A.L.L. S.A.F.E. ALLSAFE ALLSAFE Was Implemented to Combat the Upsurge in Anti Social Behaviour in the Wai Ms Ley Close Area of Accrington
Lancashire Constabulary The Tilley Award 2003 Category: Partnership A.L.L. S.A.F.E. ALLSAFE ALLSAFE was implemented to combat the upsurge in anti social behaviour in the Wai ms ley Close area of Accrington. Hyndburn Council Community Wardens and CBW have first identified this, which was further evidenced by the rise in the number of Police incidents being reported. A letter drop to 70 residents revealed the main concerns were that the area was run down, insufficient household security, the streets were badly lit, which contributed to a greater "fear of crime' factor. Anti-Social behaviour was rife, they identified that most offenders were congregating around 2 problematic addresses. To combat the problems, ALL-SAFE commenced in September 2002. The Police, Social Services, Wardens, Housing and Maundy Grange Charity joined forces to deal with the 2 addresses and their associate problems, to either re-integrate the occupants or, as eventually occurred, to re-locate them. Juvenile nuisance immediately reduced dramatically. Once the occupants left, so did the problem youths. Fear of crime was tackled by encouraging the charity 'Age Concern' to embrace the project. Funding was obtained resulting in all elderly residents in the area having free security devises installed in their houses (alarms, door locks, chains, window locks.) 'Community E-mail*, was introduced, in order to improve reassurance. Funding for email telephones, installed in homes in the Close, was obtained, and encourages "involvement*. The system was so successful that it was extended throughout Hyndburn. A media campaign promoted our work in the area, and challenged other agencies to get involved.
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