“Micro-Flood” Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Piercing the Veil Between the Conscious and Subconscious

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Disclaimer • This information is being presented for purposes of harm reduction and education • I do not condone or advocate the use of any illicit substances, or illegal activity of any kind • Iboga, like other plant medicines should not be taken before serious consideration and research into possible health risks or contraindications • Advice or opinions on the use of Iboga is provided for the benefit of those who have adequately researched such risks, and assumes anyone using this substance will do so in a jurisdiction where neither its possession nor consumption would constitute a violation of any law.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Iboga/ Medical Risks and Contraindications ::::PARTIAL LIST:::: • Heart conditions or defects • Epilepsy or seizure disorders (especially QT prolonging) • History of blood clots • Psychiatric disorders • Diabetes (uncontrolled) • Impaired liver or kidney function • High/Low Blood Pressure • SSRIs, psychoactive medications, • Cerebella Disfunction drug replacement therapy drugs (methadone, buprenorphine) • Emphysema

NOTE: Cannabis can lower blood pressure, presenting another contraindication for anyone with cardiac abnormalities.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis “Iboga is the vehicle that allows you to sit with yourself long enough to realize that thing you are afraid of is an illusion.” Tricia Eastman, Entheonation.com

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis That thing you are afraid of is an illusion.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis If you’re not advocating the use of Iboga and there are potential health risks then why are you here talking about Iboga? Is this some kind of scam? Is it a multilevel marketing thing?

• Interest in microdosing Iboga growing at a rapid pace • Microdosing: “…administration of doses so low ("sub-therapeutic") they are unlikely to produce whole-body effects.” • People increasingly crossing over from microdosing to “mesodosing” • “I’m microdosing 500 mg of Iboga daily.” • “1 gram of Iboga should be a safe starting point for microdosing.” • Dearth of information (practically none) on combining relatively small doses of Iboga with cannabis

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis The moment I knew…

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What is Iboga, Anyway?

• Root bark of the plant—a perennial rainforest shrub native to western Central Africa. • Ibogaine is also present in Tabernanthe manii, and Voacanga Africana plants • Contains at least 12 alkaloids, most notably Ibogaine, a highly psychoactive tryptamine that is the plant’s active alkaloid. • Discovered by the Babongo, or Pygmy people of western central Africa. • Babonga eventually shared their knowledge with other Bwiti practitioners.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Wait, what’s this “Bwiti” thing you mentioned?

• Spiritual discipline practiced by about 300,000 people across several tribes in western Africa (Primarily and ). • Incorporates animism, ancestor worship, and Christianity into a syncretistic belief system • Iboga is a pillar of the Bwiti practice, and believe this sacrament takes you to the realm of the dead, where you are blessed with knowledge and wisdom by your ancestors. They use Iboga in: • ceremonies • Rites of passage • Deep healing • Small amounts are also used as a stimulant

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Meanwhile, Back at Greg’s House…

• After exhaustive research, found and contacted the Iboga treatment center I decided to work with • My screening: • Lengthy phone conversation • Filled out various forms, including a detailed medical history • Saw my doctor and got a current EKG, liver and kidney panel • Sent the results off and started researching possible travel dates and airfare…

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happens During an Iboga“Flood Dose”? AKA “psychospiritual journey,” “life review” or “defrag” • Catalyzes an altered state of consciousness that has been described “dreaming while fully conscious” • Past experiences, even traumatic ones are observed from a detached state, without emotion • Levels of serotonin and dopamine are normalized and receptors are repaired • Brain is in a highly neuroplastic state following the experience, making lasting changes possible

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happens During an Iboga“Flood Dose”? • First phase: “Waking dream” state lasting 4-8 hours, consisting of powerful visions. • Body heaviness, difficulty standing or walking • Nausea, purging may occur (especially upon moving) • Sensitivity to light • Third eye may open during this phase • Powerful, highly personalized visions • Some metaphorical or symbolic, some of actual memories and life events • Previously forgotten memories may be recalled • Visions can be stopped at any time by opening eyes

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happens During an Iboga“Flood Dose”?

• Second phase (lasting another 8-24 hours) is sometimes referred to as the evaluative or introspective phase, in which integration begins.

• May still have difficulty moving, be sensitive to light or stimulation • Attention is directed at evaluating the experiences of the first phase • Meaning of visions are often clarified • Helps in identifying root causes of trauma, negative thoughts/patterns, habits and negative or harmful or addictive behaviors or even substance addiction

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happens During an Iboga“Flood Dose”? • Third phase: Residual stimulation phase, can last 24 to 72 hours • Psychoactive state fades • Motor skills return to normal • Reduced appetite/need for sleep may last for days • Profound afterglow, feeling that anything is possible and within reach • Noribogaine, a natural antidepressant is metabolized and stays in the body for up to six months. • Brain is in a highly neuroplastic state • Causes long-term increases in production of GDNF: A growth hormone that promotes neuroplasticity and neurological regeneration.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Wait, What Happened With Greg?

• Got the call I thought I was waiting for • Unable to undergo a flood dose for medical reasons • Other than that I was medically cleared • Maybe microdosing would be a way for me to work with Iboga…

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happens When You Microdose Iboga?

