Bell, Lynn Quincunxes 4/90 15 Aspects Horbovetz, David The 7 Most Challenging Aspects (Part 1) 10/90 18 Aspects Horbovetz, David The 7 Most Challenging Aspects (Part 2) 10/90 19 Aspects Beim, Mary The - Conjunction and the Nodal Axis 12/91 25 Aspects Tarriktar, Tem The July T-Square for the 12 Signs 7/92 30 Aspects Welch, Pamela Meditations on a Yod and Other Aspects 8/93 40 Aspects Brown, Gordon M. Multiplanetary Formations (part 1): Quintiles and Deciles 12/93 43 Aspects Brown, Gordon M. Multiplanetary Formations (part 2): The Septile Series of Aspects 4/94 46 Aspects Claigh, Roberleigh H. Neptune-Moon: Orbs of Intuition 2/95 53 Aspects Brown, Gordon M. Multiplanetary Formations (part 3): Octile and Trioctile Formations 4/95 55 Aspects Malsin, Peter South Node Conjunctions and the Karma of Loss 4/95 55 Aspects Tarriktar, Tem AstroWeatherWatcher 7/95 57 Aspects Brown, Gordon M. Multiplanetary Formations (part 4): The Yods of August 8/95 58 Aspects McCann, Maurice Alan and the Orbs of Aspects 11/95 60 Aspects Brown, Gordon M. Multiplanetary Formations (part 5): The Novile Series of Aspects 5/96 65 Aspects Tyl, Noel Minor Measurements, Major Meanings: The Quindecile 12/97 76 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Venus-Uranus Aspects: A Strange Beauty 12/98 82 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Venus- Aspects 2/99 83 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Venus-Neptune Aspects: Dreams, Nightmares, and Visions of Love 4/99 84 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Using Mars-Pluto Aspects: Deadly Duo or the Power to Transform? 8/99 86 Aspects Cleary, Maura Saturn Square Uranus: Responsibilities and Rights in the Global Village 4/00 90 Aspects Cleary, Maura What's So Good about "Bad" Aspects? 8/00 92 Aspects Hand, Robert Aspects in Medieval , Part 1: Circles of Light 8/00 MD 92 Aspects Hand, Robert Aspects in Medieval Astrology, Part 2: Circles in Time 10/00MD 93 Aspects Hand, Robert A Crisis of Power: Saturn and Pluto Face Off 8/01 98 Aspects Sutton, John The Saturn–Pluto Opposition, Part One: Delving into the Saturn–Pluto Cycle 8/01 MD 98 Aspects Sutton, John The Saturn–Pluto Opposition, Part Two: As Far as Longing Can Reach 10/01 99 Aspects MD Cunningham, Donna Fireworks in a Fog Bank: The Uranus–Neptune Subgenerations 8/02 104 Aspects Gillam, Edward The Septile and the Seventh-Harmonic Chart 2/03 107 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Mars–Uranus Aspects: The Heat Is On! 6/03 109 Aspects Henry, William Aspects from the Past 12/03 112 Aspects Butler, Simone Sun-Uranus Sirens 10/04 117 Aspects Antepara, Robin Hard Aspects between Venus and Uranus 2/05 119 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Inner- Aspects to Outer : Squares vs. Trines 10/05 123 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Hard Aspects between Saturn and Neptune 8/06 128 Aspects Perry, Glenn King Kong and the Venus Complex: A Journey into Darkness 10/06 129 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Your Toolbox for Chart Interpretation (Part One) 10/09 147 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Conjunctions 12/09 148 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Semi-Sextiles 2/10 149 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Your Toolbox for Chart Interpretation Squares 4/10 150 Aspects The Square: Resolving Inherent Conflicts Clifford, Frank C. Detective: All the Chart’s a Stage 6/10 151 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Trines 6/10 151 Aspects Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Sequential Conjunctions 8/10 152 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: The Quincunx 8/10 152 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Handling Oppositions : Projection vs. Cooperation 10/10 153 Aspects Cunningham, Donna Aspect Analysis: Mining the Minor Aspect 12/10 154 Aspects Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Planetary Combinations in the News & in the Nativity 4/11 156 Aspects DeCastro, Dena The Natal Moon–Saturn Connection: A Facebook Discussion 6/11 157 Aspects Rose, Kathy Saturn and Guilt 4/12 162 Aspects Stein, Zane B. The 165-Degree Aspect 6/12 163 Aspects Van Horn, Linea Blinded by the Light: Planets Conjunct the Sun 6/12 163 Aspects Van Toen, Donna What’s the Trigger? A Look at the Square & the Dynamics of Aspects 6/13 169 Aspects Cunningham, Donna The Improbable Union of Uranus and Neptune: How Can They Work Together? 12/16 190 Aspects Perry, Wendell C. The Joy of Stress...ful Aspects 4/17 192 Aspects Mark Alexandra Sun–Moon and Venus–Mars Ties as a Prognosticator in Divorce 4/09 144 Aspects O’Brien, Dale Chiron and Spock: The Mythology of Star Trek 10/90 18 Asteroids/Chiron Lyons, Tim The Power of Chiron 12/90 19 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Working with the Asteroids (part 1): Understanding Juno 6/91 22 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Working with the Asteroids (part 2): — The Mother Within 8/91 23 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Working with the Asteroids (part 3): Pallas — The Voice of Wisdom 10/91 24 Asteroids/Chiron Mauriello, Guy The Wound of Chiron 10/91 24 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Working with the Asteroids (part 4): Vesta — Vessel of Purity 12/91 25 Asteroids/Chiron Morrison, Al H. The Saturn-Chiron Opposition 2/92 26 Asteroids/Chiron Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Women and Chiron 4/92 28 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Easy Asteroids 7/92 30 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob More than Cosmic Gravel - Asteroids 7/92 30 Asteroids/Chiron O'Brien, Dale Chiron in Leo 11/92 33 Asteroids/Chiron Blakesley Hillary and the Asteroids 7/93 39 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: Carl Sagan 8/93 40 Asteroids/Chiron Jordan, Shelley Juno — Sacred Mating Instinct 10/93 41 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: Whoopi & Ted 10/93 41 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: Michael Jackson 12/93 43 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles 2/94 44 Asteroids/Chiron Duffin, Barbara Sage Chiron and the Moon Goddess 3/94 45 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: Harding & Kerrigan 4/94 46 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: CATS! 6/94 47 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Jocelyn Transformations of Chiron - From Fairy Godmother to Sadguru 7/94 48 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob 'Roid Rumbles: O.J. Simpson 8/94 49 Asteroids/Chiron Duffin, Barbara Sage Chiron's 50-Year Aphelion/Perihelion Cycle 12/94 52 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. Hercules Unchained: The Astrological Heracles and Pholus 2/95 53 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob ‘Roid Rumbles: South Africa’s Asteroids 10/95 59 Asteroids/Chiron O'Brien, Dale ReVisioning the Positive Potential of Chiron 6/97 73 Asteroids/Chiron Schwartz, Jacob Madonna: The Cosmic Star of Evita 6/97 73 Asteroids/Chiron Welch, Pamela Transit Transformations: Featuring Chiron’s Waning Square 8/99 86 Asteroids/Chiron Hillenbrand, Candy The Centaur Connection: Expanding Chiron’s Territory 12/99 88 Asteroids/Chiron Newton-John, Pierz Chiron: The Poison and the Medicine of Essence 6/00 91 Asteroids/Chiron Dobbins, Zipporah Planet Tracks: A Turbulent World 12/00 94 Asteroids/Chiron Newton-John, Pierz Vesta and the Sacred Centre of Self 12/00 94 Asteroids/Chiron Trussler, Bryan Out on the Edge with Sedna 8/04 MD 116 Asteroids/Chiron Megginson P Asteroid Goddesses 806MD 128 Asteroids/Chiron Challen John The Expansive Mirror of the Asteroids: An Unexpected Adventure 2/07 131 Asteroids/Chiron Shaw Diana A Visit from Pholus 4/07 132 Asteroids/Chiron Schermer Barbara A Sedna Story 2/08 137 Asteroids/Chiron Schermer Barbara Sedna: Goddess for Our Time 4/09 144 Asteroids/Chiron Caton Gary P. Goddess Astrology Re-Visioned: Transformation via the Sacred Feminine 8/09 146 Asteroids/Chiron Anselmo Kristine J. Chiron: Full Spectrum (co-authored by Monte J. Zerger) 10/10 153 Asteroids/Chiron Zerger Monte J. Chiron: Full Spectrum (co-authored by Kristine J. Anselmo) 10/10 153 Asteroids/Chiron Kidston, Roderick A New Look at Asteroids: Time for a Change of Mind 6/11 157 Asteroids/Chiron Caton, Gary P. The Return of the ‘68ers: The Synergy of Pallas Athene with Uranus–Pluto 6/12 163 Asteroids/Chiron Bodrogi, Dawn Vesta: Driven toward the Sacred 8/12 164 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs; Part 1: Chariklo 10/12 165 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs; Part 2: Okyrhoe 2/13 167 Asteroids/Chiron Reinhart, Melanie Working with the “Weirdos” 6/13 169 Asteroids/Chiron Cooperman, Corrie Chiron through the Houses 8/13 170 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs: Part 3: Echeclus 8/13 170 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs, Part 4: Hylonome and Cyllarus 12/13 172 Asteroids/Chiron Miller, Alex A Tour of Personal-Named Asteroids 2/14 173 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs, Part 5: Phollus 6/14 175 Asteroids/Chiron Kientz, Sue Sedna: Treasure from the Depths 2/15 179 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. Hidalgo: A New Kind of Centaur (digital only) 12/15 184 Asteroids/Chiron Younghans, Pam Chiron: Healing the Child-Self 2/16 185 Asteroids/Chiron Tarriktar, Tem No Small Potato 8/16 188 Asteroids/Chiron Stein, Zane B. The Centaurs, Part 6: Nessus 4/15 180 Asteroids/Chiron Karacostas, Alexandra Astro-Wisdom: Reader Questions Answered various Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Your Rising Sign — and Its Shadow 2/90 14 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Handling Your Saturn Return 2/90 14 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Minor Progressions Explained 2/90 14 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The Adult Child Syndrome, Codependency, and New Age Practitioners 4/90 15 Beginner/General Gellman, Rob The Real Life Adventures of Aaron Firewater (fiction): Initiation (Part 1) 4/90 15 Beginner/General McLeister, Kerwin The Veil Torn: Thoughts on the Uranus–Neptune Conjunction 4/90 15 Beginner/General Neal-Rose, Kathy Pluto and the Solitary Spiritual Path 4/90 15 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Forecasting Using Solar Houses: An Introduction 4/90 15 Beginner/General Alli, Antero The Interpretive Technique of Probable Placement 6/90 16 Beginner/General Gellman, Rob The Real Life Adventures of Aaron Firewater (fiction): Capricornucopia (Part 2) 6/90 16 Beginner/General Herbst, Bill A Planetary Wave of Change: Outer-Planet Transits in Explained 6/90 16 Beginner/General Morrison, Al H. A Great Stillness in the World 6/90 16 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce True Native American Astrology and Divination 6/90 16 Beginner/General Smith, Prue Moving into Feminine Energy 6/90 16 Beginner/General Gellman, Rob The Plutonian Rains of Change Are Upon Us (Bari/Cherney Bombing) 8/90 17 Beginner/General Hunter, M. Kelley Moonshadows: The August 6, 1990 Lunar Eclipse 8/90 17 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Jupiter in Leo for the 12 Signs 8/90 17 Beginner/General Gellman, Rob The Plutonian Rains of Change Are Upon Us (Part 2) 10/90 18 Beginner/General Gellman, Rob Transformative Experiences: An Aaron Firewater Adventure 12/90 19 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Cinderella Does the North Node (or, Why She Runs Away from the Ball) 12/90 19 Beginner/General Herbst, Bill A Metaphor for Chart Movement 12/90 19 Beginner/General Morrison, Al H. The History and Fallacy of “What’s Your Sun Sign?” 12/90 19 Beginner/General Davenport, Nikki The Purplest Dragon: An Astrology Fable 2/91 20 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Naming Rumplestiltskin: Breaking Our Contracts with Saturn 2/91 20 Beginner/General Morrison, Al H. Next Ahead of Sun 2/91 20 Beginner/General Nelson, Gaye Astrological Predictions for 1991: The Year that Love Must Lead 2/91 20 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Saturn in : 1991-93 2/91 20 Beginner/General Nelson, Gaye Which Sign to Love? (poem) 4/91 21 Beginner/General Casey, Caroline Visionary Activism and the Planetary Patterns of the ‘90s 6/91 22 Beginner/General Clarson, Laura Impulse vs. Intuition: How to Tell the Difference 6/91 22 Beginner/General Moody, Wayne EarthVibes: Mercury’s Ring 6/91 22 Beginner/General Morrison, Al H. Two Centuries of Pluto in Signs 6/91 22 Beginner/General Naiman, Ingrid Who Is the Child Within? 6/91 22 Beginner/General Smith, C. Michael Modern Tools of the Trade (computers and software for astrologers) 6/91 22 Beginner/General Van Toen, Donna Some Thoughts on Education 8/91 23 Beginner/General various authors Planet Camp 1991 Report 8/91 23 Beginner/General Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Astrologers and Saturn 10/91 24 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem The Sun-Mars-Pluto Alignment in 10/91 24 Beginner/General Bogart, Greg Toward a Contemplative Astrology 12/91 25 Beginner/General Palles, Ada M. The True Nature of the Elements 12/91 25 Beginner/General Bogart, Greg Basic Concepts of Astrology 6/92 29 Beginner/General Mullette, Julienne I'm an Astrologer! 7/92 30 Beginner/General Rodden, Lois Astrological Data: How to Correctly Source Astrological Charts 10/92 32 Beginner/General Levitt, Susan Say No to Doom and Gloom Astrology 11/92 33 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Beginners Guide- (1) The 2/93 35 Beginner/General Sholly, Kate Beginner's Guide- (2) Elements & Modes 3/93 36 Beginner/General Jones, Martha Visualising the Chart 4/93 37 Beginner/General Minger, Tim Beginner's Guide - (3) Planets 4/93 37 Beginner/General Van Toen, Donna Hemispheric Emphasis 4/93 37 Beginner/General Austin, Stephanie Decoding the Birthchart 6/93 38 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (4): Birthchart as a Map 6/93 38 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (5): Houses 7/93 39 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (6): Rulerships & Dignities 8/93 40 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (7): Aspects 11/93 42 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (8): Planetary Cycles 12/93 43 Beginner/General Elko, Bronwyn Chart Interpretation Tip: The Sun/Moon Midpoint 2/94 44 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (9): Transits & Progressions 2/94 44 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (10): Lunations, Nodes, and Eclipses 3/94 45 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (11): Chart Synthesis 4/94 46 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Beginner's Guide (12): Applications & Types of Astrology 6/94 47 Beginner/General Jochmans, Joseph Robert Is It True What They're Saying about the Year 2000? 12/94 52 Beginner/General Star, Gloria Astrology News (column, from 1995 through 2005) 12/94 52 Beginner/General Stern, Helga Scow Millennial Visions 12/94 52 Beginner/General Bridges, Tom Questions & Answers 2/95 53 Beginner/General Jawer, Jeff The Limits of Astrology 2/95 53 Beginner/General McCoole-Rigby, Ann Green Astrology 2/95 53 Beginner/General Stuart-Smith, Lesley Astrology at the Calgary Stampede 2/95 53 Beginner/General Bridges, Tom Astrology Questions & Answers 3/95 54 Beginner/General McDonagh, Alanna Natural Born Killers: The Movie 3/95 54 Beginner/General Bridges, Tom Questions & Answers 4/95 55 Beginner/General Elko, Bronwyn The Astrology of Free Will 6/95 56 Beginner/General Bridges, Tom The Zodiac in Modern Astrology 7/95 57 Beginner/General Jawer, Jeff Astrology's Archaic Truths 7/95 57 Beginner/General Bridges, Tom Questions & Answers 8/95 58 Beginner/General Elko, Bronwyn An Introduction to Harmonics 12/95 61 Beginner/General Hall, Liza K. What are Generational Planets? The Role of the Pluto-in- Generation 12/95 61 Beginner/General Johnsen, Linda Foreknowledge: Are We Ready for the Future? 1/96 62 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Breaking the Time Famine 2/96 63 Beginner/General Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Changing Our Minds About Time 2/96 63 Beginner/General Mann, A.T. The Mystery of Time: Our Inner Relativity 2/96 63 Beginner/General Mason, Joyce A New Timepiece: Bending and Mending Time 2/96 63 Beginner/General DeAmicis, Ralph & Lahni Perspectives: Overcoming an Astrological Blind Spot 4/96 64 Beginner/General Solté, David Using the Quad-Wheel with Progressions 5/96 65 Beginner/General Norris, Caroline Tasting the Moment 6/96 66 Beginner/General Raterman, Louise Unabomber Suspect Ted Kaczynski's Solar Chart 6/96 66 Beginner/General Boylan, Tom Rectification of the Horoscope for Ted Kaczynski 7/96 67 Beginner/General Elko, Bronwyn The Yearly Harmonic Chart 7/96 67 Beginner/General Burrell, Debra Choosing an Astrologer 8/96 68 Beginner/General Malsin, Peter Shut Out as the Ivory Tower: An Astrologer Confronts Carl Sagan 8/96 68 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice Astrologer (part 1): How the Sun and Ascendant Differ 10/96 69 Beginner/General Kramer, Arlene Introduction to Uranian Astrology 10/96 69 Beginner/General Moeschl, Richard Horizon: Where Heaven and Earth Meet 10/96 69 Beginner/General Verdi, Moira The Coming Uranian Surge 10/96 69 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 2): How the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant Interact 12/96 70 Beginner/General Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Visual Reality: Reading the Graphic Ephemeris 12/96 70 Beginner/General Moeschl, Richard Horizon: Comet Hale-Bopp 12/96 70 Beginner/General Wells, Bonnie Esoteric Astrology and How We Change 12/96 70 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 3): What Planet Are You From? 2/97 71 Beginner/General Forrest, Steven Fate and Freedom: A Middle Path 2/97 71 Beginner/General Forrest, Steven Fate and Freedom: A Middle Path 2/97 71 Beginner/General Moeschl, Richard Horizon: Lessons from Mars 2/97 71 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 4): Aspects Explained 4/97 72 Beginner/General Moeschl, Richard Horizon: The Yearly Round 4/97 72 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 5): More on Aspects 6/97 73 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 6): Oppositions and Sextiles 8/97 74 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 7): Understanding Transits 10/97 75 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 8): More About Transits . . . and Luck 12/97 76 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tips for the Novice (part 9): Transits to the Four Angles 4/98 78 Beginner/General Bogart, Greg Astrology, Meditation, and the Fearless Contemplation of Change 6/98 79 Beginner/General Thurman, Michael Understanding Your Chart Shape: Your Personal Myth 10/98 81 Beginner/General Solté, David Millennium Watch 12/98 82 Beginner/General Jawer, Jeff Beyond Reason: The Scorpio In Your Chart 2/99 83 Beginner/General Solté, David Millennium Watch 2/99 83 Beginner/General Hunter, M. Kelley The Dark Goddess Lilith 4/99 84 Beginner/General Solté, David Millennium Watch 4/99 84 Beginner/General Blaschke, Robert Millennium Forum: The Grand Cross/Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 6/99 85 Beginner/General del Mar, Maya Millennium Forum: The Grand Cross/Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 6/99 85 Beginner/General Duffin, Barbara Sage Millennium Forum: The Grand Cross/Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 6/99 85 Beginner/General Markin, Alexander Millennium Forum: The Grand Cross/Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 6/99 85 Beginner/General Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Millennium Forum: The Grand Cross/Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 6/99 85 Beginner/General Solté, David Millennium Watch 6/99 85 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce How to Read a Birth Chart, Part 1: Personality 8/99 86 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem The August 11 Solar Eclipse: Interpretations for the 12 Sun/Rising Signs 8/99 86 Beginner/General Austin, Stephanie Millennium Forum: The Year 2000 — Musings on the Year 2000 12/99 88 Beginner/General del Mar, Maya Millennium Forum: The Year 2000 - Crossing the Rainbow Bridge to Change 12/99 88 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Millennium Forum: The Year 2000 - The Great Lineup of 2000 12/99 88 Beginner/General Kochunas, Brad Why Astrology Works 12/99 88 Beginner/General Merriman, Raymond A. Millennium Forum: The Year 2000 - Astrological Lineup and the Global 12/99 88 Beginner/General Economy O’Brien, Dale Millennium Forum: The Year 2000 - Significant Sabian Symbols in May 2000 12/99 88 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Drawing Down the Fire of the Gods: Reflections on the Leo/Aquarius Axis 2/00 89 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce How to Read a Birth Chart, Part 4: Relationships 2/00 89 Beginner/General Solté, David Millennium Watch 2/00 89 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Cosmic Stampede: The May 2000 Gathering of Planets in Taurus 4/00 90 Beginner/General Stone, Jenni Article Particle: Looking Forward 6/00 91 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Planet Tracks: The Love-Bug Virus 8/00 92 Beginner/General Owen, Amanda The Merits of Sun-Sign Astrology 8/00 92 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Planet Tracks: The Los Alamos Fire 8/00 92 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana The Crawling Eye and the Psychic Bride 10/00 93 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Planet Tracks: The May 2000 Lineup in Taurus 10/00 93 Beginner/General Roberts, Courtney The Christmas Eclipse and the Year 2001 12/00 94 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Planet Tracks: The Explosive Middle East 12/00 94 Beginner/General Severson, Jan Tooth Fairy Tales 2/01 95 Beginner/General Forrest, Steven : The Fine Art of Seizing the Moment 4/01 96 Beginner/General Sedgwick, Philip Centaurfold: In the Beginning 4/01 MD 96 Beginner/General Winchester, Andrea Meek EnneAstrology: The Nine Personality Types in the Horoscope (Part 1) 6/01 97 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce The Varieties of Astrological Thinking 8/01 98 Beginner/General Sedgwick, Philip Centaurfold: Nessus, the Nefarious Healer 8/01 MD 98 Beginner/General Winchester, Andrea Meek EnneAstrology: The Nine Personality Types in the Horoscope (Part 2) 8/01 98 Beginner/General Winchester, Andrea Meek EnneAstrology: The Nine Personality Types in the Horoscope (Part 3) 10/01 99 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Between a Rock and a Hard Place: What the Saturn–Pluto Generations Share 12/01 100 Beginner/General Mozier, Jeanne Globalization in the 21st Century 12/01 100 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem The Day the World Changed: The Terrorist Attacks of September 11 12/01 100 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem The Characteristics of Pluto 12/01MD 100 Beginner/General Newman, Paul F. One Ring to Rule Them All: J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings 2/02 101 Beginner/General Roberts, Courtney The Astrology of 2002 2/02 101 Beginner/General Bogart, Greg Basic Concepts of Astrology 8/02 104 Beginner/General Boele, Frédérique Harmonics: Secret Lives of the Natal Chart 10/02 105 Beginner/General Gunzburg, Darrelyn The Pre-Natal Epoch 10/02 105 Beginner/General Kishner, Jeffrey “The Matrix” as a Birth Process 10/02 105 Beginner/General Rodden, Lois The Mystical Chart: Sainthood or Insanity? 10/02 105 Beginner/General Jawer, Jeff The State of Astrology: Some Personal Observations 12/02 106 Beginner/General Snow, Edward A Strategy to Improve Astrology’s Abysmal Image 12/02MD 106 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem A Brief Tour of 2003: The Top Ten Astro-Events 12/02 106 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Cinema and the Birth of the Aquarian Age 4/03 108 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 1): Trust Your First Impressions 6/03 109 Beginner/General Michaels, Nicki Ask Astro-Coach (ongoing advice column, through at least June 2005) 6/03+ 109 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce Crop Circles and Astrology 6/03 109 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 2): The Four Elements 8/03 110 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 3): Stelliums by House 10/03 111 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 4): Transiting Quincunxes 12/03 112 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 5): The Singleton 2/04 113 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 6): Aspects to the Midheaven 4/04 114 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 7): Three Vocational Houses 604 115 Beginner/General deProsse, Janette Astrologers’ Forum (on seven topics) 6/04 MD 115 Beginner/General Mocco, Fulvio An Astrologer’s Dream 6/04 115 Beginner/General Stanley, Ena Uranus Strikes Again! ( a brief story) 8/04 116 Beginner/General Cheetah Cosmic Gift-Giving 12/04 118 Beginner/General Lee, Donna Saturn and the Shadow 2/05 119 Beginner/General Kent, April Elliott The Astrological “I”: Putting the Self Back in Astrology 4/05MD 120 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem Looking Ahead in 2005: Forecasts for the 12 Signs 4/05 120 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce Uranian Astrology for the Compleat Idiot 10/05 123 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The Hazards of Auto-Forecasting 12/05 124 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Weighing Inconsistencies in the Natal Chart 2/06 125 Beginner/General Gambino, Doria Determining Your Child’s “Predominant Focus Points” 6/06 127 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary A Survey of Astrological Study Aids 6/06 127 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem TMA Chart Tips 6/06 127 Beginner/General Gambino, Doria The Four Astrological Elements 8/06 128 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem TMA Chart Tips 8/06 128 Beginner/General deProsse Jan Can Mars in Save the World? 