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The Student Council in Our School

The Student Council in Our School


A CIPÓ története: interjú Solymosi Zsolt aligazgató úrral, az újság megalapítójával és sok sokévi főszerkesztőjével

1. Hogyan jötta Cipó ötlete? 2001-ben történt, az iskola lassan elérte a 200 diákot, és pont egy olyan fázisában volt, amikor kerestük azt, hogy mitől leszegyénisége, hogyan leszönálló, és kerestünk olyan eredeti projekteket, amelyek az iskolát megerősítik, kiemelik.Minden profiiskolának az arculatához hozzátartozik egy suliújság, ezért eldöntöttük, hogy elindul ez az újság. A neve rögtön adódott, mert volt egy Berde Mózes által elindított hagyomány, éspedig az, amit végrendeletében meghagyott, hogy minden szegénysorsú diák kapjon reggel egy kis cipót és egy pohár tejet az iskola részéről. Ez a cipó-újság verzióban- egy szellemi táplálekká vált, és úgy éreztük, hogy nagyon passzol az iskola egyéniségéhez, tehát egy olyan újságnevet választottunk, amely egyértelműen az Unitárius Kollégiumra utal. 2. Mik voltak a Cipó eredeti céljai? Cél volt, hogy teret adjon a diákok önkifejezésenek, híreket szolgáltasson, és egyfajta magazin legyen, amely tájékoztatjaa diákokat az iskolában történt eseményekről. Egy feedback-szerű újságnak indult, amely az épp lezajló eseményeket értékelte a diákok írásai alapján. 3. Kezdetben mik voltak a legfelkapottabb témák? Itt kezdődött az ,,osztályhangulatok” rovat, ahol mindenki arról számolt be, hogy épp mi zajlik az osztályában. Ez most már elkopott, kiüresedett egy kicsit, de akkor egy olyan világban éltünk, amikor nem volt digitális felület, nem facebookoztak vagy instagramoztak az emberek, téglaméretű mobiltelefonok voltak, és öröm volt olvasni egy nyomtatott újságban azt, hogy mi történik az osztályokban. A legelső Cipó 4. Hogyan változott a Cipó külalakja és tartalma az évek során? A külalakjárol azt tudom mondani, hogy Felházi Ágnes, az akkori rajztanárnő alkotta meg a Cipó logóját: a frissen kisült cipó a gyönyörű falusi abroszon, és ez megmaradt évtizedeken keresztül. Amikor a szerkesztő cserélődött, általában négyévente, a következő szerkesztő változtatott a külalakján. 5. Mit tud mondani a szerkesztőség változásárol az

2 évek során? Négy éves ciklusok voltak, a főszerkesztők profi munkát végeztek: éjjelente fennültünk hajnali 3-ig, dolgoztunk az újságon. Sokszor volt úgy, hogy bentlakó főszerkesző volt, de úgy is, hogy kolozsvári, megemlíteném Adorján Leventét, aki a Cipó digitális szerkesztésének idejére beköltözött az iskolába, akár két hétig itt lakott a bentlakásban, amíg meglett az újság, és nagyon boldog volt,amikor látta, hogy a munkájának van eredménye. 6. Melyek voltak azok a számok, amelyekre a legbüszkébb? Minden számra büszkék voltunk, mert olyan volt, mintha a saját gyerekünk lett volna, bármilyen nyálasan is hangzik. Rengeteg munka volt benne, és alig vártuk, hogy megjelenjen. Akkoriban, visszautalva a rovatokra, még arra is volt példa, hogy élő, 80-90 éves volt kollegistákat kerestünk fel, és készítettünk velük 3-4 oldalas interjúkat. Amikor egy ilyen interjú megjelent, súlya volt az újságnak. 7. Voltak-e nehézségek vagy tévedések? Tévedések voltak, mint minden munkában. Leginkább az zavart minket, ha 600-szor átnéztük a helyesírást, az oldalakat, a tördelést, és ezek után is a nyomtatott változatban felfedeztünk elnyelt betűket, vagy elcsúszott sorokat. Rettenetesen éreztük mangunkat, és volt olyan, amikor 200-300 példányban kézzel javítottuk ki a hosszú ,,ó”-kat meg a hosszú ,,í”-ket – ezzel telt el egy délelőtt. Különösebb nehézségekre nem emlékszem, örömmel csináltuk.

8. Mi az, amit mindig szívesen lát az újságban? A legszívesebben a diákok művészeti megnyilvánulásait várom, tehát olyan verseket, prozákat, esszé jellegűírásokat vagy grafikát, amely jelzi azt, hogy az a diák ebben tehetséges. Van már olyan kőltőnk példaul, Kovács Péter személyében, aki a Cipóban jelentette meg az első verseit. 11. Elmesélne néhány vicces emléket is? Az egyik legviccesebb emlék az volt, amikor a bentlakási szobámban szerkesztettük a számot, és a főszerkesztő elaludt mellettem, úgy, hogy a fejét nekinyomta a szekrénynek, és amikor kérdeztem tőle valamit, már nem volt velem – ez hajnali 3 órakor. Annyira megszántam, hogy nem akartam felkölteni, és hagytam, hogy aludjon a homlokával a szekrénynek nyomódva.

Szőcs Ágnes X.H


Osztályszellem vagyunk, annyi félék, de minden egyes kis Azt mondják, a kör a legtökéletesebb forma. darab számít ahhoz, hogy összeálljon a kép. Az osztályunk pedig lassan, de biztosan az Ebben pedig sokat segít az osztályfőnökünk, elkövetkező 4 év végére körré formálódik, e akire inkább tekintünk osztálytársként, mint kör pedig nemcsak tökéletes, hanem osztályfőnökként. Persze ezt megpróbáljuk a összetartó lesz, így alkotva egy egészet. határok betartásával, mértékkel tenni, hiszen Ennek a kerek egésznek pedig most tesszük le végtére ő lenne az az osztálytárs, akire alapjait. Az e hangzott emlékezetes mindenki felnéz és tudja, hogy mindig ott mondatok, az együtt töltött pillanatok és az lesz, amikor szükségünk lesz rá. Tudjuk, hogy elkövetkezendő közös kalandjaink lesznek az ez egy nagy kaland kezdete, amibe együtt építőanyagok, ragasztók. vágunk bele, erre pedig jó példa a kirándulás, Hangulat ami ránk vár. A bentlakók mindig nagyon szívesen várják Diák-tanár viszony enni, vagy akár társaságként városi Az elmúlt hónapokban ért egy-két osztálytársaikat, akik e kísértésnek nem meglepetés, olykor kellemes, máskor pedig tudnak ellenállni. Ilyenkor mindig megtelik nem annyira. Az osztály negyede bukásra áll velünk egy asztal, és a jókedv csak úgy árad. fizikából, matekórán csak úgy törik ketté a Ez nem zajlik másképp az osztályteremben kréta ("khm, agresszív"), és mi vagyunk azok, sem. Zenei aláfestés kíséretében folyik a akik elmondhatjuk, hogy mi kaptuk ebben az társalgás, ismétlés, másolás, nassolás. Ha nem évben az első figyelmeztetőt. Viszont változtatunk a közös nassolásokon, akkor mindezek ellenére nem hátrálunk, és büszkén mindenki cukorbeteg lesz e 4 év végére. haladunk felfelé a hegyen, melynek csúcsát Komolyabbra fordítva a témát, mi olyanok még nem látjuk tisztán, de az iskola segít vagyunk, mint egy kirakós. Ahányan eloszlatni az esetleges ködfelhőket.

Szekér Imola IX.R


Az osztályunk, ezáltal meg a hangulatunk is, gitárszó, mellyel a szülinaposokat köszöntjük tökéletes átmenetel a gyerekesség és a vagya vízforraló bugyogása teázás előtt. komolyság között. Sokunknak jót tett az új Bizonysággal állíthatjuk, hogy osztályközösség, mindenki mindenkivel jól berendezkedtünk, ezt bizonyítja a tea, a forró egyezik, mintha ösztönösen kerülnénk a csoki és a zacskós leves is. Mind nálunk konfliktusokat. Mindenki hozott valami készültek. Érdekes, hogy ennyire hamar egyedit és megismételhetetlent a milyen összetartó közösség lettünk. közösségünkbe. A mosoly az arcunkon Osztozunk bármin, legyen az étel, ital, minden reggel feltűnik, akár szünetekben, jókedv, zene vagy éppen egy pár mankó. mikor meghalljuk a csengő felszabadító Közeleg az osztálykirándulás is, a melódiáját. Véget nem érő kacagás és párhuzamos osztállyal együttesen. Reméljük, poénkodás tölti be a termünket, amit nem is s tudjuk is, hogy ez az összhangot, jó bánunk. Elvégre ez így van rendjén. Néha új hangulatot, együttműködést is segíteni fogja. hangok is kerülnek a levegőbe, például a

Mezei Csaba, Tánczos Dorottya

Azt szokták mondani, hogy az ízlések néha a német órákról is. Ezeken az órákon és pofonok különböznek, így az osztályok legtöbbször szabadabbnak érzi az osztály (egy hangulata is, még akkor is, ha vannak része) magát (még az 5 lines ellenére is). hasonlóságok közöttük. Szoktunk egymáson kacagni, de vigyázunk Az én osztályom nagyon sokszínű, bár (már aki), hogy inkább együtt örüljünk, és ne az én szemszögömből nézve néha mégis a másik kárán nevessünk. egyhangú. Amióta ezt a témát megkaptam Örülök, hogy a mi osztályunkban is (hogy írjak róla), elkezdtem figyelni az vannak vidámemberkék, akik bármilyen osztály hangulatát, és az aztbefolyásoló helyzetbenpár perc alatt enyhíteni tudják a tényezőket. Amikor megvoltam győződve, rossz kedélyű szürkeséget. Vannak olyan hogy mások hangulatai rossz vagy jó hatással emberkék is, akik, ha valaki kicsit túllő a vannak rám, azon a reggelenérdekes módon célon a viccelődéssel, rögtön ébresztgetik, és az én hangulatom sokkal erőteljesebben próbálják visszahúzni a jó útra, és ennek is kihatott másokra. Volt, amikor egy-egy nagyon örülök. De azt kell, hogy mondjam, morcos legkörű felhőt viccel eloszlattak, vagy hogy az osztályunk hangulatának az illata csak simán kedvesen odaszóltak,és rögtön legtöbbször„szétárad” a fáradtságtól, és egy átváltott jóraa hangulat. amolyan szomorú, de egyben” cool feeling” Logika órán szerettem a legjobban az aromát is érezhet, aki az osztályba belép. osztály hangulatát, amikor legtöbben Elvégre reál osztály vagyunk. felszabadultak, vidámabbak voltak. A tanárnő Az osztály hangulata nem csak az vígkedélyével levezetett mindenféle iskolában mutatkozik meg, hanem otthon is, feszültséget, ami egy diákban létezhetett, de az osztálychatben. ez ugyanígy elmondható a torna, az angol és 5 Bár sokan szeretnének csak a jó elkérése okoz feszültséget az osztálychatben, hangulatra emlékezni, tud a mi osztályunk is vagy akár az osztályban is. lehangolt lenni. Általában a matek házi Összességében az osztályunk hangulata “jó”.

Katona Márk X.R

Nehéz lesz pár sorba foglalni azt, ami művelnek. Minket azonban már semmi sem az osztályunkban lezajlik nap mint nap. A lep meg ilyen téren. legzajosabb társaság, legvidámabb emberek, Talán nem hangzik túl őszintén, ha azt és egy cseppnyi élet, ami a nap végére is mondom, mi sose unatkozunk, de meglep megmarad bennünk. Nem tudom, hogy minket, ha azt halljuk, hogy mások igen. ritkaság-e az ilyen, de igazán egy olyan Mikor volna idő unatkozni? Házi feladat csapat vagyunk, akihez szívesen jár az ember: másolásra sose elég az idő. Van elég akár tanulni, akár lazulni, akár tanítani (a megbeszélnivaló az órákon lezajló viták magyartanárnő szerint). Szinte sose félünk kapcsán, és a közös Fun Run-ozás is eléggé attól, hogy mi vár ránk (talán csak a fizikaóra népszerűvé vált az elmúlt hetekben (egy előtt), és ha izgulunk, azt is együtt tesszük. értelmes játék, értelmes embereknek). Kiállunk egymásért, segítünk Várjuk már a közös kirándulásokat, az egymáson, és mindig megvigasztaljuk a újabb élményeket, és nem áll tervünkben másikat, ha szomorú. Akár a testvérek, csak megváltoztatni a pozitív hozzáállásunkat az néha veszünk össze, általában akkor is a zene élettel szemben. Ugyanakkor tárt karokkal miatt, mivel ki a „mánélét” szereti, ki a futunk neki a lehetőségeknek. Annyi minden csendet: általában az utóbbi jár rosszabbul, van, ami elragadja az embert, amint belép az mivel csend nálunk soha nincs. Erről Gyuszi osztályunkba, és a hangulat a legfőbb ilyen gondoskodik, s míg egyesek vígan táncolnak jelenségek közé tartozik. Tavaly is jó volt, de a zenére, addig mások vagy az angol szöveget idén sokkal jobb. magolják, vagy valami óriási őrültséget Kertész Noémi X.H

Tizenegyedik osztály... oly távolinak sikeresen kezdtük, hiszen mindenki tűnt, de most már oly közeli. Tavaly még visszafogta magát, és jobban odafigyelt nyugodtan ültünk a padokban, készülődtünk jegyeire a múlt évhez képest, de persze itt is az órákra, tudva azt, hogy még van elég időnk vannak kivételek, mint mindenhol. ahhoz, hogy eldöntsük, mit is akarunk az A nyári vakáció alatt szerzett közös élettől, és azt, hogy mi mit akarunk saját élmények és találkát sokban meghatározták az magunktól. Ma már sietünk, kapkodunk osztály hangulatát és összetartását, amely minden leckét leírni időben, plusz órákra évről évre szorosabb lett, persze a kis járni, vagy csak azt a tíz percnyi szünetünket csínytevések, dobálózások elmaradhatatlanok próbáljuk úgy beosztani, hogy legyen idő maradtak a harmónia megtartásához. megtanulni a következő órai leckét, vagy a Így, évről évre egyre jobban házit leírni, legyen idő enni. Na és persze az kihangsúlyozódnak a személyiségek, illetve újonnan megtalált zenéket addig játszani, az osztályban betöltött szerepek, mint például, amíg mindenki kívülről nem fújja a szövegét, hogy kik a vezéregyéniségek az osztályban, hogy mások is tudják, hogy milyen érdekes és illetve kik azok, akik inkább a háttérbe különleges zenéket ismerünk. szorulnak, kik az okosak és kik azok, akik Mivel mindenki csak úgy ismer csak színlelik, hogy okosak. Végül is minél minket, mint a "csendes osztály, ezért az órai többen vagyunk, annál többfélék vagyunk, és zajongással nincs baj, mert ezeket ez így is van jól. Hiszen az embernek is kompenzálják a szüneten lerendezett sokszor jobban esik egy olyan csapat tagjának "jelenetek". Ezt az évet szerintem nagyon lenni, ahol megtalálhatja saját magát, és nem

6 fél önmagát megmutatni, mintsem monoton, osztály", tanulója vagyok, mivel ez egy sablonos, unalmas mindennapokat átélni, ideális hely azok számára, akiknek nem csak esetleg túlélni. a tanulás fontos, hanem a tudás is, és akiknek Büszke vagyok arra, hogy azt törődésre, elfogadásra, meg támogatásra van mondhatom, hogy a XI. R, a "csendes szükségük. Barta Evelin XI.R

A XI. humánban az osztályhangulat apróságokkal, tiszteletben tartjuk a másikat. változatos, színes. A sok jókedv, kacagás, Mindezt azért, hogy a kötelék erősebb legyen.

mosoly, vicc csak f okozza az osztályunkban a Teljes mértékben egyetértek azzal, jókedvet. Zenei „aláfestéssel” is hogy nem mi vagyunk a legjobb osztály a rendelkezünk, mivel minden szünetben a suliban, viszont tudom azt is, hogy nem is az hangfalak osztályunk kedvenc dalait a lényeg, hanem az, hogy egyediek vagyunk. bömbölik. De nem csak a zene miatt vagyunk Minden osztálytársamban rejlik olyasvalami, egyediek, hanem attól is, hogy egymás ami kiemeli a személyiségét, amivel kitűnik a lelkitársaivá, tanácsadóivá váltunk pár év többiek közül. Szeretem az osztályomat, alatt. Lassan kiismertük egymást, tudjuk, szeretem a társaimat. Ha kíváncsi vagy, hogy hogy a társunknak mire van szüksége ahhoz, tényleg igaz-e, amit mondok, nézz be hogy mosolyra derüljön az arca. hozzánk, hiszen ajtónk mindig nyitva áll. Odafigyelünk egymásra, meglepjük egymást Pálfi Henrietta XI.H

Mit is lehetne írni az utolsó osztály érzés mégis belülről kísér. Nevetünk, hangulatos cikkbe? Utolsó. Ennek az egy tanulunk, segítjük egymást, ott vagyunk szónak akkora súlya van , hogy lehet az egymásnak. Ami kilencedik osztályban összesen sem bírnánk el az osztályból. elkezdődött, az mintha most más lenne. Hangulat. Van! Van mindenféle. Nyakunkon Akkoriban mindenki egy-egy ember volt. az érettségi, a pályaválasztás és minden Most az összesen egyek vagyunk. Egy közhelyes dolgok. De úgy vesszük észre , osztály, aki e négy év alatt sok mindenen hogy most értékeljük csak az együtt töltött keresztülment és most ott áll , hogy búcsút időt, most eszmélünk fel arra , hogy vége. intsen mindennek. De nem hagyjuk Még nincs, de nemsokára. Megijeszt a magunkon eluralkodni ezt az érzést, így gondolat , hogy nincs tovább, de az a fontos , elmondhatjuk , hogy minden nap és minden hogy ez csak a környezetre vonatkozzon. perc egy ajándék amelyet együtt töltünk még. Nincs tovább iskola, de lehet tovább barátság. Jó a hangulat, az idő gyorsan telik. De nem Ez a hangulat uralkodik a vagyunk szomorúak. Boldogak vagyunk. mindennapjainkban, a barátságból fakadó Boldogak , hogy mindez megtörtént velünk. érzelmek és megnyilvánulások, és bár Boldogak, hogy megismerhettük egymást. próbálunk mosolyogni egymásra, a keserű

Székely Evelin Beáta XII.R

Nyáron a tanárok úgy búcsúztak el, még nem. Aztán eltelt a nyár, gyorsan, hogy „Pihenjetek, élvezzétek ki a nyarat, mert sebesen és le sem lassult, amíg el nem érte a ez lesz az utolsó, amit iskolásként tölthettek, szeptembert, amíg újra a fekete-fehér szettet aztán jövőre érettségi!” Persze, mi csak elő nem kellett venni, amíg a padba újra be legyintettünk, hogy „Igen, igen, úgy lesz!”, de nem kellett ülni. valójában egyikünk se érezte azt a nyomást, Visszajönni az iskolába nem volt azt a súlyt, amit az utolsó év hoz. Legalábbis megterhelő. Vagyis, nem jobban, mint eddig.

7 Mindenki örült a másiknak, mindenki ami eddig jellemzte az osztályt, ami minket valahogy elveszett a nyári emlékek azokká tett közösségként, akik vagyunk. Az hullámában, ami hamar repedezni kezdett az egyedüli dolog, ami miatt tudatában vagyunk első „Na, idén érettségiztek!” kijelentéssel. annak, hogy mi vagyunk most úgymond a De még maradtak szilánkok, apró részek, „legnagyobbak”, az a kilencedikes Gólyabál amik a nyárra emlékeztettek, azonban ezeket szervezése, ami egyébként igen jól halad, és a is hamar elvesztettük a sokadik „Mit nemsokára kezdődő tánc, amit pedig már terveztek jövőre?”, „Milyen egyetemre nagyon sokan várunk. mentek?”, „Második félévig már kéne Összegezve az elmúlt két hónapot, tudnotok, hogyan tovább!” kérdések után. Az eddig kisebb-nagyobb változásokkal a tavalyi az önfeledt hangulat átment egy kicsit évünkre emlékeztet, azonban, amilyen félősebb, stresszesebb hangulatba, és lassan sebesen eltelt a nyár, olyan sebesen halad mindenki kezdte, kezdi megérteni, hogy ez előre az ősz is, és őszintén nem tudom, hogy bizony az utolsó év, az utolsó hónapok együtt, milyen lesz ezután az osztály, de azt tudom, azután érettségi és ki-ki megy a dolgára, a hogy a legnehezebb, legstresszesebb maga útjára, s talán a kapcsolatok jó része is helyzetben is megtaláljuk majd azt a kis részt, megszakad majd. amin nevetni lehet. Legalábbis, ha mi nem is, Van, aki már érzi a felelősséget, amit akkor is Bálint jól fog szórakozni azon, hogy az év hoz, van, aki még nem, van, aki már szünetben, Barni „nagy örömére” nyitogatja most igyekszik mindent beleadni, de van, aki az ablakot, amikor kint a leghidegebb pontok még úgy érzi ráér. Talán nem is olyan rossz, vannak ( P.s.: Bálint, én tudom, hogy kell hogy még nem vagyunk annyira a 12. év szellőztetni), és majd Kristóf is elégedett lesz, hatása alatt, mert így egy kicsit amikor nem tud hagyni enni. visszahozhatjuk azt a nosztalgikus hangulatot, Filip Borostyán XII.H

Szivárvány Vörösen izzik véremben az izgalom, Mindeközben lassan meggyötör a fájdalom, Narancssárgán perzseli kedvemet a Nap, Kicsi szívem mégis nagy nyílvesszőket kap.

Sárga napfelkelte színezi szívemet, Néha borús felhő sötétíti kedvemet. Zöld levelek száza élteti napomat, Ezek mégis durván elfojtják dalomat.

Kék ég végtelenje kalitkába zárhat, De egy kulccsal eléd is szabadságot tárhat. Lila keserűség keresztez utamon, Szavak segítenek át minden szakaszon.

Egyértelmű tehát, színezett az élet, Mégis minden kanyarban veszedelem érhet. Nevetséges harag szürkíti teredet, De egy, ami lényeges, az a szeretet. Lukács Anna- Bíborka IX.H

8 Időtlen csend

Nem folyik belőlem a vers, inkább az időn merengek el. Ezer pillanatban csodálom, ez nem elég, időre vágyom.

Üresek a terek,hallgat a világ, nyugodt minden, amit szem lát. Egy hangos, színtelen csend végigsimítja bőröm és befed.

Valaki felkavarja a békét, ki az az átkozott, aki ezt tenné? Én voltam...meguntam a csendet, hangosan ordítok egész este.

"Átkozott idő, végtelen csend, elég volt, tűnjetek el! Felkavarjátok gondolataimat porrá emésztitek álmáimat! "

Ő volt az egyetlen álmom, minden percnyi boldogságom. Fagyos lelkemnek a takaró, megláncolt szívemnek a szabadító.

Szeretni akarom,lényében elveszni, végtelen időkre vele boldog lenni. Egy perc helyett halálig ölelni ez nem elég,időre vágyom. Szatmári Eszter XII.H

Télből tavaszba

Siklik a szánkó a havon, a havon, Pátyolgat a hajnal De csüggedt a tó vize, Remeg is, sóhajt nagy bajban, sóhajt nagy bajban.

Futár a szél,viszi a hírt, Száz madár zengi a muzsikát. Már épp látom, ahogy kinyílik a réten Az első hóvirág.

Újból itt a tavasz, Feltámad a természet, Kivirágoznak a fák, A gólyák újból rendberakják a fészket. Vincze Dávid Anton XI.H

9 Változás

Én nem változtam meg. Most érzem csak jól magam. Rájöttem, hogy az igazság is igazságtalan...

Talán eddig önmagam rabja voltam, Más akarta, hogy olyasvalaki legyek, Aki nem én vagyok és soha nem is leszek. Az én életem, képes vagyok dönteni, És döntésekkel együtt bizony, néha változni.

Nem lesz, mert nem lehet az, ami régen, A felhő sem tér vissza, hely marad az égen. Töltsem ki e helyet amivel akarom? Szívem még mindig szeret, hiába tagadom.

Elfelejtem ki voltam s vagyok, mert csak az számít, hogy ki lehetek, Az élet egy játék, melyben én vezetek.

Csak nem tudom, hogy tényleg akarom-e.. Álom ez, melynek végét látom-e? Vége nincs, de már azt sem tudom, hogy kezdődött, Sodródtam az árral, s egy fura érzés mellém szegődött.

Neve nincs, s nem is lehet látni, De tudom, hogy ott van és elkezd változni. Talán mégis változunk, s változom én is, Az élet egy nagy hipnózis... Szekér Imola IX.R

A te utad

Nem vagyunk emberek, hiszen azzá válni A szál, mit eddig kergettél, elszakadt. kell, Nem jó, ha szemünk előtt ott a rossz modell. Nem baj, ha nem tudod, mi akarsz lenni, Gondolkozzunk el csak azon, Ez ellen nem nagyon van mit tenni. Lesz ki segít majd a bajon? Úgy érzed, inkább el akarsz menni, A te utad keresed, ennyi. Problémának számít, ha nem tudod, mit akarsz, Hiszem, hogy képes vagy felfedezni mi rád Lelkedben és elmédben nagy port kavarsz. vár, Tegyük fel, hogy felnősz, s már nem az a Engedd szabadjára szárnyad, te madár. világ vár, Utad végén rátalálsz magadra, Mit gyerekként oly hívogatónak álmodtál. Szert teszel a tapasztalatra. Tegyük fel, hogy felnősz, de a lehetőség elszaladt, Szekér Imola IX.R

10 Hontalan

Most itt tétlenül állok, Rajtam csapódik az átok, Nem tűrnek el engem, Vajon én mit tettem?

Arcom derűs mosolyát Átvette most a gyász, Szívem teljesen fekete, Nem segíthetsz ezen te!

Nézek ki a fejemből, Rosszul vagyok már ettől, Megöl engem az ideg, Szívem, kérlek gyer’ ide!

Itt állok most egyedül, Egyszer minden kiderül, Bolyongok a sötét éjben, Mindenki most végveszélyben.

Tehetetlen vagyok sokszor, Bolond vagyok milliószor, Keresem a válaszokat, Nem találom én azokat.

Megváltom a világot! Hülyéskedtem, belátom, Megteszem, amit lehet, Új világot teremthetek... Kerekes Eduárd XII.H

Fagyos világ

Tisza-parton járok, Ady Endrére gondolok, Legyek-e szimbolista, nem, Inkább egyszerű sorokat írok...

Egyszerűt, hogy mindenki értse, Hangot adok, hogy mindenki zengje, Rájöjjön mindenki, hogy nem ő a világ közepe Egyedül, csak nézek-nézek fel az égre...

Nem látok semmit, talán nem is kéne, Nem nézem tovább, nem nézek az égre...

11 Belenézek egy lány szemébe, egy világot látok benne, Világa nem lehet az enyém, egyedül ülök... S nézem, ahogy a szerelem rajtam röhög...

Jött a tél, hideg van, Eljön annak is az ideje, de melegen tart a kályha, hisz a jégkorszak sem tartott örökké, Szívem, hideg, fagyos, Eljön majd az idő, mikor a nincs párja... világunk egymásé, kettőnké...

Fülöp Jenő XII.H


Gyerekek, nevetés, közös játék, Fáradt vagyok, fáj a fejem, Nyaralás, élet, a legszebb ajándék. De most is kötekszik velem. Vagy munka, veszekedés, gyötrelem, Folyton menne, ahogy te is, Az a nyavalyás kölyök már megint Ne nézz! Itthon maradunk úgyis. szemtelen? Vagy menjél, mit bánom én? Folyamatos sírás, rívás, Csak hagyjál végre te is békén. De még sincs megtakarítás. Egy testvér nagy kincs, Álmokra, pihenésre, boldogságra, Te csak tudod, hisz neked nincs. Hogy ne gondoljon a gyerek öngyilkosságra. Az agyamra megy, utálom, Mindig szomorú, sose beszél, Kerülöm, amikor csak van rá alkalom. Gyerünk már, rajta, egyél! Ő se szeret, talán nem is testvér, Hiába főzök, törekszem, A világnézetünk teljesen eltér. Látod rajtam? Öregszem. Az a legjobb, ha nem is szól hozzám, És én? Velem mi van? Szeressétek egymást, ezt mondja anyám. Én sem vagyok a legjobb passzban. Itt mindenki szeret mindenkit, A szívem tönkre, lelkem talán már nincs is, Muszáj hogy legyen valakid. És aztán csodálkoztok, a kölyök antiszociális. A vasárnapi ebédre készenállunk, Jól vagyok így, hagyjatok, Templomban ma se voltunk. Csak egy kis magánéletet adjatok. Végre együtt a család, Apád morog, mindig ideges, Kérlek, ne kezdjünk vitát! Az én türelmem is véges. Nem szól senki semmit, Sosem nyaralunk, állandóan dolgozunk, Csak végre együnk egy igazit! Nincsen rá idő, túl sok a bajunk. De nem erre van szükség, ezt mindegyikünk Négyévente egyszer a Balaton, tudja, És ott is, csak ülök a fapadon. De hiába, ennél többre nem futja. Elegem van, nem erre vágytam, A lelkünk üres, kiéhezett, De elválni sose váltam. Remélem, ez csak átmenet. Anyád már megint hisztizik, Jól van ez így, minden rendben, Mindenbe beleavatkozik! Csak együk végre azt a rohadt ebédet!

Sz. A. XI.H

12 Változás

Augusztus végén vége a nyárnak, Lelkemben zord szelek járnak, Jön az új világ, jön a lici, Vajon majd átvészelnem segít valaki?

Megérkezett Szeptember, nem vártam nagy „Hűhát”, Kedvem már elment, mikor hallottam az „iskolát”. Barátok, nyár, bulik és jókedv, Csak egyedül maradtam e hűvös életben.

És eljött a nap, amiért annyira izgultam... Elszakadás, fájdalom, könnyekbe borultam, Szívszakadásos búcsúzás ért el minket, Azt hittem, most lesz e 'vers'nek a vége.

Tévesen hittem; csak ezután lett komoly, Amikor az új életbe beszűköltem, mint egy gomoly, A bentis élet kezdete nem volt a legfényesebb nálam, Mindig vissza akartam menni hamarjában.

Bíztattak, segítettek, mellettem álltak, De ez nem hatott az új változásnak. Ajtón ki-be jártam, tanakodtam: Vajon elfogadnak-e ahogy önmagamat adtam?

Teltek a percek, hetek, hónapok, Mosolyod volt az, ami felvidított, S lelkem csak néha látott ragyogót. Arcod, mely kiutat lelt nekem. Az új tanárok, barátok, ismerősök mellett Melletted talán önmagam lehetek; Megismertelek Téged. s csak ennyit mondhatok: Szeretem.

Jenei Kinga IX.H Remélem, megy…

Csak egy pisszenés az egész, Oly nehéz, Közömbös. Aztán csörög, mint egy vekker, Anyu, apu felkel, S a lámpa is bambán pislákol. Én nyúlok a kagylóért, Mint piciny szarka a kincsért... Fülemhez teszem, És pontosan érzem, Elveszem. Morajlás az egész, Feledés... És mindez tudatlanul. Mert beszélnek hozzánk,

13 Még sem értjük. ki gazda nélkül reménytelen. Színészkedünk... Csattanás. És mindezzel beérjük. Ez a végszó. Kimondott szavak, Lerepül a kagyló, Melyek nem érnek célba, Szilánkosra törik, Mint a postázott levél, A kezem áll, Melyet soha nem olvassák. Vár... Vagy épp, mint S az utolsó gondolat: a sínylődő bőrönd, -Hahó...Önmagam?

Baki Tímea IX.H

Csillagnak lenni

Távoli bolygón kezdődött történetünk, hol a fák lombja az eget érte. Már ha nevezhetjük égnek azt a furcsa, barnás színű fedőt, amelyről a csillagok madzagon lógtak. Vicces látványt nyújtott. Képzeljetek csak el egy olyan igazi, ötágú csillagot, derekánál átkötve, ezáltal a szeme kiguvad, már már csillagokat lát. Ellenben a rendszabályzat tiltja, hogy csillagok lógjanak az égről. Tisztán kimondja, hogy azok csak egy fa lombkoronáján kaphatnak helyet. Hiszen ágaik úgyis az égig érnek. A fák morcosak voltak. Semelyik csillag nem akart rajtuk élni. „Akkor már inkább fulladozás” mondták, s felakasztották magukat az égre. Ezen fura csillagok alatt élt egy fura család is. Gitár alakú házban tengették életüket. Érdekes, mert nem is tudtak játszani az említett hangszeren. Benne még igen, mivel ház nagyságú volt, de ezt ugye nem vesszük figyelembe. A családban három Mikor az irodalomtanár meghallotta a gyerek született. Mikor az iskolában gyerekek válaszát, komolyan ezt mondta: megkérdezték tőlük, mik szeretnének lenni, „Bizony sok csirkepaprikásra lesz ha felnőnek, azt mondták, csillagok. Ehhez szükségetek, ha csillagnak készültök. Csak az hozzá is segített őket édesanyjuk isteni ám a gond, hogy kicsiny birodalmunkban csirkepaprikása. Tudni kell ugyebár, hogy nincsen annyi csirke!”. Ezen mindenki jót ezen a távoli bolygón az ételek nem úgy nevetett, még ha az neveletlenségnek is néztek ki, mint itt, a Földön. A csirkepaprikás számított. Persze most gondolkozhattok azon, például világított és csillogott, és ezzel rövid hogy miért is, hát elmondom. A bolygó ideig a fogyasztója is. alapítója meghalt, miközben ez a különös

14 hely készülőben volt. Ő sosem nevetett. Hát sőt, összementek, és egyre fényesebbek az igazságszolgáltatás bevette a lettek. Azonban eszükbe sem jutott szabályzatába, hogy nevetni bűn, mert az megkérdőjelezni a csillaggá válásba vetett alapítót sértegetik ezzel, tehát büntetés is járt hitüket. Boldogan élték életüket, s ették a érte. A kisgyerekek sosem értették, de csirkepaprikást. Most, hogy felnőttek, megtanulták. Elvégre mindenhol vannak megtanulták saját maguk is elkészíteni. bolond, légbőlkapott törvények. Öregedtek már. Aztán egyik nap Az egyetlen kivétel a csillagok megbetegedtek. Egyszerre, hiszen hűséges sokasága volt. Ők annyit nevettek, amennyit társak és jó testvérek voltak. Az egyikük akartak. Talán ezért is akart a három hűséges aztán kapott egy szóbeli sms-t a csillagoktól. társ, a gitárház lakói, csillag lenni. Aznap, Továbbadta testvéreinek, aztán így szólt mikor ezt kitalálták, s eldöntötték, gyermekéhez: „Dorka, kérünk még egy adag hazamentek, és csirkepaprikást kértek csirkepaprikást!” vacsorára. Azóta pedig minden alkalmat Mindhárman megették, jól esett nekik. megragadtak e finom csemege falatozására. Aztán örökre lehunyták a szemüket. Elérték Az idő során pedig változások is látszodtak végre életük célját: csillagnak lenni. rajtuk. A hajuk kifakult, nem nőttek többet,

Tánczos Dorottya IX.H

Lehetetlen látomás (magyarórai kreatív fogalmazás)

Éjszaka volt és rendkívül sötét. Aligha lehetett látni a holdat vagy a csillagok fényét a nehéz, szürke bársonyfellegekkel takart égen. A város falánk homályba burkolózott, s a hideg sötétség már-már elszipolyozta az életkedvet az ottlakoktól. Különlegesen nézett ki minden, a hetvenes évekből megmaradt, alacsony szürke tömbházak, mint heringek a konzervdobozban passzírozódtak egymáshoz, s a beton kolosszusokat csak néhol törte meg egy parányi girbegurba macskaköves utca, amiket alacsony, régimódi lámpák szegélyeztek. Azonban ezúttal nem égtek lámpák, sőt immár ez volt a második hét áram nélkül. A sötétséggel pedig rémisztő csönd járt együtt, már-már kísértetiesen ellentmondva a vállára, közben lágyan keretezve rendszabályzatnak, ami kimondta, hogy tilos porcelánszerű arcát. Rózsaszín, duzzadt ajkai nagy zajt csapni a város területén belül. szomorú mosolyra húzódtak, s valóban, Jelenleg egy parányi légy zümmögése is gyönyörű, olvadt csokoládébarna szerű földöntúli lármával járt volna együtt. Ennek a szemeiben is a bánat úszott. Pirospozsgás városnak valahol a szívében megbújva, az arcának összhangját pisze orra sem törte meg. alacsony tömbházlakások egyikében, mégis Búskomor merengését a már-már égett egy lámpa, vadul kettévágva a hűvös csillapíthatatlan éhség törte meg. Tekintete sötétség leplét. most vágyakozva csillogott, miközben az Egyetlen gitár alakú, égő fényárba előtte heverő csirkepaprikást figyelte, s lassan borította a fehérre meszelt szobát, melynek megnyalta szája szélét. fából készült padlóján egy lány ült. Hosszú, Halkan elmormolt egy imaszerű gesztenyebarna haja, kiterítve omlott törékeny szövet, ami a nyelv gyöngyszemének is

15 hathatott volna, majd enni kezdett. Közben ez készült. Törékeny teste remegett az vaskos, kopott könyvet olvasott, melyet izgalomtól, s homlokán hideg veríték kúszott egykori irodalomtanára adott neki. Szemeivel végig. A regényt becsukva fejezte be mind az buzgón falva a lapokat, ebben a hatalmas olvasást, mind az evést, s mindent a csupasz csendben minden lélegzetvétele nevetségesen padlón hagyva indult meg az ajtó felé. hatott, bár nem volt ki ezt meghallja, hiszen a Könnyed léptei hatalmas zajt csaptak a város látszólag üresen állt, s talán az utolsó némaságban, s így haladt az utca felé, a jelenlévő lélek is a lány, pisszkosfehér kormos, nyirkos lépcsőházon keresztül. bundájú süket macskája volt, akit igazán nem Kiérve a torz beton óriás karmai érdekelt a csámcsogás sem. Ha még létezett közül, egyenes a város széle felé vette az volna igazságszolgáltatás ebben a irányt, már-már menekülve mindentől mit a szellemvilágban, akkor talán egy tizenéves háta mögött hagyott. Elmenekülve a múltja lány sem maradt volna egyedül a káosz elől. Ekkor azonban bekapcsolt a mobilja, idején. Ha létezett volna igazságszolgáltatás, melyet két hete nem is hordott magánál, s akkor még minden szerette élne. fülsüketítő rezgés kíséretében egy smst A kormány viszont megbukott és régi kapott. Értetlenül tekintett a rövid szövegre, barátokból ellenségek, hűséges társakból melyben csupán két szó állt: ébredj, majd pedig halottak lettek, így lassan a nép ki kissé lennebb egy számára oly jól ismert név. irtotta önmagát. A lány viszont itt maradt A felismerés, mint villámcsapás hasított végig egyedül, elmenekült az emberek elől s lassan tudatán, s szemét kinyitva a mozgó metrón megőrülve jelenleg is csirkepaprikást falt. találta magát, körülvéve megannyi emberrel, Senki sem merte volna megkérdőjelezni majd tekintete találkozott egy fényes, szándékát, pedig igenis komoly tettekre mosolygó szempárral.

Pápai Anita IX.H

Mi kell a boldogsághoz?

