute of Historical Research at London University, and the London University Library to complete a manuscript about sixteenth and seventeenth century English divines, with particular reference to the Puritans and their arguments. Mr J. H. Killip. Industrial Science, carried out a project to examine the doctrine of the economy of high wages in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries while based at Bristol University, England. Dr T. Kotler, Psychology, divided her study programme between the Department of Psychological Medicine, the Hospital for Sick Children, London and the Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne. In London, she joined the Family Studies Group in a research project on families with obese children. Dr J. J. Koliha. Mathematics, divided his studies between universities in the United States and Canada and Europe, where he conferred with colleagues in his research project on operator poles. Professor G. A. Kune. Surgery (Austin and Repatriation Hospitals), carried out research with collaborators in centres in France and Lyon and Marseilles on the epidemiology of gastrointestinal cancers, duodenal ulcers and achalasia of the oesophagus. He delivered 14 major lectures and attended eight congresses and seminars and 12 workshops and research planning meetings. DrP. Y. Ladiges, Botany, spent her study leave programme at the Botany Department, British Museum of Natural History, London, working in the field of cladistics and vicariance biogeography. She presented seminars at the British Museum (N.H.), Sheffield University and Liverpool University and completed papers and manuscripts for publication. Dr B. N. Langtry, Philosophy, was based at University College, Oxford while researching in the Bodleian and other libraries on principals of social justice, with special reference to John Rawls. Two series of postgraduate seminars by eminent Oxford philosophers were attended.

Dr J. L. Lassez, Computer Science, worked at the University of Paris in the Laboratoire d'lnformatique Theorique et de Programmation on formal semantics of programming languages. He attended and gave seminars on Semantics of Logic Programming and started a research project on Logic Programming. Dr H. E. LeGrand, History and Philosophy of Science, completed a programme of special studies at the Universite des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, France, on the history of chemistry and chemical technology in 18th century France. Work was begun on aspects of the history of geology and the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics. Visits were made to institutions in the USA, Britain and Europe. DrS. A. Lephart, Human Movement Studies, attended the 1981 Conference of the American Society of Biomechanics at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. He later visited other universities and institutions engaged in biomechanical research. Dr M. B. Lewis, Architecture and Building, spent his study programme attached to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) during which he completed the text of a book The Essential Maldon. Projects undertaken included the Architecture Index for the Bicentennial Architecture Project and further work on a survey of buildings on French Island, Victoria. DrF. G. Little, Political Science, gave several papers and attended faculty collegia as a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of California, Irvine and later, as Visiting Scholar in the University of Chicago, took part in seminars run by the Committee on Human Development. He was a Special Student of the Institute of Psychoanalysis in Chicago. Later in England he attended seminars at the Hampstead Clinic for Child Therapy, London. Mrs A. Logan, Environmental Planning, studied recent changes to British and French urban regional planning while based in Paris and later in London, where she attended a series of conferences and seminars on the Greater London Development Plan; the Docklands Development Corporation and on local planning at Bristol. Professor R. R. H. Lovell, Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital), devoted his study programme to collecting material in Britain for a biography of the late Lord Moran, one of the planners of the British National Health Service. Professor J. G. Lovering, Geology, undertook a studies programme of field exploration for gold in areas north of Coolgardie, Western Australia, by arrangement with Western Mining Corporation. Drilling for geochemical sampling in favourable zones and supervision of

54 geophysical exploration crews were undertaken to gain first hand knowledge of modern exploration techniques as they would confront a new graduate geologist. Dr S. Y. Lo, Physics, collaborated in research in the Physics Department at Singapore University on the pion form factor at large momentum transfer; the many diffraction dips at np and Kp elastic scattering; and particle ratios in hadron production. Mr N. P. Low, Environmental Planning, worked at the School for Advanced Urban Studies, , England, to research housing policy in south-east England and its implementation. Mr J. C. McCutchan, Electrical Engineering, conducted systematic field trials of electric fences to keep kangaroos out of grazing country at the University's 'Strathfieldsaye' property in Gippsland. Subsequently, trials of some electric fence designs against rabbits were conducted at the Keith Turnbull Research Institute, Frankston, Victoria. Mrs D. McDonald, Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, examined recent developments in the measurement of potential output in Australia and work on an Institute research project on the likely size and timing of the energy-related mining boom in Australia. Later she visited the National Institute of Economic and Social Research in London and attended seminars in Tel Aviv, Israel, Warwick University, Britain, the USA and Europe. Dr I. M. McDonald. Economics, worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with visits to other institutions in the USA, Britain and Canada, where he gave seminars and attended courses. Dr N. D. McLachlan, History, undertook research towards completion of a biography of Sir Robert Wilrnot Horton Wilrnot, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Colonial Office, London, 1821-28. Visits to Columbia University Library, New York, and the British Library followed, with visits to Scotland and Ireland. He attended the Anglo-American conference at the Institute of Historical Research, London. Professor M. M. Manion, Fine Arts, searched manuscript collections of Australian public libraries to check details of holdings for a publication on medieval manuscripts in Australian collections. She later visited Vatican and regional Italian libraries, Germany, Belgium and France, London (British Library) and the Bodleian at Oxford. Dr G. D. Marshall, Philosophy, attended classes at Oxford University on Indexials, Anti- Realism and Rationality and Interest, Functionalism and Physicalism and Sameness and Substance—all bearing on his interests in the philosophy of mind. He wrote three papers, variations of his main research theme of Explanation and Interpretation which were later read to colleagues at seminars in London, Leeds and elsewhere. Professor T.J. Martin, Medicine (Austin and Repatriation General Hospitals), divided special study leave as visiting Professor of Clinical Pharmacology between the Division of Endocrinology in the Department of Medicine, University of Connecticut and in the Department of Oral Biology of the Dental School of the university. Later he participated in conferences and arranged collaborative research in Britain, Europe and Japan. Mrs D. J. Morley, Mathematics, worked on research into the life of Sir George Gabriel Stokes, for a biography on the nineteenth-century mathematician and physicist. She also examined tutorial arrangements in overseas universities and attended lectures on the history of mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Dr T. F. Neales, Botany, worked in the Department of Environmental Biology, Research School of Biological Sciences, ANU and the Departmentof Plant Sciences, Leeds University, where he was appointed visiting fellow. Dr N. R. Norman, Economics, carried out research into the economics of North Sea oil and related economic matters while based at Cambridge University. Dr M. W. Nott, Pharmacology, worked in the Health Sciences Learning Resources Centre, University of Washington, at Seattle, to acquire knowledge of and to apply the latest techniques for producing teaching media. Dr J. D. O'Shea. Veterinary Pre-Clinical Sciences, visited the University of Hawaii to collaborate in research on decidualisation of the uterus. Brief visits were made to other institutions engaged on research in this field at the Universities of Southampton, Edinburgh and Glasgow in Britain and Temple University, Philadelphia and the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.

55 Miss K. I. Palmer, Education, was a visiting scholar at the University of London, Institute of Education, where she continued research on the relationship between culture and education. Dr J. E. Parnaby, History, worked in libraries and research institutions in North America, London and Dublin, Eire, in the course of research on Irish History 1880-1903. She worked at the Houghton and Widener Libraries at Harvard, the Beineke Library at Yale and Canadian Public Archives in Ottawa. In London she worked at the British Library, the London School of Economics and the Victoria and Albert Museum and in Dublin at the National Library and Trinity College Library. Dr A. M. H. Patrick, History, worked in France, mainly in Paris in the Archives Nationales and the Bibliotheque Nationale, on the records of the committees of the Constituent Assembly (1789-1791). Mr G. J. Pratt. Industrial Science, was Visiting Fellow in the Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Britain where he conducted research into use of polystyrene and polycarbonate in electrical applications. He attended several relevant meetings of the Plastics and Rubber Institute in Leicester and London, and visited research centres in Strasbourg, France and Lausanne, Switzerland. Mr W. K. Presa, Philosophy, worked in the Department of Philosophy, the Faculties, Australian National University, where he was made Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Arts. He participated in meetings and seminars and presented papers. Professor P. C. Reade, Dental Medicine and Surgery, presented research papers at the 60th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, in New Orleans, USA, and was involved in final planning for the 9th International Conference on Oral Biology and the 61st General Session of I.A.D.R. to be held in Sydney. He attended a symposium on dento-facial deformities at the University of Texas, Dallas and visited research groups at other American institutions. Dr M. D. Rickard, Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences, visited Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto, California, and the Australian Aid Programme at Sigatoka, Fiji, en route to participate in the conference on Cysticercosis in Mexico City. Mr L. J. Rivett, Surveying, attended the International Symposium on Photo-grammetry Applications in Architecture, Monument Preservation, Archaeology and the Science of Arts in Vienna, Austria, where he presented a paper. Professor L. A. F. Rodger, Architecture and Building, presented two papers at the Congress of the International Union of Architects in Warsaw, Poland, and attended the Assembly of the UIA in Katowice. The major part of his study programme was in Britain. Mr A. Rotenberg, Mechanical Engineering, performed research, study of teaching methods and applications of solutions of engineering problems of descriptive geometry and computer graphics during a study programme in the USA, Israel and mainly at the Technische Universitat Munchen, West Germany. Mr J. G. Santamaria, Law, was based in University College, Oxford University where his programme covered the relationship of philosophical psychology to the intentional elements in crime and examination of the distinction between theoretical and practical reason and the location in practical reason of natural law theory. Dr W. H. Sawyer, Biochemistry, carried out special studies at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in West Germany to examine the applicability of phosphorescence anisotropy measurements to problems associated with the structural chemistry of biomem- branes. Professor J. C. Scrivener, Architecture and Building, participated in structural brickwork research at the University of Edinburgh and studied the curricula of building courses, particularly in the construction management area, at British tertiary institutions. Dr G. G. Shute. Physics, gave a seminar on nuclear physics experimental work at the University of Indiana and the Australian National University. Dr D. G. Smith, Zoology, presented papers at the International Congress on Fish Gills at Taormina, Sicily and the Zoophysiology Department, Goteborg University, Sweden and the August Krogh Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark. He also attended the conference of the Society for Experimental Biology at Leiden, Holland. DrC. O. Sowerwine, History, undertook research projects during study leave in France on The Origins of Socialism in the Department of the Ain 1848-1968, and on a biography of the

56 socialist, feminist and anarchist woman doctor, Madelaine Pelletier. He lectured at the University of Lyon II, the University of East Anglia and the University of Geneva by invitation. Professor G. V. Stanley, Psychology, visited several universities in the United States and Canada before completing a period of study and writing at Monash University. He participated in a symposium on the Middle Years of Childhood at New Orleans sponsored by the Institute of Paediatric Service and visited the University of Washington in Seattle, University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, University of California, Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego, University of Hawaii and Tulane University. Dr N. D. Sullivan, Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences, held a visiting associate professorship in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He also visited university veterinary pathology departments in Canada and New York State. Dr J. T. J. Srzednicki, Philosophy, worked in Poland and made visits to Oxford University, University of Bristol and University of London and Cambridge University for conferences and discussions with colleagues and his publisher. In Poland he read papers and conferred with academics. Mr R. R. S. Tracey. Law, carried out research in areas of labour law and administrative law in Canada, the United States and Britain. Additionally he read for admission to the Victorian Bar. Dr P. A. Tregloan, Inorganic Chemistry, studied the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as applied to the kinetic behaviour of coordination complexes at the Institut de Chimie Minerale et Analytique, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He presented research lectures at the University of Geneva and the University of Basle. Mr D. F. B. Tucker, Political Science, undertook a programme of research into broadcasting accountability as a Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, where he attended seminars and participated in three conferences in New York and Milwaukee. Mr J. J. Turnbull. Architecture and Building, visited Schools of Architecture at San Francisco and Los Angeles, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Boston and New York in the USA to investigate current architecture and theories, recent projects and buildings in the USA, Europe and Britain. Mr G. F. J. Van Hoeydonck, Germanic Studies, visited Belgium and the Netherlands to carry out research in the field of text linguistics and an analysis of the Dutch Rural Novel in Flanders while working at the Universities of Amsterdam and Antwerp. Dr G. D. Watson, French, attended the conference of the Association Internationale des Etudes Franchises in Paris as well as the Biennale de la langue Francais in Lausanne, Switzerland and Aosta, Italy. Professor P. W. Whitton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, visited Britain to explore the position of different universities and institutions following reduction of financial allocations and grants and reductions of student numbers, with particular reference to staffing policies and financial planning. Organizations visited included the Association of Commonwealth Universities; the U.K. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals; the Imperial College of Science and Technology; the University of Southampton; University College, Swansea (University of Wales); the Universities of Birmingham, Salford, Glasgow and Aston. Dr C. J. L. Wilson, Geology, planned to spend study leave with the German Antarctic Expedition to Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica (GA NOVEX II) as an exchange scientist. Because of the sinking of the expedition's main supply and logistic base, the expedition was terminated. Previously, visits were made to colleagues in the Earth Science departments of universities in New Zealand. Dr O. Wykes, Education, gave a series of lectures and seminars to staff and students of the Comparative Education Department of the Institute of Education of London University. She then studied the educational provisions for Local Education Authorities in English counties and visited schools. In France she was a visiting fellow of the Institute of Education of the European Foundation of Culture. Dr R. S. Yost, Chemical Engineering, spent most of his study programme as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA. He undertook research on brown coal conversion and teaching chemical engineering. Short visits were made to the University of Utah and the University of Wyoming.

57 He attended the International Symposium on Chemical Engineering Education held at the Imperial College. London. DrD. Young, Zoology, worked on neutophysical research at three institutions in the USA— Irvine. California, Lawrence. Kansas, and Woods Hole. Massachusetts before working on the text of a book The Darwinian Perspective at Oxford University. Dr C. i. Young, Chemistry, was based at the School of Chemistry. University of Bristol, to study developments in gas chromatography and confer with colleagues in Britain. He spent a month m the USA at the Solubility Data Center, at Emory University. Atlanta. Georgia and attended the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Solubility Data Commission meeting at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. Dr C. F. Zika. History, was based at the University of Tuebmgen, West Germany, and also visited Czechoslovakia, Munich and Cologne, working on early fifteenth and sixteenth century manuscripts

58 GIFTS, GRANTS AND BEQUESTS The University expresses its gratitude for gifts, grants and bequests received during 1982. These include the following:

State Government and State Government Instrumentalities $15,000 from the Country Roads Board for the Department of Civil Engineering. $106,584 from the Department of Agriculture for the Department of Civil Engineering. $58,720 from the Department of Community Welfare Services for the Department of Psychology. $8,000 from the Department of Crown Lands and Survey for the Department of Botany and the Department of Civil Engineering. $81,000 from the Department of Health for the Department of Microbiology. $14,302 from the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation for the Department of Architecture and Building. $12,065 from the Ministry for the Arts for the Faculty of Music and the Melbourne University Union. $80,302 from the Ministry for Conservation for the Department of Agriculture (Animal Production Section), Department of Botany, Department of Geography, Department of Physics (RAAF Academy), Department of Surveying, Department of Zoology, School of Environmental Planning and general University purposes. $8,000 from the Ministry of Transport for the Department of Civil Engineering. $38,502 from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet for the Department of Accounting, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Law, and School of Environmental Planning. $3,043 from the State Electricity Commission of Victoria for the Department of Botany and the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. $30,344 from the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission for the Faculty of Law. $530,375 from the Government of Victoria for Medley Hall, International House and general University purposes. $37,268 from the Victorian Dairy Industry Authority for the Department of Conservative Dentistry. $7,500 from the Government of Victoria for the Faculty of Law. $167,250 from the Victorian Solar Energy Council for the Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Department of Microbiology and the Faculty of Law. $7,020 from the Housing Commission of Victoria for the Department of Architecture and Building. 59 $624,018 from the Health Commission of Victoria for the Department of Microbiology, Department of Pharmacology, Department of Physiology, Department of Psychiatry, and the University Union. $5,500 from the Forests Commission for the Department of Botany.

Australian Government and Australian Government Instrumentalities $4,000 from the Australia-China Council for the Department of East Asian Studies and the Department of Psychology. $810,644 from the Australian Research Grants Committee for various approved A.R.G.S. grants. $44,737 from C.S.I.R.O. for the Department of Agriculture, Department of Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Otolaryngology. $22,000 from the Department of Aboriginal Affairs for the Department of Economics. $4,566 from the Department of Administrative Services for the Graduate School of Business Administration. $172,121 from the Department of Defence for the Department of Optometry and the Department of Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). $29,020 from the Department of Education for the Department of Education and the Department of Veterinary Para-Clinical Sciences. $5,000 from the Department of Employment and Youth Affairs for the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. $31,366 from the Department of Finance for the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Department of Agriculture (Animal Production Section) and the Department of Physical Chemistry. $24,793 from the Department of Foreign Affairs for the Department of Psychology. $127,366 from the Department of Health for the Department of Community Health, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry $3,146,165 from the Department of Health through the National Health and Medical Research Council for the Faculty of Medicine. $20,362 from the Department of Home Affairs and Environment for the Department of Botany and the Department of Zoology. $533,136 from the Department of National Development and Energy for the Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Geography, Department of Organic Chemistry, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research and the School of Environmental Planning. $895,795 from the Department of Primary Industry for the Department of Agriculture (Agricultural Extension, Animal Production Section, Plant Sciences Section and Soil Sciences Section), Department of Biochemistry, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Genetics, Department of Geography, 60 Department of Physical Chemistry, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, Department of Veterinary Pre-Clinical Sciences, Department of Zoology, School of Chemistry and for general University purposes. $1,169,557 from the Department of Science & Technology for the Department of Botany, Department of Chemistry, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Geology, Department of Microbiology, Department of Meteorology, Department of Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy), Department of Zoology, Faculty of Engineering, School of Earth Sciences, School of Chemistry and general University purposes. $6,392 from the Criminology Research Council for the Department of Criminology. $331,489 from the Department of Veterans Affairs for the Faculty of Medicine. $22,941 from the Department of Social Security for the Department of Architecture and Building. $33,541 from the Education Research and Development Committee for the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Department of Psychology and the Department of Physiology. $4,100 from the Industries Assistance Commission for the Department of Economics. $1 6,500 from the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission for the Centre for the Study of Higher Education.

Statutory Corporations $6,550 from the Australian Broadcasting Commission for the Faculty of Music. $77,151 from the Electrical Research Board for the Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Department of Physics (R.A.A.F. Academy). $91,305 from the Reserve Bank for the Department of Agriculture (Agricultural Extension), Department of Botany, Department of Economics, Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Veterinary Pre-Clinical Sciences. $29,750 from the Royal Women's Hospital for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. $6,880 from the Rural Credits Development Fund for the Department of Agriculture (Plant Sciences Section). $6,000 from St. Vincent's Hospital for the Department of Psychiatry. Trusts and Foundations $9,000 from the W. M. Angliss Charitable Fund for the Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital and International House. $314,789 from the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria for the Department of Dental Medicine and Surgery, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital,

61 Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital, Department of Pathology, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital, Department of Surgery—Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital, School of Chemistry and for general University purposes. $11,520 from the Apex Foundation Limited for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $8,780 from the Asthma Foundation for the Department of Medicine— Royal Melbourne Hospital. $4,620 from the Austin Hospital Medical Research Foundation for the Department of Biochemistry, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Pharmacology. $8,000 from the Australian Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $5,000 from the Australian Building Industry Research Association for the Department of Civil Engineering. $27,841 from the Australian Cancer Society for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $116,855 from the Australian Development Assistance Bureau for the Department of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture (Animal Production Section), Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Veterinary Para-Clinical Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering. $40,600 from the Australian Equine Research Foundation for the Faculty of Veterinary Science. $5,500 from the Australian Institute of Criminology Research for the Department of Criminology. $3,700 from the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering for the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Department of Genetics. $17,050 from the Australian Kidney Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital and Department of Surgery—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $73,1 22 from the Australian Road Research Board for the Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the School of Environmental Planning. $8,760 from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis for the Department of Psychiatry. $8,500 from the Australian Society of Orthodontists for the Department of Anatomy. $107,896 from the Australian Tobacco Research Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine— Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Pathology, Department of Pharmacology, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Surgery— Austin Hospital.

62 $5,000 from the Percy Baxter Charitable Trust for the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Fine Arts. $37,525 from the Jack Brockhoff Foundation Limited for the Department of Anatomy, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital and the Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital. $8,791 from the Cancer Institute for the Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital. $44,148 from the Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Microbiology. $4,000 from the Children's Protection Society for the Department of Social Studies. $65,454 from the Clinical Oncological Society for the Department of Surgery—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $9,500 from the Collier Charitable fund for the Department of Fine Arts, Department of Ophthalmology and the Faculty of Veterinary Science. $5,000 from the Danks Trust for the Department of Mathematics. $146,730 from the Deafness Foundation (Victoria) for the Department of Microbiology and the Department of Otolaryngology. $4,575 from Equity Trustees for the Department of Microbiology. $8,000 from the Fund for Tertiary Jewish Studies for the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. $5,000 from the H. L. Hecht Trust for the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $25,000 from the George Hicks Foundation for the Department of Ophthalmology. $11,000 from the Howard Florey Institute for the Department of Surgery— Austin Hospital. $56,084 from the Victor Hurley Medical Research Fundforthe Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $6,450 from the John Claude Kellion Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital. $91,811 from the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New Zealand for the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $2,000 from the H. V. McKay Charitable Trust for the Department of Agriculture (Plant Sciences Section). $24,000 from the Melbourne Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Market Trust for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $17,737 from the Sir Robert Menzies Foundation for the Department of Social Studies. $2,000 from the Myer Foundation for general University purposes. $258,666 from the National Heart Foundation of Australia for the Department of Education, Department of Mechanical and Industrial 63 Engineering, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital, Department of Pathology and the Department of Social Studies. $25,899 from the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia for the Department of Ophthalmology. $2,000 from the Perpetual Executor's Trust Association for the Department of Fine Arts and the Melbourne University Union. $80,645 from the lan Potter Foundation Limited for the Department of Agriculture (Plant Sciences Section), Department of Biochemistry, Department of Education, Department of Fine Arts, Department of Germanic Studies, Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology, Department of Paediatrics, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital, the University Library, the Melbourne University Union and general University purposes. $3,675 from the Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Charitable Foundation for the Department of Psychiatry. $10,075 from the Renal Research Institute for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $9,500 from the Rothmans University Endowment Fund for the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. $5,350 from the Royal Women's Hospital for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. $15,000 from the Sandoz Research Foundation for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $3,350 from the Sunshine Foundation for the Department of Botany. $7,000 from the Helen M. Schutt Trust for the Department of Fine Arts and general University purposes. $1 3,986 from the Utah Foundation for the Faculty of Law. $2,000 from the Van Cleef Foundation for the Department of Physiology. $20,086 from the Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences for the Department of Botany, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Surveying and the Department of Zoology. $30,500 from the Victorian Law Foundation for the Department of Criminology and the Faculty of Law. $10,000 from the Victorian Medical Post Graduate Foundation for the Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital. $3,000 from the Rheumatism and Arthritis Association (Victoria) for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $3,000 from the Youth Welfare Association for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. Industry and Commerce $5,000 from Acland Manufacturing Company Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital.

64 $2,000 from Alcon Laboratories Australia Limited for the Department of Ophthalmology. $2,000 from ASEA Electric Australia Pty Ltd for the Department of Germanic Studies. $10,655 from Austgen-Bioget International Pty Ltd for the Department of Microbiology. $17,650 from the Australian Associated Brewers for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Department of Medicine—St. Vincent's Hospital. $3,000 from the Australian United Corporation Ltd for the University Archives. $1,600,000 from the Australian Institute of Petroleum Ltd for the Department of Community Medicine. $29,720 from A.P.M. Ltd for the Department of Organic Chemistry. $16,460 from A.P.M. Forests Pty Ltd for the Department of Organic Chemistry. $23,091 from Bayer Australia Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $76,750 from Bellambie Coal Ltd for the Department of Agriculture (Plant Sciences Section). $8,000 from Boehringer Ingleheim Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $7,600 from Boots Pure Drug Co. Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital and for special University prizes. $7,950 from The Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd for the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital, the Careers & Appointments Service, special University prizes and for general University purposes. $5,000 from Brashs Pty Ltd for the Faculty of Music. $3,550 from Ciba Geigy Australia Ltd for the Department of Psychiatry and special University prizes. $5,000 from Conzinc Association Holdings for the Department of Economic History. $50,800 from Esso Australia Limited for the Careers & Appointments Service, Department of Geology and the Faculty of Engineering. $10,100 from Glaxo Australia Pty Ltd for the Careers & Appointments Service, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $7,000 from Hillview Quarries Pty Ltd for the Department of Paediatrics. $23,620 from ICI Australia Ltd for the Department of Agriculture. $4,000 from Janssen Pharmaceutical Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $24,000 from the Karl Thomas Laboratories for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital.

