Inside Crowded State Prisons Than Common Sense and Experience
c.oR3: 3:R5~v.l&/; July/August 1989 From SOS to Upper Crust . 111 ·, ill 11 1n RESERVATION BULK RATE 11 11 U.S. POSTAGE 1 PAID FOR S!N311\10000 31Vf , '4, LII "0 11 11 K I... FLORENCE, Al. 85232 PERMIT NO. 31 SUCCESS G86 ~ ,,.., /\ON I =- f:i.. Arizona's Award Winning Prison Press $0~0~3~ Jl18rld '8 Thinking about release? A¥1~~JjQ ld30 of humdrum jobs, but want a good future? The hospitality-food M E N industry is wide open, and Pierre Marceau, the pioneer in parolee ~~- training, invites you to train as \_ a maitre d' or table captain. Rise above the cheeseburger men- tality. Rub elbows with the rich, ' <'---- -1'!· _ ~ , ......,,..,.,ff .... ~· like lawyers . Enjoy the panache ,.,,111'~ / /- I ~ ('\f 7\rj· .: ' and flair of serving fine er:1trees -· I j /! ·1 \ / : J ; 1 1 like Boeuf Flambe; of offering )l' //' , : t f f ~ 1 treasured vintages like Cleveland/ ~~ : .11 / l1f i 1 , 1988. You will be amazed by the I\) ,: 1 ;,ii swarms of VIPs courting your f avor, I ' J j, palming hefty bills , only for a · glance of recognition, the magical availability of a table. You are Mr. Make-It- Happen, Mr. Wonderful . Our parolees are now happy , success Bonus ful , and predictably devious , at such famous culinary rendezvous ' as the As an enrollment gift, we will Peoria Hilton, Glitzo's , The Eloy show you how to exploit unex Palace, and Andre's, Beverly Hills. pected opportunities. For in Former student Harry Handout, now a stance , your prosecutor appears captain at Reuben Ripoff's Pink Room, for his dinner reservation.
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