The BG News October 22, 1999

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The BG News October 22, 1999 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-22-1999 The BG News October 22, 1999 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 22, 1999" (1999). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6550. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. OPINION WORLD NEWS NOW SPORTS 11 Guest columnist says tuition Elizabeth Dole ■ "Superstar" receives not so I- Hockey team steps increases may not improve withdrawls from stellar review. up to replace lost eaucation. presidential race. players. Weather Today: Friday possible showers October 22. 1999 High 52. Low 42 Volume 87 & Issue 43 A doily independentews student press LSU promotes cultural awareness By IRENE SHARON SCOTT in one's culture, and others will or canned goods donation. The those in LSU who come from The BG News take something with them that menu includes tacos, burritos, migrant labor families, and they may have never known frijoles (beans), arroz (rice), even those who don't, feel con- La Union de Estudiantes before." The events present nachos and pan dulce (sweet nected to the migrant commu- Anderson Arena Latinos is launching its third mostly Mexican and Mexican- bread). nity." 4:00 p.m. - midnight annual Latinopalooza Saturday American, but also showcase There will also be a donation Popovich added that every- at Anderson Arena from 4 p.m. Puerto Rican, Latin and drive. Canned goods donated one is affected by the migrants Oct. 23,1999 to midnight. This free event Guatemalan cultures. will go to Rural Opportunities, who are the source of the fruits Free Admission aims to create awareness of The goal of the event is for a support organization for and vegetables eaten daily and various Latino cultures and to the students to attend and migrant farm laborers Mone- it is everyone's responsibility to • Free Authentic Mexican Food promote cooperation at the Uni- become aware of the many cus- tary donations will be given to a seek justice in the system that (with can goods donation) versity through entertainment. toms that Latinos have. LSU is migrant family whose young they live under. • Dance Lessons Marcos Popovich, LSU presi- expecting 1,000 attendees, daughter is affected with can- These people who do us this dent, said Latinopalooza is an according to Jesse Sandoval, cer, according to Marcos great service are underpaid, • Kidz Corner event that leaves an impression LSU vice president. Popovich, LSU president. work in inadequate housing • 3 Bands: with attendees. It is education- This year's celebration fea- "We have chosen these caus- provided by their employers, Alma de Mexico al, exciting and fun. tures three bands, a talent es because it is important to are faced with many health La Familia "Everyone will take some- show, and dance lessons. help out those in our communi- hazards such as pesticides, and thing different from this event," Authentic Mexican food, ty who need it the most, and have difficulties getting an edu- Kawakan he said. "For some people it is a catered by Tia Amalia's, is pro- migrant laborers arc among • Performance by BGSU's own reaffirmation of self and pride vided and is free with monetary them," said Popovich. "Many of • See LATINO, page eight. Gabiel Marquez and DJ Abel Ramas Latinopalooza Halloween events are treat for al By ALEXANDRIA DD3TZ pared for the fright night by Organization Service Commit- While Rocky Horror is playing remembered The BG News being ready ahead of'.'me. tee is providing an opportunity «-n the big screen, actors and actresses play along on stage. By IRENE SHARON SCOTT alternative rock concert which Things to do for students to put the scare With Halloween right For anyone looking for a back into Halloween by volun- Be prepared, the crowd brings The BG News encompasses many genres of around the corner, it will once props and at certain moments music. LSU attempted to do good scare this Halloween, teering at the Trail of Terror on When the Latino Student again be time to dress up as there are some haunted houses Wintergarden Road in Bowling in the movie, hurls them something similar, only incor- your favorite character, hand Union holds its third annual porating several Latino cul- and trails in the area to provide Green. Anyone interested can toward the screen. out candy and carve or paint a The Rocky Horror Picture Latinopalooza this weekend in tures. a bewitching experience. sign up in the UAO office, 330 pumpkin. Students can be pre- Show plays every Saturday at Anderson Arena, hopes are that "While the