65 $6,000 from Katies Limited for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $10,000 from Lilly Industries Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine— Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital and Department of Surgery—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $4,660 from Lions Clubs for the Department of Otolaryngology. $3,750 from Mayfair Farms for the Department of Agriculture (Animal Production Section). $157,097 from Merck Sharp and Dohme Australia Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Medicine— Royal Melbourne Hospital and for special University prizes. $3,600 from the Nylex Corporation Ltd for the Careers and Appointments Service and the Department of Industrial Science. $17,400 from OPSM Pty Ltd for the Department of Biochemistry, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital and the Department of Ophthalmology. $43,399 from Rexona Pty Ltd for the Department of Conservative Dentistry. $14,000 from Roche Products Pty Ltd for the Department of Psychiatry— Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital. $10,000 from Sandoz Australia Pty Ltd for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. $3,000 from the Sanitarium Health Food Co. for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $4,600 from Schering Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $22,288 from Servier Laboratories Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $2,100 from Smith Kline and French Laboratories Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $5,000 from Syntex Australia Ltd for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $8,000 from Uncle Ben's of Australia for the Department of Veterinary Pre­ clinical Sciences. $2,100 from Western Mining Corporation Ltd for the Careers and Appointments Service and the School of Earth Sciences. $2,100 from Westfield Ltd for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $2,250 from Willow Ware Pty Ltd for the Department of Agriculture (Animal Production Section). Private Donors $9,000 from the Advisory Council for Children with Impaired Hearing for the Faculty of Education and Department of Otolaryngology.

66 $50,520 from various anonymous donors for the Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital, Faculty of Music, Graduate School of Business Administration, and the Melbourne Theatre Company. $2,500 from K. R. Ansell for the Department of Ophthalmology. $6,700 from Professor G. N. Blainey for the University Archives. $2,000 from D. A. Bobeff for the Sports Union. $13,000 from Mr Joseph Brown for acquisitions for the University Gallery. $5,000 from V. Burden for the Department of Otolaryngology. $2,000 from Dr L. J. Champion De Crespigny for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology—Royal Women's Hospital. $11,000 from Professor G. M. Clark for the Department of Otolaryngology. $25,000 from Professor G. W. Crock for the Department of Ophthalmology. $5,925 from Mrs M. E. Cutten to publish a catalogue for the Ewing Collection. $4,000 from Dr M. C. Douglas for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital. $4,500 from Dr J. R. Fliegner for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology—Royal Women's Hospital. $3,000 from Ms M. Gyerscouge for the Department of Otolaryngology. $13,317 from Professor W. S. C. Hare for the Department of Radiology. $4,000 from Dr R. P. Kuhn for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. $60,000 from C. and S. Mackinnon for the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. $4,866 from Dr H. Maclean for the Department of Ophthalmology. $2,651 from Professor M. M. Manion for the Department of Fine Arts. $7,850 from Dr R. A. Melick for the Department of Medicine—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $12,000 from Dame Elisabeth Murdoch for the Department of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Music. $5,269 from G. F. Pendlebury for the University Library. $4,000 from Professor R. J. Pepperell for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology—Royal Women's Hospital. $4,829 from Rotary Clubs for the International House, University scholarships and bursaries, and the University Union. $21,000 from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for the Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital. $6,000 from Dr H. P. Robinson for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology—Royal Women's Hospital. $4,000 from A. G. Stone for the Department of Botany. $10,000 from N. & E. Slezak for the Department of Surgery—Austin Hospital.

67 $6,558 from various donors to the Friends of the Baillieu Library. $13,500 from B. M. Tress for the Department of Radiology—Royal Melbourne Hospital. $4,252 from F. J. & H. D. Wiseman for the Department of Ophthalmology. $3,000 from Dr J. Yeung for the Department of Ophthalmology.

Ex-Australian Sources $8,000 from A.D.I.R. for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $16,000 from the Aileen S. Andrew Foundation for the Department of Veterinary Para-Clinical Sciences. $9,263 from Broadcast Educators for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $4,313 from Dalhousie University for the Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital. $25,945 from the Kroc Foundation for the Department of Medicine— Royal Melbourne Hospital. $6,000 from Kleinwort Benson Ltd for the Department of Psychiatry. $12,101 from the Leukaemia Society of America for the Department of Physiology. $42,989 from the National Institutes of Health for the Department of Physiology. $4,000 from the People's Republic of China for the Department of Pharmacology and the Department of Veterinary Clinical Science. $5,000 from the Royal Netherlands Embassy for the Department of Germanic Studies. $5,264 from Saaed A. A. Ataiba for the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. $3,500 from Servier Laboratories Pty Ltd for the Department of Medicine— Austin Hospital. $3,908 from U.N.E.S.C.O. for the Faculty of Engineering. $3,914 from the World Health Organization for the Department of Microbiology. Income from Trustees $2,600 from the Estate of the late A. H. Cook for the Department of Otolaryngology. $5,269 from the Estate of the late I. M. Pendlebury for the University Library. $30,500 from the Estate of the late Nyra Stoicesco for the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Ophthalmology. $190,357 from the Estate of the late Sir A. E. Rowden White for the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Department of Dental Medicine and Surgery, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Department of Medicine—Austin Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology—Royal Women's Hospital, Department

68 of Ophthalmology, Department of Pathology, Department of Surgery— Austin Hospital, Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Science, special University prizes and for general University purposes. $4,747 from the Estate of the late F. J. Wiseman for the Department of Ophthalmology. $4,575 from Equity Trustees for the Department of Microbiology. $2,000 from the Perpetual Executors and Agency Co. Ltd for the Department of Surgery—St. Vincent's Hospital.

GIFTS IN KIND To the University Sir Clive Fitts: a set of 12 botanical prints of the flora of Louisiana by Margaret Stones.

To the University Gallery and University Collection of Fine Art Mr Joseph Brown: a drawing by Derwent Lees, and an oil landscape entitled "Mt. Franklin" by Lena Bryans. Dr Geoffrey Kaye: 1 2 rare glass decanters. Dr Lloyd Rees, C.M.G.: a lithograph entitled "The Distant Derwent". Mr & Mrs Len Munro: a watercolour entitled "Sledge Hauling on Ski" dated March 1911 considered to have been painted by Dr Edward Wilson, a member of the Scott expeditions to the Antarctic. Mr John Olsen: an etching by the donor entitled "Echidna Upside Down and Drysdale".

To the Grainger Museum Mr Marshall Hall Inman: a collection of unpublished songs and music by Elsa Marshall Hall, published piano music by various composers and a collection of sketchbooks, poetry and teaching manuals.

To the University Library Dr Clem Christesen: personal correspondence and documents relating to the journal "Meanjin", and other selected monographs and periodicals. Mrs Nina Christesen: manuscripts and correspondence relating to the journal "Melbourne Slavonic Studies", other Soviet literary and current affairs journals and collections of children's and Russian literary-related books. Miss Edith Dew: a collection of fine hand bindings. Mr Blyth Johnson: a collection of books and other town planning and architectural material. Mr Louis Kahan: a collection of 65 drawings, part of the Meanjin Collection of portrait drawings. Mr lan F. McLaren: a collection of historical books. 69 Mr J. S. Ostoja-Kotkowski: a collection of 25 sketches. Dr J. Orde Poynton: a collection of books. Mrs Joyce Weiting: a collection of books.

To the University Archives Mrs Ann Blainey: The Francis William Heriot Collection of documents and memorabilia. Mr Aurel Smith: personal papers and documents.

TAXATION INCENTIVES FOR THE ARTS The Commonwealth Government, through the Department of Home Affairs and Environment, administers a programme designed to encourage the donation of works of art and other items to public galleries, museums and libraries. The University has registered nine discrete areas within the University with the Australian Taxation Office as eligible recipients under the scheme. These are; the University Gallery, the University Library (Central or Baillieu), the Ewing and George Paton Galleries, the Rowden White Library, the Grainger Museum, the Medical History Museum, the University Archives, the Giblin Library, and the Classical Studies Museum. So far, these sections of the University have received gifts under the scheme worth more than $700,000, with gifts worth $100,000 being received during 1982.

70 STATISTICS STUDENT ENROLMENTS (as at 30 April, 1 982) LEVEL AND FACULTY/ Full-Course 'Part-Course External Total COURSE #T (F) (F) T (F) T (F)


HIGHER DOCTORATES Dental Science 1 1 Economics & Commerce 1 1 Medicine 6 (2) 13 (4) 1 20 (6)

Sub-Total 6 (2) 14 (4) 2 22 (6)

PH.D. Agriculture & Forestry 11 (D 1 2 14 (D Arch. & Planning 4 (D 4 (D 1 9 (2) Arts 83 (43) 64 (30) 11 (6) 158 (79) Dental Science 5 5 Economics & Commerce 6 (D 11 (1) 17 (2) Education 8 (2) 12 (D 6 (2) 26 (5) Engineering & Applied Science 43 (D 14 8 65 (D Law 1 (D 4 (D 5 (2) Medicine 142 (42) 31 (12) 3 (2) 176 (56) Music 3 (2) 3 (2) Science 138 (27) 24 (4) 17 (4) 179 (35) Social Studies 1 (D 1 (D Veterinary Science 12 (D 1 (D 3 16 (2)

Sub-Total 451 (122) 172 (52) 51 (14) 674 (188)

MASTERS Ag. Sc, Agr. St. & Forestry 30 (4) 5 (D 14 (2) 49 (7) Applied Science 4 14 2 (D 20 (1) Architecture 3 (1) 11 (2) 14 (3) Arts 119 (58) 206 (110) 28 (12) 353 (180) Building & Building science 8 8 Business Administration 50 (10) 132 (30) 12 194 (40) Dental Science 16 (2) 23 (4) 39 (6) Commerce 4 (D 27 (4) 2 33 (5) Education & Educ. Psychology 11 (3) 300 (133) 1 312 (136) Engineering & Eng. Science 39 (3) 54 (D 9 102 (4) Environmental Studies 2 31 (10) 2 35 (10) Landscape Architecture 28 (8) 3 1 32 (8) Law 3 (D 58 (12) 20 (7) 81 (20) Medicine (Med., 0. & G, Surg.) 5 (1) 34 (7) 1 40 (8) Music 7 (2) 8 (2) 6 (4) 21 (8) Science 145 (39) 96 (25) 13 (5) 254 (69) Science (Optometry) 1 1 Social Studies 2 (2) 37 (28) 39 (30) Surveying & Surv. Science 4 3 1 8 Town and Regional Planning 1 1 Urban Planning 24 (6) 24 (6) Veterinary Science 7 (3) 2 (D 9 (4) Veterinary Studies 2 (D 4 (1) 6 (2)

Sub-Total 482 (139) 1081 (377) 112 (31) 1675 (547)

* Includes Academic Staff in Higher Degrees. # T = Total, (F) = Female, which is included in the Total.

71 LEVEL AND FACULTY/ Full-Course Part-Course External Total COURSE #T (F) T (F) T (F) T (F)

GROSS TOTAL H.D. 939 (263) 1267 (433) 165 (45) 2371 (741) LESS DOUBLES 1 (1) 1 2 (1) NET TOTAL H.D. 938 (262) 1266 (433) 165 (45) 2369 (740)

OTHER THAN HIGHER DEGREES MASTERS PRELIM. Applied Science 2 2 Arch. & Landscape Architect!jr e 11 (3) 13 (3) 24 (6) Arts 18 (6) 107 (62) 125 (68) Economics & Commerce 25 (12) 25 (12) Engineering & Surveying 10 (D 2 12 (1) Music 1 (1) 5 (D 6 (2) Science 13 (8) 4 (2) 17 (10) Urban Planning 16 (6) 16 (6)

Sub-Total 53 (19) 174 (86) 227 (105)

BACHELOR DEGREES Agricultural Science 221 (91) 13 (4) 234 (95) Applied Science 136 (20) 8 144 (20) Architecture 324 (82) 8 (2) 332 (84) Arts & Arts (Letters) 2605 (1760) 1250 (848) 3 (1) 3858 (2609) Building 76 (2) 4 10 90 (2) Commerce 1175 (347) 318 (78) 1493 (425) Dental Science 242 (64) 1 243 (64) Education 11 (9) 204 (125) 215 (134) Engineering 920 (58) 23 943 (58) Forestry 105 (14) 5 (D 110 (15) Law 1022 (438) 176 (68) 7 1205 (506) Medical Science 10 (5) 10 (5) Medicine 1332 (468) 1332 (468) Music 160 (108) 32 (22) 192 (130) Music Education 39 (29) 9 (7) 48 (36) Science 1922 (705) 265 (99) 1 (1) 2188 (805) Science (Education) 114 (68) 10 (5) 124 (73) Science (Optometry) 98 (32) 2 (D 100 (33) Social Work 189 (156) 28 (22) 217 (178) Surveying 62 (4) 1 63 (4) Town & Regional Planning 98 (53) 6 (4) 104 (57) Veterinary Sci. & Animal Sci. 226 (79) 21 (10) 247 (89)

Sub-Total 11087 (4592) 2384 (1296) 21 (2) 13492 (5890)

# T = Total, (F) = Female, which is included in the Total.

72 LEVEL AND FACULTY/ Full-C ourse Part-Course External Tota 1 COURSE #T (F) T (F) T (F) T (F)

POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS Arts: Criminology 12 (4) 77 (35) 89 (39) French Studies 7 (7) 7 (7) German 4 (4) 4 (4) Public Policy 5 (1) 32 (11) 37 • (12)

Sub-Total Arts 17 (5) 120 (57) 137 (62) Education 217 (128) 133 (80) 350 (208) Medicine: Audiology 24 (18) 2 (2) 1 (1) 27 (21) Psych. Med. 2 (1) 46 (17) 3 (2) 51 (20) Radiology 15 (2) 2 17 (2)

Sub-Total Medicine 26 (19) 63 (21) 6 (3) 95 (43) Science 9 (1) 21 30 (1>

Sub-Total 269 (153) 337 (158) 6 (3) 612 (314)

ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Agr. & For. 1 1 Arts 10 (7) 190 (129) 200 (136) Economics & Commerce 2 (1) 12 (3) 14 (4) Law—Articles (519) 1 (D 23 (8) 1 25 (9) Law—Stip. Magistr. (539) 9 1 10 Law—Other (529 & 549) 2 10 (D 3 15 (D Music 6 (2) 6 (2) Science 5 (1) 21 (10) 26 (11) Social Studies 1 (1) 1 (1)

Sub-Total 20 (10) 273 (154) 5 298 (164)

GROSS TOTAL O.T.H.D. 11429 (4774) 3168 (1694) 32 (5) 14629 (6473) Less Doubles 886 (379) 52 (15) 1 939 (394) NET TOTAL O.T.H.D. 10543 (4395) 3116 (1679) 31 (5) 13690 (6079)

NET TOTAL H.D. 938 (262) 1266 (433) 165 (45) 2369 (740) NET TOTAL O.T.H.D. 10543 (4395) 3116 (1679) 31 (5) 1 3690 (6079) UNIVERSITY NET TOTAL 11481 (4657) 4382 (2112) 196 (50) 16059 (6819)

# T = Total, (F) = Female, which is included in the Total.


\. LEVEL BACHELOR Dip. Not in Sub- Add. Post- Master FACU LTY/COU RSE"--^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Years Total Subj. Grad. Prel. Master Ph.D. H. Doc. TOTAL

AGRICULTURE 74 64 48 48 234 1 44 14 293 APPLIED SCIENCE 55 39 24 26 144 2 20 166 ARCHITECTURE 72 70 72 57 61 332 24* 46* * 9 411 ARTS 1196 1332 1072 258 3858 200 137 125 353 158 4831 BUILDING 23 15 22 30 90 8 98 DENTAL SCIENCE 52 48 48 46 49 243 39 5 1 288 ECONOMICS & COMMERCE 449 430 584 30 1493 14 25 227 17 1 1777 EDUCATION 215 215 350 312 26 903 ENGINEERING 247 255 261 180 943 12 102 65 1122 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 35 35 FORESTRY 30 16 34 30 110 5 115 LAW 192 283 423 307 1205 50 81 5 1341 MEDICINE & MED. SC. 224 221 237 222 217 211 10## 1342 95 40 176 20 1673 MUSIC 41 42 56 53 192 6 6 21 3 228 MUSIC (Education) 11 11 13 13 48 48 SCIENCE 697 603 662 226 2188 26 30 17 254 179 2694 SCIENCE (Education) 7 62 55 124 124 SCIENCE (Optometry) 21 27 26 26 100 1 101 SOCIAL STUDIES 111 106 217 1 39 1 258 SURVEYING 19 13 16 15 63 8 71 TOWN & REGIONAL PLAN. 35 26 22 21 104 16 25#* 145 VETERINARY SCIENCE 46 51 47 53 49 r 247 15 16 278

TOTAL GROSS 3595 3874 3729 1696 376 211 11 13492 298 612 227 1675 674 22 17000 Less Doubles 152 241 449 59 — — — 901 10 28 — 2 — — 941 TOTAL NET 3443 3633 3280 1637 376 211 11 12591 288 584 227 1673 674 22 16059

# In the 1 st year of the course students enrol for Dip.Ed. # # B.Med.Sc.Med. B.Animal Sc. ** Incl. Landscape Architecture #* Incl. Urban Planning UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE TOTAL STUDENT ENROLMENTS x FACULTY/BOARD — NUMBERS (at 30 APRIL)

FACULTY/BOARD 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY 306 298 306 317 341 376 403 414 371 358 385 390 408 ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING 790 772 796 745 702 721 728 741 729 678 667 663 689 ARTS 3726 3806 3906 4067 4399 4456 4658 4431 4705 4740 4877 4840 4831 DENTAL SCIENCE 274 267 268 281 284 297 293 287 291 295 298 290 288 ECONOMICS & COMMERCE 1843 1816 1794 1728 1752 1762 1739 1725 1811 1771 1834 1791 1777 EDUCATION 707 714 710 720 806 788 888 857 928 865 900 923 903 ENGINEERING 1231 1281 1263 1312 1306 1356 1294 1312 1245 1218 1218 1301 1359 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES# # 2 3 16 23 32 37 JOURNALISM 58 is 8 6 3 LAW 1231 1256 1259 1266 1337 1282 1321 1339 1375 1317 1374 1374 1341 MEDICINE 1253 1308 1376 1451 1490 1497 1539 1566 1606 1629 1694 1710 1673 MUSIC 284 302 325 316 311 312 295 285 294 316 321 294 276 PHYSICAL EDUCATION # 199 195 201 205 215 176 81 32 SCIENCE 2789 2905 2907 2818 2771 2802 2999 3039 3032 2955 3023 3040 2919 SOCIAL STUDIES 340 360 340 364 367 343 304 272 257 286 292 275 258 VETERINARY SCIENCE 252 264 248 252 264 268 279 276 268 286 280 291 278

Gross Total 15283 15562 15707 15848 16348 16436 16823 16579 16928 16737 17195 17219 17000 Less Doubles 557 612 691 795 809 757 736 783 820 794 981 977 941 NET TOTAL 14726 14950 15016 15053 15539 15679 16087 15796 16108 15943 16214 16242 16059

# Courses taught by Science Faculty from 1978. # # Courses taught by Architecture and Planning Faculty from 1982. DEGREES CONFERRED (1 July, 1981 to 30 June, 1982)

HIGHER DEGREES Commerce — (Higher Doctorates and Ph.D.'s) ordinary degree 254 honours degree 15 Doctor of: Dental Science 44 Agricultural Science 1 Education 52 Dental Science 1 Music 1 Engineering — Letters 2 ordinary degree 67 Engineering 1 honours degree 74 Law 5 Forest Science— Medicine 8 ordinary degree 19 Philosophy 79 honours degree 6 4 Science Law — ordinary degree 177 102 honours degree 36 Master of: Medical Science 6 Agricultural Science 7 Medicine and Surgery 221 Applied Science 5 Architecture 2 Music — Arts 74 ordinary degree 36 honours degree 1 Business Administration 49 Commerce 4 Music Education 19 Dental Science 16 Science — Education 20 ordinary degree 280 Educational Psychology 3 honours degree 194 Engineering Science 22 Science (Education) 62 Forest Science 1 Science (Optometry) 28 Landscape Architecture 5 Social Work 89 Law 17 Surveying 4 Medicine 1 Town and Regional Planning — Music 2 ordinary degree 25 Philosophy 1 honours degree 4 Science 41 Veterinary Science — Surveying Science 2 ordinary degree 22 Urban Planning 8 honours degree 20 Veterinary Science 1 Veterinary Studies 7 2,612 Town & Regional Plan 2 DIPLOMAS 290 Agricultural Extension 2 OTHER THAN HIGHER DEGREES Audiology 20 Computer Studies 4 BACHELOR DEGREES Criminology 14 Agricultural Science — Education 173 ordinary degree 31 French Studies 1 honours degree 8 Geography 4 Applied Science — German 3 ordinary degree 15 Physical Education 3 honours degree 20 Psychological Medicine 13 Public Policy Architecture — 2 Social Studies ordinary degree 52 1 Other honours degree 22 5 Arts- 245 ordinary degree 520 honours degree 177 TOTAL DEGREES and Building — DIPLOMAS ordinary degree 9 3,249 honours degree 3

76 STAFF: FULL-TIME (Filled Positions at 30 April, 1982)

CADEMIC ACTIVITIES ACADEMIC SERVICES Teaching & Research Library 182.4 Academic 988.9 Computing 34.6 Professor 105.5 Other 36.6 Assoc. Prof/Reader 147.2 Senior Lecturer 339 STUDENT SERVICES 34.8 Lect./Teach. Regist. 241.3 GENERAL UNIVERSITY Principal Tutor 12.8 SERVICES Senior Tut./Demonstr. 47.5 Administration 352.4 Demonstrator etc. 95.6 Buildings & Grounds 222.6 Technical 390.7 Administrative 344.4 Research Only Academic 344.1 PUBLIC SERVICES 21.9 Technical 179.9 Administrative 62.9 Total 3196.2


In 1982,1,889 students' and 146 tutors were in residence in affiliated colleges and halls of residence in the University.

Students Tuto Graduate House 34 International House 147 18 Janet Clarke Hall 78 11 Kendall Hall 67 — Medley Hall 35 Mt Dernmut House 57 — Newman College 200 10 Ormond College 299 33 Queens College 200 10 Ridley College 57 5 St Hilda's College 143 10 St Mary's College 133 9 Trinity College 221 17 University College 111 8 Whitley College 64 15 Creswick 43

Total 1.889 146

As at 30 April. 1982.


