JUNE 2014 Volume 19, 3rd Qtr.

The Coral Sea Breeze

This Issue’s Ports of Call: Get Your Fresh, Hot Nashville Tours Here! Tours & Pres. Corner 1 Vice President’s Corner 2 Your Association’s an- companies are located), ing Tennessee’s 1897 nual reunion dates are the Entertainment Dis- Centennial Exposition, Reunion & Tour Forms 3 Oct. 1-5, and in this issue trict. You’ll also take a and faithfully recreating Guadalcanal, Part 2 4 we unveil all the the appearance of Chaplain & Treas. Corner 5 great tours that the original in await you in Greece. Membership Application 6 Nashville! General Jackson Midwest Fling Report 7 Discover Nash- Lunch Cruise! Small Stores Products 8-9 ville Tour! Friday, Oct. 4, Key Dates & Events for 43 10 Thursday, Oct. 2, 11:30 a.m.: We are “Navy” after all, so Assoc. Officer’s Directory 11 8:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.: Enjoy a 5- let’s get on the hour guided tour water! Cruise the Welcome Aboard! that includes Cumberland River many of the his- on the 300-foot long General Jackson, toric points in Nashville. ride through Centennial named after the original Stops will include Music Park to see the world’s paddlewheel steamer that Robert Davis Row (where many of the only full-scale replica of MM3, M Div. major music industry the Parthenon, built dur- (Continued on page 2) 1978-81

the reunion will enjoy pointment: reserve your President’s Corner these tours. Nashville room now! has a lot to offer all visi- Greetings Shipmates, We’re trying to fix the tors. Surely the Grand roster. If there are any Salty Humor Plans are in the works Old Opry will be a big mistakes with your for a great reunion in attraction for all. I know name, address or mem- Nashville this year. that ‘Da Bear’ and I will bership expiration date Did you ever notice There’ll be lots of fun have a great time there PLEASE contact Sec. that when you put the had in Music City! Please on Friday night. Don Colwell or me by e two words “The” and see the tour information Do make your hotel -mail, phone or US mail. in this issue. Please note “IRS” together it spells reservations now. We want to get this that there is a minimum “Theirs”! There’s another event at matter fixed a.s.a.p. of 45 days cancellation the Holiday Inn- Your help is needed. notice required on the Opryland during our tours. In the past, many of you reunion, so avoid disap- I hope that all attending (Continued on page 6) P a g e 2 The Coral Sea Breeze

(Continued from page 1) passed the number of members who at- Nashville Reunion Tours…. tended last year’s annual reunion. Rooms are limited due to another major event tak- began operating on these waters in 1817. ing place during our reunion, so don’t miss Your time on this 1,200-passenger show- out! Our event hotel is the Holiday Inn- boat includes reserved seating in the Victo- Opryland/Airport, 2200 Elm Hill Pk. Nash- rian Theatre for ville, Tenn. 37214. lunch and a great live performance. Call 866-871-1171 Round-trip trans- for reservations. portation to the Mention “USS dock is included. Coral Sea reun- ion” when making Grand Ole Opry your reservation. Show! Room rates are Friday, Oct. 3, 7:00 $105.96 per night p.m.—9:30 p.m.: which includes all TAPS No trip to Nash- current taxes. This Jules J. Borio ville would be group rate applies Ft. Walton Beach, FL complete without from Sunday, Sept. experiencing the 28 through Robert Dickenson city's signature Wednesday, Oct. Woodburn, OR event, a live per- 8, 2014. Room formance at the reservation deadline for this rate September Bernard J. Grand Ole Opry. While the performers 2, 2014. Dvorscak vary with each show, the quality of the , GA country music performance is always Music As an added convenience for air travelers,

