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11-30-1967 Kabul Times (November 30, 1967, vol. 6, no. 202) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 30, 1967, vol. 6, no. 202)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1614.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , I I PAGE 4 '£HE KABUL TIMES NOVEMBER 29, 1967 I Formal Agreement Delayed On McNamora FOR SHEER Vi~,1 Cong ,Continue Nlight Sflldiers Take Up 1'\ ~ S. Arabian Independence Nominated For l]LTI DELIGHT I GENEVA Nov 29 (AP) - fedelal government and from a Itaids On American Bases Fight Against The South Arab,. talks Ilval natlonahst organisation World Bank Head Viet ~AIGON, Nov 29, (l;>PAj _SUPPort aIrcraft searched for .~\ ran Into last minute dlf I"LOSY (the Front for the hber- t/nued ong umts Tuesday Con- the VIet Cong fIrIng POSitIOns ,Foot-And-Mouth fleultIes earl1 Wednesday whleh ,t'on of Occupied South Yemen) WASHINGTON Nov 29, (AP)_ port t t'\);tr, nIght .raids On U1'I- Other targets of Viet Cong hgh The World Bank confIrmed Tuesday delayed a formal agreement on has taken over the local eivil ma':-t mted States bases With tmg attacks In the past 48 hours night that U S SeCretary of Defe­ a peaceful transfel of poweI administratIon until the first :JrP~rt a:55at~~Ck on SOc Trabg were Kontum Nha Trabg and LONDON Nov 29 (Reuter)- from Bntaln to the National ~OVl.!1 nment or this new Arab nce Rober T S MCNamara had been r s 10metres southwest Da Nang Sqldlers armed WIth df.lfectaQI. LiberatIOn Front (NLF) state IS formed nomInated as presIdent of the bank yesterday formed southern England's o A hl'X::; III the Mekong delta US mallnes lost 12 dead and VOL VI, NO 202 KABUL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 (QAUS 8, 1346 S H) Price AI 3 NLF leader Gahtan al Shaabl --- _ The first offiCial confirmation oj m n ';rIcan spokes~an saId 80 wounded during II search 80 mJle hne of .defence agarnst the the homination came after the announced that d baSIc accord th ode~te materIal damage to mISSion southwest of the gIant ravage j>f foot..antl mouthJ - .- had been reac! ,d by the two White House saId MCNamara's dep e al leld and "lIght" lOsSes Da Nang alf base TUesday They Troops manned J3 bridges across arture from the cabInet would mean >Ides after eight days of hard British Pqlicy "r,e~r ~auSed by the 15 heavy counted a total of 20 VIet Cong the River Thames from Wlthm 10 bargammg no change In the conduct or the sI e s urIed at the base He de dead miles of the ouuklrts of London ! UI{ Chancellor Of Exchequer Vietnam war South Arabia Attains But more than frve hours later c med to gIve detaIls US Infantry discovered an- to Gloucestershlre 10 the west In rcspone to InquirJes the bank hiS delegation and the BritIsh Defended In UN US unItes and South V,et- other food cache of the Viet Their aim IS to stop the VIrus under Lord Shackleton were stIll confirmed earlier reports'that McN­ that has claImed more tban 210000 Resigns, Is Home Secretary amara s name had been placed in namese troops used artIllery ag- Cong 33 kilometres northwest of farm aOlmals In central and eastern argumg In an obscure conferen' UNITED NATIONS Nov 29 nomrnatlOn bUI it's still uncertaIn amst the unseen enemy while SaJgon wIth 18 Ions ot rIce Independence After 128 England and North Wales, from Roy JenklOs who takes over as (c room overlooked Lake Geneva CAP)--BntaJn reported Tuesday thai when any formal action will be armed helicopters and ground_ They 'hac! found a SimIlar dump LONDON Nov 30 (AP) -British Sources indIcated that the talks I"s etrorts to bnng South Arabia pe­ crossmg the rrver and