A Community Charter for Ford Area Committee

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 2

Welcome to your local community charter

I am really pleased to introduce this Community Charter. It sets out the levels of service that you as a resident can expect from the major departments of . It also shows how you can help us to achieve and maintain those standards. If we work together we can make our neighbourhoods even cleaner, safer and greener.

This charter gives you the chance to have your say about how services can be delivered within your Councillor Tony Robertson Leader of Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

neighbourhoods. We are committed to listening to your views and making changes to the ways services are delivered to ensure improvements.

The seven Area Committees of Sefton will be working hard to ensure that these services are being delivered in line with the Charter, however, should occasion arise where the standards in the Charter have not been met a 7report will be made to the appropriate Area Committee outlining what action will be taken to ensure that the standard is achieved.

The Area Committees are all open to the public and you are encouraged to go along to these meetings and have a say about the services that operate in your area.

Your Area Committee

My name is Ian Moncur and I am chair of the Ford and Litherland Area Committee. Sefton has created Area Committees to give its residents a greater say in council affairs.

We meet on a monthly basis and the first part of every meeting is an "Open Forum" where members of the public can ask questions, raise matters or present petitions about Council issues. Area Committees are responsible for making some decisions on transport and environmental matters and acting as a focus for consultation and discussion about matters in their area.

We are committed to developing neighbourhoods that are clean and safe and we look forward to working with our partners and the community to make Ford and Litherland an area in which people enjoy to live, work and play.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 3

Come along to your Area Committee and see how you can play a part in transforming your neighbourhood for the better.

Your Local Councillors

These are your local Councillors who make up the Area Committee. They also hold regular surgeries where you can go along and discuss any problems that you may have. Details of their surgeries and Area Committee dates can be found on our website.

Cllr Darren Hardy Cllr Trish Hardy Cllr Paul Tweed

Cllr Owen Brady Cllr Kevin Cluskey Cllr Ian Moncur

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 4

Your Neighbourhood Profile

Ford/Litherland is made up of two wards located in the southern end of the Borough with a population of 25,905 and incorporates the area from the Litherland boundary in the south up to Netherton Way/ Boundary Road, with the boundary following the Leeds/ Liverpool Canal through Rimrose Valley.

The area is predominantly residential and there are a number of parks in the area, including the Rimrose Valley Country . However, the area does suffer from a range of problems and as a result is included in a number of regeneration schemes, including Housing Market Renewal and Neighbourhood Renewal, to help address these deprivation issues.

Major flagship initiatives in Ford and Litherland include the Litherland Neighbourhood Care Centre based in Litherland Town Hall, which provides a range of social and health care services. Litherland Sports Park, is another which provides state of the art sports facilities on the Moss Lane playing fields site.

Age Structure of Ford and Litherland Area Committee Area




2000 Litherland Ford

Number 1500



0 10-14 16-17 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-44 45-59 60-64 65-74 75-84 85-89 0-4 5-7 8-9 15 90+

Age Range

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 5

Ethnic Breakdown of Ford and Litherland Area Committee (percentage)

Chinese or Asian or Black or Ward White Mixed Other Ethnic Asian British Black British Group Ford 98.79 0.69 0.23 0.08 0.21

Litherland 98.82 0.46 0.13 0.22 0.36

Figures based upon the rates per 1,000 population

Crime data (2005/06)

BCS Crimes BCS Crimes Ward (Count) (Per 1000 Pop) Ford 998 77.65 Litherland 918 76.03 Figures based upon the rates per 1,000 population

Skills Levels in the area

Qualiification levels in Ford and Litherland




2500 Litherland 2000 Ford 1500 Number of people 1000


0 None Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4/5 Other Level

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 6

We are committed to keeping your streets as clean as possible. The following pictures show the different grades of cleanliness that we are measured against. It is our commitment to you as local residents that the standards of cleanliness should not fall below Grade B. If it does we will do our utmost to resolve this as soon as possible. To do this we need your help to tell us when things aren’t right.

Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D No Litter or Hardly any litter Unacceptable Heavy litter Refuse or refuse levels of litter

Street Cleansing

• We will provide a street cleaning service in all residential areas on a specified day and frequency • We will provide street cleaning in minor shopping areas at least twice per week • Specific Street cleaning schedules can be found at http://www.sefton.gov.uk/page&4247.

Street cleansing is undertaken from the back of the pavement to the kerb on each side of the street. Manual cleansing will consist of the removal of any gross litter e.g. cans, bottles etc normally by use of a litter-picker and where necessary loose detritus (broken glass, leaves etc) will be swept up with a brush and shovel. Where light mechanical sweepers are used on the pavement additional manual cleansing should be undertaken in hard to reach areas e.g. behind telecoms boxes. Road channels (gutters) are normally swept mechanically by large road sweepers and this is likely to be on a different frequency to the pavement cleansing.

