The begins perhaps nine years after the Greek armies first laid seige to Troy, seeking revenge for the theft of Menelaos' wife, Helen, by the Trojan prince, Paris. Paris had "won" Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as a reward for settling a dispute among three goddesses about which was fairest. Hera, Zeus's wife, had promised him rule of Asia, Athena, promised success in war, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman, not bothering to tell him the woman was married. Thus, the Trojan War could stand as a parable for Greek men tempted to choose female beauty, thereby risking loss of rule and defeat in battle. gives Aphrodite considerable powers, however, and the Greeks do not escape unharmed.

Hector, Paris' eldest brother, is the protector of Troy, its greatest warrior. On the Greek side, the greatest warrior is , whose divine mother, Thetis, has warned him that the Fates have determined he will live only as long as does not die. Typically for a Greek hero, Achilles embraces his fate and seeks Hector mercilessly on the battlefield. Paradoxically, his fate means that, until Hector is killed, Achilles is effectively immortal (no mention of the "dipping in the Styx" myth yet). However, the epic begins at a point where Achilles' pride and 's arrogant assertion of his greater authority collide, causing the hero to retreat from the battlefield and allowing the Trojans nearly to win.

Book I (21 pp.): Agamemnon refuses Chryses' (priest of Apollo) appeal for return of his daughter (female captives in household, as "currency" in war). Chryses prays to Apollo for a plague upon the Greeks. Agamemnon and Achilles quarrel re: who is greater, who has more honor, whose temper is more to blame (aristo values esp. kingship and warrior status). Agamemnon offers to return Chryseis in exchange for Achilles' captive, Bryseis (captured at Eetion on Thebes, 's home). Achilles, ready to kill Ag., yields to Athena's advice (gods vs. mortals).

While Odysseus returns Chryseis and her father sacrifices to Apollo, Achilles prays to immortal mother, Thetis, for revenge-- she repeats the prayer to Zeus (religious rite links aristo behaviors to divine processes). Achilles' prayer (91), that Z will cause the Trojans to attack the Greek ships before A reenters battle, is the dramatic underpinning of the narrative to Bk. 17. It's counterbalanced by the rule of fate that A. must die after killing Hector and before Troy falls. Quarrel spreads to the gods, as Zeus threatens Hera--her son, Hephaestus, urges her to submit to Zeus's will because they cannot face his wrath (family structure, mythic thinking).

Book II (28 pp.): Zeus sends a dream of Nestor to Agamemnon, urging him to attack Troy; Agamemnon tests Greeks by urging them to cut their losses by sailing home; Odysseus, warned by Athena, rallies troops by reasoning with kings and by beating foot- soldiers (gods vs. mortals; military orders; class). In council, Odysseus beats Thersites for railing at Agamemnon and recalls Zeus's oracle of a snake devouring nine sparrows at the altar on the day they arrived in Troy (class structure; gods vs. mortals). Nestor urges Agamemnon to order the army so that members of each phratry (clan) fight beside their relatives (class; family). Catalogue of the ships identifies and describes Greek warriors by homeland, ancestry, and ancestors' previous famous deeds.

Book III (16 pp.): sees Paris in the Trojan ranks, but P. flees and is mocked by brother Hector; M. offers single combat for Helen and the armies array in lines below the city walls (heroism vs. "gifts of Aphrodite"). Asked by Priam, Helen identifies important members of the Greek army with annecdotes (very useful for character ID). Agamemnon performs ritual sacrifice to seal the truce and duel (religion). Menalaus' sword shatters, and when he's on the verge of killing Paris, Aphrodite spirits P. to Helen's bedroom and both lures and threatens Helen so she will join P. there (mythic thinking, hero and passions). Agamemnon demands Helen as the duel demanded.

Book IV (18 pp.): Zeus and Hera quarrel over Troy's fate--he defends them and she hates them [Judgment of Paris + Ganymede]; in compromise he ordains that the Trojans will dishonor the truce when Athena urges Pandarus to shoot an arrow at Menalaus; Athena deflects the arrow to hit him in the groin (religion, gods vs. humans, mythic thinking). Agamemnon and Nestor taunt the Greek captains, urging them to fight; the first extended combat sequences reported (160-3).