A következő pillanatban nagy holnap is ő fog játszani vele. És akkor már fennszóval síró gyereket hallottam meg. nem bírtam, nagyon szomorú lettem… - Átfordultam az óvoda sarkán és megláttam, kezdett pityeregni. hogy a kishúgom keservesen sír. Az arcát sós Elnevettem magam, amin nagyon és kövér könnycseppek áztatták. A látvány meglepődött,majd elmagyaraztam neki, hogy mintha szíven ütött volna, így gyors léptekkel nincs értelme szomorúnak lenni, mivel a háta mögé kerültem, és megöleltem. A elhozhatja az otthoni főzőtálját, és amúgy is meglepettség miatt egy pillanatra abbamaradt meglepetésem van számára. a sírás, majd újra szemléltette, hogy milyen A feleletem után felcsillant a szeme, egy zsémbes kisgyerek. és apró mosolyt láttam megbújni a szája A kíváncsiság bennem is feléledt, így sarkában. Felkaptam az ölembe, betakartam a megszólaltam: szemét és elcipeltem a közeli fagyizóhoz. -Mi történt? – mosolyogtam rá Letettem,és meghagytam neki, hogy ne nyissa kedvesen. ki a szemét. De mégis, hogy várhattam ilyet Egy pillanatra hezitált, hogy egy kíváncsi kisgyerektől? megossza-e velem problémáját, majd mély Mikor visszafordultam a két fagyival a levegőt vett, és remegő hanggal megszólalt: kezemben, már nem egy síró és kétségbeesett -Tudod – akadt meg - Tudod, Fannika kislány, hanem egy a boldogságtól csillogó hamarabb érkezett az óvodába, és elvette a szemű, mosolygós kislány állt előttem. kedvenc főzőtálamat. És-és azt is mondta, Szó nélkül megette a fagyit, majd, hogy emiatt egész nap szomorú leszek. mikor végzett, megszólalt: Próbáltam vidám maradni, de olyan nehéz -Tudod, nagyon könnyü, hogy nem akarni valami olyasmit, amit nem szomorúak legyünk, de rájöttem, hogy sokkal kaphatsz meg… És azt is mondta, hogy klasszabb, ha boldogok vagyunk.

16 Megdöbbentem a mondandója A kishúgom rádöbbentett, hogy mennyire jó hallatán, majd elmosolyodva bólintottam, érzés egy kis kedvesség árán boldogságot tudtára adva, hogy egyetértek. vinnünk embertársunk életebe.

Eke Ruth IX.R

Ő/szintén boldogság

Szerintem két dolog kell a boldogsághoz: cél az életben és küzdés, hogy elérd. De a boldogság mindenkinek mást jelent, mert mindenkinek más a fontos: van, akinek egy fagyi vagy csoki, másnak a kedvenc focicsapatának a győzelme, mind- mind boldogságot okoz. Mivel mindenkinek mást jelent, magától értetődő, hogy a boldogsághoz vezető út is mindenkinek más. De mégis csak közös pont az, véleményem szerint, hogy boldog ember az, akinek van valami célja az életben. Akinek céljai vannak, annak értelmes az élete és tart valamilyen irányba, nem mellesleg, aki a céljai felé halad, az boldogabbnak és erősebbnek érzi magát. Mivel a boldogság egy nagyon tág fogalom, ezért szerintem különböző szempontok szerint kell megvizsgálni, például vallási, biológiai, filozófiai vagy, akár vagy egy kis figyelmesség, például az, hogy a pszichológiai szempontok szerint. padtársad épp megkínál csokival, vagy az, Én boldog vagyok, ha el tudok hogy az egyik barátod épp észreveszi, hogy mélyülni valamiben és meg tudok nyugodni, a levágattad a hajad és megdicséri. folytonos stresszből kicsit ki tudok lépni. Az apró dolgoknak is tiszta szívből Boldoggá tudnak tenni a szociális kell örülni. Tudom, hogy a boldogságot is kapcsolataim, vagyis a barátaim és a lehet fejleszteni,… persze először keresni családom, boldoggá tesznek az eredményeim, kell, viszont meg kell érteni, hogy a amit elérek, mert tudom, hogy fejlődőm és boldogság nem állandó és nem is tökéletes. legalább nem vagyok olyan mint egy befőtt. Néha nem kell ahhoz semmi különleges ok, Néha nem kellenek ilyen nagy dolgok sem, hogy jól érezd magad, egyszerűen csak ezért, mint az előzőek, elég csak pár apró élvezet mert élsz, egyszerűen, azért, mert így akarod.

Kovács Nóra IX.R


Leon,az igazi profi Figyelem - LEHETSÉGES TÚLZÁSOK! Az igényesség teljes tetőfokának aprócska elemzése

A ’Leon,a profi’ című filmben Jean gyilkosok Mathildáékhoz,miután az utcán Reno a magányos bérgyilkos szerepét követték a lányt.Leon negyven embert intéz játssza,nem mellesleg zseniálisan, aki New el,Mathildát leküldi a földszintre,elveszi az Yorkban él hosszú idő óta.A szomszédban egyik ügynöknek az egyenruháját, és lakó család egy mészárlás áldozatául esik,de álruhában próbál kijutni.Mathilda lent várja a mivel Mathilda,a család középső gyermeke, növénnyel a kezében,de senki nem számít éppen boltban van,valahogy megússza apja arra,hogy Leon a magára erősített gránát mocskos ügyeinek következményeit. gyűrűjét kihúzva az egész épületet Mathilda már csak hullákat talál,de a mészárlók még ott vannak,ezért Leonhoz szalad,és számtalanszor csenget,hogy beengedje.Leon beengedi a lányt,bár még soha életében nem kegyelmezett senkinek.Mathilda egyfajta depresszióba esik,és Leon rideg,de gyermeki szeretetébe menekül.Leon egy adott pillanatban fegyvert fog a lány fejéhez,de megesik a szíve rajta,és úgy dönt,hogy megvédi a lányt,bármi is történjen. Leon egy furcsa eset.Csak tejet iszik víz helyett is,van egy növénye, amelyet a széltől is óv.Mathilda egy 13 éves kislány elképesztő intelligenciával és stílussal.Leonnak van egy munkaadója,aki már azóta feladatokat ad neki,amióta egy gyilkossága miatt Olaszországból Amerikába felrobbantja,a gonoszokkal végezve,utolsó menekült. szavai között, amelyek ezek voltak: EZT Mathilda minden utaló jel szerint MATHILDÁÉRT...Pedig már majdnem rájött,hogy Leon bérgyilkos, és ez nagyon sikerült... tetszett neki.Leon megtanította távolról Mindenki ezt gondolja,de szerintem ez embereket lőni, és Mathilda szerelmes lesz a film fényévekkel többről szól,mint a ebbe a foglalkozásba.Később a gyilkosok hollywoodi happy end.Mit hozhat ki egy visszamennek Mathilda lakásába, és magányos,különösen szélsőséges rájönnek,hogy a családnak van egy embertípusból egy ártatlan lélek?Az életét elintézetlen tagja.Innen lép akcióba adta egy számára idegen,később egyetlen Leon.Rengeteg embert lepuffant,megvallat a reményévé vált kislányért.Mathildát háttérben,amíg rájön,hogy ki a megbízó árvaházba dugják, és a növényt kiülteti a valójában.Hát bizony egy elit nyomozó az. parkba,hogy legyenek gyökerei,ne úgy,mint Amikor Leon már nagyon Leonnak.Mathilda elhatározza,hogy belegabalyodik az ügybe,be kell,hogy vonja bérgyilkos lesz... Mathildát is,mert már a kettőjük életére Mondanom sem kell,hogy átértékelt pályáznak.Nagyon epikus vége lesz az mindentbennem IS. egésznek,egy váratlan fordulattal eljönnek a

Nagy Eszter IX.R


Pontosan száz év telt el híres költőnk halála óta. Megemlékezésül a JZsUK diákjai festnényeiken jelenítették meg a nagy elme egy csokornyi versét, Kocsis Ildikó rajztanárnő irányítása alatt.

Pálfi Hanga (IX.H): „Új vizeken járok” Deé Róbert (X.R): „Illés szekerén”

Tánczos Dorottya (IX.H): „A halál rokona” Domokos Anna Orsolya (X.R): „A fekete zongora”


Ambrus E. András (IX.H): „A Rákóczi vén haragja” Dezső Boglárka (IX.R): „A kezek bábja”

Farkas Ilona (XI.H): „Vajon milyennek láttál” Jenei Kinga (IX.H): „Csak egy perc”

Kovács Bernadette (XI.H): „Megölök egy pillangót” Kovács Eszter (X.R): „A néma madarak”


Kovács Zsófia (X.R): „Válás a tavasz kunyhóban” Mezei Réka (XI.H): „Könnycseppek”

Józsa Eszter (XII.H): „Ásít a tükör” Szilágyi Zsófia: „Halálvirág: a csók”

Juhász Palkó Kriszta (X.H): „A szerelem bilincse” Szász Andrea (XI.H): „Őrizem a szemed”



“Once a Channing girl, always a Channing girl” - Mr. Underwood

I haven’t arrived home yet. I am right at London’s Luton Airport. Imagine me sitting with my luggage on the right side, my coffee on the left and my laptop in front of me full of stickers and people are staring at it weirdly. Who is typing the letters in? Let’s find out. I arrived exactly at the same airport fifty days ago. How does it feel? I am nervous. Fifty days ago I was nervous because I knew that something new and big was coming and I would be starring in it this year, and Lady Amanda would be the director. She made this scholarship to be a living memory. London is huge. I wasn’t used to the traffic, to thousands of people in the underground. But how could I? I was set down and left in the middle of The Unknown. I had been a tourist at the beginning: I got lost in the city, in the underground station, couldn’t find the right direction home, got confused with the British coins, went on the problems with the scientific terms in biology wrong branch several times (next Channing and math, but I think I did well, at least I tried girls, careful with the Northern line…). my best. Now I can say that I could find my We had a separate building for the way home and get the right branch on the sixth-formers, with our own cafeteria. There Northern line. However, I would still get are a lot of departments for different subjects. confused with the coins. I had a list with all of What I am grateful for is that I had the chance the places I wanted to visit. I am proud of to experience how it felt to go to school myself that I could manage -with Ms. without stress and knowing that I really did Amanda’s help- to visit almost all of them: love my chosen subjects. Buckingham Palace, Westminster, London So who is typing all these letters in? Eye, Tower Bridge, Sky Garden, National It’s a girl who cried in front of the whole Gallery, Natural History Museum (my school on the last day assembly. It’s a girl favourite), Victoria and Albert Museum, who became more confident and independent. Royal Albert Hall and others. It’s a girl who was extremely loved, The school? In one word: fabulous. appreciated and helped during this time. It’s a Do you know what it feels like to learn only girl who made true friends for the rest of her three subjects that you really like? It was the life. It’s someone who is happier than ever. best experience of my life. I took up biology, It’s someone who set up goals and is ready to furthermore math and German. I had some

23 work hard for them. It’s someone who is described by students, teachers and her host proud and grateful at the same time. The girl family as: “She was literally always smiling”.

Kiss Dalma XI.R

Krakow – the city of wonders

Last Thursday I travelled with the two tenth I and my team found this job a little grades and some other students from the difficult, since most of the people with who eleventh grade to a really alluring city, called we interviewed were tourists or they even Krakow. The journey towards our destination didn’t speak English. After half and hour we passed rapidly for me, since I was sleeping found a woman, about 22-23 years old, who almost the entire road. We had arrived on spoke a little bit of English, and we could Friday around six p.m. to our youth hostel, complete this task too, which was quite named Momotown, which was a quality place interesting. to sleep for three days. Previously, we had a I think these team exercises were quite stop at the Birkenau-Auschwitz concentration good for us, because we visited some major camps, where we visited the memorial sites, like Wawel, the main square of the city, museums too. The Cloth Hall, and in addition to this we On the next day we had to constitute could use our English knowledge. One of the eleven teams, and each of them had five best parts of the trip was that we had many members. The reason why we had to do this free hours to spend in the city, and that was was that we had to collect some information the time when I and my friends rented an about the historical past of this wonderful electric scooter, which was really fun, and it city. We got some tasks to complete, for wasn’t expensive. example we had to interview some foreign Another attraction which has a crucial people, and we had to ask them about importance is The Wawel Dragon, which is a Hungarian people, about Transilvania, etc. statue that represents a dragon standing on

24 two legs, moreover, in it’s interior there is a and go towards home. The journey backwards special system which helps the fire to appear was the same as before, besides we listened to at the dragon’s mouth every five minutes. I some good music and chated with each other. spent the rest of the day with my friends, Summing up, I had a really fantastic walking in the city, taking some pictures time, and if I could have the opportunity to go about the superb buildings which have a back there, I would definitely accept it, and historical past, and enjoying the city’s lively spend another significant time with my night life. friends at a place where I have never been The last day wasn’t one of my before, at a place which makes you call it favourite days, because we had to pack our “The city of wonders”. clothes and stuff and we had to leave the city Pázsint Csaba X.R

The Krakow trip

As every year the X. grades went to Krakow and Auschwitz for a field trip. This takes 3 days and we went by bus because it is cheaper than the airplane. Sadly, from the 3 days of the trip every time 1 day is only the journey and the other 2 is the real purpose. We went away from Kolozsvár at 10 pm. and we arrived to Auschwitz-Birkenau at 10:30 am. It was not at all a boring road, and for the real goal we had to stay calm. The first attraction was the Auschwitz camps. In that camp were taken more than 6million of Jews in 1940. We visited the whole place what is as big as 500 football field. Some buildings were destroyed by the builders because they thought that if they destroyed it the people would think that there was nothing there, but this was a wrong idea. Some of the buildings remained in the good teammates. Afterwards we had free time original form, because of this we can know again, so knowing that everything was how it was there before. After that we went to cheaper than at home, I went to the Krakow a museum where we could see some things Mall. At the end I remained with 0€ so I that remained from the camp. At the end of bought everything what I could. the day we had like 4-hour free time when I We arrived home at 1 am on Monday visited the city. and we had to go to school at 9am, I was On the second day we got a task in really tired. I think it was a good trip and which we had to find some buildings and take every single student has to go once to see this some photos about them, we had 5 hours to beautiful city and learn about the tragedy in resolve it. I think it was really good and we the Auschwitz camps. made the exercise really well because of the

Csis Nándor X.R

25 The 22nd Xantus competition

This year, the annual Xantus János the thrill of this event, by being a supervisor environmental studies competition was of the contest. organised again. Xantus János was a The competition began, and the tasks Hungarian scientist, traveler who developed were completed by the groups after 2 hours his interest in natural history while he stayed full of excitement and hard work. There were in the United States. He was the director of teams which ran during the whole the Zoological Garden of Budapest and he competition, and their supervisors had to run also organised expeditions to Asia. Several after them. Fortunately, the team that I got to botanical species have been named after him. look out for was not so hyperactive, so it was The competition’s venue was a forest an enjoyable experience for me. near Kolozsvár, where pupils from different If you had to guess which team had Hungarian schools had to complete various won the competition, who would you pick? tasks in order to win and be handed a You got it right! It was the JZSUK team. mysterious prize. The students were separated They won not just the 1st place, but also in groups of four, each group represented a amazing prizes and unforgettable memories school. There were two divisions, based on from the contest, and I wish they would age: seniors (high schoolers) and juniors compete as successfully next year as they did (middle schoolers). Unfortunately, I did not during this year’s contest. compete, however, I managed to experience Tussai Kázmér XI.R

The Student Council in our school

In our school there is a very hilarious, This year I became the Student Council’s caring, cool and cohesive community, which president and this is a very major thing for is the Student Council. Their commitment is me. I have always loved being among to establish a good relationship between persistent, loving and funny people and I teachers and students and to make the school found them all at once in the Student Council, life better and more entertaining for everyone when I was a 9th grader. At the time, I thought in the lyceum. that I would never be someone who could take the Student Council more seriously than

26 just another after-school activity, and look at exactly how good and fun it is to organize me now… This amazing thing opened up a them. The members can also learn certain whole new world for me. things during the preparations, which they The Student Council organizes many can’t learn anywhere and are beneficial for events in our school, for example cartoon them, like event organization and teamwork. projection on the International Animation We also organize a training weekend Day, photo contest, the Nations’ Day, in for our active members, where everyone can which every class from 9th grade to 12th grade attend trainings led by very intelligent and and also the teachers are faithful people. Moreover, involved. Every class and the everyone can take part in a teachers are given a different lot of fun since we always nation and everyone has to play, talk, cook and eat dress up in the specific together. The training clothes and bring the nation’s weekend is a means of traditional foods. creating a very close and The carnival and cohesive team, and I Valentine’s Day are also personally love it very much. organized by us. We support So I can’t say the students who are talented anything bad about the in literature too, by Student Council, not only organizing the Literary because I’m its president, but Creativity Competition. We also because in my opinion it also do such small things as provides the students with surprising the students on many fun things and good December 6th or decorating reasons to love the school. I the Christmas tree in the hall. These things want to just say that it’s never too late to start are a lot of fun and bring color to everyday coming to Student Council and if I were you, life, but just the council members know I would definitely try it.

Kovács Eszter X.R

The Student Council

At the beginning of the 9th grade a group of students came into our class and told us about the Student Council and how great it is to organize events in school. At first I didn’t want to try it, but somehow I changed my mind, and I went to the first meeting, and I didn’t regret it. At the first few meetings we played games that helped us to get to know each other better, because it is a really important thing if a group of people are working together all year long. In autumn we also spent a weekend together were we had a workshop and two lectures, one about Student Councils, and what we could do to make our school a better place, and one about further learning abroad. That weekend went amazing, because we created great memories, I made

27 new friends, and last but not least we learned For me the best part was in the year a lot of new things. was organizing the carnival ball, Being part of the Student Council is a unfortunately it was not held due to a tragedy, really great thing, because you get the but the preparation was still really good, opportunity to see what it is like to organize because everyone took part in it, some of us an event or a competition, to learn how to did the decoration, some of us made the make your school a better place, to learn your invitation and the poster, and some of us rights as a student, and to learn how to work organized the competition part of it. in a team. Until now if you haven’t been to any For me the Student Council was one Student Council meetings and you are of the best experience in 9th grade, because it interested in the things that I listed above, I helped me make new friends, and I learned a recommend it for you because I think you lot of new thing that they don’t teach in won’t regret it. It is a pretty good program school. It is a good feeling to be part of a with great people, and if you are hesitating community, full of people that are interested about it, just try it because at the beginning of in communication, organizing events and who the year I also wasn’t sure about it, but thanks want to make the students’ life better. to my friends I tried it, and now, a year later If you are a part of this it will take a I’m still thankful for that, because it opened little bit from your free time, but it will be up a whole new world for me, so don’t be shy worth it, because seeing your colleagues and try the Student Council, and help us make participate, and enjoying the things that you the students’ life better. did for them can make you really happy. Sárosi Ágnes X.R

Mentoring programme in our school

I would like to outline my experience gathered while I was participating in a mentoring programme provided by our school. The actual project has great benefits for both parts. Last year I reached this volunteering work via The Duke of Edinburgh Award programme, which I think is well-known in our community. Mentoring other students has become a current voluntary work in the frame of our institution. The above mentioned idea is highly supported by teachers as well as by parents. I was given the choice to help two fifth-grade students to develop their Romanian language skills. I had hardly accepted the task, when I was inquired whether I wanted to give math lessons to a girl from the seventh grade. Having chosen the former duty, I had to refuse the latter one. The time you invest in this work is not Only when we started our lessons did I realize wasted, certainly this mission involves that the other alternative would have been beneficial functions in your own more appropriate for me. development. It is exhausting to stay for an If you wanted to undertake the extra hour in the school, while your mentioned activity, you would have to make classmates are resting at home. In addition sure you were capable to manage it properly. you get home late, usually with a large

28 amount of harmful nervousness accumulated In short, I feel confident to during the lesson. recommend the selection of the discussed I would suggest to elect a subject you volunteering work as a school activity. You are well-versed in, because the evolution of are able to help your schoolmates, the younger students depends on your furthermore you develop your own knowledge. Moreover, you may keep your explanatory skills. This project may possess calm during the lessons, in the light of an negative effects as well, however, I think it is adequate comprehension of your speech. The worth the loss. I joined the programme two gentler you behave, the more attention is years ago, unfortunately, now I do not have given to you by younger students. You may enough time for it. I enjoyed my cooperation evolve a fine relationship with the students, with the fifth graders, which I thought would for it is beneficial to the way of their opinion not work out well. If you have this kind of on the subject. interest, you should definitively attend the mentoring project. Tőkés Emese XI.R

Boarding School Trip

I live in the boarding school came dinner. Our classmate brought us a dormitories, so we went on a trip organized movie. It was about a mom who had to send for us. We went to the Sequoia Hotel with her children to the charity after giving birth. some people from the school who live in Before she died she wrote two letters. One for school dorms too. We started our trip at nine her son and one for that person who brought o'clock at the morning. The bus waited for us her here. But truly the two persons are the at the KFC. Our road was not boring, but very same. After the movie we were shocked and long. we couldn't say a word. We arrived at eleven o'clock, we On a second morning everybody got a checked in and we went to play billiard. After T-shirt that was made just for him or her. We the game we had lunch and we went to took a big group photo. After that we went to discover the place. It was long ago since I a market. We had 2 hours to look around and have been at such a beautiful and silent place. we bought anything we wanted. After that we When we went back at our came home. In conclusion I felt very good, I accommodation we took a long and had a good time and I wanted go back every refreshing bath at the big pool. After this year. Török Dávid X.H

29 Boarding trip

This year's boarding tour was held on In the afternoon, anyone could October 11th and 12th. On Friday morning participate in various team games, if they we took the bus to Székelyjó, where we wanted to. After dinner we watched a movie always go. It was an hour and a half until we together. On Saturday morning we were arrived. After everyone occupied the rooms, greeted with a table full of delicious meals there were free activities all day long. and after that we visited the Feketetói fair. Everyone was very happy because of There were a lot of people out there this, because there were many activities to selling different things. There were some choose from. There was a swimming pool, people who actually bought something and table tennis, pool table, soccer field and some who didn't, just walked around. On others to choose from. As usual, the dishes Saturday afternoon we headed back to were very delicious and there was a wide Kolozsvár. variety to choose from. This was the boarding trip this year.

Szatmári István XI.R

The English drama workshop

We all love a good having to impersonate a made- show, whether that be a movie, up character is far beyond the a TV series, or in this case, a general public's comfort zone, theatre play! The English drama which many see as a drawback, class, led by Mr. Milán is a but breaking free from your small group of students who comfort zone will prove vital in together come up with a script later stages of life, so you may of a usually funny story and as well practice it now! attempt to make it funny and If you join the drama interesting in every way class, you will no doubt make possible, starting from puns to new friends you may not have outright childish comedy. even known, perhaps have a The requirements aren't good laugh with an unreasonable, as all you need if acquaintance if you do. you wish to join is a decent Building bonds with people is a understanding of the English language and normal and everyday thing that is the confidence to put on an act on the stage. commonplace for many and this activity is Moreover, the English drama class is not very easily one of the simplest and most grueling with its after-school scheduling, only entertaining ways to break the ice and get to requiring one and a half hours a week, which know someone truly. is far from time consuming on the long run. Above all, however, my personal I personally am part of the group and I favorite thing about the drama class is the will be the first to state that the atmosphere is sheer respect between its members. It really great. We take the play seriously, of course, makes one smile when you see that even a but we all have great laughs when someone shy person is capable of being a part of the slips up, joking about it and enjoying the play with little struggles. If you are unsure scenario together like one big family. The about your confidence or whether you'd be class is very enjoyable and one of the biggest good enough, fret not, because both the perks it provides, in my opinion, is that it teacher and other members are more than severely helps boost your confidence. willing to assist you to perform correctly with Standing on stage for the first time and little to no judgement.

30 In conclusion, when considering all worth attending for uncountable reasons, and the benefits, the little time it takes out of your I hope that I have managed to convince more schedule and the fact it costs nothing at all but students to consider the drama class for their your will to participate, I will confidently say past-school activity! that the English drama class is more than Gergely Erik XI.H

Galaxy in our eyes – Telescoping

My favourite part was when he showed us the full Moon. It was very bright and you could see the craters on it very clearly. The reason we looked at it last was because of its brightness, you wouldn’t be able to see anything else after that. The teacher was very enthusiastic about this topic so he explained and told us a lot about the planets and stars. I didn’t even notice and a few hours passed with exploring the sky. The more we looked at the stars and the Moon, the more fascinated I’ve become Last Monday we got an offer from our by them. I suddenly forgot all my daily English teacher. We had the possibility to go problems and concentrated only on the with him for a star watch. He has a telescope, scenery before my eyes. I think it’s very cool. I was aways interested I would definitely recommend this in astronomy and we were very lucky. He peaceful hobby to anyone who would like to invited the whole class. escape the real world for a bit, because it’s Firstly, he installed his telescope. The not only for those interested in astronomy. It first thing we looked at was the Jupiter. It was made me realize how small I am compared to amazing to be able to see it from up close, the Universe, but still being part of this because with bare eyes we only see a shiny wonderful world made me feel really happy. dot. We also saw the rings of Saturn. The Try to get lost among the stars, you teacher explained that it was made of the might find yourself among them. It is very debris of a crushed moon. amazing that we have this opportunity in our He searched for the Andromeda school, because not every school is able to see galaxy with the telescope. We all were very these things. excited to see it. It only was a blurry patch, but it was incredible. Máté Boróka X.H

Star-watching evening, and my class

One day when I was in school, Mr. The night was amazing. We saw Milán, the English teacher announced that he Saturn, Jupiter, the Andromeda galaxy, would host a star watching night, we were craters on the full Moon, and many more. It going to watch the stars, the Moon, Saturn was really fun, I enjoyed it really much. I and Jupiter. We were very, very excited and never had the opportunity to watch these couldn't wait to be night. A little time later kinds of things and to be able to see it was a night had already come, we hopped on a bus really a big deal for me. What I saw was truly and went to a park were out teacher was. breathtaking.

31 I'm really happy I didn't miss it who live in the dorms go home and those who because we have a thing called "silencium", live here just relax when school is over. where we have to do our homework and So this is what our weeks look like. study, but we skipped it just to see the Let's get back to the topic were I tell you what Universe. I'm very, very thankful to my is happening in breaks. First, we put some teacher for doing this for us. You’re truly cool music on and then we wait for our amazing. upperclassman friends to come. We just joke About my class: I don't even know around with them or tell them about our day. where to start. Let's just say Then we go to the shop that I love my classmates with to buy food and some snacks, all my heart and they are truly but we have a long break too. It amazing, although I have only is 20 minutes long and we can known them for like 2 months. do anything during that time, But they can be very annoying so than we are very happy. To as well. be honest, we are always They are in total 24 kids happy, but sometimes it is hard in my class, 7 boys and 16 to be good enough for our girls, so you can imagine what teachers' expectations. is happening here in between Everybody says that it classes. Our mood depends on is so much easier for us what day it is. Let's imagine because we don't have math or that is it Tuesday. Tuesday is physics, it is hard for us too, the best day, because we have believe me. But we have to get very easy classes, so everyone through it! If we believe in it. It is happy, but when it is is not easy for us to be Wednesday, everybody is sad freshmen too, we are the new or angry with us. ones, the little ones in high Wednesday is the school, everything is different hardest day, plus we have now. classes that start at 7 o'clock, so we are super We are not kids anymore, we have to sleepy. We have extracurriculars every day, rely on ourselves and only ourselves. We so we are very busy every day. On Monday have 4 amazing years ahead of us in what I we have like a club called "diáktanács", were hope that we can find ourselves and find the we discuss what we are going to do to make things that we are good at. I'm a 100% sure school more fun. Then on Tuesdays we have that we can do it and it is going to be choir, on Wednesdays drama club, on awesome. No one said that it was going to be Thursday choir again and on Friday those easy, but we are hoping for the best.

Szekér Kinga IX.H

Some weeks after the beginning of the term

When this school year students before that high school life started, a new chapter in our school was very hard and difficult, life began, because we are in the furthermore, after more than one ninth grade so we have already been month I can say that’s true. high schoolers. I am happy because beside Since first grade I have been the difficulties the school has a lot a student of this school, so I know it of interesting programs which made very well, but since ninth grade student life more exciting than ever started, it feels like a whole new before. These possibilities are school for me. I heard from other

32 helping us to be interested in more domains which everybody has his/her role and space. I and subjects. am very satisfied with the community of the Another pleasant experience was the class which I belong to. meeting of my new classmates, because they We will probably have some problems have been very friendly and they are smart in the next four years, but with a proper team persons, since the beginning of the term. I spirit and willpower we will be able to realized soon that I had a lot in common with resolve most of them. Besides studying we try my classmates (previous and new too): to be part of the various school events and favourite subjects, hobbies, long-term goals activities which have a big contribution to and dreams. These enumerated similarities form an incredible and excellent atmosphere make probably our class a strong team in in our class, the IXth R class.

Szabó Péter IX.R

Studying for exams, and finally IXth grade!

During the last year we didn’t hear multivitamin intakes. After we got the exam anything else but: “study, exams, study, June results, the whole class was pleased and we is coming, study, you won’t have enough made a Messenger group and kept connection time...” day by day. I felt much more fear and stress than During the summer we had some diligence. I tried to manage my time in a experience together, and in September we clever way to study day by day for each started the school as a community. I feel that school subject and for the exam subjects too. we get closer to each other day by day, we We studied together with the classmates, learn something new about the other on a helping each other by sharing themes, tasks, daily basis. We have different ideas and ways and homework. of thinking, but we get on very well. We Around April everybody became celebrate the birthdays at the end of each nervous. It was very useful for everybody, the month with pizza and symbolic presents. “getting acquaintance” program organized by We are lucky, because our class our school, which lasted a whole weekend in master is a very energetic, positive person May. That was the first time when we met always with a smile on her face. We are with the new classmates. planning to go to the cinema, to spend some The Religion exam was simpler than it time together. I hope the next years will be at was announced by the teachers - at least for least the same in pleasure as these two me. Until the exams we had a stressful period months or even better. with short sleeps, coffee drinks and

Gyerő Rebeka IX. H


A week in JZSUK’s dorms

Our school week starts that you have to go to school on Sunday afternoon, when at 8.00 AM, you hear the we have to make our little alarm from the room near luggage. To put in the fresh yours from those who have clothes, the dinner. After this classes from 7.00 AM.  long packing, starts our After the alarms of those who journey to school. Firstly we have to go to 7.00 have go by car to the train station. finished, starts our alarms to There we have to buy tickets ring. If we are 3 in the room, and to wait for the train. We we have 6 alarms from 7.15 to are living in Romania so we 7.30. Then we have to go to don’t know how long we have breakfast, then to classes. ... to wait. In winter, when the At 15.00 we have our train should arrive in time, to lunch, it doesn’t matter if you not freeze there, it takes much like the food or not, you have longer. It happend a few times that the train to taste it to survive until dinner. But usually had more than an hour delay. the food is fine. Then we have one and a half After this we travel for an hour. When hour to have a rest, or not, it depends... Then we arrive to Kolozsvár we have to go to the at 17.00 PM starts the silencium, where we bus station, where we have to wait for a bus. learn, do our homeworks. Then dinner and It is the same long freezing wait. another half hour free time, then silencium In the evening when we arrive into our again. At 20.25 we finish all our duties and room, starts our preparation for the next day enjoy our free time. This is the longest period and normally the experience report about the when we can do what we want. Between weekend. Only a dorm inhabitant knows how 23.00 and 00.00 we go to bed. to do a homework which takes four hours in Then 2 days are the same, but only an hour and in the maintime eat the Thursday is different. This is the day when dinner too.  Then the well-deserved rest we preapare our luggage to go home. Every comes. Friday we start with the song “Hello Friday”, In the morning at 6.30 AM starts the then nothing bad can happen. time of alarm clocks. It doesn’t really matter Márton Krisztián XII.R

Myths and mysteries in the JZSUK

Who does not like myths secretive smile on our face that and legends? The possibility to says: ‘I know something nobody believe in the unbelievable, to else does…’ silently hope that this world is Well, I am actually one of more than what we see, that there the fortunate few who KNOW is magic that is real in some that myths are real, that the hidden corners of the world that supernatural is here. Whenever you just have to find? Yes, we all you see me walking down the hope we could be part of stairs with that small smile on my something unique that will only lips, it is because of that: I know be our secret, so that we can walk something that nobody else really down the street with a small, does. If you promise to keep it

34 secret, I will tell you some of the stories that physics experiments, you name it, she is are quite mythical, and secretly 100 per cent there! I walk into the classroom, where are true! some of the students? Well, they’re studying Have you heard of the myth of the at the library for some Olympiad. But Ms. invisible person? Of a strange being who is Emese is here. “Are you not studying?” – I there to spy on the wicked and help the ask. “I am. But I am also here!” – she says. righteous? She is not a superhero, although And it is true!! She gets first place on the the Marvel movies got their inspiration from Olympiad, plus she works hard on English her as well. But I believe I do know the class. And I am sure on countless other original one. She is Ms. Domokos Orsolya, projects, because I hear her getting prizes all from X.R. I did not see her superpowers at the time! And get this: she works work myself… well, naturally, because she is PERFECTLY! She never makes a mistake. invisible at those times. But I do have Her average is a perfect 10! That means she evidence. She is very clever, she disguises does absolutely nothing that is not perfect! herself as normal, but very intelligent girl. What does that bring to mind? The Great Only her best friend –the pupil on duty- Spirit knows everything and does everything. knows her secret. I come into the class, ask Effortlessly, benevolently... perfectly. The for the absents. There are no absents. But I Great spirit is not loud, it does not speak cannot see Ms. Orsolya. I look at the pupil on unnecessarily... Like Ms. Emese. She is duty. She smiles at me. “She is here” – she silent… modest… if you are not looking for says. “She is just studying for the history her in the classroom, it is easy to overlook contest... Khm... She is at the library.” But her, the invisible, silent force that keeps us all she says that last bit only for the sake of the safe. She does! I am sure with her absolute other classmates, who do not know the secret knowledge in 10 years I will switch on the of the invisible girl. They think she is at the TV and a reporter will say that Ms. Emese library. Naturally. But the pupil on duty and I just got the Nobel Prize for solving the issue know that she is here, really, in the classroom, of global warming, curing cancer and only she’s invisible. How did I find out? working out the lightspeed engine. All at the Well, when she “comes back”, she knows same time! And the reporter presenting the everything I said on the class that she was news will also be Ms. Emese! Because she is “missing from”, wink-wink. Not only did she everywhere. She is quite simply: the Great do her homework, no, she knows everything Spirit! I am honestly honoured to know her... that I taught in the class, as if she had been This is bit not a joke. here all the time! There is only one Remember those mythical cave explanation: she really was here!! It is drawings? Little people with animal body impossible that she would know quite parts, antlers, beaks, that were so mysterious everything otherwise! The great Sherlock because the experts said people could not Holmes once said: “Once you eliminate the have produced them with the limited impossible, whatever remains, no matter how resources of the age? Well if you think that improbable, must be the truth.” Believe me, was intriguing, how about mysterious she IS the invisible woman! drawings on the body? I have seen one But that is still human… somehow. myself, in the secretive realms of XII.H. An But myths are about the supernatural, about unexplainable little drawing appeared one day the gods themselves! The Native American on the forearm of one Mr. Pattantyús Bálint. mythology talks about the Great Spirit, a A very simple, primitivistic cave art-like lil godly being who is there in everything: the figure I started to call the Cucumber-man, for air, the water, rocks, birds, you know, it is the rough approximation of a man’s head, everything! The Great Spirit takes care of us with cucumber-like features. Very simply all. And get this: she is real – she is Ms. Gál made, from a few lines, like prehistoric cave- Emese, from my own class of XI.R. She is drawings. At first I thought it was just not only in her classroom, she is at the library doodled on the skin with a pen. But then at the same time, at optional courses, at weeks passed and the Cucumber-man was

35 still smiling at me from Mr. Bálint’s forearm, the same spot! It was like those crop-circles with no signs of getting any fainter. I asked if you keep hearing about in the news, it was tattooed there but it seems that it mysteriously popping up one day in the field! wasn’t... and then the whole summer holiday Cucumber-man just multiplied! How did it passed and in September when we came back, happen? Is it a deliberate attempt, the symbol guess who greeted me in the classroom with of a secret revolution? Or is it a disease, the same patient smile: Cucumber-man, on should I be worried that Cucumber-man will the forearm! And if you think that is strange, suddenly pop up on my forearm as well?? check this! Once I was writing something into Wait here, I have to check... phew!! Nothing the catalogue, hunched over the teacher’s on my skin yet. But be warned, all of you, desk, when someone made a noise. I saw take it as the warning it is! Check your skin from the corner of my eye the shape of regularly! And if you see the shape of Cucumber-man on a forearm and Cucumber-man appearing on it, immediately automatically said: ‘Mr. Bálint, do you rush to the doctor! We may have to use mind?’ But it wasn’t him!! The same lil shape quarantine! But at all costs, Cucumber-man was now on Mr. Angyalosi’s bare forearm, in must be stopped!! Vorzsák Milán

ESN – A great opportunity for every student

ESN (European School Network) is a student exchange project between 12 European countries, including 25 schools, which allows for students to travel to another country (alone or in a group) to see and even to experience how other students learn, or which kind of school activities they have. Exchange students can spend a whole week in a country they choose, at a host family. Moreover, ESN is a great opportunity for getting to know other cultures, for making new, distant friendships, and to learn languages too. The only prescription is to know English on a level that you are able to talk to people. Our school also takes part in this Hungary. We were really excited about the project. This year we organized a program whole week… about typical Transylvanian myths, entitled: The guests arrived on the weekend of Transylvania beyond the Myths. Due to the 20th- 22th September, and they spent their fact that last April I was in Turkey with the weekend with the host families. As I am ESN, I was given the chance to take part in boarder student, that weekend I went home, this organization. We invited students from and only on Sunday did I meet my guest, Poland, Finland, Turkey, France and Pelin, a Turkish girl, who was my host in Turkey last April. She lived with my

36 classmate, Imola, because I couldn`t evening. We had an interesting accommodate her. Nevertheless I was with accommodation: there were some barrels in her during the entire week. which there were beds and shelves. To be On Monday morning we had a school honest, I think it was a great idea! tour, where we showed the guests our On Wednesday, after the breakfast, we school`s intriguing parts, such as our went to see Dracula`s Castle, and to learn biological museum, the IT laboratory, the about him as much as possible. Our guests Physics laboratory, etc. After that, we were amazed and we took a great deal of attended the opening ceremony, where every pictures together. After this visit we started guest student presented and represented their our journey home. We were all tired, so we own school, so we could get to know other slept during the way home. countries` school system. Once the choir sang On Thursday we visited some classes “Spirit of life” as a closing moment, the together to show them how we learn. I think ceremony finished. We had lunch with the they enjoyed them! After the lunch we went guests, and then had free time. In the to play billiard and bowling with them. In the afternoon, we had a discussion about local evening, the Bogáncs dance group had a myths, and we asked the guest students to pretty appealing show, presenting popular choose myths from their counties too. That dances for our guests. evening we had dinner at Restaurant Roata On Friday, after visiting two more Făget, where our guests could taste original classes, we had free time to spend with them, Romanian/Transylvanian dishes, one such so we went shopping, and just hung out. being stuffed cabbage. We had fun together. Some of our guests left on Friday, some of Tuesday and Wednesday was about a them on Saturday and some of them on journey to Sighișoara and Brașov, to find out Sunday. They could spend the weekend with Dracula`s secret. On Tuesday morning we their host families again, until they had to started our journey by bus. During the leave. journey we listened to music, we sang To sum up, were I to tell my opinion together, we laughed a lot. We arrived to about this whole week and the ESN project, I Sighișoara and we visited the castle and saw would say that it was amazing and the beautiful sight of the city from above. indescribable. I met beautiful persons and Hardly had we finished our castle tour, when personalities, I had great experiences, and last we realized that we were hungry. We had but not least, I made unforgettable memories. lunch in a restaurant, and then we had some I would like to say thank you to my school for free time. We went up to the clock tower, we letting me take part in this! I will never regret did shopping. Furthermore, we went back to it, I promise! the bus an we arrived to Brașov at the Monár Margaréta-Boróka XI.H

ESN Program

If I had to describe all my positive the only Hungarian school in Romania where feelings about school, I would definitely lie a students have the possibility to travel and be little bit. To be honest, being a student is the part of an international project. often a rather boring and tiring challenge. We European School Network involves 12 are always obligated to do our homework, to European countries from where all the ESN learn and to pay attention at classes that we members have the opportunity to have do not even care about. Sometimes I wish I teacher, group or student exchanges. Scarcely could work instead of school. had our vice-principal promoted the above Fortunately, we have hundreds of mentioned, when I became very delighted, opportunities in our lovely school to forget because I had always dreamed about being an completely about the feeling of boredom. exchange student. I was really curious about Now I can proudly claim that our school is other cultures’ everyday lives. Having heard

37 about the exchange programme, I realised that On the other hand, we had a lot of it would broaden my perspective and would recreational entertainments and journeys. One be advantageous to make some friendships such revelatory moment was when we went to with students from abroad. Therefore, I dinner in the restaurant of Kerékcsárda. It was decided to talk to my parents whether they a beneficial programme to identify each would agree with hosting a 16-year-old other’s personality, and definitely for eating French girl. My parents were happy to hear that much that we almost gained one hundred about my participation in this programme, so kilograms. they allowed accommodating our awesome In terms of our trip with my family, guest, Léa. then with the whole group, we were utterly Every ESN conference was grateful to them for providing such great immensely successful. Nevertheless, I think experiences. I must mention that we have this one with the title of ‘Transylvania beyond visited the castle of Sighisoara, the city of the myths’ was the most successful and cool Brasov and without a doubt, the Bran castle one. Eventually, being on the airport and of Dracula, in order to reveal all the seeing my correspondent leaving made us mysterious secrets of the famous vampire both cry. It was a touching moment in spite of story. Similarly, we have also spent a great the fact that it is possible that we may not see time in the city by the introduction of it. As each other anymore. However, I really hope far as our family trip is concerned, we visited that one day she would return, what she the Bride’s Veil Waterfall, the Torda Gorge, promised.  the Salt mine, and the beautiful Tarnica and During these few days we became Belis lakes, where we had a boat trip. good friends and we realised that actually we In consequence, we both loved this had actually pretty similar personalities. week with our foreign-language friends. I and Therefore, we have acquired vast range of my correspondent decided that we would advantages from the conference. As far as meet in the future, and it was very kind that acquaintances from other countries are even her mother wrote to my mom to say concerned, we have some bonds with Turkey, thank you, and to say that we were welcome France, Finland, Hungary and Poland. at their country anytime, just like they were in Similarly, it was a great pleasure to broaden ours. Therefore, I hope that we will keep in our point of view by the discovery of these touch and that I will have the opportunity to unique schools from abroad. build international friendships in my life.