strrking at Callaghan reSigned Wednesday and chancellor at the age of 47, has the taken b,)- the bank s executive dlrec WI th 44 tons-enough to feed may go on rOT a whJle as the two acefulJy to independence are ending lun one VII!! Cong company for two more of the country's 35 mlllJon li_ moved mto the post of home secre­ reputallon of bemg a conVinced ·'Eu­ vestock In the south sides haggled over the fmal wor In CIrcumstances whIch combJne Wilson years lary ropean I The son of tormer Labour II IS up to the 20 executive dll'Cc­ Years Of British Rule dmg of a memorandum of ag- tragedy and hope AP adds gO'ernment troops VehIcles crossing the bridges Will Former Home Secretary Interior leader Clement AUlee's secretary, leement AddresSing the TrusteeshIp, Com- tors who represent all 107 nations (Conrlnlled from page I) killed 36 V,et Cong Tuesday In have their tyres diSinfected 10 aVOid minister Roy Jenkmg took over as JenkinS was air mInister from Octo­ I to select a new president 10 succeed Icet partner before the next meet There were further dlfflcuJ- mlttee of the UN General Assem- all engagement 100 miles (160 the fisk of spreading the Infection ADEN, Nov 30, (AFP).-The fonner British colony of Aden the new chancellor / ber 1964 unhl hIS promotion to the the retlrmg George D Wood also \ 109 of the Counc" of Mmlsters' lies the sources indicated over bly 0 E T Luard defended Bntaln s km) south of Saigon In the Me­ The move came as the killer ge­ and the surrounding South Arabian British protectorates became home office in December 1965 I an Amencan ' It was not Immediately confir_ r.rns spread their tentacles 100 miles Challaghan wrote to Prime MiniS Observers here saw Callaghhan's way way Or band played and no flags flew Ambassador of Yugoslavia Ivan MU'osev,c the British people he wrote by vlOlenn and bloodshed have In InterIOr Mmlstry spokes Lake SlOtt the Middle East war 1Mt lollows a bloody period In Aden s had despIte ItS defeat He expressed co the other befate the end of rues Bntlsh mIhtary presence str \ June UAR soured said here . history With 198 people killed man announced thiS yesterday as CALCUTTA Nov 29 (Reuter) J Iy Ihus seemed 10 be outdated al etched back 128 years, ended troop~ nfldence that the commIttee plan Lo'ndon busmessman Charles Den and 1814 \\ounded SinCe emerg and CivilIans jomed forces The army stood by In Calcut though II was read In all news bra I hal error! has mel with would mature and be accepted at when a hehcopter carrymg a de­ man and Geoffrey Stow of Prmce many to look for more Victims In LIS ta last night and thousands of tdl:asts of Ihe Greek state-run r I Britons I Doubtful l ncy regulations were enforced frustrations and faIlures bUl a later seSSion tachment of BrttIsh marInes 1n It has bon 5 sattered poor quarter and armed police were drafted IOto din stallons ruesday night Llne appealed 10 tbe President Tue­ nn Decembel 10 1963 About two bl"en perslstenlly pursued The Assembly voted as fOllows thelr grey green combat dress Turkish-Greek War Threat thIrds ef thl casualties were 10 Luard In 1 ulned Villages the city to meet today s new sday to clear 1he canal's southern said on the resolut Ion 10 sel Chmli and took of[ from Aden golf course entrance and release the ships, :tour Of Tories, Labour l:al Arabs Ihreat of Violence in the tnal of expel Formosa ltaJlf Agency has glvell an of The mannes carned Automa of WhICh are BrItish Bntlsh t.oops lost 57 kJ/led .... 'rength bctween the government Belgium BoliVia Bots_ tlC weapons and boarded the he Declines In Diplomatic Wake a nd the leftIsts fer for dehvenng 7,000 reams of The sources described the meeting mel 669 \\ oundcd wana BraZil Cameroo? Cenlral Af

