November 18 - November 27, 2001 75th Fall North American Bridge Championships

Las Vegas,Nevada DailyDailyVol. 75, No.6 Saturday, NovemberBulletinBulletin 24, 2001 Editors: Henry Francis and Paul Linxwiler Goodwill Members of Year:

Kay Afdahl of Virginia Beach VA Sheena in turn has made an indelible and SheenaKay Rayner Afdahl, of Bermuda were Sheenamark internationally. Rayner honored yesterday as Goodwill Mem- Kay has worked tirelessly with lo- bers of the Year. Goodwill Committee cal players, volunteers, caddies, charity Chairman Aileen Osofsky made the an- groups, teachers and club owners. She nouncement at the special meeting of has made the work of each individual in Goodwill Committee members. each group that much more fruitful and Each winner is an excellent role satisfying. model for ACBL members. Each, in her Sheena’s name is synonymous with own unique way, has diligently strived Orbis and her long-term success project- for the betterment and enjoyment of ing goodwill in Bermuda and the world. bridge. Aileen mentioned at the start that Their respective credentials repre- usually the honored member is not sent widely diverse contributions to the present and has to be contacted by tele- game. Kay has had a major effect on the phone, with Aileen relaying the conver- sectional, regional and national scenes. Continued on page 6

Max and Mary Hardy

Max Hardy, known for many years Director. He is a theoretician – his ideas asGoodwill the Fastest Pencil in the honors West because concerningMax how and to play five-cardMary ma- of his exceptional scoring ability, and his jors have been endorsed and used by wife Mary were honored yesterday by players all over the world. He is an au- the Goodwill Committee for their out- thor with many books, pamphlets and standing achievements and contributions magazine articles on all phases of the to the game over the years. game to his credit. He is considered to What has Max done? An easier ques- be one of the highest rated teachers of tion might be what has Max not done. the game. He is a bridge lecturer with He has been an outstanding tournament few peers. The American Bridge Teach- director for several decades – he has ers Association considers him extra spe- achieved the rating of Associate National Continued on page 6 Kay Afdahl and Sheena Rayner, Goodwill Members of the Year.

AttentionToday all Junior is players:Junior There willDay be a pizza party between sessions today at the Pizza Hut in the Hilton, North Tower. All Junior players are invited to attend.

Bennett, Levine in

They won World in Paris: John Onstott, Joe Kivel, Chris Larsen and Garey Hayden. (Not pictured: Grant Baze The squadsSenior captained byKO Hamish final Bennett and Mike and Gene Freed.) Levine led each of their respective semifinal matches all the way to earn the right to face each other in today’s The gold medalist in the FirstU.S. World Seniors Senior Bowl takeHayden, gold Grant in ParisBaze, Gene Freed and John Onstott. 64- final. was the U.S. squad of Joe Kivel, Chris Larsen, Garey The Americans defeated Poland in the final. Bennett (Gene Simpson, Billy Eisenberg, Jim Robison, Chris Larsen and Joe Kivel) defeated the defending champions led by Dick Budd (Richard De Martino, William Esberg, William Hunter, Shome Gerstman, Graves lead Mukherjee and Bob Ryder). Bennett won 160–117. PlayersRules who have for an appealappeals pending are re- Levine (Zeke Jabbour, Randy Pettit, Allan Siebert, AfterBlue the semifinal Ribbon round of the Edgarfield Kaplan Blue quested to appear at the appeals screening room P.O. Sundelin and Arnie Fisher) took out the squad Ribbon Pairs, Dan Gerstman and Allan Graves lead the no later than 30 minutes following the comple- captained by Richard Gabriel (Joseph Machotka, Jerry list of qualifiers for today’s final round of play. tion of play in the session. Weinstein and Jim Burt). Levine triumphed 165–99. Gerstman and Graves posted a 2145.01 tally. In Appellants who fail to appear within this second with 2120.41 are Curtis Cheek and Lynn Deas. period may have their appeal dismissed or may 1 Budd 43 75 78 117 World champs Rose Meltzer and Peter Weichsel con- be subject to penalty. Non-appellants who fail 4 Bennett 50 83 134 160 tinue to be among the leaders, scoring 2082.65. to appear will forfeit their right to provide state- Yesterday’s two semifinal sessions reduced the field ments in their own behalf. 2 Levine 33 75 116 165 to 130 pairs. 3 Gabriel 28 50 71 99 Page 2 Daily Bulletin

Jill MeyersWonder found a fiendish Woman defense on this deal SPECIAL EVENTS from the second qualifying session of the Blue Ribbon Pairs. Meyers was playing with John Swanson. 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Easybridge!Saturday, presenters’ breakfast November and meeting 24,with Easybridge! 2001 creator Edith McMullin and Dlr: South « 10 9 4 the Easybridge! staff. Conference Rooms 4 and 5. Vul: E–W J 9 8 5 4 9:00 a.m. - Noon Bridge Cruises and Teachers. Conference Room 12. Peg Cundiff, popular host of many ª J 3 2 bridge cruises, will present a program for persons who want to learn how to be a successful © teacher/game director on a cruise ship. The fee is $25 at the door. Participants will receive a ¨ 7 6 certificate. « K 7 5 3 « Q 6 2 9:30 a.m. - Noon Board of Governors meeting. Ballroom C. ª K 10 7 6 ª Q 2 10:30 a.m. - Noon International Team Trials Commission meeting. Conference Room 11. © — © K Q 10 9 8 5 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Easybridge! accreditation with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin, Easybridge! Field ¨ A K 9 8 4 ¨ 5 3 Coordinator Marti Ronemus and the Easybridge! staff. Conference Rooms 4 and 5. (Stage A « A J 8 first, followed by a break and Stage B.) Accreditation is free. $20 covers course materials. ª A 3 12: 15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Larry Cohen, The Real Deal. Pavilion 9. Cohen, A 7 6 4 Boca Raton FL, is an ACBL Grand Life Master, regular columnist for The Bridge Bulletin © ¨ Q J 10 2 and the author of To Bid or Not to Bid: The . West North East South 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Junior Reception. Swanson Meyers 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Harriette Buckman, Bridge Player’s R and R ... Rights and Responsibilities. Pavilion 9. Buckman, Lincolnwood IL, is District 13’s represen- 1NT tative to the ACBL Board of Directors. Dbl (1) Pass 2¨ (2) All Pass (1) Showing a four-card major and a longer minor. (2) 2© would have been artificial, asking for the major. 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Marketing forSunday, Club Development. November Conference 25, Room 2001 14. Join Edith McMullin, creator of On , Meyers began with the ¨2 (!). Easybridge! and the ACBL I/N Program, to learn more about how to promote your club. Declarer, faced with an inevitable loser might 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Easybridge! accreditation with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin, Easybridge! Field well have played a middle club from dummy, but rose Coordinator Marti Ronemus and the Easybridge! staff. Conference Rooms 4 and 5. (Stage A with the ace instead, creating an extra trump trick for in the morning, lunch break, Stage B in the afternoon.) Accreditation is free. $20 covers the defense. course materials. A low heart from dummy went to the queen and 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Coffee with Carol. Conference Room 14. Carol Robertson, Manager of the ACBL Club Membership Department, and other ACBL staff members will be on hand to answer questions ace. Meyers continued with the ¨Q, won in dummy, and to let you know about new opportunities and programs for clubs. and declarer called for another trump hoping for a 3–3 11:00 a.m. - Noon ACBLscore Seminar. Conference Room 14. Jim Lopushinsky, creator of ACBLscore, and split. Meyers won, cashed the other high trump and Associate National Tournament Director Rick Beye will discuss the benefits of using exited with her last heart. Declarer inserted dummy’s ACBLscore at your local club and will answer questions. 10, losing to Swanson’s jack. North continued with the 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Zeke Jabbour, Winsome and Loathsome. Pavilion ª9 which ran to dummy’s king. 9. Jabbour, Boca Raton FL, is an ACBL Grand Life Master who has won more than 25,000 Declarer next tried a low spade from dummy: 10, . His column is a regular feature in The Bridge Bulletin. queen and ace. This was the position: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Teacher Dinner. 9 4 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Steve Levy, The Unwritten Law. Pavilion 9. Levy, « ª 8 5 Las Vegas, is a bridge writer and professional player. He has written a full-length screenplay J set at an NABC. © ¨ — « K 7 5 « 6 2 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Easybridge!Monday, accreditation withNovember Easybridge! creator 26, Edith2001 McMullin, Easybridge! Field ª 7 ª — Coordinator Marti Ronemus and the Easybridge! staff. Conference Rooms 4 and 5. (Stage A © — © K Q 10 in the morning, lunch break, Stage B in the afternoon.) Accreditation is free. $20 covers ¨ 9 ¨ — course materials. « J 8 9:00 a.m. - Noon Club Directors’ Refresher Course. Ballroom D. This is a three-session program dealing with ª — the public relations aspect of running a successful club. The fee is $20 if preregistered; $25 at A 7 6 the door. (Continues Tuesday and Wednesday.) © ¨ — 10:00 a.m. - Noon Teacher Update Meeting. Ballroom F. Join the Education Department staff to find out what’s Meyers banged down the A. Declarer could save new in bridge education. © a trick by pitching a heart, but he ruffed and cashed the 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Billy Miller, Billy Miller, Live. Pavilion 9. Miller, Las Vegas, is a professional player and teacher. His “Dear Billy” columns are a regular «K. Meyers completed her tour de force by unblock- feature in The Bridge Bulletin. ing the «J, allowing Swanson to claim the balance. 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Peg and Dewy Cundiff, Bridge – It’s a Partner- Down three for almost all the matchpoints. ship. Pavilion 9. The Cundiffs live in Las Vegas and are members of the Rovere Bridge Team, which offers bridge programs at sea. They are certified as ACBL club directors, ACBL Accredited Teachers TAP Trainers and Easybridge! presenters. Trump control When you arriveBy in Barry a 5-2 Rigal fit, you often run into trump control problems. Dlr: North Daily« K J 3 Quiz 2 #6 1.Richmond Ken Gee, Regina Trophy SK Race 1383 Dlr: East « 9 6 5 2 Vul: E–W ª Q 10 8 2. Barry Harper, Regina SK 1097 Vul: Both ª Q J 9 6 3 © K Q 7 6 3. Don Campbell, Saskatoon SK 846 © 9 2 ¨ 7 6 4. Robert Hollow, Madoc ON 809 ¨ A 3 5. John Zaluski, Nepean ON 644 « A K J 8 4 « 7 3 « 7 6 6. Cameron Doner, Richmond BC 629 ª 4 ª 8 5 2 ª A J 9 7. Jeffrey Smith, Ottawa ON 615 © K Q 10 7 © A J 3 © A J 10 8 5 4 8. Martin Caley, Montreal PQ 536 ¨ K Q 5 ¨ J 10 9 8 7 ¨ 10 8 9. Edward Zaluski, Ottawa ON 504 « Q 10 West North East South 10. Andre Chartrand, Chateauguay PQ 491 ª A K 10 7 Pass 1¨ 1© 11. R. Elwin Brown, Gloucester ON 463 © 8 6 5 4 2¨ 3© All Pass 12. Jean Castonguay, Lery PQ 454 ¨ 6 4 2 The opening lead is the ¨3. East wins the ¨K, 13. Nicholas Gartaganis, Calgary AB 441 If you look at 4« here (yes, 5¨ might be better), cashes the ¨A (West following with the deuce) and 14. James Priebe, Mississauga ON 439 you will see that on repeated heart leads you have an exits with a trump, West following. How should you 15. Judith Gartaganis, Calgary AB 433 immediate force. When you dislodge the ¨A you get play the spades? (East has one diamond.) Thanks to 16. Daniel Korbel, Toronto ON 426 forced again. But watch what happens. Eddie Kantar for the problem. 17. Ray Jotcham, Scarborough ON 387 the heart at trick two, play clubs and ruff the (Solution on page 4) 18. William Treble, Winnipeg MB 373 next heart. Now cash two diamonds and a club winner, 19. Thomas Gandolfo, Edmonton AB 368 then lead a third diamond. If North discards, just lead an- 20. Gloria Silverman, Toronto ON 367 other winner. If North wins he can play a trump 21. Joan Priebe, Mississauga ON 367 and you claim. Or he can lead a heart and let you ruff in 22. Paul Janicki, Markham ON 358 dummy, then draw three rounds of trumps and claim. Child care is available from 12:30–5 p.m. and 7:30 Child Care 23. Isabelle Brisebois, Ottawa ON 356 Note: If you draw even one round of trumps, North p.m.–Midnight each day during the NABC. Contact 24. Duncan Smith, Victoria BC 352 ruffs the first minor-suit winner he can to lead a heart. You Donna Compton in Room 360 at the Hilton for more 25. Robert McPhee, Belleville ON 352 ruff in dummy to pitch one of your two minor suit win- information. ners, but you are locked in dummy to concede a ruff. Daily Bulletin Page 3

Junior Bridge Camp Back in the saddle Haig Tchamitch,Truly aka Horrible Hagar the Horrible, frequently I played with RalphBy Barry Cohen Rigal in last year’s Blue Rib- submits deals from his exploits at the NABCs. True to bon, and we had such a good time that I wanted to form, Hagar shared the following atrocity from the first –The afirst real 75 North Americangood Junior deal players who repeat the experience. I was a little concerned though qualifying session of the Blue Ribbon Pairs. Be warned: are accepted for the 2002 Junior Bridge Camp will re- – the last time I had asked Ralph for a game in Febru- this not for the weak of stomach. ceive quite a deal — the ACBL Educational Founda- ary, I put him the hospital for another five months. This Dlr: South « 10 4 3 tion will subsidize $200 of the $425 tuition cost. time though he decided not to take such drastic evasive Vul: None ª 8 3 The camp is scheduled for July 29–Aug. 5, 2002 measures, so we sat down together. Ralph demonstrated © K Q 4 at Frostburg State University in Frostburg MD. that he has not lost any of his talents. ¨ K J 9 5 3 Transportation will be provided to the camp on Dlr: South « 10 4 « — « J 7 5 2 Monday, July 29, from the Marriott Wardman Park, Vul: Both ª 8 7 6 5 ª A K 10 7 ª J 9 6 2 site of the Summer NABC, and from Ronald Reagan © 10 6 2 © A J 10 8 3 2 © 7 and Dulles airports in Washington DC. Transportation ¨ K 7 5 2 ¨ A 8 4 ¨ Q 10 6 2 will be provided to both airports Aug. 5 and buses will « 5 3 2 « A K Q J 7 6 « A K Q 9 8 6 arrive at the airports by noon. ª J 4 3 2 ª A Q 10 9 ª Q 5 4 Juniors, ages 16–25, are encouraged to participate. © 9 3 © Q J © 9 6 5 You may apply by phoning Charlotte Blaiss, ACBL Di- ¨ A J 4 3 ¨ 9 ¨ 7 rector of Junior Programs, at (901) 332–5586 Ext. 214 « 9 8 West North East South or Harley Bress at Ext. 222. You may send an e-mail ª K Hagar application to [email protected] or © A K 8 7 5 4 1« [email protected]. You may send your written re- ¨ Q 10 8 6 2© 2« Pass 3« quest to: Junior Bridge Camp, 2990 Airways Boule- West North East South Dbl Pass 3NT Pass vard, Memphis TN 3816–3847. 1© Pass Dbl 4¨ Pass The camp will kick off with opening ceremonies Pass Pass Dbl Pass Pass Dbl All Pass on Monday, July 29, at 5:00 p.m. followed by an out- 1ª Pass 4« All Pass The North-South players shall remain nameless door barbecue. Closing ceremonies will be held on the Ralph had done well already to avoid hearts, where (the hush money has been received by the Daily Bulle- evening of Aug. 5 with participants returning to the he would be in danger of being forced after two top tin staff). DC area the following morning. diamonds and a club shift. But the spade game offered Ignoring the ice-cold 4ª, Hagar and his partner The camp’s daily program will include lectures, a point in the play. After the defense cashed two dia- opted for the more challenging contract of 4¨, physical-sporting events, picnics and numerous bridge monds and made a shift to trumps, Ralph drew trumps, sportingly doubled by North. tournaments. In addition, there will be an outing to the led the ¨9 to the ace and played the ªJ to his ace, The opening lead of the «A was ruffed in dummy. nearby Youghioghenry River in Ohiopyle PA for an making five. The ©A was next, followed by a diamond ruff. Hagar afternoon on Class III and Class IV rapids. When South appeared to not possess the ¨K-Q, played a heart toward dummy, finessing the 10 when North’s pass marked South with the ªK, as simple as South played low. When declarer cashed the ªA from shelling pies. Mark Molson made a good point, in the dummy, South dropped the queen. Falsecard? Or just post mortem. Might South consider rising with the Q playing the card he was known to hold? Either way, it It’sComing not too early to inmake February your plans for February, ¨ on the first club play? Since South has the ¨10, it is had the unfortunate effect of making North believe that the annual Junior Month where for just $1 extra, play- clear that declarer has no losing option in that suit – South had started with Q–J–x–x–(x). ers are eligible to win masterpoints at sectional rating. ª and it might just protect the ªK. That was worth 55 Hagar next called for a low heart from dummy, Clubs may run as many Junior Fund game as they matchpoints on a 64 top. and North, thinking that partner could cover the heart have sanctioned sessions. Last year’s games raised On the first round of the event, we were up against spot, discarded the ©K! In hand with the ªJ, declarer $26,377 with the money going for Junior programs in Jan and Chip Martel. ruffed another spade and played the established (with the United States and Canada. Dlr: East Q 8 6 4 3 help) J. North ruffed with the K as Hagar pitched a District 7 (North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor- « © ¨ Vul: E-W ª K 7 4 spade. North exited with a club to the ace, but declarer, gia and East Tennessee) has led the ACBL for the last Q 10 9 with the Q–10 over the J–9, could not be stopped four years in funds collected during Junior Month. © ¨ ¨ ¨ 8 6 from scoring two more tricks. Making four, doubled, A reminder: In addition to the February games, J 7 K 10 5 for plus 510. up to four Junior Fund games may be held at your club « « ª J 10 5 2 ª A 9 6 3 during each of the other months. For more informa- K 7 4 3 2 A J 5 tion, contact Charlotte Blaiss at the address listed above. © © ¨ 5 4 ¨ A K 10 « A 9 2 ª Q 8 Cell phones,Turn audible ‘em pagers off!or any similar com- Junior Juniorplayers (25 and Coupons younger) may compete for © 8 6 munication equipment may not be operated or oper- only $6 per player per session -- with a Junior coupon ¨ Q J 9 7 3 2 able in the playing area during a session of play at for each player and session. Coupons are available at West North East South NABCs except for health-related equipment or by per- the ACBL Information Desk and at selling stations. 1¨ Pass mission of the director-in-charge of the The coupons are avilable only to Juniors who have 1ª Pass 4ª All Pass tournament or event. not yet celebrated their 26th birthday and whose mem- Jan led the ¨8, systemically very likely to be short. The above is the resolution passed by bers dues or Life Master Service fee is current. Ralph looked at this for a long while and took the king. the ACBL Board of Directors, meeting With clubs apparently 6-2, it appeared that South was before the start of the 2000 Summer short in hearts. Ralph took the fine view to lead a low NABC in Anaheim. While the resolution trump from dummy at trick two. This went to the jack applies only to NABCs, the Board urged that “spon- JuniorAnother players will have real a chance deal to share in a and king of course. He won the club return, played the soring organizations of other ACBL-sanctioned events $10,000 scholarship — that’s the prize for the winners ªA and was happy when the queen fell. are strongly encouraged to adopt this policy.” of a special event for Juniors at the Gallery Furniture Now he crossed to the ©K, finessed in that suit and Houston 2002 Spring NABC. cashed the ©A. He ruffed a club back to hand to pitch The event, sponsored by Gallery Furniture, will be two spades on the diamonds and scored up plus 650 limited to Junior players (aged 25 and younger). The for 60 matchpoints. two-session regionally rated game is scheduled for Jun- PlayersDress are encouraged Up to Nightdress up for tonight’s ior Day, March 9. evening session. This is a regular feature of all NABCs. Page 4 Daily Bulletin

player chose from among logical alternative actions not an option. The third expert said he would bid rebid one that could demonstrably have been suggested over 3ª. Partner (West) had shown values. another by his partner’s…, or the like, he shall Hence, pass was not an option. When North was TournamentIn order to keep the bridge appeals public informed of award an adjusted score (see Law 12C2).” appraised by the Reviewer of the experts’ opinions and appeals results in a timely fashion, the NABC Daily In assessing the result in 4« doubled the Panel de- the likely ruling by the Panel he said he still wanted Bulletin staff publishes write-ups. termined that it would go down one or two tricks, de- the Panel to decide. On that basis the Panel allowed Every effort is made to ensure that these reports pending on whether declarer finds the ©Q. On most the table result (3NT made four, +430 for E/W) to stand are accurate and complete. However, before they are defenses West can be determined to be 2-5-3-3 with 13 and N/S were each assessed an AWMW. published in the NABC Appeals Casebook revisions may HCP (14 HCP if South ruffs clubs before deciding how DIC of Event: Stan Tench be made. to play the diamonds), suggesting that East needs the Panel: Mike Flader (Reviewer), Terry Lavender, ©Q for his 3¨ bid. Thus, the Panel thought it was likely Charlie MacCracken that declarer would hold his losses to four tricks and Players consulted: Gary Cohler, Mike Edwards, Subject: TempoAppeals Case 5 assigned both sides the score for 4« doubled down one, Ken Gee Event: Flight A/X Pairs, Nov 20, First Session +100 for E/W. In addition, West was given the reasons Bd: 19 Gerri Knilans for the table ruling and told at the start of the hearing that he would have to present a cogent reason for re- Dlr: South « K Q 6 5 4 Subject:Appeals Unauthorized informationCase 7 versing it. Since he failed to do this the appeal was Vul: E/W ª 10 3 Event: NABC Life Master Open Pairs found to lack substantial merit and E/W were each as- © A 10 6 3 2 Bd: 14 Tom Lyon sessed an AWMW. ¨ 3 Dlr: East « K J 10 6 5 4 2 Birger Holmquist Art Gillbrandsen DIC of Event: Gary Zeiger Vul: None A 2 Panel: Charlie MacCracken (Reviewer), Doug ª « A 7 « 93 8 6 Grove, Matt Smith © ª A Q 8 7 6 ª K 4 2 K 8 Players consulted: Bruce Ferguson, Barry Harper, ¨ © 9 7 4 © Q 8 Riggs Thayer Cathy Strauch Dave Treadwell ¨ K J 5 ¨ A Q 9 8 7 4 « --- « Q 8 3 Hal Knilans ª 9 8 6 5 ª J 4 « J 10 8 2 © A J 9 7 5 3 2 © Q 10 4 ª J 9 5 Subject: UnauthorizedAppeals information Case 6 ¨ 7 3 ¨ Q J 9 6 2 © K J 5 Event: Fast Stratified Pairs, Nov. 22, First Session Jacqueline Karlen 10 6 2 ¨ Bd: 31 « 10 9 6 5 4 2 « A 9 7 West North East South Dlr: South ª K J 3 ª K Q 10 7 3 Pass Vul: N/S © 6 © K 1 2 (1) 3 4 (2) ª ª ¨ « ¨ 10 7 6 ¨ A 10 5 4 Pass Pass Dbl(3) Pass « Q 7 « K 8 3 West North East South 5 All Pass ¨ ª 6 ª A Q 9 8 4 2 Pass 1ª (1) Michaels (spades and a minor) © K Q 9 5 © 2 4©(1) Pass 4« Pass (2) No Skip Bid warning used ¨ Q 9 5 4 3 2 ¨ A K 8 Pass Dbl Pass Pass (3) Agreed hesitation, about 1 minute « A J 5© Dbl All Pass The Facts: 5 made five, +600 for E/W. The open- ¨ ª 10 7 5 (1) Alerted; transfer ing lead was the 5. The Director was called following © © A J 10 8 7 4 3 The Facts: 5© doubled went down two, +300 for East’s double and again at the end of the hand. The ¨ J N/S. The Director was called at the end of the play. Director ruled that East’s break in tempo before his West North East South West thought 4© was natural, East thought it was a double suggested doubt, that pulling the double was Pass transfer. The Director decided that West had unautho- demonstrably suggested by the hesitation, and that pass Pass Pass 1ª 2© rized information from his partner’s Alert and expla- was a logical alternative to 5¨ for West (Law 16A). Pass (1) Pass Dbl Pass nation, and since East did not correct 4« doubled to 5© The contract was therefore changed to 4« doubled down 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass one, +100 for E/W. (1) Break in tempo (agreed) Solution to Quiz #6 The Appeal: E/W appealed the Director’s ruling. East The Facts: 3NT made four, +430 for E/W. The (Problem on page 2) did not attend the hearing. West said he made a forcing opening lead was the ©6. The Director was called after K J 3 2 pass over 4 to see what his partner would do, in case East’s double. The Director ruled that East’s « « ª Q 10 8 East had heart support. Subsequently, when East doubled double was clear and that West’s 2NT bid showed K Q 7 6 West opted to bid 5 . When asked if he thought an im- enough cards that there was no logical alternative to © ¨ ¨ 7 6 mediate 5¨ bid would have helped his partner evaluate East’s 3NT bid (with 16 HCP). Thus, the table result Q 5 4 A 10 9 8 his hand West expressed uncertainty. was allowed to stand. « « ª K 7 4 ª 6 5 3 2 West (who had about 4,900 masterpoints) said it The Appeal: N/S appealed the Director’s ruling. 9 3 2 was inconceivable to him that his partner would double South did not attend the hearing. North stated that it © © ¨ Q 9 4 3 2 ¨ A K J 5 because he (West) held the «A. When East did double was not clear to him that West’s 2NT bid suggested 7 6 West knew he had to have diamond values and thought values. This, in his opinion, made pass a logical alter- « ª A J 9 these would be useful in playing 5¨. South stated only native for East. East stated that in his experience in A J 10 8 5 4 that he did not believe West should be allowed to pull Flight A events 2NT showed values. West added that © ¨ 10 8 East’s slow double. theirs was a new partnership. She also admitted that West North East South The Panel Decision: The Panel found that there she had broken tempo over 2© to decide whether she Pass 1 1 had been a break in tempo before East’s double of 4 . was worth a 3 bid. ¨ © « ¨ 2¨ 3© All Pass Three experts were consulted regarding West’s action The Panel Decision: All players involved in this The opening lead is the 3. East wins the K, in pulling the slow double to 5 . Two thought that case were Flight A players with between 3,000 and ¨ ¨ ¨ cashes the ¨A (West following with the deuce) and passing the double was a logical alternative while the 4,000 masterpoints. All agreed that the only issue was exits with a trump, West following. How should you third thought that the pass followed by the pull to 5¨ whether any of East’s peers would consider passing play the spades? (East has one diamond.) was fine. Those who thought that pass was a logical 2NT. To determine this, three experts were given the Here’s Kantar’s solution: alternative believed that the break in tempo demon- East hand and the auction (through 2NT-P). The first Before playing spades, the Q. If the heart strably suggested pulling. thought West’s 2NT bid showed 8-9 HCP and a double ª finesse loses then East is marked with the «A to justify Based on this the Panel determined that pass was a diamond stopper. He said he would bid 3NT. The sec- his opening bid. If East has the K the West must have logical alternative to 5 by West and that the latter ond expert thought West’s 2NT showed 7-9 HCP, a ª ¨ the «A to justify his raise. Sometimes the answer to had been demonstrably suggested by the slow double. double diamond stopper, and said he would choose what a player has in one particular suit lies in discov- Law 73F2 states: “if the Director determines that a between 3©, 3ª and 3NT for his third call; pass was ering what he has in another. A word to the wise. Daily Bulletin Page 5

