Medieval Plays Trope: A short dramatic embellishment to the text

Liturgy: Formal rituals within a church service

Liturgical : Religious plays, chanted in Latin, usually at Easter or Christmas Quem Quaertis: A 4 line exchange surrounding the resurrection when the three Marys go to Christ's tomb. Latin for Whom do you seek?

Mansion: Small structure/platform within church to show locations in the liturgical drama

Platea: Main acting area

Mystery Plays

Adam and Eve

Cain and Abel

Abraham and Isaac


The Crucifixion

The Resurrection

Judgement Day Guilds Performing Cycles

The shipwrights - ’s Ark.

The goldsmiths - the Three Wise Men.

The shepherds - the nativity.

The bakers - the Last Supper. Towns and Cycles

Wakefield – 32 plays Towns and Cycles

York – 48 plays Towns and Cycles

Chester – 25 plays. Miracle Plays

12th century dramatized the lives, the legends and miracles of Roman Catholic saints Mystery or Cycle Plays

dramatized series of biblical scenes, based on Old and New Testaments


Entertaining, historical, and full of anachronisms

The Second Shepherd’s Play

Theatrical spaces throughout the town

Towns had their own scripts/cycles, i.e. Yorktown cycle, Chester cycle Mystery or Cycle Plays

Creation to Doomsday sponsored by the guilds

Noah and - shipbuilders, fishers, mariners, etc

Crucifixion: Carpenters

Gifts to Christ: Goldsmith Videos on Mystery Plays, The Dark Ages, and special Documentary

York Mystery Plays- trailer

Liverpool University Chester Noah Play