10/06 129 Beginner/General Ogilvie Chris Twelve Steps Out of Hell 6/07 133 Beginner/General Anselmo Kristine J. The Blast Astrology Conference 8/07 134 Beginner/General Davison Ronald C. Chart Tips: Book Excerpt 8/07 134 Beginner/General Coleman Cathy Online College of Astrology Celebrates Ten Years 12/07 136 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Hyperactive Jupiter Syndrome: The Downside of an Upbeat Planet 2/08 137 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: The Lunar Nodes 2/08 137 Beginner/General Kirkham Elizabeth The Elements: Core Energies of the Zodiac 4/08 138 Beginner/General Ogilvie Chris Deux ex Machina: The Astrology of the Internet 4/08 138 Beginner/General Spring, Elizabeth You Can Make Astrology Prove Anything 4/08 138 Beginner/General de Prosse Jan Notes from a Novice: The Three Modes 6/08 139 Beginner/General Scofield, Bruce Uranian Adventures in Internet Dating 8/08 140 Beginner/General Owen Lara Astrology and Friendship 10/08 141 Beginner/General de Prosse Jan Moon–Pluto Aspects 12/08 142 Beginner/General Kochunas Brad In Praise of Melancholy or the Danse Macabre 2/09 143 Beginner/General de Prosse Jan Notes from a Novice: Harnessing Your Virgo Energy 6/09 145 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Pluto Transits to Vocational Houses 8/09 146 Beginner/General de Prosse, Jan Notes from a Novice: Moon 4/10 150 Beginner/General Ogilvie, Chrissy Seeing Double? The Mysteries of Twins 4/10 150 Beginner/General Alieksaites Jodi Cookbook Astrology with Actual Recipes 8/10 152 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic: Part One: Introduction 4/11 156 Beginner/General Terranova, Evelyn A Chironian Healing Meditation 4/11 156 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic: Part Two: Facing the Archetypal Forest 6/11 157 Beginner/General Landwehr, Joe An Astropoetic Approach to the Elements 6/11 157 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem 12-Sign Forecast for June–September 2011 6/11 157 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Speaking Your Chart, Part Two: Political Speeches 8/11 158 Beginner/General Cole Jan Astrology in English Poetry 8/11 158 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Guys with Mars in Cardinal Signs: Git-R-Done! 8/11 158 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic: Part Three: The Messenger God 8/11 158 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Jupiter: A New Take on an Old Con Artist 10/11 159 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Stalking the Wild Stellium: A Field Guide 10/11 159 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic: Part Four: The Living Moon 10/11 159 Beginner/General Starck, Marcia Eclipses of 2011 and the World’s Hot Spots 10/11 159 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: What Lies Beneath — The Hidden Side of Your Sun Sign 12/11 160 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Inner Planets Conjunct the Midheaven: Are You Larger than Life? 12/11 160 Beginner/General Surtees, Kelly Taxes, Mortages & Wills: A Personal Experience of Saturn thru the 8th House 12/11 160 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna How Well Do You Use Your Planets? A Self-Test 2/12 161 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic: Part Five: Turning Our Squares into Trines 2/12 161 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Organizing for 2012: Astrological Calendars and Datebooks (digital only) 2/12 161 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. The Road Less Travelled: The Sesquiquadrate 4/12 162 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Inner Planets Conjunct the Ascendant: Pressure Points and Façades 4/12 162 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray The Seven Most Common Mistakes Made by Astrologers 4/12 162 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: The Anatomy of a T-Square 6/12 163 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Tune-Up Time for Troubled Planets 6/12 163 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic; Part Six: Do What You Love 6/12 163 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Clues to Differences between the Sun, Moon, & Rising 8/12 164 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Transit Strategies: Three Chances to Make Your Life Better 8/12 164 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: The Sun–Moon–Ascendant Combinations of Supremes 10/12 165 Beginner/General DeCastro, Dena House Rulerships and Dispositors: Useful Tools for the Beginning Astrologer 10/12 165 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: The First and Final Degrees of a Sign 12/12 166 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The Twelve Venues of Venus: Where Do You Look for Love? 12/12 166 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic, Part Seven: Synchronicity 12/12 166 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Planetary Types – Identifying the Key Planetary Players 2/13 167 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the 8th House but ... 2/13 167 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic; Part Eight: Wayfinding 2/13 167 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Planets Solar Arc Directed to 0° and 29° 4/13 168 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Everything ... about the 12th House 4/13 168 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales: Accidents 4/13 168 Beginner/General Tarriktar, Tem The Responsible Use of Astrology (digital only, from Dec. 2000) 4/13 168 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Getting Started with Natal Chart Assessment 6/13 169 Beginner/General Costello, Darby An Astrologer’s Notebook: Musings on the Planets and Signs 6/13 169 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The Alpha Dog Planet in a Stellium or Major Configuration 6/13 169 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales: Labor 6/13 169 Beginner/General Stacey, Wendy An Introduction to Unaspected Planets 6/13 169 Beginner/General Struthers, Jane An Astrological Library: Essential Books on Interpretation & Consultation 6/13 169 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: The Synastry of Interviews 8/13 170 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna What Your Dominant and Missing Elements Reveal about You 8/13 170 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Do You See Something Good in My Future? 8/13 170 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Talk-Show Hosts and Interviewers 10/13 171 Beginner/General de Prosse, Jan Notes from a Novice: The Astrology of a Special Friendship 10/13 171 Beginner/General Perry, Wendell C. Touching the Elephant: A Parable for Astrologers 10/13 171 Beginner/General Whitaker, Anne The Libran Saturn Return, 2009–12: Investigating Real Lives 10/13 171 Beginner/General Clifford; & Lynne Wilson Frank C, Tearing Up Scripts: The Moon and Saturn in Childhood 12/13 172 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Five Powerful Planetary Pairs of the Last 50 Years 12/13 172 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Making the Most of Awkward Planetary Combinations: Mercury–Saturn 2/14 173 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Lessons in Astrology as Magic, Part Nine: Earning Saturn’s Favor 2/14 173 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Are You Psychic? The Outer Planets and Paranormal Abilities 4/14 174 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Hungry Moons 4/14 174 Beginner/General Burk, Kevin How to Become a Talented Astrologer 6/14 175 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective — Awkward Planetary Combos: Moon–Uranus 6/14 175 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The Midheaven in Synastry: Meaningful Career Connections 6/14 175 Beginner/General Wallace, Polly Enriching Our Days: Astrology’s Gods as Rulers of the Seven-Day Week 6/14 175 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective — Awkward Planetary Combinations: Mars–Neptune 8/14 176 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Mars in the Fixed Signs: A Body in Motion Stays in Motion 8/14 176 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Anger Transits, Part One 8/14 176 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective – Awkward Planetary Combos: Saturn–Neptune 10/14 177 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Natal Saturn Aspects to the Midheaven: Keeping on Top of Things 10/14 177 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Expressing Anger 10/14 177 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Exploring Astrology: A Wide Spectrum of Educational Resources 10/14 177 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective– Making the Most of Awkward Planetary Combos: 12/14 178 Beginner/General Sun–Pluto Cunningham, Donna Exploring Out-of-Sign Conjunction: They’re NOT Nothing! 12/14 178 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Gift-Giving for Star Lovers: A Collection of Astrology-Themed Treasures 12/14 178 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Finding a Variety of Career Choices in the Birth Chart 2/15 179 Beginner/General Stuart, Edwin Article Particle: Blue Car 2/15 179 Beginner/General Vierling, Genevieve The Enigma of Pisces 2/15 179 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Initial Forecasting Considerations for Students 4/15 180 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna A Responsible Approach to Clients’ Tough Transits 4/15 180 Beginner/General Tadd, Laura Reframing Squares 6/15 181 Beginner/General Vierling, Genevieve Dispositorship: The Chain of Command in Your Chart 6/15 181 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna The 12th House as a Vocational Indicator 10/15 183 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: The Stonewall Raid and Riots 2/16 185 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Understanding Past Transits to the Vocational Houses 2/16 185 Beginner/General Tadd, Laura The Shadow of Trines 2/16 185 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: The First Academy Awards 4/16 186 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Finding the Dominant Planets in Your Career Picture 4/16 186 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Astrology of the Weird, Part I: The Phoenix Lights 4/16 186 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: When John Met Paul 6/16 187 Beginner/General Farrow, Penny The Eastern Window 6/16 187 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Astrology of the Weird — Part 2: Bigfoot! 6/16 187 Beginner/General Witt, Harriet Saturn: A Heavy Burden or a Solid Base? 6/16 187 Beginner/General Cahill, Margaret Inside the Changing World of Astrological Publishing 8/16 188 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: The Criminal Trial of O. J. Simpson 8/16 188 Beginner/General Cunningham, Donna Are You Perfecting Your Pluto or Just Phoning It In? 8/16 188 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Astrology of the Weird, Part 3: Roswell 8/16 188 Beginner/General Railey, David “Western” Astrology in China Today 8/16 188 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: “Sex and the City” First Airs on TV 10/16 189 Beginner/General Crawford Alexander Moon Opposed Pluto: One Native’s Story 10/16 189 Beginner/General de Prosse Jan Notes from a Novice: My Life in an Astrological Nutshell 10/16 189 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Why Naked? 10/16 189 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray Why Your “Bad Moon” May Actually Be Your Best Friend 10/16 189 Beginner/General Plumb, Mary Exploring Astrology: An Educational Resource Guide 10/16 189 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Gods 12/16 190 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Meaning Making 2/17 191 Beginner/General Grasse, Ray A Tale of Two 2/17 191 Beginner/General Herbst, Bill Untwisting the Zodiac 2/17 191 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: Premiere of The Benny Hill Show 4/17 192 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana The Accountant and the Mandolin Player 4/17 192 Beginner/General Gerhardt, Dana Sensing Energy 6/17 193 Beginner/General Newton-John, Pierz Stargazing: Returning to the Roots of Astrology 12/96 70 Beginner/General Newton-John Pierz Stargazing: Returning to the Roots of Astrology 10/09 147 Beginner/General Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Speaking Your Chart — Building a Planetary Profile 6/11 157 Beginner/General Surtees, Kelly Venus Aspects and Your Love Life 2/14 173 Beginner/General Bogart, Greg The Astrological Chart of Bhagwan Rajneesh 8/90 17 Biographical Scofield, Bruce A Dog’s Life (The Chart and Life Story of Sheena) 10/91 24 Biographical Lawson, Dianne John Lennon — A Man of His Time 6/92 29 Biographical Jordan, Shelley Kepler: The First Humanistic Astrologer 8/92 31 Biographical Johnsen, Linda Al Gore — Dharma Warrior 3/93 36 Biographical Hadidian, Eric D. Teenage Suicide: An Astrological Perspective 3/94 45 Biographical Germine, Thomas J. Kurt Cobain and the "27 Club" 11/94 51 Biographical Newman, Paul F. Jekyll or Hyde? The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson 11/94 51 Biographical McDonagh, Alanna Starhawk - Astrological Profile of an Activist Witch 4/96 64 Biographical Butler, Simone Ottmar Liebert: Agent of Change 8/96 68 Biographical Clydesdale, Ruth A Solar Talisman: The Holistic Astrology of Marsilio Ficino 8/96 68 Biographical Proctor, Loretta Looking at the Mars-Pluto Theme in Creative Women's Lives 10/96 69 Biographical Butler, Simone Taj Mahal: Monument to Love 2/97 71 Biographical Clydesdale, Ruth The Poverty of Angels: Saturn, Uranus, and a Renaissance Artist 8/97 74 Biographical Jordan, Shelley The Saga of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Genius before his Time 2/98 77 Biographical Schermer, Barbara Ancient Roots: Nothing New Under the Sun 4/98 78 Biographical Perry, Wendell Looking for Angels with William Blake 8/98 80 Biographical McDonagh, Alanna Robert Bly: Grieving Elder, Dancing Priest 10/98 81 Biographical Perry, Wendell Jupiter’s Child: The Tragic Case of Artie Mitchell 12/98 82 Biographical Lesur, Luis Inside the Mind of a Criminal: An Exercise in Forensic Astrology 12/99 88 Biographical Bowser, Kenneth Jesse Ventura’s Chart 2/00 89 Biographical Kugel, Herb The Stars on Trial: The Story of Evangeline Adams 2/00 89 Biographical Plumb, Mary Article Particle: The Galactic Tree Woman 8/00 92 Biographical Etherington, John Brian Wilson and the Dark Side of the California Dream 12/00 94 Biographical Kollerstrom, Nick Milestones of Genius: The Uranus Cycle in Isaac Newton’s Life 4/01 96 Biographical Meredith, Neal Rectifying Shakespeare 4/01 MD 96 Biographical Meridian, Bill Johndro’s Astrology 6/01 97 Biographical Ferrell, Jane Julia Roberts: The Twenty-Million-Dollar Woman 8/01 98 Biographical Hillenbrand, Candy The Legacy of Dane Rudhyar 4/02 102 Biographical Meredith, Neal The Magic of J. K. Rowling 4/02 102 Biographical Boele, Frédérique J. R. R. Tolkien’s Inner Tree 12/02 106 Biographical Plumb, Mary Philip Berrigan: Waging Peace 4/03 108 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Tony Blair 6/03 109 Biographical Jones, David D. Jim, the Wonder Dog 8/03 110 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Paramahansa Yogananda 8/03 110 Biographical Plumb, Mary The Peace Candidate (Dennis Kucinich) 8/03 110 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Arnold Schwarzenegger 10/03 111 Biographical Scofield, Bruce Planets of the Kinks: of Ray and Dave Davies 10/03 111 Biographical Ferrara, Barbara Bert and Joni: King and Queen of Acoustic Guitar 12/03 112 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Johnny Cash 12/03 112 Biographical Brown, Philip Shakespeare, Astrology, and Alchemy: A Critical and Historical Perspective 2/04 113 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Bill Moyers 2/04 113 Biographical Perry, Wendell Searching for Success with Ed Wood, Jr. 2/04 113 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Justin Timberlake 6/04 115 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Astro-Newsmaker: Ralph Nader 8/04 116 Biographical Farmer, Harry Jimi Hendrix: Life Experienced 12/04 118 Biographical Marie, Trish 2004’s Pegasus (Smarty Jones) 12/04MD 118 Biographical McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 12/04 118 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Astro-Newsmaker: Tiger Woods 2/05 119 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Astro-Newsmaker: Maya Angelou 4/05 120 Biographical Colmena Petra Vincent van Gogh, 1853–2003: Beyond His Colors 6/05 121 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Pope John Paul II 6/05 121 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Jane Fonda 8/05 122 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Bill Maher 10/05 123 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart : Ammachi 12/05 124 Biographical Manley Vaughn Paul The Hidden Messages of Water Signs: Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Vedic Chart 2/06 125 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Jacques Chirac 2/06 125 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Bono 4/06 126 Biographical Perry, Wendell Fixed Genius: The Relationship Between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung 6/06 127 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Cindy Sheehan 6/06 127 Biographical Watson Pete “When I”m Sixty-Four” 6/06 127 Biographical Caton Gary 1905: The Greatest Single Achievement in Human Thought 2/07 131 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Steve Jobs 2/07 131 Biographical Perry, Wendell C. The Intertwined Horoscopes of Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots 4/07 132 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker: Paul Newman 10/07 135 Biographical de Prosse Jan Dane Rudhyar: Pre-eminent Astrologer of the 20th Century 12/07 136 Biographical Murphy Therese Roger Federer: Tennis Genius 2/08 137 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker: Barack Obama 6/08 139 Biographical Tarriktar, Tem; Kate Sholly Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle: Creative Collaborators 6/08 139 Biographical Meredith Neal The Wind in the Willows and Nature Mysticism 8/08 140 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker: The Dalai Lama 8/08 140 Biographical Perry, Wendell Not Looking for Love: Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt, and the Solitary Horoscope 10/08 141 Biographical Taglilatelo, Pat Newsmaker Chart: Forest Whitaker 6/09 145 Biographical Jordan Shelley Morris Dees: Putting It to the Klan 8/09 146 Biographical Scofield, Bruce Hanabi-Ko: Interspecies Communication Pioneer 10/09 147 Biographical Grecco Lawrence You Better Work that Pluto: The Natal Chart of RuPaul Andre Charles 2/10 149 Biographical Makransky Bob Barack Obama’s Mayan Horoscope 2/10 149 Biographical Scofield, Bruce The Mesoamerican Horoscope of Barack Obama 2/10 149 Biographical Scofield, Bruce James Lovelock: Gaia’s Interpreter 6/10 151 Biographical Schneider Mirjam Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora: An Outstanding Friendship and 8/10 152 Biographical Creative Partnership Morrow D. H. Looking Back: Using Astrology to Help Make Sense of Your Life 2/11 155 Biographical Christino, Karen The Other Side of Shangri-La: Hope Cooke and the King of Sikkim 4/11 156 Biographical Tarriktar, Tem Bidder 70: Tim DeChristopher vs. the United States 6/11 157 Biographical Kay Helena Peter Pan, Eternal Youth, and the Lost Paradise of Childhood 8/11 158 Biographical Stein, Zane B. Shirley’s Journey 10/11 159 Biographical Wright, Paul Isaac Newton, A Bridge between Science and Spirit 10/11 159 Biographical Scofield, Bruce Remembering Ellen: An Astrological Reflectification 12/11 160 Biographical Flanagan, Victoria The Picture that Launched a Thousand Accusations 2/12 161 Biographical Andrikopoulus, Laura The Death of My Father: An Astrologer Reflects 8/12 164 Biographical Louis, Anthony The Boy Who Would Be King 8/12 164 Biographical Stuart, Edwin Busted 8/12 164 Biographical Grasse, Ray The Divine Science: Reflections on a Life in Astrology 10/12 165 Biographical Bogart, Greg C. G. Jung’s Crisis and Renewal 12/12 166 Biographical Marie, Trish Zenyatta’s Stars 4/13 168 Biographical Hazel, Elizabeth In Hot Blood: Why Truman Capote Went to Kansas 10/13 171 Biographical Moran, James Astrology of a Yogi: Examining the Birth Chart of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar 2/14 173 Biographical Tracy, Jean Charismatic Leadership Patterns in the Chart 2/14 173 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. Iconic Vocalists of the 20th Century: Their Music, Their Lives, Their Charts 4/14 174 Biographical Coppock, Austin Playing the Villain: Marilyn Manson and the 1990s 4/14 174 Biographical Farley, Kim The Spectre of an American Music Pioneer: Profiling Phil Spector 4/14 174 Biographical Kendig, Joan Aspects of Genius: Debussy’s Transformation of Music (digital only) 4/14 174 Biographical Scofield, Bruce Captain Beefheart: Poet, Painter, and Visionary Crank 4/14 174 Biographical Surtees, Kelly The Singer and the Song 4/14 174 Biographical Hillenbrand, Candy Towards an Astrology of Meaning and Purpose: The Legacy of Dane Rudhyar 12/14 178 Biographical Clifford, / Samuel Reynolds Frank C. Alex Haley’s Roots: In Black and White and All the Stars Between 2/15 179 Biographical Howard, Tony Kristin Hersh: A Journey through Music, Mania, and Metamorphosis 4/15 180 Biographical Bell, Lynn Charts of Whistleblowers & Journalists: HSBC’s Grim Reaper: Hervé Falciani 6/15 181 Biographical Herbst, Bill Chris Hedges: Fighting for Justice Against All Odds 6/15 181 Biographical Murray, Jessica Charts of Whistleblowers & Journalists: Citizen Snowden 6/15 181 Biographical TMA Journalists of Note 6/15 181 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. Jane Fonda: The Many Faces of Personal Eve-olution 8/15 182 Biographical Corre, Robert In Hindsight: Susan Boyle 8/15 182 Biographical Tompkins, Sue In Hindsight: Susan Boyle 8/15 182 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. Humour in the Horoscope: The Astrology of Comedy 10/15 183 Biographical Moran, James Dark Star: The Chart of Stephen King 10/15 183 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: The Arrest of Rosa Parks 12/15 184 Biographical Elenbaas, Adam Archetypal Phenomenology and the Astrological Imagination: James Hillman 2/16 185 Biographical Black, Ani A Look at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 4/16 186 Biographical Whitaker, Anne Dreaming Frankenstein: The Creation of a Modern Myth 4/16 186 Biographical Burk, Kevin B. Trump TV: The Final Season 6/16 187 Biographical Plumb, Mary Bernie Sanders: A Well-Known Person with an Unknown Birth Time 8/16 188 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. Fame and Celebrity: The Addictive Commodities of Our Times 10/16 189 Biographical Clifford, Frank C. First Ladies of the United States 12/16 190 Biographical Grace Elisabeth The Horoscope Lives Forever 12/16 190 Biographical Zahrt, Jenn Elsbeth Ebertin: Germany’s Forgotten Powerhouse Astrologer 4/17 192 Biographical Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 19: Koko the Gorilla - Interspecies Communicator 6/97 73 Biographical Plumb, Mary Charts of Whistleblowers & Journalists: Jeremy Scahill: Risk-Taker and Activist 6/15 181 Biographical Papalas, Nicholas Using Numerical Point Systems in the Assessment of the Strength of Planets 2/91 20 Counseling & Practice Tenney, Jonathan Astrology As If the Person Mattered 2/91 20 Counseling & Practice Herbst, Bill Astrology and Psychotherapy: A Comparison for Astrologers 4/91 21 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna The Myths of Scarcity and Competition among Astrologers 6/91 22 Counseling & Practice Nelson, Gaye What Makes a Reading Great? 6/91 22 Counseling & Practice Van Toen, Donna What Doing Charts Has Taught Me 6/91 22 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Educating the Client vs. Selling the Client 8/91 23 Counseling & Practice Jawer, Jeff Counseling with Astrology 8/91 23 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna What Do You Charge? Considerations About Money and Fees 10/91 24 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Counseling the Client in Crisis — “How Bad Will It Be?” 12/91 25 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Astrologer as Resource Person 2/92 26 Counseling & Practice Artman-Zaitoon, Merilyn On Fees and Self-Esteem 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna First Contact with the Client 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Elko, Bronwyn Tips on Starting Your Own Practice 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Foreman, Patricia What Computers Can Do for You 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Herbst, Bill The Client-Astrologer Relationship 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice MiXXe, AdZe Making Astrology Pay from A to Z 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Smith, C. Michael Modern Tools of the Trade 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Van Toen, Donna On Astrologers, Appointments, and Time 3/92 27 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Your Reactions to Clients 7/92 30 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Communication & Your Client's Needs 10/92 32 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Concluding the Chart Reading 11/92 33 Counseling & Practice Wright, Jean Mindful, Non-Violent Astrology 3/93 36 Counseling & Practice Oja, Dorothy Ethics, Responsibility & Astrological Conscience 4/93 37 Counseling & Practice Koval, Barbara Philosophy and Practice (part 1) 8/93 40 Counseling & Practice Koval, Barbara Philosophy and Practice (part 2) 10/93 41 Counseling & Practice Pond, David Astrologer, Mystic, and Therapist 12/93 43 Counseling & Practice Finger, Lynn Astrology & Professionalization: Identifying the Issues 4/94 46 Counseling & Practice Blaschke, Robert The Effects of Practicing Astrology on Individual Human Consciousness 7/94 48 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna So You Want to Write about Astrology 7/94 48 Counseling & Practice Oja, Dorothy More on Ethics and Conscience in Astrology 11/94 51 Counseling & Practice Miller-Mignone, Alex Math, Schmath, I Just Want to Read Charts 4/95 55 Counseling & Practice Herbst, Bill The State of Astrology 4/96 64 Counseling & Practice Levine, Philip Prediction and the Horoscope 5/96 65 Counseling & Practice Kochunas, Brad Returning Soul to Astrology 8/96 68 Counseling & Practice Lawlor, Gretchen Using Astrology to Improve Parent-Child Relationships 6/97 73 Counseling & Practice April, Dina Astrology and the Helping Continuum 2/98 77 Counseling & Practice Corey, Pamela Blending the Elements of Honesty, Ethics and Compassion 2/98 77 Counseling & Practice Ridder-Patrick, Jane Structures and Dynamics of the Astrological Consultation 6/98 79 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Talking to Planetary Types 10/98 81 Counseling & Practice Sharman-Burke, Juliet Astrological Counseling 10/98 81 Counseling & Practice Van Toen, Donna The Unhyphenated Astrologer 10/98 81 Counseling & Practice Scofield, Bruce Organized Astrology in America 12/98 82 Counseling & Practice Shinker, Kaye Online College of Astrology 4/99 84 Counseling & Practice Cooperman, Corrie The Oracle Archetype 10/00MD 93 Counseling & Practice Tarriktar, Tem Responsible Use of Astrology 12/00MD 94 Counseling & Practice TMA Astrologer Survey Results: Computer Reports 12/00MD 94 Counseling & Practice Murphy Chris & Peter Astrology in Conflict Resolution 2/01 MD 95 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna The Ritalin Generation 4/01 96 Counseling & Practice Francis, Eric When Astrology Listens: Chiron in the Astrological Counseling Process 6/01 MD 97 Counseling & Practice Newman, Paul F. The Dec of Cards: A Shamanic Journey with the Sun and Declination 6/01 MD 97 Counseling & Practice Thom, Carleen Astrology Counseling Partnerships 6/01 97 Counseling & Practice Vanel, Steffan Using Questions in an Astrological Consultation 6/01 MD 97 Counseling & Practice Arner, David Ethics in Shades of Gray 10/01 99 Counseling & Practice Grasse, Ray On the Perils of Telling People What to Do 10/01 99 Counseling & Practice Perry, Glenn Toward a Code of Ethics for Astrologers 10/01 99 Counseling & Practice MD Sacks, Marcia Cosmic Dreaming: Astrology and Dream Interpretation 10/01 99 Counseling & Practice Blaschke, Robert Navigating the Client Relationship 6/02 MD 103 Counseling & Practice Star, Morning Shining Light on a Dark Issue: Maintaining Boundaries in Astrol. Consultations 6/02 103 Counseling & Practice Smith, Bee Process Astrology: Toward a Positive Here and Now 12/02 106 Counseling & Practice Cunningham, Donna Sexual Harassment: How It Applies to Astrological Practice 2/03 MD 107 Counseling & Practice Neuner, Marilyn The Joy of Discovery 2/04 113 Counseling & Practice Herbst, Bill Preparing for an Astrological Session 4/04 114 Counseling & Practice Francis, Eric Pisces and Virgo: The Art and Craft of Astrology 8/04 MD 116 Counseling & Practice Owen Lara The Professional Astrologer: How your own chart can help you build a practice 12/05MD 124 Counseling & Practice Herbst, Bill Astrological Triage: Finding the Pulse in the Chart 2/06 125 Counseling & Practice Mulligan Bob Astrology’s Next Step: The Power of Peer Group Work 6/07 133 Counseling & Practice Harris Pat Astrological Counselling — A Drug-Free Antidote to Depression? 