directly, perhaps East really was concealing a long his partner could have a hand suitable for a high-level spade suit. The Director ruled that pass was a logi- minor-suit contract and that probably “the wheels had cal alternative and changed the contract to 4« come off.” The opposite of doubled down nine, +2300 for N/S. From North’s perspective had South bid 4« instead The Appeal: E/W appealed the Director’s rul- of 3ª it would not have been defined in the partner- ing and were the only players to attend the hear- ship. However, North possessed no unauthorized in- a Bath Lou Levy showedBy me Barry this Rigal neat hand from the Blue ing. West said he was willing to play 4 undoubled formation and was free to bid as he judged best. E/ « Ribbon qualifying where you have to take the oppo- but not when it got doubled; so he removed it. W argued that 90% of the time the 1NT bidder would site of a . The Committee Decision: The Committee be- pass a natural 2 bid on this sequence and that the 3 « ¨ Dlr: East K 9 3 lieved that West had information from the auction bid showed an exceptional hand for spades. « Vul: None A J 4 that East was extremely unlikely to be bidding 4 Driving to game with the South hand was a logical ª « A 5 2 on a long strong spade suit. East had passed ini- alternative to South’s chosen sequence and a signifi- © A K 9 3 tially rather than opening 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 or 4 . cant number of players (without possession of the ¨ « « « © « A J 8 4 2 10 6 5 The Committee therefore permitted the bid of 5 inauthorized information) would elect to bid game. « « © 8 7 K Q 10 9 5 and changed the contract to 5 doubled down two, South’s decision to stop short of game was suggested ª ª © K Q J 7 3 10 8 4 +300 for N/S. The Committee also believed that by the unauthorized information and thus should not © © 4 10 7 the table ruling should have been changed in be allowed. ¨ ¨ Q 7 screening. « 6 3 2 DIC of Event: Henry Cukoff The Committee Decision: The Committee agreed ª 9 6 Committee: Henry Bethe (chair), Lowell with E/W that many players would elect to bid 4 with © « Q J 8 6 5 2 Andrews, Dick Budd, Lou Reich, David Stevenson the South hand after North’s 3 bid. Five-five hands ¨ ¨ West North East South greatly improve in value when partner shows a good Pass Pass fit. Further, a 1NT of a Precision diamond 1 1NT 2 3 opening might well be made with a rather moderate « ª ¨ 3 3NT All Pass diamond holding. Note that North had a minimum 1NT © Subject:Appeals Unauthorized information Case 8 3NT would be easy on a spade lead, but East un- overcall with a wasted diamond queen and only three- Event: NABC Life Master Open Pairs, Nov 19, kindly leads the K. If you take this, then West gets in card spade support and game still had play. Change ª Second Final Session with the A to play a heart through – curtains. If you North’s Q to the K and add a spade to the hand and « Bd: 3 Jon Brissman © © , East is a heavy favorite to obey his partner’s lead- 4 would be an attractive contract, even though North Dlr: South K J 9 « directing instruction and shift to a diamond. Once again « would still have nearly a minimum. Vul: E/W A 10 5 your contract goes down the tubes. ª The unauthorized information to South demon- Q 6 Lou found an imaginative route to deflect East © strably suggested that he not drive to game, and bid- A J 9 6 4 when he followed with the J at trick one! Can you ¨ ding 4 was definitely a logical alternative to his se- ª Jill Levin « blame East for continuing the suit? (Yes, West’s quence. Thus, the Committee imposed a 4 contract A 4 2 Q 6 « should clarify the position, but who trusts partner any « « on N/S. The play in 3 went as follows: heart lead to 4 K J 8 7 « more?) Lou could win the second heart and drive out ª ª the king followed by a diamond shift to South’s ace. K J 9 5 4 10 8 7 3 2 the A for a peaceful nine tricks. © © Declarer then played a spade to the king and another « ¨ K Q 7 2 ¨ 8 5 Alan LeBendig spade to take nine tricks. In a contract of 4«, the first 10 8 7 5 3 two tricks would likely be the same, with West play- « ing a discouraging diamond at trick two. In an effort to ª Q 9 6 3 2 A make his contract, declarer would play a spade to the © jack at trick three and suffer a heart ruff for down two. ¨ 10 3 West North East South This sequence of plays was considered likely enough Pass to assign a result of 4« down two, +100 for E/W. The Committee believed that South should have 1©(1) 1NT(2) 2¨(3) 2«(4) Pass 3 (5) Pass 3 recognized at the table that making only a ¨ ª (instead of bidding game) was suggested by the unau- Pass 3« All Pass (1) Precision thorized information and that bidding game was a logi- TodayGoodwill in Junior Day, themessage day we celebrate – and (2) 15-18 HCP cal alternative. After the Director changed the contract salute – our Junior players. (3) One-suited hand to 4«, N/S certainly should have seen the pointless- These players, ages 25 and younger, are the future (4) Alerted; Minor Suit Stayman ness in pursuing the deal any further and should not of ACBL. Encourage them. Today’s Junior player is (5) Natural have appealed. N/S were therefore each assessed an tomorrow’s Jeff Meckstroth. The Facts: 3 made three, +140 for N/S. The AWMW. Aileen Osofsky, Chairman « DIC of Event: Henry Cukoff opening lead was the ª4. The was National Goodwill Committee marked that 2 was Minor Suit Stayman. Without Committee: Doug Doub (chair), Larry Cohen, « Simon Kantor, Judy Randel, Adam Wildavsky an Alert 3¨ would have shown an excellent hand for spades. Even though North rejected South’s 3ª game try, the Director believed that a significant The ACBLCharity Charity Foundation meeting will mee tomorrow fraction of South’s peers would have simply bid at 9:30 a.m. in the Executive Board Room. game. Thus the contract was changed to 4« down one, +50 for E/W (Law 16C, 12C2) National 99er Pairs The Appeal: N/S appealed the Director’s rul- ing. South was aware that the Alert and explana- The fourthgoing annual for National gold 99er Pairs, lim- Bid Box Alerts and tion of his 2« bid as Minor Suit Stayman was un- authorized information and that he was required ited to players with fewer than 100 masterpoints, gets underway with two qualifying sessions to- When usingAnnouncements bid boxes, ACBL suggests that players tap to bid as if his partner’s 3¨ bid showed a maxi- mum 1NT overcall with four-card spade support day and two final sessions tomorrow. the Alert strip and say “Alert” at the same time. and something in clubs. He believed that with only Entries are $13 per player per session and When making an announcement, use the announcement 6 HCP and the potential for wasted diamond hon- may be purchased at Pavilion 9 - 11. word -- such as “transfer” -- and tap the Alert strip at A small percentage of the first-place award the same time. ors in his partner’s hand, a counter-try of 3ª was all that his hand warranted. North was aware that is gold. A player who Alerts or announces a bid should make with an opening bid on his right, and LHO show- sure his opponents are aware that an Alert or announce- ing enough values to compete, it was unlikely that ment has been made. Page 6 Daily Bulletin

Goodwill Members Continued from page 1 sation to the members. Kay, obviously very surprised American world medal winners by the honor, said, “It would have nice to have been on the other end of the phone.” When she heard that All the American players who won medals at the who died and those who toiled so valorously as a re- the two honorees were separated by a body of water, recent world championshiphonored in Paris wereby honored Goodwill yes- sult of the SeptemberCommittee 11 disaster. She pointed out that she felt certain that Aileen was talking about Hawaii, terday at the Goodwill Committee meeting. Aileen there will be two Red, White and Blue Pairs – Decem- not Bermuda. Osofsky, Goodwill Committee chairman, introduced ber 10 and December 15 – to raise money to help the Sheena also was completely surprised. “I can’t those present from the following teams: , victims of the disaster. She suggested that each player believe it! I just became a member of the Goodwill gold medals; Junior Championship, gold medals; Se- in these games do so in active memory of one of those Committee a couple of months ago. I’ll be wearing nior Championship, gold medals; Transnational Teams, who died in New York, Washington or Pennsylvania. this smile for at least a week.” gold medals, and , bronze medals. CEO Wayne Hascall pointed out that it isn’t neces- After the meeting, Kay and Sheena got together Aileen singled out Rose Meltzer, pointing out that sary to play, that donations will be gladly accepted. and had quite a talk. “We’re already good friends.” Rose has accomplished something that no woman, not The goal is a minimum of $100,000 and Wayne has John Hoskins, president of Bermuda Unit 198, even stars like Helen Sobel Smith and Dorothy Truscott, high hopes that the total will triple or quadruple that submitted the following in nominating Sheena: has ever done. In Paris Rose became the first woman amount. “Sheena has been active in all aspects of bridge ad- ever to win the Bermuda Bowl. The assembled crowd Aileen announced that Ed West has been appointed ministration in Bermuda for 14 years without any mon- gave Rose a standing ovation. liaison between the ACBL and the American Bridge etary reward. Among her many duties she has served as Aileen asked for a moment of silence to honor those Association. president of the Bermuda Bridge Club, president of ACBL Unit 198, regional tournament chairman and, of great sig- nificance, tournament chairperson for the Orbis World Bridge Championships in January 2000. “This latter task involved more than 30 months of work, from the initial meetings with the Bermuda Department of Tourism to the farewell dinner. During that time Sheena generated goodwill aplenty. She at- tended the Bermuda Bowl/Venice Cup in Tunisia in 1997 to ensure Bermuda being chosen as the venue. She also attended the Olympiad in Lille in 1998 to further promote the Bermuda cause.” Max and Mary Continued from page 1 cial because he gives an interesting presentation at all of their annual meetings. Mary has been Max’s right hand though all this. She works with him on the books and she also teaches. And both she and Max are fine players. They’re a for- midable combination when they play together. Don Krauss filled in for Lowell Andrews and read the speech that Lowell had prepared. Lowell told of some of the experiences Max and he have had as direc- tors over the years. Sandy Tuft, a close friend of Mary, then told a few humorous stories about Mary. After telling the crowd that he was flabbergasted at the special attention that he and Mary were getting, Max said that being together is the important part of his life with Mary. He thanked everyone for being their friends. A few things you may not know about Max. He has a masters degree in music theory from Chicago Music College, which is part of Roosevelt University. He was a member of the faculty of the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music for nine years. However, he was forced to make a decision in 1969 – music or bridge. He chose bridge.

1. RichardSectional Guarneri, Point Charleston Race SC 350 2. Mark McLaughlin, Charleston SC 330 3. John Hurd, Charleston SC 329 4. Susanne McLaughlin, Charleston SC 314 5. John Turner, Blue Springs MO 260 6. George Bloomer Jr., Pittsboro NC 233 7. Leo LaSota, College Park MD 232 8. Allen Kane, Pueblo West CO 232 9. G. Gard Hays, Veradale WA 232 10. Jim Bachelder, Columbus OH 219 11. Ellen Allen, Summerville SC 218 12. Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 218 13. Larry Allen, Summerville SC 217 14. Robert Dennard, Lake Mary FL 217 15. Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC 212 16. Jean Talbot, Metairie LA 211 17. Mark Itabashi, Murrieta CA 210 18. Chuck Henke, Aurora CO 209 19. Robert Heller, Decatur GA 209 20. Len Case, Charlotte NC 206 21. Paul Kelley Jr., Austin TX 196 22. Bruce Cobb, Denver CO 194 23. Michael Kovacich, Stone Mountain GA 194 24. R. Elwin Brown, Gloucester ON 191 25. James Blackwell, Columbia SC 189 Daily Bulletin Page 7

EDGAR KAPLAN NORTH-SOUTH BLUE SECTIONS RIBBON A B C DPAIRS E E AST-WEST QUALIFIERS 1 Curtis Cheek, Huntsville AL; Lynn Deas, Schenectady NY 2120.91 1 Rose Meltzer - Peter Weichsel, Los Gatos CA 2081.65 2 Robert Levin, Bronx NY; Steve Weinstein, Glen Ridge NJ 2038.61 2 Eric Greco, Philadelphia PA; Geoff Hampson, Los Angeles CA 2078.99 3 Ilya Levitin, Emerson NJ; Irina Levitina, Fair Lawn NJ 2031.51 3 Mike Lucas - Paul Ivaska, Las Vegas NV 2075.52 4 Alfredo Versace, Rome IT; George Jacobs, Burr Ridge IL 2020.77 4 Stephen Landen, Rochester Hills MI; Pratap Rajadhyaksha, Powell OH 2006.27 5 Sidney Lazard, Dallas TX; Bart Bramley, Chicago IL 1956.68 5 Connie Goldberg, Merion Station PA; David Levy, Cannes La Bocca, France 1999.09 6 Jacek Pszczoka, Poland; Zia Mahmood, New York NY 1951.98 6 James Rasmussen - Pamela Miller, Cambridge MA 1991.36 7 Jim Barrow, Lake Charles LA; Adam Wildavsky, Jackson Heights NY 1942.92 7 Bob Hamman, Dallas TX; Hemant Lall, Plano TX 1957.67 8 Hugh Grosvenor, Alexandria VA; Bob Richman, Australia 1940.53 8 David Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Larry Cohen, Boca Raton FL 1931.87 9 Kamla Chawla, Longmeadow MA; Lloyd Arvedon, Bedford MA 1925.55 9 Cameron Doner, Richmond BC; Dick Yarington, Seattle WA 1928.96 10 Kevin Bathurst, Thousand Oaks CA; Ian Boyd, Calgary AB 1897.92 10 Barnet Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Michel Abecassis, Paris, France 1878.39 11 Sam Graham, Germantown TN; Wayne Karson, Culver City CA 1893.19 11 Russell Samuel, Locust Valley NY; Shawn Samuel, Cambridge MA 1852.46 12 Nafiz Zorlu - Salvador Assael, Turkey 1891.05 12 Benito Garozzo - Lea Dupont, Rockland DE 1851.65 13 Brad Moss, New York NY; Fred Gitelman, Toronto ON 1884.12 13 Phillip Goatz - Cynthia Goatz, Las Vegas NV 1850.80 14 John Coufal, La Jolla CA; Rick Roeder, San Diego CA 1865.93 14 Chuck Burton, Steilacoom WA; Bob Bakalish, Eureka CA 1827.87 15 Bob Jones, Hypoluxo FL; Paul Marston, Australia 1861.41 15 Barbara Shaw, Laurel MD; Steve Robinson, Arlington VA 1825.90 16 Tadashi Teramoto, Yokohama JP; Mickie Chambers, Atlanta GA 1854.11 16 Mark Aquino, Jamaica Plain MA; Jonathan Green, Kingston NY 1823.44 17 Bryan Maksymetz, Coquitlam BC; Lars Andersson, Stockholm, Sweden 1842.43 17 Simon Kantor, Agawam MA; Murray Melton, Las Vegas NV 1811.79 18 Ira Ewen, New York NY; David Gurvich, Brooklyn NY 1833.11 18 Nader Hanna, Willowdale ON; Rick Delogu, Waterloo ON 1807.04 19 Srikanth Kodayam, San Leandro CA; Aidan Ballantyne, Vancouver BC 1809.25 19 Russell Ekeblad, Boca Raton FL; Robert Lipsitz, Palm Harbor FL 1797.91 20 Carolyn Bjorklund, Los Altos CA; Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV 1802.85 20 Brad Campbell, Smyrna GA; Michael White, Atlanta GA 1779.60 21 Charles Kopp, Columbus OH; Gregory Potts, Portsmouth OH 1797.64 21 Gary Gottlieb, Brooklyn NY; Richard Zucker, Dobbs Ferry NY 1776.08 22 Jeff Schuett, Riverwoods IL; Kerry Smith, Milwaukee WI 1795.33 22 Brady Richter - Aaron Silverstein, New York NY 1773.44 23 Jeff Fang, Arcadia CA; Thompson Jin, Monrovia CA 1789.48 23 Ed Groner, Duncan OK; David Horner, Carrollton TX 1764.07 24 Craig Gardner, Streamwood IL; Sangarapil Mohan, Oak Brook IL 1788.82 24 Sheri Winestock, Toronto ON; Barry Piafsky, New York NY 1758.66 25 Chris Willenken, New York NY; Jeff Roman, Alexandria VA 1775.17 25 John Hurdle - Trudy Hurdle, Richmond BC 1755.85 26 Pierre Beauregard - Nicolle Beauregard, St Lazare PQ 1768.72 26 Daniel Stanghelle, NO; Daniel Zagorin, Skokie IL 1755.15 27 Ken Bloom, Acton MA; Bill Irvine, Quincy MA 1757.46 27 Larry Ascher - Diana Tenery, Nutley NJ 1749.08 28 Joseph Silver, Hampstead PQ; Gaylor Kasle, Boca Raton FL 1751.78 28 Cynthia Balderson, Minnetonka MN; Carole Miner, Rochester MN 1748.53 29 Art Gulbrandsen, Monrovia CA; Birger Holmquist, Chatsworth CA 1725.49 29 David Yang, Chicago IL; Xiaodong Shi, Des Plaines IL 1740.83 30 Carol Hamilton - James Hamilton, Sarasota FL 1713.36 30 Steve Zolotow, Las Vegas NV; Jeffrey Rothstein, New York NY 1738.86 31 Charles Davis, Lilburn GA; Michael Strizhevsky, Atlanta GA 1710.11 31 Mary Savko, Pittsford VT; Jay Costello, Williston VT 1735.24 32 Kay Beck, Fishers IN; Timucin Erkoc, North Hollywood CA 1702.79 32 Chip Martel - Jan Martel, Davis CA 1730.31 33 J Peter Franks, Sausalito CA; Mark Ralph, San Francisco CA 1721.33 NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS F G H I J EAST-WEST 1 Jean Hume, Livermore CA; Jeff Olson, Dallas TX 2003.12 1 Dan Gerstman, Buffalo NY; Allan Graves, West Newbury VT 2145.01 2 Fredrik Nystrom, Stockholm, Sweden; Peter Stromberg, Haniuge, Sweden 1964.42 2 William Schreiber, Van Nuys CA; Ron Feldman, Torrance CA 2060.04 3 Linda Wiener - Tony Glynne, Vancouver WA 1929.92 3 Geir Helgemo, Trondheim Ca NW; Richard Zeckhauser, Cambridge MA 2041.02 4 Andrew Robson, Santa Cruz CA; Rita Shugart, Pebble Beach CA 1915.52 4 Fred Stewart, Kingston NY; Kit Woolsey, Kensington CA 2025.04 5 Roy Welland - Bjorn Fallenius, New York NY 1905.26 5 Barry Schaffer, Frisco TX; Bryan Storey, Plano TX 1977.06 6 Paul Hackett, Manchester M2; Haig Tchamitch, Peoria AZ 1895.84 6 Hoyt Nicholas Jr, Custer SD; Paul Lewis, Vashon WA 1968.21 7 Harry Steiner, Seattle WA; Craig Zastera, Woodinville WA 1885.11 7 Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC; Richard Miller, Raleigh NC 1959.87 8 Joe Grue, Bronx NY; Larry Oakey, Minneapolis MN 1860.39 8 Kenneth Kranyak - John Kranyak, Bay Village OH 1946.97 9 Jason Hackett, Manchester M20 6E; Michael Polowan, New York NY 1851.68 9 Mark Bartusek, Santa Barbara CA; Harold Mouser Jr, Philadelphia PA 1938.82 10 Richard Meffley, Fresno CA; Blake Rundquist, Clovis CA 1846.78 10 Robert Blanchard - Sam Lev, New York NY 1930.95 11 Phillip Becker, Beachwood OH; Kumar Bhatia, Pepper Pike OH 1844.40 11 George Rosenkranz, Df 11000 MX; Eddie Wold, Houston TX 1918.18 12 Michael Kovacich, Stone Mountain GA; Robert White, Raleigh NC 1829.92 12 JoAnna Stansby - Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA 1917.20 13 David Lindop, Toronto ON; Ellen Melson, Chicago IL 1828.15 13 Nicolas L’Ecuyer, Montreal PQ; Leslie Amoils, Toronto ON 1907.79 14 Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA; John Saxe, Hudson MA 1823.44 14 Shawn Quinn, Katy TX; Jon Wittes, Claremont CA 1882.50 15 Craig Kavin, Oxnard CA; Robert Kerr, Los Angeles CA 1822.83 15 Michael Rosenberg, Wykagyl NY; Debbie Rosenberg, New Rochelle NY 1876.06 16 Joel Hoersch, La Jolla CA; Eugene Hung, San Diego CA 1820.51 16 Giorgio Duboin, Torino IT; Don Lussky, Elmhurst IL 1867.95 17 Betty Parker - Freerk Polling, Miami FL 1812.59 17 Christopher Monsour, Arlington Hts IL; Rowen Bell, Chicago IL 1863.63 18 Tom Kniest, Saint Louis MO; Karen Walker, Champaign IL 1811.90 18 Steve Garner, Northfield IL; Howard Weinstein, Sarasota FL 1824.63 19 George Whitworth, Coarsegold CA; Phil Warden, Madison WI 1809.50 19 Steve Beatty, Destrehan LA; Allan Falk, Okemos MI 1817.15 20 Victor Chernoff, Los Angeles CA; Harvey Brody, San Francisco CA 1806.41 20 Gavin Wolpert - Daniel Lavee, Thornhill ON 1814.58 21 R Beery, Lincoln NE; Dennis Sorensen, Portland OR 1801.28 21 Stephen McConnell, Chicago IL; Shirley Blum, Fresno CA 1812.18 22 Josh Sher, Washington DC; John Pendergrass, Los Alamos NM 1794.14 22 Philip Gordon, Las Vegas NV; Mike Grodsky, St Simons Is GA 1811.69 23 Jeffrey Goldsmith, Pasadena CA; David Milton, Herndon VA 1783.20 23 Mark Tolliver - Marc Zwerling, Portland OR 1802.92 24 Andy Altay - Ian McKinnon, Willowdale ON 1777.29 24 Joan Cook, Bow NH; Maurice Emond, Allenstown NH 1785.64 25 Paul Soloway, Mill Creek WA; Steve Catlett, Richmond VA 1776.73 25 Bill Sides, Burbank CA; Eli Borok, Los Angeles CA 1785.63 26 Ava Grubman - Elliott Grubman, Brooklyn NY 1772.27 26 Michael Ness, Saint Paul MN; Paul Winter, Minneapolis MN 1755.05 27 Colin Revill, Burlington ON; George Pisk, Manchaca TX 1768.40 27 David Walker, Salem VA; Geoffrey Mallette, Christiansburg VA 1749.45 28 Alan Osofsky, New City NY; Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg MD 1763.22 28 Linda McGarry - Dennis McGarry, Lauderhill FL 1731.35 29 Kathy Newman - Bert Newman, West Bloomfield MI 1760.99 29 Richard Finberg, Pittsburgh PA; Harry Tudor, Miami FL 1730.73 30 Ralph Cohen, Memphis TN; Barry Rigal, New York NY 1758.72 30 Vivian Kilstrup, Vail CO; Roger Bates, Mesa AZ 1729.00 31 Mark Feldman, New York NY; William Pollack, Warren NJ 1735.10 31 Shelley Lapkoff, Berkeley CA; Tanakorn Lavanakul, Dublin CA 1715.71 32 Richard Mydloski, Taylor MI; Mark Leonard, Ypsilanti MI 1734.81 32 Jerry Keller - Jane Thurman, Laurel MD 1713.79 33 David Mossop, Switzerland; Tim Rees, Crowthorne Berk, England 1731.36 Page 8 Daily Bulletin

DEALER BUSTS! KNOCKOUTS Bracket 1 16 Teams Justina McKee, Summit MS; Mark Lair, Canyon TX; Gary Cohler, Miami FL; Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ; Barbara Kasle, Boca Raton FL; Michael Whitman, San Francisco CA vs Alan Gailfus - Debbie Gailfus, San Diego CA; Alan Lebendig, Los Angeles CA; Corinne Kirkham - Jim Kirkham - Jon Brissman, San Bernardino CA

Juanita Chambers, Boca Raton FL; Kathie Wei-Sender, Nashville TN; Janice Seamon-Molson, Miami FL; Tobi Sokolow, Austin TX; Patricia Hurlbert, Santa Ynez CA vs Richard Coren, Fort Lauderdale FL; Marc Jacobus, Las Vegas NV; Jeff Meckstroth, Tampa FL; Jim Reiman, Mansfield OH

Bracket 2 16 Teams Ann Labe - G S Jade Barrett, Vancouver WA; Evan Bailey, San Diego CA; Edward Barlow, Sunnyvale CA; Roman Smolski - Vera Gold medalists in the Transnational Teams in Paris: Eddie Wold, Geoff Hampson and Mike Passell. Not pictured: Michael Petty, Warwick BE Seamon, Gabriel Chagas and Diego Brenner. vs Melvyn Klein, Tallahassee FL; Sharon Kelly, Duluth GA; Chuck Whidden, Winder GA; Jane Teel - Robert Teel Jr, Rockford AL; Gabriel Fadel, Atlanta GA U.S.–The team captainedBrazil by Malcolmsquad Brachman captures won Michael Seamon,Transnational Gabriel Chagas and Diego title Brenner. the World Transnational Teams championship in Paris In the final, they defeated the French squad of David Ashley - Kimiko Matsumoto - Adis Dombu - Si Dombu, Las in October. The squad, representing the U.S. and Bra- Cyril Bureau, Daniele Gaviard, Patrick Sussel, Vegas NV zil, was Eddie Wold, Geoff Hampson, Mike Passell, Philippe Selz and Vaness Reess. vs Janet Colchamiro - Mel Colchamiro, Merrick NY; Kitty Munson Cooper - Steven Cooper, Albuquerque NM; Betty Bloom - Steve Bloom, Duanesburg NY

Martin Schiff Jr - Michael Levy - Kenneth Badertscher, Tucson Martha McGhee, co-chairCalling of the 1998 Orlando the DirectorWhen you need a director, raise your hand and call AZ; Joe Harris, Albuquerque NM vs NABC, was IN chairman at the 1992 NABC. This ar- out “Director, please” -- loudly enough for him to hear Louise Freed, Los Angeles CA; Ellen Crawford, Las Vegas NV; ticle appeared in the Daily Bulletin at that tournament. but not so loudly that it disturbs the other players. When Rebecca Clough, Culver City CA; Derrell Childs, Garland TX Call the who ...? The Director! It’s okay to call the the Director arrives at your table, he will listen to what director. If fact, if you don’t, you may lose your right happened and explain to the players the ruling that per- Bracket 3 16 Teams to call him later if you are damaged. tains to the irregularity. Daniel Korbel - Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; John Moser, St The director is the one who sold you an , the Some rulings have several options so if you don’t Agatha ON; Colin Harrington, Cambridge ON vs one who passed out the board, the one who passed out understand them fully, don’t hesitate to ask for them Roberta Epstein - Mark Epstein, Las Vegas NV; Paul Kern - Claire the hand records and said, “Duplicate, please.” The to be repeated. Kern, Mount Laurel NJ director is the one who organized the players and the Since the conditions at each table must be dupli- boards so that everything runs smoothly at the right cated as much as possible, all the players must adhere David Sokolow, Austin TX; Howard Einberg, Los Angeles CA; time, the right speed and the right direction. to the same set of rules. The Director’s main objective Carole Weinsteingorsey, Acton MA; Tony Petronella, North The director is the one you need help from if and is to make the game as fair as possible for all the play- Kingstown RI when an irregularity happens at your table. The direc- vs ers involved, while ensuring that everyone has an en- Steven Gaynor, St Louis Park MN; Forest Lowe, Eden Prairie MN; tor gives rulings pertaining to the “Laws of Duplicate joyable time. John Minton, White Bear Lake MN; Jack Rhatigan, Las Vegas NV; .” Irregularities that may happen at your table for Art Ardy Bakshian, Plymouth MN; Emily Bone, Bellevue WA In order for the conditions of the game to be fair, which you must call the director: a lead out of turn, an everyone has to follow the same rules. The director is insufficient bid, a , a card missing from a hand, Bracket 4 16 Teams familiar with these rules and is responsible for seeing a bid or pass out of turn, failure to Alert an artificial Rob Stevens, Aptos CA; Tom Trachuk, Alameda CA; Kenneth that they are correctly applied. bid, changes of call, disagreements of tricks won, Titow, Scottsdale AZ; Richard Reitman, Los Altos CA vs The director is also the one who calls the rounds claims with trumps outstanding or disputed claims, James Blackwell, Columbia SC; Joe Walden, Monroe NC; Nancy when it is time for you to meet your new opponents. bidding errors, etc. Hetsko - Larry Rich, Cumming GA The director puts the results of each board into the com- The Director is your friend. Do not hesitate to call puter and posts the computer print-out of results after him or her. In fact, if you don’t call the Director, you Roberto Scaramuzzi - Kent Hartman, San Diego CA; Daniel Hugh- each session. may have lost the right to call him later when you dis- Jones, Santa Monica CA; Nagy Kamel, Plano TX cover you have been damaged. vs Suzanne LeBendig, Los Angeles CA; Diane Audeon, Marina del Rey CA; Gilbert Stinebaugh, Van Nuys CA; Tom Wylie, Wood- land Hills CA