City worthy! This tour includes your re- our reunion hotel provides free airport Raymond M. served seat tickets and round-trip transpor- transportation for guests every 20 minutes “Corky” Hunt, Jr. from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m. every day. Salem, IN tation from the hotel. Please be aware that hotel bookings are Book your reservation today to ensure William F. coming in quickly and we’ve already sur- availability at these great reunion rates! Pegram Belmont, NC Vice President’s Corner places to live, and most land, just to name a few! Daniel T. importantly, our freedom. Make sure to get your res- Ahoy shipmates, Schweikert We might not agree with ervations in as soon as Willingboro, NJ I hope the summer has all of the decisions made, possible. finally reached your neck but we sure can agree that This is also the year for Robert E. of the woods. We can't we all love the great officer elections. We will Thatcher complain down here in United States of America. be electing a president, Sebring, FL Florida. It only got "cold" a As we prepare for the vice president, secretary, couple of nights, and that Harry J. Tucker Nashville reunion, I hope treasurer, one executive- consisted of the low 40's. Camillus, NY each one of you have made board member, and one Of course, a few showers your reservations (rooms scholarship committee here and there but nothing Peter P. Wilke are limited). John and com- member. The association is compared to Pensacola/ , WI pany are prepar- always looking for any North Florida/South Geor- ing some fun tours around good men to step up and gia. Nashville including: Ryman help run this wonderful God has been good to this Auditorium, Tootsies Or- organization. If you are country. We have some- chid Lounge, the Wild interested in any of the thing every country envies; Horse Saloon and Opry- (Continued on page 12) an abundance of food, Volume 19, 3rd Qtr. P a g e 3

36th Annual Coral Sea TOURS Registration Form. Name ______Phone ( ) ______- ______Address ______City ______State ______Zip ______Email ______All prices are per person. Tour registration deadline is August 25, 2014. No refunds or changes possible after September 2, 2013 Thursday, Oct. 2, 8:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.: Nashville Discovery Tour Cost: $98 # of People: ______Total: $ ______

Friday, Oct. 3, 11:30 a.m.: General Jackson Lunch Cruise Cost: $79 # of People: ______Total: $ ______

Friday, Oct. 3, 7:00—9:30 p.m.: Grand Ole Opry Performance Cost: $78 # of People: ______Total: $ ______

Send tour registration form and check payable to: All In One Destinations Inc., Attn: Group Sales, 107 Music City Circle, Ste. 218 Salty Humor Nashville, TN 37214 - Ph. 800-421-4422, 615-871-7232 Email: [email protected] Even under ideal conditions peo- ple have trouble 36th Annual Coral Sea REUNION Reservation Form. locating their Holiday Inn-Opryland/Airport, 2200 Elm Hill Pk. Nashville, TN. 37214 keys in their Call 866-871-1171 for reservations. Say “USS Coral Sea reunion” when making reservation. pocket, finding Room rate: $105.96 per night (includes all current taxes). This group rate applies from their cell phone Sunday, Sept. 28 through Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014. Room reservation deadline for this rate is September 2, 2014. or locating the Attention all those arriving by airline: Holiday Inn-Opryland/Airport will provide free airport reading glasses transportation for guests every 20 minutes from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m. every day. Free Parking! they put on their Complete this form, include payment and mail to: nose...but I bet Clarence Neander, 27684 N. 725E Road, Cornell, IL 61319 everyone can find the snooze Name ______Guest Name ______button on their Address ______City ______State ______Zip ______alarm from 3-feet Phone ( ) ______- ______Email ______away in less than 1.5 seconds with For the purpose of printing your name badge, please complete the following: their eyes closed, Name: ______Rate & Rating or Rank ______every time. Division ______Served aboard Coral Sea: Month/Year: from______to ______

Note: Buffet & Dinner prices include registration costs. Thursday evening dinner buffet, quantity: _____ $45.00/person Saturday evening banquet (please indicate your choices): NY Strip Steak, quantity: _____ $50.00/person Grilled Chicken, quantity: _____ $45.00/person Baked Salmon, quantity: _____ $45.00/person TOTAL $______Make checks payable to USS Coral Sea CVA-43 Association P a g e 4 The Coral Sea Breeze