Agriculture and Forestry Victorian Sawmillers Association Prize Stephen Robert Elms Walter Massy-Greene Prize Neil Christopher McCarthy Agriculture Science—2nd Year H. C. Forster Prize Sally Catherine Baylis Plant Production 1 Jennifer Parsons Brunning Prize for Best Plant Collection Agricultural Science—3rd Year Arlene Maree Cook J. M. Higgins Exhibition

Wood Science Charles David Moore Inst, of Wood Science Annual Prize Agricultural Science—Final Honours Jane Nancy O'Sullivan Wrixon Exhibition (Trinity College) Animal Production 2B Arthur Sims Scholarship Janette Louise Gorrie


Bachelor of Architecture Nell Norris Scholarships —First Year Vittorio Anthony Sibillin —Second Year Charles Kim Halik —Third Year Michael lan Jeffreson —Fourth Year Julie Elizabeth Goode Shared Dizeri Maimunah Mokhtar —Fifth Year Carey Hamilton Lyon Building Technology 2 (formerly Building Construction 2) John Charles Lloyd Exhibition Chan Wai Kin Bachelor of Architecture (Fourth Year) Michael Patrick Markham Stephenson-Turner Prize Architecture (Fifth Year) Carey Hamilton Lyon James Hardie Prize


Combined Honours— Dwight Final Examination Prize English and Classical Studies Peter James Holbrook Shared History and Political Science Christopher Leo Healy Study of Poetry H. B. Higgins Scholarship Peter James Holbrook Advanced Studies in Literature Felix Meyer Scholarship Michael John Heyward

79 Modern Languages W. T. Mollison Scholarship Catherine Elizabeth Hartley Modern Languages Neil Robert Thompson Wyselaskie Scholarship Classical Studies 1A Meilin Loh Exhibition Ancient Greek 1 B Dominic Patrick Hickey H. B. Higgins Exhibition Latin 1 Denise Alexis McFadyen John Grice Exhibition Modern Greek 1 Eugenia Yokarinis Modern Greek Professionals Prize Modern Greek 2B Con Kosta Allimonos Modern Greek Professionals Prize Lynn Heather Sampson Ancient Greek 2 (Honours) (St Hilda's College) Douglas Howard Exhibition Latin 2 (Honours) Douglas Howard Exhibition Lynn Heather Sampson (St Hilda's College) Modern Greek 3B Modern Greek Professionals Prize. Costas Hadjielias Classical Studies (Final Hons Exam) Paul Monaghan D. H. Rankin Prize Sean Gerard Byrne R. G. Wilson Scholarship (Newman College) Wyselaskie Scholarship Sean Gerard Byrne (Newman College) English—(Final Honours Examination) English Poetry Enid Derham Prize Gordon Kerry (Ormond College) English (Literary Criticism) Professor Morris Prize Anne Yvette Diamond English Literature David Lewis John Greagg Shakespeare Scholarship English (1st Year) David Brian Moore 1 John Sanderson Exhibition Wendy Capper | bnared English Literature 2 Percival Serle Prize Penelope Susan Cottier English Language and Literature 2 Edward Stevens Exhibition Robert Andrew Phiddian English and History—B.A. (Honours) Anne Louise Mullins Kathleen Fitzpatrick Exhibition English Literature 4 (Combined Honours) Peter James Holbrook Percival Serle Prize English Literature 4 Anne Yvette Diamond Percival Serle Prize English Language and Literature— M.A. Thesis David Leo English Percival Serle Prize English Language and Literature Elise Valmorbida Dwight Final Examination Prize Fine Arts—Final Honours Dwight Final Examination Prize Susan Belinda Shears

80 French 1 Baillieu Exhibition Bronwen Claire Ewens (Ormond College) Medieval French Language and Literature 2 Mary Taylor Scholarship Peter Francis Kipka French 3 (Honours) Mrs William Smith Exhibition Elizabeth Ann Graham (Janet Clarke Hall) Renaissance French Language and Literature 3 Mary Taylor Scholarship Anthony John Liddicoat (St Hilda's College) French Poetry Dr Joseph B. Hanson Prize Suzanne Miriam Larson French Language and Literature Dwight Final Examination Prize Cristina Mary Presa Geography Dwight Final Examination Prize Richard James George German 1 Exhibition Rhys Stewart Bezzant (Queen's College) German 3 (Honours) Exhibition Annette Christine Wagner Germanic Studies 4S (Honours) R. G. Wilson Scholarship Catherine Elizabeth Hartley Germanic Studies (Postgraduate) R. H. Samuel Prize Catherine Elizabeth Hartley School of Germanic Studies (Part 3 & 4) Goethe Award Victoria Stephanie Balabanski (Ormond College) History—Postgraduate Research Caroline Kay Scholarship Michael Wilson Evans Australian History Brian Fitzpatrick Prize Michael Wilson Evans Australian History—M.A. Dennis-Wettenhall Prize Thomas Rhys Griffiths (Trinity College) European History Essay Felix Raab Prize Christopher John Middleton History 1A (British Hist. 1558-1689) Rosemary Merlo Prize Eve Darian-Smith Samantha L. Kirwan-Hamilton \ Shared (Trinity College) Marian Boothby Exhibition Samantha L. Kirwan-Hamilton (Trinity College) History IB Exhibition Paul Christopher Ackerman (International House) Justine Katherine Hancock Shared Anthea Clare Nolan Timothy Paul Sherratt History—British (2nd Year) D. F. Mackay Prizes Matthew Damien Nolan 1 Dominic Anthony James Foster I Shared Dale Veronica Smith

81 History—3rd Year Loreen Cutts Memorial Prize Shane Patrick Carmody Andrew Bruce McClean Shared (Janet Clarke Hall) R. G. Wilson Scholarship Shane Patrick Carmody Andrew Bruce McClean Shared (Janet Clarke Hall) Australian History Gyles Turner Prize Gerard Paul Mullaly History (Final Honours Examination) Margaret Kiddle Prize Gillian Sarah Polack Dwight's Prize Bernadette Theresa Moore Shared Alistair Scott Thomson Hist, and Phil, of Science—F.E. Honours Dwight Final Hons Exam. Prize Andrea Jane Shaw Indian Studies 1 Australian-Asian Association Prize Susan Marie Hunt Indonesian and Malayan Studies 1 Australian-Asian Association of Vic. Prize Libya Dione Charleson Italian 1 Doctor Santoro Prize Sarah Pedley History of Italian Literature Prize Sarah Pedley Chinese 1 Australian-Asian Association of Vic. Prize Kyung-Sook Langley Japanese 1 Australian-Asian Association Prize for Vic. Susan Leanne Talbot Chinese (Final Honours Exam.) R. G. Wilson Scholarship (for 1982) Neil Thompson Philosophy (First Year) Hastie Exhibition Niki Yeo Choon Nee (Trinity College) Shared Stephen Richard Howes (Trinity College) Philosophy 2 (Pure Honours) Hastie Exhibition Graham Robert Oppy (Queen's College) Philosophy 4 (Combined Honours) Minor Laurie Prize Liam Beresford Murphy (Ormond College) Philosophy (Final Honours Examination) Hastie Exhibition Sharon Danielle Korman (Ormond College) Major Laurie Prize Lindsay Neale Zoch International Relations Jeanette Kosky Prize Richard John Fuller (Ormond College) Political Science 1 Exhibition Rohan James Parkes (Trinity College) Australian Inst, of Political Sc. Prize Rohan James Parkes (Trinity College) Political Science (Final Honours Exam.) Dwight Prize Bernadette Maree McSherry Psychology 1 Exhibition Gaylene Claire Heard Psychology 2A and 2B (Honours) Exhibition Heather Ann Macfarlane

82 Psychology (Final Honours) Australian Psychological Society Prize Guy John Coffey Dwight Final Examination Prize Guy John Coffey Russian 1 Exhibition Marina Makushev Middle Eastern Studies (Fourth Year) Fanny Reading Scholarship Rina Pushett Criminology A Exhibition Lester Allan Walton Criminology B Exhibition Colin William Wilson-Evered Criminology C Gael Marie Kerrigan Exhibition Criminology D Exhibition Nella Pasqua DENTAL SCIENCE

Dental Science John lliffe Scholarship —First Year Anthony Peter Brown —Second Year Deborah Claire McAree Shared George Dimitroulis —Third Year Robert Paul Depoi —Fourth Year Albert Wong —Fifth Year Bruce William Baker Frances Gray Prize lan Dwight Poker Pedodontics Prize Felicity Ann Wardlaw Dental Board of Victoria Prize John Alexander Robinson Aust. Dental Assoc. (Vic. Branch) Prize Bruce William Baker Bertha Bennett Scholarship Paul Kenneth Lucas Royal Dental Hospital (3rd Year) Ladies' Auxiliary Prize Susan Jane Portbury Shared lan Nicholas Leslie Maratos Orthodontics Mervyn Townsend Memorial Prize Bruce William Baker Shared John Alexander Robinson Periodontics James Monahan Lewis Prize Ennio Francis Rebellato Periodontology John Alexander Robinson Aust. Society of Periodontology Prize Endodontology Bruce William Baker Aust. Society of Endodontology Prize Oral Anatomy 1 and 2 Caroline Meredith Melbourne E. B. Nicholls Prize Shared Deborah Claire McAree Oral Surgery William Leslie Elvins Prize Bruce William Baker Dental Prosthetics William J. Tuckfield Prize lan Jeffrey Collins Dental Materials Science Paula Lesse Alan Docking Memorial Prize

Dental Prosthetics B Sandro Peter D'Adamo Tuckfield-Shepherd Prize 83 ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE

B.Com.—First Year A. C. Morley Prize Godfrey David Cullen B.Com.—Second Year Christine Margaret Gilbertson Paton Advertising Service Prize B.Com.—Third Year Adrian Joseph Kilduff J. F. Major Memorial Prize B.Com. (F.E. Honours) Robert James Brooker William Noall and Son Prize r, , ., .. L i Shared Paul Harry Hughes Accounting Australian Society of Accountants Prize Lorelle Joy Campbell Accounting A A. A. and G. E. Fitzgerald Exhibition/ Godfrey David Cullen Arthur Young and Co. Exhibition Accounting B Christine Margaret Gilbertson Inst, of Chartered Accountants Exhibition Wayne Graham Kent Charles Sindrey Prize

Accounting (3rd Year Honours) Adrian Joseph Kilduff Les Brewster Award Accounting Cl—Financial Accounting Adrian Joseph Kilduff Arthur Andersen and Co. Exhibition Accounting C2—Managerial Accounting Adrian Joseph Kilduff | Touche Ross and Co. Exhibition Gregory David Luscombe | Shared Anthony John Pititto I Accounting C3—Business Finance Potter Partners Exhibition Malcolm James Hiscock Accounting C4—Auditing Deloitte Haskins and Sells Exhibition Malcolm Edward McDowell Accounting C6—Asset Val. and Income Determination Anthony John Pititto Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Electronic Data Processing Peter Wilson Yates I.B.M. Exhibition

Law/Commerce—Accounting (4th Year) Paul Harry Hughes Touche Ross and Co. Prize Accounting (Honours—Final Year) Paul Harry Hughes Les Brewster Award Business Admin. 1 (Organizational Behaviour) Thomas Henry Lexmond Shell Exhibition Marketing James Frederick Nelson Commercial Travellers Assoc. Exhibition

M.B.A. Final Year Robin Arthur Beaumont John Clemenger Memorial Prize M.B.A. Preliminary Year Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Graham Denis Allan Administrators Prize Quantitative Analysis Stuart Mark Strong Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd Prize Organizational Behaviour Robert Brian Heeps A. L. Cahill Prize Financial Management Helen Frances Vorrath Hungerford Hancock and Offner Prize 84 Decision Analysis Sir Alexander Fitzgerald Prize Geoffrey Melville Hudson Marketing Management John Robert Frearson K. M. Campbell Memorial Prize Organization Theory Gerhard Karl Mayer Spencer Stuart Prize Business Policy Graham Charles Steele CRA Limited Prize Industrial Relations Patricia Jeanne McNair Dunlop Olympic Prize Political Economy Richard Austin Hall (Trinity College) Wyselaskie Scholarship Economics A Toby James John Knight Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Brian Russell Gale 1 Economics B Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition (Ormond College) [ Shared Paul Charles Morris J Statistical Method Bl Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Kathleen Ellen McMahon Economics Cl—International Economics Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Graham Alan Buckett Economics C2—Economic Development Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Hena Eduard Power Economics C3—Industrial Economics Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Richard Clement Mifsud 1 „, , i KA -i o 11 f Shared

Economics C4—Social Economics Joan Marilyn Spiller J Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Economics C5—Public Finance Michael Steven Radenic Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Economics C6—Banking and Finance Graham Alan Buckett Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Ng Chiew Chook 1 _, . o * i n i Shared Economics C7—Labour Economics Peter James Gray J Shell Exhibition Economics C8—Industrial Relations Richard Austin Hall (Trinity College) Shell Exhibition

Economics C9—Agricultural Economics Christina Maree Franklin Frances J. Wright Exhibition Paul Anthony Cashin (St Mary's College) Economics CIO—Comparative Economic Systems Francis J. Wright Exhibition Stuart Maxwell Cole Economics DI—Economic Policy and Planning Wilfred Prest Prize Jeffrey lan Borland (St Hilda's College) Regional and Urban Development A Francis J. Wright Exhibition Michael Bernard Shulman Regional and Urban Development B Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Jennifer Christine Atkinson Economic History A—Economy and Society Exhibition Melissa Lee Daly Economic History Bl—Australian Eco. Hist. Katherine Woodruff Memorial Prize Adam John McCarty

85 History of Economic Thought lan Purves MacNeil Exhibition Jeffrey lan Borland (St Hilda's College) lan Purves MacNeil Book Prize Kimle Mouriu Commercial Law A Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Godfrey David Cullen Shared Donna Sharon Jones Commercial Law B Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Susan Jane Day Shared

Comm. Law C5—Special Comm Contracts Christine Margaret Gilbertson Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Ace. C5/Comm. Law C3-Taxation Lorelle Joy Campbell Touche Ross Exhibition for Taxation Malcolm Edward McDowell


Education Hugh Childers Memorial Prize Geoffrey Ernest Sykes Pasha I ia Zaboums Ann Majella Qumn Shared Persephone Mmglis Bevil Milton Glover Dwights' Prize Richard William Bouwman Anne Christine Matthews Knstine Lee Mourney Shared (St Hildas College) Nicholas Kelman Stevens Michelle Jeanne Payne


Intro, to Engin —Engin Cse and Surv. Cse H. B. Howard Smith Exhibition Roger John Hatfield 1 Shared Lim Ngee Ching j Introduction to Engineering A J Francis Prizes Sally Margaret Fryer Roger John Hatfield Martin Tay Tiong We Chemical Engineering 2 Petroleum Refineries (Aust.) Pty. Ltd Prize Sandra Elizabeth McKern Chemical Engineering Third Year Western Mining Corporation Prize Sandra Elizabeth McKern Shared Alan John Stewart Chemical Plant Development and design Western Mining Corp. Ltd. Prize Peter Lindsay Mallen (Ormond College) Engineering 2 (Agricultural Course) Dixson Scholarship Sally Catherine Baylis Mechanics of Solids 1 B Herbert Brookes Exhibition John Peter Nakulski Civil Engineering 1 (Fluid Mechanics) W. M. McPherson Exhibition Ho See Ling

86 Fred Green Prize Jeremy Andrew Brasington (Trinity College) Civil Engineering 2 John and Ann Gibson Prize Leonard Dalli B.B.R. Prize (Pre-stressed Concrete Design) Campbell Boyd Mercer (Newman College) Argus Scholarship Campbell Boyd Mercer (Newman College) Electrical Engineering 1 Dixson Scholarship Peter Robert Summers (Trinity College) Electrical Engineering 2 Paul Anthony Smyth C. G. H. McDonald Memorial Prize (Queen's College) Paul Anthony Smyth John Monash Exhibition (Queen's College) Electrical Engineering 3 Cable Makers Australia Prize Peter Byron Payne Engineering (Mining)—Second Year Norman Westmore Prize Cameron Lindesay Black Mechanical Engineering Science 1 Gregor Samuel Baird Wright Prize

Mechanical Engin. Sc. 2 (Applied Thermodynamics) Paul Charles Grey Dixson Scholarship Mechanical Engineering (Third Year) Kevin Peter Altermatt Petroleum Refineries (Aust.) P/L. Prize Mechanical Engineering Andrew Neil Heath A. E. Tweddell Prize Industrial Administration Chen Seong Kee D. J. M. Rankin Prize Marilyn Caroline Salden Metallurgy (2nd Year) Dixson Scholarship Robert Kenneth Hughes Metallurgy—3rd Year Western Mining Corporation Ltd. Prize Timothy Harold Orton (Ormond College) Metallurgy—4th Year Western Mining Corporation Ltd. Prize Thomas Henry Lexmond Mining Engineering—3rd Year Western Mining Corporation Ltd. Prize Andrew Mark Chuk Mining Engineering—4th Year Western Mining Corporation Ltd. Prize Paul Rylah Orton F.E. (Honours)—Metallurgical Engin. Dixson Scholarship Paul Thomas McGlade Mining and Metallurgy—Final Honours George Lansell Scholarship Paul Rylah Orton Surveying 1 H. B. Howard Smith Exhibition Eddie Stefan Cichocki Surveying 2 Exhibition Chong Quey Lim (International House) Shared David Andrew Jonas Photogrammetry 1 Australian Photogrammetry Society Exhibition Chong Quey Lim (International House)

87 •• ^f-'.mn* "*-•'

Surveying Studies (Project) A. E. Parsons Prize Bruce Fergus Minahan Economic and Social History (App.Sc.) W. S. Robinson Award Darren John MacKenzie Applied Chemistry 1 Associated Pulp and Paper Mills Limited Award James Robert McDonald (University College) Economic Studies 1 (Applied Science) I.C.I. Australia Award Debbie Lee Davis Applied Chemistry 2 Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria Award Stuart Andrew Elliott (St Mary's College) Industrial Materials Steel Industries Award Stephen John Prendergast Economic Studies 2 (Applied Science) Stephen John Prendergast Ford of Australia Award Agricultural Engineering (Final Honours) Paul Joseph Dalgleish G. H. Vasey Prize Electrical Engineering (Final Honours) Tan Wan That Dixson Scholarship Industrial Engineering (Final Honours) Timothy Kent Threlfall Julian King Prize Mechanical Engineering (Final Honours) Andrew Neil Heath Wright Prize Andrew Neil Heath A. G. M. Michell Prize Andrew Simpson Fitchett Shared Dixson Scholarship Lai Tsi Yong Rennie Memorial Prize Andrew Neil Heath Surveying (Final Honours) G. J. Thornton-Smith Memorial Prize Chan Chiu Wing


Legal Process Sir George Turner Exhibition Susanna Yolanda Gold Criminal Law J. R. Maguire Exhibition Peter Evelyn Montague Constitutional and Administrative Law R. J. Hamer Prize Stephen Geoffrey Edwin McLeish (Ormond College) Torts J. R. Maguire Exhibition Chin Mun Hin Contracts Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Stephen Geoffrey Edwin McLeish (Ormond College) Property 1 Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Elizabeth Therese Johnson Trusts Supreme Court Exhibition Malcolm Keith Price (Ormond College) Advanced Administrative Law Susan Margaret Caldwell John Madden Exhibition Sale of Goods Andrew David Lyle (Trinity College) Malleson's Prize 88 Litigation Mallesons Prize Michael Charles Garner International Law Justine Bernadette Halloran Shared Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Elise Bennett Histed Justine Bernadette Halloran 1 -, . m D « i_i- • J f Shared Bailey Exhibition Elise Bennett Histed J Agency, Partnership and Unincorporated Assoc. Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Nicholas Charles Broome Banking and Negotiable Instruments Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Malcolm Keith Price (Ormond College) Family Law Susan Anne Rechenberg Wright Prize Susan Anne Rechenberg Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Salvatore Ferraro Insurance Law Supreme Court Exhibition Heather Jane Gray Jurisprudence Heather Jane Gray Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Hearn Exhibition Elise Bennett Histed Legal History Elise Bennett Histed Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Dwight's Prize Carol Lee Abela Legislative Process Carol Lee Abela Dwight's Prize Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Catherine Marie Therese Sneddon Property 2 Vivien Anne Holmes Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Social Security Law Peter Anthony George 1 Shared Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Susan Anne Rechenberg J Succession John Madden Exhibition Pauline Frances Bernard Shared Restrictive Trade Practices Peter James Gray Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Advanced Constitutional Law Michael Charles Garner Harrison Moore Exhibition Michael Charles Garner Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Labour Law 1 Michael Phillip McDonald Robert Craig Exhibition

Advanced Contract Law Andrew Frederick Christie Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Consumer Protection Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Emilios John Kyrou (Ormond College) Company Law Robert Craig Exhibition Emilios John Kyrou (Ormond College) Intellectural Property Raynes Dickson Exhibition Mark Andrew Sneddon Law of Patents and Inventions Jessie Leggatt Scholarship Rosemary Elizabeth Carlin (Trinity College) Law (Honours) Joan Rosanove Q.C. Memorial Prize Karin Chua Siang Min Anna Brennan Memorial Prize Karin Chua Siang Min

89 •••§

E. J. B. Nunn Scholarship Emilios John Kyrou (Ormond College) Supreme Court Prize Emilios John Kyrou (Ormond College) Security Law Sir Charles Lowe Prize Richard William Cullen Labour Law 2 Robert Craig Exhibition Paul Elias Anastassiou (Ormond College) Conflict of Laws Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship Mary Anne Hartley Shared Karin Chua Siang Min Jenks Exhibition Mary Anne Hartley Shared Karin Chua Siang Min Taxation Raynes Dickson Exhibition Emilios John Kyrou (Ormond College) Problems of Proof John Madden Exhibition John Gregory Berrill 1 Michael Peter Ferraro J bhared Professional Conduct Sir Charles Lowe Prize Vivian Brough Moroney


Medical Psychology Geigy Prize Fiorella Alberico Margaret Ann Oziemski (Trinity College) \ Shared Anne-Marie Louise Watson (St Mary's College) Community Medicine and Clinical Practice Exhibition Catherine Reid Medicine (6th Year) Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship Jacinta Mary Hoare (Trinity College) Upjohn Prize in Clinical Pharmacology and> Therapeutics Mark Frydenberg John Adey Prize in Psychiatry Jennifer Anne Hayes (Trinity College) Jamieson Prize in Clinical Medicine Roderic James Warren Robert Gartley Healey Scholarship Jacinta Mary Hoare (Trinity College) Australian Medical Association Prize Trevor John Kilpatrick Surgery Smith and Nephew Prize—Austin Hospital Susan Leigh Elliott Proxime Accessit Prize Julian Lockhart Rait Ryan Prize—St. Vincent's Hospital Jennifer Anne Hayes (Ormond College) Ryan Prize—Royal Melbourne Hospital Julian Lockhart Rait Robert Gartley Healey Scholarship Trevor John Kilpatrick (Trinity College) Beaney Scholarship Trevor John Kilpatrick (Trinity College) Clara Myers Prize Jennifer Anne Hayes (Ormond College) E. H. Embley Prize in Anaesthetics Kenneth John Knowles Obstetrics and Gynaecology Max Kohane Prize Nathan Better

90 Fulton Scholarship Robert Andrew Danks (Ormond College) Kate Campbell Prize Jacinta Mary Hoare (Trinity College) Obstetrics Edgar and Mabel Coles Prize Robert Andrew Danks (Ormond College) Shared Trevor John Kilpatrick (Trinity College) Robert Gartley Healey Scholarship Robert Andrew Danks (Ormond College) Shared Trevor John Kilpatrick (Trinity College) Clinical Gynaecology Hubert Sydney Jacobs Prize Stephen Peter SSmit h 1 Shared Deborah Sarah Kipen J Clinical Obstetrics Sir Alfred Edward Rowden White Prize Trevor John Kilpatrick (Trinity College) Anatomy—1st Year MB., B.S. Matthew W. McKenzie Award Sharon Lee Keeling Anatomy—2nd Year MB., B.S. Dwight Prize Anthony David Merritt Exhibition Anthony David Merritt Anatomy—3rd Year T. F. Ryan Prize Hong Thin Foo Biochemistry (2nd Year Medicine) Exhibition (1) Anthony David Merritt Exhibition (2) Anastasios Tom Kotsimbos Evangelos Romas Shared Teh Jin Hui (International House) Biochemistry 2 (Agriculture and Forestry) James Cuming Prize Janette Louise Gorrie Microbiology (Agriculture and Forestry) Exhibition David Albert Beischer (Trinity College) Microbiology and Epidemiology (3rd Year) David Henry Kausman Medishield-Ramsay Prize Clinical Microbiology (4th Year) Lorraine Grace Robb Medishield-Ramsay Prize Shared Anthony George Yapa nis J Pathology (3rd Year)

Walter and Eliza Hall Exhibition Hong Thin Foo ^ Sh d

Pharmacology (3rd Year) David Henry Kausman Boots Prize David Henry KausVnan Physiology M.B., B.S. Wellcome Prize Physiology (2nd Year) Anthony David Merritt Exhibition Kristine Wendy Molloy Christopher John Penington Shared (International House) Paediatrics Grieve Memorial Prize Jacinta Mary Hoare (Trinity College) Paediatrics Carnation Company Award Patricia Hester Goonetilleke


B. Music Lady Turner Exhibitions Amanda Hermione Rachel Baker (International House) Frank Joseph Barzyk Robert Edwin Chamberlain (Ormond College) Darryl Glen Coote (Janet Clarke Hall) Luke Benedict Shaw (Newman College) Music—Pianoforte Una Bourne Pianoforte Scholarship Wendy Joy Morrison T. Allan McKay Pianoforte Scholarship Elissa Gaye Hill F. W. Homewood Memorial Scholarship Katherine Stavridis Music—Singing Clarice Malyon Middleton Memorial Singing Scholarship Edith Mary Kathryn Breden Elise Wiedermann Singing Scholarship Glenda Mary Wadsley Mona McCaughey Singing Scholarship Miranda Christine Rountree Walter Kirby Singing Scholarship Judith May Thomas Muriel Cheek Singing Scholarship Rowena Jane Ponsford (Trinity College) Music—1st Year Lady Turner Prize Christina Joy Creen (Ridley College) ^ Shared Simon John Salkin Music—Accompanying Maude Harrington Prize for Accompanying Paul Ford B.Mus.—2nd Year Ormond Exhibition Robyn Sharon June St. George (Ormond College) Robin Wendy Wright B.Mus. Austral Salon Scholarship Richard Andrew Knurek Herbert Davis Award Siegfried Manfred Franke B.Mus./B.Mus.Ed—2nd Year Eric and Linda Jullyan Memorial Scholarship Marianne Vincent Pianoforte Nadene Ruth Gilmore Allan Scholarship

Music Performance 2 Robert Edwin Chamberlain Wright Prize in Instrumental Music (Ormond College) B.Mus.—3rd Year Ormond Exhibition David John Gilmour Kathryn Mary Hawley (St Hilda's College) For Classical Music student entering 4th Year Florence Menk Meyer Prize Juliana Maria Parise Pianoforte—3rd Year Rosemarie Kenny Prize Glenn Allen Keith Riddle (Trinity College) F.E.—B.Mus. Catherine Grace McWilliam Prize Graeme Andrew Skinner Allans' Award Paul Ford