',t' \NOVEMBER 30,' 1967" ~ NOV1!:MBER 301l 1967 t'AGE 2 , 1 I ~ \ ',4 I tr~ ~1 l tr. J t t ...... 1-rt I ,Job'Problem At ~he UN;~Who Is:'To Get THent? AFGHAN DlAR¥ The United Nations admmlStra- declared Ibat eljUlll1ble ~eograpblc One '~t'lbe ';"re pblnts amdng th~ By Kathleen Ti'aatnWt lIve committee ha$ agam tackled dlstllbullon should be the mam CII- 13 who come from South Africa Ho There is noth1Og like an 11 Food For Thought Sh~rlf the seemingly Insoluble problem of tenon weVer, 27 In'e from~opljl.the U.pted Arab hollr tnp to Mazare to achIeving a "balanced slaff for the A t,byan, Saad M Angudl, saId Repuhllc, 17 from 15 from ~rd'abt• iHone of the n""" dramatlse tile VIVId contrasts that orgsDlS8tlOD while It might be true that Africa IS Ghana and.J4 from Nf,rena mlliYi:1s of 'ICICDCC, only recently are in rAfihanfstaD By 'balanced, UN members well represented, blS country has Whlle,>\m'flrtcan repreoenU;tlOD_)s dlsl'Qvered, With fantastic poSSIbilI­ Saihng aloni on a black rib­ book mean a staff Ihat IS "proportionate. been almost Ignored HIS government the largesl yhtlf 343 It Is stlll'below ties , bon of highway up through the Iy equitable so f~r as nabonalily, he said, had submItted hsts of ava,- lis quota lof 407 ' The·fJftt ,laser beam was operated Salang pass and down to Doshi geography, lang,iagc and populatIon lable pe~sonnel on two occaSIons, Called belore the committee Sir di~r onl¥ 1m '11160, yet lOday, lIS, an Ind,­ you lDarVel at the rugged gran: are concerned I filS year, as every but no action had been taken Alexander Mac Farquhar ca~nl Of..Ita pbtential use, more deur whiZZIng by year, several proposals to accomp-- As of this year according to Sec- of personnel, spent a mo!mtna ttyi kll1S reafOn ltsell thaD $00 Amencan companlea al'!\ A httle beyond Pule Khumn hsh thIS Ideal ate under consldera- rctary-General U' Thant: 179 \,osts Ing to explain the dlttlculiles of 'lbe now tnaldl18 or testmg laSer eqUip' the highway ends and you're off lIOn, but none has enougb support are held by 33 of 39 Afllcan coun- Secrelarlat and reapondmg to ques- ment on the rock,est road of Your life til be recommenlied to the General tncs Asians flil 296 drawn from 16 lions from delegates I Nairobi LoDdon Moseow New York It's the kmd of road that wo'uJd Ilssembly for adoption of tbe 18 countnes lR lhe reglon Amoll"; some of hiS' problems, ni: A man has been jailed here for Tin as a substitute f\lr copper A~vlet SCIentist has dIscover­ The Amencan Telephone and THE KABUL TIMES ar~ The word, lasert stands fer Li... have unpressed my Insh great­ John MIlton Dlssatlsfacllon wltb the p",,,,nt All 20 Latln Amencan countnes saId that the Skills of candida- ght AmphficatlOn by Stimulated two and a half years for /udtlap­ IS t,jJe latest development by a ed a stone-age settlement 10 Bye­ Telerraph Company and the Hal­ grandmother 'who came to Kan-­ cOlllposilton of the staff IS so Wld are represented by 175 pertons tes tram under-represented counlries Emission of Radiation. ThIS Ineaos pmg a SIX year old girl and sel· Blrmmgham finn of water tube loruSsia constructed partly WIth walian, telephone company Will sas In a covered wagon


J # , , . , . '