Bracket 5 16 Teams Honor yourBy partner Henry Wong, Medford MA; Tzung-Fang Guo, Los Angeles CA; Mark Horton is an English bridge journalist who dis- tional partnership, the first time we played together was ab- Chien-Jen Huang, Nanjing, China; Jack Chao, Oceanside CA; Tong Neo Choo, Palo Alto CA cussed “How to be a good partner” at the World Junior solutely hopeless but we stuck with it. vs Bridge Camp in the Czech Republic. Coping with disaster: The best way to cope with the E Sue Grue - T Grue, Minneapolis MN; Richard Ekstrum, Crystal Consider your partner to be a friend. Treat your part- inevitable disasters is to laugh them off. This tends to MN; Linda Webb, Fargo ND ner well, even (especially) if you are playing together for disconcert even the best opponents who are used to see- the first time. Always offer your partner a drink -- tea or ing their opponents argue. Janet Galloway - Walter Galloway - Despina Georgas - Brent Gibbs, coffee is a good starting point. This will lead to a relaxed Conventions: Stick to the ones you both feel com- Willowdale ON vs atmosphere, enabling you both to play your best. By the fortable with. A player trying to remember some con- Al Levering - Sally Levering, Frankfort IL; Larry Rabideau, Saint way, always be a pleasant and courteous opponent. vention he is not familiar with will make errors in other Anne IL; John De Forest, Chicago IL Tolerate errors. Never go on about partner’s mistakes departments. -- just forget about them and move on to the next deal. I recently played in a tournament in the Netherlands Bracket 6 16 Teams You may be able to make a constructive comment at the with a strange partner. We would have won but for a Bob Lyon - Raymond Gilbert, Indianapolis IN; Chad Fisher, Kan- end of the session. Your partner will surely show you the couple of expensive mistakes when I forgot a couple of sas City MO; Cole Powell, Oakland CA vs same consideration. things because we were playing some conventions I was Kathy Longman - Jack Longman - Yolanda Kristiansen - K Be encouraging. Always be prepared to support your not familiar with. Kristiansen, Clearwater FL partner -- “well played” always goes down well and a Who’s the boss? In most partnerships, one player “thank you” for the dummy does not go amiss. In one of tends to be regarded as the boss. If you are the stronger Samuel Williams Jr, Vista CA; Allan Schuster, Coronado CA; James my partnerships, if dummy was exactly what was needed, player, go out of your way to make life easy for your Lynch, Newbury Park CA; Burt O’Dell, Helendale CA “mille grazie” would let partner in on the good news! partner: make easy-to-understand bids, leads and sig- vs Keep a straight face. Never make the mistake of pull- nals. Don’t land your partner in a tough contract -- well, Mahmoud Elguindy, Newport Beach CA; Vicki Jane Erickson, Anaheim CA; Mai Spencer, Las Vegas NV; Tom Fung, San Diego ing a face or raising an eyebrow. Apart from hurting your not on purpose. CA partner’s feelings, being deadpan does not let your oppo- Have fun! You are both out to enjoy yourselves. If nents know that something may have gone wrong. your partner leaves the table feeling happy, you have Win or lose, always stay calm at the end of the session done your job. Of course you want to win but that objec- and thank partner for the game. This is especially important if tive should not mean spoiling the game for your partner things have not gone so well. In my most successful interna- or the opponents. Daily Bulletin Page 9

FRIDAY EVENING 300/200/100 PAIRS Bracket 7 16 Teams 38 Pairs Robert Levy, Los Angeles CA; Harriet Goldman, Roslyn Heights A B C NY; Ken Lowenstein, Forest Hills NY; Martin Blain, Calabasas 4.06 1 1 Cathy River, Madison WI; Paul Bernhardt, Salt Lake City UT 107.00 CA 3.05 2 2 Linda Pollett - William Pollett, Smith’s BE 100.07 vs 2.28 3 Albert Oliver, Henderson NV; Frank Callom, Las Vegas NV 99.50 Sandra Hammer, Dedham MA; Courtney Nelson, Wells VT; Pierce Smith, Rutland VT; Jean Seward, Mendon VT 2.10 4 3 1 Robert Quinlan - Thomas Morton, Pittsburgh PA 98.50 1.33 5 Richard Jones, Anderson IN; Alan Griswold, Indianapolis IN 95.50 Ranjan Bhaduri, Dundas ON; Raymond Jung, Hamilton ON; R 1.35 6 4 J J Armour, Derwood MD; Donia Steele, Livingston TX 95.00 Bruce Martin, Paia HI; Merle Stetser - Jean Choi, Honolulu HI 1.58 5 2 Marilyn Kay, Southbury CT; Richard Thorne, Apple Valley CA 93.79 vs 0.76 6 Sharron Voorhees, San Diego CA; Jack Mathews, Bellevue WA 92.07 Donald Smith - Francesca Walton, Calgary AB; Ron Grove, 1.18 3 Joan Piaget - Gerry Piaget, Palo Alto CA 90.93 Sherwood Park AB; Mark Krusemeyer, Northfield MN 0.93 4 Donald Huber - Susan Huber, Canfield OH 88.50 1.09 5 Edwin Glickman, Snowmass CO; Rita Hiller, Idaho Falls ID 88.21 Bracket 8 16 Teams Timothy Mann - Susan Sneed, Scottsdale AZ; Joy Balser, Tempe FRIDAY EVENING STRATIFIED BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS AZ; Clark Ransom, Apache Jct AZ 80 Teams vs A B C Jerry Ranney - Jane Ranney, Morrison CO; Gerry Schechter, 11.40 1/2 Jim Haws, Tampa FL; John Bacsa, Wood Dale IL; Robert Oslin, Englewood CO; William Fitch, Denver CO Chicago IL; Brian Hingerty, Knoxville TN 18.00 11.40 1/2 Michael Cassel II, Roseville MN; Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC; Ivy Steinberg - Allan Quaile, Newmarket ON; Walter Dedio, Susan Culham, Edmonton AB; William Treble, Winnipeg MB 18.00 Morden MB; Marinus Nyholt, St Albert AB vs 7.32 3 Tom Schmied, Littleton CO; Charlie Anderson, Louisville CO; Diane Walker, Gaithersburg MD; Ellen Cherniavsky, Silver Spring Michael Perlman - Richard Laver, Boulder CO 17.50 MD; Phil Lien, Williamsburg VA; Steve Sperry, Mechanicsvlle 5.49 4 Edvardo Rosen - Odette Zigherboim - Alisa Rapaport, Caracas, Venezuela ; VA Steve Hamaoui, Venezuela 17.00 4.12 5 Ross Rainwater - Jackie Jarigese, Vancouver WA; Michael Efraim, Bracket 9 16 Teams Cote Saint-Luc PQ; James Gordon, S Burlington VT 16.50 Jeanne Gray, Boulder CO; Birte Ayer - William Woodfine, Toronto 3.09 6 Drew Casen, Boca Raton FL; Teri Bigham, Las Vegas NV; Marjorie ON; Grant Mackinnon, Downsview ON Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Nels Erickson, Meadview AZ 16.25 vs 8.01 7 1 Rae Murbach - Jerry Murbach - Joseph Viola III, Altadena CA; Bob Neal Webb - Barak Engel, San Jose CA; Raymond Yuenger, Johnson, Pasadena CA 16.00 Campbell CA; Ilan Tadmor, Oakland CA 1.42 8/11 Joe Rickman, Maryville TN; Ruth Stober, Great Neck NY; Keith Garber, Pelham NY; Elaine Said, Nashville TN 15.50 John Stephen - Joanne Stephen, Ellenton FL; Howard Howe, Anna 6.01 8/11 2 1 Alisha Hudson, Walnut Grove CA; Andrew Steinheimer, Oakland CA; Maria FL; Judy Ventura, Racine WI Jeremy Huie - Stacey Huie, Pleasant Hill CA 15.50 vs 2.20 8/11 Edward White, Grand Blanc MI; Robert Carteaux, Fort Wayne IN; Edith Huffman, Woodinville WA; Anne S-W Kao, Bellevue WA; Ronald Jauch - Carol Stewart, Redmond WA Jim Linhart, Delray Beach FL; Howard Piltch, Andover MA 15.50 2.20 8/11 Geo. Fred Williams III - Shirley Leeds, Knoxville TN; Robert Bracket 10 16 Teams Rinehart, Northumberland PA; Jim Relihan, Tampa FL 15.50 Robert Lawrence, Bronx NY; James Bochsler, Davenport FL; Ivor 4.51 3 Mike Alexander, Manchester, England; Michelle Sellyn, Glasgow, Scotland; McGloughlin, Pittsburgh PA; Byron Crittenden, Kingswood Surre Y Maggie Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Justin Hackett, Manchester, England 14.50 vs 3.50 4/5 2 Andrew Risman, Toronto ON; Sharon Bain - David Kroft, Thornhill Cynthia Greer, Mission Viejo CA; Jay Helekar, Laguna Hills CA; ON; Max Tang, Scarborough ON 14.00 Marcella Lane, Newport Beach CA; Lucille Hovland, Fountain 2.96 4/5 Angeline Murray, Danville CA; Silvana Bellini, St Petersburg FL; Valley CA Len Rickard, Knoxville TN; Teresa Szymczak, Walnut Creek CA 14.00 2.63 6/7 3 Erla Sigurjonsd - Sigfus Thordarson - Alda Gudnatottir - Kristjaw Ned Kohler, Cave Creek AZ; Stuart Foster, Mission Viejo CA; Pat Sworrason, Uruguay 13.50 Galligan, San Mateo CA; Gilbert Ramirez, San Francisco CA 1.67 6/7 Sharon Paulus - Robert Simard - Geraldine Wurdinger - Eugene vs Wurdinger, East Syracuse NY 13.50 Michael Doll - Dorothy La Maie, Los Angeles CA; Patrick 1.97 4 Robert Alfandary - Susan Nurock, Lafayette CA; Robert Lupton, Cardullo, San Antonio TX; Karen Alpert, Glendale CA Aurora CO; Robert Paris, Denver CO 11.50 1.48 5 Robin Gillies - Lynne Gillies, Culver City CA; Alan Curtis, Bracket 11 16 Teams Wayne Oden - Svetlana Oden - Ken Brantferger - Jonathan Holmes Newbury Park CA; Jane Dommeyer, Redondo Beach CA 11.00 - W Davis Dechert, Houston TX vs Sally Sabo - Phil Symcox - Gerald Clough - Annette Glotzbach, Santa Fe NM

Lillian Hilles, Irvine CA; Edwin Hagerman, Lakewood CO; Errol This is SmokingLas Vegas, so smoking policy regulations are very McAlexander, Denver CO; David Osmundsen, Wheat Ridge CO SondraNew M. LifeRothstein Masters of Las Vegas became lenient in hotels and casinos. But remember that once vs a Life Master in the B/C/D Strati-flighted Pairs you cross into the convention area of the Hilton, you are Geoffrey Cross, Fernandina FL; F. Marion Fletcher, Statesboro on Friday. in ACBL country and there is no smoking in the playing GA; Edward Foran, Marietta GA; Marianne Cross, Fernandina Beach FL Also earning a gold card this week was areas or pre-function areas. If you are playing in any Pa- Cathy Woodburne of Seattle WA. vilion room or the Barron or Conrad rooms, the fastest Bracket 12 16 Teams Michael T. Pierce, of Fairfield OH, became smoking access is outside on the patio. Those playing in Richard Plattner - Donald Howell, Carlsbad CA; Vicki Miles, Glen- a Life Master playing with Richard Pleshek, the ballroom may want to head toward the casino for a dale AZ; Virginia Hoppe, Fallbrook CA also of Fairfield, in the Bracketed IV Knock- smoking break. vs outs. Carl Kallina - Fay Kallina, Tucson AZ; William Wood Jr - Patricia Wood, Hartsdale NY Kai-Chiu Chen needed just 1.97 gold to become an LM, and he got it in the Bracketed David Stonex - Nancy Fillmore, Las Vegas NV; Theodore Egner - Houston Morning Knockouts, finishing second Kay Egner, Pompano Beach FL with partner Linda Harrison of Calgary AB, and vs teammates Edward Foran of Marietta CA and Michael Wishousky, Mesa AZ; Terry Doyle, Toronto ON; Ann Richard Ferin of Washington DC. Chen also Allen - Judith Thompson, Scottsdale AZ won the Monday evening Swiss teams. Bracket 13 16 Teams Ronald Oest - Sandi Oest, Palmdale CA; Larry Bamberger - Frances Schwartz, Scottsdale AZ Page 10 Daily Bulletin

vs FRIDAY A/X PAIRS Julie Coleman - Leona McGiboney, Billings MT; Donna Rice, 148 Pairs Traverse City MI; William Johnson, Columbus MT A X 38.68 1 Joe Quinn, Katy TX; Ira Hessel, San Antonio TX 2156.04 Shih-Ming Shih, San Jose CA; Gemma Min, Seoul KO; 29.01 2 1 Elena Prahin - Michael Prahin, Irvington NY 1981.89 Georgianna Spinazze, Saratoga CA; Melinda Foos, Campbell CA 21.76 3 Hugh Brown Jr, Mc Cormick SC; John Potter, Panama City FL 1964.52 vs 16.32 4 Michael Hargreaves, Victoria BC; Gordon McOrmond, Surrey BC 1950.46 Claude Tremblay - Muriel Tremblay, Kanata ON; Carolyn Boone 19.88 5 2 Jeffrey McKee, Arlington TX; Greg Resz, Dallas TX 1931.13 - Robert Boone, Bend OR 9.18 6 Si Frome - Carole Frome, Lauderhill FL 1925.74 6.88 7 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA; Pat McDevitt, Brookline MA 1924.77 Bracket 14 16 Teams 14.91 8 3 Jack Shartsis, Huntington Woods MI; Jerrold Grossman, Rochester Hills MI 1923.90 William Nelson - Richard Weigle, Albuquerque NM; Carter 6.61 9 Gerald Ungar, Berryton KS; Nancy Sachs, Cincinnati OH 1920.76 Hoffmann - Pamela Hoffmann, Normandy Park WA 3.87 10 George Wang - Janet Ju, El Monte CA 1903.58 vs Rose Marie Cassmer, Macedonia OH; Dolores Staycer - Jean 11.18 11 4 Reba Cole, Boca Raton FL; John Hogan Jr, Wayne NJ 1901.26 Warzinski, Bedford OH; Henry Essig, Westlake OH 3.22 12 Sylvia Deserpa, Tempe AZ; Pat Thomas, Salinas CA 1891.51 4.74 13 Helene Fournier, Chicoutimi PQ; Paul Benedict, Pikesville MD 1887.74 Elaine Prager, New Orleans LA; Doris Segar, Newport Beach CA; 2.76 14 Howard Epley, Kent WA; Stanford Christie, Des Moines WA 1873.82 Mary Henry, Boise ID; J Horsley, Eagle ID 2.58 15 Michel Schneider, Berkeley CA; Martin Miller, Rochester NY 1866.90 vs 6.21 16 Panette Talia, Campbell CA; Julie Sheerin, Westlake Village CA 1856.62 Michael Pierce, Fairfield OH; Jody Castillo, Warsaw IN; Terry 4.44 17 Marlene Passell - Bill Passell, Coral Springs FL 1852.32 Briscoe - Anita Mangold, Cincinnati OH 8.87 18 5 Donna Rodwell, Naperville IL; Dewitt Hudson Jr, Arlington TX 1837.45 2.04 19 Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; Diana Holt, Palm Beach FL 1837.01 Bracket 15 16 Teams 6.29 20 6 Ed Tranovich, Naperville IL; Roger Plowman, Lafayette CO 1833.25 Tim Dallas - Hayri Kuterdem - Cathy Woodburne - M Mardesich, 1.84 21 Jackie Evans, Albuquerque NM; Jiun-Ming Chen, West Lafayette IN 1832.37 Seattle WA 4.72 22 7 Renee Carter, Henderson NV; Roger Zellmer, San Diego CA 1832.25 vs 1.68 23 Jennifer Ballantyne, Vancouver BC; Dudley Brown, Grandview WA 1829.88 Thomas Cox - Carol Garnett - Patrick Thomas, St Petersburg FL; 3.78 24 8 Donella Johnson, West Hollywood CA; Pam Stratton, Portland OR 1827.22 Glenn Young, Alexandria VA 4.77 25 9 Peng Cheng - Xiaoyu Cheng, Campbell CA 1826.15 Troy Lemons - Roberta Lemons, Danville CA; Sandi Baker, Alamo 5.25 26 10 Stephen Lippmann - Janet Lippmann, Hastings Hudson NY 1825.82 CA; Lois Flock, Oakland CA 1.43 27 Shirley Seals, Ponte Vedra FL; Deborah Drury, Vero Beach FL 1820.41 vs 1.38 28 Bob Crossley, Corte Madera CA; David Bryant, San Francisco CA 1813.55 Gayle Andrews, Stanton CA; Judith Jones, Huntington Bh CA; James Ingham - Janice Ingham, Orange CA FRIDAY. STRATIFIED B/C/D PAIRS 208 Pairs Bracket 16 14 Teams B C D Bernard Brown - Mildred Brown, San Jose CA; Jerry Shapiro - 25.55 1 1 Nelson Davis, Seattle WA; Yoshinori Kurachi, 412.67 Rose Shapiro, Woodland Hills CA 19.16 2 2 Stephen Sawyer, Hemet CA; Gayle Grubb, Newport Beach CA 394.00 vs 14.37 3 Ronald Zucker - Jon Silverman, San Francisco CA 390.42 Mike Potoczak, Mt Prospect IL; Robert Boruta, Schaumburg IL; 10.78 4 3 Frank Wharton, London Nw3 1en EN; Michael Cornes, Warwick BE 379.71 Pawel Piotr Boruta, Chicago IL; Piasecki Jaroslaw, 8.08 5 4 Gwendolyn Cline - Sondra Rothstein, Las Vegas NV 376.05 Thurman Rock - Patricia Rock, Irvine CA; Jack Rippy - Sharon 6.06 6 Spencer Jones, Westminster CO; Douglas H Scott, Anchorage AK 374.00 Rippy, Lake Forest CA 8.42 7/8 5 1 Charles Findeisen, Aptos CA; Mary Cohron, Springville AL 370.50 vs 3.98 7/8 George Kovarik - Pat Kovarik, Henderson NV 370.50 Bill Johnson - Wendy Turk - Jeffrey Burd - Margaret Devere, Den- 4.36 9 6 Richard Stell, Houston TX; Steve Vaughn, Humble TX 368.00 ver CO 6.32 10 7 2 Paul Goldensohn, Henderson NV; B Gidwani, New York NY 367.20 PHOENIX MORNING KNOCKOUTS 4.74 11/12 8 3 Paul Cornelius, Redwood City CA; Leila Gaines, San Mateo CA 366.50 Bracket 1 12 Teams 3.01 11/12 Julie Lever, Las Vegas NV; Sanae Matsumoto, Honolulu HI 366.50 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Eddie 3.55 4 Lawrence Hanna, Huntington Bh CA; Loretta Slaton, Laguna Woods CA Rose, Laguna Niguel CA; Loretta Bromberg, Bel Tiburon CA 361.50 vs 3.50 5 B Horiguchi - Chiye Horiguchi, Gardena CA 353.83 Daniel Colatosti, Waltham MA; John Malley, Pascoag RI; Paul 2.22 6 Matthew Campbell, Lincoln NE; Charity Sack, Chevy Chase MD 348.75 Kinney, Jamaica Plain MA; Ed Lewis, Falls Church VA; James Murphy, Chesapeake VA; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY SIDE SERIES Daniel Boye, Syracuse NY; Sheldon Justan, Henderson NV; Dou- 176 Pairs glas Ross, Rochester NY; Albert Shrive, Clarks Green PA A B C vs 12.22 1 1 Susan Ostrowski, Arlington MA; Richard Willey, Alameda CA 216.00 Ann Labe - G S Jade Barrett, Vancouver WA; Michael Katz, San 9.17 2 Sue Weinstein - Darlene Hammond, Las Vegas NV 212.75 Ramon CA; Richard Wieland, Falls Church VA; Allan Graves, West 8.08 3 2 1 John Entsminger - Jill Entsminger, Henderson NV 202.50 Newbury VT 6.06 4 3 Edward Rainone - David Kayner, Las Vegas NV 199.50 3.87 5 Roy Hoppe, San Rafael CA; Gail Haire, Tiburon CA 199.00 Jay Mann, Fort Lauderdale FL; Barry Harper, Regina SK; Don 4.54 6 4 Bette Anne Gilbert - John Gilbert, Kitchener ON 198.00 Campbell, Saskatoon SK; Marilyn Hemenway, Omaha NE; 2.17 7 Barbara Steffek, St Petersburg FL; Alice Manzer, Fredericton NB 196.50 Waldemar Frukacz, Ottawa ON; Jarosleaw Cieslak, Paradice PL 2.92 8 Gloria Rabinowitz - Martin Rabinowitz, Narberth PA 196.00 vs 3.41 9 5 Thomas Moore, Lynn MA; Gregory Vernon, Ridgecrest CA 195.00 Ellen Anten, Encino CA; Steve Gross, Westlake Village CA; 2.92 6 Carrie Touslee - Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 193.50 Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Nels Erickson, Meadview 2.11 7 Freda Thornbrough, Downey CA; Olavi Vare, Henderson NV 192.25 AZ; Andrew Vinock, Woodland Hills CA; Stephen Gladyszak, 4.55 2 Faye Alexiev, San Francisco CA; James Norton, Redding CA 185.00 Chelsea MA 3.41 3 Yolanda Dunley - Annette White, Las Vegas NV 178.50 Guy Bruno - Steve Bruno - Darrell Keel, Peoria AZ; Richard 2.56 4 Ivan Stoimirov - Nevena Stoimirov, Mountain View CA 176.50 D’Litzenberger, Leavenworth WA 2.01 5 Barbara Horn - Mildred Graybill, Whittier CA 171.67 vs 1.44 6 June Mitchell, Palm Springs CA; Angelica Whipp, Windermere FL 167.00 Leonard Beck, Fullerton CA; Scott Campbell, Sun City CA; Dale Klinzing, Yucaipa CA; James Griffin Jr, San Bernardino CA WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY MORN SIDE GAMES 317 Players Bracket 2 12 Teams 13.44 1 Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY 129.75% Ranjan Bhaduri, Dundas ON; Raymond Jung, Hamilton ON; Merle 10.28 2/3 Chalice Wells, Melbourne FL 125.35% Stetser - Jean Choi, Honolulu HI 10.28 2/3 Gloria Krauter, Ardmore OK 125.35% vs 6.41 4/5 Sara Parks M D, Owensboro KY 121.23% Yas Takeda, Hacienda Heights CA; Subba Ravipudi, Downey CA; 6.41 4/5 Chuck Said, Nashville TN 121.23% Steve Sperry, Mechanicsvlle VA; Phil Lien, Williamsburg VA; Sorin 6.40 6 Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH 120.02% Samanta, Rochester MN 3.77 7 Marianne Cross, Fernandina BEAch FL 115.79% Henry Wong, Medford MA; Chien-Jen Huang, Nanjing, China; Jeff Fang, Arcadia CA; Tzung-Fang Guo, Los Angeles CA WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SIDE GAMES vs 500 Players Hans Wandel - Naomi Wandel - Jean Eisenstein - Ben Eisenstein, 19.29 1/2 Larry Rich, Cumming GA 129.18% Portland OR 19.29 1/2 Nancy Hetsko, Cumming GA 129.18% 15.66 3/4 Sara Parks M D, Owensboro KY 127.08% Leroy Abinanti, Kent WA; Bob Kiggins, Burnaby BC; Al French, 15.66 3/4 Chuck Said, Nashville TN 127.08% North Vancouver BC; Joerg Schneider, Vancouver BC 8.38 5 Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 123.59% vs 14.40 6 Richard Willey, Alameda CA 123.33% Bernie Lambert, Viking AB; Allan Sorensen - Paul Sorensen, 10.80 7/8 Arlene O’Brien, Laguna Niguel CA 123.07% Berwyn AB; Barbara Jay Cornelia, Columbia SC; Dan Mathieson, 10.80 7/8 Maury Corn, Laguna Niguel CA 123.07% Regina SK 7.33 9 Allan Paul, Las Vegas NV 121.46% Daily Bulletin Page 11