Book V (30 pp.): Diomedes' aristeia or "the deeds of D. at his best" (see note p. 625)--D. inspired by Athena kills a long series of Trojans in graphic serial combat alternating with a few others. D. kills Pandarus and wounds Aeneas, who is saved by Aphrodite; D. wounds Aphrodite though she is a goddess. D. even attacks Apollo who is defending Aeneas. Ares joins the battle helping the Trojans; Athena and Hera join the battle helping the Greeks, and eventually A. helps Diomedes wound Ares in the groin (mythic thinking; gods vs. humans; dramatically D. replaces Achilles as a semi-divine relentless killer).

Book VI (18 pp.): A seer rallies the Trojans against the Greeks who are on the verge of winning; Hector is sent to Troy with instructions for Hecuba (mother) to pray to Athena for help.

While Hector goes to Troy, a Trojan ally, Glaucus, meets Diomedes--the two exchange names and Glaucus tells D. his lineage from Bellerophon. D's grandfather had been host to Bellerophon, and D. claims Glaucus as a guest- friend; they exchange armor and agree to seek other enemies in battle (household org.).

In Troy, Hector meets and berates Paris, listens to Helen judge herself doomed by Zeus, and meets wife Andromache and son Astyanax on the walls. She laments loss of her family to war and urges him to fight defensively from the walls. He says he'd be ashamed to adopt such a stragegy, life would be unthinkable, even though the city will be lost and she will be a slave in a foreign land. He reaches for his son, who is frightened by his helmet's plume; he takes off the helmet and prays A. will be a better warrior than his father (family org.; mythic thinking; heroic code).

Book VII (16 pp.): Hector, inspired by Apollo and Athena, demands a duel with the Greeks (reverse of Book IV); Ajax (Telemon's son) wins the draw; they fight to a draw at nightfall and exchange gifts in honor of the combat (class and family structure; heroic code behavior).

Both sides pause to bury dead (religion) and Paris is driven to offer return of treasures he stole from Menalaus when making off with Helen; in return, Greeks are to leave (market; family; class). Greeks refuse, but allow burial truce (religion).

Book VIII (19 pp.): Zeus challenges the gods to rebellion and Athena acknowledges the difference between Z. and the rest as between gods and humans (class; religion); Z. weighs the fates of both sides and the Achaeans/Greeks nearly lose the day in panic at Z's sign, the thunderclap. After Diomedes almost kills Hector and is driven off by Z's thunder, Agamemnon reminds Z of A's piety; new omens lead the Greeks to victory until Z. stirs the Trojans to repulse them. Hera and Athena lament the Greek deaths and Athena conceives it as a battle between herself and Thetis (Achilles' mother) for Z's affections (243: family/household; myth); H and A try to take arms to support the Greeks, but Z sees them and threatens them; they relent and leave Z to doom men. Answering their complaint, Z restates the pledge to Thetis, no help for the Greeks until the Trojans fight at the Greek ships and Achilles takes up his arms to avenge Patroclus. Trojans camp on the plain surrounding the Greeks (fires/stars simile).

Book IX (24 pp.): Agamemnon counsels retreat; Diomedes, attack; Nestor, a strategy meeting; N wins. A admits he was mad to take Achilles' captive, Briseis and offers trophies, horses, seven captive women of Lesbos, Briseis, herself, an oath he never had sex with her, and an offer to marry him to one of Ag's three daughters as a son equal to Orestes (market; family/houseold; class). Phoenix, Ajax, and Odysseus are the ambassadors; Odysseus makes the first speech, recasting Ag's offer to appeal to Achilles' desires for honor and fame that outdo any other warrior's (heroic code; market; class; family). Achilles refuses listing his service vs. Agamemnon's behavior (class; heroic code). Achilles' speech dramatizes his aristo sense of values and his "heroic choice" re: short/honorable or long/honorless life (heroic code; class). Phoenix, one of Achilles' household, refuses the offer of a safe return and urges A to remember his past (blood feud with unfaithful father re: mistress) and his role as A's teacher; Ph reminds A about the effect of excessive anger at the Hunt of the Calydonian Boar (269-71) that left Meleager desolated (religion; family; myth). Ajax appeals bluntly to the custom of the blood-price paid for wrongful death which prevents feuds like this one. Achilles rejects that, too, reminding them of the pledge never to fight until Trojans burn the Greek ships (family; class; market).

