How to Find $1.75 Nature’s Early Week Edition Tuesday, Bounty Nov. 24, 2020 / Main 10 Serving our communities since 1889 — More ‘Hide and Seek’ Introducing ‘The Cup’ True Crime Podcast Returning to Focus on New Coffee Stand Takes Over Former Young Man’s 2016 Disappearance / Main 3 Nervous Ned’s Location in Centralia / B1 Gruesome Randle Chehalis City Councilor Chad Murder Taylor in Hospital With COVID-19 Case ILLNESS: Councilor, 42, cilor Chad Taylor was in good the emergency room Friday spirits, though sounding a bit when his blood-oxygen level Urges Area Residents to congested. Every few minutes fell to dangerously low levels Comes to Take Virus Seriously though, a deep, rattling cough two days after he was diagnosed punctuated the conversation. with COVID-19. By Natalie Johnson “The breathing is the worst “We see the reports that come a Close (part),” he said. out from the county and we see
[email protected] Taylor, 42, spent the week- cases increase … but I don’t Over the phone Monday end at Providence Centralia With morning, Chehalis City Coun- Hospital after being rushed to please see TAYLOR, page Main 13 Chad Taylor Sentences By Natalie Johnson High-Flying Christmas Cheer in Rochester
[email protected] For more than two years, friends and family of Ben East- man have sought justice for the 16-year-old, who was found beaten and buried in a shallow grave in July 2018, in one of the most brutal killings in recent Lewis County memory. On Monday, Jonathon Ad- amson was sentenced to 563 months, or nearly 47 years, to life in prison for convictions for first-degree murder, first- degree rape, Ben Eastman second-degree murdered in kidnapping 2018 and witness tampering in Eastman’s death.