FRIDAY DAYLIGHT OPEN 88 Pairs Greg Warden, Belmont MA; Andrew Skolnick, Bedford Hills NY; A B C Christopher Davis, Sparks NV; Bruce Neiger, Merrick NY; Larry 28.98 1 1 Lulu Minter, Glendora CA; Jiang Gu, Edison NJ 397.00 Ascher - Diana Tenery, Nutley NJ 21.74 2 Charles Parker - Shelley Parker, Apex NC 396.00 vs 16.30 3 Linda Smith - Ron Smith, Hixson TN 388.50 Michael Walrath, Fort Worth TX; Doyle Hughes, Indian Wells AZ; 12.23 4 Alec Price, Red Springs NC; Jeffrey Raynes, Cary NC 378.50 Lawrence Harding, Hampstead NC; Kelley Hwang, New York NY 9.17 5 Jeff Overby, Key West FL; Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 366.50 6.88 6 Michele Foran, Oconomowoc WI; Marjorie Thien, Waukesha WI 366.00 Bracket 3 12 Teams Mark Krusemeyer - Gloria Krusemeyer, Northfield MN; Svetlana 5.16 7 Charlotte Sturm - Stephen Sturm, Whittier CA 363.50 Stojsic, Salt Lake City UT; Doug Adair, Midvale UT 5.84 8 Brian Ellis, Twinsburg OH; Bruce Keidan, Pittsburgh PA 362.50 vs 8.36 9 2 Mary Lindmark, Lyons IL; Bobbie Johnston, Westmont IL 362.00 Mac Busby, San Diego CA; Grant Peacock, Irvine CA; Jack Chao, 4.20 10 Martin Lofgren, Oslo Norway; Ilkka Renno, Luxembourg 359.50 Oceanside CA; Tong Neo Choo, Palo Alto CA 6.27 3 Gay Parrish, Bellingham WA; Jay Brandt, Blaine WA 357.50 4.70 4 John Lien, Surrey BC; Liz Stoneman, White Rock BC 355.50 R. Owen Doster - Barbara Doster, Charlotte NC; David Smith - 3.52 5 Joseph Viola III, Altadena CA; Roy Wilson, West Covina CA 351.00 Gretchen Smith, Salisbury NC 5.64 6 1 Katie Scalamandre - Gino Scalamandre, New York NY 350.00 vs 4.23 2 Man Ho Han, Chicago IL; Jason Rosenfeld, Evanston IL 325.00 Lillian Hilles, Irvine CA; Edwin Hagerman, Lakewood CO; Dick 3.17 3 Bill McGeary - Sheryl Clough, Burien WA 316.00 Duff, Denver CO; Thomas Lenahan, Littleton CO 2.38 4 Alan Carpenter, San Francisco CA; Michael Levin, W Hollywood CA 314.50 1.56 5/6 Greg Morse, Richmond BC; Andy Hellquist, Surrey BC 308.00 Selma Matzye, Riverside CA; Gertrude Glider, Walnut Creek CA; 1.56 5/6 Andrew Steinheimer, Oakland CA; Alisha Hudson, Walnut Grove CA 308.00 Wanda E G Nunan, Victoria BC; Gloria Allan, West Vancouver BC vs FRIDAY SENIOR PAIRS Coni Barlow - Donald Barlow Jr, Royal Oak MI; Curt Hofer - Kathy Hofer, Novi MI 212 Pairs A B C Gerry Schechter, Englewood CO; William Fitch, Denver CO; 23.84 1 Alan Darman, Boca Raton FL; William Vinson, Delray Beach FL 398.50 Carolyn Newcomb - Jerry Newcomb, Littleton CO 17.88 2 Sheila Bleiman - Jim Woodside, Sun City West AZ 393.50 vs 13.41 3 Peg Cundiff - Dewy Cundiff, Las Vegas NV 392.00 John Bortins, Louisville CO; Jane Ranney - Jerry Ranney, Morrison 18.05 4 1 Constance Hrabchak - Neville Dowe, Watertown NY 388.00 CO; Nancy Benamati, Aurora CO 13.54 5 2 Bernard Karlen - Antone Walloch, Las Vegas NV 386.50 5.66 6 Jacqueline Karlen, Las Vegas NV; Ernest Inada, Henderson NV 382.50 Bracket 4 13 Teams 4.24 7 Marlene Meyer - David Meyer, Scranton PA 381.00 Irene Powers, Naples FL; Eileen Tortorice, Bonita Spgs FL; Al 10.15 8 3 Ardy McLeod, Apache Jct AZ; Audrey Ochs, Hamilton MT 380.50 Schlanger - Dorothy Schlanger, West Palm Beach FL 2.72 9 Susan Abrams - Norm Rosen, Sun City West AZ 378.00 vs 2.80 10 Richard Gibons, Princeton IL; Ronald Simmons, Lasalle IL 374.50 Jean Monette, Hallandale FL; Renato Robledo, Philadelphia PA; 7.61 11 4 Martin Steinberg, Bloomington IL; Robert Lau, Dunedin FL 373.00 Gloria Krauter, Ardmore OK; Thomas Martin, North Las Vegas 5.71 5 Margaret Carnes, Muncie IN; Cherie Lukert, Colbert GA 371.00 NV 4.28 6 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 364.00 William Wood Jr - Patricia Wood, Hartsdale NY; Gregory 3.50 7 M Sherrod - Marge Bartel, Austin TX 362.50 McLaughlin, Irvine CA; Margaret Maidment, Bakersfield CA 2.87 8 Arline O’Neill - Robert O’Neill Jr, Annapolis MD 361.50 vs 3.46 9 Michael Su - Ying Chin Yeh, Bellevue WA 360.50 Larry King, Hanalei HI; John Javella, Burnham IL; Ruth 7.84 1 Dean Truair - Lawton Hutchison, Austin TX 360.00 Goodpasture, Bourbonnais IL; Chandler Flickinger, Portola Val- 5.88 2 J Craig Saunders - Lynda Saunders, Sun Valley ID 341.00 ley CA 4.41 3 Fran Wakely - David Wakely, Belleair FL 334.50 Mae Koh, Studio City CA; Carole Chiang - Chao-Wang Chiang, 3.31 4 Cecil Henry - Mary Ann Henry, Kingman AZ 332.00 Rapid City SD; Gary Fan, Florence KY 2.48 5 Roger Hallum - Jeanie Bettis, Vancouver WA 326.50 vs 1.86 6 Korkut Ergun - Sakir Sarimakci, Istanbul 324.00 Claude Tremblay - Muriel Tremblay, Kanata ON; Carolyn Boone - Robert Boone, Bend OR FRIDAY AFTERNOON 300/200 PAIRS 48 Pairs Ben Dobson, Cottonwood AZ; Suzanne Wells, Flagstaff AZ; Robert A B Probasco, Moscow ID; Rochelle Goldenberg, Chicago IL 4.76 1 1 Penny Wentworth - Anne Wynsen, Villa Park CA 109.29 vs 3.57 2 2 Joann Schmidt, Andover KS; Dixie Adair, Rose Hill KS 102.43 Pradeep Jhawar - Vandana Jhawar - Aniko Szabo - Tamas Szabo, 2.68 3 Louise St Arnault - Lois Tracey, Scottsdale AZ 100.70 Layton UT 2.01 4 Jo Ann Morris - Richard Gardner, Ogden UT 100.00 Bracket 5 16 Teams 2.09 5 3 Helene Saldi, Naples FL; Lynne Helmer, Lethbridge AB 98.50 Kai-Chiu Chan, Chino Hills CA; Bernice Blough, Oceanside CA; 1.57 6 4 Rita Korn, Narberth PA; Marsha Postar, Lubbock TX 96.36 Phyllis Smith, Cambridge WI; Dawn Jacobson, Madison WI 1.18 5 Gina Diamond - Richard Hoffman, Surrey BC 93.21 vs 0.88 6 Shirley Reid, London ON; Margaret Peterson, Grand Forks ND 92.50 Errol McAlexander, Denver CO; Frances Evans - Brett Goldston, Seattle WA; David Osmundsen, Wheat Ridge CO FRIDAY EVENING SWISS TEAMS 19 Teams Anne Tomlinson - Betty McDonald - Dorothy Boice, Atlanta GA; A B C Patricia Riding, Smith’s, Bermuda 4.06 1 1 Charles Ettelson - Jane Ettelson, Saint Louis MO; Penny vs Wentworth - Anne Wynsen, Villa Park CA 62.00 F. Marion Fletcher, Statesboro GA; Deb Phillips, N Little Rock 3.05 2 Sheryl Finkenstadt - William Finkenstadt, St Charles MO; Carl AR; Dean Jenkins - Shelly Hershberger, Kailua Kona HI; Dou- Bohman Sr - Marilyn Bohman, Englewood OH 57.00 glas Troxel, Holualoa HI; Craig Chapman, EBU 2.28 3 2 1 Roger Niemi - David Gustafson - Barbara Lander - James Earlam, Henderson NV 55.00 Edward Sutcliffe, Sonoma CA; Coline Maclean, Los Gatos CA; Lois Tracey - Louise St Arnault, Scottsdale AZ 1.71 4 Jeff Sinclair - Doug Cannon - Long Wu - John Thrall, San vs Francisco CA 49.00 Brian Hegarty - Elaine West Fry, Colorado Springs CO; Joy 1.45 5/6 3/4 Saul Morantz, Winnipeg MB; Ann Lehrer, Palm Desert CA; Carol McHaffie - Art McHaffie - Neil Hunter - Anita Carlson, Santa Fe Bloomfield - Norman Bloomfield, Encino CA 48.00 NM 1.45 5/6 3/4 Lisa Burton, Austin TX; Michael Wickham, Naperville IL; Kevin Epley, Kent WA; Lindsay Pearlman, Trumbull CT 48.00 W. Ann Wilson - Robert Wilson, Ventura CA; Bob Weise - Cathy 0.93 5 James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe, Edmonton AB; Howard Montemurro, Weise, Reno NV Caledon ON; Thomas Tortorice, Bonita Springs FL 46.00 vs 1.23 2/3 Jo Ellen Praklet, Dublin CA; Gary Shepley, Houston TX; Alexander Shary Watson, Corsicana TX; Elaine Wood, Southlake TX; Donna Tampilang, Campbell CA; Gary Rao, 40.00 Rice, Traverse City MI; Patricia Wright, Charlotte NC 1.23 2/3 Marcia Hatfield, Westerville OH; Linda Rice, Worthington OH; John Ritz - Joan Ritz, Delaware OH 40.00

FRIDAY EVENING 50/20/5 PAIRS 22 Pairs TheBuffet temporary buffetat thewill move Hilton to Ballroom A A B C beginning Thanksgiving Day and lasting through Sun- 2.21 1 Ellen Mortensen - William Mortensen, Corona CA 111.50 day, Nov. 25. Brunch hours are 7 – 11 a.m. and the 1.66 2 Marlene Levitt, Montville NJ; Arnold Levitt, Lawrenceville NJ 104.50 price is $6.95 plus tax. The dinner buffet hours are 11 1.49 3 1 1 Nancy Winter - Mark Winter, Edina MN 102.00 a.m. – 10 p.m. and the price is $9.75 per person, plus 1.10 4 Clifford Louie, Herlong CA; Nancy Jung, San Francisco CA 101.50 tax. Children under 12 are half price. 1.12 5 2 David Fott, Las Vegas NV; David Welch, Toronto ON 99.00 The buffet moves back to the Steakhouse and 0.84 6 3 2 Maurice Ormon, Vancouver BC; Jeff Harris, Las Vegas NV 98.50 Andiamo on Monday, Nov. 26 and will be open for 0.63 4 Curtis Barbee - Pamela Barbee, Newnan GA 86.00 brunch only. 0.55 3 Laila Lewis, Las Vegas NV; Daniel Garrison, Beaverton OR 73.00 Page 12 Daily Bulletin

Because of severe computer problemsUpdate Thursday evening(all on missing our computers lost Thanksgiving their hard drives because of aDay virus infection), results some sections of Thursday’s events got lost in the shuffle. They have been reconstructed below. THURSDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME 110 Pairs A B C 9.86 1 Chuck Said, Nashville TN; Sara Parks M D, Owensboro KY 198.00 7.40 2 1 Helene Blumenau, Dallas TX; Ruth Ableman, Irvine CA 195.00 5.55 3 Patricia Elms, Newport Beach CA; Madie Brice, Cordova TN 194.00 5.46 4 2 Emma Jean Anderson, Sacramento CA; Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 192.11 2.73 5/6 Liane Turner - Donald Turner, Muskegon MI 192.00 2.73 5/6 Mike Sloan, Jeffersonville IN; Betty Mattison, Louisville KY 192.00 4.10 3 Janice Nakao - Thomas Quinlan, San Mateo CA 188.50 3.07 4 Maury Corn - Arlene O’Brien, Laguna Niguel CA 184.00 2.30 5 Sherry Wynn, Carpentersvle IL; Daniel Wynn, Carpentersville IL 182.00 1.91 6 Diana Bernal, Bogota CL; Miguel Barriosm, N Y NY 175.50 4.40 1 Rita Jacobsen, Denver CO; Charlotte Scharton, Las Vegas NV 172.50 3.30 2 George Wolford - Phyllis Wolford, Lyme NH 172.00 2.48 3 Chris Jones - Lilian Jones, Houston TX 171.50 1.86 4 Mimi Sina, Aventura FL; V Emberson, Portland OR 168.00 1.39 5 Barry Balof, Hanover NH; Patricia Wright, Charlotte NC 163.94 1.23 6 Jo Bakulich - John Bakulich, Fullerton CA 163.00

THURSDAY FAST PAIRS SECOND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION WW EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Shelley Parker - Charles Parker, Apex NC 175.00 1 1 Jim Zahlen - John Tarang, Las Vegas NV 186.00 2 1 Mary McManus, Houston TX; Dorothy Robinson, Las Vegas NV 162.00 2/3 John Thomas - Melinda Dahlman, Las Vegas NV 141.00 3 2 Muffie Gur - Reha Gur, Leonardo NJ 159.00 2/3 Kenneth Marcroft - Carole Marcroft, Dayton OH 141.00 4 Janice Seamon-Molson, Miami FL; Barton Buffington, North Kingstown RI 154.00 4 2 John Boackle Jr, Poway CA; Diane Miller, Ridgecrest CA 138.50 5 3 Nelda Avent, Tyler TX; Benjamin Akkerboom, Apeldoorn CP 144.50 5 3 1 Laura Tolkow - Terry Oleske, New York NY 135.00 6 Richard Hull, Long Beach CA; Robert Sullivan, San Diego CA 135.50 6/7 4 2 J J Armour - Kenneth Kaufman, Derwood MD 134.50 1 Robert Wilson - W. Ann Wilson, Ventura CA 102.50 6/7 Kathy Mowery - Dean Lange, Mesa AZ 134.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION XX EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Judith Shulman, Albany NY; Sharon Lyons, Schenectady NY 150.60 1/2 1/2 1/2 Larry Barr, Austin TX; Mark Steele, Livingston TX 169.50 2 1 Lawrence Lau, Westport CT; Kelley Hwang, New York NY 149.77 1/2 1/2 1/2 Lawrence Harding, Hampstead NC; John Herriot, Los Angles CA 169.50 3 Penny Snow, Beeville TX; J Hughes, Waterloo IA 149.00 3 3 Malcolm Barker, Bucks England; Myriam Milgrom, Miami FL 155.50 4 Nanette Kelley - Bob Ayers, Baton Rouge LA 146.59 4 Scott Humphrey - Rosemary Kelley, Austin TX 143.50 5 2 1 Alan Carpenter, San Francisco CA; Michael Levin, West Hollywood CA 145.36 5 Proctor Hawkins, Las Vegas NV; John Van Ness, Aspen CO 143.00 6 Phillis Herbster - Louis Herbster, Tucson AZ 140.09 6 4 Connie Anderson - Gerald Vaughan, Knoxville TN 141.00 3 Richard Wisemiller, Clearwater FL; Adrienne Muslin, Tampa FL 138.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION YY EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jim Cheney, Hilo HI; Jean Choi, Honolulu HI 158.00 1 Michael Flanagan - Barbara Flanagan, Thousand Oaks CA 174.50 2 Elmer Jean Dryer, Palm Desert CA; John Dryer, Burke VA 156.50 2 Jane Teel - Robert Teel Jr, Rockford AL 167.50 3 Robert Carteaux, Fort Wayne IN; Jim Linhart, Delray Beach FL 152.00 3 1 Annette Clark - Frederic Hadley, Indianapolis IN 156.00 4 R Bogen, New York NY; Jacqueline Walker, San Diego CA 146.00 4 2 Marge Bartel - June Wolffe, Austin TX 139.50 5 1 Peter Petruzzellis, Toronto ON; Carolyn Feldman, Downsview ON 137.50 5 M Burgess-Strauss - Andris Strauss, Abingdon MD 138.00 6 2 Nancy Perry, Melbourne FL; Elaine Edgeton, Ind Hbr Bch FL 136.00 6 3 Angeline Murray, Danville CA; Teresa Szymczak, Walnut Creek CA 136.00 3 1 Christine Woodring, Setauket NY; Jacquelyn Gernaey, Port Jefferson NY 135.50 1 Joyce Evans, Racine WI; Carol Ahlstrom, Green Valley AZ 114.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION ZZ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jeff Overby, Key West FL; Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 181.50 1 Robert Varty - Dennis Blodgett, Grand Rapids MI 177.00 2 Merle Stetser, Honolulu HI; Walter Casper, Grand Rapids MI 159.00 2 Jean Macdonald, Sacramento CA; Carol Towle, Grass Valley CA 159.50 3 Rick Goldstein - Laura Brill, White Plains NY 144.50 3 Thomas Lum, Honolulu HI; Ted Alexander, Laguna Hills CA 155.50 4 William Vinson, Delray Beach FL; Vincent Messina, Wolfeboro NH 141.00 4/5 1/2 Nadyne Cheary, Silver Spring MD; Jerry Miller, Potomac MD 142.00 5 Donna Addington, Bismarck ND; Barbara Steffek, St Petersburg FL 138.50 4/5 1/2 Celia Austenfeld, Vestal NY; Millie Vibbard, Lady Lake FL 142.00 6/7 1/2 1 Gayle Humphrys - David Humphrys, Fitzroy Harbour ON 130.00 6 Paul Kopelman, Cranford NJ; Walter Fontaine, North Providenc RI 140.00 6/7 1/2 Gay Rhinehart - Julian Dupuis, Kelso WA 130.00 3 Richard Stell, Houston TX; Steve Vaughn, Humble TX 134.50 3 Al Lochli - Judith Ortiz, San Antonio TX 129.50 1 Lyn Luxton - Corinne McCartney, Cranbrook BC 118.50 4 Bobbie Johnston, Westmont IL; Mary Lindmark, Lyons IL 128.00

THURSDAY SENIOR PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GGG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Dariush Youssefi, Half Moon Bay CA; Frank Jackson, Pacifica CA 183.00 1 Vivian Leggett, Waller TX; Ron Woodsum, Houston TX 207.50 2 1 Brigitte Shaw, Boulder CO; Sam Westgate, Arlington VA 177.00 2 1 Al Hall - Nancy Hall, Oxnard CA 192.50 3 2 Loreta Burden - Darlene Barstad, Yuma AZ 173.50 3 2 1 Shirley Wolverton - Richard Wolverton, Fort Worth TX 168.50 4 3 1 Michael Bickley, St George’s BE; John Hoskins, Hamilton BE 172.50 4/5 Gladys Collier, East Hampton NY; Adele Dusenbury, Stony Brook NY 168.00 5 Betty Fine - Betty Lutz, Tucson AZ 164.50 4/5 3 Patricia Ostovar, Pacifica CA; Karen Kelsey, Daly City CA 168.00 6 4 2 Dorothy Purcell - Mack Purcell, Henderson NV 163.00 6/7 4/5 Jim Saxon - Liz Saxon, Ocean Pines MD 160.00 5 Lennie Miller - Tom Miller, Oro Valley AZ 157.00 6/7 4/5 2 Joan Stern, Boulder CO; Maud Greer, Lafayette CO 160.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HHH EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Suzanne Berg - Thomas Loveday, Sequim WA 192.50 1 1 1 Joel Watkins - Billie Watkins, Hearne TX 189.50 2 Elizabeth Poplawsky, Chula Vista CA; Lena Jelusich, San Diego CA 191.50 2 2 David Terris - Robert Liu, Walnut Creek CA 182.00 3 2 Patricia Menefee - Sue Herrmann, Laguna Niguel CA 174.50 3 Robert Baptist - Mary Baptist, Green Valley AZ 179.00 4 Sheila Bleiman - Jim Woodside, Sun City West AZ 171.00 4 Albert Brown, Palm City FL; Thomas Lyon, Las Vegas NV 173.00 5 Marj Robertson - Deana Gratke, Bakersfield CA 168.50 5 3 2 William Dani - Elizabeth Dani, Coronado CA 171.50 6 3 1 David Chakmakian - Marty Chakmakian, Tucson AZ 164.50 6 4 Anna Davis, Sarasota FL; Jennie Branagan, Bradenton FL 168.50 4 Sheila Greenwald, Montreal PQ; Josette Beyrouti, Westmount PQ 163.00 5 Stanley Pace - Jane Pace, Victorville CA 160.50 2 Lee Mathers, Bakersfield CA; Arlene Singer, Elk Grove CA 158.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION III EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Donald Nutter - Darlene Rutledge, Helena MT 197.50 1 1 William Alexander, Ramsey NJ; Arnold Bergen, Oakland NJ 185.00 2 2 Shirley West - Florence Ludwig, Brunswick ME 180.00 2 2 Yolanda Kristiansen - K Kristiansen, Clearwater FL 181.50 3/4 Sandra Hampton, Glenview IL; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT 177.00 3 Nada Sundermeyer - Clay Sundermeyer, Bellevue WA 180.50 3/4 3 Vernon Myers - Georgia Myers, Tacoma WA 177.00 4 Charles Clickner, Clearwater FL; Richard Gibons, Princeton IL 171.50 5 4 1 Lynne Gillies - Robin Gillies, Culver City CA 175.50 5 3 Helen Goss - Norma Harrison, Daytona Beach FL 169.00 6 Neville Dowe, Watertown NY; William Linsenbard, Fullerton CA 174.00 6 4 Louise Tickfer, Niles MI; Pauline Yant, Cambria CA 167.50 2 Jeanette Barnett, Apache Jct AZ; Sally Jester, San Luis Obispo CA 138.50 1 Theodore Bayer, Oro Valley AZ; James King, Tucson AZ 155.00 2 Beverly Dearness - Donna Myers, Surprise AZ 139.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJJ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Susan Abrams - Norm Rosen, Sun City West AZ 180.00 1 1 1 Bram Bevis Dresden - Beverly Tait Dresden, Greenbrae CA 197.50 2 Harvey Voss - Marvie Lou Durbin-Voss, Albuquerque NM 177.50 2/3 Joan Ivey - Ernie Ivey, Santa Maria CA 172.50 3 1 Lois Wagner, Bakersfield CA; Frank Short, Posey CA 175.00 2/3 2 2 John New, Hesperia CA; Nancy Baker, Waianae HI 172.50 4/5 2/3 Ken Lansing, Ashland OR; Madhusudan Patel, Lewisville TX 161.00 4 3 Gary Yant, Cambria CA; Joyce Gehlhaar, Lompoc CA 169.50 4/5 2/3 1 Beverly Maurice - Peter Maurice, London ON 161.00 5 John Currie - Audrey Currie, Palm Desert CA 164.00 6 Paul Gabalis, Woodland WA; Tutty Wetzel, Reno NV 158.50 6/7 James Fellows, Omaha NE; Hugh Maclean, Gonzales TX 163.50 4 Jean Eisenstein - Ben Eisenstein, Portland OR 153.00 6/7 4 Pang-Pen Sheng, Castro Valley CA; Fred Barnes, Piedmont CA 163.50 2 Anne Spitler, Sweetwater TX; Frances Stevenson, Fort Worth TX 150.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LLL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Lesley Waghorn - Dan McCaw, Toronto ON 193.50 1 Bob Luebkeman, Lafayette CA; Larry Cavanaugh, Lemoore CA 202.00 2 1 1 Eileen Geisser, Studio City CA; Susan Raphael, Sherman Oaks CA 191.50 2 1 1 Angela Arnone, Boca Raton FL; Shari Frankel, Highland Beach FL 186.00 3 Bettie Messer-Heldring, Escondido CA; J Russell Bonney, Las Vegas NV 190.50 3 2 Judith Simon - Harvey Wolfe, Boca Raton FL 176.00 4 2 2 George Perrouault - Sherrin Perrouault, Ta Ta Creek BC 176.00 4 3 Bill Dimitt - Betty Ellett, Kokomo IN 171.00 5 John Farr Jr - Lucy Tredennick, Lomita CA 171.50 5 4 Bill Morrison - Susy Morrison, Bartlesville OK 166.50 6 3 Shirley Boyd - Rose Calvin, Houston TX 158.00 6 5 Mary Holman Allen, Mahtomedi MN; John Allen, Saint Paul MN 158.00 4 Lyn Doose - Larry Doose, Thousand Oaks CA 157.50 ` 2 George Stull, Las Vegas NV; Mary Johnson, Freeland WA 150.50

THURSDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME 3RD OF 6 SESSIONS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION PP EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Chuck Said, Nashville TN; Sara Parks M D, Owensboro KY 198.00 1 Jim Senter - Gale Senter, Laguna Niguel CA 186.50 2 Patricia Elms, Newport Beach CA; Madie Brice, Cordova TN 194.00 2 1 Sherry Wynn, Carpentersvle IL; Daniel Wynn, Carpentersville IL 182.00 3 Liane Turner - Donald Turner, Muskegon MI 192.00 3/4 Gay Roach, Nacogdoches TX; Daniel Till, Lincoln NE 171.50 4 Betty Loop, Stratford CT; Lois Zeisler, Fairfield CT 177.00 3/4 2 1 Chris Jones - Lilian Jones, Houston TX 171.50 5 1 1 Mimi Sina, Aventura FL; V Emberson, Portland OR 168.00 5 3 Hans Stocker, Sarasota FL; Frances Bijou, Miami Beach FL 160.00 6 2 A Gorson, Philadelphia PA; Michael Weiner, Coconut Grove FL 157.50 6/7 Nathaniel Reid, Cincinnati OH; Silvana Bellini, St Petersburg FL 156.50 3 2 Ambarina Cantu - Thomas Cantu, SP.GarzaGarcia NL 155.50 6/7 4 Lee Hamre, Dickinson ND; E. Steeves Smith, Mitchell SD 156.50 2 James Damon - Patricia Damon, Sidney ME 152.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Allan Paul, Las Vegas NV; Peter Knee, Glendale CA 187.00 1 1 Helene Blumenau, Dallas TX; Ruth Ableman, Irvine CA 195.00 2 A Harrison, New York NY; Bob Yellis, Great Neck NY 176.00 2 Mike Sloan, Jeffersonville IN; Betty Mattison, Louisville KY 192.00 3 Soohi Synn, Seoul KO; Ken Monzingo, San Diego CA 174.50 3 2 Barbara Benson, Santa Ana CA; Ernest Olness Jr, Billings MT 172.00 4 1 1 Rita Jacobsen, Denver CO; Charlotte Scharton, Las Vegas NV 172.50 4 3 Tema Apozdava - Martha Londono, Medellin CL 171.00 Daily Bulletin Page 13

5 2 Ernie Retetagos - Marcella Kampetis, Pittsburgh PA 167.00 5 Elaine Ware, Vernon BC; Larry Graft, Roseville CA 168.00 6 3 Jean Aceti - Anna Miles, Sudbury ON 156.00 6 4 1 Jo Bakulich - John Bakulich, Fullerton CA 163.00 2 Latricia McConnell, San Diego CA; D Shepler, Charleston WV 152.00 2 Terry Martin, Parkside SK; Lawrence Mason, Fort Collins CO 136.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UU EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Maury Corn - Arlene O’Brien, Laguna Niguel CA 184.00 1 1 Janice Nakao - Thomas Quinlan, San Mateo CA 188.50 2/3 Ralph Slick - Mary Slick, Rio Vista CA 181.50 2 Claude Vogel, Chicago IL; Linda Wong, Poughkeepsie NY 166.50 2/3 Luella Akers, Melbourne Bch FL; Virginia Jaszewski, San Diego CA 181.50 3 2 Peggy Chase, El Paso TX; Alice Ling, Albuquerque NM 165.50 4 2 1 George Wolford - Phyllis Wolford, Lyme NH 172.00 4 3 Sheila Nickerson - Joseph Bussen, Kailua HI 165.00 5 3 Johanna Blackwell - Reece Blackwell, Greenville SC 169.50 5 4 Ruthann Novin, Revere MA; Norma Lande, Marblehead MA 161.00 6 4 Della Willis, Las Vegas NV; Ted Stryker, Manheim PA 168.50 6 5 1 Freya Robinson, Paget BE; Stephen Ball, Hamilton BE 158. 50 2 Linda Pollett, Smith’s BE; Magda Farag, Hamilton BE 153.00 2 Frank Hastings - Linda Hastings, Cranbrook BC 157.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Emma Jean Anderson, Sacramento CA; Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 192.11 1 Eugene Fomin, Kent WA; Gregory Trautman, Olympia WA 191.39 2 W Wayne Sands - James Hall, Iowa City IA 181.28 2 1 Diana Bernal, Bogota CL; Miguel Barriosm, N Y NY 175.50 3 2 Marylyn Harper, Glendale AZ; William Meyer, Las Vegas NV 174.78 3 Bernice Malinowski, Pensacola FL; Alma Grady, Cantonment FL 174.06 4 Bettie Dillon - W Floyd Horton, Green Valley AZ 172.61 4 Jim Elbogen - Judy Elbogen, Mission Viejo CA 169.72 5 Michael Shuman - Ann Walsh, Pasadena CA 171.89 5 2 Nina Lubick-Reich - Neil Reich, Fullerton CA 165.39 3 1 Patricia Humphress, Campbellsville KY; Elva Dee Carter, Beech Grove IN 161.78 3 1 Barry Balof, Hanover NH; Patricia Wright, Charlotte NC 163.94 2 Gwen Christensen, Southampton BE; Dorothy Peniston, Hamilton BE 143.72 4 Laura Raczek, Joliet IL; Carrie Touslee, Roseville CA 154.56 2 Rina Hendrick, Toronto ON; Cal Gabriel, Encinatas CA 143.00

FRIDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS THURSDAY MIDNIGHT ZIP KO TEAMS 58 Pairs Bracket 1 16 Teams A B C 3.94 1 Ronald Sykes, Portland OR; Emerita Hayward, 5.92 1 Sondra Caplin - Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 118.00 Leonardtown MD; Siegfried Lodwig - Mark Mundt, Los Alamos 4.85 2 1 1 Oscar Saffold - Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH 106.43 NM 3.33 3 Bernard Gench, Flushing NY; Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY 100.20 2.96 2 Kyle Mattes - Melissa Mattes, Irving TX; Joe 2.50 4 Betty Loop, Stratford CT; Joan Martin, Bridgeport CT 100.00 Clark - Shaun Chooi, Dallas TX 3.64 5 2 2 John Tillotson - Janice Tillotson, Dana Point CA 98.64 1.97 3/4 Clyde D’Arcy, Parker CO; Marilyn Bost, Au- 2.73 6 3 Raj Pruthi, Bellaire TX; Reiko Raese, Boulder CO 98.09 rora CO; Sharon Rothrock, Reading MA; Bob Fogle, Canterbury NH 2.13 4 3 Heidi Starke - Julia Johnson, Blue Springs MO 96.20 1.97 3/4 Michael Diesel, Saint Marys KS; Brenda 1.71 5 Bea Bahr - Chet Bahr, Rochester MN 95.50 Montague, Swampscott MA; Stephanie Hamilton-Diesel, Saugus 1.60 6 4 Thomas Cox - Patrick Thomas, St Petersburg FL 93.93 MA; Jay Gottesfeld, North Andover MA 1.23 5 Spencer Newman, Moorpark CA; Barbara Rinehart, Lancaster CA 93.50 2.33 6 Andreas Traks - Elmerice Traks, Cleveland OH 93.00 Bracket 2 16 Teams 3.94 1 Elisabeth Jereski, Santa Monica CA; Marjorie FRIDAY MORNING 300/200/50 PAIRS Michelin - Nandkumar Bakshani, Los Angeles CA; David Sokolow, 58 Pairs Austin TX; John Jones, Lakewood CA A B C 2.96 2 Andrew Skolnick, Bedford Hills NY; Greg 5.46 1 Timmi Pracna, Ketchum ID; Steven Frickey, Hailey ID 109.04 Warden, Belmont MA; Walter Fontaine, North Providenc RI; Bruce 4.36 2 1 Nancy Benedict - Gerald Benedict, Englewood CO 103.67 Neiger, Merrick NY 3.07 3 Richard Jacobs, San Jose CA; Thomas Coleman, San Leandro CA 102.83 1.97 3/4 Joon Pahk, Berkeley CA; Li-Chung Chen, 3.27 4 2 James Norris - Julie Waterfall, Grosse Pointe MI 102.78 Cupertino CA; Chien-Jen Huang, Nanjing, China; Tzung-Fang 2.45 5 3 James Rash, Bellefontaine OH; Patricia Whalen, West Liberty OH 99.50 Guo, Los Angeles CA 1.84 6 4 Robert Graber - Sharon Louvier, Seabrook TX 99.29 1.97 3/4 Michael O’Hara - Bette Meers-O’Hara, San 1.38 5 Karen Thiel, Shellbrook SK; Eleanor Calder, Stenen SK 99.22 Francisco CA; Latricia McConnell, San Diego CA; Nancy Chapman, Pacifica CA 1.79 6 1 William Farnan, Ormond Beach FL; Patricia McElliott, Orland Park IL 97.87 1.40 2 Jeff Leighton, Detroit Lakes MN; Bob Leighton, Reedsport OR 97.12 1.01 3 Shantaprasad Upasani - Deepa Upasani, Brea CA 93.00 0.76 4 Faye Stanhope, Henderson NV; Ginger Stickell, Las Vegas NV 89.21 0.63 5 Nancy Jansen, Henderson NV; Bob Fleck, Las Vegas NV 81.15 Count your tricks again Most of the timeBy it’s Tim easy Bourke to regroup after an unfa- FRIDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS 22 Pairs vorable development but many players find it harder to A B do so after a positive one. That was the case on this 1.96 1 1 Marlene McCauslin, Henderson NV; Dianne Rogots, Las Vegas NV 108.50 hand from a knockout match on Thursday afternoon: 1.47 2 David Fott, Las Vegas NV; David Welch, Toronto ON 103.00 « K J 9 7 0.97 3/4 Bill Bailey - June Bailey, Fullerton CA 98.50 ª J 4 0.97 3/4 Marion Lacey - Donald Lacey, Clearwater FL 98.50 © A J 7 5 3 2 0.69 5 2 Susan Nelson, Los Angeles CA; Barbara Christensen, Blue Jay CA 97.00 ¨ Q 0.49 6 Robert Powers, St Louis MO; Ruth Seldin, Saint Louis MO 92.00 « Q 8 6 3 « 10 4 0.50 3 Laila Lewis, North Las Vegas NV; Daniel Garrison, Beaverton OR 90.00 6 2 Q 10 8 3 0.41 4 Robert Loch - Dianne Loch, Henderson NV 89.50 ª ª © K Q 9 © 10 8 6 10 8 7 2 K J 9 4 FRIDAY AFTERNOON 50/100 PAIRS ¨ ¨ A 5 2 46 Pairs « A B ª A K 9 7 5 3.85 1 1 William Jaras - Carol Jaras, Brecksville OH 101.57 © 4 2.89 2 2 Robert Erwin - C Suzanne Erwin, Portsmouth RI 100.50 ¨ A 6 5 3 2.17 3 3 Anne Sherlock - Carol Harries, Kingston ON 100.43 West North East South 1.62 4 Edwin Glickman, Snowmass CO; Rita Hiller, Idaho Falls ID 97.00 1© Pass 1ª 1.28 5/6 Donald Huber - Susan Huber, Canfield OH 95.50 Pass 1« Pass 2¨ (1) 1.23 5/6 4 William Farnan, Ormond Beach FL; Gerald Pittler, Vienna VA 95.50 Pass 2© Pass 2ª 0.90 5 Roger Niemi - David Gustafson, Henderson NV 95.36 Pass 3ª Pass 4ª 0.64 6 Shantaprasad Upasani - Deepa Upasani, Brea CA 94.07 All Passforcing to game (1) Fourth suit forcing to game SIDE GAME SERIES #4 West led the 6 to the 4, 10 and king. Declarer 152 Pairs ª A B C now played a spade to the jack and, after that held, 11.64 1 1 Gerri Knilans - Hal Knilans, Thousand Oaks CA 216.00 played the «7 to the 10 and ace. Unfortunately, she 8.73 2 2 Ben Eisenstein - Jean Eisenstein, Portland OR 195.50 decided to embark on an approximately 60% line. She 6.55 3 Richard Laver, Boulder CO; Tom Schmied, Littleton CO 193.58 cashed the ¨A, ruffed a club, cashed the ©A, ruffed a 4.30 4/5 Serene Paul - Allan Paul, Las Vegas NV 191.50 diamond, then played the ªK followed by the «5 to 5.38 4/5 3 Wayne Timms, Waterloo ON; Farol Sax, Scottsdale AZ 191.50 the «9. Alas, East ruffed and the defense cashed four 2.92 6 James Edmunds, Altamonte Springs FL; Marcia Lanphear, Chattanooga TN tricks. This would have succeeded if East started with 190.50 three spades or ªQ-x-x. 6.07 7/9 4/5 1 Pennell Somsen, New York NY; John Tarang, Las Vegas NV 187.50 While there were a number of lines that would get 2.92 7/9 Jean Willis, El Dorado AR; John Herrmann, Chattanooga TN 187.50 declarer home, the fortunate fall of «10 should have 3.53 7/9 4/5 Roberta Anderson - Robert Anderson, Carson City NV 187.50 pointed South to the winning approach of leading a 2.27 6 Anne Hambric - Sherry Strube, Glendale CA 186.50 low heart at trick four. This was sure to succeed unless 4.55 2 Zachary Meta Taggart - Erica Paige Taggart, Kailua HI 180.50 3.41 3 V Emberson, Portland OR; Mimi Sina, Aventura FL 176.50 West had led a trump from ªQ-x-x or the ª6 had been 2.56 4 Frank Hastings - Linda Hastings, Cranbrook BC 176.00 singleton. Here, after East won the ªQ, it would have 1.92 5 Mike Annett - Lynne Annett, Hood River OR 175.50 allowed declarer to win the club return with the ace, 1.44 6 Andrew Hanes, Provincetown MA; Richard Bellerose, San Francisco CA 172.50 draw the remaining trumps and claim 10 tricks – four tricks in each of the majors to go along with the minor- suit aces. Page 14 Daily Bulletin

FRIDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sondra Caplin - Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 118.00 1 1 1 Andreas Traks - Elmerice Traks, Cleveland OH 93.00 2/3 1 Bea Bahr - Chet Bahr, Rochester MN 95.50 2 2 Raymond Yuenger, Campbell CA; Daniel Kroll, San Francisco CA 92.00 2/3 Thomas Lum - Patsy Lum, Honolulu HI 95.50 3 Jarek Wyganowski, Fargo ND; William Treble, Winnipeg MB 89.00 4 2 1 Spencer Newman, Moorpark CA; Barbara Rinehart, Lancaster CA 93.50 4 3 Russell Samuel, Locust Valley NY; Barry Samuel, Santa Cruz CA 88.50 3 2 Edward Zuckerberg - Randi Zuckerberg, Dobbs Ferry NY 77.50 2 Frank Hastings - Linda Hastings, Cranbrook BC 87.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Betty Loop, Stratford CT; Joan Martin, Bridgeport CT 100.00 1 Bernard Gench, Flushing NY; Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY 100.20 2 1 1 Heidi Starke - Julia Johnson, Blue Springs MO 96.20 2 1 1 John Tillotson - Janice Tillotson, Dana Point CA 98.64 3 2 2 Thomas Cox - Patrick Thomas, St Petersburg FL 93.93 3 Tom Wylie, Woodland Hills CA; Jack Triplett, Inkom ID 96.57 4 3 Richard Willey, Alameda CA; Stephen Pickett, Vancouver BC 92.71 4 Paul Nimmons - Terry Currie, Houston TX 85.07 2 2 Dean Jenkins - Shelly Hershberger, Kailua Kona HI 85.00 3 Jeffrey Thomas, Columbia SC; Kathryn Alipanah, Midlothian VA 83.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Oscar Saffold - Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH 106.43 1 1 Raj Pruthi, Bellaire TX; Reiko Raese, Boulder CO 98.09 2 Marianne Cross, Fernandina Bch FL; Shannon Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 96.43 2 Geoffrey Cross, Fernandina FL; Robert Hirschhaut, Boynton Beach FL 88.71 3 2 2 Ito Tsukasa, Kamakuro,Japan; Nobuko Wakasa, Kawasaki-Shi, Japan 88.93 3 2 Carl Michelet - R Mocker, Goleta CA 88.07 4 Marylyn Harper, Glendale AZ; William Meyer, Las Vegas NV 85.93 4 3 Tony Fugit, Sandy UT; Barbara Betz, Las Vegas NV 85.57 1 Tom Moran, Baldwin NY; Jacqueline Polier, Raleigh NC 83.57 2 James Potter - Valerie Potter, Las Vegas NV 79.93

FRIDAY MORNING 300/200/50 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Robert Graber - Sharon Louvier, Seabrook TX 99.29 1 1 1 Jeff Leighton, Detroit Lakes MN; Bob Leighton, Reedsport OR 97.12 2 2 1 William Farnan, Ormond Beach FL; Patricia McElliott, Orland Park IL 97.87 2 2 Dixie Adair, Rose Hill KS; Joann Schmidt, Andover KS 94.28 3 Andi Parham, Tempe AZ; Barbara Naschold, Cardiff CA 97.64 3 3 John Green, San Bruno CA; Joan Shaffer, San Mateo CA 93.72 4 3 Jill Seagren - Stephen Seagren, La Jolla CA 92.57 4 4 Jeanne Walters, Modesto CA; Alexander Tampilang, Campbell CA 90.26 2 Faye Stanhope, Henderson NV; Ginger Stickell, Las Vegas NV 89.21 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RRR EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Timmi Pracna, Ketchum ID; Steven Frickey, Hailey ID 109.04 1 1 Nancy Benedict - Gerald Benedict, Englewood CO 103.67 2 Richard Jacobs, San Jose CA; Thomas Coleman, San Leandro CA 102.83 2 2 James Norris - Julie Waterfall, Grosse Pointe MI 102.78 3 1 Ruth Horner, Sunapee NH; Marilyn Kay, Southbury CT 96.00 3 3 James Rash, Bellefontaine OH; Patricia Whalen, West Liberty OH 99.50 4 2 1 Shantaprasad Upasani - Deepa Upasani, Brea CA 93.00 4 4 Gregory Vernon, Ridgecrest CA; Lee Weiss, Plymouth Mtng PA 81.91 3 Gordon Robinett - Vilma Robinett, Fort Mohave AZ 92.50 1 Susan Shramko - Bert Shramko, Bridgman MI 75.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION ZZZ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Beryl Maddox - Franklin Maddox, Madison IN 95.71 1 1 Karen Thiel, Shellbrook SK; Eleanor Calder, Stenen SK 99.22 2 Michael Deegan, Arlington VA; Mary Weaver, Burlington ON 91.35 2 2 Clarke Fairbrother, Santa Ana CA; Robert Walton, Culver City CA 95.86 3 1 Shan Warrick - Arthur Warrick, Tucson AZ 89.14 3 Anita Carlson - Neil Hunter, Santa Fe NM 93.36 4 2 Gerald Purcell - Bonnie Purcell, Mission BC 89.07 4 3 Robert Willmann, San Diego CA; Ruth Orth, Henderson NV 84.86 3 Bob Blackledge - William Nabors, Colorado Spgs CO 86.54 1 Nancy Jansen, Henderson NV; Bob Fleck, Las Vegas NV 81.15 1 Marlene Adam, Denver CO; David Rabb, Highlands Ranch CO 73.35 FRIDAY DAYLIGHT OPEN PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION AAA EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Errol LeCesne, Grand Junction CO; Howard Dunnington, Las Vegas NV 181.50 1 John Dryer, Burke VA; Elmer Jean Dryer, Palm Desert CA 191.50 2 David Weisman, Englewood NJ; Ronald Felton, New York NY 177.00 2 1 1 Katie Scalamandre - Gino Scalamandre, New York NY 175.50 3 Jim Cleary, Bloomfield CT; Tom Joyce, Colchester CT 175.00 3 Charles Parker - Shelley Parker, Apex NC 172.50 4 2 1 Greg Morse, Richmond BC; Andy Hellquist, Surrey BC 170.00 4 2 Theodore Teel Jr, Dallas TX; Trev Teel III, Carrollton TX 172.00 5 3 Henry Daley, Weymouth MA; Kenneth McNeill, Randolph MA 167.50 5 John Wong, Anaheim Hills CA; Patrick Leung, Valencia CA 171.50 6 4 Annette Clark - Frederic Hadley, Indianapolis IN 167.00 6 3 Rhoda Nussbaum, Edison NJ; Leo Rosenbluth, New York NY 170.50 2 Bill McGeary - Sheryl Clough, Burien WA 155.00 4 Katharine Feiock, Baltimore MD; Steven Ivins, Arlington VA 164.50 2 James Norton - Diane Norton, Redding CA 142.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION BBB EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Brian Ellis, Twinsburg OH; Bruce Keidan, Pittsburgh PA 177.00 1 Alec Price, Red Springs NC; Jeffrey Raynes, Cary NC 208.50 2/3 Linda Smith - Ron Smith, Hixson TN 176.50 2 Kai Larsen, Las Vegas NV; Ron Von Der Porten, Poland 185.50 2/3 1 Betty Bursey, Herndon VA; Lucy McCoy, Mc Lean VA 176.50 3 Charlotte Sturm - Stephen Sturm, Whittier CA 182.00 4 2 Gay Parrish, Bellingham WA; Jay Brandt, Blaine WA 174.50 4 1 Alina Grier, Bridgman MI; Joyce Penn, Columbus OH 175.50 5 3 Mary Lindmark, Lyons IL; Bobbie Johnston, Westmont IL 173.50 5 R Craig Hemphill - Kevin Hemphill, Jacksonville FL 173.00 6 4 1 Andrew Steinheimer, Oakland CA; Alisha Hudson, Walnut Grove CA 172.00 6 2 Kevin Podsiadlik, Dallas TX; Bob Wilkin, Highland Villag TX 172.50 2 Man Ho Han, Chicago IL; Jason Rosenfeld, Evanston IL 165.50 3 1 Douglas Gundlach, Birmingham AL; Richard Burgoon, Ocala FL 157.00 4 Nancy Grimes, Marshall WI; Sharel Surles, Madison WI 156.50 2 Jonathan Levell, Oak Park IL; Chuck Chang, Evanston IL 130.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION DDD EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Martin Lofgren, Oslo NW; Ilkka Renno, Luxembourg 186.00 1 1 Lulu Minter, Glendora CA; Jiang Gu, Edison NJ 192.50 2 Judith Weisman, Englewood NJ; John Solodar, New York NY 180.50 2 Michele Foran, Oconomowoc WI; Marjorie Thien, Waukesha WI 190.00 3 1 John Lien, Surrey BC; Liz Stoneman, White Rock BC 176.50 3 Gay Miller, Centerville OH; Terry Parker, Medway OH 189.00 4 2 Christopher Class, Mammoth Hot Spg WY; Justine Hancock, Las Vegas NV 173.00 4 Jeff Overby, Key West FL; Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 186.50 5 3 Gary Schwartz, Watertown MA; Benjamin Goldsmith, Las Vegas NV 167.50 5 2 1 Helen Hostettler, Santa Barbara CA; David Lund, Minneapolis MN 178.00 6 4 Harry Allen Jr - Pamela Allen, Las Vegas NV 167.00 6/7 3 Larry Klein - Terry Mays, Cincinnati OH 151.00 1 Pat McCoy, Seba Beach AB; J Cote, Edmonton AB 130.50 6/7 Carl Dahl Jr - Marie Dahl, Northridge CA 151.00 2 Lee Mathers, Bakersfield CA; Marcia Wolf, Chicago IL 125.00 4 Dorothy Magrath - Edwin Rauth, Sun City West AZ 142.00 2 Anne Louise Martyn, Dashwood ON; Betsy Aaron, London ON 140.50

FRIDAY SENIOR PAIRS FIRST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION EEE EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Peg Cundiff - Dewy Cundiff, Las Vegas NV 192.00 1 1 Ram Hira, North Vancouver BC; Don Keith, New Westminster BC 177.00 2 Peter Kalat, Bedford NY; Carlos Munoz, White Plains NY 186.00 2 2 1 Larry Doose - Lyn Doose, Thousand Oaks CA 175.50 3 1 Lorena Choplin - Dorothy McDermott, Sacramento CA 176.00 3 3 2 Michael Bickley, St George’s BE; Eleanor Gendill, Denver CO 172.50 4 2 Arline O’Neill - Robert O’Neill Jr, Annapolis MD 172.50 4 4 B Robert Simrak, Saddlebrooke AZ; Frances Hammond, Tucson AZ 170.50 5 3 1 J Jay Jones - Gerry Jones, Surprise AZ 168.00 5 Jim Saunders - Noni Saunders, Hemet CA 161.00 6 Marlene Meyer - David Meyer, Scranton PA 167.00 6 Eva Upper, Mississauga ON; Carl Bolhuis, Ottawa ON 159.50 4 2 Joan Jacobson, Centerville MA; Jerry Cohen, Winnipeg MB 160.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJJ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Alan Darman, Boca Raton FL; William Vinson, Delray Beach FL 196.50 1 Joan Ivey - Ernie Ivey, Santa Maria CA 192.00 2 1 Tricia Kane - June Wolffe, Austin TX 189.00 2 1 Don Weglin - Shirley Weglin, Henderson NV 190.00 3 2 Beverly Impara - Carol Robey, Roanoke VA 180.50 3 Arnold Federman, Palisades Park NJ; Lenore Silver, New York NY 178.00 4 3 Margaret Carnes, Muncie IN; Cherie Lukert, Colbert GA 175.50 4 John Farr Jr - Lucy Tredennick, Lomita CA 171.50 5 Steve Lawrence - Sara Granger, Athens TX 170.50 5 2 Marian Knapp - Warren Knapp, Santa Barbara CA 165.50 6 4 1 M Morgan - H Morgan Jr, Virginia Beach VA 164.50 6 3 Julie Noyes - Vesna Hauptfeld, Waterford CT 163.50 2 Beverly Tait Dresden - Bram Bevis Dresden, Greenbrae CA 153.50 4 1 Petr Langston - Marit Langston, Brighton England 154.50 5 2 Jay Moorehead, Glenview IL; Jay Hardy 152.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LLL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Ardy McLeod, Apache Jct AZ; Audrey Ochs, Hamilton MT 201.00 1 Susi Katz Ross - Harry Ross, Winter Spgs FL 186.50 2 2 R Fieler, Boca Raton FL; Jean Troyer, Joliet IL 181.50 2 Robert Boggs, Roseville CA; Phillip Schiffert, Sacramento CA 182.50 3 3 Judith Hyde - Marjorie Blunt, Federal Way WA 172.00 3 Leonard Pennario, Los Angeles CA; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 174.00 4 4 A Gorson - Norma Weiner, Philadelphia PA 167.50 4 1 Judith Simon - Harvey Wolfe, Boca Raton FL 165.00 5 Vincent Messina, Wolfeboro NH; Daniel Till, Lincoln NE 160.50 5 2 Anna Davis, Sarasota FL; Jennie Branagan, Bradenton FL 161.00 6 1 Korkut Ergun - Sakir Sarimakci, Istanbul 159.50 6 3 1 Marilyn Askin - Frank Askin, West Orange NJ 159.50 2 Lyle Fisher, Las Vegas NV; Diane Nickerson, Santa Rosa CA 151.00 4 Warren Olson - Annetta Olson, Dallas TX 158.00 2/4 G Richard Ramage Jr - Nancy Ramage, Downey CA 144.00 2/4 Marvin Woods, Lacey WA; Anne Marie Hinds, Boca Raton FL 144.00 2/4 Jeanette Hendry, Santa Maria CA; Peggy Rhoads, Nipomo CA 144.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HHH EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Les Linaman, Washoe Valley NV; Doreen Douglas, Reno NV 191.00 1 Susan Abrams - Norm Rosen, Sun City West AZ 210.50 2 1 Roland Wilson - Jackie Wilson, Modesto CA 186.50 2 William White, Arlington TX; Thomas Corlett, Waco TX 191.00 3 Ann Efnor - Masako Gould, Salt Lake City UT 183.50 3 1 Constance Hrabchak - Neville Dowe, Watertown NY 187.00 4 2 1 Roger Hallum - Jeanie Bettis, Vancouver WA 180.50 4 Genevieve Hewitt - Richard Hewitt, New York NY 181.50 5 3 Martin Steinberg, Bloomington IL; Robert Lau, Dunedin FL 180.00 5 Melody Gann, Arlington TX; Roy Baughman, Pantego TX 181.00 6 4 Richard Berry, Maumee OH; Barbara Grantham, Houston TX 167.50 6 2 Albert Comiskey, Anchorage AK; Dan Roseberry, Dover OH 177.50 2 June Wood - Daniel Carter, Encinitas CA 149.00 3 Thomas Loveday - Suzanne Berg, Sequim WA 164.50 4 Olavi Vare, Henderson NV; Freda Thornbrough, Downey CA 154.00 1 Stanley Pace - Jane Pace, Victorville CA 146.50 2 Lori Jacobs, Boca Raton FL; Kent Griffith, Delray Beach FL 122.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION III EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 M Sherrod - Marge Bartel, Austin TX 185.00 1 1 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 194.50 2 Lesley Waghorn - Dan McCaw, Toronto ON 183.00 2 Edwin Malmuth, Cardiff CA; Frank Jackson, Pacifica CA 184.00 3 Bernice Malinowski, Pensacola FL; A Grady, Cantonment FL 176.00 3 2 Maralin Morgan - David Kaplan, Delray Beach FL 174.50 4 Roger Holyer Black, Tempe AZ; Maxine Poulton, Chandler AZ 174.00 4 Charles C***lickner, Clearwater FL; Mary Dzyacky, Palm Harbor FL 170.50 5 2 Wilma Brickley, Hawthorne CA; Annette Morgan, Rncho Pls Vrd CA 172.50 5 Kathy Mowery - Dean Lange, Mesa AZ 168.00 6 3 1 Fran Wakely - David Wakely, Belleair FL 171.50 6 Marilou Mayetta, Wykagyl NY; Kassie Ohtaka Munoz, White Plains NY 165.00 4 Shirleen Ellsworth, Kansas City MO; Anita Woods, Lacey WA 157.00 3 Gordon Tanner - Grace Tanner, Bakersfield CA 164.50 2 David Weingarten - Larry Levine, Las Vegas NV 155.00 4 Nadyne Cheary, Silver Spring MD; Jerry Miller, Potomac MD 162.50 1 Fred Boddy - Sandra Boddy, Riverview NB 153.50 2 Rodney Flakus, Belfair WA; Merlyn Flakus, Union WA 131.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GGG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sheila Bleiman - Jim Woodside, Sun City West AZ 185.00 1 1 Michael Su - Ying Chin Yeh, Bellevue WA 191.50 2 Richard Gibons, Princeton IL; Ronald Simmons, Lasalle IL 181.50 2 2 Bernard Karlen - Antone Walloch, Las Vegas NV 187.00 3 1 Burt Kifer, Arlington TX; Joyce Silar, Reading PA 173.00 3 3 John Mc Connell - Carol McConnell, Desoto TX 170.00 4/5 Shirley Tartick - Joan Klap, Toronto ON 172.00 4 4 1 Dean Truair - Lawton Hutchison, Austin TX 168.00 4/5 Nada Sundermeyer - Clay Sundermeyer, Bellevue WA 172.00 5 Jim McGuire, Burlington ON; Stan Townshead, Toronto ON 166.50 6 2 Boots Azab - Jean Lemox, Pensacola FL 171.00 6 Bertha Appelman, Mercer Island WA; Anne Wicks, Redmond WA 164.00 3 John Vanderveen, Seal Beach CA; Edie Wong, San Francisco CA 170.50 2 Ken McConnell, Palestine TX; Robert Pagliarulo, Roslindale MA 148.50 4 1 Janice Taylor - Jean Cutler, Palm City FL 155.50 2 Charles Zander, Tomball TX; Elaine Gilbertson, Steamboat Spr CO 153.00 Daily Bulletin Page 15

NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KKK EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jacqueline Karlen, Las Vegas NV; Ernest Inada, Henderson NV 214.00 1 Dave McClintock, Lexington MA; Lowell Andrews, Huntington Bch CA 202.00 2 1 1 Cecil Henry - Mary Ann Henry, Kingman AZ 174.00 2 1 Robert Thornhill, Grand Bend ON; Edwin Siegel, New York NY 185.50 3 2 La Quitta Talbot - Jenny Rose, Alexandria VA 169.50 3 Ritchey Goodwin - Richard Weissman, New York NY 170.50 4 Mike Aliotta, Oklahoma City OK; Raymond Zekauskas Jr, Tulsa OK 166.50 4 Vivian Leggett, Waller TX; Ron Woodsum, Houston TX 170.00 5 3 Arlene McIntosh, North Reading MA; Alan Walters, Cape Porpoise ME 165.00 5 2 Lois Wagner, Bakersfield CA; Frank Short, Posey CA 165.50 6 4 Leon Zelikovitz - Zelda Zelikovitz, Ottawa ON 162.50 6 3 Loreta Burden - Darlene Barstad, Yuma AZ 158.50 4 1 Anthony D’Onofrio - Nancy D’Onofrio, Ponte Vedra FL 155.00 2 Eileen Geisser, Studio City CA; Susan Raphael, Sherman Oaks CA 147.00

FRIDAY DAYLIGHT OPEN PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION AAA EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Lulu Minter, Glendora CA; Jiang Gu, Edison NJ 204.50 1 Brian Ellis, Twinsburg OH; Bruce Keidan, Pittsburgh PA 185.50 2 2 Joseph Viola III, Altadena CA; Roy Wilson, West Covina CA 192.00 2 Helen Hanson, Federal Way WA; Dan Keleher, Mountain Home TX 181.00 3 Jeff Overby, Key West FL; Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN 180.00 3 1 Susan Bowles, Va Beach VA; Robert Hendricks, Virginia Beach VA 177.00 4 Michele Foran, Oconomowoc WI; Marjorie Thien, Waukesha WI 176.00 4 Ann Hoylman, Pittsford NY; William Finkelstein, Buffalo NY 175.50 5 Carl Dahl Jr - Marie Dahl, Northridge CA 174.50 5 2 Annette Clark - Frederic Hadley, Indianapolis IN 172.50 6 Helen Raleigh - Robert Heitzman Jr, Suffern NY 164.50 6 3 1 Bill McGeary - Sheryl Clough, Burien WA 161.00 3 1 William Churchman - Mark Churchman, Saskatoon SK 162.50 4 Henry Daley, Weymouth MA; Kenneth McNeill, Randolph MA 155.50 4 2 Anne Louise Martyn, Dashwood ON; Betsy Aaron, London ON 149.50 2 Frederick Stevens, Henderson NV; Katherine Stevens, Anchorage AK 149.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION BBB EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Charles Parker - Shelley Parker, Apex NC 223.50 1 Linda Smith - Ron Smith, Hixson TN 212.00 2 John Wong, Anaheim Hills CA; Patrick Leung, Valencia CA 176.50 2 1 Gay Parrish, Bellingham WA; Jay Brandt, Blaine WA 183.00 3 1 1 Katie Scalamandre - Gino Scalamandre, New York NY 174.50 3 2 David Feldman - Terry Oleske, New York NY 180.50 4 2 J Thomas Holzer, Hopkins MN; Patti Stuhlman, Minneapolis MN 171.50 4 John Van Ness, Aspen CO; Clarence Crossley Jr, Henderson NV 163.00 5/6 David Weisman, Englewood NJ; Ronald Felton, New York NY 166.00 5/6 3 1 Man Ho Han, Chicago IL; Jason Rosenfeld, Evanston IL 159.50 5/6 William Johnson, Las Vegas NV; Albert Brown, Palm City FL 166.00 5/6 Sonia Kaplan, Eatontown NJ; Atul Rai, New York NY 159.50 3 2 Joe Clark - Shaun Chooi, Dallas TX 155.00 4 2 Alan Carpenter, San Francisco CA; Michael Levin, West Hollywood CA 158.00 4 Donald Hard - Karl Swartz, Sierra Vista AZ 151.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION DDD EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Mary Lindmark, Lyons IL; Bobbie Johnston, Westmont IL 188.50 1 Michael Pudlin, Pasadena CA; John Jones, Lakewood CA 192.00 2 Charlotte Sturm - Stephen Sturm, Whittier CA 181.50 2 1 John Lien, Surrey BC; Liz Stoneman, White Rock BC 179.00 3 2 1 Jonathan Levell, Oak Park IL; Chuck Chang, Evanston IL 177.50 3 Martin Lofgren, Oslo NW; Ilkka Renno, Luxembourg 173.50 4 Alec Price, Red Springs NC; Jeffrey Raynes, Cary NC 170.00 4/5 Ulker Mutlu, Clearwater FL; Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH 173.00 5 Peter Kline, Richmond Hill ON; Ron Smith, Don Mills ON 160.00 4/5 Dolly Davis, Sparks NV; Ross Robbins, Port Isabel TX 173.00 6 Kyle Larsen, Las Vegas NV; Ron Von Der Porten, Warsaw, Poland 159.50 6 2 Paul Pschesang, Milford OH; Margaret Young, Cincinnati OH 171.50 3 Judith Bjornson, Anchorage AK; Della Palmer, Wasilla AK 157.50 3 Patricia Fowlkes - James Fowlkes, Garner NC 168.00 2 Douglas Gundlach, Birmingham AL; Richard Burgoon, Ocala FL 147.00 4 Gary Schwartz, Watertown MA; Benjamin Goldsmith, Las Vegas NV 152.50 1 Lee Mathers, Bakersfield CA; Marcia Wolf, Chicago IL 140.50 2 Pat McCoy, Seba Beach AB; J Cote, Edmonton AB 135.50