Natural Science Wyselaskie Scholarship lan Stuart Crick I _, , Evan Alexander Thomas J Biology (Medical Course) W. H. Swanton Exhibition Peter Charles Hunter Baldwin Spencer Prize Sharon Lee Keeling Biology J. F. W. Payne Exhibition Paul Merlin Crossley (Queen's College) Science (Honours) Bryan Scholarships Samuel Leon Braunstein (Ormond College) David Anthony Petch Lynette Woodburn Shared (Queen's College) Botany Caroline Kay Scholarship Sibella Anne Guest (Ormond College) Botany (Agriculture and Forestry) Exhibition Alan Edward Richardson Chemistry Dixson Research Scholarship Janette Elizabeth Kevekordes Anna Karin Burgess Shared Edward Richard Thomas Tiekink Professor Kernot Research Scholarship Peter Francis Skilton Chemistry (Medical Course) Exhibition Andrew Fergus Tan Chemistry 2 (Agricultural Course) James Cuming Prize James Ong Soon Hock Chemistry (1st Year) Dwight's Prize Sally Margaret FryeFrye r 1 Shared David Nicholas Kinny J Exhibition Sally Margaret Fryer Shared David Nicholas Kinny Chemistry (2nd Year) Dixson Scholarship Warren Scott Alexander Shell Exhibition Neale Leslie Peters Chemistry (3rd Year) James Cuming Memorial Scholarship (Minor) Janine Shirley Godfrey 1 Shared Andrew Malcolm Bray I James Cuming Memorial Scholarship (Major) Michael Raymond Grace Chemistry (3rd Year) Dixson Scholarship Snezna Bizilj Fred Walker Scholarship (1981) Bruce Verity Fred Walker Scholarship (1982) Stefan Kazimierz Danek Chemistry (4th Year) Prof. Kernot Research Scholarship lan Stuart Crick Bruce Verity C.S.R. Chemicals Prize Shared Albin Frank Smrdel Chemistry Dixson Research Scholarship Bruce Verity Shared Albin Frank Smrdel

93 Mathematics E R. Love Prize Martin Robert Dix (St Marys College) Shared Jonathan Pi la Professor Wilson Scholarship Mark Norman Ellingham (Trinity College) Professor Nanson Prize Mark Norman Ellingham

Engineering Mathematics 1 (Trinity College) Exhibition Engineering Mathematics 2 Ng Peng-Khim Gordon Hunt Memorial Prize Engineering Mathematics 3 Bruce Stuart Davie (Trinity College) Dixson Scholarship Engineering Mathematics 4 Sandra Elizabeth McKern Stephen Bell Memorial Prize Applied Mathematics (1st Year) Andrew Neil Heath Dixson Scholarship Gregory John Lampard (Queen's College) Pure Mathematics (1st Year) John Macfarland Exhibition James Anthony Harland Pure Mathematics (2nd Year) Dixson Scholarship Peter Francis Kipka Applied Mathematics (2nd Year) Dixson Scholarship Andrew John Davies (Queen's College) Shared Peter Francis Kipka Applied Mathematics (3rd Year) Dixson Scholarship Simon James Wardrop (Ormond College) Pure Mathematics (3rd Year) Dixson Scholarship Jonathan Pila Statistics (Honours) Dwight Prize Alan Roy Hajek (Trinity College) Statistics 2A Maurice H. Belz Prizes--1st Prize Dennis Francis Schink —2nd Prize Kerry Ann Walker (University College) Geology C. M. Tattam Scholarship Peter John McGoldrick Geology (Agriculture) W. H. Ferguson Prize Alison Louise Balson Geology (1st Year) Argus Exhibition Jane Katherine Griffith (St Mary's College) Geology (2nd Year) Exhibition Michelle Gray Geology (3rd Year) Exhibition Richard John Lane Physics 1 (Engineering) Exhibition Clinton Patrick Walsh (University College) Physics (Medical Course) G. A. Syme Exhibition Francesco Barbagallo Physics (1st Year) Dwight's Prize Gregory John Lampard (Queen's College)

94 Physics (2nd Year) Dixson Scholarship Andrew John Davies (Queen's College) William Sutherland Prize Andrew John Davies (Queen's College) Physics (3rd Year) Dixson Scholarship Martin Robert Dix (St Mary's College) Shared Steven John Wark Physics (Honours) Prof. Kernot Research Scholarship Samuel Leon Braunstein (Ormond College) Evan Alexander Thomas \ Shared Raymond Robert Volkas (International House) Dixson Research Scholarship Samuel Leon Braunstein (Ormond College) Evan Alexander Thomas \ Shared Raymond Robert Volkas (International House) Genetics (3rd Year) Dwight's Prize Diana Mary Rosenhain


Veterinary Science Australian Equine Veterinary Association Prize Michael Kevin Doyle (Newman College) Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Health Prize David Douglas Bowtell V.W. Officer Prize David James Jenkins Sunshine Foundation Scholarship David Ronald Fitzpatrick A.V.A. Student Award Loreto Mary Kelly A.V.A. (Victorian Division) Prize Kathryn Elizabeth Davis Mary W. Wilson Prize Michael Tinniswood Larcombe Harry Worthington Prize Simon John Cameron Payne Exhibition Kathryn Elizabeth Davis John Nevill Scholarship Jillian Faye Maddox lan Macleod Grant 1 H. W. C. Simpson Research Scholarship Jillian Faye Maddox [ Shared Barry Edward Patten J Dairy Farmers of Victoria—Postgraduate Schol. David James Jenkins Animal Reproduction National Bank Prize Kathryn Elizabeth Davis Veterinary Anatomy Michael Roland Filkin Ramsay Prize Veterinary Surgery Rodney Thomas Blake Memorial Prize

95 Veterinary Science (3rd Year) Dwighfs Prize Darren John Merretl Veterinary Para-Clmical Sciences H. E Albiston Prize Adele Manda Feakes (Newman College) Veterinary Microbiology Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Prize Darren John Merrett Veterinary Pathology A.V.A 'Federal Council) Prize Darren John Merrett


Social Work A G Wales Scholarship Jeanette Faye Webb


DOCTOR OF LAWS David Plumley Derham, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.B.E., Hon.LL.D. (Mon.), B.A., LL.M. John Vincent Dillon, Kt., C.M.G. George Russell Drysdale Rupert James Hamer, K.G., M.G., E.D., LL.M. John Davis McCaughey, D.D. (Edin.), F.A.C.E., M.A. (Camb. and Melb.) Ethel Irene McLennan, D.Sc* Elisabeth Joy Murdoch, D.B.E. Michael Charles Pryles, LL.M., S.J.D. (S.M.U.), LL.B. Sydney Lance Townsend, Kt., V.R.D., Hon.LLD. (Mon.), M.B., B.S., M.G.O., D.T.M.&H. (Lond), F.R.C.S. (Edin.), F.A.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.R.C.O.G., F.R.A.C.P., F.R.A.C.M.A., F.R.A.C.O.G., Hon.F.R.C.S. (Can.), Hon.F.A.CO.G., Hon.F.C.O.G. (S.A.)


DOCTOR OF MUSIC Donald Oscar Banks Frank Adams Callaway, K.C.M.G., O.B.E., Mus.B., Hon. D.Mus. (W.A), F.R.A.M „ A.R.C.M., F.T.C.L, F.A.C.E. Eileen Joyce, C.M.G., Hon.D.Mus. (Camb. and W.A.) Malcolm Benjamin Graham Christopher Williamson, C.B.E., Master of the Queen's Musick

DAVID SYME RESEARCH PRIZE FOR 1981 Frank Andrew Smith, Ph.D. (Cant.) and Alan Norman Walker, B.Sc. (Q'ld), Ph.D. (Tas.)

GRIMWADE PRIZE FOR 1981 David Roger Dixon, Ph.D.

SIR WILLIAM UPJOHN MEDAL Richard Robert Haynes Lovell, A.O., M.D., B.S. (Lond.), M.Sc, F.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.P., Hon.F.A.C.P.

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (1948) Katrina Amanda Alford (Economic History) David Billington (Mathematics) Christopher Alan Anderson, B.Sc (Botany) Edward Blatt, B.Sc (Chemistry) Kateryna Arthur, A.U.A. (Adel.), B.A., Thea Charlotte Brown, B.A., Dip.Soc.Wk. Dip.Ed. (La Trobe), M.A. (Sus.) (Syd.) (Social Studies) (English) Penelope Jane Magdalen Buckley, B.A. John Barrie Bardsley, B.Agr.Sc, (Eng.) Dip.Agr.Ext. (Agriculture) John Douglas Burton, B.V.Sc. (Veterinary Mary Darvall Barton (Veterinary Science) Science) Vidagdha Meredith Bennett, M.A. (W.A.) Edward Charles Villers Butler, B.Sc. (English) (Chemistry) Peter Bernhardt, B.A., M.Sc (New York) Duncan John Campbell, B.Med.Sc, M.B., (Botany) B.S. (Medicine) Gregory James Berry, B.Agr.Sc. Alan Loyd Chaffee, B.Sc. (Chemistry) (Agriculture & Forestry) lan Clark-Lewis, (Medical Biology)

97 lan Leslie Collings, M.A. (Mathematics) Roderick lan Macfarlan, B.Sc. John Dowell Davies, B.A. (History) (Microbiology) John Henry Dorsey, M.A. (California) Muhammad Mahmood, M.A. (Dacca), (Zoology) M.Ec (Agr. Dev.) (A.N.U.) (Economics) William Timothy Duncan, B.A. (Economic John James McNeill, M.Sc. (Lond.), M.B., History) B.S. (Adel.) (Medicine) Michael Leigh Dyall-Smith, B.Sc. Grant Alexander McPherson, M.Pharm. (Microbiology) (V.I.C.) (Medicine) Maria Kathleen Dynon, M.Sc. (Medicine) Mary Michaelides, B.Sc. (Pathology) James Charles Fahey, B.A. (History) Robert Duncan Craig Miller, B.Sc. Frank Anthony Firgaira, B.Sc. (Mon.) (N.S.W.) (Physics) (Paediatrics) Geraldine Margaret Mitchell, M.Sc. Mary Luserna Flintoft, B.A. (French) (Anatomy) Lynne Foreman, LL.B., Dip.Crim. Atindra Mojumder, M.A., B.T. (Calc) (Criminology) (Middle Eastern Studies) Roderick McArthur Foster, M.A. Gregory Murray Moore, B.Sc.Ed., B.Sc. (Philosophy) (Botany) William Keith Gardner, B.Agr.Sc. Marilyn Elizabeth Moore, B.Sc (Geology) (Agriculture) Judith Louise Morris, B.Sc.Ed., B.Sc. Madhukar Onkarnath Garg, M.Tech.l.l.T. (Zoology) (Kanpur) (Chemical Engineering) George Morstyn, M.B., B.S., B.Med.Sc. Joseph John Giansiracusa, B.Sc (Mon.) (Medical Biology) (Chemistry) Mariko Nagashima-Fei, B.Sc. Francis Thomas Gillan (Chemistry) (Biochemistry) Audrey Naomi Grant, B.A. (Education) David John Netherway, B.Sc (Physics) Bruce Nathaniel Gray, M.B., B.S. (W.A.) David Lawrence Obendorf, B.Anim.Sc, (Surgery) B.V.Sc. (Veterinary Science) Barbara Mary Grey, B.A. (Mon), M.A. Peter John Obendorf, B.Sc (Chemistry) (Philosophy) lan Grant Pattison, B.Sc. (Mining and Andrew Lawrence Gundlach, B.Sc, Metallurgy) Dip.Ed. (Mon.) (Medicine) Philippa Eleanor Pattison, B.Sc David Peter Hennessy, M.Agr.Sc. (Psychology) (Physiology) Heloise Anne Pereira, B.Sc. (Pathology) Malcolm Wayne Hickey, MAppSc Patrick Perlmutter, B.Sc (Chemistry) (Biochemistry) Geoffrey Allan Pietersz, B.Sc (Chemistry) Prudence Ann Hill, M.B., B.S. (Anatomy) Mary Margaret Plant, M.A. (Fine Arts) Jillian Margaret Hinch, B.Sc.Ed. (Botany) John William Raff, B.Sc. (Botany) Graham Stanley Hudson, B.Sc. Kenneth Norman Ross, B.Sc, M.Ed. (Biochemistry) Catherine Sarantos-Laska, B.Sc. Katrina Robyn Hudson, M.Sc. (Pharmacology) (Physiology) Gerard Peter Schuyers, B.Com. Richard John Hunter (Mathematics) (Economics) Mohamed Nawaz Mohamed Ibrahim, David Henry Small, B.A. (Sask.) B.Sc.Agr. (Sri Lanka) (Agriculture) (Biochemistry) Stephen Robert Jennings, B.Sc. George Stanogias, B.Agr. & For. (Microbiology) (Salonika), M.Agr.Sc. (Agriculture) Victor Kowalenko, B.Sc. (Physics) Andrew Edward Stuchbery, B.Sc. Graham Douglas Lamb, M.Sc (Physics) (Physiology) Methi Sunbhanich, M.Sc. (Mahidol) Peter John Langkamp, M.Agr.Sc. (Pharmacology) (Agriculture) Peter John Thatcher, M.Sc. (Chemical Aishah Abdul Latiff, B.Sc (Pharmacology) Engineering) Patrick William Leach, M.App.Sc (Mining Christopher Henry Thompson, B.Sc and Metallurgy) (Pathology) Ashok Hanumant Tulpule (Economics) Cornelis Lenghaus, B.V.Sc. (Veterinary Tung Lun-Hsien (Pharmacology) Science) Brett Merrick Tyler, B.Sc. (Mon.) (Medical Stephen John Lewis, B.Sc Biology) (Pharmacology) Anthony Johannes Maria Verberne, B.Sc. Michael Peter Trevillian Linzey, B.E. (Cant.), M.E. (Auck.) (Architecture) (Pharmacology)

98 Theodore Vincent Verheyen, B.Sc Raymond Leslie Withers, B.Sc. (Physics) (Chemistry) Helen Kai Ling Wong-Dusting, B.Sc John James Warner, B.E. (Chemical (Pharmacology) Engineering) Elizabeth Olive Wood Ellem, B.A. (History) Jeanette Irene Weise, B.Sc (Physics) Owen Llewellyn Woodman, B.Sc. Ronald James Wescott, B.E. (Civil (Pharmacology) Engineering) John Daniel Wright, B.E., M.Eng.Sc. Gregory John Whitwell, B.Ec (Mon.) (Mechanical Engineering) (Economic History) Alexander Duncan Young, M.Sc (Physics Alan Richard Wilson, B.Sc (Physics) RAAF)

DOCTOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE (1964) Graham John Faichney, B.Agr.Sc, Ph.D. Keith Hawke Northcote, B.Agr.Sc. Gerald Martin Halloran, B.Sc. Lyle Boyce Thrower, Ph.D.

MASTER OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE (1923) Andrew Douglas Craig, B.Agr.Sc. Trevor Geoffrey Pollard, B.Agr.Sc. Gregory Michael Cronin, B.Agr.Sc. Phillip Anthony Salisbury, B.Agr.Sc. Helen Fisher, B.Sc (Mon.) Ida Bagus Sutrisna Neil Bryan Greenhill, B.Sc. (Mon.) William Kevin Thompson, B.Agr.Sc. Adrian Ross Harris, B.Agr.Sc. Muljana Tjandraatmadja, B.Sc. (Indonesia) Douglas Norman Alistair Maclean, Charles Lawrence Tuohey, B.Agr.Sc, B.Agr.Sc. Dip.Agr.Ext. John Malcolm McArthur Mohammad Winugroho, B.Sc (Gadjdi) Garrick McDonald, B.B.Sc. (La Trobe) Wustamidin, B.Sc (Indonesia)

BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE WITH HONOURS (1970) Gary Gerard Baxter Elizabeth Humphreys, B.Sc Ann-Marie Callaghan Robyn Claire Sweetnam Margaret Mary Fitzgerald Matina Tsaloumas Anthony Allen Hendy Jennifer May Wilson

BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE (1911) David Charles Bartram Judith Alison Johnston Sharon Dorothy Baum Stephen John Letts Stephen Patrick Betros Anna Elisabeth Lottkowitz Lisa Karenne Booth Simon Thomas Louden Andrew Kenneth Borrell Sally Margaret Lucas Susan Jane Clements Michael John McDade Jeanette Anne Cooper Geoffrey David McLeod Margaret Anne Deppeler Brian Francis Nippard Roger Louis Deutscher Colin Geoffrey Peace Gregory John Dow Michael James Pointon Anthony Gerard Flynn James Leigh Porter lan Goodwin Gregory Keith Pyers Michael Darby Greenham Bradley Leeds Riley David John Ham Anthony Sanzo Paul Christopher Hawkins David Patrick Tucker David Lawrence Hopkins Timothy Richard Weight Mark Gregory O'Bryen Horsford

BACHELOR OF FOREST SCIENCE WITH HONOURS (1977) Frederick lan George Gumming Fiona Clare Hamilton Richard Bernhard Dickmann Susan Gaye Harris Peter William Geary Mark John Plaisted

99 BACHELOR OF FOREST SCIENCE (1977) Anthony William Edgar Michael Sylvester Smithson David John Gallacher Peter Gordon Stoddart Anne Mary Geary Martin John Trotman Adrian Hatch Richard Ashley Vines Peter John Keppel Paul Ihor Wawryk John Gerard Love Bruce Anthony Wehner David Miller Gary Alan White Michael Joseph Morley Peter Wyndham Woodgate Geoffrey Charles Pike Martin Paul Woodward Mark William Reynolds


MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (1979) Stephen Raymond Butler Jillianne Rosalind Orr-Young Mark Alexander Fowler Ross Maxwell Perrett, B.Arch. Alan Gerard Grant Brian Thomas Stafford, B.Arch. Kevin Gerard McCullagh, B.Com. David Edward Turnbull, B.Sc (La Trobe) Dip.T.R.P.

MASTER OF URBAN PLANNING (1980) Peter Rex Davies Malcolm Henry Ritchie, B.Sc. (Lond.) Andrew George Hemming, M.A. (Dub), Jonathon Shields M.Sc. (Salf.) lan Robert Swan, B.T.R.P. David John Morrison, B.Arch.

BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE WITH HONOURS (1965) Louis John Chiodo Fred Sebastian Moschini lan Ross Coleman Luke Joseph Murphy Franco Vittorio Di Stefano Alison Ruth Nunn Omiros Homer Emmanouilides Guy Paul Pahor Peter Ernest George Petridis Leslie lan Finnis Soon Mun Kok Robert Lambert Goodliffe David John Sutherland Budiman Hendropurnomo Richard Stanislaw Szydlik Roslyn Felicity Hunter Joseph Nicholas Toscano David John Adam Lawson Sotirios Vadiakas Cameron Dickson Lyon Kerry Margaret Wise Robert David Miles

BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE (1931) George Michael Apollonio Mark James Gilling Donald Edward Barrow Peter John Godfrey John Alexander Baxter lan Clifford Gooding Stuart Douglas Blake Jane Galloway Grove Peter John Carr Christopher Haralampou Chester Cheng Ching Chune Jane Galloway Hedditch Teng Meng Chow Sri Maryanti Husodo Robert Conti Anthony Isaacs Peter Anthony Dann Robert Matthew Keen Paul John Delany Andrew Peter Kerr-Grant Fang Chin Swee Andrew Brian Kinna Helen Kay Fryday Simon Morley Lloyd

100 Irena Wiktoria Lobaza Graeme Trevor Riddell Loh Kee Beng Reno Rizzo Kythe Jane Mackenzie Alan Gordon Schomberg Ross Janet Fiona MacPherson Michael Clive Sheppard Gordon Dallas John Macrae The Shioe Shioe Kieron Paul McDermott Peter Ross Tonkin Tinawati Moelyatie William Allan Tucker Kawana Mulasikwanda Ronald Eric Unger Ng Kee Seng John Malcolm Ward Ng Kek Chong Simon Anthony Clifton Webb Leonardo Mark Pegoli Johnny Wee Kee Moh Megan Louise Poulston Clarence Wong Wing-Man Dianne Ellen Ramsay Yeo Huang Joo Abdul Razak bin Khalidon

BACHELOR OF BUILDING WITH HONOURS (1968) Andrew Maurice Clarke Thomas Michael O'Brien Christopher Julian Clarke Tan Sooi Hock James Lyall Kelly

BACHELOR OF BUILDING (1962) Mark Alexander Armstrong Paul John Martin Neil Geoffrey Ferguson Gregory Ross Naylor Simon Kenneth Gill Mark Francis O'Neill Anthony James Griffith Brett Antony Page Charles John David Hall Simon Swaney Bruce Phillip Hercus Teo Keng Lock Lim Tong Kay George Bodille Warne Alexander Mair

BACHELOR OF TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING WITH HONOURS (1979) Simon Eric Banfield Andrew Maurice Clarke Sonia Janet Bittelmann Jennifer Jane Wilson

BACHELOR OF TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (1963) Michael Charles Anderson Peter Rowland Mollison Elizabeth Ann Atkinson Peter George Nitsos Geoffrey Bruce Austin Luke Justin O'Connor David Becroft Rhonda Faye Pollard Michael David Bismire Janet Mary Urquhart Simon Robert Grieve Sue Michele Weatherley Jeffrey Peter McAlpine Susan Jennifer Wood Robert John McAlpine, Dip.T.R.P. Mary Anne Wright


MASTER OF ARTS (1860) Glenison Alsop (History) B.A., B.Ed. Rodney Phillip Crane, B.Ec (Mon.) (Mon.) (Economics) Jennifer Eunice Baillie, B.A. (Psychology) John Bryan Egan, MB., B.S., B.A. David George Beckett, B.A. (Mon.) (History) (Philosophy) David Leo English, B.A. (N.S.W.) (English) Geoffrey Norman Blainey, B.A. (History) Ben Eubanks, B.Sc (Tennessee) Irena Gustina Blonder, B.A. (Philosophy) (Economics) Gerald Bruce Barry Carroll, B.App.Sc. Robert David Ferris, B.Com. (Economics) (N.S.W.) (Psychology) Lee Carol France, B.A. (Geography)

101 James Andrew Funston, B.A. (English) Victoria Myers, B.A. (English) Janet Eade Gaden, B.A., Dip.Ed. (English) Beverley Anne Nance, B.A., Dip.Ed. Grayson Joy Gerrard, B.A. (English) (History) Conrad Anthony Hauser, B.A. Peter John Newbury, B.A. (History) (Psychology) Cecilia Mary O'Brien, B.A. (Fine Arts) Anthony John Hicks, B.A. (Psychology) Margaret Louise Piesse, B.A. (English) Bella Hirshorn, B.A. (Russian) Loris Priscilla Rechter, B.A. (Psychology) Edward Raymond Hooper, B.A., Dip.Ed. Judith Hadassah Reuben, B.A. (History) (Psychology) Merle Jane Howard, B.A. (Economic Kevin James Sharman, B.Com., M.Ed. History) (Economics) Robert James Howard, B.Com., Dip.Ed. Neil Robert MacDougall Sharp, B.A. (Economics) (Geography) Maryla Victoria Juchnowski, B.A. Edwin Arthur Shores, B.A. (Natal) (N.S.W), Dip.Ed. (La Trobe) (Psychology) (Psychology) Kenneth Charles Paul Sinclair, B.A., Rethinaveloo Kandasamy, Dip.Crim. Dip.Crim. (Criminology) (Criminology) Rosa Berta Spivak, B.A. (Psychology) Israel-Chaim Kipen, B.A. (Middle Eastern Carmen Maria Steger, B.A. (Psychology) Studies) David Lewis Stokes, B.A. (Avondale), Rosemary Esther Kiss, B.A. (History) B.Ed. (Mon.) (Psychology) Hideo Kumagaya, B.A. (East Asian Wendy Suiter, B.Ec. (Mon.) (Economics) Studies) Ross Alan Sundberg, B.C.L. (Oxf), LL.M., Carol Isabel Lancashire, B.A. (Geography) Ph.D. (Mon.) (History) Anne Lipzker, B.A. (Psychology) Charles Jasper Barr Taylor, B.A. Helene Ludwig-Wyder, B.A. (French) (Philosophy) Alice Marie Matheson, B.A. (Q'ld) Deane Pamela Ann Turner, B.A., Dip.Ed. (Psychology) (English) Denis William McMullen, B.A. (Syd.) Michael Anthony Venn, B.Com. (History) (English) Sharyn Lynn Watts, B.A. (Psychology) Jennifer Ann Mead, B.A. (A.N.U.) Gillian Gartrelle Wearne, B.A. (W.A.), (English) B.Agr.Sc. (Psychology) Roulla Miltiadou, B.A. (Philosophy) Gary Michael Wickham, B.A. (Macquarie) Soheir Mohamed, LL.B. (Alexandria) (Political Science) (Middle Eastern Studies) James Patrick Wickham, B.A. (English) Clive Lawrence Morley, B.A., Dip.Ed. Graeme John Wilson, B.A. (French) (Statistics) Paul Michael Wink, B.A. (Psychology) Sara Murphy, B.A. (Q'ld) (Psychology) William Joseph Wrigley, B.A. (Psychology) Kevin David Murray, B.A. (Psychology)

BACHELOR OF ARTS (1920) (Degree with Honours) Susan Naomi Adler (Psychology) Jose-Felix Borghino (English) Sharon Gail Alvis (Psychology) Stephen Christopher Bowden Bernard Paul Attard (English and History) (Psychology) Abhay Anand Awasthi (Indian Studies and Julie Helen Boyle (English and French) Political Science) Rosa Maria Bracco (History) Pauline Joan Ballantyne, B.Soc.Sc. Peter Robert Bray (Political Science) (Waikato) (Psychology) Claire Elizabeth Buckle (History) Monica Dana Baltutis (History) Tim Stephen Burmeister (History) Simon Christopher Barrile (English and Amanda Marie Burritt (Fine Arts) History) Barry William Butcher (History & Phi. of Wendy Maree Bartlett (Psychology) Sci.) Tamara Bednarek (Russian) Lynn Rachel Frances Canny (Geography) Ronald Craig Bell (English and Political Bronwyn Margaret Carlin (Geography) Science) Joanna Lynn Carroll (English and Fine Thomas Geoffrey Bishop (English) Arts) Geoffrey Norman Blainey (History) Jeanne Cheah Yulin (Psychology)