Street cleansing only takes place when the pavements actually require it and it is quite possible in some areas that only a light litter picker is required. There is no requirement for the street cleansing operative to physically brush each and every street or part of it.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 7

Refuse Collection

• We will provide one disposable plastic sack for the household refuse service on the day of collection.

• We will collect household refuse on the same day each week (with the exception of Bank Holidays

• We will remove all residual waste placed out for collection if secure and properly bagged. (For green garden waste collection see Recycling below)

• We will advertise well in advance of any changes to the collection service within the local press • We will aim to rectify missed bin collections within 24 hours or by the next working day

• We offer a free service for the collection of up to 3 bulky household items (or up to 12 bags of green garden waste) and will aim to schedule a collection within 5 working days of receiving a request. (This may vary with demand and the availability of the customer)

• If there is a spillage of refuse caused by the refuse collectors then we will remove it at the time of collection. However, the refuse collectors will not remove split bags from properties. If requested we will make arrangements for a personal assessment of need for the provision of assistance in placing refuse out for collection and will then provide such assistance if appropriate.

• Information about the refuse service can be obtained via the Contact Centre or the Council web site at http://www.sefton.gov.uk/page&2983

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 8


• We will provide a once weekly “Green Bee” kerbside collection of paper, glass, cans and textiles on the same day as the refuse service. • In conjunction with the Waste Disposal Authority, Recycling Sites in , , and will be open to the public every day bar, Christmas Day, for the receipt of household waste. • We will provide a collection of Green (garden) waste, in certain areas, in order to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfill. Up to a maximum of three disposable green plastic sacks will be collected and replaced on a weekly basis on the same day as the refuse service. The service is not provided during the Christmas/New Year period, details are advertised in the local press and on our web site.

Community Skips

• Good Neighbour skips are provided at specific locations In ward on an 8-week cycle for the safe storage, collection and disposal of items of non-hazardous household waste that cannot be disposed of via the normal refuse collection (black sack), green waste (green bag) or recycling (green bee) services. • Information about the sites where these skips are sited can be obtained via the Contact Centre, your local Housing Office, or recognised Tenants Groups or Associations.

Graffiti Removal

• We will seek to remove racist or offensive graffiti within 72 working hours • Other graffiti will be removed on a waiting list rotation basis, which is usually within 28 working days. • Graffiti will only be removed from private property with the written consent of the owner and a charge may be levied.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops

Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 9


• Each Council Ward is allocated 4 new litterbins to site each year. Following notification from the Area Committee litterbins will be installed / replaced within 10 working days • If a litterbin is vandalised 3 times it will not be replaced. • Requests for new litterbin placements should be made to the Area Committee. • Litterbins are emptied at least as frequently as the particular street is cleansed and usually more often

Rear Entry Cleansing

We will cleanse identified adopted rear entries in a strict rotation basis, the frequency of repeat cleansing depends upon the level of flytipping found but is usually between 4 and 6 weeks

Abandoned Vehicles

• We aim to investigate reported abandoned vehicles within 24 hours of notification and to remove abandoned vehicles within 24 hours of confirmation.

Pest Control

• We offer a free domestic pest control treatment service for “public health” pests i.e. rats, mice, cockroaches, bedbugs & fleas. • We offer a chargeable domestic pest control treatment service for “non-public health” pests i.e. wasps nests and ants. The charges for providing this service are reviewed annually and can be found on our website at http://www.sefton.gov.uk/page&2836 • A “morning” or “afternoon” appointment will be made to undertake pest control treatments.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 10

Dog Wardens

We provide a Dog Warden service, which patrols the area and responds to complaints about dog fouling and stray and/or dangerous dogs. • We provide support for micro-chipping and neutering dogs. • More information about the Dog Warden Service can be found on our website at http://www.sefton.gov.uk/page&2828

Parks and Open Spaces

• We aim to maintain parks and open spaces in a clean, tidy, litter free and safe condition at all times. • We will provide notice boards displaying the Parks Charter standards, information and contact numbers, in all main parks • We will work with all relevant agencies to seek to reduce vandalism and fear of crime in parks & open spaces • We will empty litter and dog waste bins daily and remove litter in all parks twice per week • We will encourage responsible dog ownership • We will sweep paths once per week • We will rake sand in children’s play areas once per week; safer surfaced areas will be litter picked twice per week. Sand and bark safer surfaces will be replenished annually. • Our Play Area Health and Safety Team will inspect play areas every 10 days and ensure that equipment is safe to use. • We will repair play equipment, wherever possible, within two weeks following inspection. • We will instigate repairs in relation to vandalism in parks, wherever possible, within 1 working day following it being reported/ identified • We will remove offensive graffiti within 24 hours of reporting / inspection

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 11

Highways and Paths

The following standards relate to weed control: • We will make 3 annual applications of approved weed killer to all highway areas • We have a rapid response team to deal with hot spots of weed growth

Before After

Highway Verges

• We will maintain general amenity grass verges at between 20mm - 50mm • We will maintain the grass on floral roundabouts at between 13mm – 25mm • We will cut rough grass embankments twice a year

Gully Cleansing

• All gullies within the adopted highway are presently cleaned twice a year, although parked cars and other restrictions may occasionally prevent some from being cleaned. • Any reports of flooding or blocked gullies are investigated, a 24-hour reactive service is in operation and a free key retrieval service is provided. Regular inspections are carried out to monitor performance.