Book X (19 pp.): Agamemnon and Menalaus urge Odysseus and Diomedes to go behind Trojan lines for plunder and strategic information; Hector sends Dolon on a similar mission to the Greeks; O and Di pray to Athena but Do brags (religion); O and Di capture Do, trick him into describing the Trojan encampment, then kill him. Di kills Rhesus and 12 men in their sleep while O steals R's stallions (market; heroic code)

Book XI (28 pp.): In Agamemnon's aristeia, he kills younger men, usually known as sons of more famous warriors (e.g., Antenor's sons), one of whom wounds him (simile wound's pain=labor pain). When Hector sees Ag. withdraw, he leads a counterattack. Diomedes is wounded by Paris; Odysseus aids D's escape and is himself wounded; Menalaus and Ajax rescue O. Achilles sees the wounded coming from the field and sends Patroclus to ask of Nestor what has happened. Nestor recounts his deeds in earlier wars and warns Ag will be a hero alone if Ach waits too long. The "Cup of Nestor" described (p. 317, see p. 23 re: archeological find) or click on the hyperlink above to see it.

Book XII (15 pp.): After forecast of Troy's eventual destruction, Greek losses are explained as consequence of their failure to sacrifice (religion). Hector leads the chariots to the Greek camp's wall and heeds Polydamus advice to dismount before the wall's ditch (theme, see P. in XIII, p. 364-5). Simple shield description for Sarpedon (335)-- compare with Shield of Achilles for extended thematic expansion of familiar poetic topic (483-7). The Trojans cross the wall around the Greek ships behind Hector at exactly half-way through the epic (XXII/XXIV).

Book XIII (27 pp.): In the fighting at the ships, Poseidon inspires the greater and lesser Ajaxes (343-4)--good example of god going into one, perceived as strength. They urge resistance and predict the end of the Ag./Ach. feud (345). Idomeneus to Meriones on the signs of cowardice vs. signs of heroism (350-1: important semiotics of heroic code; compare with poetic "lovers' symptoms." Why Zeus allows the Trojans to triumph?: more glory for Thetis' son, Ach. when he returns to battle (352). Idomeneus' shield like Sarpedon's (vs. Achilles) (354). Menelaus taunts Trojans with violation of host/guest rights, and blames them for excess battle lust (ambiguous heroic code: see Ido. 350- 1). Paris appears and Hector mocks him (366). Argives said to fine those who refuse to join the army against Troy (363: politics, social org.). Polydamas to Hector on limits (364-5: compare Menelaus) and ref. to Achilles' eventual return.

Book XIV (17 pp.): Because her beloved Greeks are in danger, Hera borrows Aphrodite's magically seductive girdle to lure Zeus. After their lovemaking he falls asleep and Hera goes to help the Greeks (with Poseidon's aid).

Book XV (24 pp.): Zeus wakes up, discovers the deception, sends Hermes to get Poseidon out of the battle and sends Apollo to rouse Hector to attack the ships again.

Book XVI (29 pp.): Patroclus sees the Trojan threat and offers to wear Achilles' armor into battle against them. He nearly drives the Trojans into Troy, but is stunned by a blow from Apollo's hand and killed by Hector. Hector takes Achilles' armor from P's body and continues to wear it until Book XXII when the sight of it further inflames Achilles just before he kills Hector.

Book XVII (24 pp.): The fight for Patroclus' body allows Menalaus to demonstrate his aristeia, and when M. is forced by wounds to withdraw, Telemonian Ajax takes his place.

Book XVIII (20 pp.): Achilles learns of P's death, and prays to his mother for fresh armor. Thetis persuades Hephaestus to forge a set of divine armor for him, including a shield whose decorations are a sort of second Creation which illustrates all aspects of mortal life on Earth (as the poet and audience understood it-- omissions may be readily used for discussion).

Book XIX (14 pp.): Achilles joins the Greeks and is so eager for battle he will not eat. In his blood-fury he hears his own horses prophesy his death. The captured slave Briseis laments Patroclus' death (!), even though Achilles killed her husband and three brothers, because he swore he's make her Achilles' bride.