Kovács Bernadette XI.H

The ESN project

I was very excited when we students. After getting to know waited for our guests at the them we were introduced to train station. After they arrived the school and then went for a and the head teacher saw that city tour with our German everything was fine, we left for teacher, while we were in choir home. I took my guest from rehearsal. By the time they got Hungary to a small town for a back, the opening for the walk and she was very happy. project began. There were Fortunately, on the first day we speeches and each country got along very well and presented their schools. laughed a lot. She was After the opening we got incredibly cute and extremely a free program so I took Orsi open to everything. We were lucky because to the Klausen Burger and there we chilled we had to arrive at nine o'clock all week. and talked, then in the evening we talked to On Monday we met the other foreign the others about the myths and then we went

38 to a restaurant for dinner. We laughed a lot After classes, there was a two-hour and made nice friends with everyone. We session. We got to know each other better and could put on music that we danced to in a big dealt with the myths again. This was the circle and our favourite music was Queen - schedule on Friday, but we got free program Bohemian Rhapsody. I think the first day was until 11am. That day we went to shopping, so great. went to the store, went to school just to get In the evening, we packed up with Orsi some free coffee and ended the day with a and went to bed because we went out with the successful theater performance. The title of team the next day. A two-day trip was the piece is "Uncle Vanya", a 3-hour piece organized and it was also incredibly good. On and only we Hungarians could watch it, as Thursday from 9am to 11pm, we took our they didn't translate it to English. guests for school classes. She wanted to go to We started a lifelong friendship with Romanian class so surely she didn't Orsi this week and we still talk to each other. understand anything so we translated it. In the They went by train the next morning and end, she said we were lucky to be able to wept goodbye until they left. But we agreed speak this language. to visit each other. Bodor Noémi X.H

My ESN experience

To begin with, I was asked to take part in the ESN project, in which exchange students arrived to our school and we had to accommodate them. My guest was a Turkish girl, called Pelin. Initially she should have been my classmate Boróka’s guest, but she is a boarding school student, so I offered to help. Looking back, I am glad that I made this unforgettable decision. My new friend landed on Saturday, early in the morning. My mother and I went to the airport and welcomed her. As soon as we got home we ate breakfast together and afterwards she went to sleep. The following day we met up with my friend who hosted a French girl and we visited the Răchițele waterfall. On Monday we went to school, where we had the opportunity to get to know other pupils from foreign countries, for instance France, Poland, Finland and Hungary. discovered the unknown truth about the latter On Tuesday the whole ESN group person. We spent the night in Brassó in went to Brassó to acquire knowledge about bungalows. After dinner a few of us teamed the medieval center of the historical city. up and decided to explore the city’s nightlife. Nevertheless, before arriving to the After some time, we realized that we had each destination we took a break in Segesvár, other as support, forging true friendships. We where we saw Dracula’s home, because the started to have inside jokes and had common above mentioned project takes place in our things to talk about. school annually. Suddenly, I felt that ESN had opened This year’s label was Transylvania a range of possibilities from which I could Beyond the Myths and we traced Vlad Țepeș’s benefit, such as the fact that I began to life back to the Bran Castle and we understand the essence of the cultures

39 surrounding me. It has taught me acceptance independence and self-improvement. I am and tolerance as well as sympathy. It appears looking forward to be a participant in one of that everyone opened up a little during this the next ESN projects and being able to travel short trip. Even the shy ones put effort into to a foreign country and recognize the socializing. resemblance between our culture and At first, we thought of ourselves as a traditions. After all, I identified that Turkish united community, but that changed into a people are the same as Transylvanians, we family. From my perspective ESN gave an share the same human characteristics. incredible opportunity to all of us to meet and Although our beliefs are different, we are still spend time together. Since then, they have human and we should learn to accept others. become an unforgettable reminiscence to me As a result, my opinion is that ESN is and they will never fade into oblivion. worth trying. The above mentioned project is On Thursday and Friday, we visited so unique and the János Zsigmond Unitarian classes and participated in different activities. High School is the only educational I’m sure that this program taught us institution from Romania that was signed up.

Inczefi Imola XI.H

ESN in Germany This summer was one kind through the whole trip. I of the best in my life. Besides can’t be thankful enough to many events, the ESN her. At nights I slept in the exchange student programme attic on the most comfortable in July helped to make it very couch I’d ever seen. Dilara special. The event took place had a small dog called Luna in July in Germany in a small who was watching horror town near Köln called movies and football matches Zülpich. with us every evening. From our school four There were other students participated: Zsofi groups too from Spain and from the XI.H, Gyuszi, France and we got along Kázmér and me from the really well. We stayed there 5 XI.R and Mr. András Ákos, days, which were full of fun. one of our school’s PE On the first day we tried out teachers. We went there on stand-up-paddling on a lake, Monday early in the morning I’d never done such thing by plane. The flight seemed quite short to me, before, yet I learned very fast and a few maybe because of the fact that I slept almost moments later we were already racing on the until the moment of our arrival. lake. No sooner had we arrived than In the following days we played Thomas, our guide and the principle of the baseball, visited many museums and spent lot school which hosted us, showed up and of time with our new friends and their guided us to the school. We made a tour in families. Dilara’s stepdad drank with me one the institution, entered some classrooms and bottle of the famous German beer, Bitburger, played basketball in the sports hall. They had since in Germany the legal age to consume a huge school with modern design, high alcohol is 16 years. quality furniture and all kinds of facilities On the last day before we went home such as football pitches, science laboratories we visited an amusement park called and a gigantic buffet. Phantasialand. It was huge and very modern... I was the only boy who had a girl as a incomparable to the ones we have in our host, her name was Dilara, and she was very country. Although I hated roller coasters and

40 all kinds of extreme attractions like that, The next day we took an emotional Dilara and her crazy friend Yakira made me goodbye from our new, yet close German and try out every roller coaster and scary Spanish friends and flew back to Kolozsvár. I attraction in the park. I almost threw up but in managed to make strong friendships, collect the end I fell in love with roller coasters and unforgettable memories and to feel absolutely on the last ride I had a pokerface on.... thank amazing all week long. This was one of the you, girls! best trips in my life and I wish I could be part of such programmes in the future. Tussai Loránd XI.R

Transylvania beyond the myths

Our school organized the European School Network program on the last week of September. You’ve probably heard about it already, if not, at least you must have seen the large poster right when you came into the school. This is a great opportunity for the students who want to host a foreign student. I personally hosted a Polish girl from Warsaw. All four Polish girls arrived on Saturday. Us, the hosts were very tense and nervous before we got to know them. None of us knew what to expect. This was my first ESN program in which I was the host. I was also super excited because I’d seen the plans matter. In the evening all of us were invited to for that week and it was well done in my a fancy dinner in a restaurant. Every kind of opinion. typical Hungarian/Romanian food was there. So on our first day together we We spent a lovely evening together. thought we should take the Polish team to the The next day we went on a trip to Botanical Garden. Three of them had already Brassó, Segesvár and Tölcsvár in the country visited Kolozsvar last year, but they to explore Dracula, his castle and “home”. fortunately came back and brought a friend. The most special thing about this trip was our After that we went to Fellegvár, but they got accommodation: we slept in big barrels. The tired quickly, so we went back home. space was tiny of course, but it was worth the On our next day together we planned a memory, vibe and feeling of it. The food was little trip for them in Torda. After a little bit brilliant there as well, no surprise. of hiking, we grilled something and ate lunch On Thursday we returned to school in a camping there. In the evening we went activities: they had the chance to visit some of shopping on their suggestion. That was the our classes. They got to choose which ones, day when I got to know them better. Polish hopefully it was memorable, the same thing girls are open minded, loud sometimes, they was on Friday as well. It was my students’ enjoy their lives and they love talking. All last day. We tried to enjoy the last moments, these things made things easier for everyone. all together. I loved the fact that they spoke English very This week has been one of the best well. experiments of my life, full of laughter and On Monday morning the whole ESN joy, spent with amazing people from all over team met in the school. There were students the world. I’m so thankful for being a part of also from Turkey, France, Hungary and this! Finland. We were all different, but that didn’t Vass Anett X.R


A perfect week in Turkey At the beginning of 9th grade our headmaster came to us and told us he wanted to go on a trip. Everybody was curious where we would go. In October we found out that we would go to Turkey with the 9th real class. We were so excited and we were already planning what we would do. By the time when the date was coming they gave us a paper with the exact program. On Sunday we set out to Turkey. The road took 24 hours including the little stops we had. When we were in the Olt valley we had to stop for about an hour because there was a horrible accident. The road was a little bit long, but we were having so much fun and that made the time seem so much less. After 24 hours of travelling we finally arrived to Istanbul. We had a little time to unpack before we went to discover the city. Primarily we visited the Blue Mosque and the Basilica Cistern. We were so fascinated about the view, after that we had a free program and we could to anything we wanted. So my friends and I went to a restaurant called “Massa Bistro”, where we made a new friend who was the boss of that restaurant, he was so Tekirdağ. Our accommodation was near the friendly and gave us free teas. seaside. We had a chance to swim in the On the second day we went to the Marmora sea. On the last day we visited the Hagia Sophia, which is one of the most “Rákoczi museum” and we had time for beautiful museums in the world, and on its shopping in the city. After that we set off ceiling there are huge and remarkable home. I will always remember that amazing paintings. After that we went to the Topkapi week in Turkey where we saw beautiful Palace, which was astonishing. One of the things, made new friends and more best things was that we rented out a boat and importantly we made memories. After this we were sailing the sea of Marmora. journey I can say we became a big family. The day after we went to the Galata tower and after that we finally arrived to Józsa Brigitta X.H

42 The best outing

It all started with the fact that we wanted to go somewhere with the class in the summer. At first we didn’t know where we wanted to go but in the end the headmaster said what we would go to Turkey, more specifically to Istanbul. We were looking forward to the day of departure. When it was only one night before we departed, I simply couldn’t sleep so much. In the morning we went to the bus, said goodbye to our parents and already set off. In the middle of the journey, which was 24 hours, we listened to music, talked and took toilet breaks quite often. The road was very long and quite tiring. It was hard to sleep on the chair, so we went to the ground on the bus and we slept there. swam near us and we could listened to some When we arrived at the hotel and got great music as well. Swimming in the sea was off the bus, we were specifically blocking the so good, but unfortunately we did not have so way because we were so many. We quickly much time. We sat off for Tekirdag the next took our luggage and rushed to the hotel. The day. Our room was overlooking the sea, and hotel was beautiful and clean. We got the that was so incredible. All day we were just keys and everyone went upstairs to their own playing in the water like kids, but the time room. We had time to shower and to get soon flew by and it was evening and we had dressed up and we went to the lobby of the to get ready because unfortunatly the next day hotel to discuss what would be the program we were going home. for that day. It was the most beautiful outing of my We made teams, everyone got a map, life. Turkey is a beautiful place,which you and all day we just went where we wanted. can’t get tired of. Unfortunatly everything The next day we looked at temples and the that is good passes quickly, as this trip, I am best part was how they got dressed. very happy that I could go there, and I can’t And then came the best part of it all, wait for the next time. sailing! The sea was so beautiful, dolphins Antal Hajnalka Bella X.H

Trip to Turkey with my class

This was our first big trip with On Tuesday we woke up the class abroad. Where we slept was at eight o’clock, we had Istanbul and Rodosto. We departed on breakfast and we formed teams Sunday and we arrived at noon on of four. For breakfast we got Monday. First we went to Istanbul cold bowls, boiled eggs, toasted where we stayed for three days. On cheese, coffee, orange juice, Monday we went on foot to see the cherry juice, peach juice, Sultan Ahmet Cami and the Hagia watermelon and pretzel. Each Sophia Museum. Then we went back team received a card that we to our accommodation, looked around could use on the bus, tram and there, had dinner and we settled down ship. to the next day. After we finished this,

43 we started going by tram where we were on Marmara. On Friday we went to the Mikes Monday, but we just went into the buildings. Kelemen house and to the statue of II. It was lunch time when we finished our Rakoczi Ferencz, then we went home. program. We got a map about Istanbul from On the way home, there was a little our classmate. The map gave it to us because debate between us and the Bulgarian elders. as far as we were there we always had our Our bus put us down and went ahead so the program together until noon and then we others who came after us would also be able could go where we wanted till 10 am. to stop. The old people came to the bus after The next day we went to the Bazaar us, and they thought we came after them so and then together we sailed to the Black Sea. they wanted to climb in front of us. A little In the Bazaar we met a Turkish man who can controversy arose, but we ended up closing speak a little Hungarian understandably and the door in front of them until we finished. has a Hungarian wife. He was selling all Everything was very nice, but it was very kinds of tea herbs. We bought from him tea, warm. The road was long and tiring. he gave us a business card and we could take a picture with him. On Thursday we went to Rodosto, where we bathed in the Sea of Kis Imola X.H

Trip to Istanbul

At the beginning of this year’s meal. My friend slept on the air conditioner summer vacation I went with my class to box because it was warm, and the next they Istanbul for almost a week. A he became ill. We were so loud bus took us there and the road that some people moved out. lasted for one day. I couldn’t The bazaar was like a sleep on the bus, because it paradise full of fake, cheap was very uncomfortable, but I clothes, shoes, literally was surrounded by great everything. It was funny when people and I wasn’t bored at one of my friends bought a jbl all. When I first went out to speaker and it was so bad that Istanbul it felt strange. But he threw it out from the third after I tasted a kebab I floor of the hotel. One thing I immediately fell in love with hated was the traffic and the the city. many people. The trams were Our class master let us always so full in the day time go wherever we wanted in that you had to push yourself groups, so we had a lot of through to find a place to freedom. After shopping for stand. some stuff I realized that it was On the last day we way cheaper than Romania. One of the rented a ship, which sailed us out onto the greatest things was that I met a kind Black Sea. We stopped after a two-hour restaurant owner who became our friend and I voyage at a beach, unfortunately we couldn’t we ate at him every evening. Our hotel was in jump into the water from the ship and the the old town, so every ancient building, like water near the coast was dirty and full with the Topkapi Palace, The Blue Mosque was so algae. close to us and we visited all of them. The I got used so fast to the atmosphere, hotel was decent, because it had air the different people, culture and food that it conditioner and breakfast, which was was so hard to leave the city. I will definitely important so I could have energy until lunch. go back there as fast as I can. I realized that chicken was almost in every Csete György X.H

44 A trip to Turkey In ninth grade we, the the temperature increased a class H went on a trip to little, and I had the feeling that Turkey with the class of IX.R. I was going to pass out from We went by a big bus. We the heat. This was because the were like 60 students or so. In long clothes that we had to spite of the fact that we were wear there. The day after we that many, we could sleep in visited the Hagia Sofia the bus becasuse the way to Catedral and the Top Kapi Istanbul lasted 24 hours. Palace. After these we had free We listened to music activity. We drank a cold during the bus travel, we coffee, Turkish tea and ate laughed a lot and we slept on Turkish pizza. each other or in the group. On the third day we After one day we arrived to went by ship on the Marble Turkey. We were so happy Sea and we took a 1-hour that we were there. The view swimming session on Asia’s was astonoshing. I loved it, but coast. The days after we the weather was horrible. It was too hot. And visited the Galata Tower, the Maxim Square, heat requires freshing up and cold drinks, but then we started our journey to Rodostó. We we hadn’t changed the Euro into Lira. slept there one night, but on the next day we After a few hours we arrived to the had pack and go home, to Romania. I had a accommodation, we checked in and we really good time there, and the only issue was immediately went on a discovering trip. We that the vacation in Turkey was too short and visited the Blue Mosque and the Bazilika it passed very fast. I made some new friends Cisterna. We took some photos and then we and I visited interesting places. For me this formed groups and we had a few hours of trip will be unforgettable. And I still feel the freeactivity. impact of the Turkish people. They are We went to the Bazaar and we bought easygoing and so am I. some clothes from street shops. I noticed that Dálnoki Naomi X.H


We were in Turkey with the class at and we were thankful to the headmaster, that the end of the ninth grade. We he took us in that beautiful stayed in Istanbul, but the best place. part of it all came when we were After everybody going to Tekirdag. The Hotel showered and changed, we there was literally on the beach made a mini party and we and as you got out of the hotel enjoyed more and more that you were on the warm sand. day, because it was really As soon as we got to the awesome. The day after, we hotel, we changed into swimsuits woke up at around 7 a.m., we and ran out directly into the had a table full of food. We Marmara Sea. From around 5 ate a lot and then we went p.m. to 11 p.m. we were playing, back to our room and we swimming, diving in the grabbed our packed luggage beautiful sea. When we got out and went down to the we were freezing and we were reception to give back our key. very tired, but we had lots of fun At 9 a.m. a bus came

45 for us. We went to a very modern school at about 4 p.m. so we had time until 7 p.m. to which worked with NASA. The school was go and explore the town. We went eating, so big and they had lots of ways to do sports. shopping, testing lots of sweets and to buy They had two football pitches, one outside some to bring home too. and one inside, two basketball pitch, 8 ball We bought lots of make-up and jewels pools, ping-pong tables and there were too and we had so many options to buy different classes for different instruments. presents for our family too. We had such a There were telescopes too, from which the fun experience and I wish I could go back majority of students learned about the galaxy. there right now. I hope I will get back there as After school, we went to the Rákoczi soon as possible, because I love the food, the museum. The museum was really small, but people, I love everything about Tekirdag. it had lots of the Rákoczis’ stuff. We finished Ostoros Andrea X.H

A week in Istanbul

This summer the two 10th grades decided that we would like to go on a school trip to Istanbul. Not only because it is a one of the biggest cities in the whole word, but it has a different cultures and people there behave a little bit different (in a positive way). They are helpful and they like talking to tourists and asking them where they came from. Our way there was long and I was exhausted when we arrived. The traffic there was bad because it wasn’t even rush hour when we arrived but we still had to wait for the row to split. On the first day we were at the blue mosque where we had to take off our shoes, which was unusual for us. We saw how they were praying and I was amazed, because when we left I tried to imagine how they could pray, they were doing it in a different bridges in the whole world, we even had a way. Women were staying at the end of the bath in Asia. mosque and watching men praying. I was On the fourth day we went to upset because I saw that women didn’t have Tekirdağ (Rodostó) where we had a hotel the same rights that women have here in with a private beach. Our room had view of Romania. After seeing the mosque, we had the beach. We had free time when we were some free time. swimming in the sea. After that we went to On the second day we were at the see the city. On the fifth day we went to see Hagia Sophia cathedral, which was amazing, where Rákóczi lived. It was a museum with a it was huge and many things were made of man who spoke very good Hungarian. It was gold there. We were at the Topkapi Palace very good to hear someone speaking too, where we saw how they were living in Hungarian there. After six days spent in the past. On the third day we went on a boat Turkey the trip ended and we made our way trip, which was good, because we had the back to Romania. It was a good trip where we chance to see a part of the beautiful coastline even saw many historical and cultural things. of Turkey. We also saw one of the biggest Mátyás-Somsai Botond X.H


My week in Istanbul My best experience of this Another interesting place summer was the trip to Istanbul. we went to was the Spice Bazaar. We were traveling there by bus, It is considered the funniest and the whole trip took up a day. This most colorful bazaar of Istanbul. fantastic experience for the 9th We had the chance to taste the grade students was organized by spices and sweets on offer. The our school, the János Zsigmond authentic Turkish sweets are so Unitarian High School. We were sweet that you cannot eat a lot of accompanied by a few teachers. these. The Turkish food is much Istanbul is a fantastic and better and much tastier than the very big city in Turkey. One of the food that is called Turkish here, in most interesting and beautiful Kolozsvár. attractions of Istanbul is Hagia Sophia While being in Turkey, I realized that (Church of the Holy Wisdom). It was built in the traffic was very interesting, but 537 in Byzantine architecture. Even if it was dangerous. People usually do not comply with under restoration when we were there, I traffic rules. Pedestrians don’t have the right consider it a very attractive building. of way; therefore you must be very careful We also went to the Topkapi Palace, a crossing the street. large museum. The Ottoman sultans used it One day we went on a boat-ride. We as a main residence. Built in 1459 at the order visited a bay and we also had a bath there. of sultan Mehmed II, the palace has got The water was warm, but very dirty. I really hundreds of rooms and a museum that enjoyed this trip, it was a great experience for collects weapons, clothing and manuscripts. I me being there with my classmates, most enjoyed the arms collection that consists discovering on our own such a fantastic city. I of weapons, arms and armors. shall recommend it to all of my friends and to my family. Kardos Zalán X.H

A week in Turkey

This summer the two We stayed at a little 9th grades went on a trip in hotel next to the sea, with an Turkey for a week, of which incredible view. The four 4 days were spend in days that we spent there Istanbul, and one day in passed really quickly, Tekirdag. because we had a lot of Our journey started programs. In the first two with a 24-hour bus ride, days at noon we visited the which seemed like forever, most important attractions, but it was worth it, because and on the rest of the day we the next five days were formed groups of 5 to 10 amazing. It took time for me people and we discovered to get used to the local food, the city on our own. the fact that I needed to dress At first it was very differently because I was a strange for me because I had woman, and to the loud sound never been in a city alone, made by the müezins (people who work in the but we figured out pretty quickly how to use mosques) in the middle of the night, but after the map of the city and the local transport, so that I didn’t even notice it. we were able to explore the city.

47 On the third day we visited the guardian is a Turkish man, who learned the Topkapi palace, and then we went on a boat Hungarian language from the Hungarian trip on the Sea of Marmara, and on the fourth workers who renovated the house, and now and also our last day in Istanbul we visited a he speaks Hungarian well. On that afternoon local school, which is also part of the ESN we also headed back home. Our way home programme, and has an amazing observatory, was pretty interesting too, beacause it sport centrum and much more, after the included some conflict at the Turkish- school visit we said goodbye to Istanbul, and Bulgarian border, and a strange gas station in we set off for Tekirdag, where we arrived in Bulgaria. the afternoon, so we were able to spend the After all these, this week became an rest of the day swimming and playing in the unforgattable memory for me, because it sea. helped me become more independent, a lot of The next day we visited the house memories and adeventures were made there where II. Rákoczi Mihály and other by me, and also I ate there the best kebab in Hungarians stayed during the 1700s, and its my life.  Sárosi Ágnes X.R

Untold Music was and still is attendance of the festival I as significant factor in almost totally fell in love with it. I every culture in the world. It wish that I could attempt it is a form of art that can give again. There was a big amount life to a soul or even heal a of stages, but out of them all patient through music therapy. my favorite one was the A music festival is a festival Alchemy Stage. For example, oriented towards music that is DJ Shiver from Romania sometimes presented with a performed there and he was theme such as a musical absolutely astonishing, genre, nationality of however, Borgore was the musicians. They are most breathtaking one from commonly held outdoors and the Alchemy Stage. often include other attractions The main stage became such as food and merchandise mainstream after a while and I shops, art performance, and thought that every other stage social activities. was better than the main one. The festival held in If I were the staff of Untold I Kolozsvár is rather modern, would put more singers on the an outdoor event featuring DJs from all main stage rather than DJs. around the world and live concerts from In addition, the food and the social worldwide performers. The festival is called events organized during the festival were Untold. It lasts for 4 days, usually at the magnificent, nonetheless, they had cost a little beginning of August on the date of 1-4th. money. All in all, it was one of my greatest This year it was its 5th anniversary, experiences yet. I`m looking forward for the and the staff invited a great deal of well- next edition of Untold. known artists. Although this was my first Kőműves Attila XI.R


Untold – Cambridge report writing 

The aim of this they knew that they were report is to outline the there for a reason. The importance of the more violent the fans there concerts’ extraordinary were, the more bodyguards vibe, moreover its exciting were sent. They could have performers, by prevented this situation by representing my personal proper behavior. experience in this topic. I It had a few downs, wish everyone would see for example the songs he the pure joy in the above mixed were only the most mentioned outdoor famous ones, nevertheless, activities, however, they almost every song had the are considered basic and same drop, but if he quotidian. changed them more My last Christmas frequently, I would enjoy present was a ticket to the his concert more. In the Untold Festival, which had light of the absence of been given to me by my space, it seems to me that parents. It explosively the best approach to take is shocked me, because my opening the VIP sections parents are the typical anti- for the regular participants festival and party kind of as well. If solving this parents. The next day I found out that my best problem were easier, I would help too, as a friend also got a ticket and that our parents volunteer. I would also suggest the change of planned this surprise together. With my best the drops in every song to make it more friend, we decided to attend to this music unforgettable, whether the song is old or new. festival. Being the greatest fan of Dub FX we The more special the drops are, the more had to see him, of course, we were in the first exciting the concert will be. Another row, however, we could barely breathe there. disadvantage was the numerous kids about This aspect only made that moment more the age of 10, who were quite a lot, despite of valuable. the dangers of the festival. Had I been a ten- I gained a great deal of experience year-old girl, I would have not been allowed from seeing different DJs performing on to go out into the city, late night. different stages, which enabled me to enjoy For the reasons stated, I feel that I am and to value even more every minute of completely comfortable in recommending any Benjamin's concert. The light effects made of Dub FX’s performances, because of their the sound effects more extravagant and extraordinary light and sound effects, explosive, by reflecting on the drop with furthermore their outstanding tunes and brightening the lights. Hearing his voice live songs. I wish he would come more often here, made me reconsider my thought to be a DJ, because this would not only be a great by setting my inner musical side free. We opportunity to party, but also it would be very wanted to take at least a picture with him, beneficial for the city, by attracting the however it seemed to be impossible. His fans tourists. I really love the artist who knows made the bodyguards’ job hard, by throwing what his fans want and does it, to satisfy his themselves at the famous singer, nevertheless dubstep-thirsty fans. Barta Evelin XI.R

49 The ideal festival

I think summer In my opinion is the favourite season there should me more for many people. In types of music festivals, summer the wheather is because not everyone like in a dream, likes electric and dubstep everyone is able to music. To a music festival wear shorts and T-shirts are invited mostly DJs, all day. But this is not not singers, but it would the only reason why be a great idea to create a summer is so excellent. festival with only the best There are a lot of things singers in the whole you can do, like world. But we can’t travelling, improving in forget about the early 70s your hobbies, meeting when someone invented with your friends, rapping and after that it hanging out in the city stared to grow as a new and for me one of the music style. How cool most important things is would be a rap festival, to participate in a wouldn’t it! festival. One of the most Nowadays, the festivals are a impressive things that a DJ can do at controversial topic, because of the festivals is crowd control, when everybody underage people, big crowd and drunk is jumping to the right or to the left, as the people. There are some dangers that DJ says, and another kind of crowd control everyone can avoid by simply paying is moving their hands up and down with attention. On festivals I don’t really like the phone’s lights, that is a unique one. the big crowd, because it is easy to get lost For dubstep music there are no in it. Besides this there are some people rules for dancing, everyone is just jumping that can swoon because of the crowd. all around and I think that’s the reason Anyways, I still love festivals and I shall why a lot of people do like this type of say some positive things and tips for them music, because they feel themselves in too. freedom. An unbelievable thing at festivals Firstly, there are some unwritten is when random people “team up” with rules for festivals that everyone knows. each other, so they make a circle and start One of these is to be respectful, so don’t to dance together, I should say jump and argue with anyone, enjoy the music. Try to shout together. This keeps you up all night, use your phone as little as it is possible, do but on the next day morning you will not record every song from every artist. In probably feel so tired. I think the ideal smaller festivals like the Vibe-festival it is festival for everyone does not exist an advantage that you know most of the because 7.5 billion people’s sense of music participants, you can meet with your is not the same. friends. Medgyesfalvi Róbert X.H

50 Two weeks in the Danube Delta

Last summer I went on a trip with my friends to the Daubes Delta. We thought that it would be fun if we went together because before this we did not go on trips this long. We traveled seventeen hours because we were carrying a boat with us. Before we arrived to Sulina we stayed one night in Tulcea because when we arrived there it was too late to get on a ferry and we were exhausted, but it was okay because we stayed at a very nice hotel with a pool and everything. That night we went out to see the Danube. Next morning, we got on a ferry and we traveled one hour until we arrived to Sulina. First thing when we arrived was to go plant life, because of the sheer number of to the house that we had rented and then we horses. The area is practically becoming a went to see where the Danube meets with the desert, but I think that the mayor wants to Black Sea. It was very interesting seeing transfer some of the horses to other places houses that were placed in imaginable places. because of the critical environmental change, When we wanted, we were able to swim in but now, in spite of the change it is still the Black Sea and if we wanted, in the beautiful. Danube too. On the remaining days we went Next day we went to look around. We around with the boat to explore the delta, we were amazed about the fact that there saw a shipwreck and the locals said that there everyone woke up at five almost every day to is a gossip about treasures in the wrecks. We go fishing, and the other thing that amazed obviously did not believe them, still it was me was that it was very crowded. In that part interesting hearing these things. When we of the year Sulina was full of tourists, because weren’t exploring, we were almost every day not only the Danube and the Black Sea is on the beach. I was expecting that they would interesting there. There are many little be nasty because of the reputation of the villages across the delta and there is a famous Black Sea and because of the river, but it was forest called Letea near the Ukrainian border. pretty nice. On other days we went fishing The Letea forest is famous because of and that was cool too. By the time I arrived it is home to more than one thousand wild home I couldn’t get the smell of fish out of horses. Unfortunately, when we went there my clothes for a hole week. we saw that the horses were destroying the Szép Róbert X.H

My horrible summer accident

I was a perpetual motion kid and if I went with my family and my friends someone had a bad idea to do something I did to Thassos. It was a good trip if I don’t take it. My parents said that I had to take care of into consideration the last day. We stayed in a myself and I always listened to them and after big Hotel on the beach and we rented some that I did what I wanted. I broke my leg and buggies and every day we went to see other my arm because of this, but this summer I beaches. changed my mind after I had 2 operations.

51 I had 2 favourite places which were I thought that the bad things ended for different types of beaches. The first one was that day, but in the evening I went to a the LA SCALA, which is the most expensive hospital because I got food poisoning and I coast in Thassos, where we ate a lot and we vomited all evening until I got 2 injections. were served with fruits and One of them was a sedative with cold water every minute. so I slept all the way home. The second one was the Giola After I came home I went to Lagoon, which is a wild coast, the hospital, where I had an and mother nature made a pool operation, which was very in the cliff, where there was a painful. rock 10 meters high, and I After 3 weeks I went jumped off it into the water back because I had some and I wish I could go back complications with my ear. there. Now I can’t go by plane or On the last day when under the water for 1 year we were eating our breakfast, I and when I heard these jumped into the pool because things I promised myself the weather was very hot. that I would take care of When I fell into the water I myself and what I would do heard a high-pitched sound in the future. After the first and I didn’t see for 1 minute. I week of operation I didn’t don’t know how I got out of feel the disadvantages, but the pool and after that I didn’t when my friends went to the hear anything while I arrived Transalpina and my doctor home. I thought that the water said that I had to stay at went into my ear but after 3 hours I had the home, I was very angry with myself and also same problem and then I realized I would when the school started again I felt the weight have an operation in the future. of this when I couldn’t play football with my classmates.

Juhos Dávid XI.R My Summer

The summer of 2019 was an incredibly good summer for me, I got the chance to do a lot of amazing activities such as going to festivals, working and a lot of other interesting things. Since for me, this was the last summer as a child, 12th grade is the last year of school and after that everyone will follow their own path and university summers are not going to be the same. In this amazing 3 months, I tried to have fun as much as possible, party a lot, spend time with friends a lot, but also to make some money. The summer started perfectly, since the Diáknapok was in its first week, an event that involves a large number of students between 9th and 12th grades. There are 30+ teams that have different names, logos, styles and they all have to participate in different sort of

52 activities, such as football, pc games, city tour As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’ve also and a lot more. Obviously, there are points to worked during the summer as a waiter in my collect that are going to add up at the end and parents’ restaurant. One of the reasons why I decide who the winner is. I was lucky enough chose to work is obviously the money, since with my team to win this year’s event, which by this age, everyone should have at least one was an incredible feeling and I am happy that summer job because if not, it’s going to be I could participate and feel the vibe of the city much harder when you get there to work on a during these 5 days. daily basis. The other reason why it was Every member of the winner teams worth it working, was self-improvement. receives a ticket for the annual Vibe festival, Working as a waiter taught me that, no matter however, almost everyone sells those since how smart you think you are or if you think they had already got tickets before we could you know everything regarding a topic, you get the one we won. Meanwhile, before the can always learn something from every single Vibe festival, 5 of my friends and I went to person you talk to, no matter what you’re Sopron, to the Volt festival, which was an talking about. Also, I got the chance to meet a amazing experience. We spent 2 days in the large number of interesting people while I capital of Hungary so we could taste the made money I could save or spend. nightlife of Budapest and also see the Otherwise, I tried to do as many funny characteristics of the city. and silly things this summer as I could. For After we spent a while there, we went instance, party for 4 days with my friends at to Sopron by train, which was a few hours our weekend house without stop or partying long trip, but it was worth it because the for a night, and then instantly going to the festival was amazing. This little travel was other side of the country without sleeping. something that everyone should try, even if These are all the stuff that are nonsense, but they are underage. We could solve this issue things that I will always remember for the rest because 3 of us were underage and 3 of us of my life. were not, so we could get approval from our This is why I could enjoy these few parents. Apart from that, everyone should try months, simply because I could do things that to travel, as much as possible when they are were pointless or stupid, and the only young, because this is the time when you question I asked myself was why not? Why most have the opportunity. not do things that other limited people don’t As soon as you get older you have want to do? People often step back and live a more responsibilities, more stuff to deal with boring life because they say why should I do and you won’t have that amount of time to this, it’s meaningless… Well, why not? If travel. It’s good to try yourself out, alone in there is nothing bad to happen, trust me, the the world, you may be surprised how much things you do randomly like this, are going to fun it is. be the things that you’ll always remember.