6/09 145 Counseling & Practice Clement Stephanie Consultant or Therapist: What’s the Difference for Astrologers? 8/09 146 Counseling & Practice Kochunas Brad Letter to a Young Astrologer 8/09 146 Counseling & Practice Finger Lynn Astrology and Professionalization: Identifying the Issues 10/09 147 Counseling & Practice Crabb, Kathy The Session in the Chart 2/10 149 Counseling & Practice Bustillo Dian The First Hour 12/10 154 Counseling & Practice Evans Ryan M. The Responsibility of Wisdom 12/10 154 Counseling & Practice Van Horn, Linnea Before the Client Arrives 12/10 154 Counseling & Practice Scofield, Bruce How to Read an Astrological Chart (4-part series) (digital only, from 1999) 6/12 163 Counseling & Practice Tyl, Noel Anatomy of a Horoscope Reading: Transcript of Actual Astrology Consultation 10/12 165 Counseling & Practice Greene, Liz What Happens in an Astrological Session 6/13 169 Counseling & Practice Lutin, Michael The Horoscope: Obedience or Choice? 6/13 169 Counseling & Practice Tompkins, Sue Dynamics of the Consultation Process: Persecutor–Victim–Rescuer 6/13 169 Counseling & Practice Bogart, Greg Imagining Possibilities: Symbol Amplification in Astrological Counseling (digital) 8/13 170 Counseling & Practice Robinson, Veronika Sophia Ask, Don’t Assume: The Art of Client-Led Astrology 8/14 176 Counseling & Practice Fearrington, Basil Magic Moments in Client Preparation: The Call and Consultation Horoscopes 12/14 178 Counseling & Practice Jones, Mark One to One: Psychotherapeutic Insights for the Astrologer 12/14 178 Counseling & Practice Hamaker-Zondag, Karen The Year Ahead for Catherine 8/15 182 Counseling & Practice Suskin, Rod The Year Ahead for Catherine 8/15 182 Counseling & Practice Grasse, Ray Relaying Hard News to Beleaguered Clients 12/16 190 Counseling & Practice Cooperman, Corrie Deepening the Astrology Reading: The Oracle Archetype 2/17 191 Counseling & Practice Hardt Christopher Alchemists of Soul 8/11 158 Counseling & Practice O’Brien, Dale I Was the Moon ... 10/90 18 Experiential Jawer, Jeff Notes on Experiential Astrology: Astrodrama 12/90 19 Experiential Schermer, Barbara Astrology Within: Notes on Experiential Astrology 12/90 19 Experiential Brereton, Jean Experiential Astrology 4/91 21 Experiential Hunter, M. Kelley Experiencing Astrology in Groups 6/91 22 Experiential Schermer, Barbara The Roots of Experiential Astrology 8/91 23 Experiential Baron, Gerald Dirt, Jello, Windy, and Hot Signs: Experiencing the Elements 12/91 25 Experiential Mysliwiec, Mark Masks: Forgotten Channels 12/91 25 Experiential Hunter, M. Kelley The Incarnation of Uranus 2/92 26 Experiential Mysliwiec/Barbara Schermer, Mark Becoming Mercury 6/92 29 Experiential Schermer / M. Mysliwiec Barbara Becoming Mercury 6/92 29 Experiential Schermer / M.E. Segraves Barbara Venus Rising 10/92 32 Experiential Segraves / Barbara Schermer Mary Ellen Venus Rising 10/92 32 Experiential Canes, Moira Experiential Astrology: How Not to Mistake the Finger for the Moon 6/94 47 Experiential Hunter, M. Kelley Experiential Astrology: Clips from the ROOTS Scrapbook 6/94 47 Experiential Schermer, Barbara Experiential Astrology: Techniques to Do It Yourself 6/94 47 Experiential Jawer, Danick Recovering the Moon: An Experiential Process 6/96 66 Experiential Schermer, Barbara Experiencing Pluto and Scorpio 2/99 83 Experiential Schermer, Barbara Downloading the Cosmic Mind: Group Rituals for 2000-2001 8/00 92 Experiential Robinson, Ken From the Eyes of the Heart (Part 1): A Shamanic Look at Astrology 4/05 120 Experiential Smith Parker Deborah The Archetypes in Action — and How! 12/06 130 Experiential Baron Gerald Dirt, Jello, Windy, and Hot Signs: Experiencing the Elements 10/09 147 Experiential Terranova Evelyn A Meditation Journey to Saturn 10/10 153 Experiential Elenbaas, Adam Plant Spirit Cosmos: How Ayahuasca Shamanism Taught Me Astrology 10/12 165 Experiential Brady, Tom The Practice of the Garden: Experiential Astrology Then and Now 4/13 168 Experiential Hunter, Kelley Uranus Chose Me: An Impersonally Personal Experience 4/13 168 Experiential Schermer, Barbara Experiential Astrology ... Immediate, Direct, and Alive 4/13 168 Experiential Elenbaas, Adam MovingPlanets, Living Symbols: Toward a Participatory Astrology 6/14 175 Experiential Schermer Barbara Experiential Astrology: Bringing It Alive! 10/09 147 Experiential Mardyks, Raymond The Stars, Solar Eclipses, and the Gulf War 6/91 22 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond When the Stars Touch the Earth: The New Age through 2012 8/91 23 Fixed Stars & Constellations Morrison, Al H. Put the Fixed Stars into Your Own Horoscope 10/91 24 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rutke, James E. Constellation Astrology 8/92 31 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rosenberg, Diana K. Skyroads - Tour of the Constellations 8/93 40 Fixed Stars & Constellations Fannin, Bert Parans of Aldebaran & Antares 10/93 41 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling: Constellational Astrology (part 1) 6/94 47 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling (part 2) 8/94 49 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling (part 3) 11/94 51 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling (part 4) 12/94 52 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling (part 5) 2/95 53 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rosenberg, Diana K. The Ground of Heaven: The Constellations (part 1) 3/95 54 Fixed Stars & Constellations Mardyks, Raymond The Cosmic Calling (part 6) 4/95 55 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rosenberg, Diana K. The Ground of Heaven: The Constellations (part 2) 4/95 55 Fixed Stars & Constellations Kollerstrom, Nick Antares and Aldebaran: Stars of Conflict 10/95 59 Fixed Stars & Constellations Hunter, M. Kelley Uranus Enlightens the Heart of the Eagle 2/96 63 Fixed Stars & Constellations Jenkins, John Major The Pyramid at Chichen Itza: A Cosmic Myth in Stone 5/96 65 Fixed Stars & Constellations Tai, Marsha As Above, So Below: The Constellations on Earth 12/96 70 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rosenberg, Diana K. The Constellation Capricornus: Gate of Return 12/97 76 Fixed Stars & Constellations Rosenberg, Diana K. Light Out of Darkness: The Stars of Scorpio 2/99 83 Fixed Stars & Constellations Polise, Joseph The Royal Stars of Persia 10/03MD 111 Fixed Stars & Constellations Brady Bernadette Fixed Stars: Other Voices in Our Astrology 8/05 122 Fixed Stars & Constellations Houlding, Deborah Ursa Major’s Wheel: From Ploughing Seeds to Burying Dead 8/10 152 Fixed Stars & Constellations Paquette, Pat The “Outing” of Ophiuchus: What It Means for Astrology and Humanity at Large 12/11 160 Fixed Stars & Constellations Polise, Joseph The Royal Stars of Persia (digital only) 12/14 178 Fixed Stars & Constellations Duncan, Adrian Ross Freedom of Speech: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks (digital only) 4/15 180 Historical & Mundane Berg, Howard S. Secrets of Intuitive Astrology 2/90 14 Historical & Mundane Borax, Mark Pluto and the American Dream 2/90 14 Historical & Mundane Jacobus / Jacqi Wolf Dean A Different Perspective: The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Conjunction of 575 B.C. 8/90 17 Historical & Mundane Wolf / Dean Jacobus Jacqi A Different Perspective: The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Conjunction of 575 B.C. 8/90 17 Historical & Mundane Efrein, Laurie America 1991: Watchwords, Not Solutions 2/91 20 Historical & Mundane Efrein, Laurie U.S. Update: Has War Led to a Lasting Peace? 4/91 21 Historical & Mundane Efrein Laurie U.S. Update: “Moving Right Along” — Where? 6/91 22 Historical & Mundane Efrein Laurie U.S. Chart Update: Pluto and the Low Blows of Summer 8/91 23 Historical & Mundane Hathaway, Edith 20th Century Astrology: A Look at Media, Scientists, Politicians, and the Law 8/91 23 Historical & Mundane Lyons, Tim Cycles of Repression (part 1): Pluto’s Transits to the U.S. Moon 8/91 23 Historical & Mundane Fitzgerald, Robert Taurus Rising: The Overthrow of the Goddess and Modern Astrology 10/91 24 Historical & Mundane Hammerslough, Bruce F. Saturn in Aquarius 10/91 24 Historical & Mundane Lyons, Tim Cycles of Repression (part 2): Pluto’s Transits to the U.S. Moon 10/91 24 Historical & Mundane Meyer, Michael R. At the Threshold of a Global Society (part 1): The Challenge of the UR-NE Conj. 10/91 24 Historical & Mundane Lyons, Tim Cycles of Repression (part 3): Pluto’s Transits to the U.S. Moon 12/91 25 Historical & Mundane Meyer, Michael R. At the Threshold of a Global Society (part 2): The Challenge of the UR-NE Conj. 12/91 25 Historical & Mundane Christian, Diana Earth Change Information 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Efrein, Laurie A Living History Unfolds 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Hammerslough, Bruce F. 1992 and the U.S. Chart 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Meyer, Michael R. At the Threshold of a Global Society (part 3): The Challenge of the UR-NE Conj. 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Rasmussen, Steven C. Secrets of the 7-Day Week 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America (part 1) 2/92 26 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America (part 2) 3/92 27 Historical & Mundane Alden, Terry The Mill of Time (part 1) 6/92 29 Historical & Mundane Alden, Terry The Mill of Time (part 2) 7/92 30 Historical & Mundane Harness, Dennis The Presidential Election - Vedic Perspective 8/92 31 Historical & Mundane Schmeeckle, John Economics of Outer Planet Conjunctions 8/92 31 Historical & Mundane Solté, David 1992 Presidential Olympics 10/92 32 Historical & Mundane Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Year of the Woman - 1992 & Beyond 11/92 33 Historical & Mundane Solté, David A Nation in Denial - U.S. Update 11/92 33 Historical & Mundane Lewis, Jim Bill Clinton, Eros and Psyche 2/93 35 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Camelot - Next Generation 2/93 35 Historical & Mundane Campion, Nick The Treaty of Berlin 3/93 36 Historical & Mundane Solté, David America's World Trouble Spots 4/93 37 Historical & Mundane Meece, E. Alan The Cycle of Revolution 6/93 38 Historical & Mundane Mozier, Jeanne The Time for Terrorism 6/93 38 Historical & Mundane Kollerstrom, Nick Horoscopes of Six Modern Inventions 10/93 41 Historical & Mundane McDonald, F.D. AstroSeismology - Earthquakes in Japan 11/93 42 Historical & Mundane Solté, David A Nation in Crisis 11/93 42 Historical & Mundane Vaughan, Valerie How Is History Written? 11/93 42 Historical & Mundane Meece, E. Alan Cosmic Peace Symbol 12/93 43 Historical & Mundane Kenward, Catherine Watchers of Time: The Venus Cycle and the Ancient Maya 2/94 44 Historical & Mundane Mozier, Jeanne The World During Saturn in Pisces 2/94 44 Historical & Mundane MacIlhaney, Elizabeth The Forgotten Planet: A Report on the Research of Zecharia Sitchin 3/94 45 Historical & Mundane Sitchin, Zecharia When Time Began: The Zodiac and the Birth of Astrology 3/94 45 Historical & Mundane McDonald, F.D. Shock and Aftershocks: The 1994 L.A. Earthquake 4/94 46 Historical & Mundane Solté, David New Worlds: The Planetary Laws of Discovery 4/94 46 Historical & Mundane Starck, Marcia Saturn in Pisces: Flowing with the New Structure 4/94 46 Historical & Mundane Lehman, J. Lee Saturn-Neptune Re-examined: Anti-Abortion Militancy 7/94 48 Historical & Mundane Campion, Nick South Africa's New Horoscopes 8/94 49 Historical & Mundane Schmeeckle, John Where Is the Water Bearer? 8/94 49 Historical & Mundane Greer, Mary K. The Women of the Golden Dawn 10/94 50 Historical & Mundane Jenkins, John Major The How and the Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D. 12/94 52 Historical & Mundane Solté, David America's Second Coming: The U.S. in 1995 and Beyond 12/94 52 Historical & Mundane Bridges, Tom WorldWatch 2/95 53 Historical & Mundane Bridges, Tom WorldWatch 3/95 54 Historical & Mundane Layne, Joan B. The Titanic: Her First and Last Voyage 3/95 54 Historical & Mundane Bridges, Tom WorldWatch 4/95 55 Historical & Mundane Bridges, Tom WorldWatch: The Bombing of Oklahoma City 6/95 56 Historical & Mundane Schmidt, Robert The Fruits of Hindsight: How the Greeks Practiced Astrology 7/95 57 Historical & Mundane Tyl, Noel Jupiter-Saturn Synthesis: 20-Year Cycles of History in the Making 7/95 57 Historical & Mundane Bridges, Tom WorldWatch 8/95 58 Historical & Mundane Meridian, Bill Eclipse Paths of Russia and the U.S.S.R. 8/95 58 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 10/95 59 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 11/95 60 Historical & Mundane Polise, Joseph The Real Generation X: Uranus-Pluto Kids Come of Age 12/95 61 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 12/95 61 Historical & Mundane Crane, Joseph Ancient Astrology: Step by Step (Part 1) 1/96 62 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 1/96 62 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 2/96 63 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 4/96 64 Historical & Mundane Crane, Joseph Ancient Astrology (Part 2): Angles and Houses 5/96 65 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 5/96 65 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 6/96 66 Historical & Mundane Crane, Joseph Ancient Astrology (Part 3): Planets as Significators 7/96 67 Historical & Mundane Fearrington, Basil T. The Cyclic Index and the Charts of World Hot-Spots 7/96 67 Historical & Mundane various authors WorldWatch 7/96 67 Historical & Mundane Crane, Joseph Ancient Astrology (Part 4): Planetary Sect 10/96 69 Historical & Mundane Tyl, Noel China: Rising Star in the East 10/96 69 Historical & Mundane Crane, Joseph Ancient Astrology (Part 5): The Phases of the Planets 2/97 71 Historical & Mundane Eves, Crystal Virgo's Revolutionaries: A Look at the Pluto-in-Virgo Generation 2/97 71 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America Report 2/97 71 Historical & Mundane Heath, Robin Exploring Preliterate Sources of Astrology 4/97 72 Historical & Mundane Roberts, Courtney The Astrology of the Miraculous: The Virgin, the Goddess, and the Children 4/97 72 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America Report: Clinton's Second Term 4/97 72 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America Report: UFOs & Roswell 6/97 73 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America Report 8/97 74 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Scorpionic America Report 10/97 75 Historical & Mundane George, Demetra On Divination and Astrology's Sacred History 12/97 76 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem El Niño and the Astrology of 1998 12/97 76 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya Bill Clinton's Tangled Web: Clinton, Neptune, and Fate 4/98 78 Historical & Mundane Scofield, Bruce Bill Clinton's Tangled Web: Venus, Quetzalcoatl and Clinton 4/98 78 Historical & Mundane Solté, David Bill Clinton's Tangled Web: Zippergate and the U.S. Chart 4/98 78 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem Bill Clinton's Tangled Web: Comparing the Charts 4/98 78 Historical & Mundane Clydesdale, Ruth The Dalai Lama and the Fate of Tibet 6/98 79 Historical & Mundane Dearborn, Edward L. Planetary Cycle Charts 8/98 80 Historical & Mundane Roberts, Courtney Sports: Chasing Roger 10/98 81 Historical & Mundane Johnsen, Linda Jesus and the Stars: Nazarene Astrology 12/98 82 Historical & Mundane Patilas, Gerasime Kosovo 12/98 82 Historical & Mundane Bowser, Kenneth The Impact of Pluto Cycles on World Events in 1999 4/99 84 Historical & Mundane Markin, Alexander Lessons of Hurricane Mitch 4/99 84 Historical & Mundane Campion, Nick Nostradamus and the August 1999 Solar Eclipse 6/99 85 Historical & Mundane McDonagh, Alanna When Dragons Eat the Sun: An Astrological Look at the War in the Balkans 8/99 86 Historical & Mundane Schmidt, Robert The Facets of Fate: The Rationale Underlying the Hellenistic System of Houses 12/99 88 Historical & Mundane Murphy, Peter The Nine-Year Time-Lord System 2/00 89 Historical & Mundane TMA Charts of the Political Candidates 4/00 90 Historical & Mundane Bowser, Kenneth Local Apparent Time: The Key to Horoscopic Calculation before the 19th 6/00 91 Historical & Mundane Century Braha, James A View of the Presidential Candidates through Hindu and 6/00 91 Historical & Mundane Grasse, Ray Planet Tracks: Anatomy of an Eclipse — The February 5, 2000 Solar Eclipse 6/00 91 Historical & Mundane Markin, Alexander The Astrology of Natural Disasters 8/00 92 Historical & Mundane Severson, Jan Wild Mercury, Heavy Metal: A Halloween Thriller 10/00MD 93 Historical & Mundane Stamenkovic, Branka The Electric Revolution 2/01 95 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem The Day Mercury Stood Still: Charting the U.S. Election Chaos 2/01 95 Historical & Mundane McDonough, Mark Ariel Sharon and Israel: from Lois Rodden’s AstroDatabank 4/01 MD 96 Historical & Mundane Shawvan, Jim The Red Planet and the White House 4/01 96 Historical & Mundane Blaschke, Robert The U.S. Sibly Chart and September 11 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Campion, Nick Thoughts on the World Trade Centre Attacks 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Duncan, Adrian Ross The Two Towers 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Grasse, Ray The World Trade Center Tragedy and the May 2000 Planetary Line-up 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Hand, Robert The Mundane Astrologer as Prophet (re: 9-11-2001) 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Meredith, Neal The Importance of Mercury (re: 9-11-2001) 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Merriman, Raymond A. The Impact of the Saturn–Pluto Opposition on the World Economy 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Mary The Charts of New York City and the Attack on the World Trade Center 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Rutledge, Crista Looking to the Stars (re: 9-11-2001) 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Shawvan, Jim An Update on President Bush and 2002 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Solté, David The Scorpionic America Perspective (re: 9-11-2001) 12/01 100 Historical & Mundane MD Ream, Norma Jean Raphael and Zadkiel: Guardian Angels of Astrology 2/02 MD 101 Historical & Mundane Rogers-Gallagher, Kim The New America in 2002 2/02 101 Historical & Mundane Bes, Rudy Forecasting Global Political and Economic Cycles 4/02 102 Historical & Mundane Hand, Robert The Great Conjunctions and the World Trade Center Attacks 4/02 102 Historical & Mundane L’Mat, F.R. deFerbrache The Astrolabe: Old Things Are New Again 6/02 MD 103 Historical & Mundane Scofield, Bruce Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and the Birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll 10/02 105 Historical & Mundane Warnock, Christopher Astrology in the Renaissance 10/02 105 Historical & Mundane Caton, Gary P. Saturn’s Perihelion in 2003: The Year of the Scythe? 12/02 106 Historical & Mundane Hall, Liza K. Prehistoric Astrology: Our May Be Older than We Think 12/02MD 106 Historical & Mundane Kohout, Edward The Sibly Chart and Masonic Astrology 4/03 MD 108 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: The United States in 2003 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Hall, Liza K. The Space Shuttle Columbia 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Lyons, Tim Pluto, Projections, and Projectiles 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Merriman, Raymond A. The Effect of Saturn in on the U.S. and Bush 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Murray, Jessica America’s Crisis of Maturity 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Mary Planet Tracks: War in Baghdad 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Shawvan, Jim Scorpionic America and Dubya’s War 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane Sutton, Komilla Gulf War II: The Vedic Perspective 6/03 109 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: The Year Ahead for Mexico 8/03 110 Historical & Mundane George, Demetra A Golden Thread: Cultural Transmission of Astrology 8/03 110 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill The Cauldron of Heaven: Sun–Mars–Uranus and the Mars Perihelion 8/03 110 Historical & Mundane Houlding, Deborah Heavenly Imprints: Zodiacal Development & Early Origins of and Taurus 8/03 MD 110 Historical & Mundane Stamenkovic, Branka A Bloody History Repeats Itself (Serbian Independence) 8/03 110 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Upcoming Eclipses 10/03 111 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton? 10/03 111 Historical & Mundane Murphy, Therese The Chicago Porch Collapse 10/03 111 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Mary The David Kelly Story 10/03 111 Historical & Mundane Brown, Phillip Clouds of War: Neptune, the U.S., and Iraq 12/03 112 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Retrograde Mercury through 2004 12/03 112 Historical & Mundane Murray, Jessica The USA and Neptune 12/03 112 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Kate The Astrology of a Corporate Scandal (TYCO) 12/03 112 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Pluto Transits to the U.S. Neptune 2/04 113 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill The Democratic Presidential Candidates 2/04 113 Historical & Mundane Blaschke, Robert The Dawning of a New America 4/04 114 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: The Spring Eclipses 4/04 114 Historical & Mundane McDonough, Mark Astro-Newsmaker: Diane Keaton 4/04 114 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Mary John Forbes Kerry (JFK) 4/04 114 Historical & Mundane Corcilius, Ernest & Ricky Australia, , and Pluto: Transformation Down Under 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Solar Returns for the U.S. and Bush 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane Kolp, Elaine Transit of Venus: June 8, 2004 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane Schmidt, Robert The System of Hermes: A Report from Project Hindsight 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane Stephens, Albert Saturn Casts Its Shadow 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem The Neptune–Pluto Cycle and the Next Seven Years 6/04 115 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Election Vibrations 8/04 116 Historical & Mundane Holly, Nina The Race is On! The 2004 Presidential Election Campaigns 8/04 116 Historical & Mundane Murray, Jessica Money and Power: Pluto in the Chart of the USA 10/04 117 Historical & Mundane Robertson, Raye Election Year 2004: The Return of the King? 10/04 117 Historical & Mundane Townley, John Election Day Bets 10/04 117 Historical & Mundane Blaschke, Robert Iran’s Progressed Solar Eclipse 12/04 118 Historical & Mundane Brown, Philip Astrology and the Human Genome 12/04 118 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Neptune and the United States 12/04 118 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross Russia: A Painful Transition 12/04 118 Historical & Mundane Rückert / Suzanne Duarte Henny Power and the Collective 12/04MD 118 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: The Future of the United States 2/05 119 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: U.S. Progressed Mars Stations Retrograde 2/05 119 Historical & Mundane Dharmaruci The American Mars 2/05 119 Historical & Mundane Perez, Joe The Stonewall Chart: An Astrological View of Gay Spirit 2/05MD 119 Historical & Mundane Bergbauer, Bernhard Charting the Tsunami 4/05 120 Historical & Mundane Grasse, Ray Uranus in Pisces and the 2004 Tsunami 4/05 120 Historical & Mundane Kevill, Christopher Mars and Saturn Cross the Ecliptic 4/05 120 Historical & Mundane Streett, Bill Harmonizing Saturn and Uranus: Knowledge for the Age of Aquarius 4/05 120 Historical & Mundane Ackerman Shelley L. Mars in Taurus and the Gift of “Grab” 8/05 122 Historical & Mundane Lamb Terry Prodigal Nation: The United States and Its Search for Identity 8/05MD 122 Historical & Mundane Stephens, Albert A Gathering Storm: China and Japan in Late 2005 8/05 122 Historical & Mundane Merriman Raymond Geocosmic Projections for the World Economy: 2008-2011 10/05 123 Historical & Mundane Diaz Armand Monkey Man 12/05 124 Historical & Mundane Gillam Edward Pluto into Capricorn, Part One: Redefining Freedom — New Politics ... 12/05 124 Historical & Mundane Kevill Christopher Katrina and the Sun–Neptune Conjunction 12/05MD 124 Historical & Mundane Meridian Bill New Horoscopes from the Middle East 12/05MD 124 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem Winds of Change: A Report on Hurricane Katrina ... 12/05 124 Historical & Mundane Gillam Edward Pluto into Capricorn, Part Two: Confronting the Limits of Everything 2/06 125 Historical & Mundane Hand, Robert Fate and Astrology: Some Ancient Insights 2/06MD 125 Historical & Mundane Marie Trish The Sky Is Talking! What It Says about 2006 and the Years Ahead 2/06 125 Historical & Mundane del Mar, Maya Bolivia: The Dawn of a New Day in Latin America 4/06 126 Historical & Mundane Kesten David Planet Tracks: The Hot Chart Wheels of 2006 4/06 126 Historical & Mundane Kellogg Doug How the Outer Planets Shape History: The 20th Century and Beyond 6/06MD 127 Historical & Mundane Fernandez Maurice Crazy Wisdom! The Jupiter–Saturn–Neptune T-Square 8/06 128 Historical & Mundane Grasse, Ray Article Particle: The Sixties Reloaded 8/06 128 Historical & Mundane Lesur Luis The Virgin of Guadalupe: The Astrology of a National Symbol 10/06 129 Historical & Mundane Trussler, Bryan America’s Mars Does an About-Face 10/06 129 Historical & Mundane Bergbauer Bernhard Under Dark Stars: The War between Israel and Hezbollah 12/06 130 Historical & Mundane Lyons Tim From Monroe to G-Dub: 180 Years of Warfare 12/06 130 Historical & Mundane Shawvan Jim Scorpionic America in 2007 12/06 130 Historical & Mundane Brown Philip Mars, War, and the 2008 Election 6/07 133 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill Empire of Community: Globalization and Relocalization in the 21st Century 6/07 133 Historical & Mundane Johnsen, Linda A Book of Revelations: Astrology in the Bible 10/07 135 Historical & Mundane Scofield, Bruce The Solar Cycle and 2012: Global Warming Meets the Mayan Long Count 10/07 135 Historical & Mundane Warnock Christoper Astrology, Talismans, and the Spiritual Path of Hermeticism 10/07 135 Historical & Mundane Roberts, Courtney The Star of the Magi 12/07 136 Historical & Mundane Taglilatelo, Pat The Campaign Trail: Charting the 2008 Candidates 12/07 136 Historical & Mundane Lavenant Maurice Pluto in Capricorn 2008-23: An Astrological Outlook for the U.S. (Part 2 of 3) 4/08 138 Historical & Mundane Matcha Frank The Path toward Renaissance Astrology 4/08 138 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy Astrology and the Origin of AIDS 6/08 139 Historical & Mundane Lavenant Maurice Pluto in Capricorn 2008–23: Outlook for the People’s Republic of China (Part 3) 6/08 139 Historical & Mundane Murray Jessica Astrology in Troubled Times 6/08 139 Historical & Mundane Campion Nicholas Distant Echoes: Origins of Astrology 8/08 140 Historical & Mundane Flanagan Victoria Pluto in Capricorn from Another Vantage Point 8/08 140 Historical & Mundane Davis Martin Astro*Carto*Graphy Mapping in Mundane Studies 10/08 141 Historical & Mundane Surtees, Kelly A Concise 10/08 141 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross The Wild Ride of 2009 and Beyond: Geopolitical, Economic, & Social Trends 12/08 142 Historical & Mundane TMA Staff Barack Obama’s Inauguration Charts 2/09 143 Historical & Mundane Clark Brian Academia and Astrology Down Under 6/09 145 Historical & Mundane Merriman Raymond Is It Camelot or an Economic Armageddon? 