Guadalcanal and the Coral Sea Battles. Ed. Note—Part 2 of 2 three turrets of 8-inch guns as fast as they could be reloaded, plus the several 5-inch guns This effort saved many lives, yet their actions and 20 mm quad 40s. This was a sustained ex- are seldom recognized when the battles are change of very intense, devastating firepower over and the accolades are handed out. from warships and carriers. The biggest prob- (So, at this time, let me suggest that all the DE lem was the time it took to "reload" the eight crewmen who participated in the Coral Sea inch turrets. All our weapons continued to and/or Guadalcanal battles are deserving of a batter the enemy forces, with several of their Silver Star for gallantry under fire.) ships exploding into the night. th th Sometime between the 12 and 13 of No- During this intense battle of aircraft and high vember there was a pause in naval and air velocity shelling, an enemy plane crashed into combat, during which time our tin cans re- the bridge structure of the USS , loaded all of their torpedoes. Other ships killing Admiral Callaghan and many sailors and (cruisers) restocked their quad 40-mm and 20- marines. Prior to this incident, much damage Salty Humor mm anti-aircraft guns, etc, (just to name a small had already been absorbed by the USS San amount of activity to "recover" our offensive Francisco (more about the USS San Francisco I love the sense capability). later). of camaraderie By now our admirals were making important Explosions continued to light up the night and when an entire decisions that would determine who the victor we observed the USS Helena with fires in dif- line of cars team would be. Aircraft spotters reported that the ferent areas and listing heavily. A torpedo enemy was cruising rather slowly in two rows wake was visible as it passed the San Francisco up to prevent a of about six ships each, with no carriers visible. and hit the Helena, but it did not sink at that jerk from cutting Those carriers were located on our radar sev- time and was continuing to fight in spite of in at the front of eral miles behind the convoy. With this infor- heavy losses. No other data was available to us the merge line. mation, admirals Kinkaid and Callaghan made a because the plane that crashed into the ‘Frisco’ commitment that was extremely difficult. damaged virtually all of our communications Though seemingly suicidal, our ships would equipment. Also, the cruiser USS Juneau was take the offensive by setting course toward the battered from bow to stern and could not Japanese fleet at flank speed. Admiral Kinkaid's navigate. It soon sank into the briny deep, los- ships would go on the inside left row of enemy ing most of her crew. Noteworthy is the fact ships and Admiral Callaghan’s group would go that all five Sullivan brothers from Waterloo, on the inside of the right row. All destroyers Iowa perished in this sinking. (This situation led were instructed to act independently and to a directive from Washington that no longer launch their torpedoes at any enemy carrier or would brothers be assigned to the same ship, battleship within range. (During the course of regardless of the parent’s request to do so.) these battles, destroyers accounted for four Most of our ships had been damaged but were enemy ships sunk by torpedoes!) still able to stay afloat and return to a safe har- U.S. ships took the offensive and searched for bor for repair. Most of the enemy ships could the enemy ships, located them and initiated the not leave the battle area and were sinking. The battle plan. The battles were nonstop in the air remaining ships withdrew from action, most and on sea. We lost many planes, as did the requiring extensive repairs which kept them Japanese. Cruisers were firing their 8-inch tur- out of action for an extended period. Much ret salvos almost nonstop, but we were receiv- credit for success should be given to Admiral ing much damage and death among both of our Kinkaid, Admiral Callaghan, the Army Air cruiser groups. But our offense was working, Corps, all our Navy planes and the courageous because traveling at flank speed--firing every and gallant gunners who stayed on station weapon from every ship while zigzagging-- throughout the battle. presented a difficult target to our enemy. To continue the information about the cruiser In spite of that, our ships were receiving nu- USS San Francisco: As mentioned earlier, Ad- merous hits on both of our columns of cruis- miral Callaghan and many marines and sailors ers. We continued to fire our barrages of all (Continued on page 5) Volume 19, 3rd Qtr. P a g e 5