Book XX (16 pp.): After a council meeting, Zeus orders the gods to take the field on both sides to make sure Achilles' nearly superhuman strength and energy do not undo fate itself. Specifically, they must insure that he does not take the city after killing Hector.

Book XXI (20 pp.): Achilles' victims have less and less chance against him. One, Lycaon, requests mercy and ransom, and Achilles urges him to accept death as a just end since Patroclus, and even Achilles himself, will die. Achilles' violent slaughter of fleeing Trojans drives them into the rivers Scmander and Xanthus. When the rivers themselves, insulted by his violence, rise up and try to kill Achilles, Hephaestus comes to save him with fire.

Book XXII (17 pp.): The surviving Trojans retreat to the city, but Hector remains outside the Scaean Gate because he anticipates only shame and no escape if he does not stand his ground against Achilles. H's loses nerve and flees three times around Troy before Athena tricks him into turning to face Achilles. H, dying, begs A. not to defile his body, but A refuses. As A drags H's body around Troy at the back of his chariot, Andromache comes to the walls and laments his death.

Book XXIII (28 pp.): Overcome with grief and rage, A. occupies his time defiling H's body and leaves P unburied until P appears in a dream, reminds him of how he came to live in A's household as a therapon (accidental killing of playmate), and urges him to hold proper rites. On P's funeral pyre A offers (in order) sheep, honey and oil, 4 stallions, 2 of P's 9 pet dogs, and 12 Trojan captives (Book 21.521). In the funeral games for Patroclus, Achilles offers prizes for competitions in chariot racing, boxing, wrestling, running, dueling with lances, the shotput, archery, and the spear throw. Prizes often involve slave women measured with other objects in relative value, and contests turn on competitors' strategies which reveal the poet's idea of wise, prudent, acceptable, and noble behavior (and their opposites).

Book XXIV (26 pp.): Apollo and Hera debate the characters of Hector and Achilles, H arguing that Achilles was the greater man. Zeus sends Iris to tell Thetis she must require A to release Hector's body to Priam for ransom, and send Iris to Priam to urge him to seek Achilles in the Greek camp. In Troy, Hecuba and Priam angrily lament H's death. Hermes comes to guide Priam safely through the Greek lines. Priam appeals to A as a father to release his son, and A accepts the appeal. A seems to have regained wisdom and self-control, taking precautions not to tempt others to violence. When Priam brings H's body to Troy, first Cassandra (the seer), then Andromache, Hecuba, and Helen lament his death and their own futures after Troy inevitably falls. They burn Hector's body, and bury his bones in a barrow outside the walls of Troy.


Years after the end of the Trojan War, the Greek hero Odysseus still hasn't come home to Ithaka. Most people figure he's dead. But we don't: Homer lets us know right away that Odysseus is being held as a (willing) sex captive on the island of the goddess Kalypso. Oh, and sea god Poseidon is ticked off at Odysseus, and sees no reason to let him get home.

Back in Ithaka, Odysseus's wife Penelope is getting swarmed by a horde of unwanted suitors. Odysseus and Penelope's son, Telemachos, now a typically moody teenager, gets a visit from the goddess Athene (who was always chummy with Odysseus). She tells him to go looking for news of his missing father, so he heads to Pylos to visit King Nestor. Nestor takes him in, gives him a dinner—and then tells him to go see King Menelaos in Sparta. Once again, he does as he's told.

In Sparta, Telemachos learns from Menelaos that Odysseus is alive and…well, being held captive on Kalypso's island. Menelaos also tells Telemachos about how his bro, King Agamemnon, was murdered when he got home from Troy by his unfaithful wife, Klytaimestra, and her lover, Aigisthos. It's cool, though: Agamemnon's son Orestes killed the murderers. This fun story raises the question of whether Odysseus will be killed when he gets home, and, if so, whether Telemachos will step up to avenge his father's death. Meanwhile, back in Ithaka, Penelope's suitors plot to ambush and kill Telemachos when he returns home. Oh, the tension!