FRIDAY SENIOR PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJJ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sally Fahland, Veradale WA; Lucien Stratton, Boise ID 208.00 1 Alan Darman, Boca Raton FL; William Vinson, Delray Beach FL 202.00 2 Eva Upper, Mississauga ON; Carl Bolhuis, Ottawa ON 189.00 2 1 Margaret Carnes, Muncie IN; Cherie Lukert, Colbert GA 195.50 3 Jan Nathan, Manhattan Beach CA; Steve Mager, Hermosa Beach CA 177.00 3 Ethan Stein, Irvington NY; Koko Adachi, Toyko, Japan 179.50 4 1 Vernon Myers - Georgia Myers, Tacoma WA 167.00 4 Robert Baptist - Mary Baptist, Green Valley AZ 175.00 5 2 Ram Hira, North Vancouver BC; Don Keith, New Westminster BC 164.00 5 2 1 Petr Langston - Marit Langston, Brighton, England 167.00 6 3 B Robert Simrak, Saddlebrooke AZ; Frances Hammond, Tucson AZ 161.50 6 3 Robert Flynn - Alice Flynn, Roanoke VA 162.50 4 1 J Jay Jones - Gerry Jones, Surprise AZ 152.00 4 2 Beverly Tait Dresden - Bram Bevis Dresden, Greenbrae CA 157.50 2 Janet Alderman - Helen Pollock, Willowdale ON 148.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KKK EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Bernard Karlen - Antone Walloch, Las Vegas NV 199.50 1 Mark Bailey - Donna Bailey, Bothell WA 198.00 2 2 1 Dean Truair - Lawton Hutchison, Austin TX 192.00 2 1 William Alexander, Ramsey NJ; Arnold Bergen, Oakland NJ 187.00 3 3 John Mc Connell - Carol McConnell, Desoto TX 173.50 3 Antonia Okany, Etobicoke ON; Judy Singer, Scarborough ON 185.00 4 4 Renee Bilodeau, Chicoutimi PQ; Shirley Weissenfluh, Bend OR 162.00 4 Vivian Leggett, Waller TX; Ron Woodsum, Houston TX 181.50 5 John Vanderveen, Seal Beach CA; Edie Wong, San Francisco CA 161.00 5 2 La Quitta Talbot - Jenny Rose, Alexandria VA 172.00 6 Faye Parsons, Saratoga CA; Rosemary Zonker, Elkhart IN 159.00 6 3 Marion Robertson, San Francisco CA; T. Seng Tjoa, Pomona NY 162.50 2 Ken McConnell, Palestine TX; Robert Pagliarulo, Roslindale MA 155.00 4 1 Alice Wright - Thomas Wright, San Francisco CA 158.00 2 Roald Hertzwig, Pawling NY; William Kao, Lagrangeville NY 146.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LLL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 J Craig Saunders - Lynda Saunders, Sun Valley ID 190.50 1 Vincent Messina, Wolfeboro NH; Daniel Till, Lincoln NE 195.00 2 Joan Ivey - Ernie Ivey, Santa Maria CA 180.50 2 1 Chieko Farrell - Frieda Scott, Lakewood WA 181.00 3 Robert Sullivan, San Diego CA; Richard Hull, Long Beach CA 175.00 3 2 Ardy McLeod, Apache Jct AZ; Audrey Ochs, Hamilton MT 179.50 4 John Farr Jr - Lucy Tredennick, Lomita CA 173.50 4 3 1 Donna Osterberg - John Osterberg, Surprise AZ 168.50 5 2 2 Meenakshi Krishnamoorthy - Nirmala Krishnamoorthy, San Diego CA 167.50 5 John Currie, Halifax NS; Margie Glick, Lincolnwood IL 166.00 6 3 Don Weglin - Shirley Weglin, Henderson NV 166.00 6 4 2 Korkut Ergun - Sakir Sarimakci, Istanbul, Turkey 164.50 4 Jay Sakai, San Jose CA; Gabriele Pani, Mountain View CA 159.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION EEE EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Elizabeth McClelan Wilson, West Covina CA; Ann Walsh, Pasadena CA 172.50 1 Marlene Meyer - David Meyer, Scranton PA 214.00 2 1 Warren Olson - Annetta Olson, Dallas TX 168.00 2 Peg Cundiff - Dewy Cundiff, Las Vegas NV 200.00 3 2 Judith Hyde - Marjorie Blunt, Federal Way WA 166.50 3 1 Arline O’Neill - Robert O’Neill Jr, Annapolis MD 189.00 4 Harvey Voss - Marvie Lou Durbin-Voss, Albuquerque NM 166.00 4 Peter Kalat, Bedford NY; Carlos Munoz, White Plains NY 175.00 5 Robert Boggs, Roseville CA; Phillip Schiffert, Sacramento CA 163.00 5 2 1 Mary White, Las Vegas NV; John Bond, Walla Walla WA 173.00 6/7 3/4 Sara Kingsley, Fair Oaks CA; Martha Lundholm, Carmichael CA 157.50 6 3 2 Judy McCaffrey - John McCaffrey, Oceanside CA 155.50 6/7 3/4 R Fieler, Boca Raton FL; Jean Troyer, Joliet IL 157.50 4/5 Brigitte Shaw, Boulder CO; Sam Westgate, Arlington VA 146.00 1 Marilyn Askin - Frank Askin, West Orange NJ 154.50 4/5 Gary Yant, Cambria CA; Joyce Gehlhaar, Lompoc CA 146.00 2 Marvin Woods, Lacey WA; Anne Marie Hinds, Boca Raton FL 153.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GGG EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Daniel Wong, Honolulu HI; Charles Pan, Chevy Chase MD 184.00 1 Sheila Bleiman - Jim Woodside, Sun City West AZ 208.50 2 2 1 Ruth Wiener - George Stull, Las Vegas NV 174.00 2 Barbara Noble, Paradise Valley AZ; Jerry Gaer, Scottsdale AZ 201.50 3/4 Mike Aliotta, Oklahoma City OK; Raymond Zekauskas Jr, Tulsa OK 171.00 3 Richard Gibons, Princeton IL; Ronald Simmons, Lasalle IL 193.00 3/4 3 Leon Zelikovitz - Zelda Zelikovitz, Ottawa ON 171.00 4 1 Joyce Hart - Richard Hart, Piedmont CA 190.50 5 Jacqueline Karlen, Las Vegas NV; Ernest Inada, Henderson NV 168.50 5 Nada Sundermeyer - Clay Sundermeyer, Bellevue WA 174.00 6 Marion Smith, Las Vegas NV; Rhoda Walsh, Henderson NV 161.00 6 Shirley Tartick - Joan Klap, Toronto ON 171.00 4 Cecil Henry - Mary Ann Henry, Kingman AZ 158.00 2 Michael Su - Ying Chin Yeh, Bellevue WA 169.00 3 Burt Kifer, Arlington TX; Joyce Silar, Reading PA 159.50 4 Al Lochli - Jerome Tilles, San Antonio TX 144.00 1 Janice Taylor - Jean Cutler, Palm City FL 136.50 2 Charles Zander, Tomball TX; Elaine Gilbertson, Steamboat Spr CO 125.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HHH EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Rodney Flakus, Belfair WA; Merlyn Flakus, Union WA 192.00 1 1 Martin Steinberg, Bloomington IL; Robert Lau, Dunedin FL 193.00 2 Charles Clickner, Clearwater FL; Mary Dzyacky, Palm Harbor FL 179.00 2 2 Polly Hoover - Benjamin Bakke, Prescott AZ 190.00 3 2 M Sherrod - Marge Bartel, Austin TX 177.50 3 Geraldine Chavez - Georgette King, Miami Beach FL 176.50 4 3 Len Rickard, Knoxville TN; Judith Ortiz, San Antonio TX 176.50 4 Roy Falck, Livingston TX; Larry Dunham, Tucson AZ 175.00 5 Marilou Mayetta, Wykagyl NY; Kassie Ohtaka Munoz, White Plains NY 170.00 5 Carolyn Gibson - Sarah Callicoat-Yates, Annandale VA 163.50 6 4 Marlene Mandell - Seymour Mandell, Southfield MI 169.50 6 Melody Gann, Arlington TX; Roy Baughman, Pantego TX 162.00 2 Joel Watkins - Billie Watkins, Hearne TX 135.00 3 Elizabeth Tomanocy - Joseph Tomanocy, St Clair Shrs MI 161.00 4 Amos Oka - Joan Oka, Las Vegas NV 157.00 1 William Dani - Elizabeth Dani, Coronado CA 156.50 2 Roger Hallum - Jeanie Bettis, Vancouver WA 146.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION III EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Constance Hrabchak - Neville Dowe, Watertown NY 201.00 1 Peter Filandro - Marie Filandro, Smyrna DE 181.00 2 2 Albert Comiskey, Anchorage AK; Dan Roseberry, Dover OH 182.00 2 Roger Holyer Black, Tempe AZ; Maxine Poulton, Chandler AZ 177.50 3 3 1 Stanley Pace - Jane Pace, Victorville CA 173.00 3 1 Maralin Morgan - David Kaplan, Delray Beach FL 176.00 4 4 Olavi Vare, Henderson NV; Freda Thornbrough, Downey CA 171.50 4 Kathy Mowery - Dean Lange, Mesa AZ 168.00 5 Genevieve Hewitt - Richard Hewitt, New York NY 168.50 5 Larry Cavanaugh, Lemoore CA; Bob Luebkeman, Lafayette CA 167.00 6 Susan Abrams - Norm Rosen, Sun City West AZ 167.50 6 Richard Hinde - Denese Hinde, Irving TX 163.50 2 1 Fran Wakely - David Wakely, Belleair FL 163.00 3 Gordon Tanner - Grace Tanner, Bakersfield CA 156.00 4 Nadyne Cheary, Silver Spring MD; Jerry Miller, Potomac MD 155.50

FRIDAY AFTERNOON 300/200 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION YYY EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Louise St Arnault - Lois Tracey, Scottsdale AZ 100.70 1 1 Rita Korn, Narberth PA; Marsha Postar, Lubbock TX 96.36 2 1 Helene Saldi, Naples FL; Lynne Helmer, Lethbridge AB 98.50 2 Doug Cannon - Long Wu, San Francisco CA 93.86 3 Richard La Bahn - Virginia La Bahn, Orange CA 89.00 3 2 Gina Diamond - Richard Hoffman, Surrey BC 93.21 4 2 Roman Martin, Tempe AZ; Gregory Vernon, Ridgecrest CA 88.86 4 3 Shirley Reid, London ON; Margaret Peterson, Grand Forks ND 92.50 5 Mark Newman, Alexandria VA; June Hoye, Falls Church VA 88.08 5 4 David Rock, Westfield MA; David Mullins, Williamsburg MA 91.86 3 Neil Keyes - Wanda Keyes, Nipomo CA 85.28 4 John Green, San Bruno CA; Joan Shaffer, San Mateo CA 82.43 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION ZZZ EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Penny Wentworth - Anne Wynsen, Villa Park CA 109.29 1 1 Joann Schmidt, Andover KS; Dixie Adair, Rose Hill KS 102.43 2 Jo Ann Morris - Richard Gardner, Ogden UT 100.00 2 Albert Oliver, Henderson NV; Frank Callom, Las Vegas NV 91.57 3 2 Robert Willmann - Sharron Voorhees, San Diego CA 89.50 3 2 Ed Reid, Las Vegas NV; Deborah Bronaugh, North Las Vegas NV 91.43 4 James McCartney - Louise McCartney, Ottawa ON 89.22 4 3 James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe, Edmonton AB 90.00 5 3 Anne Jones, Claremont CA; Coletta Conoboy, Conneaut OH 88.57 5 4 Nancy Benedict - Gerald Benedict, Englewood CO 89.00 4 Gerald Purcell - Bonnie Purcell, Mission BC 87.21

FRIDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQQ EAST-WEST A B A B 1 David Fott, Las Vegas NV; David Welch, Toronto ON 103.00 1 1 Marlene McCauslin, Henderson NV; Dianne Rogots, Las Vegas NV 108.50 2/3 Bill Bailey - June Bailey, Fullerton CA 98.50 2 2 Susan Nelson, Los Angeles CA; Barbara Christensen, Blue Jay CA 97.00 2/3 Marion Lacey - Donald Lacey, Clearwater FL 98.50 3 Robert Powers, St Louis MO; Ruth Seldin, Saint Louis MO 92.00 4 1 Robert Loch - Dianne Loch, Henderson NV 89.50 4 Laila Lewis, North Las Vegas NV; Daniel Garrison, Beaverton OR 90.00 2 Donna Zuckerberg - Randi Zuckerberg, Dobbs Ferry NY 88.00 Page 16 Daily Bulletin

FRIDAY AFTERNOON 50/100 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RRR EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Donald Huber - Susan Huber, Canfield OH 95.50 1 1 William Jaras - Carol Jaras, Brecksville OH 101.57 2 1 Roger Niemi - David Gustafson, Henderson NV 95.36 2 2 Anne Sherlock - Carol Harries, Kingston ON 100.43 3 2 Shantaprasad Upasani - Deepa Upasani, Brea CA 94.07 3 Marjorie Jones - Maggie Frank, Las Vegas NV 91.00 4 3 Matthew Savoie, Denver CO; Patricia Bailey, San Juan Capistrano CA 89.50 4 3 Jeff Leighton, Detroit Lakes MN; Bob Leighton, Reedsport OR 90.29 5 Lisa Torres - Stephanie White, Albuquerque NM 87.00 5 Norman Bloomfield, Encino CA; Ann Lehrer, Palm Desert CA 89.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 William Farnan, Ormond Beach FL; Gerald Pittler, Vienna VA 95.50 1 1 Robert Erwin - C Suzanne Erwin, Portsmouth RI 100.50 2 Gordon Robinett - Vilma Robinett, Fort Mohave AZ 95.00 2 Edwin Glickman, Snowmass CO; Rita Hiller, Idaho Falls ID 97.00 3 2 Robert Gove, Henderson NV; Rita Krizel, Langhorne PA 89.00 3 2 Donna Duncan - Carl Rissmann, Las Vegas NV 92.50 4/5 Allen Prier - Betty Prier, Largo FL 87.00 4 Bret Fearey - Eric Pryor, Wichita KS 90.00 4/5 William Fleming - Steven Zeliadt, Seattle WA 87.00

SIDE GAME SERIES #4 FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Pennell Somsen, New York NY; John Tarang, Las Vegas NV 187.50 1/2 1/2 1 Zachary Meta Taggart - Erica Paige Taggart, Kailua HI 180.50 2 2 Ralph Tamlyn, Larchmont NY; John Boyer, Hastings Hdsn NY 185.50 1/2 1/2 Edward West - Iris West, Federal Way WA 180.50 3 3 2 V Emberson, Portland OR; Mimi Sina, Aventura FL 176.50 3 3 2 Mike Annett - Lynne Annett, Hood River OR 175.50 4 Patricia Elms, Newport Beach CA; Madie Brice, Cordova TN 171.50 4 4 3 Jessica Piafsky, New York NY; Iris Gruemm, 166.00 5 Elizabeth King - Robert King, Allendale NJ 169.00 5 5 Beverly Van Nice - Colleen Fredrickson, The Dalles OR 163.50 6 4 Skip Peckens - Bobbi Peckens, New Bern NC 165.00 6 6 4 Tommy Latham, White House TN; Roy Berkon, Nashville TN 159.00 3 Penny Augustine - Wilson Augustine, Toronto ON 157.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION PP EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1/2 Serene Paul - Allan Paul, Las Vegas NV 191.50 1 James Edmunds, Altamonte Spg FL; Marcia Lanphear, Chattanooga TN 190.50 1/2 1 Wayne Timms, Waterloo ON; Farol Sax, Scottsdale AZ 191.50 2 1 Jere Hines, Kemah TX; Rose Marie Cleveland, Houston TX 178.00 3 2 Anne Hambric - Sherry Strube, Glendale CA 186.50 3/4 2 1 Andrew Hanes, Provincetown MA; Richard Bellerose, San Francisco CA 172.50 4 A Harrison, New York NY; Bob Yellis, Great Neck NY 168.50 3/4 Janet Garthe, Suttons Bay MI; Joe Barnard, Dublin OH 172.50 5 Oscar Saffold, Cleveland OH; Genie Warshauer, Sumter SC 167.00 5 3 Michael Kolin - Jacques Lassonde, Toronto ON 170.50 6 3 1 Darlene Dopp, Lk Havasu Cty AZ; Adele Boettner, Saint Paul MN 163.50 6 Nancy Mandel, Mequon WI; Bernice Larson, Greenfield WI 166.50 4 Glenn Lefebvre - Perry H Chan, Calgary AB 152.00 4 Jack Hayden - Harry Horwitz, Las Vegas NV 160.00 2 Mary Lohr - Jane Gregory, Las Vegas NV 147.00 2 Ralph Pattelena - Barbara Pattelena, Santa Fe NM 145.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jean Willis, El Dorado AR; John Herrmann, Chattanooga TN 187.50 1 Beverly Goldstein, Los Angeles CA; Earle Ziskin, Santa Monica CA 184.00 2 1 Emma Jean Anderson, Sacramento CA; Laura Raczek, Joliet IL 185.50 2 1 Yo Buehler, Williamsburg VA; Solange Graziani, Culver City CA 177.50 3 Constance Barclay, Woodside NY; Dixie Hsu, San Luis Obispo CA 181.00 3 2 1 Frank Hastings - Linda Hastings, Cranbrook BC 176.00 4 Cindy Hatfield, Sandy UT; Nancy Strouse, Las Vegas NV 171.00 4 3 2 Elaine Wood, Southlake TX; M Fierman, Encino CA 168.50 5 Dale Klinzing, Yucaipa CA; Art Bennett, Redlands CA 163.50 5 John Gustafson - Owen O’Day, Des Moines IA 165.00 6 2 1 Barry Boyd - Conner Causey, Wheeling WV 160.50 6 4 Nancy Jones, Corona CA; Sharyl Durham, Las Vegas NV 164.00 3 George Thompson, Bellflower CA; Sabina Lim, Irvine CA 159.50 4 2 Steven Goodman - Edith Davis, Kansas City MO 152.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Roberta Anderson - Robert Anderson, Carson City NV 187.50 1 1 Ben Eisenstein - Jean Eisenstein, Portland OR 195.50 2 Sharon Bialek - Norm Bialek, Sun City West AZ 185.50 2 Richard Laver, Boulder CO; Tom Schmied, Littleton CO 193.58 3 Joanne Creason, Harrisburg PA; H Philip Monyer, Middletown PA 184.71 3 Jim Backstrom, La Mesago CA; Jay Gianera, Wayzata MN 178.83 4 2 1 Bruce Saiber, Los Angeles CA; Brian Reynolds, Van Nuys CA 167.96 4 Beverly Higgins - Jackie Buroker, Bellevue WA 172.79 5 3 Fred Gaines - Susan Powers, Raleigh NC 167.92 5 2 Nina Lubick-Reich - Neil Reich, Fullerton CA 166.09 6 Jean Talbot - Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 165.87 6 3 1 Robert Probasco, Moscow ID; Rochelle Goldenberg, Chicago IL 159.96 4 2 Bob Weise - Cathy Weise, Reno NV 161.42 4 2 Earl Hamman, Maryville TN; Molly Cusano, West Palm Beach FL 159.79 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION U EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Darlene Shirey - Steve Shirey, Fort Worth TX 174.46 1 1 Gerri Knilans - Hal Knilans, Thousand Oaks CA 216.00 2 1 Gertrude Glider, Walnut Creek CA; Selma Matzye, Riverside CA 172.54 2 2 Geraldine Wurdinger - Eugene Wurdinger, East Syracuse NY 177.50 3 2 1 Peria Sultan Slimak, Caracas, Ven; Paolo Pasquini, Miami FL 171.75 3 Glenna Shannahan, Fitchburg WI; Patrick Moran, Dayton OH 169.50 4 David Pankratz, San Diego CA; Elsiemae Smith, Cuyahoga Falls OH 169.75 4 Mark Bumgardner, Carrollton TX; Willie Bumgardner, Bedford TX 168.00 5 3 Gary Straka, Union City OK; Jack Killough, Oklahoma City OK 168.04 5 3 1 Sharon Paulus - Robert Simard, East Syracuse NY 161.50 6 Leonora Slusher, Midland TX; Lena Nichols, Odessa TX 163.70 6 4 Frances Fear, Duvall WA; Louis Sucheston, Clearwater FL 158.00 4 2 Lorna Stock, Falmouth NS; Elizabeth Hudson, Arlington TX 162.25 2 Tore Tverraaen, Scranton PA; Henning Odegaarden, Stathelle NW 154.50 3 Donald Moore - Kay Moore, Oklahoma City OK 155.13 3 Lenore Smart - Laura Forst, Columbus OH 151.50

STRATIFLIGHTED B/C/DPAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION II EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 David Holeman, Oakland CA; Otto Edor, Concord CA 182.00 1 1 Stephen Sawyer, Hemet CA; Gayle Grubb, Newport Beach CA 199.00 2 1 1 Lawrence Hanna, Huntington Bh CA; Loretta Slaton, Laguna Woods CA 181.50 2 Jack Fulcher, San Francisco CA; Lisa Evans, Danville CA 174.00 3 2 Ron Studen - Anita Studen, Novato CA 179.00 3 Angie Clark - Richard Jahn, Glenview IL 172.50 4 George Wieland, Seabrook TX; Barbara Costanzi, Houston TX 175.50 4 2 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 171.00 5 3 John Bush, Ketchum ID; Francis Shorey, Bailey Island ME 170.00 5 Lacy Jennings, San Diego CA; Charles Messenger, Salinas CA 169.00 6 Claire Burns, West Vancouver BC; Peter Morse, North Vancouver BC 169.50 6/7 Cindy Snider, San Antonio TX; Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY 164.00 6/7 3 1 Christie Jones - Eugene McDougall, Scottsdale AZ 164.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJ EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 1 1 Charles Findeisen, Aptos CA; Mary Cohron, Springville AL 207.00 1 George Kovarik - Pat Kovarik, Henderson NV 198.50 2 2 2 Stevan Johnson - Charlyn Johnson, Orange CA 187.50 2 Jack Hawthorne, Phoenix AZ; Brett Kunin, West Orange NJ 178.00 3 3 Paul Cornelius, Redwood City CA; Leila Gaines, San Mateo CA 185.50 3 Joan Slatalla - Darlene Anderson, Lk Havasu Cty AZ 172.50 4 Susan Craney, Brecksville OH; Judith Watjen, Bay Village OH 183.00 4 1 1 D Shepler, Charleston WV; Latricia McConnell, San Diego CA 171.50 5 Terri Bedard - Greg Bedard, Calgary AB 176.50 5 2 Mac Busby, San Diego CA; Grant Peacock, Irvine CA 170.50 6 Pearl Balde - D Nelson, Racine WI 176.00 6 Molly Fainer, University Heig OH; Rosemary Kleis, Solon OH 165.50 3 2 David Pierpont, Tucson AZ; Matthew Pierpont, San Diego CA 157.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 1 Gwendolyn Cline - Sondra Rothstein, Las Vegas NV 185.05 1 1 1 B Horiguchi - Chiye Horiguchi, Gardena CA 186.33 2 2 1 Gordon Burns, West Vancouver BC; Michael Stickland, North Vancouver BC 180.96 2 2 Julia Brown, Fairfax VA; Marilyn Thomas, Mc Lean VA 183.38 3 Chalice Wells, Melbourne FL; Gloria Krauter, Ardmore OK 172.30 3 Reha Gur - Muffie Gur, Leonardo NJ 176.50 4 Stan Dorn - Louise Dorn, Huntington Bh CA 171.29 4 3 Norman Hogarth - Cam Meyer, Bend OR 166.17 5 Kathy Swaine, Granada Hills CA; Rand Pinsky, Valencia CA 171.12 5 Susanne Caulfield, Boulder CO; Julius Kerenyi, Walnut Creek CA 165.21 6 Kathy Connoly - Allan Connoly, Prince Albert SK 169.00 6 Kathee Farrington - Samuel Jordan, Spring Valley CA 161.05 3 Eddie Bass - Donna Sparks, Houston TX 165.12 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION S EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 1 Nelson Davis, Seattle WA; Yoshinori Kurachi 205.67 1 1 Frank Wharton, London Nw3 1en EN; Michael Cornes, Warwick BE 202.71 2 2 1 Bernard Kenik - Linda Kenik, Cary NC 168.50 2 Ronald Zucker - Jon Silverman, San Francisco CA 202.42 3 3 2 Margaret McKean, Annapolis MD; Patricia Wright, Charlotte NC 166.17 3 2 Edward Rais - Marion Kelly, Anchorage AK 175.79 4 Michael O’Hara, San Francisco CA; Nancy Chapman, Pacifica CA 163.85 4 3 1 Matthew Campbell, Lincoln NE; Charity Sack, Chevy Chase MD 164.25 5 Sharon Tobin - Robert Horn, Blue Springs MO 161.05 5 4 Coline Maclean, Los Gatos CA; Edward Sutcliffe, Sonoma CA 160.13 6 Anna Zagoloff, New York NY; Ellyn Plato, Hastings Hdsn NY 155.96 6 Norman Swanson - Gloria Swanson, Rivervale NJ 159.66 4 Rochelle Shapiro, Chicago IL; Siegfried Lodwig, Los Alamos NM 152.75 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Flo Heilig - Charles Heilig, Chesapeake VA 190.00 1 1 Jim Turner, Castle Rock CO; Alex Kennedy, Council Bluffs IA 197.00 2 1 Elianor Kennie, Kentville NS; Paul Frean, New York NY 180.50 2 Thomas Jahnke - Kenneth Stark, Houston TX 177.50 3 2 Lawrence Harding, Hampstead NC; Judy McNeilly, Mississauga ON 176.00 3 2 Peter Sager, San Rafael CA; Alan Jacobs, Boca Raton FL 171.00 4 Carol Rynders, Saint Paul MN; Raymond Austin, Green Valley AZ 174.00 4/5 3 1 Anita Morse - Patricia Stickland, North Vancouver BC 169.00 5 3 Ruth Shayne, Los Angeles CA; Marko Poshar, Seattle WA 171.50 4/5 Pamela Wiegmann, Lewisville TX; Othella Muzzio, Flower Mound TX 169.00 6 Patricia Ostovar, Pacifica CA; Karen Kelsey, Daly City CA 168.50 6 Alexander Crosby, Las Vegas NV; Ken Goebel, Vista CA 168.50 4 1 Michael Nabrynski - Jennifer Nabrynski, Ashland MA 167.50 4 Anita Bent - James Bent, Yorba Linda CA 155.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Spencer Jones, Westminster CO; Douglas H Scott, Anchorage AK 188.00 1 1 Richard Stell, Houston TX; Steve Vaughn, Humble TX 204.00 2 Ann Zorn, Billings MT; Gay Roach, Nacogdoches TX 182.00 2 Robert Graves, Greenbelt MD; Donna Graves, Severn MD 191.00 3 Judy Voelkl - Earl Voelkl, Rochester NY 180.50 3 2 Judith Bussell, Devonshire BE; Diana Diel, Warwick BE 180.50 4 Gretchen Teich - Mark Teich, Concord NH 178.50 4 Al Hall, Oxnard CA; Florence Haney, Camarillo CA 173.50 5 Julie Lever, Las Vegas NV; Sanae Matsumoto, Honolulu HI 168.50 5 3 1 Steve Sanzo, Los Angeles CA; Robert Gala, Buffalo NY 170.00 6 1 Mary Holman Allen, Mahtomedi MN; John Allen, Saint Paul MN 155.00 6 4 David Shuck, La Luz NM; Charles Brown, Denton TX 162.00 2 1 Priscilla Burnaby, Marblehead MA; Mary Ann Schumann, Scottsdale AZ 149.50 3/4 2 Alfred Anderson - Sally Anderson, Butte MT 146.50 3/4 Alison Carter, Puyallup WA; Yoko Komine, Federal Way WA 146.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Steven Johnson, San Diego CA; Maria Pendergast, W Hollywood CA 189.25 1 1 Geoff Masters, Oro Valley AZ; Faye Nichols, Portland OR 188.25 2 Gerry Peck, Novato CA; Elizabeth Baecher, Mount Kisco NY 188.50 2 2 1 Paul Goldensohn, Henderson NV; B Gidwani, New York NY 184.70 3 1 Clyde D’Arcy, Parker CO; Marilyn Bost, Aurora CO 184.25 3 Susan Gehring, San Diego CA; John Kuharetz, New Milford NJ 177.33 4 Larry Moore - Cheryl Bishop, Portland OR 182.25 4 Rex Latus - Sheila Latus, Escondido CA 173.83 5 2 1 Esther Eastmure - Marg Tuer, Toronto ON 174.92 5 Jamie Rubenstein, Scottsdale AZ; Steven Kaessner, Yuba City CA 166.83 6 Barbara Zeichik, Scottsdale AZ; Martin Hester, Phoenix AZ 160.25 6 3 Charles Gulland - Donna Gulland, Roseville CA 165.75 3 Harriette Braun, Bayside NY; William Stone, Leesburg FL 151.75 4 2 Adam Miller, Champaign IL; Hansford Rowe, Valencia CA 161.08 4 V Everett Boyer, San Bruno CA; Brent Matson, Meadow Vista CA 151.67 2 Gloria Brown-Cook, Gardena CA; Faustina Floyd, Los Angeles CA 135.67