(Continued from page 4) for repairs. Also, the wounded had to be Guadalcanal... cared for and those killed had to be identi- were killed in the plane crash and prior en- fied and prepared for burial. Finally, all the gagements. What makes this situation unusual blood and metal all over the ship had to be is the casualty list. Virtually every person on taken care of. the ship, from Admiral Callaghan down to the As you can imagine, morale was quite low at rank of Lt. Commander, were either killed or this time. These things convey only the tip seriously wounded to the degree they could of the enormous burden that was instantly not perform their duties effectively. Further- placed on LCDR Schonland and LCDR more, even though steering was destroyed at McCandless, our remaining ranking officers. the bridge from the plane crash, navigation had to be made so the ship could return to port (Continued on page 7)

Chaplain's Corner Treasurer's Corner ville, TN this fall. Nashville is a great loca- Dear Shipmates, Greetings Shipmates, tion, with plenty to do and ‘Salty’ Humor The other day a friend With summer upon us I see. Get your hotel reser- Salty Humor sent me the story (with hope you are all enjoying vations made as soon as photographs!) of our the weather and that your possible so you don’t miss Navy's newest carrier un- vacation plans include the out on the great room I disagree with der construction not far Annual Reunion in Nash- rates negotiated by reun- Kay Jewelers. I from where I live. She ion chair Bill Johnson. would bet on any looks magnificent! Her They are going fast. given Friday or dwarfed by the bigger car- name will be USS GE- As of this writing, raffle Saturday night, riers, but we did not back RALD R FORD (CVN-78), ticket purchases are ahead more kisses be- down a single time. the lead ship in a new of last year, but there is My point is this: the great- gin with a 6-pack class of American super still plenty of time to pur- ness of our ship was due of Miller Lite carriers. chase yours. Don’t forget mostly from you and me than Kay’s. This ship is a long way and you can include dues re- and the thousands of far removed from the last newals and reunion regis- other sailors and Marines carrier which was built trations along with your who manned her. Sepa- during World War II, our raffle tickets. One check, rately, we could not do beloved USS CORAL SEA. one envelope, one stamp! the job, but together we At the time, our ship was This year’s reunion is elec- were her skilled and car- state of the art, a fear- tion year for Association ing crew. I am very thank- some warship capable in officers. If you have a de- ful for all of you who every sense. I was hon- sire to serve, contact a served onboard our ship ored a number of years board member to get your and for future generations ago standing on the pier name in nomination. Par- who will serve in other beside a plank owner, as ticipation is the key to a fine ships. we awaited CORAL SEA's Association. See You in It is an honor to call you return from yet another Nashville! "Shipmate"! overseas deployment. Have a wonderful sum- She could be cranky and mer, she balked every now and Clarence then. But with loving and Clarence Neander skilled hands and brains, her crew helped her come Michael Association Treasurer through every time. In my Michael D. Halley days onboard (1986-89), CDR, CHC, USN, Retired we might have been Association Chaplain P a g e 6 The Coral Sea Breeze

USS Coral Sea Association Membership Application/Renewal Form Membership in the USS CORAL SEA CVA-43 ASSOCIATON is open to all Navy, Marine Corp and Air Force personnel who served aboard the ship (CV/CVB/CVA-43) for a period of at least 90 days. Also, any person who was assigned to the commissioning crew (plank owners), even if they spent fewer than 90 days aboard, shall be eligible for membership. DUES: Association membership is $20 per year. Dues for membership are not limited to one year when submitted for renewal or first-time application. Any amount submitted over the annual dues will be automatically earmarked for the Association’s Scholarship Fund program. New Member: [ ] I apply for membership for ______year(s). Enclosed is a check/money order $______Renewal: [ ] Renew my membership for ______year(s). Enclosed is a check/money order $______

Name ______Birth Date ______(Please PRINT First name, middle initial, last name) (mo/day/year) Address ______CITY______STATE ______

ZIP+4______PHONE: ( ) Email ______

Spouse’s Name ______Birthday ______Anniversary ______

ON BOARD SHIP AS CREW MEMBER: From______to ______Division ______Rank/Rate On Board______(Month/Year) (Month/Year) (Lt/RD/FN/SN/Sgt) Military Retirement: No [ ] Yes [ ] Retired as:______USN [ ] USMC [ ] USCG [ ] (Rank/Rate) USNR [ ] Air Force [ ] Army [ ] I do [ ] do not [ ] want my complete mailing address printed on the Published roster.

