mRWpwCor. GRISWOLD) iwn. highlanders, etc, composing a "* TOItiPICBI ■III I pageant of unrivalled splendor H ■ ■■ a funeral procession more of glory 111 I [andSTATN^atoJ repio- Yeatllatlag and Fooling System of gloom Mr. Howe's series i <>ur % over lea u Blower la the djees not only the scene* In Lorulon Bent That Moaey Can Buy. but also at Windsor and it is remark- daily—3 "n able for the very close vl.w it sflorus 3— shows suts Risirmt ™&n* - m ltoy*»l Advancßd 1 •*■ «- of all the visiting m<*narch* the Week Commencing Monday, June mmm ,j mourners and th» special ambassadors, I 201 including Col. Rouses elt This serns jnday Mat. 1:30. ’ trav- Package at Fun and a Jar ut Glagar. | §|g|Ke 4/B< will be tlie feature «>f next week's A Yaudeiillß June idjas 18611 el festival In the Detroit opera houfct. raj f program will lude num- B. A. ROLFE PRESENTS The new im THE IROWMKU FKATTRE Or ALL FBATI'RKS. erous other features **f the-*, the re- cent eruption of Mt Etna afford* *iu m ■■■* .jflHKyKnv iue sw e-iiiMfdrinw spectacle. It shows movement «»r rivers of mo,ten iUno. more clearly than this devastating force oS«-n.ituie has ever bien shown A The crater is **•< n belching forth lava, which runs "*:ywAr ilsmes and buffing Leading Lady# ’fv down the mountain, destroying in u* The W A MINIATURE MUSICAL COMEDV f urn everything with which It comes ; singing , feji ir contact. , *r ‘ A;-:v : .;;’!vvV*" f;''^ '^ r M f ft’s For those who long to travel there Featuring MARGUERITE HANEY, Comedienne American to tile Kivn*. is a pictorial excursion Wadtvlllr'i Ur*«t««l Rsponeata es Mirth and M»Mr. u* Xsnvay, the lind *.>• the COMPANY ta. MOSTLY GIRLS. i.erniany, or Faature ot the l.oadoa Hlppodroai# and 51. T. American Maata Hall. Midnight including a steamer ru.e act Sun. autu- i 1 iousli the famous rtords, an mobile ride through the . plcturesoije theddar Gorge. . a rand>P- tliiough i groves near.ning- the ocounut France, . ' •« sojourn Rlvicr, “'"f llkfl S >porc nt the H rort of royalty. Wealth, fashion “‘r HI lHe rt DAPRON * STEINER TRIO ptlor.gMv . Lauahiag sml gavetv. and then an ex> i.« «ha Farce. P AIMTY DAMCIMG UIIILU GROTRIRI'C CONKDY and Imitations. *■ ' Symphonies of the .Stories I „ GifslH e su‘ loot. I'tic i.iaVl! in? “Lont-—A Kina la Central **» S.-a," showing the many moods *>r Park.** 'VtSssmssp ■rgesup- »«"'■ moving deep Ith e growing In China l. In Monko l.nnd." «»« on 1? 11 i.m which compose B E NK !• w of other features ™^ JUPITER BROS. THE OORLANB CLAUDE COLDEN a program of unusual merit. l^ Moat Mariflou* Trampolla Act. Casaed? Card Wlsard. l'st#■«« laatrumealallatn and LAWERANCE JOHNSON n.antic drama of the south In the early tig4 ..medians. Klaa of Ventriloquists. Matlaa Ptetaree. LOUIS CEURTIN MOOREOSCOPE PICTURES Pheaameaai Jnmaer. The Very Latent and Best, AILTMA TINELS IA c I Stanford, in .1, -X |llnA #J7 Laura Burt and Henry of the n Theater Caaaaaay. la th« r««. WeekVV6kB Ul dMHVJune ftl ■I p| (ha t

vc - BEe.lsy l 1 ”' ,Lr SL i.'h. ■ .’kW/’ PADDIPI/(OI «U‘ L YCEUM 1 K,,",T '.vi,‘i. T" , *• jBMSK-MMWw IsAnKIV/rV^ Ju VAU6HAN X&MmEf' The New Theatre I AmWIVIIf From the Famous New (>iiF(Cmt > ttu (itnrrni'r, untt llokrr n« TUoinn* H. l*»«. ii Pwht fhr Comptwij »n«* New hi “The to hr pre.-vented by the .>t>» Tlealir I* vUllipdliy Theatre. Gnrrlcl next week Hi IH H GLASER All-Star Players e An Association of Eminent And His Eicelltnt Company and I meptaHeta *and comedians; Louis Ueur- Inrludlug Jessie Hu«|ey, ||n«r < otchlnu, Annie Russell, Edith Wynne TBMPIK. I tlio Wntthison. E. M. tfollund, (.ny Hntes I'iwt, Ferd. (Gottschalk. Henry phenoYtieual . Jumper, and present | tilings of fuJl-fl"d«*'