Up on Mount Olympos, where the gods all hang out, the goddess Athene asks her father, Zeus, the King of the gods, to have mercy on Odysseus and force Kalpyso to release him. Zeus says whatevs, and in no time, Odysseus sails off on a makeshift raft. Unfortunately, Poseidon whips up some storms, and instead of getting home, Odysseus washes ashore in the land of the Phaiakians. Fortunately, Athene makes the resident princess, Nausikaa, develop a crush on him. Nausikaa takes him home to meet her parents, the King and Queen of Phaiakia. In return for their hospitality, Odysseus tells them (and us) everything that's happened to him since the end of the Trojan War, which is this:

Odysseus left Troy with a ship of his Ithakan men. At their first stop, they plundered the locals' stuff. Several storm- tossed days later, they landed on the island of the Lotus-eaters. A few guys ate the lotus flower (i.e. every drug your parents have ever warned you about), forgot their homes and families, and had to be taken back to the ship by force.

Next, Odysseus and his men came to the land of the giant one-eyed Cyclopes. They stumbled into a Cyclops cave, and the resident Cyclops (Polyphemos) sealed the entrance to the cave with a huge boulder and ate a few of the Ithakans. Not cool. Odysseus did some of his patented trickery and managed to blind the monster; the next morning, he and his men escaped by riding under the bellies of Polyphemos's flock of sheep. (Here's a picture of his escape.)

But as Odysseus was sailing away with his men, his ego got the better of him. He taunted the Cyclops, telling him his real name. Turns out, Polyphemos was the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Oops. Guess this is why Poseidon hates our hero so much.

Next, Odysseus and his men came to the island of Aiolos, god of the wind. He helped Odysseus out by putting all the winds—except for the westbound breeze they needed—into a nice little bag. Unfortunately, Odysseus didn't tell his men what's in the bag. On the way home, they opened it up, thinking it was full of treasure. Big mistake. All the winds jumped out and ran riot, thus driving them to the island of sorceress Circe, who turned many of the men into pigs.

With the help of the gods, Odysseus got his men turned back into humans and had sex with Circe. For a year. Finally, one of his men said, "Can we get going already?," and Odysseus said, "OK." Wait—first they had to go the Underworld and get advice from the prophet Teiresias. (Just don't ask Apple Maps for directions.)

At the Underworld, Teiresias prophesied that Odysseus would make it home, but not without difficulty. Odysseus spoke to several other famous dead people (like his war buddies Achilleus and Agamemnon). He also met the ghost of his mother, Antikleia, who had died of grief over her son's prolonged absence. Then, after a quick pit stop back at Circe's island for more directions (who says men don't ask for directions?), Odysseus and his men sailed on for a series of adventures:

(1) When they passed by the Sirens, monstrous women with beautiful voices who try to lure sailors to their deaths, Odysseus made his men plug their ears and tie him to the mast so he could listen to the song without chasing after it. He became the only man to hear the Sirens' song and survive.

(2) Next, they met two horrible monsters (curiously, also female) named Skylla and Charybdis. As predicted by Circe, Skylla (who has six heads) ate six Ithakans; the rest barely escaped Charybdis (a giant vortex who sucks up the sea and vomits it back out again).

(3) Next, they landed on the island of Helios, the sun god, where his very special cattle were kept. Despite having been warned by Teiresias and Circe not to eat the cattle, Odysseus's men couldn't control their hunger. Bad call. Not long afterward, everyone died in a storm—except for Odysseus.

(4) But he was in for his own bad luck: winding up on Kalypso's island to be held prisoner for seven years—before getting free to shipwreck with the Phaiakians, where he's telling this story.

And that's it for Odysseus's story to the Phaiakians. They're so moved by his suffering that they load him up with treasure and ferry him back to Ithaka. (Unfortunately, in return for their trouble, the god Poseidon turns them and their ship into stone.) But the fun isn't over yet—he still has all those pesky suitors to deal with.

Once Odysseus gets home, Athene disguises him as a beggar so he can scope out the situation. Odysseus then recruits the assistance of the swineherd, Eumaios, who puts him up for the night while Athene flies to Sparta to retrieve Telemachos. When Telemachos gets back, Odysseus reveals himself to his son and then heads to the palace, still disguised as a beggar. Without revealing his true identity, he tries to convince Penelope that Odysseus is on his way home and susses out which of his servants are still loyal to the household and which have joined the suitors.