Please make check payable to: USS CORAL SEA CVA-43 ASSOC. Office Use Only Mail application to: Received: ______Don Colwell, Secretary, USS CORAL SEA CVA-43 ASSOC. Check: ______10658 S Fruit Avenue Amount: ______Fresno, CA 93706 Email: [email protected] Expires: ______

(Continued from page 7) Maddox, Janet Lickey, (Continued from page 1) Midwest Spring Fling... Sandy Collier, Bev Sigurd- President’s Corner... tended our Midwest son, Sandy "Da Bear" Ran- have donated items for Spring Fling. (Shown l. to r.) son and Helen Abb. the combination raffles Debbie Pfeffer, Diane that we have at the reun- ions. As always, such items Salty Humor are needed again this year. I want to especially thank all the ladies who have I wish Google made afghans for these Maps had an raffles. Please continue to do this for us! “avoid ghetto” routing option. Don’t forget to make your room reservations NOW.

April 24, 2014—Shipmates attending the 24th Annual See you all in Nashville! Spring Fling (shown l. to r. front row) Larry Pennington, Godspeed! Dick Parker, Bob Abb, Jim Johnson and Jon Lickey. (Shown l. to r. back row) Tom Bohling, Mike "Oscar" Pfef- fer, Sid "Doc" Dockery, Mike "Yogi" Medvic, Gary "Mad John Dog" Maddox, Jerry Collier, Brad Deegan, George Cone, John H. Ranson Richard Sigurdson and John Ranson. President Volume 19, 3rd Qtr. P a g e 7 24th Annual Midwest Spring Fling Report. We all enjoyed the many sights & places Next year's spring fling will also be in that dealt with Abe Lincoln's life. Several Springfield, IL. The facility was great and of us toured New the rooms were Salem, a commu- tops! More info on nity where Abe Spring fling 2015 in Lincoln lived as a the December young man. That issue. Thanks! was very informa- —John Ranson tive. I heard that P.S. We would like the Lincoln Mu- to recognize the seum in down- “long suffering” town Springfield wives who at- was good! I am (Continued on page 6) saving that for next year!

(Continued from page 5) sional Medal of Honor and gave our ship a Guadalcanal... Meritorious Unit Citation. (Mr. Schonland Since Commander McCandless was retired from the US Navy with the rank of wounded as well, Commander Schonland Rear Admiral. He died in 1984 at the age of became ship's captain. He delegated respon- 84.) Salty Humor sibility to officers and Chief Petty Officers After several months of extensive repairs, during a one hour meeting. the USS San Francisco returned to duty in With this done, he took ship's navigation as the South Pacific. main priority. He went down deep into the After thoughts: Why was Guadalcanal im- Why is it that the bowels of the ship where central steering is portant? Let's remember that our forces only time a red located, along with a permanently mounted landed on Guadalcanal in August 1942. The light never seems gyro compass. Receiving a short course on primary purpose of this action was to secure to last long navigation from one of the quartermasters, Henderson Field for our use and prevent the he ordered all hands to prepare for a long enemy from using it. This airfield was large enough is when voyage away from the Coral Sea. enough to handle our B25 and B24 bombers you are trying to It was a long voyage, indeed, as we could and larger B17 bombers. finish a text? only move at approximately 8-10 knots an Strategically, Henderson field had to be to- hour. And it was necessary to zigzag irregu- tally under our command. Even though the larly to prevent an enemy submarine from Japanese fought for months to take the air- determining our course and torpedo the field, US Marines secured the island in Feb- easy target our ship had become. At times, ruary 1943. Our marines fought with cour- due to rudder damage, ship's engines were age day after day and finally put the US flag used to control our course by alternately on Henderson Field and the whole island of speeding up and slowing each engine. After Guadalcanal. Their heroism continued up long and frightening days and nights, Capt. through all of the Solomon Islands invasions, Schonland miraculously navigated the ship and beyond. back to its namesake, our home port of San As a sailor, or marine, we only came to Francisco. know the name of these battles as it was Going under the Golden Gate was abso- being told by reporters. To us, all sea battles lutely spectacular and we all screamed and were the same: Horrible, frightening and yelled until we cried. Capt. Schonland took a devastating to humans and ships. couple of minutes in prayer for our departed —Submitted by shipmates. For heroic valor against immense George Williams odds, President Franklin D. Roosevelt awarded Herbert E. Schonland the Congres- US Navy (1941-46), US Army, Ret. (1947-64) Coral Sea Association Small Stores Product & Price List