BLUE RIBBON PAIRS FIRST SEMIFINAL SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS A B C D E EAST-WEST 1 Carolyn Bjorklund, Los Altos CA; Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV 1046.59 1 Robert Levin, Bronx NY; Steve Weinstein, Glen Ridge NJ 1084.09 2 Mike Lucas - Paul Ivaska, Las Vegas NV 1038.96 2 Bryan Maksymetz, Coquitlam BC; Lars Andersson, Stockholm, Sweden 1060.08 3 James Rasmussen - Pamela Miller, Cambridge MA 1032.59 3 Connie Goldberg, Merion Station PA; David Levy, Cannes La Bocca France 1047.58 4 Brady Richter - Aaron Silverstein, New York NY 1008.29 4 Kevin Bathurst, Thousand Oaks CA; Ian Boyd, Calgary AB 1016.18 5 Curtis Cheek, Huntsville AL; Lynn Deas, Schenectady NY 989.82 5 Bob Jones, Hypoluxo FL; Paul Marston, Australia 1015.41 6 Stephen Landen, Rochester Hills MI; Pratap Rajadhyaksha, Powell OH 984.32 6 John Coufal, La Jolla CA; Rick Roeder, San Diego CA 1010.71 7 David Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Larry Cohen, Boca Raton FL 980.16 7 Joseph Silver, Hampstead PQ; Gaylor Kasle, Boca Raton FL 992.97 8 Gary Gottlieb, Brooklyn NY; Richard Zucker, Dobbs Ferry NY 973.53 8 Jacek Pszczoka, Poland; Zia Mahmood, New York NY 985.68 9 David Yang, Chicago IL; Xiaodong Shi, Des Plaines IL 963.09 9 Chris Willenken, New York NY; Jeff Roman, Alexandria VA 985.41 10 Rose Meltzer - Peter Weichsel, Los Gatos CA 951.79 10 Nafiz Zorlu - Salvador Assael, Turkey 941.68 11 Eric Greco, Philadelphia PA; Geoff Hampson, Los Angeles CA 946.99 11 Ilya Levitin, Emerson NJ; Irina Levitina, Fair Lawn NJ 939.58 Daily Bulletin Page 17

12 Barbara Shaw, Laurel MD; Steve Robinson, Arlington VA 939.16 12 Carol Simon, Las Vegas NV; Simon Satanovsky, Irvington NY 933.84 13 Phillip Goatz - Cynthia Goatz, Las Vegas NV 934.09 13 Alfredo Versace, Rome IT; George Jacobs, Burr Ridge IL 923.34 14 Cameron Doner, Richmond BC; Dick Yarington, Seattle WA 929.92 14 Hugh Grosvenor, Alexandria VA; Bob Richman, Australia 918.91 15 Jon Downing, Solihill, England; Liam Johnstone, Birmingham, England 929.66 15 Sam Graham, Germantown TN; Wayne Karson, Culver City CA 893.71 16 Mary Savko, Pittsford VT; Jay Costello, Williston VT 922.16 16 Ira Ewen, New York NY; David Gurvich, Brooklyn NY 889.84 17 Benito Garozzo - Lea Dupont, Rockland DE 902.29 17 Craig Gardner, Streamwood IL; Sangarapil Mohan, Oak Brook IL 886.18 18 Russell Samuel, Locust Valley NY; Shawn Samuel, Cambridge MA 889.79 18 Sidney Lazard, Dallas TX; Bart Bramley, Chicago IL 885.21 19 Barnet Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Michel Abecassis, Paris, France 884.95 19 Seth Cohen, Stamford CT; John Feo, Carlsbad CA 879.49 20 Mark Aquino, Jamaica Plain MA; Jonathan Green, Kingston NY 869.59 20 Charles Davis, Lilburn GA; Michael Strizhevsky, Atlanta GA 872.91 21 Brad Campbell, Smyrna GA; Michael White, Atlanta GA 869.09 21 Brad Moss, New York NY; Fred Gitelman, Toronto ON 872.18 22 Daniel Stanghelle, NO; Daniel Zagorin, Skokie IL 867.16 22 Kamla Chawla, Longmeadow MA; Lloyd Arvedon, Bedford MA 869.71 23 Sheri Winestock, Toronto ON; Barry Piafsky, New York NY 866.32 23 Michael Takemori - Ben Takemori, Vancouver BC 866.34 24 Victor Markowicz, Boca Raton FL; Victor Melman, Scarsdale NY 865.66 24 Richard Lanke - Chip Chapin, Honolulu HI 865.41 25 Russell Ekeblad, Boca Raton FL; Robert Lipsitz, Palm Harbor FL 864.09 25 Kay Beck, Fishers IN; Timucin Erkoc, North Hollywood CA 862.47 26 Cynthia Balderson, Minnetonka MN; Carole Miner, Rochester MN 860.66 26 Srikanth Kodayam, San Leandro CA; Aidan Ballantyne, Vancouver BC 854.40 NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS F G H I J EAST-WEST 1 Dan Gerstman, Buffalo NY; Allan Graves, West Newbury VT 1074.63 1 Harry Steiner, Seattle WA; Craig Zastera, Woodinville WA 1045.43 2 William Schreiber, Van Nuys CA; Ron Feldman, Torrance CA 1051.21 2 Maureen Beyrouti, Saint-Laurent PQ; Martial Chagnon, Longueuil PQ 1019.10 3 Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC; Richard Miller, Raleigh NC 1005.21 3 Richard Meffley, Fresno CA; Blake Rundquist, Clovis CA 998.81 4 Mark Bartusek, Santa Barbara CA; Harold Mouser Jr, Philadelphia PA 995.81 4 Mark Feldman, New York NY; William Pollack, Warren NJ 988.70 5 Geir Helgemo, Trondheim Ca NW; Richard Zeckhauser, Cambridge MA 992.31 5 Craig Kavin, Oxnard CA; Robert Kerr, Los Angeles CA 959.10 6 Bill Sides, Burbank CA; Eli Borok, Los Angeles CA 975.70 6 Fred Stewart, Kingston NY; Kit Woolsey, Kensington CA 952.29 7 Shawn Quinn, Katy TX; Jon Wittes, Claremont CA 967.64 7 Paul Hackett, Manchester M2; Haig Tchamitch, Peoria AZ 942.90 8 George Rosenkranz, Df 11000 MX; Eddie Wold, Houston TX 965.28 8 Joel Hoersch, La Jolla CA; Eugene Hung, San Diego CA 936.64 9 Stephen McConnell, Chicago IL; Shirley Blum, Fresno CA 961.40 9 Alan Osofsky, New City NY; Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg MD 929.72 10 Stuart L. Shalom, Actrinncham EN; Jerry P. Mason, Manchester, England 959.90 10 Jeffrey Goldsmith, Pasadena CA; David Milton, Herndon VA 926.48 11 Gavin Wolpert - Daniel Lavee, Thornhill ON 952.55 11 Victor Chernoff, Los Angeles CA; Harvey Brody, San Francisco CA 916.15 12 Vivian Kilstrup, Vail CO; Roger Bates, Mesa AZ 937.96 12 Phillip Becker, Beachwood OH; Kumar Bhatia, Pepper Pike OH 915.36 13 Hoyt Nicholas Jr, Custer SD; Paul Lewis, Vashon WA 936.40 13 Fredrik Nystrom, Stockholm, Sweden; Peter Stromberg, Haniuge, Sweden 912.41 14 Jean Hume, Livermore CA; Jeff Olson, Dallas TX 935.40 14 Ava Grubman - Elliott Grubman, Brooklyn NY 912.00 15 Joan Cook, Bow NH; Maurice Emond, Allenstown NH 930.07 15 Gordon Parnes - Susan Parnes, Flint MI 900.75 16 Michael Rosenberg, Wykagyl NY; Debbie Rosenberg, New Rochelle NY 928.53 16 Kathy Newman - Bert Newman, West Bloomfield MI 898.30 17 Christopher Monsour, Arlington Hts IL; Rowen Bell, Chicago IL 914.90 17 William Hall, Thousand Oaks CA; Robert Schwartz, San Pedro CA 892.25 18 Andrew Robson, Santa Cruz CA; Rita Shugart, Pebble Beach CA 907.03 18 Jason Hackett, Manchester M20 6E; Michael Polowan, New York NY 892.06 19 Sidney Brownstein, Santa Monica CA; Mark Singer, Long Beach CA 890.57 19 Paul Soloway, Mill Creek WA; Steve Catlett, Richmond VA 885.60 20 Kenneth Kranyak - John Kranyak, Bay Village OH 890.21 20 Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA; John Saxe, Hudson MA 881.02 21 JoAnna Stansby - Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA 882.14 21 Joe Grue, Bronx NY; Larry Oakey, Minneapolis MN 878.64 22 Giorgio Duboin, Torino IT; Don Lussky, Elmhurst IL 878.80 22 Ralph Cohen, Memphis TN; Barry Rigal, New York NY 876.60 23 Karen McCallum, Exeter NH; Sam Dinkin, Austin TX 866.32 23 R Beery, Lincoln NE; Dennis Sorensen, Portland OR 872.69 24 Nicolas L’Ecuyer, Montreal PQ; Leslie Amoils, Toronto ON 863.14 24 Don Probst, Fairfax VA; Frederick Allenspach, Dania FL 871.80 25 Michael Ness, Saint Paul MN; Paul Winter, Minneapolis MN 861.82 25 Sveinn Eiriksson, Reykjavik, Iceland; Jerry Premo, San Francisco CA 870.56 26 Cathy Strauch, San Diego CA; Riggs Thayer Jr, Costa Mesa CA 856.15 26 Tom Kniest, Saint Louis MO; Karen Walker, Champaign IL 869.79

FRIDAY FLIGHT A/X PAIRS FIRST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS L M N O P EAST-WEST A X A X 1 1 Donna Rodwell, Naperville IL; Dewitt Hudson Jr, Arlington TX 1061.38 1 Joe Quinn, Katy TX; Ira Hessel, San Antonio TX 1105.88 2 Gerald Ungar, Berryton KS; Nancy Sachs, Cincinnati OH 1038.76 2 Panette Talia, Campbell CA; Julie Sheerin, Westlake Village CA 1066.00 3 Richard Morgen, Havertown PA; Charles Miner, Orlando FL 1036.76 3 Helene Fournier, Chicoutimi PQ; Paul Benedict, Pikesville MD 1026.50 4 Hugh Brown Jr, Mc Cormick SC; John Potter, Panama City FL 1017.63 4 1 Stephen Lippmann - Janet Lippmann, Hastings Hdsn NY 1004.25 5 Jim Senter - Gale Senter, Laguna Niguel CA 995.00 5 2 Renee Carter, Henderson NV; Roger Zellmer, San Diego CA 960.01 6 Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; Diana Holt, Palm Beach FL 974.00 6 3 Jack Shartsis, Huntington Wd MI; Jerrold Grossman, Rochester Hills MI 958.00 7 Si Frome - Carole Frome, Lauderhill FL 965.50 7 4 Jeffrey McKee, Arlington TX; Greg Resz, Dallas TX 951.00 8 2 Donella Johnson, West Hollywood CA; Pam Stratton, Portland OR 960.63 8 5 Tien-Chun Yang - Fang Wu, San Jose CA 947.50 9 Ashraf El Sadi, Union City CA; Andrew Vinock, Woodland Hills CA 954.88 9 Paul Erb, Austin TX; Ben Blacik, Phoenix AZ 941.51 10 3 Joan Cohen, Memphis TN; Corinne Lee, Virginia Beach VA 954.75 10 George Wang - Janet Ju, El Monte CA 939.88 11 Curtis Hastings, San Mateo CA; William Wickham, Los Angeles CA 948.50 11 6 Joan Dziekanski, New York NY; Nancy Wittwer, Falls City NE 937.51 12 Howard Epley, Kent WA; Stanford Christie, Des Moines WA 945.88 12 7 Ed Tranovich, Naperville IL; Roger Plowman, Lafayette CO 935.01 13 4 Paul Meerschaert, Excelsior MN; Peg Waller, Eden Prairie MN 944.13 13 8 Doyle Hughes, Indian Wells AZ; Michael Walrath, Fort Worth TX 933.00 14 5 Reba Cole, Boca Raton FL; John Hogan Jr, Wayne NJ 937.25 14 Jackie Evans, Albuquerque NM; Jiun-Ming Chen, West Lafayette IN 932.50 15 Michel Schneider, Berkeley CA; Martin Miller, Rochester NY 934.76 15 9 Shirley Seals, Ponte Vedra FL; Deborah Drury, Vero Beach FL 927.01 16 Laurie Kranyak, Bay Village OH; Jan Assini, Aurora OH 932.26 16 Jennifer Ballantyne, Vancouver BC; Dudley Brown, Grandview WA 926.26 17 Rosemary Kelley - Scott Humphrey, Austin TX 931.51 17 Sylvia Deserpa, Tempe AZ; Pat Thomas, Salinas CA 919.13 18 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA; Pat McDevitt, Brookline MA 916.01 18 10 Bill Drewett - Kenny Zuckerberg, Chicago IL 913.75 19 Harriet Eaton, Miami FL; John Morris, Atlanta GA 904.76 19 Michael Hargreaves, Victoria BC; Gordon McOrmond, Surrey BC 913.50 20 6 Randy Helmink - C Noel Helmink, Indianapolis IN 895.01 20 Bob Crossley, Corte Madera CA; David Bryant, San Francisco CA 898.38 21 7 Barbara Doran, Silver Spring MD; Barbara Vann, Carmichael CA 888.13 21 Joan Wilhide, Lk Panasoffke FL; Robert Terry, Wildwood FL 889.38 22 Steven Pawliger, Hollywood FL; Andy O’Grady, Miami FL 884.76 22 11 John Bralliar - Bea Bralliar, Lomita CA 887.00 23 8 Kenneth Marcroft - Carole Marcroft, Dayton OH 861.50 23 Bernard Gench, Flushing NY; Bernard Bruckenstein, Yonkers NY 883.00 24 Jean Jacobson, Fullerton CA; Sally Murphy, Fountain Valley CA 859.26 24 Elizabeth Refaie - Mohsen Refaie, Wilmington DE 882.75 25 9 Ian Wilson, Irvine CA; George Harman, Woodland Hls CA 857.50 25 12 Elena Prahin - Michael Prahin, Irvington NY 878.38 26 Ruth Windwer, Boca Raton FL; Judy Schwartz, Floral Park NY 854.25 26 13 Josie Mitchell, Decatur GA; Barbara Boswell, Cincinnati OH 870.75 27 10 Katrin Litwin, Vancouver BC; John Szeps, La Crescenta CA 854.00 27 14 James Mates, Washington DC; George Krizel, Fstrvl Trvose PA 858.38 28 Lew Walter, New York NY; Sam Aldenderfer, Fort Lee NJ 850.51 28 15 Jeffrey Rawlings, Santa Barbara CA; Jarek Wyganowski, Fargo ND 850.50 29 11 Robert Gerrie - Aban Gerrie, Richmond BC 848.88 29 16 Antoni Baranski, San Carlos CA; Stan Spalding, Rancho Cordova CA 847.50 30 12 Sharon Hammer, Lake Forest CA; Thomas Theisen, Los Angeles CA 848.00 30 Janet Lee, Centerville OH; Nathaniel Reid, Cincinnati OH 847.38 13 Paul Schommer - Robert Rouch Jr, Visalia CA 847.88 14 Doreen McOrmond, Delta BC; Pauline McClafferty, Vancouver BC 830.13 15 Peng Cheng - Xiaoyu Cheng, Campbell CA 830.01

FRIDAY EVENING 50/20/5 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Clifford Louie, Herlong CA; Nancy Jung, San Francisco CA 101.50 1 Ellen Mortensen - William Mortensen, Corona CA 111.50 2 1 David Fott, Las Vegas NV; David Welch, Toronto ON 99.00 2 Marlene Levitt, Montville NJ; Arnold Levitt, Lawrenceville NJ 104.50 3 2 1 Maurice Ormon, Vancouver BC; Jeff Harris, Las Vegas NV 98.50 3 1 1 Nancy Winter - Mark Winter, Edina MN 102.00 4 Catherine McKinnon - Sarah Butler, Vancouver BC 97.00 4 Diana Seeb, Laguna Niguel CA; Dale Somers, Wichita KS 93.50 2 Curtis Barbee - Pamela Barbee, Newnan GA 86.00 2 Laila Lewis, Las Vegas NV; Daniel Garrison, Beaverton OR 73.00

FRIDAY EVENING 300/200/100 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Cathy River, Madison WI; Paul Bernhardt, Salt Lake City UT 107.00 1 Albert Oliver, Henderson NV; Frank Callom, Las Vegas NV 99.50 2 2 1 Robert Quinlan - Thomas Morton, Pittsburgh PA 98.50 2 1 J J Armour, Derwood MD; Donia Steele, Livingston TX 95.00 3 3 James Fallis - Alice Fallis, Wichita KS 89.50 3 2 Neil Keyes - Wanda Keyes, Nipomo CA 89.50 4 Mary Ann Nadler, Hayward CA; Elayne Rupert, Parma OH 83.50 4 3 1 Donald Huber - Susan Huber, Canfield OH 88.50 2 Barbara Mays, Collierville TN; Peggy Mc Fall, Cordova TN 81.50 4/5 2/3 Jo Anne Georgi - William Georgi, Kalaheo HI 88.00 4/5 2/3 Patsy Lord, San Diego CA; Mary Tice, La Mesa CA 88.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SSS EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Linda Pollett - William Pollett, Smith’s BE 100.07 1 Richard Jones, Anderson IN; Alan Griswold, Indianapolis IN 95.50 2 2 1 Marilyn Kay, Southbury CT; Richard Thorne, Apple Valley CA 93.79 2 Kevin Comeau, Henderson NV; Magda Farag, Hamilton BE 91.93 3 Sharron Voorhees, San Diego CA; Jack Mathews, Bellevue WA 92.07 3 1 1 Edwin Glickman, Snowmass CO; Rita Hiller, Idaho Falls ID 88.21 4 Joan Piaget - Gerry Piaget, Palo Alto CA 90.93 4 2 Ross Brooks - Linda Brooks, Prince Albert SK 87.70 3 Tina Grosvenor, Alexandria VA; Arleen Gimbel, San Diego CA 82.43

FRIDAY EVENING STRATIFIED BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS SECTIONS SS TT A B C 1 Jim Haws, Tampa FL; John Bacsa, Wood Dale IL; Robert Oslin, Chicago IL; Brian Hingerty, Knoxville TN 18.00 2 Tom Schmied, Littleton CO; Charlie Anderson, Louisville CO; Michael Perlman - Richard Laver, Boulder CO 17.50 3 Edvardo Rosen - Odette Zigherboim - Alisa Rapaport, Caracas VE; Steve Hamaoui, Venezuela 17.00 4 Lizabeth Kennedy, Germantown WI; Gary Williams, Milwaukee WI; Martin Morris, Wheeling IL; Roberto Verthelyi, New York NY 14.50 5/8 1 1 Andrew Risman, Toronto ON; Sharon Bain - David Kroft, Thornhill ON; Max Tang, Scarborough ON 14.00 5/8 Kevin Lewis, N Las Vegas NV; George Vasilevsky, Las Vegas NV; Jay Kurzet - Louise Kurzet, Portland OR 14.00 5/8 Glenn Smith, Creve Coeur MO; Richard Anderson, Regina SK; Harriette Buckman - Fred Buckman, Lincolnwood IL 14.00 5/8 Stephen Sturm - Charlotte Sturm, Whittier CA; Glenn Haas, Villa Park IL; Amin Karim, Glen Ellyn IL 14.00 9 2 2 Erla Sigurjonsd - Sigfus Thordarson - Alda Gudnatottir - Kristjaw Sworrason, Uruguay 13.50 10/11 Bernie Lambert, Viking AB; Helene Bauman, Arlington VA; Alex Fowlie - Stephen Willard, Edmonton AB 13.00 10/11 Oscar Saffold - Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH; Genie Warshauer, Sumter SC; Edith Morgan, Las Vegas NV 13.00 3/4 Bruce Blakely, San Rafael CA; Tony Staw, Santa Clara CA; Lynn Yokel - Vinc Mveller, Campbell CA 11.00 3/4 Robin Gillies - Lynne Gillies, Culver City CA; Alan Curtis, Newbury Park CA; Jane Dommeyer, Redondo Beach CA 11.00 5 Sara Leckie - Barbara Hemmeter - Patricia Dreinhoefer, Knoxville TN; Sara Mantel, Fayetteville NC 10.50 SECTIONS W Y A B C 1 Michael Cassel II, Roseville MN; Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC; Susan Culham, Edmonton AB; William Treble, Winnipeg MB 18.00 2 Ross Rainwater - Jackie Jarigese, Vancouver WA; Michael Efraim, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; James Gordon, S Burlington VT 16.50 3 Drew Casen, Boca Raton FL; Teri Bigham, Las Vegas NV; Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Nels Erickson, Meadview AZ 16.25 4 1 Rae Murbach - Jerry Murbach - Joseph Viola III, Altadena CA; Bob Johnson, Pasadena CA 16.00 5 Joe Rickman, Maryville TN; Ruth Stober, Great Neck NY; Keith Garber, Pelham NY; Elaine Said, Nashville TN 15.50 6 Harold McConnell - Dallas Moore, Dayton OH; Mike Marlin - Sandra Marlin, Versailles KY 15.00 7/8 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Eddie Rose, Laguna Niguel CA; Loretta Bromberg, Bel Tiburon CA 14.50 7/8 John Gassenheimer - Jill Fisch, Washington DC; Dale Beers, Boiling Springs PA; Florine Atkins-Garber, Pelham NY 14.50 9 William Laubenheimer, Sunnyvale CA; Michael Levinson, Daly City CA; Floyd McWilliams, Woodside CA; Robert Dannels, Santa Clara CA 14.00 10 Al Blinder, Torrance CA; Samuel Asai, Hood River OR; Faye Parsons, Saratoga CA; Arthur Fletcher, Las Vegas NV 13.50 2/3 1 Robert Alfandary - Susan Nurock, Lafayette CA; Robert Lupton, Aurora CO; Robert Paris, Denver CO 11.50 2/3 William Ballin - Mary Ballin, Solana Beach CA; Denise Placek, New Orleans LA; Billie Greene, San Diego CA 11.50 4/7 John Bortins, Louisville CO; Nancy Benamati, Aurora CO; Dick Duff, Denver CO; Thomas Lenahan, Littleton CO 10.50 4/7 James Craig, Gilroy CA; Karol Monroe - Guy Monroe, Newport OR; Loarn Thoelecke, San Anselmo CA 10.50 4/7 Lynn Rattinger, Roanoke VA; Alan Steggles, Ravenna OH; Clara Curtis, Palm Springs CA; Amal Dasgupta, Wilmington DE 10.50 4/7 2 Marilyn Nesbit - Peter Gray - Marie McGowan, Ketchum ID; Dee Swartz, Hailey ID 10.50 3 Rachael Gosling, Paget BE; Stephan Juliusburger - Craig Hutton, Hamilton BE; Clifford Alison, Somerset BE 9.00 SECTIONS X Z A B C 1/3 1 1 Alisha Hudson, Walnut Grove CA; Andrew Steinheimer, Oakland CA; Jeremy Huie - Stacey Huie, Pleasant Hill CA 15.50 1/3 Edward White, Grand Blanc MI; Robert Carteaux, Fort Wayne IN; Jim Linhart, Delray Beach FL; Howard Piltch, Andover MA 15.50 1/3 Geo. Fred Williams III - Shirley Leeds, Knoxville TN; Robert Rinehart, Northumberland PA; Jim Relihan, Tampa FL 15.50 Page 18 Daily Bulletin

SECTIONS X Z A B C 4/6 Steve Bruno - Darrell Keel, Peoria AZ; Peter Schneider, La Canada CA; Bruce Ferguson, San Francisco CA 14.50 4/6 Gerri Knilans - Hal Knilans, Thousand Oaks CA; Earle Ziskin, Santa Monica CA; Beverly Goldstein, Los Angeles CA 14.50 4/6 2 Mike Alexander, Manchester, England; Michelle Sellyn, Glasgow; Maggie Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Justin Hackett, Manchester, England 14.50 7/8 3 Angeline Murray, Danville CA; Silvana Bellini, St Petersburg FL; Len Rickard, Knoxville TN; Teresa Szymczak, Walnut Creek CA 14.00 7/8 Gail Schueler, Chiriaco Smt CA; Carroll Schueler, Kenmore WA; Cynthia Glad - Don Glad, Seattle WA 14.00 9 4 Sharon Paulus - Robert Simard - Geraldine Wurdinger - Eugene Wurdinger, East Syracuse NY 13.50 10/13 5/6 Gene Hendricks - Stuart Russell - Gordon Grossetta - David Rinehart, Tucson AZ 12.50 10/13 Jim Elbogen, Mission Viejo CA; John Fox, Whittier CA; Thomas Lum, Honolulu HI; Ted Alexander, Laguna Hills CA 12.50 10/13 5/6 Robert Wood, San Francisco CA; Raymond Adams Jr, Turlock CA; Ken McClenahan, Lone Tree CO; Caryn Villalon, Willits CA 12.50 10/13 Peter Schwartz, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; Jackie Boisseau, Etobicoke ON; Joseph Major - Ethel Major, Westmount PQ 12.50 2 Gregory McLaughlin, Irvine CA; Margaret Maidment, Bakersfield CA; Dorothy Street, Newmarket ON; Jerri Hobbs, Roswell GA 9.50 FRIDAY A/X PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS L M N O P EAST-WEST A X A X 1 Joe Quinn, Katy TX; Ira Hessel, San Antonio TX 1050.16 1 1 Elena Prahin - Michael Prahin, Irvington NY 1103.51 2 Michael Hargreaves, Victoria BC; Gordon McOrmond, Surrey BC 1036.96 2 Ronald Newburg, Marblehead MA; Pat McDevitt, Brookline MA 1008.76 3 Marlene Passell - Bill Passell, Coral Springs FL 1014.94 3 2 Peng Cheng - Xiaoyu Cheng, Campbell CA 996.14 4 Bruce Cobb, Denver CO; Judy Randel, Albuquerque NM 974.26 4 3 Jeffrey McKee, Arlington TX; Greg Resz, Dallas TX 980.13 5 Sylvia Deserpa, Tempe AZ; Pat Thomas, Salinas CA 972.38 5 Hugh Brown Jr, Mc Cormick SC; John Potter, Panama City FL 946.89 6 1 Jack Shartsis, Huntington Wd MI; Jerrold Grossman, Rochester Hills MI 965.90 6 Royce McCray, Caddo Mills TX; Walter Schaf er Jr, Aurora IL 939.90 7 2 Carol Rostad, New York NY; Gloria Tamlyn, Larchmont NY 964.16 7 Michel Schneider, Berkeley CA; Martin Miller, Rochester NY 932.14 8 3 Reba Cole, Boca Raton FL; John Hogan Jr, Wayne NJ 964.01 8 Lew Walter, New York NY; Sam Aldenderfer, Fort Lee NJ 929.90 9 George Wang - Janet Ju, El Monte CA 963.70 9 4 Linda Granell, Redlands CA; Shaleen Baze, Irvine CA 929.63 10 Si Frome - Carole Frome, Lauderhill FL 960.24 10 5 Vandana Vidwans, Sunnyvale CA; Rajeev Gupta, San Mateo CA 928.16 11 Joanne McConnell, San Mateo CA; Rebecca Rogers, Las Vegas NV 949.94 11 Howard Epley, Kent WA; Stanford Christie, Des Moines WA 927.94 12 4 Weizhong Bao, Herndon VA; Ruoyu Fan, Richmond VA 939.13 12 6 J Evans - G Vic Sowers III, Houston TX 926.13 13 5 Ronald Huffaker, Alpine CA; Harold Huffaker, Danville CA 933.53 13 Diane Shannon, San Jose CA; Donald Rothschild, Sunnyvale CA 921.06 14 6 James Mates, Washington DC; George Krizel, Fstrvl Trvose PA 920.58 14 7 Ian Wilson, Irvine CA; George Harman, Woodland Hls CA 916.01 15 Bob Crossley, Corte Madera CA; David Bryant, San Francisco CA 915.17 15 8 Idelle Katz, Hartsdale NY; Andrew Lohan, Mahwah NJ 910.71 16 Jennifer Ballantyne, Vancouver BC; Dudley Brown, Grandview WA 903.62 16 Barrie Wall - Ray Miller, Seattle WA 905.52 17 Elizabeth Refaie - Mohsen Refaie, Wilmington DE 901.70 17 9 Carolyne Fox - George Fox, Houston TX 905.04 18 Jackie Evans, Albuquerque NM; Jiun-Ming Chen, West Lafayette IN 899.87 18 10 Stephen Tu, Milpitas CA; William Watson, San Mateo CA 887.40 19 W Ronald Frazier, Clackamas OR; Hank Mullaney, Portland OR 898.70 19 11 Kenneth Marcroft - Carole Marcroft, Dayton OH 885.63 20 7 Ed Tranovich, Naperville IL; Roger Plowman, Lafayette CO 898.24 20 12 Hanan Deeby, San Mateo CA; Bernard Figueiredo, San Francisco CA 884.75 21 8 Stephanie Hamilton-Diesel, Saugus MA; Jan Gottesfeld, North Andover MA 896.55 21 13 Susanne Robbins, Boca Raton FL; Gregory Robbins, New York NY 883.57 22 9 Shirley Seals, Ponte Vedra FL; Deborah Drury, Vero Beach FL 893.40 22 Gerald Ungar, Berryton KS; Nancy Sachs, Cincinnati OH 882.00 23 10 Bill Drewett - Kenny Zuckerberg, Chicago IL 885.70 23 14 Dewy Cundiff - Peg Cundiff, Las Vegas NV 880.21 24 11 Renee Carter, Henderson NV; Roger Zellmer, San Diego CA 872.24 24 15 Robert Gerrie - Aban Gerrie, Richmond BC 876.75 25 12 David Brower, Vancouver WA; Daniel Hoekstra, Portland OR 864.07 25 16 Susan Groff - Tim Rumoshosky, Glendale AZ 876.13 26 Judy Fendrick - Robert Fendrick, Marietta GA 863.20 26 Glenna Szulc - Armand Szulc, Woodland Hills CA 875.69 27 13 Jim Steele - Karen Renne, Pine CO 859.18 27 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Gecht, Staten Island NY 873.20 28 Jon Bartlett, Portland OR; Hank Gagnon, Newberg OR 852.56 28 Donella Johnson, West Hollywood CA; Pam Stratton, Portland OR 866.59 29 14 Irene Robinson, EN; Robert Kane, London N6 5eu EN 852.33 29 Boris Baran, Cote Saint-Luc PQ; Diana Holt, Palm Beach FL 863.01 30 15 Lance Chamberlain, Rochester MN; Stephen Czecha, Potomac MD 850.50 30 Helene Fournier, Chicoutimi PQ; Paul Benedict, Pikesville MD 861.24