Frinkuj Barna XII.H

My summer

My last summer was unforgettable, because a with July came the Double Rise festival too. I lot of things changed my life. I tried many loved this festival because it was well new things, became more friendly, sociable organized, and it gave me the opportunity to and I felt have I reached my goals. meet with my old friends, and to make new When the summer vacation started, I ones too. didn’t know what to do. Without school and This year the festival was special to daily activities I was lost. But it all changed me, because I was more active than in the last when my friends took me out and we spent years. I tried everything that I could, and every night together. It was outstanding and because the number of participants was way

53 smaller than last years, for me the whole vibe confused. I wrote to my friends but they of it seemed more heart-to-heart. And beside didn’t tell me anything and said that I was just all of the programs in the daytime, I went to a imagining things and that everything would lot of concerts too, which were awesome. My be all right. I believed them and helped my favorite band was ‘Bagossy Brothers mom all day. Company’, because they have performed at In the evening my flatmates arrived the Double Rise festival repeatedly and I and I talked a lot with them. When it started know them well. Time went by really fast, to darken outside they convinced me that we and unfortunately the festival ended, and I ought to go out somewhere to take some can’t wait for the next one. pictures. It was really strange to me and right at the start I asked they if they were hiding something from me. They said that I was paranoid and foolish, but I felt that they weren’t telling me the truth. After dark we went to my friend’s home where they evidently wasted my time and I started to get nervous. I didn’t tell them anything, just followed them outside. We went to the ‘youngers’ room’ where my friends were waiting for me. When I entered the room, I couldn’t understand what had happened and why there were so many people there. I almost cried because all my important friends were there and my best friends gave The second thing that happened to me, me a big cuddle. It was very touching and I and which was the highlight of the summer, was euphoric. was a surprise party. My best friend decided The party was excellent and I danced to organize a party for me, because I didn’t all night with people who are important to want to organise one for myself. I went out me. After the party my flatmates came to my every evening with my best friends and we home and we continued to talk. We were played or just talked. One day I felt that they satisfied with this meeting and I could go to wouldn’t tell me something and I became sad sleep calmly. because of it. I thought that they shut me out In the end, this summer was me and I felt alone again. unforgettable for me, because I gained many The days passed and with the new memories and I realized once again that annoyance gone, I didn’t suspect anything. the people around me are my true friends, like The morning of the party after I got up, I felt a family. that something would happen and I was Király Kriszta XII.R

My vacation in Greece

Last summer I revisited a place that is very close to my heart, a place where my parents used to take me when I was little. This place is called Kassandra. I have always loved to swim. In summer I go swimming multiple times a week. My parents also loved swimming, so we mostly centered our vacations around swimming. As a kid my parents took me to many places

54 where I could swim. But wherever we went, swim in, on the other hand if it gets into your no place was like Kassandra. eyes or nose, it can really hurt. Kassandra a peninsula in Chalkidiki, The sea isn’t the only beautiful thing Greece. It was named after the ancient city about Kassandra. It also has beautiful towns Cassandreia, which was located near the with vibrant night life. After a long day of village. Its seat of municipality is in swimming, you can sit down and enjoy an ice Kassandreia. cream or play billiards with your friends. The The coastline is lower then most of the restaurants are amazing in Afytos, and there peninsula, so it is protected. I visited most of are a lot of types. the beaches along the Tornaic Gulf. The thing If you like to swim, then I couldn’t not that I love most about this coastline is that recommend to you this place, but be aware because it is in a gulf there are never any that the road there is very long. large waves, quite the contrary, there are There also have been lately quite a few nearly no waves. My favourite beach is the fires around there. In the middle of summer, one near Afytos. The water is very salty, when the temperatures are the highest, many which on the one hand makes it really easy to forest fires have started, endangering many tourists. Tasnádi Ede X.R

6 countries in 8 days

I and my parents decided Romania, Hungary, Austria and to go on a trip to Malaga in Spain. On the third day I had an August. We brought some amazing idea. Let`s go to friends with us. They have got a Gibraltar. From there it is only kid... her name is Timea and 30kms away. So we got into the she`s 17 years old. She is a car and I turned on the really nice girl. After two days navigator. we found the common things in That country was totally us. I really enjoyed a lot living different from Spain. I was with her and her family for 8 amazed. Beyond that border days. there is a new Britain. It was So the beginning of the like England, but smaller. Then rip started in Kolozsvár, the day after my parents decided Romania, where we boarded the that we needed to go to train, to Budapest, then from Morocco, because it was a new Budapest to Wien. In Wien we culture and we had to see it. At went to the airport and from first I said no, because I`d been there to Malaga, Spain. So these in Istanbul and I thought that it lines in real time were 24 hours. So basically was not different. But it was. 24 hours with no sleep. It was tough, but I The port was like an airport and the lived. ferry was like a plane. We reached Ceuta. It is In Malaga we ranted a car, because on the African continent, but it belongs to our apartment was 90 kms from Malaga. So Spain. In the middle of Ceuta there was a plus one and a half hour no sleep. I had the border with Morocco. I saw a lot of migrants. toughest job because I was the navigator for In Morocco the streets were full of trash. It my dad. I only said where he should go, but was totally terrifying what was there and I someone else would think that this is not a big asked our guide, how could they live there deal, but you have to pay attention. like this. And he said that they are used to it. We finally got there. Our "new home" This was my trip to a totally different was amazing. So until then it was 4 countries. culture, that I had never seen. Szoher Norbert X.H

55 Revisiting Turkey As some of you might have read in the previous issue of “Cipó”, I visited Turkey in April as an opportunity offered by ESN program. A fact that I didn’t publish in the mentioned article was that my family and I had already booked our summer trip to Turkey, yet this time the destination was Alanya, not Istanbul. Alanya is a rather small town on the south coast of Turkey, known mostly for its luxurious, beach-side resorts, making it a touristic paradise. We arrived to Antalya by plane, then we were transported by a microbus to the hotel, ensured by the travel agency that also granted our accommodation. Overall, it was a four-hour journey from Kolozsvár to Alanya, as the duration of the bus ride and the flight was about equal. Reaching our destination, I was fascinated by the immediate response of staff, their incredible friendliness and the luxury we were surrounded by. However, the biggest element of surprise was the Mediterranean weather, that remained over 30 degrees even at the latest hours of the night. As our hotel was located on the beach and also owned a pool, with a bar next to each, we had endless time to swim and enjoy the available consumables. Three meals a day it’s a calcium-magnesium rock formation were granted and the in-between snacks. with an astonishing white color and natural, Everything was served with Swedish buffets, crystal-clear pools to “achieve eternal youth giving us the choice to be as choosy as we in”. It lies at the feet of an ancient Roman wanted. The main dish was the dinner, town, and the legend states that Cleopatra planned as thematic nights that served food herself used these pools. from all over the world, including Mexican, As I mentioned Istanbul in the first Italian, international and of course, Turkish paragraph, I should end this with a buffets. comparison of the two Turkish trips, yet, they Most of the days flew by fast, doing were so different from each other, it seems nothing but enjoying the warm sand and the hard to do so. While I enjoyed the latest one salt-scented waves. It was relaxing indeed, with my family and it was more of a but as a wish to discover more than just the distraction, as usual, annual vacations should be, I had visited Istanbul with my boyfriend sea, we subscribed to an additional trip to the Pamukkale, organized by our travel agency. and friends and it had put more accent on the It’s one of the most famous tourist attractions Turkish culture. So instead of measuring the of Turkey and even though it was quite far pros and cons of a family trip and comparing from Alanya, needing the whole day for the it to an ESN one, I’m just grateful to have excursion, it’s definitely a place worth both sides of this country discovered and I visiting. Its name meaning “cotton castle”, would happily agree to return anytime soon.

Balázs Orsolya XI.R


My drama: Concord Floral

When the vice-principal told us about the opportunity to be part of a theatre play it sounded quite interesting to me, but my friends weren`t fascinated, so I quit the idea quickly. A last minute call from one of my classmates on the last casting day changed the game plans and I applied because I thought the eleventh grade was the last year when I could try out something different, in a new field. Everybody had to make a five-minute video in which they had to speak about time we preformed the play from the themselves, about the topic of the project and beginning to the end and it didn’t go as the reasons why they wanted to apply. The planned neither in time, nor with music and theatre play was realised through a European effects. I think we needed this low point, project called `Digital Natives`. The main because we saw where we had a little work to goal of the project is to work with kids who do and where to refine things. were born in the digital world, called the “ Z” On the day of the premiere I felt quite generation. Four other theaters were included good and enthusiastic because I hadn`t from Thessaloniki, Wien… performed on stage in a play before, and I The rehearsals began with personal wasn’t nervous. I enjoyed the preparations talks and group chats to start and the adrenaline in my building our little community veins. The show began, I and chemistry. Slowly we played my part and in the end started to familiarize with the like in the films, everything actual script and step by step went well and we stood with we put it on stage. As the big smiles on our faces during premier approached the the burst of applause. It was a number of rehearsals and their unique moment of my life, I`d duration slowly increased, but never experienced something I went every time with joy like this before. Everybody because the members of the told us that the play and the cast were cool kids, the vibe acting were really good. It was good and I didn’t go to probably was, or they were school, which obviously just generous, but I felt caused happiness as well. enthusiastic during the whole There were a lot of process and the time of the ups and downs, but this is part shows and that’s what matters of the journey. One day for me. before the premier was a All in all, it was (and memorable low point in my still is) a positive and opinion, because we had a satisfying experience. I made public rehearsal, for the first new friends, I got a taste of

57 the community of the theater and I performed this, I would strongly recommend to you to in front of people on a stage. The next season give it a chance is still questionable, but I hope we will have (P.S: I didn’t want to write spoilers more shows. If you had an opportunity like about the scrpit, come and visit us on June 2nd…or hopefully in the next season:)

Balon-Ruff Andor XII.H

The Holy Grail  -a special trophy at a singing competition-

It was August ... about 150 competitors from There were only a few days Romania, Ukraine, left from the summer Republic of Moldova, vacation, when, together Switzerland and Malta with my parents, I traveled to participated. Piatra Neamt, where I The talented participated for the third time competitors from each age at an International Music category had outstanding Competition, entitled performances, singing VOLARE (FLYING), a songs from the repertoire of famous festival that this year famous composers and was at its tenth edition. singers from our country This VOLARE is, in and from abroad. fact, a state, a true parade of At the creation cultural events. section, I signed up with a The opening piece of my own, composed ceremony of the festival was by Mr. Aurel Petru Toma organized in the historical on the lyrics of Adriana center of the city. The Marcheze. The song was competitors had the entitled "A moment in my opportunity to visit the life", whose text perfectly Fortress of Neamt, the Museum of Natural describes the feelings, experiences of Sciences, the Museum of Art, and the adolescents of my age and beyond. Museum of History and Archaeology. All of In the performance category, I sang them marched on the streets of the city with the song "Sweet People" by Alyosha, which I the flags of the countries they come from, like very much. With this wonderful piece I singing together the well-known and beloved managed to impress both the spectators and anthem of the festival Volare. the members of the jury who addressed me There followed an absolutely unique words of praise and appreciated my evolution exhibition of porcelain dolls by the collector, on the stage with maximum score. the festival presenter, Victor Mihalache. The The highlight of the contest was the artist presented his absolutely fascinating gala evening. collection of 700 dolls at the museum. It was This one started for me with a funny a delight for both of us - the children and our little happening. The festival presenter started parents. It was a real holiday in the beautiful calling those who were honored to sing on city of Moldova. that special gala evening. I, knowing that I In this contest that lasted for 3 days, would be the 8th competitor in the list two categories were established by the established by the jury (according to my age regulation: creation and interpretation, and category), went out into the theater hall to

58 repeat the song I was going to sing and I for the trophy was hard. My desire to win didn't realize how quickly the time passed. increased from one second to the next. The The presenter said my name in the countdown started. microphone, I started running with my 4-cm I wanted to be nominated as late as heeled shoes, but I couldn't get to the stage so possible, to be among the finalists. When I quickly. In order for the audience not heard my name, I felt an immense joy, to notice the small public mistake, a full satisfaction. another competitor quickly entered in I was awarded the most my place without the presenter having valuable prize so far, the trophy - a said the name of the respective splendid crystal cup. competitor - during which time I could Another pleasant surprise for catch my breath. me was the moment when I received The song ended, there was a an invitation from Iasi Radio to brief moment of silence in the theater, broadcast a song sung by me. after which the applause followed. It The ’frosting on the cake’ was seemed that no one noticed anything the prize offered to me by the member wrong. At the invitation of the of the Ukrainian jury: the possibility presenter, a little agitated, I also of professional recording of a song finally came to the stage, at which chosen by me. point, many in the audience, especially Then, for a few moments I the young people who knew me, wiped my tears, I with joy on began to applaud, laugh and shout the stage, where the music fascinates loudly: "Come on, Nóra!" me every time and envelops me in its spell. I felt "with the fly on my head" but The music expresses more than all the words, with a little improvisation and smiling I tried it is like a hug. Her fire arouses the strongest to get over that moment and I sang for the emotions. public better than ever. As Yehudi Mehudin -one of the Despite this, it was the evening with greatest artists and humanists of our time- the most pleasant emotions. I was looking wrote: "music is man himself, singing is the forward to the prizes for my musical true mother tongue of every person." performances of the previous nights. "Canto, ergo sum" - I sing, therefore I am.  Emotions started to overwhelm me. The fight Tasnádi Nóra X.H

I worked in a factory!

My father and I have beginning, so I it was a real a great friend who some years shocker to see some huge ago started a company which buildings swarming with mainly focused on laser workers. I made a contract cutting metals. It had with the boss, so I worked outgrown itself into a larger legally as a full-time company so it moved its employee of the company, location to a more suitable nonetheless due to my age I place. My father suggested was not allowed to have an that I go and try working at adult's income. the company to see how Eight hours of work money could be made five days a week for as long without having any degree as I decided to stay. The first whatsoever. day was a bit of a letdown. I I remembered the had some high expectations, factory as it once was in the however, I was tasked with

59 cleaning some aluminum plates for later use. Just washing of the stink of metal off The gloves I got were filled with with metal my hands after the end of each shift gave me splinters from formal cutting in the blink of satisfaction beyond my earlier imagining. Just an eye, yet I was determined to tidy all 7540 the fact that I saw that my work had its results pieces of metal. compelled me to go on and work. It might Time got by really slowly, but after a sound boring or rather dull that one could get while it felt like nothing to do my job, I even satisfaction by working, nonetheless, besides got to meet new people and talk to other the fact that I met new individuals and got to workers that I am now proud to call friends. know them, was something that intrigued me After the first day I felt pretty tired, and still does. but I eagerly waited for the next day when I For example I met a retired police got to assemble some boxes meant to contain officer, and due to the fact that we worked in gas meters. A pretty intricate procedure, pairs there was no excuse for not starting a putting the door together, mounting the conversation with the man you stood by you locking mechanisms and only then providing eight hours a day. And on and on I worked the box with the specific, so-called organs day by day, week by week, for two months. that it needed. These varied between types of That really taught me that every person is boxes we were tasked with producing. valuable in their own way. I learned about the All in all, we had a complicated job hard work one needed to go through to get to that day. I never thought that I would see their first paycheck, the troubles when the myself working in a factory, I never thought I number of products demanded by the buyer would get paid for doing something before I was not ready, but most importantly I got to finished school, but there I was following know other people and their stories. Now that orders, doing what I was told to do, trying to part of my holiday serves as a constant complete my tasks as fast and as well as I reminder to why I have to learn and strive for could. higher marks. Czimbalmos Erik XI.R

My trip in the U. S. A.

This summer I got the chance to visit The United States of America, it’s like a dream come true. I always wanted to see every part of it and of course I dreamed a lot about living there. I felt excited when we arrived to the airport, then after a long trip I was standing on the streets of the USA, in New York City, which reminded me to my favorite series, Friends. We were staying in a town near NYC, in Trumbull. On our first day we needed a day for sleeping, but on the first day we went to the beach in Fairfield. The next day we visited the Grand Central, the Brooklyn Bride, Chinatown and Brooklyn. It was a good start for the vacation here. The next day we packed our bags and got on the bus to Philadelphia. I had a great time there too, the most memorable moments were the city tour. We mostly stayed at friends so we had a lot of fun. We used

60 bicycles to explore Riverside, a town near the Central Park, while eating ice cream, took Philadelphia. pictures of the Statue of Liberty from the Our next stop was Washington DC, ferry which was my personal favorite, and of where I saw a building of N.A.S.A. and in the famous Wall Street. But also we couldn’t front of the building they saw us taking leave out the memorial of the Towers, which pictures of it so he gave us a brooch of the were destroyed on 11th September in 2001, at N.A.S.A. We saw the White House, the the World Trade Center. Memorial of the second world war, the I had a great time and I realized I American Indian Museum, the Space would love to live here or learn here. People Museum. are kind, everyone tries to help when you We wanted to visit more Museums, need it. The worst thing was leaving this but we had to go to Maryland because half of place behind and getting on the plane to fly the trip was over. Near Maryland is back. If I have the chance again I will take it Annapolis, where is the United States Naval and fly back. I can imagine myself living Academy. We had one week left so we went there, drinking orange juice every morning. back to NYC to visit other parts of the huge The only thing that I hated was the city. food, I tried out everything, but it just wasn’t The Times Square was amazing, we my thing, so I somehow ended up eating had the chance to see the famous wax figures fruits, salads and vegetables. The truth is that of Madame Tussaud, but this day was chillier I don’t feel like I had enough, it’s like it pulls than the others. On another day we walked in me like a magnet. Komoróczy Petra XI.R

The opera can be fun!

Last time when a I went to the opera it was a really bad experience because the play was very boring and the plot was too complicated for me, so I couldn’t understand it and I decided that I would not go to the opera again. But three weeks ago, one of my friends asked me if a wanted to go to the opera, because there would be the premiere of the operatic drama called The Lombards on the First Crusade by Giuseppe Verdi, and he had tickets. I didn’t have a better program, so I decided that I would give it a try. Before I went to see the play, I read the plot which was about a family who lived in the 19th century. In the family there were two brothers, Arvino and Pegano, who hated each other because they fell in love with the same woman. The woman became Arvino’s wife, so Pegano because of his jealousy wanted to kill his brother. But he accidentally crusaders went to the Holy Land to recapture killed his father who slept in Arvino’s room, it. Unfortunately, Giselda, Arvino’s daughter so Arvino, who meanwhile became the leader was kidnapped and placed in a harem, where of the crusaders, banished him. she fell in love with the pagan leader’s son, Pegano became a hermit and lived in Oronte. Giselda started to feel better among exile, while Arvino with his family and the the pagans, but her father with the crusaders

61 went to save her and Oronte died in the beautifully, and it didn’t sound as a little generated war. screaming child, it was wonderful. I think that this plot is really exciting I really liked this play and it also and the scenery was even more interesting could prove that not all the operas are boring, and amazing. It looked like a huge photo there are some really interesting and exciting album and when the scene changed, the actors ones, which could be better than some films moved the scenery so it looked as if someone in the cinema, and while watching them you thumbed a real album. The actors sang can learn about the past and become more cultivated at the same time.

Kovács Zsófia X.R

You Need Each Other to Succeed

It is well-known that a exactly the same from the human being is unable to live professor’s point of view. Only alone in complete isolation. If when you master the subject someone had to spend their will they perceive success. days without another soul’s Secondly, to opt presence, it would have a someone as a model is popular serious effect on the individual among teenagers. What’s more, from every perspective. an ideal individual’s The vast majority of inspirational biography can average people agree with that impress the youth, but there is fact, nevertheless, most of their no success story without a opinions depend on the day helper’s hand. Those famous they had. In general, people talent shows may assist with require loneliness to freshen the same purpose, to discover and to disengage from the occult abilities humans can day’s hardships, which is hide. understandable, but to link to Just highlight your each other is really crucial as favorite singer, writer or even well. Have you ever reflected scientist and peruse their lives on the fact, that no matter how and paths until today. Each one independent you feel, there is has a great institution behind always a person in the their back, and friends who do background? not step up as savvies, but as Firstly, that is because supporters. Considerable ways you live among other souls. You do not have exist to attain accomplishment, but none of to analyze the mentioned topic on a wide them is passable for a solitary passenger. scale, just observe your most common A writer called Martin Nowak gave a surroundings, for example the school. The public lecture about the theme, where he more you develop yourself, the better chances explained how cooperation was widespread in you will obtain to live successfully. It appears the living world and even created a to be your own work and struggle; however, mathematical definition of cooperation. you necessitate obviously a determined Whereas the research is quite dry, it merely professor. Without his-her assistance, your accentuates the most important aspects and path and success would scarcely cross each confirms it with instances, such as bees or other. other organics. Humans are unusually To lighten the argument, a simple cooperative and they always have been, even cheer from a friend also has the power to when their knowledge was nothing more than thrill you to have a go at something. It is just a few words and sentences. Humans are

62 the supreme cooperators of the animal world, hesitate to ask for help and advice, and most and that is why they have been so successful importantly, do not start anything alone. The as a species. absence of a helper hand is able to halt you in In the light of the above detailed your work, because the first few steps arguments my purpose was to pique average engaged with failures will discourage you and pupils’ attention on an infallible trick to hold you back from developing. achieve success during the years. Do not Mezei Réka XI.H

Road trip with my family

Hello, my name is Yvette After we finished walking and I am 12 years old. Now I tell through the forest, we stopped at you how was our road trip with the glade to play and make some my family. food. We usually eat mum’s We usually go into the homemade sandwiches and some snowy mountains because my fresh vegetables. After eating we mother loves mushrooms and she play cards or just tell each other enjoys collecting them. She some funny stories. I always usually picks mushrooms like enjoy the sunshine and the fresh parasol, porcini, portabella, fairy rings and air. When the sun goes down we pack up our chanterelles. Among these mushrooms I only things and go home. like fairy rings, because I have to admit, they are delicious. Botár Yvette Boglárka VI.C

Dream of a space mission

This week on English classes we possibly happen. The ship shot up into learned about space missions. We the sky and suddenly disappeared could expand our knowledge and from sight. My radio wasn’t working learn new things or facts about space properly, so I figured that it would be missions, the preparation, the ideal to repair it. When I got out of equipment and all sort of interesting the atmosphere everything got so things. So for every English class, we relaxed, and light. This, of course, had to learn the lessons, as usual, but meant there wasn’t any gravitation. this time it appeared even in my After struggling for 5 minutes deepest dreams. I successfully repaired the radio and My first dream was only about got contact with Earth, the staff told the school and the courses I had to do, me that it would take 4 more hours to to be able to be admitted to the university. arrive to the moon, so this was only the Every exam seemed hard, but thankfully I beginning. I fell asleep and I woke up at a passed. My first day was unusual because loud noise. I figured that meanwhile the ship everyone was calm and ready for the bad landed on the Moon, and the doors couldn’t things that could happen. open because they were stuck, like every I even had a second dream, of this other Chinese product… Whatever I said, and astronaut stuff, but now I was a real astronaut, then I heard a piece of loud and familiar ready for take-off. My team was ready and music. It was my time, sadly this was how my prepared for every situation that could beautiful dream ended… Kelemen Viktor-Leonárd X.H



I dropped my pen which fell into oblivion, I lost the opportunity to look back. Now I am nowhere, In between the present and the catch of my own promises. But I could be elsewhere, Because I am a part of life, Such as you. Slowly, the white light will come in the room, And we will become equal again, You and me, me and you. And now, before the morning comes, A tear drops down on my face You remind me of something, But not of eternity or stability. I will be quiet and fast, I will remove you from the picture I painted in my head, Then it will be the best, When it does not matter that the concept of ideal does not exist We are not in a hurry anymore, But time will be. Zsigmond Hermina XII.H

Make a wish

Make a wish and don’t cry, Tell me your secrets and you will learn to fly, Give me your hands and take a deep breath, Give up your dreams and smile, And when we will be up in the sky, We will hug the stars, We will tell them to shy, To let us be the lights in the dark. And in the end, when we don’t have anything but our minds, We look down and become shooting stars. We will fall and we will rise, We will die to be reborn as hopeful sun. And when we burn up just keep in your mind, We were the darkness and the light, We lived and we died at the same time.

Filip Borosty’ XII.H


If I could…

If only I could visit The museum of your mind Wondering through each mosaic That’s a piece of delight A heart as wide as the world Filled with a Universe in bloom With the gentle warmth of the Sun And the mystery of the Moon Your words could cover hope Like a waterfall of colours Melting all together Like the night absorbs all shadows In the end just the taste of a dream Remains from a faded ballad A melody you could hear In a long forgotten palace When I get lost in your eyes Not even the sky seems to be far When I look up it reflects The depth of an ocean filled with stars I wish I could keep this time Frozen in my memory Like one of those rainy nights When you put your arms around me. Kmetz Michelle XII.H


My only one 'DOG', To love you forever: is due. You're the oxygen in the smog, Be patient with me, You're the star in the sky, I know, you prefer to be free, I don't want to say goodbye. But I need your company, You are my only hope, Come with me on a great trip. Bigger than the pope, We're going to Asia or Africa, Please do not leave me, Or if you want, we go to America, Don't run away from me. We'll eat a lot of new food, I really love you, And we'll have a perfect mood. I'm not lying, it's all true, You are the meaning of my life, I'm happy to see you, Listen to me and be my wife!

Szász Andrea XI.H

65 Just my thoughts

As I come to the world slowly I pray to God everyday on my knee Sometimes you will look back, Is your past empty, is it all black?

Autumn can be an adventure, not just a melancholic season, Go on your way, no matter what is the reason. You should be your own master, Even if the time is faster.

No one knows what will be the end of your way, All you need to do is just pray. Never forget to hope and believe, Always be happy for what you have achieved. Szekér Imola IX.R

Drawing Techniques

So I was dedicated to writing an article, however, I could not figure out the theme myself, so I asked my English teacher, what should I write about? After half a minute, he guessed that writing about drawing techniques should be helpful not just for me, but for my schoolmates whose love is great for drawing, however, they cannot really draw correctly. I did not want to accept it, because, sincerely it is a really boring and useless article theme. And so, after three days of figuring out the most interesting and worth- reading topic, I asked myself: why do pupils, 14-18-year-old teenagers want and most importantly, have to draw or create, something that is made up by other people’s ideas of perfect or correct? Many of us were taught how to think, when character and personality is still “under even if those individuals have a unique way construction”. of thinking. Same thing with drawing. Adults When this happens, older generations always suggest to the kids to be more consider the individual as troublesome, or creative, to have more fun with what they do, worse, problematic. Why can’t young people but expect their idea to appear, of the figure out how to draw the best way possible particular activity, which needs to be done. a line or a composition? Who are we to judge Because they were raised that way too. And a person’s creation, when all we do is criticize when one is forced in an indirect way to do everything unusual we see? something, he or she will do the exact Besides that, there were some famous opposite. Because nobody likes to be told painters who did not know how to draw, but what to do. Especially in such a young age, created valuable art pieces which are noted to 66 this day. As an example, Vincent Van Gogh about your drawing (and by this, I do not was almost entirely self-taught, he was bad at refer to constructive criticism), just put your drawing at first, neither did Albrecht Durer earphones in, and immerse in what you do, know how to draw correctly, not yet talking and how you do it. about Henri Rousseau... In the end, my best advice for drawing techniques would be to PS.( Because you must send a picture listen to somebody who knows the struggle of yourself, I chose this one, to prove that I and only use the advice YOU find accurate, always do what I think is the best for me, and because you create your art, nobody else. And not what is expected from me ). when somebody says something negative Ilyés Anna XII.H Never -based on true story-

It was a regular Monday didn’t notice that the boy wanted afternoon. Everything seemed to be nothing from her. His memories came normal. A girl, dressed in black was back. going up on the stairs, when her phone Days passed. One day the girl rang. She supposed that her classmate was going to his brother, when she saw was calling her, but no. Her boyfriend the other girl sitting next to the sad was on the phone. She answered it. boy. That girl followed him Inside, she knew that she had everywhere, it started to be strange for had to tell him all the changes and all everyone. They spent the breaks her feeling, but she couldn’t. She didn’t together and also time after school, want to let him down. Never… and sending pictures to others. Posting because of this she tried to act them and mentioning the boy normally, but everything went wrong. everywhere. Things started to go so strangely Suddenly her boyfriend appeared. He and nobody understood what was happening. just wanted to say something, but the girl did The girl started to be nervous. Not it before him. She started telling everything because of the boy, mostly because of the with only one breath and then the boy told situations and because of the other girl’s what was on his mind too. The words were acing. She planned to do nothing, until she like small blades flying around their hearts. saw them in a very confusing situation. They hugged each other at last and said It wasn’t a problem, if the boy hadn’t ‘Bye’. been so nice and cute with her too. It was too ‘Yesterday was the worst day of my confusing. She didn’t know what to do. A few life’ - thought the girl, but she didn’t know more similar things happened and she had than what would come soon. Nobody enough. expected that. Her plan was ready. The short girl had In the third break the girl wanted to one more chance to get away. To get away, tell something to her brother, so she entered but everyone knew that it wouldn’t happen. his classroom. She said one world, when she Two days left and the plan seemed to became heard the lyrics ‘you’re with me, not someone reality. else…’ She looked at her ex-boyfriend, who After the short girl met with the boy was crying. She felt that her heart was and she went back to school, the girl caught breaking slowly to pieces. her and told her to stay far from the boy, if A short girl appeared next to the she knew what was good for her. The short crying boy and she started talking to him, girl didn’t understand why she should do this, then she hugged him. The boy had no because she was in love and she didn’t take reaction, he turned his back and went into the this seriously. hall. The short girl ran after him, but she The girl saw the short girl near the boy all day long. She thought this was the last

67 time. It wouldn’t happen anymore. After a At last the boy went to the girl and few minutes the short girl fainted. She got a hugged her tightly and whispered ‘I’m sorry, mild heart attack. The boy realised after a I love you’. After that he saw the girl’s hands, while what she did and that the girl had more it was a bit late… power than he thought. Márton Anna-Rózsa X.R

The forest The forest was quite chilly Death found no joy in tonight, the light breeze ran quietly turturing souls anymore, when he among the old trees. They were started it, his motivation was all he standing tall, proud, even though ever felt, the anger, hatred and their crowns of leaves were on the jealousy. He was envious of the cold, hard ground, dying. One could happiness humans were able to hear the icy river sighing heavily in feel. After the desire to hurt the far distance, and upon her mankind was satisfied, there was watery body, all the clouds of night nothing in him anymore. His being were visible, hiding the small, shy stars. felt meaningless, his awful emotions were Beside them, you could see the moon, shining now replaced by a huge void. tiredly at the dark woods, projecting his weak When the morning came, the last drop light towards it. of pain disappeared from Earth. Darkness ate Sadly, this scenery of peaceful nature it all away eagerly, leaving not a trace of it was ruined by the deafening screams of the behind. Death closed his dark, numb eyes and wicked, and the soft whimpers of innocent. left this place of blackness to find a different Death sat on his throne of deceased, gazing at meaning to his existence, leaving his lover to nothing, his stare bored, dark and empty. Next starve. He felt no guilt, and nothing beside to him was his lover, Darkness, feeding on the that. Soon, this planet once called Earth was pathetic cries of, now, lonely humans, her swallowed by emptiness, leaving only the dark red eyes dancing hungrily on the young forest to be the lonely prison of Darkness. slaves of sadness, the corner of her lips tugging into a predatory grin. Dénezsi Ágota VII.B

’Homemade’ – the theater performance

Do you know that feeling understood everything clearly. But when you are just looking out from yes, it was. Some parts were your head and you're incapable to shocking, some were funny, some make an opinion about a movie or a were boring. This is how a drama theatre play? I have to tell you, this works. was the feeling I felt the other day The topic was not an easy when I watched ’Homemade’. one, but fortunately the actors and This performance is about the actresses were talented and super conflict between parents and their amazing. They did their best job on children. It's not an easy one, but an the stage. They were the ones who average man can handle such things. made it look like something. I heard rumours about people leaving Something great and unforgettable. It in the break because of pressure or was a thing that satisfied my way of

frustration they had. For me it wasn't spiritual needs. as bad as for these people. ‘Homemade’ is a drama, I would say it was a good act, which originates from Kolozsvár. even though I'm not sure if I So, it is a home-made 68 Homemade. The preparation needed a high than 40 people are watching you. But as I effort of work, because they had to make a said, the above-mentioned workers are very thorough research about the topic, which professionals. included dozens of children and parents. They I am a theater-loving person, albeit I had really personal talks with these didn’t watch every show on the list. But I volunteers, or so they said. The script is not would recommend this one to everyone. Not set in stone. There are some improvising parts because it is a good play, but it is a topic that which are – in my opinion – hard for the every man, woman and child has to see, and actresses and actors. I guess it is difficult to has to hear about. make up your lines on the stage, while more Varga Gergő XI.H

Physics experiment

to avoid oxidation, otherwise the experiment would not function properly. The experiment’s process The first step is to place the stack of neodemium magnets into the salt water. Then a piece of copper should be placed at the bottom of the jar and fixed with tape. After that the other copper should be bent to get a The Faraday motor is the first eletric little hook at the end of it. The most motor that has ever been made. Michael convenient choice is to use copper, as it is an Faraday demonstrated in 1821 that electric excellent conductive material. From the paper energy might be converted into clips a chain should be formed, mechanical energy. I would which should hang down at the like to present a simple but at end of the copper wire and the same time an astonishing centered over the magnets. experiment that is based on the The other copper wire functioning of the Faraday with the hook at the end has to motor. hang on the paper clip chain. Necessary tools for the The aluminum foil has to be experiment lowered into the glass with salt For the experiment it is water and folded over the glass necessary to aquire two wires edge in order to have a tight with alligator clips at the end, a hold there. One clip should be stack of neodemium magnets, placed on the end of the copper 2-3 cleaned paper clips, two wire and the other clip should pieces of copper wires, a 9V be pinched on the aluminum battery, a piece of aluminum foil. The other two ends have to foil, a jar, some tape and a be connected to the battery. As glass of salt water. It is soon as we closed the circuit, essential to clean the wires the cooper wire started to move before the experiment in order around the magnet.

69 But what really happens? an impact and on account of the Lorentz force The battery makes electrons flow the copper wire commences a circumduction. through the circuit. As it is well-known that At the same time electrolysis might be visible salt water is conductive, in the glass the in the salt water due to the current's influence. electrons move from the copper wire (that is I would suggest to everyone to be hanging down) through the salt water to the open-minded, make numerous experiences aluminum foil that enables the electrons to and discover the beauty of physics! Be flow along the wire. The magnetic field has curious and never lose interest!

Gál Emese XI.R


INTRODUCTION Let’s start with some concept clarifications. The names ‘aerobic’ and ‘anaerobic’ were firstly used for bacteria. The latter one referred to a bacterium which could survive without oxygen, while the former one to a bacterium which was not able to survive without oxygen. As time passed, humans started paying attention to their appearance, two training types were named after the above mentioned bacteria. The two types are distinguished by the heartbeat’s rhythm. Man’s maximum heart rate is 220/minute, but it’s mostly age dependent. For women it’s maximum 225/minute. When you are performing anaerobic training your pulse is higher than the maximum value’s 70%, on the contrary in the case of aerobic training it’s lower. For weight loss aerobic trainings are more effective, since during this type of action your afore mentioned reason is one of those in muscles receive their energy from burning the which the aerobic training helps. fast cells. During aerobic training muscles Aerobic training stimulates fat grow better, while anaerobic training is good burning, and encourages the liver to have a for our overall health. slower glycerin emission. It’s most effective PART I. when it’s performed for a longer time, since Aerobic training the body during the first 20-25 minutes of the Beside regular workout sessions and a training uses the glycerin spare to get energy well-planned diet our body needs a from, so it replaces the used energy from supplement, which is called aerobic training, carbohydrates. Our bodies start to use the which occurs with oxygen consume. During organism’s fat tissue only after 30 minutes, tempering we often feel that our body would this is why professors recommend performing be still capable of another set of exercises, but aerobic training at a medium level, so not too we just cannot do it. This mostly happens fast, and not too slow, and for a minimum of because our veins are not wide enough. The 35-40 minutes.

70 With the following method we can 1.the length of the parts, the number of the calculate our own aerobic training’s meters completed during one part tempo: 2.the time of the parts (220 - our age)*0.6*0.85 3.the rest and load times’ heart rate The result is the ideal heart rate. A bigger The above mentioned three aspects heart rate develops the lung capacity and also mostly happen to be combined, since we have our stamina. A smaller value is recommended to pay attention also not only to our physical for limbering-up. health, but also to mental health and to the Anaerobic training target which needs to be achieved. This type Besides the fact that anaerobic of training gives a thoroughly strict feed-back training befalls without enough oxygen, to the performer, while it is undemanding to intensive muscle work is happening, that is observe the bodies change, and in addition it why this type of workout could be done only develops the stamina and the balance tears, at for a short period of time, and numerous the same time it quickens fat burning. pauses are recommended. Because of the If you start the training now, we do anoxia our organism firstly tears down the not advocate to start with interval workout, carbohydrates. With the liberation of lactic rather a two months-long preparation time, acid, present amongst muscle fibers, and during which we prepare our body. In every hydrogen ions, the muscle fiber’s PH-value sportsman’s workout plan the current training changes to acidulous, this process’s is present, for it assists the energy consequence is the muscles’ tiredness. recuperation, the heart- and circulatory After intensive workout we can feel system, respiratory system, in addition it is the muscle strain, which is due to the muscle liable for the health of the muscles, fiber’s micro injury. The remaining lactic acid metabolism and tendons. Interval training’s streams to the liver, which changes it into advantage is that it increases our body’s energy. During training, a high amount of capacity, besides executing it we only lose energy is burnt by the performer, however, from our body fat, not also from our muscles. not from the fat cells, but from the glycogens PART II. present in the muscle, since pending As I have said, my research’s title is, exercises, metabolism gathers speed. After The cardio and interval training’s fat the performed work metabolism still remains burning effect. My objective is the faster than usual, while our organism needs following: Prove that 4 time 30 minutes’ more time to reintegrate the oxygen level. interval training/week have a better efficacy The anaerobic training increases muscles and than 4 times 1 hour cardio training/week, performance, also helps the efficiency of which I tried to synchronize with the title. aerobic training. WORK SESSION Interval training I would like to carry out the above Professors, dieticians, medics all presented idea in 3 months, with the help of recommend the proper combination of 30-30 volunteers, all of them being from the aerobic and anaerobic training modes. The 20-25 age group. It is also important for all of training type created by this combination, is them to have the same diet, that is why my named interval training, which originates choice was the calorie-counting diet, since dates back to the II. World War, it was this would not influence the volunteers’ developed for athletics. Its denomination weight. The subjects’ workout time/week originates from the word ‘interval’, whose depends on their option. If they choose meaning is section. The name could not be cardio, they will exercise 4 times 1 more adequate, as the training’s main idea is hour/week. If they choose interval, they will the alteration of the load and rest times, where exercise 4 times half an hour/week. Since the the resting is an active process. training levels must be the same, all of them Interval training could be made will exercise on medium level. considering three criteria:

71 Well-being questionnaire Below every question there is a scale, The observations and data collecting from 1 to 5, choose the one which suits You happens in two ways, one is the well-being the most, where: 1 means “Strongly questionnaire, whose evaluation happens with Disagree”, 2 means “Disagree”, 3 means the Likert-scale. The questionnaire and its “Neutral”, 4 means “Agree” and5 means instructions are the following: “Strongly Agree”

1. During the week I was strongly calm and efficient. 1 2 3 4 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 2. My mood was often fluctuating. 1 2 3 4 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 3. During the week I was strongly tired and I felt my body useless. 1 2 3 4 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 4. During the week my spirit was excellent. 1 2 3 4 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 5. During the week my general being was neutral. 1 2 3 4 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The other one happens in the form of chart, where we can see the data changing. It concerns the person and society as well. Concerning society Cardio training Interval training Number of canditates 30 30 Age of canditates 20-25 20-25 Average weight of canditates Average lung capacity of

canditates Average height of canditates Average calory-intake/month

of canditates

Concerning the person 1. .Name:………………………………………………………………….. 2. .Date of birth:…………………………………………………………... 3. .Chosen training type:………………………………………………….. 4. .Weight:………………………………………………………………… 5. .Height:…………………………………………………………………. 6. .Calory-intake/day:……………………………………………………... CONCLUSION Finishing the research and summarizing the results the outcome is the following: Interval training has the biggest efficiency in fat burning! Looking at the theoretical backgrounds, or even reading already finished research, we can see clearly that interval trainings are more effective, faster and have a better fat burning impact than the aerobic or anaerobic types. Supervisor Written by Sólyom Vivienn-Anna Nagy-Damó Yvette, XI.R

72 News from NASA: the first all-woman spacewalk!

Firstly, I would like to activate. This was Koch’s introduce a little bit NASA fourth spacewalk and Meir’s (National Aeoronautics and first. Meir was the 15th and Space Administration). the 14th U.S. woman who was NASA is led by administrator outside of the atmosphere. It Jim Bridenstine, he is the 13th was the 43rd spacewalk that administrator. Before included at least one woman. Bridenstine got a job at Women have been out of the NASA he served in the U.S. atmosphere since 1984, when congress, representing a Russian cosmonaut Oklahoma’s First Svetlana Savitskaya Congressional District, performed a spacewalk in serving on the Armed July. Services Committee and the NASA announced at Science, Space and October 19th that they would Technology Committee. make preparations for a live On October 15th coverage on NASA NASA surprised all of the followers when Television of key events at the 70th they announced the first all female spacewalk International Astronautical Congress. It will in the history. NASA was hosting a media take place on October 21-25 at the Walter E. teleconference to discuss about the first all Washington Convention Center in female spacewalk at the International Space Washington. As an extra the agency will Station. You can find the audio of the announce other events during the week online teleconference at the original site of and with the help of social media. NASA(https://www.nasa.gov). If you would like to join NASA’s NASA astronauts Christina Koch and society to get the news first you should take a Jessica Meir ventured outside on October look at NASA’s careers and programs at this 18th. Everyone followed the live coverage on link: https://nasa.gov/careers/. Good luck in NASA Television and the agency’s website. interesting explorations. Maybe you will be We have seen live how the astronauts the next generation’s Einstein. replaced a faulty battery unit that failed to Illána Petra XI.R

I am in the UEFA Europa League!