festival/carnival The University Activities Student Union. it will be successful as the first One such haunted place is midnight. On Oct. 29 and 30, style event is popular in many they will be holding a double Latinopalooza in 1997. countries and is reminiscent of the Haunted Hydro located in Fremont. feature with Rocky Horror Three years ago, LSU creat- many celebrated cultural According to Jamie Wag- called The Adventures of ed Latinopalooza during its events, Latinopalooza is an transition from a social support goner, employee, the Hydro is a Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. original BGSU-LSU event," Halloween History group to a major campus pro- Marshall said. 10,000 square foot abandoned grammer. It was a celebration water hydro from the year 1911 Halloween found its origins Latinopalooza is an. event that contains ghosts, goblins in the Catholic Church. The of the dynamic Latino cultures with a wide array of activities. to promote diversity and coop- and a variety a monsters to Catholic day in observance of It attempts to display the cul- scare the daylights out of any- the saints is on Nov. 1, which is eration at the University. tural variance with the Latino one. called All Hallows Day or All Members of the LSU Cabinet community by presenting the during that time brainstormed The Hydro also offers the Saint's Day. In 5th century BC, different styles of food, art and Psycho Clown House, which is in Celtic Ireland, summer for ideas. They dreamed of an music form Mexican to Puerto a 4,000 square foot building ended on Oct. 31. It was said idea that would be a "blow-out" Rican to Spanish to Brazilian. that is circus-like. that on that day disembodied celebration and would educate Although there are similar people at the same time. Waggoner said that along spirits of those who died the forms of it in other countries with the haunted houses, year before would come back to Their goal was to create a through festivals and carnivals, guests may choose side attrac- look for bodies to possess for mega-event that appealed to as Latinopalooza is an original many members of the Latino tions as well. the next year. BGSU-LSU event, Marshall "We have two new attrac- So on Oct. 31, people would community as possible and also said. tions this year," Waggoner said. put out the fires in their homes included the University and "Latinopalooza aims to "There is Crazy Bob's Toll Road to make them cold and unap- community. 1997 cabinet mem- accomplish a cultural under- bers included, Gabiel Marquez, of Terror, where people can pealing to the spirits. Citizens standing through entertain- drive a golf cart through a of Celtic Ireland would also president; Jennifer Kabasan, ment, to encourage diversity vice president; Tim Marshall, haunted woods.There is also dress up in ghoulish outfits and awareness, respect for others the Immortal Studio where you parade loudly around town try- secretary; and Jason Brewer, and to provide an outlet for peo- can get your picture taken with ing to frighten away the spirits. Treasurer. ple to just basically have a good Count Dracula or his vampy The tradition of Halloween "We wanted to spread the time," he said. word the Latino Student Union assistant." was brought to America in the Marios Popovich, LSU pre- Waggoner also said that they 1840s by Irish immigrants who existed on this campus while sent president, said the first educating on the world-wide will be having some of the same were fleeing the potato famine celebration was a huge success attractions as last year, like the in Ireland. presence of Latinos and His- with an estimated crowd of 500 panics," Kabasan said. Ghost Town Mini-Golf, Toledo Many of the customs of the in attendance. Psychics, and Alejandra the early years of Halloween still LSlTs motivation was in the "Each group within the Lati- diversity that they as a cabinet Fire-eater. exist today For example, many no community has its own fla- According to Waggoner, they people find it fun to dress up in represented, Marshall said. vors, styles, music and "Gabiel is from Puerto Rico, like to change the attractions at costumes and pass out candy. dialects," Marshall said. "So the the Hydro for the customers. The most popular costumes this Jennifer is a native Spanish, agenda of each year's Jason is Mexican-American "We change them every year year appear to be more for fun Latinopalooza concert dictates to keep people coming back," and not for scaring spirits, how- and I'm white," he said. "Our which groups are incorporated being officers showed diversity Waggoner said.
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