• Elevated & stabilized mood • Noribogaine accumulates in the system • Increased energy • Improved concentration • Until/unless the medicine builds up to a certain level, at which point many people experiencing fatigue and difficulty concentrating • Ability to more easily identify negative thoughts, behaviors and patterns • May help in giving up unhealthy habits or behaviors • Vivid dreams may occur, though sleeping may be difficult at times

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happened When You Microdosed Iboga?

• Total “chill pill” at first • Some trouble sleeping, lots of dreams when I did • Started building up in my system and became fatigued, so waited a few days and picked up • Five days later took 300 mgs. • Kind of late, afraid I’d have trouble sleeping • Smoked a little cannabis, laid down and put on Bwiti music • Wait, what’s “Bwiti music”?

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Bwiti Music

• Bwiti music is to Iboga as icaros are to Ayahuasca • Primarily mouth bow, harp, percussion and vocals • Mostly fast-paced, somewhat frenetic • Considered a “life-line” that reaches from this life to the hereafter • Serves as a means of locomotion in visionary space • Polyrythmic, sometimes contains binaural beats • Music directly influences emotions and visions during Iboga ceremonies

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis What Happened When You Microdosed Iboga?

• So, 300 mgs of root bark, laid down, put on some Bwiti music • Decided to smoke a little cannabis to help me relax • Closed my eyes…

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Micro-Flood Dose Experiences

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

Research possible health risks! • If you smoke cannabis, abstain when you first start microdosing • You want to be able to feel the effects of the Iboga on its own • Start small – try 10 to 15 mg of root bark. Work your way up slowly, taking a few days off between microdoses. Take your time • 15% of the Ibogaine you consume is active in your system 3 days after your dose (so every 3rd day, 15% of what you've taken is still in there, and it compounds) • Pay attention to your mood and energy level • Think of some questions you’d like answered, like • Why do I think (x)? • When did I start doing/thinking (x) and why? • What would it be like if I started (x)? • Take a break for five or more days.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

On the day of: • Have a quiet, darkened (or mostly darkened) space ready where you can lay down in solitude • Have music ready to play. “Bwiti” music is highly recommended • “Bwiti music” or “Iboga music” can be found on YouTube • Keep pen and paper (or recorder of some kind) handy. Ideas, insights and observations may come and go very quickly • Have cannabis ready to smoke • Have water handy • Set an intention for the journey • Have a sitter nearby – especially the first time you work with this medicine

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

• Place a small amount of the medicine on and under your tongue. State your intention out loud • Take the balance of the medicine • When you start to feel the effects (20-30 minutes), go to a mirror. Repeat your intention out loud, forcefully. Mean it. Give the medicine permission to heal you. • Go to your quiet place. Review your questions. Think about them. • Get comfortable and smoke a small amount of cannabis. Once again, give the medicines permission to heal you.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

• Start your music. • Darken the room (but have a light source handy for writing) and/or cover your eyes. • Think about your intention, then think about your questions. • NOTE: The medicine may take a detour. Go with it. • Write down or record important insights, realizations or ideas. They may come and go very quickly. • Try not to get distracted by visual phenomenon • Careful when first standing or walking

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

• Other possibly productive exercises: • You can tell the medicine to do things like • Find all of the thoughts and emotions in my body that are related to (incident/situation) • Let go of the anxiety I feel around (x) • Show me where (a particular physical or mental pain or discomfort) is originating from. • Talk to yourself in the mirror • Repeat something you’ve learned from your journey, or just reinforce your intention • Ask yourself some of your questions • Think about the people in your life. Iboga is a heart opener.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis How Does Someone Micro-Flood Dose?

• Note: Don’t worry or think about how the medicine is doing or going to do something, just let it work. • If the journey feels a little too strong or intense, eating something may slow things down • You can always imbibe a little more cannabis and go right back in • When you feel you’ve completed your journey, try to stay quiet and avoid distractions • Your brain is in a high state of neuroplasticity. Think about what you’ve learned, and what changes, if any, you’re going to make in your life as a result.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Post-Journey Integration

• Your brain is now waiting for you to demonstrate what the changes in your life will look like • Don’t just go about your normal routine. Do something different. • Be in nature if you can • Try to eat well. Keep your diet “clean” • Practices such as meditation or yoga can be especially grounding • Massages or other body work are great for moving the energy around

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Post-Journey Integration

• Read through (or listen to) your notes. Try to remember how you felt when you recorded them • Reading or listening to anything educational or inspiring can be especially profound • Information really seems to “sink in” • This is a great time to study or learn anything, in general • Cannabis can reactivate Iboga for a period of time (days/weeks) following your experience, so plan accordingly. • Much in the same way that cannabis is more “psychedelic” after consuming psychedelics, Iboga can make the cannabis experience more introspective, and much deeper.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Post-Journey Integration

• Remember, if there is any behavior, habit, or anything at all you want to change in your life, now is the time to do just that. • Your brain is waiting for you to show it what your new life is going to look like.

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis Thank you: Any questions?

"Micro-Flood" Dosing Iboga with Cannabis