102 John Francis Clancy (Classical Studies) Pamela Joy James (Psychology) Warren George Claughton, B.Com., M.Ed. Paul Warren James (Political Science) (Psychology) Neryl Margaret Jensen (History) Elizabeth Ann Collins (Psychology) Philip David Johns (Philosophy) Susan Louise Constable (English and Jillian Meredith Jones (English and History) History) Margaret Anne Cowie (Psychology) Wendy Elizabeth Jones (History) Gabrielle Mary Daly (English) Bieruta Jook (Russian) Mark Darian-Smith (History) Svetlana Luisa Karovich (Fine Arts) Wendy Lorraine Davenport (German and Elaine Agnes Kelly (Psychology) Italian) Elizabeth Ann Kelly (English and French) Amanda Jane Davey (Fine Arts and Rosemary Anne Kelly (Psychology) History) Ralph Peter Herbert King (Middle Eastern Cathryn Mary Davey (Philosophy) Studies) Cynthia Jane Davis (Psychology) Valentine Jane King (Fine Arts and Peter Colman Dillane (English) Political Science) Clifford Brian Dobson (Psychology) Edward Michael Kingston (History and Janine Dobson (History) Political Science) Maree Frances Doherty (History) Marcia Vivienne Kingwell (History) Susan Elizabeth Douglas (English with Julienne Patricia Kinna (Psychology) Psychology) Christine Joy Kirkham (Geography) Eithne Mary Eastman (Fine Arts and Christina Ursula Klusik (English and History) Political Science) Katherine Kirsty Margaret Elliott (English) Michael Eric Knopf (History) Joseph Epstein, MB., B.S. (English and Asimula Kobatsiari (Psychology) Political Science) Eva Anna Kozlowski (Fine Arts) Michel Faber (English) Steven David Kunstler (History) Jeffrey William Faithfull (Geography and Irene Kuzminsky (French and German) History) Frank Lacorcia (Mathematics) Marie Helen Fels (History) Kathi Lauria (Psychology) John Allan Forster (History) Carla Rita Lechner (Psychology) Geoffrey Howard Fox (Latin and Edward Clive Lines (French) Philosophy) Craig Murray Lonsdale (Psychology) James Andrew Funston (English with Jane Maxine Lowther (Chinese and Music) English) Ingrid Clare Gang (Germanic Studies) Elvira Maccarone (History) Mary Gardiner (Classical Studies) Victoria Jane Machin (Psychology) Grace Antoinette Giannini (History and Francis Grey Smith Macindoe (English and Italian) Greek) Garry David Giese (English and History) Janice Adele MacNally (English) David Charles Goodman (History) Franca Marine (English and History & Edward Kevin Gott (Classical Studies and Philosophy of Science) Fine Arts) Sally Jane Marshall (Political Science) Elizabeth Jane Greet (Chinese) Nicholas Martland (History) Victoria Hammond (English and Fine Arts) Richard Charles Mathews (Indonesian Jennifer Ann Hampson (Psychology) Studies and Political Science) John Lachlan Henderson (Germanic Gerard Alan Matte (Political Science) Studies) Glenys Carole Matthews (French and Linda Violet Hicks (English and Fine Arts) Philosophy) Gregory John Higgins (Psychology) Laurence Keith McDonald (History) Sophia Josephine Hill (History) Fiona McGuigan (Philosophy and Political Elise Bennett Histed (Middle Eastern Science) Studies) Helen Therese McKay, B.Sc (Chinese and Neralie Jan Hoadley (History with History) Philosophy) Ralph Malcolm Ross McLean (History) Christine Natalie Hrynevich (Psychology) Julie Elizabeth McLeod (English and Miranda Jane Hughes (History & Phi. of History) Sci.) Alison Joan McNamara (Middle Eastern Alison Scott Inglis (Fine Arts) Studies) Katerina loannou (English and French) Karen Elizabeth McVicker (History)

103 Persephone Minglis (English and Indian Andrea Elvira Ruckert (Fine Arts) Studies) Sally Louise Rudolph (French and Italian) Ursula Frances Moloney (English) Francoise Manola Ruggeri (French) Paul Maxwell Monk (History) Connie Salamone (History and Political Barbara Moss (English and Political Science) Science) Zuvele Elena Samatauskas-Leschen Kevin David Murray (Psychology) (History) Beverley Anne Nance (History) Margaret Joyce Sefton (Geography and Angela Ndalianis (English) History) Heather Lucy Elizabeth Neilson (English) Peter John Sloan (Geography) Lesley Nelson (Philosophy) Raymond Kehm Smith, B.Com. (Q'ld) Lyn Beatrix Nossal (Fine Arts) (Psychology) Christine Mary O'Connor (English and Judith Elizabeth Anne Snadden (History) History) John Arthur Spink, M.Sc. (History & Phi. Rose-Marie O'Meara (History and Middle of Sci.) Eastern Studies) Anne Eileen Spurritt (Geography) Phillip Raymond O'Neill (English and Julie Margaret Stacker (Geography and Political Science) History) Adua Elizabeth Paciocco (Fine Arts) Nicholas Kelman Stevens (English and Maria Palamara (History) History) Minna Paltiel (Psychology) Grant Bernard Stillman (English and Gerardo Papalia (History and Italian) History) Linda Paric (Political Science) Yvonne Stolk (Psychology) Grant Neil Parsons (Political Science) Carol Janine Sykes (English) Elizabeth Ailsa Pawsey (History) Lindsay James Tanner (History) Juliet Mary Peers (Fine Arts and German) Julie Anne Tee, B.A. (Chinese) Alison Louise Perkins (English) John Teeuwsen (Political Science with Bronwyn Margaret Pocock (Geography) English) Paul Pollak (Russian) Garry Douglas Thomson (Psychology) Katharine Marian Prinsley (History) Janet Catherine Thomson (English) Giuseppina Punaro (History and Italian) Dianne Margaret Toe (Psychology) John Quast (Germanic Studies) Walter George Tonetto (English with Christopher Robin Raju (Political Science) German) Loris Priscilla Rechter (Psychology) Tania Torikov (Germanic Studies) Desmond John Reilly (Geography) John Winston Toumbourou (Psychology) Paul Ricco (Psychology) Scott Bennett Trembath (English and Jane Louise Richards (Geography and History) History) Richard Tennyson Arthur Uglow Stephen Mark Richards (Geography and (Philosophy) History) Michael Ignatius Vaughan (Political James Bryan Richardson (History) Science) Maurice Rickard (Philosophy) Pamela Gail Volkman (Psychology) Susan Janis Rieth (Psychology) Timothy John Walker (History) Kerrie Anne Roberts (English) Wayne Peter Walters (History) Diana Pringle Robertson (History) Andrew Nicholas Warland (Middle Eastern Timothy Arthur Robertson (History) Studies) Marie Gertrude Rogers (History) Jennifer Flora Weaven (Political Science) Michael Sefton Roper (History) Anne Louise Welfare (Psychology) Alex David Rossimel (Geography and Ashley Wharton (Philosophy) History) Maureen Ruth Williamson (Psychology) Kenneth John Rowe (Psychology) Julie Rosalind Wolfram (Psychology) Patricia Mary Rowe (History) Pashalia Zabounis (English and History) Elena Rubin (Political Science) Irene Helen Zeitler (Germanic Studies)

BACHELOR OF ARTS (1858) Maria Donna Amerena Teresa Argenzio Sopie Anagnostou-Watts Ingebjorg Arnadottir Helen Anderton Katherine Alexandra Avdiev Roland Gabriel Joseph Anthony Sarah Jane Bailey Isabelle Ardono Shirley May Bakker, Dip.Phys.Ed.

104 Adelaide Barbon Sharon Beverley Cordingley Melissa Elizabeth Barbour Valerie Cormack Daryl James Barclay Elaine Louise Cornwell Lilian Lucy Bariola John Kevin Corridon Jacqueline Robyn Barnes Sonia Crescia Richenda Mary Barnett Rosalind Jane Crisp Lynette Joy Bartold Leeanne Jane Croft Angela Bartolini Marjorie Lorraine Crotty Louis James Battista Alexander Holmes Currell, B.E., M.Eng.Sc. David James Baxter Heather Maree Curtis Antony lan Beal Susan Daniel, Dip.Ed. (Riv.) Judith Lyn Beesley Patricia Anne Daniels Helene Beatrice Beilharz Angela Da Silva Leslie John Bell Christopher Mark Dawson Louise Bennett Anna Maria De Amicis Virginia Frances Bernard William Harry Denis Deasey Melinda Bishop Wendy Louise Denham Angela Bitaxis Pina-Gabrielle Di Fabio Marina Cristina Blows Gina Marie Di Franco Carlene Joy Boucher Rosalie Margaret Dick Marie Bernadette Bourke Stavroula Dionysopoulos Trevor Norman Bradley, B.Com., Dip.Ed. Judith May Dixon Janet Elixabeth Bradshaw David Andrew Dobell Gabriel Magdalene Brennan Tracey Louise Donaldson Kathleen Mary Brennan Kristina Douvos Margaret Edwina Brennan Jean-Noel Derek Ducasse Richard Arthur Brett Christine Mary Duff Carol Cordelia Brokenbrow Diana Anne Duimovich Roseanne Brooks Christine Bridget Duke Gregory Howard Brown Norma Evelyn Dyall Maryanne Cahill Mary Edwards Maria Patricia Caine Jean Lynette Elliott Deidre Janine Cameron Margaret Diane Enbom Maxwell Douglas Ralph Cameron Diana Margaret Fagan, LL.B. Angela Louise Campbell Lawrence Farley Galina Capkin Anne Marie Fisher Christos Anastasios Carameros Jennifer Anne Fordham Ann Gabrielle Carew Lesley Eve Forsyth Lynnette Elizabeth Carolan Julianne Maree Foster Phillip Keith Rowan Carroll Frances Mary Fox Alice Colleen Carter Janet Oliver Fox Kim Jacqueline Carter Nicholas John Francis Carla Catanzariti Julia Mary Frederico Erica Joanne Cervini Heidi Mary Anne Freeman Susanne Clare Chambers Mark Gustav Freiberg Graham lan Chappie Joseph Robert Gallo James Charisiou Gabrielle Josie Gangitano Frank William James Cheshire Andrea Louise Garraway, B.S.W. Danielle Chipier Frances Cecilia Gillard Jenny Anna Cian Barbara Jane Glaser Timothy James Clark Cherie Glaser Clare Marie Clements, B.Mus. Gabrielle Mary Glynn Debbie Lorraine Clemson Lynette Godfrey, B.Sc Christa Kate Elfriede Clutterbuck Jacky Goldberg Beverley Karen Cohen Martin Leonard Golding Carmel Anne Colbert, B.Sc. Kristen Joanne Good Judith Anne Coldbeck James Patrick Gorman Maria Columbro Elizabeth Margaret Nixon Goss John Barclay Colville Debbie Jane Grace, DipAud. George John Comodromos, B.Ed. (V.I.C.) Catherine Anne Grant

105 Bronwyn Elizabeth Green Patricia Anne Lannen Mark Anthony Griffin George Ross Lansell Michelle Hamersfeld Antonietta Latina Rosemary Anne Hancock Albert Fawcett Le Rossignol, B.Com. Rosemary Anne Hawke Christine Louise Leask William Simon Heath Peter Raymond Leslie Christopher Robert Heazlewood Robert John Leticq Thomas McLuckie Heeps Yuen-Kwan Leung Kim McGregor Henderson Hannah Louise Lewis Veronica Henderson Belinda Lim Jane Margaret Herington, B.S.W. Stephen Mark Linsdell John Joseph Hickey Anna Clarissa Linton-Smith Graeme Loftus Hicks Jennifer Ann Long Penelope Higgins Gail Wendy Longbottom Susanne Monica Hintze Lucy Louca Fiona Rosemary Hodgetts Lisa Marie Loughnan Sally Jane Hodgetts Francesca Anne Mary Lyons Pamela Margaret Hogan Lynne Mary MacDonald Richard Thomas Hogg Fionna Mary MacKay Christopher John Holliday Marina Magdalinos Dragica Debbie Horbec Jeanette Dianne Malovany Linsey Howie Debra Maroni Peter Anthony Huf Pierangela Marrone Brenda Hufnagel Heather Susan Martin Louise Editha Huggins Mary Mass Elizabeth Mary Hunt Bambie Jane Maxwell Rita Incerti Katharine Middleton Maxwell Peter William Jackson Jacquelyn Elizabeth McArthur Belinda Vivienne Jacobs Thelma Jean McArthur Joan Margaret Jamieson, Mus.Bac Lachlan Ross McBain Irene Cecelia Jan Florence Mary McBeath James Stanley Jenkinson, Dip.Soc.Stud. Philippa Jane McEniry Bronwyn Janine Johnston Michael Keith McGarvie Megan Kay Jones Josephine Anne McGrath Owain Oldfield Jones Marcia Francis Rachel McGrath Russell Wylie Jones lan Thomas McKail Toula Karayannis Roger Andrew McLauchlin Veronica Aileen Kastelan John Charles McMath Charlotte Renee Kat Andrea Mary McNamara Richard Durrant Keary Susanne Judith Meggyesy Andrew Robert Kelly Franca Antonietta Melia Andrew Colquit Kennon, B.Agr.Sc. (N.E.) Margaret Anne Midgley Paul Joseph Kenny Deirdre Keil Milligan Helen Keramidopoulos Debra Joan Milton Annemarie Kiely Allan Claude Joseph Moktar Patricia Ann King Susan Elizabeth Monk Helen Faye Kirzner Timothy John Moore Philip Harold Evan Kissick David Scott Morgan Viviane Leah Klein William John Morley Harry Klonis Geoffrey lan Morrell Annette Caroline Knopf Rowena Betty Morrison Vicki Kondili Dennis Stanley Mouy Barbara Maria Kowalski Anne Therese Napthine Ann Kremidas Maria Natale Michael Kyrios Michael John Nazzari, B.Com. Andree Rose L'Estrange David John Neale Ester Louise Lalor Christopher John Nettlefold Pamela Lois Lamb Leonnie Catherine Newnham Bruce Ronald Lancashire, B.Ec (Mon.) Tracey Alina Nicholls Jan Michelle Langdon Glenn Cameron Nicol

106 Patrick Joseph Nolan Richard Stuart Charles Sessions Virginia Margaret Norton Kerry Ann Share Brigid Suzanne Nossal Sally Margretta Shepard Brian Gerard O'Callaghan Joy Edith Barling Sherwin Christopher John O'Reilly Shui Yuh Nan Peter O'Keeffe Kerri Elizabeth Sidorow Peter George Omond Paul Falkiner Brereton Simmons Karen Ong Siok Lee Warren Samuel Simmons Peter Thomas O'Rourke Jacqueline Simpson Silviano Palmacci Wendy Alice Simpson Andrew Panna Angela Maree Sinclair Alexander Mark Pantea John Peter Sleinis Brian Thomas Pardy Rochelle Slonim Vicky Patsogiannis Anthony Lawrence Smith John Henry Patterson Geralyn Mary Smith, B.Com. Betty Pavlidis Kerry Anne Hamilton Smith Hasanti Deepika Perera Beryl Snezwell Dianne Clare Phelan Sonya Maria Solowko Lisa Rosanne Phelan William Gerard Stark Anna Maria Pierorazio Alexander Thomas Stevens Bianka Anita Piper Mary Primrose Stewart Julie Anne Pittle Egils Stokans, LL.B. Anna Portaro Malcolm Alexander Strang David Stanley Poulton Peter Richard Strantzen Emilia Ida Pradolin Michael William Leigh Swancott Catherine Elizabeth Purvis Howard James Swinton Helen Margaret Purvis Maria Frances Tarrant John Michael Quin-Conroy Mary Bridget Tarwala Jill Katherine Quirk Helen Frances Tate Keryn Anne Randall Cindy Margaret Tayler Denise Judith Randell Yvonne Taylor Margaret Rando Amelia Tchea Moi Moi, B.A. (Taiwan) Nanette Louise Ratcliffe Vivienne Anne Tellefson Peter Dale Raymond, B.Ed. (V.I.C.) Julie Ann Tester Frances Rita Readman Christine Theodosakis Robyn Ann Reeves, B.S.W. Jullian Elizabeth Thomas Judith Anne Reines Mark Anthony Thomas Helen Meredith Renney Eric Timewell Gail Elizabeth Ring Patrizia Tizzoni Penelope Jane Robins Alison Mary Stuart Todd Anthony Bruce Robinson Elmar Toime, B.Sc Alicia Beatriz Rodriguez-Orona Helen Trumble Margaret Wyn Rooke Joseph Tsalanidis Simon Mathew Rosenthal Angela Margaret Turrell Fiona Jane Rowe Andreas Tziortzis Ann Elizabeth Rowland Adrian John Fulvio Valmorbida Belinda Jane Russel Leah Hariklia Vardakas Golda Ruth Rutman Vivian Agata Vecchio Michael Ruttmar Aldemira Venturini Anna Alexandra Mary Ryan Rina Viglione Sharon Sacks Christine Vlachogiannis Patricia Joan Salkin Anne Louise Vranisan Claire Alice Savige Genine Louise Vurtheim Wallinga Michael John Scales Fiona Margaret Walliss Daniel Leonard Schiff Heather Margaret Walsh Vicki Joy Schollick Vivian Elizabeth Warson Judith Anne Schrever Celia Jane Clifton Webb Peter James Scollin Jillian Margaret Webb Russell Edward Searle Anne Maree Webster Susan Judith Sellwood Michael Wernik

107 Meaghan Rae White Margaret Heather Winstanley Anthony John Whitehead Jilian Lorraine Wise Keri Ann Josephine Whitehead Albert Karl Wittich Roslyn Rae Whiteley John Michael Woodgate Diane Elizabeth Whiter Simone Wunderlich Jennefer Jane Whybrow Arata Yaguchi, B.A. (Wareda) Esther Isobel Wicks Tomoko Yamada David Geoffrey Wilken, LL.B. Anthony David Young Janette Wilkins Jacklyn Elizabeth Yowell Andrew William Wilkinson llze Ziedars Karen Jean Williams Paraskevi Zografou


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (1965) Clyde Marte Albrecht, B.Com. (Alberta) Geoffrey Allan McAdam, B.E., M.Ed. Muriel Therese Baker, M.B., B.S. (Q'ld) Heather Mary McLennan, B.A, Robert Charles Baker, B.Sc. Terence Leo McVeigh, B.Com. Geoffrey Brann, B.E. Lachlan John Myers, B.E. George Cazanis, F.R.A.M.I.T. John Murray Newman, B.A., B.Com. Cheng Sing Kit, B.Com. (N.S.W.) Tassos Anastasse Pilioussis, B.Bus.Studies Peter Noel Clark, LL.B. (Mon.), B.Bus. (S.C.), B.Com. (V.I.C.) Geoffrey Kevin Bond Pilley, B.E. (Mon.) Alan Keith Clayton, B.Ec. (La Trobe) Steven Jacob Rothfield, B.Com. Dennis Allan Cox, B.Food.Tech. (Massey) Maxwell John Schellekens, B.Sc, B.Com. Maxwell Robert Crellin Stephanie Jane Skinner, B.Ec. (Q'ld) Helen Mary Davison, B.A. Michael Patrick Spain, B.A. Helene Margaret Dimmitt, B.A. Anthony Charles Stafford Janet Doremus, B.A. (Russell Sage) Tan Tiong Bee, B.Sc. (Sing.) Shafik Massoud Ghaly, B.Com. (CAIRO), James Teo Teong Kang, B,Sc. (Sing.) B.Ed. Ting Lieng Hua, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. Paul William Eacott Gramenz, B.E. (Q'ld) lan Norman Trahar, B.Ed.(La Trobe) Peter David Hoffman, B.E. Mark Harington Wade, B.Sc. Gary Wallis Hunt, B.Sc. (Adel.) Gerald John Walsh, B.Bus.Stud. (V.I.C.) Wally Theodor Ivlenkov, B.E. Walter William Weingarten, B.Sc. (New Leong Hin-Seng York) Loong Kok Fun, B.E. (V.I.C.) Peter Adair Westfield, Dip.Art, Dip.Ed. Clifford Gordon Macalpine, B.Ec. (N.E.) (V.I.C.) Gregory David Manning, B.Ec. Thomas Paul Winter, B.Ec, LL.B. (Mon.) (La Trobe) Vasilios Zikou, B.E. Kathleen Egan Massey, B.A. (New York)

MASTER OF COMMERCE (1928) Jeffrey Stuart Broad Yvonne Maree Melotte lan Harold Hilton, B.Com. Bruce Albert Rowe, B.Com.

BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (1948) (Degree with Honours)

Julie Yvonne Anderson Stephen David Kennedy Ronald Allwynne Baker Khong Cheng Ben Runda Beirouti John McArly Pollard Michelle Deborah Brown Christina Pung Shuk Mei David Eizenberg Susan Anne Rechenberg lan Roderick Gowrie-Smith Brett Andrew Rix Murray Gray Anthony Gary Scott Peter Damian Joseph Ickeringill Johnson Yip Ching Shion

108 BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (1927) Pamela Margaret Abbott Roger Paul Enriquez Victor Alexander, B.E. Jayne Lorraine Ferns Manawar Ali Mark Fessey Marc Henry Anthony Aliotti George Frederick Finlay lan William Anderson David John Finn Hurriyet Babacan Peter John Fleming Megan Elizabeth Bailey Karen Yvonne Forster Judith Alison Baker Pasquale Antonio Franzese John Emil Bako Bernadette Margaret Frith Susilo Bambang Lex Malcolm Geddes Mark Damian Bartolo Normas Georgiou Thomas Andrew Batten Darren Paul Gilham Lynette Cheryl Aquila Bayman Goh Lay Kin Jose Ramon Bediaga Linda Gold James Alexander Graeme Bell Timothy John Golder Timothy John Beriman Michael Scott Gordon Gavin Neville Bird Michael William Gorton, LL.B. Kenneth Ralph Bishop Remo Greco Alan Mark Bliss Andrew Bryan Grey Andrew Wayne Blode David Charles Gross Mario Borrelli Merryl Catherine Hall Mark Harold Botsford Richard Ernest Hallgren, M.Sc Neil Bradford Antony Alexander Happell Debra Leanne Brown, LL.B. Michael John Happell Stephen Andrew Brown Heah Eng Phong Michael John Buckmaster Craig Douglas Henderson, LL.B. Guido Massimo Bui, LL.B. Heng Ee Lean Bruce Andrew Burton Mark Andrew Herold David Angelo Calandra lan William Holm John Stewart Callaghan Penny Nici Hondrogiannis Alfonso Capito, LL.B. John Alistair Hope Glenn Michael Garland Jeffrey Mark Hore Elisabeth June Carr Julie Gaye Hore, LL.B. Robert Cave Dianne Margaret Home Adeline Chan Wai Foong Roslyn Wendy Horridge Audry Chan Peter John Horsburgh Chan Yim Leng Lynette Joan Horsfield Francis Chan Yu Kwong Patricia Anne Howard John Robert Chandler Andrew John Hutchins Chew Kok Leong John Alexander Hutton Chiam Hui Min Hwang Kim Huey Chin Kok Sang Drew Anthony llsley Robin Chomley Anthony John Iremonger Julian Chow Weng Chee Rodney lan Joyner Stephen Donald Christie George Koshy Kalaparampil Helen Chronis Mary Karadimas Jennifer Catherine Clements lan Kenneth Kearney Stephen Wayne Clifford, LL.B. Christopher Reginald Keast Susanne Dahn John Gerard Keith Peter Marshall Dawson Russell William Kelly Peter William Dean Colin David Kentish Christopher Damian De La Harpe Antony John Keys Gioacchino Di-Natale, LL.B. Khaw Ruby Guat Kin John Michael Dinan Darren Geoffrey Kiefel Clifford Brian Dobson, B.A. Jeremy Charles King Craig Milton Drummond Michael Melville Kirwan, LL.B. Peter Graeme Duncan Kon Yen Phin Sally Dungey Julianna Krizanic Michael Edgar Ellison, B.Sc. Ku Kim Siew