',t' \NOVEMBER 30,' 1967" ~ NOV1!:MBER 301l 1967 t'AGE 2 , 1 I ~ \ ',4 I tr~ ~1 l tr. J t t ...... 1-rt I ,Job'Problem At ~he UN;~Who Is:'To Get THent? AFGHAN DlAR¥ The United Nations admmlStra- declared Ibat eljUlll1ble ~eograpblc One '~t'lbe ';"re pblnts amdng th~ By Kathleen Ti'aatnWt lIve committee ha$ agam tackled dlstllbullon should be the mam CII- 13 who come from South Africa Ho There is noth1Og like an 11 Food For Thought Sh~rlf the seemingly Insoluble problem of tenon weVer, 27 In'e from~opljl.the U.pted Arab hollr tnp to Mazare to achIeving a "balanced slaff for the A t,byan, Saad M Angudl, saId Repuhllc, 17 from 15 from ~rd'abt• iHone of the n""" dramatlse tile VIVId contrasts that orgsDlS8tlOD while It might be true that Africa IS Ghana and.J4 from Nf,rena mlliYi:1s of 'ICICDCC, only recently are in rAfihanfstaD By 'balanced, UN members well represented, blS country has Whlle,>\m'flrtcan repreoenU;tlOD_)s dlsl'Qvered, With fantastic poSSIbilI­ Saihng aloni on a black rib­ book mean a staff Ihat IS "proportionate. been almost Ignored HIS government the largesl yhtlf 343 It Is stlll'below ties , bon of highway up through the Iy equitable so f~r as nabonalily, he said, had submItted hsts of ava,- lis quota lof 407 ' The·fJftt ,laser beam was operated Salang pass and down to Doshi geography, lang,iagc and populatIon lable pe~sonnel on two occaSIons, Called belore the committee Sir di~r onl¥ 1m '11160, yet lOday, lIS, an Ind,­ you lDarVel at the rugged gran: are concerned I filS year, as every but no action had been taken Alexander Mac Farquhar ca~nl Of..Ita pbtential use, more deur whiZZIng by year, several proposals to accomp-- As of this year according to Sec- of personnel, spent a mo!mtna ttyi kll1S reafOn ltsell thaD $00 Amencan companlea al'!\ A httle beyond Pule Khumn hsh thIS Ideal ate under consldera- rctary-General U' Thant: 179 \,osts Ing to explain the dlttlculiles of 'lbe now tnaldl18 or testmg laSer eqUip' the highway ends and you're off lIOn, but none has enougb support are held by 33 of 39 Afllcan coun- Secrelarlat and reapondmg to ques- ment on the rock,est road of Your life til be recommenlied to the General tncs Asians flil 296 drawn from 16 lions from delegates I Nairobi LoDdon Moseow New York It's the kmd of road that wo'uJd Ilssembly for adoption of tbe 18 countnes lR lhe reglon Amoll"; some of hiS' problems, ni: A man has been jailed here for Tin as a substitute f\lr copper A~vlet SCIentist has dIscover­ The Amencan Telephone and THE KABUL TIMES ar~ The word, lasert stands fer Li... have unpressed my Insh great­ John MIlton Dlssatlsfacllon wltb the p",,,,nt All 20 Latln Amencan countnes saId that the Skills of candida- ght AmphficatlOn by Stimulated two and a half years for /udtlap­ IS t,jJe latest development by a ed a stone-age settlement 10 Bye­ Telerraph Company and the Hal­ grandmother 'who came to Kan-­ cOlllposilton of the staff IS so Wld are represented by 175 pertons tes tram under-represented counlries Emission of Radiation. ThIS Ineaos pmg a SIX year old girl and sel· Blrmmgham finn of water tube loruSsia constructed partly WIth walian, telephone company Will sas In a covered wagon !d~grounds Cor behevmg Ihat the Ions raised here and many others rod bounced back and forlh betweeo IJld progress In moderOlsmg Itsel1 and post offIce mall exchange Mon­ World at the Lyceum Ballroom in London, posedWIth the runners UP for this ploture and then zar The paper stressed. that West Ger We must cooperate or perish, he penod-up to 2 3000 mllhon y rs Earth crust consists not of lIghl ThiS IS Why geologists are so ea the muror ends until the rod could a.lso U1 raISIng liS mternatlonal pres man Chancellor Kurt Georg Kicsln saJd He a,ereed that Nigeria Itood gerly wailing for the day when they contam It no more Theo It pulsed day fainted FamilIar With Afghan hospita­ llge said the edltonal belongs to geologIcal archaeo gy but a reaHy meltable compound."