6/09 145 Historical & Mundane Zerger, Monte A President, a Birthday, and a Dawning Age 6/09 145 Historical & Mundane Murray Jessica Rupture and Renaissance: World-Altering Transits in the Years Ahead 8/09 146 Historical & Mundane Jawer, Jeff Cardinal Consciousness: 2010 and Beyond 10/09 147 Historical & Mundane Ackerman Shelley Saturn to the Eighth Power: A Look Ahead to America’s Eighth Saturn Return 12/09 148 Historical & Mundane Robertson, Raye Water, Water, Everywhere ... The Astrology of Nature’s Profound Gift 12/09 148 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill Personal Challenge within Collective Crisis 2/10 149 Historical & Mundane Noel Gary America’s Unknown Horoscope 2/10 149 Historical & Mundane DeCastro, Dena Jupiter in 2010 4/10 150 Historical & Mundane Finey, Michele Uranus in Aries: A Spark of Hope for the Future 4/10 150 Historical & Mundane Lavenant, Maurice The Astrology of the U.S. Dollar and World Currencies 4/10 150 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem A Planetary Wake-Up Call: June-August 2010 4/10 150 Historical & Mundane Vitale, Judi Hades on the Aries Axis: A Curse or a Mixed Blessing? 4/10 150 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross The Dream of Dubai 6/10 151 Historical & Mundane Murray Jessica Disaster in Deep Water: The Gulf Coast Oil Crisis 8/10 152 Historical & Mundane Stenger, Audra Oh, What a Feeling! The Astrology of Toyota’s Troubles 8/10 152 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy Funny Money and the Fed 10/10 153 Historical & Mundane Austin, Stephanie 2011 Astrological Outlook: Astrological Themes, Hot Spots, and Tips 12/10 154 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy WikiLeaks and the Cardinal Cross 4/11 156 Historical & Mundane TMA Uranian Shock Waves: The Disasters in Japan 6/11 157 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy Global Uprisings and the Uranus–Pluto Effect 10/11 159 Historical & Mundane Finey, Michele Into the Blue: Neptune in Pisces 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill 2012 and Beyond: Clarifying the Timeline of Change 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Lehman, J. Lee Sustainability Issues in 2012 and Beyond 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Levine, Rick 2012, Uranus, and Pluto: The Planetary and Technological Triggers 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Makransky, Bob Is There a Mayan Prophecy for 2012? 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Simas, Julija 2012: The Year of Astrology 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem Peak Moments of 2012 and Forecast for Each Sign 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Wheatcroft, Alan R. A Timeless Love Story: The Grand Trine of March 2012 12/11 160 Historical & Mundane Caton, Gary P. The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: A New Power Emerges 2/12 161 Historical & Mundane Clifford, Frank C. The 2012 Presidential Candidates 2/12 161 Historical & Mundane Paaske, Christian Terrorist Attack on Norway: The Disaster We Will Never Forget 2/12 161 Historical & Mundane Aden Helmut The Big One: Uranus–Pluto and the Risk of a Devastating Earthquake in the US 4/12 162 Historical & Mundane Bolander-Claus, Karen A Global Study of Very Large Earthquakes (digital only, from April/May 2003) 4/12 162 Historical & Mundane Murray Jessica Occupy Wall Street: People over Profit 4/12 162 Historical & Mundane Scofield, Bruce Earthquake Astrology 4/12 162 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross The Dollar at the Crossroads: U.S. Economic Outlook 6/12 163 Historical & Mundane Merriman, Raymond Uranus Square Pluto: The Consequences of the Debt Explosion 6/12 163 Historical & Mundane Gryphon, Nina The Future of Iran: An Astrological Study of Iran’s Past & Future 8/12 164 Historical & Mundane Perry, Wendell C. Astrology and the Tea Party Movement 8/12 164 Historical & Mundane Clare, Gregory A New Time for China 12/12 166 Historical & Mundane Lavenant, Maurice Pluto, Uranus, and the Financial Crisis: Reaching the Limits to Growth 12/12 166 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy Silent Spring and a Frankenstorm Fall: Astrology, Science, Climate Change 2/13 167 Historical & Mundane Lavenant, Maurice Pluto, Uranus, and the Financial Crisis; Part II: Collapse in the West? 2/13 167 Historical & Mundane Coppolino, Eric Francis In through the Out Door: The Cosmic Signature of Monsanto and GMOs 8/13 170 Historical & Mundane Peterson, Karen How My Uncle Escaped the Iran Hostage Crisis 8/13 170 Historical & Mundane Woods, Jutta The Theosophical Heritage in Modern Astrology 8/13 170 Historical & Mundane Finey, Michele Sun Signs and Leadership: Australia’s Prime Ministers (digital only) 10/13 171 Historical & Mundane Noel, Gary Did Hitler Really Believe in Astrology? 10/13 171 Historical & Mundane Savinar, Matt Watching the Watchers: The Cryptic Charts of the NSA and Edward Snowden 10/13 171 Historical & Mundane Trinkaus, Emily The Astrology of Nuclear Radiation 10/13 171 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill Uranus–Pluto and the American Grand Cross 12/13 172 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem 2014: Riding the Rapids through the Heart of the Uranus–Pluto Square 12/13 172 Historical & Mundane Kohout, Edward The Sibly Chart and Masonic Astrology (digital only) 2/14 173 Historical & Mundane Lehman, J. Lee Charles Carter and the Development of Modern Mundane Astrology 2/14 173 Historical & Mundane Murray, Jessica Right Use of Power: The U.S. Pluto Return 2/14 173 Historical & Mundane Spencer, Neil The Astrology of Pop 4/14 174 Historical & Mundane TMA editors Astro-Chronology of Pop Music: 1956–2011 4/14 174 Historical & Mundane Bogart, Greg Astrology, Practical Mysticism, and Planetary Initiation (digital only) 6/14 175 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy Uranus vs. Pluto: A Tale of Two Economic Approaches 8/14 176 Historical & Mundane Landwehr, Joe Ceres, Climate Change, and the Bardo State 8/14 176 Historical & Mundane Grasse, Ray Wheels of Change: Stelliums and Mundane Astrology 10/14 177 Historical & Mundane Hand, Robert The Precession of the Capricorn Solstice & the Importance of 2017 10/14 177 Historical & Mundane Robertson, Raye Popcorn with Saturn in the Sibly 12th House: Film Notes and 12/14 178 Historical & Mundane the Astrology of Election 2016 Trinkaus, Emily 2015 Forecast: Everything Is in Divine Order 12/14 178 Historical & Mundane Weiss, Claude When Major Astrological Cycles Converge: Two Hot Spots for 2015 2/15 179 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross The Next U.S. Electon: Would Hillary Be a One-Term President? 8/15 182 Historical & Mundane O’Brien, Dale Accidental Alchemy: The Animas River Toxic Spill (digital only) 10/15 183 Historical & Mundane Allan, Kathy The Microbial Wars: Eclipses and Epidemics 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Fernandez, Maurice The Powerful Astrological Cycles of 2020 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Herbst, Bill The Astrological Road Ahead 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Levine, Rick Technology and Invention: The Jupiter–Uranus Opposition of 2016–17 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Murray, Jessica Years of Reckoning 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem Charts of Note: 2016and 2017 12/15 184 Historical & Mundane Plumb, Mary Perspectives on the Paris Attacks 2/16 185 Historical & Mundane Rose, Kathy Astrological Brushstrokes of Influence 2/16 185 Historical & Mundane Robertson, Raye Enough for All Our Needs: The Astrology of Today’s Water Crisis 4/16 186 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem California, Climate & the Methane Leak 4/16 186 Historical & Mundane Duncan, Adrian Ross “Brexit” — Will Britain Exit the E.U.? 6/16 187 Historical & Mundane Gryphon, Nina Predicting the Next U.S. President: A Study 10/16 189 Historical & Mundane Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: The Watergate Arrests 12/16 190 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem 2017 Eclipse Preview 12/16 190 Historical & Mundane Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: Approval of Viagra 2/17 191 Historical & Mundane Murray Jessica Truth or Dare: Major Transits of 2017 2/17 191 Historical & Mundane Tarriktar, Tem Donald Trump’s Chart and Astrolocality Map 2/17 191 Historical & Mundane Clifford, Frank C. Moments in Time: News Report of Famine in Ethiopia 6/17 193 Historical & Mundane Heath, Robin Brexit and Trump: A Tale of Two Democratically Elected Shocks 6/17 193 Historical & Mundane Clifford, Frank C. Searching for Obama 4/09 144 Historical & Mundane Garrison, Gayle How I Found the Missing Diamond Ring with 8/90 17 Horary & Traditional Bevan, Andrew J. Horary Astrology: Where Are Jonathan’s Spectacles? 2/91 20 Horary & Traditional Bevan, Andrew J. Where Are My Notes on the Client? 3/92 27 Horary & Traditional Nasium, James Fun with Horary Astrology 3/92 27 Horary & Traditional Louis, Anthony Horary Astrology and the Super Bowl 8/92 31 Horary & Traditional Munkasey, Michael How Houses Handle Horary 2/93 35 Horary & Traditional Bevan, Andrew J. Brawl at Nightclub Saturn (Horary) 8/93 40 Horary & Traditional Lehman, J. Lee The Mars Observer Probe 2/94 44 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 1) 6/94 47 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 2) 7/94 48 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 3) 8/94 49 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 4) 10/94 50 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 5) 12/94 52 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 6) 2/95 53 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 7) 3/95 54 Horary & Traditional Bevan, Andrew J. The Oslo Earthquake 3/95 54 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 8) 4/95 55 Horary & Traditional Barclay, Olivia Astrologer's Guide to Horary (part 9) 7/95 57 Horary & Traditional Murphy, Peter Forecasting the Outcome of Lawsuits: Widow v. Sleazeballs 4/96 64 Horary & Traditional Hand, Robert Ancient Astrology and the Void-of-Course Moon 10/97 75 Horary & Traditional Warnock, Christopher The Planetary Days and Hours 4/00 90 Horary & Traditional Simms, Maria Kay Quick Timing Techniques for On-the-Spot Decisions 12/02 106 Horary & Traditional Bolander-Claus, Karen A Global Study of Very Large Earthquakes 4/03 108 Horary & Traditional Paone, Ken Weather Watch for 2003: Butterflies and Hurricanes 4/03 108 Horary & Traditional Warnock, Christopher Traditional Astrology and Criminal Law 8/03 110 Horary & Traditional Lee, Kris The Strange Case of the Quesited Cat 10/04 117 Horary & Traditional Marie, Trish The Haunted Horary 10/04 117 Horary & Traditional Stamenkovic, Branka A Love Rectangle 10/04 117 Horary & Traditional Greenbaum Dorian Gieseler The Well-Tempered Astrologer: Using an Ancient System in Modern Astrology 4/06MD 126 Horary & Traditional Mateus Maria J. Forecasting for the Year: Profections and the Solar Return 4/06MD 126 Horary & Traditional Seator, Penny The Down-to-Earth Sky: An Introduction to Morin’s Method of Determination 4/07 132 Horary & Traditional Davis Christine N. How I Used Astrology to Find My Perfect Condo 6/07 133 Horary & Traditional Davis Christine Nuwayser The $400 Question: Astrology Finds the Missing Money 2/08 137 Horary & Traditional Sellar, Wanda Rock around the Universe 2/08 137 Horary & Traditional Crane, Joseph A Practical Introduction to 4/08 138 Horary & Traditional Yothi Yasha Humanistic Horary 8/08 140 Horary & Traditional Davis Christine Nuwayser The Horary 5th House: Of Pregnancy Past, Present, and Future 12/08 142 Horary & Traditional Minatel Franco Pet Detective: Where’s Max? 4/09 144 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah Lilly’s Purchase of Master B’s Houses 6/09 145 Horary & Traditional Burk Kevin B. Essential Dignities: Unlocking the Secrets of the Natal Chart with Classical Astr 8/09 146 Horary & Traditional Murphy Peter Forecasting the Outcome of Lawsuits: Widow v. Sleazeballs 10/09 147 Horary & Traditional Minatel Franco The Further Adventures of Astro-Detective 12/09 148 Horary & Traditional Brennan Chris The Astrology of Sect: The Difference between Day and Night Charts 12/10 154 Horary & Traditional Brennan, Chris An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology: Part 1 2/12 161 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah Hippocrates, Humours, and Temperament in Traditional Astrology and Medicine 2/12 161 Horary & Traditional Brennan, Chris An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology: Part 2 6/12 163 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 1: Considerations before Study and 10/12 165 Horary & Traditional Cautionary Tales from History Houlding, Deborah Horary Astrology, Part 2: Questions and Significations 12/12 166 Horary & Traditional Johnson, Kenneth Fortune and Spirit: Reclaiming Astrology’s Lost Archetypes 2/13 167 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah Horary Astrology, Part 3: Houses and Planetary Placement 4/13 168 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 4: Essential Dignity 6/13 169 Horary & Traditional Coppock, Austin Understanding Sect 10/13 171 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 5: Accidental Strengths & Afflictions 10/13 171 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 6: Comubustion & Planetary Phases 12/13 172 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 7: Planetary Orbs & Transfers of Light 2/14 173 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 8: Reception & Mutual Inclination 6/14 175 Horary & Traditional Houlding, Deborah An Introduction to Horary Astrology, Part 9: Considerations & Radicality 8/14 176 Horary & Traditional Caves, Wade Navigating Professional Storms: A Case Study in Career Horaries 2/15 179 Horary & Traditional Blackledge, Catherine Hieroglyphics of Hell: The Fateful Predictions of William Lilly 4/16 186 Horary & Traditional Rocks Damian Reworking the Art of Answering Questions: Horary Tips for Client-Centred 12/16 190 Horary & Traditional Astrologers Stachowicz, James A. House Systems Compared (Part 1) 2/90 14 Houses & Angles Stachowicz, James A. House Systems Compared (Part 2) 4/90 15 Houses & Angles Wycoff, Gwenn H. Transits Over Angles 6/90 16 Houses & Angles Morrison, Al H. Two Millennia of Confusion About House Rulerships 2/91 20 Houses & Angles Hammerslough, Bruce F. Houses and the Ascendant 12/91 25 Houses & Angles Pond, Lucy The 8th House 2/92 26 Houses & Angles Lathrop, Anne Illuminated Lunations 7/92 30 Houses & Angles MacDonald, Doug Di-Hemisphere House Division 7/92 30 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 1st House 10/94 50 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 2nd House 12/94 52 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 3rd House 2/95 53 Houses & Angles Manning, Marguerite The 12th House: Your Karmic Closet 3/95 54 Houses & Angles Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Planets in the 12th House 3/95 54 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 4th House 4/95 55 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 5th House 6/95 56 Houses & Angles Cunningham, Donna Can We Talk About Money and Sex? 7/95 57 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 6th House 8/95 58 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 7th House 10/95 59 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 8th House 12/95 61 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 9th House 2/96 63 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 10th House 4/96 64 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 11th House 8/96 68 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Houses of Your Chart: The 12th House 10/96 69 Houses & Angles Brown, Gordon M. Are There Really 360 Houses? Exploring House-Oriented Longitude 6/98 79 Houses & Angles Hand, Robert The Oldest House System: Whole-Sign Houses (Part 1) 6/99 85 Houses & Angles Houlding, Deborah The Astrological Houses (Part 1) 6/99 85 Houses & Angles Hand, Robert The Oldest House System: Whole-Sign Houses (Part 2) 8/99 86 Houses & Angles Houlding, Deborah The Astrological Houses (Part 2) 8/99 86 Houses & Angles Landwehr, Joe The Clockwise Interpretation of Houses 10/00 93 Houses & Angles Brown, Philip Mercury and the Transformational 6th House 2/01 95 Houses & Angles Forrest, Steven The Case of the Disappearing 6th House 6/02 103 Houses & Angles Houlding, Deborah The Problem of the Houses 8/02 104 Houses & Angles Yudron, Gaea A Story from the 12th House 8/02 104 Houses & Angles Forrest, Steven Uranus through the Houses 2/03 107 Houses & Angles Booth, Janet The Vertex: Cosmic Appointments 6/03 109 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The First House 10/03 111 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Second House 12/03 112 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Third House 2/04 113 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Fourth House 4/04 114 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Fifth House 6/04 115 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Sixth House 8/04 116 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Seventh House 10/04 117 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Eighth House 12/04 118 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Tenth House 4/05 120 Houses & Angles Coleman James Introducing House Astrology 6/05 121 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Eleventh House 8/05 122 Houses & Angles Gerhardt, Dana The Twelfth House 12/05 124 Houses & Angles Cunningham, Donna Planets in Houses: A Quick-and-Dirty Rectification Tool 6/05 127 Houses & Angles Bustillo Dian Chart Tips: Simply Houses 12/06 130 Houses & Angles Cunningham, Donna The Eleventh House 10/07 135 Houses & Angles Gambino, Doria The Sun-Sign “House Overlay” 10/07 135 Houses & Angles Cunningham, Donna Your Finances & the 8th House 6/08 139 Houses & Angles Forrest, Jodie The Water Houses: The Aquifer Beneath the Chart 2/11 155 Houses & Angles Johnson Kenneth Mysteries of the 12th House: The Gods Must Be Crazy 2/11 155 Houses & Angles Cunningham, Donna A Modern-Day Who’s Who of the Houses of Your Chart 6/11 157 Houses & Angles Clark, Brian Getting an Angle on the Axes of the Horoscope 6/13 169 Houses & Angles Whitaker, Anne Contemplating the 12th House: An Optimist’s Take on Self-Undoing 8/14 176 Houses & Angles Cossar, Faye The Rhythm of Life Is a Powerful Beat: Using the Huber Life Clock 6/15 181 Houses & Angles Epstein, Meira B. Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise: Timing by the Houses and Diurnal 6/15 181 Houses & Angles Quadrants Forrest, Steven The Awkward but Fruitful Marriage of Houses Three and Six 12/15 184 Houses & Angles Jones, Amy Alexandro The Sixth House: Thy Will Be Done 12/15 184 Houses & Angles Surtees, Kelly The Third and Sixth Houses: A Traditional View 12/15 184 Houses & Angles TMA Love Letters from the 12 Signs 2/90 14 Humor Sholly, Kate Dr. Zodiac’s Designer Line for the Signs — Products for the ‘90s 4/90 15 Humor Biehl, Kathy Song Title Guide to Venus Placements 8/90 17 Humor Tarriktar, Tem The Lost Predictions of Nostradamus (and Glyphoids!) 12/90 19 Humor MiXXe, AdZe Flus of the Zodiac 4/91 21 Humor Nigro, Marie ASTROTOONS (in many issues) 4/91+ 21 Humor Sparrow, Linda S. How Do They Spend their Lunch Hour? 4/91 21 Humor Tarriktar, Tem Are You a Confused Cuspal Creature? (humor) 4/91 21 Humor Biehl, Kathy Wayward Ho! Mercury Direct: Fact or Phantom? 6/91 22 Humor Erickson, David The Non-Harmonic Convergence — Guest Glyphoids 8/91 23 Humor Scofield, Bruce The New Jersey Zodiac 3/92 27 Humor Christino, Karen Father Time Blasts Off 4/92 28 Humor Dukakis, Glaucus Outer Planet Lemonade 6/92 29 Humor Hammerman / Muriel Taylor Lisa Astrogirls (cartoon) 6/92 29 Humor Taylor / Lisa Hammerman Muriel Astrogirls (cartoon) 6/92 29 Humor Hammerman / Muriel Taylor Lisa Astrogirls 2 12/92 34 Humor Taylor / Lisa Hammerman Muriel Astrogirls 2 12/92 34 Humor TMA Astrological Gifts for the 12 Signs 12/92 34 Humor Sholly, Kate If I Have Another Life, Let Me Live It as a Sag 7/93 39 Humor TMA Humor: Doggie Degrees (Canine Sabian Symbols) 4/94 46 Humor Flickinger, Greg A Visit from St. Chiron 12/94 52 Humor Newman, Paul F. Astro-Cartoons (in many issues from 1994-2004) 2/95+ 53 Humor Perlstein, Jonathan Be Thankful for the Karma You Don’t Have! (cartoon) 10/95 59 Humor Poplin, Stephen Lightly Around the Circle (An Outing with the Zoo) 10/95 59 Humor Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Humor: Interview with Planet Jupiter 2/96 63 Humor TMA Humor: NDE's for the 12 Signs & Glyphoids 4/96 64 Humor Gold, Hardy Humor: Neptunian Astrology 5/96 65 Humor Keller, Judy Humor: Shape up with Your Sun Sign 7/96 67 Humor Gray, Kathryn Humor: Bad Days for Plutonian and Neptunian Friends 8/96 68 Humor Young, Judithann Humor: Astrology on the Road 8/96 68 Humor Anderson, Maggie Humor: Guide to Winning the Votes of the Sun Signs 10/96 69 Humor Severn, Lisa The Cancerian Decorating Wars 12/96 70 Humor TMA TMA's 1996 Holiday Shopping Guide 12/96 70 Humor Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Why You'd Never Want to Date a . . . (humor) 2/97 71 Humor Marshall, Per The Moving Birth Time 8/98 80 Humor Parker, Deborah Smith Dog Stars of the Zodiac 8/98 80 Humor TMA Humor: Sign Overdoses 2/99 83 Humor TMA The Glyphoids 6/99 85 Humor TMA Humor: Do You Have S.V.D.S. ? (Severe Venus Deficiency Syndrome) 8/99 86 Humor TMA Humor: Planets in Big Trouble 2/00 89 Humor Geary, Nan Humor: Astrology Down the Tubes 4/00 90 Humor TMA Humor: NoPluto-MoTrine 6/00 91 Humor Geary, Nan What's Cooking in the Zodiac Kitchen? 8/00 92 Humor TMA Astro-Times Headlines 10/00 93 Humor TMA May B. Definite’s Predictions for 2001 12/00 94 Humor TMA A Letter to Santa (humor) 12/00 94 Humor Newman, Paul F. The Astrologer’s Dictionary 4/02 MD 102 Humor Newman, Paul F. Combust Your Neighbour! 4/02 MD 102 Humor TMA Are You an Obsessed Astrologer? (humor) 4/02 MD 102 Humor TMA Interview with Dr. Zodiac (humor) 4/02 MD 102 Humor TMA Prolegomenon and Preamble to Postulations of a Proposed 13th Sign 4/02 MD 102 Humor Welch, Jules How Many Sun Signs Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb? 8/03 110 Humor Snow, Jean Chapman Sun-Sign Tips for the Harried Holiday Shopper 12/03 112 Humor Christino, Karen Astro-Dictionary (humor) 2/04 113 Humor Brown, Tim What the Zodiac Signs Bring to a Potluck (plus cartoons in many issues) 2/05 119 Humor de Prosse Jan Who Dresses Me? 2/06 125 Humor Elderkin, Nathan Humor: A Conversation with Virgo 8/06 128 Humor Ziara Liza Venus Signs Her Survey 10/06 129 Humor de Prosse Jan Notes from a Novice: Advice to the Lovelorn 6/07 133 Humor Elward Sue Secret Diary of an Astrology Student 10/07 135 Humor de Tunahuna Sir Henry The 12 New Elementary Particles of Nature 2/08 137 Humor Annand Alan Humor: When Mercury Goes Retro ... 6/08 139 Humor Elderkin, Nathan Astrology, Baseball, and Fishy Friends 6/09 145 Humor Elderkin, Nathan Enthusiastically Embracing (the Possible Arrival of) the New Age of Aquarius 12/09 148 Humor Elderkin, Nathan Your Dentist through the Zodiac 2/10 149 Humor Schweitzer, Linda Article Particle: How the Zodiac Says “Thank You” 12/12 166 Humor Strong-Turner, Carol Humor: A Chain Letter through the Zodiac 10/13 171 Humor Lee, Marian Humor: Date Night with Jake 4/15 180 Humor TMA (aka May B. Definite) TMA Humor: Sign Overdoses 6/15 181 Humor Tunahuna, Henry TMA Humor Page: Droids 8/15 182 Humor Minatel, Franco Article Particle: The Further Adventures of Astro-Detective 10/15 183 Humor Slater, Drew An Interview with Twelve Astrologers 12/16 190 Humor Christino Karen Will Marriage Change Him? 4/10 150 Humor Naiman, Ingrid Cancer: Astrologically Considered 2/90 14 & Healing Hasnas, Shelli Healing through the Zodiac with the Bach Flower Remedies 4/90 15 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid Adrenal Exhaustion 6/90 16 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid Storks and Stars: Astrological Indicators of Fertility 8/90 17 Medical Astrology & Healing Michael II, Miles Astrology, Health, and AIDS (Part 1) 12/90 19 Medical Astrology & Healing Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Medical Astrologer Dr. Ingrid Naiman 12/90 19 Medical Astrology & Healing Michael II, Miles Astrology, Health, and AIDS (Part 2) 2/91 20 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid Memory 4/91 21 Medical Astrology & Healing Austin, Stephanie Astrology and Healing 10/91 24 Medical Astrology & Healing Austin, Stephanie The Healing Spiral 3/92 27 Medical Astrology & Healing Cunningham, Donna Remedies of Interest to Astrologers 4/92 28 Medical Astrology & Healing Elko, Bronwyn Healing Your Aspects 12/92 34 Medical Astrology & Healing Irwin, Patricia Astrology and Chinese Medicine 12/92 34 Medical Astrology & Healing Kahn, Nancy Using Elements to Create Better Health 12/92 34 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid Medicine in the Aquarian Age 12/92 34 Medical Astrology & Healing Sholly, Kate Introduction to Medical Astrology 12/92 34 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid A Look at the Ancients 2/93 35 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Uranus-Neptune Conj. - Our Bodies Respond 6/93 38 Medical Astrology & Healing Newfeld-Green, Sarah Aromatherapy and the Elements 7/93 39 Medical Astrology & Healing Michael II, Miles Astrology, Health, & AIDS Revisited 11/93 42 Medical Astrology & Healing Naiman, Ingrid The Healer 12/93 43 Medical Astrology & Healing Cassell, Nancy Pluto, Saturn, and My Heart/Lung Transplant 4/94 46 Medical Astrology & Healing Hammerslough, Bruce F. AIDS: An Astro-Medical Perspective (part 1) 6/94 47 Medical Astrology & Healing Hammerslough, Bruce F. AIDS: An Astro-Medical Perspective (part 2) 7/94 48 Medical Astrology & Healing Lyons, Tim Astrology, AIDS, and the Great Mother (part 1) 11/94 51 Medical Astrology & Healing Lyons, Tim Astrology, AIDS, and the Great Mother (part 2) 12/94 52 Medical Astrology & Healing Conrad, Christine A Homeopathic Approach to Astrology 7/96 67 Medical Astrology & Healing Scofield, Bruce The Astrology of Scheduling a Medical Procedure 7/96 67 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia New Techniques of Healing in the Aquarian Age 7/96 67 Medical Astrology & Healing Corey, Pamela Cycles of Fertility 6/97 73 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: Astrology and Your Health for Aug./Sep. 1997 8/97 74 Medical Astrology & Healing March, Marion D. The Fertility Cycle 10/97 75 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: Astrology and Your Health for Oct./Nov. 1997 10/97 75 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: The Astrology of Wellness (Dec./Jan..) 12/97 76 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: The Astrology of Wellness (Feb./Mar.) 2/98 77 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: The Astrology of Wellness (Apr./May) 4/98 78 Medical Astrology & Healing Zagar, Ted PanDeva Hygeia's Sacred Grove: The Astrology of Wellness (Jun./Jul.) 6/98 79 Medical Astrology & Healing Banfield, Barbara Astrological Signatures of Healers and Physicians 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Enteen, Shellie An Astrological Approach to the Bach Flower Remedies 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Gunzburg, Darrelyn The Astrology of Grief: Lying Down With the Seals 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Johnsen, Linda Physicians of the Soul: Healing with Vedic Astrology 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Keyes, Jonathan Planetary Transits and the Healing Process 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Lawlor, Gretchen Care of the Astrologer 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Ridder-Patrick, Jane Chronic Fatigue and Spirituality: The Sea Change of Neptune 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Scofield, Bruce How to Read a Birth Chart, Part 2: Health and Illness 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Tyl, Noel The Seeds of Tension: Patterns and Timing for Critical Illness in the Horoscope 10/99 87 Medical Astrology & Healing Whitaker, Anne Mary, Dolly, and Andi: O Brave New World? 