UEFA Europa League is the big stage team there have to be some players who are of European football. CFR Cluj has won the under the age of 21 and were raised by the domestic league, that meant that they would club. have to play in the qualifications for the That was how I was named in the competition. After playing these games they squad of the team, in which as a kid I only qualified for the Europa League, and by the fantasized about playing. At this point my rules of the tournament on the squad of the opportunity started, I know that now I have to 73 give everything, my dad said that I had to situated near the centre of the city. Our treat every training session like a match. accommodation was very good, however, the In the first match we were up against food was awful, nothing had taste, maybe the Lazio Roma, no one had given us any chance. staff of the hotel were Celtic fans and they I think that this was what motivated us, being had to make sure that their team won.

underdogs is good, because it gives you On Wednesday we had the official motivation, the better the opponent is, the training on the stadium, it was the first time I sweeter the victory is. trained on such a big venue. When I stepped I was impressed by the guys who gave on the pitch I felt like all the sacrifices were everything and turned the match over, in only worth it and I was almost there, I was very 45 minutes. We went mad in the dressing close to my goal of becoming a top footballer. room, everyone was singing. I didn’t play, but Next day in the morning we had a I felt that I was a part of the team and that that short training at the sports facility of Celtic’s victory was mine too. big rival Glasgow Rangers, I Participating in this realised that our training grounds competition is not easy, because are nowhere near to what was there. there are matches with only 3 days They are light-years ahead of us, it between, so we did not have time to was a good experience, now I see celebrate because in little time there what training conditions others was the next game, which was as have. much important as the one against Then later that day the match Lazio. came. The stadium had no empty The second game was seats, the atmosphere was out of this against Celtic Glasgow, in Scotland. world, imagine sixty thousand At first I wasn’t sure that I would people singing ‘You will never walk go but, then I was announced on a alone’, it gave me goose bumps, but very short notice. I was happy in my thought I wished I could have because Celtic’s stadium is a temple been on the pitch, the circumstances of football. On Tuesday after training in the were rough: very cold and raining. morning we headed straight to the airport, Unfortunately we lost, but we keep our heads from where we took a private charter, rented high because we have the chance to make it by the club, straight to Glasgow. right in two weeks, France being our next There the coach was already waiting destination. for us. We went to the hotel, which was

Hindrich Ottó XI.H

74 My experience at the Sports Olympiad

Firstly, I would like to team. Secondly, I would like to start with the fact that since I talk about how to get invited to was a little kid I always this occurrence. The institution wanted to do sports of any you are studying at must have kind and I ended up mostly a team of any sports and after playing basketball. Thus, this that you only have to win a year I had the opportunity to tournament which is inside attend at the sports Olympiad your town that only Hungarian which took place in my native schools go to, after that you town, Kolozsvár, at the Babeș are invited to the Olympiad Park. where every school from The above mentioned Transylvania which has won has been going on for three the competition which was consecutive days from dawn held in a town has got to to dusk. You all must think compete against each other for how I got there, well, last year the first place and has the our school’s basketball chance to win a medal, and team, which I am a part of, also the team who comes first came first fighting every Hungarian school in gets a scholarship beside the medals and the city and we also got a trophy and an diplomas, which I think is so beneficial in invitation to play at the Olympiad in your future because you could say that you basketball, yet unfortunately we didn’t have a won a nation competition. chance of achieving first place because the Lastly, I had a great experience other institutions’ basketball teams were so fighting teams from different towns inside much better than us, but I don’t mind the fact Transylvania, and to get to have the that we didn’t come first because it was a opportunity as special as this one was great experience and I would like to have awesome. I would like to encourage more and more opportunities like the above mentioned. more pupils to take up any kinds of sport Furthermore, attending this particular because as you can see, you have a few event I felt both weird and astounded because opportunities to achieve something even I have never been to an event as big as this though you are just a student. and also it was a pleasure to play there as a

Lakatos Péter XI.H My gym experience

I started going to the The gym where I train gym when I was 16, I started it and work out, the Arena, is a because I was a little bit fat and place where I know who I am. It I wanted to do some exercises to is a place I can go to escape my gain muscles. It was very hard at problems for a while and release the beginning because I wanted some stress. It's not the actual to be a bodybuilder in like 1 physical building, but rather the month. It was impossible to do, events that have occurred there I searched on the internet for over the years. It's where I have some good ideas how to start the formed some of my closest gym. I found a perfect schedule friendships. It is the place I have for 5 days. They key of success was ambition, invested years of hard work for many of my without ambition we are useless. accomplishments.

75 To some it may seem odd that a place strength shoulder as well as chest machines. associated with sweat, blood and physical The second room has treadmills, elliptical pain means so much to someone. However, in machines, stair masters, various types of my eyes it's almost like a second home. The abdominal machines and some odd machines place is on the Aleea Stadionului street. The like a Roman chair and lower back extension. gym floor is cemented and its lighting is dim, Moreover, the gym is equipped with leg even though it is not too dim nor is it too machines, like leg curl, leg press machines, bright and the gym is fitted with mirrors all leg extension together with calf machines, as over. well as a grip machine. Dumbbells in the gym go up to 180 In conclusion, my gym has adequate lbs, though I have never witnessed anyone weight training equipment, adequate space exploit them because the highest I have and most of all, the place is kept clean and the observed anyone use is 130 lbs, resting on a various machines and equipment used in flat bench. During workout, music is often workout are frequently checked and kept in played, which is a combination of alternative, working condition. Moreover, the gym staff hard rock, rock and heavy metal depending works well with the various members who on the station playing the music. subscribe to the gym’s services and ensure The gym has basic free weight that the locker rooms are kept clean and that machines, benches, squat racks and adequate clean towels are available to dumbbells besides a large cable machine in members during workout. the middle of front room and Hammer Gombár Ervin XII.H

Fighting in every second for ourselves

I am thinking about some special moments from life and things that happen, sometimes bad, sometimes good. But one single thing that is assured is that without work the success will not come, NEVER. We can think now about just of our life, or everything else. Actually now I’m thinking about the sport life. Every sport has different dangers, but to be the best you have to risk, sometimes much more than you have ever thought. That risk sometimes is much bigger than you think. But imagine that moment, when you have won something and you know that, you have done for it everything as possible, that moment makes your life much better. Of course the risk means that you can hurt yourself, but that hurt is just temporary. And you have to decide. You can do just for fun different sports, or you can pick one and do it for loving it. (That is not just about the Every second, every minute, every, sport, we can look around ourselves. There hour, day and year is a chance to do what you are few people who do that job which they want seriously. My opinion is that those love. They are obligated to do what they don’t people who don’t like their job, their like. But that little part of humanity who love environment, they are not living really. Sport their job, they are good at it.) is not just a hobby. Sport is life, Life is sport.

76 We have to go on that way, that makes us practice every day, and I think I’m so happy and feeling good of ourselves. possessed that in every second I could start Are you doing something? Do it practicing. You can choose. You can be a seriously. Do you love something? Fight for victim for all your life, or you can fight for it. it. Without hurt, pain and fighting, the thing Földes László, Hobo has a very good will lose its reason. I started to practice phrase: Be the dogs’ king, not kings’ dog! martial arts when I was 3 years old. I love to

Brautigam Norbert X.H

Ally Condie: Matched

In the Society, everything for aside by an Official who assured the citizens is decided by the her that the microcard government. The Officials decide malfunction was a mistake, that what people eat, where they live, she is still Matched with Xander, with who they live, what their jobs and that she should forget about will be, when they are going to die. the other boy on the screen. The All of it is scheduled and planned Official replaced her microcard based on statistics that guarantee with a new one and informed her them the best possible life. Nobody that Ky Markham is an can write, or draw, or create anything Aberration, a citizen of lower that does not already exist. One status, whose father committed an hundred of the “best” poems, Infraction before he and Ky’s paintings, songs, and stories are all mother died, and Ky was adopted that remains of the culture we into a new family. know today. Aberrations can The story starts with a never be Matched. Cassia 17-year-old girl, Cassia, who couldn’t forget about the is going to her Matching boy and they met each Banquet. There comes out, other. It turned out that Ky who will be her partner. had a very difficult past, Cassia has been paired with but he was very strong. Ky her best friend, Xander. But started to teach Cassia when she put the microcard how to write with hands in with Xander’s information the grass, even if they into her laptop, there appeared knew that that wasn’t another boy’s face. allowed. Cassia got a Cassia hasn’t told poem from his anyone about what happened, Grandfather, that wasn’t but she knew Ky from the one of the Hundred picture. When Cassia and Poems. Knowing that Xander went to the game poem was an infraction center, Cassia was pulled too. Ky and Cassia shared 77 their stories and secrets and they fell in love. simple, I understood it with my “I just This story really got my attention watched series and YouTube videos in when I was searching for a sci-fi book to English” vocabulary. read. I downloaded it on my EBook reader I really recommend this book to and I started to read with big hopes and after anyone who wants to read an interesting and reading it I’m not disappointed at all. This thoughtful story about the future, love, book has a continuation and I can’t wait to friends, family, secrets, perseverance, because read it. The first book ended dramatically, but all of this is present in this book. the story didn’t finish yet. The language is Lukács Anna- Bíborka IX.R

Felicia Yap: Yesterday

In the past few years I themselves. In this world the mixed started reading novels in foreign marriages, between a Mono and a languages with the purpose of Duo isn’t seen well because humans enhancing my vocabulary. Choosing think that Duos are superior. a suitable book was a real challenge The two main characters for me. In order to find the perfect Claire, a Mono and Mark, a Duo match I spent hours in different have been married for a couple of bookstores. The most important years. One morning when they are aspect of my shopping experience listening to the radio, they find out was the theme of the novel. My that the authorities found a dead main aim was to find an enjoyable woman in the river Cam. A few book. The level of the language used hours later an officer knocks on their in it was as important as the length door, claiming that the dead woman, of the story. I did not want to start with a 900- Sophia, was Mark’s lover. page-long novel. After that officer Hans takes Mark to One of the first books read by me in the police station to interrogate him. In the English was Yesterday written by Felicia meantime Claire digs up her old diaries and Yep, a Malaysian novelist. The plot is placed searches evidence of her husband cheating. At in Cambridge and there are 2 main characters, a married couple. The story is told by four different narrators as a series of separate events, it is a nonlinear narrative. Nonetheless, it wasn’t a hard challenge for me, in my opinion the easiness of comprehending the plot made the book more unique. The novel is classified as a psychological thriller, fantasy and police procedural. The story is set in Cambridge, but it is a whole different world. As the consequence of a specific protein, the human brain lost the ability of long distance memory. There are two different types of individuals, one can remember just the day before they became the Monos, and the other type the day before yesterday too, they are called the Duos. Both the above mentioned two types have to lead diaries in order to save memories, and they can memorize facts about

78 the police station Hans reads parts of Sophia’s second girlfriend? Is she similar to the dead diary to the suspect, that they met in a reader- girl? Every character has his or her secret writer meeting and after it they had a long- which is protected with any price. The novel lasting relationship. is filled with mysteries and secrets. But how From the writings of the woman we could a person know for sure what happened also find out that she wanted to destroy in the past few years, if they wrote their own Mark’s life for a yet unknown reason by past? sending pictures to his wife, which was I recommend this novel for the casual evidence of the secret relationship. Claire readers who really enjoy challenging stories continues the reading of her old diaries and with several twisted plots, time and narrators relives the horrible day when she found out in each chapter. As far as I am concerned, the that Mark had another girlfriend, after a few age group is not important, but because of the days they started dating, so she starts reading detailed descriptive part of the cause of the Mark’s version of the story and there he death I would not give the book to a wrote that the girl disappeared after the day youngster. Claire met her. So what happened with the Kutos Tímea XI.R

The Raven Boys

In the summer holiday I read town there is a school, where The Raven Boys, by Maggie wealthy teenage boys study, they are Stiefvater. This book has caught my the ‘Raven boys’. One of them, attention, as it has won many Gansey, is very interested in legends awards. At first I thought nothing and prophecies. He and his friends special was going to happen, but I Noah, Ronan and Adam went to was wrong. Maggie Stiefvater has Blue’s mother to ask for some facts an incredible style of writing. This that were really close to a legend. book is the first of The Raven Cycle Blue decided to help them, as her series. mother denied it. Nevertheless, she The plot is very impressive. did not tell the truth about the It’s about Blue, a teenage girl, prophecy. Everything would be who lives with her mother, aunt, all right if Gansey’s Latin and her cousins. They are teacher, Mr. White, would not pythonesses, and they all have want to kill Gansey and his some supernatural powers. Blue friends, as they discovered a is almost an ordinary girl, huge secret of Noah. however, there is a prophecy Now I want to say a few about her. This is about Blue, words about the characters. First who will cause the death of her of all, they are very incredible. love. Blue went with her aunt to During the action there is a thin the cemetery, on St. Mark night, love thread, between Blue and as then those people’s spirits are Adam, I think they are not walking on the way of the dead, actually lovers, rather closer who will die during that year. friends. However, Gansey and Blue usually cannot see Blue have some very cute the spirits, she just noticed those moments. Ronan is the typical spirits’ names, but she saw a boy bad guy, who seems called Gansey. Blue was terrified as she knew disinterested, but he cares a lot about his she would be the reason for his death. In their friends. Noah is very nice to everyone, he has

79 the greatest heart in the world, but he If you want to know how the story sometimes disappears, so there is always a ends, you need to read the book. Believe me, mystical mist around him. Adam is very you will not regret it. I recommend this book clever, just like Gansey, and he wants to help to everyone. The plot is very interesting and him with the research. In this book there the characters are lovable. I hope I have developed a very strong friendship between caught your attention with tis incredible book. the characters.

Jakab Andrea Zsuzsanna X.R

‘By the time you read this, I’ll be dead’

This summer was different became mute. from the others. This summer, I The reason of these deep thoughts was read besides the obligatory things, not being accepted in school, and of books, novels, which seemed course bullying and school interesting to me. I admit, I didn’t complexions. She searched lots of put much emphasis on the things on the Internet, and she found a compulsory books. I think that website where people with suicidal people can increase their learning thoughts were looking for ways to die. skills with things they like. For This website offered 23 days to decide example, I read. I succeeded to read between life and death. “By the time you read this, I’ll be She followed the news on this dead” by Julie Anna Peters. website and it helped her to find a way This book can be categorized as a of dying without hurting. She became open, psychological novel. It is based on true and she could post her story on the website. events. This is about a girl, Daelyn, who She got to know a boy, who fell in love with wanted to die. She tested many suicidal her immediately, as he noticed her. Daelyn experiments before, which didn’t have any felt uncomfortable about the situation, results. One of these had a bad end, she because she had never had friends before. She felt like everything was her fault, and she decided to commit suicide. Neither the boy nor her parents were able to change her mind. The book has a strange ending: the girl was lying in the bath tub and she wanted to drown herself in water, being at home alone. The end of the book is open, the author lets the reader to think about how it could end. Anything depends on the reader, because there are some who have faith in life, but some think that the girl died. Personally, I think it was a great book, because it tested the reader’s thinking, if they are optimists or pessimists. I recommend this book to those who have no limits, and who like to think about important topics.

Pálfi Henrietta XI.H

80 About ‘Hunger Games’, the book

Can you imagine yourself in an perfect plan which fails when arena with 23 people who you have Katniss ‘s teammate Rue gets to fight to death with? ‘Hunger murdered. When the girl died I Games by Sussane Collins almost started to cry, because the describes just that. The young, little girl was sent there to die and twelve-year-old Prim got this fact was to tragic and sad to nominated for this event, but her me. older sister Katniss went instead of The Kapitolium decides that her. So from 12nd district, the there can be two survivors. That nominated duo were Katniss and a yearl’s players were lucky because, guy called Peeta. usually there was only one winner. After a week of training the There can only be two winners if battle began. Despite the fact that the accent they are from the same district. So Katniss is on the fight between the players, there also goes to find Peeta. When they meet, Katniss happened other important things. During this realizes that Peeta has got injured. In the next week on the interview of the players, Peeta few days she starts to nurse him. confessed that he loves Katniss who for some Towards the end of the book Katniss reason did not like him. But Katniss realizes does something clever, which leads to a that she and Peeta can win favour and support momentary solution, but in fact it only makes from viewers who are fans of it and after all more problems. they become ’The cursed love birds of the Maybe I am obsessed with this, but in my 12nd district’. opinion the book was great, because of the As the battle progresses everyone teams exciting story line and the good forming of up and hunts down the loners and the weak characters. ones. Katniss remains solo for a while, but In the end I may finish with a famous then she teams up with a little young twelve- quote from the book: “Happy Hunger Games! year-old girl named Rue, and they make up a And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Eke Ruth IX.R

Is reading beneficial?

Opinions on this front vary from definite agreement to definite opposition. For some this is a fact they have been told since childhood which they accept as true but can’t support it with arguments. Some people aren’t concerned about this issue at all and they don’t have an opinion. But is reading really beneficial? Firstly, reading can be considered as learning, even though when you do it you don’t feel like you’re learning anything new at all, since anyone above the age of 6 can read. But when you’re reading a novel or anything at all in a foreign language or even your maternal language, you constantly encounter new words and phrases.

81 Of course, learning foreign languages particular book or to read at all. Reading or literature isn’t everyone’s main objective, should come to you naturally and you should but whatever your interest may be, I’m sure enjoy the book you choose and not consider it someone has written a book about it a struggle to finish. There’s no point in somewhere. I’m not saying everyone should forcing yourself to do an activity which was read one book per week or have reading as meant for entertainment. their main priority, but reading a book from So all in all I encourage everybody to time to time is essential as it benefits your read, just make sure you choose a book vocabulary and spelling without you even according to your interests, because reading noticing it. boring books can alter your whole take on But the types of book you read matter. reading. You shouldn’t feel pressured to read a Bodor Adrienn XI.H

Jo Nesbø: Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder

The sun was shining, but they came back, they landed on a Lisa, a girl who lived in the capital tree and got hurt. Their dad called city of Norway, in Oslo, was very the police, who got Doctor Proctor sad,because her best friend moved and Nilly to the Dungeon of Dead. to Sarpsborg. She was sad until a There were only a few days to the tiny, red-haired boy moved into her big celebration: Independence neighbourhood. His name was Day... Poor Nilly, he wanted to Nilly. play his trumpet in the school band After his first day at school, on the carnival! Nilly discovered that Doctor Truls and Trym’s dad was a Proctor, an inventor, who invented millionaire, but he wanted to be the Fart Powder lived in their richer! He and his sons decided to street. With Nilly’s and Lisa’s steal the Fart Powder to sell it to help, he invented the Fartonaut the kids and the Fartnaut Powder, that could launch Powder for NASA. people to the space. Then, they But Lisa put another powder sold Doctor Proctor’s Totally instead of the original one from Normal Fart Powder to which you could glow in the children. That powder could dark. make people sneeze loud, In the Dungeon of Dead without any smell. Nilly ate a little of the glowing One day, that seemed to powder and escaped through the be perfect, the terrible twins, toilet. In the sewer system, he Truls and Trym wanted a little met a big anaconda which free Fart Powder from Nilly and chased him. Well, there is a Lisa. They said that if Nilly BIG chaos in Oslo! Only magic wouldn’t give it to them, then they would put can help. Or maybe two kids, Lisa and Nilly? honey on the two kids honey so that bees Read this book, you will like it! I would chase them. recommend, because it’s very funny! Nilly gave them the powder, and the DANGER! You won’t be able to put it down! twins were launched into the space. When ;)

Balázs-Blénessi-Pataki Kincső VI. C


Out of the Ashes

In my opinion the “Out of in the experiments. The Nazis the Ashes” is one of the most started to take advantage of her, and appealing movies of the century. her science. She had to betray the The story, based on real events, other Jewish people, but by helping represents the psychic fight of a the Nazis, she discovered that the Jewish woman in World War II. Russian army was coming fast Her conscience suffers between toward Auschwitz. doubt and morality. She started to accept money The protagonist is Dr. from the sick people. Her only fault Gisella Perl, a gynecologist from was, that she did not treat the people Transylvania, who always wanted without money. This was the second to be famous and unique. One day change of her personality, because she was arrested with her family by she became egotistic, and only her the SS. They were deported to the Auschwitz life became important to herself. concentration camp, and the whole family, After the camp had been liberated, she except for her, was executed. Dr. Josef emigrated to the USA. There, she met her Mengele, the feared, sadist doctor of the camp victims and the refugee Mengele, so the selected her, because he knew that she had memories came out into her mind. To atone been an appreciated doctor before the war. for her crimes, she admitted all of her acts to There is the first changing of the tribunal, when she personality of the character: solicited for citizenship. The the rich and world-famous lady tribunal decided that she was becomes a vulnerable prisoner, innocent, and because of the who has to renounce her circumstances she had religion, her oath. This was the sinned. She became again a only way to stay alive, albeit doctor, and an appreciated just for a precarious time. woman. So this, the end of First she was obligated the story is the third great by the soldiers to give the new- changing in her life, because born children to Mengele, she got rid of the remorse, because he experimented with and she could became a more them. After a few weeks, she responsible person, with a started to make abortions, so completely new life goal: to Mengele could not get new save lives. live children. To protect the Finally, this film is a sick people from death, she cration full with morals, and gave her blood samples to one of the most special Mengele, so he believed that in the barracks stories, representing the dramatic changing of there were no people with typhus or the life situations of a woman. infectious sicknesses. But as she got bigger positions in the hierarchy of the prisoners, she had to take part Deé Róbert X.H

83 Gossip Girl

Manhattan scene: Dan Humphrey, Nate's friend and lover, then Serena's former lover; Vanessa Abrams, Dan's best friend; and Dan's ambitious sister, Jenny Humphrey. Serena Celia van der Woodsen is the main character in the series. Serena is featured on the blog of the series' mysterious narrator, "Gossip Girl". Serena is Blair Waldorf's best friend and is a character that appears to easily get whatever she wants because of her good looks, energy and charisma. She is also known as the "It Girl" in I saw this series when I was in a the series. She was my favorite character sensitive adolescence period and this was because everybody thought about her that she what gave me the power to wake up every was a two-faced girl, with many wrong day and to enjoy my days. I felt that this was qualities, but she was in the end the most about what I experienced every day. I think honest one, who loved a common boy, didn’t that this series is what every adolescent needs like opinionated boys with money, with to see, because you can realize what the expensive cars or something like that. She problems with your family, with your wanted to behave nicely with everybody, but boyfriend or girlfriend and maybe with your the others didn’t notice it. friends are. My favorite part was in the beginning, Gossip Girl is an American teen series when Serena came back to New York. based on volumes of books of the same name, Everybody was shocked, because they didn’t written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The events in count on her arrival. Serena didn’t change at Manhattan's luxurious Upper East Side of all, she looked very beautiful as always and New York City are told on a blog by "Gossip the girls were jealous, because every girl, Girl", an unidentified character in the series. most of all Blair, feared for her boyfriend. The series begins with the return of What do you think will happen with the Serena van der Woodsen from a mysterious relationships in the town after Serena arrives? school stay in Connecticut. Blair Waldorf, Does Serena get her friends back or not? Do whom the author describes as the queen of a their opinions change about Serena? I think chess game, is Serena's old friend and that nobody would regret if they started to occasional rival, but also the Queen Bee of watch it. If you would like to know more the social scene at Constance Billard High about the story you will need to watch it. School. The story also follows Chuck Bass, My opinion about it all is that you can the bad boy on the Upper East Side, Nate learn something from this series, everybody Archibald, Chuck's best friend, bringing in can find a character with whom she can other characters on the controversial compare herself. Albert Diána XII.R


The Shadowhunters is a series with it, but also supranatural persons, like four seasons, and Ed Decte developed it. It is werewolves, warlocks, vampires, based on the book series The Mortal shadowhunters, demons. So, There are two Instruments written by Cassandra Clare. worlds, namely the Mundane world and the This is a science fiction television Shadow world. In the Mundane world live series, which has not only normal persons in normal people without any supernatural

84 forces, but in this time this world includes the this event Clary`s life has completely Shadow world, with downworlders, demons changes. She realizes that everything around and shadowhuters. her is magical, she gets to know Alec and Shadowhunters are children of Isabelle Lightwood, and the Institute, where Nephilim, or children of Raziel, and they are all shadowhunters live, so she too will do so. humans born with angel blood. They have She realizes that there are werewolves, fought demons and lived alongside vampires, warlocks, and demons. downworlders in the Shadow world for well The story has a lot of interesting, over a thousand years, creating their own unforeseen episodes, which are full of magic, culture and civilization within the fantasy, and love too. A lot of mundane world. Their obligation friendships and relationships is to keep the peace in the Shadow develop and break up, and in this world and keep it hidden from the time the evil comes out from mundane world, while protecting hiding: Valentine Morgenstern the inhabitants of both worlds. wants to be a leader again, and for They have a special ability to this he can do anything. So the apply the runes, which is shadowhunters have a lot of important, because they can do missions, they should protect the different feats by drawing runes. humans from demons, and from This television series Valentine, but not only the begins with a mission, when three mundanes, but also themselves. young shadowhunter are going to Clary and Jace are coming kill a demon. In this time, Clary Fray, who is closer, but there are some secrets, which can the main characther of this story, is out with be paintful, so they will have a battle with her best friend, Simon, because she has her themselves, too. 18th birthday. When they are on the street, Finally, I really recommend it, one of the three shadowhunters falls foul of because if you like magic, you will be under a Clary. This episode is very important, spell. This story is very exciting, and is full of because mundanes have no ability to see any emotions. You can feel like you are a part of creature from the Shadow world. But she saw this word, like you are a person too, so you that shadowhunter, whose name is Jace can be excited about the characters, for Clary Wayland. This could only mean one thing: and Jace, and the victory of the Clary is part of the Shadow world. Because of shadowhunters. Péter-Jani Bianka XII. R

Lucifer – the series I have loved this series seasons and each season has since the day I started between 10 and 26 episodes. watching it. In the beginning, The genre of this series when one friend recommended is multiple, it is romance, it to me, I was not interested, crime, horror and drama at the saying that I didn’t like this same time. It is romance, kind of series. However, one because of the relationship afternoon, I started the first between Lucifer Morningstar episode and I liked it, so I and Chloe Decker, once they continued. And watching one seem to get together and in the episode after another I realized other moment they are already that I found it really arguing about something. It’s captivating. Lucifer is a television series crime, because in each episode Detective created by Tom Kapinos. It is based on the Decker and Lucifer tries to resolve a murder DC Comics character. This series has four and we can say it is a horror series, because

85 the whole story is about the Devil’s life on It being a series, there are lots of Earth. main, side and episodic characters in the Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil story. Certainly, Lucifer is the main character himself has decided that he spent enough time and he has lots of good and bad features, for in Hell and he wants to try how example he always tells the life on Earth is. Being boring to truth, he can play the piano, torture the souls in Hell, he and he can speak every language Mazikeen (shortly, Maze, who is a and so on. He has a very demon, and she is Lucifer’s head complex personality, which torturer) come to live in Los you can find interesting if you Angeles. Lucifer owns a night start watching the series. But club, named Lux, which is very my favorite character is Ella popular in the city. Lopez (sure, Lucifer is one Being immortal, no one too). She forensic scientist for can hurt him. The Devil has a the LAPD and she is always telepathic ability, he can bring cheerful and nice with others, people’s deepest desires and helping everybody she could. thoughts out of them, and so it is Do you want to know easy for him to make people like why Lucifer becomes his personality. But this charm vulnerable around Chloe? doesn’t work when he meets the How will their relationship Detective. More, when he is end and what does Dan, around Chloe, he becomes Chloe’s ex-husband and work vulnerable, so anything could colleague, thinks about harm his health. After Lucifer and Lucifer? Or maybe you are Chloe meet one day, they become curious about how Lucifer partners at the LAPD and start solving crimes lives his days on Earth. If you want to find together. In the beginning their relationship out the answers to this questions, you should wasn’t really good, but after a while they get watch it. And the best part is that season 5 is along. coming in 2020. Simon Sasu Kinga XII.R


The latest film I have seen half-orphan citizen of the well- in a cinema was Joker. I have to known city of Gotham. He lives admit that I have been very excited with his mother and they both turn about this movie because I have out to be mentally ill people. Joker, heard a lot of positive reviews about or better known as Arthur Fleck it. Other than that I knew that it was worked as a clown for one of the most expensive films in advertisement purposes, but he also the world to make, so it had to be a was and wanted to be a part-time great one. With these arguments in comedian. His life is always mind I went to the cinema to see it endangered by his health issues. last weekend, and in retrospect I At the beginning of the film, have to say that I did not regret it by Fleck’s life is presented as an any means. exceedingly difficult one. He is In the beginning the story seemed to fired from his job and beaten up by some develop rather slowly, but progressively it unrespectful individuals. These actions light made it into quite a complex storyline. The up his anger and make him act strangely and main character of the film is Joker, who is a aggressively in front of other people. This

86 part of the film was where I felt sorrow for filled city laughing and greeting the others, as him, because more and more unfortunate a dictator of some sort. In the end a voice things happened to him. Joker also finds out explains that Fleck’s goal in life always was that he was adopted and he makes fun of to show people how difficult his life was and himself before thousands of people on a TV he only wanted equality. show. Without a doubt, this film was the strangest one I have ever seen, nevertheless I enjoyed it very much. The storyline alters from the usual ones, because in this case the main character is a negative one from most points of view. In addition, the actor, Joaquin Phoenix plays Joker in such a life-like fashion, you can not even tell the story is fake. This fact makes this movie exceptionally unique besides all the others. In my opinion, the film does not necessarily have a negative ending, it just presents the problems of our society in a very straightforward way, which might cause some emotional issues for some viewers. Some movie critics suggested the removal of the film from cinema canvases because of this problem, but I totally disagree with them! We need such presentations of human errors, Fleck, because of his anger, shoots his because this is the only way we can boss and some other aggressive people in the experience what an ill person sees with his underground, after which his face is posted all eyes. This film resembles the above over the newspapers, thus he becomes a mentioned situation exceedingly well from dangerous person. More and more poor my point of view. people follow his revolting actions in the city In conclusion, I have to say that this and a “poor pople’s clown revolution begins”, movie is a very “heavy” one, by that I mean it with Joker in the front. The whole city is needs some time to get understood integrally. burning by this point, clown-masked people The true meaning of it differs between take over it. The movie ends with the picture viewers. It definitely has changed my point of of Joker, now exceedingly famous amongst view about different people and how they the poor, standing in the middle of the chaos- might see the world we live in.

Sallai Krisztián XI.R


Yesterday is a romantic Malik who works as a singer and comedies movie, that I recommend . He has a manager, Ellie to everyone, especially to Beatles Appleton, who at the same time is fans. I first saw this movie in the his childhood friend and supports cinema in this summer with my best him in everything. One day Jack is friend and it was a positive surprise hit by a bus during a global for me because I really loved it. blackout, after which he plays songs When I saw Ed Sheeran in the from the Beatles and notices that the movie preview months before, I world had not heard about that band. knew I couldn't miss it. After that, he pretends he The story is about Jack wrote their songs and becomes a

87 famous person. Even the world-famous Ed Jack sadly goes back to Los Angeles, Sheeran visits him, inviting him to play as his where the prepares to launch opening act in Moscow, which he can't even Jack's debut album. He wants to launch the understand at first. Jack takes Rocky with him album with a rooftop concert, which is because Ellie has to work. After the concert, realized. In the backstage, he is visited by two Sheeran's ruthless agent Debra Hammer people who claim to know the Beatles and offers to engineer his rise to also John Lennon, who lives a global fame. normal life with his wife out of At Jack's farewell party, the public spotlight. He advises he confessed that he is in love Jack to pursue the one he loves with Ellie, then he went back to and always tell the truth. Los Angeles to record his album, The concert starts and but it doesn't work for him, so he Jack confesses to the crowd that manages to go to the Beatles’ he plagiarized the music and that hometown, to Liverpool to get he loves Ellie. Jack retires, then inspired. That day Ellie is going marries Ellie, they have a family out with him and they're spending together, and Jack becomes a a romantic evening, after which music teacher. she goes away the next morning, This movie has grown a saying she doesn't want to be part lot to my heart, it has become one of this. of my favourites.

Toth Kriszta-Beatrix IX.R

Once upon a time…

I have just discovered a new trapped all the characters in a series. After I had watched a few world where all of their happy episodes, I knew that I had found my ending were stolen, our world. new favourite series. “Once upon a She used a powerful curse in time” was released in 2011. order to do this. They were sent Nevertheless, it is still amazing. to Storybrook. The plot is unique, as it The characters found a transforms the well-known fairy tales way to escape: the new-born to be enjoyable for the teenagers. daughter, Emma, of Snow White These stories were told to everyone and Prince Charming was their by their parents in their childhood. last hope. Geppetto carved an Children grew up hearing these enchanted wardrobe for the stories, learning from them. They child which protected her from had an important role in the life the curse. At the age of 28 she of child, teaching them the was meant to break the curse differences between good and bad and save their world. and the importance of true love. She had a hard Happy endings are the childhood, having no family, most educative part of them, no support. She gave birth to a showing that if you really want boy, Henry, but she had something, if you fight for it, decided to give him up for work for it, you will reach your adoption. On her 28th birthday goal. Could you imagine a fairy his son showed up asking her tale without a happy ending? If for help. Henry knew about the answer is no, then you should the curse and tried to convince watch this series! The Evil Queen her mother to believe in the

88 magic world. The first season presents the In my opinion this an amazing show. new versions of the stories. Will she trust her If I were you, I would definitely watch it! son? Will the magic world be saved? I won’t You can reveal the ending! experience the beauty of fairy tales in a modern and more unique way.

Domokos Anna Orsolya X.R

The Outlander

warrior, Jamie Fraser from the Clan Mackenzie, who she gets married to in order to stay alive and try to get back to her own time. Clair after a little time falls in love with Jamie and tells him the whole truth. As Clair came from the 20th century she knew that Scotland would become part of England, and to help her new family, husband and friends, she tried to change history, with not so much success. After a while Clair figured it out how to get back to her own time and her husband, Nowadays it’s really hard to find a but she got pregnant from Jamie and the last good series to watch. Most of them are pretty thing she wanted was to leave her Scottish much the same. I always find myself love, however, things weren’t safe for her and struggling to find something which would get the unborn baby, nonetheless, Jamie made her my attention and not make me stare at my travel back to the 20th century. phone the whole time. However, with one of After Clair got back to her own time, my friends’ recommendations, I did find a nobody believed her story, so she kept it to show on Netflix called The Outlander. It’s herself. After giving birth to the baby, she and full of adventure, romance, sci-fi and on top her husband moved to America and lived of that the story goes on in two different their life unhappily, as Clair could only think historical timelines, which makes the whole of and love Jamie. Moreover, the story gets a series more interesting. If you like history, adventure and romance, then keep on reading. First of all, the Tv show was adapted from Diana Gabaldon’s books, which were published in 1991 and became the first best- selling book series of all times. The story is based on two historical events and timelines, Word War II. and the 18th century in Scotland. The main character is Clair Randall, a nurse in the Second Wold War, who one day on her honeymoon touches a Stone and travels back in time to the 18th century. The first season is all about her trying to find out where she was at and how she could get back in time to her husband. But things are not that simple in Scotland, whereas her life has been threatened multiple times by the Scots. She meets a Scot

89 twist after Clair’s husband dies in a car about the Scots, Scotland, England the 18th accident and Clair manages to travel trough century. It made me realise how little I knew time again. But does she manage to find about the two nations’ history. What I also Jamie after 10 years? Do they get to be found really interesting was the Scottish together? Is Clair taking her daughter with accent. I did fall in love with the Scottish her? You can get answers to these questions nation, traditions and history. after watching the Tv show. However, I can I recommend this Tv show (and also guarantee you that the story is just about to the books) to all those people who like series start. that are full of adventure, romance, drama and To be honest, I never thought that a sci-fi. I really hope you will like this show as Tv show could affect my life this much. After much as I did!  watching the first episodes I began to research Grancea Dalma XII.H

The most heartwarming movie ever: After

it is shorter, is more factual and enjoyable. After I watched it I fell in love with it immediately and I watched my favourite scenes again and again, I was unable to stop watching it, because this movie made me think about it all the time. I think I spoke a lot about my own experiences and how much I liked this fetching and amazing movie, so let`s talk about the characters and about the most important thing, the action. The main characters are Josephine Langford as Tessa Young, Heri Fiennes-Tiffin as Hardin Scott, Khadijha Red Thunder as Steph Jones, Shane Paul McGhie as Landon Gibson, Samuel Larsen as Zed Evans, Inanna Sarkis as Molly I decided to write this article about an Samuels, Dylan Arnold as Noah Porter and

amazing film come out in 2019. A few people Pia Mia as Tristan. recommended this movie to me, but at first I The main action is that Tessa, after thought it was just a stupidity. Only when I she graduated, goes to college and moves into decided to see it did I realize how amazing her dorm with the help of her mother and her and sensational the film was. It needed much younger boyfriend, Noah. In the room she time to see, but after I saw it I fell in love meets her roommate, Steph and her girlfriend, with the main characters, because they went Tristen. Tessa`s mother is frightened by Steph through many problems, but their loves won. and she thinks that she would influence her Besides that, the main story of the perfect daughter in a really negative way. Her film is also extremely interesting, because the mother wants a room change, but Tessa story contains two people with different convinces her that nothing will distract her. personalities who truly fall in love with each The next day she becomes friend with other. The movie`s title is “After” and I have Landon, who is exactly like her. At night never thought that it would become my Tessa meets Hardin Scott in her bedroom, favourite movie, but it happened. having an embarrassing moment and The movie has a book variant, which argument. Steph invites her to come to a party came out in 2013 and contains the movie`s with her friends, but Tessa declines. continuation, but I think the movie, although

90 The next day, she sees Hardin in a Steph, and Jace. Molly reveals Hardin's coffee shop along with Molly and Zed. After original intentions with Tessa, showing her a declining Steph again, Tessa decides to go to video she recorded after Tessa refused to that party. At the party she meets Steph's make out with Hardin. It's revealed he looks friends Zed, Molly, Jace along with Hardin, at Tessa only as a challenge to prove that who convince her to drink in a game of truth nobody declines him. Tessa, shocked and or dare. In the game of Truth or Dare, Tessa heartbroken, runs away from Hardin. He is revealed to be a virgin and is dared to follows her and trying to explain that it was 'make out' with Hardin, which she refuses before he falls in love with her. Tessa goes instantly. She calls Noah, but he judges her home ask forgiveness from her mother and for drinking and partying, so frustrated, she Noah and they both forgive her. walks around the frat house. Walking into After this happened she moves in Hardin's bedroom, Tessa finds a copy of another room and she focuses on her studies. ”Wuthering Heights”, her favourite book, and She works at Vance Publishing and after meeting with Hardin, he wants to kiss her. literature class one afternoon, Professor Soto In Literature class, Landon reveals gives Tessa Hardin`s work, believing that his that he and Hardin are going to be related essay was about her. As Tessa reads it, she because his mother is engaged to Hardin's father. Tessa is shoked. Hardin wants to be friend with Tessa so he invites her to go with him to his favorite place, a lake. While they swim, Hardin tells her that they can`t be just friends and after telling this thing they kiss. Tessa tells Hardin that she will tell Noah about them, but Hardin tells her to not do that because they aren`t a thing. Noah surprises Tessa with a surprise visit and she brings him to a party, where Hardin fights with one guy who wants to kiss Tessa. While Noah and Tessa sleep in her dorm, she receives a call from Landon and leaves to check Hardin, who destroyed the house. She speaks with him and after that they kissed. The next day, Tessa goes back to her dorm to check Noah, but he finds out about her relationship with Hardin and leaves heartbroken. Tessa and Hardin decide to date, but her mother tells her that she will cut her off goes back to the lake where she and Hardin financially if she continues this disgusting first kissed. After a while Hardin comes and relationship. Hardin finds a new apartment for sits near her narrating his letter saying, “You the both of them and they both go to the once asked me who I loved the most in the wedding of his father and Landon's mother. world. It’s you.” After wedding they become a real couple and I recommend this movie to those who are truly in love. Meanwhile, Tessa sees the love romantic dramas which are text messages which Hardin has been heartwarming and heartbreaking in the same receiving from Molly. She tries to confront time. I am sure if you have seen this movie him, but he leaves her alone. you will love it and you will cry at any part of She goes to find him after waiting for it, because it’s a really sensitive movie. I hope him and finds him at a diner with Molly, Zed, I have caught your attention too!!