! All the 2 000 employees who ger on hIS recent VISit to New Pel to lose much by Biafran IDdepc.n can get a Moonstone In their iab­ out as a powerful pencIl.thm beam She was revived WIth smelling salts andwas Just able to answer questIOns m a shaky lity m Kabul, we are neverthe­ FriendshIp and understanding bet and we have but random data out which w re produced dunng melting were 10 the' bUlldmg at the tIme hi had asked the Indian government dence because of the loss of 011 re­ It of the rth It was thiS melUng oratofJcs of 1D1ense, bnJhant red hght VOIce before helDg led away for a rest less overwhelmed by It 10 BaJkh. ween Afghamstan and YugoslaVia 9 the file were rescued but a to mediate between West ~nnany ven"", process: t produced the atmos (MOSCOW NEWS) In the gas laser, gas atoms are bro f Sont America scored a knock out In the contest with right Miss Argentme JMana The seven of us descend upon the editOrial continued which are Almost half ul our Earth s hfe maJority of them would not be and the Arab countries They will certainly be poorer, ught to an eXCited state by an elec­ Sabaiiauskas) a law student, being placed second, and (left) MISS Guyana (Shakiara the home of Sher Mohammad based on goodWill and mutual res able to return to the bUlldmg The Middle Ea6t News AienCy re­ but they are capable of (economic) tnc discharge, WIth atoms and mol Baksh) a shortand typist taking third place. Omar s COusin who doesn t IJCCI have a long history These ues for some tune perhaps weeks ported thai West Germany recentJy surVival They will Just have to ecules bouncmg between mmors at Madeleme who won £ 2500 and a chance toto earn a great deal more said that she intend­ know we are coming hasn t seen han: been espeCial!) strengthened has suggested to the Sudanese .over make et:torts to develop their produ Only one employee was taken to the ends of a laser box The gas Omar In years, and has never dUring recent years as a result of tl)e hospital for treatmerlt ed to send the prize money hack to her mother m Peru nment to reestablish relations How ctlon,' be arilled laser was IDvented by Ali Javan a laId eyes on the rest of us But exchange o( vlSlts b) their couDtrl ever the agency report said the AuthOrl"es were holdmg em Japan s cODtnbuhon to the Inter Devaluation Sets New Commodity Prices Persian phYSICiSt at the US Bell we are taken mto hls home and es leaders Sudanese government Will not act national pound·sterUne support act ergency talks to diSCUSS the ef Moscow New Dellit The world s dealers m commodl along With It Thus many prIces may open up at any time Laboratones In 1961 Baku given the warmest of welcomes Our fnendshlp IS contmually be Without the consent of the Arab up II IIk~y to be of the order of $20 fects of the ftre on Christmas There are 840 people aged 100 Tbe holding of the second Oly Rumours have played a big role ties Will be spend109 the rest of the which rose arly 10 November had There are signs of Jute pnces get HIS house IS constructed entue­ Ing developed and strengthened al league or 30 nullion, not $50 millions as mall trafhc and to draw up em­ and above per every mllhon of mPlc lottery to the total sum of In arrestmg family planmng year sort109 out the results of the very little to do With demand and ung firmer particularly In the grade The IOjechOD, or semiconductor, ly of mud and the roof IS dome though we have different socia) and Bla(ra the fIrst genume national was prediCted al first the Japanese mergency mall handling measu­ 50 millIon roubles of whIch 30 work m Delhi devaluaUon of the pound sterling supply for use 10 manufacture-they SUItable for carpets laser was lDlroduccd the follOWIng the populatIOn m