6/01 MD 97 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Saturn in Cancer 6/03 109 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Mars Perihelion and Your Health 8/03 110 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Uranus, Neptune, and Our Immune System 10/03 111 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Pluto in the Third of Sagittarius 12/03 112 Medical Astrology & Healing Sewell, Rupert Medical Astrology: A Practical Exercise 2/04 113 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Jupiter’s Transit of Virgo 2/04 113 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Eclipse Notes 4/04 114 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Venus Retrograde in 604 115 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Jupiter in Libra 8/04 116 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: The Fall Eclipses 10/04 117 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: A First Glance at 2005 12/04 118 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: Venus–Neptune Conjunction in Aquarius 2/05 119 Medical Astrology & Healing Starck, Marcia Earth Medicine: The April Eclipses 4/05 120 Medical Astrology & Healing Sewell, Rupert Exploring Medical Astrology 8/05 122 Medical Astrology & Healing Sewell, Rupert Is There a Doctor in the House? Further Explorations of Medical Astrology 10/08 141 Medical Astrology & Healing Allan, Kathy Astrological Indications of Influenza 12/09 148 Medical Astrology & Healing Ridder-Patrick, Jane Cycles of Health 10/12 165 Medical Astrology & Healing Keyes, Jonathan The Outer Planets and the Healing Process 2/14 173 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: The Elements from a Medical Point of View 4/15 180 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: The Moving Target of Disease 8/15 182 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: Longevity and Vitality 10/15 183 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: Astrology and Homeopathy 2/16 185 Medical Astrology & Healing Dembowski, Eve The Art of Medical Horary 4/16 186 Medical Astrology & Healing Gailing, Stephanie Stellar Elixirs: An Astrological Approach to Flower Essences 4/16 186 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrological Theory: The Virtual Consulting Room 4/16 186 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: Timing Medical Events Using the Seasons as a Model 6/16 187 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology: Staying One Step Ahead of Disease 8/16 188 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman J. Lee The Medical Horary Questions You May Want to Ask 10/16 189 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman J. Lee Forensic Clues: Past, Present, and Future in Medical Astrology 2/17 191 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Signs on the 1st, Signs on the 6th: The Key Patterns to Natal Medical Astrology 4/17 192 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Signs on the 1st, Signs on the 6th (Cancer through Virgo) 6/17 193 Medical Astrology & Healing Lehman, J. Lee Medical Astrology, Part 2: The Biology of the Soul 6/15 181 Medical Astroogy & Healing Burrell, Debra Lunar Attunement 2/90 14 Moon Cunningham, Donna The Moon in Each Sign 6/90 16 Moon Northman Suzanne-Michele Lunar Phases: Moving with the Rhythms of Natural Time (with Lunar Forecast) 12/90+ 19 Moon Day, Marguerite Judging Eclipses by Their Roots: Some Timely Examples 4/91 21 Moon Rasmussen, Steven C. The Cycle of the Moon 3/92 27 Moon Bogart, Greg A Man Discovers His Moon 4/92 28 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 1) 4/92 28 Moon Schermer, Barbara Moon and the Power of Image 4/92 28 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 2) 6/92 29 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 3) 8/92 31 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 4) 10/92 32 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 5) 12/92 34 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching (Part 6) 2/93 35 Moon Hampar, JoAnn Timing and the Moon 2/93 35 Moon Flaherty, Dennis Blue Moon Blues 7/93 39 Moon del Mar, Maya The Solar Eclipse of Nov. 3, 1994 11/94 51 Moon Miller, Gwen November's Eclipses and You 11/94 51 Moon Smith, Sylvia J. The November Eclipse Cycle: A Saros Series in Infancy 11/94 51 Moon Newman, Paul F. Sabian Symbols and the Progressed Lunation Cycle 3/95 54 Moon Winchester, Andrea Meek Spiritual Crop Rotation: New and Full Moons through the Houses 4/95 55 Moon Newman, Paul F. Knights in White Satin: A Look at the August 1999 Solar Eclipse 7/95 57 Moon Alli, Antero Cinema as Lunar Metaphor 6/96 66 Moon Cunningham, Donna How House Position Affects Transits to the Birth Moon 6/96 66 Moon Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 1): The Moon 6/96 66 Moon Schmed-Kik, Liduina The Dark Luminaries: Lilith the Black Moon in Personality Development 6/96 66 Moon Scofield, Bruce The Moon and Megaliths: How the Ancients Used the Lunar Standstill Cycle 6/96 66 Moon Thurman, Michael The Lunar Phases: Archetypes of the Soul 6/96 66 Moon Cooperman, Corrie The Saros Cycles: The 1999 Eclipses 12/98 82 Moon Marshall, Per The Nodes Speak 2/99 83 Moon Williams, Samten Personal Lunar Cycles 6/99 85 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 1: The Intimate Moon 10/01 99 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 2: The New Moon 12/01 100 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 3: The Crescent Moon 2/02 101 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 4: The First Quarter 4/02 102 Moon Bogart, Greg A Man Discovers His Moon 6/02 103 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 5: The Gibbous Moon 6/02 103 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 6: The Full Moon 8/02 104 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 7: The Disseminating Moon 10/02 105 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 8: The Last Quarter Moon 12/02 106 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 9: The Balsamic Moon 2/03 107 Moon del Mar, Maya The Traveling Astrologer: Dynamic Eclipses of 2002–2003 4/03 108 Moon Gerhardt, Dana Moonwatching, Part 10: More Moon Secrets 4/03 108 Moon Stone, Jenni Understanding the Void-of-Course Moon 10/03 111 Moon Woodall, Darcy The Call of the Hungry Soul: The Moon, Food, Saturn, and Destiny 4/04 114 Moon Boele Frederique Riding the Wave: The Progressed Lunation Cycle 2/06 125 Moon Gerhardt, Dana The Moon 8/06 128 Moon Cunningham, Donna Chart Tips: Your Comfort Zone and the Moon in Your Chart 2/07 131 Moon deProsse Jan Notes from a Novice: Moons and Rising Signs 2/07 131 Moon Gambino, Doria The Moon Sign: Your Child’s Emotional Nature 4/07 132 Moon Packer Julene Eclipse Mechanics and the Saros Series 8/07 134 Moon Nolle Richard The SuperMoon and Other Lunar Extremes 10/07 135 Moon Dembowski Eve John Lennon's "Borrowed Time": A Study of the Prenatal Eclipse Chart 2/08 137 Moon Rose, Kathy Moon Sense 8/08 140 Moon Allan, Kathy Re-Visioning the Lunar Nodes 2/09 143 Moon Clark Brian The Dragon’s Tale: Symbolism and the Lundar Nodes 2/09 143 Moon Spring, Fern Feto Lunar Living: Decorating with the Moon and the 4th House 2/09 143 Moon Forrest, Steven The Out-of-Bounds Moon 6/10 151 Moon Houlding, Deborah Synodic Cycles and Lunar Phases 8/11 158 Moon Bell, Lynn The Moon, the Musician, and the Listening Public 4/14 174 Moon Serio, Sandra-Leigh The Prenatal Solar Eclipse in Your Natal Chart 4/14 174 Moon Pessin, and Frank Clifford Dietrech The Lunar Gestation Cycle: Working with Moon Families 6/15 181 Moon Parsons, Renee The Myths of Pluto 4/91 21 Myth & Story Johnson, Daniel Astrology as a Modern-Day Myth 8/91 23 Myth & Story Ashley, Wendy Finding Your Personal Myth 10/93 41 Myth & Story Duffin, Barbara Sage Mythology of Chiron 12/93 43 Myth & Story Guttman / Kenneth Johnson Ariel Mythic Astrology: The Moon's Nodes 3/94 45 Myth & Story Johnson / Ariel Guttman Kenneth Mythic Astrology: The Moon's Nodes 3/94 45 Myth & Story Elsbeth, Marguerite Persephone Speaks 11/94 51 Myth & Story Elsbeth, Marguerite Aphrodite Speaks 4/95 55 Myth & Story Forrest, Jodie Odin as Mercury 8/96 68 Myth & Story Murray, Jessica Hidden Faces of the Asteroid Goddesses 4/98 78 Myth & Story Forrest, Jodie Solar Deities in Norse Mythology 8/98 80 Myth & Story Puffer, Linda The Sun Goddess 8/98 80 Myth & Story Brown, Philip The Wounded Grail King and the Death of JFK, Jr. 12/99 88 Myth & Story Grasse, Ray Signs of the Times: Astrology Goes to the Movies 4/00 90 Myth & Story Clark, Brian Gemini: Searching for the Missing Twin 6/00 91 Myth & Story Forrest, Jodie Astrological Mars and the Norse God Tyr 10/00 93 Myth & Story Scofield, Bruce Sex and the Plumed Serpent: Mesoamerican Venus Cycles 12/00MD 94 Myth & Story Laun, Lianella Livaldi Reflections on Lilith 8/01 98 Myth & Story Forrest, Jodie Pluto and the Norse Goddess Hel 12/01 100 Myth & Story Hillman, Laurence A Temple for Pluto 12/01 100 Myth & Story O’Donnell, Kate The Lilith Archetype: A Feminist Mythology 6/02 103 Myth & Story Hunter, M. Kelley Modern Cosmology: New Myths in the Age of Technology 12/03MD 112 Myth & Story Gunzburg, Darrelyn New Wine in Old Bottles: The Centaurs and Grief 2/04 MD 113 Myth & Story Abong, Fred Kendal Master of Myth: The Vedic Chart of Joseph Campbell 4/04 114 Myth & Story Forrest, Steven The Astrology of The Lord of the Rings (brief correlation) 10/04 117 Myth & Story Forrest, Jodie Thor and Jupiter 10/07 135 Myth & Story Eberlein Sven An Aquarius Story 2/10 149 Myth & Story Bess, Savitri L. The Archetype of an Elder 8/12 164 Myth & Story Gullfoss, Per Henrik Article Particle: Life Is a Dream 12/14 178 Myth & Story Johnson, Tim Tracy Marks Interview: The 2/90 14 Other (& Interviews) e 12th House and Dreamwork (Part 1) Johnson, Tim Tracy Marks Interview: Lunar Nodes & Experiential Workshops (Part 2) 4/90 15 Other (& Interviews) Robinett, Patricia Midpoints: Elevating the Ancient Art of Astrology to a Measurable Science 6/90 16 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem A Conversation with Jim Lewis (Interview) 10/90 18 Other (& Interviews) Dearborn, Ed Astro-Periodicals List 8/91 23 Other (& Interviews) Gellman, Rob Astrology for Children: Spring (a story) 8/91 23 Other (& Interviews) Matrix Software Astro*Index: Descriptive Astronomy (part 1) 10/91 24 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Forces, States, Styles: An Interview with Antero Alli 10/91 24 Other (& Interviews) Efrein, Laurie Thomas, Hill, and the U.S.: A Look at the Rectified Charts 12/91 25 Other (& Interviews) Glasgow, Jeanne The Night Before Christmas (poem) 12/91 25 Other (& Interviews) Matrix Software Astro*Index: Descriptive Astronomy (part 2) — Planetary Position 12/91 25 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Geraldine Hatch Hannon 4/92 28 Other (& Interviews) Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Who's Really on First? 7/92 30 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Karen Hamaker-Zondag 8/92 31 Other (& Interviews) Mullette, Julienne 21st Century Seers 10/92 32 Other (& Interviews) O'Brien, Catalina Inner Earth Changes 10/92 32 Other (& Interviews) Sullivan, Erin In Memoriam - Howard Sasportas 10/92 32 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Robert Thibodeau 10/92 32 Other (& Interviews) Hunter, M. Kelley Clearing the Ground for a New Year 11/92 33 Other (& Interviews) Mouton-McConnell, Michelle Establishment's Blind Eye 11/92 33 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Gloria Star 11/92 33 Other (& Interviews) Santucci, Gina A Report on the Astrological Association Conference in England 12/92 34 Other (& Interviews) Van Toen, Donna Using Astrology: Educate or Entertain? 12/92 34 Other (& Interviews) Miller-Mignone, Alex Galactic Studies - An Introduction 3/93 36 Other (& Interviews) Sugerman, Rosalind Southern Hemisphere Charts 3/93 36 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Shelley Jordan 3/93 36 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Steven Forrest 4/93 37 Other (& Interviews) Johnsen, Linda Jyotish —Vedic Science of Light 7/93 39 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 1 7/93 39 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Demetra George 7/93 39 Other (& Interviews) Bridges, Tom Bill Clinton's Solar Return 8/93 40 Other (& Interviews) Muise, Roxana J. Kepler - Inspiration for a College 8/93 40 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 2 8/93 40 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 3 10/93 41 Other (& Interviews) Stathis, Georgia November 1993's Eclipses 10/93 41 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Robert Hand: Project Hindsignt’s Launch 10/93 41 Other (& Interviews) Mozier, Jeanne Interview with Robert Schmidt 11/93 42 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 4 11/93 42 Other (& Interviews) Alli, Antero Astrologikal Imagination 12/93 43 Other (& Interviews) Jordan, Wynne Canterbury Conference Review 12/93 43 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 5 12/93 43 Other (& Interviews) Corzine, Cathy PSI-COPS: Without a Clue 2/94 44 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 6 2/94 44 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview: Rick Levine 2/94 44 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 7 3/94 45 Other (& Interviews) Jordan, Wynne Interview: A Conversation with Charles Harvey 4/94 46 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 8 4/94 46 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 9 6/94 47 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 10: A Day in the Life of an Astrologer 7/94 48 Other (& Interviews) Black, Ellen Behind the Scenes at Project Hindsight 8/94 49 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Melanie Reinhart 8/94 49 Other (& Interviews) Alli, Antero Reality Selection: Virgo and the Neuro-Technological Harvest 10/94 50 Other (& Interviews) Eubanks, James The Astrology of Star Trek 10/94 50 Other (& Interviews) Holland, Sam Expanding Our Astrological Perspective 10/94 50 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Uranian Observer 11: The Future of Astrology? 10/94 50 Other (& Interviews) Rose, Sioux Doorway to Aquarius 12/94 52 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Donna Cunningham 2/95 53 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Erin Sullivan 3/95 54 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 12 3/95 54 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Nick Campion 4/95 55 Other (& Interviews) Castellucci, Gregg OJ: The Final Judgment 6/95 56 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 13 6/95 56 Other (& Interviews) Bridges, Tom Interview: A Conversation with Claude Weiss 7/95 57 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Interview: A Conversation with Visionary Activist Caroline W. Casey 8/95 58 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Anne Black 10/95 59 Other (& Interviews) Bridges, Tom A Conversation with Lois Rodden 11/95 60 Other (& Interviews) Herbst, Bill Astrology as a Profession 11/95 60 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 14 12/95 61 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Richard Tarnas on Transforming the Western World View 12/95 61 Other (& Interviews) Stuart-Smith, Lesley Astrology on the Internet 12/95 61 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Robert Hand Interview 1/96 62 Other (& Interviews) Bridges, Tom Interview with Jeffrey Green on Pluto and Relationships 4/96 64 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 15: Clinton's Mesoamerican Chart 4/96 64 Other (& Interviews) Broadbent, Christine Pan-Pacific Planet Camp Revisited 5/96 65 Other (& Interviews) Forrest/ Joanne Wickenburg Steven In Support of Kepler College 5/96 65 Other (& Interviews) Hill, Judith A. Redheads and Mars: A Scientific Testimony 5/96 65 Other (& Interviews) Wickenburg / Steven Forrest Joanne In Support of Kepler College 5/96 65 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Tracy Marks (part 1): Lessons of the Moon and Outer Planets 6/96 66 Other (& Interviews) Jordan, Wynne Interview: A Conversation with Dennis Elwell 8/96 68 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Interview with Tracy Marks (part 2): The Progressed Moon 8/96 68 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Geoffrey Cornelius 10/96 69 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 16 10/96 69 Other (& Interviews) Bowser, Kenneth Sidereal Astrology: Aspects in Mundo 12/96 70 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: Gorgeous or What? 12/96 70 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 17 12/96 70 Other (& Interviews) various authors TMA Roundtable: Seven Astrologers Look at 1997 12/96 70 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Interview: Physicist-Astrologer Will Keepin, Ph.D. 2/97 71 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: Cases of Poor Judgment 2/97 71 Other (& Interviews) Greer, Mary K. Tarot and Astrology 4/97 72 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: The Roles We Play 4/97 72 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 18: The Marketing of Astrology 4/97 72 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Interview with Steven and Jodie Forrest 6/97 73 Other (& Interviews) Heath, Robin Building a Soli-Lunar Calendar 6/97 73 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, / Tem Tarriktar Mary Interview: A Conversation with Charles & Suzi Harvey 6/97 73 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: Applewhite, Jones, and Their Temples of Doom 6/97 73 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, / Mary Plumb Tem Interview: A Conversation with Charles & Suzi Harvey 6/97 73 Other (& Interviews) Mansfield, Victor An Astrophysicist's Sympathetic and Critical View of Astrology 8/97 74 Other (& Interviews) Pond, David The Astrology of Creativity 8/97 74 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: The House of Gucci 8/97 74 Other (& Interviews) various authors Comet Hale-Bopp Reader Forum 8/97 74 Other (& Interviews) Butler, Simone Jupiter-Neptune: Magician or Fool? 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Elkins, Jan The Mysterious Power of Shamanism 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Astrology in Cyberspace 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Rey, Armando Astrology and the Magic of Being Human 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: How and Why We Meet New People 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Mayan "Burner Cycle" 10/97 75 Other (& Interviews) Bell, Lynn Interview: A Conversation with Alexander Ruperti 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Campion, Nick Could Diana's Death Have Been Predicted? 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch An Astrological Obituary (Diana Spencer) 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Kovan, Dawne Death of a Princess - Birth of a Legend 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) McDonagh, Alanna Princess Diana - A Destiny Fulfilled 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Newton-John, Pierz Astrology as if the Earth Mattered 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois Charts of People in the News: Human Lightning Rods 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Mother Teresa: Missionary of Charity 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Sri H.W.L. Poonja: Messenger of Truth 12/97 76 Other (& Interviews) Giamario, Daniel The May 1998 Galactic Alignment: A Shamanic Look at the Turning of the Ages 2/98 77 Other (& Interviews) Moderne, Françoise Interview with André Barbault on World Cycles and the Cyclic Index 2/98 77 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Learn Astrology! (Correspondence Course Review) 2/98 77 Other (& Interviews) Clark, Jonathon An Introduction to Kabbalistic Astrology 4/98 78 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Interview with Thomas Moore on Astrology and the Ecology of the Soul 4/98 78 Other (& Interviews) Rawnsley, Andrew The Next Generation of Astrologers 4/98 78 Other (& Interviews) Roberts, Courtney Exploring Heliocentric and Geocentric Planetary Positions 4/98 78 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 20: Howard Stern 4/98 78 Other (& Interviews) Grasse, Ray Some Thoughts on "Titanic" 6/98 79 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Michael Erlewine on 6/98 79 Other (& Interviews) Puffer, Linda Astrology, Alchemy, and Illness: An Interview with Kat Duff 6/98 79 Other (& Interviews) Rodden, Lois It's About Time: Explaining Time Zones and Calendar Changes 6/98 79 Other (& Interviews) Vance, Anna Louise The Astrological Mirror Game 6/98 79 Other (& Interviews) Elko, Bronwyn Interview: Astronomer Percy Seymour, Ph.D.- His Magnetic Theory of Astrology 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) Kochunas, Brad Living an Astrological Life 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Uranian Observer 21: Were They Astrologers? 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Buryl Payne, Ph.D. 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) various authors Astrologers' Forum (Part One) 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) Vaughan, Valerie Debunking the Debunkers 8/98 80 Other (& Interviews) Hannon / Tem Tarriktar Geraldine Hatch Interview: Bill Meridian on Eclipse Paths and World Events in 1998-99 10/98 81 Other (& Interviews) Johnsen, Linda Interview with Vedic Astrologer Hart deFouw 10/98 81 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar/Geraldine Hatch Hannon Tem Interview with Bill Meridian on Eclipse Paths and World Events in 1998-99 10/98 81 Other (& Interviews) various authors Astrologers' Forum (Part Two) 10/98 81 Other (& Interviews) Brown, Philip Midnight at the Millenium: Computers and the Year 2000 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) Cunningham, Donna Y2K Preparation 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Interview with Marion D. March 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) Melatis, Thomas The “Chicken-Little” Syndrome 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) various authors The Year 2000: Social Chaos or Transformation? 