Association Logo Ship’s Logo—CVB, CVA, CV

Item No. Description Price 1001 Reg. Style Cap (Blue or White), CVB/CVA/CV $12.00 1002 Mesh Back Cap (Scrambled Eggs) CVB/CVA/CV $14.00 1003 Marine Cap (Red) Marine Det., CV $14.00 1004 Windbreaker Jacket (Blue), all sizes** $42.00 1005 Micro Poly Casual Jacket (Blk, Dk Grn, Maroon, Navy, $46.00 Red, Royal or Stone) all sizes** 1006 Sweatshirt (Blue or White), all sizes** $25.00 1007 T-Shirt (Blue or White), all sizes** $17.00 1008 Denim Shirt (SS or LS), all sizes** $32.00 1009 Titan Twill Shirt (SS or LS), (Navy, Dutch Blue, French $32.00 Blue, Khaki, Black, Butter, Crimson, new Olive, Smoke or White), all sizes** 1010 Polo Shirt (Blue or White); all sizes $28.00 1011 Pin, CV-43 (Hat/Lapel) $ 5.00 1012 3-inch Patch (Older Bolder, CVA-43, Decomm) $ 4.00 1013 4.5-inch Patch (Older Bolder, CVA-43) $ 6.00 1014 License Plate Frame (Chrome-Plastic), CVA-43 $12.00 1015 Photo, Coral Sea Straight Deck (8” x 10”) $ 4.00 1016 Photo, Coral Sea Angle Deck (8” x 10”) $ 4.00 1018 Coral Sea Coffee Mug $ 8.00 1019 Watch Cap, CVB/CVA/CV $12.00 1020-1 Optional Embroidery (Name, Div, Year, etc.) $ .50/ltr. 1021-2 Full Back Logo for Jackets $30.00 1023 Coral Sea Pin (CV-43 or CVA-43) $ 3.00

** These are embroidered items; please choose either the Association Logo or Ship’s Logo

Please Note: Additional embroidery of your choosing is available on any item. Add $.50 per additional letter.

Mail: USS Coral Sea Association Fax: 770-222-4833 Small Stores Account E-mail: [email protected] PO Box 1697 For more information: 678-426-8716 Powder Springs, GA 30127 Coral Sea Association Small Stores Order Form




Phone E-mail

Item # Qty. Description (Color, Logo, Sleeve Length) Size Price Ea. Total Price

Merchandise Total $ Method of Payment Shipping Charge** $ Check (make payable to USS Coral Sea Assoc.) Total Amount $ Visa MasterCard American Express

Ship’s Logo Credit Card Number Exp. Date Association Logo CVB, CVA, CV

Name as it Appears on Card


Fax: 770-222-4833 **Priority Mail S/H Cost E-mail: [email protected] Mail: USS Coral Sea Association Up to $24.99……….$ 7.00 Small Stores Account $25—$50…………...$ 9.00 PO Box 1697 $51—$75……………$12.00 Powder Springs, GA 30127 $76—Up…………….$15.00

Credit card orders will appear on your statement as “ICU Stitching.” P a g e 10 The Coral Sea Breeze