109 Peter Byron Kyriakidis Gerard Peter O'Donnell Emilios John Kyrou Karol Thomas O'Reilly Lai Choon Foong Christopher John O'Reilly, B.A. Lai Chung Ming Stephen Joseph O'Rourke Kenneth Roderick Lambden Jane Ooi Andrew John Lannen Bernard Frederic Oude-Vrielink, LL.B. Chim Man Lau Pang Hai Kang Lina Lau Annette Parkes Le Tuong-Vi John Charles Parrott Lee Bin Yin, LL.B. Brett Charles Parsons Judy Lee Nguang Boey Ross Alexander Paterson, LL.B. Lee Sik Weng Gregory Frank Peacock Enrico Lenzi Clive Andrew Pearce Shaun Edward Levin Robin William Perryman John Paul Marc Lezon Andrew Charles Phillips Elizabeth Heath Loftus, B.A., LL.B. Phua Swee Fong Loh Choon Suan Ben Kurt Piper, LL.B. Phillip Keith London George Gray Preston Kristy Long Chui Fen Jeffrey Wayne Price Looe Chee Seng Robert Clive Ormsby Priestley Andrew Gordon Lowrey Gary John Pullen Peter Charles Lowrey Desmond Allan Quirk Lun Lin Gwo Shamini Ramalingam Stanley Andrew Lysiuk Anna Maria Ranalli Spencer Ma Wai Pong Fausto John Rao Peter John Macaulay Herman Charles Rockefeller, LL.B. Joanne Elizabeth Maclean Dean Stuart Rogers Catherine Mary MacNeill, LL.B. Colin Lindsay Rouch, LL.B. John Michael Madden Robert Lindsay Roulston Brian James Maher Michael Campbell Rowland lan Ralph Maher, LL.B. Nick Rutkowski Geoffrey Bruce Manchester Marjorie Ann Savage Hady Fouad Mankarious Paik Ai Saw Mark Brian Mayne Michael John Segon Anthony Charles McAvaney John Gerard Shanahan Michael John McCartney Peter Joseph Sheen Peter William John McDonald Michael Leonard Simons Andrew McElhinney Michael William Sisson Andrew Gerald Curtis McHarg Christopher David Aldred Smith Dianne Margaret McKerrow Diane Rosemary Smith Douglas Clark McLean, B.A. Norman Anthony Smorgon, LL.B. Oria Menichelli Kerrie William Somerville Geoffrey John Miles, LL.B. Andre Marcel Louis Souchon Robyn Isabel Miller David John Staindl, LL.B. Raymond Francis Mizzi Gaye Marie Stammers Allan Claude Joseph Moktar, B.A. Mark Jeffrey Steele, LL.B. Mark John Morath Brian Peter Steffensen James Robert Newton Morey Phillip David Strachan Malcolm Ross Morgan Guy Robert Strapp Simon Jeffrey Morris, LL.B. Victor Con Stroumos Kenneth Wayne Morrison Andrew Michael Sugarman Deborah Ann Morse Philip Leonard Sutton, LL.B. Paul Mulraney Caroline Sweet Peter Francis Murphy Jenny Elizabeth Tame Sebastian Timothy Myer Tan See Wee Peter James Naylor Tan Yew Guan John William Negline Tay Kern Lian Paul Ng King-Por Cindy Margaret Tayler, B.A. Mark Roger Nicholson Gary lan Tepper Richard Gerard Noall John Fabian Thomson

110 Peter Lawrence Thorn Janette Heather Whimpey Darren Graeme Trew Brett Robert White Daniel Tsui Sheung Man Terence David Byam Wight, B.E. Peter John Turnbull, LL.B. Barbara Willett Colin John Twigg, LL.B. Scott Edwin Williams Louie Peter Vacan Kenneth Andrew Wilson Salvatore Volpe Vivian Wong Wing-Sze John Francis Walker Stephen John Woolcock Raymond Frederick Walker Yap Peng Koong Anthony Robert Frank Wallis Stanley Chi Ming Yeung Michael Bernard Waters Yiu Ying Fai Karen Julia Watt Philip Zajac Andrew James Webster Julie Nanette Zazryn

FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCE MASTER OF DENTAL SCIENCE (1939) David Peter Cantillon, B.D.Sc. Alison Mary Rich, B.D.Sc. (Otago) Stuart Brendon Gairns, B.D.Sc. (W.A.) Martyn Paul Riley, B.D.Sc. Thomas James Higgins, B.D.Sc. (Q'ld) Graeme Lindsay Roberts, B.D.Sc. Wai Mun Kwok Gregory John Rohan, B.D.S. (Adel.), Daniel Sol Levinson, B.D.Sc, M.Sc. (Lond.) Andrew John McDonald, B.D.Sc. Michael Watson Shearer, B.D.S. (Adel.)

BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE (1906) Brett Pierce Abbott Andrew Malcolm Flood Robert Leslie Adams Eileen Patricia Fogarty Peter Grahame Allan John Nicholas Walton France Peter Noel Allanson David Geryga Timothy Victor Allen Paul Anthony Gleeson Christopher Michael Angel Joseph John Gofron Dragan Gabriel Antolos David Michael Griffiths Bruce William Baker Phillip James Hill Ross William Barnes Carl Geoffrey Hobson, B.Sc. (Mon.) Jim Bossinakis Anthony Hughes Christopher John Bourke Joseph Cheung-To Hung Mark Donald Bowman John Ronald Jeffries Leith Paterson Brown Susan Jane Joyce Christopher Murray Callahan Michael Edward Kemp Anthony Bruce Cameron Leigh Francis Kenny Lynette Ann Chambers Bruce Kenneth Knight David Robert Churcher Pauls Arvids Lejins Stephen Ross Churcher Zelman John Lew lan Jeffrey Collins Barry Jakob Lewin David James Curnow Clare Liu Ka-Bick Sandro Peter D'Adamo Andrey Maimur Pamela Shirley Dalgliesh Michael John McCullough Fortina Dandas Robert James McGlade Andrew James Dillon David Marshall McMahon Ludmila Duchovni Eugenio John Milone Abraham Hamdou Elbouch Roger Geoffrey Moerenhout Russell David Emery Ann Maree Monteith Hadley Craig Falconer Bruce Allan Morden Glenda Margaret Farmer Edward Lennox Mortimer Grant Richard Farmer Lily Moses

111 David Nash Cynthia Kay Scott Andres Oyarzun Lloyd Jack Simmonds Koule Pantazopoulos Gary Douglas Slade Philip Papa Michael lan Sloan David George Pavia Bernard David John Smith Mark Russell Peddey Geoffrey Gladwell Storey John Steve Petrou Graeme John Stringer Neil Jude Pinto Anna Antoinette Talacko lan Dwight Poker Tarn Shui-Kwan George Poliakow Peter Russell Tomlinson Ennio Francis Rebellato Stephen Andrew Torney John Alexander Robinson Marija Ana Udovicic Beverley-Anne Rodan Phillip Rudolph Vuk Mark Lindsay Russell Glenn Donald Walker Jeffrey John Sargent Felicity Ann Wardlaw Gabriele Lina Schade David John Whelan


MASTER OF EDUCATION (1926) Robin Edward Hume Austen, B.Sc Ross Francis Kimber, B.A. (Mon.), B.Ed. (Lond.), Dip.Ed. Michael Glenn King, M.App.Sc Rosemary Alexandra Barkley, B.A., B.Ed. (R.M.I.T.), Ph.D. (Bradford UK) Michael Barraclough, B.Sc, B.Ed. Hope Maurine Kynoch, B.A., Dip.Ed. John Norman Burrell, M.A. (Vir), B.A., Chiow Beng Mark Lim, B.Sc. B.Ed. William Patrick Lomas, B.A. Colin Stewart Christie, B.A., B.Ed. Frederick William McArdle, B.A., B.Ed. Barry Michael Coldrey, M.A. Rodney James McNicol, B.A. James Bernard D'Orsa, B.Sc Denis James Moore, B.A., B.Ed. Paul Thomas Gilchrist, B.Sc. (Mon.), B.Ed. Richard Jeremy Morrish, B.Sc, B.Ed. (V.I.C.) Monica Dianne Mulcahy, B.A. John Douglas Goodall, B.A. Judith Dorothy Parker, B.A. William Albert Greening, B.A., B.Ed. Kevin James Piper, B.A., Dip.Ed. (Syd.) Andrew George Greenwood, B.Sc. (Mon.), Ivor Wilfred Salkin, B.Ed. Dip.Ed. (V.I.C.) Lily Sislov, B.Ec&Com. (Zagreb) Mariana June Handley, B.A. Anthony Carroll Smith, B.A., B.Ed. Graeme Reginald Holmes, B.A. (La Trobe), Winton Albert Steer, B.A., Dip.Ed. B.Ed. (La Trobe) Edward Christopher Howells, B.Ed. Ann Turner, B.A., Dip.Ed. (Syd.) (La Trobe) Hugh Graeme Wheeler, B.A., B.Ed. (Mon.) Robert Lindsay lies, B.A., Dip.Ed. Edward Wolf, B.A., Dip.Ed. (Syd.) Graeme Timothy Inchley, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. Sheryl Diana Kerwick, B.A., B.Ed. (La Trobe)

MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (1981) Thomas John Mount, B.A., B.Ed. Leslie Posen, B.Sc, Dip.Ed.Psych. (Mon.) (La Trobe)

BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (1936) David Bradley Adamson, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. Michael Peter Constable, B.Com. Janet Patricia Ball, B.Ec. (Mon), Dip.Ed. Lesleigh Merryn Dawborn, Dip.Ed. (Mon.), Simon Joseph Bennett, B.Sc. B.Sc. Marilyn Louise Blizzard, B.A. Peter Laidlaw Dickson Marie Terese Bond, B.Sc.Ed. Clifford Brian Dobson, B.A., B.Com. Wendy Erica Brown, B.A. Francis Anthony Earley, B.A. Jeffrey Thomas Burman Terrence John Eccles, B.A. (La Trobe) Patricia Elizabeth Sarah Calton, B.A. Ronald Robert Edmonds, B.Ec (La Trobe) Elisabeth Cathryn Cameron, B.A., Dip.Ed. Gunta Eglite, B.A., Dip.Ed.

112 Enno Elterman, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Bernard O'Shea, B.A. (V.I.C.) lan Fraser, B.Ec. (Mon.), Dip.Ed, William Charles Pappas, B.A. (La Trobe) Shirley Suzanne Groves-Klebaner Michael Patmios, B.A., Dip.Ed. H'ng Siew Kheng, B.Sc. (Ed.) (Malaysia) Andrew William Payne, B.Ec (Mon.) Kevin Carter Hall, B.Com. Dorothy Margaret Reedijk, B.A., Dip.Ed. Helen Hayes Terence James Reilly, B.A., Dip.Ed. lan Lindsay Higgins, B.A., Dip.Ed. (Mon.) Anne Marie Sarros, B.A. (La Trobe), Peter Douglas Hubble, B.Sc.Ed. Dip.Ed. (La Trobe) Michael Eric Humphries, B.A., LL.B. James Christopher Sarros, B.A. Dip.Ed. Sandra Jean Jackson (La Trobe) Kon Katselas, B.Sc. Frances Mary Scholtz, B.A., Dip.Ed. Betty Joan Cathles Keay (Mon.), Dip.Crim. Miriam Landau, B.A., Dip.Ed. John Thomas Scott, B.A., Dip.Ed. Paul Peter Ledney Kenneth Harold Smith, B.A. (Santa Clara), Lee KarTin, B.A. (Mon.) M.A. (St. Marys) Julie Ann Levine Lou Michael Soccio, B.A. Denis Lim Kee-Teng, B.App.Sc, Dip.Ed. Diana Mireyless Spinks (V.I.C.) Michael Francis Sydenham, B.A. Robin Dawn Lishman, B.A. Glenda Margaret Thompson, B.Com. lan MacPherson Mitchell, B.App.Sc. Geoffrey Gordon Thorn, B.A. (V.I.C.) (Riverina) Stephen Anthony Varga, B.Sc. John Arthur Morath, M.A. (Mon.) Margaret Jean White Catherine Mary Murnane, B.A. Rosalyn Michele Williamson, B.Sc Mary Murray, B.A. Susan Elaine Wotley, B.Sc. Anthony John O'Byrne, B.A. Anthony Yeo Pen Tiong, B.Sc, Dip.ED.


MASTER OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE (1941) Anthony Louis Bennett, B.E. (Civil) LeeCheok-Lim, B.E. (V.I.C.) (Industrial Richard Julien Callinan, B.E. (Civil) Science) B.E. (V.I.C.) Choong Yoon Tong, B.E. (Civil) David Lee Seng Seong, B.E. (Electrical) Neil George Clarke, B.E. (V.I.C.) Lee Eng Cheang, B.E. (V.I.C.) (Industrial) (Mechanical) James William Clements, B.E. Loh Choon Ghee, B.E. (Civil) (Mechanical) Mak Kok Fook, B.E. (Civil) Bernard Sharman Doherty, B.E., B.A. Andrew Meerman, B.E. (Mechanical) (Mechanical) Sevil Polat, B.E. (Istanbul) (Chemical) Stephen Thomas Fennell, B.E. (Electrical) Christopher John Price, B.E. (Electrical) Demetrios Karamboulis, BASc (Canada) Josephat Sentongo-Kibalama, (Mechanical) (Agricultural) Khoo Chin Leong, B.E. (Malaya) (Civil) David Michael Silver, B.E. (Civil) Lam Sau Wing, B.E. (Mechanical) Christopher Guy Tattersall, B.E. (Civil) James Finbar Lambert, B.E. (Mechanical) Jan Ludzer Van Der Molen (Civil)

BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS (1982) Robert Henry Richard Adamson, John Gerard Brussen (Mechanical) (Agricultural) Colin Edward Buckland (Mechanical) John Gray Aitchison-Campbell (Chemical) Peter William Bums (Civil) Giuseppe Angelo Alberico (Mining) Ch'ng Yu Ju (Industrial) Somwang Asavapotiphan (Industrial) Jeremy Francis Chambers, B.Sc. (Mon.) lan Bruce Barnett (Civil) (Civil) Robert William Barnett (Electrical) Patricia Anne Chatfield (Mechanical) Paul Anthony Bastiani (Chemical) Cheong Ket Meng (Mechanical) Simon Miles Birkett (Civil) Chia Guang Fatt (Civil) Michael Wesley Blackmore (Mechanical) Chow Kok Kwong (Electrical) Kenneth Peter Bowtell (Civil) Michael John Clarkson (Civil) Rodney William Bray (Agricultural) Simon Page Cook (Civil)

113 Antonio Luciano Cricenti (Electrical) Robert Douglas Moline (Electrical) Paul Terence Curran (Agricultural) Andrew Mounas (Civil) Philip John Danks (Civil) Stephen John Munro (Mining) Michael Leslie Denison (Electrical) Paul Gerard O'Dwyer (Civil) Eng Yeon Kieng (Electrical) Oh Seong Tatt (Mechanical) Shane Christopher Favaloro (Mechanical) Raymond Noel Opie (Electrical) Robert Roscoe Fenton (Civil) Christopher John Povey (Agricultural) Ashley Keith Forbes (Chemical) Richard Graham Price (Civil) John Spencer Frame (Chemical) Andrew David Reynoldson (Agricultural) Khai Chung Gan (Industrial) Costantino Ricchiuti (Civil) David Thomas Gellion (Civil) James Fletcher Royston (Electrical) Ross John George (Mechanical) Patrick Innes Russell (Agricultural) Alastair Kenneth Hamer (Mechanical) Steve Anastasios Saflekos (Mechanical) Trevor Ernest Hancock (Mechanical) Barry Martin Sanders (Mechanical) Rowan Keith Martin Hayes (Chemical) Geoffrey David Senior (Metallurgical) Edison Hebel (Electrical) David Courtenay Shallcross (Chemical) Richard James Hedding (Mechanical) John Raymond Shaw (Electrical) Anthony Frank Hey (Civil) Peter David Skene (Civil) Ho Kok Leong (Civil) James Duncan Steel (Mechanical) William Robb Hopper (Mechanical) David John Arnell Stewart (Civil) Hugh Edmund Murray Hunt (Mechanical) Scott Lindsay Sutherland (Electrical) John Andrew Hurst (Mechanical) Tan Puay Boon (Civil) Stojan Iskra (Electrical) Brett Ashley Thomson (Mechanical) Stephen Ross James (Mechanical) Trang Chan-Thanh (Chemical) Gregory Peter Jessop (Mechanical) Con Tsaousis (Electrical) Thomas Gabriel Kaldoe (Mining) Mark John Tynan (Electrical) Richard Malcolm Kelso (Mechanical) John Francis Uiterwijk (Electrical) Michael Norman King (Electrical) Dennis Vengust (Industrial) Lau Chau Wah (Electrical) Spiros Voukelatos (Electrical) Peter Lench (Mechanical) Maree Alice Waldron (Electrical) Lim Voon Chong (Mechanical) Richard Alan Watkins (Civil) Richard Michael Penderel Llewelyn David Andrew Webb (Agricultural) (Mechanical) John Francis Bevan Webb (Civil) Alex Lukac (Civil) Stephen Robert Weir (Industrial) Phillip Maxwell Lukies (Electrical) Daryl Bruce Sandwith Wilkinson (Mining) Christopher John Martinson (Electrical) Neil Murray Williams (Mechanical) Robert Francis Maxwell (Electrical) Barry Gordon Wills (Agricultural) Bryan Joseph McGlade (Electrical) Peter David Wilson (Agricultural) Vincent Gerard McLaughlin (Chemical) Woo Cho Hay (Electrical)

BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (1883) Nigel Brandon Ash (Chemical) Steven Ray Kauffman (Chemical) Paul Wayne Augustine (Electrical) Keah Kean Tong (Electrical) Graeme Stuart Byrne (Mechanical) Khairir Khalil (Electrical) Joseph Chan (Electrical) Kenneth Alan Laing (Agricultural) Chow Sze Cheen (Metallurgical) Raymond Landini (Chemical) Robert Miller Corbet (Civil) Lee Siew San (Agricultural) Lindsay Crutch (Mining) Teik Hin Lee (Electrical) Mario Darmanin (Civil) Lim Teck Lee (Mechanical) Penelope Jane Rosemary Dawes (Civil) Lionel Lim Chin Teck (Electrical) Dionisio Drentin (Mechanical) Peter Alan McGowan (Mechanical) Anthony Ferrazza (Mining) Gerard Joseph Meagher (Chemical) Egidio Andrew Gallo (Chemical) James Clive Meares (Chemical) Mark Andrew Gliddon (Civil) John David Moore (Mechanical) Peter Charles Griffiths (Chemical) Lucinda Stuart Murray (Civil) Neil William Griffin (Agricultural) Stephen Bruce Newbegin (Electrical) Richard Guy Harmer (Chemical) Nicholas Gerard O'Brien (Mechanical) Janine Rosemary Harris (Civil) Stephen Peter O'Callaghan (Chemical) Stephen Edward Howard (Electrical) John Brendan O'Keefe (Civil)

114 lan Hamilton Paterson (Electrical) Andrew James Wilson (Electrical) John Redmond Shortell (Civil) James Russell Wreford (Civil) Derek Ronald Slaney (Electrical) David Chisholm Young (Mechanical) Francis Tan Boen Hok (Civil) Roman Zolnierczyk (Chemical) Brendan Joseph Williams (Agricultural)

MASTER OF SURVEYING SCIENCE (1979) Christopher James Earls, B.Surv.

BACHELOR OF SURVEYING WITH HONOURS (1982) John Frederick Adshead Brian Anthony Pearce Mark Gregory Dore Peter John Rickard Charles David Gellert Garry Robinson Gary John Hunter

BACHELOR OF SURVEYING (1952) Donald Adams Michael John Milford Luke Desmond Donohue Andrew Maurice O'Kane Paul David Downie Peter Lawrence Roche Shane Joseph Hickey John Craig Thomas Malcolm Andrew McDonald

MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE (1964) John Gregory Bishop, B.Sc Victoria Louise Stable, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Robert Cameron Craigie, B.Sc. Leigh Randall Thomas, B.App.Sc. Sze-Yuen Ip, B.Ec (Mon.)

BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE WITH HONOURS (1963) David Bruce Barry George Lioukas Andrea Calamante Hugh Joseph McDermott Albert Arthur De Celis Ng Chee Wei Paul Damian Devereux Peter Gerard O'Donoghue Mark Rathjen Gribben Philip Valmont Wilson Neils Andrew Isles

BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE (1962) Michael Albert Besselink Carlo Leone Enzo Calgaro Mark Narita Gary lan Crockford Joseph John Said Boyd Maxwell Faulks Tan Check Jane Peter John Kelly Michael Anthony Villanti Theo Kyrkilis Jeffery Milton Wong


MASTER OF LAWS (1881) Mary Baczynski, B.A., LL.B. Terrence Patrick Murphy, LL.B. B.Com. James Newman Dynon, B.A., LL.B. Michael Psaltis, B.A., LL.B. David John Green, LL.B., B.Com. Robert MacGregor Reid, LL.B. Peter Lindsay Irwin, LL.B. Nicholas Thomas Robinson, LL.B. Simon Bruce Eastwood, LL.B. Rose Weinberg, LL.B. James Gregory Judd, B.Juris., LL.B. (Mon.)

BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS (1951) Elspeth Jean Mary Arnold Bernard Frederic Oude-Vrielink Timothy Alexander Brukner, B.Com. Moira Rosalind Petrides Patterson Gioacchino Di-Natale Ross Alexander Paterson Suzette Francien Dootjes Penelope Alice Pengilley, B.Sc. Helen Mary Dyson, B.Com. Graham Bruce Powell, B.A. Peter Robert Hannah Herman Charles Rockefeller Julie Gaye Hore Nora Lia Scheinkestel Elizabeth Mary Hunt, B.A. Susan Judith Sellwood, B.A. Paul Joseph Kenny, B.A. David John Staindl Edward Michael Kingston, B.A. Mark Jeffrey Steele Trevor John Korn, B.Com. Amanda Stewart Belinda Lim, B.A. Lindsay James Tanner, B.A. William Benjamin Lindner, M.A. Joseph Tsalanidis, B.A. Heather Susan Martin, B.A. Ashley Wharton, B.A. Laurence Keith McDonald, B.A. Irene Helen Zeitler, B.A. Sylvia Miller, B.A. (Mon.)

BACHELOR OF LAWS (1865) Claudio Aloise Henry Samuel Burstyner BorysAnin, B.Ec. (Mon.) Janet Mary Buzza Daphne Gladys Anzarut, B.Ed. (Mon.), Leanne Robyn Cain M.A., Dip.Ed. Maxwell Douglas Ralph Cameron, B.A. Douglas Alfred Arden, B.A. Carl Raymond Cant, B.A. (La Trobe) Vicky Argitis Alfonso Capito Kevin Selim Azo Christos Anastasios Carameros, B.A. Sandra Elsie Bailey Robert William Clark, B.Com. Carmelo Barbante Brian Joseph Clifford Richenda Mary Barnett, B.A. Stephen Wayne Clifford Michael Geoffrey Barron, B.Ec. (N.E.) Judith Anne Coldbeck, B.A. Antony lan Beal, B.A. Graham Joseph Collins Rowena Beaverstock Ronald Arthur Collins Jose Ramon Bediaga Gregory Martin Comben Peter Reginald Best, B.A. (Q'ld) Cherhyll Anne Conroy-Morgan Phillip Anthony Bing, B.Com. Brenda Joyce Cooke Gregory Allen Black John Kevin Corridon, B.A. Noureddine Bouhafs Laurence Harold Dalton Margaret Edwina Brennan Helen Beth Davies Jenny Louise Bright Julie Davis Debra Leanne Brown Trevor Michael Dunne David Gary Budds, B.A. (La Trobe), Belinda Jane Evans Dip.Crim. Stephen Terence Fair, LL.B. (Cant.) Guido Massimo Bui James Sage Ferry, B.A. (Adelaide) Helen Catherine Burchell Angela Joyce Fish, B.A., Dip.Journ. Susan Margaret Burdon-Smith, B.A. Jennifer Anne Fordham, B.A.