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) Vaughan, Valerie The Y2K “Millenium Bug” and the May 2000 Alignment 12/98 82 Other (& Interviews) Geary, Nan 30th Degree of Scorpio (Poem) 2/99 83 Other (& Interviews) Mariano, Linda Mesoamerican Astrology Resources 4/99 84 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, / Valerie Vaughan Bruce Mesoamerican Astrology Resources 4/99 84 Other (& Interviews) Vaughan / Bruce Scofield Valerie Mesoamerican Astrology Resources 4/99 84 Other (& Interviews) Heath, Robin A New Way of Forecasting: The Composite Transit Chart 8/99 86 Other (& Interviews) Weiss, Claude Black Moon Lilith through the Houses (Part 1) 8/99 86 Other (& Interviews) Weiss, Claude Black Moon Lilith through the Houses (Part 2) 10/99 87 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary TMA’s Product Reviews 12/99 88 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank The Optimal Use of Astrology Software 2/00 89 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Hot Web Sites for Astrologers 6/00 91 Other (& Interviews) Ramares, Kéllia Synastry 1: Leo-Libra (poem) 6/00 91 Other (& Interviews) various authors In Memoriam: Buz Myers 6/00 91 Other (& Interviews) various authors In Memoriam: Charles Harvey 6/00 91 Other (& Interviews) Forrest, Steven The Craft of Chart Rectification 8/00 MD 92 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank New Astrology Software Releases: Solar Fire 5 8/00 MD 92 Other (& Interviews) Jordan, Wynne The Law behind the Veil 8/00 92 Other (& Interviews) Paone, Ken Weather Watches and Warnings for August-September 2000 8/00 92 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Ken Irving 10/00 93 Other (& Interviews) TMA In Memoriam: Edith Custer 10/00 93 Other (& Interviews) Fitzgerald, Hadley The Pluto Brothers (Interview w/ Steven Forrest & Jeffrey Wolf Green) 12/00 94 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: AstroDatabank 2.0 12/00MD 94 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Bernadette Brady — Part 1: A Sky Full of Stars 2/01 95 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Astrological Correspondence Course Survey 2/01 95 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate An Interview with Jonathan Tenney: Astrology and Psychotherapy 2/01 MD 95 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Bernadette Brady — Part 2: Astrogenetics 4/01 96 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Millennium Star Trax 8/01 MD 98 Other (& Interviews) Stamenkovic, Branka The Man from the Kremna Prophecy 8/01 98 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry The Magical Endeavor of Astrology: A Conversation with Robert Zoller 10/01 99 Other (& Interviews) Campion, Nick An Interview with Liz Greene, Part 1: Living with Pluto 12/01 100 Other (& Interviews) Campion, Nick Liz Greene Interview, Part 2: The Lens of Astrology 2/02 101 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Reviews: Janus 3.0 & AstrolDeluxe 6.0 2/02 MD 101 Other (& Interviews) Sedgwick, Philip Centaurfold: Chariklo Lends a Hand 2/02 MD 101 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Windows XP 6/02 MD 103 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary A Shamanic View of Astrology: An Interview with Daniel Giamario 8/02 104 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem As the Year Turns: Forecasts for the 12 Signs 8/02 104 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Kala 2002 10/02MD 105 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Dale O’Brien 10/02MD 105 Other (& Interviews) Biehl, Kathy A Poster Child for Astrology 2/03 MD 107 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Reviews: Shri Jyoti Star 4.0 2/03 MD 107 Other (& Interviews) TMA Results of TMA Reader Survey 2/03 MD 107 Other (& Interviews) Gunzburg, Darrelyn An Interview with Nick Campion 4/03 MD 108 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Robert Hand, Part 1: From Bush to Buddha 4/03 108 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astromapping Software Reviews 6/03 MD 109 Other (& Interviews) Matrix Software Astro*Index: The Nodes in Astrology (part 1) — Concepts 6/03 109 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry Interview with Robert Hand, Part 2: A Place for Astrology 6/03 109 Other (& Interviews) TMA TMA Chart Index: October 1995 - February 2003 (also available online) 6/03 MD 109 Other (& Interviews) Lewis Violet The Emerald Ring 8/03 110 Other (& Interviews) Matrix Software Astro*Index: The Nodes in Astrology (part 2) — Review and Positions 8/03 110 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary A Conversation with John Frawley 8/03 110 Other (& Interviews) Bridges, Tom A Conversation with Lois Rodden (reprinted from 11/95 issue) 10/03 111 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Digital Jyotish 1.5 and Jyotish Tools 10/03MD 111 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Io Pro Pak for OS X 12/03MD 112 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary A Conversation with Mario Raskovsky 12/03MD 112 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Kepler 7.0 4/04 MD 114 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Darby Costello 4/04 114 Other (& Interviews) Hopkins, Ken Cubs Win! Cubs Win! 6/04 115 Other (& Interviews) Masco, Marie An Interview with Lee Lehman and Dennis Harness 6/04 115 Other (& Interviews) Gunzburg, Darrelyn Garry Phillipson: The Interviewer Interviewed 8/04 MD 116 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: DayWatch Calendar Software 10/04MD 117 Other (& Interviews) Mauro, Colleen An Interview with Kenneth Bowser 10/04MD 117 Other (& Interviews) Gunzburg, Darrelyn An Interview with Patrick Curry 12/04MD 118 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Long and Short of the Mayan Calendar 12/04 118 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Astrology Software Review: Astracadabra 2004 and Digital Time Capsule 2D 2/05MD 119 Other (& Interviews) Gunzburg, Darrelyn An Interview with Liz Greene 2/05 119 Other (& Interviews) deProsse, Janette The Riches of Symbolism: An Interview with Jeff Jawer 4/05 120 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank An Interview with Alphee Lavoie 4/05MD 120 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Solar Fire Deluxe 6/05MD 121 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum 6/05MD 121 Other (& Interviews) Robinson Ken From the Eyes of the Heart (Part Two) 6/05 121 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Regulus 1.6 10/05MD 123 Other (& Interviews) Hillis-Dineen Madalyn An Interview with Gary Christen 10/05MD 123 Other (& Interviews) Kellogg Doug Transneptunians in Action 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Kramer Arlene Introducing the Transneptunian Planets 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Kramer Arlene Planetary Pairs for Uranian Astrology 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Nimark Arlene Marcia A New Look at the Royal Triangle 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Uranian Astrology/ Resource Guide 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Simms Maria Kay Getting to the Crux of a Chart: Solar Arcs on the 90° Dial 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) Vitale Judi Using the “Astrology of Tomorrow” Today 10/05 123 Other (& Interviews) George Demetra The Faces of Astrology’s Future: An Interview with the Board Members of AYA 12/05MD 124 Other (& Interviews) Grasse, Ray Cosmos and Psyche: An Interview with Richard Tarnas 12/05 124 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Horizons 2/06MD 125 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Deborah Houlding 2/06 125 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate An Interview with Greg Bogart 4/06 126 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Kala 2006 6/06MD 127 Other (& Interviews) Dearborn Edward L. Quincunxes, Inconjuncts, and the Yod 8/06MD 128 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Shri Jyoti Star 6 10/06 129 Other (& Interviews) Forrest, Steven Getting Down to Business: An Interview with Kelli Fox 2/07 131 Other (& Interviews) Ellis Tony Romancing the Stones: An Interview with Jay Boyle 4/07 132 Other (& Interviews) Necic Deana An Interview with Stephen Arroyo 12/07 136 Other (& Interviews) Lomsdalen Tore An Interview with Bernard Eccles 4/08 138 Other (& Interviews) Anselmo Kristine An Interview with Moses Siregar III Regarding The Blast 6/08 139 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Little Giants: Western Astrology Programs for Less than $200 8/08 140 Other (& Interviews) Lomsdalen Tore A Conversation with Robert Hand 8/08 140 Other (& Interviews) O’Grady John P. Simply the World: Astrology and Poetry 8/08 140 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Alan Oken 10/08 141 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Solar Fire Gold 12/08 142 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Judy Hall: Astrology’s Karmic Connections 12/08 142 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Intrepid 2.0 and Janus 4.1 2/09 143 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Bill Herbst: The Crossroads of Personal & Civilizational Astrology 2/09 143 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate The Heavens Declare: A Conversation with Alice O. Howell 12/09 148 Other (& Interviews) Ebert John David An Interview with Richard Tarnas 2/10 149 Other (& Interviews) Elko, Bronwyn Dr. Percy Seymour: The Magic of Magnetic Memories 4/10 150 Other (& Interviews) Bell Lynn From Intuitive to Mystic: An Interview with Caroline Myss 6/10 151 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank Advances in Astrology Software: Sirius 1.1 6/10 151 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Biology, Cosmology, and 2012: A Conversation with Bruce Scofield 10/10 153 Other (& Interviews) Howard, Tony A Lifetime of Astrology: An Interview with Judith Hill 12/10 154 Other (& Interviews) Osborn David The 2010 AAR Astrology Conference in Craiova, Romania 12/10 154 Other (& Interviews) Surtees, Kelly The Twelve Teas of Christmas 12/10 154 Other (& Interviews) Grasse, Ray All the World’s a Play: A Conversation with Laurence Hillman 2/11 155 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Climbing the Spiral Stairway: An Interview with Eric Meyers 4/11 156 Other (& Interviews) Fernandez, Maurice OPA Retreats: A Human Dimension to the Study of Astrology 6/11 157 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary A Conversation with Robert Blaschke 6/11 157 Other (& Interviews) Howard, Tony Revolutions and Revelations: An Interview with Jessica Murray 8/11 158 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate Remembering Geraldine Hannon 10/11 159 Other (& Interviews) Grasse, Ray Astrology and the Art of Synthesis: An Interview with Noel Tyl 12/11 160 Other (& Interviews) DeCastro, Dena Weaving Traditional Astrology into Modern Practice: Demetra George Interview 4/12 162 Other (& Interviews) Hillis-Dineen, Madalyn Interview with Gary Christen (digital only, from Oct./Nov. 2005) 4/12 162 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Astrologer Gary Christen (digital only) 4/12 162 Other (& Interviews) Plumb, Mary Interview with Laura Nalbandian: Living in the Outer World, Exploring the Inner 6/12 163 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem A Conversation with Alois Treindl 10/12 165 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Alois Treindl Interview (digital only) 10/12 165 Other (& Interviews) Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Martin Davis (digital only, from June/July 2000) 12/12 166 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Jim Lewis on Astro*Carto*Graphy (interview excerpt from 6/2000, digital only) 12/12 166 Other (& Interviews) Burke, Patricia The Year of the Snake vs. the Smart Meter Grid 4/13 168 Other (& Interviews) Hunter, Kelley Stories in the Sky: An Interview with Wendy Ashley 4/13 168 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Eric Francis Coppolino (digital only) 6/13 169 Other (& Interviews) Frothingham, Moll Healing the Soul’s Wounds: An Interview with Patricia L. Walsh 10/13 171 Other (& Interviews) Terriktar, Tem Interview with Gary Caton (digital only) 12/13 172 Other (& Interviews) Wolf, Rhea Four Under Forty: The Future of Astrology 6/14 175 Other (& Interviews) Grasse, Ray A New Look at Ancient Egyptian Sky Lore: An Interview with Joanne Conman 8/14 176 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem An Interview with Robert Hand: Integration of Modern & Traditional Astrology 10/14 177 Other (& Interviews) Clifford, Frank C. Contemplating Life as a Sun-Sign Astrologer: Shelley von Strunckel 4/15 180 Other (& Interviews) Phillopson, Garry An Interview with Dennis Elwell 4/15 180 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, (aka Electronowiz) Bruce The Uranian Observer (by Chip Electronowiz) 4/15 180 Other (& Interviews) deProsse, Janette The Riches of Symbolism: An Interview with Jeff Jawer (digital only) 6/15 181 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, (aka D. Montano) Bruce The Dour Astrologer (by Durante Montano 8/15 182 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Ray Merriman: Part One: & the Years Ahead 12/15 184 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce Talk * Astro * Talk (by Doocey Lassiter) 2/16 185 Other (& Interviews) Tarriktar, Tem Interview with Ray Merriman; Part 2: Electional Astrology for Business 2/16 185 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Martian Astrologer (by Robert Rameses) 6/16 187 Other (& Interviews) Sholly, Kate An Interview with Barbara Higbie: Where Music and Astrology Meet 6/16 187 Other (& Interviews) Coppolino, Eric Francis A Letter to Astrologers of the Future 8/16 188 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank SoftStar News: review of AstrolDeluxe Platinum 8/16 188 Other (& Interviews) Sommer, Adam An Interview with Mark Jones: “The Therapeutic Potential of Astrology” 8/16 188 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank SoftStar News: review of Delphic Oracle 8 & 9, Terran Atlas, Timaeus 9 Pro 10/16 189 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Jovian Giant (by Big Jim Ganymede) 10/16 189 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank SoftStar News: review of Kala 2016 2/17 191 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, Bruce The Mother Astrologer (by Abequa LaMare) 2/17 191 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank SoftStar News: review of Regulus Platinum Professional 8.0 4/17 192 Other (& Interviews) Friedman, Hank SoftStar News: review of AstroConnexions 6/17 193 Other (& Interviews) Scofield, (aka Milagro O’Sidon) Bruce The Oracular Neptunian 6/17 193 Other (& Interviews) Lomsdalen Tore An Interview with Branka Stamenkovic: A Lady with a Flair for Tradition 4/09 144 Other (& Interviews) Kurent Ema Let’s Get out of the Trap! 4/12 162 Other (& Interviews) The Use of Declination in Mundane and Personal Predictive Work Friedman, Hank Software Review: ZET 8 Geo 12/09 148 Other (& Interviews) Green, Jeffrey Wolf The Nature and Function of Mercury 2/90 14 Planets & Planetary Cycles Tarriktar, Tem The Astro-Biological Clock: The Age Factor and Outer Planet Cycles 8/90 17 Planets & Planetary Cycles Klare, Barbara Astrology and the Biological Clock 10/90 18 Planets & Planetary Cycles Mason, Joyce Mercury Retrograde: A Journal 10/90 18 Planets & Planetary Cycles Koiner, Lynn When Mercury Turns Retrograde: How to Use It Constructively 12/90 19 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg The Cycle of Mercury 2/91 20 Planets & Planetary Cycles Myers, Buz Moving Into Uranus-Neptune 2/91 20 Planets & Planetary Cycles Van Toen, Donna The Uranus-Neptune Conjunction 2/91 20 Planets & Planetary Cycles Ashman, Bernie Saturn Transits: Time As a Process 4/91 21 Planets & Planetary Cycles Morrison, Al H. Mental Chemistry: The Speed and Position of Mercury and the Moon 4/91 21 Planets & Planetary Cycles Calia, Stephen The Uranus-Neptune Conjunction of 1993 6/91 22 Planets & Planetary Cycles Koiner, Lynn How to Constructively Use the Venus Retrograde Period of 1991 8/91 23 Planets & Planetary Cycles Zareen, Ma Prem Discovering Positive Neptune 10/91 24 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bowser, Kenneth A New Perspective on the Outer Planets 3/92 27 Planets & Planetary Cycles Parsons, Renee Saturn in Aquarius 3/92 27 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hammerslough, Bruce F. Venus in Your Birthchart 6/92 29 Planets & Planetary Cycles Herbst, Bill Pluto - The Urge for Transformation 7/92 30 Planets & Planetary Cycles Meece, E. Alan Time for Reform: 30-Year Cycle of Saturn 7/92 30 Planets & Planetary Cycles Morrison, Al H. Conjecture on Uranus-Neptune 7/92 30 Planets & Planetary Cycles Sacks, Marcia Coping with Uranus-Neptune 7/92 30 Planets & Planetary Cycles Van Westen, Susan A Neptunian Short 7/92 30 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hampar, JoAnn The Saturn-Pluto Alignment 8/92 31 Planets & Planetary Cycles Mullette, Julienne Moon-Saturn Musing 8/92 31 Planets & Planetary Cycles Shapiro, Amy Saturn in Aquarius 10/92 32 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hammerslough, Bruce F. Mars - Planet of Desire 11/92 33 Planets & Planetary Cycles Herbst, Bill Saturn - Experiencing Authority Within 11/92 33 Planets & Planetary Cycles Parsons, Renee Jupiter in Libra 11/92 33 Planets & Planetary Cycles Smith, Michael & Jacquie Saturn Square Pluto 11/92 33 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hathaway, Edith Uranus-Neptune 1993 (part 1) 12/92 34 Planets & Planetary Cycles Pond, Lucy Jupiter in Libra 12/92 34 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg Uranus-Neptune Conjunction 2/93 35 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hathaway, Edith Uranus-Neptune 1993 (part 2) 2/93 35 Planets & Planetary Cycles Merriman, Raymond A. Saturn-Pluto Square of 1993 2/93 35 Planets & Planetary Cycles Starck, Marcia Ecstasy of Pluto 2/93 35 Planets & Planetary Cycles Blaschke, Robert The Pluto in Leo Generation 3/93 36 Planets & Planetary Cycles McCool, Norris Venus as Wise Woman 3/93 36 Planets & Planetary Cycles McNutt, Mark S. Venus Lucifer & Venus Hesperus 3/93 36 Planets & Planetary Cycles Duperly, Margaret The Other Half of Saturn 4/93 37 Planets & Planetary Cycles Vaughan, Valerie New Planet on the Horizon 4/93 37 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hill, Cynthia Uranus-Neptune: Spiritualization of Matter 7/93 39 Planets & Planetary Cycles Shapiro, Amy Outer Planets in Earth & Water 7/93 39 Planets & Planetary Cycles Starck, Marcia Explosive Energy of Saturn Square Pluto 10/93 41 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hathaway, Edith Uranus-Neptune & Saturn-Pluto (part 1) 11/93 42 Planets & Planetary Cycles Smirnow, Diane Saturn-Pluto: Taking it Personally 11/93 42 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hathaway, Edith Uranus-Neptune & Saturn-Pluto (part 2) 12/93 43 Planets & Planetary Cycles Rogers-Gallagher, Kim The Capricorn Traffic Jam of January 1994 12/93 43 Planets & Planetary Cycles Jones, Martha The Face of Mars: The Balance of Power 2/94 44 Planets & Planetary Cycles Lamb, Terry Mercury Retrograde: Don't Kill the Messenger 2/94 44 Planets & Planetary Cycles Alli, Antero Temple of the Sun and the Moon 7/94 48 Planets & Planetary Cycles Galer, Eileen The Other Side of Mercury 7/94 48 Planets & Planetary Cycles Elko, Bronwyn Healing Outer Planets on Our Inner Plane 10/94 50 Planets & Planetary Cycles Willow, Sara Rumblings of Pluto Moving into Sagittarius 10/94 50 Planets & Planetary Cycles Finger, Lynn Stalking the Wild Pluto 11/94 51 Planets & Planetary Cycles Landwehr, Joe The Saturn Return as a Cyclical Rite of Passage 11/94 51 Planets & Planetary Cycles Scofield, Bruce Planetary Imprints and Inner Planet Cycles 11/94 51 Planets & Planetary Cycles Scofield, Bruce Pluto in Sagittarius 12/94 52 Planets & Planetary Cycles Kay, Helena Uranus: Illuminations from Myth on Relationship Issues in the Chart 2/95 53 Planets & Planetary Cycles Carter, John Vulcan: Essence of Refined Gold 4/95 55 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hannon, Geraldine Hatch ReVisioning the Sun and Moon 4/95 55 Planets & Planetary Cycles Beversdorf, Anne E. Hermes Trismegistus and the Seven Governors of Fate 7/95 57 Planets & Planetary Cycles Lacy, Lorraine The Torch and the Sword: A Plutonian Paradox 7/95 57 Planets & Planetary Cycles various authors Pluto in Sagittarius: What Can We Expect in 1995 and Beyond? 7/95 57 Planets & Planetary Cycles Alli, Antero Planetary Forces as Sexual Realities 10/95 59 Planets & Planetary Cycles Alli, Antero Planetary Forces as Sexual Realities (part 2): The Outer Planets 11/95 60 Planets & Planetary Cycles Herbst, Bill Saturn and the Four Birth Moments 1/96 62 Planets & Planetary Cycles Payne, Buryl Physical Mechanisms in Astrology and Human Behavior 1/96 62 Planets & Planetary Cycles von Heeren, Robert New Discoveries Beyond the Orbits of Neptune and Pluto 1/96 62 Planets & Planetary Cycles Polansky, Joseph Jupiter in Capricorn 2/96 63 Planets & Planetary Cycles various authors Uranus in Aquarius Forum 2/96 63 Planets & Planetary Cycles Koch / Robert von Heeren Dieter The New Planet Pholus 7/96 67 Planets & Planetary Cycles von Heeren / Dieter Koch Robert The New Planet Pholus 7/96 67 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg Mercury and Cognitive Development 8/96 68 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 2) : Neptune 12/96 70 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 3): Mercury 2/97 71 Planets & Planetary Cycles Giamario, Daniel A Shamanic Investigation of Venus and Mars (part 1 of 2) 2/97 71 Planets & Planetary Cycles Michaels, Nicki An Overview of Dane Rudhyar's Approach to Cycles 2/97 71 Planets & Planetary Cycles Solté, David Quantum Shift 1997: Tracking the Jupiter-Uranus Cycle 2/97 71 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 4): Pluto 4/97 72 Planets & Planetary Cycles Giamario, Daniel A Shamanic Investigation: Mars and the Venus-Mars Saga (part 2 of 2) 4/97 72 Planets & Planetary Cycles Falvey, Tom Venus 6/97 73 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 5): Mars 6/97 73 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 6): Venus 8/97 74 Planets & Planetary Cycles Margel, Doug Ringing the Bell: Storms on the Sun 8/97 74 Planets & Planetary Cycles Moeschl, Richard The Sun 8/97 74 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 7): Jupiter & Saturn 10/97 75 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 8): Saturn and Jupiter in Transit 12/97 76 Planets & Planetary Cycles Crane, Joseph The Structure of Cycles: and Rudhyar Revisited 2/98 77 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana Living in Cyclic Time (Part 1): Big Zucchini Mind 2/98 77 Planets & Planetary Cycles Whitaker, Anne The Saturn Cycles: Forging the Diamond Soul 2/98 77 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cooperman, Corrie Is the First Saturn Return Harder than Ever? 4/98 78 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana Living in Cyclic Time (Part 2): Looking Deeply at the Moon 4/98 78 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 9): Uranus 6/98 79 Planets & Planetary Cycles Landwehr, Joe Uranus and the Roots of Sexuality 6/98 79 Planets & Planetary Cycles Tarriktar, Tem The Millennial Alignments: A Look at 1999-2000 6/98 79 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Living Planets (part 10): The Sun 8/98 80 Planets & Planetary Cycles Heath, Robin Neptune in Aquarius: 1998-2012 10/98 81 Planets & Planetary Cycles Firak-Mitz, Phyllis Saturn: Our Personal Trainer for Excellence 12/98 82 Planets & Planetary Cycles Tarriktar, Tem SuperJupiter: The Larger Cycles of the Planets 12/98 82 Planets & Planetary Cycles Byrnes, Ronald L. Neptune in Aquarius: An Alternative View 2/99 83 Planets & Planetary Cycles Levine, Philip The Astrological Cycle and the Four Gates of Initiation 2/99 83 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg Astrological Yoga: Planetary Meditations for Multidimensional Living 4/99 84 Planets & Planetary Cycles Giamario, Daniel Shamanic Astrology and the New Mars Cycle 4/99 84 Planets & Planetary Cycles Giamario, Daniel Shamanic Astrology and the 1998-1999 Venus Cycle 6/99 85 Planets & Planetary Cycles Weaver, Vivian Hickman Aspect Cycles and the Hero’s Journey 6/99 85 Planets & Planetary Cycles Firak-Mitz, Phyllis Uranus: Use Your Genius to Be a Part of, Not Apart from, Humanity 8/99 86 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gardstein, T. C. Neptune: The Left-Handed Planet 10/99 87 Planets & Planetary Cycles Madsen, Susan The Moon and Mercury: Silver and Quicksilver 10/99 87 Planets & Planetary Cycles Boele, Frédérique Darkness Visible: The Chiron-Pluto Cycle 2/00 89 Planets & Planetary Cycles Sullivan, Erin Celestial Templates: Planetary Imprints in Early Childhood 2/00 89 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg The May 2000 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 4/00 90 Planets & Planetary Cycles Reid, Robert The Generic Sun-Venus Cycle 4/00 90 Planets & Planetary Cycles Firak-Mitz, Phyllis Mars, Your Inner Hero 10/00 93 Planets & Planetary Cycles Plumb, Mary Article Particle: Mercury Retrograde from Hell? 10/00 93 Planets & Planetary Cycles Andrick, Scott Discovering Pluto: Synchronicity and "Astronology" 12/00 94 Planets & Planetary Cycles Finger, Lynn Uranus, Alienation, and the Martial Arts 2/01 95 Planets & Planetary Cycles Boele, Frédérique The Chiron-Pluto Conjunction – 2000: A Look Back 4/01 96 Planets & Planetary Cycles Welch, Pamela Those Wild Out-of-Bounds Planets 6/01 97 Planets & Planetary Cycles Clark, Brian The Aging of the Pluto-in-Leo Generation 8/01 98 Planets & Planetary Cycles Makransky, Bob Mental Chemistry in the Birth Chart 8/01 98 Planets & Planetary Cycles Witt, Harriet Saturn: A Heavy Burden or a Solid Base? 6/02 103 Planets & Planetary Cycles Noel, Gary Planetary Heredity and Geomagnetism 10/02MD 105 Planets & Planetary Cycles Stone, Jenni Learning to Love Mercury Retrograde 12/02 106 Planets & Planetary Cycles Corcilius, Ernest Plunging into Uncharted Waters: Uranus with Saturn 2/03 107 Planets & Planetary Cycles Finey, Michele Uranus in Pisces: The Revolution of the Spirit 2/03 107 Planets & Planetary Cycles Mozier, Jeanne 2003–2011: Enter the Imaginarium 2/03 107 Planets & Planetary Cycles Roberts, Courtney Uranus and the Age of Revolution 2/03 107 Planets & Planetary Cycles Markin Alexander Exploring Planetary Relationships 8/03 110 Planets & Planetary Cycles Plumb, Mary Footprints of Mars: Tracking the Mars Perigee 12/03 112 Planets & Planetary Cycles Kochunas, Brad Uranus in Pisces: Astrology Reimagined 2/04 113 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Uranus and Pluto in Virgo at Midlife 8/04 116 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 8): Conjunctions v. Oppositions 8/04 116 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 9): Transits to Multiple Points 10/04 117 Planets & Planetary Cycles Herbst, Bill Mercury Retro Redux 10/04 117 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell The Spiritual Side of Saturn 10/04 117 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Essential Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 10): Themes in a Birth Chart 12/04 118 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Elements of Chart Interpretation (part 11): When Transits Echo Natal Aspects 2/05 119 Planets & Planetary Cycles Forrest, Jodie Neptune: When More than Two Worlds Touch 2/05 119 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Ninth House 2/05 119 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Finding Your Planetary Type: Measuring the Strength of Planets in a Chart 4/05 120 Planets & Planetary Cycles Robertson, Raye Children of Fire and Air: The Pluto-in-Libra Generation 6/05 121 Planets & Planetary Cycles Star, Gloria Astronomers Discover New Planet 10/05 123 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bufkin Carolyn Neptune’s Wild Waters: A First-Person Account of Hurricane Katrina 2/06 125 Planets & Planetary Cycles de Prosse Jan Making Friends with Saturn 6/06 127 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana Venus 6/06 127 Planets & Planetary Cycles Maurice Teri Family Transits, Part 2: Saturn Says Time’s Up 6/06 127 Planets & Planetary Cycles Murray Jessica Saturn Without Suffering 6/06 127 Planets & Planetary Cycles Makransky Bob The Chance of a Lifetime! The Uranus Demi-Return 8/06 128 Planets & Planetary Cycles Owen Lara Phoenix Rising: Menopause and Other Midlife Transformations 8/06 128 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana Mars 10/06 129 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gambino, Doria Jupiter: Your Child’s Key to Success 12/06 130 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana Mercury 12/06 130 Planets & Planetary Cycles Meredith Neal A New Solar System — or a New Astrology? 