Key Dates & Events in the History of USS Coral Sea. 700701 DL 125 line days on 5 line periods 750400 DA Anderson, Richard M. THE with 1 plane lost in combat MIDWAY CLASS CARRIERS, WI 2/75 700701 DO Port calls: Hong Kong, Sasebo, 750412 ND Supports evacuation of Phnon Subic Bay, Yokosuka Phem, Cambodia 700701 ES Vietnam Service Medal awarded 750428 ND Helicopters evacuates refugees for combat ops off coast as South Vietnam falls 700702 AJ 710601 : Complex overhaul at 750506 DO 750510 : Port call to . Hunter's Point yard. $44 million 750514 BY Meritorious Unit Commendation 700825 CF San Francisco Mayor Joseph awarded for Mayaguez ops Alioto presented token helm at Alameda 750515 EJ Air strikes on Cambodian gun- 701016 CO New CO: McDonald, Wesley L. boat over MAYAGUEZ capture at Hunters Point NSY. Admiral 750530 DO 750605 : Port call : 1nd U.S. 710907 CO New CO: Harris, William H. at carrier since Saratoga, CV 3 to visit Perth Alameda Naval Air Station pier 750630 AH Designated CV-43, All-purpose 711112 FN 720717 : 6th Vietnam war carrier cruise. Haiphong Harbor mining 750718 CO New CO: Frick, Joseph F. 711112 GC CVW-15 embarked, tail code USNA ' 53 NL. NHC Battle Order p 15 750806 AJ 760518 : Complex overhaul at 720509 BB Gives air defense for mining of Long Beach Naval Yard Haiphong, No.Viet harbor 760704 CF San Francisco pier visit for bicen- Salty Humor 720509 DA Osborne, Art. AIR DEFENSE tennial celebration FOR HAIPHONG MINING, PRO 9/74 770215 FF 771005 : 12th Westpac cruise. 720717 DL 148 line days on 6 line periods South China Sea, Yellow Sea You will know with 12 planes lost in combat 770215 GC CVW-15 embarked, tail code inflation is out of 721102 CO New CO: Peck, Paul A. NL. HOOK Clayton control when 721717 ES Vietnam Service Medal awarded 770301 CO New CO: Aitcheson, George A. McDonald’s for combat ops off coast at Pearl Harbor starts selling the 730200 MF Most combat line days (875) in 770717 GD Crash of A-7 off Okinawa, LCdr Quarter Vietnam War, 7 cruises Gerald L. Hausmann dead. tailhook Officer Ouncer. 730309 FN 731108 : 7th Vietnam war 771005 DO Port calls : 3 port calls to Pusan, cruise. Vietnam coast peace patrol Subic Bay, Yokosuka 730309 GC CVW-15 embarked, tail code 780131 BK 780217 : CarQuals in southern NL. NHC Battle Order p 18 California operating area 731108 DL 84 line days on 6+ line periods 780307 AJ 790208 : Overhaul at Puget with 14 planes lost in combat Sound. $80 million, 5" guns out 731108 ES Vietnam Service Medal awarded 780603 CO New CO: Arthur Stanley R. at for combat ops off coast Puget Sound NSY 740125 CO New CO: Rogers, Thomas S. Jr. 791113 FF 800611 : 13th Westpac. Korea, Indy O. Aids hostage rescue 741205 FF 750702 : 11th Westpac cruise. Indian O, Cambodian coast 791113 GC CVW-14 embarked, tail code NK. Go Navy. Clayton HOOK 741205 GC CVW-15 embarked, tail code NL. NHC Battle Order p 19 —Ed. Note, History continues next issue with key events continuing in November 1979. 741205 NA Portion of Westpac cruise spent in Indian Ocean ops Volume 19, 3rd Qtr. P a g e 11 USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) Association. Officers President: Vice President: Secretary: John Ranson (859-781-2536) Bill Johnson (941-485-4360) Don Colwell (559-515-1723) 52 Woodland Place 322 N Portia Street 10658 S Fruit Avenue Ft. Thomas, KY 41075-1605 Nokomis, FL 34275-2342 Fresno, CA 93706 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Treasurer: Immediate Past President: Board of Directors: Clarence A. Neander Mil Phillips Andy Wright—2015 27684 N 725 E Road 4995 Maynard Street [email protected] Cornell, IL 61319 San Diego, CA 92122 Wayne Addkison—2016 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 815-341-5928 Larry Pennington—2017 [email protected] Chaplain: Storekeeper: Master-at-Arms: Rev. Michael D. Halley George Rogers Mike Pfeffer (773-631-3750) U.S. Navy Chaplain Ret. 5075 Hopeland Drive 5311 N Manila Avenue [email protected] Powder Springs, GA 30127 , IL 60630 [email protected] [email protected]