Nyeste Timea XI.H

91 The Shallows

After the gray weekdays, she was unable to reach the coast there always comes Saturday and 20 meters away. Nancy was alone, Sunday when you can recharge and she realized, no one would come, do unusual things. Every free so she had to save herself. Saturday evening I used to watch a I like this film, because movie. there are fatal situations, you think So the last week I did this, I Nancy will die, but she can always watched the Shallows. The actress escape. She manages to climb to who played main protagonist was the cliff, where she spends a few Blake Lively, who is a very days, without any food, cold, hurt. talented actress. This film contains You can think that people have no everything a spectator needs: chance against a shark, but you drama, action and sharks. have no idea what people can do The plot begins when for their lives. Nancy goes to a little place, of I am keen on of every where her mother told her details of the movie. I was before. This place was an ideal amazed about the quality and place for surfing, the hobby of the shooting place. In contrast the main character. One casual with other movies, the shark day Nancy went surfing, just like was drawn from life. It makes on the other days. Although it you think about this question: was not usual now, because once what would you do, if you she realized that something were left alone and there was caught her leg and pulled her no help. The movie deep into the water. A giant encourages you to believe in shark tried to catch her, but yourself and to realize that you luckily she managed to swim to are capable of more than you the surface. Her leg got hurt, so think. Gál-Máté Katalin X. R

The Hustle

One of my new favorite arrives at the meeting showing the movies is The Hustle, a really man a false picture in order to obtain impressive 2019 American comedy some money from her lover. At the film. This movie is about two moment when the man wants to give feminists, who gained money by the money to Penny, another man fooling men, this attitude comes appears assisted by the police, from the fact that they were saying that he was robbed by Penny, disappointed by the men they have following that she runs and hides met during their life. The main behind the trash bags. characters are played by two famous Josephine and Penny meet film stars: Anne Hathaway, who each other first time on a train. plays Josephine’s role and Rebel Josephine notices how Penny is Wilson, who is Penny in the movie. misleading a man and gets a whole The film starts with the meal for herself. Josephine scene in which Penny tries to steal from a immediately recognizes what happened, and man, telling him that her beautiful sister when they remain alone in a coach, Josephine needs money to have plastic surgery. She asks Penny about what she did, after that, she

92 advises Penny to leave the country, because Penny doesn’t get her part of money, she she does not want to have a rival. becomes angry. They decide to race up to the Penny finds out what Josephine is French Riviera, and the one who loses must working on, and realizes how good of a life leave the country. Penny and Josephine wager she has, and gets to her house. After a short Penny's entire property of $500,000 using time, she asks her to teach how to deceive a billionaire Thomas Westerburg, the creator of man as a professional, knowing that a tech app called YaBurnt, as their victim. Josephine was a millionaire woman, earning Toward the end, they are doing more and this status just by misleading people. more foolish acts, just to get his money, but at Penny began to learn how to be a the end they get to be fooled. good performer, how to play the false I enjoyed this movie really much, feelings, making man to trust her, and give because it was full of excitement and funny her their money. Josephine’s opinion was that scenes, and it represents the type of movie men underestimate women, and that is why a which is awesome to watch with your friends, woman can easily fool them. with popcorn, and laugh together. I think this After much practice, Penny finally film is probably meant for girls rather than gets herself ready for misleading men as a boys, because it is more female-centered. professional robber, and they began their This film has a really important moral that project, called The Lord of The Rings, a has a strong message, that teaches us, not to complicated act, which consisted in stealing judge people by their appeals, and what they engagement rings from rich, engaged men. show us may or may not be their true selves. Their mission was successful, but when Gáll Ágica XII.R

Tall Girl

I enjoy watching romantic films. I couldn`t wait for the appearance of one of the greatest films in 2019, whose name is “Tall Girl”. This movie is an American romantic comedy film. The film was produced and distributed by Netflix. It was released on September 13, 2019 in the United States. The main characters are Ava Michelle as Jodi Greyyman, a self-conscious 16-year- Someone who she sees more as a brother than old girl who is 1.85 m tall and Griffin Gluck a boyfriend. But then Stig, a Swedish god as Jack Dunkleman, a friend of Jodi's who has arrives at Jodi’s New Orleans school and she made his crush on her well-known for years. thinks she has met her pair. They started to Sabrina Carpenter as Harper Kreyman, is speak more and more, but in the end Jodi Jodi's older sister and a pageant queen with realized that Stig was not a good friend for horrible allergies and not least Luke Eisner as her, and to only guy who could make her Stig Mohlin, a Swedish foreign exchange laugh was Jack Dunkleman. student who is staying with Dunkleman. I recommend this movie to everyone, The young student has been very tall because I think that you will always find love since she was three. She is the tallest in her where you do not even look for it, and this high school. The only boy who has ever movie is the perfect exemple for it. talked with her, is her strange friend Jack.

Gergely Boglárka XII.R

93 To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Jenny Han wrote the feelings, thoughts, emotions. Lara following three books: "To All the had a small sister (Kitti) and an older Boys I've Loved Before", "P. S. I (Margo) brother. Her big brother still love you", "Always and goes to college and her little sister forever Lara Jean". Susan Johnson Kitti stays with Lara and they send directed a movie which is based the letters. At this point the story on the three books. The title of the starts to become more complicated movie is “To All the Boys I've because Peter and Ambrose receives Loved Before,”. The main stars the letters. Ambrose is Margo’s are Peter Kavinsky (Noah Inches), boyfriend. Lara Jane starts a fake Lara Jean Song Covey (Lana relationship with Peter, because Condor), Katherine Song Covey ), can’t speak to Ambrose about the John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan letter. In the end she falls in love Fisher), Josh Sanderson (Israel with Peter and they stay together. Broussard), Margot Song (Janell I recommend this movie to Parrish), Dr. Dan Covey (John those girls who like romance and Corbett). complex love stories. The film is based on the Lara is the main protagonist who book but some parts are altered. This is why I wrote 5 letters to the guys whom she loved believe that people should read the books and very much, but Lara never wanted those after that they should watch the movie itself. letters to be sent to the boys because they were personal letters. The letters describe her Pálffi Boglárka XI.H

Exploring the Cold War: ‘Balloon’

This movie is a German bricklayer) job was to work with his thriller film in which the action friend Peter Strelzyk (who was an happens in the 1980s in the Eastest electrician) and their wives Petra part of Germany called GDR and Doris to secretly build a balloon (German Democratic Republic) from scratch. which was one of the two parts of It took about 18 months for Germany in the Cold War when the them to finish the hot-air balloon well-known wall was built. It was a and they almost sewed together communist state and was described 1000 square meters of clothes and as “workers’ and peasants’ state”. they listened carefully for the In this part only Russians and weather reports from the West Germans lived. German radio to catch the right time The other part of Germany to make their plan successful was the Federal Republic, where people could (which had to have a strong wind). do anything they wanted, Americans and They built three balloons and two of Germans lived there. The law was simple, them failed before, but for their luck, the you couldn’t go to the other part nor visit it. parents also had their four children, two of That was why most of the people hated living them were 15 years old and the others were there. 17 and 18. After hard tries and suspicious The movie starts with a family who behaviors they landed in Bavaria in the early (have had enough of living in the Eastern part hours of 16th September. It was the first of Germany) started to build and make a escape of this kind of “runaways” I guess. homemade hot-air balloon. Wetzel’s (who is a

94 Before their successful escape from fantasy, mystery, action, thriller, then this is the German cops (called Stasi, because a little your movie. time after their first trial the Stasi found out I liked this movie because it was filled that something wasn’t right with them… so with thrilling actions and I didn’t have a they were behind them). I won’t tell what’ll moment to say that it was boring. Every happen because I don’t want to spoil the moment had something special in it and that’s coolest parts. It’s hard to write about this why I highly recommend it for you. It also movie because every minute has something has a great story, and it’s actually based on interesting, or an action which will make your true story (it even shows in the end the real jaw drop. And if I told you, then that would family). be a spoiler. So if you’re interested and like Katona Márk X.R

Gilmore Girls

hotel and she lives for her job, which sometimes causes problems. One day it turns out that Rory was enrolled at Chilton, an elegant private school, so Lorelai has to visit her parents, with whom she has lost touch and she has to accept their terms. If she wants her parents to support Rory’s studies, they are having dinner every Friday night together. I love this series because it shows how beautiful life is, you If you like drama, just have to find those little comedy and romance, I’m sure things that make you happy. you will be interested in this The whole story is filled with article. It has been a long time colorful characters, since I started to watch Gilmore unforgettable moments and Girls, but I can tell you, it’s still sentences that touch your soul. one of my favourites. You can watch it alone, with This American your friends, even when you are television series is about a sad about something, or you are temperamental, attractive, just fed up with busy school single mother Lorelai Gilmore days, Gilmore Girls will and her 16-year-old daughter definitely cheer you up. What Rory, who live in a small town, else do we need? Believe me, Stars Hollow. this series will be your favourite Lorelai works as a manager at a hotel. too. Her best friend, Sookie is chef at the same

Kovács Kriszta IX. R


Elephants never forget The largest existing land paths 23 years later. Elephants animal is quite famous for its know every member from their intelligence. I decided to write an herd and are able to recognize and article about elephants on Sunday, track up to 30 of their companions when I heard the news about the by sight and smell. They can elephant tragedy in Thailand. An identify also the hostile elephants. elephant herd was crossing a river at The most interesting think the top of the cliff, when a calf about the elephants is that they are slipped down. Eleven of them died the only non-human creatures that after trying to help the calf. Only mourn their dead, performing two elephants in the herd are known burial rituals and returning to visit to have survived the fall. graves. The tragedy in Thailand Thanks to their high also shows that the relation intelligence and memory, these giants are between herd members is very strong, they some of the most creative and social beings in come to the calf’s aid. I am sure that the two the world. The elephant’s brain size is relative survivors now are mournful, and they will with their body size. Therefore, they have the never forget this incident. largest brain of any land mammal. What is more, an elephant’s IQ is nearly as high as a chimpanzee’s. Researchers observed that they can use tools strategically to reach fruits, they understand human body language, they can mimic human voices, they show empathy and can do all that sort of things. Have you ever forgotten your password? This situation could be very annoying, when you must log urgently into your account. However, that will never happen to an elephant, since they never forget. A very good example is that elephants are able to remember routes to watering holes over an incredibly long time. The older matriarchs, who have lived through dry spells before, can guide their herds to water over very long distances. But in a drought the herds with younger matriarchs are remaining Ones may think that it is an in their habitat, this may cause the death of exaggeration that elephants never forget. But baby elephants. this saying is true, in the wild, an elephant’s Another good example is that two memory is the key to its survival. elephants, named Shirley and Jenny, were Unfortunately, humanity doesn’t treat these able to recognize each other when crossing emotional beings as they should deserve.

Péntek Éva X.R

96 Climate change Climate change is one of force you to use public the biggest issues that we have. transportation or your bike to get It affects our planet and we to school or to work. should act immediately if we What can we, ordinary want to have a normal and people do to prevent such a healthy life. You may ask what tragedy? We could plant more caused this problem, well the plants around our home or buy answer is simple, the industrial food and other products that we revolution that took place about use every day in recyclable 150 years ago. Now it became a packaging. If we don’t take real environmental issue matters now into our hands our because it had affected the air, life will be miserable in the next the water, our agriculture and 15-20 years. most importantly our health. I think that all teachers in World powers should act the school should insist on this immediately and reduce the topic because our generation can investments for space exploration because us only resolve this problem that our parents and humans can live only on Earth, there is no grandparents caused. I think it’s worth the other option for us. They should focus on the effort to have a normal and pleasant life and pollution or on human activities such as forest also to make our future better and brighter burning and cutting or even to make laws that than it is at the moment.

Borde Kristóf X.H

Rubik’s Cube for me

My hobby is solving the Rubik games (piraminx, Rubik's Cube. In 5th grade I megaminx, square 1). learned to solve the 3x3 Cube. In this region the Rubik's As time passed, I have learned Cubes are not too popular, so the 2x2, 4x4 Cubes. At that this took me a big amount of time, I thought it was money, but I really think it was impossible. worth it. People often ask me One of the most what l I benefit from it all. The memorable moments in my life answer is simple: all the regarding the Rubik's Cube was algorithms we learn develop our when I got my first memory, and the whole process 5x5,6x6,7x7,8x8,9x9 Cubes. I does a good thing to our was so impressed then, that I logic.The best part is that I can solved all of them that day. take out my Cube whenever I After a while, I got bored of would like and have fun on my them, and I learned the Piraminx and the own and also amuse the people around me. Megaminx. In the beginning I started with the But this was not enough for me, so I most simple way, until I achieved to solve it tried something that seemed almost in 2 minutes. I am solving the 3x3 cube now impossible.I have learned to solve the Cube with the Fridich-method which is composed blinded. Now I am practicing the Multi-Blind, from 57+21 algorithms. My record is 28,56 and as I got through this, I am heading to my seconds. I want to make it under 15 seconds. next goal. Now I have 26 Cubes and 3 other People advised me to go to competitions, but

97 I do not think I could do well, because I have Cube do not hesitate to look for me. I hope I not reached the necessary level for it. have made you interested to try out the I would teach everybody who is Rubik's cube. If you like it, good luck in your interested, so if you want to learn to solve the development. Ferencz Péter IX.R

My favourite band: The White Stripes

music in my eyes, and I still hope that they are going to make a reunion for an album or something. My favourite White Stripes song is the Hardest button to button. The title is a metaphor for the outcast of the family, the one that was different from the bunch. Jack has a coat where the very top button was always the hardest one to button, that gave him the idea for the title. He also says that it's The White Stripes were an American related to a phrase his dad always used to say: rock band formed in Detroit. They are my So and so "had a 10 button vest but could personal favourite from that period (1997…) only fasten 8." Someone described it a bit off because their music is not for everyone, and mentally basic. This song is very deep, it’s you have to understand the meaningful lyrics. full of feelings. The group was composed of drummer A White Stripes song always has a place in Meg White, and songwriter Jack White, who were previously married but now are divorced. Their music featured a melding of garage rock and blues influences and a raw simplicity of composition, arrangement, and performance. It’s a nice surprise from a relatively new band, this kind of demanding music. Their most famous song is Seven Nation Army. Seven Nation Army is the first track on the album, Elephant, which was released by The White Stripes in 2003. The song is about revenge, anger and ultimately seeking peace of mind. Jack White says a "seven nation army" cannot hold him back from getting his revenge on those that have wronged him. Jack White is a very talented my heart. songwriter, and I like how he thinks about this world. They were the perfect duo in

Nagy Eszter IX.R


99 Mein Hobby

Mein Hobby ist Fußball spielen und Korbball spielen und schiwmmen. Ich spiele gern Fußball. Ich spiele in A.C.S.F Juniorul Cluj. Die Trainings sind am Motag, Mittwoch und Freitag. Ich spiele Korbball in der Schullmanschaft. Die Trainings sind am Donerstag von drei bis vier Uhr. Ich schwimme gern in Babeș-Park. Ich kann gut schwimmen. Ich schwimme seit meinem achten Lebensjahr in Ebihalak.

Kassay Ákos V. A Meine Haustiere

Wir haben drei Haustiere: ein Kaninchen, einen Hund und einen Kater. Meine Schwester hat zwei Vögel. Das Kaninchen heißt Nyuszó. Es ist schwarz und weiß. Es ist ein Jahr alt. Sein Lieblingsessen sind der Apfel, die Birne und die Karotten. Der Hund heißt Fifi. Er ist schwarz. Er ist drei Jahre alt. Sein Lieblingsessen sind die Würstchen. Der Kater heißt Hamu. Er ist grau. Er ist zwei Jahre alt. Sein Lieblingsessen ist Hühnerfleisch. Die Vögel sind: Nyepp und Zebrinty. Sie essen Kerne. Tamás Borbála V.A

Tanzen, tanzen, tanzen...

Hallo, Ich bin Sandor Zsolt und mein Hobby ist der Sporttanz. Ich tanze seit meinem vierten Lebensjahr. Ich gehe wöchentlich viermal zum Training und ein Training dauert zwei Stunden. Wir lernen Standard- und Latino-Tänze, zum beispiel Walzer, Quickstept, Tango, Wienishe Walzer, Samaba, Cha-Cha, Rumba und Jive. Ich gehe zu Wettbewerben und da sammle ich Punkte. Das hilft mir, ich kann in die höhere Kategorie wechseln. Ich tanze zurzeit in der E Kategorie, hier konkuriere ich mit sechs Tänzern. Um ein guter Tänzer zu sein, muss man ein gutes Ohr für Musik haben, den Rhythmus spüren, viel Arbeit und Disziplin. Ich empfehle jedem den Sporttanz! Sándor Zsolt Szilárd V. A

Radfahren ist super!

Mein Lieblingshobby ist Rad fahren, aber nicht mit irgendwelcher Fahrrad. Ich mag Mountenbike fahren. Radfahren ist gut, aber man muss aufpassen! Man braucht ein starkes Fahrrad, einen starken Helm und andere Sachen. Ich liebe sehr Radfahren. Es ist interessant. Ich fahre oft mit meinem Bruder. Das ist super!

Krécsi Áron V.A


Meine Lieblingshobbys: Fußball und Klavier

Mein Lieblingshobbys sind Fußball spielen und Klavier spielen. Ich habe drei Trainings in der Woche. Ich spiele im einen Fußballmannschaft. Mein Team ist ACSF Juniorul Cluj. Ich spiele mit meinem Freund, Akos. Ich gehe um halb 5 Fußball spielen. Ich habe zwei Trainer. Ich gehe gern Fußball spielen aber ich kann nicht so gut spielen. Mein Lieblingsteam ist CFR und mein Lieblingsspieler ist Omrani. Mein zweites Hobby ist Klavier spielen. Ich habe eine Klavierstunde in der Woche. Ich spiele gern Klavier und ich kann sehr gut. Mein Lieblinglingslied ist Richard Clayderman - Mariage D’Amour. Ich liebe Fußball spielen und Klavier spielen.

Somogyi Hunor Botond V. A

Mein Hobby: Gitarre spielen

Mein Hobby ist Gitarre spielen. Ich habe eine elektrische Gitare: Epiphone Les Paul Express. Ich lerne Giterre spielen, denn ich finde es gut. Ich liebe gern Gitarre spielen, denn ich mag Musik hören und das ist interessanter, wenn ich auch spilen kann. In meinem Handy habe ich ein Anwenderprogramm für Akkorden. Mein Vater hat noch eine elektrische Gitarre. Wir spielen Gitarre gern, aber nicht so oft. Mein Bruder bekam einen Tommel. Wir spielen gern Musik zusammen. Ich besuche gern viele Konzerte und ich sehe, wie die behrümte Gitarristen spielen. Mein Lieblingsband ist Metallica und meine Lieblingsmusikstücke sind Month Ito The Flame und Creeping Death. Wenn ich Erwachsen werde, möchte ich gern ein Gitarrist werden. Monoses Tamas V. A

Meine Katzen

Ich habe zwei Katzen und sie sind sehr wichtig für mich. Sie haben einen job essen und überal dort. Verhönengis ihr Geshöft. Mein katzen immer purren hat miut und anweh am nettesten das auf gehen main bett und shlaffen. Mein hobi ist Radfahren. Und ich habe drei fahrad, diese sind sehr gut. Wochenendes ich gehe Radfahren in der Wald. Wen ich nach hause komme ich füttere die Katzen. Krécsi Hunor V. A

101 Meine Haustiere

Ich habe zwei Hunde: Cupi und Tina. Tina ist ein Newfoundland, sie ist weiß mit schwarz. Cupi ist ein kleiner, brauner Dackel. Cupi ist 3 Jahre alt. Tina ist 5 Monate alt. Cupi ist ein Junge. Tina ist ein Mädchen. Cupi und Tina sind sehr schnell, sie mögen laufen. Tina und Cupi Lieblingshobby ist Spielen. Sie mögen im Garten laufen und Obst essen. Ich gehe mit ihnen jeden Tag spazieren. Sie mögen das, aber ich auch. Ich versuche ihnen viele Dinge zu lehren. Ich denke, Hunde sind meine beste Freunde und jedes Kind sollte einen Hund oder ein Haustier haben. Bogdándi Vivien V. A

In Bilund, Dänemark

Ich und meine Familie fahren wir nach Bilund. Diese Stadt ist in Dänemark. Wir fliegen mit Flugzeug.Wir möchten Legoland und das Lego-Haus besuchen. Ich und meinen Bruder lieben die Legos.In Bilund gehen wir ins Lego-Haus. Im Lego- Haus sind sehr viel Legos. Im Lego Haus spielen wir sehr fiel mit Legos. Nächster Tag gehen wir ins Legoland. Ich finde den Ausflug sehr gut. Jakab-Pali Roland Péter V. A

Die V. Klasse

Der fünfte Klasse ist sehr schön. In den Pause gehen wir in die alte Klasse. Es ist inerresant. Mein Lieblingsfächer sind Technologie, Sport, Kunst, Deutsch, Informatik und Ungarisch. Ich lerne, schreibe und mache Übungen in der Schule. Ich lerne neue Fächer. Diese sind: Biologie, Englisch, Informatik, Technologie und Spiele. Wir haben viele Hausaufgaben. Wir müssen viele Bucher lesen. Ich liebe die fünfte Klasse. Bărbăscu Zsofia V. A

Mein Lieblingstier

Ich habe einen Hund und drei Goldfische zu Hause. Mein Lieblingstier ist unser Hund. Er ist drei Jahre alt. Mein Hund heißt Patak. Er ist groß, braun und sehr lieb. Er spielt gern mit dem Ball. Sein Lieblingsspiel ist Fußball. Er mag Katzen nicht. Er bellt immer. Patak ist aktiv. Er kann schnell laufen. Wir gehen oft in den Wald. Er mag den Wald sehr. Dort bellt er viel und sucht die Tiere im Wald. Mein Hund isst auch gern. Er mag Würste, Knochen und Schinken. Ich mag meinen Hund sehr.

Tánczos Balázs V.A

102 Mein Lieblingslager

Mein Lieblingslager ist ein Kunstlager, genannt ‘ArtZ Összművészeti Találkozó‘. Das ist ein Camp, in dem alle Künste präsent sind: Malerei/Grafik, Musik, Fotografie, Slam Poetry, Volkstanz, Volkslied, Kunsthandwerk, Theater, Kreatives Schreiben und Gedicht Spruch. In diesem Sommer war ich zum dritten Mal in diesem Lager. Ich mag dieses Camp, weil es nicht wie die andere Camps ist. Jeder schläft im Zelt, es gibt interessante Vorträge und Aktivitäten für alle Arten von Kunst und viele Künstlerseelen sind an einem Ort. Ich fühle mich immer gut in diesem Lager, weil ich andere junge Leute kennenlernen kann, die Kunst lieben und ich kann ihre Kreationen sehen. Das Beste war am diesjährigen Camp, dass ich mich mit meinen Freunden treffen konnte, die ich vor langer Zeit gesehen habe und es war toll, dass meine Bilder anderen gefallen haben. Wir hatten viel Spaß und lachten zusammen, ich kann es kaum erwarten, wieder bei ihnen zu sein!

Szász Andrea XI.H

Tae-kwon-Do Jeden Dienstag und Mittwoch gehe ich zu Taekwon-do. Das ist eine koreanische Kampfunkst. Die Betendung des Worter: der Fuss- und Hand-Kampf-Kunst. Ich habe jetzt den roten Gürtel, aber nächstes Jahr mache ich Prüfung für den schwarzen Gürtel. Ich gehe in All Motion Team. Zwei Gruppen sind hier: Forgreschrittene und Anfänger. Taekwon-Do ist mein Hobby. Szőke Dora VI. A Erfahrung und Wissen

Wir lernen von Geburt an, wir versuchen die Besten zu sein. Sport ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür. Trainiere, um der Beste zu sein und kämpfe, um von anderen geachtet zu werden! Der 21.-sten Jahrhundert ist ein perfektes Beispiel dafür. Leider entstehen Kampfkünste nicht aus Spiritualität, sodern aus Konkurrenz. Trotz allem, was es bedeutet, ein Krieger zu sein, brechen einige Leute diesen wirklich prestigeträchtigen Rang und diese Ehre. Die Welt hat so viele talentierte und umkämpfte Krieger, dass das Kämpfen nicht wirklich ein Kampf ist, sondern ein Cent. Wer hat die beste Unterstützung, welche Art von Unternehmen unterstütze ich, wen und wie lange habe ich trainiert ... das ist traurig für mich als Neuling zu sehen. Ich habe 12 Jahre Erfahrung in sechs Motomotoren und 18 Halbkampfkünsten, die mir von Meistern mit der gleichen Einstellung gegeben wurden. Viele Menschen suchen nicht nach einem physischen und mentalen Gleichgewicht, sondern wollen nur eine physische Beziehung herstellen, und in diesem Fall vergessen sie das japanische BUDO. Die oben erwähnte Bedeutung des BUDO ist nicht nur auf japanisch, sondern überall als ein Wort der Ehre und Wertschätzung, ein Konzept, eines Menschen, weise bekannt. Wir haben nur wenige, die nicht konkurrieren, aber in der Lage sind, zu erwerben und dann den Schülern ein Gefühl der Sicherheit und des Respekts zu vermitteln. Ob es sich um Karatekarol, Kung Fu Warrior oder noch jemand handelt, Respekt ehrt ihn, weil er jeden Tag trainieren und trainieren muss, um jemandem so viel Erfahrung zurückzubringen. Brautigam Norbert X. H

103 Kreuzworträtzel - Fußball



3. 6.












1. Brazilianischer Stürmer bei Liverpool (Englische Mannschaft) 2. Frazösischer Fußballspieler, der beste Stürmer bei CFR Klausenburg 3. 2018 Meistermannschaft in Bundesliga 4. Der ungarischer, internationaler Torwart 5. 2010 Weltmeisterschaft Gewinner 6. Der teuersten 16-jährige Stürmer (FC Barcelona) 7. Der Trainer von Real Madrid 8. Französische Weltmeister - Stürmer 9. Der beste Fußballspieler alle Zeiten von Argentinien 10. Der Trainer von Manchester City 11. Hier spielt: Lacazette, Aubameyang, Pépé (2019) 12. Der beste Italienischer Berühmteit von AS Roma 13. Der teuerste Fußballspieler und Weltmeister 14. Der erste Weltmeister-Land (im Jahre 1930) 15. Der talentierte Fußballspieler von Borussia Dortmund

104 16. Er hat der Goldener Ball 2018 gewonnen Lőrincz László, Esztergár Csaba VI. A


In diesem Sommer hatte ich die Möglichkeit als Freiwilliger in einem Kinderlager mitzuhelfen. Das Lager wurde von der örtlicher Gemeinde organisiert und hatte ein religiöses Thema. Der Priester bat mich, mitzuhelfen, auf die Kinder aufzupassen, zu spielen und mit ihnen zu singen. Am ersten Tag des Lagers lernten wir uns kennen. Wir planten das Wochenprogramm und begannen, uns Notizen und Briefe zu schreiben. Es war ein guter Anfang! Während der Woche, in der wir aus der Bibel gelernt haben, haben wir zusammen schöne Lieder gesungen, viel gespielt und Spaß gehabt ... Das i-Tüpfelchen war am Freitag. Wir haben einen Ausflug in den Zoo organisiert. Alle Kinder waren voller Begeisterung. Sie liefen um die Tiere herum, sie lachten, lächelten, sie schienen wirklich glücklich zu sein. Das war unser Ziel und wir haben es erreicht! Auf dem Heimweg erzählten sie im Bus ihre Erlebnisse aus dem Zoo, und sie waren begeistert. Diese Woche bedeutete für mich neue Herausforderungen, viele Erinnerungen und eine tolle Zeit in der Umgebung von Kindern.

Molnár Margaréta-Boróka XI.H Wünsch dir was

Wünsch dir was und weine nicht, Erzähle mir deine Geheimnisse und lerne fliegen, Gib mir deine Hände und atme tief, Gib deine Träume und Lächeln auf, Und wenn wir oben am Himmel sind, Wir werden die Sterne umarmen, Wir werden ihnen sagen, dass sie glänzen sollen, Um uns die Lichter in der Dunkelheit zu lassen. Und am Ende wenn wir nichts anderes als unseren Verstand haben, Wir schauen nach unten und werden zu schießenden Stras. Wir werden fallen und wir werden aufstehen, Wir werden sterben, um als hoffnungsvolle Sonne wiedergeboren zu werden. Und wenn wir verbrennen, denken Sie einfach daran, Wir waren die Dunkelheit und das Licht, Wir lebten und starben gleichzeitig. Filip Borostyán XII. H

Pass auf dich auf!

Ich war ein Kind immer mit viel Energie und wenn jemand eine schlechte Idee hatte, etwas zu tun, habe ich es gemacht. Meine Eltern haben gesagt, dass ich auf mich aufpassen muss. Ich habe sie

105 immer zugehört und danach habe ich gemacht was ich wollte. Zudem habe ich mein Bein und meinen Arm gebrochen. Auf diesem Grund und nach zwei Operationen habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Dieses Jahr bin ich mit meiner Familie nach Thassos gefahren. Es war ein sehr guter Ausflug, wenn ich den letzten Tag nicht in Betracht ziehe. Wir waren in einem großen Hotel am Strand, haben ein paar Buggys gemietet und jeden Tag andere Strände besucht. Ich hatte zwei Lieblingsorte, die verschiedene Arten von Stränden waren. Die erste war die LA SCALA, die teuerste Küste in Thassos. Die zweite war die Giola-Lagune, eine wilde Küste, wo sich in einem zehn Meter hohen Felsen befand. Ich sprang von dort ins Wasser. Am letzten Tag, als wir unser Frühstück gegessen haben, bin ich in den Pool gesprungen, weil das Wetter sehr heiß war. Als ich ins Wasser fiel, habe ich ein Geräusch gehört und eine Minute lang nichts gesehen. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich aus dem Pool gekommen bin. Ich habe gedacht, dass das Wasser in mein Ohr geflossen ist, aber nach drei Stunden hatte ich das gleiche Problem und dann ist mir klar geworden, dass ich bald eine Operation haben werde. Ich dachte, dass die schlimmsten Dinge für diesen Tag zu Ende gegangen sind, aber am Abend musste ich in den Krankenhaus fahren, weil ich eine Lebensmittelvergiftung bekommen habe. Nachdem ich nach Hause gekommen war, bin ich ins Krankenhaus gegangen, wo ich mich einer sehr schmerzhaften Operation unterziehen musste. Jetzt kann ich ein Jahr lang nicht mehr mit dem Flugzeug fliegen. Auf diesem Grund versprach ich mir, dass ich auf mich aufpassen werde. Nach der ersten Woche der Operation spürte ich die Nachteile nicht. Aber als meine Freunden zur Transalpina gefahren waren, hat mein Arzt gesagt, dass ich zu Hause bleiben muss. Ich war sehr wütend auf mich selbst. Auch als die Schule wieder angefangen hat, konnte ich nicht mit meinen Klassenkameraden Fußball spielen.

Juhos Dávid XI. R

ES: Kapitel 2 – Meinung

ES: Kapitel 2 ist ein neuer, amerikanischer Horrorfilm. Ich habe den Film im Kino, vor zwei Wochen gesehen. Er beginnt sieben und zwanzig Jahre nach dem ersten ES Film. Es gibt ein Festival in Derry und zwei Freunde sind angegriffen bei einer Gruppe. Ein Junge fällt in einem Fluss und Pennywise, der Clown, isst er. Das bedeutet dass Es zurück ist. Mike, ein Mann aus der Verliere Gruppe, liest vom Tod von des Jungen. Er ruft Stan, Beverly, Bent, Richie, Eddy und Bill zurück in Derry, so sie können Pennywise nochmal töten. Sie sind jetzt Erwachsene und haben Derry und Pennywise vergessen. Aber Stan merkt was passiert da and tötet sich, weil er glaubt, dass es seine Freunde hilft. Danach sind sie in Derry zurück gekommen, sie merken was passiert. Sie wollen Pennywise nochmal besiegen. Aber es nicht einfach ist. Denken an die Vergangenheit ist schwierig und sie alle möchten nach Hause gehen und ihr Leben fortsetzen. Mike will sie aufhalten. Schnell realisiert er, dass sie nicht verlassen können, aber sie können etwas wichtiges opfern, wenn sie Pennywise töten können? Seht den Film an, so du könnt ihr das herausfinden! Ich glaube, du sollst den Film im Kino sehen, weil da 4DX Filme sein. 4DX addiert zu Horror und Komik, dass der Film hat. ES: Kapitel 2 ist ein interessanter Film und hat alle was ein Horrorfilm haben kann. Du kannst lachen, weinen und natürlich, Angst bekommen, wenn du Es siehst. Ich denke dass alle sollen ES: Kapitel 2 und den ersten Film auch sehen. Kis Áron XI.R

106 Mehrsprachigkeit: ja oder nein?

Was bedeutet eigentlich der Begriff “Mehrsprachigkeit”? Mehrsparchigkeit ist die Fähigkeit eines Menschen, mehr als eine Sprache zu verstehen oder zu sprechen. Aber welche sind die Vorteile der Mehrsparchigkeit? Ich perönlich glaube, dass es ein wunderbares Ding ist, wenn man immer mehrere Sprachen kennt oder beherrscht. Beispielweise, wenn man eine Reise macht, kann man einfacher kommunizieren. Hinsichtlich der Arbeitsoportunitäten gibt es auch Vorteile. Meiner Meinung nach, findet man einfacher einen Arbeitsplatz oder einen Job, wenn man mehr als eine Sprache kennt. Ich finde es sehr gut, dass wir in unserer Schule vier Sprachen (wie Rumänisch, Ungarisch, Englisch und Deutsch) lernen. Diese Tatsache hat mir sehr viel geholfen. Ich bin sehr viel mit meiner Familie gereist und ich habe bemerkt, dass ich im Ausland einfacher kommuniziere und vielleicht auch Freunde mache. Es gibt aber Menschen, die leider die Mehrsprachigkeit als eine negative Tatsache sehen. Sie glauben dass für die Kinder ermüdend oder stressig sein kann, viele Sprachen zu lernen. Es ist wahr, dass manche Kinder die Fremdsprachen ziemlich schwierig lernen, deswegen kann es stressig scheinen. Aber ich glaube, dass trotzdem es schwer scheint, eine neue Sprache zu lernen, geht es um die Entwicklung einer Person. Und unsere Entwicklung spielt immer eine wichtige Rolle in unserem Leben. Am Ende möchte ich wieder die Bedeutung der Mehrsprachigkeit in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft unterstreichen. Meiner Meinung nach, soll man unbedingt diese Idee der Mehrsprachigkeit immer mehr berühmter machen. Kardos Zalán X.H


Wir alle wissen, dass Urlaub der am meisten erwartete Moment aller Studenten ist. Der Urlaub gibt jedem wertvolle Freizeit, die er mit seinen Lieben verbringen kann, um Spaß zu haben oder sich auszuruhen, einen schönen Schlaf haben. Der am meisten erwartete Urlaub war für mich der Sommer Urlaub, weil es der längste Urlaub ist und ich viel Zeit habe, um zu tun, was ich will. An den meinsten Feiertagen blieb ich ausgeruht zu Hause. Ich war schon oft beim Fußball und habe meinen Lieblingssport gespielt. Ich war noch im Lager, wo viele Leute waren und ich hatte eine tolle Zeit. Am Ende des Urlaubs war ich mit meiner Familie und einigen Freunden in Ungarn. Dort nahm ich ein Bad und besuchte die Stadt, in der ich war. Diese Sommerferien vergingen sehr schnell, als waren es ein paar Tage Urlaub, aber tatsachlich vergingen drei Monate mit einer erstaunlichen Geschwindigkeit. Die Schule hat begonnen, ein paar Tage sind vergangen und ich bin schon müde, ich möchte nicht einmal wissen, wie es am Ende des Jahres sein wird, aber bis dahin freue ich mich auf die nächsten Ferien.

Márton Ervin XI. R

107 Sommer in Budapest

In diesem Sommerferien war ich in Budapest. Dort habe ich die Militärparade gesehen. Ich habe alle Arten von Fahrzeugen gesehen. Flugzeuge, Schiffe und sogar Hubschrauber. Sie machten Tricks, sie flogen über die Donau, bewegten das Wasser und tanzten in der Luft. Einige Männer sprangen aus einem Flugzeug und versuchten, auf dem Block zu landen, der sich auf dem Wasser befand. Sie sind alle sicher gelandet. In diesen Sommerferien war ich in Budapest. Dort habe ich die Militärparade gesehen. Ich habe alle Arten von Fahrzeugen gesehen. Flugzeuge, Schiffe und sogar Hubschrauber. Sie machten Tricks, sie flogen über die Donau, bewegten das Wasser und tanzten in der Luft. Einige Männer sprangen aus einem Flugzeug und versuchten, auf dem Block zu landen, der sich auf dem Wasser befand. Sie sind alle sicher gelandet. Nachts gab es Feuerwerk und Musik. Später in dieser Woche besuchte ich Vác und dort sah ich Mumien. Sie starben an der Pest, aber wegen des Ortes, an dem sie begraben waren, wurden sie Mumien. Ich bin sogar ins Kino gegangen, aber der Film war enttäuschend, deshalb werde ich nicht darüber sprechen. Ich habe es wirklich genossen, dort zu bleiben. Ich wünschte, ich könnte nächstes Jahr wiederkommen. Czimbalmos Erik XI.R

Meine Sommerferien

Meine Sommerferien hat sehr gut angefangen. Wir waren mit unserer Klasse in Mărișel, weil einer unserer Klassenkameraden dort ein Ferienhaus hat. Wir haben zwei Nächte und drei Tage dort verbracht. Wir haben uns sehr darauf vorbereitet. Wir chatteten oder wir hatte Videochat, um zu besprechen was wir brauchen. Wir beschlossen Geld für Essen und Getränke zu sammeln, und einige von uns meldeten sich freiwillig zum Einkaufen. Wir begannen unsere Reise am 28. Juni um die Mittagszeit. Wir haben mit Autos in Gruppen gereist. Wir waren von der Schönheit des Ortes erstaunt. Es gab Ruhe und frische Luft. Wir packten aus und entschieden wo wir schlafen werden. Dann begann die Party. Wir tanzten mit lauter Musik, so dass die Wände bebte. Wir haben auch Gruppenspiele gespielt.Wir setzen uns zum Essen und teilten die mitgebrachten Köstlichkeiten. Für mich war es eine Erfahrung, es war eines der besten Dinge, die mir in diesem Sommer passiert sind. Wir haben uns besser kennengelernt. Ich freue mich auf den nächsten Ausflug.