12/06 130 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Jupiter and Saturn 2/07 131 Planets & Planetary Cycles Sellar, Wanda Saturn and Health 2/07 131 Planets & Planetary Cycles del Mar, Maya Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius 4/07 132 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Uranus 4/07 132 Planets & Planetary Cycles Orr Barry C. Getting to Know 4/07 132 Planets & Planetary Cycles Schermer Barbara A Good Mercury Rx Story 4/07 132 Planets & Planetary Cycles Stein, Zane B. Eris Stirs Up Trouble 4/07 132 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Observing the Outer Planets in Combination — My 40-Year Fascination 6/07 133 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Neptune 6/07 133 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Relationship Patterns: Thrice-Married Venusians 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Elderkin, Nathan An Exclusive Interview with Pluto 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Forrest, Steven The New Solar System 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Pluto 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell C. Keepers of the Faith 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Stuart Edwin Driving Lessons from Pluto 8/07 134 Planets & Planetary Cycles Nuesink Prudence Pluto and Climate Change 10/07 135 Planets & Planetary Cycles Seltzer, Henry Hail, Eris! Notes on the New Planet 10/07 135 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Saturn and Our Roles: How They Define and Limit Us 12/07 136 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: The Sun 12/07 136 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bell-Bulley Dulce The Aquarian Consortium of Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune 2/08 137 Planets & Planetary Cycles Lavenant Maurice Pluto in Capricorn 2008–23: An Astrological Study (Part 1) 2/08 137 Planets & Planetary Cycles Robertson, Raye Pluto: Asperger's Syndrome and Other Signs of Human Transformation 2/08 137 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Venus Revisited (Part 1 of 2) 4/08 138 Planets & Planetary Cycles Caton Gary P. Saturn Opposite Uranus: Changing Times — and Minds 6/08 139 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gerhardt, Dana The Planets: Venus Revisited (Part 2) 6/08 139 Planets & Planetary Cycles Soffer Shirley Ceres and Pluto 8/08 140 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Saturn–Uranus Aspects in the Chart: Grounded Eccentrics and Sane Weirdos 12/08 142 Planets & Planetary Cycles Kirkham Liz Finding Our Heartwood: Pluto in Capricorn and the 12 Signs 2/09 143 Planets & Planetary Cycles Wright Paul Neptune and Economic Turmoil 2/09 143 Planets & Planetary Cycles Costello Priscilla The Planets: The Sun through Saturn 6/09 145 Planets & Planetary Cycles Meyers Eric Jupiter–Neptune: The Spiritual Landscape 6/09 145 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell The Battle of the Boomers: Neptune in Libra vs. Neptune in Scorpio 8/09 146 Planets & Planetary Cycles Bogart, Greg The Cycle of Mercury 10/09 147 Planets & Planetary Cycles Morrison Al H. Mental Chemistry: The Speed and Position of Mercury and the Moon 10/09 147 Planets & Planetary Cycles Houlding, Deborah The Beauty of the Venus Cycle 2/10 149 Planets & Planetary Cycles Philippas, Spyridon Growing Up or Growing Down? 4/10 150 Planets & Planetary Cycles Exploring Saturn through the Ideas of James Hillman Rose, Kathy Navigating through the Neptune Fog 4/10 150 Planets & Planetary Cycles Wright Paul Astrology and Courage 6/10 151 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell C. Putting a Little Pluto into Your Day 8/10 152 Planets & Planetary Cycles Westran Paul Reclaiming the Mars Effect for Astrology 8/10 152 Planets & Planetary Cycles Grasse, Ray Saturn, the Late Bloomer: Understanding the Long-Range Dynamic of Saturn 10/10 153 Planets & Planetary Cycles Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Natal Retrograde Planets 12/10 154 Planets & Planetary Cycles Ensworth Heather Exploring the Meaning of the Dwarf Planet, Eris 12/10 154 Planets & Planetary Cycles Gillman Kennet One After Another 12/10 154 Planets & Planetary Cycles Howell, Alice O. Pluto: My Descent 2/11 155 Planets & Planetary Cycles Hafeman, Marguerite Uranus Declination Cycles: Marking The Ebb and Flow of Social Progress 4/11 156 Planets & Planetary Cycles Campion Nicholas Revolutionary Years and the Uranus–Pluto Cycle 8/11 158 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell C. Are You Ready for the Neptune in Capricorn Generation? 10/11 159 Planets & Planetary Cycles Rose, Kathy Embracing the Adventure of a Uranus Cycle 10/11 159 Planets & Planetary Cycles Forrest, Jodie Venus Returns 2/12 161 Planets & Planetary Cycles Klein Mavis Life Cycles 4/12 162 Planets & Planetary Cycles Grasse, Ray The Uranus–Pluto Square: Breakdown or Breakthrough? 8/12 164 Planets & Planetary Cycles Howard, Tony Snow White and the Huntsman: Dark Venus Rising (digital only) 8/12 164 Planets & Planetary Cycles Coppolino, Eric Francis Beyond the Veil: The Minor 10/12 165 Planets & Planetary Cycles Stewart, Catie The Kindness of Saturn 10/12 165 Planets & Planetary Cycles Simms, Maria Kay Twelve Signs, Twelve Distinct Planetary Rulers ... Ceres and Eris 12/12 166 Planets & Planetary Cycles Wolf, Rhea Saturn in Scorpio: The Pleasures and Pressures of Intimacy 12/12 166 Planets & Planetary Cycles Grasse, Ray When Worlds Collide: The Dynamics of the Shifting Great Ages (digital only) 2/13 167 Planets & Planetary Cycles Antonelli, Judith The Hebrew Names of the Planets 12/13 172 Planets & Planetary Cycles Falvey, Tom Jupiter in Your Chart 12/13 172 Planets & Planetary Cycles Jones, Mark The Space between the Stars: The Nature & Function of the Planetary Nodes 12/13 172 Planets & Planetary Cycles Grasse, Ray Monsters, Mystics, and the Collective Unconscious 2/14 173 Planets & Planetary Cycles Lavenant, Maurice Chiron–Neptune, the Ecosystem, and the Nuclear Threat 4/14 174 Planets & Planetary Cycles Johnson, Kenneth The Many Faces of Mercury Retrograde 6/14 175 Planets & Planetary Cycles Wolz, Mark Retrograde Mercury: A Slow Dance with the Trickster 6/14 175 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perrin, Michelle Uranus–Pluto: Technology, Power, and the Start of the Cyber War Era 8/14 176 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perloff, David The Gods & Goddesses of Our Solar System: Dialogue between Venus & Mars 10/14 177 Planets & Planetary Cycles Kay, Helena Planetary Cycles and Musical Inspiration: From Richard Wagner to Led 2/15 179 Planets & Planetary Cycles Zeppelin Perry, Wendell C. Pluto Generations: From the Maxis to the Minis 2/15 179 Planets & Planetary Cycles Robertson, Raye Holding a Lighted Candle: The Pluto In Sagi Generation & Autism Research 8/15 182 Planets & Planetary Cycles Finey, Michele When Time Stands Still: Exploring Stationary Planets 10/15 183 Planets & Planetary Cycles Holley, Jason Saturn Square Neptune: Navigating an Ocean of Images 10/15 183 Planets & Planetary Cycles Reinhart, Melanie Saturn in Sagittarius and the Future of Astrology 10/15 183 Planets & Planetary Cycles Nygaard, Shawn Life to Live and Dreams to Dream:Saturn–Neptune in Movies and History 2/16 185 Planets & Planetary Cycles Perry, Wendell C. A Generation on the Move 8/16 188 Planets & Planetary Cycles Forrest, Jodie The Mars Return 10/16 189 Planets & Planetary Cycles Murray Jessica Saturn Without Suffering 12/16 190 Planets & Planetary Cycles Nygaard Shawn Welcome to the Jungle: Reflections on Saturn in Sagittarius 12/16 190 Planets & Planetary Cycles Whitaker Anne The Saturn Cycles: Forging the “Diamond Soul” 12/16 190 Planets & Planetary Cycles Finey Michele Venus Retrograde 2/17 191 Planets & Planetary Cycles Whitaker Anne Jupiter into Libra: Putting Flesh on Symbolic Bones 2/17 191 Planets & Planetary Cycles Caton, Gary P. An Astronomical View of Venus Retrograde 4/17 192 Planets & Planetary Cycles Clifford, Frank C. Mercury: A Community’s Compilation 4/17 192 Planets & Planetary Cycles Robertson, Raye A Silver Lining in Aquarius: The 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Cycle 4/17 192 Planets & Planetary Cycles Forrest, Jodie The Revolution Will Be Televised Tonight: The Uranus–Pluto Square on TV 6/17 193 Planets & Planetary Cycles Sullivan, Erin Celestial Templates; Planetary Imprints in Early Childhood (revised reprint) 6/17 193 Planets & Planetary Cycles Seltzer, Henry Paradigm Shifters and the New Planet, Eris 4/15 180 Planets & Planetary Cycles Cunningham, Donna Vocational Astrology: Getting Real for the Nineties 2/91 20 Practical Applications of Astr. Shinker, Kaye Succeed in Business Using Astrology 3/92 27 Practical Applications of Astr. Parker, Ann E. Eclipses and Earthquake Prediction 10/92 32 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Bruce Celestial KarmaKanic (car repair) 4/93 37 Practical Applications of Astr. Cruz, Sandy Gardening with Natural Cycles 6/93 38 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Susan The Garden - An Astrological Mandala 6/93 38 Practical Applications of Astr. Spitzer, K.D. Lunar Gardening 6/93 38 Practical Applications of Astr. Tarriktar, Tem Forecasting for Yourself 7/93 39 Practical Applications of Astr. Hampar, JoAnn Planning Events using Electional Astrology 8/93 40 Practical Applications of Astr. Hill, Jennie L. Chemistry by Day, Alchemy by Night 10/93 41 Practical Applications of Astr. Taylor, Muriel Midpoint Feature 6/94 47 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Bruce Weather Forecasting with the Planets 8/95 58 Practical Applications of Astr. Polansky, Joseph The Jupiter/Uranus Midpoint 10/96 69 Practical Applications of Astr. Crawford, Arch A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Downing, Mary A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Astrology: A Rising Star on Wall Street 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Hannon, Geraldine Hatch A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Lavoie, Alphee A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Long, Jeanne A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Meridian, Bill Investing with the Jupiter Method in 1998 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Merriman, Raymond A. A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Morris, Grace K. A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Roberts, Courtney Sports and Astrology: Research in Real Time 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Stathis, Georgia A Roundtable of Financial Astrologers: Investing by the Planets 10/97 75 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Bruce Making Time Out of Space: an Overview of Planetary Predictive Periods 2/98 77 Practical Applications of Astr. Starck, Marcia Solstice Points - Mirror Images 6/98 79 Practical Applications of Astr. Vance, Anna Louise Electional Guidelines for a Simpler Life 10/98 81 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Bruce How to Read a Birth Chart, Part 3: What We Do —Vocation, Work, and Money 12/99 88 Practical Applications of Astr. Banfield, Barbara Pump Up the Fire: Using Astrology in Weight Loss 4/00 90 Practical Applications of Astr. Cruz, Sandy Gardening in Tune with Natural Cycles 4/00 90 Practical Applications of Astr. Scofield, Bruce The Horoscopic Handyman 8/00 92 Practical Applications of Astr. Warnock, Christopher A Legacy of Magic: Traditional Electional Astrology in the Renaissance 12/00 94 Practical Applications of Astr. Cunningham, Donna Do You Dream of Being a Writer? 4/03 108 Practical Applications of Astr. Ciampi Pam Bringing the Moon down to Earth: An Astrological Guide for Gardeners 4/06 126 Practical Applications of Astr. Fuhro, Sarah A Druid Looks at Plants and Planets 4/06 126 Practical Applications of Astr. Hampar Joann The Art of Timing 8/06 128 Practical Applications of Astr. Pouncie Robin Storm Warnings: Mapping Extreme Weather 12/06 130 Practical Applications of Astr. Robertson, Raye The Single Secret: An Astrological Perspective on Intelligence 2/07 131 Practical Applications of Astr. Duncan, Adrian Ross Consultations: Creating Personal Transformation 8/07 134 Practical Applications of Astr. Fernandez Maurice Neptune, the 12th House, & Pisces: Career Orientation in the Birth Chart 10/07 135 Practical Applications of Astr. Kirkham Liz Strategies for Marketing-Impaired Astrologers 10/07 135 Practical Applications of Astr. Cunningham, Donna The Vocational Picture: The Role of the Elements 4/08 138 Practical Applications of Astr. Gunzburg, Darrelyn Delineation: Reading the Visual Narrative of a Chart 6/08 139 Practical Applications of Astr. Bachmann Verena How Mercury Helps Children to Develop 12/08 142 Practical Applications of Astr. Kirkham Liz Digital Recording 101 4/09 144 Practical Applications of Astr. Snow Edward Finally: An Effective New Way to Test Astrology! 4/09 144 Practical Applications of Astr. Spring, Elizabeth Using Neptune Homeopathically 6/09 145 Practical Applications of Astr. Butler Simone Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home 8/09 146 Practical Applications of Astr. Rose, Kathy Feng Shui and Astrology: Living by Energetic Design 8/09 146 Practical Applications of Astr. Cooperman, Corrie Choosing a Baby’s Birth Day 8/10 152 Practical Applications of Astr. Kent April Elliott When Will I Get Married? Astrological Significators of Marriage 8/10 152 Practical Applications of Astr. Selva, Manda Integrating Midpoints in Chart Interpretation and Prediction 10/10 153 Practical Applications of Astr. Paone, Ken The Winters of 2011–14: An Astrometeorological Assessment 2/12 161 Practical Applications of Astr. Blaschke, Robert Preparing for a Relationship Analysis Consultation 2/13 167 Practical Applications of Astr. Cossar, Faye Create a Professional Brand Profile 6/13 169 Practical Applications of Astr. Kurent, Ema Techniques for Earthquake Prediction: Part 1: Theory & Application 10/14 177 Practical Applications of Astr. Kurent, Ema Techniques for Earthquake Prediction: Part 2: Upcoming Eclipses (digital only) 10/14 177 Practical Applications of Astr. Rose, Kathy The Astrology of Pregnancy 2/15 179 Practical Applications of Astr. Friedman, Hank Astrology Apps for Mobile Devices 8/15 182 Practical Applications of Astr. Stein, Zane B. The Quadrant Midpoints: The Chart’s Backbone 8/16 188 Practical Applications of Astr. Elko, Bronwyn Tips for Engaging with Skeptics (Article Particle) 10/16 189 Practical Applications of Astr. Surtees, Kelly Electing the Date: An Astrologer Gets Married 12/16 190 Practical Applications of Astr. Crawford, John Astrology and Dreams 4/90 15 Psychological & Dreamwork Crawford, John Astrology and Dreams 12/90 19 Psychological & Dreamwork Elko, Bronwyn The Dark Sun in Astrology 4/92 28 Psychological & Dreamwork Blaschke, Robert Astrology and 12-Step Recovery 6/92 29 Psychological & Dreamwork Crawford, John Astrology and Dreamwork 6/92 29 Psychological & Dreamwork Koch, Beth Astrological Insight into Dreams 10/92 32 Psychological & Dreamwork Oja, Dorothy Combining Astrology and Hypnosis 12/92 34 Psychological & Dreamwork Herbst, Bill Signs of Grief 3/93 36 Psychological & Dreamwork Koffron, Michelle Astrology & Jungian Psychology 10/93 41 Psychological & Dreamwork Koffron, Michelle In the Beginning Was the Dream — One Night's Journey to Self 6/94 47 Psychological & Dreamwork Landwehr, Joe The Poetic Language of the Soul 6/94 47 Psychological & Dreamwork Bogart, Greg Transpersonal Astrology & Spiritual Emergence Processes 7/94 48 Psychological & Dreamwork Welch, Pamela Planetary Soul Patterns 7/94 48 Psychological & Dreamwork McLay, Michael A Jungian Approach to Astrological Counseling 8/94 49 Psychological & Dreamwork Devine, Carole The Midlife "Shift" into Reverse 11/94 51 Psychological & Dreamwork Meece, E. Alan A Dissenting View of the Midlife Crisis 11/94 51 Psychological & Dreamwork Mozier, Jeanne Star-Navigating the Midlife Crisis 11/94 51 Psychological & Dreamwork Jordan, Shelley Do You Suffer From Millennialism? - or - The Doomsday Syndrome 12/94 52 Psychological & Dreamwork Landwehr, Joe The Alchemical Gap: Domain of the Shadow 1/96 62 Psychological & Dreamwork April, Dina The Astrology of Anxiety 2/99 83 Psychological & Dreamwork Grasse, Ray The Challenge of Scorpio: Anger, Power, and Transformation 2/99 83 Psychological & Dreamwork Perry, Glenn Sex, Death, and Power: A Scorpio Triumvirate (Part 1) 2/99 83 Psychological & Dreamwork Puffer, Linda The Challenge of Scorpio: Anger, Power, and Transformation 2/99 83 Psychological & Dreamwork Perry, Glenn Pluto Pathology: The Dark Side of Human Sexuality (Part 2) 4/99 84 Psychological & Dreamwork Kochunas, Brad Freedom from Happiness: Saturn’s Gift to the Soul 4/00 90 Psychological & Dreamwork Banfield, Barbara The Astrology of Depression 8/00 92 Psychological & Dreamwork Egan, Douglas C. Article Particles: Astrology and Therapy 12/00 94 Psychological & Dreamwork Bogart, Greg Imagining Possibilities 4/01 96 Psychological & Dreamwork Jawer, Jeff Escaping Your Horoscope 6/01 97 Psychological & Dreamwork Antepara, Robin Active Imagination: The Intersection of Astrology and Archetypal Psychology 6/02 103 Psychological & Dreamwork Welch, Pamela Subpersonalities: The Planetary Shadow 12/02MD 106 Psychological & Dreamwork Robertson, Raye The Single Eye: Vision, Learning, and the Astrological Sun 4/06 126 Psychological & Dreamwork Kochunas Brad The Dark Monastery 4/08 138 Psychological & Dreamwork Conlon, Andrea The Marriage of Astrology and Psychotherapy 4/10 150 Psychological & Dreamwork Landwehr Joe Healing the Astrological Shadow 6/10 151 Psychological & Dreamwork Grasse, Ray The Songs of Dismembered Gods: Exploring the Archetypal Roots of Astrology 2/11 155 Psychological & Dreamwork Guttman Arielle Using Astrology and Myth to Interpret Dreams 2/11 155 Psychological & Dreamwork Suskin, Rod Shamanic Divination and the Dream Chart 4/13 168 Psychological & Dreamwork Nelson, Gaye The Astrology of Parenting (Part 1) 2/90 14 Relationships/Family/Gender Nelson, Gaye The Astrology of Parenting (Part 2) 4/90 15 Relationships/Family/Gender Nelson, Gaye The Astrology of Parenting (Part 3): The Capricorn Kids 6/90 16 Relationships/Family/Gender Nelson, Gaye The Astrology of Parenting (Part 4): Birth Order 8/90 17 Relationships/Family/Gender Beim, Mary The Male and Female: In the Chart and in the Person 12/90 19 Relationships/Family/Gender Nelson, Gaye The Astrology of Parenting: Following the Spiral of Time 12/90 19 Relationships/Family/Gender Smith, Jacquie Synastry: An Astrological Analysis of Relationships 12/90 19 Relationships/Family/Gender Gellman, Rob The Alchemy of Relationship — Part 1: Establishing Personal Patterns 2/91 20 Relationships/Family/Gender Cunningham, Donna Working with Teenagers and their Charts 4/91 21 Relationships/Family/Gender Gellman, Rob The Alchemy of Relationship — Part 2: Exploring Personal Patterns 4/91 21 Relationships/Family/Gender Olesky, Rio New Images of Masculine Expression 8/91 23 Relationships/Family/Gender Giamario, Daniel The Spectrum of Masculinity: An Astrological Look at Emerging Male Mysteries 12/91 25 Relationships/Family/Gender Nelson, Gaye For Men: How to Find Power through the Feminine 12/91 25 Relationships/Family/Gender Austin, Stephanie Synastry — The Mirror of Relationship 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Barsky, Janice Making Heavenly Matches Work on Earth 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Cowger, Barry Birth Order: Family Dynamics and Astrology 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender George, Demetra Dark Moon Goddess in Astrology 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Jordan, Shelley Repression of Feminine in Astrology 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Spring, Helga Relationship Puzzles 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Starck, Marcia Feminine Faces of Pluto 4/92 28 Relationships/Family/Gender Jordan, Shelley Relationship Profile in Your Chart 6/92 29 Relationships/Family/Gender Linzer, Karen The Astrology of Sexual Frustration 6/92 29 Relationships/Family/Gender Pond, Lucy An Astrologer Investigates Incest 7/92 30 Relationships/Family/Gender McCollough, Elaine Teach Toddlers Astrology 8/92 31 Relationships/Family/Gender Spring, Helga Look Who's Talking! 8/92 31 Relationships/Family/Gender Jordan, Shelley Relationship Yoga 11/92 33 Relationships/Family/Gender Cunningham, Donna Effects of Crisis on Relationships 12/92 34 Relationships/Family/Gender McCollough, Elaine Abortion, Up Close and Personal 2/93 35 Relationships/Family/Gender Hannon, Geraldine Hatch Rebirthing the Feminine 7/93 39 Relationships/Family/Gender Kahn, Nancy Women of Power 7/93 39 Relationships/Family/Gender McSherry, Kimberly Feminine Element of Astrology 7/93 39 Relationships/Family/Gender Bogart, Greg The Astrological Dynamics of Relationships 10/93 41 Relationships/Family/Gender Cooperman, Corrie Choosing Compatibility 10/93 41 Relationships/Family/Gender Gerhardt, Dana Mothers & Daughters — Separations 10/93 41 Relationships/Family/Gender Mason, Joyce Wholeness and the Inner Marriage 10/93 41 Relationships/Family/Gender Vogts, David Lunar Mansions & Marriage (Vedic) 10/93 41 Relationships/Family/Gender McCollough, Elaine Feminism, Pioneers and Herstory 11/93 42 Relationships/Family/Gender Daniels, Estelle Choosing a Good Time for a Wedding 3/94 45 Relationships/Family/Gender Kent, April Elliott The Astrology of Marriage: One Astrologer's Story 3/94 45 Relationships/Family/Gender McDevitt, Theresa H. 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Family Astrology: Cosmic Chromosomes? 4/02 102 Relationships/Family/Gender Maurice, Teri Outer-Planet Transits: One Family’s Story 6/03 109 Relationships/Family/Gender Westran, Paul Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Hearts? 10/03 111 Relationships/Family/Gender Jehle, Markus Love and Respect: Saturnian Themes in the Partner’s Horoscope 4/04 114 Relationships/Family/Gender Stone, Jenni Matches Made in Heaven 6/04 115 Relationships/Family/Gender Plumb, Mary The Art of Relating: An Astrological Guide 6/05 121 Relationships/Family/Gender Cunningham, Donna How to Study Relocation 10/06 129 Relationships/Family/Gender Davis Martin The Uses of Astromapping in Astrology 10/06 129 Relationships/Family/Gender Makransky Bob Are You Two Compatible? 12/06 130 Relationships/Family/Gender Oja Dorothy The Davison Relationship Chart: The Birthday of a Relationship 4/07 132 Relationships/Family/Gender Eggemar Lina Back to the Roots: Genealogy through Astrology 8/07 134 Relationships/Family/Gender Owen Lara The Astrology of Love in Midlife 4/08 138 Relationships/Family/Gender Keller Judy When Squares Fall in Love 10/09 147 Relationships/Family/Gender Stuart Edwin Josephine: An Astrological Eulogy 6/10 151 Relationships/Family/Gender Bogart, Greg Synastry, Conscious Relationship, and Couples Counseling 8/10 152 Relationships/Family/Gender Morrow D. H. My Capricorn Mom, Virgo Sister — and Me, the Aquarius 10/10 153 Relationships/Family/Gender Ciampi, Pam Beyond Compatibility: What Really Makes Relationships Work 2/13 167 Relationships/Family/Gender Forrest, Steven Close Encounters of the Astrological Kind 6/13 169 Relationships/Family/Gender Conlon, Andrea Mortality 101: A Death through the Lens of Astrology 8/13 170 Relationships/Family/Gender Miller, Neil Article Particle: Once Upon a Time 8/13 170 Relationships/Family/Gender Robinson, Veronika Sophia Consequence: A Novel Speaks Symbolically through a Young Author’s Chart 8/13 170 Relationships/Family/Gender d’Estrée, Erin Queer Astrology: Not for Queers Only 6/14 175 Relationships/Family/Gender Trinkaus, Emily Venus, Mary Magadene, and the Re-emerging Sacred Feminine 4/15 180 Relationships/Family/Gender Bell, Lynn Living with Families: Connections and Disconnects 6/16 187 Relationships/Family/Gender Clark, Brian Experience and Ethics: Reflections on Synastry 6/16 187 Relationships/Family/Gender Clifford, Frank C, Initial Insights into Synastry: The Astrology of Relationships 6/16 187 Relationships/Family/Gender Clifford, Frank C. Astrological Affinities: When Actors Play Real People 6/16 187 Relationships/Family/Gender Herbst, Bill Synastry: What It Can and Can’t Reveal 6/16 187 Relationships/Family/Gender Shaw, Diana Trump & Putin: A True Bromance? 6/17 193 Relationships/Family/Gender Smith, C. Michael Local Space — an Introduction 10/90 18 Relocation Tarriktar, Tem Gaia’s Grid — The Earth Zodiac (brief) 10/90 18 Relocation Hammerslough, Bruce F. Three Ways to Enhance Your Use of Astro*Carto*Graphy 8/91 23 Relocation Bahlman, Nancy Local Space Astrology 7/93 39 Relocation Bridges, Tom Relocating the Birth Chart: Your Relationship with the Earth 8/95 58 Relocation Penfield, Marc The Modified Johndro Geodetic Chart 1/96 62 Relocation Cunningham, Donna Resources for Relocation Astrology 8/97 74 Relocation Cunningham, Donna Relocation Won’t Solve All Your Woes 4/99 84 Relocation Sacks, Marcia Birthday Choices: Traveling for My Solar Return 10/99 87 Relocation Meadows, David Using Astro*Carto*Graphy and Cyclo*Carto*Graphy to Rectify the Time of Birth 6/00 MD 91 Relocation Phillipson, Garry An Interview with Martin Davis 6/00 MD 91 Relocation Tarriktar, Tem How to Relocate Your Chart 6/00 91 Relocation Tarriktar, Tem Jim Lewis on Astro*Carto*Graphy 6/00 MD 91 Relocation Antepara, Robin The Peripatetic Astrologer: Travels in Japan and Scotland 2/01 95 Relocation Meadows, David Using A*C*G and C*C*G to Rectify the Time of Birth (digital only, from 6/2000) 12/12 166 Relocation Tarriktar, Tem How to Relocate Your Chart (digital only, from June/July 2000) 12/12 166 Relocation Davis, Martin On the Run: Astromapping Tales of Edward Snowden & Ronnie Biggs 10/14 177 Relocation Powhatan, Coyote Living Mythology: Affirming the Round of Holidays 2/90 14 Seasonal & Ritual Powhatan, Coyote Living Mythology: Working with Imagery 4/90 15 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Astrology and Ritual 4/91 21 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Winter Solstice and the Winter Eclipses 12/91 25 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia 1992 Spring Equinox 3/92 27 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia 1992 Summer Solstice, Summer Eclipses 6/92 29 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Autumn Festivals/Rituals 8/92 31 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Astrology & Ritual - Hallowe'en 10/92 32 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Astrology & Ritual - Solstice & Eclipses 12/92 34 Seasonal & Ritual Starck, Marcia Summer Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon 6/05 127 Seasonal & Ritual Murray Jessica Taking Back the Holidays: Pluto and the Winter Solstice 12/06 130 Seasonal & Ritual Kochunas Brad Elemental Spirituality 12/07 136 Seasonal & Ritual Facebook Astro-Forum Southern Hemisphere Seasons 2/10 149 Seasonal & Ritual Fuhro, Sarah A Druid’s Star Lore: The Four Fire Festivals 2/10 149 Seasonal & Ritual Anderson / Jonathan Goldman, Karen The Music of the Spheres: Sound and Astrology 4/90 15 Sound/Music/Geometry Goldman / Karen Anderson Jonathan The Music of the Spheres: Sound and Astrology 4/90 15 Sound/Music/Geometry Pierce, Ron Alan Music of the HemiSpheres 3/92 27 Sound/Music/Geometry Louis Anthony Wagner Rectified: Sleuthing the Birth Time of a Musical Genius 4/04 MD 114 Sound/Music/Geometry Perry, Glenn The Emerging Field of Archetypal Cosmology 2/11 155 Theoretical or Philosophical Meyers, Eric The Astrology of Spiritual Awakening 4/11 156 Theoretical or Philosophical Tarnas, Richard Archetypal Cosmology: Past and Present 6/11 157 Theoretical or Philosophical Meyers, Eric From Separation to Connection: Healing the Rift between Saturn and Uranus 12/14 178 Theoretical or Philosophical Brady, Bernadette Fate, Free Will, Horoscopes, and Souls 4/15 180 Theoretical or Philosophical Brady, Bernadette The Mythical and Mystical Tools in the Astrologer’s Hands 8/15 182 Theoretical or Philosophical Gehrz, Andrea L. An Introduction to Teleology for the Modern Astrologer 10/15 183 Theoretical or Philosophical Egan, Douglas C. Why Astrology Doesn’t Work 6/17 193 Theoretical or Philosophical Keepin William Astrology and the New Physics: Integrating Sacred and Secular Sciences 10/09 147 Theoretical or Philosophical Coleman, James Holistic Planetary Classification 3/92 27 Theoretical or Philosophical Scofield, Bruce A New Model of Astrology 12/92 34 Theoretical or Philosophical Merriman, Raymond A. The Karma of Identity 3/93 36 Theoretical or Philosophical Jawer, Jeff Astro-Ecology 12/93 43 Theoretical or Philosophical Byrnes, Ronald L. The Physical Bases of Astrology 4/94 46 Theoretical or Philosophical Miller-Mignone, Alex The Metaphysical Anatomy of a Black Hole 6/94 47 Theoretical or Philosophical Payne, Buryl The Comet-Jupiter Collision: July 16-23, 1994 7/94 48 Theoretical or Philosophical Alli, Antero United States of Aquarius 12/94 52 Theoretical or Philosophical Byrnes / Byron Wahl Ronald L. Byron's Parallels: Orbital Heliocentric Astrology 2/95 53 Theoretical or Philosophical Wahl / Ronald L. Byrnes Byron Byron's Parallels: Orbital Heliocentric Astrology 2/95 53 Theoretical or Philosophical Keepin, William Astrology and the New Physics: Integrating Sacred and Secular Sciences 8/95 58 Theoretical or Philosophical Pond, David The Soul and Spirit of Astrology 12/95 61 Theoretical or Philosophical Lyons, Tim Does Uranus Rule Astrology? 