AzerbaIJan shaped With a skyhght of glass elonomle systems state 10 Africa IS very much alive mIllion WIll be spent on the All kmds of IIdlculous thmgs economic dally Nlhon KnZl4 repor rose because of the sterhng scare In Dundee, Scotland one of tb. year' A fourth type a chemlcal res they expect to use for some where the 162-year old Shllall Afghanistan and YugoslaVia both despite claims by the Nigerian cent ted because thiS has IOtroduced a new payment of pnzes was announc· are bemg saId about the loop at the very top pattern of pnCe6 round the world Now, at least for a little while, bIggest buymg centres, prices for laser IS now under development weeks Mlsllmov hves Seated on Afghan carpets and follow a pollcy of pOSlllVe nonaltgn I al government to the contrary Bis Moreover, lJl view of Its own ad ed here The Central Family Planmng In­ There countnes which have deva commoduy pnces Will settle more lOp qualil'es have edged up recently ThiS was repprted at a confe­ ment and share common view on se (rani seceSSionISt leader Colonel Od \'erse IOlernaUonal payments balan The prizes mclude 1,800 "Vol­ stitute earned out a sample sur­ leaDIng agamst the wall on beau­ lued along with london can now more towards the posItion at which One hopeful sign for the ASian rna rence on the problems of longevl \ cral mternational ISSUes umegwo 0Jukwu said 10 an mterYl ce Japan would like ita contribution ga ' Moskvlch and "Zaporo· vey to fmd out what was bemg tIful hand embrOIdered pIllows sell their goods at a cheaper they reflect the balance between nufacturer of Jute heSSIan IS that ty held here we are fascmated with the SUD The two countries became better eW to Dte Welt to be made In yens and used such zhets' cars 18000 motorcycles, rumoured about the loop production and consumpllon Al­ Bntam IS ta recenslder next year Almost all longevous people li­


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Skies in the central and north· ern regions and over the' Pamirs TO VISIT LENINGRAD will be overcast. Yes~erday the . ": warmest area of the country was -...... - Kandahar witb a bigh of 24 C, 75 F. The coldest was N Drib Salang with a low of -II C. 12 F. Wind ~pe.ed yesterda.r \\ as recorded at :; ·Imots (8. mpbl in Kabul. Tbe teIJJIJCrature in Kabul at 10 a.m. was 6 C. 43 F. Yesterda)"s temperatures: KabUl 11 C -3 c.; 52 t' t6 F Ileral 12 C 3 C 53 I' 3, I' Knndul 10 C 3 C 50 I' 37 F Gbazni 10 C -3 C· SOl' 261" Bost 2:1 C 4 C 73 I' 39 I' . I " .. ~;. . ----AT-THE·' ---: --- .-~- We bave been lottery tickets, hundreds of thousands·of them, ·for. ' -~~8 lJ.! none compare!\ to ·Leningrad!' Leningrad is a city years at AI, 10.a piece because unlike. other lottt:ries n~ one loses 10 . A1,1i'iin., II m=.~1 ~ of beauty and wonderful. monumentS; a' city.of broad Re4 Crescent Society' rames. ,You 1Ill'y be lucky and win one of. our brandne'W . UCJI. _.- ...... avenues, green parks, countless bridges and Cl!onals. cars, a.n exp'lIlSe paidtrUp to '~orTebran,·or cash prizes pp to At. 1&41,CJ90:~., .' AJUAN - When visitors leave Leningrad they take with tbem Even it yOll aren't lucky you stUl win. ,.. . ~iety's AI 2:3~ ~~nd ·9. p.m. Am. unforgettable:men:tories of this city, . 'Your money adds'lip to the ability to do a better job 'wherever and crican 'film in Faris SECRETS OF For INFORMATION and BOOKING apply, to: whenever its help is needed, .. PARiS • -..,- Lottery P:~~ 2~, 7 and 9 pm ASTCO Travel Office Or INTOURIST Office Buy <:tn Afghan Red Crescent Society frencb.lItalian film TWO DA YS IN HELL Kabul USSR Embassy Ticket. They help. , . .


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