116 Frances Mary Fox, B.A. Maria Pizzi Kevin Francis Frawley, B.Com. David Stanley Poulton Julia Mary Frederico, B.A. Geoffrey Charles Pryor, B.E. Paul Anthony Fyfe Helen Margaret Purvis, B.A. Lucy Gauci Nicholas Richard Reaburn, B.A. Amanda Glaister Kenneth George Rivett Jennifer Anne Benn Goldsbrough Anthony Bruce Robinson, B.A. James Patrick Gorman, B.A. Rosenfeld Michael William Gorton Colin Lindsay Rouch Sally Judith Greed Golda Ruth Rutman, B.A. Richard William Hamer, B.Sc. (Mon.) Daniel Francis Ryan, B.Com. Antony Alexander Happell Sharon Sacks, B.A. William Simon Heath, B.A. Jennifer Ruth Samuel, B.A., Dip.Ed. Craig Douglas Henderson Anne Teresa Santamaria, B.A. Kim McGregor Henderson, B.A. John Joseph Schauble, B.A. Lawrence William Hewitt Desmond Bruce Scully Virginia Sue Hickey Orazio Frank Selvaggio Christina Hionis James Gerard Serong Pamela Margaret Hogan William Shiels Michael John Holmes Helen Maree Shone John Anthony Howie Martin Aurelius Simek Irene Cecelia Jan, B.A. Naalti Devi Singh Peter Wyllie Johnston, B.A. (La Trobe) Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen Michael Melville Kirwan Norman Anthony Smorgon Steven David Kunstler David Jeffrey Snell, B.Ec. (A.N.U.) Richard Allan Lawson Julie Patricia Spehr Lee Bin Yin ~~ Geoffrey John Edward Steward Keith William Lewis Mary Primrose Stewart, B.A. Shelley Anne Lipe Malcolm Alexander Strang, B.A. Loke Sau Ying, B.A. Nicholas John Styant-Browne Nicholas Lontos John Frederick Styring Richard Ernest Lyneham Philip Leonard Sutton Francis Grey Smith Maclndoe Jillian Elizabeth Thomas, B.A. Catherine Mary MacNeill Barbara Joan Tilson Peter Jeffrey MacNish Alison Mary Stuart Todd, B.A. lan Ralph Maher Unberto Torres! Pierangela Marrone, B.A. Peter John Turnbull Lachlan Ross McBain, B.A. Colin John Twigg Timothy John McDonald Adrian John Fulvio Valmorbida, B.A. Michael Keith McGarvie, B.A. Genine Louise Vurtheim Wallinga, B.A. John Charles McMath, B.A. John Francis Patrick Cyril Colclough Walsh James Alan Middlemis of Brannagh, Dip.Crim. Geoffrey John Miles Vivian Elizabeth Warson, B.A. Gavin Forbes Moodie, B.A. Maxwellyn Grant Webberley Andrew John Moore Steven John Wharton Simon Jeffrey Morris Jennefer Jane Whybrow, B.A. Thomas Alan Munro, B.A. (La Trobe) Janette Wilkins, B.A. Christopher John Nettlefold, B.A. David Alistair Williamson Keith Francis Nicholson Geoffrey Stuart Wilson Brian Gerard O'Callaghan Andrew Raymond Woods Lisa Randall Osborn Brian Patrick Wordsworth, B.Com. David Andrew O'Sullivan Karis Ida Salvaris Wride, B.A. Phillip Anthony Papa Richard Thomas Wright Alexandra Papadopoulos Simone Wunderlich Gerald John Parncutt Anthony David Young, B.A. Anne Christine Pepper, B.A., Dip.Ed. Gregory Allen Young, B.Juris. (Mon.) Ben Kurt Piper


DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (1862) Peter Ellis Campbell, M.B., B.S. Linda Hoffman, M.B., B.S. Lachlan James Champion De Crespigny, Rolf Alexander Jauernig, M.D. M.B., B.S. (Heidelberg) Linas Joseph Dziukas, M.B., B.S. Richard Blamire Sewell, M.B., B.S. Isaac Maurice Eisenbruch, M.B., B.S. Rhyl Winifred Wade, M.B., B.S. Helen Edith Herrman, M.B., B.S. (Mon.)

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE (1862) AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY (1879) Gerard Christopher Ahern David Eric Crump Deana Hesketh Ashton Andrea Helen Currie Leon Ashley Bach Jack Arthur Cygler Joanna Maria Balabanski Robert Andrew Danks Ralph Gwynne Ballard Rodger Palmer Davies Bruce Howard Barker, B.Med.Sc. Christopher William Daw Malcolm Andrew Barlow Gregory Mark de Moore, B.Med.Sc. Alisdair Ruth Barnes Jacob Harry Dessaver Richard Kelly Barnes Anthony Joseph Dixon Renee Bauer Peter Norman Drysdale, B.Sc. (Mon. David Shan-Nih Beilby Delloyn Joy Dyall-Smith, B.Sc. Nathan Better Steven Ehrenreich Shifra Osnat Anne Birati Susan Leigh Elliott Alan Raymond Blandthorn Stephen Michael Ellwood Craig Leonard Blandy David Ernest Anthony John Bongiorno Ginette Falcone Boon Geok Tin Beverley June Ferres Jennifer Mary Bourke Robert lan Finlay, B.Med.Sc. Rose Mary Anne Brewer Maureen Fitzgerald Trevor John Brott Judith Fleming Graeme Campbell Brown William Robert Fleming Michael Philip Brown Yaron Isiah Flicker Ann Sinclair Buchan Keith Donald Forrest Jonathan Neil Buckmaster David John Foster Ashley lan Bush Jane Graeme Fox Marianne Elizabeth Cannon John Steven Fox Marcus Patrick Carey lan Robert Fraser Anne Davina Cass Ronnie John Freilich Steven Kevin Cavini Bruce Graeme French Lynette Sarah Chazan Mark Frydenberg Choong Meow Ken Mark Innes McKenzie Garwood Michael Jih-Yoh Chou Andrew Edward Gault Janne Christensen Rowan David Gebert Elizabeth Anna Christie Charles Nicholas David Gelber Catherine Bernadette Coffey, B.Sc. Christopher Paul Gilfillan Martin Frederick Coffey, B.Sc. Timothy Rex Godfrey Steven John Collins David Josef Goodman William Raymond Connell Patricia Hester Goonetilleke Wendy Gay Connor Raymond Francis Gornall Mark Allan Cooper Michael John Gray Mark Coppersmith Elizabeth Jane Green lan Howard Cox Geoffrey Joseph Green Michael Robert Cox Andrew Robert Haines Heather Mary Crockart Phillip John Hall Neil Raymond Crompton Peter Robert Charles Hammer Gary Lloyd Crosthwaite Colin Alexander Harper David Cruikshanks Wayne Anthony Harris

118 Oded Hauptman Matthew Thomas Naughton Jennifer Anne Hayes Prudence Kay Neerhut Bernadette Cecilia Hess Mark Edward Newell Marc Houghton Heyning Linda Ann O'Callaghan Bernard Shane Hickey Dennis Anthony O'Connor Jacinta Mary Hoare, B.Med.Sc. Peter John O'Keefe Leeton Craig Hocking Caryll Margaret O'Shaughnessy Narine Lee Hodge Richard Michael O'Sullivan Brian Francis Hodgkins Pang Mei Choo Andrew James Prichard Hodson Vivien Olive Peeler Susanne Catherine Homolka Jennifer Jayne Perlstein Phillipa Jane Hore Philip John Peyton Ashley Bruce Irish Darryl Joseph Pinto Andrea Maree James Andrew John Pither lan David Jennens Brian Thomas Quilligan Richard James John Julian Lockhart Rait Bruce Arthur Johnston Michael John Rasmussen Hugh Alexander Kelso lan David Rawlinson Lynette Kiers Keith Michael Charles Rawlyk Trevor John Kilpatrick John Hamilton Reeves- Deborah Sarah Kipen Simon Duncan Reilly Kenneth John Knowles Peter Norbert Reiter Diana Mary Korevaar John Francis Robertson Elizabeth Kotchoff Peter John Rudolph j- Anthony James Landgren Gary Morris Russell Mark Langley William Carnduff Russell Francis Joseph Laska, Ph.D. Angela Mary Rutherford, B.Sc. (Mon), Andrew Peter Lawrence Ph.D. Mark William Lawry Jeremy Paul Ryan Angelie Lee Siew Lan Sigmar Gunar Norfried Saisch, B.Sc. Petrova Shai Ping Lee Josephine Anne Sauvarin Gary Martin Leong Simon Lewis Scharf Daryl Adrian Lim Joon Leon Arnold Shapero Andrew Francis Little Andrew Marshall Smith Edward Ping-Wo Lo Mark Hunt Smith Charles Anthony Loader Stephen Peter Smith Carolyn Raelene Lukies Anthony Gabriel Sommer lan Mackay Mark Constantine Stebnyckyj Sally Jane Manuell Wanda Stefania Stelmach, B.Sc. (Mon.) Geoffrey Markov Ronald Stephen Sweet, B.Med.Sc. Jenepher Ann Martin Tai Keen Hun Christine Anne McConnell Teh Cheng Poh Ronald Brett McCoy Patricia Jane Terrill Fiona Margaret McEwan Christopher Rees Towie Rowan Kingston Mcintosh Francis Vincent Katherine Lisa McKay Maurice Amadio Vivarini Jane Marie McKenzie Ailsa Margaret Walbran Robert Gordon McKenzie Richard John Waldron Stephen John McMahon Christopher John Walsh Helen Anne McPherson Richard Alexander Wardlaw Lisa Jane Medley Roderic James Warren Peter John Mitchell Karen Ann Waters Peter John Mitchell Heather Louise Wellington Jacinta Margaret Mogg Glenton Raymond White, BE., B.Sc, Ph.D. Alan Brian Molloy David John Wignall Stephen John Moody Peter Henry Wilde Barbara Karen Moritz Morris John Williams Anne Louise Moulden William Morgan Williams Jean Mary Mullin Owen Douglas Williamson Arlene Sandra Murkies Benjamin Wong Tricia May Nagel

119 •%

BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCE (1967) Robert lan Finlay Jacinta Mary Hoare Simon James Foote


MASTER OF MUSIC (1964) Katherine Stavridis, B.Mus. Alan Gordon Stevenson, B.A., B.Mus.

BACHELOR OF MUSIC (1981) (Degree with Honours) Bruce Angus Straton Christie Irene Kuzminsky, B.A.

BACHELOR OF MUSIC (1894) Margaret Joan Bland Alison Edna Kuehne Mafalda Aurora Bojanic Geoffrey Masterton Lowe Janine Briggs Stuart Francis Macklin Sasha Erica Cobanov lan Geoffrey McDonald Veronica Frances Cosgriff Virginia Rose McGrath Graham Charles Cox Susan Elizabeth Monk, B.A. Barbara Jane Glaser, B.A. Dianne Joy Mullens Helen Gray-Thompson Ingrid Nadai Wendy Joan Grills Amanda Hope Nelson John Hay-MacKenzie Lynette Greta Simek David Horowicz John Franklin Stringer Peter William Jackson, B.A. Jennifer Mary Vasey Peter Neil James Jeffrey James Wiener Marina Kostromin

BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION (1974) Jennifer Margaret Carr Lynette Doris Richardson Olga Marie Evans Margaret Claire Roberts Anita Galitis Jeanette Anne Rutter Julian Boyd Gavin Janet Mary Stebbins Jennifer Mary Head MaryThurman, Dip.Mus. Felicity Rose Heasley Janette Lorraine Vardy Catherine Miriam Kearney Lynda Barbara Watkins Susan Anne Lyons Vera Willman George Matthew McClean, Dip.Mus. Brenda Joy Wilson, B.Mus. Diane Loris Nankivell Wendy Elizabeth Wood Jane Mary Newing Victor Herbert Pigott, B.A., M.Ed. (Syd), B.Ed. (N.E.)

120 FACULTY OF SCIENCE DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (1887) Richard Graham Hay Cotton, B.Agr.Sc, Kenneth Ulmer Snowden, B.Sc Ph.D. Ph.D.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (1893) Susan Elizabeth Alexander, B.Sc. (Sur.) lain MacKenzie MacPhee, B.Sc. (Paediatrics) (Mathematical Statistics) Andrew Mark Barrett, B.Sc. (Physics) Jeffrey Raymond Mann, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Kurt Kont Benke, B.Sc. (Physics) (Paediatrics) Jennifer Anne Beresford, B.Sc Angela Rose Marshall, B.A., Dip.Aud. (Mathematics) (Otolaryngology and Audiology) Marc Gregory Berry, B.Sc. (Chemistry) Toula Meimeth, B.Sc. (Botany) Christopher John Birch, B.Sc Miroslav Milanko, B.Sc (Physics) (Microbiology) Danny Peter Moglia, B.B.Sc. (La Trobe) Simon Justin Brown-Greaves, B.Sc (Psychology) (Psychology) Rowena Dorothy Myers, B.Sc (Botany) Alberto Cimmino, B.Sc. (Naples) (Physics) Christopher Edward O'Brien, B.Sc.Ed., Lesley Ann Clementson, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) B.Sc (Botany) (Chemistry) Geraldine Patricia O'Connor (Psychology) Silvano Colmanet, B.Sc. (Chemistry) Richard Brian Oldland, B.Sc. (Mining and Leon Francis Costermans, B.Sc. (Botany) Metallurgy) Anne Christine D'Arcy Evans, B.Sc Helena Maria Pavlov, B.Sc. (Microbiology) (Psychology) Stephen Polgar, B.Sc. (Syd.) (Psychology) John Robert Evans, B.Ed. (W.A.), B.Ed. Michael Alastair Reid, B.Sc. (Vic.Tor.) (Physical Education) (Medicine) Kirrian Unee Ferguson, B.Sc. (Geology) Murray James Rich, B.E., B.Sc. (Qld) Colin David Field, B.B.Sc. (La Trobe) (Meteorology) (Psychology) Kent Victor Rogers, BE., Dip.Aud. Arthur Geoffrey Fisher, B.Sc. (A.N.U.) (Otolaryngology) (Pathology) Robert Paul Schnall, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. Dianne Hazel Fisher, B.Sc. (Physiology) (Physiology) Michael Colin Flower, B.Sc (Computer Peter Schwerdtfeger, Ph.D. (McGill Uni.) Science) (Physics) Russell Colin Garrick, B.Sc. (Botany) Francine Gaye Steele, B.Sc. (Genetics) Bevil Milton Glover, B.Sc. (Mathematics) Kevin William Stewart, B.Sc. (Genetics) William Frederick Graham, B.Sc Anthony James Maxwell Stubbs, B.Sc. (Physiology) (Physiology) Emanuel Gross, B.Sc. (Physics) Christopher Bruce Tassell, B.Sc. (A.N.U.) Sydney Leigh Hardy, B.Sc. (Q'ld), B.Ed. (Geology) (Mon.), Dip.Ed. (Psychology) Richard Taylor, B.Sc. (Mathematics) Mark Austin Henry, B.Sc. (Pathology) Thean Lai Eng, B.Sc. (Pathology) Roger John Hilton, B.App.Sc. Deborah Desley Thorsborne-Palmer, (Mathematical Statistics) B.Pharm. (Q'ld) (Medicine) Graeme John Hyman, B.A. (V.I.C.) Wendy Tinson, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) (Psychiatry) (Biochemistry) Philip Anthony Jacobs, B.Sc. (Psychiatry) Hugh Lawrence Toner, M.A. (St. And.) Joxan Jaffar, B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Psychology) Josephine Beal Wynn Kenrick, B.Sc Tran-Dang Dai (Geography) (Wales), M.Sc. (Birmingham) (Botany) Margaret Helen Vickers, B.Sc Wolfgang Arthur Adam Kunze, B.Sc. (Psychology) (Physiology) David Wexler, B.Sc. (La Trobe) (Mining Peter Alexander Lindsay, B.Sc and Metallurgy) (Mathematics) Jennifer Joy York, B.Sc (Microbiology)

121 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (1954) (Degree with Honours)

Judith Anne Aberdeen (Zoology) Claudio Gargano (Mathematics) Raymond John Adams (Mathematics) Russell Colin Garrick (Botany) Angela Roslyn Aldred (Microbiology) Malcolm David Gartside (Chemistry) George Peter Aldred (Biochemistry) Harry Michael Georgiou (Pathology) Garry Lindsay Allan (Physics) Hany Ghabrial (Pharmacology and Matthew John Anderson (Microbiology) Medicine) Rachel Mary Aston (Chemistry) Anthony Francis Gleeson, B.Sc.Ed. Ek Hua Azzopardi (Chemistry) (Chemistry) Isaac Balbin (Computer Science) Goh Sock Suan (Geology) Steven Martin Banks (Physics) Janice Lynne Grant, B.Sc.Ed. (Chemistry) Ewan James Barker (Mathematics) Susan Ann Grinpukel (Biochemistry) John Daryl Bates (Microbiology) Bruce William Gunn (Physics) Gregory William Baxter (Physics) ^.Albert Haddad (Surgery) Stephen Henry Bell (Chemistry) Stewart James Ham (Geology) Cherylann Debra Biegler (Chemistry) Fern Michele Hames (Botany) Wendy Maree Black (Microbiology) lan Hansen (Pathology) Felicity Anne Brake (Biochemistry) Cherylann Debra Harvey (Chemistry) Mark Luke Briffa (Computer Science) Robert David Hewson (Geology) James Frederick Brigden (Geology) David Robert Allan Hill (Botany) Angela Roslyn Brooke (Microbiology) Mark Edward Hilton (Chemistry) Garry Raymond Budin, B.Sc. (A.N.U.) Jillian Margaret Hinch, B.Sc.Ed., Ph.D. (Meteorology) (Botany) Anna Karin Burgess (Chemistry) David James Hooker (Microbiology) Kenneth Bruce Byrne (Pathology) Wesley Anthony Hosking (Computer Susan Margaret Campbell (Botany) Science) Anthony Campisi (Chemistry) Bronwyn Anne Houlden (Microbiology) William Gregory Cashin (Physics) Robert Keith Howard (Zoology) Frederick Chan (Physics) Cecilia Hsieh Bao-Lin (Pathology) Clive David Newton Collins (Geology) Jonathon Athol Hyde (Geography) Edwin Nicholas Cooper (RAAF) Janette Loreina luorio (Microbiology) (Physics) Stephen Douglas James (Physics RAAF) Margaret Therese Corker (Computer Rodney Bruce Jones (Botany) Science) Kelly Karavokiros (Chemistry) John Alexander Coyne (Zoology) Dorothy Veronica Kearney (Mathematics) Penelope Jane Crowther (Biochemistry) Patrick Dale Kearney (Physics) Timothy William Darling (Physics) Brian Wylie Keck (Mathematics) Helen Frances de Pury (Microbiology) Martin Robert Kenne (Physics) Florencio Delgado (Chemistry) Janette Elizabeth Kevekordes (Chemistry) Fiona Margaret Dench (Genetics) Gillian Margaret King (Botany) John David Dillane (Computer Science) Peter Anthony Koopman (Genetics) Franco Di Marzio (Physics) Michael George Laeuger (Surgery) Katerina Dimitropoulos (Microbiology) Rachel Mary Lane (Chemistry) Andris Martin Dimitis (Physics) Mark Andrew Lawrence (Biochemistry) Kenneth Douglas Doig (Mathematics) Ruth Ellen Lawrence (Geography) Philip Ronald Eagles, B.Sc. (Zoology) Christopher William Lee (Psychology) Timothy John Entwisle (Botany) Gordon Lei (Microbiology) David Mark Etheridge (Meteorology) William Charles Lennon (Chemistry) Julie-Anne Evans (Geology) Leong Buh Kwong (Chemical Engineering) Sarah Annabel Ewing (Geography) Anne Maree Leorke, B.Sc (Mon.) (Zoology) James Edward Fahey (Geology) Russell Francis James Leslie (Physics) Glenn Ashley Farrall (Computer Science) Lim Hooi Ling (Computer Science) Jenny Fawcett (Pathology) Kathleen Erin Lovering (Pathology) Diana Fogl (Psychology) Michael Joseph Maher (Mathematics) Susan Mary Forrest (Biochemistry) Catherine Gail Martin (Mathematics) Margaret Anne French (Psychiatry) Thomas William May (Genetics) Glenn Baden Gamble, B.Sc.Ed. Alasdair McAndrew (Mathematics) Jeffrey Colin McCallum (Physics) (Chemistry)

122 Martina Therese McGinn (Physics) Kenneth John Smit (Chemistry) Susan Mclntyre (Botany) Graeme George Smith (Computer Science) David Alexander McKenzie (Geology) Roger Neil Smith (Mathematics) Peter Julian Meehan (Physiology) Grant Arvo Soosalu (Electrical Engineering) Aurora Messina (Anatomy) Bridget Rae Southwell (Zoology) Stephen Peter Mezyk (Chemistry) Philip George Spark (Physics) Michael Michael (Pathology) John Stavrakis (Chemistry) Toni Suzanne Miles (Psychology) Peter Andrew Stearne (Biochemistry) Christopher David Mitchell (Botany) Lawrence Richmond Stedman (Mathematics) Mohd Najimudin Mohd Nazalan (Biochemistry) Alexander Stojanoff, B.Sc (Mon.) (Pathology) Elizabeth Catherine Mullens (Chemistry) Philomena Tan Swee-Kheng (Psychology) Vince Murdolo (Pathology) Gregory Colin Tarrant (Geology) Susan May Murphy (Microbiology) Paul Hamlet Taylor (Botany) Gary Frank Musgrave (Mathematical Statistics) David Llewellyn Thomas (Zoology) Elizabeth Yincan Neate (Microbiology) David Carlyle Thompson (Pharmacology) David Raymond Nelson (Geology) Edward Richard Thomas Tiekink (Chemistry) Mark Alexander Nelson (Pharmacology) Christopher lan William Tingwell (Physics) Ann Nestorowicz (Microbiology) Jeff Francis Trahair, B.Mus. (Anatomy) Robert David Nicholls (Biochemistry) Christopher Elvins Trathen (Computer Science) Mary Nicolaou (Mathematical Statistics) Tony Triglia (Microbiology) Ramon Etienne Niekrash (Biochemistry) Trevor Keith Turner (Chemistry) Michael Nosiara (Geology) Robert Mario Valerio (Biochemistry) David Arthur Orr, B.Sc (La Trobe) (Physics) Nick Vardaxis (Pathology) Soulla Pappas, B.Sc. (Mon.) (Biochemistry) Samantha Anne Wake (Genetics) Robyn Glenys Park (Physiology) Robert Peter Wallen (Computer Science) John Young Paterson (Biochemistry) Megan Erica Walsh (Pathology) Russell John Pederick (Geology) Gregory Goodman Warr (Chemistry) Raymond Brian Philpot (Mathematics) Ek Hua Wee, B.Sc.Ed. (Chemistry) Martin Henry Podolsky (Geology) Gaye Louise Weller (Genetics) Gerald Peter Quinn (Zoology) Robert John Werry (Chemistry) Amanda Louise Rethus (Psychology) Margaret Wexler (Genetics) Robert John Reynolds (Biochemistry) Robert James Whitbourne (Pathology) Peter Anthony Robins (Botany) Michael John White (Computer Science) Peter John Roche (Biochemistry) Murray Leslie Whitelaw (Chemistry) Angela Nicolle Rosenhain (Geology) Cecilia Rose Whiting (Genetics) Frank Rossi (Physics) Carol Ann Wicking (Genetics) Burnett Grotrian Rymer (Microbiology) Roslyn Joy Williams (Microbiology) Helena Wanda Rzezniczak (Pharmacology) Rowan Kenneth Williams (Chemistry) Alan Richard Samagalski (Genetics) Susan Elizabeth Williams (Genetics) Gregory lan Sargent (Psychology) Anne Frances Withell (Botany) Peter Joseph Scales (Chemistry) Terry Wong (Pathology) Anthony Andrew Scalzo (Microbiology) Mark Andrew Woods (Microbiology) Philip Michael Shaw (Chemistry) Jeffrey William Young (Psychology) Brian John Shiell (Chemistry) Michele RosanneZorzi (Chemistry) Mark Richard Simpson (Geology) Dragisha Zubanov (Physics) Steven Anastasi Siotas, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. (Botany) Josef Alexander Zuk (Physics) Peter Francis Skilton (Chemistry)

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (1889) Elmas AM Stephen Geoffrey Beare Joseph Anthony Amerena, B.App.Sc. Robert Kingston Bearlin (V.I.C.) Andrew Gordon Beck Jo-Anne Margaret Anderson Gabrielle Lucille Beggs Caroline Jennifer Arrowsmith Anne Bernadette Bennison Roger Allen Bade Gaetano Tony Bonanno Laurence Frederick Baldwin Vivienne Ruth Bond Alan Eric Barker Jennifer Susan Bonney Michael John Barnsley Geoffrey Keith Boynton Grant Stephen Beard Suzanne Joy Bradford

123 1

Ross Frederick Broun Manjit Singh Gurdial Christina Margaret Selby Brown Wendy Rosemary Hallowes Traci Joy Brown Andrew McPherson Hamer Christopher John Brownbill Jacqueline Therese Handley Anne Christine Burke Helen Handsjuk Thomas Stephen Burke Peter Robert Hannah, LL.B. Margery Christine Burns lan Mark Hargreaves William Francis Calder lan Francis Harris Barbara May Chapman Caroline Marilyn Hase Karen Elisabeth Chapman Rowan Keith Martin Hayes, B.E. Elizabeth Anna Christie Patricia Louise Heffernan Christiana Christou Jennifer Raelene Heggart Virginia Chung lan Stuart Heggie Peter Richard Ciblis Donald Charles Helmore Adam William Clark Simon Thornton Henderson Catherine Delcie Clarke Ruth Hertan Pauline Mary Cleaver Marion Patricia Hewitt Jennifer Clements Philip Grant Hibbs James Ormond Coburn Jacqueline Elizabeth Hibburt Susan Deborah Cohen Ruth Emily Higginson Ann Margarita Compton Eddie Ho Chi Cheong Alan Contini Ho Meng Chong Martin Geoffrey Cook Khoa Ho-Le, B.E. (Mon.) Lyndel Jane Costain Pauline Ann Hobart Annette May Coutanceau Glen Andrew Holtz Lisa Margaret Cox Rhonda Dorothy Honey Bruno Patrick Crisafi Christine Honybun Paul Bernard Cylich Charles Keith Paterson Hosking Ariane Marie Lise D'Argent Jovanka llievska Nigel William D'Souza Judith Ann Jackson Richard Dennis Dahlsen Noel James Jeffrey Susan Lola Davidson Philip Arthur Jelloff Lynn Davies Catherine Anne Job Susan Mary D'Elia Geoffrey Peter Johnson Francis Xavier De Neefe Deborah Wendy-Anne Jones Doriana Desertoli Janet Jones Bret Stuart Dickeson Ted Henry Kapelan Jennifer Ann Dickins Nigel Mark Kimber Terrance Robert Dohnt, Dip.Phys.Ed. Paul Adrian Kimber Chris Dougiakis lan Francis Kirkman George Douvos Megan Frances Klemm Richard Charles Dowell Patrick Wallace Knight Peter Arnold Ekins Kwa Ban Keat Stephen Matthew Erskine Wilson Kwong Denis Joseph Falzon Michael Kyrkou Stewart William Filmer Glenn Edward Lamb Michael Patrick Flanagan Lee Chau Hee Peter Michael Foord Cee Chui Lang Kathleen Mary Fox Lee Swan Keat Phillip Arthur William Freeman Amanda Leonard-Kanevsky Ross Allan Gaston Dianna Adele Lepore James Michael Gigacz Rosemary Leslie Anthony John Gill Geoffrey Francis Leury Paul Jeremy Gilling Antony William Lewis Santa Giordano Helen Margaret Leyden lan Alexander Goldrick Tony Li Ting-Yeun Sophia Halina Goode Jeffrey Lim Michael Alfred Griffiths David Anthony Limmer Manuela Elizabeth Groves Oliver Ling Sii Chiong Nicholas Peter Groves Alastair Lockey