2/96 63 Theoretical or Philosophical Thurman, Michael Astrology and the New Physics 2/96 63 Theoretical or Philosophical Grasse, Ray Astrology and the Chakras: Toward a Sacred Psychology of the Horoscope 4/96 64 Theoretical or Philosophical Murphy, Peter The Unified Chart: Distinguishing the Map from the Territory 4/97 72 Theoretical or Philosophical Grasse, Ray The Enchanted Cosmos: Symbolism, Synchronicity, and the Astrol. World View 12/97 76 Theoretical or Philosophical Bennett, Naomi Astrological Rulerships: Different Systems Considered 2/98 77 Theoretical or Philosophical Dunn, Jonathan Astrological Rulerships: Different Systems Considered 2/98 77 Theoretical or Philosophical Michael II, Miles Astrological Rulerships: Different Systems Considered 2/98 77 Theoretical or Philosophical Couper, Alastair Astrology and Subtle Energy 4/98 78 Theoretical or Philosophical Duncan, Adrian Ross Astrology: the Ultimate Tool in a Relative World 4/98 78 Theoretical or Philosophical Cornelius, Geoffrey Is Astrology Divination — and Does it Matter? 10/98 81 Theoretical or Philosophical Sheeran, Bill Astrology, Patriarchy, and Postmodernism: An Astrology for the 21st Century 4/99 84 Theoretical or Philosophical Hyde, Maggie Response to “Astrology and the Soul of the World” 6/99 85 Theoretical or Philosophical Newton-John, Pierz Astrology and the Soul of the World 6/99 85 Theoretical or Philosophical Johnsen, Linda A Unity of Stars: The Neoplatonic Astrology of Plotinus 8/00 92 Theoretical or Philosophical Scofield, Bruce Planetary Circuits: An Astro-Biological Model of Human Development 2/02 101 Theoretical or Philosophical Seymour, Percy Astrologers by Nature 2/02 101 Theoretical or Philosophical Phillipson, Garry Astrology and the Anatomy of Doubt 8/02 MD 104 Theoretical or Philosophical Mateus, Maria J. Astrological Grammar 101 2/04 MD 113 Theoretical or Philosophical Scofield, Bruce The Natural Astrology of Global Warming 6/04 115 Theoretical or Philosophical Forrest, Steven Astrology and Reincarnation 8/05 122 Theoretical or Philosophical Tarnas Richard The Dawn of a New Universe 12/05 124 Theoretical or Philosophical Scofield, Bruce The Shaping of the Now: Symbolic Substitution and the Way of Participatory 6/07 133 Theoretical or Philosophical Astrology Gillett Roy Science Reborn — Can Astrology Help? 2/09 143 Theoretical or Philosophical Bogart, Greg Introducing Sidereal Perspectives (Part 1): Precession-Corrected Transits 4/91 21 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bogart, Greg Introducing Sidereal Perspectives (2): Precession-Corrected Solar Returns 6/91 22 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bogart, Greg Introducing Sidereal Perspectives (3): The Ennead 8/91 23 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bogart, Greg An Introduction to Minor Progressions 10/91 24 Transits/Progressions/Returns Blaschke, Robert Transiting Uranus-Neptune Conjunction 8/92 31 Transits/Progressions/Returns Sparrow, Linda S. Lunar Nodes in Transit 10/92 32 Transits/Progressions/Returns Jordan, Shelley Transformational Transits 4/93 37 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — Accidents 6/93 38 Transits/Progressions/Returns Herbst, Bill On Coincidence 6/93 38 Transits/Progressions/Returns Jawer, Jeff We Are the Transits 6/93 38 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — Birthing with Saturn & Pluto 7/93 39 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — Future 8/93 40 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — Getting Mad 12/93 43 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — When Transits Bring Suffering 2/94 44 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tale Roundup — Uranus-Neptune 6/94 47 Transits/Progressions/Returns Beversdorf, Anne E. Fractal Progressions 8/94 49 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tale Roundup — Saturn-Pluto 8/94 49 Transits/Progressions/Returns Hammerslough, Bruce F. Two Innovative Forecasting Techniques 10/94 50 Transits/Progressions/Returns Blaschke, Robert Secondary Progressions 3/95 54 Transits/Progressions/Returns Coleman, James A Virgo Looks at Transits 8/95 58 Transits/Progressions/Returns Tarriktar, Tem Finding the Cycles in Your Life Using Minor Progressions 2/98 77 Transits/Progressions/Returns Blaschke, Robert Wheels Within Wheels: Transits and Progressions in Chart Interpretation 12/98 82 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bell, Lynn Your Annual Birthday Chart: Solar Returns Explained 8/99 86 Transits/Progressions/Returns Cunningham, Donna Night and Day: Transits from the 12th House to the 1st 4/00 90 Transits/Progressions/Returns Grasse, Ray Simple Rituals for Major Transits 8/00 92 Transits/Progressions/Returns Clark, Brian Hades as Place: The Landscape of a Pluto Transit 12/01 100 Transits/Progressions/Returns Henry, William The “Real” Progressed Angles 8/02 MD 104 Transits/Progressions/Returns Falconer, Kim Rapid Transits: Surviving the Daily Stress of Life 10/03 111 Transits/Progressions/Returns Billings, Jessica The Solar Dance 12/03 112 Transits/Progressions/Returns Alli, Antero Outside Shocks! The Timing of Outer-Planet Transits 2/04 113 Transits/Progressions/Returns Forrest, Jodie Living with Uranus Transits 2/04 113 Transits/Progressions/Returns Ghaneh, Isabelle Seeing Music: A Bold Expression of Uranus in Pisces 4/04 MD 114 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bogart, Greg Precession-Corrected Transits 8/05 122 Transits/Progressions/Returns Holly Nina Symbolic Directions in the Horoscope: A Lost Key to Prediction 8/05MD 122 Transits/Progressions/Returns Yankelevitz Diane Article Particle: My Pluto Journey through Sagittarius 12/05 124 Transits/Progressions/Returns Cunningham, Donna Saturn’s Reign in Leo: A Tale of Three Queens 4/06 126 Transits/Progressions/Returns Starck, Marcia Saturn Opposite Neptune 4/06 126 Transits/Progressions/Returns Herbst, Bill On Coincidence 4/07 132 Transits/Progressions/Returns Bogart, Greg An Introduction to Solar Arc Directions 6/07 133 Transits/Progressions/Returns McCutcheon Jenny Goodbye, Skinny Jeans — Hello, Saturn 6/07 133 Transits/Progressions/Returns Ackerman Shelley Great Balls of Fire! The Big Bang Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction of 2007 12/07 136 Transits/Progressions/Returns Robertson, Raye Pluto’s Children at the Polls: Election 2008 & the Pluto in Scorpio Generation 10/08 141 Transits/Progressions/Returns Spring, Fern Feto Saturn’s Garden: Learning to Be Perfectly Imperfect with Saturn in Virgo 10/08 141 Transits/Progressions/Returns Clifford, Frank C. Shadow Transits: A Hidden Forecasting Tool 12/08 142 Transits/Progressions/Returns Cunningham, Donna Uranus Transiting the Career Houses 2/09 143 Transits/Progressions/Returns Makransky Bob Interpretation of Transits: The Makransky Keyword System 6/09 145 Transits/Progressions/Returns Gerhardt, Dana Transit Tales — When Transits Bring Suffering 10/09 147 Transits/Progressions/Returns Kenward Catherine Saturn–Uranus and World Events 12/09 148 Transits/Progressions/Returns Starck, Marcia Challenges of Aging: Transits from Age 58 to 84 12/09 148 Transits/Progressions/Returns Spring, Fern Feto Saturn in Libra: Aquiring the Art of the “No” 10/10 153 Transits/Progressions/Returns Stuart Edwin Reflections of My Solar Returns 12/10 154 Transits/Progressions/Returns DeCastro, Dena Pluto Transits: Alchemy and Initiation 2/11 155 Transits/Progressions/Returns Cunningham, Donna Transits to the Sun: “Who Am I, Really?” 4/11 156 Transits/Progressions/Returns Finey, Michele The Chiron Return: The Journey Home 4/11 156 Transits/Progressions/Returns Beversdorf, Anne Dancing Lessons for Pluto Encounters 6/11 157 Transits/Progressions/Returns Fernandez Maurice Neptune in Pisces: 2011–2026 8/11 158 Transits/Progressions/Returns Grasse, Ray Tuning into the Zeitgeist: Riding the Waves of Planetary Change 10/11 159 Transits/Progressions/Returns Kolp, Elaine Return to Venus: 2012 6/12 163 Transits/Progressions/Returns Trinkaus, Emily The Saturn–Neptune Trine: Reclaiming Inner Authority ... the Age of Pisces 12/12 166 Transits/Progressions/Returns Rose, Kathy The Aries Point Bloom 8/13 170 Transits/Progressions/Returns Miller, Neil Life’s Messy: Two Solar Returns and a Flood 6/14 175 Transits/Progressions/Returns Surtees, Kelly Saturn Return: A Story with a Happy Ending 10/14 177 Transits/Progressions/Returns Allen, Carolyn Uranus Square Pluto, Up Close and Personal 12/14 178 Transits/Progressions/Returns Clark, Brian The Soul’s Diary: The Artistry of Secondary Progressions 6/15 181 Transits/Progressions/Returns Clifford, Frank C. Let the Sun Be Your Guide: Using Solar Arc Directions in Your Practice 6/15 181 Transits/Progressions/Returns Rocks, Damian Progressing the Moon: Working Notes of a Predictive Astrologer 6/15 181 Transits/Progressions/Returns Swatton, Richard Working with Transits: An In-Depth Psychological Approach 6/15 181 Transits/Progressions/Returns Miller, Neil Article Particle: The Day I Fired Myself 8/16 188 Transits/Progressions/Returns Farrow, Penny The Eastern Window various Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith Jackie O: A Vedic View 8/94 49 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith May 5, 2000: The Vedic View 12/94 52 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Redesigning the Future with Vedic Astrology 2/95 53 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Braha, James Dasas, Bhuktis, Gemstones, & Yagyas 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Burrell, Buzz Letter from a Reader 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis The Grahas: The Planets in Vedic Astrology 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Frawley, David Glossary of Vedic Terms (reprinted from his book) 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hand, Robert Rob Hand's Commentary 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Scorpio U.S.A. Chart: A Vedic View 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Houck, Richard Don't Take My Sun Sign Away from Me! 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The 12 Houses in Vedic Astrology 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Cycles of Destiny 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Vedic Chart: An Introduction 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Vedic Astrology in America: An Interview with Dennis Harness 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Stern, Helga Scow A Conversation with K.N. Rao 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology TMA Vedic Astrology Resource List 6/95 56 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Behari, Bepin Shadow Planets: The Moon's Nodes in Vedic Astrology 10/95 59 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Dharma, Vocation, and Your Life's Purpose (Vedic Astrology) 11/95 60 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Braha, James The Great Years of the Planets 1/96 62 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 4/96 64 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 5/96 65 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Chandra: The Myth and Meaning of the Moon in Vedic Astrology 6/96 66 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection: Planetary War 6/96 66 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 7/96 67 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Sky of Consciousness: An Interview with Dr. David Frawley 7/96 67 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 8/96 68 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection: Which Chart for Bill Clinton? 10/96 69 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 12/96 70 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank Vedic Astrology Software Reviews 2/97 71 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway, Edith The Vedic Connection 2/97 71 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Fixing the Future: Remedial Measures in Vedic Astrology 4/97 72 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Dealing with Disaster: The Vedic Approach 6/97 73 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Jyotish•Locality 8/97 74 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Lessons in Vedic Astrology (Part 1): What's My Karma? Casting a Vedic Chart 10/97 75 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Lessons in Vedic Astrology (Part 2): Planetary Combinations 12/97 76 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Lessons in Vedic Astrology (Part 3): Cycles - the Pulse of Time 2/98 77 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Dreyer, Ronnie Gale Lessons in Vedic Astrology (Part 4): Planetary Yogas 4/98 78 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Lessons in Vedic Astrology (Part 5): What's Your Vedic Sign? The Nakshatras 6/98 79 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Jyotish Currents (column, 1998–2004, alternating with Kenneth Johnson) 8/98 80 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Gomes, Gary Surya: The Sun in Vedic Astrology 8/98 80 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnson, Kenneth Jyotish Currents (column, 1998-2004, alternating with Dennis Flaherty) 8/98 80 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Vedic Mars: Son of the Earth 2/99 83 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Tantric Astrology: The Star Temples of India 4/99 84 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Vedic Astrology for Profit 6/99 85 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Shadow Planets: The Lunar Nodes in Vedic Astrology 8/99 86 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Astrology and Reincarnation: The Cycles of Our Lives 12/99 88 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Astrology in the City of Light 4/00 90 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Vedic Astrology State of the Union Address 10/00 93 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Tampering with Time: Astrology as Magic 12/00 94 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Your Second Horoscope: The Ninth-Harmonic Chart 2/01 95 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Sutton, Komilla The Vedic Chart of George W. Bush 4/01 96 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Sholly, Kate East–West Astrology: An Interview with Dennis Flaherty 6/01 97 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank Bridge of Skies: Applying Vedic Principles to Western Astrology 10/01 99 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Harness, Dennis Pluto: A Neo-Vedic View 12/01 100 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Sutton, Komilla George W. Bush and the War against Terrorism 12/01 100 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology MD Johnsen, Linda American Destiny: The U.S. Vedic Chart 2/02 101 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Planets of Kings: Success and Prosperity in the Vedic Chart 4/02 102 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Farrow, Penny Dressing Vedic Remedies in Western Garb 6/02 103 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Moore, Natori I Was a Vedic Virgin: How I Bought My First Jyotish Gemstones 8/02 104 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Work You Were Born to Do: Career in the Vedic Chart 12/02 106 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Timm, Bette How’s Your Health? Reading Your Body in Vedic Astrology 2/03 107 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Twelve Ancient Houses: Astrology in the Vedas 4/03 108 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Byrnes, Stephen Dealing with Depression Using Vedic Astrology 8/03 MD 110 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Accident Prone: Hazards in the Vedic Chart 10/03 111 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Trading Places: Planetary Mutual Exchange 12/03 112 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnson, Kenneth A Vedic Perspective on Virgo and Pisces 8/04 116 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Tough Love Planets: Malefics in Vedic Astrology 10/04 117 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Sutton, Komilla The U.S. Presidential Election: A Vedic View 10/04 117 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Byrnes, Stephen When Good Planets Go Bad: Venus & Jupiter as Functional Malefics ( Vedic ) 12/04 118 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Your Good Karma: Benefis in Vedic Astrology 12/04 118 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Gomes, Gary Remedial Measures in Vedic Astrology 2/05 119 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Ancient Skies: Astrology in the Indus Valley 4/05 120 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnson Kenneth The Ascetic and the Sensualist: Vedic Aries and Libra 6/05 121 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank Approaching Jyotish: A Comparison of Western and Vedic Astrology 8/05 122 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Hathaway Edith Pluto Gadanta and Kali’s Zone of Influence 8/05 122 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda What’s Your Dasha? 10/05 123 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Vedic Aquarius 12/05 124 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Know Your Nakshatras, Part 1 of 4 4/06 126 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Gomes Gary Vedic Compatibility: Is Relationship Karma a Matter of Luck or Effort? 6/06 127 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology de Prosse Jan Tropical Virgo/Vedic Leo 8/06 128 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Know Your Nakshatras, Part Two 8/06 128 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnson Kenneth The Mystic Warrior: A Vedic Perspective on Scorpio 10/06 129 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Know Your Nakshatras: Part Three 12/06 130 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Know Your Nakshatras: Part Four 2/07 131 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank The Vedic Signs 6/07 133 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Back to Basics: Common Questions about Vedic Astrology 8/07 134 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Braha, James The Great Years of the Planets 12/07 136 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Thompson Dr. Dennis Using Ayurveda and Vedic Medical Astrology 2/08 137 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Your Celestial Real Estate: The Vedic Houses 6/08 139 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Saturn’s Sade Sati: The Time of Your Life 10/08 141 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Shadow Planets: The Lunar Nodes in Vedic Astrology 2/09 143 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank The Ruler of the Chart in Vedic Astrology 8/09 146 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Pulse of Time: Cycles in Vedic Astrology 10/09 147 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Fidler, Richard Using Jyotish to Discern the Differences between Twins 4/10 150 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The Destiny Advisor 6/10 151 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda Collective Karma: Family Dynamics in Vedic Astrology 10/10 153 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Fischer, Tamiko The Nakshatras in Daily Astrology: Does Today’s Star Have Roots or Wings? 4/11 156 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Stich; and Belinda Sweet Jack Destined to Be King 10/11 159 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Kumar, Kushal Vedic Astrology Forecast for 2012 12/11 160 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Sugarman; & Atkinson, Tracy Michael The Lunar Nodes: Desire and Transcendence 12/13 172 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Fischer, Tamiko Planetary Points in the Game of Life: An Introduction to Ashtakavarga 8/14 176 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Farrow, Penny Magical Voice: A Vedic Perspective 10/15 183 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Friedman, Hank The Third and Sixth Houses in Vedic Astrology 12/15 184 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Farrow, Penny Edward Snowden, Vedic Style 10/16 189 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Johnsen, Linda The 2016 Election: A Vedic Postmortem 4/17 192 Vedic (Hindu) Astrology Cunningham, Donna Vocational Aptitudes/Attitudes 6/92 29 Vocational Astrology Cunningham, Donna Vocational Astrology 3/93 36 Vocational Astrology Flaherty, Dennis Astrology & Right Vocation in the 90's 11/93 42 Vocational Astrology Bogart, Greg Finding Your Life's Calling 11/95 60 Vocational Astrology Scofield, Bruce Horoscopes on the Job: Your Job Chart 11/95 60 Vocational Astrology Whitaker, Anne Whom Doth the Grail Serve? A Personal Quest in Pursuit of Vocation 10/00 93 Vocational Astrology Clark, Brian A Question of Vocation — Work: What We Do or Who We Are? 12/02 106 Vocational Astrology Cunningham, Donna Transits to the Vocational Houses: Temp Job or Career Departure? 8/08 140 Vocational Astrology Cunningham, Donna Saturn Transits to the Three Vocational Houses 10/08 141 Vocational Astrology Cunningham, Donna Neptune’s in Your Career House? It’s Not a Transit, It’s an Epoch! 4/09 144 Vocational Astrology Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Vocation and the Sun 10/10 153 Vocational Astrology Bogart, Greg Vocational Astrology Simplified 4/12 162 Vocational Astrology Clark, Brian A Question of Vocation (digital only) 2/15 179 Vocational Astrology Cunningham, Donna Tranists to the Three Career Houses by the Slower-Moving Planets 8/15 182 Vocational Astrology Mason, Joyce A New Look at Virgo: Shifting from Mercury to Chiron 4/90 15 Zodiac Starck, Marcia Earth Mother Astrology: A Feminine Look 2/91 20 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 1): Aries and Taurus 4/91 21 Zodiac Schreib, Bil The Zodees (cartoons) 4/91+ 21 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 2): Gemini and Cancer 6/91 22 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 3): Leo and Virgo 8/91 23 Zodiac Nelson, Gaye Solstice Points 8/91 23 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 4): Libra and Scorpio 10/91 24 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 5): Sagittarius and Capricorn 12/91 25 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales (Part 6): Aquarius and Pisces 2/92 26 Zodiac Tarriktar, Tem Astrology 28 3/92 27 Zodiac Mason, Joyce Radical Virgo 4/92 28 Zodiac Blakesley Decanates Reconsidered 11/92 33 Zodiac Marks, Tracy Lessons for Aquarius 2/93 35 Zodiac Jarvis, Mary E. Signs of Initiation 6/93 38 Zodiac Hill, Lynda The Sabian Symbols 3/94 45 Zodiac Stewart, David Adam Balancing Opposites: A Look at the Polarities in the Zodiac 10/94 50 Zodiac Jarvis, Mary E. Angels, Aquarius, and the Age of Light 12/94 52 Zodiac England, Hedley The Degree of Flight: The Mid-Air Collision over India 6/97 73 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Scorpio: Beauty and the Soft Spot in the Beast 2/99 83 Zodiac Grasse, Ray Scorpio Goes to the Movies 2/99 83 Zodiac Sholly, Kate The Fixed Signs 2/99 83 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Aries: Goldilocks Rides the Ram 4/99 84 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Cancer: At Home in the Belly of the Wolf 6/99 85 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Libra: Deconstructing Libra and the Pea 8/99 86 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Gemini: A Thousand-and-One Nights of Gemini 10/99 87 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Leo: Leo Is the One 2/00 89 Zodiac Perry, Glenn From Royalty to Revolution: Part 1, The Marriage of Leo and Aquarius 2/00 89 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Taurus: The Eyes of Taurus 4/00 90 Zodiac Perry, Glenn From Royalty to Revolution: Part 2, The Marriage of Uranus and the Sun 4/00 90 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Pisces: Gambling on Soul 6/00 91 Zodiac Sherman, Charlene Spiritual Motivations behind the Twelve Zodiac Signs 10/00 93 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Virgo 12/00 94 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Sagittarius 2/01 95 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales - Aquarius 4/01 96 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Zodiac Tales – Capricorn 6/01 97 Zodiac Siregar III, Moses The Spiritual Dimension of Taurus 10/01 99 Zodiac Grasse, Ray The Sliding Zodiac Problem 4/02 102 Zodiac Scofield, Bruce The Great Zodiac Debate 4/02 102 Zodiac Auman, Catherine Virgo, Sexuality, and the Sacred Prostitute 6/02 103 Zodiac Bell Lynn Virgo’s Wings and Other Musings on the Mutable Signs 8/04 116 Zodiac Hill, Lynda Meaning and Mystery: Virgo and Pisces in the Sabian Symbols 8/04 116 Zodiac Perry, Glenn From the Mundane to the Sublime: The Marriage of Virgo and Pisces 8/04 116 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Modern Perspectives from Ancient Symbolism: Cancer 2/05 119 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Goldilocks Rides the Ram (Aries) 6/05 121 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Libra the Scales 6/05 121 Zodiac Houlding , Deborah Aquarius the Water Bearer 12/05 124 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Leo the Lion 6/06 127 Zodiac Herbst, Bill In Defense of Scorpio’s Dark Side 10/06 129 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Scorpio the Scorpion 10/06 129 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Sagittarius the Archer 2/07 131 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Virgo the Maiden 8/07 134 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Capricorn the Goatfish 12/07 136 Zodiac Bowser Kenneth Western Sidereal Astrology - Part 1: The Zodiac Issue 4/08 138 Zodiac Bowser Kenneth Western Sidereal Astrology (Part 2) 6/08 139 Zodiac Houlding , Deborah Gemini the Twins 6/08 139 Zodiac Bowser Kenneth Western Sidereal Astrology (Part 3) 8/08 140 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Pisces the Fish 10/08 141 Zodiac Houlding , Deborah Taurus the Bull 12/08 142 Zodiac Wood, Cynthia L. C. Earth and Taurus: Geocentric Astrology’s Missing Link 12/08 142 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Taming Aries’ Wild Horses 4/09 144 Zodiac Houlding, Deborah Aries the Ram 4/09 144 Zodiac Rose, Kathy Appreciating Aries Energy in Women 4/09 144 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Cancer’s Labor: Meeting the Goddess 6/09 145 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Virgo’s Labor: Grabbing Aphrodite’s Girdle 8/09 146 Zodiac Frothingham Moll The Offstage Leo 12/09 148 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana The Noisy Birds of Sagittarius 12/09 148 Zodiac Rosenberg Diana K. Tyson’s Zodiac: Are There Really Fourteen Signs? 12/09 148 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Aquarius Cleans the Stables 2/10 149 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Taurus’ Labor: Riding the Bull 4/10 150 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana The Hundred-Headed Dragon of Gemini 6/10 151 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Wrestling with the Lion 8/10 152 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Libra and the Path of Persuasion 10/10 153 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Engaging the Scorpio Hydra 12/10 154 Zodiac Clifford, Frank C. Horoscope Detective: Searching for Parental Significators in the Horoscope 2/11 155 Zodiac Fuhro, Sarah The Signs: Noble Disguise, Noble Distraction 8/11 158 Zodiac Adler, Michele Reconsidering the Zodiac’s 29th Degree: Three Sides of an Enigma 10/15 183 Zodiac Coppolino, Eric Francis Pisces and Virgo: The Art and Craft of Astrology (reprint) (digital only) 2/16 185 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Pisces’ Labor: Capturing Unlimited Possibilities 2/09 143 Zodiac Gerhardt, Dana Caprocorn’s Labor: Mastering the Hound of Hell 12/08 142 Zodiac