Historian: Retention Chairman: Mike Pfeffer Jon Lickey (309-688-3939) [email protected] [email protected] Copy Submission

Committees Deadline: Reunion Committee John Ranson, Chairman—2012 Reunion in , TX Material for the September issue of By-Laws Committee The Coral Sea Chairman: John Ranson, [email protected] Breeze Members: Bob Nerbetski [email protected] is due in to the Bill Eanetta [email protected] publisher or copy editor by Scholarship Committee Aug. 21, 2014. Chairman: Jon Lickey [email protected] 309-688-3939 Audit Committee Chairman: (Open)

Nominating Chair: Bill Johnson [email protected] Parliamentarian: Bob Mackey 708-891-6771

The Sea Breeze—Official Coral Sea Newsletter Publisher: John Ranson - Copy Edit/Layout: Ed Williams, [email protected] Printing/Mailing: Bob Cummings, [email protected]

Read this issue in color on the Coral Sea website: www.usscoralsea.org Webmaster: Bob Dorais, [email protected]

(Please send all address changes to Don Colwell at the address shown top right.) The Coral Sea Breeze John Ranson, Publisher 52 Woodland Place Ft. Thomas, KY 41075-1605

Email: [email protected] Please Note: Send Address Corrections to Association Sec. Don Colwell

The Ageless Warrior Enjoy Your Association Online at www.usscoralsea.org and see this issue of the Sea Breeze in full color!

(Continued from page 2) Scholarship Report Coral Sea CVA-43 Remembrance Vice President’s Corner… Scholarship recipient is Kathleen jobs listed above, please contact me, Shipmates, I am very excited about "Katie" Gruba. Katie was spon- Bill Johnson at (941)-485-4360. the participation of this year’s sored by her grandfather, Daniel My wife, Lynn, recently had her scholarship candidates. As I re- T. Schweikert, who served aboard cataracts removed from her eyes ported in the March "Breeze", we from April 1953 to October 1955 and new lenses put in. She can see had requests for eight application In V-2 and V-3G divisions. so well now she says I am the best packets. By April 15, all eight appli- Our 2014 $500 USS Coral Sea looking man she has ever laid eyes cations had been completed and CVA-43 Remembrance Scholar- on. For those of you that knew our returned to me. Yes, 100% partici- ship goes to Brenna Bobrove. dog, Princess, we unfortunately had pation of the applicants! to put her down due to health Brenna was also sponsored by her I want to thank each of the appli- grandfather, Edward G. Colqu- problems. In the mean time, we cants for their efforts to receive acquired a new Sheltie puppy, houn. Ed served aboard from our scholarship. I also want to 1960-1963. named Duke. We already are spoil- thank every shipmate with a senior ing him like royalty! It is a pleasure to serve the Asso- this year that encouraged them to Hope to see you all in Nashville! If ciation as your scholarship chair- make the attempt for the scholar- you have any questions, please, do man, and I wish to thank the other ship. Let's continue to encourage not hesitate to call me. members of the committee: Jerry those who come after us to apply Your shipmate, Collier, Guy Dunbar, and Richard for our Remembrance Scholarship. Sigurdson. This year we had enough funding —Jon E. Lickey, Bill to award a $2000 and a $500 Bill Johnson scholarship. Our 2014 $2000 USS Chairman Vice President