FRIDAY STRATIFIED B/C/D PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION II EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Jennie Dague, Las Vegas NV; Judith Kulic, Henderson NV 202.50 1 1 John Bush, Ketchum ID; Francis Shorey, Bailey Island ME 185.00 2 Henry Muzzio Jr, Flower Mound TX; J Wiegmann, Lewisville TX 194.50 2 2 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 183.00 3 1 Gwendolyn Cline - Sondra Rothstein, Las Vegas NV 191.00 3 Peter Attwood, Sarnia ON; Jackie Brickey, Las Vegas NV 181.00 4 2 Julia Brown, Fairfax VA; Marilyn Thomas, Mc Lean VA 172.00 4 David Holeman, Oakland CA; Otto Edor, Concord CA 174.00 5 3 1 B Horiguchi - Chiye Horiguchi, Gardena CA 167.50 5 3 Barry Margolin, Arlington MA; James Overly, Cambridge MA 168.50 6 Sandra Cropper, San Juan Capo CA; Michael Kerr, Irvine CA 163.50 6 1 Christie Jones - Eugene McDougall, Scottsdale AZ 162.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJ EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 1 Laura Loring, San Diego CA; Sandra Schumsky, Santee CA 195.50 1 Patricia Menefee - Sue Herrmann, Laguna Niguel CA 197.50 2 2 Stephen Sawyer, Hemet CA; Gayle Grubb, Newport Beach CA 195.00 2 1 1 Paul Cornelius, Redwood City CA; Leila Gaines, San Mateo CA 181.00 3 Cindy Snider, San Antonio TX; Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY 189.50 3 Shirley Opstad - Wesley Kuhlman, Federal Way WA 177.50 4 3 1 Lawrence Hanna, Huntington Bh CA; Loretta Slaton, Laguna Woods CA 180.00 4 Susan Craney, Brecksville OH; Judith Watjen, Bay Village OH 168.00 5 Angie Clark - Richard Jahn, Glenview IL 167.50 5 2 Terri Bedard - Greg Bedard, Calgary AB 164.00 6 Barbara Thacker, Clovis CA; Carolyn Smith, Friant CA 161.50 6 3 2 Charles Findeisen, Aptos CA; Mary Cohron, Springville AL 163.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Jack Hawthorne, Phoenix AZ; Brett Kunin, West Orange NJ 178.00 1 Nicholas Gregorio Sr, Stoneham MA; James Kehoe, Glen Ellyn IL 193.50 2 1 Mac Busby, San Diego CA; Grant Peacock, Irvine CA 176.50 2 Kathee Farrington - Samuel Jordan, Spring Valley CA 182.00 3 2 1 Gerald Smoot - Teri Smoot, Fountain Valley CA 174.50 3 1 Francine Bard, Bayside NY; Stan Behr, Tucson AZ 171.50 4 3 2 D Shepler, Charleston WV; Latricia McConnell, San Diego CA 173.00 4 Kathy Swaine, Granada Hills CA; Rand Pinsky, Valencia CA 169.50 5 George Kovarik - Pat Kovarik, Henderson NV 172.00 5 2 Paul McAdam, Highland CA; Andrew McAdam, Castro Valley CA 166.50 6 Joan Slatalla - Darlene Anderson, Lk Havasu Cty AZ 171.50 6/7 Judy Chapman, Edmonton AB; Leslie Powell, New York NY 158.00 6/7 3 Eddie Bass - Donna Sparks, Houston TX 158.00 1 Richmond Simmons - Marilynn Simmons, Paget BE 155.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION T EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Dorothy Purcell, Henderson NV; Diana Thompson, Bellevue WA 184.00 1 Spencer Jones, Westminster CO; Douglas H Scott, Anchorage AK 186.00 2 1 1 Paul Goldensohn, Henderson NV; B Gidwani, New York NY 182.50 2 Mary Anne Pixley, Littleton CO; Skip Carson, Lakewood CO 183.50 3 2 James Damon - Patricia Damon, Sidney ME 180.00 3 Gretchen Teich - Mark Teich, Concord NH 176.00 4 3 Geoff Masters, Oro Valley AZ; Faye Nichols, Portland OR 166.00 4 Thomas Hanford, Surprise AZ; Steven Hough, Westminster CA 168.50 5 Rex Latus - Sheila Latus, Escondido CA 162.00 5 1 1 June Lucas, Reno NV; Ann (Nancy) Riely, Kailua Kona HI 168.00 6 Sandra Robson, New Westminster BC; Tai Eng, Vancouver BC 161.50 6 2 David Shuck, La Luz NM; Charles Brown, Denton TX 166.50 4 Charles Gulland - Donna Gulland, Roseville CA 161.00 3 Evie Leathers - Otis Leathers, McCleary WA 159.50 4 Mary Holman Allen, Mahtomedi MN; John Allen, Saint Paul MN 153.50 2 Alfred Anderson - Sally Anderson, Butte MT 150.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION Q EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 1 Helen Haver, Flagstaff AZ; June Stockhaus, Scottsdale AZ 188.50 1 Carol Rynders, Saint Paul MN; Raymond Austin, Green Valley AZ 185.50 2 Ronald Zucker - Jon Silverman, San Francisco CA 188.00 2 J Thomas Holzer, Hopkins MN; Patti Stuhlman, Minneapolis MN 178.50 3 Paul Cronin, Port Colborne ON; Theresa Howard, Sharon ON 185.00 3 1 Carol Hess - Richard Hess, Palm Beach FL 173.00 4 2 1 Matthew Campbell, Lincoln NE; Charity Sack, Chevy Chase MD 184.50 4 2 1 Michael Nabrynski - Jennifer Nabrynski, Ashland MA 171.50 5 3 Claudia Gamio, Pls Vrds Pnsl CA; Adam Miller, Champaign IL 184.00 5 Flo Heilig - Charles Heilig, Chesapeake VA 170.00 6 4 Frank Wharton, London Nw3 1en EN; Michael Cornes, Warwick BE 177.00 6 3 Lawrence Harding, Hampstead NC; Judy McNeilly, Mississauga ON 164.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION U EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Julie Lever, Las Vegas NV; Sanae Matsumoto, Honolulu HI 198.00 1 1 V Everett Boyer, San Bruno CA; Brent Matson, Meadow Vista CA 194.00 2 1 Avram Ninyo - Susan Ninyo, Rancho Santa Fe CA 190.00 2 Raymond Depew, Kingston PA; Walter Brenholts, Mountain Top PA 177.50 3 Judy Voelkl - Earl Voelkl, Rochester NY 173.00 3 Steven Johnson, San Diego CA; Maria Pendergast, W Hollywood CA 174.50 4/5 Clayton Parker - Edith Parker, Surprise AZ 170.00 4 2 Martin McCloskey, Westlake Vlg CA; C Emily Moffatt, Pasadena CA 170.00 4/5 Robert Graves, Greenbelt MD; Donna Graves, Severn MD 170.00 5 David Willmott, Folsom CA; S Chevalier, Montreal PQ 169.50 6 2 Richard Stell, Houston TX; Steve Vaughn, Humble TX 164.00 6 Larry Moore - Cheryl Bishop, Portland OR 167.50 3 Judith Bussell, Devonshire BE; Diana Diel, Warwick BE 162.00 3 1 Gloria Brown-Cook, Gardena CA; Faustina Floyd, Los Angeles CA 153.00 1 Steve Sanzo, Los Angeles CA; Robert Gala, Buffalo NY 153.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION S EAST-WEST B C D B C D 1 Thomas Jahnke - Kenneth Stark, Houston TX 182.00 1 1 Nelson Davis, Seattle WA; Yoshinori Kurachi, 207.00 2 Pamela Wiegmann, Lewisville TX; Othella Muzzio, Flower Mound TX 180.00 2 2 1 Brett Goldston - Frances Evans, Seattle WA 195.00 3 Nancy Hall - Helen Fiedler, Oxnard CA 169.50 3 Hansi Torczyner, Burlingame CA; Norm Gordon, Dol-des-Ormea PQ 174.50 4 Cydney Hayes, Riverside Est SK; Angela Shaw, Saskatoon SK 169.00 4 3 Harry Kast, Hamilton BE; Lisa Kow, Concord CA 172.50 5 1 Peter Sager, San Rafael CA; Alan Jacobs, Boca Raton FL 164.00 5 4 Toby Shapiro, Ukiah CA; Kate Hill, Santa Rosa CA 172.00 6 Eugene Wilson, Minooka IL; Molly Tranovich, Naperville IL 161.50 6 Ann MacMillan, Las Vegas NV; Scott Campbell, Sun City CA 153.50 2 R. Owen Doster - Barbara Doster, Charlotte NC 159.50 2 Coline Maclean, Los Gatos CA; Edward Sutcliffe, Sonoma CA 149.00 3 Robert Glickman, Woodland Hills CA; Joel Schwartz, Los Angeles CA 158.00 1 John Tolson - Lynne Tolson, Bedford NS 149.50

WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY SIDE SERIES 6TH SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Peria Sultan Slimak, Caracas, Ven; Paolo Pasquini, Miami FL 182.00 1 1 Edward Rainone - David Kayner, Las Vegas NV 199.50 2 Guplaugur Seinsson, Reykjavik, Ice; Jon Stefansson, Kopavogur, Ice 180.50 2 Phyllis Rakevich - Ronald Woodard, Olympia WA 186.50 3 1 Rosemary Hayden - Dorothy Robinson, Las Vegas NV 178.50 3 2 Marion Robertson - Lois Low Tan, San Francisco CA 181.00 4 2 1 Ivan Stoimirov - Nevena Stoimirov, Mountain View CA 176.50 4/5 3 Gretchen Smith - David Smith, Salisbury NC 171.50 5 Shannon Cappelletti, Red Bank TN; Carol Lively, Ormond Beach FL 173.50 4/5 Thomas Corlett, Waco TX; Jack Triplett, Inkom ID 171.50 6 3 Luciana Velciu - Sorin Samanta, Rochester MN 172.50 6 4 1 Wanda E G Nunan, Victoria BC; Gloria Allan, West Vancouver BC 160.00 4 Alfred McCray, Dayton OH; Mona Mao, Springfield OH 160.00 2 Mary Williams, Whittier CA; Virginia Buffum, Hacienda Hgts CA 141.50 2 Jennifer Chalfan - Chris Moore, South Pasadena CA 155.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 A Harrison, New York NY; Bob Yellis, Great Neck NY 191.50 1 1 1 John Entsminger - Jill Entsminger, Henderson NV 202.50 2 1 1 Faye Alexiev, San Francisco CA; James Norton, Redding CA 185.00 2 2 Thomas Moore, Lynn MA; Gregory Vernon, Ridgecrest CA 195.00 3/4 Jean Willis, El Dorado AR; John Herrmann, Chattanooga TN 175.50 3 3 Dolly Davis, Sparks NV; David Pankratz, San Diego CA 185.00 3/4 Robert McPhee, Belleville ON; Alice Odenwald, Shawnee Mission KS 175.50 4 4 Sandra Tuft - Howard Tuft, Las Vegas NV 175.00 5 2 Keith Mackenzie - Marion Mackenzie, Parksville BC 159.50 5 Alan Darman, Boca Raton FL; George Hershman, Baltimore MD 172.00 6 3 2 Roberta Lyon - Lois Haddad, Bel Tiburon CA 154.50 6 2 Andreas Traks - Elmerice Traks, Cleveland OH 163.50 4/5 Harry Horwitz - Jack Hayden, Las Vegas NV 150.00 4/5 John Arbogast, Nipomo CA; Bill Blackburn, Matlacha FL 150.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Gloria Rabinowitz - Martin Rabinowitz, Narberth PA 196.00 1 1 Bette Anne Gilbert - John Gilbert, Kitchener ON 198.00 2 Elisabeth Szeps, Buenos Aires AR; Terry Schleppegrell, Anchorage AK 184.00 2 Barbara Steffek, St Petersburg FL; Alice Manzer, Fredericton NB 196.50 3 Patricia Elms, Newport Beach CA; Madie Brice, Cordova TN 176.50 3 Gerald Collier, Oak Park CA; Jan Janssen, Las Vegas NV 182.50 4 1 William Carlson Jr - Jacquelyn Sollner, St Thomas VI 173.00 4 2 Peter Aldenderfer - Charles Aldenderfer, Indianapolis IN 178.50 5 2 Shirley Scott, Colorado Spgs CO; Judi Trenton, Hartland MI 164.00 5 Gerald Soucy - Bryan Rapson, Halifax NS 176.00 6 3 Emma Jean Anderson, Sacramento CA; Laura Raczek, Joliet IL 163.50 6 Cynthia Michael, Woodbridge CT; Sarah Corning, Guilford CT 165.00 4 1 Seth Weisberg - Nicola Bird, Los Angeles CA 157.00 3 Nada Walter, Lausanne SW; David Marshall, Reading MA 152.50 2 Tom Walker - Peggy Pfeifer, Anchorage AK 150.00 4 Richard Priebe - Beverly Priebe, Houston TX 148.50 1 Shirley Betz, Sierra Madre CA; Margaret Mataga, Glendale CA 140.00 2 Anna Grosso, Hauppauge NY; Tom Miyaoka, Los Angeles CA 128.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION PP EAST-WEST Daily Bulletin Page 19

A B C A B C 1 Soohi Synn, Seoul KO; Ken Monzingo, San Diego CA 182.54 1 En Xie, Saint Louis MO; Robert Holmes III, Las Vegas NV 180.21 2 1 Eunice Patton, Bloomington IL; Fred Crockett, Danville IL 177.30 2 Rahn Smith, Brandon FL; Sharon Meng, Tampa FL 175.51 3 Sondra Caplin - Donald Caplin, Waltham MA 177.29 3 Glenna Shannahan, Fitchburg WI; Patrick Moran, Dayton OH 172.97 4 Sachiko Yamamura - Natsuko Nishida, Tokyo JP 169.13 4 1 1 Barbara Horn - Mildred Graybill, Whittier CA 171.67 5 2 Ruthann Novin, Revere MA; Ann Faget, Houston TX 168.30 5 2 Jeffrey Holmes, La Jolla CA; Daniel Denison, Solana Beach CA 165.63 6 3 Orhan Gurbuz, Huntington Bh CA; Hayim Ninyo, Irvine CA 167.54 6 Jean Groome, Delta BC; Robert Brower, Sun Lakes AZ 163.63 4 George Thompson, Bellflower CA; Berneice Anglea, Newport Beach CA 163.55 3 Paul Harding, Spokane WA; Julian Wernick, Birmingham EN 163.13 1 Michael Mezin, San Diego CA; John McColl, La Jolla CA 158.29 4 2 Don Daly, Thousand Oaks CA; Steven Juk, Oxnard CA 151.04 2 Michael Lombardi, Norman OK; J Caldwell, Lewisville TX 155.05 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Roy Hoppe, San Rafael CA; Gail Haire, Tiburon CA 199.00 1 1 Susan Ostrowski, Arlington MA; Richard Willey, Alameda CA 216.00 2 1 Burton Lipsky, New York NY; Arnold Goldstein, Lake Worth FL 169.00 2 Ed Lucas III - Jeanne Lucas, Phoenix AZ 171.50 3 Alice Leicht - Marvin French, San Diego CA 167.00 3 Donna Marshall, Reading MA; Monique Fueg, Na NA 170.00 4 2 A Franzese, Westchester IL; Ronald Bredemann, Crystal Lake IL 166.00 4 2 1 June Mitchell, Palm Springs CA; Angelica Whipp, Windermere FL 167.00 5 3 1 Gail Kahan - John Kahan, Santa Barbara CA 164.50 5 Chris Champion - Robert Harward, Colorado Spgs CO 164.00 6 4 2 Edna Clay, Paget BE; Barbara Huntington, Hamilton BE 161.00 6 Michael Isaacs, London NW4 1AS EN; Ivor Young, London EN 161.50 3/4 Sheryleen Grothus, San Antonio TX; Jim Cheney, Hilo HI 157.50 3/4 Irving Bloom, West Palm Beach FL; Robert Hoffman, Boynton Beach FL 157.50 2 Brian Hegarty - Elaine West Fry, Colorado Spgs CO 150.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sue Weinstein - Darlene Hammond, Las Vegas NV 212.75 1 1 Carrie Touslee - Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 193.50 2 1 Freda Thornbrough, Downey CA; Olavi Vare, Henderson NV 192.25 2 Hadi Allahverdian - Chester Kurzet, Portland OR 190.84 3 2 1 Yolanda Dunley - Annette White, Las Vegas NV 178.50 3 Roger Clough, Culver City CA; Robert Kent, Los Angeles CA 177.75 4 Joe Barnard, Dublin OH; Janet Garthe, Suttons Bay MI 175.16 4 2 Joan Mesias, Temple City CA; Barbara Swan, Roseville CA 177.63 5 3 Dee Jennings - Gil Jennings, El Cajon CA 168.25 5 Mark Bumgardner, Carrollton TX; Willie Bumgardner, Bedford TX 171.13 6 4 Marilyn Klashman, Waban MA; Rochelle Goldenberg, Chicago IL 158.38 6 3 John Mc Connell - Carol McConnell, Desoto TX 165.63 2 Al Jinnah - Leila Jinnah, Redondo Beach CA 154.50 4 1 Robert Butler - Patrick Freeman, Las Vegas NV 158.75 2 Glenn Cody, San Mateo CA; Mary St John, Knoxville TN 156.50

Tips for New Duplicate The useUsing of bid boxes bid at clubs boxes and tournaments has AttendanceAttendance at the Las staysVegas NABC strong through yes- become standard, but if you’re new to duplicate, bid boxes terday was 11,318 tables. This very strong showing will may also be new to you. Susan Freeman, who teaches bridge at the Miami make Las Vegas 2001 the largest Fall NABC ever. Be- Players Here are some tips to make your first encounters Valley Bridge Center in Dayton OH, prepared these low is a list of the Top 10 Fall NABCs prior to this pleasant: tips for her players new to duplicate: year. • Decide on your call before you touch a bid card. • Count cards face down before sorting to make 1992 Orlando, FL 14980.0 Don’t think with your fingers -- decide whether you’re sure all hands have 13 cards. 1987 Anaheim, CA 13948.0 going to bid 2 or 3 before you reach for that bid card. • Recount after sorting to make sure no card is « « 1980 Lancaster, PA 13521.0 • Look at the bid card before pulling it completely hidden. 1973 Las Vegas, NV 13464.0 out of the box. You’d find it hard to convince a director • Decide your bid before you touch the bid box 1990 San Francisco, CA 13239.0 that you inadvertently pulled the “pass” card when you so you don’t give extra information. 1988 Nashville, TN 13214.5 meant to bid 6 . • Place bidding cards sequentially on the table « 1996 San Francisco, CA 12984.0 • Display your bid cards neatly left to right in front so all bids can be seen and reviewed. 1999 Boston, MA 12749.0 of you. If all four players do this, a complete record of the • Bid in tempo to avoid giving information, 1989 Lancaster, PA 12580.5 auction is displayed. which may result in partner being banned from further 1984 San Diego, CA 12071.5 • Conclude the auction properly by placing your bidding. “pass” card on the table. • Ask about opponent’s bids only when it is your • Even when the auction has concluded, don’t rush turn to bid. to gather up your bid cards and place them back in the • Direct questions to bidder’s partner. box. Many players find it helpful to let all bid cards re- • For first lead, place your card face down on main on the table until North has recorded the final con- the table and ask your partner if there are any ques- tract and the opening suit symbols lead has been made. Note:Everyday This list of 10 resolutionsresolutions appeared in the tions. This will avoid leading out of turn or being in- • Try to avoid inadvertent calls. What is normally a Daily Bulletin at the 1992 Fall NABC in Orlando. fluenced by partner’s question. clear situation with spoken bidding becomes somewhat 1. I will not criticize or express disapproval of an • Play each card in tempo to avoid giving extra hazy when bid boxes are used. opponent’s play or bid. information to your opponent or your partner. The Laws reads: “Until his partner makes a call, a 2. I will politely call “Director, please” whenever • Call the Director of the game if there is any player may substitute his intended call for an inadvertent there is an irregularity. question about any part of the game and let him or her call but only if he does so, or attempts to do so, without 3. I will not comment that an opponent’s error was make any decisions or rulings. The directors are there pause for thought.” anticipated or needed for my action to succeed. to help. An inadvertent call is inadvertent if -- and only if -- it 4. I will refrain from offering unsolicited advice. • Arrive early when playing with a new partner was a “slip of the fingers,” the bid box equivalent of a 5. I will not discuss previously played boards with to decide partnership agreements and fill out a con- “slip of the tongue.” You reached for the 3 card but the my partner in the presence of new opponents. vention card. ¨ 3 card accidentally came out. 6. I will stop all cross table converation as soon as • Be sure your convention card is complete, © In these situations, the correct call may be substituted one hand is removed from the next board. available and visible during the game. without penalty. A player who calls attention to the inad- 7. I will not engage in lengthy postmortems be- vertent bid as soon as he notices what he actually pulled tween hands and between rounds. from the bid box has done so without pause for thought, 8. I will keep cards in my hand until it is my turn to Have fun!!!!!!! even if some time has elapsed. play. This is the “oops” rule: with spoken bidding, you 9. I will not take the cards of other players from would have said, “Three clubs -- oops, I meant three dia- the board after play. monds.” With bid boxes, you may say, “Oops” and sub- 10. I will remain at the table until the next round is called and will pass the boards immediately. stitute the 3¨ bid card for the 3© bid card.

Remember the victims and heroes of September 11th, by playing in the Red, White and Blue Bridge Bash Monday, December 10 Saturday, December 15 TODAY’S SCHEDULE *Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for all stratified events are: A (2000+), B (750-2000), C (0-750).Junior For Strati-Flighted Day events, A/X are 3000+/0-3000 and play in their own game; B (1000-2000), C (500-1000) and D (0-500) play in their own game. **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. Saturday, November 24, 2001, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Entry/player/session Sold ACBL members** Other Washington Bracketed KO Teams 4th $12 $13 Barron Phoenix Bracketed KO Teams 2nd $12 $13 Barron Early Bird Stratified Swiss Teams 1st $12 $13 Barron (Continues at 9:00 a.m. Sunday) Morning Side Game Series III* 1st single session $12 $13 Barron Stratified 299er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 Saturday, November 24, 2001, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 $12 $13 Ballroom C Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12 $13 Pavilion 1 Saturday, November 24, 2001, 1:00 & 8:00 p.m. BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 1-2F $14.50 $15.50 Conrad SENIOR KO TEAMS $14.50 $15.50 Ballroom E (One match per day until complete) NATIONAL 99er PAIRS 1-2 $13 $14 Pavilion 9-11 Stratified Open Pairs*1-2 $12 $13 Conrad Bracketed KO Teams V 3-4 $12 $13 Barron Bracketed KO Teams VI 1-2 $12 $13 Barron (Continues Saturday) Side Game Series III* single $12 $13 Barron 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11 $11 Pavilion 9-11 Saturday, November 24, 2001, 8:00 p.m. Stratified Swiss Teams* single $11 $12 Barron Side Game Series III* single $12 $13 Barron Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11 $11 Pavilion 9-11 Saturday, November 24, 2001, Midnight Late Night Compact KO Teams 3-4 $12 $13 Pavilion 9-11 Zip KO Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11

Note: Entry for the Board-a-Match Teams required by 8:00 p.m. Saturday.

*Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified SeniorTOMORROW’S events are: A (2000+), B (750-2000), CSCHEDULE (0-750). For Strati-Flighted events, A/X are 3000+/0-3000 and play in their own game; B (1000-2000), C (500-1000) and D (0-500) play in their own game. **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. Sunday, November 25, 2001, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Entry/player/session Sold ACBL members** Other Phoenix Bracketed KO Teams 3rd $12 $13 Barron Early Bird Stratified Swiss Teams 2nd $12 $13 Barron Morning Compact KO Teams 1-2 $12 $13 Barron (Continues at 9:00 a.m. Monday) Morning Side Game Series III* 2nd single session $12 $13 Barron Stratified 299er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 Sunday, November 25, 2001, 10:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Stratified * 1-2 $12 $13 Pavilion 3-4 Sunday, November 25, 2001, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 $12 $13 Ballroom C Sunday, November 25, 2001, 1:00 & 8:00 p.m. REISINGER BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS 1-2Q $14.50 $15.50 Pavilion 1-2 (Two qualifying sessions today, two semifinal sessions Monday, two final sessions Tuesday) NORTH AMERICAN SWISS TEAMS 1-2Q $13 $14 Conrad (Two qualifying sessions today, two semifinal sessions Monday, two final sessions Tuesday) Strati-Flighted Swiss Teams* Flight A/X 1-2 $12 $13 Conrad Flight B/C/D 1-2 $12 $13 Barron Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12 $13 Barron Bracketed KO Teams VI 3-4 $12 $13 Barron Bracketed KO Teams VII 1-2 $12 $13 Barron (Continues Monday) Side Game Series III* single $12 $13 Barron 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11 $11 Pavilion 9-11 Sunday, November 25, 2001, 8:00 p.m. Stratified IMP Pairs* single $11 $12 Pavilion 3-4 Open to Swiss non-qualifiers and new entrants Side Game Series III* single $12 $13 Barron Stratified 299er Swiss Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11 $11 Pavilion 9-11 Sunday, November 25, 2001, Midnight Zip KO Teams single $11 $12 Pavilion 9-11