By now, Penelope decides to take action: she'll marry the winner of a content of physical prowess. The challenge? String Odysseus's old bow and shoot it through the heads of twelve axes. You can guess the rest: everyone tries and fails, until the beggar (Odysseus in disguise) steps up. He succeeds, drops the disguise, and, with the help of Telemachos, several loyal servants, and Athene's protection, kills all the suitors in a massive and bloody slaughter. Odysseus reunites with his wife, and everything is back to normal—except that he's just killed all the young noblemen of Ithaka and their parents are furious.

The next morning, Odysseus leaves the palace, reunites with his father Laertes, and lays low while the angry moms and dads start looking for vengeance. Just when it looks like more violence is on the way, Athene appears and asks why we can't all get along. This sounds like a great idea to everyone, and peace is restored in Ithaka.

Christinn Jayne DC. Malanco I – B1

Gymnastics is a complex competition involving the performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, power, agility, coordination, grace, balance and control. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills.

Educational Gymnastics – The term educational gymnastics emerged in Great Britain in the 1950’s to describe a child-centered, non-competitive, creative approach to movement (i.e., body management). Educational gymnastics is committed to the unique way each child moves and learns. Each gymnast is challenged to solve problems, develop skills, and create movements at an appropriate level. A major belief of educational gymnastics holds that it is within the capacity of all children to achieve excellence. Educational gymnastics should encourage students to create movements and develop individualized sequences.

Fundamental of gymnastics – This course was designed to provide gymnastics professionals with a knowledge base of key principles and proven coaching techniques used in gymnastics today. The topics of coaching principles, basic safety and risk management, communication, supervision and instruction, teaching gymnastics skills, athlete development and preparation, and more are covered in this comprehensive introductory course.

Basic position in gymnastics – Gymnastics is full of exciting, almost death-defying tricks. Gymnasts can pull off an incredible tumbling pass, spring across a balance beam, swing high above on parallel bars, or powerfully fly through the air over a vault. These skills may seem impossible and nerve-shattering, but they can be reached with extensive practice and proper knowledge. The initial building block of this wisdom begins with a firm understanding of the six basic gymnastics positions: 1. Hollow 2. Arch 3. Tuck 4. Straddle 5. Pike 6. Lunge


I’m expecting that I will learn new knowledge about gymnastics from our professor. And also, I’m expecting that it will be interesting and I will enjoy it simply because it’s the first time that I will encounter gymnastics in our PE class.

Classification of Matter based on Composition

When we talk about matter, usually we talk about a substance, which possesses distinct properties and has a definite composition. For example, sugar (sucrose), table salt (sodium chloride), water, gasoline, etc. All substances do not have the same composition but yet can be identified by their unique properties.

Matter is classified into two broad categories, namely, pure substances and mixtures. Mixtures can be separated into pure substances by physical methods. Pure substances are further divided into categories as elements and compounds. Similarly, mixtures are also classified into types; homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures:

A pure substance can be either an element or a compound. First of all, the elements are the building blocks of our nature. An element is a substance that is either discovered in 2nature or synthesized in the laboratory in pure form that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical methods. Currently, there are about 118 elements discovered; some are found in nature and some are man-made. In order to call it as an element, its properties must be unique; no two elements are alike. Elements carry the names and symbols. Some common elements and their symbols are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

A compound is the substance formed by the chemical union of two or more elements in a definite ratio, which is fixed by the nature. We cannot change this ratio, no matter who does it. For example, water is made up of one part oxygen and two parts hydrogen. This ratio is fixed by the nature and we cannot alter this. When the compound is formed, altogether a new substance is formed and the properties of which are quite different from its reacting elements. Like elements, compounds also carry names and symbols that you come across in a later chapter.

3Compounds can be separated into elements using chemical methods but not the physical methods.

A mixture is a physical combination of two or more substances where the substances retain their original identity. Some examples are air, milk, various fruit drinks. The most important aspect of the mixture is that it has no definite or constant composition. Mixture is further classified as either homogeneous or heterogeneous based upon its uniformity. A homogenous mixture is a solution that has a uniform consistency (composition) throughout, for example, a salt solution after dissolving and mixing it thoroughly. Not only that but also the individual components cannot be identified. A heterogeneous mixture does not have uniform composition like homogeneous mixture where the individual components can be identified, for example, a mixture of sand and salt.