Pálfi Henrietta XI.H

Boarding Tour

In diesem Jahr fand die Boarding Tour am 11. und 12. Oktober statt. Wir reisten am Freitagmorgen ab und kamen am Samstagabend nach Hause. Wir sind nach Székelyjó gefahren und haben den ganzen Tag getan, was wir wollten. Sie könnten dort eine Menge Dinge tun. Es war ein Schwimmbad, Billard, Tischtennis, ein Fußballfeld und vieles mehr. Das Essen war eher ein Kurs,und sehr lecker. Am Samstagmorgen wurden wir mit einem riesigen großen Buffet begrüßt. Nach dem Frühstück gingen wir zum Feketetó und schauten dort herum und machten einige Einkäufe. Wir trafen uns zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt und fuhren zurück nach Kolozsvár. So war die diesjährige Boarding Tour. Szatmári István XI.R


Mein Lieblingsort: Homorod

Schon Ende Mai stellt meine Mutter einen großen Korb in den Flur. In dem Korb sammeln wir die nötigen Sachen für Homorod. Wir legen einmal ein Messer, einmal einen Rubik- Würfel oder Putzmittel. Also alles was uns einfällt, was wir in Homorod brauchen werden. Wir verbringen nämlich den ganzen Sommer dort. Homorod liegt in den Bergen. Wir haben dort eine Hütte. Es ist toll, dass unsere Hütte auf der Bergspitze liegt. Stell dir vor, man kann nicht mal mit dem Auto dorthin fahren. Wir lassen unser Auto unten im Dorf, wir nehmen unser Gepäck und wir tragen alles nach oben. Weil wir wenige Sachen dort haben, bringen wir alles mit: Bettwäsche, Schlafsäcke, Bergschuhe, Lebensmittel und Vieles mehr. Deshalb sammeln wir schon im Mai, was wir brauchen. Das ganze Jahr warten wir für diese Reise. Viele von den Freunden und Bekannten fragen uns was wir an Homorod mögen. Sie fragen auch ob wir uns nicht langweilen. Was können wir drei Monate in den Bergen machen, ohne Fernseher, ohne Zivilisation? Wir haben nicht einmal ein Bad, die Toilette ist draußen in dem Garten. Aber jetzt erzähle ich euch was an Homorod so fantastisch ist: es ist still, wir haben keine Nachbarn, wir sehen viele Wildtiere (Füchse, Bären, Rehen, Hasen, aber auch Wildschweine), die Vögel singen, wir haben Quellwasser und es gibt viele Sterne. Wenn ihr Lust habt auf Stille und pure Natur, geht in die Berge, geht raus aus der Stadt und habt viel Spaß in der Natur! Tánczos Dorottya IX.H ESN in Deutschland Dieser Sommer war einer der besten meines Lebens. Neben vielen anderen Erlebnissen, machte das ESN Austauschprogramm den Sommer besonders toll. Das Projekt fand in Deutschland in einer kleinen Stadt, namens Zülpich, in der Nähe von Köln statt. Von unserer Schule nahmen 4 Schüler und ein Lehrer daran teil. Wir sind mit einem Flugzeug früh morgens dorthin geflogen und als wir angekommen sind, sind wir alle zu den Gastfamilien gefahren. Ich war der einzige Junge, der ein Mädchen als Gastgeberin hatte. Ihr Name war Dilara und sie war die ganze Zeit sehr nett. Ich bin sehr dankbar für sie. Außer uns waren auch noch andere Gruppen von Spanien und Frankreich da, mit denen wir uns sehr gut verstanden haben. Das Projekt ging fünf Tage lang, die voller Spaß waren. Wir haben Stehpaddeln auf einem See gemacht, Baseball gespielt, ein paar Museen besucht und viel Zeit mit unseren neuen Freunden und deren Familien verbracht. Am letzten Tag bevor wir wieder Nachhause flogen, haben wir einen tollen Freizeitpark, der Phantasialand heißt, besucht. Er war sehr groß und modern, nicht zu vergleichen mit denen die wir hier in Rumänien haben. Obwohl ich Achterbahnen und die ganzen anderen Sachen hasse, haben Dilara und ihre verrückte Freundin Yakira mich dazu gebracht, alles auszuprobieren. Danke dafür Mädchen. Am nächsten Tag mussten wir uns voller Trauer von unseren Deutschen und Spanischen Freunden verabschieden und flogen zurück nach Klausenburg. Ich habe neue starke Freundschaften geschlossen, tolle Erinnerungen gesammelt und habe mich die ganze Woche über bestens gefühlt. Das war einer der besten Ausflüge meines Lebens.

Tussai Lóránd XI.

109 Kindheit

Als ich ein kleinen Kind war, mochte ich ein Polizist sein. Ich habe die Polizisten immer respektiert. Ich habe an allen Treffen mit Polizisten teilgenommen. Einmal hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mich wie ein echter Polizist zu verkleiden, was eine meiner größten Kindheitserinnerung ist. Ich war froh, wenn ich in einem Polizeiauto sitzen oder ihre Waffen ausprobieren konnte. Ich wollte immer die Räuber fangen und der Held sein. Wenn ich also mit meinen Freunden spielte, war ich immer auf der richtigen Seite. Ich hatte immer das Gefühl, dass es notwendig ist, den Menschen zu helfen, die Hilfe brauchten. Und ich wollte auch die Wahrheit liefern. Ich habe beschlossen, dass ich, wenn ich groß bin, ein erfolgreicher Polizist werde, der alles für seine Arbeit, für sein Land und für seine Zukunft tut. Ich wünschte, meine Eltern und Freunde wären sotz auf mich und würden meine Wahl zustimmen.

Vincze Dávid XI. H


Ich spiele gern am Computer. Mein Lieblingsspiel ist “Counter Strike: Global Offensive“. CS: GO ist basiert auf Taktik und darum muss ich Sprachchat verwenden, weil ich mit meinen Kameraden kommunizieren muss. Meistens spiele ich mit Deutschen, Russischen und Englischen Spieler, darum muss ich eine Sprache sprechen, die sie auch verstehen. Ich kann dadurch, dass ich mit anderen Spieler mitspiele, die Sprache besser Lernen, indem ich mit ihnen oft unterhalte. Es ist auch eine gute Übung für mich, einen sehr guten Freund zu haben, der eine deutsche Schule besucht und mit dem ich manchmal Deutsch spreche. Diese beiden helfen mir schon sehr, und ich liebe Deutsch sowieso. Ich übe sogar Deutsch, indem ich deutsches Radio, deutsche Musik höre. Diese Lerntaktiken sind meine Lieblingslerntaktiken. Vremir Bence IX.H

Der Richtpunkt

So wie, in die morgendlich chaotisch Haare Der abendliche Traum von gestern stecken bleiben. So wie, deine Hand nach die morgendlich Kaffee rührt Und du zu heisses Wasser Musik tanzt, das ist mir Egal! So wie, du das Fenster aufmachst, Danach hören wir den Lebensrhythmus. So wie, du dein Seidel auf dem Tisch vergisst Und allein in die grosse, weite Welt aussteigt... So wie, die Stadt dich schnieft Ein kleiner Betrag du dich umsiehst, und ist es alles bekannt. Du bist zur Wohnort angekommen du, Tourist.

Zsigmond Hermina Zita XII..H

110 Zusammenleben

Dies ist das vierte Jahr, in dem wir in Cluj zur Schule gehen. Vor zwei Jahren zogen wir aus dem Internat aus. Wir zogen zusammen mit meiner Freundin aus, weil wir gute Freundinnen sind. Unsere Eltern haben uns kaum erlaubt, uns schon zu bewegen. Aber wir haben unsere Eltern überzeugt. Wir waren sehr aufgeregt. Wir wissen, dass es eine große Verantwortung ist, denn es gibt viele Gefahren in der Welt. Aber wir wussten, wir würden alle in Ordnung sein. Bevor wir ausgezogen sind, gingen wir einkaufen. wir kauften wichtige Dinge, das heißt Haushaltsgegenstände. Danach haben wir die notwendigen Dinge mitgenommen. Die erste Nacht war seltsam, wir konnten nicht schlafen. Wir fühlten immer noch nicht die Wärme des Hauses. Langsam jedoch sind wir gewöhnt. Schon heute fühlt sich wie zu Hause an, wenn wir nach der Schule nach Hause gehen. Es ist sehr gut, dass wir zusammen leben. Wir sind beste Freunde, wir helfen einander in allem. Die Hausaufgaben schreiben zusammen. Wenn einer von uns etwas nicht versteht, dann sind wir füreinander da. Wir lachen, wir haben Spaß. Aber zur gleichen Zeit, eine Reihe von Schwierigkeiten, die wir gemeinsam zu lösen haben. Das Zusammenleben hat mir geholfen, mich und uns gut kennenlernen. Deshalb sind wir bessere Freunde geworden. Wir haben gelernt, aufeinander können wir immer zählen. Wir hatten eine Menge freie Zeit, die wir haben, und das ist die, die wir gut verwenden. In dieser Zeit gehen gemeinsam einkaufen, oder verbringen wir unsere Zeit einfach nur als Freunde. So sind wir sehr froh, dass wir zusammen wohnen, weil es unsere Freundschaft gestärkt hat. Zusätzlich haben wir uns viel entwickelt, und wir haben Dinge gelernt,, die nützlich wird im Leben sein können, zum Beispiel, Kochen. Wir sind sehr glücklich, zusammen zu leben.

Székely Evelin Beáta und Péter-Jani Bianka XII.R

Mein Meerschweinchen Mein Meerschweinchen heißt Puszi. Es hat einen Bruder und es heißt Picur. Sie leben im einem Käfig. Sie sind drei Jahre alt. Ihr Pelz ist braun und weiß. Sie mögen Karotten, Gras, Salat und Spinat essen. Sie trinken Wasser. In der Nacht schlafen sie und am Morgen spielen sie gern. Im Sommer laufen sie im Garten. Soós Csenge V. A

Meine Sportleidenschalft Mein Lieblingssport ist Karate spielen. Der Ort, wo ich Karate spiele, heisst Dojo. Wenn du in das Dojo kommst, haben wir gegenüber der Altar von Oyama. Wir wärmen uns ein, wir rennen. Dann praktizieren wir mit Fuß. Dann kämpfen wir. Der Kursus fängt um sechs Uhr an. Wir haben drei Trainings jede Woche. Zurzeit haben wir Meisterschaften und Camps. Unsere Trainer ist streng. Er hat zwei Kinder. Das erste Kind heißt Kevin, und das zweite heißt David. Kevin ist ein Champion. Er war die zweite von Landmeisterschaft. Das Karate hilft sehr für die Gesundheit. Ich mag Karate spielen! Molnár Edgár V. A


Meine Hobbys Meine Hobbys sind Fußball spielen und schwimmen. Ich spiele Fußball dreimal pro Woche. Mein Lieblingsfußballspieler ist Lionel Messi. Ich spiele auch Fußball in der Schule mit meinen Freunden: Hunor, Tamás, Dávid, Àron, Peti und Beci. Ich gehe ins Schwimmbad in den Sommerferien. Wochentags habe ich keien Zeit. Ich schwimme gern und ich schwimme gut. Ich schwimme mit meinen Freunden: Zsolt, Peti und Tamás. Kiss Ákos V.A Ich bin ein Berliner!

Heute ist 25. Juli 2019: Ich und meiner Familie sind wir in Berlin, in der Hauptstadt von Deutschland. Wir wohnen in einem Hotel in Scharlottenburg. Wir fahren viel mit der U-Bahn und mit der Strassenbahn. Wir besuchen das Museum der Naturkunde, Das Deutsche Technikmuseum, ein großes Museum: Story Bunker, den Zoo und das Olimpiastadion. Im Zentreum besuchen wir den Brandenburger Tor, den Fernsehturm, den Bundestag und die schöne und moderne Hauptbahnhof. Am Abend gehen wir an das Metallica Konzert in der Olimpiastadion. Gergely Albert V. A Die Berge Ich mag die Berge. Die Berge sind sehr groß und am größte Berg ist Mount 8848m groß. An den größten Bergen ist Schnee und dort man kann Ski fahren. Ich mag Ski fahren. Im Rumänien sind so viele Berge, aber es ist nicht so viel Skiplatz. Mein Lieblingsberg ist Moldoveanu, er ist 2544m groß. Es ist im ,,Fogaras’’ Gerbirge im Rumänien. Ich möchte dahin fahren. Kiss Csongor V.A

Ich und meine Hobbys Hallo ! Ich heiße David, und ich bin elf Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Klusenburg und ich spiele Geige und Klavier, ich gehe zweimal pro Wohe Geige spielen. Ich habe ein Haustier. Mein Haustier ist ein Hund, er heißt Chilly. Ich mag Bücher, mein Lieblingsbuch ist Tüskevár. Ich finde Tüskevár spannend. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Mathmatik. Ich habe eine nette Familie: meine Oma, mein Opa, meine Mutter, mein Vater und mein Bruder. Mein bester Freund heißt Edike. Ich sprache vier Sprachen : Ungarisch, Rumänisch, Englisch und Deutsch. Meine Muttersprache ist Ungarisch. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist grün und blau.

Diarra Dávid V. A Mein Hobby Mein Hobby ist Tanzen. Ich gehe am Dienstag und am Freitag tanzen. Wir gehen auch im Schatten Jamp in Urbandance. Das ist gut! Ciureanu Cristina V.A


Meine Familie und unsere Hobbys Meine Familie ist nicht so groß. Ich habe einen Hund, sein Name ist Mazsola. Mein Vater ist achtunddreißig Jahre alt und er liebt Fußball spielen. Meine Mutter ist einundvierzig Jahre alt und sie mag Rad fahren. Meine Oma ist neunundsiebzig Jahre alt und sie kocht sehr gut. Ich bin elf Jahre alt und natürlich liebe ich den Sport. Am Wochenende spielen wir zusammen. Ich liebe meine Familie.

Kelemen Dávid V.A Münzen Mein Hobby ist alte Münzen sammeln. Meine Sammlung enthält viele Münzen aus der ganzen Welt. Meine Münzen sind ungefähr 80 Jahre alt. Die Münzen stammen aus den Jahren 1600-2000. Deshalb finde ich mein Hobby interessant, weil ich die Kultur der Welt kennenlernen kann.

Lovász András-Máté VI.A

Das MineCraft-Spiel Hallo! Ich heiße Boldizsar.Ich bin 12 Jahre alt und ich wohne in Klausenburg. Ich liebe die Videospiele. Mein Lieblingsvideospiel ist MineCraft. MineCraft ist ein sandbox typ Videospiel. Das bedeutet, dass imVideospiel wir, die Spielers, können bauen und zerstören. Aber MineCraft ist viel mehr als das! Minecraft ist was du daraus machst.Wer hat Form, die du kannst.Ich denke, dass MineCraft hat vier größere Teile: ein kampflustiger Teil, ein logischer Teil, ein kreatier Teil und ein Programmierung-Teil. In MineCraft liebe ich den logischen Teil und den Programmierung-Teil, aber von dem Programmierung-Teil weiß ich wenig. ,,Jeder findet in Ihr, was er liebt! ‘’-RedForest Sándor Boldizsár VI.A

Musik, Musik, Musik Mein Hobby is Klavierspielen. Das ist mein siebtes Jahr. Ich mag Klavierspielen, aber ich muss viel üben. Ich bin vier Jahre zur Musikschul gegangen, aber ich habe aufgegeben, weil es so schwer war, zwei Prüfungen pro Jahr. Ja, es war so viel. Seitdem "gehe" ich private Wege und ich übe noch. Ich mag Ludvig van Beethoven und Mozart. Ich finde interresant dass, Mozart Klavierspielen mit 6 Jahren beginnt. Sie sind meine Lieblingskomponisten und mein Lieblingssänger ist NF, weil seine Lieder etwas zu sagen haben. Meine andere Lieblingssängerin ist Billie Eilish, weil sie ist so inspirierend für mich ist. Sie hat das Singen mit 13 Jahren begonnen und sie ist nur 17 Jahre alt. Ich liebe sie, weil sie sehr intelligent für ihr Alter ist und natürlich ist sie auch sehr talentiert.

113 Török Timea, VI.A Stranger things (Saison I)

Die Stranger things Saison hat 2016veröffentlicht. Was ist Stranger Things? Die Serie rollte 1982 ab und er ist eine krimi, sci-fi, fantasy Serie. Der Ort ist Hawkins, Indiana. Die Frage ist: Wo ist Will? Der Demogorgom (ein Monster aus eine anderen Dimension) ehntfürt ihn und holt ihn aus Upside Down ab, was ist wie eure Welt, aber es ist umgekert. Ein Abend treffen die Hauptfiguren Mike, Dustin und Lucas ein Madchen, die übermechlichen Fäligheiten hat. Der Name des Madchen ist Eleven (El). O hilft bei der Suche, aber am Ende werden die Kinder es nicht. Aber Joyce (Wills Mutter) und Hopper finden ihn . Inzwischen tötet El der Demogorgon und verschwindet.

Fall Dóra és Székely Zsófia VI.A

Unser Klassencomic

Wir, Karen, Luca und Adri haben diese Aufgabe gewählt, weil uns sie gefallen hat. Für uns ist das nicht nur ein Aufgabe, weil wir bereits viele Bildromane gemacht haben. Alles hat begonnen, als wir an einer Ungarischstunde gewesen sind. Wir haben eine ähnliche Aufgabe gemacht. Diese Aufgabe hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Seitdem machen wir Bildromanen. Das ist das erste Mal, dass wir ein Bildroman mit Luca gemacht haben, aber wir haben sie rasch und leicht beendet. Wir hoffen, dass diese auch euch gefallen wird.

Kelemen Karen, Veres Adrien, Lăpușan Luca-Daniel VI. A

Hallo! Ich möchte mich kurz vorstellen. Mein Name ist Tamás. Ich bin 12 Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Klausenburg im Viertel Gyögyfalvi. Ich habe einen Bruder, er ist 11 Jahre alt und geht in die fünfte Klasse. Er ist intelligent. Er spielt Geige und Klavier. Mein bester Freund ist Csongor. Er läuft sehr schnell. Er treibt jeden Tag Sport. Ich mag Tiere. Ich habe auch einen Hund. Er ist sehr lieb und klein. Ich gehe mit ihm jeden Nachmittag spazieren. Ich spiele mit ihm Ball. Ich spiele Fussball im Dribli –Fußballverein. Ich habe Training dreimal pro Woche. Wir haben viele Fußbalmatch in der Stadt, aber auch in anderen Städten. Zum Beispiel in Dej, Eger, Szamosújvár. In meiner Freizeit lese ich. Ich mag Harry Potter und Herr de Ringe. Beide Bücher sind spannend . Mein Lieblingsessen ist Pizza und ich trinke gern Limonade.

Diarra Tamás VI.A Die Katze Ich habe zwei Katzen. Sie heißen Dudu und Bazsika. Dudu ist ein Jahr alt und Bazsika ist vier Monate alt. Sie haben mir sehr gut gefallen, weil sie sehr schlau sind und gute Arbeit leisten! Viele Katzen brauchen nicht viel Bildung, weil sie sich nach einer Weile daram gewöhnen und es selbst wissen. Katzen lieben Menschen sehr! Katzen sind sauberer als Hunde! Sie sind sehr süß! Rette die Tiere!

Bacsó Henrietta VI. A


Die Berufe

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 0.

1 1. arbeitet im Krankenhaus

2. Die Fußballspielerin, Der… 3. Er züchtet Blumen 4. Er macht Essen 5. Sie arbeitet in einer Firma 6. Er erklärt die Regeln 7. Er arbeitet in einer Bäckerei 8. Er plant und baut Häuser 9. Er schreibt für Zeitung 10. Er verkauft Bücher 11. Er mach Filme 12. Sie arbeitet in Magazin 13. Das… 14. Sie gibt Konzerte. Kutos Réka és Szabó Emese VI.A


Mein lieblingssänger ist Marshmello und mein Lieblingslied ist : Happier. Marshmello ist ein DJ. Er ist 27 Jahre alt . Er ist 1992 geboren. Er hat mit seinem Lied 1 Milliarden Folger erreicht. Er wohnt in Los Angeles. Marsmello’s größte Konkurent ist Alan Walker. Er ist auch ein DJ.

115 Balogh Loránd VI.A

Unsere Lieblingsserie: Riverdale

Die Riverdales erste Saison ist über ein Mädchen, Cheryl Blossom. Ihr Bruder, Jason Blossom ist getötet. Paar Kinder probieren die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Der Mörder ist Jasons Vater, Cliff Blossom. Die Riverdales zweite Saison ist über Archie Andrews Vater, Fred Andrews. Er ist erschossen von Blackhood. Danach weisen alle Zeichnen auf Bettys Vater. Wenn Betty fragt ihre Vater darüber er eklärt den. Die vierte Seison ist im Oktober 2019 veröffentlicht.

1.Wer war Bettys Bruder? 2.Wer war Bettys Vater? 3.Jugheads Familianname: 4.Wer war Cheryls Großmutter? 5.Wie heißt Jugheads Schwester? 6.Was ist Veronicas Familienname? 7.Bettys und Jugheads Spitzname: 8.Was ist Bettys Handy Klingelton? 9.Wer ist Cheryls Liebe? 10.Wer ist die Musiklehrerin? 11.Zuker Pfeffer in Englisch: 12.Wer ist Bettys Schwester? 13.Wer spielt Cheryl?

1. 2. 3. 4.


6. - 7. 8. 9. - 10. - 11. 12. 13. -

Laár Szidónia, Varga Johanna-Krisztina VI.A The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory ist eine Serie. In Fernsehen gibt in Comedy Central. Comedy Central ist eine Sendung. Wir lachen sehr viel, weil die Serie sehr lustig ist. Unser Lieblingsschauspieler ist Howard Wolowitz. Sein bester Freund ist Raj. Seine Freundin ist Bernadette. Er hat zwei Kinder, Haley und Mike. Er ist dünn und sehr lustig. Howard ist ein Ingeniur, Bernadette und Penny sind Apothekerinnen, Raj ist ein Sternkundiger, Sheldon und Leonard sind Physiker und Amy ist eine Biologin. Die Sendung hat 12 Teile.

Osváth Iza, Borzeu-Héjja Kata VI. A


Haustiere Mein Haustier ist ein Hund. Er heißt Oscar. Drei Jahre alt ist er und er hat braune, weiße und schwarze Farbe. Er kann essen, spielen und laufen. Kacsó Panna V.A Unsere Freundschaft Hallo! Wir sind Helga und Evelyn und wir sind die beste Freundinnen geworden. Am Anfang der V. Klasse haben wir nicht miteinander gesprochen, aber wir sind mit unserer Klasse nach Brașov gefahren. In Brașov sind wir zusammen in einem Zimmer gewesen. Eine Nacht sind wir bis drei Uhr aufgeblieben. Wir haben uns besser kennengelernt.Seit Anfang der VI. Klasse spreche wir mehr miteinander. Wir sind in der Pause zusammen. Zusammen machen wir die Hausafgaben, gehen wir in den Hof. Wir sprechen viel über alless, wir treffen viel in Basketball, an der Sportstunde. Wir helfen miteinander. Das ist super! Veres Helga és Orban Evelyn VI. A Meine Hobbys: schwimmen und malen Mein Hobby ist Schwimmen. Ich mag sehr schwimmen, mit Ilka gehe ich ins Schwimmbad. Der Trainer heißt Zoli. Von vier bis fünf Uhr am Mittwoch. Ich mag auch malen. Meine Mutter sagt, ich kann gut malen. Nach der Hausaufgabe male ich immer. Marosán Eszter V.A Mein Hund Mein Hund heißt Golyó. Er ist neun Jahre alt und wir spielen sehr viel zusammen. Golyó ist sehr treu, klug und sehr süß. Golyó ist ein Dackel. Ich finde, ein Dackel ist sehr süß und intelligent. Er sieht mich auch sehr freundlich an. Er ist ein bisschen fett. Ich singe gern für ihn. Sein Lieblingsspiel ist ein Ball. Sie lebt in einem Hochhaus. Ich mag Golyó sehr und mein Lieblingstier ist der Hund. Bónis Orsolya V.A Mein Lieblingsspiel: Minecraft

Hallo ! Ich bin dein Handy. Ich bringe ein klassiches Spiel. Der Name dieses Spiels ist Minecraft. In diesem Spiel kann mehrere Spieler zusammen bauen, kämpfen. Nur unsere Kreativität ist die Grenze. Minecraft ist ein Open-World-Spiel. Das Spiel ist erstmals am 17. Mai 2009 für Personal Computer erschienen. Mojang veröffentlichte zusätzliche Version für IOS und Android. Das Spiel wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit 4J Studios auf diverse Konsolen portiert. Minecraft wurde auf allen Plattfornen in Summe um 176 Millionen Mal verkauft und ist somit das meistrverkaufte Spiel weltweit . In dem Spiel kann der Spieler Konstruktionen aus zumeist würfelförmigen Blöcken in einer 3D Welt Bauen. Außerdem kann der Spieler diese Welt erkunden , Ressourcen sammeln , gegen Monster kämpfen und die Blöcke zu anderen Gegenständen weiterverarbeiten . Dies ist eine Java Edition Beta 1.8, in der es die Kreativ Modus gibt, in dem der Spieler unbegrenzte Mengen an Ressourcen und Gegensände zur Verfügun stellt. Ich mag dieses Spiel und spiele oft! Vajas Richard VI.A Meine Katze Meine Katze heißt Picur. Sie ist ein Jahr alt. Ich spiele viel mit Picur, ich mag meine Karze. Sie ist Mädchen. .Sie mag essen und schlafen. Er hat gelbe Augen. Das Fell ist weiß und hat graue Flecken. Manchmal geht er weg und wird richtig krank, aber sie kommt zurük. Németh Csenge V.A

117 Die Reise nach Istanbul

In diesem Jahr, im Sommer ist unsere Klasse mit 9R Klasse in die Türkei gefahren. Der Name der Stadt ist Istanbul. Istanbul ist eine sehr berühmte Stadt der Türkei. Wir waren insgesamt 56 Schüler, darum sind 5 Lehrer mitgefahren. Wir sind am Nachmittag abgefahren. Ich habe im Bus mit Hanni gesessen. Die Reise war sehr lang und anstrengend. Wir sind nach 24 Stunden in Istanbul angekommen. Wir haben uns im Hotel ein bisschen ausgeruht. Später ist jeder Schüler in der Stadt spazieren gegangen. Wir haben sehr interessante Gebäude gesehen, zum Beispiel die Hagia Sophia Kirche und die Blaue Moschee. An einem Tag sind wir mit dem Boot gefahren. Zum Glück war das Wetter sehr schön. Diese Reise war sehr gut und unvergesslich. In Klausenburg hatte ich jeder in meiner Familie über mein Erlebnis erzählt.

Pethő Viola X.H

In der Türkei Im Sommer sind wir in der Türkei gewesen. Es ist Juni gewesen und ist warm gewesen. Das war mein großer Traum. Die ganze Klasse ist gekommen. Der Weg hat vierundzwanzig Stunden gedauert. Im Bus haben wir Musik gehört und wir haben gesprochen. Unser Hotel war nah zum Meer. Am ersten Tag haben wir einen großen Spazieren gemacht. Wir haben die Hagia Sophia Kirche besucht. Es ist sehr groß und die Wände sind bemalt. Wir haben viel neues Essen gegessen. Das türkische Essen ist sehr fein gewesen. Der Hauptplatz von Istanbul ist voll mit wunderschönen Gebäuden. Ich bin überwältigt gewesen. Wir sind in die Topkapi gewesen. Die Topkapi ist der Palast von Suleyman gewesen. Wir haben viel Programm gehabt. Wir haben uns nicht gelangweilt. Wir wussten die türkische Sprache nicht. Wir haben Englisch gesprochen. Wir haben die grosse Stadt entdeckt. Wir haben eine türkische Schule besucht. Es ist ander als unsere. Die Schüler lernen viele interresante Fächer. In der Schule ist ein Teleskop gewesen, und sie haben die Sterne gesehen. Ich möchte in dieser Schule Schülerin sein! Wir sind in einem Museum gewesen, und wir haben einen ungarischen Sabel gesehen. Wir durften allein in die Stadt ausgehen. Ich habe türkischen Kaffe getrunken. Dann sind wir nach Tekirdag gefahren. Da haben wir die Gedenkstätte von Rákóczi besichtigt. Ich habe die “Törökországi levelek” von Mikes Kelemen gelesen, so habe ich die Gedenkstätte sehr interessant gefunden. In Tekirdag haben wir im Meer gebadet. Wir sind in die Türkei eine Woche geblieben. Ich wollte nicht nach Hause gehen, aber ich musste. Es ist mein bester Ausflug gewesen. Für mich hat der Ausflug sehr gefallen. Máté Boróka X.H

118 Die Nutzung unserer Freizeit?

Freizeit ist das liebste Wort für die heutige junge Generation. Wir müssen von acht bis fünfzehn Uhr lernen, sprechen und lesen, aber am Nachmittag möchten wir ausgehen, spazieren und uns mit unserer Freunden treffen. Unser Handy ist wichtig auch. Wir können leicht sprechen, wir lieben soziale Netzwerke. Verschiedene Festivals machen die Sommertage bunter. Wir singen, wir amüsieren uns. Das sind diese Momente, wenn wir wir unsere Gefühle ausdrücken können und wir können neue Freunde finden. Es sind nur wenige Menschen, die sich mit alten Gebäuden beschäftigen oder für die Geschichte interessieren . Die Zeiten ändern sich. Ich denke, die Welt hat sich weiterentwickelt und wir müssen so behandelt werden.

Tasnádi Nóra X.H Berlin – Kreuzworträtzel Deutschland liegt in Mitteleuropa. Das ist ein großes Land. Frankreich, Schweiz, Österreich, die Tschechische Republik, Polen, Dänemark, Niederland und Belgien grenzen Deutschland an. Die Haupstadt von Deutschland ist Berlin. In Berlin ist eine berühmte Sehenswürdigkeit das Brandenburger Tor. Die Farbe der Flagge sind schwartz, rot und gelb. Die Donau beginnt auch aus Deutschland, aus dem Schwartzwald. In Deutschland isst man Würstchen gern und trinken gern Bier. Die meisten Menschen sind katholisch in Deutschland. In Deutschland sind sechzehn Bundesländer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. - 11 .

1. Welcher Fluss beginnt aus dem Schwartzwald? 2. Was ist die Haupstadt von Deutschland? 3. Was isst man in Deutschland gern? 4. Was ist die mittlere Farbe in Deutschlands Flagge? 5. Wie viele Bundeslánder sind in Deutschland? 6. Ein Land, welches Deutschland angrenzt. 7. Hier war die Nationalsozialistisch Deutsche Arbeiterpartei gegründet. 8. Wo liegt Deutschland? 9. Welche Religion haben die Menschen hier? 10. Einer berühmteSehenswürdigkeit in Berlin. 11. Was ist das Internet TLD in Deutschland? Szőke Sára és Kiss Dorottya-Eszter VI.A

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Însemnări de toamnă

Toamnă… iar. Natură fumurii şi întunecați, că distrusă de schimbări majore, oamenii sunt trişti şi cu frig, cu ploaie, cu nori melancolici. E ca un cântec plumburii. Pe cer se adună ce-l cântă împreună copacii şi nori cenuşii, prevestind frunzele şi iarba şi cerul. picurarea toamnei. A venit Copacii se-apleacă în bătaia iar doamna cea sobră şi vântului nemilos cerând, melancolică, toamna. A adus parcă, îndurare, frunzele cu ea tristețea copacilor dansează în cercuri pe goliți de frunziş şi a provocat asfalturi ca într-un refren deznădejdea frunzelor ce melancolic, iarba foşneşte în părăsesc crengile copacilor. valuri strigându-şi neputința O frunză-n cădere foşneşte în în fața năpraznicei toamne. suflarea vântului rece, Crizantema grădinii se- gândind, parcă, la propria-i apleacă a tristețe simțindu-şi zădărnicie. A fost verde sfârşitul sub ropotul ploii. Şi odată şi acum bătută de tot aşa natura plângând se vântul năpraznic, ea cade pe stinge uşor până ce mantia asfaltul umed. E ca într-o albă a iernii o-nvăluie într-o poveste ce începe cu: „A fost odată…” mare tăcere.” Aşa se încheie povestea spusă E povestea toamnei scrisă de copacul încet de-o frunză-n cădere şi începe o altă golit de frunziş, dar e şi povestea frunzei. poveste. Povestea lor începe aşa: „ A fost odată o O altă poveste spusă cu sfială de-un toamnă bogată în rod, cu podgorii pline de bobocel stingher ce păşeşte ruşinos spre un struguri cu bob mare şi aromat, cu livezi nou început. E un nou început de an şcolar. E îmbelşugate în care merele, perele şi prunele larmă veselă, agitație de ghiozdane, ochi aşteaptă nerăbdătoare să umple coşurile. E un curioşi şi întrebători. Se simte în aer emoție, miros atrăgător, e o aromă ce pluteşte în aerul dar şi optimism. E vibrația sufletelor care abia rece al toamnei, e bucuria oamenilor ce încep să viseze: primul coleg de bancă, răzbate din depărtări, ca semn că rodul întâlnirea cu abecedarul, cu omul cu privire toamnei a fost bogat. E tristețea naturii că i-au caldă, cu dascălul, ce-i va fi călăuză. Zilele plecat cântătorii, că i s-au golit copacii, că a acestea vor reveni mereu şi emoția şi toamna. îngălbenit covorul ierbii, că soarele nu mai Să avem o toamnă frumoasă şi un an şcolar zâmbeşte, că cerul plânge, că norii sunt plin de succese şi împliniri!

Péntek Éva X R

Momente și amintiri de neuitat cu bunica și bunicul

Mulțumesc din suflet lui Dumnezeu timpul treceam prin parcul mare. Drumul era pentru că mi-a dat șansa să îmi cunosc bunicii lung, dar niciodată nu a fost plictisitor, mei minunați. Mulțumesc că pot să le văd deoarece cântam cu veselie, ne jucam de-a v- zâmbetul și cum li se umplu ochii de lacrimi ați ascunselea, culegeam castane, iar apoi le când merg în vizită la ei. vopseam împreună în diferite culori. Îmi aduc aminte de vremurile, când Bunicul meu este cel mai frumos om din viața eram mică. Venea bunicul meu drag la mea, deoarece m-a învățat multe lucruri grădiniță și mă aștepta cu zâmbetul lui folositoare, m-a sfătuit cu o grămada de minunat, cu obrajii îmbujorați și cu ochii lucruri importante, ce mi le aduc aminte în strălucitori. Când am porneam spre casă, tot ziua de astăzi, iar pentru asta îi mulțumesc din

121 toată inima. De la bunicul am învățat să fiu corectă în viață, să fiu sinceră ca să câștig respectul celor din jur și, mai ales, să îmi iubesc și să îmi cinstesc părinții. O dată, bunicul meu, mi-a povestit cum a fost prima întâlnire cu bunica mea. O compara cu desenele, cu un personaj celebru: Cenușăreasa. S-au cunoscut la dans, după război. Bunicul și-a făcut curaj și a invitat-o la dans, apoi a condus-o acasă...apoi viața lor a fost un dans, nu s-au mai despărțit niciodată. Acum, el are 89 de ani, iar bunica 85, dar iubirea lor e tânără ca la început. Vorbește cu cea mai mare dragoste despre ea. Îmi spune mereu că bunica era cea mai frumoasă fată din lume, cu părul creț și blond, cu ochii albaștri ca cerul senin de vară și cu obrajii de un roz al trandafirului. O Bunicul și bunica sunt o comoară compară cu actrița Marilyn Monroe, dar o pentru mine. Le mulțumesc pentru fiecare descrie cu mai multă emoție. moment petrecut împreuna cu ei. În Bunica mea, la fel vorbește despre el, momentele în care sunt tristă, doar ei fac tot cu cel mai mare drag și spune că bunicul tot posibilul să mă facă să râd. Bunicii trebuie timpul o ruga să danseze cu el pe piesa lui prețuiți și iubiți pentru că ei oferă totul pentru preferată, Földvár felé fél úton. La ei a fost nepoți! iubire la prima vedere, niciodată nu s-au lăsat la greu, au fost acolo unul pentru celălalt. Biró Aliz XI.H

Noi și persoanele din jurul nostru

Fiecărui om îi este bine împarți orele zilelor trecătoare. să fie înconjurat cu suflete De multe ori, aceste figuri prețioase, la care poate să se devin persoane prețioase în întoarcă, la necaz și la plăcere. viața noastră, prieteni care sunt Omul singur ar fi ca o zi încântați să petreacă zilele fără realizări, deoarece omul în împreună cu noi. fiecare zi vede, atinge și Fiecare femeie și bărbat realizează ceva care va avea are nevoie de o pereche, de o sens mai târziu. Cele mai iubire, care să-i încarce inima curate sentimente sunt realizate cu sentimentele necesare. de cei dragi pentru noi. Familia Totodată, fiecare are nevoie de ne este alături în fiecare zi, ne o iubire, care să fie neuitată... vede toate realizările, mișcările, de o iubire, care să fie un dificultățile și bucuriile. Ei sunt sprijin, care să perfecționeze cei care știu cele mai mărunte familia, prietenia, colegul sau detalii despre noi, cei care colega și, nu în ultimul rând, întotdeauna știu ce simțim, fără persoana care iubește. Se mai să scoatem vreo vorbă. află în jurul tău persoane Prietenii sunt ca o a obișnuite, care nu au aparent doua familie, mâini ajutătoare nicio legătură cu tine, totuși la nevoie și zâmbet la plăcere. Colegii de aveți multe în comun. Amândoi vă trăiți viața, clasă sau colegii de muncă sunt figuri cu care în fiecare zi vă treziți, vă rezolvați treburile,

122 supraviețuiți zilelor monotone. Caracterele și Noi, oamenii suntem norocoși, trăsăturile acestea numai o singură Ființă le deoarece avem parte de persoanele dragi și de poate împlini: Dumnezeu. El poate fi sentimentele lor, putem realiza ceva zi de zi, totalitatea acestor aspecte, dacă îi dăruiești putem simți și primi... Cel mai important este încrederea și iubirea ta infinită. să dăruim și să îi împlinim pe ceilalți prin puterea iubirii. Budai Henrietta XI.H

Percy Jackson și Olimpienii - Hoțul Fulgerului

Cât știi despre mitologia care devine o sabie de bron. Fiind luată Greacă? Te fascionează zeii Greci? prin surprindere, Furia este tăiată cu Dacă da, atunci Percy Jackson si sabia și explodează în praf de aur. Când Olimpienii este o carte pe care o să o Percy iese de cameră, găsește pe toată iubesti! În cartea aceasta, zeii Greci lumea afară și sabia e un stilou din nou. există și exact ca în mitologia Colegii săi și profesorul nu par Greacă, zeii din când în când au copii să își amintească de nimic, nici chiar că cu muritori, creând un semizeu, Mrs. Dodds a existat vreodată. Grover jumâtate muritor și jumătate zeu. și profesorul încearcă să-l convingă pe Cartea începe cu descrierea Percy că totul a fost o haluținație lui Percy Jackson, un copil de 12 ani cauzată de ADHD-ul lui, însă Percy știe din New York care se chinuie la școală, ce a văzut și insistă, întrebând despre ce trebuind să schimbe școli în fiecare an. El fulger este vorba și de ce trebuie returnat trăiește în dormitorul școlii și se pregătește să înainte de solstițiu. meargă acasă pentru vacanța de vară, la Realizând că Percy nu este păcălit, mama sa, Sally Jackson, și la tatăl vitreg, Grover îl duce acasă, explicând în mod vag Gabe, un părinte abuziv. Înainte să meargă părinților despre ce este vorba. Mama sa îi acasă, trebuie să viziteze un muzeu Grec cu duce pe Percy și Grover într-un loc numid profesorul lui de latină, care se află într-un Camp Half-Blood. În timp ce merg, Percy scaun cu rotile și cu profesoara de află că tatăl său biologic este un zeu, însă nu matematică, Mrs. Dodds. știe cine. În muzeu, Percy vorbește cu Grover, În timp ce merg, sunt atacați de prietenul lui, deoarece nu se înțelege bine cu minotaur, monstrul legendar jumătate om și colegii săi de clasă. În muzeu învață despre jumătate taur, chiar înainte să ajungă sus pe zeii Greci și despre Eroii greci, precum deal. Grover este atacat și cade inconștient, Perseus. Acesta e un erou cu numele lui care lăsând pe Sally și Percy să-l ajute sus pe deal l-a ucis pe Medusa. Mrs. Dodds e nervoasă și în timp ce minotaurul atacă. Minotaurul îl cheamă pe Percy în camera cealaltă, Percy, învinge și îl "omoară" pe Sally, forțându-l pe speriat și enervat, merge după ea. Percy să se lupte cu minotaurul. În camera cealaltă, unde nu era Aste este începutul cărții și de aici nimeni, Percy se uită altundeva pentru o devine din ce în ce mai bună. Următoarele secundă și când se uită înapoi, vede că Mrs. capitole devin doar mai captivante, vorbind Dodds, e acum o furie din Hades, zboară spre despre fulger, descoperind mai multe despre el, cerându-i lui Percy să returneze fulgerul tatăl lui Percy. Totul este explicat într-un mod lui Zeus, pe care ea crede că el l-a furat. Percy sau altul într-o misiune de a recupera fulgerul. sare din drum, spunând că nu are idee despre Dacă dorești să citești cartea, ea poate fi ce este vorba, însă Mrs. Dodds insistă, găsită în limba română la Vivo și în limba acuzându-l că este un mincinos. engleză la librăria Cărturești. Sper că ți-am Profesorul lui de latină intră în stârnit curiozitatea și o să fii de acord, citind cameră, agitat, și îi aruncă lui Percy un stilou cartea! Gergely Erik XI.H