Street Lighting

We will usually repair street lighting outages within 3 working days (If there is a problem on the electricity cable feeding the column, notification is sent to the Utility who usually attend within fifteen working days of receiving report)

Seats • Limited standards of service are maintained for highway seats allowing for the removal of seats from site should they be deemed to constitute a danger to the public. Seats are inspected four times a year.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 12

Traffic Signs

• All existing traffic signs are maintained in accordance with legislative requirements. Signs are inspected four times a year.

Street Nameplates

• The standard of service is to maintain one nameplate at each end of a road. Nameplates are inspected four times a year.


All new bollard provision must be authorised by the Area Committee. Maintenance of existing bollards is limited to basic repairs or replacement in cases of danger to the public. Bollards are inspected four times a year

Highway Trees

• Highway trees are inspected once every four years and any necessary urgent maintenance works undertaken as required. • Wherever possible tree roots, which cause a safety problem on the highway, are removed to maintain the highway in a safe condition. Where this is not possible the tree will be removed for safety reasons. • The tree maintenance standard does not currently allow for automatic replacement of felled trees.

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 13

Highways Enforcement • The standard of service is to enforce the provisions of the Highways Act 1980 without exception, but within the limits of available resources. Dangerous occurrences are prioritised for enforcement action.

Community Safety

We will work in partnership with the Police to:

• Improve public satisfaction in Sefton

• Increase public confidence in the Police serving Sefton

Your Neighbourhood Inspector Dave Formby

• Reduce levels of crime and disorder incidents reported within Sefton, in line with the National Policing Plan: a) Reducing volume, street, violent and drug related crime. b) Tackling anti-social behaviour and disorder. c) Increasing the number of offences brought to justice • We will work with partners to encourage youth engagement in diversionary activities • We will work in partnership to tackle the causes and effects of anti-social behaviour

You need to help us to keep our neighbourhoods cleaner, safer and greener by:

Putting your refuse sacks out at the kerbside or gatepost of your property in good time for collection on the day of collection, (or if you have an early morning collection, late the previous night).

Making sure that your refuse sacks are tied and neatly stacked. If you are in the secure waste pilot scheme area, putting your wheeled bin out on the day of collection and moving it off the pavement as soon as possible after it has been emptied. Not dropping litter Clearing up after your dog Reporting any damage or hazards that you may find. Encouraging others to use your park in a respectful manner Giving us your ideas on how we can improve the standards in your parks and open spaces

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops Making your Neighbourhood Cleaner, Safer and Greener Together 14

If you want to contact us here are some useful numbers for you to ring or you can access our service through www.sefton.gov.uk website. Or if you would like to talk to someone face to face please visit us at our One Stop Shops.

Bootle One Stop Shop 324-342 Stanley Road, Bootle, L20 6ET 0845 140 0845 [email protected] Southport One Stop Shop, Arcade, Southport, PR8 1DA

The following services are currently offered through our Sefton Plus contact centre and One Stop Shops:

Alleygating Repair and Licensing: Maintenance: 0151 934 5421General Licensing 0800 107 8282 Taxi Licenses Dog Warden Service: 0151 934 3025 Gully Cleansing: Social Services: 0151 934 4207 0151 934 3737 Housing Repairs:- One Vision Recycling: Housing 0151 285 5244 0845 140 0845 Blue Bag Services Neighbourhood Regeneration: Green Bee Services 0151 934 3482 Parking Services: Cleansing Services: 0151 934 2300 0151 285 5240 0151 934 2306 Abandoned Vehicles Bulky Bins Environmental Services: Civic Amenities 0151 394 3024 Clinical Waste Food Health and Safety Commercial Refuse Pest Control Highway Management Pollution Public Conveniences Private Housing and Public Health Rear Entry and Street Cleansing Trading Standards Wheelie Bins Domestic Refuse Fly Tipping Highway Enforcement Emergency Numbers: Marsh Lane Police Station: Copy Lane Police Station: 0151 777 3838 0151 777 3130 Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid 0151 920 6072

For other information on Council Services please refer to our website: www.sefton.gov.uk

To contact us, log on to www.sefton.gov.uk, email us at [email protected], ring us on 0845 140 0845 or call into one of our One Stop Shops