Who Is Heather Mizeur? Heather Mizeur has spent more than twenty-five years passionately engaged in public service. She is a public policy expert, a former elected official and gubernatorial candidate, a small business owner, a farmer, and the founder and CEO of a non-profit organization focused on social justice. Mizeur spent a decade working in the U.S. Congress, including four years as former U.S. Senator ’s Domestic Policy Director. Elected to the General Assembly in 2006, Mizeur served two four-year terms and was known as a legislative powerhouse in Annapolis for her work to expand health care for children and families, reform the criminal incarceration system, advance civil rights protections, safeguard the environment, and bring new technology jobs to Maryland.


February 1, 2021 March 16, 2021

Heather Mizeur announces April 16, 2021 Sen. Van Hollen endorses in congressional race Mizeur in 1st District House race Mizeur Collects $350K for to challenge Congressional Bid

Heather raised over $350,000 Heather is endorsed by key Maryland leaders, including from 2,295 individual donations Senator , Congressman Jamie Raskin, in the first 9 weeks. Congressman Anthony Brown, Fmr. Congressman Wayne Gilchrest, and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski.


DONATE ONLINE: MAIL A CHECK TO: VOLUNTEER / HOST AN EVENT: HeatherMizeur.com/Donate PO Box 786 HeatherMizeur.com Chestertown, MD 21620


Maryland’s First District is one of the most gerrymandered in the state and is expected to become more competitive after redistricting. Maryland Congressional maps will be redrawn in early 2022, applying the new districts to this election cycle. U.S. House editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report Dave Wasserman analyzed the potential impacts of redistricting, showing that MD-01 could see a drastic shift in party support. Wasserman adds “Bottom line: in a no-holds-barred redistricting battle for House control in 2022, Harris is in deep trouble and there’s likely to be a great opportunity for a Democrat to pick up a seat and represent the Eastern Shore next year.”

WHY CAN HEATHER WIN? Heather Mizeur, with her history of bipartisan engagement and ability to find common ground on any issue, will compete strongly in a district that is even slightly redrawn for more balance. A few months into her campaign, she is already endorsed by top Democrats in the state and she has put together a team of local and national campaign professionals who have experience winning tough races. A former Maryland legislator, Heather has the right experience for the job and is committed to raising the funds necessary to get her message out to voters. WHY INVEST IN THE RACE AGAINST ANDY HARRIS? Your contribution can make a difference in winning this House seat that could very well decide which party is in the Majority in 2023. Heather was a state legislator for eight years and has built an impressive record of legislative accomplishments, has statewide name recognition and likability, and is a proven fundraiser — assets previous Harris challenges have not brought to the table. In the first two weeks of this campaign, Heather pulled in an impressive quarter-million dollar fundraising. After a decade in office, it’s time to replace Andy Harris with the bold, fearless, dignified leadership we deserve.

ANDY HARRIS. EMBARRASSING MARYLAND. Rep. Andy Harris, the Maryland Delegation’s only Republican, supported Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election that encouraged the insurrection, nearly picked a fist fight with a colleague on January 6th, skipped the second Trump impeachment vote, broke his self-imposed promise on term limits, and got caught trying to take a gun into Congress. ALL IN JANUARY OF THIS YEAR. He has doubled down on embarrassing Maryland, but after six terms, the seat is more vulnerable than ever.

April 13, 2021 March 18, 2021

“Rep. (R-Ga.) on Tuesday proposed legislation “Maryland Rep. Andy Harris was one of 12 to award congressional gold medals to police who ‘protect members of Congress to vote against a bill awarding American cities from Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists’...The bill is Congressional Gold Medals to police officers who co-sponsored by Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.).” protected the U.S. Capitol during the deadly riots.”

January 22, 2021

Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland sets off metal detector while carrying gun near House chamber.

Paid for by Heather Mizeur for Congress