123 Impresii sufleteşti

în care va apărea autoarea şi modul în care se va desfășura evenimentul. Dintr-o dată s-a făcut linişte, pupilele lumii înconjurătoare s-au lărgit, fixindu-se pe acelaşi punct stabil. Sosirea autoarei a fost urmată de un ropot de aplauze uriaş. A apărut o femeie mică de statură, dar cu un caracter puternic şi o concepție de viață aparte. Chipul ei emana tot de ceea ce avea lumea nevoie. Părea o doamnă simplă, dar oarecum extravagantă. Avea părul șaten, iar bretonul Începeam săptămâna gri cu priviri era accesoriul, care o defineşte încă din încețoșate de mințile noastre deja obosite. copilărie. Şi-a povestit o amintire, care Orele treceau una după alta şi materiile se reflecta această observaţie. Vocea ei mângâia schimbau între ele. Plănuiam să ne urmăm auzul spectatorilor. S-a realizat repede o programul obișnuit, când dintr-o dată, legătură între ea şi noi, spectatori. Lumea era doamna profesoară de limba română ne-a interesată de ea, chiar şi despre cele mai mici oprit pe hol ca să discute cu noi. Pe fața ei se detalii. Între spectatori se afla o doamnă reflecta mult entuziasm când ne-a invitat s-o drăguță, care i-a adresat întrebări în legătura însoțim la o întâlnire cu o scriitoare cu viața ei şi modul în care își formula ideile contemporană pe nume Doina Ruşti, întâlnire şi aduna gândurile. Doamna Doina Ruşti era organizată în incinta Bibliotecii Județene la fel de drăguță, răspundea la toate „Octavian Goga”. Ne-a luat puțin prin întrebările cu cel mai mare drag şi entuziasm. surprindere, dar i-am acceptat în final cu mare Ne-a uimit felul în care vorbea, nu se simțea curiozitate invitația. diferită de noi. Ne-a introdus, intens şi Cu cât mai mult se apropia ziua de joi, profund, în lumea ei, în mediul care o cu atât mai entuziasmate eram de faptul că formează ca om şi o ajută să-şi exprime vom participa la un astfel de eveniment. gândurile într-un fel aparte ca apoi să-şi arate A sosit ziua mult aşteptată, dar orele perspectiva de scriitor lumii întregi. Ne-a spus nu treceau greu până când ne-am început că ea e îndărgostită de personajele pe care le călătoria alături de doamna profesoară. În creează. A fost emoționant felul în care a timp ce stăteam în stația de autobuz şi eram transformat moartea mamei într-o punte spre nevoite să aşteptăm autobuzul, aproximativ 5 literatură. Ca să scape de durerea ce părea minute, relația elev-profesor s-a transformat infinită, a inventat un personaj, dar personajul într-o cu totul alta, prin atmosfera deschisă acela trebuia umplut cu substanță. Asta a creată de dorința de a ne cunoaşte una pe condus-o spre cercetarea secolului al XVIII- cealaltă. Doamna profesoară a crescut foarte lea... A fost captivant... mult în ochii noştri lăsându-ne să pătrundem Ne simțeam atât de bine în preajma ei în spațiul ei personal, nesimțindu-se jenantă încât ne-a dăruit o siguranță sufletească de nicio întrebare pusă de către noi, iar ca precum ar fi fost un sprijin sufletelor noastre semn de mulțumire am încercat să-i arătăm fragile cu care am stăruit să-i înțelegem faptul că această schimbare este reciprocă. mintea ei labirint. A sosit autobuzul şi ne-a dus la Părăsind sala puțin mai repede destinaţia mult aşteptată. Ne-am oprit în fața uitându-ne în spatele nostru, eram invidioşi pe uşii, simţindu-ne oarecum stresate de cei care au avut oportunitatea de a o asculta necunoscutul, dar totuşi doritul... Apoi am un timp mai îndelungat decât noi. Uşa intrat. Era multă lume, atât profesori, cât şi bibliotecii s-a închis, dar nu şi sufletele elevi. Ne-am asociat cu acea atmosferă. noastre. Nu încetam să vorbim despre Convorbirile păsărăşti ale oamenilor ne-au personalitatea unică a acestei doamne, care s- tocit minţile. Lumea incerca să prezică felul a străduit să-şi adune gândurile pentru a putea

124 scrie cărțile, formulând mesaje ce vin parcă îndrumat să scriem un astfel de articol pentru din alt timp. a ne încuraja colegii să ia parte la cât mai Faptul că doar foarte puțini dintre noi am avut multe evenimete asemenea acestuia. privilegiul de a asculta un astfel de dialog dintre o scriitoare şi cititorii cărții sale ne-a Pálfi Henrietta şi Mihácsa Orsolya XI.H

Despre educație și profesorul ideal

Chiar dacă deseori profesor sau părinte în vorbim despre școală cu ură și educația tinerilor este un mare tristețe, este un lucru necesar sacrificiu. De fapt, trebuie să în formarea tinerilor. Școala sacrifici sângele, care este fundamentează viitorul, nu timpul tău, oasele care doar al unei persoane, ci al construiesc baza educării, întregii omeniri. Educația adică răbdarea și capul care dezvoltă stilul unui om, este cunoștința, care trebuie spiritul unui om, și chiar să fie împărtășită elevilor. sufletul unui om, aspecte care Care este rolul profesorilor? nu pot fi predate decât de Fără îndoială, profesorul are niște profesori moderni, rolul de a deschide inteligenți. Educarea tinerilor perspectiva unui elev și în în secolul nostru haotic este stimularea gândirii elevilor, dificilă și pentru copii și învățându-i un mod de a pentru profesori. Fiind elevă, dobândi informațiile și perspectiva mea asupra cunoștințele necesare. educației va oglindi opinia Profesorul trebuie să fie un mea și observațiile mele. sprijin pentru elevi, contribuie Deseori ne aflăm pierduți în lumea în a-i maturiza, prin cunoașterea modului lor vocabularului adecvat, în lumea numerelor personal de învățare. Educarea copiilor cum infinității sau chiar în lumea reală și nu știm să gândească, lărgirea punctului lor de vedere de ce existăm. îi ajută, tinerii descoperind astfel cum să De fapt, exemplul sunt eu. memoreze, cum să judece sau cum să Adolescentul tipic care n-are idee de ce învață aprecieze aspectele prețioase ale vieții, sau care este scopul principal în viață. precum libertatea, iubirea pe care le primesc Astfel,’pierdut’ este cuvântul potrivit de a din lumea exterioară. Aceștia sunt termenii descrie haosul din mintea mea aglomerată cu care ajută la autocunoașterea unui om cu multe micuțe idei avantajoase, dar și cu idei success. Astfel, din punctul meu de vedere, nefolositoare. Noi, copiii avem mii de confuzia tinereții este normală și profesorii nu întrebări fără răspunsuri, fără explicații sau pot să ne ajute în problema aceasta, decât prin fără susținere. Pentru ce învățăm? Ce facem încurajare și susținere. când nu mai avem profesori sau părinți care Așadar, profesorul în sistemul de să ne susțină? Care sunt materiile importante educație contemporan trebuie să fie poarta penru noi la școală, deoarece este clar că nu spre autocunoaștere, cheia succesului și a toate materiile au sens? E un pic obositor de a stilului de viață echilibrat, învățându-ne cum păstra notele bune cu mii de activități după să se descurcăm în viața reală. Niciodată nu ore, de a ne pregati la diferite examene, și trebuie să uităm că profesorii sunt ca sângele chiar de a petrece timp alături de familie și în inima corpului omenesc, ei țin viața prieteni. umanității. În contrast, niciodată nu o să spun că noi suntem singurii care suntem obosiți. A fi Kovács Bernadette XI.H

125 O săptămână minunată, lumea minunată a copiilor

Copilăria este cea mai frumoasă perioadă a vieții, esențială în formarea caracterului. Copilăria înseamnă joc, viață fără griji și probleme, libertate totală. Copilăria nu are limite, e plină de voioșie și fericire… Vara aceasta am avut ocazia să intru din nou în această lume minunată. Am avut plăcerea să mă implic, să ajut în derularea unei tabere pentru copii mici, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 3 și 8 ani. Tabăra era organizată de una dintre doamnele profesoare din liceul nostru, avea o tematică religioasă, dar în același timp a oferit șansa creativității, și nu numai. Pe durata acelei săptămâni am devenit Copiii veneau veseli și curioși, unii erau din nou copil, și mi-am amintit cât de bine a chiar foarte jucăuși. Atmosfera era plină de fost! Mă jucam toată ziua, ascultam povești râsete dulci, copilărești. Între ei, m-am simțit ca pe vremuri, cântam, dansam, n-aveam grijă din nou copil și m-am jucat cu ei cu cea mai de nimic. Asta înseamnă copilăria. mare plăcere. Unii chiar m-au “obligat” să mă Mulțumesc doamnei profesoare pentru joc, nu acceptau refuz… iar eu eram gata să le că a avut încredere în mine, m-a chemat s-o împlinesc dorințele. Era un fel de-a spune, că ajut în realizarea minunatei idei de a oferi “e bine că ești printre noi”, sau “ești prietena copiilor o “altfel de săptămână” în mijlocul mea“ - iar eu mă bucuram enorm. verii. A fost o “altfel de săptămână” și Când era vorba despre învățat sau pentru mine, fiindcă mi-am dat seama cât de despre a face ceva creativ, curiozitatea și bine e să fii între copiii mici, care încă au inventivitatea lor era fără margini. M-au nevoie de afecțiune, de ajutor, care sunt niște fascinat și m-au impresionat. I-am ajutat să firi atât de gingașe. Au nevoie de multă formeze animăluțe din plastelină, să planteze atenție, dar merită! Aș merge și cu alte ocazii flori, am pregătit împreună turtă dulce,… A în viitor, căci a fost o experiență de neuitat! fost minunat! Molnár Margaréta-Boróka XI.H

Viaţa nouă în Liceul Unitarian

Acum câteva săptămâni, odată cu adaugă multe la personalitatea unui tânăr, începerea școlii, viaţa mea a luat o turnură plecat de acasă, de lângă părinți. mare. M-am mutat în Cluj la internat. Internatul face socializarea mai Primele zile au fost grele şi neplăcute, uşoară într-o comunitate nouă. Poţi să îți cu multe emoţii, dar acum cred că în camera găseşti prieteni pentru o viaţă şi locul tău, în noastră este cel mai bine. Fetele cu care sunt şcoala asta imensă. Pereții sunt înalți și reci, în aceeaşi cameră, sunt tare drăguţe şi dar inimile calde. înţelegătoare. Fetele mai mari sunt mai Momentul meu preferat este când tot prietenoase decât m-am aşteptat. Câteodată internatul mănâncă cina împreună şi primim probe, dar asta este împreună cu clasa atmosfera este veselă şi liberă. Atunci simt că a noua. locul meu e aici, iar viitorul e plin de Internatul îi învaţă pe adolescenţi să speranță. fiu ordonați şi răbdători. În plus, îi învaţă să În şcoala aceasta nouă, am început să se adapteze uşor oriunde merg în lume. Cu gândesc altfel în legătură cu prietenii şi alte cuvinte, internatul şi viața în comunitate învăţatul. Temele sunt obositoare până seara,

126 dar colegii mei de cameră îmi dau putere responsabilă, iar profesorii ne vor îndrepta cu chiar şi la miezul nopţii. Când venim înapoi la pricepere pașii spre lumea largă. Cluj din satul drag, este tare greu, dar când Încă îmi lipseşte atmosfera privată de văd un chip senin pe coridor, devin mai acasă, şi abia aştept să merg acasă la familia veselă. mea dragă, în satul meu. Este bine Colegii mei de clasă sunt grozavi. Ne oriunde,dar tot acasă este cel mai bine. distrăm şi vorbim mult, avem o clasă bună. Am fost tare speriată, însă trăiesc cu Diriginta este amabilă cu noi şi încă nu avem speranța că voi găsi în acest loc bucuria niciun conflict. Sper că până în clasa a adolescenței, bucurie ce se va transforma în douăsprezecea vom ajunge o familie mare și amintiri de suflet, pentru întreaga viață.

Nagy Eszter IX.R

Experiențe extrașcolare

Școala… o unitate de mituri au și ele la bază o învățământ, locul unde te duci poveste, un strop de realitate în fiecare zi pentru a-ți din care putem învăța. Drumul îmbogătăți cunoștințele... nostru a continuat în reprezintă toate acestea, dar Sighișoara, Brașov și niciunul cu adevărat. Școala bineînțeles Castelul Bran care are încă un rol foarte trebuia să fie explorat. important în dezvoltarea Studenții au avut șansa să personalității. În momentul în primească o mostră din care părăsești băncile școlii tradițiile noastre, fiind invitați trebuie să fii capabil să la un spectacol de dans deosebești binele și răul, să-ți popular. De asemenea, au fost asumi responsabilitatea pentru invitați să asiste la câteva ore faptele și deciziile tale. În și să cunoască mai bine același timp ai nevoie și de Clujul. În penultima zi, am prieteni care să te îndrume pe avut onoarea să participăm la calea cea bună, să-ți fie un curs de teatru, bazându-ne aproape și să te susțină în momentele grele tot pe tema miturilor, în urma căruia cuvântul ale vieții. mit recapătă un alt sens. Programul European School Network Programele extrașcolare dau îți oferă șansa să legi prietenii, să cunoști mai posibilitatea descoperirii unor noi culturi, noi bine alte culturi și înveți să vezi peste aptitudini care ne vor ajuta in momentul în prejudecăți. La începutul semestrulu,i școala a care pășim pe drumul vieții. Tot ce învățăm în găzduit elevi din mai multe țări, ca Polonia, băncile școlii ne va călăuzi tot restul vieții, Franța, Turcia, Finlanda și Ungaria. Scopul fiind o sursă pe care ne putem baza și la care programului era să dezvăluim secretul lui putem apela în labirintul existenței. Dracula și să dovedim că povestea lui este Cunoștințele lexicale învățate la școală sunt doar un mit, o poveste.În cadrul programului importante, însă doar legate de experiențe am cunoscut și miturile altor culturi. Aceste educative dau rezultatul dorit.

Domokos Anna Orsolya X. R

127 Aventurile lui Spiderman în grădină

A fost odată o grădină obişnuită. Fiindcă avea timp, din pânza lui de Obişnuită?! Nu prea cred! Fiindcă în această păianjen a țesut un rollercoaster. L-a grădină trăia un păianjen. Era mic, negru și numitBIG SPIDER RIDER. Locuitorii mereu se plictisea, ca și ceilalți locuitori ai grădinii prima dată au râs de păianjen, dar grădinii. când i-au văzut pe primii curajoși care au Grădina era ordonată, frumoasă, avea încercat să se dea în rollercoasterul un mic lac cu peștișori, ... era o liniște totală. păianjenului, au început să se obișnuiască cu Și acum vă puteți imagina grădina: plictiseală un cuvânt potrivit: DISTRACȚIE! Fără de 100%. Și atunci de ce am scris această plictiseală! FĂRĂ PLICTISEALĂ! poveste?Ca să vă plictisesc? Sau ca să vă Păianjenul era cel mai bucuros. Dar a povestesc despre eroul nostru, micul păianjen. devenit și mai bucuros, când, drept răsplată Într-o zi, păianjenul a văzut pe stradă pentru crearea celei mai mariatracții a o reclamădespre un parc de distracții. În grădinii, a primit un costum de supererou de aceastăreclamă, apăprea cel mai minunat ziua lui. Înainte să uit, a primit și un nume: lucru din lume: un rollercoaster!Numele era SPIDERMAN. De ce “man”? Pentru că absolut fantastic: RANGER numai un om poate să creeze ceva așa de ROLLERCOASTER! Din reclamă, impozant. Și de ce “spider”? Păi, asta e păianjenul nu a înțeles decât că un simplu de înțeles! rollercoaster este foarte distractiv. Balázs-Blénessi-Pataki Kincső VI.C

Vrei să te joci? Când ne gândim la dar trebuie să spun că joc, o mulțime de lucruri ne pentru mine jocul clasic vin în minte. În general, este Carcassonne. Am jocul aduce bucurie și prieteni care mă întreabă de optimism. Îți aduce ce Carcassonne și de ce mă relaxare și evadare din duc chiar și la campionate. realitate. Este foarte Răspunsul este simplu: este important în viața noastră, un joc cu reguli simple, cu în fiecare fel în care există. o strategie adâncă și de Cred că în zilele noastre fiecare dată construiești jocurile de calculator sunt diferite peisaje. Când mă cele mai curente. Dar, în joc cu adversarul e viața mea, jocurile de interesant să văd el cum societate sunt foarte gândește și ce fel de prezente, deoarece am strategii folosește pentru a crescut cu acestea. De multe ori, după școală acumula cât mai multe puncte. sau la sfârșit de săptămână am avut ocazia să Trebuie să știi că jocul conține ne jucăm împreună cu familia. Desigur, am și cartonașe cu teritorii și pioni pentru jucători. preferatul meu, numele jocului este Când vine rândul său, jucătorul potrivit trage Carcassonne. Jocul a primit numele după un un cartonaș pe care îl adaugă la cartonașele oraș din sudul Franței care este celebru pentru deja așezate pe masă. Jucătorul poate să cetățile sale. Sper că într-o zi o să ajung acolo ocupe cu un pion un teritoriu liber. Acela și o să văd în realitate cetatea pe care am devine teritoriul lui. Când un teritoriu este construit de atâtea ori în joc. finalizat, aduce puncte. În sfârșit, câștigă Pentru mulți un joc clasic este jucătorul cu cele mai multe puncte. Monopoly, Nu te supăra frate, Activity, Solo, Tánczos Dorottya IX.H

128 Cartea mea preferată

Labirintul - Evaderea Fiecare dintre cei opt este o carte despre experiență alerga în fiecare zi în câte o de a-ți împinge mintea până la secțiune a labirintului, care arată limitele ei și a forța să sară diferit în fiecare zi, iar seara se dincolo. O carte despre întâlneau, făceau hârți și supravețuire, depășirea încercau să găsească un tipar, temerilor, și găsirea unor ceva să le îndice calea spre ieșire soluții de criză. Numai o și libertate. Alergătorii intrau îm persoană extrem de puternică labirint doar ziua, având grijă să și echilibrată mintal poate se întoarcă în poiană înaintea depăși astfel de provocări și accea este personajul principal închidera zidurilor, întrucât Thomas. noaptea în labirint cutreierau “ Cănd Thomas se Dureroșii” (niște monștri trezește într-un loc îngrozitori care îl sfârtecau pa necunoscut, nu-și amintește loc pe nefericitul ce nu reușea să decăt cum îl cheamă. Mintea îi se întoarcă la timp. este ca o foaie albă. În jurul lui Thomas devenind se află mai mulți băieți, care îi alergător, dovedește mult curaj urează bun-venit îăn Poiană un și prezențtă de spirit. Reușește să loc înconjurat de ziduri de piatră. La fel ca găsească o soluție pentru a se salva pe el și pe Thomas, Poienarii nu au nici o idee despre ceilalți doi de Dureroși, supravețiuind peste felul în care au ajuns acolo și nici din ce noapte. Lucrurile devin și mai starnii când, motiv. alergând prin labirint, Thomas gâsește o Tot ceea ce știu este că, în fiecare plăcuță a cârei semnificație n-o înțelesese dimineață, porțile de piatră către labirintul nimeni. “COLAPSUL REALITĂȚII care îi înconjoară se deschide și că în fiecare UNITATEA” zonă intersiză- morți seară se închid la loc. Și la fiecare 30 de zile, experimentale. un nou băiat apare acolo, adus cu un li. Timpul trece nemilos și soluția nu Așadar, Thomas era așteptat. Cu totul apare, astfel că Thomas realizează că are neașteptat, a doua zi este trimisă acolo și o nevoie de informații ascunse adânc în mintea fată-prima fată din grup. Deși aflată în comă sa. Pentru a le face să iasă la suprafată, alege aceasta se trezește pentru o și le spune “Totul o soluție desperată: să se lase voit înțepat de se va schimba”, iar în mână avea o hârtie cu Dureroși. un mesaj “ Ea e ultima. Pentru totdeauna”. Cu o acțiune alertă, adrenalină la cote Thomas simțea că el trebuie să fie alergător, maxime, cartea te tine până la sfărșit, dar nu era ușor să ajungi alergător. Penrtu naputând să o lași din mână. acesta trebuia să treci printr-o alta secțiunile, Vă recomand și vă las să descoperiți să participi la toate muncile, iar la final singuri cum vor evolua lucrurile, spunându-vă râmâneai la cea pentru care erai potrivit. doar că finalul nu clarifică lucrurile, ci te “Alergătorii” erau cei mai buni dintre ei, cu o intrigă și mai mult, fâcându-te să arzi de condiție fizică cea mai bună și mintea brici. nerăbdare să citești următorul volum.

Juhász-Palkó Kriszta X.H

129 La sala de sport

Oamenii merg la sală pentru că doresc multe calorii, dulcuri, ciocolată etc.). Cei să facă mişcare şi să arate cât mai bine din slim, în schimb, trebuie să mănânce punct de vedere fizic. Pentru aceasta, cei care mâncăruri care conţin multe calorii, şi să le îşi dedică timpul liber urmează un program consume de cinci ori pe zi. Este obligatoriu să foarte strict. De exemplu, în fiecare zi din mănânci ouă în fiecare zi dacă ai început să săptămână, alcătuim programe pentru fiecare mergi la sală, şi dacă vrei să-ți mărești grupă musculară separat, asfel: în zilele de musculatura. Este bine să mănânci mâncăruri luni se fac exerciţii pe muşchii pieptului şi care conţin proteine, de exemplu: cărnuri, tricepşi, marţi pentru spate şi umeri, miercuri carbohidraţi, felii de proteine. Alimentaţia este cea mai grea zi, deoarece este zi de potrivită este foarte importantă pentru picioare etc. Se recomandă să ai antrenor exerciţiile la sală. personal, dearece poţi greşi la modul în care Avantajele sălii: devii mai încrezător trebuie făcut exerciţiul. Dacă nu faci corect în sine, devii mai puternic, o să ai corp exerciţiile, există riscul deformării muşchilor. armonios şi disciplinat. Dacă te hotărăşti să începi Dezavantaje sălii: dacă ai început, antrenamentul la sală, trebuie să ai trebuie să-l faci mereu, până la capăt... determinare, hotărâre şi să fii tenace. Mulţi Întreruperea antrenamentelor duce la oameni se opresc după câteva săptămâni, îngrăşare (dar nu în toate cazurile), ocupă tot pentru că nu văd nici un progres. timpul liber. Există două categorii de persoane care Am început să frecventez sala de o frecventează sala de sport: lună. În a treia săptămână aproape că am Cei care au greutatea şi volumul renunţat, pentru că nu se vedea nicio creştere corpului mare, şi cei care sunt slim (cum e a masei musculare la mine, dar mă bucur că cazul meu). Pentru ca musculatura să se n-am făcut-o. Am început să îndrăgesc dezvolte armonios este nevoie de o ganterele şi să rămân mai mult timp acolo. alimentaţie corespunzătoare. Cei cu Mă simt bine şi puternic zi de zi. greautatea corporală mare (supraponderali) au Recomand tuturor măcar să-ncerce nevoie de o alimentaţie dietetică. De activităţile de la sala de sport. Poate că acest exemplu, va trebui să consume multe legume, fel de „sport” vi se potriveşte. Încercaţi-l, mazăre, orez etc. și să evite mâncărurile merită! grase, cum ar fi: mâncăruri care conţin multe Spor... grăsimi, fast fooduri... mâncăruri care conţin Katona Mark X.R


Vântul bate puternic. Privesc soarele care apune lent în timp ce ultmele raze ale zilei se reflectă în apă. Nu mai văzusem marea atât de liniștită. De fiecare dată când stau aici, pe malul al cărui nisip este neobișnuit de fin, îmi închid ochii și încep să visez. Visez și îmi imaginez o lume mai bună. Una al cărei stăpân e fericirea, iar ura e exilată si trimisă departe, acolo unde nimeni nu poate da de ea. Apoi deschid ochii și înfrunt realitatea. Îmi doresc să fiu liberă, să am aripi, să zbor precum pescărușii ce mă privesc de la înălțime. Sunt convinsă de faptul că râd de

130 mine. Îi amuză visul meu copilăresc. Văd un despre câte s-au întâmplat de când a plecat. fulger în depărtare, care e urmat de primii Până să realizez, eram deja în apă, privind picuri de apă. Pornesc spre casă. Vârfurile cerul înstelat. A dispărut.. .Am plecat cu ochii copacilor se mișcă amenințător. Grăbesc plini de lacrimi și cu gândul la bunica. Când pasul și încerc să părăsesc cât mai repede am ajuns acasă, furtuna se oprise... plaja. Îmi întorc privirea pentru o ultimă După acea seară știam că mă va imagine a mării învolburate. Amețesc.. veghea și va avea grijă de mine orice ar fi și Mâinile-mi tremură.. Totul devine gri și lipsit oricât de departe m-aș afla de ea. Nu am spus de viață.. Pe apă se formează o siluetă vagă. nimănui despre ce s-a întâmplat. Ceea ce am Ce se întâmplă cu mine? Trupul desenat de văzut va rămâne însă imprimat în memoria valuri devenea din ce în ce mai clar. Am mea, pentru totdeauna... Acum sunt pregătită recunoscut acei ochi verzi de îndată! Era să încep un nou capitol, o nouă carte a vieții bunica! Știam că nu putea fi, dar stătea acolo, mele. Nu voi mai ezita să visez, să sper, căci atât de reală.. Am început să alerg spre ea. acum nu îmi mai este frică. Voiam să o strâng în brațe, să îi povestesc Máthé Beatrix VIII.A

Noile aventuri ale lui Spiderman

Într-o zi, Chris Pine stătea va lăsa pe gândaci liberi, dar dacă în grădină.Un păianjen s-a urcat câștigă regele, atunci băiatul va fi pe mâna lui și l-a muscat . De la închis pe viaţă în lumea insectelor. mușcătră s-a micșorat și a În timp ce se luptau pe observat, uimit, că are pe el un viață și pe moarte, o furnică i-a costum de păianjen. șoptit că regele va muri doar dacă În iarbă, în faţa lui a văzut îi taie capul. Chris Pine a gasit un un castel. El a intrat în castel,dar cuţit și i-a tăiat capul dintr-o acolo a trebuit să se lupte cu lovitură. gândaci. S-a ascuns într-o Ca printr-o încapere și acolo un gândac mic i- minune,gândacul cel mic a apărut a zis că dacă îl distruge pe regele fericit și i-a zis băiatului că lor îi va spune unde găseste antidotul se află în burta regelui antidotul ca să crească din nou la Rădașcă. Chris a luat antidotul și a loc. crescut la loc cu tot cu costum. În drum spre castel, Chris Chiar atunci bunica lui l-a s-a confruntat cu păianjeni,melci strigat și l-a chemat să mănânce și furnici.Când a ajuns la regele Rădașcă,au sarmale . Chris Pine s-a bucurat că a salvat făcut un pariu.Dacă va câstiga Chris, regele îi gândacii și a primit un costum interesant.

Stoica Dávid VI.C

O vară cu bune și rele

În vara asta am avut multe experiențe repede acasă să mergem la spital, deoarecenu care au fost și bune, dar și mai puțin bune. mai auzeam nimic cu urechea stângăcucare, Vara a început foarte bine pentru că eram cu din păcate, nici acum nu aud. prietenii mei și m-am distrat foarte mult.Dar După ce am avut o operație, a trebuit la sfârșitul lunii iulie toate lucrurile s-au să stau în spital 3 zile. Apoi am plecat la schimbat pentru că în ultima zi din concediu Budapesta, deoarece am avut o nuntă în am sărit în piscină și mi-am spart timpanul și, famile și eram obligați să fim prezenți. În din cauza asta, a trebuit să venim cât mai Ungaria nunțile sunt foarte diferite decât la

131 noi pentru că au o altă tradiție. După ce am pentru ca ne-am simțit foarte bine. Nici nu m- venit acasă, am fost și la Untold unde am gândit că la festivalul acelaar putea să fie câteodată nu am auziit muzica din cauză ca acest gen de muzică. eram operat, dar a fost o experiență foarte În luna august nu prea am putut să ies plăcută, pentru că eram cu prietenii mei și m- cu prietenii pentru că eram sensibil la ureche am distrat foarte mult. așa că am mers la bunici, la Căpușu Mare, și Înaite de Untold în iunie am fost în am stat acolo și i-am ajutat cu ce am putut. Târgul Mureș la festivalul Vibeunde erau După două săptămâni am putut să fac tot ce numai dj și artiști maghiari, deoarece Vibe am vrut, pentru că mi-am mai revenit și nu este un festival maghiar. În timpul zilei am m-a mai durut atât de tare urechea. fost la ștrand pentru că era gratis pentru În vara asta am învățat că trebuie să participanții la festival. La festival, m-am avem mare grijă de sănătatea noastră, dar din întâlnit cu mulți clujeniși ne-am distrat pacate omul nu și dă seama de importanța ei împreună. Într-o altă zi, când am mers sa până nu o pierde. Nu degeaba se spune că mâncăm ceva între două spectacole am găsit sănătatea este cea mai mare comoară a un cort unde era numai muzicăpopulară omului, este mai presus de toate. maghiară. În ziua aceea numai acolo am stat Juhos Dávid XI R

Parașutism cu tata

Tatăl meu întotdeauna a vrut respectivă, am avut stabilită o dată și două săpractice parașutismul. În armată, el a vrut sa sărituri rezervate. fie un soldat parașutist, dar după luni lungi de Nu am avut emoții decât pe data de 5 antrenament și de pregatire, i s-a interzis săse septembrie, 2018,ziua în care trebuia săsărim. parașuteze, din cauza unei situații medicale. M-am trezit și m-am dus la tatal meu. Când am auzitpovestea asta, imediat „Alaltăieri a fost ziua ta, dar azi primești un am știut ce cadou am să-i cumpăr de ziua cadou de la mine. Mai întâi, îmbracă-te lui.M-am așezat în fața calculatorului și am fiindcămergem lângă Câmpia Turzii, unde o scris „Parașute lângă Cluj”. După câteva ore să ne duci cu mașina.” I-am spus și în scurt de căutare, am găsit locul perfect cu un preț timp am pornit. A fost un drum lung și când rezonabil, dar destul de mare pentru un tânăr eram destul de aproape, am început să am cu o muncă de vară, instabilă. emoții mai mari decât oricând. Pe drum, i- Ironic este faptul că, în acea vară, am amdezvăluit tatălui meu surpriza, iar el a râs. lucrat chiar pentru firma tatălui meu. De Când am ajuns, trebuia să semnăm un multe ori am stat și după ce mi s-au terminat contract în care am luat la cunoștință că ce orele de muncă, cu scopul de a strânge cât urma să facem era foarte periculos, și mai mulți bani. compania nu își asuma responsibilitatea După două luni foarte lungi, în sfârșit asupra vieților noastre, adică era și o am avut destui bani pentru două sărituri cu posibilitate dea muri. Semnând documentul parașuta (bineînțeles, dacă mergeam, voiam respectiv, mi-am dat seama că suntem chiar să sar și eu, deoarece nu mulți tineri pot să acolo și urma să sărim dintr-un avion de la spună că au sărit cu parașuta la 15 ani). Am înălțimea de 3000 metri. Ne-am echipat, ne- sunat la compania cu sărituri cu parașuta și au informat și antrenat, ne-au aratat pozițiile am rezervat locurile. Rezervarea nu era de sărit și ce aveam de făcut dacă ceva nu era ușoară, nu era o rezervare clasică, ca și cum în regulă. ar fi o rezervare la cinematograf sau pentru Ne-am urcat în avion și am decolat. alte distracții obișnuite. Vremea trebuia să fie După ce avionul a ajuns la înălțimea potrivită bună pentru o decolare cu un avion mai mic, pentru sărituri, instructorul de salturi a iar data săriturii să fie în jurul zilei lui tati. deschis ușa avionului și .....am sărit! Senzația După o discuție lungă la telefon cu firma de plutire,de zbor, vântul puternicpe fața mea,

132 și realizarea că nu este nimic în jurul meu era experiență din viața mea, dar nu aș mai extraordinară,dar si înfricoșătoare.Pânăîn ziua repeta–o. Niciodată. de azi, aceasta a fost cea mai frumoasă Gáll Dávid XI.R


Toți știm că vacanța este bine. Vacanța a avut un început cel mai așteptat moment al extraordinar, deorece la o zi după tuturor elevilor,deorece pentru ei ce s-a sfârșit școala au început însemnă odihna,răsuflarea după Zilele Liceenilor, care anul acesta supraviețuirea a încă unui an nu au fost chiar așa de bune ca școlar. Vacanța le dă tuturor timp anul trecut. Totuși,eu m-am distrat liber prețios, pe care îl pot deși a fost obositor din cauza petrece alături de cei dragi, faptului că nu am dormit mult și distrându-se sau odihnindu-se, din cauza multor petreceri adică având un somn dulce. Să organizate în decursul celor 5 zile. fim sinceri, toți elevii savurează După câteva zile am participat la dormitul plăcut de vară, fără un festival unde a fost o atmosferă trezirea simultană cu cea a plăcută, a fost foarte interesant. În soarelui. majoriatea zilelor de vacanță am Pentru mine fiecare stat acasă,m-am odihnit. Am fost vacanță este foarte importantă, de foarte multe ori la fotbal, deoarece vacanța îmi dă acel practicând sportul meu preferat. timp pe care îl pot petrece alături Nivelul de joc este ridicat, de familie,de prieteni și de deoarece majoritatea persoanele importante în viața participanților la meciuri au făcut mea, fără să îmi fac griji de fotbal de performanță mai mulți școală, de note. Pot savura ani înainte. Am mai fost în tabără, prezența altora cu maximă unde a fost o mulțime de lume și intensitate. Momentele amintite m-am distrat foarte bine.La sunt foarte prețioase pentru mine, deoarece sfârșitul vacanței am fost cu familia și cu sunt petrecute alături de cei dragi, iar niște prieteni în Ungaria. Acolo am făcut baie astfelîmi încălzesc sufletul. Vacanța înseamnă și am vizitat localitatea în care eram cazați. și perioada când pot să dorm cât vreau, pot să Și această vacanță de vară s-a terminat petrec până dimineața, pot să stau noaptea să cât ai clipi, de parcă ar fi fost o vacanță de mă uit la seriale. Scurt și cuprinzător: pot să căteva zile, dar defapt au fost trei luni care au fac ce îmi stă în fire. trecut cu o rapidate nemaipomenită. A început În acest an, cea mai așteptată vacanță școala, au trecut puține zile și deja mă simt de către mine a fost cea de vară, deoarece este obosit, nici nu vreau să aflu cum o să fie la cea mai lungă vacanță și am timp foarte mult sfârșitul anului, dar pâna atunci aștept cu să fac orice îmi doresc eu.Am supraviețuit nerăbdare următoarea vacanță. unui an puțin greu, dar totul s-a sfârșit cu

Marton Ervin XI.R

133 Olimpiada de sport

Pentru început, aș dori să mă prezint... Sunt Péter din clasa a XI.H. În acest articol, vă voi vorbi despre sport și despre bucuria de a-l practica. Încă din clasele primare, am fost preocupat de activitățile sportive și am participat la antrenamente de baschet pentru a deveni mai bun. Am încercat mai multe sporturi, dar cel mai mult mi-a plăcut baschetul. În clasele gimnaziale am început, în paralel, și voleiul și am fost încântat... În liceu am frecventat cu seriozitate, antrenamentele de baschet și volei, de aceea am fost selectat să joc în echipa școlii. Liceul nostru a câștigat primul loc la olimpiada liceelor maghiare la baschet, astfel am fost calificați la etapa națională la olimpiada de sport. Mă bucur că am avut posibilitatea să particip la un astfel de eveniment. Olimpiada de sport este un eveniment special, a fost organizat în parcul Babeș cu reprezentanți din mai multe licee din Transilvania. Programul zilnic a fost de sporturile. Mă bucur că am putut să reprezint dimineața până seara, în perioada 21-24 echipa sportivă a liceului nostru. septembrie. A fost o plăcere să vezi toate Aș dori să continui antrenamentele meciurile din diferite sporturi: baschet, sportive și să mai avem ocazia de a participa handbal, volei și nu în ultimul rând, înot. la o astfel de olimpiadă. Să nu uitați însă, că o A fost o experiență personală unică. astfel de competiție necesită muncă în echipă Am fost mulțumit și satisfăcut pentru șansa de și seriozitate, la antrenamente. Sportul ne a participa la o competiție de nivel înalt și a dezvoltă trupurile, dar ne formează valori, fost, de fapt, o experiență excepțională pentru precum: responsabilitatea, spiritul de echipă toți participanții. Trebuie să mulțumim și ambiția. Totodată este o plăcere să mă duc profesorilor noștri pregătitori pentru susținere, la antrenamente săptămânal, toți membrii iar organizatorilor olimpiadei pentru că ne-au echipei simțind o mare plăcere în a fi permis să participăm ca o echipă în toate împreună.

Lakatos Péter XI.H


Bolyai matematika csapatverseny Tudománykör elemistáknak

E heti gyümölcsnap a suliban

1956-os megemlékezés az imateremben


A CIPÓ története...... 1 1.Osztályhangulat...... 4 2.Múzsák kertje...... 8 3.Végtelen világok...... 14 4.Ady Endre emlékév...... 18 5.School Journal...... 23 6.The ESN experience...... 36 7.10th Grade Trip to Turkey...... 42 8.Summer Vibe...... 48 9.My Space...... 57 10.Artists’ Palette...... 64 11.The Science Lab...... 69 12.Sports Center...... 73 13.Book Corner...... 77 14.Cinema City...... 83 15.Entertainment...... 96 16.Zwischen den Zeilen...... 99 17.Culoarea gândurilor...... 120

A borítón: Ostoros Andrea (X.H) A hátsó borítót festette: Dénes Johanna (VII.A) A belső borítókat kivitelezték: Domokos Orsolya (X.R) és Kiss Dalma (XI.R)

Fotografiile au fost luate de pe internet și din arhivă personală.

Főszerkesztő: Vorzsák Milán A magyar rész szerkesztői: Kis Gabriella, Dénes Éva, Máté Ildikó Az angol rész szerkesztői: Vorzsák Milán, Balon-Ruff Andrea, Selyem Tünde, Bréda Ildikó, Kovács Mirjám Petra A német rész szerkesztői: Deák Angéla, Bartha Bea, Cserei Botond A román rész szerkesztői: Lavinia Fetti, Silvana Bicăzan, Anamaria Cadar