ARNOLD & PORTER LLP Peter J. Schildkraut
[email protected] 202.942.5634 202.942.5999 Fax 555 Twelfth Street, NW Apri121,2011 Washington, DC 20004-1206 VIA HAND DELIVERY FILED/ACCEPTED Marlene H. Dortch, Esq. Secretary Federal Communications Commission APR 21 ZOl1 Office ofthe Secretary Federal Commanicatloos CommissIOn 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TW-A325 Office of the secretarY Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: Applications ofAT&T Inc. & Deutsche Telekom AGfor Consent to Assign or Transfer Control ofLicenses andAuthorizations WT Dkt No. 11-65 Dear Ms. Dortch: Enclosed please find an application for approval ofthe transfer ofcontrol of Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation's international Section 214 authorization (File No. ITC-214-20020513-00251) from Deutsch Telekom AG to AT&T Inc. In accordance with direction from the staff, the Applicants will be paying for this application via the FCC's Fee Filer system. The Applicants previously received a waiver ofSection 1.10006 ofthe Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.10006, which requires that applications to transfer control of international Section 214 authorizations be filed electronically. If you have any questions regarding the application and related waiver request, please contact me at 202-942-5634 or at
[email protected]. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, /~~ Peter J. S~l:kraut Counsel for AT&T Inc. Enclosures Washington, DC New York London Brussels Los Angeles Century City Northern Virginia Denver Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Applications ofAT&T Inc. and Deutsche ) Telekom AG ITC-TIC-------- For Consent To Transfer Control ofLicenses and Authorizations --------------- ) APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended, I and Section 63.24 ofthe Federal Communications Commission's ("FCC") rules,2 Deutsche Telekom AG (FRN 0006184170) ("DT or "Transferor") and AT&T Inc.