124 Michael Loh Mun Yew George Proimos William Louey Bernard John Purcell Low Soo Chin Phillip Quan Kathryn Louise Lycett Geoffrey William Quick Mark George Macauley Christopher James Ramsay Andrew MacFarlane Samuel Peter Rando Glenn William Mackenzie Bryan Leslie Raymond Connie Magazzu Lynne Estelle Reid Rodney Grant Magee lan William Rennie David Thomas Scott Mahoney Mark Donald Ridgeway Fiona Jane Mann Belinda Susan Rikard-Bell Annette Gayle Marrington Daryl Andrew Roe Elizabeth Mary Mast Catherine Anne Rohan Richard lan May Arianto Ronosulistyo Helen Margaret Mayers Mark Donald Rowe Michael John McBain Vivien Annette Rowland Rodney Allan McBride Carolyn Rush Jane Elliot McGlashan Steven John Ryan Jane Marie McKenzie Hugh Murray Arthur Scales Andrew Robert McLean Karl Albert Schenk John David Meehan Shane Laurence Schwarze Veronika Margaret Megler Stephen Secher-Jensen Paul David Miller Michael Bruce Seeley Shane Desmond Miller Geoffrey David Senior, B.E. Darryl Edward Mills lan Eric Senior Philip Anthony Mitchell Eric Jahannes Siegers Vasilka Mogilkoff Helen Barbara Sitlington Brian Gerard Monaghan Peter Skelton Sally Ann Morgan Vickey Skipitaris Susan Haf Morgan Robert Sluga Christopher Anthony Morison Malcolm Steven Smart Cameron Collins Morris Brett Paul Layton Smith Ruth Jennifer Mueller Gary William Mollis Smith Timothy James Muller Frances Lynette Snow Carey John Murphy Cathy Maree Solano Peter James Murphy Janeen Debra Sonsie lan Alexander Narracott Lorena Antonia Sparacia Jacqueline Anne-Marie Neale Alfred James Anthony Stauder, B.Sc. Ng Weng Choh (Mon.) Susan Jane O'Brien Heather Lesley Stebbins Marian Sally O'Connor Paul Bruce Stevenson Gordon Douglas Oakley Rachel Stewart Ong Suat Biow Yolanda Sum Felicity Claire Osmond Andrew John Sutherland Andrew John Padgham Michele Anne Sutherland Jim Takis Papadimitriou Peter John Swiatkowski Andrew John Parsons Peter Szypula Paul Francis Pascoe Catherine Lesley Taylor Julie Ann Pastars Paul Raymond Taylor John Robert Paterson Teh Jin Ai Geoffrey David Pedemont Thean Nam Khong Penelope Alice Pengilley Damian Francis Thomas Stephen William Perret Joseph William Tierney Kevin Joseph Phyland Viviana Ting Nga Sie Shane Colwyn Pickup Anna Toban Bruce James Polkinghorne Gordon Kenneth Todd Lauren Lisa Pontefract Shauna Anne Tomkins Julie Ellen Poustie Richard Ernst Trautmann Kerryn Ann Poynton Robert Ernest Ulmer Janet Claire Prentice Brett Alan Van As

125 Stephen Thomas Veale Kaye Maree Williams Mark Jonathan Venables Grant Thomas Williamson Janice Kathleen Walton Elizabeth Ann Wills Peter Bernard Ward Tracie Judith Wilson Russell William Ward Maria Carmen Wink Dean Ronald Warren Louis John Witts Scott Talbot Warren Michael James Wollin Yaraslaw Wasenko John Wong Sally-Ann Watt Peter Neil Wood lan Raymond Watts Rodney Neil Wood Noel Graeme Webb Angela Ruth Woods David William John Weisser Derek William Wright Anne Louise Welfare, B.A. Michelle Yi Un Won Brad John Wheatley Katharine Amanda Young Russell John White Perry Zamek Roslyn Rae Whiteley, B.A. Alex Zammit Brendon John Wilks Stephen James Ziguras

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (EDUCATION) (1971 Deborah Jean Adderley Peter John Kenney Robyn Margaret Anderson Nicholas Kotsiras Carol Andrews Christopher Noel Lloyd Dianne Margaret Angus Martin Peter Loetsch Vera Antolos Diane Margaret Lowman Michael William Austin Vasilios Manolas Raymond Martin Azzopardi Linda Margaret Marshall David Bliss Graham Thomas Martine Christina Rayma Bonser Wendy McCulloch Megan Bromley David Ashley McDermott Lorraine Sally Buckland Catherine Jean McDowall Bronwyn Margaret Butt Gary Anthony McGrath Phillip Lyal Campbell Clare McKeown Joe Chircop John Bernard McMillan Val Christou Shirley Alice Molloy Sandra Jessica de Cerff Marcella Gabrielle Natarelli Bernadette Ann Delaney Paul Angelo Pacino Roland John Douglass Santa Palma Emidio Forti Edward Pawlicki Andrew Robert John Francis Wolodymyr Pidriz Roger William French Coleen Charlotte Quinn Glenn Baden Gamble Vivienne Gwen Rankins Angela Spyropoulos Concetto John Giliberto Dianne Elizabeth Stammers Anthony Francis Gleeson John Francis Tait Mary Hanna Geoffrey Robert Walls Helen Haralambous Rosemary Heather Ward lan Mark Hazeldine Louisa Corinne Weaver Steven Mathew Hoffman Ek Hua Wee Pauline Margaret Holland Dale Welch Kristen Maria Hurley Michael John Wild Robert Ivory Joseph Bruce Wright Kelly Karavokiros

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OPTOMETRY (1970) Noel Anthony Brennan, B.Sc. (Optom.)

126 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OPTOMETRY (1970) Nicholas Charles Anderson Clare Christina Madigan Cary Dun Chin Chan Ross McDowell William Ewell Cutler Nelly Henrietta Munckhof lan Stuart Douglas Neville James Noller Christopher Geoffrey Gale Angela Nowozyckyj James Gargalionis Brett Leonard Parsons Elizabeth Fay Hatfield Heather Ruth Powell Edwin Ronald Howell, Ph.D. Elena-Maria Raso Robert William Dominic Howie Adrian Raymond Rossiter Michael Kalloniatis John Geoffrey Slack Linda Madeline Kane David Campbell Southgate Ee-Lynn Khoo Pasquale Anthony Tascone John Martin Kingshott Keith Travers Upton Andrew James Koch


MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK (1978) Ruth Louella Netherway, B.A., Dip.Soc.Stud.

BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK (1977) Peter William Adler, B.Com. Jayne Edwina Gregory Mary Patricia Altmeppen, Dip.Soc.Stud. Eva Guerin, B.A. Robyn Elizabeth Ansell Pina Guerra Uschi Ursula Bay Christa Linda Hagenauer Helen Elizabeth Bennett, B.S.Sc. (N.E.) Barbara May Hamer, B.A. Jan Kristina Black, B.A. (La Trobe) Margaret Claire Hawke Cecilia Anne Blake, Dip.Soc.Stud. (V.I.C.) Ivan David Hochberg, B.A. (Well.) Neil Milton Brebner Veneranda laconese Susan Jean Briggs, B.A. Susan Diane Jane, B.A. (Mon.) Vicki Miriam Brous, B.A. (La Trobe) Gavin Wayne Jennings, B.A. (Mon.) Madeline Buonavolonta, B.A. Michael Frederick Jobe, B.A. (Mon.) Christine Noelle Callanan, B.A. (La Trobe) Cassandra Louise Johnson, B.A. Heather Janet Carr, Dip.Phys.Ed. Rosemary Lynne Jones Mary Gwyn Carter, B.A., Dip.Ed. Lynette Joseph (La Trobe) Michael Leo Kelly Bernard John Chatley, B.A., Dip.Soc.Stud., Alison Kathleen Key Dip.Crim. Vernon Andrew Knight Peter Russell Clark, Dip.Soc.Stud. Glenda Catherine Lapsley, B.A. (La Trobe) Penelope Anne Cohen Pinchas Moshe Lederfein, B.A. Pauline Annette Cowburn (Jerusalem) Alison Jane Cran, B.A. (Mon.) Iris Alison Leslie, B.A., Dip.Soc.Stud. Kerri Ellen Davies Jenny Lesley Mann, B.A. (Mon.) Vicki Ellen Davies, B.A. (La Trobe) Mary Mass Georgina Elvie Devlin, B.A. Jordan Mavromoustakidis, B.A. (La Trobe) Mark John Diamond, B.A. (V.I.C.) Graeme Hudson McClimont, B.B.Sc. Frances Briony Dow (La Trobe) Margaret Ann Edged, B.A. (V.I.C.) Anne Catherine McGenniss, B.Sc. Marilyn Rosalie Faiman, B.A. (V.I.C.) Anne Maree McPherson, B.B.Sc. Wayne Arthur Featherstone, B.A. (Q'ld) (La Trobe) Ruth Elaine Ferguson Marjorie Dawn Milburn, B.A. (Mon.) Geoffrey Charles Freeman, B.Ec. (Mon.) Dawn Marie Mulhern Toula Galatas Sally Anne O'Neill Manuela Maria Galvao Christine Jan Owen Domenic Germano, B.B.Sc. (La Trobe) Yolande Laura Pedrotti, M.A. (Mon.) Mark Geoffrey Grant, B.A. (A.N.U.) Barbara Eleanora Perkin, B.Ed. (V.I.C.)

127 Angela Polita, B.A. Susan Judith Suttle, Dip.Soc.Stud. Diane Mary Price, B.A. (La Trobe) Mary Elizabeth Taylor, B.A. (V.I.C.) Johanna Maria Remmerswaal Anne-Maree Thomas Audrey Catherine Roberts, B.A. (Adel.) Yvonne Jean Thompson Lynette Dorton Roman, B.A., Bobbie Clare Titcher Dip.Soc.Stud. Mary Tsatsaris, B.A. Susan Louise Rudolph, B.A. Penelope Elizabeth Vivarini, B.A. Said Habib Sadek, B.Sc. (A.N.U.) Leeanne Judith Wait Veronica Sakell, B.A. (TAs.) Neville Leonard Walker, B.A. (V.I.C.) Connie Salamone, B.A. Shauna Patricia Walter Bernadette Josephine Saunders, B.A. Jillian Margaret Webb (La Trobe) Lauris Rae White, B.A. (La Trobe) Tilly Seitz Aileen Veronica Wilson, B.A. Jennifer Anne Sharpe Susan Victoria Yencken, B.B.Sc. Denise Maureen Shearer (La Trobe) Shane David Solomon Melinda Jane Young


BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE WITH HONOURS (1967) Adele Maree Austin Nigel Thomas Goode Rosemary Anne Beer Duncan Kenneth Hall Rodney Thomas Blake, B.Agr.Sc. Loreto Mary Kelly (La Trobe), M.Agr.Sc. Robert Henryk Labuc Christopher Mark Boemo Michael Tinniswood Larcombe Lynda Elizabeth Bonning Jennifer Lee Malloy Karen Ennys Boyd-Jones, B.Sc. Julia Elizabeth Parkes Stephen John Brown John Alexander Quinane Simon John Cameron Katharine Louise Schoeffel Peter David Constable Julian Clive Smith Kathryn Elizabeth Davis Alan Jeffrey Sultan Michael Kevin Doyle Jenny Lynn Thornley Alan Laurence Forte Andrew Tribe, B.Agr.Sc. Joseph Gerard Galbally Andrew Lancelot Vizard

BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE (1909) Jane Bell Michael Colin McAuliffe Peter Francis Bennett Jeffrey James Parsons Brett Anthony Boling John Raymond Pitson Geoffrey Douglas Chapman Paul Andrew Rowland Colin Charles Dry Jose Carlos Sequeira Stephen Joseph Ervin David John Stobo Christopher James Etherton Susan Swaney, B.Agr.Sc. Mark Gerard Foley Russell John Williams Rena Elizabeth Geroe Barry Graham Zimmermann Jennifer Ann Hibble


Puguh Darmadi Lamberthus Dominggus Wairisal, D.V.M. John Reginald Edwards (Indonesia) Ronald John Glanville Wong Wing Tip, D.V.M. (Malaya) lan William Harrison, B.V.Sc.

128 Diplomas

DIPLOMA IN AUDIOLOGY (1975) Christopher David Barker, B.A. Christopher John Peychers, B.Sc. (Cant.) Alison Marion Brown, B.Sc. Suzanne Carolyn Purdy, B.Sc. (Auck.) David Patrick Brownstein, B.Sc (Mon.) Jill Katherine Quirk, B.A. Jeanine Lonsdale Doherty, B.Soc.Sc. (New Peter Walter Stubbing, B.Sc, M.Soc.Sc Zealand) (N.Z.) John Clifford Hill, B.Sc, Dip.Ed. (W.A.) Hilda Clare Swatman, B.A. (Syd.) Susan Mary Luscombe, B.Sc! Vikki Tselepis, B.Sc. Maxine Dale Mullan, M.A. (Cantab.) Mary Margaret Walsh, B.B.Sc. (La Trobe) Douglas Armstrong Nelson, M.Sc. (Lond.) Patricia Winterbotham, B.A. (Macquarie) Jennifer Louise Payne, B.E. (Flin.)

DIPLOMA IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY (1946) lan Anthony Alexander, M.B., B.S. George Peter Kacser, M.B., B.S. Damian Black, M.B., B.S. (Mon.) George Stanley Kukawski, M.B., B.S. Robert Norman Gibson, M.B., B.S. Lawrence Lau Shu Wing, M.B., B.S.

DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE (1944) lan McColl Fitzgerald, M.B., B.S., Evelyn Ruth Upton, M.B., B.S. B.Med.Sc. (Mon.) Peter Frank Millington, M.B., B.S. William Matthew Knox, M.B., B.S.

DIPLOMA IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1939) Kerryn Joy Andersen Kevin Manly Phillips Henry George Farmer

DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER STUDIES (1978) John Duncan McLean, B.Arch. Alfred Sehler, B.App.Sc.

DIPLOMA IN COMMERCE (1927) Kerrod Antill Burt

DIPLOMA IN FRENCH STUDIES (1977) Deidre Kathleen Baker, B.A. (Oxf.) Valda Mary Pinder, Dip.Ed.

DIPLOMA IN GEOGRAPHY (1979) Susan Elizabeth Aly, B.A. Joy-Maria Mawbey, B.A., Dip.Ed.

DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC POLICY (1979) Margaret Fanny Bowman, B.A. Stephen John O'Kane, B.Bus. (V.I.C.) Colin Richard Campbell, B.A. (Q'ld) Jeanette Sdrinis, B.A. Christopher Bernard Meddows-Taylor, B.A. (La Trobe)

129 DIPLOMA IN GERMAN (1982) Heidi Corstorphin, B.A. Alicia Lilian Kutlaca, B.A. Jan Peter Delager, B.A. Eva Else Zimmermann

DIPLOMA IN CRIMINOLOGY (1963) Genevieve Jayne Breene Michael John Meaney, B.Com. Betty Gladys Bryant, LL.B. Jane Susan Millar, B.A. (Mon.) Paul Melville Day, M.B., B.S. (Mon.) Merna Bede Molony, LL.B. John Francis Drennan, B.A. Anthony John Phillips, LL.B. Louise Jane Farnworth, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Vicki Joy Schollick, B.A. Judith Ann Feery, B.A. Russell Gordon Smith, B.A., LL.B. John Thomas Ferguson William Madsen Trewin, B.A., BSW. Margaret Louise Hiep, B.A. (La Trobe) Dennis Michael Walsh Janina Dorothy Lachowicz, B.A. Susanne Joan Wynne-Hughes, B.S.W. (La Trobe) (Mon.) Lois Jacqueline McDonough, B.S.W.

DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION (1906) Raymond John Adams, B.Sc. Elizabeth Anne Doble, B.Mus. (Adel.) John Graeme Allen, B.A. Clifford Brian Dobson, B.A., B.Com., B.Ed. Connie Andreana, B.A. Philip Charles Dooley, Ph.D. (N.E.) Irene Andriotis, B.A. (La Trobe) Elizabeth Victorina Dowling, B.Sc. Colleen Patricia Anglin, B.A. Christine Joy Eckley, B.A. Marie Eva Angsiting, B.A. Vesna Eric, B.A. (La Trobe) Alexandres Constantinos Anthopoulos, B.A. Elaine Domenica Fagarazzi, B.Sc. (Ohio) Lidia Azzopardi, B.A. Warren Ashley Fall, B.Sc. John Banjanin, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Magdalini Fasoulis, B.A. Heather Marjorie Barker, LL.B. Elizabeth Anne Freeman, B.A. Anne Noelle Barnett, B.Sc. Sikie George Ganella, B.Sc. John Gilmour Beaverstock, B.A. Maree Garra, B.A. Anthony Robert Bocquet, B.Com. Karen Joy Garth, B.A. Elizabeth Anne Bott, B.A. Marianna Gazzo, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Hanna Dorothee Boxall, B.A. (V.I.C.) John Giatrakos, B.A. Amanda Louise Boyden, B.Sc. Joseph Kevin Ross Good, B.A. Peter Robert Bray, B.A. David Charles Goodman, B.A. Robert Scott Bryson, B.A. demise Frances Griffiths, B.A. (Mon.) Brenda May Burr, B.Ec. (Mon.) Alison Dorothy Grindrod, B.Sc. David Jeffrey Byrne, B.Mus. Anne Christine Grossman, B.Soc.Sc. (V.I.C.) Barbara June Carlisle, B.Soc.Sc (V.I.C.) Helena Gunderson, B.A. (Mon.) Gino Mark Carmelli, B.Bus.Acc (V.I.C.) Frances Joan Guyett, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Rodney Vincent Carhe, B.Sc. Jocelyn Kay Hall, B.Sc (Deakin) Alice Colleen Carter, B.A. Simon John Harvey, B.Mus. Maria Caruso, B.A. Eleftheria Hassapi, B.A. (Athens) Phomma Chanthrachack, B.A. (Tas.) Sally Elizabeth Heath, B.A. Debbie Lorraine Clemson, B.A. Peter Gerard Heffernan, B.Sc. Marlene Nozha Cohenca, B.A. Mark Richard Herrmann, B.Sc. Mark Leonard Collins, B.A. Joanne Marie Hillen, B.Com. Beverley Linda Cook, B.A. (La Trobe) Kathleen Hilton, B.A. Josie Ann Mary Costanzo, B.A. Derek Andrew Holmes, B.A. Richard Dennis Dahlsen, B.Sc. Andrew Keith Hopkins, LL.B. Thomas John Daly, B.Sc. Helen Horniblow, B.A. (Deakin) Julia Kathleen Davidson, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Moira Eda Hughes, B.Sc. Catherine Anne Day, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Eileen Ethel Hunter, B.A. Joanna Louise Day, B.A. Faye Susanne Jeffery, B.Sc. Thomas Gerard de Graaff, B.Sc. Noel James Jeffery, B.Sc. Josephine de Maio, B.A. Geoffrey Joachim, M.A. Carmel Di Mattia, B.A. Olga Josseff, B.A. Sophie Dimitriou, B.A. (V.I.C.) Susan Gillian Kalus, B.A. (Lond.)

130 Stephen Kapnoullas, B.A., LL.M. Diva Papile, B.A. (La Trobe) Ali Riza Kasapgil, M.Soc.Wk. (Ankara) Agorita Pappas, B.A. Dorothy Veronica Kearney, B.Sc. Christopher Alfred Peake, B.A. Robert Norman Keys, B.Com. Dianne Margaret Pearce, B.Sc (Mon.) Khor Sook Hiang, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Areti Peramatzi, B.A. Bernard Khoshaba, B.A. Lambrini Petropoulos, B.A. Branka Klopovic, B.Mus. Sotirios Piganis, B.Sc. Susan Joy Knopfelmacher, B.A. Mabel Joyce Nathalia Pinto, M.A. (Bombay) Sabine Koeppen, B.A. (La Trobe) Raymond Brian Pisani, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Maria Kollios, B.A. Catherine Anne Poynton Vicky Kordouli, B.A. Peter Willis Ralph, B.A. Fanny Kourouvany, B.Com. Christopher Stewart Rhodes, B.Juris., Eugenia Kozlevcar, B.A. LL.B. (Mon.) Nevia Krizman, B.A. (La Trobe) Anne Louise Rich, B.A. (La Trobe) David John Kronenberg, B.Com. Judith Riddoch, B.Sc. (Mon.) Alicia Lilian Kutlaca, B.A., Dip.German Josephine Miriam Ross, B.Sc (Mon.) Mary Kyrieleimonidis, B.A. Peter Graeme Ross, B.Sc Christopher Daniel Laird, B.Agr.Sc. Helen Roumeliotis, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Raymond Jean Lamerand, M.A. (Mon.), B.A. John Russell, LL.B. Caroline Elizabeth Embley Larkins, B.A. Marie Sakellariou, B.A. (V.I.C.) Ruth Lorna Lee, B.A. (Mon.) Helen Sapountzis, B.A. (La Trobe) John Philip Lewis, B.Juris. (Mon.) Anna Sfyris, B.A. Wendy Ailsa Lewis, B.A. (A.N.U.) Elizabeth Anne Sloss, B.Sc. Liaw Aik Boon, B.Sc. Juliane Deborah Smith, B.A. (V.I.C.) leva Vija Lidgerwood, B.Sc Voula Sotiriou, B.Sc (V.I.C.) Liem Thay Ing, B.A. Lynette Theresa Stary, B.A. Long Lye Chan, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Maria Strintzos, B.A. Helen Macula, B.A. Warren Ross Talbot, B.A. Roman Henry'k Mankowski, B.A. Christine Theodosakis, B.A. Anne Caroline Marantelli, B.A. Stephen William Tiedgen, B.Ec (Mon.) Helen Matrakis, B.A. Peter Paul Tomisich, B.A. (La Trobe) Angela Andrea May, B.A. Robyn Lynette Torney, B.A. (Q'ld) Wendy Ruth Mayne, B.A. Maria Traina, B.A. Brenda McCallan, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Rosalie Joy Triolo, B.A. Susan Elizabeth Mclnnes, B.A., LL.B. Mary Tsakiris, B.A. (Mon.) Geoffrey Hamilton McKenzie, Ph.D. Glikeria Tsiogas, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Jeanne Maree McLean, B.A. Juris Uldis Vanags, B.A. Philip Stirling Mead, B.A. (A.N.U), Perla Vazquez, M.A. (Kansas) M.A. (La Trobe) Anna Maria Venuto, B.A. Julia Fiona Meede, B.A. Patricia Vernali, B.A. Catherine Merlino, B.Ec. (La Trobe) Maria Caterina Viglione, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Jack Merx, B.App.Sc. (V.I.C.) Ann Marie Walker, B.Sc. Robert Tilmouth Metcalf, B.Sc. Lloyd Michael Watson-Jones, B.Mus. Nadia Mirenda, B.Com. Graeme John Welsford, B.Com. Geraldine Patricia Moloney John Edward Westwood, B.A. (La Trobe) Graham Charles Morey-Nase, Ph.D. (A.N.U.) Ann Marie Wykes, B.A. (Macquarie) Margaret Mouratidis, B.A. Clarence Yap Kooi Hon Beverley Anne Nance, B.A. Terry Nuriden Ymer, B.Sc. Naji Ibrahim Nasrallah, M.A. Patrick Yong Teck Ming, B.Sc. (La Trobe) Helen Nicholas, B.A. (La Trobe) HzeZiedars, B.A. Evanthia Pantsoglou

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION (1967) Graeme John Buck Stephen Quentin Scown lan William Dickson David Young Chung-Wai, B.Agr.Sc. David John Hudson


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Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1982

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